#and yes please do this with my ocs' songs as well! :D
waiting-on-a-dream · 1 year
hi aurora! sorry if it's a weird question, but i just got an idea. if your prisoners could cover my prisoners' T1 songs, which song would each character get? i can also do the same thing with my ocs and your prisoners' songs, if you want! :D
Lina. This is a great question. 👀
Ichiro: Error Screen (Okay, so the colours and glitchy effects of the MV certainly suit Ichiro's vibe. There's a disconnect between reality and what happens in the MV, which fits his usual state of mind. Some of the lyrics fit Ichiro's feelings towards his mom too. There's nothing wrong with me still missing you, right? There's nothing wrong with me still wanting to be with you, right? So why don't you leave him, you deserve better, even though I'm probably worse.)
Akane: Heart-shaped Candy (I can't think of any of your prisoners' songs that would fit her because none of their crimes give off the same vibes as her killing her dad. But ah, I assigned Heart-shaped Candy to her because she's angry just like Yurika lol. Yurika working as a maid reminded me of Akane working as a waitress too.)
Daisuke: Empty Desk (HELP I can't quite believe it. Daisuke's babygirl energy is just too strong. I checked Hot Pink Illusion first, but the rose coloured glasses lyric didn't fit. Yeah, the lyrics of Empty Desk and Naomi's guilt after her crime fits him to a T. Everyone's reactions of her crime may or may not apply to Daisuke as well.)
Suzume: Lost in Perfection (The lyrics and the somewhat obsessive feelings towards Eiko's love interest? Yes. Not to mention, wanting for something perfect.)
Haku: Jump Together (This might be kinda funny because Riku is so similar to Kiyoshi. But uh, I took a look at the lyrics and... Let's just say one aspect of Riku's relationship with his childhood friend applies to Haku's relationship with Kurosaki. Just a little. Also, just imagine Haku singing a song obviously made by a band.)
Yui: Heart-shaped Candy (Again? Yes. Himiko. That's all I have to say.)
Rin: Portrait of Friendship (I considered giving him Asahi's song, but Aimi's song about friendship fits him well enough to be assigned to him. The lyrics and her being an outcast in her class apply to him well.)
Noa: Empty Desk (Only the most babygirl of my ocs get this song. She gets this song because the general sad vibes and MV fit her well.)
Kiyoshi: No Reason (Reina's façade and her potential true friend group's dynamics. That's all I can say before I reveal too much.)
Mayumi: Staying At The Top (Its really weird, but I think this song isn't a bad fit for her. She and Akio would both cover Purge March, so they're quite similar.)
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terror-billie · 29 days
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Glimmers in the Penumbra
I assembled this zine to collect drabbles written for my D&D group, and I'm sharing it with you all today.
This is for you, @tofucasserole , @varethinsilico , @nautilusopus , @rosemochi , and @fury-brand
Special thanks to @fury-brand for drawing the illustrations used in this zine and for buying my drabble commission slots on behalf of the group. She has made a lot of really cool art for our group and for her character Dia especially, so you should check it out if you like this!
This was a really fun project. It was great to play in the 100 word limit with different styles and character voices to make something tailored for each character.
I assembled this zine so that I could make a special and unique home for all of the pieces together. It was put together in Scribus, a free and open source layout tool.
If you enjoyed this zine, please consider a donation to Crips for eSims for Gaza or at Gaza Funds.
Full Text Transcript Below the Cut
Full Text Transcript
Glimmers in the Penumbra A Tabletop Roleplay OC Drabble Collection
The snow feels wrong. It mushes against the strange pliant dough stretched across her soles, shoots her through with a kind of pain she's never felt before. It bites, metallic, as though she can feel the pinprick of each shard of each snow flake. The air, too, grips her. All of this, wrong. Never before had the winds caused her pain, nor had snow felt anything but pleasant on even her tenderest scales. Winter has abandoned her. It was in her very weft and now all she has is this naked pink putty. No way for a dragon to live.
Dia Istehar
[Includes an illustration of Dia holding herself in a gust of snow and wind.]
Fire's heat. Warms, tickles, crisps. Pleasure becomes pain. Sears, destroys, consumes. Ashes to ashes.
Vous qui entrez, abandonnez toute espérance.
No way to snuff a forest fire once it's caught hot and tall, naught but to let the blaze run out. A heart is like that. A little fire you can throw water over, but the burn in him grows fast. All you can do is get out the way.
Watch for smoke.
What's a flame want? Nothing but to burn. Bright and hot, alive until it's out. Doesn't care what's burning, where or how. But a man's heart? Well.
L’Enfer - The Inferno Vous qui entrez, abandonnez toute espérance. - Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.
Ozias DeVir
[Includes an illustration of Ozias lighting a cigarette.]
Song of the Princess
She is come from a castle in a far away land, from a lineage ruling for generations.
Hath traveled the lands in great odyssey, and suffered many a hardship and poverty.
O Princess, Sweetest Briar with thorns sharp, stand strong against despair. Nobility is not in gold but in heart and deed and bearing. Retain thy grace and thy dignity. Fear not the dark and the wicked, for thou art puissant. Magic courseth through thy veins as fish in a stream.
Know that one day thou wilt reclaim thy birthright. So sayeth this poem, written in serenade of a princess.
Briar Allaire
[Includes an illustration of Briar, regal in a crown.]
Idle Musing
Life should be fun. Things would be far too boring without a bit of mischief to keep it interesting, ya know? Just a dash like spice in the stew. Nothing serious, maybe swipe a shiny here or snack there.
Things can change pretty fast out on the road though. It gets scary out there, with monsters and bad guys. Sometimes I think I should have just stayed home.
But hey, one minute you're strumming along up and down the strings of a bouzouki, tickling the melody to and fro, and bam! Out comes the zouka. Didn't expect that, didja spookies?
[Includes an illustration of Kaapro, a Kenku, smiling and playing a bouzouki.]
"Go and sin no more."
The other man, the one on the other side of the wooden screen, knows what a joke it is. He says it anyway, and manages not to laugh. It's procedure after all.
A rosary and an extra Our Father. A man's life snuffed out, his blood on the stone, and all Lucere needs to do is mumble some words.
Done in God's name, isn't it a Holy act?
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Deliverance won't come, but so too will he sin again. He always has and always will.
Lucere Crough
[Includes an illustration of Lucere holding a rosary in his hand, covering half of his face.]
Just World Fallacy
Let us consider the situation rationally. Which situation is more likely?
The first, that I was conceived by two emotionally stunted people unprepared for the maturity, care, and mundane sacrifices of parenthood? That I lived at the whims of a man who took out rage and fear on his vulnerable son? That my mother could bring me into the world but shrink my existence so small in her heart that she could ignore it? That suffering is largely beyond our control and the world is fundamentally unfair?
Or that I am unloveable and it's my fault?
The answer is obvious.
Pinion Andolus
[Includes an illustration of Pinion where you cannot see his face, gazing at unbalanced scales.]
Knight in Shining Armor
My face mirrored in a gleaming scale. I chased it like the glint of oasis after days walking parched sands. Was it a mirage? I follow its path and come no closer, but the image does not fade. Still there, out of reach, ever on the horizon.
What is she really like? I've imagined her on the highest pedestal, with every sublime virtue, and in the deepest depravity, with every foul cruelty. Perhaps she is simply a well-meaning fool, doing her best.
Do I truly want to know? Would the mirage dissolve, and would that be for good or ill?
Okaara Justa
[Includes an illustration of Okaara, a half-orc, gazing at her own reflection in a piece of plate armor.]
寝袋詰め 心の準備 と出かける
romaji reading: shurafuzume kokoro no junbi to dekakeru
「issho ni」
The bedrolls are wrapped. Ready for what awaits them, the party sets forth.
[No illustration]
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malsfefanfics · 3 months
OC Profile: Rosamund
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art by @/nessiemccormick, edited down to icon size by me
"You wish to know more about Rosamund? She's rather easy to talk to, once you get past that Vestra pride. Though I honestly don't know her that well, given how Hubert didn't even tell me of her existance until recently. She also tends to keep people at dog's length from her at all times. Yes, I mean 'dog'." -- Edelgard, about Rosamund.
Full name: Rosamund von Vestra Nicknames: Rosa (Raphael, Mercedes, Caspar, Constance, Claude), Rosebud (Hapi), Rosie (by Dorothea), Petal (For Hubert Use Only), Little Rose Wolf (Yuri) Birthday: Day 6 of the Harpstring Moon, 1165 Age: 15-16 (Pre-TS), 20+ (Post-TS) Crest: None Family: Marquis Iason von Vestra (Father, Deceased), Medee (Mother), Hubert (Older Brother), Tancred (Younger Brother), Rigel (Best Hound) Nationality: Adrestia Titles: Master of the Hounds, The Thorn Huntress, Devoted Bloom Voice Claim: Jeannie Tirado (leaning more towards Rose from Resident Evil Village in tone)
Interests: Hunting, History of Fódlan and surrounding nations, Weapons and training, Singing Likes: Sweets, Dogs, Her brothers, Fish, Healthy Competition, Saint Cichol Dislikes: Her father, The Church, Saint Seiros, Noble Society, Liars, Formal Dresses, Herself
Favorite Meals: Super Spicy Fish Dango, Pheasant Roast with Berry Sauce, Pickled Rabbit Skewers Liked Meals: Saghert and Cream, Sweet Trio Bun, Grilled Herring, Sautéed Jerky, Small Fish Skewers, Fried Crayfish Disliked Meals: Daphnel Stew, Bourgeois Pike, Cheesy Verona Stew, Gautier Cheese Gratin
Tea Preferences: Lavender Blend, Almyran Pine Needles, Mint Tea, Rose Petal Blend
Liked Gifts: Hunting Dagger, The History of Fódlan, Fishing Float, Smoked Meat, any flower, Stylish Hair Clip Disliked Gifts: Gemstone Beads, Goddess Statuette, Blue Cheese, Book of Crest Designs
Lost Items:
Book of Hunters' Fables: A hand written book of fables and folk songs shared by hunters from across the continent. Looks well read.
