#and yes he should’ve tortured and killed the professor
m--bloop · 9 months
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"Fair enough..."
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messers-moony · 3 years
Secrets | R.L
Paring: Remus Lupin X Wife!Reader
Summary: Y/n withholds her past from the Order of the Phoenix but it all comes loose after one eavesdropped conversation with Sirius.
Standing in the kitchen of Grimmauld Twelve after cleaning up dinner was always a fun experience. The Aurors finally allowed themselves to relax, even if it was just for a moment. Everyone could feel the amount of ease in the room, including the children. Harry Potter always remained grateful for these moments to relax. But he was never far from the woman who raised him, Y/n Lupin.
Remus was having an animated conversation with Sirius, Nymphadora, and Mad-Eye. Meanwhile, Molly, Arthur, Y/n, and the kids all spoke together, just joking around. Y/n couldn’t believe that Harry was fifteen. It felt like yesterday when he had gotten spit up all over her shirt while she tried to feed him. It was astonishing to watch Harry grow into the man Lily and James always wanted.
“ Professor Lupin! “ The Weasley twins called in symphony making both Lupins turn their way, “ The female Professor Lupin. “ Fred specified, and Remus chuckled.
The twins pulled her away into a secluded corner, “ Did you get them? “ George queried, and Y/n scoffed, “ Of course, I did. What do you take me for? A liar? “
“ Absolutely not! “ Fred replied, “ They’re all in your room. Make good work of those fireworks. “ Y/n whispered, and both boys were jumping with joy.
They bowed, “ Only for you, Professor. “
Both boys ran off to presumably go and check their new items. Y/n chuckled at their antics when arms wrapped around her waist. A chin was rested on her right shoulder, and the scratch of scruff tickled her jaw. Caramel-brown hair fading and flecked with grey obscured part of her vision. Two hands were rested on her waist—the left hand adoring a very familiar ring.
“ What have you given those mischievous boys? “ Remus asked, “ Nothing. I’m not quite sure what you’re on about? “ Y/n answered, turning to face her husband.
His eyebrow quirked, “ Okay, I made a trip to a particular store. I got them some fireworks. “ Y/n informed, “ Fireworks? “ Remus questioned.
“ They’re magical fireworks. “ Y/n stated, “ The boys like to experiment, so I let them have their fun. “
“ And that’s why you refuse to give them detention. “ Remus rolled his eyes, “ I do give them detention! “ Y/n exclaimed, pouting slightly.
“ I lecture them about all the things they did wrong. “ Y/n added before Remus could speak, “ And then I tell them how to do it better. “ She mumbled.
Her husband laughed, “ Oh, there's the marauder in you, my dear. “
There was a prominent silence between them before Remus spoke up again, “ Have you told Harry about your former last name? “
“ No, I haven’t. “ Y/n swallowed, “ He doesn’t need to know. “
“ I think he’d like to know. “ Remus replied as he tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, “ I think he’d like to hear all the stories about your twin brother. “
She shook her head, “ Sirius can tell him. “
“ Sirius can’t tell him everything, love. “ Remus informed sweetly, “ Only you knew James Potter since he was born. “
“ I know, I just- it’s hard. “ Y/n bit her lower lip, “ I know, darling. “ Remus responded as he pulled her lower lip from her teeth with his thumb, gently.
They stared at each other for a moment before someone interrupted, “ Y/n, I think you should talk to Sirius. “ Molly informed, and she furrowed her eyebrows, “ He showed Harry the Black Family tree. “
Molly left, and Y/n kissed her husband on the cheek, “ Talk about this later. “ Y/n whispered, leaving him.
She walked around the house. Sirius was standing in the doorway, about to close the black wooden door. Y/n only stood a couple of feet away, but he was hesitant. He didn’t want to shut the door just yet. So much history laid on the wallpaper of the room. So many awful memories. Y/n laid a hand on his shoulder gently.
“ Come on. “ Y/n beckoned as she pulled him into the room, and he shut the door behind them, “ Colloportus. “ She muttered, locking the door.
Sirius stood in front of Regulus’s name, “ Go on, speak. “ Y/n said, and Sirius sighed.
“ It was hard. Losing him, I mean. Even though we didn’t have the greatest relationship, it still felt like I should’ve been there. I should’ve protected him. He was my little brother, for Merlin’s sake. “ Sirius ranted, “ Maybe if I stayed. Maybe if I took him with me that night, this would’ve never happened.
“ Losing a brother is hard. “ Y/n began, “ It’s a pain I wouldn’t wish upon anyone, but people die. People come and go. Truth be told, there isn’t much you can do about it. “
“ My brother wouldn’t have wanted me to live my life suffering. That’s why I married Remus even if he wasn’t by my side. Even if he wasn’t the one walking me down the aisle like he promised. “ Y/n continued, and tears streamed down Sirius’ face, “ Harry still doesn’t know. “
Sirius turned faster than a threatened spider, “ What? Haven’t you told him? “
“ No. He doesn’t know. I’m Y/n Lupin to him and everyone else aside from the adults. “ She shook her head, “ To be fair, it feels nice. “
“ Call me daft, but it feels nice not to be Pity Potter anymore. It feels nice to be Professor Lupin. “ Y/n shrugged, “ You raised him, and you lied to him. “ Sirius retorted.
“ I’m not lying to him; I’m just not telling him the entire truth. “ Y/n corrected, and Sirius turned back to the family tree, “ You were never Pity Potter. “ Sirius muttered.
Y/n chuckled, “ Everyone pitied me after they died. Poor Y/n Potter. She lost her parents at seventeen, lost her brother at twenty-one, became an unexpected parent at twenty-one with her brother's son. People didn’t have to say ‘I’m sorry for your loss’ for me to see the pity in their eyes. “
“ When Regulus died, nobody even said I’m sorry. “ Sirius whispered, “ Nobody knew Regulus like you did. “ Y/n replied.
“ Regulus wasn’t meant to die. He shouldn’t have died. But he did, Sirius. “ Y/n stated, and Sirius turned to her with tear-filled eyes, “ And if your brother was anything like mine, he wouldn’t want you to sulk your entire life. He wouldn’t want you to ask yourself ‘what if’; he’d want you to live your life. “
She took steps in front of the crying man, her hands placed on his shoulders, “ Regulus Black and James Potter didn’t die because they wanted us to suffer. They died because they wanted us to live. “
“ So please. Live for them. Don’t let their death be in vain. “ Y/n said, taking Sirius in for a hug which he returned gratefully, “ Harry loves you. He likes having his godfather in his life. Live for Harry. “
Sirius nodded, and they pulled apart, “ Remus got really lucky. “
Y/n laughed, “ James used to say the same thing. “
When they left the room, it felt like time stopped. Everyone stared at them. Sirius and Y/n were given glares aside from the adults. The children looked betrayed. Harry looked almost in tears. The Weasley twins looked guilty. It seemed to freeze, and Remus looked stressed. Molly and Arthur looked disappointed in their children. Mad-Eye looked unimpressed. Nymphadora looked intrigued. Remus and Y/n exchanged looks, his saying everything– he found out.
Y/n coughed, “ Why- Why is everyone staring? “
“ You lied! “ Harry’s voice sounded heartbroken, betrayed, “ I never lied to you, Harry. I just- you never asked, and there was never a suitable time. “ Y/n tried to explain.
The extendable ear in Fred’s hand told her everything, and she took a breath, “ Harry, can we talk about this in private, please? “
Remus walked forward and took Harry from the shoulders, guiding him to their shared bedroom; once Harry was out of earshot, the Weasley twins stared at their Professor, “ I’m- I’m so sorry, Professor. We didn't- “
“ I’m not mad at you. “ Y/n interrupt, “ I’m not mad at any of you. To clear the rumors, yes, James Potter was my twin brother- “
Before Y/n could continue, Sirius interjected, “ And Y/n Lupin is one of the strongest people I’ve ever met. “
“ She has suffered a more remarkable feat than any other witch I know. Y/n was the one who found Marlene McKinnon’s family dead. She watched her best friend bleed out right in front of her eyes. “ Sirius continued, and Y/n swallowed, looking at the ground, “ She watched Frank, and Alice Longbottom get tortured to insanity. “
“ And finally Y/n suffered losing her other half, James Potter and her sister in law, Lily Evans or Lily Potter. “ Sirius put two hands on her shoulders as he stood behind her, “ So before you glare at her, understand what she’s been through. Understand that she’s been tortured, hurt, and killed in more ways than one. “
Sirius still wasn’t finished, “ Her husband is a werewolf. Her husband has hurt her before, and she bears the scars. Her brother was killed. Her brother by choice- “ Sirius chuckled before he continued, “ Was sent to Azkaban for twelve years, and someone she trusted betrayed us all. “
“ Y/n Euphemia Potter-Lupin has endured more pain than everyone in this room combined. But Y/n Euphemia Potter-Lupin is always the one holding us together, the glue to this horrid new world we live in. So please, before you glare. “ Sirius repeated, “ Understand that she’s been tortured, hurt, and killed in more ways than one. “
Hesitantly, Y/n raised her head to see everyone almost in tears. The children weren’t meant to know; they weren’t meant to hear all the suffering she’s endured. It wasn’t their time yet. But as she looked up, she saw Harry and Remus. They hadn’t entirely made it to the bedroom before Sirius began talking. Tears trailed down her husband's cheek, remembering that faithful night he had broken his vows and attacked her. She didn’t blame him.
Hermione was fully sobbing. The Weasley boys had light tears falling down their cheeks. Molly cried in Arthur’s arms while he tried withholding his tears. Nymphadora and Mad-Eye looked astonished. Ron was brought into a hug by Hermione but remained shocked. Y/n didn’t quite know what to do from here. They had just heard her entire life story.
“ I’m sorry you all had to hear that. “ Y/n chuckled, “ I didn’t know Sirius was going to give you a biography on how the first wizarding war went for me. “
She swallowed, “ I’m sorry for keeping this secret from you guys. And Harry, because I know you’re only a floor above me right now in the comfort of Remus’ arms. You need to know that I love you from the bottom of my heart. I just- I just didn’t want you to find out and get too excited. “
“ But I’m your biological Aunt. I fought Dumbledore tooth and nail to take care of you. I remember sobbing and wailing in Remus’ arms because you were right there, right in front of my face, yet I couldn’t have you. “ Y/n explained, “ Vernon and Petunia are awful people. You deserved love, and you wouldn’t have gotten it there. You would’ve been an outsider your entire life. “
Y/n was sobbing as Sirius rubbed her back, her words choked up, “ B- But, I love you, Harry James Potter. “
Harry left Remus’s arms and ran down the flight of stairs. His arms took around his Aunt. The fifteen-year-old held onto his aunt closer than he could ever imagine. Remus walked down the steps slowly to take his place beside Sirius. Harry pulled away slightly, and Y/n wiped her face. Harry’s eyes had that glint of mischief James always had, and it made her want to sob all over again, but Harry spoke before she could.
“ What was your marauder name? “
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Written In The Stars C (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: Part 100! Wow, finally a number that won’t take all the space on the masterlist lmao great bc let me tell you, next book has A LOT of chapters
P.S. Friendly reminder that I have a playlist on spotify for this story in case u want to listen to the songs while reading :) -Danny
Words: 4,912
Series’ Masterlist
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Chapter Thirty-Five: Strings of Magic.
"NOW!" Harry yelled; he didn't think he could have held on for another moment anyway — he pulled his wand upward with an almighty wrench, and the golden thread broke; the cage of light vanished, the phoenix song died — but the shadowy figures of Voldemort's victims did not disappear — they were closing in upon Voldemort, shielding Harry from his gaze —
And Harry ran as he had never run in his life, knocking two stunned Death Eaters aside as he passed; he zigzagged behind headstones, feeling their curses following him, hearing them hit the headstones — he was dodging curses and graves, pelting toward Cedric's body, no longer aware of the pain in his leg, his whole being concentrated on what he had to do —
"Stun him!" he heard Voldemort scream.
Ten feet from Cedric, Harry dived behind a marble angel to avoid the jets of red light and saw the tip of its wing shatter as the spells hit it. Gripping his wand more tightly, he dashed out from behind the angel —
"Impedimenta!" he bellowed, pointing his wand wildly over his shoulder at the Death Eaters running at him.
From a muffled yell, he thought he had stopped at least one of them, but there was no time to stop and look; he jumped over the cup and dived as he heard more wand blasts behind him; more jets of light flew over his head as he fell, stretching out his hand to grab Cedric's arm —
"Stand aside! I will kill him! He is mine!" shrieked Voldemort.
Harry's hand had closed on Cedric's wrist; one tombstone stood between him and Voldemort, but Cedric was too heavy to carry, and the cup was out of reach —
Voldemort's red eyes flamed in the darkness. Harry saw his mouth curl into a smile, saw him raise his wand.
"Accio!" Harry yelled, pointing his wand at the Triwizard Cup.
It flew into the air and soared toward him. Harry caught it by the handle —
He heard Voldemort's scream of fury at the same moment that he felt the jerk behind his navel that meant the Portkey had worked — it was speeding him away in a whirl of wind and colour, and Cedric along with him... They were going back.
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"It's gone," Mel said.
"Who's gone?"
"The thing..." Mel blinked rapidly, feeling a void where moments ago Harry's voice had been. "I–I... I can't hear him... He told me he could see our parents."
"Professor?" Erick ran back into the tent, "They're back."
Dumbledore stood up and left. Mel stood up too, but her legs wouldn't stop shaking, Erick stopped her, holding her in place.
"You shouldn't."
"What?" She tried to push him away. "Don't be stupid..."
"Mel, you sounded like you were dying," The boy said in exasperation. "You're not well!"
"I don't care!" She fought to get past him.
She ran for it, she needed to see he was okay. The exact moment she arrived, she heard Fudge said:
"Dumbledore — he's dead!"
Mel's breathing stopped for what felt the hundred time that night, she pushed past the crowd until she came face to face with the scene. Harry and Cedric were laying on the grass, one of Harry's hands was closed tightly around Dumbledore's wrist, the other was holding onto Cedric... Cedric's body.
"Harry, let go of him," Fudge said, kneeling down to take him away.
Harry wasn't looking directly at anyone, his eyes would lose focus, he was disoriented, but his hand remained closed.
"Harry, you can't help him now. It's over. Let go," Dumbledore spoke.
It was all true, all she saw while she was in the middle of that... trance, it was all real.
Mel gawked and covered her mouth, she was definitely going to be sick. People walked past her, pushed her in all directions as she stood there, just listening.
"He wanted me to bring him back," Harry muttered, blinking rapidly as he struggled to look at Dumbledore's face. "He wanted me to bring him back to his parents..."
"That's right, Harry... just let go now..."
Dumbledore help Harry stand up, he stumbled a bit, his leg was still bleeding, exactly as she'd seen in her dream.
"What's happened?"
"What's wrong with him?"
"Diggory's dead!"
Mel stirred into action, she got closer and put one arm around Harry's waist without even asking, supporting his weight on her even though she was just as weak. Harry looked at her in a daze.
"You were there," He told her.
"I know," Mel panted, trying to steady their bodies. "I promise I would..."
"He'll need to go to the hospital wing!" Fudge exclaimed next to them. "He's ill, he's injured — Dumbledore, Diggory's parents, they're here, they're in the stands..."
"I'll take Harry, Dumbledore, I'll take him —"
"No, I would prefer —"
"Dumbledore, Amos Diggory's running... he's coming over... Don't you think you should tell him — before he sees — ?"
"Harry," Dumbledore then noticed Mel standing there as well, and he looked at them intently. "Stay here —"
There was so much noise, all Mel wanted was to take Harry away, have a nap in her old bedroom... they could lay in silence forever until things were back to normal...
"It's all right, son, I've got you... come on... hospital wing..."
"Dumbledore said stay," said Harry.
His voice was soft and childish, she could tell by the way he kept his eyes closed that his scar was hurting. She felt so much like a child too: small, weak. Her energy was long gone, she didn't fight when a pair of hands pushed her along, guiding them back to the castle.
"You need to lie down... Come on now..."
The screams were dying, she heard the thumping of Moody's leg against the floor. She should've been worried, but she was so tired...
"What happened, Harry?"
"Cup was a Portkey," Harry replied clumsily. "Took me and Cedric to a graveyard... and Voldemort was there... Lord Voldemort..."
"The Dark Lord was there? What happened then?"
"Killed Cedric... they killed Cedric..."
"And then?"
"Made a potion... got his body back..."
"The Dark Lord got his body back? He's returned?"
Flashes of her nightmare came back and forth as Harry narrated.
"And the Death Eaters came... and then we duelled..."
"You duelled with the Dark Lord?"
"Mel was talking to me..."
"You were?" Moody addressed her then, eyes suddenly wide. "How?"
Mel gulped, her mouth felt like sand. "Thought I was dreaming..."
"After you helped my wand... did something funny... I saw my mum and dad... your dad... they came out of his wand..."
"In here... in here, and sit down... You'll be all right now... drink this..."
She looked up. They weren't in the infirmary.
"Drink it... you'll feel better... come on, now, Harry, I need to know exactly what happened..."
As Moody poured a liquid down Harry's throat, she looked back to the door and felt something heavy on her chest. It was locked.
"Voldemort's back, Harry? You're sure he's back? How did he do it?"
"Harry..." She whispered.
"He took stuff from his father's grave, and from Wormtail, and me," Harry said, not listening.
"What did the Dark Lord take from you?" said Moody.
"Blood," He showed them his arm. Moody barely flinched at the sight.
"And the Death Eaters? They returned?"
"Yes," said Harry. "Loads of them..."
"How did he treat them?" Moody asked quietly. "Did he forgive them?"
"Why does that matter?" Mel said, cursing internally for forgetting her wand back in the tent. She couldn't muster enough strength to do wandless magic.
"There's a Death Eater at Hogwarts!" Harry gave a start. "There's a Death Eater here — they put my name in the Goblet of Fire, they made sure I got through to the end —"
Harry tried to stand, and Moody pushed him.
"I know who the Death Eater is," He said.
"Harry," Mel tried again, this time louder.
"Karkaroff?" Harry was shaking. "Where is he? Have you got him? Is he locked up?"
"Karkaroff?" Moody laughed. "Karkaroff fled tonight when he felt the Dark Mark burn upon his arm. He betrayed too many faithful supporters of the Dark Lord to wish to meet them... but I doubt he will get far. The Dark Lord has ways of tracking his enemies."
"Karkaroff's gone? He ran away? But then — he didn't put my name in the goblet?"
"No," said Moody slowly. "No, he didn't. It was I who did that."
Mel whimpered before she could stop herself, sinking further in her chair. The nightmare wasn't over.
"No, you didn't," Harry said, still too confused. "You didn't do that... you can't have done..."
"I assure you I did," said Moody.
"He's not Moody," Mel said. "He's not the real Moody, Harry..."
Moody pointed his wand at them.
"Ah, Miss Dumbledore, you knew! Told you to leave it to the adults, didn't I? But true to you nature, you kept digging... I guess I should be happy you're still young and gullible to listen to what you're told, otherwise I would've had to kill you."
Mel curled up scared to death, there was nothing she could do against a Death Eater, weak as she was.
"He forgave them, then?" Moody said, turning to Harry. "The Death Eaters who went free? The ones who escaped Azkaban?"
"What?" said Harry, his eyes wide with disbelief.
"I asked you whether he forgave the scum who never even went to look for him. Those treacherous cowards who wouldn't even brave Azkaban for him. The faithless, worthless bits of filth who were brave enough to cavort in masks at the Quidditch World Cup, but fled at the sight of the Dark Mark when I fired it into the sky."
"You fired... What are you talking about..?"
"I told you, Harry... I told you. If there's one thing I hate more than any other, it's a Death Eater who walked free. They turned their backs on my master when he needed them most. I expected him to punish them. I expected him to torture them. Tell me he hurt them, Harry... Tell me he told them that I, I alone remained faithful... prepared to risk everything to deliver to him the one thing he wanted above all... you."
"You're insane," Mel choked out, trying to muster enough force to push him away, but she barely could've lighted a candle.
"You didn't... it — it can't be you..." Harry stammered.
"Who put your name in the Goblet of Fire, under the name of a different school? I did. Who frightened off every person I thought might try to hurt you or prevent you from winning the tournament? I did. Who nudged Hagrid into showing you the dragons? I did. Who helped you see the only way you could beat the dragon? I did. It hasn't been easy, Harry, guiding you through these tasks without arousing suspicion. I have had to use every ounce of cunning I possess so that my hand would not be detectable in your success.
"Dumbledore would have been very suspicious if you had managed everything too easily. As long as you got into that maze, preferably with a decent head start — then, I knew, I would have a chance of getting rid of the other champions and leaving your way clear. But I also had to contend with your stupidity. The second task... that was when I was most afraid we would fail. I was keeping watch on you, Potter. I knew you hadn't worked out the egg's clue, so I had to give you another hint —"
"You didn't," Harry said hoarsely. "Cedric gave me the clue —"
"Who told Cedric to open it underwater? I did. I trusted that he would pass the information on to you. Decent people are so easy to manipulate, Potter. I was sure Cedric would want to repay you for telling him about the dragons, and so he did. But even then, Potter, even then you seemed likely to fail. I was watching all the time... all those hours in the library. Didn't you realize that the book you needed was in your dormitory all along?
"I planted it there early on, I gave it to the Longbottom boy, don't you remember? Magical Water Plants of the Mediterranean. It would have told you all you needed to know about gillyweed. I expected you to ask everyone and anyone you could for help. Longbottom would have told you in an instant. But you did not... you did not... You have a streak of pride and independence that might have ruined all."
She had to think, she had to do something. She'd seen Dumbledore sending a type of Patronus the day Krum had been stunned, but she couldn't send that, there wasn't an ounce of happiness in her at the moment, but she had to send the message... Her heart jumped, Mel had the answer in her pocket.
"So what could I do? Feed you information from another innocent source. You told me at the Yule Ball a house-elf called Dobby had given you a Christmas present. I called the elf to the staffroom to collect some robes for cleaning. I staged a loud conversation with Professor McGonagall about the hostages who had been taken, and whether Potter would think to use gillyweed.
"And your little elf friend ran straight to Snape's office and then hurried to find you... Looking back I see I should've pushed all the information onto Miss Dumbledore's hands!" He laughed. "I kept an eye on her, always helping, not only that, but she solved everything twice as fast! I'm sure she would've helped you solve the second task in less than a week if you would've let her... seems to be the only person you actually listen to..."
Moody kept both eyes on Harry, she slowly reached for her pocket and pulled out the golden watch. She tampered with the buttons as silently as possible.
"You were so long in that lake, Potter, I thought you had drowned. But luckily, Dumbledore took your idiocy for nobility and marked you high for it. I breathed again... You had an easier time of it than you should have in that maze tonight, of course. I was patrolling around it, able to see through the outer hedges, able to curse many obstacles out of your way. I Stunned Fleur Delacour as she passed. I put the Imperius Curse on Krum so that he would finish Diggory and leave your path to the cup clear."
She read her own message:
Mel pressed the button.
A minute after, four figures started to form on the Foe-Glass -she'd read about it- and she tried to keep Moody's attention on her and Harry so he wouldn't look back.
"I knew," Her voice was destroyed after the hour spent screaming. "You're right– I was going to tell Dumbledore tonight all I knew..." Which was practically nothing, but Moody doesn't have to know that. "I saved Harry–"
"I see that," He spat. "I won't kill you until I know exactly how. I underestimated you, Aberforth's descendant couldn't be that much of a nuisance, but alas... It's true what they say about the women of your blood. As for Harry... imagine how the Dark Lord will reward me when he finds I have done it for him. I gave you to him — the thing he needed above all to regenerate — and then I killed you for him. Both of you. I will be honoured beyond all other Death Eaters. I will be his dearest, his closest supporter... closer than a son..."
"I'll tell you everything but I want to know something too," Mel blurted out, her adrenaline helping to keep a steady voice. "Why did you take Crouch?"
Moody's eyes widened, it was a wild guess, but correct nonetheless judging by the way he reacted.
"The Dark Lord and I," said Moody, "have much in common. Both of us, for instance, had very disappointing fathers... very disappointing indeed. Both of us suffered the indignity of being named after those fathers. And both of us had the pleasure... the very great pleasure... of killing our fathers to ensure the continued rise of the Dark Order!"
Mel frowned, that didn't give anything away! Not unless... but it was impossible, he was dead, Sirius watched as the dementors buried him...
"You're mad," Harry said, "you're mad!"
"Mad, am I? We'll see! We'll see who's mad, now that the Dark Lord has returned, with me at his side! He is back, Harry Potter, you did not conquer him — and now — I conquer you!"
Her eyes moved from the man to the Foe-Glass, the faces were crystal clear.
"WE'RE HERE!" She yelled, damaging her vocal cords even further. "HELP!"
Moody raised his wand, but Mel grabbed Harry by the neck of his robes and covered both of their bodies.
"Stupefy!" Someone yelled behind the door, bursting it open.
Moody fell backwards, the boy held onto her and looked around, coming face to face with Dumbledore, Snape, McGonagall... and Erick, white as a ghost.
Dumbledore stepped into the office radiating power, he stared down at Moody and turned him upwards. Snape followed, eyes fixed on the Foe-Glass. Professor McGonagall and Erick went to them.
"Come along, children," she said softly. "Come along... your mother is waiting for the both of you, Mel... hospital wing..."
"No," said Dumbledore.
"Dumbledore, he ought to — look at them — They'd been through enough tonight —"
"They will stay, Minerva, because Harry needs to understand," Dumbledore insisted. "Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be recovery. He needs to know who has put him through the ordeal he has suffered tonight, and why. Mel–"  He raised his left hand, Erick's watch was hanging from it, "though you figured it out, I believe you haven't heard all there is to know. Stay."
"Moody," Harry said shakily, still holding tightly to her arm. "How can it have been Moody?"
