#and yes it's just with dracula that he acts this way :)
beevean · 11 months
Random detail I'm currently going insane about
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Hector raising his arms in a "come at me bitch" way to Dracula and Dracula specifically
like at this point he has completely run out of Fucks to Give, so yeah sure why not taunt the Dark Lord/his former master. He's so not afraid of him anymore.
"Have you forgotten? I am a Devil Forgemaster :)" there aren't enough polygons in this game to hold such amounts of chadness
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omenics · 1 year
YAY I'm glad you want to write vamps!! I always welcome more Castlevania Dracula x reader content! feel free to choose the general scenarios, but if you're comfortable writing it I'd love to hear about how he handles being tempted by your blood 👀
› ..your taste is like ambrosia, the nectar of the gods. gn reader. — i got carried away with this guys vampires draw out the worst in me LMAO. if this is too intimate and eyebrow raising im sorry i love vampires and their stupid metaphorical actions for romance.
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Dracula is ancient. He is old. He has walked the earth for centuries, and has learned to ease his bloodlust. Yes, he is very well-acquainted with the temptations that comes with vampirism, and he does his best to keep his fangs clean, for he is mot the man he once was.
It is enticing. The smell that emits from your pretty pulse points, the way your heartbeat echoes and reverberates off of the castle walls drive his bloodlust farther. But he holds back. He will not succumb to his primal instincts. Not yet, at least.
But the day will come. He knows it will, for when your neck flaunts itself through the collar of your clothes he feels his façade slip and his hunger grow.
So the day comes, he holds a hand gingerly and sinks his teeth into your wrist. No, it is not the neck, but he feels like this is more appropriate than biting you in such an intimate place. He would not do anything you did not wish and would take it slowly, which is why his fangs would dip into the supple skin of your wrist; to ease you into the puncturing pain that will become familiar to you.
To Vlad, the act is intimate. He savours it, taking his time to ensure comfort and relish in the taste, smell, and essence. So when the time comes and his fangs graze your neck, he feels your pulse quicken under his lips, and his hand would make its way to the side of your head and softly entangle it in your hair, craning your head to the side for better access. Agonizingly slow his fangs would pierce into your flesh, drinking like a starved dog.
If he could he would stay there for eternity, to bleed you dry because your blood tastes like ambrosia, the food of the gods. He will not succumb to such basic and primal instincts no matter how much he wants to. He will not become more of a monster than he already is. Instead he would drink in the gasps that leave you, the pained hitch in your breath when he punctures your neck. He would not try to soothe you, too drunk on the taste he neglected for so long.
But the way it tastes on his tongue would drive him mad. It would simultaneously ease his bloodlust and drive it, making him want more. Enticing you were, so utterly cruel, but he would not lose himself in your scent. He would not allow it. You would not be a personal blood-bank for him, you are so much more than that.
You are his Achilles heel with your sweet taste. You would make him crumble to his knees just for a taste. He is weak for you, your scent and your smell. He becomes nothing more than a starved man when his fangs puncture your neck and tongue lap up the sweet, sweet nectar that oozes out and down your sweet skin.
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moonselune · 2 months
So just a silly little scenario that keeps reeling through my head but: astarion reveals/confirms that he is a vampire and tav is just staring blankly at him for a hot minute so he's fearing the worst but then tav just asks "so like... Do you just use your fangs to puncture the skin and then just slurp up what comes out or are your fangs like. .. sharp straws?"
Okay so when I was younger there was a show called young Dracula and I deadasss thought that was how vampires drank blood as because it was a kids show they couldn't show the blood so I just assumed it went straight up the fangs lmao
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Astarion x reader | Questions
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The moon hung high in the sky, casting a silvery glow over the campsite. You and Astarion sat a little apart from the others, the crackling campfire providing a warm contrast to the cool night air. Astarion had been acting strangely all evening, and you could tell something was weighing heavily on his mind.
Finally, he took a deep breath and turned to you, his usually confident demeanor replaced with a rare look of vulnerability. "There’s something I need to tell you," he began, his voice barely above a whisper. "Something about myself that I’ve been hiding."
You leaned in, your curiosity piqued. "What is it, Astarion?"
He hesitated for a moment, then spoke in a rush, as if afraid he might lose his nerve. "I’m a vampire. Or rather, a vampire spawn."
The words hung in the air between you, and for a long moment, you could only stare at him blankly, your mind struggling to process the revelation. Astarion’s eyes searched your face anxiously, his fear evident as the seconds ticked by.
Just as he was about to speak again, perhaps to explain or to plead for understanding, you finally found your voice. "So, like… Do you just use your fangs to puncture the skin and then just slurp up what comes out or are your fangs like… sharp straws?"
Astarion blinked, clearly taken aback by your unexpected question. "I… what?" he stammered, momentarily at a loss for words.
You tilted your head, genuinely curious now. "Well, I’ve always wondered how it works. Do you bite and then suck, or do your fangs actually draw the blood directly like straws?"
Relief flooded Astarion’s features, followed quickly by a chuckle. "Of all the questions I expected, that wasn’t one of them," he admitted, shaking his head with a bemused smile. "To answer your question, I bite and then… slurp, as you so eloquently put it."
You grinned, your curiosity now fully engaged. "That’s kind of fascinating, in a morbid way. Does it hurt the person you’re biting?"