Family Dagger: A dagger with a pink blade and a green handle. Reminds you of primroses.
Children's Music Box: A silver music box that plays an unfamiliar lullaby. There's the coat of arms of an Adrestian Family on the lid.
Starting Class: Noble Preferred Class Path: Noble --> Fighter/Myrmidon --> Archer/Thief --> Sniper/Assassin Strength: Bow, Sword Weakness: White Magic, Black Magic, Dark Magic Budding Talent: Authority Personal Skill: 'Howling Shot', increases power against Demonic Beasts by +5.
Weapons Starting Levels:
Sword: D Lance: E+ Axe: E Bow: B Brawling: E Reason: E Faith: E Authority: C Heavy Armor: E Riding: E+ Flying: E
Base Stats:
HP: 25 Str: 7 Mag: 1 Dex: 8 Spd: 6 Lck: 7 Def: 6 Res: 7 Cha: 9
Learned Faith Spells: ??? Learned Reason Spells: ???
Recruit Requirements for Canon-Compliance AUs: Crimson Flower requires C-support with Hubert and Edelgard, and B-support with Petra or Bernadetta. Verdant Wind requires B+ Rank or Higher of Flying, Faith, and Reason, and must have majority of Black Eagles and Ashen Wolves recruited. Cannot be recruited on Blue Lions or Silver Snow.
Potential Supports:
Crit Quotes:
You wish!
For my brothers!
How annoying.
I'll never lose!
You call that a shot?
I thought you'd be a challenge.
I'll cut you down!
Time for the hunt!
No goddess can save you.
Defeat Quotes:
I can't fall here. Best to pull back for now.
That...could have gone better.
I'm sorry, brother. I failed you.....
Your Majesty, please....look after my family.....
I guess I truly am....the weakest Vestra.....
Skill Level Increase Quotes:
I can use this on the hunt.
This is easy as pie.
Another day, another lesson.
I can do that? Explains a lot. (Budding Talent)
I....I actually do that? (Magic)
Level Up Quotes:
As to be expected of a Vestra.
Excellence comes with hard work.
Getting stronger and wiser.
Missed the mark, it seems.
I can hear the old man scoffing from the grave.
Not sure I have much left to learn.
Gift Quotes:
Liked Gifts: Oh, I love this! How did you know?
Neutral Gifts: Thanks. This will be useful for later.
Disliked Gifts: You might have better luck elsewhere.
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thoughtsandbones · 1 year
It all catches up with you
Simon 'Ghost' Riley x F!MedicDoc OC (codename: Blue) 💀💙
WARNINGS: Mention of alcohol, war, profanity, medical inaccuracies and just getting the POV of our friendly neighbourhood masked menace.
Plot: Doctor Ruhari Hari Kaur (OC is South Asian ☺️) joins the 141 again, but this time as their doctor. After the betrayal of Shepherd and Graves, Task Force 141 begins their hunt on his whereabouts and locating Makarov.
PLEASE reblog and like! Hope folks are enjoying the series, I am building up characters and plots, cos I have a lot ideas and just been enjoying writing :D
Song inspo: Sonne - Rock and a Hard Place - Supreme Beings of Leisure, Behind Blue Eyes - The Who and Athena - The Who
A/N: Flashbacks are getting messed up when I am indenting them and I am getting lots of errors when publishing the work, please bare with some mistakes and spelling issues.
I grew up with the OG MW2 game, so there are some references to the old one, so kind of a mix of both the OG and the new timeline... (Also I'm ignoring the OG Shepherd betrayal and keeping in line the one with the new timeline..)
All rights reserved to the rightful owners of Call of Duty Modern Warfare.
spelling and some grammar mistakes as I am bad at times... :/
(FYI: bold sentences... that are like this... are supposed to describe redacted data/info to the plot... ;] .. )
Please do let me know how you all are finding this fanfic! :D
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8 and PART 9
Part 10
"Ghost, my office now" Price beckoned calmly as they left the infirmary, he saw Ghost briefly stop and then turned to look at him. The mask covering his surely annoyed face. Price knew something was up. He'd assumed that Simon would tell you by now who he is.
Moments later, Soap left the infirmary baring witness to the stand off between Price and Ghost. He looked at Price's stern face, eyes narrowed towards Ghost, who was silently standing his ground, somehow weighing out his options within that mysterious man.
Price turns to Soap.
"Soap, come along as well, my office, call up Gaz too" Price said, turning right to the stairs down to his office. Soap followed, looking back at Ghost who also followed, taking slow steady steps. Soap took out his phone, texting Gaz.
As the three of them walked to Price's office, Soap couldn't being stuck in the unknown of what occurred between Price and Ghost.
Price unlocked the door of his office and ushered Soap and Ghost in.
"Gaz coming?" He says looking at Soap
"Aye, he's on his way" Soap replied
Price looked down either side of the corridor, waiting for Gaz, he eventually sees him coming up from the stairs. Gaz nods at Price
"Everything all good Captain?" Gaz asks as he walked in looking at Soap and Ghost then back at Price as he closed and locked the door.
"Bit of a sticky situation Gaz" Price replied looking at Gaz and then to Ghost.
Soap and Ghost were sat on either end of the sofa, leaving a small gap. Gaz opted to take one of the small armchairs as Price took his usual armchair, facing perfectly at the door, the sofa and the small armchair.
"Ghost has royally pissed off Hari" He said glaring at Ghost.
Ghost glared back. Adamant about standing his ground and his reason.
"She's not comin' with us on this mission" Ghost gruffed
"I ain't suggesting she were to come on this mission, but I am saying in the future Ghost" Price asserted "You said she was getting good with weapons handling, and I know she can follow orders well" Price added
"What's the situation Cap?" Gaz asked, now curious as to what occurred.
"I would like for Hari to be on the task force, in the field. Her skills as a doctor would greatly help during long term missions which are bound to come up" Price said
"Aye, I am for it" Soap blurted
Ghost looked at Soap 'Course he would he thought
"Ghost says no on the account she's a liability..." Price said through gritted teeth.
"She's not SAS, has been out the army for over 12 years." Ghost mumbled .
"Yet she's been eager and willing to partake in our drills and target practise" Soap retorted, giving Ghost a confused face. "She would be a great asset" Soap continued
"Soap has made a fair point." Price said, nodding at him and turned to Gaz "How 'bout you Kyle?"
"Given my brief interaction, I think she has what it takes, I was impressed by her cool with that other doctor fella" Gaz said "I woulda knocked 'im out" He added
"Another good point" Price said and turned to Ghost.
"How was she during the course she ran today?" Price asked him
Ghost looked at him. He's buried himself. Felt buried like he did when Roba buried him with Vernon. Part of him would rather he be back there than here...
"Was alrigh'" He gruffed
"What was her time?" Gaz asked
"5 minutes 48 seconds" He replied
"Not bad for first time." Gaz said impressed, leaning back in the chair. "Why does Ghost have an issue with her again?" He asked, looking at Price
"Because she knew him before he became the Ghost and trained her under Captain MacAlasdair"
Ghost could feel himself shrink, he wanted nothing more than a hole to appear and swallow him into a dark abyss. The constant reminder of you, who you were, how you have changed and how would you react after seeing him after all this time.
"Want me to tell her?" Soap suggested looking at Ghost with eyes widened.
Ghost shot him a glare "Over my dead body Johnny" he whipped back
"Why's it so hard Ghost?" Gaz asked, now intrigued at this mysterious past he hid.
Ghost looked over at Gaz, then at Price. The lump no a stone was forming again in his throat. He couldn't get the words out.
Why is it so fuckin' hard he asked himself
"Simon she deserves to know" Price whispered
Ghost stood up, he couldn't take it anymore, his hands formed into fists. Price saw his fists tighten, he was hesitant at what would happen next...
"I know she does..." Ghost hissed. "Just can't, not at the moment" he resumed quietly. Ghost sat back down, sinking into the sofa.
Soap looked at him with sadness Lt has been through a lot he thought
"Look, she's good and eager" Ghost started. All eyes in the room turned to him, yet Ghost continued to look down at his knees, down the the frayed blue edges of his jeans by his black boots.
"Needs more trainin'" Ghost finally added looking up at Price.
Price finally smiles, it wasn't a lot, but it was enough to ensure that Ghost was trying at least. He had to take his own time.