"This is not Alastor Moody," said Dumbledore. "You have never known Alastor Moody. The real Moody would not have removed you from my sight after what happened tonight. Mr Flint ran after me and showed me this, saying it was a message from you– and I knew..."
Dumbledore pulled out Moody's flask and a set of keys.
"Severus, please fetch me the strongest Truth Potion you possess, and then go down to the kitchens and bring up the house-elf called Winky. Minerva, kindly go down to Hagrid's house, where you will find a large black dog sitting in the pumpkin patch. Take the dog up to my office, tell him I will be with him shortly, then come back here. Mr Flint–" He handed the watch to its owner. "Go to the Minister, tell him to come here as soon as he can."
Dumbledore walked over to the trunk with seven locks, fitted the first key in the lock, and opened it. It contained a mass of spell-books. Dumbledore closed the trunk, placed a second key in the second lock, and opened the trunk again. The spellbooks had vanished; this time it contained an assortment of broken Sneakoscopes, some parchment and quills, and what looked like a silvery Invisibility Cloak. Harry watched, astounded, as Dumbledore placed the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth keys in their respective locks, reopening the trunk, and each time revealing different contents. Then he placed the seventh key in the lock, threw open the lid, and Harry let out a cry of amazement.
He was looking down into a kind of pit, an underground room, and lying on the floor some ten feet below, apparently fast asleep, thin and starved in appearance, was the real Mad-Eye Moody. His wooden leg was gone, the socket that should have held the magical eye looked empty beneath its lid, and chunks of his grizzled hair were missing. Harry stared, thunderstruck, between the sleeping Moody in the trunk and the unconscious Moody lying on the floor of the office.
Dumbledore climbed into the trunk, lowered himself, and fell lightly onto the floor beside the sleeping Moody. He bent over him.
"Stunned — controlled by the Imperius Curse — very weak," he said. "Of course, they would have needed to keep him alive. Harry, throw down the imposter's cloak — he's freezing. Madam Pomfrey will need to see him, but he seems in no immediate danger."
Harry did as he was told; Dumbledore covered Moody in the cloak, tucked it around him, and clambered out of the trunk again. Then he picked up the hip flask that stood upon the desk, unscrewed it, and turned it over. A thick glutinous liquid splattered onto the office floor.
"Polyjuice Potion... You see the simplicity of it and the brilliance. For Moody never does drink except from his hip flask, he's well known for it. The imposter needed, of course, to keep the real Moody close by, so that he could continue making the potion. You see his hair... The imposter has been cutting it off all year, see where it is uneven? But I think, in the excitement of tonight, our fake Moody might have forgotten to take it as frequently as he should have done... on the hour... every hour. We shall see."
Dumbledore pulled out the chair and sat down, his eyes moved from Moody to her, a glint similar to the one he adopted during her lessons.
"How did you know, Mel?" He asked calmly.
"I didn't," Mel confessed. "I mentioned it to Erick this evening, I didn't know for real until now..."
"You must have seen the signs either way if you suspected..."
Mel told him everything and Dumbledore listened when she mentioned Crouch, and Moody's reply to her question, his eyes returned to the fake Alastor Moody.
"So it was Crouch..." Dumbledore let out heavily.
Then, before Harry's very eyes, the face of the man on the floor began to change. The scars were disappearing, the skin was becoming smooth; the mangled nose became whole and started to shrink. The long mane of grizzled grey hair was withdrawing into the scalp and turning the colour of straw. Suddenly, with a loud clunk, the wooden leg fell away as a normal leg regrew in its place; next moment, the magical eyeball had popped out of the man's face as a real eye replaced it; it rolled away across the floor and continued to swivel in every direction.
Harry saw a man lying before him, pale-skinned, slightly freckled, with a mop of fair hair. He knew who he was. He had seen him in Dumbledore's Pensieve, had watched him being led away from court by the dementors, trying to convince Mr Crouch that he was innocent... but he was lined around the eyes now and looked much older...
There were hurried footsteps outside in the corridor. Snape had returned with Winky at his heels. Professor McGonagall was right behind them.
"Crouch!" Snape said, stopping dead in the doorway. "Barty Crouch!"
"Good heavens," said Professor McGonagall, stopping dead and staring down at the man on the floor.
Filthy, dishevelled, Winky peered around Snape's legs. Her mouth opened wide and she let out a piercing shriek.
"Master Barty, Master Barty, what is you doing here?"
She flung herself forward onto the young man's chest.
Mel was faster, she caught Winky and stopped her from touching the man.
"You is killed him! You is killed him! You is killed Master's son!" She squirmed in her arms.
"Stop it!" She grunted. "He's all right!"
"He is simply Stunned, Winky," Dumbledore nodded. "Severus, you have the potion?"
Dumbledore sat Barty Crouch and poured a few drops down his throat just like he'd done to Harry. Winky was no longer fighting, she was hiding her face behind her skinny hands.
"Rennervate," He said, pointing his wand directly at the man's chest.
Crouch's son opened his eyes. His face was slack, his gaze unfocused. Dumbledore knelt before him, so that their faces were level.
"Can you hear me?" Dumbledore asked quietly. The man's eyelids flickered.
"Yes," he muttered.
"I would like you to tell us," said Dumbledore softly, "how you came to be here. How did you escape from Azkaban?"
Crouch took a deep, shuddering breath, then began to speak in a flat, expressionless voice.
"My mother saved me. She knew she was dying. She persuaded my father to rescue me as a last favour to her. He loved her as he had never loved me. He agreed. They came to visit me. They gave me a draft of Polyjuice Potion containing one of my mother's hairs. She took a draft of Polyjuice Potion containing one of my hairs. We took on each other's appearance."
"Say no more, Master Barty, say no more, you is getting your father into trouble!"
Simpler than what she'd thought. It felt surreal, how close she was to the truth and yet had decided to ignore it she was because it just felt too crazy.
"The dementors are blind. They sensed one healthy, one dying person entering Azkaban. They sensed one healthy, one dying person leaving it. My father smuggled me out, disguised as my mother, in case any prisoners were watching through their doors. My mother died a short while afterward in Azkaban. She was careful to drink Polyjuice Potion until the end. She was buried under my name and bearing my appearance. Everyone believed her to be me."
"And what did your father do with you, when he had got you home?"
"Staged my mother's death. A quiet, private funeral. That grave is empty. The house-elf nursed me back to health. Then I had to be concealed. I had to be controlled. My father had to use a number of spells to subdue me. When I had recovered my strength, I thought only of finding my master... of returning to his service."
"How did your father subdue you?"
"The Imperius Curse. I was under my father's control. I was forced to wear an Invisibility Cloak day and night. I was always with the house-elf. She was my keeper and caretaker. She pitied me. She persuaded my father to give me occasional treats. Rewards for my good behaviour."
"He was there during the Quidditch Final," Mel spoke. "Winky was looking after you, wasn't she?"
"Did anybody ever discover that you were still alive?" said Dumbledore. "Did anyone know except your father and the house-elf ?"
"A witch in my father's office. Bertha Jorkins. She came to the house with papers for my father's signature. He was not at home. Winky showed her inside and returned to the kitchen, to me. But Bertha Jorkins heard Winky talking to me. She came to investigate. She heard enough to guess who was hiding under the Invisibility Cloak. My father arrived home. She confronted him. He put a very powerful Memory Charm on her to make her forget what she'd found out. Too powerful. He said it damaged her memory permanently."
"Why is she coming to nose into my master's private business? Why isn't she leaving us be?"
"Tell me about the Quidditch World Cup," said Dumbledore, addressing to Mel's question.
He told them about how he fought against the Imperius Curse, Harry's wand and the rage towards the Death Eaters' that woke him up completely. How Wormtail found him thanks to Bertha Jorkins and how they subdued his father in order to have a free will himself. She was right about him stealing from Snape, about him attacking Moody during summer. She'd been right.
"But your father escaped."
"My master sent me word of my father's escape. He told me to stop him at all costs. So I waited and watched. I used the map I had taken from Harry Potter. The map that had almost ruined everything."
"Map?" Dumbledore glanced at her. "What map is this?"
"Potter's map of Hogwarts. Potter saw me on it. Potter saw me stealing more ingredients for the Polyjuice Potion from Snape's office one night. He thought I was my father. We have the same first name. I took the map from Potter that night. I told him my father hated Dark wizards. Potter believed my father was after Snape."
She avoided Dumbledore's eyes, ashamed of her own doing keeping the map a secret.
"For a week I waited for my father to arrive at Hogwarts. At last, one evening, the map showed my father entering the grounds. I pulled on my Invisibility Cloak and went down to meet him. He was walking around the edge of the forest. Then Potter came, and Krum. I waited. I could not hurt Potter; my master needed him. Potter ran to get Dumbledore. I Stunned Krum. I killed my father."
After he was done with his story, all they could hear was Winky's cries.
"And tonight..." Dumbledore continued.
"I offered to carry the Triwizard Cup into the maze before dinner. Turned it into a Portkey. My master's plan worked. He is returned to power and I will be honoured by him beyond the dreams of wizards."
The insane smile lit his features once more, and his head drooped onto his shoulder as Winky wailed and sobbed at his side.
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Next Chapter —>
@dee123ksha​ @vampiregirl1797 @siriuslysirius1107 @stardusthigh @mikariell95 @vernon-dursley @thesuitelifeofafangirl @tomshollandz @kylosleftbuttcheek @reverse-hxlland @bloodorangemoonlight @omiwashere​ @t-rexs-world
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i-am-so-riddikulus · 4 years
Vile - g.w.
Request from velvetthunder1999: 
“Hello :) May I request something where George Weasley and female reader are together, but Umbridge dislikes it because the reader is a muggleborn. She makes the reader to use the bloody quill, writing something how she musn't mix with purebloods. Later George finds out and comforts the reader, also being really angry ant Umbridge? Thanks in advance! :))))”
Pairing: George Weasley x fem!Reader
Words: 1970
Warnings: not proofread, i think one cuss word
A/N: Thank you so much for requesting! I love writing requests and this one was very fun to write as well. Requests are OPEN so please don’t be afraid to ask~
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(gif not mine)
Delores Umbridge. The most vile person you ever had to know. Not only did she take away the whole aspect of Defence Against the Dark Arts out of the equation, but she was slowly but surely taking over the whole school. How are you supposed to learn to defend yourself against the dark arts when you’re not learning to defend yourself against it. You believed Harry, and you were more than willing to help him defeat He Who Must Not Be Named, but how were you supposed to when you didn’t know how. 
One person that could take your mind off of this at any time though is George Weasley. You were very surprised in your fifth year when your longtime crush had asked you to the Yule Ball and even more surprised when he confessed his feelings to you later that night. You’ve been dating steadily since and you couldn’t be more happy with the person you’re with. He still made you get butterflies when he was around, and the happiness this boy brought to your life was insane. You had never kept your relationship a secret, so when Umbridge saw you two kiss each other before classes, or hold each other’s hand while walking you could see the disgust on her face. She had never even tried to hide it.
You had woken up this morning just fine, but somehow when you got to DADA you just felt an overwhelming sense of anger, for the way you’re learning and toadface herself. She was making the entire class do an ungodly amount of work, and making everyone copy down everything twice over. Some random Hufflepuff mumbled a comment across the room, “I wonder what it would be like to actually learn something this year,” just loud enough for everyone to hear. 
The whole class sniggered. Umbridge turned her ugly head around, seemingly unaffected by these words. Her little “hem hem” could be heard as she walked towards the front. “What is wrong with the way you’re being taught? You’re being taught instructive information in a safe environment.” she smiled condescendingly.
You rolled your eyes “When this happens it won’t be in a safe environment,” you mumbled, earning a few laughs.
“What was that Miss L/N?” Umbridge asked, her eyes burning holes into your head, knowing full well what you said.
Suddenly gaining the confidence to confront her, “I said when this happens, we won’t be in a safe environment. It’s like you don’t want us to know how to defend ourselves when He Who Must Not Be Named shows up on our doorstep.”
Her face became tight, “Well Miss L/N, that won’t be happening because the person who gave us this information is lying, filling your head with these messages to get you scared.”
You could feel the anger boiling in you, “So you’re telling me that the boy who fears his return the most is going to lie about it? No he’s not, because He Who Must Not Be Named killed Cedric! The sooner you realize this the sooner we will be able to prepare against him, you know he’s getting stronger by the mom-”
“ENOUGH!” she yelled, snapping the piece of chalk she was holding, “It seems Mr. Potter has gotten into your head as well, and we will have to fix that. Detention tonight in my office Miss L/N.”
You shook your head continuing to do your tedious work, mentally cursing yourself for talking back. You should’ve known that she was going to give you detention. But at least you spoke the truth.
During lunch you learned that Harry would be having detention as well, just before you. You thought it was kinda funny that you both got detention over basically the same thing. George next to you seemed a little ticked, “Georgie? What’s wrong?” you asked, putting your hand on his.
“Nothing, it’s just that she’s so ignorant. It’s right in front of her and she can’t accept it, not to mention she gave you detention for no reason. I’m supposed to have detention before you,” he laughed at the end.
You laughed lightly, “Oh c’mon George, you know I deserve it, I talked back rudely and with how pristine and pink she is, I should’ve expected it. She did deserve it though, calling Harry a liar. Why would he lie about that, ugh it infuriates me.”
“She infuriates everyone,” he sniggered.
You laughed leaning your head on his shoulder, wondering what she would actually have you do for detention, hopefully it was just cleaning her teacups or something.
When detention time came around, you started to leave, getting up from George.
“Nooooo, Y/N please don’t go I wanna cuddle some more,” he whined while holding on to your hand.
“Don’t worry Georgie, I’ll be back soon, it’s only an hour,” you smiled shaking your hand out of his grasp. 
Turning your head to the side you looked at him, “Say, why don’t you act this cute in front of anyone else?” you smirked.
He blushed slightly and smiled at you, “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” 
“Yeah, okay Weasley,” you said before you pecked him, leaving for detention.
You had a small feeling of dread as you walked to Umridge’s office. You weren’t a bad student by any means, and had only had detention once, in your first year for spilling some of your ingredients during potions. Snape hadn’t been in a good mood that day and took 10 points as well.
Your thoughts stopped when you saw Harry walking back, covering his left hand. You were going to say something but, he walked by so quickly, you couldn’t get out a single syllable. Maybe she just pissed him off, you thought.
Your heart started to thump quickly as you knocked on her door. “Come in,” she spoke on the other side of the door. 
The first thing you noticed when you walked in was how pink her room actually was. The cat plates kind of gave you weird vibes as well. Why were there so many? “Today, you will be writing lines,” she looked up from her tea.
“I’ve noticed that you’re dating Mr. Weasley yes?” she asked innocently.
You felt embarrassed from the sudden question, “Uhm yes, Professor.”
“Well don’t you think he deserves someone better?” she asked, mock concern on her face.
Now you could feel your cheeks heating up, “I-I don’t think I understand what you’re asking Professor,”
“No Miss L/N, I think you do. Deep down you know a mud- a muggleborn like yourself shouldn’t be with a pureblood like Mr. Weasley.” she said, the same innocence in her voice, but with toxicity in the end. 
To say you were shocked was an understatement. Not only did she talk poorly about your relationship, but she ridiculed your blood status, even almost using the vile word mudblood. You took a moment to respond, your mind clouded with hurt. “Professor, I’m just as much a witch a-as anyone else.” you stuttered out.
“No you’re not, you know you’re a freak of nature, you know you don’t belong here with your tainted blood. Now, please take a seat Miss L/N.” she pointed at the smaller desk across from hers.
You sat down, pulling out parchment, a quill, and an ink bottle. “You’ll be using a special quill of mine Miss L/N you won’t need any ink either,” she stated innocently, as if she didn’t just insult your entire being.
Putting your quill and ink back you picked up her quill, “What would you like me to write Professor,”
“Hm, I think ‘I musn’t mix with purebloods’, that might do the trick,” she answered, sipping her tea.
“How many times?” you asked, mentally cursing her.
“I think until you get the idea,” she said smiling out the window. 
Letting out a large sigh, you started to write ‘I musn’t mix with purebloods’ even if it hurt you to. After you wrote a couple of lines, your hand started to itch then turn to pain. Looking over at it you realized that what you were writing was etching itself into your skin. You looked at Umbridge with resentment, before returning to your torture. The line drawing blood over and over. 
An hour seemed to pass by agonizingly slow, ending up with almost a whole scroll of parchment written on. There was no way that was going to heal anytime soon. As you left that wretched room, you took the liberty of slamming her door, hoping you knocked over one of her stupid plates. 
You felt yourself holding your left hand as well as you walked back to the common room. In that moment you made the connection that Harry had to do the same thing, and felt a pang of sympathy for him.
Walking into the portrait hole, you saw George waiting for you, sitting on the couch. Once he saw you, he smiled, getting up to come over to you. You tried your best to muster up a smile too, but you could feel the tears welling behind your eyes. George noticed, “Hey, love,” he put his hand on your cheek, “what’s wrong?”
As soon as these words left his mouth you couldn’t hold yourself anymore, crying into his chest. He let you cry and waited until you calmed down before asking what happened. You looked down at your hand, playing in your mind how you would tell him. “I- um, I had detention with Umbridge, and I thought I’d be polishing something or cleaning you know. But instead, she had me write some lines.” You said sniffling a little bit, “the problem with these lines is she made me write them with a bloody quill.” The confusion was prevalent on his face.
“It’s a quill that takes my blood to write instead of ink,” you slowly pulled up your hand, “a-and she made me write ‘I musn’t mix with purebloods’ with it.”
The anger was swelling in his eyes, the raw hatred, but as he looked at you he softened. He grabbed your hand, softly kissing the words, “Never ever listen to what that disgusting woman says. You are an amazing witch who can do anything. You’re smart and beautiful, and you deserve everything.”
You smiled, the butterflies once again filling your stomach as you blushed. “Oh Georgie, we deserve each other,” you said as you smiled up at him. You smile faded slightly, “I just don’t understand why she has such hatred against us. Me not growing up with magic made me love it so much once I learned it, and I could never have been more thankful for it.”
“I absolutely hate Umbridge,” he said, anger in his eyes again, “before I said she was ignorant, now I know she’s just plain dumb. Your blood status doesn’t and should never matter. Personally, I know more cruel purebloods than nice ones. She is such a nauseating person.” he ranted to you.
You put yourself in his lap, hugging him. “George, you are the most amazing person I have in my  life and I don’t know what I’d do without you. I- I love you.” you stated keeping your head nuzzled in his shoulder from your embarrassment. 
You felt him freeze beneath you before he took your face in both of his hands, kissing you passionately, “Y/N L/N, I love you so much,” he said with adoration in his eyes, “and I want you to know Fred and I will make her pay for what she did to you,” he said before laying you back on top of him.
You smiled as you laid into him. You knew this year was gonna be hard, but with George at your side, you felt like maybe you could get through it. Together.
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pulaasul · 3 years
Harry Potter and the Dying Will Flames
Harry discovered things about himself, about his aunt’s family, and about the world. Harry Potter discovered the Dying Will Flames and this has changed everything within the Wizarding World.
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It all started when Harry was on his second encounter with his parents' killer, Lord Voldemort. He was dying from the basilisk poison in his body, by the time he finished stabbing the basilisk's fang on the dark enchanted diary and say his instructions to Ginny. He was about to collapse, lethargic from the poison's effects.
When he thought about it as he rested at the school's hospital wing, after the fact, something strange had happened within his body. From what he had read on the page that Hermione ripped from the book about basilisks, he should've already died by the time Fawkes the Phoenix cried on his wound.
The pain was still there, the excruciating pain of having his entire body doused with boiling water, was indeed present but he was still alive, barely conscious, but still alive, enough for Fawkes to cry on his wound and destroy the poison from inside of him.
The next weird thing happened when he was at the Dursleys, his maternal aunt's home. He was doing the dishes, when he accidentally dropped one of the plates that he was washing, but the plate didn't break, he still got an earful and was imprisoned in his room after the incident but the plate was never broken.
Both his uncle and aunt had been livid about that.
Then someone representing his uncle's extended family came. Harry didn't know where the glee came from, but he was extremely glad to know that the freakishness, as the Dursleys had dubbed it, also existed in his uncle's family.
"Great grandfather left Italy for a reason Alberto!" Vernon growled at the visitor. "With your nonsense about different colored fire having other properties other than burn things to cinders," He sneered. "I cannot understand why you returned to the family in the first place."
"You know why we're here Vernon." Alberto fired back. "We're here because of the Omerta." He sighed. "It's also the same reason why my family decided to fold back in to the family."
"Omerta?" Dudley curiously asked.
Vernon's face turned pale at the word his son repeated.
"Someone in your family became flame active, it is in our best interests to at least train the recent flame active person to help them control the flames."
Vernon gulped at his uncle's insinuation, he was sure he wasn't flame active and neither was his wife. He just hoped it wasn't his son, he didn't want his son to be involved in the mafia.
"Your nephew."
Vernon's face became red with rage.
"Don't tell me you're angry that someone unrelated to you became flame active when you don't want to have anything to do with the famiglia?" Alberto raised an eyebrow.
"That boy is already a freak and this would make him even more of a freak." Vernon growled.
"I have a theory, why don't you call your nephew?" Alberto ignored Vernon's outburst. "I want to ask him some questions."
Harry was confused when his uncle called for him, normally his uncle would do anything to lock him up in the room whenever visitors would arrive at the house.
"Hello boy, I am Alberto Dursley, might I inquire what your name is?" The man, Alberto, formally asked for his name.
Harry gulped as soon as the man revealed his full name.
As soon as Harry knew how this man was related to him was, he started dreading how this man would treat him, considering how his aunt Marge interacted with him.
In an attempt to at least prevent the confrontation that was soon to come, he responded to the man with a polite tone.
"I am Harry Potter sir."
"Tell me, Harry, have you been in a life-or-death situation?" Alberto was oblivious to Harry's internal struggle.
Harry blinked a few times, he was caught off guard with the man's attitude towards him, totally different from how his uncle Vernon and Aunt Marge was to him.
Soon after, his narrowed at the question. He knew he can't just say 'I was almost killed by a basilisk in my school' to this man for various reasons. Muggles don't even know about basilisks are in the first place.
Secondly, there was the statute of secrecy, which Professor Snape hammered into his head at the beginning of term.
"Answer the man, boy." Vernon growled.
"There's no need to rush Vernon, I'm sure it's all traumatic for the boy." Alberto admonished his nephew. "I can understand the boy's reservations with sharing such critical, likely traumatic, information to a virtual stranger."
"I was poisoned?" Harry offered after much self-deliberation.
"Was it fatal to you?" Alberto followed up.
"The doctor said that it was a miracle that I even survived in the first place."
"Lightning or Sun flames." Alberto whispered with narrowed eyes.
Alberto shook his head and restrained himself from forming plausible theories about the boy.
"Was there anything weird that happened after you were poisoned? Like being able to punch through a wall or healing a wound?"
Harry was confused, extremely confused. The man, Alberto's, questions sound awfully a lot of the questions the Hogwarts teachers asked muggleborn students when explaining magic to them and their parents.
He was already attending Hogwarts.
"I accidentally dropped a plate once but it didn't break." Harry decided to humor the man's question.
"I take it your family and your nephew are largely ignorant of the family business you left?" Alberto faced Vernon.
"I swore that I would stamp out any freakishness in this house!" Vernon growled. "We failed at my wife's nephew because they were insistent I won't have another instance of that freakishness in my house!"
"You know Vernon, if you hate the child so much, why keep him?" Alberto sighed. "Why subject yourself to such stress, why subject the child to such torture?"
"No!" Petunia exclaimed. "That boy cannot leave this house!"
"Petunia!" Vernon growled.
"Why is that Petunia?" Alberto questioned his nephew's wife. "Is there a reason why you are sheltering the boy despite your clear hatred for him?"
Petunia clamped her mouth shut, she refused to give any more information to her husband's uncle.
"Our family has the Omerta, her family has the Statute of Secrecy," Vernon explained. "As the name suggests, they aren't allowed to say what she meant by that." He glared at the boy.
"Statute of Secrecy," Alberto hummed. "That's familiar," His eyes narrowed in concentration before it opened in realization, "By any chance is this the statute that prevents the magical world from intermingling with the non-magic populace?"
"H-how?" Vernon and Harry questioned.
"Did you really think that there were no magic people involved in the family business Vernon?" Alberto raised an eyebrow once more. "If you have forgotten Vernon, the business has ways to gain such information."
"If he knows…" Petunia trailed off.
"Go ahead." Vernon gave the approval, still glaring at Harry.
"Potter's here because I'm what's left of his mother's family, I'm his mother's sister." Petunia snarled. "The blasted headmaster of his school erected blood wards around the house to keep him protected, or so the letter that came with him said."
"I see, blood wards." Alberto hummed. "Let me see what I can do, but worst comes to worst Potter'll have his training nearby."
Alberto had decided that Harry's training would take place near his place of residence, this will serve to preserve the blood wards placed on his place of residence that kept him and his maternal aunt's family protected from the magical terrorist's cult and the terrorist himself.
Harry and Alberto were currently in a nearby park where no one would visit so that they could train in secrecy.
"What we call them, Harry, are Deathperation flames, some call them Dying Will Flames." Alberto informed Harry. "These flames are what made you survive the poison that should've killed you." He explained."
"There are seven different types of flames, all named after a certain weather," Alberto continued his spiel. "We don't have any means to know what your flames are but from what you described, you mostly have lightning flames, flames with the property of hardening anything you wish, like the plate that you dropped but didn't break."
"What does that have to do with my being poisoned?" Harry couldn't help but ask.
"There are different types of poison, ones that solidifies your blood, and another is one that would disintegrate your internal organs like how acid does with everything it touches," Alberto answered. "The poison you've been induced with was something that would disintegrate your organs had you not applied lightning-flames on them to keep them from being destroyed."
"So basically I'm being trained to control this power?" Harry asked.