He seemed to relax further, clearly relieved that you weren’t recoiling in horror. "It can, but it doesn’t have to. There are ways to make it… pleasurable, even. If done right, the bite itself can release endorphins."
You nodded thoughtfully, still processing everything. "And do you have to bite people often? Is it hard to control?"
Astarion sighed, the weight of his existence as a vampire evident in his expression. "I do need to feed regularly, yes. And it can be difficult to control, especially if I’m starved or in the heat of battle."
You reached out and took his hand, squeezing it gently. "Thank you for telling me, Astarion. I can’t imagine how hard it must be to carry that secret. But it doesn’t change how I feel about you."
His eyes softened, a mix of gratitude and surprise in his gaze. "You… you’re not afraid? Or disgusted?"
You shook your head firmly. "No, I’m not. I’m glad you trusted me enough to share this with me. We all have our burdens to bear. Yours just happens to be a bit more… unique."
Astarion let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding, a genuine smile spreading across his face. "Thank you. Truly."
You smiled back, feeling a sense of closeness with him that you hadn’t before, "We’re in this together, Astarion. Vampire spawn or not. But I have one more question."
"Go for it," Astarion chuckled, shaking his head, his white curls framing his face.
"If you could turn your fangs into straws, would you?"
".... quite probably."
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Hope you guys enjoyed it, just a short fun one for y'all x - Seluney xox
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vickyvicarious · 4 months
Oh yes, the feeling that you have to rely to the creeper who you loathe so much that you have come to hate even the rooms he resides in, that he's not the scariest thing in your life, that you have to run to his arms for safety. Horror! Dracula claiming him was the high point of the entry (than the almost-bite)
Honestly, yeah. The dynamics between Dracula and Jonathan are so scary, to the point that all the supernatural events are the cherry on top rather than the main course, as far as the horror of this section goes.
Dracula does so much manipulation here, holds so many different kinds of power over Jonathan, and multiple levels of each too. He's got physical power - both in the sense of the castle being a prison, and in the sense of his incredible strength. He's got social power - as a noble, and as a client/boss. He's got monetary power over Jonathan too, able to potentially make or ruin his career. He has so much control over Jonathan's ability to express himself - he's the only company available to him, he's forcing him to keep up a pretense of friendship, he's limiting and controlling his communication with others. Jonathan has no escape: he can't go out of the castle because he's locked in, he can't go many places inside the castle because he's locked out of them, and now he can't leave the rooms Dracula wants him in because otherwise the vampire ladies will get him, and within those rooms there is nowhere safe from Dracula himself. Jonathan has seemingly no action he can take: if he sneaks around behind Dracula's back, a greater threat awaits. If he acts openly, Dracula's own threat may become realized. If he doesn't act at all, he's doomed. If he acts at all, he's doomed. If he trusts Dracula, he's doomed. If he doesn't trust Dracula, he's doomed.
Of course, the supernatural elements are the mechanics by which Dracula increases the stakes, the threats underlying the charming veneer. Specifically, the introduction of the vampire women is what puts Jonathan in this seemingly inescapable box, and one with potential threats to something even greater than his life.
But Dracula's playing this Bluebeard role and could have done so with some more mundane threat as well, without changing too terribly much about his own actions. Where he's scariest (at least to me) is in these interactions with Jonathan, in these manipulative webs and traps he lays out in his words, in the way he pushes so many boundaries until they're forced to collapse or warp under the pressure. Jonathan's privacy keeps getting worn away. Dracula's speech and touch get more familiar and more possessive. He started out the first night blaming Jonathan for the things he did himself ('oh, why did you make your conversation so interesting we had to stay up all night?') and escalates until now he's making Jonathan be the one to act, and to suffer the consequences: whether in forcing him to lie to his loved ones, or in dangling the bait of sleeping outside his room and then only barely saving him when he does. And Jonathan has no real choice but to act. To fail to do so, in one way or another, would mean giving up all hope at escape or likely even survival. But because he has to act, he winds up feeling complicit. He ends up in situations where Dracula thanks him, forgives him, saves him. It keeps putting them on seemingly the same side, with Jonathan in a lesser/reliant role. And that's all a huge lie, at its core. But in a very real way, it's true too, to an extent. More and more, he's getting layers of resistance scraped away, and having to seek safety from Dracula now is so, so horrifying. In many ways all he truly has left is his will to live, his internal determination to resist - and now he's been given powerful incentive not to trust in that latter part too much. It's absolutely brutal.
He's walking a wire that just keeps getting thinner and thinner. All he can possibly do is try to keep this balancing act going, and hope for something to change that will give him more options down the line.
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The thing that kills me about the Oct 11th entry with Mina insisting that should she turn into a vampire, she wants the others to kill her, is not just that Jonathan does not promise to do that, but that the way we hear Seward describe the scene—Quincy promising first, Jonathan brokenly asking if he has to and hesitating, the way we know about Jonathan’s private holy vow to Mina in his journal—is that I wonder if Jonathan is drawing his line in the sand.
He’s already made up his mind about what he will do if Mina turns, and now with Mina making the suitor squad promise to kill her, I wonder if now his fear and intention has subtly shifted.
