#and yes the awkward bit at the beginning is my total confusion with aiming
sir-yeehaw-paws · 2 years
THIS caught me off guard but if you DO equip Ocelot with his tornado’s you do in fact get a completely unique dual wielding POV if you select first person. Which is DELIGHTFUL.
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pinoyrella · 4 years
Haikyuu Boys Throwing a Rock At Your Window
Like you know that “trying to get the attention of someone” cliche mostly from those cheesy American rom-com films? Yeah THAT throwing rocks at your window
FT: Bokuto Koutaro, Ushijima Wakastoshi, and our one and only Miya Atsumu x GN!READER
GENRE: Mostly CRACK, Fluff (mostly Ushijima’s).
Word Count- Total: 4,900 +
Ushijima’s: 1,502. 
Bokuto’s: 1,166. 
Atsumu’s + Bonus: 2,297
TW: A lot of cursing, esp w Atsumu’s. there are a few slight NSFW jokes (im sorry im like this)
Quick PSA: (before we begin!!)
1. I just wanna thank my bb @babydontstoop​ for staying up w me until 3 am in the morning thinking of this stupid shit, love her so much we got more ideas coming soon!! 
2. Also im so sorry the first half of atsumu’s is basically just inarizaki shenanigans, i don’t know why its there or how it even got to that, but imma just keep it there for the sake that maybe some of you guys might enjoy it and i spent so much time on it asdghkd ToT. i added a little “start” if you want to skip the the x reader content tho!! I hope you guys enjoy my first work!! MWAH ILY!! Thank you so much again!!
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Ushijima Wakatoshi
I feel like our ushi gushy would be in on it
But only bc Tendou influenced him telling him it's what ppl do nowadays
“Wakatoshi-Kun ur not throwing hard enough I don’t think she heard it”
And he would just look at him n be like “ok”
It definitely did not only smashed thru ur window, it winds up denting ur wall
“Wakatoshi-kun~” Tendou’s cheerful voice pops into Ushijima’s dorm. “It’s time to give me back this week’s “Jump”! I brought a new one, it’s a bit different from what I’ve been giving you to read!”
“I’ve just finished reading “Removes Unnecessary Hair and Leaves Skin Feeling Silky Smooth” Ushijima replies monotonously with said manga in his grasp.
“You’re still reading the adverts? I told you last time to just focus on the manga.” Tendo takes the shounen manga from Ushijima’s hands and closes it. “This one is sure to keep you focused on the story this time! Plus, it may help you with your lack of romance situation.” He says as he plops a copy of a popular shoujo manga in his friend’s palms. “Anyways, I got to go, tell me your impressions later~” Tendo strolls out, letting the door to Ushijima’s dorm shut on its own.
Ushijima watches the door shut, before turning his attention back to the manga his best friend spontaneously left in his hand. ‘Lack of romance?’
The following day strolls around and Tendo is first to greet his friend. “Wakatoshi-kun~” Ushijima turns and greets him back with a low “good morning” before continuing his pace to class. 
“So, tell me what did you think of the manga I gave you the other day?” The red haired man says, stretching his arms over his head, giving the stoic man a quirky smile as he makes his way to his seat. Ushijima opens his leather bag to take out the shoujo manga Tendo gave him the other day, handing it to his friend before replying. “It was pleasant.”
Tendo blinks before letting out a restless sigh, taking the pink-covered manga from his friend’s hand before plopping into his seat, head down to the desk. “ “It was pleasant?” What are we going to do with you Wakatoshi-kun, and to think I had hope when you told me you were finally going to confess to y/n.”
Ushijima stays silent, watching his friend.
Tendo looks up, a hand under his chin, before turning back to his buddy. “Have you thought of how you were going to confess yet?”
Ushijima lets out a low “no” before Tendo goes back to losing it over his friend. “That’s what the manga was for! I thought it’d help you come up with an idea…”
Ushijima stays silent, watching his friend break down once again. Before turning his gaze to the door, as you stroll in greeting your classmates a “good morning” before settling down at your desk. Of course you don’t go unnoticed to Tendo as well, he caught his friend turning his head towards your direction the moment you walked in. You give a small smile and wave to both Tendo and Ushijima, Ushijima giving back an awkward yet sincere small smile and wave. The sweet look of innocence and love linger on his best friend’s face, even after he turned around to face the board’s direction. Tendo can’t leave his friend unhelped, especially not with that god-awkward smile he gave you. Then pwoosh an idea strucks him.
“Wakatoshi-kun” Tendo whispers, catching the attention of his friend, before leaning into his ear.
“Tendo.” “Wakatoshi-kun!” Tendo sprints lightly towards his friend, both freshly changed into their casuals, after the day’s worth of volleyball practice. It’s barely half past 6:30pm, the two tall men stand outside your dorm’s building. “Follow me~” Tendo begins to walk off around the corner, stopping just a few windows down, then looking up, pointing towards a window that is slightly covered by (insert ur fav color) curtains, and a few stickers stuck to the glass of the window. The lights were on, letting them know you were in your dorm. Ushijima visibly tenses up after reaching where his friend stood. “Don’t worry, this is their room, I know those animal crossing stickers from anywhere.” Tendo reassures his friend. Ushijima slowly relaxes before bending down to pick up a rock. “Is this okay?” he asks his friend, just remembering the short flashback of what his friend whispered into his ear earlier that day. 
“Wakatoshi-kun~” Tendo calls out to his friend, then leaning in towards his ear. “I have an idea! Semi was telling me about this scene from a romance movie he saw last week. It’s what all the cool kids do in America to get the attention of the person they like!” Explaining the details to his friend, before the bell rang signifying that class has just begun.
“Yes! That rock looks perfect, now aim for their window!” His friend lets out a clap before shooting his fingers towards your window. 
Ushijima adjusts his stance, getting ready to toss the rock towards your window. Tendo watches in anticipation, as Ushijima finally lets go of the rock after sending it flying up. The rock lightly taps your window, the two wait restlessly, feeling as 5 minutes have passed,  but really was 30 seconds.
Tendo picks up the same rock from the ground and places it in Ushijima’s left hand. “Wakatoshi-kun, you’re not throwing hard enough! I don’t think they didn’t hear it.” The tall man nods as began to adjust himself once more, putting all his energy into the rock in his left hand, determined to grab your attention. but just as he lets go of the rock, the window opens, and reveals you standing there, looking down at the two boys confused. Tendo and Ushijima’s eyes widened at the sight of you, but it was too late, the rock was already tobe flying towards you. “Tendo-san? Ushi-” before you finish your sentence, you finally notice the rock launching in your direction, thanking your quick reflexes, you dodge it just barely. You turn and watch in slow-mo as the rock hits your closet door, leaving a deep dent and a scratch. 