"In a sense, yes." Alberto nodded. "This is a power that can prove fatal to yourself or others if activated accidentally. You've been lucky so far that every accidental activation has been to save your life, or a thing, so far."
Harry gulped at the man's implications.
"Can Dudley have this power too?"
"Despite popular belief, everyone is able to have this power, it's all on the will of the person, their will to live, and that's why it's called dying will flames."
"So how do I do this?"
Alberto smiled at the query.
"Now I want you to close your eyes and imagine a ball of flame," Alberto instructed. "Try not to call for your magic."
With Alberto's presence, Harry didn't have much of a hard time living with the Dursleys. His teacher didn't stay in the house but the knowledge that his uncle's uncle was training him was enough to keep them docile towards him.
However the week before Marge visited the Dursleys, Alberto had to leave him, which turned their docile attitude towards him into a hostile one.
However, he doesn't miss a beat every time he pointed out Vernon's relation with Alberto and the green-colored flames he apparently had.
Everything changed once Marge arrived and was subsequently blown up.
Luckily there were only a few days left of summer break when he left the Dursleys and got himself checked into the Leaky Cauldron.
Harry had so many reasons to be happy at the end of his third year at Hogwarts. First, he knew that he was loved and he has a godfather in the form of one Sirius Black, a werewolf for an uncle in the form of one Sirius Lupin, he was discovering family members he never knew he had.
Harry has decidedly ignored one Peter Pettigrew's presence in his life.
While it was unfortunate, that Sirius wouldn't be able to take him away from the Dursleys, at least the Dursleys that were connected to Harry's mother, the knowledge that he'd be learning more about the Dying Will Flames, especially his lightning flames, was another reason for his happy demeanor.
Of course, none at Hogwarts were in the know of this secret, not even his best friends Hermione and Ron. He may not have been connected to the so-called family business that his uncle Vernon has left, he knew enough that the business has its equivalent of the Statute of Secrecy that Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall has hammered into his head during the start of his second year.
"What exactly do you do Alberto?" Harry inquired as he sat on the pavement, tired from his training.
"Why don't you apply your lightning flames on that twig and I'll answer if you're successful this time." Alberto smiled.
Harry nodded and picked up the twig he had dropped earlier. He closed his eyes in concentration as green electrical arcs formed from his hand and coated the twig he was holding with both of his hands.
He opened his eyes and saw that the twig he was holding was coated in green electrical arcs before the arcs promptly faded from sight.
"Good." Alberto smiled as he took the twig from Harry's hands.
Alberto produced a scotch tape from his person taped it onto a nearby lamppost. He then stood straight before striking the twig with the palm of his hand.
The twig in question snapped in half which made Harry groan in displeasure.
"Why're you groaning?" Alberto asked.
"The twig snapped." Harry pointed out.
"It may have snapped but I felt that the twig was a lot sturdier than normal," Alberto showed the twig's indention on his hand. "Last year we've only covered the activation and now you're imbuing something with your flames," He continued. "I count this as a success in my book."
Alberto smiled.
That was it, Harry has decided that Alberto was the best teacher ever.
"Now to answer your question." Alberto's shift in tone made Harry nervous. "What do you know of the underground Harry?"
Alberto sighed once more, unsure how to break to the boy the news. He knew that the kid was emotionally abused by his nephew but for his training to proceed he needed to know the truth.
"The mafia." Alberto amended his words.
"The mafia?" Harry questioned once more. "What's that?"
Alberto gulped at the boy's innocence that he was about to destroy.
"It's an organization that does crime is the most basic summary I can give you," Alberto sighed. "A crime organization so to speak."
"Like the Death Eaters?" Harry muttered to himself.
"Death Eaters?"
"Sorry, I can't answer that." Harry apologized. "I was just thinking of something similar in that world." He admitted.
"You do know that the Statute does not apply to me right?" Alberto smiled. "But this is good, it means I can trust you not to divulge what I'm about to tell you to anyone, not unless divulging would save your life."
Harry nodded.
Alberto came clean to Harry as soon as he confirmed that Harry wouldn't blab to just about anyone what he was doing.
Alberto told Harry about the flames of the sky and how the Vongola and their allies in the mafia were the sole users of said power.
Harry was also told about the Vindice prison and the instances of how one would be sent there. He was also told about how no one messed with the Vindice and its enforcers.
Lastly, Harry was told about the Omerta. Normally Harry and the Dursleys, barring his uncle, would remain ignorant of the mafia world, but the moment he became a flame active person he was unofficially inducted into the underground, specifically the Famiglia that his uncle was supposedly trying not to get involved with.
"No one really escapes the mafia, Harry," Alberto explained. "One must die in order to escape the underground."
"How come uncle Vernon believes that your great grandfather has actually escaped them?"
"You'll understand when you get older, I'd imagine that there's no escape from your world as well." Alberto offered. "Your aunt certainly hasn't escaped it, despite not involved in it."
That was when it clicked to Harry about the meaning of Alberto's statement.
"You can never unlearn what you knew," Harry stated thoughtfully. "We can pretend but there's really no escaping it."
"That and we protect our own." Alberto nodded. "Did you ever question how we were able to visit you as soon as you showed signs as a flame-active person in the house?"
"The Famiglia has been watching the Dursleys." Harry realized.
"The number of unbelievable things some of the Famiglia members reported when you were brought to them were downright absurd," Alberto chuckled. "But in hindsight, it does make a lot of sense, a cat turning into a woman, it was like an episode of Bewitched."
Alberto noticed the questioning look Harry sent his way.
"A telly series in the Americas." Alberto supplied. "In any case, starting tomorrow a few of my colleagues will help me in training you, something basic like honing your reaction time."
"Why would I need that?"
"Believe it or not kid, people will seek you out because you're flame-active," Alberto explained. "Some of them might not take the talking approach, this way you can defend yourself, or at the very least escape, without resorting to using your other talents."
"Remember Alberto, I'm only doing this because you paid me to." A small person clicked their tongue. "Why do you want this child to be trained in something that should be exclusive to the Vongola and her allies?"
"Apart from the fact that he became flame-active since last year?" Alberto raised an eyebrow. "I thought we were all for preserving the secrets of the mafia and honoring the Omerta Mammon?"
"There are ways to honor the Omerta Alberto, you know that." The small person identified as Mammon scoffed. "Like for instance, take him back to Italy and train him there."
"Statute of Secrecy."
"A member of the magical society then." Mammon clicked their tongue. "I will be asking for more as soon as this child's training is concluded, if you must know, I detested that society."
"Oh? This is new information."
"And you'll be getting nothing else from me."
"Harry, I want you to meet Mammon." Alberto gestured to a small cloaked figure. "They will be helping me to train you."
Harry did a double-take as soon as he saw who was with Alberto when they arrived at the usual training spot. The small figure looked like a baby, a baby that was cloaked and was walking on two legs.
What in Merlin's name was happening?
"A baby?" Harry couldn't help but voice out. "How's a baby going to help me?"
Suddenly a man in black clothes appeared behind Harry and shot the gun he was holding, grazing the Potter's arm.
"Gah!" Harry screamed.
The Potter looked behind him just in time for the gunman to fade away like smoke as he held his arm to stop the bleeding.
"I can see why you needed my help, Alberto." The cloaked baby nonchalantly commented. "He has poor reaction time."
"What is going on?!" Harry yelled. "Someone just shot me and you aren't doing anything."
"Come off it." Mammon scoffed. "You were lucky the bullet merely grazed your arm."
Alberto shook his head at the person's nonchalance, it's what you'd expect from an assassin of their caliber. He approached Harry and bandaged the graze wound on the boy's arm with his handkerchief.
"Full transparency, there was actually no gunman, what you experienced was an illusion," Mammon explained. "The beauty about illusions is that I can kill just about anyone I please without ever lifting a finger."
"No need to regale the kid with your assassination exploits Mammon." Alberto admonished.
"Shut your mouth Alberto, I'm training the kid now," Mammon fired back. "The only reason why you're still breathing is because of the Vindice and no money in the world would satisfy me for the trouble killing you would entail."
"Glad to know your priorities Mammon, even you wouldn't dare invoke the Vindice's rage."
"How come I was still wounded when you've only shown me an illusion?"
"The brain is very weak that way," Mammon explained. "We simply manipulate all your senses and the brain does the rest of the work, like say tearing your skin to simulate that you've actually been grazed by a bullet."
"If one can identify that what they're seeing is an illusion, none of its effects will take root." Alberto continued. "However knowing that one thing is an illusion and believing that it's an illusion are two different things."
"With that explanation out of the way, let us continue the training." Mammon clicked their tongue.
Four men in black suits appeared in front of Harry, each carrying a pistol. They took aim at the boy.
"Why don't we start small first Mammon?" Alberto suggested.
"I suppose children will do for the moment."
The four men morphed into four kids, two boys and two girls, each carrying a handful of pebbles in one of their hands.
"Be prepared to dodge kid."
Harry gulped as he eyed one of the boys taking aim at him. As soon as the boy threw his stone, he immediately ducked.
"Gah!" Harry gasped as he was hit by a plate on the arm.
"You're slowing down boy," Mammon yelled. "You may have dodged rocks, small balls, and sporting balls but you have yet to dodge a plate."
Harry merely panted, unable to form any coherent response from the cloaked baby.
"I say he has improved greatly under your tutelage Mammon." Alberto offered as he gave Harry bottled water. "He came from barely dodging pebbles to dodging sporting balls entirely."
"That's because sporting balls are big and slow." Mammon fired back. "If he can't dodge a plate thrown by an angry housewife, what hope has he have of dodging projectiles faster than a plate, like an arrow or even a bullet? I say it's far from passable. I'd give it a Troll grade."
"Y-you're a wizard?"
"A squib," Mammon scoffed. "Just so you know I truly detest your society, I'm training you because I was paid."
"B-but how…"
"Like I told when we first met, I am merely using illusions, I'm tricking your brain into thinking that anything thrown at you is real."
"There were actually times where you would actually believe that what you're seeing isn't real, but those were rare instances." Alberto pointed out.
Before Harry could even form a reply, he was suddenly clutching his head trying to alleviate the sudden headache he was having.
"I guess we'll call this a day." Mammon sighed. "Illusionary poisoning has taken hold." The cloaked baby clicked their tongue. "I must admit that each day your limit to being subjected to illusions is increasing by the day, I guess in that regard you are improving."
Harry's training with that weird person, who definitely looked like a baby, started in the middle of July just after Alberto had reviewed him on the basics of activating his flames whenever he needed it. He had originally wanted to test his lightning flames on his wand, remembering how easily Ron's wand was broken at the start of his second year.
He was, however, cautioned against doing so because no one knew what could be the repercussions of attempting such a feat.
When Harry's training with Mammon began, he had suspected that his very small teacher was actually a wizard or witch but disguised it as illusions so as not to trip the Statute of Secrecy, it was kind of a shock to him knowing that he was technically on the mark but instead of being magical, Mammon turned out to be a squib.
Harry could admit to himself that he doesn't understand how Mammon's abilities worked, especially after the reveal that they were a squib. It didn't make sense to him, he had witnessed Mammon perform feats of conjuration and transfigurations, conjuring fully grown men and transfiguring them into children.
Days before the Quidditch World Cup, Mammon ended their training with him, at least for the year, stating that they were being sent on a mission by their boss.
He can still remember the words of caution the baby told him.
"Be careful when you use that power Potter. Vindice doesn't care whether you used it in self-defense or not, for them, it counts as divulging the mafia's secrets to unrelated people. You'd end up in a prison far worse than Azkaban."
What could be worse than Azkaban?!
Harry wouldn't admit it to anyone, especially to Mammon considering how much of an ego the baby has, but his training with the cloaked baby was definitely helpful during the Triwizard Tournament especially with his third encounter with his parents' killer.
"Kill the spare."
Harry ignored the searing headache he had and faced his fellow Triwizard Champion.
"Locomotor Wibbly!"
"Avada Kedavra!"
Harry's Jelly-legs curse hit Cedric's shocked form causing the older boy to collapse on the ground and make the light of the killing curse sail above the Diggory's head.
"Stupefy! Stupefy! Stupefy! Stupefy! Stupefy! Incendio! Confringo! "
Harry decided to cast multiple stunners, a jet of fire, and a blasting curse right at the traitorous Marauder, distracting the death eater enough for him to grab his fellow champion out of harm's way.
Despite Harry's small nature, he was able to carry the much older and bigger boy than him over to the other side of the graveyard.
Harry grabbed a few pebbles that were scattered on the ground and positioned it surrounding Cedric then cast an engorging spell on them.
"H-harry, what's going on?" Cedric managed to ask.
"You were about to be killed so I cast the jelly-legs curse on you," Harry admitted. "I want you to cast the counter-curse once I leave you, you need to get back to the cup."
"And leave you here?! No way!" Cedric protested.
"This is not up for debate," Harry growled. "Wormtail wants me, you heard what that voice said, you were the spare they'll immediately kill you."
"Harry, I'm of age, it is my responsibility to protect you." Cedric tried to reason.
"No." Harry shook his head. "We're not at Hogwarts anymore Cedric, your authority as a prefect won't work here."
"Not like you followed the prefects in the past." Cedric muttered to himself.
"Cedric, you're a good bloke and I don't want you to die here." Harry tried to reason out. "You've got so much in store for you."
"How will you get back then?"
"I'll think of something."
"Where is Potter, Wormtail?!" The same hoarse voice from earlier demanded. "This is one failure too many." The cloaked bundle expressed its displeasure.
"The cup is still here milord." Peter expressed. "Potter is still here."
"Yet you failed to kill the spare."
"Potter was quick milord." The Pettigrew reasoned. "It seemed like he was prepared for this to happen."
"Silence! I want you to find Potter right this instant Wormtail or else Nagini'll be feasting on your flesh."
"Yes sir!"
"You heard them." Harry pointed out.
"But what about you?"
"I'll figure it out myself."
As Harry conversed with Cedric, he was imbuing the stones he had enlarged with his lightning flames, ensuring that none of them would be destroyed by at least three killing curses, or so he hoped. He wasn't taking any chances and he wasn't going to let Cedric die here.
Harry fired a disarming spell at the traitorous rat, which had been blocked, and ran far away from where he had deposited his fellow Triwizard champion.
"Stupefy, Expelliarmus."
Harry continued firing off spells at the traitorous rat and continued to run away from where he had last seen Cedric.
Harry's luck ran out as he tripped on a tree's root.
"Hurry Wormtail." The same voice groaned out.
"Yes milord!"
Peter tied Harry on an angelic statue as fire lit up under the cauldron and its contents began boiling. The rat animagus then started chanting the potions' instructions as he followed it to the letter from pilfering Voldemort's paternal bone to dismembering himself to procuring some of Harry's blood.
Harry was not about to give up, his utter defiance caused him to unconsciously wrap lightning flames all around his body and hardened his skin to the point where a simple slice of the knife Pettigrew was using wouldn't be able to penetrate the Potter's skin, let alone get some of his blood.
It didn't mean it wasn't painless for Harry, but he persevered nonetheless, despite his screaming.
Frustration clawed into Pettigrew's very being as he forcefully attempted to embed the knife into Harry's arm but to no avail.
The sudden impenetrable nature of Harry's skin only served to infuriate the rat animagus even more that he gave in to his frustrations and forcefully stabbed the knife into the Potter's arm, but that only resulted in the knife he had to snap in half.
Growling in frustration, Pettigrew frisked himself for something sharp to continue his tasks when he noticed the tear on Harry's pants that showed off the gash that the Potter got when the boy tripped earlier.
Smiling to himself, Pettigrew used the snapped knife to scoop up some of Harry's blood that came from the boy's gashed knee.
"Blood of the enemy, forcibly taken, you will resurrect your foe." Pettigrew chanted as he added a few drops of Harry's blood into the cauldron.
Not a moment soon, everyone in the graveyard witnessed the return of one Lord Voldemort.
The Dark Lord wasted no time in summoning his Death Eaters and tormented Harry some more. The confrontation evolved into one one-sided duel between the two of them, which ended with a dome of light and few gray people – ghosts? – helping Harry with his duel.
"Flippendo! Depulso!"
As soon as Harry broke the connection between the wands, Cedric chose this time to reveal himself and cast a few knockback and banishing charms at the Death Eaters present in an effort to aid Harry to escape the one-sided duel the Dark Lord forced the Potter in.
"After him!" Voldemort growled.
The Death Eaters were quick to oblige and chased after the Potter while others turned their attention towards Cedric and wordlessly cast a few spells at the Diggory.
"Focus on running towards me Harry! I've got your back!" Cedric ordered.
Harry responded by running towards his companion.
Cedric, satisfied with Harry's response, turned his attention to the Death Eaters. He cast a few spells wordlessly and caused a few of them to get blown away.
"Aqua Eructo! Glacius"
Cedric cast a water eruption charm on the ground behind Harry and created a spout of water. He then promptly froze it causing it to fall over the Death Eaters chasing after the Potter, creating a physical barrier between his fellow Triwizard champion and the Death Eaters.
"Bombarda Maxima!"
Cedric used the exploding charm to further deter the Death Eaters who managed to get past the icy barrier that he had set up, blowing them away to the house that Wormtail came from.
"Reducto! Flipendo! Depulso! Experlliarmus! "
Cedric noticed that the Dark Lord had joined with the chase, fearing for both his and Harry's safety, he cast a number of jinxes, curses, and charms at the resurrected Dark Wizard from the reductor curse to the knockback jinx to the banishing and disarming charms.
The Dark Lord expertly blocked the spells all the spells coming at him and cast a few of his own.
Cedric managed to evade a few of the spells that Voldemort has used and some had managed to hit him, tearing off a few pieces of his clothes.
Some Death Eaters joined their master in firing spells at Cedric, who made the decision of hiding himself behind the pebbles that Harry had enlarged earlier.
To the surprise of every Death Eater, the stones held strong and wasn't blown to dust despite the many spells that hit it, even from the ones that the Dark Lord has cast.
"Lacarnum Inflamari!"
Cedric, at this point, was desperate, Harry was still a few paces away from him from all the zigzagging the Potter was doing just to evade some of the obstacles and the spells coming his way, he stood up from behind the enlarged pebble, and conjured a fireball at the tip of his wand and threw at the Dark Lord.
In what could be called an incident of pure luck, the cloak that Voldemort was wearing caught fire and managed to distract the Dark Lord from his pursuit of Potter.
Harry cast the disarming spell that went right by Cedric's face, who was rightfully distracted from attempting to block the Dark Lord from approaching both Triwizard champions.
The Diggory looked behind him and found a Death Eater, one disarmed Lucius Malfoy.
The Malfoy was thrown towards a tree far away from both Triwizard champions with the banishing charm that Cedric cast on the Death Eater.
As soon as Harry bumped himself unto the Diggory he immediately pointed his wand at the idle Triwizard Cup and summoned it to his person and both champions were transported back to Hogwarts, tired, afraid, and vigilant but alive.
Harry found himself waking up in the school's hospital wing a week after the third task of the tournament.
The last thing Harry remembered was Cedric escorting him to the hospital wing after the Professor Moody-impostor tried to get him after returning from the graveyard.
From what Harry had heard, it was all thanks to Cedric's quick thinking that the impostor wasn't able to do anything to him other than gloat at him for seemingly fooling everyone else, especially the school's headmaster.
Harry looked around, he saw Cedric was asleep, wrapped with bandages, on the bed to his right while Ron and Hermione sat beside each other, with the Granger sleeping on the Weasley's shoulder.
When Harry saw an issue of the Daily Prophet by Cedric's bedside, he carefully retrieved it, making sure he wasn't making any sounds and not disturb his sleeping companions. He read the front-page headlines and sure enough, his words of warnings were used against him.
What else was new?
"You really shouldn't read that paper when you just woke up." Hermione advised.
"I got curious." Harry offered.
"Curiosity killed the cat." Hermione raised an eyebrow. "I'm sure you knew that."
"Wha-? Who killed Crookshanks?"
"Oh Wake up Ronald." Hermione rolled her eyes.
"Hey Harry." Ron waived at his best friend. "You gave us quite the scare, you and Diggory did."
Harry was extremely glad that his friends never changed, they still continued to act like nothing happened, arguing like they always did like his name wasn't destroyed by the local newspaper, he didn't experience intense torture under Voldemort and his followers.
"Are you really certain you saw him Harry?" Ron couldn't help but question everything Harry revealed earlier..
"Ronald!" Hermione admonished.
"So you don't believe me, Ron?" Harry questioned bitterly.
"I believe you, I truly do!" Ron tried to assure his best friend. "It's him, you know, it's you-know-who, a part of me wants to deny it all," He admitted. "The Dark Lord who everyone fears to even speak his name."
"He has returned alright," Cedric inserted himself into the conversation. "I was there, I saw it all."
"Which reminds me, why didn't you grab the cup when I gave you the chance?" Harry turned his attention to his fellow champion. "You could've died in there Cedric."
"Was I supposed to leave you there to die yourself Potter?" Cedric responded. "I am already of age and it's my responsibility to protect the students younger than me."
"Bloody Hufflepuffs." Harry swore.
"You knew they wanted me for something." Harry pointed out. "You on the other hand were just a spare in their eyes, Wormtail cast the bloody killing curse as soon as they saw you."
"You know what would've happened next Potter." Cedric rebutted. "You-know-who would've killed you as soon as he was done toying with you, without the portkey back here, you would've died."
"Out!" Madam Pomfrey interrupted. "My patients need to rest!"
Hermione and Ron reluctantly acquiesced to the hospital wing's matron's orders. They waved goodbye to both Harry and Cedric.
"Look Cedric, you're a good bloke." Harry sat on his bed, his back on the bed's railing. "I owe you my life but you really didn't have to risk your life for me."
"Are you really that desperate to die Harry?" Cedric questioned. "I just don't understand why you're so quick to sacrifice yourself to save everyone else," He added. "I remember the fat friar telling some of the Hufflepuff prefects about what happened at the Chamber of Secrets. You were bit by the basilisk and was saved by the headmaster's phoenix."
"The ghosts are knowledgeable about whatever happens inside the castle," Cedric explained. "The bloody baron probably told the fat friar what happened."
Harry swallowed whatever was in his throat as he tried to organize his thoughts and answer Diggory's question.
"It's not that I want to die, I just want to save Ginny from the Basilisk at the time, I didn't think of the consequences." He admitted. "As for what happened at the graveyard, I was responsible for bringing you there, I suggested that we take the cup at the same time, therefore had you died there, it'd be on me."
"In the end, it was my decision." Cedric sighed at the Gryffindor. "I chose to grab the cup with you, so no my death wouldn't be on your hands."
"But you sure are one powerful wizard Harry." Cedric grinned at the young boy, completely derailing their topic. "A simple finite wasn't enough to undo the jelly-legs curse you cast on me, quick thinking by the way."
Harry simply blushed at the compliment, thankful for the change in topic.
The end of the year was a huge feast.
Cedric was declared the winner of the Triwizard Tournament with Harry in second place. The headmaster used their performance in the previous tasks to break the tie that the Potter and Diggory held in the tournament, Headmaster Dumbledore and Headmistress Maxime both deemed the Diggory's performance outweighs that of Potter's.
With Diggory's win in the tournament, he also secured the house cup victory for his house as well. It was the first time in forever that Hufflepuff had actually won the house cup. In celebration, Madam Pomfrey added more food on the table for every house to celebrate their win.
It did help that the house-elves knew beforehand to cook more food than the usual.
While the Triwizard tournament winner had a prize of galleons, the other participants didn't come empty-handed. Harry, Fleur, and Viktor all received money bags for their participation in the tournament, to which the Potter promptly gave his winnings to the Weasley twins.
"Of course, you have latent sky flame," Mammon growled. "That would explain why I was drawn to you on a certain level despite already having a sky of my own."
"Alberto, have you really explained to the child the different flames of the sky?"
"I simply gave him the basic idea of the other flames and went extensively on his lightning flames," Alberto admitted. "I didn't think he'd have sky flames at all, they're a rarity."
"Sky flames are rare." Mammon began as they landed in front of the Potter.
"If your Lightning flames are good for defense as it can harden anything you imbue with it, Sky flames on the other hand are the flames that accept just about anyone." Alberto supplied.
"You're muddying the concept Alberto." Mammon pointed out. "I will be asking for another fee later for explaining to Potter about the Sky flames."
"Greedy little bastard." Alberto muttered to himself.
"Money makes the world turn Alberto, surely you know that."
Mammon turned their attention back to Harry and continued explaining about the Sky flames and began explaining the characteristics of Sky flames with Alberto chiming in once in a while.
Both Mafiosi moved on to explain how the Sky's harmonizing factor affects just about everyone around Harry.
"It's a bit hard to explain, especially as someone who doesn't possess Sky flames," Alberto admitted. "But that's the gist of it."
"Enough talk." Mammon declared. "Let us continue the training."
Five teens appeared in front of Harry, all equipped with BB guns and open fired.
It came as a surprise to Harry when Mammon appeared in the Ministry of Magic to represent him.
He wasn't aware that one of his mentors was present when he was attacked by dementors while on a rare break from training with his flames.
Speaking of training, it was prematurely stopped as neither Alberto nor Mammon had any way of entering the Grimmauld place where he currently resided alongside the Order of the Phoenix, the Weasleys, and even the Diggorys.
"Wizards and witches really have low attention spans." Mammon scoffed as they floated beside Harry, passing by an equally bewildered Dumbledore. "I've been here the whole time and none of you ever noticed."
Harry almost wanted to roll his eyes at Mammon's display. He knew for a fact that the cloaked baby was using their Mist flames to hide themselves from everyone, but he also knew how Mammon despised the Magical society hence the rather condescending attitude towards the wizards and witches present.
"Who are you?!" A woman wearing pink under her Wizengamot robes demanded. "How dare you enter Ministry premises without permission?!"
Mammon ignored the woman in pink. "I am here to represent Harry Potter against the case filed against him."
The woman in pink clothes cleared her throat, garnering everyone's attention.