"All sorted. After this mission, we will get her training with us and see how she does" Price concluded
"Aye" Soap said, smirking and nodding his head
"Looking forward to it" Gaz said
A grunt came out of Ghost.
"Alright, back to it" Price says getting up and patting his hands on his knees. "Remember, Dr Kaur will be doing health and med kit checks tomorrow morning, she'll send an email out soon" He added. They all nodded as Price looked at them.
Ghost was the first to leave the office, he made his way back up to his room. He passed the infirmary, a quick glance in and he saw you typing away on your laptop. Opening his door, and locking it, he rushed in and collapsed on the bed taking off his mask, clenching in his right hand. Simon groaned into his pillow, and then rolled over to his side looking outside the window.
The sun had finally set, the sky was dark, but it was cloudy and no stars would be visible tonight. He grabbed his phone out of his pocket, and then grabbed his wired earphones and connected it to his phone, listening to his comfort music, The Who.
Closing his eyes, he was reminded of your cold stare that pierced him in the garage. He jolted slightly. Within his hands his phones vibrated. Simon looked down at the notification.
An email from you.
He tapped on it immediately and read the email:
Dear all,
Tomorrow I'd like to see you all for a health check as requested by Sergeant MacTavish.. and Captain Price.
Additionally, I need to check your med kits, please bring them along so I can top up if needed.
Times for health checks:
10:00 - Captain Price
11:00 - Sergeant Garrick
12:00 - Sergeant MacTavish
13:30 - Lieutenant Ghost
Any issues please let me know :)
Kind regards,
Dr Kaur
Simon scanned the email again. You wanted him last. He rolled onto his back and looked at the email again. An whole hour with just you and him. Simon slammed his head against the pillow. He had to apologise to you. He majorly fucked up.
He closed his eyes, hoping that sleep will come soon. But it didn't. The pain and anxiety was building up in him about tomorrows looming interaction with you. The past crept up slowing from the back of his mind.
"I am the death of everything you know and love"
Simon jolted up from his bed, fists tight and near his face.
The echo of Manuel Roba's words resonated within his skull. Simon looked around his room. Simon reached for his knife from his strap on his fatigues.
"Fuckin' come out El Gordo" he hissed out into the darkness, circling his room, clenching the knife tighter in his fist.
Simon was met with silence. No one but him was in his room. He placed the knife on his bedside table and then changed out of his fatigues into his black joggers and took his shirt off. Simon crept back into bed, bringing the knife with him in his right hand, placing it under his pillow.
"Hey English" Roba's voice echoed in his head.
'Fuckin' come on" He hissed again out in the silence
Simon closed his eyes, it was going to be one of those nights again he thought.
Simon began cackling lightly into his pillow as his mind took him back to the dark place of Coahuila, Mexico.
No rest for the wicked
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smilestimz · 3 months
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Welcome to SmileStimz ! Smiliest place around d:-)
My names Happy/Cade, but you can also call me: Moss, Rosie, Henry, or Neon as well!
I am 26 years old + queer/mspec/plygay & you can find my pronouns >here<!
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This is my Stimblog, where I post gifs I've made + stimboards I make! I mostly like: food(especially sweets like frosting, ice cream n cake), slime, kinetic sand and lots of brightly colored stuff.
My gif tag is >here<! & my Stimboard tag is >here<! I also have a spam/archive stimblog: @arcadestimz!
Currently: Stimboard Requests are CLOSED & Gif set Requests are CLOSED as well. A post will be made whenever they're reopened!
Using my gifs in your own Stimboards is allowed, just make sure to link back to my post its from to give me credit for it!
My DNI Banners are also f2u! You can find links to them here on >This post<
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As the image above says: I'll make you stimboards for Money! The money from these go to help me Afford Groceries.
A single stimboard is 10 dollars- any Additional stimboards you want will be 5 dollars more.
These boards can be of anything! Ocs, Favorite characters, your personal sonas/fursonas, a favorite song, a gift for someone else- basically just anything you'd like!
Fandoms I'm most familiar w are: FNAF, BATIM, Pizza Tower, Welcome home & MLP. I'm open to really doing any fandom, but know I will turn down anything if it makes me uncomfortable or I don't think I could do it justice.
I will NOT do stimboards relating to: Harry Potter, South Park, IRL People, Hazbin Hotel OR Helluva Boss. If you're unsure if I'll do a stimboard on something just ask n I'll let you know.
You can send requests through my asks on here, Or through your message w ur donation on Paypal!
Find my paypal >here< !
Any commissions are greatly appreciated! Artwork drawn above drawn by @/thegameartist03!
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Below Read more is my DNI. Please read it before you interact or Follow me. If you break my dni I'll just block you.
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Just don't follow or interact w me if your a exclusionist who thinks they can decide who is or isn't a part of the community. Yes: this includes if you think straight trans people & straight ace or aro people aren't a part of the community.
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Do Not follow or Interact with me if you are: Pro harmful para, Transid, Transrace/Trace, Transx, Transabled, a Proshipper, Xenosatanic, Medpunk or Radqueer or support those groups.
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inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
What Would Your OC Sing At Karaoke Night? Tag | Tagged by @g0dspeeed <3
If your OC was at a karaoke night, what would be their go-to song? Would they even partake? Bonus points for a little story.
Okay, for ages I so had this idea how Sabrina would go full Kate Carver (Walker: Independence, gif under the cut) and do a little impression of John as a joke. @g0dspeeed's WIP Monday post and mention of Cappie's karaoke song so became a sign it's time to talk about this. Snippet below. I will probably do a separate post for Calahan and Mercedes one day. :D
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All can be cured with a payment Yea, trust in the blind Faith in the hands of the faithless And beautiful lies You are one step away from annihilation! Ooh, do ya feel the heat? From below Send a sign to me, the next one’ll pay me in gold I don’t know how to lose I know that you think that I’m some kind of savior But I’m the broker of sin Just a coin for your wrongs, and I’ll cleanse ya Oh, what did you do? Yes your riches can purchase atonement Oh, what did you do? There’s a price to be paid and you owe it!
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"Go out with me just once. Please.", Sabrina had asked with such hopeful expression John had found himself unable to say no to her idea to drag him out to the Spread Eagle. This is exactly where he had ended up few hours later: in front of the entrance to the bar, music and chatter spilling into the night air. "You have to give them a chance.", she said with conviction, a small smile playing on her lips.
"Deputy-", he mumbled, knowing full well things weren't about to go as smooth as she expected them to. "I mean it, John.", her voice became stern as she took hold of his hand and pushed the door open, dragging him inside. The second they stepped over the threshold, it was like the whole atmosphere of the bar shifted. The chatter died down significally and all eyes zeroed in on the two of them, yet Sabrina seemed oblivious to everyone's wary stares as she ran towards Hartley and enveloped him into a hug. Calahan kept his arms around her for longer than John could tolerate and had the audacity to wink at his narrowed gaze. "I will be damned, Gray. He actually came.", Hartley exclaimed as he finally let go of Sabrina and nodded in his direction in a greeting. A start. A hand hit the Deputy's back, "You owe me 50, Cal." "Les, don't tell me you bet on it.", there was a hint of warning in Sabrina's tone, but her eyes softening in Leslie's direction told a different story. "I bet for him and it was Calahan's idea. Blame him, Rina.", he shrugged as he sat back down in his seat. "Sit.", Sabrina whispered to John, then turned to her friends, "Everyone, play nice."
Calahan snorted at the same time Leslie shook his head. "Brin, nice isn't exactly my forte these days, but I'd try.", Mercedes finally spoke up, sending a smirk his way as John removed his jacket and sank into the chair next to hers, "Hello, brother… in-law. Guess some things never change, eh?" He was still getting used to her personality after she had shed her Mercy act. On the small stage, Sharky Boshaw was taking his turn at Karaoke night, clearly set on a mission to burst everyone's eardrums with Hurk Jr. as his back-up singer. "Wooohoo.", Harley cheered, raising his lighter in the air like he was at a concert not at shameless public torture. Not the kind I'd enjoy, too. "How uncomfortable are you on the scale of 1 to 10, brother?", Mercedes muttered before letting a laugh, "It's cute you're here, I'd give you that. Jacob would never. I tried." "I'm just peachy." "Liar.", she patted his shoulder, "A drink would help." "No." "Mer." "He's fine, Brin. I'm not going to eat him." An hour that felt like eternity to him passed where locals tried their hardest to do an impression of an America's Got Talent reject. "I'm up next, yo.", Hartley announced as he headed for the stage and blew a kiss towards Mary May who was manning the bar as usual, "This one is for a certain special someone. Not you, John." Laughter sounded all around them as the music started and he slipped into the song while Sabrina rested her head against John's shoulder and grabbed his hand, "We can go if it's too much…" "We're staying, Deputy.", his eyes found hers and a side of him wished they were back at the ranch, but he meant what he had said. "Okay. I'm off to the ladies room. Be right back.", she said and left after dropping a quick peck on his lips. By the time Hartley wrapped up his performance and came back to the table, she still hadn't returned, her absence making him worry. "Oh, this is going to be fuuuuuun.", Mercedes sing-songed and she leaned forward, the secretive expression on her face giving John a pause. Hartley nodded with a knowing smile and took a sip from his beer. John was about to get up and look for Sabrina when the lights in the bar went off for a beat as another song started. The second they came back on, he was staring at her on stage, wearing none other than his jacket as she bit her lip and looked in his direction. When did you even grab it, Deputy? People cheered when her melodic voice took over the room, her presence mesmerizing everyone, including him. In that moment, sitting through a whole hour of terrible singing and uncomfortable stares seemed all worth it. It took him a while to realize why she had chosen the song, by the time she got to the second verse and bridge, he had no doubt it was about him.