Stunned, you stare at the dent before walking over to pick the rock up, and heading back towards your window. “Really?” You say out loud in a jokingly sarcastic tone, holding the rock up for the two boys to see, while trying your best not to laugh at the series of events before you. You know this situation oh too well, especially from a certain scene after binge watching rom-coms with your cousin Semi the other week.
The two men just stare at you, with nothing to say, before Tendo lets out a burst of laughter. You gave in as well and began laughing with him. Ushijima lets out a low laugh.
“Stay there!” You yell down, before closing your window and making your way downstairs to meet the boys.
“Anyways, I got to go! Tell me her impressions later~” Tendo gives Ushijima a pat on the back before sprinting away from this whole situation. 
Ushijima stays there, awaiting your arrival. He turns after hearing heavy pants, seeing you bent forward slightly, facing him with a hand on your knee, and the other still holding onto the rock he had unintentionally launched at you. “Jesus.. Sorry give me a second” Ushijima nods, staring at your figure. Although hair disheveled, out of breath and face as red as a tomato from having to run down a flight of stairs and around the corner to meet him, he still thinks you’re the most beautiful person he has ever laid eyes on. After a few seconds, you prop yourself up, eyes staring into his. Now it was Ushijima’s turn to turn bright red, in fact, realization hit him, it was just the two of you alone, behind a building, “oh how scandalise Wakatoshi-kun.” he can imagine Tendo saying that to him.
You two just stand there for a second, staring into each other’s eyes before you began. “I think you dropped this.” You tell him with a slight giggle. Ushijima lets out a small laugh with you, as he grabs the rock in your palm, your hands brushing against each other, making the stoic man turn redder. “Thank you.” he says softly. “Next time, just come to me, this is a little too cliche for the big old Ushijima Wakatoshi, no?” Crossing your arms, you gave him another smile. GOD was he captivated. If he didn’t have any restrain, he would have leaned down and kissed you then and there. His grasp on the rock tightens slightly, thoughts running before a small peck is felt onto his cheek. He snaps out of his imagination before noticing how close your face was to his. “But that was still, a very cute and very dangerous attempt.” You chuckle once again before stepping back.
“See you tomorrow in class Ushijima-san” You wink before turning back to your dorm.
Ushijima stands there bewildered. A hand going to the cheek you have left an imprint of your lips on. He has his best friend Tendo to thank later. If these silly cliches will lead to your sweet smile and a peck on the cheek, he can’t wait to continue the sweet gestures your future relationship has yet to come.
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Bokuto Koutaro
My sweet sweet baby boy
He does NOT know his own strength
He uses a big rock too
You hear a panicked “AKAAAASHI!!!”
Apparently Akaashi tried to stop him after Bo told him of his scheme, but failed to, so instead of letting him go alone, he went w him to make sure Bokuto wouldn’t get himself into TOO much trouble. U kno supervisor n shit
“Akaashi!!!” Bokuto greets his underclassman, sliding into the seat beside him as the quiet man takes out his lunch, slowly unwrapping it. “Good afternoon Bokuto-san.”
 “Akaashi! You know y/n right?! And you know how long I’ve liked them, and wanted to confess my feelings right?” Bokuto asks excitedly. “How can I forget, they’re in my class, in fact-” Akaashi leans a bit to the left, pointing his thumb backwards to his shoulder, showing you perched on your desk with your headphones in, eyes closed as you had just taken a savory bite from the meal you had prepared for yourself at home before class. Bokuto short circuits before he lets out a cry of despair, his head falling to the desk, before picking himself back up and shoving his face close to Akaashi’s. “Why didn’t you tell me!! Did you think they heard what I said? Akaashi I can’t believe you! You should warn me about this!!” He whispers before moving his eyes back to you, watching you serenely chew the food in your mouth, everything you do leaves him absolutely speechless, oh god how he wished he was the food in your mouth. 
Before Akaashi could reply to ask his friend to move farther away, your eyes open and immediately dart towards the unfamiliar classmate in your classroom. 
“Bo!” You immediately stand up, grabbing your lunch before making your way to sit behind him and Akaashi. “Try this! I made it this morning, it’s still fresh, say AH~” You hold your chopsticks towards his face, waiting for him to take a bite. It’s like the embarrassment and worry of you hearing him liking you left his head, he smiles at you before taking a bite of what is on the chopstick. He begins chewing, tasting the savory flavor of your dish, wishing he could wake up everyday to your cooking. “Y/n this is delicious!!!” He replies ecstatically. You giggle in response, using the chopsticks in your hand to pick off the rice stuck to his bottom lip, before dropping it back into your lunchbox, Bokuto unintentionally lets out a  “NO!” as he lightly grabs your wrist, placing the chopstick back into his mouth to catch the rice. “Don’t waste it, it’s so good!” He pouts and you try to hold yourself from laughing at how adorable he is. “Bokuto-san, it was just a grain of rice.” “Akaashi! Don’t say that about y/n’s cooking!” He retorts. You let out another chuckle before digging into the bottom compartment of the lunch box, to grab another pair of chopsticks. “Let’s share yeah?” At this point, Bokuto remembers why he fell for you all over again.
“I have to use the restroom before lunch ends! Akaashi watch my stuff?” You ask the quiet boy, “Of course” “Thanks!!!” You say before sprinting off. “Bokuto-san” Akaashi attempts to call out to Bokuto, but he’s still in a trance as he watched your figure disappear out of the classroom and into the hallway. “Bokuto-san” Bokuto whips his head towards his friend smiling brightly. “Did you want to tell me something earlier about y/n?” He asks him. “YES! I have figured out the perfect plan to confess to them!” Akaashi sits, his face contorts into curiosity, listening to what his friend has in mind.
“And I’m thinking, I’d wait outside her window and-” 
“I have this rock in my hand right?! I’ll figure the right time to throw and-”
“AKAAAAASHI!! What is it? Did you get lost in my amazing plan?” 
“Bokuto-san, this doesn’t..” He pauses for a second, trying to find a way to slowly put down his friend’s idea, after hearing how excited he sounds for it too. “I don’t think- why don’t you just tell them? Write them a letter... Or buy a bouquet of flowers or chocolate, something that isn’t.. Illegal..” He whispers the last word, it trails his mouth.
“Akaashi you don’t understand! Y/n’s different! They deserve a unique confession! They don’t deserve a regular and common confession, they deserve something grand! Something like my idea!” Bokuto replies happily.
Akaashi lets out a sigh. ‘Well at least I tried…
And this is where Akaashi found himself on a Friday night, standing beside Bokuto in front of your residence. He had thought, if he couldn’t stop his best friend, why not at least supervise him, at least he could try to physically stop him if things get out of hand, right?