"I'm sorry but you seem to be under the impression that we will allow such a thing from happening? Not only has Potter arrived late, but you also have the gall to interrupt the proceedings."
"I see how it is," Mammon hummed. "Since Potter is receiving a full court trial, with the entirety of the Wizengamot present, I suggest that we call the attention of the ICW to hear the proceedings."
Minister Fudge paled considerably at the suggestion.
"It is the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy that Mr. Potter has allegedly violated after all."
"Surely the honorable council members of the International Confederation of Wizards need not concern themselves in Britain's proceedings." Minister Fudge offered.
"You seem to be under the impression that I'm a British Magician," Mammon stated. "I am from Italia, since I have been involved, calling for the attention of the ICW seems prudent, isn't that so Mr. Dumbledore?"
"Yes," Dumbledore nodded. "As the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy was violated and a citizen of another magical nation was involved, it is the Standard Operating Procedure to call forth the attention of the ICW, not unless the witch or wizard involved agrees not to call them."
"Surely we can compromise Mr…" Minister Fudge trailed off.
"Call me Mammon without the gender-specific honorifics." Mammon replied.
"Surely you agree, Mammon, that the honorable council members of the ICW need not be bothered for something as minor as this?"
"I disagree," Mammon bluntly replied. "Mr. Potter faces the entire British Wizengamot for violating the Statute, he is, therefore, tried as if he was an of-age wizard. However, I can be convinced otherwise, if you let me represent Potter for this case."
From Minister Fudge's pale complexion, Harry was sure that the Minister didn't see this coming. He was sure that with him sent to Azkaban for violating the statute, no one would ever believe him and in turn, no one would believe that you-know-who has returned.
From what Harry had heard from Hermione and the Weasleys, he was sure that sending him to Azkaban was the Minister's aim.
"Yes, you may represent Mr. Potter." One witch identified as Amelia Bones spoke.
Minister Fudge and the pink toad, whatever her name was, sent a glare in Amelia's way.
With everything settled, Harry was read of all his charges, and in every turn, he was denied to explain his reasons for doing so.
"Objection." Mammon floated towards the Minister's face.
"O-objection?!" Minister Fudge sputtered. "We are in the middle of interrogating the accused."
"Without giving him ample time to give his reasons." Mammon scoffed. "Normal court proceedings should start with the Yes-No questions then ask for the accused's reasons." The cloaked baby descended towards Harry. "From what I have observed, you fail to ask the boy for his reasons, even Muggle courts have followed such courtesy to the accused."
Somehow Harry doubted that. He knew of Mammon's actual occupation, they have little to no contact to normal court proceedings let alone doing things legally. With the Wizarding Britain so removed from muggle society, they won't know that his mentor was bluffing. He even doubted that the witches and wizards of Britain were subjects of the Queen no matter how removed from muggle society they were.
"How dare you interrupt court proceedings?" The pink toad exclaimed. "We may have allowed you to represent Mr. Potter but you are still an outsider."
"Mr. Potter, explain your reasons on why you decided to perform the Patronus charm, in front of your cousin, who is already aware of the magical society."
"I did it because of the Dementors!" Harry exclaimed, as loud as he could.
Harry's reason was met with silence, the people that comprised the Wizengamot were in turmoil as to the recent turn of events.
Dementors in Little Whinging?
"You think that Mr. Potter is lying, don't you Minister?" Mammon garnered everyone's attention. "You think that all of this was a well-rehearsed story in an attempt to justify the boy's use of magic in front of his muggle cousin."
"What else could it be?" Minister Fudge smirked.
"Madam Bones, are we allowed for the extraction of the accused's memories?" Mammon faced the witch in question.
"Under normal circumstances no." Madam Bones answered. "The use of Veritaserum is the normal procedure to determine whether the accused is guilty or innocent and the use of the Veritaserum on children is illegal."
"As Mr. Potter is tried as an adult, shouldn't he be given the privilege of testifying to the court under the Veritaserum's effects?"
"No matter the circumstances, using one on Mr. Potter is illegal." Madam Bones insisted.
"As this is a special case, would it be amenable for the entire Wizengamot to extract Mr. Potter's memories to prove whether he's lying or not?"
Harry wanted to smile that at the fact that Mammon was defending him despite the person's utter hatred towards the magical society, but a cynical part of him reasoned that the baby was probably paid to defend him.
"Get the Pensieve." Madam Bones announced.
"No need for the Pensieve Madam Bones, I know of a spell to let everyone see the memory at the same time." Mammon declared before facing the boy. "Mr. Potter, I warn you that my method of memory extraction is painful, it is to ensure that any and all modifications to your memory wouldn't appear in the memory I extracted."
Harry only had time to narrow his eyes in confusion before he was suddenly screaming in pain as he felt that something was constricting his right arm and bit him, he looked at the arm in question, and sure enough, a yellow snake was coiled on his arm with their fangs embedded to his skin.
The next thing Harry knew was that Mammon was holding a wand and the small indigo orb that was attached at the tip of the wand began to expand and covered the entire Wizengamot in an indigo-colored haze.
As soon as the haze cleared, everyone saw the moment where Harry and his cousin were chased by Dementors, even to the fact that his cousin was kissed by the said creature before it was chased away by Harry's Patronus.
It did not escape everyone's attention that Harry cast the Patronus charm away from muggle eyes, under a street tunnel, where no muggle or cars ever passed through.
"I believe that that memory alone proves Potter's innocence." Mammon voiced out as the scene cleared and revealed the Wizengamot chamber.
Harry was flabbergasted at the display of magical prowess, he had been so confused about what was happening, not until Mammon told him after the trial that his mentors were present during the Dementor's attack.
The woman in pink cleared her throat, garnering everyone's attention.
"I'm sorry Mr. Mammon, but you seem to be insinuating that the Ministry would attack a boy such as Potter."
"I believe I did not insinuate that Madam Umbridge," Mammon responded. "Neither Mr. Potter nor I have accused the Ministry of doing such thing, did we Madam Bones."
"I believe not Mammon." Madam Bones shook her head.
"Wherever did you get that idea Madam Umbridge?"
"Only the Ministry has ever implemented the use of Dementors as Azkaban's wardens," Madam Umbridge reasoned. "By saying that a Dementor has attacked Potter and that alone presents an accusation that the Ministry would attack the boy."
"Is that so Madam Umbridge?" Mammon clicked their tongue. "I seem to recall an incident where a wanted criminal has escaped your famed prison and when the Dementor found this particular criminal, these wardens of yours was close to performing a demented kiss on both the criminal and Potter."
"I also recall an incident that Potter was almost kissed at the start of his third year in Hogwarts on the Hogwarts express," Dumbledore offered. "Among a few other students, thankfully the DADA teacher at the time was with the students on his way to the school and was able to ward off the Dementors by performing the Patronus charm."
Harry nodded in agreement, he didn't know when, where and from whom did Mammon get his information but considering where the cloaked baby's loyalties lie, he knew not to question it.
"There is also the incident last year wherein the clearly alive Bartemius Crouch Jr. was unceremoniously kissed by a Dementor as soon the Minister responded to his summons at Hogwarts." Professor Dumbledore added.
"Doesn't that prove that these wardens of yours could go rogue at any time?" Mammon offered.
Madam Umbridge's face was red both in humiliation and rage.
With Mammon's intervention, Harry was acquitted of all charges and the Ministry was even forced to compensate Harry for being tried under the entire Wizengamot, much to the Minister's disdain.
As soon as the trial was done, Mammon informed Harry that his training for the year has ended citing the Vindice as the reason. He was also tasked with giving Alberto a message of paying the baby as soon as he made contact with his other mentor for defending him from the Wizengamot earlier.
Soon enough his fifth year at Hogwarts started and he was displeased to know that a certain Dolores Umbridge would be teaching, in the loosest sense, his favorite subject, Defense Against the Dark Arts.
Harry instantly knew that Umbridge, as soon as she handed him detention for speaking about the Dark Lord's return, was singling him out due to the actions of his mentor early in the year, and the fact that she was drunk on power that she justifies everything she does was legal as she was in the school on the behest of the Minister of Magic.
In a stroke of rebellion, as soon as Umbridge announced that casting of magic in a magic school in this particular subject was prohibited, he formed the Defense Association alongside his best friends Ron and Hermione.
One of the very first to join them was his fellow Triwizard Champion, Cedric Diggory, who was also facing attacks against his character for corroborating Harry's story of the Dark Lord's return.
Harry was forever thankful for the Hufflepuff because he never felt like he was left to flounder in the air.
As a result, Harry had some seventh year, especially seventh-year Hufflepuffs, to help him teach the younger students, and himself, the spells that should have been covered during the year but with the ministry's influence, they were never going to learn them ever.
"Apart from the disarming charm, another spell that would help us tremendously is the disillusionment charm." Cedric stood beside Harry. "I'm sure Professor Flitwick will teach the fifth years this spell as the year progresses but it's never wrong to prepare." He supplied.
As Cedric showed everyone the basic wand movement of the disillusionment charm, Harry made sure to follow through with the older boy's instructions.
"There are two wand movements for this spell, one for targeting others and the other is targeting oneself." Cedric continued his spiel. "What we were just practicing just now was the wand movement for targeting other objects and people."
Everyone from Dumbledore's army mirrored Cedric's actions trying to accustom themselves to the wand movement for the spell.
"Alright, let's learn the incantation for this spell." Cedric clapped and garnered everyone's attention. "It's occulta talpa."
"Occulta Talpa." The people inside the room repeated.
"Good, try saying the incantation a few more times, without your wands."
"Occulta Talpa."
As Harry continued to practice the incantation, with his wand safely kept inside one of his pockets, he couldn't help but notice one Dennis Creevey, unconsciously waving around his wand, practicing the incantation.
Harry was about to approach the younger Creevey when he saw Hermione approach Dennis, likely to reprimand the boy about his wand.
"Dennis, it's not Ta-pa but Talpa."
Harry would admit that he had a hard time hearing what Hermione was saying considering almost everyone was practicing the incantation at the same time and the noise everyone made muffled any and all sounds made in the room, but knowing his best friend, he knew that the Granger was correcting the boy's incantation.
"Occulta Tunica?" Dennis asked, unsure if he had heard the older girl right.
Suddenly, as soon as Dennis finished asking his question while unconsciously drawing a circle with his wand, a blue orb shot out from his wand and hit Cedric, who was busy tending to his older brother, making Cedric's shirt vanish, exposing his torso.
"Okay, that happened." Cedric chuckled.
Everyone fell silent, attempting to process what just happened.
As the students tried to process the recent turn of events, some of them tried to hide their blush from suddenly seeing Cedric's bare torso.
"I guess I should have insisted for everyone to keep their wands, sorry about that."
"Hey, Pretty Boy Diggory!" Fred called out.
"Do you feel cold?" George questioned.
"Come to think of it, no." Cedric shook his head. "I think I can still feel my robes on me, it's just that they've turned invisible." He assessed.
"Neat don't you reckon Forge?"
"I'd say so Gred."
"It's not every day,"
"That a second year invents a spell."
The Weasley twins chuckled as Dennis himself blushed as he was finally able to process what happened.
"Don't you dare use that spell as a prank!" Hermione warned the twins.
The Weasley twins merely raised their hands in mock surrender.
The younger Creevey on the other hand immediately approached Cedric and apologized profusely to the older Hufflepuff.
"I'm so sorry."
"It's alright Dennis." Cedric ruffled the young boy's hair. "Everyone makes mistakes from time to time. I'm just happy it was not as drastic as having a buffalo's horn on my chest, or yours for that matter."
"I thought Professor Flitwick told us that to caution us into saying our spells properly." Hermione gasped. "A fictional story of caution."
"Yes, that was to caution us into saying our spells properly." Cedric nodded. "Why does that mean that it wasn't true?"
"I guess we'd call it a night, don't we mate?" Ron suggested. "We don't want Perfect Boy Diggory to be caught outside the dorms without clothes, don't we?"
"Right you are ickle Ronniekins." George grinned
"Didn't know you had a working brain in that head of yours." Fred followed up.
"Why don't you give Perfect Boy Diggory-"
"-Your robes ickle Ronniekins."
"We promise to get you to the Gryffindor Dorms."
"In one piece."
The Weasley twins grinned at each other as Ron paled at the implications.
Harry knew that Ron's siblings were up to something when they suggested for Cedric to wear his best friend's clothes. He already knew that the twins were already in the process of mass-producing and inventing new products for their soon-to-open joke shop.
Harry was sure that the twins were looking forward to testing some of them on their sibling.
"No need." Cedric smiled at everyone. "This is a perfect situation to demonstrate the disillusionment charm's uses.
"Occulta Talpa"
Cedric drew a circle above himself with his wand before ending it with the wand's tip pointing at his person.
The desired effect of the spell happened, Cedric Diggory faded from their very eyes, invisible to everyone.
As soon as Cedric uttered another incantation, he was immediately visible to everyone in the room with his torso completely covered by his shirt.
"As you can see, you're very much undetectable when you're under the effects of disillusionment charm." Cedric lectured. "Placing the charm on cloaks and you get an invisibility cloak."
"In time, the charm loses the effects." Ron voiced out.
"Weasley's right, the disillusionment charm has a certain time limit, if you want to continue its effects, you need to cast the charm constantly."
The lectures continued as Cedric's shirt was now visible to everyone while Hermione was making sure that Dennis, and the others, kept their wands inside their robes. A few moments later the students practiced the charm on the cloaks that the room they were in provided, and eventually on each other and themselves.
"I think it's imperative that we all cast the disillusionment charm when we come here." Ron voiced out. "That way, Umbridge and her cronies wouldn't be able to catch us."
"That's brilliant Ronald!" Hermione praised. "You are brilliant!"
Over the course of the month, the Defense Association has continued learning different spells, charms, curses, and counter curses during their time in the Room of Requirement.
Things they should be learning in their Defense Against the Dark Arts class.
As with any other group rebelling against a person of power, their luck ran out. Someone ratted out the group which brought this situation.
As with Ron's suggestion, as soon as everyone had at least a small grasp about the disillusionment charms, everyone went to the Room of Requirement under the effects of the said charm.
For the students who have yet to successfully cast the spell, they went with the people who knew how to cast them, fortunately, every year level from each house had at least nine students who were quite adept with the spell, as such they were able to continue Defense of the Dark Arts lessons undiscovered.
When Dobby the house-elf appeared in front of Harry, with a fearful look on his face.
"Umbridge?" Harry questioned the house-elf he had been acquainted with. "Is she coming?"
Although from what Harry could see from the house-elf's facial expression, he already knew the answer.
"Yes! Harry Potter yes!" Dobby exclaimed as he beat his bare feet on the floor.
Harry immediately faced his schoolmates, who were motionless and terrified at the revelation.
"What are you waiting for?!" Harry bellowed out. "Run!"
"No!" Cedric was quick to compose himself. "No one panic!"
"D-Diggory! Umbridge is coming!" Ron argued.
"Panicking could escalate the situation to uncontrollable levels." Cedric reasoned. "We would all be caught as we run for safety."
"What do you propose we do?" Hermione challenged.
"First off, Dobby, stop punishing yourself and go back to the kitchens with the other elves," Harry ordered, "If someone asks if you warned me, lie and say no and I forbid you to hurt yourself."
The house-elf complied and disapparated from the room.
"Everyone, use the disillusionment charms," Cedric stated his own instructions. "You all need to find a corner before using the charm on yourselves." He continued as he gestured towards the four corners of the room. "As for Harry and I…" He trailed off.
"What will you do?" Cho asked, worried for her ex-boyfriend.
"I want you to follow my lead, Harry."
"Well?" Harry, Cedric, and everyone else heard Umbridge's shrill voice from outside the room. "Where were you supposed to meet?"
Harry and Cedric stared at the wall where the voices came from with narrowed eyes.
"I-in there." A stuttering voice answered.
Harry closed his eyes and placed his hand at the wall, from where he was hearing the voices of both Umbridge and the traitor student, and concentrated. He utilized his lightning flames on the wall and hardened them.
Umbridge can be heard casting a blasting spell on something, which shook the castle.
"That should buy us a few minutes at best." Harry shared. "I think everyone should leave the room."
"Okay," Cedric nodded. "Everyone, don't dispel the disillusionment charms, only dispel them once all of you are at the stairway." He instructed.
"What about you two?"
"As much as it pains me to say this, Harry and I need to stay so that the traitor won't be sent to Azkaban for relaying false information, you know how despicable our current minister is."
"What?!" Hermione and Ron growled. "Why would you want to save the traitor?!" Ron sneered. "You're supposed to be angry at them!"
"Oh I am," Cedric growled with his eyes narrowed. "If there's one thing I hate the most and those are traitors."
"Then why?"
"Bombarda Maxima."
Everyone was silent, staring at the wall as if it were to break any time.
"To answer your question, the three of you know how the prisoners of Azkaban are treated," Cedric reasoned. "Would you really, knowingly, sentence one of your fellow students to Azkaban despite their actions today?"
"The three of you know what he was like when he met you."
"H-how." Harry stared at Cedric.
"Padfoot and I talked," Cedric admitted. "There were times that the both of us were alone in a room."
"I…" Hermione trailed off. "I suppose you're right." She sighed. "I hope the charm I cast on the list would be enough punishment for them." She muttered.
"Bombarda Maxima."
Another blast shook the room as the wall that Harry had placed his hand on earlier began to show signs of cracks, it wouldn't hold out much longer.
"All of you should really head back." Harry urged.
"Be careful all of you."
A piece of rope appeared at the tip of Cedric's wand and bound Harry's torso.
"Follow my lead and struggle a little." Cedric whispered.
As soon as the Diggory was able to relay his instruction, he exhaled loudly and put on a show.
"Potter what were you thinking! Why would you still insist of visiting this place?!"
"Bombarda Maxima."
An explosion shattered the wall that Harry had hardened earlier and some chunks of the wall were flung in every direction.
"Well, well, well what do we have here?" Umbridge's sweet voice exclaimed.
"Potter, Diggory I expect that you both know what we're here?"
"Yes," Cedric replied. "I followed Potter here knowing what he came for here."
"I just wanted to see them." Harry exclaimed.
"Who might you want to see Mr. Potter?" Umbridge questioned with the same shrill in her voice.
"I wanted to see my parents." Harry replied glared at both Ministry workers.
"Wha- Boy your parents are dead!" Minister Fudge face went red at the exclamation. "I see where this is going, since people were smart enough not to believe about you-know-who returning, you resorted to lying about your parents."
"Actually he's not lying Minister," Cedric interjected. "There's a magical object in the school that allows for such a feat to happen."
"Galloping gargoyles! A dark artifact in the school!" Minister Fudge exclaimed. "And you said Potter's been using said artifact daily?"
"What's it to you?!" Potter growled.
Uncomfortable at the boy's answer and glare, Fudge opted to move the discussion to the headmaster's office.
As soon as they arrived, Umbridge and Fudge questioned both Harry and Cedric on what they were in the office for.
"I believe I answered the question earlier Professor Umbridge." Cedric offered with a smile. "I was there to stop Potter from using a magical object to see his parents."
"Ah the Mirror of Erised, an artifact of this school since before I attended Hogwarts." Dumbledore hummed. "I believe I had warned Mr. Potter from using the artifact during his first year, many witches and wizards had gone crazy over the artifact." He nodded.
"So it is a dark artifact." Minister Fudge exclaimed.
"Hardly Minister." Dumbledore shook his head. "The mirror of Erised simply shows the user what they desire the most, for example, what I see in the mirror are a pair of wooly warm socks."
"I've seen the mirror myself and what appeared was the Hufflepuffs getting the respect we deserve." Cedric offered.
"Diggory my boy, you embody the loyalty and acceptance that Helga Hufflepuff expects on the members of her house." Dumbledore praised.
Umbridge cleared her throat in that annoying fashion and immediately garnered everyone's attention.
"Regardless of the Dark Artifact, We are here to question Potter whether he was in direct violation of existing Ministry Decrees, do you know Mr. Potter?" Professor Umbridge smiled at him.
Harry's eyes went to Dumbledore before he answered.
"I beg your pardon?" Minister Fudge sputtered.
"No." Harry firmly stated.
"You do not know why you are here?"
"Apart from the mirror, No I don't."
Minister Fudge glanced at Potter, Diggory, and Umbridge a few times. He questioned the Potter a few more times before visibly sagging.
"If I may Minister," Umbridge silkily voiced out. "We might get better results if our informant is here."
"Yes, yes!" Minister Fudge straightened his body. "Please do, there's nothing like a good witness is there, Dumbledore?"
"Nothing at all Cornelius." Dumbledore nodded as Umbridge beckoned for a person hidden in robes to step forward.
"Don't mind the marks dear." Umbridge urged the robed person.
The robed person nodded and removed the hood from her head before gasping in shock and immediately reapplied the hood on her person, but not before everyone saw the marks on her face that spelled 'Sneak', and identified as Cho's friend: Marietta Edgecombe.
Despite the Minister's and Umbridge's urgings, Marietta remained tight-lipped which forced Umbridge to relay what the Edgecombe girl told her.
"I admit to attending such gathering Professor Umbridge." Cedric voiced out, earning a wide-eyed glance from Harry. "However, I believe there were no ministry decrees that prohibited such meeting in the first place, at least at that time."
"You are right, Diggory, my boy," Dumbledore's eyes twinkled. "You can't very well consider Mr. Potter's actions as illegal."
"However the decree has existed for weeks wouldn't you agree that continuing the meeting would be considered illegal, Dumbledore." Umbridge sweetly challenged.
"Do you have evidence that such meetings continued even after the decree was established?" Dumbledore politely questioned. "Even Mr. Diggory's testimony belie you're your assumptions, Dolores."
"Evidence? Why do you think Ms. Edgecombe is here Dumbledore?"
"Can she tell us weeks' worth of meetings then?" Dumbledore raised his eyebrows. "I was under the impression that she was merely reporting a meeting tonight."
Umbridge began to coax an answer out of Edgecombe but the girl denied everything, apart from the first meeting.
In frustration to the recent turn of events, Umbridge began to manhandle Edgecombe but Dumbledore's glint and the present aurors' level-headedness stopped the recent DADA Professor from hurting the girl more.
Umbridge proved to be more thorough as she retrieved a piece of evidence from her person, a list of students who were present at the meeting at Hog's Head. Imagine the horror and surprise of the minister as soon as it was revealed that the list of names was titled 'Dumbledore's Army.
Due to that revelation, Hogwarts's Headmaster was forced out of the school and escape capture on the grounds of rebellion.
While in the middle of Umbridge's detention, just before Umbridge was able to complete the incantation for the Cruciatus curse on Harry after catching them red-handed snooping around her office, Hermione was able to convince the newly-minted Headmistress from uttering the last syllable of the curse, on the pretense that Dumbledore prepared a weapon against the Ministry.
Or so what the others had told Cedric after catching them casting a few stunners on the members of the inquisitorial squad.
"You know Harry." Cedric offered. "He has this hero-complex and just has to save everyone and won't be told otherwise."
"That's what Hermione thought too." Ron agreed.
"In any case, I'm guessing you'd be accompanying Harry at the Department of Mysteries then?" Cedric questioned.
"He can't stop us!" Ginny responded haughtily.
"Good because I'm coming as well." Cedric smiled
The Diggory conjured a few pieces of ropes from his wand and immediately restrained the stunned members of the inquisitorial squad.
Moments later, the group of five intercepted both Hermione and Harry as they ran back to the castle. They then relayed what happened between Umbridge, the Centaurs, and Grawp.
"I didn't know Hagrid had a younger sibling." Cedric voiced out.
Harry didn't really want to bring anyone else to the Ministry of Magic to save his godfather however Neville, Ginny, Luna, and Cedric were insistent on coming up until Harry pointed out that he had no way of bringing a large number to the ministry all by himself.
"We could ride on top of the thestrals." Luna suggested.
"I'll do you one better, let's use Floo in Umbridge's office," Cedric grinned. "We'll be there instantly."
Harry's fifth year ended with him grieving the loss of his godfather and revelations of the prophecy that was apparently about him.
The summer into his sixth year, Harry had a curious dream that felt all too real. It showed some things that happened right after Sirius's death. Everything right after Voldemort's defeat.
Apparently, he was involved in a mafia war sometime in the future when he was inducted into the Vongola Famiglia and assisted the assassination squad his mentor was a part of during this war.
This also gave him some insights into the upcoming war. He remembered the supposed fictional stories his future self told two kids he somehow knew as Lambo and Ipin soon after meeting the kids in question.
More importantly, he remembered the bits of information he told another baby, Reborn, on how he was affiliated with the Vongola, how Mammon mentored him and taught him to use flames.
Harry also doesn't know how to feel with the knowledge that his aunt, uncle, and cousin, not to mention Aunt Marge were among the very first casualties in the war against someone named Byakuran. It was probably Alberto's connection to them that caused their deaths.
Speaking of his favorite mentor, he felt very sad upon learning of Alberto's demise. He did feel a lot better once he realized that it happened in the future, in the years to come.
He still has a chance to change that considering that Reborn and his students didn't use time turners to travel through time, unlike what he and Hermione did.
It was time for training with his mentors when Harry found himself face to face with both of his mentors adopting a very somber expression.
Two days had just passed since he received those weird memories or dreams.
"I see you're addled with a prophecy." Mammon broke the silence.
"I take it that the dream was real?" Harry asked.
"As real as it can get." Alberto nodded.
"We need to up your training considerably."
And the training was upgraded significantly, not only was Harry trying to dodge bullet fire from illusory assailants, he was also dodging spellfire from illusory wizards and witches, but instead of firing green beams of death, it just fired off indigo beams.
On top of upping his reaction time, Mammon also added environmental awareness to the mix.
Alberto told Harry everything he knew, from utilizing rocks as a means of distraction to using sand to blind one's enemies.
The brief lesson with Alberto was immediately put to the test with Mammon, who was relentless in training Harry up to at least the lowest Varia grunt standards.
