#and will probably be updated later on
grimfantas · 8 months
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under the same umbrella…? to hell with that! if i did that, um, it'd mean…w-we'd practically be like a couple!
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kkoct-ik · 5 months
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finally scratching the skill cabinet itch
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sad-leon · 4 months
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(good future) Finding Home Pride edition <3
Trans Leo pride is something I see a lot, but personally, FH Leo wouldn't celebrate his gender. He grew up around Gali, who went through a lot of gender struggles, especially in his younger years, and with the brothers being so accepting, it's just another part of his life
But his lack of romantic attraction? That's something that stands out to him. He sees the brothers with their own attractions and crushes and such and realizes he stands out. He's different. But that's okay because he's still him and he's still valid
anyways~ it's pride month, which means i get to be even more annoying about aro pride ^-^
that final shot without text:
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gh0stfellow · 3 days
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He's watching a cremling on the ground crawl by on a boring ass guard shift
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intotheelliwoods · 7 months
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This is Part 2! Part 1 can be found here...
Sprout... hey Sprout... we love you Sprout... we wish only the best for you, you are doing amazing Sprout. I promise you will feel better after your much needed breakdown here <3 we are all cheering you on
Apologies for the cliffhanger, we will check in with Poptart sometime soon~
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sagefauna · 3 months
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Hey everyone! Sorry I was gone for so long, I was busy with a project in another fandom. But I want to come back to drawing a mix of my interests again! Here's a watercolor Monomon :)
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blueesnow · 3 months
Utapri Live Emotion Translations Masterlist
Private Story
ST☆RISH Otoya (2/6) | Masato (3/6) | Natsuki (6/6) | Tokiya (4/6) | Ren (3/6) | Syo (6/6) | Cecil (3/6)
Quartet Night Reiji (6/6) | Ranmaru (3/6) | Ai (6/6) Camus (2/6)
HE★VENS Eiichi (1/6) | Kira (1/6) | Nagi (4/6) | Eiji (3/6) | Van (1/6) | Yamato (3/6) Shion (1/6)
Event Log Otoya | Masato | Natsuki | Tokiya | Ren | Syo | Cecil Reiji | Ranmaru | Ai | Camus Eiichi | Kira | Nagi | Eiji | Van | Yamato | Shion Voice Log Otoya | Masato | Natsuki | Tokiya | Ren | Syo | Cecil Reiji | Ranmaru | Ai | Camus Eiichi | Kira | Nagi | Eiji | Van | Yamato | Shion Birthday Celebration Compilations (Year 1) Reiji | Tokiya | Eiichi
Event Story
Epic of Salvation (UR Tokiya, SR Cecil) (10/10) ST☆RISH Special Training! (UR Masato, SR Ren) (10/10)
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abyssalzones · 6 months
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Update time! they used to let you smoke literally anywhere back in the 70's. bad for air quality, great for making a scene more visually interesting.
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wilsonweed · 8 months
what snacks do you smuggle out of the kitchen at 3am
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Image ID below!!
[Image ID: First image, depicts Wilbur leaning back in his chair with a lazed expression, he's sitting at a scratched and dirty desk with a keyboard and a mouse on a mouse pad. Tommy is crawling by, only the top of his head and horns are showing.
Wilbur: Smuggling snacks...? I live on my own now so I don't have to? Unless you mean the other guy.
Second image, depicts Wilbur with a bewildered look on his face, holding up Tommy by his shirt, similar to how someone would hold a cat by the scruff. Tommy is biting into a whole, raw chicken. He has gone feral.
Wilbur: Do you wan- THE WHOLE CHICKEN??
End ID]
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lafresnaya · 8 months
just spent 6 hrs memorising the basic anatomy of the ribs - SO WHICH RIBS DID JON REMOVE?? [tw anatomy]
so some facts that we know; we know he's alive because of Beholding powers, right? and also that the ribs were "something [he] won't miss" and that the second rib was a "weird one".
there are two possible interpretations of this last fact; it was covered in eyes, it was a different type of rib to the last one, or both.
PART ONE: "the weird one"
let's take this second fact to be true. this means that jon removed two separate types of ribs!!
Quick run-through - There are 12 ribs, and they're all attached to individual parts of the spinal cord. Ribs can be categorised into:
bonus: 'floating' (11 & 12 only).
Naturally, it's possible that Jared got one each from either the typical/atypical or true/false categories above, but I think his specific mention of a 'weird one' that he isn't sure that he likes implies it's a floating rib.
Floating ribs are weird. They're not attached to the sternum (big bone at the front) or the costal margin (which connects ribs 7-10 at the front). They're also smaller - by quite a bit! And they would probably classify as 'non-essential' by Jon standards, for ribs. So that's one of them!
Now, which of the 4 floating ribs do I think it is? The thing about the ribs is that they have a few purposes. Like protecting other organs.
The bottom left ribs protect the liver (very very important organ!! basically all the nutrients you ingest go here! it also has like, 500 other jobs - not an exaggeration btw), and the bottom right ribs protect the spleen. Except that usually, the bones that protect the spleen, a very soft organ, are ribs 9-11.