“Oi” Akaashi hears a familiar voice and turns his head towards the direction. ‘Konoha-san?!” Akaashi’s thoughts were interrupted by Bokuto greeting his other friend. “Konoha! You’re just in time, come on let’s go!” Bokuto lets himself past your gate. “What-” “Bokuto told me about his plan, I had to see it.” Konoha lets out a smirk before pushing Akaashi past the gates with him.
The three make their way to the side of the house, finding the window to your room before stopping. Konoha tries to suppress his laughter, and Akaashi stands there bewildered. ‘Holy shit Bokuto-san’s actually going to do it.’ He freaks out internally. 
Bokuto dips his head to the floor, picking up the biggest rock he could find before turning to face his two friends. “Now, this is true romance!” He says excitedly, switching the rock to his dominant hand, and getting ready to launch, the veins in his arm protruding.
Konoha is trying, AND I MEAN TRYING, his best to not laugh too soon, a hand over his mouth and the other hand on Akaashi’s shoulder to ground himself. Akaashi’s brain realizes the situation, the veins popping from Bokuto’s arm, his beefy muscles flexing, his strength- and before he could- “Bokuto-san wait!”
Akaashi stands there in shock as Konoha falls to the ground in complete laughter. Bokuto stops functioning as he begins to slowly turn his head towards his two friends. “AKAASHI!!!” He screams in horror, Akaashi’s internal thoughts begin to spiral, thinking of what to do, and the laughter of Konoha’s is NOT helping.
You on the other hand, were located in the kitchen, when you heard the sound of glass breaking. You run outside in your pajamas, cooking apron and bunny slippers, and your trusty spatula still in hand as your weapon. Turning the corner of your house, you see them. Facing the three boys. “Akaashi? Bo? Konoha?” You ask in confusion. Akaashi’s brain is losing it, Konoha is laughing his ass off, and Bokuto stands there looking at you like a deer in headlights before jumping into you with his arms out. “Y/n!!! I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to break your window! I just wanted to tell you how much I love you with a grand confession but-” You wrap your arms around Bokuto returning the embrace, before your gaze turns to the two boys, then to the broken glass surrounding their feet, and finally looking up to your bedroom window, as you finally process Bokuto’s confession. “WHAT?!”
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Miya Atsumu
This motherfker, “would do it on purpose but accidently”.
“Hey samu look how hard i can throw this rock”
He throws it and cracks ur window
He would RUN away, he be like “SHIT SHIT SHIT”
You bet Suna’s in the background recording all of this.
Gin’s the getaway driver bc he's prob the most responsible one of the four second years, or at least most likely to get their driver’s license first ykwim
The Inarizaki volleyball club room is filled with chattering, the volleyball fanatics converse with each other. It seems a bit off today, a little too calm… before Osamu walks in irritated. The boys chattering dies down as they turn to the wing spiker, all is well until- “OI ‘SAMU!” There it is. The blonde strolls in after his younger twin. “OI!” “holy shit ‘tsumu shut the fuck up or so god help me im about to make myself an only child” “RUDE!” As always, the Miya twins make a grand entrance, every single day, right before practice. Before Atsumu could scream another word, he catches the gaze of Kita, the stares of daggers stopping him in place, reminding him where he is. Atsumu gulps and begins to get undressed. 
The conversations between the boys continue where they were left, before the Miyans arrived. “Hey Gin, congrats on your driver’s license!” Akagi praises Ginjima before jumping to ruffle his hair. “Oh? Nice.” Suna congratulates. Aran comes around and wraps his arm loosely around Ginjima’s shoulder “This calls for a celebration, what do you say captain?” He turns to look at Kita, waiting for his response. “I suppose why not. Let’s get to practice.” He replies, being the first to head out.
Cut to the chase, the boys make their ways home to prepare for the “fun” evening that’s about to come. Ginjiima stops by each of his teammates' houses, picking them up, as saving the Miyas for last. “Oh my god” Osamu lets out frustration as he watches Ginjima pull up, Atsumu is STILL getting dressed. “5-more minutes my ass” He mutters before going out and making his way to his friends’ car. Osamu short circuits, counting the seats in the car. “Gin- what kind of car is this?” “This baby right here?” He steps out of the car and slaps the top roof. “It’s my parents’ old 2002 toyota alphard.” He says proudly. “There’s so many seats holy fuck.” He says before heading in, making his way past Aran and Kita, sitting between Omimi and Suna all the way back. 
“Where’s piss hair?” Suna asks Osamu, buckling his seatbelt in. Ginjima made his way back inside as well. “Idk idc, hit it Ginjima.” The team lowkey lets out an internal sigh of relief. Ginjima starts the car and begins backing up before Atsumu comes running out in Osamu’s jacket. “WAITTTT” “NO GINJIMA GO!” Aran, Suna and Osamu yell. Ginjima not having the heart to leave his homie behind, stops the car. An audible grunt comes out of the boys. “Y’all be bullying me everyday :,( “ “Awh don’t say that, Omimi doesn’t” Omimi sitting there thinking. ‘No no I do, in my mind.’ 
“Whatever, let’s go!” Atsumu short circuits noticing the seats in the car as he opens the door. “Where.. Where am I gonna sit?” Ginjima turns around counting the seats, realizing he’s missing one more for the blonde. “Oh shit! I forgot to install the 8th seat, there's supposed to be one going in between Aran and Kita-san.” Atsumu blinks. “Well guess that means you can’t go.” Osamu bluntly lets out. “WHAAAAT” “Go on the roof.” Suna suggests. “NO NO DO NOT GO ON THE ROOF.” “WAIT I WANT THE ROOF!” “That’s a hazard and illegal” Ginjima, Akagi and Kita let out at the same time. “Why not just sit on the floor.” Omimi says. “It’s just going to be on the way there anyways.” “That’s a good point” Aran compliments. “That is also illegal.” “Shin just this once! Come on get in I’m getting hungry!” Akagi claps his hands and faces forward. Atsumu climbs in, and as he sits down he looks up behind him. Osamu sent a glare down towards his brother. “W-what?” “That’s MY jacket, isn’t it?” “NO IT’S NOT!” The poor blond is kicked forward by his brother. This is gonna be a long ride.
Wait. “Uh Gin.” “Yeah?” “Where are we going?” Gin pauses. “Where do you guys wanna go?” “Oh my god we really didn’t plan this through.” “MCDONALDS!!” “Oh! Good thinking Akagi-san.” “There’s a special with pokemon cards right?” “Ah, my younger brother loves collecting pokemon cards, I’ll be sure to get one for him.” Aran and Kita converse. “Turn and make a left on Kinugakecho Suma-Ward.” The team turns their heads to Suna. He then pans his phone to them, showing the address to the nearest McDonalds on google maps.