You can almost hear it in that scene as Seward is describing Jonathan’s body language, but as soon as Quincy steps up to make his vow, I can almost sense the shift radiating off Jonathan.
He now has to contend with not only Dracula, but if it comes down to it, also against everyone else there, because he cannot allow Mina to come to harm, by any hand, especially not his own.
I think he was re-evaluating his priorities and loyalties. Yes, he is friends with all these people and loves them and wants them to work together to defeat Dracula and save Mina, but now he has resolved to the fact that there is a possibility of a last stand of “us” (him and Mina) vs. “them” (suitor squad), even if it’s not what Mina wants, he would do anything to keep her safe.
And if you follow the subtext that Jonathan was bit too, he knows he’s on limited time as well at this point, if he even remembers being bit, but regardless would let Mina turn him if he didn’t remember. He knows killing her would not save him like she thinks it would, besides the fact that doing so would destroy him. He would rather be rest assured in the damnation of his own soul than have it utterly destroyed in the act of ending Mina’s life. I don’t think he could go on, and I think he would find it useless regardless, because he would rather die than kill Mina.
And he would rather harm everyone else than let anymore harm come to Mina, even if that means he has to cut down those nearest to him if it means saving her.
When he promised to himself to let himself become undead with her, he’s not only damning himself and Mina, but the whole of London and beyond. And if he’s willing to let the world burn for Mina, I’m willing to bet he’d let his friends burn too.
He now has an ulterior motive and while everyone else will be keeping a close eye on Mina, he will be keeping a close eye on everyone else, because he can no longer trust them not to follow through on their promise to her.
He doesn’t promise.
He won’t kill her.
And you’ll have to go through him if you want to try.
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7ndipity · 11 months
Matching Costumes
Yoongi x Reader
Summary: Yoongi realizes he likes your costume idea more thank he thought he would.
Warnings: Yoongi’s dressed as a vampire(yes, I think that requires a warning), suggestive, joke about biting, reader wears a dress(?) not proofread
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this! It’s a little short, and a lil self-indulgent, but I hope you’ll still like it!
Masterlist Spooktober m.list
Requests are open
Truthfully, Yoongi wasn’t really the biggest fan of Halloween, but he knew that you were, so when he mentioned that the company was having their annual Halloween party and asked if you wanted to go as his date, he knew perfectly well what he was getting himself into, but he couldn’t resist. He loved seeing the way your eyes lit up in excitement, immediately beginning to brainstorm costume ideas for the two of you.
“What do you want to go as?” You’d asked as you scrolled through ideas online.
“Eh, whatever you want to pick is fine,” He’d said easily. “I trust your judgment.”
“Really?” You quirked a brow at him.
“Mmm, to an extent,” He clarified, grinning. “But I’m reserving the right to veto if you choose something too weird.”
“So, no gender swap Mario and Princess Peach?” You teased.
“Definitely not.”
“Damn, back to square one then.” You pouted as you turned your attention back to your phone, making him snicker.
In truth, you’d known what you wanted to get as soon as he’d asked you, but you wanted to browse around a bit before you bought them, just to be sure. You knew it was a lil bit of a cop out and cliche, but you couldn’t resist the opportunity to tease Yoongi a bit, getting you matching costumes in the theme of ‘Dracula and his bride’.
It’d been a running joke between the two of you since before you had even started dating that you thought he was secretly a vampire, due to things ranging from his primarily nocturnal work schedule to his consistently cold hands.
Yoongi had rolled his eyes when you showed him the costumes, but hadn’t said no, much to your delight, so you’d quickly ordered the outfits and waited impatiently for the night of the party.
“I don’t have to actually wear the fake fangs, do I?” Yoongi asked as he finished buttoning his dress shirt.
“Not unless you want to.” You called from the bathroom, where you were putting on the final touches to your own look.
“I don’t.” He replied, fidgeting with the long, black cape as it refused to hang right over his shoulders.
It wasn’t a bad look on him, he had to admit as he studied his black clad reflection, reminding him faintly of the suit he’d worn for a photoshoot with one of his friends last year.
“You know, we don’t have to actually go to this thing, we could just go to din-?” His suggestion died on his lips as he caught sight of you in the mirror as you entered the room, turning around quickly to see you properly.
The main costume was just a long black dress, cinched in at the waist to emphasize your figure before the skirts flowed down over your hips, your hair styled and pinned back so it showed off your neck, including the carefully painted bite marks you’d placed just above you collarbone. It wasn’t the most elaborate costume, but it had still managed to make his mouth go dry as he took you in, unable to tear his gaze away.
“You’re staring.” Your voice snapped him back to attention.
“No, I wasn’t.” He denied instantly, despite the faint rosy hue that was creeping up his face. “I was just admiring my partner.”
“Mhm.” You nodded.
“I was!”
“I’m not arguing with you.” You laughed, raising a brow at him. “Sheesh, you’re acting like this the first time you’ve seen me in a dress.”
“I have, just not like this.” He said, pulling you in by the waist.
“Like what?” You asked.
“Really?” You looked up at him in amusement. “You like this?”
“A little.” He admitted.
“Should I get us matching hoodies or sweatsuits too?” You grinned, making him scowl at you.
“Don’t tease me, I’m trying to have a moment here.” He complained, tightening his grip on you.