So anyway one of the ribs is definitely rib 12 on the left.
What about the other one?
PART TWO: "something [he] won't miss"
Well, it's not ribs 11-12. It's something different.
SO, a break-down of which ribs he 'might not miss'. I can't lie, pretty much all of them are important. They all protect nerves and blood vessels & attach to at least something. Rib 12 on the left is maybe the only 'unimportant' one I could think of, and even then it helps to protect the subcostal nerve.
Ribs 1-2 are pretty important. It's almost definitely not those two. Likewise, 3-6 are important as attachments for the upper limb muscles, and also for protecting the heart. Rib 7 is kinda needed as an attachment for the rest of the costal margin as well, so the only options are 8-10, really.
But here's an interesting thing about the lungs!! Between the lungs & the diaphragm (& hence the liver, which lies right below the diaphragm), is a gap of about 2 ribs wide. It's called the costodiaphragmatic recess, and it's for your lungs to expand into when you breathe in (and they fill with air).
Depending on how far along the rib you are, it lies between ribs 8-10, ribs 6-8, or ribs 10-12. Which makes it roughly between 8-10. Now, remember that ribs 9-11 protect the spleen on the left, so we're staying away from those.
But rib 8? Rib 8 should be safe. What about right or left? Could be either. But in the interest of balance, I think that rib 8 on the right is my headcanon for Bone That Sat In Jon's Drawer.
It also has the advantage of being a 'typical' rib [ribs 3-9], so for those familiar with anatomy, it looks like a standard rib (but it will still be unrecognisable to those unfamiliar, such as ep 140 Basira).
Mystery solved :D
thanks for reading my tedtalk <3 here are some useful diagrams
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kellysketches · 1 month
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Final page of the chapter is up! Now's a good time to catch up, reread, or share the comic with a friend!
Read this page // Archive // Read from the beginning
What is Vainglorious?
A comedy adventure webcomic for readers Teen and up! When the young dragon Rei challenges his Queen for the throne, he doesn’t expect to get exiled and cursed into human form. Now he’s left to explore a world much bigger than expected, making friends, discoveries and headaches along the way. Updates Mondays.
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live-laugh-legolas · 3 months
Love languages of the Fellowship
Aragorn: Words of affirmation
-This man speaks poetry
-Will tell you how beautiful you are by comparing you to a sunrise or some shit
-Holds you close while speaking to you, so only you can hear him
-Limited PDA so when you are alone his affections feel extra intimate
-Will always let you know how appreciative he is of you
-So gentle with you and the best listener
-Understands that sometimes you just need him to listen and don’t want him to fix anything; but will help immediately you if you do
-I don’t know if this makes sense but he loves you by making sure you love yourself
-Keeps his verbal compliments private and shows how great you are in public; compliments can feel subjective and he makes sure people come to the objective conclusion that you are so great (I have no idea how to properly explain this)
-Loves a good hug and to bury his face in your hair
Legolas: Quality time
-Any time spent with you is great but I think he would show his partner the world *cough Gimli*
-Will take you on an adventure so he can see the excitement and wonder in your eyes
-If you ever mention wanting to see someplace he’s already getting the bags ready
-Even in the most beautiful places he will be looking at you cliche
-I think intimacy is something that he doesn’t quite understand
-Not in a negative way, but in the sense that he loves so much that he doesn’t really know how to express it
-Will just stare at you, it’s almost creepy, but you are just so pretty
-Is very playful with those he is close to
-If he teases you it’s likely because he likes you and feels he can let formalities drop
Gimli: Gift giving
-This man would gift you the world
-Treats you like the king/queen that you are
-Always wants you to have something of his or from him with you at all times, and vise versa
-I think he would carry your picture with him like his father did
-Always trying to impress you and show off
-His love is rooted in a deep respect and admiration
-Will never be overbearing; if you want to do something he will support where he is needed but won’t take over
-“That’s my wife/husband/partner!”
-Your #1 supporter and the president of your fanclub
Boromir: Quality time
-I firmly believe this man to be a picnic type of guy
-Will get the softest blanket and all your favorite foods and will bring you to a spot he scoped out weeks prior because it had to be perfect
-Will feed you grapes; probably turns into a game of trying to catch them in the air
-He will do anything to make you laugh; whether it be play fighting or a dramatic reenactment of a story, as long as it makes you smile he has no shame
-Wants you to be prepared for anything so he will teach you everything he knows; like how he taught the hobbits to use swords
-Will show you off and brag about how amazing you are and lucky he is
Frodo: Gift giving
-Doesn’t do grand gifts like Gimli would; but the small things that make him think of you
-He will pick up something and just hand it to you; a pretty flower, a cool rock, etc
-Will bring home leftovers if there is something you will like; I’m talking food in a napkin in his pocket and totally crumbled when he gives it to you
-It’s the thought that counts
-Will cuddle up with you and silently read a book together, only turning the page when you’re ready
-Loves to listen to you rant over your interests and hyper-fixations
-He may not know wtf you are talking about but he will actively listen with a big smile nonetheless
Sam: Acts of service
-I mean this one is pretty obvious
-This man will move a mountain for you
-Anything he can do to make your life easier consider it done
-I feel you would probably have to stop him from doing too much otherwise you would be left with nothing to do
-If you are craving something, no matter how obscure, he will get it or make for you
-Supports all your interests and hobbies; he reminds me a bit of my dad who will do extensive research if you mention you are interested in something so he can talk to you about it
-Can be a little overprotective at times but only because he loves you so much
-If anyone dares to say anything that is even a little rude about you he’s coming to your defense with a puffed up chest
Merry: Words of affirmation
-Unlike Aragorn he doesn’t speak like he thinks he’s Shakespeare or something
-More like compliments that don’t even seem thought out
-Just speaks his mind; Will blurt out randomly that you are so beautiful when you are doing the most mundane tasks
-They will all be there for you at your lowest, but this hobbit senses it before it even happens
-It’s like a sixth sense; the ‘oh no y/n is upset’ sense
-Will always keep his eye on you to make sure no one is bothering you
-Definitely does the tough guy thing until he gets a splinter, then it’s all over (do you know the reference?)