“8 happy meal boxes please.” Kita-san asks the cashier, he pays before seating with the others.
“Oh my god I’m so hungry.” Suna lays his head on the table “I’m so excited!!” Akagi jumps in his seat, “Thank you Kita-san” Ginjima thanks his captain. “You really didn’t have to pay for all of it, you should have at least split with me, it was my suggestion to go out and celebrate.” Aran signs laying his chin under his fist. “It’s no worries, it’s nice to treat my teammates out once in a while, even if I don’t condone this unhealthy diet. Just this once is okay.” Kita smiles and Omimi nods.
The food comes in and the 8 boys dig into their little happy meal boxes, in the style of pikachu. “Holy fuck these are so cute.” Suna be admiring the yellow box.“ ‘SAMU THAT WAS MY SWEET&SOUR SAUCE” “GROSS DON’T TALK WITH YOUR MOUTH FULL!” Osamu shoves Atsumu’s cheeseburger back in his mouth. Kita clears his throat and the twins silence. “We are in public please for once be decent.” Aran scolds.
After the meal, the boys sit in their booth content. “Omg guys, pokemon card unboxing haul lets go.” Akagi pulls out the little enveloped deck containing the cards, the other boys, besides Kita, follow. “You guys go ahead, I’m saving mine for my brother.” “Shinsuke” Omimi hands Kita the envelope. “He can have mines too.” Aran hands him over as well. “Yeah, I wouldn’t know what to do with it either, I’m sure your lil bro would love it.” Kita gives his two other seniors a sweet smile and thanks them. The five other boys begin to unwrap, and reveal each other the pokemon cards they got. “Yo can I have your Snorlax.” Suna leans into Osamu. “I’ll trade it for my packet of ketchup.” 
The boys head out, Ginjima dropping Omimi, Akagi, Aran and Kita off in that order. Atsumu lets out a whine before the three boys that are left face him. “I don’t want this night to end yet.” The three turn to look at each other before turning back to look at their setter. “Well what else do you wanna do?” “Can we just sit and vibe together, we bros anyways.” Ginjima blinks before asking Suna if he would like to do as said plan. “I mean sure, Suna?” “I don’t mind as long as it’s chill with you.” “Osamu?” “ ‘S your car. Plus whatever this idiot does, most of the time there’s not much of a say in my case” He replies. Ginjima pulls into an empty parking lot of a park. Suna has control of the aux, playing chill music. 
The moment feels really nice, just four high school bros, the homies, chilling and vibing at an empty parking lot, listening to Suna’s playlist, a bit past 9pm. These are one of the memories you will find to cherish after graduating high school.
Kodak Black’s “Heart & Mind” starts playing.
The four begin to sing to the song, yeah this is going to be one of those high school memories.
The three boys go quiet, letting Atsumu scream Plies’ chorus. Osamu whistles; “SHEEESH” Suna lets out a laugh. “He’s really feeling it” Ginjima joins in. Before the three begin to sing Kodak Black’s lines again. By the end of the song the boys fall into a pit of laughter.
--start of the actual atsumu x y/n part ToT i’m so sorry--
“Hey I wanted to tell you guys earlier, I think I’m ready to confess to y/n.” The setter admits, laying into the seat with a small smile. “They’re going to say no.” “‘SAMU!” “I’m kidding.” “Wow, never thought you’d have the balls.” Suna laughs with Osamu. “Did the song do this or?” Ginjima asks. “Quit ya teasin and hear me out! >:(“ Atsumu crosses his arms and pouts. “Okay okay sorry, but no seriously takes some guts. Have you thought of when you were going to confess to ‘em?” Osamu reassures his brother and asks.  Atsumu pauses and puts his finger under his chin in a thinking pose, before a light bulb clicks. “How about right now?!” He says excitedly. “Right now?” Suna does a lil double take. “Atsumu it’s-” Ginjima looks at the clock in his car. “9:37 right now. 9:37 PM. PM!” “They could be asleep.” Suna butts in. “No-no listen, LISTEN GUYS!” Atsumu quiets his friends down before explaining to them the whole cliche scenes in those American rom-com movies. “That sounds so fucking stupid. I’m in.”
And this is how the four boys end up, in front of your house. “This feels so creepy and illegal.” Osamu shivers, feeling a bit cold by the night weather. “I’m pretty sure this is illegal, throwing rocks at someone's window I mean.” Ginjima furrows his eyebrows. “Tsumu you sure about this.” “It nerf or nothing!” “I think you mean it’s now or never.” “Same thing!” He argues with his brother. Suna has his phone out, ready to record whatever the outcome of this stupid and last minute plan is. The four make their way past your yard, trying to find your light colored curtains, indicating it is in fact your room. “I’m surprised you know where their room is.” “Yet he doesn’t know the quadratic formula.” “ ‘samu!” He hisses before bending over to pick up a rock. “Hey ‘Samu, look how hard I can throw this rock.” This level of confidence did NOT sound good. Atsumu begins to count down before the three freeze up, Ginjima and Osamu letting the reality of the situation sink it. “Wait Atsumu-” “DUMBASS WAIT” Suna standing there unbothered, getting everything on camera before.
The four boys stand in shock, even Suna taken back by the loud sound of glass breaking. He pans the camera to Atsumu before panning up to the window of your room. The lights turn on and you make your way to the window, at first startled but now pissed being woken up, but also now absolutely confused and horrified by the broken glass that fell from your window to the ground below. “SHIT SHIT SHIT” Atsumu begins to book it, grabbing Ginjima and Osamu’s wrists, Suna following, phone still in hand recording. As you see four silhouettes begin to run in the dead of the night, you see a familiar piss shade of yellow and a maroon jacket as they run. The four jump into the car before Ginjima begins to start the engine. Before they drive off, Atsumu takes out the McDonald’s receipt, writing a quick apology and his number before taking out his wallet and throwing whatever cash he had, running back to your doorstep and placing it under your welcome mat. “GO GO GO GO.” He yells as he jumps into the car, the four speeding away. 
By the time you reach your front door in attempt to catch the perpetrators, you notice the wrapped up receipt under your welcome mat, pulling it out and unfolding it, revealing a couple 1 dollar bills and a single 5. Confused you read the note, the hand writing almost ineligible. 
“Y/N IM SO SORRY IT WAS AN ACCIDENT, WELL PURPOSELY PLANNED BUT STILL AN ACCIDENT. PLEASE CALL ME SO WE CAN TALK THIS OUT I JUST WANTED TO TELL YOU-” The rest of his writing ineligible. You look at the phone number he left and his signed signature, with a heart beside it.
“What the fuck.” 