“Alright, I’m sorry.“ You chuckled, pushing up on your tiptoes to brush a lock of hair out of his eyes, studying his face. “You look really handsome, by the way.”
“You haven’t seen the whole costume.” He said.
“I wasn’t talking about the costume.” You said, grinning as you lightly pecked his lips.
That did it. He quickly ducked his head, chasing your mouth with his, letting out a deep, contented sigh as he caught you in another, longer kiss.
His lips moved slowly against yours at first, before quickly growing more needy and trailing down, latching onto a spot just under your jaw, eliciting a gasp from you when you felt his teeth scrape lightly over the skin.
“Yoongi.” You whined, but not trying to pull away.
“What? You’re the bride of Dracula, it only makes sense that you’d have a few bite marks.” He chuckled, lightly sucking another spot before switching to the other side of your neck to make it match.
“We’re gonna be late.” You stammered, trying to keep focused, but he wasn’t making it easy.
Reluctantly, he pulled back, making your eyes widen at the red that was smudged around his mouth before reaching up to touch your neck.
“Agh, you smudged my makeup!” You realized, your brief alarm shifting to annoyance.
“Like I care.” He smirked, trying to lean back in, but you pulled back just out of his reach.
“Nu-uh, we’ve got a party to go to, Dracula, remember?”
“Do we have to though?” He asked. “I mean, we could just stay here and-”
“Nope,” You stopped him. “I told the other’s we’d be there, we have to at least make an appearance.”
“What if I convince you to stay home?” He questioned lowly.
“And how do you plan to do that?” You asked, foolishly letting him catch you in another kiss.
You never made it to the party.
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see-arcane · 11 months
Alright, slightly more coherent now
Yes! YES! Mina's heart-eyes were coming through at full volume when describing her Jonathan riding up, terrifying the guarding crowd out of his way, leaping on the wagon, and Lifting the Whole Box o' Dracula over his head just to slam dunk it on the ground. It was exactly as, "Dear Diary, I knew that now wasn't the time to climb my husband like a vampire-chucking cryptid tree, and I hated that, but I was so brave about it" as I was hoping it'd be
Oh man, the final Dracu-cackle was delightful. The big mounting villainous laugh building to its horror story crescendo...only to have Jonathan K.(ukri) Harker slice right through the bastard's neck as he chokes and gurgles. Plus the Bowie heart staking as punctuation. Magnificent. Delicious. Stupendous. The Power of Love is here to collect your fucking head, buddy, 1000/10 stars
And then. Quincey. Oh God, Quincey. This is the first time in the entire series--in any podcast series--that I laid where I was and cried. Listening to this good man bleed and smile and die the way I had always known he would, but the wound of it hurting so much more than mourning a sheet of paper had. The acting. The sound design. The music, both there and in the parting song. It carved my heart out. And it was great.
One. More. Episode. I am not ready to hear it. I am not ready for this ride to be over. But I can't wait regardless. It's a day early, but thank you for all of this @re-dracula. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
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2kyo7 · 1 month
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pairing ; adrian tepes , trevor belmont , sypha belnades x female reader
ཐི ➥ summary ; As the world begins to pay the toll of Dracula's rage, four unlikely heroes must band together and defeat him--no matter the price.
warnings ; swearing
notes ; this looks better on wattpad💔
"A VAMPIRE HUNTER & A MAGICIAN..." Alucard declared, slowly retracting his own body away from both Trevor and the silver blade he held which pierced through his pale—nearly porcelain like skin. "YOU'LL DO." Standing to his full height, Trevor watched bewildered at Alucard's sudden change in demeanor, once a deadly threatening foe now a sort of peace-making pacifist. "I am Adrian Tepes, son of Vlad Dracula Tepes."
Alucard then spoke of his year long slumber beneath Gresit to heal the wounds dealt after fatally attempting to battle Dracula. "So you are the sleeping soldier." Sypha confirmed her suspicions, a sense of relief and gratification washing over her, overzealous after finally completing the mission which placed her life at stake. "I know the stories—I also know Speaker's consider the story to be information from the future." He turns to look at her, "Though...do you know the whole story?" Sypha blushes with uncertainty, "Yes?"
Simply veering his sight elsewhere, Alucard proceeds to reiterate the tale he'd heard beforehand as if it was old as time—"The sleeping soldier will be met by a hunter, and a scholar," Belmont intervened with a tone which could only be described as defeat. "No one told me that."
"Why do you think my grandfather tried everything to make you stay?" Sypha now too interjecting the story, that was now starting to sound more like a conversation. "and they shall seek the eyes of true blood." Both Sypha along with Trevor looked to Alucard in deep confusion. "True blood?" They say in perfect union. Alucard walks to his casket, searching out a long black coat to wrap around his slender shoulders. "Meaning we must search for a pure blooded vampire willing enough to join to our merry trio," Alucard walks past both his newly formed teammates, "unfortunately I know just where to acquire her."
"Come again?" Trevor stomped his way towards Alucard, stopping him from walking without any further explanation. "You're telling me that we have to recruit a full bloody vampire—to kill other vampires? Tch...some goddamn messiah you are."
"I'm sorry to hear the prophecy doesn't quite suit your taste, Belmont. But I assure you that I am any more excited about such fate." He looks to Trevor with a look of certain distaste, grabbing both his sheath and metal sword. "So, what now?" Sypha's brows knit together, taken aback by new prophecy. They begin journeying towards the nearest exit, Trevor leading in front as Sypha and Alucard neared close behind. "Now we travel to Lavatris, in findings of our little true blood."