Alberto on the other hand, apart from teaching Harry environmental awareness and environmental utilization, taught the boy about information gathering and stealth.
By the end of the training for the month, Harry was able to blend himself into his surroundings and able to gather some information but he still has trouble identifying what information was relevant to his tasks.
"We need to finish the training early," Mammon floated towards their student. "The arcobalenos need to get in touch with each other and gather any useful information we may need. Unfortunately, the whole time the boss candidate was in the future, most of us were busy reforming ourselves from within our pacifiers."
"At the cost of Uni's life." Harry muttered under his breath.
"Think nothing of it," Alberto squeezed Harry's shoulders.
Harry discovered for himself, while he was training for information gathering, that he fancied riding the trains of muggle London and that was what he did after Alberto and Mammon departed from England to complete their respective goals from within the mafia.
While it was a bit reckless, considering how Voldemort wanted to kill him badly, he still went on trips using the train and ate at a diner at the train station.
One might be curious why Harry eats at a diner but when you know Harry Potter, you'll know why he likes to eat outside.
Dumbledore commissioned his presence and they recruited a former teacher to teach at Hogwarts. The Headmaster was not shy in explaining to Harry why his presence was needed, and frankly, he can understand the reason.
Once the recruitment process was done, he was unceremonious apparated near the Weasley's burrow where he remained for the rest of the summer.
During his sixth year in Hogwarts, Harry was preoccupied. He was preoccupied with the memories he received as a dream that detailed the war that happened after Voldemort. The war that will happen years after Hogwarts.
While he was thankful for the information his future-self's memories gave him regarding the second Wizarding war, it was incomplete. He has a very vague idea on what kinds of things he would be searching but what specifically those were, he had no clue.
"Something the matter mate?" Ron questioned his best friend.
"No, nothing," Harry shook his head. "Just thinking."
"Thinking about what?"
"Voldemort and this whole war."
"We can think about Voldemort later, we're going to be late in Professor Slughorn's class." Hermione gasped as she dragged both boys with her.
Professor Slughorn, the Professor, Harry, and Dumbledore visited one summer evening to convince that he go teach back at Hogwarts.
As soon as the academic year started, Headmaster Dumbledore began giving Harry private lessons and during one of those lessons, the headmaster explained to him the reason why Professor Slughorn had to come back to the school, and how he was tasked in acquiring very vital information.
It took Harry a few more tries before he resorted to using the Felix Felices, liquid luck, to finally gain the information he and Dumbledore needed to confirm how many Horcruxes the Dark Lord made which, if Harry was being honest, he already knew beforehand.
One of the things he remembered in the set of memories that were given to him in a dream were the things that Voldemort placed his soul fragment unto A notebook, a ring, a locket, a cup, a diadem, and a snake.
"If I tell you to leave me and save yourself, you will do as I tell you?" Dumbledore questioned, testing the boy's resolve.
"Very good," Dumbledore nodded. "Go fetch your cloak and meet me at the entrance hall in five minutes' time."
The next thing Harry knew was that he was in a cave with the Headmaster, trying to locate one of the six Horcruxes that Voldemort made.
He quietly cursed his future self for not saying anything specific about this Horcruxes in the conversation with Reborn, the baby questioning him of how he came to be related to the Vongola in the future.
As soon as every obstacle was passed, every trap neutralized, Harry and Dumbledore made their way on the island inside the very dark cave using a wooden boat that was conveniently placed right at the edge of the lake.
"You remember, the condition on which I brought you here with me?"
Harry was very reluctant to follow Dumbledore now, even if he did give his word to the wizened wizard to follow every order.
"B-but sir-"
"You swore did you not, to follow any command I gave you?"
Harry gulped.
"Yes, but-"
"I warned you, did I not? That there might be danger?"
"Yes… but-"
"Well then," Dumbledore raised an empty goblet from his sleeves. "You have my orders."
"Why can't I drink the potion instead?" Harry decided to question the headmaster.
"Because I am much older, much cleverer, and much less valuable," Dumbledore answered. "Once and for all, do I have your word, Harry? Do I have your word that you will do all in your power to make me keep drinking?"
Harry wanted to protest but Dumbledore wasn't listening and kept cutting him off from his reservations towards the actions the old man was making him do. In the end, he relented and gave his word.
Harry first watched the wizened wizard dip the crystal goblet Dumbledore produced into the potion and drank it. He watched this process repeated two more times before he was forced to force-feed the potion unto the old wizard.
Harry repeated empty words of assurance, in an attempt to make the old wizard, and by proxy himself, feel better.
Once the pedestal was emptied of the potion, Harry tried to relieve Dumbledore of the negative effects the potion put the old headmaster in but to no avail, the goblet simply drained all the water from the water making spell before it reached his companion.
Harry tried more times to relieve the old professor of the ailments when a slimy white hand grabbed his arms and dragged him towards the lake.
"Sectumsempura! Petrificus Totalus! Impedimenta! Incarcerous!"
Harry defended himself against these slimy white creatures by liberally casting charm after charm, curse after curse on the slimy creatures, the inferi he realized. He even tried to climb back up where Dumbledore laid, hopelessly trying to relieve the ailments from the potion had on the professor.
Soon after, Harry was overwhelmed and was carried to the lake's waters were more of the slimy creatures submerged him and dragged him towards the bottom of the lake.
Why can't his lightning flames electrocute these creatures? He can always turn the inferi to stone, but he was still having a hard time summoning his sky flames, despite its latent nature.
When Harry was ready to succumb to the hopelessness of the situation, wisps of flames began attacking the inferi, burning them to cinders despite being underwater. He immediately swam back to the surface and there he saw Dumbledore, now on his feet, controlling the flames with ease, even in his weakened state.
The pair were able to escape the inferi-infested cave as the inferi had a sense of self-preservation to escape the fire.
Under his invisibility cloak, Harry unwillingly watched as Malfoy try and attempt to kill the weakened headmaster, as per Voldemort's orders.
As Harry watched the student and headmaster talk about Malfoy's orders, about how he was stuck between a rock and a hard place, he struggled quietly to undo the effects of the freezing charm someone apparently placed upon him.
As soon as he was able to move, Harry retrieved his wand but he was immediately stopped by the timely appearance of Professor Snape, who simply gestured for him to be silent.
"You're going to kill him aren't you?" Harry questioned. "There has to be another way to save him."
Harry remembered the supposed fictional story he told Lambo and Ipin about how a lion urged the snake to kill him. With Dumbledore's pleas to Malfoy not to go through with Voldemort's orders, there could only one person associated with the snake, and that was Professor Snape.
Apart from actions and conversations, the memory of his future self also told him his future self's thoughts and mindset during those times, including why he told Lambo and Ipin his story at Hogwarts.
Professor Snape's face was stoic, there was no outward reaction to Potter's question.
"The Dark Lord is ruthless." Professor Snape shook his head.
As soon as Professor Snape left Harry, few more Death Eaters appeared and walked towards Draco, egging the young Malfoy to cast the killing curse on the weakened headmaster.
"Severus Please."
"Avada Kedavra"
Harry gulped as he watched the light of the killing curse erupt from Professor Snape's wand and hit Albus Dumbledore's chest, throwing him off of the Astronomy tower, dead.
The Death Eaters, alongside Draco and Snape, were quick to make their escape, with Professor Snape dragging a very shell-shocked Draco along by the cuff of his dress robe.
Harry gave chase to the fleeing Death Eaters, casting curse after curse at the fleeing group but in the end, Professor Snape proved to be a powerful wizard on his own, able to flawlessly block every spell he cast.
"Using the spells I invented against me, Potter?" Professor Snape sneered. "Yes, I am the half-blood prince."
Harry's sixth year ended with him losing another person he cared about a lot, Headmaster Dumbledore. Even with the benefit of knowing the events to come, he wasn't able to save Dumbledore's life.
Harry failed to stop Professor Snape from fulfilling the late headmaster's wishes.
Harry simply shook his head as he exited the 9 3/4 platform to enter King's Cross station and waited for his uncle to pick him up from the station.
Imagine Harry's surprise when he saw Alberto and Mammon arrive at the station.
"Get in the car, we're planning for the war." Mammon ordered.
Harry complied.
Alberto dropped Mammon and Harry off at Privet Drive before he went somewhere else.
Harry was surprised that a lot of people were already inside. He can immediately identify the other arcobaleno present, from his mentor to being reintroduced to Reborn.
"Potter." Reborn greeted.
"A war."
"Yes, Volde-"
"I'm going to stop you there," Reborn cut Harry off. "Your future-self told me that mentioning the Dark Lord gives away our position." The baby with the yellow pacifier then turned to his mentor. "I thought you trained your student well Mammon?"
"Shut up Reborn, unlike you I'm not a Spartan trainer," Mammon scoffed.
"Reborn." A kid with brown hair groaned.
"Apparently you still need training Dame-Tsuna." Reborn clicked his tongue as he admonished his student in Japanese.
"Where are my uncle and his family?"
"They're at a hotel somewhere and will return here once we're done laying the plans for the evacuation of the Dursleys." Mammon answered.
"If I told you about Riddle, that's his real name, then I also told you of the policies enacted during his reign in Wizarding Britain."
"We will accept." The kid with brown hair declared in English.
"Dame-Tsuna don't go making decisions without hearing them out." Reborn admonished his student as he hit him…
With a green paper fan?
Suddenly the green paper fan transformed into a green lizard…
That happened…
Harry decided to pin what he just witnessed at a later date.
"We have a lot of contacts in Wizarding Britain that we can confirm where their loyalties lie," Mammon intoned. "It does help that a majority of them are muggleborns, as this country likes to call the magical born to the magicless, they will be protected by Varia grunts under my command."
"The tenth family will ensure the smooth sailing of the mission as well as grab the muggleborns that are to be arrested." Reborn supplied.
"We have already checked the muggleborn and their families you have provided us in the future," Mammon stated. "They are merely waiting for their children to return from the school before they will be evacuated somewhere where Riddle couldn't reach."
"Oi Dame-Tsuna." Reborn switched to Japanese once more. "Call your guardians and plan the mission with them."
"Hieee!" Tsuna screamed before fishing out his phone and called.
"To help you understand the language, a few wizards in the Famiglia gave me a translating spell that you can use." Mammon gave Harry a piece of parchment.
"Apparently it works both ways, for you to understand what we're saying, and for us to understand what you're saying." Reborn sipped on his espresso.
The members of the Order of the Phoenix came, they were telling the Dursleys that they were to be evacuated from their home. That was when Mammon appeared out of thin air and told the wizards off.
"I'm sorry gentlemen but the Dursleys go with me," Mammon floated in front of Vernon Dursley. "They will be protected in Italia where your so-called Dark Lord can't reach them."
The two wizards looked at each other.
"It's okay." Harry diffused the tension. "They're with me." He gestured towards his mentor.
"Are you sure this is wise Potter?"
"They're Family."
"Very well, Mammon."
The wizards Disapparated out of the Dursleys' house.
"Do not dilly dally Vernon," Alberto barked as soon as he got inside. "We have a plane to catch."
With Harry's future knowledge, he was able to locate all of the six Horcruxes without so much trouble. He, Ron, and Hermione got in a bit of a disagreement because he won't tell them how he came across such information.
It'd be hard to tell them, especially Hermione, who wouldn't believe about another way to time travel.
In the end, they were still able to collect Voldemort's Horcruxes and destroyed them on Hogwarts grounds.
As soon as they arrived on Hogwarts grounds, before they destroyed all of the Horcruxes Harry, Hermione and Ron had on hand, he channeled his lightning flames and infused the castle's structure with it.
Imbuing the whole castle took a lot out of Harry, he was winded by the time he was done.
"You alright mate?"
"What did you do Harry?"
"I'm fine, don't worry about it." Harry dismissed Ron's and Hermione's concerns.
Imagine the Death Eaters' reaction when they realized the castle's walls weren't crumbling at all even when they were hit by their most powerful spells, even the killing curse proved to be useless against the walls.
"Fred!" Percy managed to yell as soon as he noticed that the wall beside his brother was hit by a spell.
"Wha-" Fred was cutoff mid praise by his brother's scream.
"Reducto!" Ron immediately yelled and hit the death eater responsible right at the chest.
When Harry learned of his status as one of Voldemort's Horcruxes, the way Professor Snape worded the events that should happen, he was reminded of Uni's fate.
Harry audibly gulped before he headed to the forest where Voldemort was to meet him. He did wonder why his future self didn't mention the fact that he had to die to win the war.
Something must have happened to his future-self that prevented his death but still win the war against the Dark Lord.
Still, it wasn't a difficult decision to make.
Without everyone's notice, Harry went to the forbidden forest where he would meet his end, to give everyone a fighting chance against Voldemort.
"Like falling asleep." Sirius answered his question.
"Will you be there with me?" Harry asked the souls of his loved ones.
"Always." Harry's mother answered.
With one last breath, Harry resolved himself to confront Voldemort and let the Dark Lord cast the killing curse on him, maybe he could even emulate his mother's example and use his sacrifice to protect everyone he cared about.
To protect Hogwarts.
To protect Vongola.
Harry was surprised that he took to surviving the killing curse for the umpteenth time this fast, from his conversation with Dumbledore, it turned out that the blood that Pettigrew took from him actually tethered him to life.
In some twisted way, Voldemort became his Horcrux, minus the killings.
Harry shook his head as he faced Voldemort one final time.
Harry and Voldemort were right in the middle of the Great Hall when they faced off against each other.
Utilizing the training he got with Mammon and Alberto, Harry didn't engage Voldemort directly. He retrieved one pebble he had already infused with his lightning flames beforehand and threw it in the air.
The pebble grew in size that it managed to hide Harry's form from the Dark Lord. The pebble shielded Harry from the killing curse Voldemort cast.
Voldemort tried using the killing curse multiple times but the pebble wasn't even scratched and this annoyed the Dark Lord to no end.
"Coward Potter?" Voldemort taunted.
"Coward? Never." Harry retorted as he got out of hiding and pointed his wand at the enemy.
"Aqua Eructo."
High levels of water pressure pushed the Dark Lord back a few paces, the Dark Lord was able to regain his footing and defend himself from the water expelling charm Potter cast. He was, however, soaked from head to foot and was now standing on a puddle as a result.
Cold wind began to be expelled from Harry's wand. It froze the water puddle and Voldemort in his place while frost began to form on the Dark Lord's cloak and skin.
"Clever Potter," Voldemort praised. "Clearly Dumbledore managed to teach you before he passed, but not clever enough."
Voldemort drew a circle above his head with his wand and conjured flames that encircled him, melting frost and ice off of him.
Harry flicked his wand in Voldemort's direction a number of times and sent an equal amount of arrows flying towards the Dark Lord.
With a simple flick of the wand, Voldemort was able to defend himself from the conjured arrows, none of them made were even able to graze him.
"Arrows, Potter? I suppose you were raised by those detestable muggles."
Voldemort soon went on the offensive as soon as the last of Harry's conjured arrows were destroyed. He sent a number of curses in the Potter's direction.
As soon as Harry realized that his opponent was on the offensive, he immediately cast a shield charm before hiding behind the enlarged pebble he set up earlier.
"Where's that Gryffindor courage Potter?" Voldemort questioned as a bluish beam was expelled from his wand. "Are you just going to hide like the Hufflepuff with you back at the graveyard?"
"Excuse you!" Harry flared. "Cedric wasn't a coward, I chose to hide him so that Wormtail won't kill him."
Harry sent a reductor curse towards his opponent as soon as he finished defending his friend.
"If Hufflepuffs were cowards, we wouldn't be fighting today!" Cedric called out as slabs of stones rained down on the Dark Lord.
Voldemort drew an arc facing the falling stones, disintegrating them into dust particles.
"You insult Hufflepuffs," Harry called out.
Harry summoned arrows once more and sent them flying towards his opponent.
"But they're the one thing you aren't!" Harry continued his spiel once he finished incantation for his attack. "They're humble and loyal."
Voldemort ignored Harry's words as he opted to cast more spells towards his enemy, to which Harry was able to defend against or evade altogether.
The exchange of spells between the Dark Lord and the boy who lived continued for a few moments until Voldemort declared.
"I tire of this Potter."
"Avada Kedavra!"
Two beams of light were expelled from both combatants' wands: one green and one red. They met at the center and tried to overpower the other. It didn't take long for the fighting around Harry and Voldemort to cease as they watch history unfold their very eyes.
Cedric's eyes were on Voldemort and Harry all the while casting levitation charms on small glasses, to which he positioned it around both battling wizards. As soon as he was finished, he enlarged them, preparing himself if things would go wrong.
If there was one thing Cedric was able to take away from his time as a Triwizard Champion and battling at the Department of Mysteries, both events were him and Harry up against Voldemort and his band of Death Eaters, it was to be prepared for every outcome.
The killing curse might nullify shield charms, but it can't pass through tangible objects.
If for one moment Harry's disarming charm would be overpowered, he can immediately dispel the levitation charm and let the glasses and intercept the killing curse.
It didn't long for the beam of the disarming charm to overpower the killing curse. As soon as the dark lord was disarmed, through the charm, for a brief moment Voldemort's body was coated with the light of the killing curse before he fell to the ground, lifeless.
Everyone can agree that the way the Dark Lord fell was anticlimactic. Voldemort was someone who instilled fear into the hearts of many and his anticlimactic death was evidence enough that he was merely human.
As with the nature of war, there were many casualties during the Battle of Hogwarts. However, the casualties would have been greater had Harry not used his flames on the castle itself to harden its properties.
Harry knew that if that had not been the case, Fred would have died when he praised his older brother.
Everyone was recuperating from the war, mourning for their losses when black mist appeared suddenly, and with the mist came three men covered in bandages under cloaks.
"Harry Potter, for violating the mafia laws, you are hereby sentenced to life imprisonment."
"What?!" Hermione exclaimed. "What do you mean violating mafia laws, we're wizards and mafiosos!"
"Hermione, calm down," Harry tried to appease his friend. "I knew it was a matter of time."
"But Harry, yo-you're not part of the mafia, are you?" Hermione questioned.
Harry looked away, unable to answer his friend's question.
"What is the meaning of this?!" Molly growled. "Who are you?!"
"We are the wardens of the Vendicare Penitentiary, we are here for Harry Potter for his violations of the mafia law, one of which is revealing to the populace the powers held secret within the world.
"Harry Potter won't be coming with you." Someone spoke in Japanese as a number of people arrived from the bridge.
"Vongola Famiglia." One of the Vindice wardens acknowledged.
"Are you going to negotiate for Harry Potter's release Vongola Tenth Boss candidate?" The Vindice wardens questioned, speaking in the same language as the speaker from before.
"Harry Potter cannot be incriminated from the crimes in which you have committed."
From the mist, a brunette with orange eyes looked at the wardens directly.
"What crimes did we commit that we are supposed to pass unto Harry Potter."
"The reveal of the mafia society and the world's secretive abilities to the people around us was your doing," The brunette stepped forward until he was beside Harry. "The castle walls are indeed coated with lightning flames, however, it isn't noticeable by the non-mafia people who dwell in this place."
"Very well, you've made your case quite clear Vongola Tenth Boss candidate, Tsunayoshi Sawada." Black mist began to surround the three wardens. "However, let this be your warning Harry Potter, revealing the mafia world's secrets will only be met with one punishment.” The wardens switched to English.
"I understand." Harry nodded.
"They were surprisingly lenient," Mammon commented. "I suppose we won't look a gift horse in the mouth."
"Good work Dame-Tsuna, I guess I'll make a good boss out of you yet." Reborn smirked.
"Hiiieee! What was I thinking?!” The brunette named Tsuna screamed in terror. "I willfully crossed paths with the Vindice!
"As expected of the tenth!" A silver-haired boy looked starry-eyed at Tsuna.
"Thank you for that Tsuna," Harry smiled at Tsuna. "I owe you one."
"Remember the Vindice's warning Harry."
"I will Reborn."
"Dame-Tsuna stop screaming we're leaving." Reborn kicked his student's back.
"We'll reconvene at Privet Drive." Mammon gave the final world before all four of them disappeared from view.
Everyone looked at Harry with wide eyes and mouth, taking too long to process what just happened.
"Mafia?!" One muggleborn screamed.
"Harry tell us, what did those wardens mean?" Hermione looked concerned for her friend. "Tell us what you are allowed to tell us."
"To make a very long story short, I acquired some abilities that are apparently unique to their world, after the events of the Chamber of Secrets," Harry slumped to the wall behind him. "Frankly, I don't know why they took this long to come to get me, I actually expected them to get me after the Triwizard Tournament."
"You used your abilities when we first faced Voldemort in that cemetery." Cedric pointed out. "Why?"
"I can't let you die Ced."
"You risked a lot when you saved me." Cedric concluded.
"And I was ready for the consequences, it could also mean that Voldemort won't be able to touch me there." Harry admitted.
"Although, knowing what I know now, it wouldn't kill Voldemort for good." Harry whispered to himself
"You're good bloke Potter." Cedric ruffled Harry's hair.
Percy, unexpectedly, rushed towards Harry and hugged the boy as tight as he could.
"Percy's gone loony." Ron commented.
"Ronald!" Hermione admonished
"Thank you, thank you," Percy expressed his gratitude. "If it hadn't been for you, Fred would've died."
"Oi! What are you talking about?" George called out.
"If Harry didn't use his ability on the castle, the spell that hit the wall near Fred…" Charlie Weasley hummed.
"It would've collapsed on Fred." Bill shared his realization.
George's immediate response was to hold onto his twin tight as Molly immediately engulfed her twin sons in a tight hug.
"Oi mum."
"Let your mother have this boys." Arthur shook his head.
"So you're really keeping the Elder Wand?" Ron questioned.
"I'm storing it someplace that no one knows, no one from the Wizarding World would know."
"Wouldn't putting it back inside Professor Dumbledore's grave work?" Hermione asked.
"Hermione's right," Arthur nodded. "It was one of his prized possessions after all."
"We can't risk the elder wand falling into the wrong hands," Harry shook his head. "It was already stolen when it was inside Dumbledore's grave once.
"Wouldn't that be called hiding in plain sight?" Bill offered.
"While that would work for a few short time but some people would be willing to risk robbing Dumbledore's grave once more on the off chance that we were indeed loony to store it back to the place where it was once stolen," Ron offered his advice. "Harry's plan to store it somewhere where no one from the wizarding world knows is good."
"I see your point." Bill nodded.
"You've grown Ron." Percy praised.
"It's Brilliant." Hermione grinned. "He's brilliant."
Harry, Ron, and Hermione shared a knowing smile.
The days preceding the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry was busy.
Harry's first order of business, before even taking the time to recuperate was to ask Reborn or Mammon of a secure place to hide the Elder Wand. Muggles have no use for the wand but waving it around could cause irreparable damage or casualties.
After resting for a few days, Harry attended all the funerals for the people that lost their lives in the war, he felt like it was his obligation. He can't stop feeling like the whole second wizarding war was in his name.
The teachers found themselves thanking Merlin at the fact that the casualties were only from the ministry workers and aurors and no one from Hogwarts's student body perished, even the students who were forced to stop attending.
The muggleborn students that the Vongola has taken under their care, with their families included, were back on British soil attending the academic year following Voldemort's defeat.
The Dursleys were also back on British soil but they did not return to Privet Drive, opting to find another place of residence. Vernon was still vehement that he was out of the Family business, to which Alberto and the higher-ups of the Famiglia respected.
Harry never met the Dursleys once more after their evacuation from Privet Drive.
Time passed and Harry found himself affiliated with both the Wizarding World and the Mafia World. He saw no reason in using his flames outside the Mafia World's jurisdiction but he found every reason to continue using magic even outside the Wizarding World.
It does help that one of the people holding a seat at the ICW was a member of the Vongola.
Speaking of the Vongola, Harry found himself leading a wizarding squad to protect the Vongola boss from attacks that were magical in nature. All the while holding a position as an Auror for Wizarding Britain.
One would normally think it'd be impossible holding two posts from two different organizations but he has someone he can trust within the Vongola and his best friend within the auror corps.
The next thing that happened was Tsuna succeeding the Vongola throne after the younger boy graduated from high school as he himself found himself siring children with Ginny.
Harry's marriage to Ginny forced him to tell his best friends, the entire Weasley family, and the Lupins about his mafia connections.
Surprisingly, they took it well.
"We had Hermione explain it to us mate," Ron smirked. "And we all agreed that there could have far worse things that could've happened to you as soon as you got those flame-like abilities."
"Honestly Harry." Hermione groaned. "How do you get yourself into this situations?"
"The three of us have asked the same question ever since Hermione, you know that."
"He's got you there, Hermione." Ron chuckled.
"Fair point."
After the war, Kingsley Shacklebolt was appointed by the ICW as Minister. He soon stepped down and appointed Percy Weasley as replacement three years into his reign.
Percy, who was a workaholic, felt like he has had neglected his family, and stepped down as Minister three years into his first child and took up his father's old position in the ministry under the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Office for the Detection and Confiscation of Counterfeit Defensive Spells and Protective Objects.
Most of what his office has confiscated were counterfeit of his twin brothers' products.
Cedric Diggory was elected as Minister of Magic right after Percy stepped down. Shacklebolt's and Percy's reigns as Minister of Magic were transition periods for Wizarding Britain from Voldemort's take over.
Cedric's reign as Minister came right after he retired as a professional Quidditch player. Diggory's reign was rehabilitation of the magical places that were destroyed from the wizarding war. He also changed the maximum interval of when the elections were to be held: from seven years to five years.
Coincidentally that was how many years Percy reigned as Minister of Magic.
He was largely successful in his reign as minister but he realized soon after his second term that the tensions between the pureblood and muggleborn wizards will still be there as long as he remained in office.
For the greater good, Cedric stepped down as Minister halfway into his third term and appointed Hermione Granger as his replacement, to quell the resentment of the muggleborn wizards born from the wizarding war.