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Atsumu again bc he’s- I have no words for him (I love him so much but like its a diff kinda love ifkyky)
But imagine y/n having a brother and atsumu going to the wrong window
And busting a rock thru y/n-brother’s window
And the four just hear “WHAT THE FUCK” in a deep male voice that’s not urs, and the lights turn on and atsumu’s like-
He can feel the soul leaving his body
Bc that dumbass not only broke a window it wasnt even ur window
He dragged Gin out of the car and hit that pedal so hard leaving everyone but himself there on your lawn.
“Are you sure this is where their room is?” Ginjima asks worried. “This seems very very VERY dangerous and illegal.” “GIN! You’re startind to sound like Kita-san, relaaaax I know what I’m doin!” “Doesn’t sound like it” “‘SAMU!!” The twins bicker. 
“Actually, I’m heading back to my car this is making me a bit queasy.” The sand-brown haired boy said before turning back to his car. “Up to ya, be our getaway driver yeah?” Atsumu gives a thumbs up before the Ginjima nods and separates from the three, leaving them on their own.
 By the time they make their way to what Atsumu thought was your room. He’s already bending over picking up the biggest rock he sees“ ‘Samu, look how hard I can throw this rock!” 
“Tsumu don’t-” It was too late. The blonde sends the rock flying to the window. Just as the rock makes contact, the glass shatters and Atsumu is left there in shock, Osamu and Suna as well. 
A scream of “WHAT THE FUCK” in the deepest voice is heard emitting from the now open window. Now that can’t be y/n. 
The lights turn on and before the two knew it, Atsumu was already booking it back to the car. Suna recording the speed Atsumu was at. 
“Hey Atsumu, done already? Wheres-” The door to the driver's seat opens. Ginjima confused, he yelps when Atsumu grabs him and drags him out of the car, getting in and shutting the door before he starts up the engine. “W-WHAT?!” Ginjima stands confused before turning around to see Osamu and Suna run towards him. “GET BACK HERE.” The sound of your brother’s voice rings out and that was Atsumu’s queue to skrrrrt away. Leaving his three friends on your lawn. “TSUMU!” Good luck Gin, Suna and Osamu to deal with your now raging brother.
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Author’s Note:
Guys I am so sorry I didn’t intend to let these fics drag out for so long, also for not making sense. ESPECIALLY ATSUMU’S. But thank you so much again for taking the time to read this, I really appreciate it even though my work is total shit like headass. If you have the time, please lemme kno what you think! I’d love to hear what you guys have to say! Anyways I hope you all take care and have a great time, stay safe! Hopefully my future work won’t be as shitty. I’ll work to it, thank you so so much again! MWAH I LOVE Y’ALL!!! 🥺💖
edit: rereading the first half of atsumu’s, i think i kno why i dragged that out, im just over here missing my high school homies a lil too much </3
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kenkamishiro · 4 years
Jack Jeanne Playthrough Part 3 (April 5)
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1 month later. April 5th in the VN. Kisa is at Univeil and excited she passed the entrance exam. She runs into her childhood friend Yonaga who's also been accepted. He's shocked that Kisa is attending too, but before she can explain Suzu joins them, introduces one each other.
Quartz's theme is "transparency" where many inexperienced performers who haven't specialized yet tend to go.
Onyx = Jacks whose forte is in dance.
Rhodonite = Jeannes who specialize in song.
Amber is where talented and unique students gather.
Suzu theorizes Kisa would be in Rhodonite because of her appearance, himself in Onyx because his physical abilities make him more suitable for dancing than singing or acting. Yonaga would like to be in Quartz.
Yonaga: Quartz...would be nice.
Suzu: I get what you mean!
Yonaga: Huh?
Suzu: Tbh I enrolled in Univeil cause I really admire Tachibana Tsuki, the legendary Jackace of Quartz!
Kisa: ...!
Suzu: That's why I wanna be in the same class as Tachibana Tsuki...come to think of it, your last names are the same.
Kisa: (If people find out I'm related to Tsuki-nii, it might make it even easier for them to discover my identity...! But it might be better than lying poorly...)
Kisa: It's true. It's the same (nonchalantly)
Yonaga: ......
Suzu: Maybe you guys are distant relatives!
Kisa: *nervous laughter*
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Yonaga cuts in and says they should go check which class they're in. Kisa thanks Yonaga for the save. Their year is the 78th class of Univeil. All 3 are in Quartz.
Kisa gets called to the headmaster's office.
Chuuza congratulates her and informs her about her admission. The only ones who know that Kisa is a girl is him, Quartz's homeroom teacher Enishi Rokurou, and now Yonaga, Kisa's childhood friend. Chuuza is surprised that someone who knew about Kisa enrolled in the school.
But if anyone else finds out that she's a girl, expulsion. But since a lot of students are feminine, she won't have to go out of her way to act and dress like a boy. He reminds her to build trust with the rest of the students, and aim to become a lead and aim for the top.
Kisa arrives to Quartz's homeroom late.
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??: Yes, yes, come right in.
Kisa: (The teacher...? But he's in a student uniform.)
??: You were called in quite loudly during the school announcements. Did you run into any issues on the first day? Theft, robbery, manslaughter, extortion, coercion, or a bank robbery, perhaps...?
(Please watch the clip of this scene. Can you tell he and Furuta share the same VA? 😄)
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Fumi: No one like that would be in our school, Kuro.
??: But wouldn't be great to have such a plucky 1st year around, Fuumin! All the world's a stage!
Fumi: And, if the cops came?
??: I concede! Law is what keeps society together.
Kai: ...you two are bothering the 1st years.
Kisa finds a seat by Suzu and Yonaga.
Neji Kokuto (3rd year, 76th class of Univeil) welcomes the 1st year students to Univeil and Quartz. Class leader-slash-scriptwriter-slash-director-slash...all kinds of other things! He provides an info-dump about Univeil for us.
5 performances in total: Rookie, Summer, Fall, Winter, and Univeil Exhibitions. The Rookie Exhibition is where the 1st years take the lead roles, which is going to be held May 30th. Today is April 5th, so less than 2 months remain. Most viewers will watch over them warmly,  but others will be more strict, like journal reporters, critics and avid Univeil fans. Neji will write a script to allow even novices like them to shine on stage. Casting will be announced mid-April. Upper years are also participating and support the 1st years.
Neji: If you have any questions, all you need is to ask. I'm sure all our seniors here will be more than happy to help you.
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??: What, no way.
Neji: With some exceptions of course! Mwahaha. Mikki's a 2nd year now, you can be a little nice to your juniors, hm?
??: ...
Kisa notes he looks cute like a doll. Shirota Mitsuki, noted for his singing. He catches Kisa staring at him, and she apologizes.
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Neji asks if anyone has any questions. You're given 3 options: 1) How casting is determined, 2) Type of training to be done, 3) No questions.