♫ I know that you think that I’m some kind of savior But I’m the broker of sin Just a coin for your wrongs, and I’ll cleanse ya Oh, what did you do? Yes your riches can purchase atonement Oh, what did you do?♫
She was wearing his jacket. Singing about sin. Successfully breaking the ice and acknowledging the elephant in the room so people can move on. "Now, that one is about you, chief.", Calahan uttered out and whistled as Sabrina's song came to an end. Clapping followed her as she returned to the table and plopped down into John's lap. "How angry did that make you?", she asked, kissing his cheek while her hands wrapped around his neck. "It didn't. It was a sight to behold." "Yeah?" "You look good in my jacket, what can I say?", his lips hovered over to hers, not quite touching. "Jesus, get a room.", Hartley fake-coughed, "You truly are a goner, Seed. I expected you to storm out, all broody. Not pass the test." "I'm drinking to that.", Mercedes raised her hand in a toast, "To unlikely company that ain't so bad after a few drinks." Seconds passed, where John expected nobody to join in, then Calahan clicked his bottle against her glass, prompting Leslie to do the same before Sabrina followed suit, too. "I'm next, people.", Mercedes declared as she strutted over to the stage, no doubt catching many eyes on her way. Good thing Jacob didn't come. John was certain the night would have ended differently, possibly in a fight instead of with Sabrina sitting in his lap, surrounded by friends for hours until the two of them emerged back out, ready to head home. "Drive safe.", Calahan called out before taking a drag of his cigarette and adding, "See you next Friday, Seed. You still owe me, so don't think of ditching us." "See… told you he's coming around.", Sabrina said, unable to hold back her smile, "Thank you for tonight." "Anything for you.", John retorted as she snuggled closer to him and he put an arm around her in attempts to keep her warm on their way to her father's Bronco.
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Tagging @josephseedismyfather @adelaidedrubman @thesingularityseries @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat @euryalex @detectivelokis @nightbloodbix @aceghosts @madparadoxum @trench-rott @josephslittledeputy @dumbassdep @theelderhazelnut @purplehairsecretlair @neonneurons @jinfromyarikawa @shegetsburned @clicheantagonist @poisonedtruth @cassietrn @wrathfulrook @voidika @harmonyowl @strangefable @schoute @jacobsneed @strafethesesinners and anyone that would like to do the tag <3
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roboyomo · 4 months
GRABBING YUO. hai :] 1 + 6 + 8 +29 for th ask game !!
GETS GRABBED. hellooooo there pik!!! :D
"1. Have you ever picked up a habit from developing/writing one of your own characters? And if so, who and what?" ough,,, a tough one because my memory is quite bad,,, I think i never had that?? i really can't recall,,,ueeghheh :[ <- can't remember anything
"2. Are there any other preexisting characters that inspired an OC?" Well.
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you tell me. and by that i mean my 2016 obsession with bill cipher has DEFINITELY showed up in kenix. yea bill cipher is partially the reason that kenix is silly™ like this. and no i will not elaborate. As for other characters, I don't think that has happened? Most of them just. popped into existence on a random day and i let them
"8. Is there a certain song or playlist of songs you have that make you think of an OC/your story for them?" OUGHHHH. I HAVE QUITE THE AMOUNT SO BUCKLE UP.
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as for other beasts,,, this cover of brain revolution girl by maretu for amor. (THIS COVER HAS AN EDITED MV AND I THINK THERE ARE FLASHING LIGHTS SO BE CAREFUL). I KNOW I BARELY TALKED ABOUT HIM. BUT LISTEN
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i do prefer the eng translation of the song in the reol and ill.bell cover cc because i feel like the lyrics fit his anger a bit more there but still. this does just as well.
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and augh,,,, found footage by shikakuzakana for apollo. WARNING THAT THERE ARE FLASHING COLORS IN THE MV
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i don’t have a lot of songs which lyrics make me think of apollo only but this. this is one of the very few. i hold apollo very close to my heart
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you know what. The mind electric by miracle musical. for amor, apollo AND kenix. yes i think this part right here fits the three of them. i will not be elaborating further
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HEAT ABNORMAL BY IYOWA. AND SPECIFICALLY MIYASHITA YUU’S COVER OF IT. this with yaku from his peak insanity chapter. my poor little guy is going through it
and this might be it for the songs!! this reminds me of the amor playlist i made a year ago,,, should probably check up on that one
"29. Do any of your OCs have AU designs/stories?" WELL I DID TRY TO PUT THESE BEASTS INTO THE PMVERSE.
i had ideas of them as nuggets and also as limbus company sinners. for the nugget stuff i gave apollo da capo as his signature ego suit and weapon and feather of honor as the ego gift. amor was supposed to have the twilight ego gift + suit as well as the mimicry weapon (because shapeshifting beings!!). or maybe some mountain of smiling dead bodies stuff,,, yaku was supposed to have just full laetitia ego stuff and kenix,,,, never decided anything for him actually but honestly it might just be judgement bird ego gear for no reason, and azrael with possibly little red riding hooded mercenary ego gear? As for limbus stuff, i just see amor trying to kill kenix at every possible moment with dante having to rewind the clock. a lot. they are trying to kill each out here and apollo and yaku are just. there. we don't know where's azrael don't ask me where he is
YEA THIS WAS FUN THAMKYOUUU. and!!! i might actually draw them as lobcorp agents at some point i think it'd be fun to do :]
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fallingforfandoms · 11 months
Tag someone you want to know and/or some of your besties
@except4bunnies tagged me for my take on this lovely list, thanks so much!
favorite color: I don't have a specific one in mind, but I'm rather fond of black, green and red at the moment.
last song: "About Damn Time" by Lizzo because I'm still somehow now tired of it, even though I basically listened to the instrumental version for the past few days on repeat for ... fandom purposes ;)
last movie: Raiders of the Lost Ark - the first Indiana Jones film that I originally bought as a birthday present for my dad a couple days ago but came to love again for my very own reasons by the end of the first rewatch.
currently watching: Well, there are a few Tatort episodes left on my list, and a friend recommended "The World To Come" on Netflix which seemed quite promising at first glance, so, yay, looking forward to that!
other stuff I watched this year: Jumped on the Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon hypetrain very late (and for fic inspiration purposes at first) and loved it (apart from the infamous butchering of s7/8 of course). Also, still very much in love with "Daisy Jones and the Six". Go and watch that. The characters are awesome. The music is even better. And the enemies to lovers to enemies vibes are just ... yes. Yes, please.
shows I dropped this year: Started with the new season of Heartstopper and got punched in the feels for "you didn't have that kind of social bliss at school and the comparison hurts way too much" reasons. So, thanks, but no thanks, this kinda make-belief world ain't for me anymore, but y'all have fun with it :')
currently reading: Academic stuff that takes way too long to comprehend and that makes me feel guilty for even staring at some normal novel because I should be using my time more wisely, etc etc etc.
currently listening to: That's probably hella weird, but I love the concept of apps that read texts to you out loud. It's a great way to fall asleep to your favourite fanfics, or to find typos in the stories you've written yourself because the automated voice pronounces these words as oddly as they should be, given the faulty spelling. Highly recommending @Voice for that (I think @mistofstars mentioned the app once as well, at least that's how I know of it).
currently working on: countless WiPs that involve Wilhelmine Klemm and ... varying women, also the same old Ludwigshafen stories that will probably follow me into my grave. And lastly ... a best-of edit starring some of my all time favourite comfort characters. That one will probably be finished by January (exact date tba) and be way too long to be posted anywhere, but I'll just label this as self-care then :'D
current obsession/s: Fell in love with Bremen and Hamburg and Münster (the actual cities this time) throughout the last few weeks. And I had so many lovely little moments with random strangers on that trip (shoutout to the lady in the St. Pauli-Fanshop with all her Tüddelkram, to the guy I bought my Krabbenbrötchen from, and to Renate, the old lady on her way to Stralsund who chatted to me on the train for an hour and reminded me very much of a lovely OC by @all-my-worlds-a-stage that I still hold very close to my heart). And I simultaneously loved the fact that I was travelling alone and was completely free to do whatever I wanted. Yes please. Obsessed with these kinds of connections and trips. Want more of them asap. <3
Tagging @all-my-worlds-a-stage @cornchrunchie @mordsfesch @mistofstars @krejong @khalaris and anyone else who wants to join in! :)
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ghoodles · 1 year
Okay silly pinned post!
Hi! My name is.. well i have multiple names, you can call me ink, or sparrow, pick your poison, idm which :3
I am 15!