As soon as Hermione took office, she immediately opened up two advisory slots, one of which was occupied by Cedric, under her request and the other by a fellow Gryffindor and photojournalist turned politician: Colin Creevey.
Another change Hermione has established into wizarding Britain was the abolishment of the Sacred Twenty-Eight.
With her muggle knowledge, she was able to make wizarding Britain fear the very notion of in-breeding, citing examples of what happened to the Gaunt and Black families and their demise because of it.
Due to her intimidation tactic, it ensured that less and less witches and wizards would suffer the same affliction that plagued the pureblood families of old.
The transition periods that Ministers Shacklebolt and Weasley reigned on top of Minister Diggory's successful reparation of the different places affected by the war and his charisma helped Minister Granger foster an era of coexistence between the witches and wizards of wizarding Britain regardless of blood status.
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tragedybunny · 3 years
What She Needs - Lemon, 18+
Smut Ahri x Vladimir Prompt from Curious Cat
Ahri and Vlad are both Seniors at the Academy. Vlad has something she needs, Ahri has something he wants.
Ahri and Vlad are seniors, they are both of legal age.
Impatience. She stared at her phone, fingers angrily tapping out the latest in a string of demanding messages. Ahri, queen bee of the senior class, could impose her will on nearly the whole school without even having to speak a word. A sullen response appeared on the screen and a triumphant grin tugged the corners of her mouth up. They would do as she said, there was no doubt about that now. Well, they would try, she still had doubts about their success.
Attention firmly set on the plot she’d set into motion, she nearly collided with a tall figure that appeared to coalesce from nowhere, blocking her path. With a frustrated glare, she looked up to find Vladimir staring back down at her. “Watch where you’re going, weirdo!” She hissed at the Academy’s resident eccentric rich boy.
An indignant snort was his response. “Maybe if you weren’t so ridiculously fixated on that thing.” He gestured to her phone, voice filled with superiority, words to drawling and smug for her to bother with. Typical.
Without thinking, she rolled her eyes at him. “Whatever, just move. I’m busy with something that’s actually important.” She wanted him to catch her implication.
“I know. I’m here to offer you my assistance.” He smiled in a way that made a shiver work its icy fingers down her spine. Still, if he had what she was after.
“Really?” Excitement caused her voice to raise in volume, drawing looks from the students that were milling about around them.
“Shh. Are you trying to get expelled, again?” Catching her hand in an iron grip, he pulled her roughly along behind him, moving out of the main hall, down a smaller one.
When he stopped, she ripped it angrily from his grasp, noticing they had made their way to the band room, which stood dark and silent. “God, you’re such an ass.” Fussing over her sleeve, she made a dramatic show of righting it. “No band on Fridays.” She mused, realizing the intention of dragging her here.
He nodded, smirking cockily, and pulled a key from his pocket. For deniability reasons, she didn’t even want to know where it had come from. When the door swung open, they slid inside, as quick as possible, before they were no longer alone, locking it securely behind them. Assorted chairs and music stands formed a semi-circle around the desk from which the professor would lecture or conduct. Ahri hopped up on the edge of the desk, idly running a hand through her hair, trying to appear as charming as possible for any negotiations. “So, you were saying?” She feigned a bit of disinterest, she couldn’t seem too eager.
For a moment, he ignored her, focusing on pulling out his own phone, causing her to sigh in agitation. He didn’t acknowledge the theatrics and simply stepped forward, holding it out for her to see. “Is that what you are so anxiously desiring?”
Her eyes widened in genuine shock. Somehow, he’d managed to steal the answers to the chemistry midterm. Disgusted with her grades, her parents had threatened that one more failure and she’d have her phone cut off and be grounded until summer. He was more right than he knew, she was desperate, and she needed to keep that fact hidden. So she smiled, still keeping calm. “That is what I was looking for. How much?” Money wasn’t really an object, but again, all part of her plan.
He laughed and her strategy began to unravel. “Oh no, princess, I think you’ve misunderstood. I don’t have any use for more money, I’m after something else entirely.”
Her throat went dry. “Wha...What?” The words came out in a stunned whisper.
“Are you really that dense? I’m going to fuck you Ahri. When I’m done, you can have your answers.” Irritation punctuated his words. “Think quickly, we’re running out of time.”
“Right now?” She could feel her face reddening as he made a shushing gesture.
Thoughts began to race through her mind. She wasn’t inexperienced, and what she wanted was right there, but this was Vlad, and he was at the very least, insufferable. “Ugh, fine.” She spat, finally, giving in to that desperation.
“I knew you could be reasonable.” He leered in a way that should make her stomach turn, but her growing calmness startled her.
“What do you want me to do?” Still a little unsure, she made a point to avoid his eyes.
“Get off the desk, turn around, bend over, and behave yourself.” After only a second of hesitation, knowing he could change his mind if she pushed him, she complied. Her skirt rode up her thighs, leaving her pale skin even more exposed to him. Anticipation made her breath become heavy. “Perfect.” Was he admiring her? Did his pulse begin to rise at the sight of her like this?
He lightly tugged one of her tails and she yelped more in surprise than pain, causing him to chuckle. “I hope you aren’t going to keep being that noisy.” Hands pushed her skirt up even further, causing her eyes to widen. “Should’ve guessed.” A finger played with the black thong she wore, tugging at it teasingly before slipping inside her. She held back another noise at the sudden, not unpleasant, pressure.
A second followed, and roughly, he began to work them. Warmth began to build in her, Vlad’s touch working a sort of magic on her together with the thrill of the danger of getting caught, and the heady rush of surrendering herself to this outlandish demand. She could feel the wetness of her arousal as his every move became pleasure to her. When suddenly he removed them, she whimpered in surprise and unfulfilled need. “Mewling like a needy little kit. Do you enjoy me using you Ahri?” He tugged one of her tails lightly again.
“Y-yes.” The reluctant word came out as a mere squeak. It was the truth, she was drowning in need for him now, wanting to be fucked so terribly. A firm tug and her panties were around her ankles, nothing left to shield her from his gaze.
“You’re dripping wet princess.” There was no response she could give except to turn a deep crimson that thankfully he couldn’t see. The head of his cock slid between her thighs, torturously teasing her clit as it rocked back and forth without entering her.
“Please.” It was madness to be kept wanting.
Both of his hands wrapped around her hips, steadying her as with one thrust, he drove deeply inside her, hilting his length immediately. A small drop of blood fell from her lip as her teeth dug into it to keep from crying out.
With no time wasted, he began a fast past, driving her sharply against the desk with his rough movements. Tightly, she clutched the sides of it, fingernails digging into cheap pressed-wood as the warmth inside her now became an inferno and her breath turned into ragged panting.
Behind her, Vlad’s soft groans filled the air, punctuation each one of his thrusts, creating a harmony between them. “I knew you would get off on this.” The smug tone didn’t even reach her as lost as she was in the soft haze of bliss. Something began to build inside her as the beautiful friction continued, his fingers now digging into her hips, sure to leave small bruises in their wake.
Once more, he thrust deep enough that she had the sensation of being entirely filled and the inferno consumed her. Hands rushed to cover her mouth as a loud moan escaped her, waves of pleasure washed over her as she felt herself tighten around him. It spurred him on as frantically he drove inside her before gasping sharply. A few more subdued movements and he stilled.
Quickly then, he pulled away as she tried to gather her senses. It was imperative she pull herself together and get to class. “You look incredible like that.” Click. The unmistakable sound of his phone’s camera yanked her back to reality.
“Son of a bitch.” Retrieving her panties, she turned on him, smoothing her skirt, trying her hardest to look dignified. “I’ll kill you!”
He laughed in response. “Don’t be so uptight. I won’t share it.” Rushing him, she tried to yank the phone from his grasp, but he was tall enough to simply hold it over her head. “There, the answers are all yours. Maybe we’ll negotiate for the picture next time. Friday, my place?”
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cielleduciel · 5 years
okay okay, Black Eagles/Crimson Flower. this is very long and very rambly bc i was mad and i probably repeat myself a lot but whatever
keep in mind going forward that this was my FE3H first route and the only one i've played so far, and it was... disappointing. i really, really want to like Edelgard as a character bc she seems interesting and she has so much potential, but fact is the game never allows her any sort of true depth, and never lets you interact with her in any meaningful way
and i hate to say it bc i ALWAYS go to bat for complex underappreciated female characters, which is what i was expecting out of this, but that's not... even what she is. none of her potential is ever realized. she's one-note and static and the writers seem to think that just throwing in a traumatic backstory (that never gets explored, even as it very obviously relates directly to her worldview) and a few cute/quirky character moments will give her depth, but it doesn't
the game really LOVES to try and play up this special bond between Edelgard and Byleth and how much Byleth means to her, but it never feels earned. she always says that she feels like she can tell Byleth anything and everything, but she doesn't. i have no better understanding about why she felt like she needed to do the things she did than i did at the end of part 1. all she ever says is that she has to do it all in the name of her ideals and a better future and it's the only way, and all i ever wanted throughout the entire route was to ask WHY ? WHY is this the only way ? WHY do you feel like this is the only thing you can do ? WHY are all other options off the table ?
she's cooperating directly with Those Who Slither In The Dark (TWSITD), who not only experimented on and tortured Edelgard herself and killed her siblings, but also killed Byleth's father, but we never explore the implications of that. hell, Edelgard's issues aside, Byleth themself has their own stake in this, their own very good reasons to question Edelgard and the lengths she's willing to go to in order to achieve this future of hers, but they're NEVER given the chance. if you choose her route, the game apparently assumes that you've decided to follow her without question or reserve, regardless of everything that happened, even though it makes no sense in context. at the end of the route, Edelgard even admits that she couldn't understand why Byleth wound up taking her side, and i wanted to SCREAM !!! LIKE YEAH, I DON'T UNDERSTAND IT EITHER ??? i was HOPING we would get to explore that at some point but I GUESS NOT ????
at most, Edelgard offers platitudes by saying that she too hates TWSITD and regrets everything they've done but still maintains that her alliance with them is necessary for the time being, because they are the best allies she has against the church, and she needs their strength. again, my question is: WHY ? because while i can see how they may have been useful to her in part 1, i didn't see them do ANYTHING to help her during the entirety of part 2. they had literally zero presence in any of the battles, were not even shown or mentioned aside from the moments where they were being CLEARLY ANTAGONISTIC towards her, like when they NUKED ARIANRHOD AS A "WARNING" as soon as Edelgard captured the city bc they were mad she killed one of their officers,
and yet she felt like she needed to spin the story to say it was the church's doing so as to like, save face and rally morale while maintaining their alliance, i guess, but why ?** even in the FINAL BATTLE AGAINST RHEA HERSELF, Arundel shows up ONLY to literally say "yeah i'm just here to watch lmao". so like, as far as i know from everything i have physically seen, we defeated the church without their help at all--in SPITE of their "help", even--which does not help me understand why her alliance with TWSITD is so necessary that Edelgard has to just grit her teeth, bear it, and cover for them until the war is over so that she can finally turn on them
(**i get not telling the entire army about Arianrhod to avoid panic and questions, but what was the point of lying to the rest of the Black Eagles ? why is it that Byleth, Edelgard, and Hubert seem to be the only ones allowed to know about the empire's workings with TWSITD ? like what was even the point of Edelgard revealing herself as the Flame Emperor at the end of part 1 ((which was also a totally botched scene but i'm not even gonna get into that here))? i thought the reason for that scene WAS to reveal the truth to everyone that she was working with TWSITD, we even had that whole dramatic battle where Edelgard had to fight her own house and professor bc of it ? but i guess it wasn't, bc none of them ever bring it up again, and the game still treats it like they should all still be in the dark about it, so ???)
on top of that, i still don't understand why she felt like she needed to antagonize the Alliance, or even the Kingdom, when her enemy is the church. like i get it, there’s no negotiating with the church as it is, violent conflict with them is inevitable and i’m not against that, i understand it and i can get behind it. but why didn't she ever try talking to the other two factions or working together w them or FORGING ALLIANCES instead of resorting immediately to violence ?** maybe i can believe that Dimitri and the Kingdom are a lost cause, but for example--and again now i haven't played the GD route, but from what i understand-- Claude's values are fairly similar to Edelgard's, and he does a lot of digging into the church on his own and is able to discover much of the truth. her alliance with TWSITD is apparently "necessary" but it never occurs to her to reach out to GOOD PEOPLE like Claude who would share her interests ? why ? why can’t we even bring it up ?
(**my confusion with this is best summed up by that one interaction she has with Dimitri in part 2, where before they're about to fight, he asks her, "Must you continue to conquer? Continue to kill?" and her response is literally, "Must you continue to reconquer? Continue to kill in retaliation?" like WHAT ? WHAT KIND OF CHILDISH "NO U" NONSENSE IS THAT ? YOU'RE LITERALLY THE AGGRESSOR HERE, ARE YOU REALLY TRYING TO TELL HIM HE SHOULD'VE JUST SAT BACK AND LET YOU TAKE THE KINGDOM WITHOUT EXPLAINING ANYTHING ? HE'S TRYING TO REACH OUT TO YOU, WHY DO YOU ALWAYS REFUSE TO GIVE HIM A STRAIGHT ANSWER. WHY ARE YOU BEING SO OBTUSE ABOUT THIS. WHAT IS THE REASON)
this isn't even getting into the fact that it becomes very obvious that Edelgard does not have the whole story behind the church and TWSITD, but there's no way to call that into question either. from what i understand from a few spoilers i've been given, she even gets some parts of the story flat-out wrong. this is The Story that she uses to justify all her actions, to herself and to others, and yet she's clearly missing key details, but we never get to question it, or investigate it further, or do anything about it
and what makes it suck extra is that, as i said, i really wanted so, so badly to love Edelgard. i wanted that bond between her and Byleth to feel real, and earned, and substantial. i wanted to work together and interact with her, to  understand her, bc i genuinely sympathize with her goals. let’s erase inequality, abolish the nobility, destroy the crest system that sustains it, and tear down an oppressively intolerant religious institution ? hell yes sign me up bitch !!!! i don't like that we can't GUIDE her in her pursuit of that, or at least even try to understand why she's so committed to this horrific warpath she's on. bc why else would i have chosen to join her side and play her route ? why else is Byleth there, as her teacher ?
or maybe i'm not even supposed to sympathize with her or her cause, but they never make that point either ! like let's ignore what i want and entertain the notion that perhaps Edelgard's meant to be seen as clearly, dangerously radical and beyond all reason, that her route is supposed to be as close to a "bad" route as this game gets and you're supposed to feel guilty for helping her. i mean there definitely are points that made me go “uh, hey, what we’re doing here is kind of terrible”. the thing is they could've easily made that point at any time during her route, had moments where they highlighted the destruction left in Edelgard's wake as she "carves a bloody path" to her future with Byleth by her side, had her experience some kind of consequence for her actions or a "falling from grace" moment, exposed all the flawed logic behind her actions and examined how she came to be the way she is--but nothing like that ever happens. it’s just like “hooray we successfully invaded and conquered an independent nation :) on to the next one !” even in the epilogue, there's no downside to helping her win, no sort of realistic consequence like, idk, malcontent spreads, people aren’t happy that Edelgard took over their nation by force despite the reforms, riots flare up, etc etc., nothing that asks the player to stop and think about all this. they play everything straight but then refuse to give it meaning or make sense of any of it
and there's PLENTY of ways to make sense of it. even i can imagine some potential in-universe explanations to a lot of the "why" questions i have about Edelgard--why does she preemptively isolate herself from everyone that hasn't already demonstrated unconditional allegiance to her, why does she refuse to seek other allies or reach out to her peers like Dimitri or Claude for help and yet continue to associate with the dangerous group that is the source of her trauma, why does she rightly question one narrative while she never thinks to question the other, why does she resort to violence so quickly and easily even as she laments it, etc etc. the problem is that *the game itself* doesn't even THINK to try and address any of this, and so it's never able to make a point about any of it
so yeah, the point COULD'VE BEEN that she is too stubborn, too far gone, too caught up in her own narrative to comprehend that her actions are not as necessary as she thinks they are, too self-righteous to see the parallels between herself and Rhea as she needlessly sacrifices countless lives for her cause while she claims that HER life is too important to lose, too stuck in her own head to see the hypocrisy in her denouncement of the nobility and church and their treatment of the masses while SHE, Miss Imperial Royalty herself, throws others' lives away for her war--BUT the point is never made !! there's no statement from that point of view either ! there is literally no message ! Edelgard goes through no character development, positive or negative, despite all the groundwork for it being laid out plainly. she does not get a chance to grow, nor does she ever regress, nor is she ever faced with the consequences of her actions, and so no statement is ever made about her character or anything she represents
all the potential was there for Crimson Flower to have been a really good story, and that's why i'm so frustrated that i'm writing an essay about it. and it didn't HAVE to be a positive one with a happy ending, or even a mixed, bittersweet one, which i think would've been best. it easily could've been a tragic story about like, Byleth witnessing the fall of their misguided student firsthand as they try and fail to reach out to her, powerless to save her from herself as she drifts away from everybody, being forced into a position where her death becomes necessary in order to preserve the lives of others, or something--but it didn't try to do anything like that. it didn't try to do ANYTHING ! in fact, i would say her character is much more compelling in all the other routes where she DIES, if only bc at least then it feels like SOMETHING is being said about her character
the real kicker is that, at the end of Crimson Flower, it's said that Edelgard goes on to abolish the nobility, and yet in the epilogue she remains the emperor, and all your other units of noble birth still...... have noble titles and landholdings. not to mention i can't even be sure if the scene where Byleth's crest disappears is supposed to represent the disappearance of all crests, or just Byleth's ? so like i don't actually know what i'm supposed to think Edelgard accomplished ? what was the point of mindlessly helping her commit war crimes ? if not a character arc, or a plot resolution, or some greater message, or even the world state i was promised to get from siding with her, what exactly am i supposed to get out of this route ???
i keep thinking about how it feels in contrast to her progression in every other route, and to how Dimitri is written. bc when Byleth joins anyone else, Edelgard always dies, as Dimitri does. but unlike with Dimitri, intsys didn't adapt Edelgard's progression to Byleth's presence, beyond the simple facts of whether she wins/loses and lives/dies. what i’ve gathered from the other routes is that they portray her as a senselessly violent, incomprehensible, self-righteous kid with too much power who became consumed by it and then dies/is killed as a natural consequence of her own actions. i was expecting the difference in her route to be that we get to explore her side more and understand her inner workings and what could have led her down this path, and then to either get the chance to make a difference, or to be dragged down with her as a cautionary tale. but she STILL comes across as senselessly violent, incomprehensible, self-righteous and power-trippy, except now i get to enable her, and that’s presented as like, a genuinely wholesome thing ?
my gf has said that it feels like you're not meant to side with Edelgard, just from how poorly written and constructed her entire route is**, and i've been getting the same feeling. having finished it, the whole thing felt hollow. her actions and choices always feel absurd and frustrating because we never get any insight into what she's thinking, there's too much Telling and not enough Showing to back up any of the Telling, there are so many aspects of the route that don't make sense, and there's no ATTEMPT to make them make sense
(**seriously the production value felt so low at times that it got embarrassing to watch. like after part 1, Jeritza just dropped off the face of the planet with no explanation, and no one in the game ever brought him up again or even wondered where he was, not even Edelgard. then the recent game update suddenly added him to my roster right before i was about to finish the route, again with no explanation, and no in-game acknowledgement of this. which can only lead me to believe that Jeritza was actually SUPPOSED to be there the whole time but intsys.... forgot about him ? LIKE... THEY FORGOT TO WRITE THE DEATH KNIGHT INTO EDELGARD'S ROUTE ? WHAT)
in fact, it feels to me a lot like death was always the intended resolution for her character and everything was always written around that, but then they decided that wasn't an appropriate tone/direction to take for a route in which Byleth joins her, but then they weren't even bothered to really revise the route in any meaningful way so they just went "fuck it" and gave us.... whatever this mess is. but if so, if intsys really was so set on having her be this tragic misguided villain, i don't understand why they didn't commit to that narrative in her route as well, instead of just half-assing everything and doing nothing meaningful and wasting my time. hell i don't understand why they even bothered to include an Edelgard route if their hearts clearly weren't in it to begin with. just let her be the villain that you guys obviously wanted her to be and go
but, whatever. at least all the OTHER Black Eagle characters were great
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renee-writer · 5 years
Serial Killer Chapter 13 Owed A Death
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He sees it as soon as he enters. The Frank mask is off. The air of a respectable professor gone. Black Jack Randall sits before them. He feels chills up and down his spine and feels Angus tighten up behind him.
“What do I owe the pleasure of your return visit?” He sneers.
“Well Frank or should I say Jack, we have you kissing Dean on CCTV.”
“And is kissing a man a crime, Detective?”
“No,” he offers him a smile,” Not in this century. But murder is.”
“Ah, so you finally figured it out. Good for you. I knew another James Fraser. I almost killed him, like I did my other playthings. He got away from me. I told him I owed him a death. I wonder Detective Fraser, I you have some of the same qualities.”
The problem Jack is that unlike my great-grandsir, I have power over you. I will see you in prison. I canna torture you the way you did him, unfortunately, but I can see that you will never be able to hurt nor rape nor kill anyone else.” He moved right into his face, deliberately baiting him. “You have no power here. You should’ve stayed in the 18th Century. Oh, by the way, James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser, lived a long full live. Had 7 children. Was very fulfilled with his marriage. Your rape and torture of him didn’t really hurt him at all. In the end, you are a paper tiger.”
“I will kill you!” He roars and goes for his throat. He starts to choke him. Jamie places his gun on his chest and calmly pulls the trigger. His hands loosen and he falls back into the chair.
“There is your death. For Frank, for Jamie, For Claire, for Dean and all the others. Go to hell Black Jack Randall.”
“Ned?” Angus asks.
“Yes and Internal Affairs. This one has to be by the book.”
“He was truly evil.”
“Aye. He was.”
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kazmorosov · 5 years
|| bill skarsgard, cismale, he/him || ( kazaran morozov ) is a ( 25 ) year old ( senior ) at rockport university studying ( business + literature [TA] ). people say they are ( ardent ) but also ( stoic ), and remind others of ( coffee rings on crisp paper, losing their sense of reality, hushed arguments ). bet they sure didn’t expect anyone to know about ( his plagiarizing to succeed and honor his terminally ill mother he killed ) but someone does, and ( kaz ) better cooperate if they plan to keep their lives. || james, 20, EST ||
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hi i’m so sorry this took a long ass time to put out but im herE lmao here’s my baby
tw; murder, addiction/substance abuse, abuse mentions,
gen. info:
full name: kazaran nikolai morozov
nickname(s): kaz
b.o.d.: december 14th
label(s): the escapist, the academic, the fallen, the philanthropist, etc.
height: 6′4″
hometown: bangor, maine
sexuality: str...aigh...t ? question mark ?
born to a self-made businessman and a philanthropist with a penchant for odd names
his father’s a russian who moved to the u.s. in his childhood who still has many...unique, ties, to the country though none of those are important
his business involves military equipment and he works closely with the u.s.’s military (ahsdfghk conspiracies ?)
and his mother was a plain jane (literally--her name was jane) from a family of politicians; his uncle’s a senator
kaz is the eldest out of seven children (christ) and yes all of their names are just as excessive as ‘kazaran’
grew up with the pressure of the ‘golden child’ title; kaz had to be perfect at everything he did, from his grades to after school activities to manners and presentment
was always expected to follow in his father’s footsteps and like ?? partner with him once he was old enough? 
which is fine and grand except kaz had never given a shit about his father’s business; his real passion had always been for the arts, particularly literature and even more particularly poetry
he found that the arts was probably the most...free, kaz could get, without actively rebelling against his father
b/c god . . . his father is a force to be reckon’d w/
very strict man, likes to be in control constantly, not the...best, emotionally towards his family. or verbally. sometimes physically. y’know.
this really only...amplified, kaz’s perfectionist attitude. it was mostly out of fear of repercussions than much else
kaz has, however, always loved his mother.
jane is the opposite of their father, a woman who loves the world and everybody in it with this...heart of gold, and best intentions in mind
the only problem was that she was horribly submissive to her husband
aNYWAys okay, kaz grew up fairly unscathed but only because he was so...conformist, y’know?
loves his siblings and would die for them, but god--he’d have to side with his father just for his own sake, which definitely strained his relationship with a few of ‘em
AnywAys again; was pretty well-known in his high school
for being like, intimidatingly tall but also was fairly popular? star of the track team, student gov president, in DECA or whatever.
went to rockport just because it wasn’t...too far from home, and partially because he wasn’t allowed to go out of state.
and he was fine w/ it, man
his mother got sick his freshmen year, however, it wasn’t...horrible, at first
it was concerning, yes, but the doctors said she was going to be fine
jane was pretty...adamant about not letting her condition effect her children, too, so she acted as if she was fine
kaz, being a dumbass, was like alright fine this is fine and went on w/ life
sophomore year he met his soulmate; a future veterinarian named freya
n i mean he just...fell for her immediately, y’know ?? n ig she felt similar enough b/c they started dating immediately
it was really...good, for him; especially as his mother’s heath had suddenly taken a turn for the worst
kaz wound up taking two years off of school to care for his mother; his father was gone more often than not, and he felt as if his younger siblings shouldn’t have been burdened with the task
and well...jane never got better, only worse
it was at the point where the doctors had sent her home, knowing that nothing else could be done--she was confined to her bed, and miserable. in pain, really.
one...day, as kaz was tending to jane, she broke down. i mean, just, a full on emotional breakdown, a complete episode, begging him to just...put her out of her misery.
and, god, kaz had never disobeyed his parents (minus his studies in literature but y’knw what. . . not important rn) but that was so ?? morally ?? conflicting ??
they cried together for a long time until y’know. deciding what to do.
as soon as she had fallen asleep, kaz put a pillow to her.
he was never...caught, tho that may have involved some bribery on his father’s end who knows
the day after the funeral, kaz proposed to freya and she agreed.
and it really should’ve been fine if kaz’s mental health didn’t rapidly deteriorate like...he was not handling it well
freya helped, yes, but she could only do so much
turned to drugs, particularly painkillers after a minor car crash and just...a mix of shit, y’know.
probably stole drugs from his fiance’s job tbh
got on antidepressants, which only worsened his shit b/c he started ?? occasionally hallucinating his dead mother ??
his creativity had also just. shat on itself. he couldn’t write, no matter how hard he tried
his mother had really wanted him to pursue his dreams, and god, he was too far in his degree to drop literature
so he started....plagiarizing, his works, b/c kaz is a whole ass idiot. but he hasn’t gotten caught yet, somehow
his fiance thought the cruise program would be a great way for kaz to possibly, recover, since she could see how bad he was doing so he weNt because of her
also yes at this point he had gone back to school; had even gotten a TA position because he used to be...one of the best in his class, y’know ?
anyways yeah im paraphrasing this all horribly but idc u get the point
drug addict, mercy-killed his mother, loves his fiancee, tortured soul, y’know all that
likes to pretend he’s much calmer than he actually is, y’know
likes the whole aloof and distant thing b/c it’s already so easy for him to be intimidating
he can b a lil snarky, a lil sarcastic, but he’s overall always been really well meaning?
can be extremely passionate about his hobbies, or his future wife, or really...anything he mildly likes, tho, y’know?
gOD is he always feeling so guilty, tho, it really weighs him down
but he’s also like...usually high, sometimes u can tell but more often than not u can’t ??
because he’s obsessed w/ seeming okay. and doing okay. and being that average dude next door, y’know?
he wants to be normal, to feel normal, but he’s got this wave of emotions crashing into his chest and he’s in sm pa i n constantly
like he’s got major anxiety but u won’t know unless u catch him in midst of a panic attack and like he’d rather die than somebody see that
probably journals as a way 2 like...cope, and keep himself calm
uuhh he’s like lowkey a huge softie. will cry at sad movies and won’t care tht he’s crying about it
takes teaching rly seriously but he’s also always concerned somebody’s going to figure out that he’s just. a fraud.
smart, with dumbass energy
like he just...sometimes doesn’t think ??
loves his fiancee a whole bunch but this distance thing is...sm harder than he thought it would be. she’s his anchor and he’s just ?? floating aimlessly now
but yeah he’s always acting like he’s okay, like he’s gucci.
uuuhhhh god i dont know what else to say tbh ?? he’s just. a mans. being a mans.
probably doesn’t sleep super often b/c not only is he a TA, but he’s got some mf nightmares man
wanted connections:
got a girl best friend but he needs a...dude best friend?
other friends in general, honestly
professors he’s got some sort of relationship with b/c he’s working for penelope rn
a flirty unrequited thing, where they keep tryn but kaz is like nO i am TAKEN look at this photo of my beAUTIFUL FIANCEE
ppl pissed at him for the grades he’s given them LMAO
people...concerned? for him?
bad mf influences who are like LET’S GET FUCKED UP
a dealer y’know. somebody on the ship who can give him what he wants which is a Lot
uuh let’s brainstorm together, bb
like srsly just. gimme a like, i’ll pop into ur dms w/ my messy tall son and be like let’s fuck him up !