Casting is based on Neji's subjective judgment. Everything from how they're doing in lessons, campus life, the way they walk, talk, physique, voice, facial expressions. Essentially based on his intuition, which he uses to find gemstones in the rough.
Training I'll explain later, there's gameplay related to it.
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Neji finishes his spiel and passes it on to Quartz's homeroom teacher, Enishi. Pretty low energy. Lessons start tomorrow. Class is dismissed.
Suzu meets Kisa outside the Quartz dorms and asks if she's ready to introduce herself to the other students. He notes it's hard to find people since Univeil is so large. They chat for a bit, Suzu asks Kisa to call him by his first name, so Suzu-kun it is.
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Inside Yonaga's dorm. He's finished unpacking, though he's still yet to put away his books (on theatre). He asks how Kisa got into Univeil, and she explains what happened. Yonaga says he'll help Kisa to make sure she stays at Univeil. He's glad that Kisa is here with him.
Yonaga: Kisa-chan, about Tsuki-kun...
Kisa: I can't get in touch with Tsuki-nii, but I'm sure he's doing fine wherever he is. 
Yonaga: I see. Yeah, I'm sure he is.
(Isn't that sketchy? Maybe he turned into that weasel with the moon on its belly lol)
Kisa begins her search for the Quartz students. At the Univeil courtyard, Kisa hears Mitsuki singing.
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"Within this chest of mine I dance, the rhythm of possibilities"
Kisa: (I'd heard he was lauded for his singing, but he really has a beautiful voice...the lyrics paint the scene in my head.)
Mitsuki: ...could you not stare at me like that? It's uncomfortable.
Kisa: Oh, I'm sorry!
Mitsuki: Oh, you again. The 1st year who came in late.
Kisa: Yes. My name is Tachibana Kisa. It's a pleasure to meet you.
Mitsuki: Huh...you've got a face like a girl.
Kisa: Eh? Y-yes, I suppose so.
Mitsuki: A high-pitch voice. A delicate figure. And a Jeanne at that. At least be aware of your own features.
Kisa: I-I'm sorry.
He sighs and introduces himself. 2nd year, 77th class of Univeil. A Jeanne and a tresor (songstress/diva) of Quartz. VA is Kajiwara Gakuto (Asta). Kisa compliments him on his singing.
Mitsuki: So you were eavesdropping.
Kisa: I-I'm sorry.
Mitsuki: Well, not like I care either way. Later.
Kisa: He left...I guess he doesn't really like interacting with people. But his voice really was beautiful.
(If I had to describe Mitsuki's tone, it would be similar to Kenma, but a bit more antisocial lol)
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Kisa finds Kai in the forest, seemingly concentrating on something. She decides to come back later, but Kai notices her.
Kai: ...? Quartz's 1st year?
Kisa: Yes! I'm Tachibana Kisa.
Kai: I see, you're...
Kisa: Yes!
(awkward silence between the two)
Kai: Mutsumi Kai, 76th class of Univeil. I'm a 3rd year.
Kisa: So I should call you Mutsumi-senpai!
Kai: Kai is fine. You can call me that around other people too.
Kisa: But...
Kai: ...
Kisa: ...(agrees)
Kai: ...
Kisa: T-then, I'll call you Kai-san!
Kai: Okay.
Kisa notes Kai is the Jackace of Quartz. And since Tsuki was also the Jackace, that means he must be talented too.
Kai: I'm a vessel meant to garnish the Aljeanne. Nothing more, nothing less.
Kisa is confused by his statement. Convo ends.
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Kisa runs into Neji next in the hallways. He enters a room then promptly comes back out.
Neji: Welcome!
Kisa: Ah!
Neji: What're you doing in a place like this?
Kisa: I'm going around introducing myself to everyone in Quartz.
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Neji invites her into his workroom where he writes his scripts and plans his staging. But he also performs on stage, any male or female role, from a shining prince/princess to old grannies/gramps.
He's currently working on the script for Quartz, but he won't reveal it just yet. Kisa asks if the other class leaders write the scripts like he does, but Neji is a special case, who screenwrites, directs and performs.
Neji: Once you get carried away, you can't see what's going on around you. What we do has no end to it. Acting, dancing, singing, they're fields that you can pursue for a lifetime. You could reach the stars, or merely end up as a master of none. No matter how much time,  it will never be enough. It's a terrifying world out there. That's why it's so engrossing. The stage is a colossal device. The Jacks and Jeannes make up the gears, and I am the craftsman who pieces them together. Let's create a fantastic stage together, Tachibana-kun!
Neji must continue writing, and wishes Kisa the best for the Rookie Exhibition. (Neji definitely talks the most out of the main cast lol. And fast too, talks a mile a minute and tone varies hugely)
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Kisa finds Fumi standing languidly in the middle of the dance room, taking deep breaths before beginning to dance. A Japanese-style dance where his movements are gentle, beautiful and brilliant. He comments on Kisa staring intently at him, just like during the entrance exam.
Kisa is surprised that Fumi remembered, despite the number of applicants.
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Fumi: I remember you and the red-haired guy well cause you two danced so terribly.
Kisa: Oh...
Fumi: I'm just kidding. Though the red-haired guy really did suck.
Kisa introduces herself, and Fumi pauses at hearing the name Tachibana. 3rd year Takashina Sarafumi, 76th class of Univeil, but he prefers being called Fumi, no senpai honorific attached. Kisa ends up calling him Fumi-san.
Fumi: Let's have fun, Kisa. (leaves)
Kisa: It's overwhelming seeing him up close. So that's the power of an Aljeanne.
Kisa goes to her room excited for her new life at Univeil and retires for the night for her 1st day of classes tomorrow.
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asterekmess · 4 years
S3A - E9
The last episode took me Hours to get through with all my notes, let’s hope this one doesn’t hurt my fingers so bad.
My fingers hurt too much to come up with a clever pun so Read More:
This is a dumb first bullet point, but I love Tara’s hair. It looks like it’s braided or something, then in a bun at the back? I like it.
What exactly was the reasoning for her walking into the school alone like this? Let alone going That far into it? If it’s a 911 call that she’s so nervous about she has her hand on her gun, then shouldn’t there be more than one officer??
ALSO, that seems like Very Bad routine procedure? You got a 911 call (but we get no explanation as to what it was FOR) and the first thing you say when you see someone is “Why are you here?” shouldn’t you be asking “Who made the 911 call?” And then you tell them to leave, and to tell anyone Else they see to leave. When they could easily SEE the person you’re wanting to aim a gun at and TELL them to leave because there’s a cop in the school.
So I’m torn between Julia being just that sick and wanting to terrify each of her sacrifices (which...she talks about them like she’s Genuinely sad she had to kill them, but it was necessary to save the world, so that doesn’t sit right with me?) or fear being a Necessary part of the ritual, like, that the sacrifices Couldn’t be willing?