Im really, really into spider-man! Ive currently read up through EWAF from the spider-man noir comics, and am working on reading hobie's comics! (Thank you @/canary-song for giving me a site where i could look at them without thinking im getting a virus :D)
A lot of the things i post are just gonna be rambles about spider-people and my daily life, also ghost.. . Im normal..
Anyways boundaries!! Please read, and they may change depending on what happens here.
- Make any sort of fan-content (i doubt this'll happen, but its best to just get it out!)
- Feel free to use the askbox! I'm more than happy to answer, even if it aint a question!
- Honestly, go wild :D anything i dont mention should be a green light ^^
- Make NSFW content of me or my ocs [im a minor. Yes, not all of my characters are, but the majority of them are.]
- Do heavy gore [At least.. not too realistic]
- If you wouldnt do it to a teenager, dont do it to me! You will be blocked, no hesitation :D
Thanks for reading, common tags below!
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clarenecessities · 9 months
✨🍀 re: wow toons (idk what that is so pls enlighten me!)
AHAHAHA YES!!!! <-sicko voice
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
these go hand in hand so i'm doin' 'em together >:3c so wow toons are what you call your different world of warcraft characters, of which i have... 12? 15? some multiple of three. i shall describe each of them in turn bc you've inadvertently activated my trap card.
Sétanta - my very first wow character. he's a worgen bc obviously i'm going to pick the werewolf race, come on. i made him a druid bc i heard you could turn into even more animals and this pleased me. He's named for Cú Chulainn (Hound of Culann), who renamed himself that as a kid. I pronounce it 100% wrong, with an /s/ at the start and a /t/ in the middle, but that's what happens when you learn all your words by reading as a small child. i pronounced seamus See-Miss until i was like 16. it could be worse.
Seidrin - As I was fleshing him out i accidentally went way too hard on his mom's backstory, so when I wanted to make a tank she was the natural choice. her dad is the wolf god Goldrinn, who I decided (fancifully) to pretend was named for galdra, one of the kinds of norse magic. -inn being the masculine name suffix, i changed it tothe feminine -in and named her for seiðr magic instead. went with a d instead of a th bc logan very wisely pointed out the "-drin-" mirrors Goldrinn.
Crimthann - Sétanta's dad. I wanted to make a healer and I was like you know what would be really funny? If I named his dad after another guy who renamed himself for an animal. And Crimthann (an old irish name meaning 'fox') is often alleged to be the birth name of St. Colmcille, 'church dove'. so i made him a priest but unfortunately priests are very boring to play so he's... languishing.
Donn - I wanted to make a Horde character but I didn't know how to play anything but a druid so I was like... surely, this will work. I was gonna name him Donn Cúailnge after the Brown Bull of Cooley but it turns out you can't put spaces in the names. But Donn (shockingly) wasn't taken so... here he is! Tauren druid!
Jettion - I was bullied into making a dracthyr, the newest race, bc they have a fun starting quest. Dragons in wow have name suffixes according to their 'flight' (color) and he's a male black dracthyr (who are like anthro dragons) so his name had to end in -ion, and often the black flight's names start with shades of blade, so... it was either Jetion or Jettion, and I liked Jettion better bc it looks like Jettison.
Shannock - We all made vulpera, the little fox people together. but i'd already used the name Crimthann. so I was like 'maybe sionnach'? but if you can believeit some bastard already snagged it. so i went with a rough anglicization. i should play him more.
Lokworg - I've twice been bullied into making a monk bc supposedly they get fun later on & i just need to keep doing quests with my pals, but my pals are much faster than i am and outstrip me quickly. The first monk i deleted bc i don't care about him and honestly lokworg's not doin' much for me either. His name's orcish, lok is song/cry (noun) and worgs are the large, extra smart wolves orcs ride as mounts. More or less 'direwolf song'.
Rumpelteazer - Peer pressured into doing the worgen starting quest & I wanted someone who could learn to pick locks one day, so rogue it was! Originally named Scátha (irish for shade but also kind of an oblique reference to scáthach, the scottish warrior woman who trained Cú Chulainn (and my own pseudohistorical ancestor)), but I kept pronouncing it wrong and was listening to Cats 1998 soundtrack and... well... he's a rogue! and Mungojerrie was taken!
Ulfhedrinn - in keeping with the norse theme, he's named after the Ulfheðnar (singular Ulfheðinn, wolf+what's basically a hooded vest made of fur) that were an appropriately lupine variety of berserkers. I wanted to make a Horde healer and i was like you know... i haven't made this insane little family big enough yet.
Galdrulf - Okay, honestly? He was supposed to be Ulfhedrinn. We were starting with new Horde characters and we were gonna level together, but I got so lost in the customization sauce that I forgot Ulf's particular flavor of orc starts at level 10 instead of 1. So I panicked and made a warrior, and I named him galdr+ulf bc I'm not very creative under pressure.
Fuil - Bullied into making a dark iron dwarf but i'm not clear on why bc we never got farther than unlocking them? guys? are we doing anything with these? irish for blood bc he's going to be a Blood Death Knight. one day. probably.
Tigernmas - I was peer pressured into making a Demon Hunter, whom I wanted to name Crom but noooo, that was 'taken', so I named him after a pseudohistorical king that got himself and 75% of the men in Ireland killed worshipping Crom Cruach.
you know i'm sensing some themes here. a lot of irish. a lot of peer pressuring. jesus christ is seidrin my only woman? she doesn't even use the fpose model no wonder they keep he/himming me
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tr1ckysp00k · 2 years
Hello and welcome!
Introduction! <3
You can call me Trinity!
I will mostly be writing bob x reader stuff, that goes especially to my new story, just one bite. I will be writing for other types fandoms!
I do draw! My drawing isn’t all great, but I will be posting it nonetheless!
I do repost! Mostly stuff that I think are underrated, but if you don’t want me reposting please let me know! So no inconveniences can happen in the future.
What I will post/write? <3
I mostly post bob x reader! But I do plan on writing bob x *oc* as well!
The reader, aka y/n, is gender neutral! If you’re wanting me to write on a certain gender though, like female, male, transgender, masc, ect+ i’ll be happy too! 😋
What I really like writing is yandere stories or maybe angst! So much tension, and adrenaline! I often read other people’s stories and find inspiration in them!
What fandoms will I write for? :D
Spooky month, ofc
And DHMIS {big fan of this series}
{Maybe} welcome home ☀️
•Nothing Inappropriate just little eery stories between the characters and the reader•
{that’s all for now}
Fandoms I’m in?
🕷️ fnaf
🕷️ Spooky month
🕷️ welcome home
🐝 owl house
🐝 gravity falls
🐝 Kipo and the age of the wonder beast
Do you take request & ask?
Yes! Absolutely! Though, I may or may not respond quickly, I’ll make sure your asks don’t go unanswered!
I do have some rules that must be followed if you are gonna make a request, and if your gonna interact with my page!
Rules that must be followed:
No hatful comments on my work, if you don’t like what I post just scroll! It’s simple!
I don’t want pr-shippers not c0mshippers interacting with my account.
I do have boundaries. I will not be posting anything too inappropriate
I want to keep it 13+, please!
I don’t want ‘Fans’ of APH Interacting with my account.
Nor do I want people who support hatful and nasty behavior {by this you should know what I mean} on this account. I will not hesitate to block you.
What stories are you working on?
The current one i’m writing is a bob x reader story!
‘Just one bite?’
It was inspired by multiple artist in this app, in which I will be tagging! ⬇️
@dib-thing-wannabe /inspiration to my writing!
@grilladrago /inspiration to my writing and art!
@fatdemonlover /inspires my art and writing!
@ech0lesss /inspiration to my writing!
@cringe-croissant /inspiration to my art! And gives me motivation
@shaggyspook/@theogratking inspires my art and creativity!
{send love to these people!}
{I’m sure more inspiring artist will turn up! I enjoy seeing peoples art and stories, yall are so creative!}
How often do I post?
Not much unfortunately
Stuff about me! {just putting this on the table}
I am apart of the lgbtq+! [im pansexual!]
I’m as well a ally of the furry community!
I often draw as a hobby, as well as listening to music! I love various artist in the music industry!
{I’m not a HUGE fan of country music, it’s ironic because I grew up in the countryside LMAO}
I do a lot of writing in my spare time! I mostly like making fanfics {I love receiving peoples recognition off of them :’)}.
I don’t self-ship, but I support it and have no problem with people who do! <3
My bday is in June 23!
Music artist I’m mostly into;
Jack stauber
Lemon demon {I’m in love with the song ‘touch tone telephone’}
Slip knot
Mother mother
Nine inch nails
Black dresses
Crystal castles
And Gorillaz
Weird facts about me cuz why not? :D
• you know when you take out a fresh trash bag {specifically those black hefty trash bags} and it has a certain Smokey smell to it? I love the smell. And it has to be the hefty brand or otherwise it isn’t the same.
• I like cutting the sausage part of the Hot Dog into little bits, then eating them with chopsticks.
• I often collect trinkets and such, and keep them in a small box. I don’t even use them, I just collect them just for the heck of it.
• show me something smaller than it should be and I’ll lose my mind. {I also like collecting those mini brand figurines}
• I space out 24/7
• I cannot stand dry hands or touching anything that is too dry, it can be tolerated but I prefer for my hands not to feel chalky.