-Gives nicknames, sometimes odd ones
Pippin: Physical touch
-This sweet little fool is a cuddle bug
-Although the touch can also be excitedly jumping on you
-Probably accidentally elbows you or something because he is always standing so close
-Will grab your hand and exaggeratedly swings your arms
-When he is around you his mood just soars
-He’s like those dogs that never stop wagging their tail and it turns into a weapon of mass destruction
-Includes you in everything. It’s second nature to him that you must be invited
-Often he doesn’t even ask, just pulls you along and will explain on the way
This is the first time I’ve written anything like this so feedback is welcome. I didn’t include Gandalf because in my eyes he is a grandfather lol
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tblsomedoodles · 6 months
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I can explain.
So, i've been thinking...i've never done anything with the non-apocalypse futures past a few months.
I'd also been thinking, that out of all the fan kids i've seen around, there wasn't a lot (if any) for Raph.
I ALSO thought, Family Web would be an absolutely horrible au to have Bishop be involved in (mostly b/c Leo would NOT be good with an evil government scientist. at all.)
anyways, here's an in-story explanation for what i got so far
When Raph's 25, he gets word that there's some government program doing some shady things. Now that wouldn't really be his concern, but they're rumored to be using mutagen so they feel obligated to check it out.
SO the three of them check it out (Not leo. He tried but the medical equipment got to him. He portaled to the roof to wait on standby.) They find a lot of failed experiments and the like, most being with at least some turtle dna for some reason.
They also find two very young, very alive baby turtle mutants.
So, of course, they take them home. (after completely destroying the lab, information and all.)
They find out a few days later (b/c of course Donnie copied the info and he and Jenny have been going through it for anything good) that ever since the failed invasion, Bishop's group had been taking their DNA samples left over from various fight locations, (and probably paying a few people to get blood samples too) and using it it to do genetic experiments. B/c the four have such a hodge-podge of dna to start with, the experiments were never stable. The two they stole being the best they've accomplished over the years. The two that just happen to have used Raph's dna.
I'm going to have to do more with this. Like give the boys adult looks and the like. but these two were being rotated in my brain on high for list the last 9 hours now and if i didn't share them tonight i was going to go insane. (i couldn't even focus at work i was so fixated on these two bitties.)
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Not to be a total asshole here but if I get one more "I need more! give me more!" comment on my Platonic Sugar Baby Buddie AU, it's going away. It has literally been two weeks since my last update, during which time I've been working on another fanfic, finishing up my second part-time job, working a full-time job, and being an adult with a full life.
I have never experienced this amount of whining in my entire time in this fandom and I can only presume that it's new people to the fandom who have an appalling lack of etiquette.
It's literally people just saying "give me more! I want more! hurry up!" And while none of you are at all entitled to my personal business, it sure doesn't help the depressive episode I'm in that y'all are doing this.
I love sharing my fics with you guys, and I love the enthusiasm and joy that you have for my writing. But the sudden influx of demands for sequels, for specific scenes in fics, unprompted fic, smut, and chapter suggestions, and now just outright demanding like a toddler for an update is disheartening, annoying, and the opposite of encouraging.
Please stop. Please. Please stop.
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cos-latte · 1 year
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Just some robots in clothes Repost from twt
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pinacoladamatata · 30 days
trying a very different approach to color ala tim mcburnie style and it's making me melt. figured i'd share it bc Idk it's more complicated but I like the way it's making me think/plan
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thumbnail and rough sketch that i liked so much i turned it into....
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and then made several color thumbnails/messed around w them for awhile
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until finally settled on this one
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and then
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so the current foliage lines look like this and they're on 11 different layers (i'll merge some to be back, mid and forground in a bit)
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(i also started on solas' head just ignore it for now)
and next step is really spend more time on the construction layer for lavellan and the wolf statue (solas is ready to be lined bc i drew him first)
then color with flats using quick masks instead of by hand like i'm used to c:
this is all wayyyy more layers than i'm used to but I do kind of like it so far; particularly the color thumbnail and construction layer/phase part
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