Honestly, Lyds, that’s so smart and reasonable. “I had to have the weird blackout to get here. YOU get to go find the body.”
What was the point of the staging in the shower room if she was gonna get thrown onto the sign?? Why move her at all?
ALSO if this is supposed to be a threefold death, then didn’t she do it wrong? She killed Tara by strangulating her, but didn’t do the head bash or the throat until after she’d moved her body, for some reason??? Don’t they need to happen like..near the same time?
No to mention that there wouldn’t be much blood bc her throat was slit After death, so the blood wasn’t pumping. Even laying her down wouldn’t render a large amount. But they’re going for horror, so...i guess i’ll let it pass.
Why does it feel like Julia is going after people close to STiles specifically? First Heather, now Tara? And then his Dad? That’s a weird coincidence when she’s got the entire town to choose from.
Also, sheriff, i love you, but ‘they’re not going to get away with killing one of our own.” is a REALLY fucked up line. Police getting pissed ONLY when other Police are the ones killed is SO FUCKED UP. Logistically, police are FAR more likely to get killed than citizens are, aren’t they? They’re the ones that’re supposed to be running into danger? Like, Soldiers don’t Only get pissed when other soldiers are killed, right? It’s literally like...your job to be in potentially fatal situations? that’s not even my point! My point is that your line implies that law enforcement was Half-assing it before a cop got killed. half a dozen people have died, so Beacon Hills should be Swarming with cops, but for some reason the big guns don’t come in until a cop dies? Your phrasing sucks, Noah. Were you gonna let them get away with it if they killed everybody BUT the cops? I’m being sarcastic on that last bit, btw.
I’ll admit, it’s nice to get some actual SUNSHINE in CALIFORNIA
Is Chris letting Allison stay home because she saw a dead body? FOr as long as she wants? I’m so confused, she’s seen Much worse things, shouldn’t it like raise an alarm that she’s choosing NOW to stay home?
Your badassery is tainted by the fact that you’re wearing a dress and fishnets, Allison. If you’re gonna go hunting put on some pants. or shorts AT LEAST. that’s just not Practical.
I love how blatant a lie Stiles is telling Julia in class. “do you play?” “No, my father does” when we Know he plays, and besides if his dad plays then stiles MUSt because that’s a two person thing most of the time? But no, he doesn’t want Julia to know Shit about him.
the loyalty of Lydia not going near Aiden after learning he killed Boyd is SO refreshing. I TOLD you, if she knew Aiden was a murderer she’d never have gotten with him in the first place.
NOt Derek. CORA. MY BABE BONDS FAST. (I mean, she was locked in a bank vault with him for however long)
FIrst off, I love Stiles losing his shit. Second, the acting here is so sub-par, and it looks like a writer’s mistake. okay, so, in acting, interruption is an ART. You have to let someone say enough to get their line across, but INterrupt them before they can finish in a way that looks natural. And you have to make sure not to come in late or you get an awkward pause (this is more common with newbies bc experience actors don’t stop their line, they keep it going until you figure it out.) So like The line is ...And shove it up your freaking--” Now, Scott needs to interrupt without being late, otherwise, unless Stiles Continues the line, he’ll pause after saying ‘freaking’ and it’ll be noticeable. here, the way scott interrupts him feels So Wrong, in part because he let’s Stiles get so far into his threat.
Also, I’m fucking pissed that Scott is downplaying how angry Stiles is. “okay, we get it.” is just...a garbage way to respond to a friend who’s hurting and clearly on edge, thinking Ethan is threatening him.
Exactly How do you “Know” Ethan didn’t want to kill Boyd? You weren’t there, fuckface.
Is this set after school? They’re shouting their heads off and no one’s coming? Even Stiles was shouting about wolfsbane.
Hearing Cora’s little gasp as her head hit the wall hurt my heart.
Normally I’d be pissed about the girl standing back and not doing anything, but Lydia would be ripped apart and I do not blame her for shouting from the sideline.
I don’t understand what the hell is going on with the Chris stuff. Like, I guess he’s supposed to be looking into it on his own, but that still doesn’t explain where he got the information on this very specific ritual.
But I do understand Allison’s hesitance to outright ask her father what the fuck he’s doing, since last time that happened she was taken to a chained up derek in an underground tunnel system. Finding out her family are monsters is kind of her entire life, unfortunately.
Honestly, fuck yes. Cora go off. Though, I’m sad that no one is mentioning Erica, like At All. You realize she ALSO died at the hands of the ALphas, right? why does no one mention her when they talk about getting revenge?
I...am not talking about this scene.
I gotta say that I enjoy the fact that Allison called Stiles. That’s just...that’s p cool. BUT while it’s cute that her contact picture is from her conversation with Stiles in s2, it’s weird bc it’s a screenshot of the show, and we know that Stiles wasn’t taking pictures at that moment. But the effort is sweet!
I will say that it’s interesting that Cora doesn’t fight Stiles about helping him with his dad. She just finished yelling at Scott, Lydia, and presumably Stiles, and she’s clearly unhappy with literally everyone but Derek, but she’s been very humoring of Stiles. In every scene together, even when she’s snarking at him, she’s not an Asshole.
This conversation with Morrell makes...no sense. Scott literally said in the last episode that good liars wouldn’t have jumping heartbeats when they lied. Then he immediately went to ask Morrell if she was the killer and believed her (even though she’s sketchy as fuck) just because her heart didn’t jump. Wtf?
“But if I kill someone, I can’t be a True Alpha, right?” WHO SAID THAT EVER? WHO TOLD YOU THAT? SINCE WHEN? WTF?
I don’t know if it was intentional (maybe they mention it, but i haven’t gotten that far) but technically having this history teacher disappear leaves an empty class for Kira’s dad to fill when she shows up. Which is neat.
I will forever be angry that Aiden is touching Lydia here. He shouldn’t be near her. And that’s not even me being cranky! She IS PISSED AT HIM. She was avoiding him before today and even then the only reason she went near him was to act as a distraction.
Also, again, I am amazed at Cora’s PATIENCE with Stiles here. Seriously, they’ve clearly been there for a while as Stiles tries to find the words, but Cora didn’t just get pissed stand up and say “I’m a werewolf. People are dying. Help.” She continued to wait for him to talk.
When does stiles rearrange his room? I swear in the beginning of this season it was still in the previous formation with the corner bed sticking out and the desk under the window. Now the desk is facing a totally different direction and his bed’s up against the wall. It’s great, but like, when does it happen? Isn’t this literally the second time we’ve seen his room the whole season?
that’s such a weird text. “Mr Westover Missing” like I don’t know if it’s from Lydia or Scott, but you’re allowed to add some detail? Your keystrokes aren’t limited and there are no government agencies watching your texts for information.