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greasygyeom · 7 years
Title: Look at Me
By: GreasyGyeom
Summary: Graduation Ceremony and a sea of people, will you be able to make it through the day? Jinyoung x Reader. Angst/Fluff. Trigger Warning: Death
Playlist: 170830
Author’s Note: (i) San-nakji (산낙지) is a variety of raw dish made with long arm octopus. Although the octopuses are killed before cut into small pieces and served, the nerve activity in the octopus’ tentacles makes the pieces still squirming posthumously on the plate when served.
(ii) I’ve always thought music and reading goes really well together. It’s new format I’m trying. If you would like some soothing bgm that goes with the piece, hit up the link above! It’s a great way to share music too, so let me know if it worked out for you!! Love <3 <3
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Graduation day.
Yes, it’s graduation day; the day you finally complete five years of studying art. The day you get that stamp of approval from a bunch of really old people that you are indeed qualified to freely express your mind via any visual medium necessary.
You lay in bed, twisted awkwardly, thinking about the day ahead of you and dread every unholy second that inches it closer.
Social situations make you uncomfortable and jittery. You talk too fast, you tap your feet a lot and your attention span reduces to that of a 15 year old adrenaline junkie in the worlds biggest amusement park, who is constantly nauseated but out of compulsion needs to experience every ride.
But, things are always different when he’s around. Suddenly being in a crowd feels less like a clown circus and more like an art gallery where you’re able to glide through without your head exploding.
So the only activity you are actually looking forward to is seeing Jinyoung, because he somehow manages to make things better, every time.
Thinking about getting on stage, your brain automatically begins to list the scenarios that could cause potential embarrassment. Tripping and falling on and over numerous objects takes up the first few bullet numbers — spearheading your decision to wear boots — flat boots.
You pick up a dress to go with it. Of course it’s all black — you rarely pick any other colour — and pair it with some simple silver accessories.
You force yourself out of the semi-coma you’ve been lying in and take a quick shower. The anxiety begins to spread through your body. You consider tidying up your room in an effort to sooth yourself, an invisible pros and cons list already forming in your brain.
The cons list wins, obviously. You possibly can’t clean every nook and cranny in the time available and if you had to leave the process of cleaning half way through, it would give you more anxiety than you initially began with. You really have no choice but to breathe and drink water.
Tissues. Your brain suddenly buzzes as you close the bottle cap, like a phone alarm springing to life on snooze; because what if something or someone spills liquids - no, worse, solids - on you.
You spend a considerable amount of time looking for the soft kind for runny noses in case you felt especially teary, the rough kind for cleaning that didn’t leave paper traces all over clothes and the wet kind for miscellaneous germ related quirks.
You take your time to get ready, switch on some music and mildly successfully dance away your nervousness.
But somewhere in the middle you let out a yawn.
Coffee, you need so much coffee to go through with this day.
As usual, your irrational fear of not waking up on time has kept you up through the night and as a collateral not only have you been awake for more than 24 hours you’ve also managed to get ready to leave almost an hour early.
“Should have listened to him.” You absentmindedly speak to your dull grey walls and proceed to ‘Netflix and chill’ on your sofa (without the innuendos involved, of course).
After 40 minutes of being on the edge of your seat while watching Stranger, you check the contents of your bag, one final time.
Time really does fly past when you’re engrossed in Jo Seung-Woo’s brilliant acting.
You quickly throw in your lip-balm and check the clock. Five minutes. You scramble to make sure all the plug points are switched off in your apartment — a quirk you’ve picked up from Jinyoung.
You lock up and head downstairs to find a cab.
Of course it rains down on the day you need to step out.
You don’t live too far from campus, you can easily walk it, but choose not to get splashed with muddy water by an inconsiderate driver. With your luck, the chances of it happening are magnified.
Your phone leaps to life as you sit inside the car. There’s an instant smile on your face.
“Hey Moon, all set?” he asks from the opposite end of the line.
“As set as I could be, I think.”
He can hear your anxiety through the phone. “You didn’t sleep. I told you I could call you and wake you up.”
“I know, I should’ve listened to you.”
He chuckles. “I’m sorry I couldn’t stay with you yesterday. I really wanted to. I wanted to drive you up on your big graduation day.”
“Aw, it’s alright Peach, it’s not that big of a deal. But, I’ll be seeing you later yeah?”
“Of course it’s big deal! I’m actually just dropping some paperwork at the torture chamber right now, I’ll come as soon as I’m done.
Are you nervous?”
You laugh at his torture chamber comment.
“A little maybe? I just don’t want to…. be embarrassed in any way, that’s all. I just need the universe to be this kind today. Get in get out — no fu - udge ups,’ you sheepishly conclude, patting yourself for not actually mouthing the profanity.
His dislike for foul language is as vehement as your dislike for raw octopus, so you seldom cross that line.
You can mentally see his eyes wrinkle around the edges, at your syllabic swerve. A windy snicker reaches your ears. “Nice save dummie, you were so close to eating san-nakji today.
“Never.” you declare with an unwavering determination; the very thought of un cooked food — and not just any food, seafood — sending a shiver down your spine. “Anyway, I’ve reached Uni…. almost. See you when I see you, Peach.”
You hang up and mentally prepare yourself for hypothetical social interactions that may or may not take place, through the rest of the distance.
When you step foot on the cobblestones of your campus, you take in all the air you can. It’s not that you can’t breathe, you really can — but who’s going to convince your brain that.
In the five years you spent locked up in the art halls, studying anatomy, inhaling acrylic paint fumes, you acquaint yourself with a handful of people, none of whom you wish to bump into, at least not alone. Unfortunately, with your only actual friend away on vacation you’re left to suffer the sea of students alone, until Jinyoung’s arrival.
You push your earphones in and switch on your playlist, letting the sweet sounds of the guitar serenade your tense nerves.
Everywhere you look there’s parents following their children to designated seats, going to the art gallery where all the final projects are displayed, buying souvenirs, visiting the mess doing things together and that imagery starts unraveling a tightly sewn hole inside your heart.
You yawn again.
You’re not in the mood for any kind of physical exercise, but you could also walk to the edge of this earth for a cup of good coffee, Kunzum was luckily on a few ways away.
“Hey Minsoo.” you greet your regular barista, at the campus cafe - your safe place.
“Same order?”
“Yeah, Iced Caramel Macchiato, extra strong.”
“Coming right up. You need a doughnut to go with?”
“No, I’m gonna pass on that. I thought you guys would be shut today?”
“I kept it open just for you.”
You realise how much you would miss your bants with him. He’d been your only source of caffeine for 5 years. He probably knows you better than your classmates ever will.
“Should I keep an Americano ready for Jinyoung?”
“You’re the best, Minsoo.“
He grins through his heavy beard and moustache.
The cafe is in a quaint corner of the campus, surrounded by shrubs of Forsythia. Spring was never your season, but as you sit there by your favourite window seat and reminisce the divinity of your campus with the cold-ish winds and sun kissed yellow flowers blooming all over, you can’t help but feel slightly gloomy. You would no longer be able to watch your favourite cherry blossom tree unfold before your eyes.
A deep sigh escapes you, suddenly roadblocking your throat.
You spent five years preoccupied with deadlines and keeping up with your professors and libraries and finessing techniques and it only just dawns on you how empty your schedule is going to be henceforth.
A degree in art isn’t exactly a gateway to becoming a well paid corporate ring leader — not that you want to be one either — but your mind is making you second guess yourself at this point. Maybe you should have gotten that degree in psychology.
“Macchiato right out of the freezer.” Minsoo interrupts, placing the take away cup on your table. You check your phone - still almost an hour for the actual ceremony to commence.
You take in a sip of familiarity.
Your memories race back to a time when you were in your second year — when you’d met Jinyoung in this very cafe for the first time. You smile vaguely, picturing him in the seat by the wall, so engrossed in and visibly distressed by Haruki Murakami’s Kafka on the Shore.
The details are a little hazy — it has been three years after all — but what you remember with utmost clarity is the way his expression changed, as he read along the plot twist; how he nodded his head gently as he understood the subtleties of the text.
He had looked so genuine, diving into the depths of what you considered Mr. Murakami’s best work. He’d caught you staring and you had very uncharacteristically smiled back, instead of hiding your face in embarrassment.
He’d ended up buying you another coffee. You’d ended up staying there with him till closing time. The nostalgia makes you weary.
“Miss me?” His face comes into focus.
You’re unable to hide your surprise. “How did you know I was here?”
“I asked myself, where would my caffeine addicted girlfriend be on this campus and my genius brain led me here,” he replies, bending to kiss you on the cheek.
“Some day you’re going to get punched in the face because of your smart mouth.”
You grin, he pouts.
“Your coffee is ready by the way,” you inform, pointing towards Minsoo.
Jinyoung returns holding the donut you had earlier declined.
“Eat,” he says, shoving it in your hand.
You find it difficult to say no to him.
“See you later Minsoo,” you chime from the doorway, gulping in your coffee.
“I want to see your project,” Jinyoung tells you.
“You want to…. see my final project?’
“Why the rhetoric?”
“No! I was just wondering…why?”
He looks at you with a blank expression, his mouth slightly open and his very plump lips curving into a slight o; conveying his feelings with a slight exaggeration.
“Moon, you nearly starved yourself trying to finish it. I want to see what’s more important than food, for you.”
“Only food is important.”
“More important than I am?” he teases.
“You’re a Peach, you’re food alright.”
He laughs, habitually covering up his face to stop his teeth from showing. How you hate that habit of his.
You turn left at the next corridor and make way towards the gallery. Truth be told, even you hadn’t seen your work, post submission. You are just as curious to see what it looks like hanging from a wall.
Walking through those halls next to each other feels like déjà vu from Jinyoung’s graduation two years ago; a time when you weren’t even sure if your relationship would make it beyond the walls of your school.
“Nothing’s changed, but everything’s changed,” Jinyoung breathes in, entering through the gallery doors.
You look around, “It’s that one, the diptych,” you point at two frames, 3rd from the door.
He’s in disbelief and doesn’t hide it. You watch him watch the artwork carefully. He studies it the same way you remember him studying Murakami — with absolute diligence.
He finally looks at you. “You made us?”
Your eyes bolt to the floor. You don’t anticipate the embarrassment that is now painting your cheeks red.
“It’s beautiful.”
Did he really call it beautiful?
“You like it?” you ask, fiddling with your hands.
“Theres a boy, sitting and reading a book on the moon,” he analyses the diptych with a smile on his face. “The same boy is at a coffee shop with the moon shining above. It’s so poetic.”
“I — thanks,” you blurt out. “I tried to not be cheesy about it.”
It was, however, a mild confession of how deeply he had impacted your life. Somewhere in these 3 years he’d started calling you Moon, and somewhere — thinking about it in the last few months — your artwork had come to life.
He looks at you deeply, like he’s searching for something in your soul. You feel transparent under his gaze. He can see through all your walls and peek into your heart without you wanting to fight that feeling of being exposed and vulnerable.
You know what he wants to say, even though he doesn’t say it. He’s subtle like that, always talking with his eyes.
There’s an announcement about the ceremony and the gallery starts to empty out instantaneously.
You yelp and hide behind Jinyoung after spotting one of your acquaintances.
Please let him not find me — you’re quite literally begging the universe at this point.
“Moon, he’s waving at you.”
“No, oh god no.”
“Hi!” Daehyun excitedly greets you. He’s…..chirpy, as always. “It’s great I ran into you, I was just telling my parent’s about you! Your piece! It’s amazing!“
“Haha, thanks. It’s alright, I guess”. Your fake laugh is terrible.
“Did your parent see it? Are they here? Oh man! They must be so proud!”
Your heart falls to the bottom of your stomach.
“I’m with —“ your voice betrays you.
“I’m here with her,” Jinyoung takes over, wrapping his arm around you to keep you from falling.
“You said your parents were here? Are you making them wait? It’s not polite to make your parents wait like that”.
The harshness in his tone combined with the kindness in his eyes throws Daehyun off-guard. “Oh. Yeah, yeah, sorry. I should really get back to them. I’ll see you after the ceremony!” he smiles, bows and runs off.
When Jinyoung turns to you, there’s nothing but worry lines all across his face. “Are you okay?”
You nod, wanting to put his troubles to rest in one go, “I’m fine, Peach”.
He leads you through the arched hallway towards the ceremony grounds. “I’ll see you on stage. You’ll do great.”
You smile nervously as your mind edges closer towards panic mode.
“I should not have let you drink that coffee,” he sighs, catching your hands in his and rubbing them gently. He knows the numbness has reached your fingertips already, seeing how fidgety you are.
“It’s okay, I’m okay. They’ll call my name, and I will walk on stage and walk off stage and I will be fine,” you reply reassuringly, talking more to yourself than him.
“I can see you get your degree from the side, I don’t mind.”
You gently decline his offer, “I want you seated and looking proud of me.”
“I’m already proud of you, Moon.”
His encouragement gives you some strength, but against the influx of 6 year old repressed feelings, it feels a tad bit inadequate.
A high tide washes over you, drenching your consciousness with bitter sweet memories. You wish for your parents. You wish for them to be with you so desperately in this moment.
The speeches begin; your hear starts to race. You pacify yourself with the incentive of it being over soon. But then what?
What are you supposed to do when you get back home. Tomorrow? In a week? What about three months later when you’re still lying on your cold floor, still asking for a bus to hit you one day.
No no no.
You’re not going to do this.
A violent siren triggers in your mind. The darkness begins to widen as an old wound stares you at point blank range. The accident. The cremation. The funeral. The people. So many people, sitting, waiting for you to say something. To tell them how unfortunate it is that your parents passed away. How regretful you feel that you couldn’t even tell them goodbye. How terrified you are of leading a life without them. How proud you wanted to make them.
Your name is announced — Once. Twice.
The third time you snap out of your daze.  
Stumbling forward with what feels like an anchor lodged in your chest, you step onto the stage, cross all the board of directors and shake hands with the dean.
“First Division, very impressive.”
“Thank you, Sir.” you absent-mindedly reply, taking the scroll in your hand.
You want to run away from there as soon as possible because you don’t know how much longer you could hold off the tears welling up inside you.
Jinyoung sees through your exterior, just from how withdrawn and controlled your body language is. His eyes follow you off the stage; you vanish in a split second.
He immediately dials your number.
The number you have dialled is currently busy.
“Ah no, Moon,” he sighs under his breath and gets up to leave. He apologises to everyone in the row for causing a disturbance and sprints, as soon as he’s away from the crowd, in what he thinks to be the right direction.
His foot steps echo through the empty buildings, louder than a snare.
He tries your number again, only to get the same response. He stops in the middle of the atrium; realising the absurdity of running a wild goose chase.
He rakes his brain for your hiding spots.
The cafe is out of the question, Minsoo would ask questions.
The classrooms are shut.
The park outside your main arts building is closed for landscaping.
It leaves only one viable place — the library.
He takes a u-turn and exits through the gym, going through a shortcut to your favourite place on the campus. Out of the 5 libraries, he goes to the one farthest from the main campus — the one closest to the forest.
“Did a girl come through here, maybe fifteen minutes ago?” he asks the proxy-librarian in a hushed whisper.
“Maybe,” the man replies.
Maybe — he could work with maybe. He skips three steps at a time on the stairway to reach the 3rd floor and heads to the section he’s hoping to find you hiding in.
His footsteps soften in an effort to not startle you.
You’re sitting on the small stool people usually climb on to reach the top shelf — hunched over, shaking, hiding your face in your palms, breathing shallow and fast, in the middle of a pool of tissue papers.
You feel some movement around you, but couldn’t be bothered by it.
“Hey Moon, please forget to fall down. Hey Moon, don’t you go down.” he sings, very softly, sitting in front of you, waiting for you to look up. It’s a line from one of your favourite songs. It’s a line he sings to you often, when you’re experiencing your world crashing down.
“Why do you keep finding me,” you groggily ask, sniffing in your tears.
“I’m your muse, aren’t I? I’m supposed to find you.”
“I want to vanish. Jinyoung. I miss them so much.”
He doesn’t say much, just puts his arms around you. You break down even worse than before. All the wind in your lungs empties out with your sobs and you hold onto him for dear life; fearing if you let go, the last glimmer of hope would disappear too.
You keep your head buried in his chest.
“I don’t know what I’m supposed to do”.
“What do you want to do?”
“I don’t know. Nothing makes sense to me. I thought if I tried to forget about it — about the accident, I could convince myself it never happened. I thought I could forget them. I thought I could live without them. And most days I’m able to. I got pretty good at it. But then there’s days like today. And I can’t help but hate everyone and every thing,” you ramble.
“Do you need me to schedule a session for you? Tell me whatever you need, Moon”
You shake your head. “What if I fail Jinyoung? At life? What if I’m unsuccessful? And mediocre? What if I die without anyone knowing who I was and what I did? What if one day you wake up and realise you don’t love me anymore? What will I do, Jinyoung. I can’t watch everyone leave me again.”
Another wave of uncontrollable hot tears streams down your cheeks and onto his shirt. You weep incessantly. Your throat is so blocked you feel as if you could choke and die at any moment. And you’re embarrassed — so embarrassed for blabbing out everything on your mind without filtering it. So, not only do you feel like absolute shit, you feel like absolute clingy shit.
You let go of him.
The library tiles below hold your attention for all the excruciating minutes that pass.
“Hey-hey-hey, look at me,” he says, cupping your face. Your cheeks are damper than a riverbed.
You keep retracing the concentric patterns of the floor, unwilling to face him. He nudges your chin, his palms still generating heat on your flesh, forcing you to make eye contact.
You fall fast and deep into the black liquid swirling in his soft eyes. You’re overcome with the same warmth you feel wrapped in a quilt on a cold night. Everything suddenly seems…. manageable again.
He grazes his thumbs over your eye-bags, wiping the residual saline liquid off your face.
“Do you trust me?” He asks.
Do you?
You think back to all the times he had come through for you. How he’d witnessed so many of your firsts, when even after two years you felt like a stranger in the city. When you had moved to a new dorm and he’d carried your belongings, for you. When you had moved into your first apartment all by yourself. When you had accidentally burnt your new apartment kitchen and had called him even before thinking about calling the fire department. When your kitten had passed away and he had come over with a tub of ice cream without saying anything.
All the times you’d driven him crazy and he’d never let you feel any less loved. The times he’d waited in the parking lot during your psych visits even though you’d asked him to leave.
He’d been there for everything, no questions asked.
How could you not.
You dip your head low and mumble a barely audible “I trust only you.”
“Then will you trust me when I say you’re going to do something good with your life?”
The tears well up in your eyes again.
He boops your nose with his before placing a gentle kiss on your lips.
“I could wake up and not be in love with you one day Moon, humans are fickle — you taught me that. But, so could you. So, how about we cross that bridge if we reach it?”
You bury your head in his chest when he encloses you in a tight embrace, settling a whirlpool of uncertain emotions in your mind.
“I’m sorry, I unloaded all of that dead parent baggage on you again.”
He gives you an unforgiving, incredulous look which softens as soon as he sees your innocent bloodshot eyes. “You’re supposed to unload your baggage on me. You’re my only Moon.”
You smile. “You know I love that you call me Moon, right?”
“No, you never told me. But I’m happy,” he hums. “I’m here, I love you”.
“I love you too“.
You hold him tighter as he snakes his arms around your waist.
In that moment you wish you could stay like that with him forever, because you wanted nothing — nothing — to ever change.
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reviewae · 7 years
H2W Reactions (SPOILER ALERT) Chapter 14:Hands On Approach
(Disclaimer: any excerpts taken and posted here do not belong to me, only the reactions do. All the excerpts belong to the great, great Olivieblake.
So I was going to do the reactions last Sunday itself but I saw olivie’s post that she would not be posting a chapter this week so, to help myself from succumbing into dramione withdrawal, I did the reactions a week late.
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"But that man is my father," Daisy reminded him bitterly. "And seeing as I've already told you who's responsible - "  I feel really bad for her, actually. They should have torture Emmett or something, not outright kill him. Daisy reminds me a lot of Harry too y’know.
"Miss Carnegie," President MacArthur sighed, "as relieved as I would be for any explanation absolving my own Head Auror from guilt, the story that someone kidnapped you from your home, restrained you in your own office, and then murdered a famously well-respected man for conceivably no reason is not one that anyone's going to believe. Particularly not if the party responsible was, as you claim - " he paused, grimacing, to pick up her report file. "Nicholas Flamel, the alchemist who was born in the fourteenth century," the president muttered, and Hermione winced at the obvious skepticism in his tone as he shook his head, displeased. "Surely even you know this is not a promising alibi, Miss Carnegie." Spoken like -every politician who’s gotten his hands tied- ever. Though now that you think about it, Nicholas Flamel being alive does sound far-fetched. The fact that these people don’t believe them obviously means that these kids definitely are going to stir up some shit on their own.
"Wait a minute," Hermione interrupted, but Harry, who had been standing with his hand curled warily his mouth, promptly yanked her back. Was she always this vocal? I mean, yeah she’s a Gryffindor and all...but she’s like too impulsive. Even Harry knows that he needs to stfu and back off. And honey Harry, I’m still mad at you. So watch it.
"President MacArthur," he attempted, stepping forward, "surely you've considered that these enchantments might have been tampered with. Having worked with Auror Carnegie extensively, I assure you that I can vouch for her character, and - " Honey, you’re no smooth talker either.I think you should let Draco talk. Actually, no. His sarcasm will blow the guy’s head up.
"Let me guess," Draco ventured, his tone effortlessly dry. "The files are missing." Fucking obviously. This, is turning into a fucking nightmare of an investigation. But I really wanna see daisy go rogue. And Draco and Hermione to help her. But that would be too cliché so I am assuming not.
"Auror Potter, you may have rid the world of Voldemort, but that feat alone doesn't elevate your word beyond suspicion," President MacArthur cut in, his voice clipped. Finally a person who doesn’t worship the ground he walks on. No offense, but the guy’s right. Harry may have saved them all, but that doesn’t mean his word’s god. I’m pretty sure Harry’s feeling disgruntled and his brain’s going, “Touché.”
"I still don't know why you're here, Miss Granger, but believe me, this brings me no pleasure," he said flatly. “and that is only the case because Auror Potter has arrived - completely uninvited," he added drily, This guy is  so no-nonsense types, he reminds me of Professor Mcgonagall, but he’s also getting on my nerves.