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scoobydoodean · 2 months
saw someone say that sam is the only one in tfw whose trauma is sexualised... and I just want to know what show they watched because that's the most blatantly untrue thing I've ever seen. truly glad to find some people on tumblr like you who seem to actually have watched the show so thank you for that
Not exactly sure how to interpret this the way it's phrased. If the idea is that Sam is the only one who faces trauma that has sexual undertones or overtones...
In 1.20, a rapist vampire forces her tongue down Dean's throat while another vampire watches appreciatively. This is also all happening while John and Sam are using Dean as bait.
In 3.01, Dean is attacked by Lust.
In 4.03 while Dean is tied up, Azazel sniffs at his neck while wearing his grandfather, Samuel.
In 4.05, Dean is undressed by the Dracula shifter while unconscious and then dressed in lederhosen.
We... all saw Alastair, right? Like. Just watch the guy in a single scene. How he talks to and looks at people. How he talks to and looks at Dean. ("They sliced and carved and tore at me in ways that..." - Dean in 4.10 talking about hell). (Also this)
In 4.14, Dean swaps spit with a siren and is put under it's control.
In season 5, saying "yes" to an angel is repeatedly compared to sex acts by Dean.
In 5.01, Meg forces a kiss on Dean.
In 6.05, Soulless Sam uses Dean as unwilling bait. Dean is attacked in an alley by a rapist vampire who calls him "pretty" and then later in the episode, the same vampire asks Dean if he wants "the private tour" while looking him up and down.
Multiple instances in 6.09
In 6.09, Meg sits on a tied up Dean's lap and puts a knife to his throat, and says "Satisfy me or I please myself". Afterwards, she tells Dean "don't pretend you don't enjoy it".
This moment also in 6.09.
This moment from 8.03.
Abaddon says a range of creepy, sexual things to Dean while overpowering him. [Ex 1]
Lots of heavy implications in season 10.
The Amara plot line.
Dean being tied to an altar as a sacrifice for a tentacle monster.
Whole season 14 Michael possession plot.
Didn't make it to film but "Wide-eyed hitchhiker routine" (14.14)
In 15.05, Lilith says that Chuck has a "Very weird, very pervvy obsession" with Dean. (Pair this with Dean being "full frontal" in the Supernatural books according to 5.18).
Then there's Cas, who is almost murdered by a woman he had sex with in 9.03, and who also gets possessed by Lucifer, and who was lobotomized 5 billion times for being in love with Dean.
My tag #dont objectify me! might be of interest.
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handkinkbis · 1 year
Notes from the ep 15 sex scene after my 10th rewatch 👩‍🏫👩‍⚕️👩‍💻👩‍🔬
hongjo giggling in the doorway and acting all shy like sweety YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU'RE DOING TO HIM
the way he went from cute and clumsy to AMBUSHING HER 👁👄👁
for a giraffe he's quite wolfish in his table manners 😏😏
[wet kissing noises]
he started unbuttoning her almost immediately, (the shirt DOES look better on the floor, shinyu, u ARE absolutely correct)
the horny-cute gasp of "wait a minute [we should do it on the dresser, follow me"] WE LOVE A WOMAN WHO SHOWS INITIATIVE
the way hongjo backed up against the dresser and shinyu followed her like she was his preyyy
she was smiling but he was on a MISSION TO GET BETWEEN THEM THIGHS
he lifted her up on the dresser like it was nothing 🥵🥵🥵
hooded eyes, jaw clenched, heavy breathing 🌶🌶🌶🌶 10/10
they both looked like they were just lost in the sounds and sensations like literally blissfully unaware of anything outside that room
god bless u and your hard work in the gym, rowoon, is that a 12-pack (thanks for zooming in on the ahem scar camera crew)
the way they cooperated in stripping shinyu's shirt off him, TEAMWORK MAKES THE DREAM WORK
his hands doing SOMETHING outside of the frame whatttt are they doingggg
him kissing her hard and pushing her down 😌😌🙌🥂
shinyu's big hand flexing on hongjo's thigh and calf like YES SIR, GRAB IT
hongjo grasping two fistfuls of his hair to keep him where she wanted him YES QUEEN
him helping her wrap her legs around him 🥵🥵🥵🍿🍿🍿🍷🍷
the final shot of hongjo's shirt slipping off her shoulders and him moving on top of her in a pose not dissimilar to dracula and mina's in that One Scene in the garden in bram stoker's dracula
they were feraaalll
no for real he might actually be part beast
no wonder because shinyu/mujin waited 300+ years to Do That
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xxgothchatonxx · 4 months
Look, I've been excited for Ben Daniels' performance as Santiago ever since that casting announcement, but I was not prepared for just how perfect his take on the iconic "do you know what it means to be loved by death?" scene would be.
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It was horrifying, it was seductive, it was theatrical, it was subtle - all at once. This tonal balance is so hard to pull off convincingly. Because we all know our beloathed Santi Baby can chew the scenery like no other but I loved that Ben pulled back a bit at times. And, look, I love a full-campy Santiago! Stephen Rea did it brilliantly in the '94 film. And Ben certainly devoured some of those lines. But his quieter moments were what really stuck out to me. And, yes, it was very seductive.