• often running out of glue because I’m obsessed with letting it dry on my hands then peeling it off.
• I have a habit of talking to myself.
Thank you for reading!
Hugs and love to all of y’all!
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lucky-fy · 1 year
~ mutuals I want to know better ~
That was quite the surprise @easy-revenge ! Thanks for the tag!
Last song I listened to: Breezeblocks by alt-j and the whole time, I was thinking about Falin and Marcille from Dungeon Meshi… I mean… “Please don’t go, I’ll eat you whole, I love you so […]”
Fav colour: hmm, tough choice. I’m more of colour-hater than a colour lover (I don’t like purple, even if I use it all the time for shading, lol). I guess I do like brown a lot, when accompanied with blue. Nice combo, no matter the shade. I like brown tabby cats best (I’m more of a blue eyes lover, though)
Currently watching: some seasonal anime, like Mushoku Tensei season II.
Currently reading: I’m giving Dungeon Meshi a re-read, with the official French translation this time around. I’m taking notes for fanfic writing. Otherwise, Brave New World is waiting on the nightstand.
Sweet/savoury /spicy: never heard of savoury as a flavour, aha. Is it umami? Probably is. In any case, I’m not picky and I like them all. What I’ll eat will depend on my mood.
Relationship status: single and not really looking for a partner. I’d prefer to be well on HRT before trying to find someone, if I ever bother to go looking. I’m more of a “ride or die” type of person, so casual stuff is out the window in any case, lol.
Current obsessions: *looks at my blog* Dungeon Meshi, ahaha. I can’t wait for the anime, I’m sure Trigger will do well. Kinda hoping for a full-series adaptation! Otherwise, Chainsaw Man is still on my mind, always. I have a bunch of CSM Beastars!AU WIP, fanart wise.
Last thing I googled: “Akita Inu”, as I was talking with a relative and they said they saw a tall Japanese-type dog. I showed them pictures, to which they said “yes, that’s the dog I saw!”
Currently working on: many things… Completing my current sketchbook for student credits, writing a “scientific Pokédex” for student credits (an excuse to look into many animal species and expand my own knowledge for work later on, all while having fun with speculative biology), re-reading Dungeon Meshi, analyse the characters and write fanfic for them (starting with a Laios and Lycion thing… I haven’t decided what yet), learn basic video editing so I can make the Dungeon Meshi edits I want to see (Talk by Hozier with the Winged Lion *cough*), write for my OC on Master Poké (RP forum, there’s a summer writing event going on). I've also had this idea for a Skyrim fanfic, featuring a werewolf Khajiit who has lived a big part of their life in Falkreath. Shit happens. Anyway… I won't be able to complete all of this before classes start again *sigh*
tagging: @catcrow236 @rachaeltad @brn-t if you want, of course. No pressure! :D
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liltaz-asatreat · 2 years
Ask game! Ask game! Ask game!
"Fire" for the WIP asks please
You can find the ask game here! :D (Feel free to send a word in! I probably won't get to it until tomorrow though lol)
(And don't worry, Noodyl, I saw your other ask too, but I have multiple works with "fire" in it, so I'm gonna do both :D lol)
I don't remember if you've seen the few posts about this wip either, but this is from the new long term wip I'm writing called Double Troubles! If you haven't heard of it before, I can send you a link to where I talked about it more in depth :)
Anyway, here's the exert, and I'm adding a bit more than what I've been sharing with the other asks (like, a lot more, so much that it's the length of most of the Julia exerts I've posted lol) because I haven't shared a lot of this one, and I'm excited about this whole scene (it's gotta go under a readmore though):
(Also, credit to @institute-of-planar-shitposts for letting me use her taz OC, Sunshine, in my story [only in this bit she's only referenced as the half-elf bard Meadow saw in a tavern in the past] and the song Meadow sings is Could Have Been Me by The Struts [which I first learned of this song by watching Sunny's Sunshine tiktok using the song here] And you should totally check out the stuff Sunny's shared about her story she's writing about Sunshine!! I think she has it tagged as "Sunshine" on her blog and I have all the reblogs tagged "Sunshine tag! :D" on mine)
Meadow grabs Magnus' hand, and he helps him out of the well and onto solid ground. He looks around, still trembling, and...
It's just gone.
Everything is... it's just gone.
The only things left where Phandalin once stood are the charred remains of buildings standing at the very edge of a perfect circle of black glass and, in the epicenter of the circle, a burned out dwarven figure standing with his right arm raised in the air and on the end of it is the silvery gauntlet.
This has got to be enough evidence to know that he's cursed, right? Would this still have happened if he hadn't been anywhere near this?
“Meadow, I– I know, but I need help getting the others out,” Magnus says, disrupting his thoughts and delaying the inevitable doom spiral that he surely will go down later.
“Right. Yes, of course.” Meadow mumbles, and he grabs the part of the rope Magnus offers him before Magnus gets behind him with the end of it to act as an anchor.
Together they manage to help the other boys out of the well, and then all four of them work together to pull Killian out too. After they drag her a few feet away from it, they all stop and look at each other in silence.
“So what now?” Taako asks, and Meadow laughs a little hysterically.
“I have no fucking idea.”
“Well, we can't leave the gauntlet here,” Merle says as he looks over at it with his hands on his hips.
At this rate, Meadow's going to become a Pokémon master of super powerful, indestructible artifacts because he has a funny feeling that the gauntlet is going to be just as resistant to everything as the amulet is.
“Killian was looking for it and knew what it was, so she must have some sort of way to contain it,” Magnus says.
“I don't trust her to take it no matter if she has something to contain it or not,” Meadow says immediately.
The others look at him questioningly. “Why not?” Merle asks. “She definitely knows more about it than we do and wanted to avoid this happening.”
“Uh... Because I–” Meadow sighs. “I've seen something like this before.”
“Wait, you have?” Magnus asks incredulously.
“Well, why didn't you tell us what was going to happen then?!” Merle asks angrily.
“Yeah, any information could've helped, Dow!” Taako agrees, and Meadow winces.
“I– I didn't know this was going to happen!” he says defensively. “I didn't even know it was like the– the other artifact I saw once a few years ago until it was too late!”
Taako and Merle scoff, but Magnus' face relaxes slightly. “Do you know anything about it that could help us now?”
Meadow licks his lips nervously and nods slightly. “Yeah, uh... the other artifact like it... It takes over the will of whoever is using it like the gauntlet did with Gundren. And it's really powerful and really hard to beat the temptation to put it on and use it; I... I'm the only person I know of who's been able to handle something like that without using it.”
“Well that's convenient,” Taako says sarcastically.
“I mean, it's true!” Meadow says desperately. “I'll even say it under a Zone of Truth spell if I need to! Look–”
He takes a deep breath, his heart hammering wildly as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out the amulet. It's a deep green emerald shaped into a teardrop with silver trim, and it's set on a thin golden chain. He holds it up by the chain to let the boys look at it, and it starts whispering again.
“What the hell?” Merle asks quietly. He reaches out to grab it, but Meadow yanks it away.
“No! You can see it with your eyes, but don't– don't touch it.” he says in a panic.
“What did that do that was just as bad as the gauntlet?” Magnus asks, tearing his eyes away from the necklace to look at him.
He fights the urge to look away from him, mostly because he needs to keep an eye on all of them to make sure they don't lunge for it. “I... I don't want to talk about it,” he says quietly. “Please just... just know that... it was bad, okay? I've been trying to find a way to destroy it for years now, and nothing's worked, so I have to keep it on me. And I guess– I guess also that gauntlet.”
Meadow stuffs the amulet back into his pocket, and Taako eyes him warily.
“Don't you have a spell that identifies what magic objects are?” he asks. “You were buzzing to cast it on the umbrella and the gauntlet before Gundren took it. Do you think you'd be able to figure out anything else about the glove?”
“I can give it the old college try,” Meadow says with relief. “To be honest, I don't know if I'll get any more useful information from it though if it's made by the same person who made the amulet because I tried casting it on that too, but all I got from it was a really intense headache.”
Taako frowns. “Weird. You sure you were casting it correctly?”
Meadow rolls his eyes. “Yes, Taako, I was casting it correctly. It's not like that was my first time casting the damn spell.”
“Well, while you go do that, we'll tie up Killian, so that when we wake her up, we can get more information from her about what she was doing here in the first place,” Magnus says.
“Yeah, good idea!” Merle says. “I can heal her after you do that.”
“Is it alright if I come with you to the gauntlet?” Taako asks, and Meadow's shoulders tense up again before he quickly adds, “I'll give you space, but I figure just because you were able to pick up the necklace without putting it on, that doesn't mean the glove wouldn't be different.”
Meadow relaxes again as much as they can in this situation and nods. “Yeah, if I start to put it on...” they swallow hard. “If I start to put it on, don't hesitate to kill me, okay?”
“Are you sure?” Taako asks slowly, and they immediately nod.
“Positive. I'd rather die than be allowed to use that thing.” Even if it means they'd die in the Plane of Logic too. They still don't know how that works.
The two of them walk toward the gauntlet, and as they do, Meadow looks around the area more carefully. They were convinced while being awake in the other plane that Barry would be okay and able to talk to them after he died, but he's obviously not here anymore. They have no idea what they meant by that or what they should even be looking for, but if Barry was a ghost or something, he should still be here, right?