"Aubrey's already submitted an addendum to his initial reports, saying - "He trailed off, and Daisy clenched a fist."Saying what?" she demanded, and the president grimaced."Expressing doubt," he offered, clearing his throat. "In your - "He stopped again, and Daisy's mouth tightened, furious."In my leadership?" she prompted angrily, and the president shook his head."In your innocence," he admitted, flinching apprehensively, and Daisy's eyes widened, opening and closing her mouth on a disbelieving lack of defense until Harry stepped forward to place his hand on her shoulder, his expression grim. Okay, this fucker Aubrey needs to be put into his place. Does he not know not to bring playground rivalries to the big leagues. Motherfucker. (I have adopted Daisy Carnegie cause she’s got two no good parents who have featured for barely 2 scenes in the entire duration of this fic and my sunshine and flowers needs someone to look over her.)
"Why we were - " She stopped, blinking, as she realized she'd forgotten altogether that their presence had been inexplicably erased. "Oh, my god -Like seriously gurl? You are a fucking war heroine. Pay some damn attention instead of just calling out other people’s bullshit.(I’m sorry, I’m just pms-ing and its horrible and there’s no hot chocolate and Hermione’s just getting on my nerves!!!)
"Anybody from all of time! What if nobody's dead?" she pressed frantically, tearing back and forth across the marble of the chamber floor. "What if literally nobody has ever died, ever, and anyone we know, including my - my granny," she sputtered, "is out there trying to murder us?!" Okay I’m pretty sure this is just the hormones speaking. Dang it, should’ve made Harry wait before he barged in. Now all the sexual frustration is making her brain short-circuit.
"How can you joke?" she demanded, and then let out another harsh cry of frustration, resting her forehead brusquely against his shoulder this time and beginning to wonder if either crying or vomiting would help. "I just - " she stammered. "Everything is - it's just so - "  Okay the only thing I am paying attention to is the fact they have initiated physical contact and Houston we DON’T have a problem so just go go go!!!
"You can't fix everything that's broken, Granger," Draco told her, shaking his head. "Don't you know that by now?"  Ha. I’m pretty sure she’s going to take that as a metaphor for him. Him accepting that, I am not so sure about it.
"Does everything have to be a metaphor?" he demanded. "No, Granger, I'm just saying you can't fix everything. Some things just can't be fixed.""But you mean you," she said. "Right?""No," he growled. "I'm fine, Granger - ""No, actually, you're not," she retorted, scowling at him. "You're doing terribly. You're a mess." Called it. Does this lead to angry sex? Please please please *crosses fingers, sacrifices goats and right hand, joins a cult*
"No. No," he said forcefully, staring down at her. "I told you I was sorry. I meant that. I'm sorry. I'm fucking sorry about everything that I was, to you and to the rest of the world. I'm fucking sorry, Granger," he repeated, his voice mechanical and stiff, "but what good does that do me?""Malfoy," she sighed, "let's not do this, okay? I shouldn't have said anything.""No, you shouldn't have," he agreed, "but you did, so we're doing it. We're doing this right now," he half-shouted, "because you started it!" Sigh. My trash babies. Normally I would have been waiting to barge in and break up this fight but this is just gonna build up the sexual tension to a crescendo and then we’ll be having hot, hot, sex. Well, they’ll be.
"No, this isn't about me! STOP MAKING EVERYTHING ABOUT ME!""DON'T YELL AT ME!""STOP TRYING TO FIX ME!" he roared, taking another step towards her. Okay guys I am getting a little worried. Is nobody else gonna stop them? Damn harry where are you when you need to be?
She didn't hit him. No, don’t tell me. Is it happening?!!! I am not ready for this!!! My body’s not ready for this, my brain’s not ready for this, my hormones are not ready for this!!!
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She kissed him, yanking him towards her and falling back against the railing as he half-choked on something breathless, stumbling against her and biting down on her lip as he let out a gasp of surprise. He caught himself, holding his breath, and pulled away, dazed.
I literally have no words for this. Just..
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So she yanked the zipper down.  GET SOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not posting the rest ‘cause, hey! ya nasty!?
I am, supposed to be kid-friendly, though i have already cursed like a sailor, so, still, no smut. Though imma read this again. and again.
I hate to go forward, but the show must go on, so scene change.
the man's formerly handsome face now mangled beyond recognition. Yes! you deserve it you fucking bastard. Now enjoy eternity with that rubber bag for a face.
they should really call you Herpo the Oblivious, I remember hearing about this Herpo the oblivious somewhere though i don’t remember exactly where. Just a sec..
Roughly 3 secs later,
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Oooohhh... This bitch was the one who hatched a basilisk.
Herpo the oblivious does have a better ring than Herpo the foul don’t you think?
Okay,okay, moving on...
he replied, as Herpo and Ignotus exchanged an impatient glance. It is soo clear that antioch bitch wears the pants in this club. He’s almost like another Voldemort, maybe with more finesse.
"already knew what the lemniscate was, and - " Okay, back up! What the fuck is lemniscate?
Roughly 50 seconds later (’cause i spelt it wrong)...
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It’s the infinity symbol!! That’s his tattoo? Or is it what’s carved into the victim’s bodies? Honestly, I feel so confused.
"Not just that. They were expecting the lemniscate," What does he mean by expecting? Like they knew they would find the tattoo or what? It didn’t seem like that to me actually. Meh, whatever.  
"Yes," Ignotus said. "It's a complex potion, though, and paired with a fairly ruthless incantation. It may take a while."  That’s my trash kid’s handiwork. Honestly, I am so proud of him. I think this is the only fic in which I am invariably on Draco’s side no matter how asshole-y he’s being.
"Couldn't he be responsible for the Warlock poisonings?" Herpo asked, and Antioch shook his head. Wait. So these guys, are seemingly innocent. So now we have ruled out the ministry of magic, the MAUSCA, Draco,Hermione, Daisy, Emmett, Dionisia, and the Infinity Club. Who the fuck is left?
Shit, I forgot about Umbridge. Of course it has to be her. Okay too much foreshadowing. Moving on..
"Yes, definitely. But a matter of days ago it was published in the Daily Prophet that he's now an event planner for the Ministry," Antioch said wryly. "Evidently he and Granger are consultants."Herpo scoffed. "A cover, surely," he asserted. "But for what?" You know, the way they say it, it actually sounds ridiculous. I wonder how everyone’s bought the farce.
"Really, Ignotus?" he asked dubiously, the air between them turning glacially cold. "So now, suddenly, you don't see why we don't just get rid of everyone who presents a problem, do you?"   Oooooh. Bad blood between the ranks. you know it would be such a fuck all if Ignotus (Is he the youngest one. God knows.) teams up with Cadmus and together they screw over the eldest one (I think he’s Antioch? Well, he does look like the bossiest bitch out of the three so he must be. )
trailing off pointedly, and Herpo sighed."Can't you kill her yourself?" Herpo asked. "In case you've forgotten, I'm severely decaffeinated." God, this is so damn relatable. No murders today till I have had my coffee with cream and sugar. #Relatable
This is because while Dolores was not a pretty girl, she was a clever girl, a ruthless girl, and though her mother lamented her only daughter's failures - preferring instead her handsome but powerless son, the squib who was born with her own amber eyes and porcelain skin - Dolores decided her mother was just another pretty girl to be easily bypassed in the end. Ellen Cracknell was only a muggle, after all, and hardly anything was beautiful beneath the surface. Dolores, blessed with magic in her veins, ultimately found that it was her mother who was quite displeasing to her, and not the other way around. Okay, do i qualify as a heartless bitch for sympathising with her? I mean she’s still a complete bitch who i would love to see die slowly and painfull, but dang, does olivie paint her good. Making her this victim to gender discrimination and societal judgement has instantly made her appealing. And umbridge is not a pureblood? Okay, that’s kind of off.
Better to be lethal than lovely, she thought, watching her pretty mother shatter in crystalline shards across the kitchen floor, the pieces glinting in the midday sun. Shit. Oh my god that’s so cold I’m pretty sure even elsa’s bothered by her.(Get it? “The cold doesn’t bother me anyway”? Okay, I apologize, that was bad.)
Better still to be deadly than dead. Okay this is gonna be my new catchphrase. See me sport this on my original blog cause dang those are some smooth lines. Olivie you lethal dose of cyanide.
It was funny, really, that she and the Dark Lord never met. She always suspected they'd be quite good friends, or at least kindred spirits; but then, as they say, one should never meet one's idols. Hers, for example, disappointed her by ending up dead. Hahahahahahah...this is such  fuckall moment. I always assumed that they had met. But this is priceless. Honestly this is proof that umbridge was the real threat. Voldemort is the playground bully, and umbridge is the principal.(Our school’s principal was a fucking tyrant.)
A pity she hadn't seen Harry Potter coming. Seriously? He waved banners screaming,”This guy’s evil!!! this guy’s a death eater!!!!” so on and so forth. He was literally a poster-child and you didn’t eliminate him when you had the chance? I guess they always underestimate the small ones.
Dionisia made a face. "Amazing that you're willing to trust an idiotic man with a gambling addiction," she murmured, "rather than - ""Rather than the woman I've blackmailed into servitude?" Dolores prompted, tutting impatiently. "Strangely, I find I'm inclined to question your motives." She’s so snarky, I love it!!! I hate her still, cause you can never stop hating Dolores Umbridge. It’s like olivie had all this snark inside her but theo nott isn’t enough to release it though, so she’s made all her other characters equally snarky.
"But I've seen enough organized crime in my lifetime to know they will always opt to clean up the little messes until it becomes too large to ignore. I would not expect them to seek you out at this stage, as I've said before - or at any stage, really," she murmured, "unless you manage to hit them where it hurts."  So its umbridge behind all the killings? I don’t get her motive though. Just to get their attention she’s doing all this? Its kinda far-fetched don’t ya think? And where will it hurt for the infinity club? They don’t really have a home do they?
"It must be undeniable that the British Ministry is under siege."  Oh shit. Umbridge is going to strike again. They are so screwed.
"There's someone here," she eventually managed, visibly uneasy, but Dolores only shrugged. Shit, Herpo’s here. she’s really going to die isn’t she? That’s a shame. I actually was starting to like the ignotus and dionisia pairing.
For Dolores had never been a pretty girl, nor a very lucky one, but she was certainly a resilient one, and there had never been any doubt that she was a hard one to break. She had not been born ordinary, and she trusted that her future held a return to freedom, to power, to greatness, and - at long last - to the long-deserved humbling of Harry Potter. *snorts* good luck with that. Anymore humble, and harry would be as humble as he is rich.
Okay scene change. Yaaaayyy its Dramione!!!!!
Internally, he sighed.They had to -Touch. That never occurred to you when you were f***ing each others lights out.
He glanced down at her, instantly regretting it as the memory of her face (the way her eyes had fluttered shut, the way her lips had parted, the way she sounded the way she felt the way she tasted, everything everything everything and the constant echoes of oh god and yes there and holy fucking shit you feel so—) flooded through him in a rush without restraint, his entire body going rigid.  That’s hot and they are definitely going to have regret sex later. call it a gut instinct but they are. *Fanning self*
To say that the aftermath of what had happened between them had been awkward would be tragically unfunny; a laughable understatement. I couldn't put it in better words. my trash kids are really useless. Like seriously, they had sex in an f-ing corridor and then they worry about touching each other? Obviously both of them were thinking with their downstairs brains till now.
He grimaced.She obviously didn't want to touch him.If he had been waiting for a sign, that was clearly it. You idiot boy, don’t jump to conclusions. She wants to touch-oh do much more than just touch you again, you just need to glow a little slower than a bullet train at wanting to attempt their escapade again.
"Yes," she snapped. "A thoughtless mistake.""We should have known better," he said. "After all, we barely get along." escalating..."I wouldn't have done it if I weren't so tired," she told him briskly, giving him a hard, sweeping glance. "You - " she sputtered. "You're - " EsCaLaTiNg..."Yes," he drawled. "And I am thoroughly opposed to you as well."Good!" she half-shouted. "I'm glad we're on the same page. This was a mistake, I regret it completely, let's just both put it behind us and - "  The foot in the mouth syndrome raises its ugly head."Oh, you regret it, Granger?" he echoed, bristling. ‘
How Dramione foreplay:
"Do you think I've just been mooning about, longing for this to happen?"She opened her mouth, furious, and then snapped it shut."God, you're such an arse," she growled, the words slipping through her teeth. "I can't believe I ever let you near me.""Oh, is this you putting it behind you?" he prompted sarcastically. "Thank goodness, and here I was so worried you'd overthink it and be a nuisance - ""Oh, so I'm a nuisance now?" she retorted. "You're the one that's completely - "
Like this ^^^^^.
He paused, facetiously holding his hand to his ear and waiting, and then laughed. This is most definitely Antioch.
"You both look awfully flushed," he commented, smirking, and then discarded the thought, shrugging  Well they first fucked, then they fought...
"Are you alright?" he asked, reaching for her, and she nodded, stumbling forward and gripping his arm Awwwwwwww their first instinct is to reach for each other that’s so cute!!!!
Okay so where I am from its now 3 o'clock in the morning and i haven’t slept all night, so i’m just gonna just go crash now.But before I go...
Here is the noteworthy moment of the week:
“And the rest of the world clearly cares more about Dramione," she added, gagging at the utterly ridiculous diminutive on the newspaper's cover, You’ll take some time honey, but you’ll get there. Shifting from romione to dramione is kinda hard, but worth it.
Okay so that’s it and i don’t have the energy to do anything except for crash. I’ll meet you on the next sunday.
1402wisegirl over and out.
(Links to the fic are: [FF] [AO3])
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Without A Trace
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Prompt: The reader is a member of the BAU and they are working a case where the victims all look a lot like her. Hotch wants her to stay and work the case from HQ because he’s trying to protect her. She refuses to do this and ends up arguing with him until he lets her go with the team. During the case, she gets abducted just like everyone had feared (shocking lol), and it’s up to the team to find her.
A/N: Ok so this is my first fic for the criminal minds fandom and I’m just hoping that it’s alright. I like it, but I guess we will see. This is just the first part of a four or five part series just depending on how people react. Not as much HotchXReader goodness in this part, but I promise it’s coming. This is mostly set up for the next part. Hope you enjoy :)
Warnings: details about abduction, some murder details but nothing too gruesome.
Rating: T
Words: 2.5K
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
The BAU had been called in to work a case in Raleigh, North Carolina. Eight women had been abducted and murdered over the past three weeks, the newest victim discovered this morning. There was a two day cooling off period between kill, then the third day a body would turn up and another woman would go missing. The victims had all been found on various park benches around Raleigh. All eight victims had sustained seven long cuts down their backs, a deep slash to the throat that severed the carotid artery which was the COD, and their abdomens were torn open. There had also been signs of other forms of torture present on the victims as well: cut from various other surgical tools, cigarette burns, electrical torture, and sexual assault. It seemed like this guy was using any method of torture he could think of. During the briefing, Reid pointed out a fact that immediately unsettled everyone at the roundtable. The victims all bore an uncanny resemblance to you. All of them had (Y/H/L) (Y/H/C) hair, were about (Y/H), and all had been career driven women. Three were corporate lawyers, three had been college professors, one had been a publishing agent, and the most recent victim had been a successful TV reporter. The media coverage of all the murders had skyrocketed after her death and the press had given him a name: The Raleigh Ripper. Hotch told the team to grab their go bags and that wheels would be up in thirty. As the team rushed to grab their things, Aaron hung back to have a word with you. “Maybe you should sit this one out.”
“Why? Just because I fit his type? I’ve fit into plenty of serial killer’s victim pools before and I’ve never sat back and let the rest of you handle it,” you argued.
“I’m just trying to keep you safe.”
“And I’m just trying to do my job,” you shot back, “Aaron, I’m not going to be benched because this sicko has a thing for (Y/H) (Y/H/C) women? I’m going to help catch him.” Hotch seemed a bit taken aback by your outburst. You never used his first name in the workplace.
“Fine, but you’ll go nowhere alone. You will be accompanied by a partner on every part of this assignment and if there is any sign that the unsub has taken an interest in you I will assign you a police detail. Am I clear?” he spoke firmly, staring you down the whole time. You knew that look. He wasn’t going to budge.
“Fine,” you replied and walked away. Hotch sighed, rubbing his hands over his face in frustration before following you out. That should’ve been the end of the whole thing. You would have worked the case and caught the unsub without being stalked and abducted, but there are times when all plans, no matter how perfect fail. This happened to be one those times. You and Morgan were coming out of the autopsy for the most recent victim. After confirming COD was the same and examining the torture, you and Morgan were headed back to the police station to meet up with the rest of the team when a man approached you asking for directions. He was a white man, mid to late thirties, tall, and dark brown hair. He’d asked you if you knew how to get to some grocery store that was supposed to be somewhere near the M.E.’s office. “Uh, sorry I’m not from around here, but maybe-” you’d tried to politely suggest that he walk inside and ask the receptionist, when you’d turned away from him to point to the door, making your first mistake. As soon as your head had swiveled away from him, the man had grabbed you from behind trying to cover your mouth with one hand and the other wrapped around your waist lifting you off of the ground. You could tell there was a rag in his hand and you assumed it was doused in chloroform. “Derek!” You screamed, as you ripped his hand away from your mouth and kicked your feet trying to get him to drop you. Morgan came around the SUV in record time, gun drawn and trained on your attacker.
“FBI! Let her go!” Morgan shouted. This seemed to scare the man into submission. He roughly threw you toward Derek and took off down the alley. You felt the chloroform that had managed to get into your system start to take effect as you started to feel woozy and sleepy. You managed to catch yourself with your hands, so you didn’t face plant on the cold concrete. “Damn it. (Y/N) you ok?” Morgan asked kneeling down next to you.
“I’ll be fine. Did he get away?” you asked grabbing both his arms and letting him help you off of the ground.
“Yes, but we’ll get him. C’mon let's get you back to the station,” he replied, sliding your arm over his shoulder and walking you over to the SUV.
“You should’ve gone after him instead of helping me. I’m fine,” you said, hand shaking slightly as you buckled your seatbelt.
“Mama, if I chased him down he could’ve circled back and run off with you, then where would we be? You’d be in the clutches of the unsub and Hotch would have my head on a platter for not thinking about what was actually important: the victim in this case you,” Derek said trying to reason with you. He ran around to the driver’s side and climbed in.
“I know. It just feels like he got away because of me,” you muttered, leaning your head against the window.
“(Y/N) it’s not your fault. If you and I can put what we saw together, we might have enough for a composite sketch to release to the media to warn people so that he can’t hurt any more women,” he replied trying to ease your mind. You gave him a small smile. The ride back to the station was relatively quiet, you and Morgan talked about what the unsub had looked like trying to keep the image fresh in both of your minds. When you finally reached the station, you were dreading going inside and facing Hotch. Morgan helped you out of the car, arm winding around your waist to keep you steady because you were still pretty woozy. Walking into the station, Hotch immediately rushed over to the two of you.
“What happened?” he demanded, slinging your other arm over his shoulder.
“Guys, I’m fine. I can walk,” you protested as they basically carried you into the briefing room where the boards had been set up.
“She got attacked when we were coming out of the M.E.’s office from the autopsy,” Morgan said as they gently set you down on the couch.
“Are you ok?” Aaron asked as he knelt down in front of you concern clearly present in his eyes. 

“I’m fine. He, uh, was just asking for directions to some market or something. When I turned my head to look for it, he grabbed me and covered my mouth with a rag. I think it had chloroform on it or something like it at the very least. Morgan came running when I screamed and scared him off,” you explained, grabbing your head which was starting to hurt.  
“Do you remember anything about what he looked like?” JJ asked as she walked over with some water and an ibuprofen.
“Yeah, he was tall, white, dark brown hair and in his mid to late thirties,” you replied, taking the water and medicine from her.
“I think between the two of us we have enough for a composite,” Derek added. You nodded, glancing over at Hotch whose eyes hadn’t stopped studied you since you walked in a few minutes ago.
“We’ll grab one of the sketch artists and have you both sit down with them. JJ, round up some of the reporters and give them the sketch when it's done,” Hotch delegated. Everyone nodded. Rossi left to go find one of the sketch artists, and Reid went back to his map trying to come up with a geographical profile. Hotch looked over at Morgan who was leaning against the wall. “Morgan, you’re with (Y/N). I’m going to get her a protective detail to stand outside her hotel room, and I want you with her at all times.”
“Hotch, c’mon this is ridiculous,” you protested.
“Clearly it’s not. Look what’s already happened. If you don’t like my orders I’ll have you on the next flight back to Quantico,” Hotch snapped. You flinched back a bit.
“I’m going to give you two a minute and I’ll go help Rossi,” Morgan said and darted out the door and dragging Reid with him. Your eyes followed them out and then flicked back over to glare at Hotch.
“What the hell, Aaron?”
“I’m just-”
“Trying to keep me safe? That’s bullshit, you’ve never done this before and you always try to keep the team safe.”
“You’ve never been almost kidnapped before.”
“And that somehow changes the equation for you?”
“Yes!” he said roughly, thrusting a hand through his hair.
“Aaron, I’m going to say this one time: Do not treat me like a victim, because makes me feel like that’s all I am.” you spat.
“I’m not-”
“Yes, you are! It’s making me feel weak and like you don’t think that I’m good at my job. You’re making me feel inferior!” You shouted and stormed out of the room.
“(Y/N) wait-”
“Let her go, Aaron,” Rossi said, walking back in. Neither you or Hotch had noticed that he had been standing outside the door.
“Dave, I’m just-”
“I know, and I think deep down she knows that too. But right now you need to let her calm down and process what just happened,” Rossi said, trying to calm his friend. Hotch sighed and ran a hand through his hair again. “Everything ok?”
“She’s so stubborn,” he muttered, chuckling humorlessly.
“So are you,” Rossi pointed out sitting next to him. Aaron rolled his eyes.
“I’m just trying to do my job and keep the team safe.”
“The team or (Y/N)?”
“Same thing,” Aaron answered, walking up to the map and studying it.
“Uh huh,” Rossi chuckled, “So how long have you been interested in her?” he asked casually.
“Not relevant,” Hotch replied, dodging the question and willing the slight blush to disappear from his cheeks.
“Awhile alright?”
“And you haven’t acted on this because?”
“Because she’s an attractive, young woman and I’m an older divorced man with a child. Why would she possibly want anything to do with me outside of a work setting or a casual team get together?” Hotch grumbled. Rossi stared at him almost incredulously. “It doesn’t matter. Let’s just focus on the case so we can go home. I need coffee,” he muttered, walking out the door. David watched him go and shook his head.
“If only you’d notice she looks at you the same way you look at her,” he said and followed Hotch, noting his own need for coffee. You tried not to look at Hotch as he passed you by, headed directly toward the break room in pursuit of coffee you assumed. You were being childish and fuming, you were well aware of that; however, you felt your actions were somewhat justified. You didn’t care whether or not you had been attacked, you weren't the victim and didn’t deserve to be treated like one. You especially didn’t want to be treated like one by the man you work so hard to impress and get to notice you.
“How ya holding up girl?” Prentis asked, standing beside you.
“Why does everyone keep asking me that?” you fumed crossing your arms.
“Because you just-”
“If anyone brings up that stupid attack again, I’m going to-”
“You and I both know you’re not actually upset that people keep asking if you’re ok. You’re upset about something that Hotch said to you,” she said effectively cutting you off. You drew back from her hugging your arms around yourself. “You don’t need to be a profiler to figure out that you’re really into him, and I do not mean that you respect and admire him. I mean into him, into him.”
“If you don’t need to be a profiler, then why hasn’t he figured it out yet,” you muttered. Emily gave you a sympathetic smile.
“He probably has but he’s brushing it off as something else because he doesn’t think that you would ever be interested in him.”
“Why does he-”
“Can we ever really explain anything men do?” Emily asked. You rolled your eyes smiling and shrugged your shoulders. “Exactly. I know that he made you angry, and I don’t know exactly what he said but based on your attitude I can make a pretty good guess. He’s not trying to make you feel inferior or that you're at fault in some way here. He’s just frustrated that someone he cares for very deeply was in harm's way and he wasn’t there to stop it or help you. If he’s being unreasonable or being too much of an alpha male for his own good and he’s driving you insane, just know it's his own special way of telling you he cares.”
“I just-”
“We found out who’s been taken,” JJ interrupted rushing in with a new photo and pinning it to the board.
“Oh god!” you gasped, eyes widening.
“What do you know her?” JJ asked.
“No, that’s the M.E. that was performing the autopsies,” you muttered, pacing when it suddenly hit you. “He was on his way to kidnap her when he saw me and deemed me more convenient,” you said absolutely horrified. “I think he might have worked in all the buildings in some fashion. Janitor, electrician, IT guy, something.”
“We did profile that he worked with his hands,” JJ mentioned looking through one of the files that were spread out on the table.
“Where’s Hotch?”
“I think I saw him walk out for some fresh air with Rossi a minute ago,” Emily said gesturing over her shoulder.
“Have Garcia look into anyone who’s worked in all the victim’s workplaces in the past couple of months. He’s gotta be finding out about these women’s schedules somehow. I’ll run and tell Hotch,” you said starting to walk outside.
“I’ll go-”
“Emily please don’t. I’m literally just walking outside,” you pleaded. Emily glanced to look over at JJ who was nowhere to be found because she’d wandered over to Reid helping look over the geographical profile and was on the phone with Garcia. “Just come right back and don’t talk to strangers,” she finally conceded. You rolled your eyes at her and ran outside.
“Hotch? Rossi? I think we-” you said, but suddenly realized that neither of them was out here. You glanced around looking for them. You groaned in frustration and turned to walk back inside when someone tasered you in the back. You shrieked in pain, falling to the ground. You landed with a loud thud on the concrete and groaned. Out of your peripheral, his face came into view.
“Too bad, you didn’t just come with me earlier. Much less painful that way,” he snickered, covering your face with the rag and dragged you back into an alleyway. You tried to scream and fight, but you felt yourself fading in and out of consciousness until your whole world went back. Noticing that you were out cold, the unsub reached into your blazer pocket and took your credentials. He tucked a handwritten note into one side and threw it back toward the doors of the station. He tossed you in the back of his service truck and drove off. The whole abduction took less than three minutes, and you were gone without a trace.
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