If you've been following me for a while (or if you're new *waves* hi :D) you know I have a Thing™ (that's a nice way of saying "I bitch A LOT") about what Makes A Sexy Vampire Villain. And it really just boils down to presence. An actor can look attractive and have a pleasant-sounding voice, but if they're not putting any effort into it, then what's the point? I'm not going to swoon just because of pretty eyes or glistening abs or a British accent! Put some effort into it! (We are back on track, just to clarify! There's been a resurgence of actually sexy vampire villains)
Ben Daniels as Santiago in that scene was pure classic old school vampire acting. Look, Mr Lugosi (and I got serious Lee Dracula vibes there, too...) was very dramatic but he entirely relied on his voice and his movements. (Because, well, in the 1930s they couldn't even have fangs because they were viewed as too suggestive) Not an insult by any means. When done right, it can give you a chill. One of my dear friends likes to use the phrase 'lustful fear' - pretty self-explanatory but it's when you're in a situation (fictional/fantasy, just to clarify) that both frightens and arouses you. I always think of this scene in the book and film, and I reckon Ben did a fantastic job at capturing that in the show.
Also kudos to Ben for reciting dialogue I've read and heard sooooo many times but still gave me a chill when I heard him say it. So, all this to say, I'd been waiting and dreading this scene since the show first got announced, and it did not disappoint. So bravo, Santi Baby.
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angel-of-the-moons · 1 month
V .......
Vampire! Anselm x Reader thots™ up in this bitch
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Some NSFW shit under the cut, enjoy the random brainrot I just got
Big mansion with heavily tinted windows, private jets with black out curtains, yachts they ride to see meteor showers together.
They have those big extravagant parties, nobody thinks anything of it. All they're doing is picking through their "associates" to see who is the one they need the least and pull them to a dark corner and drink their fill..... Or they bring in somebody who siphoned funds into their own accounts from their estate.... Makes a spectacle of draining him dry as a warning--
V!Anselm totally gets a hard on when he sees you covered in blood I don't make the rules
Even if y'all have been together for centuries or one year, the man is still a horny little shithead for you, and being alive for so long has definitely allowed his kink list to be exponentially longer than most since being exposed to the Internet.
Sometimes during those public feedings of the stupid little fuck-ups who steal from him, Anselm will ravage the shit outta you in the middle of the party (unless you're not into it, that is, you are his Queen of The Night and he would never disrespect you and make you uncomfortable, the man would rip out his own fangs, first)
Really likes it when you decide to seduce™ him. Pour a glass of wine/blood down your body and he will be on his knees to lap it all up.
Would also un-ironically dress as Dracula for Halloween-themed parties/balls.
"What? It's thanks to Bram Stoker so many people now only believe us to be pure fiction, giving us leeway to exist in the public eye. Why not honor his character? What? Yes, yes, I know he was based on Vlad Țepeș, I was there--"
"Believe it or not, I think I have a cousin who is descended from the real count... I should invite them to one of our parties."
"Why am I not surprised?"
Would totally shoot glares at you if you make him to the "Bleh bleh bleh" thing from Hotel Transylvania, but would do it just to make you laugh. Your voice is like the most addicting thing he could ever have as an immortal.
Despite being an immortal vampire, he has those scars from an assassination attempt; exposing him to the sun and permanently damaging him.
If anything, surviving the sun only served to empower his image more. A powerful man who survived the dreaded sunlight; came out scarred and killed his would-be assassins himself.
V!Anselm will occasionally hold his arm under a beam of sunlight to intimidate those in his business meetings.
He'd feel bad about it later, however, but only in private with you once you expressed your concern as you let him feed from you to replenish his strength. You always do that when he goes "overboard" as you put it; the closeness and intimacy of letting him feed from you instead of a blood bag or some useless employee helped soothe and reassure you that he was all right.
And speaking of feeding from you... It almost always winds up with him inside of you or vice versa in some way... Feeding from one another is one of the most intimate acts a loving couple could do; drinking each other's essence just reaffirms the bonds between you.
And if you guys have a little brood? Oh, the man is unstoppable.
If any children you have are half-vampire because you haven't been turned yet? If they're unharmed by the sun? A testament to the Vogelweide name; his lineage will live on no matter what.
However, if you're still human, Anselm will insist on turning you. Especially when he discovered that someone tried to wound him by attempting to slip something like poison into one of your meals. (Vampires have better senses, Anselm could smell the tainted food even if you couldn't. You never did find out exactly what happened to that guy...)
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hexedwinchester · 4 days
Your honor I love him-
hiii @ghostlyaccurate
Hahaha!! I know exactly the scene you are talking about! He made bad acting look so good!🤣🤣
"it's because we have no other choice" 🤣🤣
This episode has so many iconic scenes though!