Taako peels off to the side as Meadow gets within five feet of the glove. They stop walking and look around the empty field of glass one last time.
Just more proof that they don't know what their talking about up in that other plane.
Meadow sighs and focuses back on the gauntlet. They take a few tentative steps forward when it starts speaking in their mind.
“Heeeyyy, buddy! Hey, buddy, put me on! Haven't you ever wanted to control fire? To know how it feels to hold that kind of power? I can help you defeat your enemies and protect the people you love!”
Meadow snorts with scorn. “I don't have anyone left on this plane that I love, not anymore, and I don't have any enemies either,” they say quietly, so that Taako doesn't hear. “You can fuck right off.”
They feel a wave of desire and enchantment magic wash over them, but they resist it with relative ease. After the wave passes, the gauntlet becomes quieter, and they feel more confident walking up and grabbing it.
They look over at Taako who looks tense with his wand out, and they give him a thumbs up. “It's all good!” they call out. “I'm gonna cast the spell now, but it's gonna be about ten minutes.”
Taako looks both a little relieved and a little annoyed. “You're casting it as a ritual? Just use a spell slot on it, we don't have all night!”
“I don't have any spell slots left,” Meadow says helplessly. “I only get mine back after sleeping and resting for about eight hours.”
Taako shakes his head and sits down on the ground. “Well, I can't leave you here by yourself, so start casting I guess.”
Meadow sits down too and holds the gauntlet in one hand as they go for their bag before they stop themself and put their other hand back down on their knee.
They can't play their clarinet one handed, so it looks like they're going to have to sing.
They mentally shuffle the songs that they know that are somewhere close to the forefront of their mind, and they settle on a song they first heard a half-elf bard sing in a tavern close to the Fountain Pens and Silver Ink guild hall. Makes sense that would be the one to come up considering the situation, and gods do they need the pick me up.
“I don't wanna live as an untold story,” they begin singing quietly. “Rather go out in a blaze of glory. I can't hear you, I don't fear you–”
“Are you going to start casting yet?” Taako calls out to them, and they stop singing and sigh in frustration.
“I mean, I already was until you interrupted me!” Meadow calls back, and as they do, the faint glow of golden light that was starting to surround the glove fades away again.
“I thought you cast spells with your clarinet or whatever,” Taako says.
“Yeah, usually! But I can't exactly play it one handed, so I'm singing!”
Taako frowns. “You are? You're not that far away, and I couldn't hear you.”
“I don't like singing in front of people; I told you that already. And I don't need to sing loud for it to work.” Meadow says irritatedly.
“You were singing Bohemian Rhapsody just fine with us in the cave!”
“Because everyone who knows that song sings it at the top of their lungs whether they sound good or not. It's literally impossible to not sing that one quietly!” they say as they roll their eyes.
“You didn't even know everyone knew it until Magnus told you that and Killian recognized it!” Taako says exasperatedly.
Meadow's face heats up in anger and embarrassment. “Do you want me to fucking cast this spell or not?”
“Yeah, fine, do your thing.” Taako waves them off, and they roll their eyes again.
“I don't wanna live as an untold story. Rather go out in a blaze of glory. I can't hear you, I don't fear you! I'll live now 'cause the bad die last. Dodging bullets with your broken past. I can't hear you, I don't fear you now!”
Meadow continues singing as the gauntlet begins to glow gold again, and as they sing, the light gets brighter and brighter until it steadies out at about the brightness of a halogen light bulb. They loop the song a couple of times until the spell is complete, trying to take to heart the fact that they can't hear the gauntlet nor fear it and ignore the fact that they are very much wrapped up in regret, and all at once, they're bombarded with what could only be described as static.
Their vision goes gray, and not in the way where everything turns gray-scale. Literally all they see is the color gray with different shades of it moving around like the static on a TV when they switch to the wrong channel. They can also hear that TV static noise loud in their ears, and they yelp in panic as they drop the glove and cover their ears instinctively. Their brain feels like fuzz, and they get slammed with a massive headache.
They squeeze their eyes shut tight and rock back and forth, still covering their ears and trying not to cry at how overwhelmingly loud, overstimulating, and painful it all is.
After about a minute, everything slowly starts to fade again, and it leaves their ears ringing more than usual and their heart still thumping wildly with anxiety.
“Meadow? Can you hear me?”
They feel someone put a gentle hand on their arm, and they jump in the air so bad as they recoil that they tip over and fall on their side.
Their eyes snap open as they see Taako standing over them looking worried.
“Sorry, it's just, you screamed a little and started... doing that–” He gestures at them helplessly. “–and then you didn't respond.”
“Oh, yeah, um... sorry about that,” they mumble, face heating up a lot as they push themself back up into a sitting position.
“Are– are you okay?” Taako asks. “Did the gauntlet do something to you?”
Meadow shakes their head. “No– I mean, yes, I'm okay, but no, the gauntlet didn't do anything to me exactly. I just... I didn't get anything from the spell except static. A lot of it. And it was painful.”
Taako frowns. “Like how we can't hear Killian static?”
Meadow thinks about that for a second. “Actually, yes. A lot like that.”
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trashedork · 2 years
Of Balls and Wishes
Characters: Ephemer, Ophelia (OC) Day 2 Prompt: Dancing/Fantasy AU
Ophelia had never attended a ball until tonight. It was an exciting, yet overwhelming sensation. The ballroom was packed with people which made it hard to breathe and move around. On the other hand, Ophelia was glad that her friends were enjoying themselves. If they were happy, then so was she. Her eyes surveyed the area in hopes of finding the person that she wished to be with.
"Looking for Ephemer?"
Ophelia almost jumped out of her skin at the sudden voice, turning to see who was speaking to her. "Hello, Skuld." A bashful smile made its way to her lips. "Yeah... I am."
"I saw him talking to Lady Ava a few minutes ago." Skuld told her with a smile. She donned a black, strapless gown that had a laced neckline.
"Oh. I see." A beat of silence went by before Ophelia asked, "Do you really... think that he'll like this dress?" Said dress was made out of a teal leaf-laced pattern and was decorated with sequins at the chest and back area. The bottom of the dress swept against Ophelia's body. Accompanying the dress were a pair of white strapped heels and a small white flower pin that tucked some of Ophelia's hair away from her face.
The smile on Skuld's face remained as she put her hand on the blonde's shoulder. "I’m sure he will. I've known him for a long time, so I basically know what he's thinking." She answered. "Don't worry. You look amazing."  
In response, Ophelia giggled. "Thank you."
"I hope Ephemer shows up soon. Doesn’t he know that it’s rude to keep a lady waiting?" Skuld glanced left and right, her eyes shimmering when she saw a familiar patch of silver hair in the crowd. "There he is!"
A second later, Ephemer had noticed the two girls. His lips curved as he walked in their direction. He was dressed in a white tux. The lapels and bowtie were black as well as his pants and loafers.
"Hello, ladies. Did I miss anything?"
"Not really." replied Skuld, turning towards Ophelia and smiled at her again. "Well, I'll see you later. If you need anything, come find me."
Ophelia nodded. "Thank you again."
"Don't mention it. That's what friends are for." With that being said, Skuld left her and Ephemer alone.
Ophelia watched the ebony-haired girl leave before facing Ephemer who was looking at her with a love-struck expression. It was then that she realized that he must’ve been staring at her appearance. "Do I... look okay? I don't look strange, do I?"
Ephemer took a step towards her and captured a layer of her golden hair in his fingers, planting a kiss on it that made Ophelia squeak in surprise. "No. You look absolutely gorgeous."
"D-Don't do that, Ephemer... We're in public."
"How else am I supposed to show you how beautiful you look? Maybe with a kiss?" Ephemer asked teasingly.
"No! Not that either!"
"All right, all right." Ephemer laughed. He dropped his hand that held Ophelia’s hair and snaked it around her waist, pulling her closer to him. “But, seriously. You look beautiful. Did Skuld help you pick out the dress?” 
Ophelia nodded her head. "Yeah. My other friends helped too."
"I'll have to thank them later. For now, let's have some fun." Ephemer held his other hand out to the blonde, still smiling. "May I have this dance?"
Staring down at his hand, then at him, Ophelia placed her hand in his. "Yes. But... I can't dance that well."
"It's okay. I can't either." reassured Ephemer. He then escorted Ophelia to where the rest of the dancers were and turned around, beginning to sway to the soft music that was playing. Ophelia placed her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes, enjoying the intimacy they were sharing. She felt uneasy with the stares that were on them, but it would be all right. She didn't need to pay attention to that. All she needed to focus on was Ephemer. Him and only him. A few songs later, Ophelia was starting to feel pain in her feet due to her heels.
Ephemer noticed it right away and inquired, "Do you want to take a break?"
"Yes, please."
All of a sudden, Ephemer had swept Ophelia off her feet and started walking out of the ballroom. Ophelia let out a yelp of surprise and hid her face in his chest. She was too embarrassed to see the reactions of the people that were watching, missing the wink that Skuld gave to Ephemer. The silver-haired boy carried her outside to the courtyard, gently setting her down on a stone bench. No one else seemed to be there.