"I'm something called a Jared Padalecki"
"what am I? Dracula?"
the look of pure horror on Sam's face when Dean says "she lives here because you two are married. You married fake Ruby?"
that horse riding picture 😍
lovely, lovely episode! And yes, you are charged guilty of loving him 😁😁
Thanks for this ask! Love it! 😍
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thenightling · 1 month
One pet peeve I have about the Interview with the vampire TV show is how obsessed with the vampire's sexuality the show runner and marketing people seem to be. The vampires were physically unable to have sex in the books. Some of you might go "But what about Pandora!" Read it again before trying to use that as proof. We're thoroughly told us they couldn't actually do anything. The Vampire Lestat had Lestat compare vampires to Osiris because of the organ Osiris lost. The idea of making love is part of what tempted Lestat in the novel Tale of the Body thief. The only reason Lestat was able to have a son in Prince Lestat was because he took part in an experiment that temporarily rendered him human via plot device IV drip. In the novels the vampires experienced intimacy through blood exchange but that's besides the point. Everyone who read the book knows that all of Anne Rice's vampires are bisexual (Pansexual as many would call it now) and have been from the start. And yet I feel almost insulted, pandered to where it's like that's all there is to the characters in the marketing for the show. Don't believe me? Check out the official Instagram or Facebook. It's like "Oh, and they're gay. Have we mentioned they're gay." "They're Queer! Did you know they're queer?! Look, they're queer!" And it's like... And? I miss how the books treated it as something nonchalant, natural, and even mundane. By the time you got to the novel Queen of the damned you viewed Armand and Daniel as nonchalantly as you'd view romantic depictions of Dracula with his Mina. (Yes, I know Dracula and Mina were not lovers in the novel but that's not the point.) When you keep having to point it out as an oddity you are "othering" and acting like it's something weird and should be treated as weird. The novels normalized the relationships so that you just accepted that everyone was pan. There's no homophobia, and no constant reminders of "Yes, they're queer!" Even Lestat's "single" that dropped last month had the line "Here come the gays." ...Why? (All the lyrics are terrible, by the way). I was hoping the show would be more like Lost Girl in that the assumption is everyone is potentially attracted to everyone and no one makes a big deal about it. But instead it's like a song lyric from Doctor Horrible. "Next up, 'Whose gay?'"
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vickyvicarious · 1 year
About all the touching between Dracula and Jonathan... it all culimates on June 30, doesn't it. In case you want to talk about the climax of that saga
It seems there's now two instances.
The heavily implied feeding in Jonathan's room/bed. In his Old Man form, Dracula doesn't turn into mist or bat, so one way or another, he had to touch Jonathan to feed on him.
Jonathan again touching Dracula in his room/"bed". Pretty much immediately after. But this time he emphasizes how very repulsed he's feeling at the contact. "I shuddered as I bent over to touch him, and every sense in me revolted at the contact". Last time he had searched his body he didn't feel this way, but now he sees him as fully monstrous.
But also there's a potential different mirroring contact... Dracula's teeth on Jonathan's skin, Jonathan's shovel on Dracula's skin.
I've actually been meaning to make a post about this for ages. (Obviously. It's been months now.) And I think the final consideration has to include 25 June as well. Because that is when the reversals start to majorly kick in, and those reversals are a huge aspect of any touches going forward.
First, Jonathan's act of climbing the walls like Dracula proceeds right on the heels of Dracula first acting like Jonathan by wearing his clothes. And similarly to how Jonathan was unable to act while Dracula killed a child, Dracula becomes unable to act while Jonathan searches him for the key. I mentioned all of this in more detail in the post I linked above, so I won't rehash it all. But there's another comparison too: Jonathan bending over Dracula in his 'bed' while he is unconscious is a mirror at that time of when Dracula returned him to his own bed (16 May). Jonathan tried to search Dracula's clothes for the key, while Dracula undressed Jonathan. The first time Jonathan is touching Dracula instead, it's a reversal/echo in a lot of ways.
And that's relevant too for this final instance, culminating the castle's progression of invasive touch. While it's possible Dracula put a hand on Jonathan's shoulder or something while walking him back to his room on 29 June, if so it's another unmentioned touch. But, while I could absolutely see that happening, that particular scene might almost be worse if it doesn't have any touch at all, because then we bring back a horrible anticipation (fearful, on Jonathan's part; eager, on Dracula's) which is reflected in Jonathan hearing that he is 'Dracula's' tonight and praying while he waits to see what will happen.
Then we get to 30 June. We hear nothing at all about Dracula biting Jonathan, though I am convinced it did happen. And yes, he would be doing so in his human/old man form. Jonathan moves from the floor to his bed, so there's a strong chance that particular scene repeated itself once more... either before or after Dracula bit him. For reversal/mirroring purposes, I suspect that Dracula hypnotized Jonathan and helped/ordered him to bed first before biting him in his bed. And we don't know exactly what went down. We don't know how Jonathan felt about it. But I think it is likely a fairly direct contrast to the shovel scene... meaning, I think just as Jonathan emphasizes disgust in the morning, while being bitten I suspect there was at least some degree of pleasure. Similar to the "languorous ecstasy" with which he waited for the vampire ladies to bite him on 16 May. Of course, it would be mingled with disgust and fear, but if Dracula had control of his mind enough to ensure he didn't remember anything in the morning, then it's possible those emotions would have been somewhat suppressed or muted.
In the morning, while free of the direct hypnotic influence of a vampire feeding, Jonathan still is unable to remember what happened to him. And yet, as you said, he is absolutely repulsed by having to touch Dracula. Maybe this reflects a sense-memory even if he can't consciously recall what's been done to him. And he hates having to touch him... yet at the same time, he feels a "wild desire" to search for the key at any cost, and when he can't find it, a "terrible desire" to destroy Dracula. The only other time Jonathan uses that word in the castle is when he's describing his "burning desire" to be 'kissed' by the vampire ladies. Dracula says it several times though. Jonathan's desire to touch Dracula, first to take the key (which previously I've compared to Dracula wanting to bite Jonathan) and then to harm him when he can't find it, I think is indicative of another sort of reversal going on with Dracula's own desire/touching him to bite him that night. At the very least, even if you ascribe no relevance to that wording, Jonathan's shovel attack absolutely still echoes Dracula biting him. They both loom over the other one and pierce their skin/draw blood. The anticipation/building invasiveness is over with a final act of violence.
And while Dracula succeeds in biting Jonathan, he fails to turn him (technically the vampire ladies are the ones who don't do that, but I tend to assume it's something he wanted/ordered based on his line about hoping to see Jonathan in the castle again). Jonathan fails to find the key or kill Dracula, but does succeed in harming Dracula and escaping. Both strike a blow here but it's not quite the final one they wanted to happen.
So in the end, the touching culminates there with Jonathan echoing Dracula's touches, just as he did the other times he touched Dracula. But, and I think this is also really significant... while Dracula does far more touching overall, the whole saga concludes with Jonathan making the final touch. The reversal is completed. The dynamic at the beginning, where Dracula invaded Jonathan's space more and more while Jonathan was unable to stop him, is switched around. Jonathan is the one hunting Dracula, and he's the one who has to escape. If Dracula wanted to have Jonathan become a vampire, become a predator, then in a way it has come true here... except Jonathan is only interested in hunting Dracula himself. And since they both got out of the castle alive, that may become relevant later.
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restinslices · 3 months
your hc about the linkuei brothers watching movies are very funny. What would it be like watching horror movies? Or movies about martial arts? I feel that bi-han would criticize absolutely every detail of every blow or movement. You can choose only one type of movie if you want, I understand that sometimes it is difficult to have inspiration to write them. You can ignore this too! Thank you 🫡
I’ve never really been into martial arts movies so I went with horror since I had more experience with those. Hope you enjoy!
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I kinda feel like Bi-Han is one of those people that can’t enjoy horror movies because he thinks logically too much 
He can’t go dumb for the movie and that ruins it for him
Take Scream for example (fuck Scream 7. Don’t watch that shit when it comes out), he cannot understand how people are actually killed by Ghostface 
The mask should mess up their vision, plus the robe, plus it’s a regular person. Typically a teenager or young adult. How are they killing that many people? Their victims are pathetic
He immediately knows who Ghostface is, or who any secret killer is. He sees the signs right away and is like “how isn’t it obvious?”
A bummer the whole time 
You gotta shut off your brain and have a good time when watching a horror movie, Especially slashers.
Don’t get him started on the Evil Dead movies 
He’s so mad they read from the book. If he saw Evil Dead Rise, he’d walk out the room
”The book opened when Danny bled on it-“
We know Bi-Han. We’re angry too
A horror movie can fr ruin this mans day
He’d probably like psychological movies or those A24 movies 
“You don’t get it because you have to think”
Yes, he’s one of those 
Shut the fuck up. You are not better than anyone 
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Not as much of a bummer
Do I think he loves horror movies? Eh. Probably not
Does he hate them? No
They’re just alright 
I’m getting monster flick vibes from him for some reason
Dracula, Frankenstein, The Thing, movies like those 
My proof? I have none. I can just see it in my head
Do zombies also count as monster flicks or are they their own genre? Either way, I can see him enjoying those too. I think he’d be into the classic monster flicks. The black and white ones 
In general he’s into the older horror movies from years ago. Yeah the effects are bad and maybe the acting is too, but they’re the originals and what got the genre rolling
I don’t think horror is his favorite genre so I don’t see him putting one on out of a “man I really wanna see a horror movie” need. More so out of boredom 
Is also bothered by dumb actions, but he understands that the movie gotta keep moving somehow 
The type that can watch a horror movie then go to sleep immediately after 
Doesn’t stay up to date with new horror movies coming out. He just hears about the popular ones that blow up
Like how Hereditary was everywhere 
He enjoys them. It’s just not his favorite and he doesn’t think about it
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His favorite subgenres would be paranormal and home invasion 
Proof? None. I’m just thinking of subgenres and assigning them-
Paranormal movies are easy to enjoy. Any movie with a supernatural element is easy to enjoy to be honest. He can put it on and just relax
Home invasion movies are for days when he really wants to feel some fear in his bones 
The Strangers (original. Not the recent remake) is a good example 
Are the main characters idiots? Yes. Them feeling sad they accidentally killed a friend and leaving the secure room was dumb
But it’s still a movie that gets your blood pumping 
Home invasion movies are scary because home is supposed to be a safe space. These movies break that idea 
Horror movies are supposed to scare you, and he likes it
Hates unnecessary jumpscares 
It’s just super cheap 
Just make the movie good and give genuine scares 
When horror movies really amp up the sex factor, that also bothers him
He can handle sex, but he didn’t choose to watch an erotic movie. Put the scary shit
I’m projecting 
Hates super gorey and/or torture porn movies 
Sorry Jigsaw
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