Ephemer sat beside Ophelia and wrapped his arm around her midriff. "We should be okay here. It's quiet." He then shot her a bright smile. "So? Did you have fun?"
Softly humming, Ophelia nodded. "What about you?"
The pair then went silent, basking in each other's existence. Ophelia looked up at the starry sky, her eyes widening when a shooting star passed by. "Ephemer, look! A shooting star! Hurry! Make a wish!" Shutting her eyes, she clasped her hands together.
I wish to be with Ephemer forever...
"What did you wish for?" Ephemer asked Ophelia when she opened her eyes.
Ophelia glared at him. "I can't tell you or it won't come true." Her expression then softened a bit. "Did you make a wish?"
Ephemer shook his head, smiling. "Nope. I already have what I need."
"Huh? What do you mean?"
With a chuckle, Ephemer placed his hand on Ophelia's cheek. "You're my wish, Ophelia.”
"Ephemer..." Ophelia whispered, her face turning pink. 
"You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I mean that.” 
Ophelia was so surprised and engulfed in so many emotions that all she could do was bury her face in Ephemer's chest. She wanted to say something, but the words were caught in her throat. Ephemer understood, though, and embraced her tightly in his arms. She didn't need to say anything. As long as he got his message across, then that was fine with him.
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udaberriwrites · 2 years
I was tagged for this by @mikaharuka , thank you! In turn I want to tag @hylianjo , @tamras-shieldmaiden , @bleepbloopbotz , @lena-hills and @sapphosewrites (I hope none of you were already tagged!)
Total number of completed works: That would be 21, with two of them being multichapter and the rest one-shots of various wordcounts, from 200 to 7000 :D
Total number of WIPs worked on this year: I... have absolutely no idea. I do have two ongoing fics that will be finished this year, I promise, but there's always a ton of fics in different stages of production in my drive... and some of them have been there for years at this point xD
WIPs neglected this year: As I was reminded recently, Death Doesn't Play Chess is still incomplete and I should really work on it. The combination of action and OC-focus has made it difficult, but I'm working on it, I promise.
Fandoms I've written in: There are my beloved, Deep Space Nine, Temeraire and Hades of course... Arcane and Castlevania... and a few new ones! Heartstopper, which was a surprise for me, and Loveless, The Good Place, The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante (going for the obscure one there xD)... oh, and for yuletide there were a few small fandoms too! The Song of Achilles, Legally Blonde (musical), Iron Widow and Spiritfarer!
Total wordcount: According to AO3, that'd be 76,219 words. Not bad!
Looking back, did you write more than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you expected? Probably more, yes! In previous years I was only just over 50k... let's see if the trend continues!
Did you take any writing risks this year? I'd say my biggest risks were... writing my darkest story to date, which included Major Character Death... signing up for Yuletide, which I had always found intimidating... and writing a proper multichaptered story, even if it was still short :D
Do you have any goals for the new year? Finish Death Doesn't Play Chess soon, that's the big one. Write a companion piece for Life is a Rollercoaster, as promised. In general, to publish more wlw and polyam content, even if I still love gen :)
Biggest disappointment? Having to finally let go of a longfic that I had been fighting with since 2019... but I have finally conceded that it's not going to happen. I may publish part of it as one-shots, if I have the time to rework the story :D
Biggest surprise? See below xD But also Yuletide was a lot more fun than I expected! I made a few mistakes, of course, but I'm glad I made the leap of faith, and I'm very much looking forward to joining again next year.
Most popular story of the year? By a huge margin, the winner is Life is a Rollercoaster; or Tao Xu's Fight Against the Big Butterfly of Chaos. That one was also a surprise, both how easy it felt to write and how well-received it was. Now I like Tao even more than I already did xD
What's your own favorite story of the year? Either Cry for the Innocent or Neither Grief Nor Glory, both took several months but I feel like it is some of the best writing I've ever done.
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: Maybe my TSOA/Hades stories, as they haven't gotten many comments, but they haven't been revealed for very long... so it's pretty early to say for sure.
Most fun story to write: Molly Holmes and the Case of the Missing Present! I swear I was cackling as I typed some of it, and the twists and turns sometimes took me by surprise as well... I certainly didn't expect it to get that mushy xD
Most unintentionally telling story: I'm not sure. Maybe Friendship, Gossip and Cake? But I'm not sure I would call it unintentional, as I did draw from my experiences as asexual to write Georgia and Isaac (pretty please, I so hope Isaac is confirmed as ace in season 2 of Heartstopper)
My favorite part of fandom this year: The friends made along the way. I'm sorry for getting mushy here but... yeah, meeting @mikaharuka was one of the highlights of the year, I've loved our conversations <3 As well as joining a couple of multifandom Discords with very supportive people... just for that, this year has been a success. Thank you!
~ Udaberri
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blue-rphub · 2 years
Yo, what’s the Steel Ball Run AU like? I’m interested in learning about it, if ya don’t mind?
Also, hi! Hope you’re having a good day today! ^///^
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THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST!!! i hope ur having a good day too coin<3 ily mwah!
so most of the AU has been primarily set on twitter (my twt RP accounts are SCARY_MONSTERZ (diego & dio) / DlRTY_DEEDS (valentine) / TOTHESKIIES (shikari, they're an OC)!!), but their accounts have been recently transferred here to set up a sort of a parallel timeline of events!! but ALL information here rings true for BOTH timelines.
i'm writing from late-SBR into post-canon on tumblr, but obviously, if anyone wants to write pre-SBR / early/mid-SBR, i'm always down lol.
anyway actual au info (please note there will be some spoilers!!! also under readmore bcuz this is wordy. i'll be speaking exclusively for the main cast as well as the characters i personally write here.)
ITS SET (mostly) POST-CANON WHERE EVERYONE LIVES-- yes, EVERYONE. none of the main OR side cast have died, however some have retained injuries that still very much effect them in post-canon.
Diego Brando (the original) was the winner of the Steel Ball Run race, and has obtained Manhattan Island as its mayor. consider him the sort of 'main character', as i mostly wrote this AU based HEAVILY around Diego's antics-- he was my first SBR muse!
Valentine is still President, and his wife, Scarlet, has a Stand in this AU. Her Stand is known as Love At First Feel, named after an AC/DC song. her Stand ability allows her intangability, which essentially grants her invulnerability to many attacks (including D4C & The World to an extent! however, she's very unsure how to use it at the moment; its primarily used for its defensive capability).
Also... Lucy Steel has a Stand. the exact details are a little "???" to me atm, but another Lucy writer on Twitter had her Stand basically allow her to turn her own body fluids into objects (somewhat seen in canon iirc, also forgot the handle of said Lucy</3). but the Lucy Steel in this AU, can see and interact with Stands
Johnny, Gyro, H.P, & Diego are friends!!! they were initially forced to work together after the train almost killed Diego, & they worked as a team to attempt to kill Valentine. however, immediately after the race ended, Johnny, Gyro, and H.P returned to Italy. Diego chose not to join them due to his injuries, fearing he may not survive the journey bcuz of them.
Alternate world Diego (known exclusively as Dio in this AU) is also still here. He was tasked with securing the Holy Corpse, but got ahead of himself and chose to attack Johnny whilst they were nearing the end of the race. he ended up losing his leg during this battle (as seen in canon!), and technically didn't finish first as he never crossed the finish line, choosing to take a different route to ensure the Corpse was secured.
as for where Dio's story goes after that, he does continue to work with Valentine for a short while, before he gets written off when Diego is offered his placement as Mayor. said Mayorship is only offered bcuz Valentine very much wants Dio & Diego to try and kill eachother, so neither of them will get in his way again.
and of course, at first, Dio & Diego were very much enemies. but as written on twitter, Dio eventually becomes one of the guardsmen for Diego, & works as a sort of personal hitman. he also takes over as Mayor whenever Diego is unavailable, as most won't know their visual differences.
also my SBR OC does play a role within the early-story & post-canon; Shikari is Valentine's Head of Defense. they are beneath Blackmore- as Blackmore is Valentine's second in command- but they act as a sort of standby whenever Blackmore goes down.
whilst Shikari is indifferent to Diego, they do have a strange fondness for Dio. its thought they sympathise for him; after he recovered from his leg injury & did some work for Valentine before he was fired, they worked together extensively. he was mostly placed with them due to Shikari's very reserved nature & patience.
also Shikari is very aware that Valentine views them as disposable. but due to the nature of their Stand, Take To The Skies, which is an object based stand taking the form of a cape, it does allow D4C to quickly 'generate' another Valentine from them in emergencies.
Additionally, Valentine is EXTREMELY cunning and evil in this AU. moreso than canon. with the Holy Corpse secured, he very much views other human life as entirely disposable, even those who work closely to him. he is REAL fucked up.
thats the majority of it! but yeah idk how many SBR fans i got followin me but this AU is very open to more people joining LMAO rn its just me and @/civillwars (amlite<3) over here!!! more of my SBR AU stuff is on twitter but i havent written there for a while but i do plan on gettin back over there for some stuff.
BUT YEAH any lingering questions... abt any characters or events... i probably have considered it & written it down. most characters have gotten the "they were injured but not killed" treatment, which will effect them in this post-canon AU.
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