Oh, poor Cora. I honestly wasn’t expecting to bond with her so quickly when I first saw her, but there’s something about getting to see characters being calm that really helps me vibe with them? Like, when they’re nothing but Fight Fight Fight it’s hard to actually relate in any way, but when you actually get to see them talk or relax, then you worry about that being taken away from them.
However much I hate Isaac and everyone else Constantly saying “But I want Scott here. We should ask Scott, blah blah blah” I will say that it’s getting REALLY annoying that Allison’s entire personality is “I”m going to run in with almost zero backup bc I want to be powerful and strong, but then I have to be saved bc I refused to ask for help in the first place.”
Wtf do you mean ‘i’m not that good at this yet’ Isaac? You’ve been a werewolf for literally like 5 months, only like two months less than Scott, and you were LIVING with a born werewolf for that ENTIRE time.
Chris you were shooting at nothing for like two-thirds of that time. That was an empty room. ALSO, if you’ve been there the whole time, why did you wait until he was dead to come out shooting?
Chris yells “help Him” and you go run to stand next to his body without bothering to pull him off the cord around his neck? You realize he might not be completely dead right? Or is his throat already cut?
Also, I wanna note, it was daylight when Cora passed out. Now it’s dark! He went to the ER with her and STAYED with her. I get that people say STiles is kind of callous, but he Constantly goes out of his way for near strangers, and I don’t think that should be overlooked.
No youfcking wouldn’t have Chris, you had tons of time while they were using the garrotte and you just stood there. They came in just before the kill was done, and except for Tara Julia has been leaving people’s bodies where they fall so she wouldn’t left right after. You were NOT ‘this’ close.
Yeah, yeah, and you’re both fucking guilty of being incapable of conversation. Chris you are the adult here, fucking act like it. You had a million chances to confront your daughter and you didn’t. Apparently that’s a habit she picked up from you.
What are they talking about, Scott healing himself?? He was thrown back, he wasn’t injured. I literally just went back and rewatched that scene. He falls backward and he’s completely fine. Stiles, there are so many better instances you could point to. For example, things that actually Happened.
That line is never gonna not hurt.
Stop touching Danny. Stop being near Danny. You are a literal serial killer, get your hands off him. GOD. your brother literally said he would murder danny if he saw you with him anymore, why are you putting him in danger? FUck you.
.....okay, lydia’s speech was meaningful until she fucking turned it into scott worship. Why couldn’t you have stopped at letting her say “maybe I’ll find them before it happens” Why couldn’t it be about HER for once? Why did you have to make it about how everyone thinks sunshine comes out Scott’s ass even though he’s literally not done a single thing to warrant it. He hasn’t Saved Anyone. He hasn’t done Anything to warrant all this trust. Lydia wasn’t there when he made Derek kill Gerard. SHE was the one to save Jackson. And Scott was the one who had to be saved BOTH when Allison had to stitch him up and when Stiles had to go after him in the gasoline. Jackson is the one who saved Lydia when Peter went after her. Scott Didn’t save deaton, that was Noah. He wasn’t the one who killed Peter, that was a combination of Stiles and Jackson’s molotovs and Derek’s claws. Scott wasn’t even the one to protect Lydia when Derek and the pack went after her, that was Stiles, Allison, and Jackson. SHe had no idea that Scott was even THERE until she ran out of the house. Scott didn’t stop Matt, that was Allison’s family scaring him off and then Gerard killing him. THe only possible thing that could count was him saving the two little kids while Boyd and Cora were running around in the woods, and Lydia doesn’t even KNOW about that. Scott has canonically done NOTHING worth all this faith and ‘leader’ nonsense.
were...were they hinting at a Scott/Lydia relationship before they brought Kira in? Holding hands isn’t really a friend thing...?
That....is the softest most broken little ‘hey’ that I’ve ever heard and I’m Instantly on the verge of tears, holy shit.
Derek, honey, what do you mean ‘not again’? You’ve never left Cora, unless you count moving to New York with Laura and Cora was in South America! This line would make so much more sense if they’d given us Any idea what happened to Cora after the fire.
Normally, i’d be annoyed that Melissa is just ignoring the laws about paperwork. I’d even be annoyed that she did it for the Sheriff. BUT, Melissa is in the know about the supernatural and she KNOWS that the murders are supernatural. I’m sorry but Supernatural needs trump human laws. Melissa is totally a boss for this.
EYYYY actual druid (specifically magician druids) thing they got right (though i’m not sure it was on purpose). Magician Druids were Very Well Known for their nature magic. For causing storms and droughts and high winds and fog. The building storm around the school is like, Peak magician magic.
God, it really....it really grinds my gears watching Isaac’s progression toward the most abuse he can find. You notice how, in season 2 when Derek was attacking the Betas on the regular and doing awful shit like breaking Isaac’s hands, Isaac was loyal as Fuck to him? (right up until randomly going to Scott to decide whether to leave town) Then, this season, we start off with Derek being pretty fucking gentle, there’s no indication that he’s been continuing the abuse. Isaac questions his command and Derek’s response is ‘do you trust me?’ to which Isaac easily says yes. In fact, Isaac asks Derek to be the one to hurt him for the memory seeking thing, and Derek refuses because he wants to do what’s Safer for Isaac.Then he throws the glass and Isaac bails bc it’s a direct reminder of what his dad did. Only he goes to Scott, who was incredibly violent toward him in the previous season. (And who we know will be violent toward him in the future as well) But the only time he lists away from Scott, is to go after Allison, who Tackled him to the ground and held a knife to his throat, and whose father inherently hates werewolves and is a constant danger to him. Yet he never goes in the direction of people who Haven’t hurt him. He could go to Deaton, who’d taught him the pain-drain thing and was nothing but kind to him in that short time. He could’ve gone to Boyd after Derek’s lashing out, his pack member, who would never hurt him. Hell, he hates Stiles’ guts, but he could still have gone to him. Stiles was the one to help Derek free him from Jail after all, and he’s not wanted anymore so Noah wouldn’t have anything against him. Stiles may have threatened Isaac to keep him from hurting Lydia, but he never personally laid a hand on him. But he went to Scott. Someone who’s beaten him bloody multiple times.
So, really focusing on the details here, but on Julia’s death record, her  ‘jane doe’ occupation is listed as “Child” Oh, and apparently there was Froth present on the body.
Okay, so I think I understand what they’re saying. The reason Julia lived after getting to the hospital was because the birds sacrificed themselves and their life force kept her holding on. Now, either this was a spontaneous thing, and the birds did it For her. Or she Made them, because we know she doesn’t need to Be There to control weird shit. She could’ve set it up before she left the Nemeton or passed out or whatever. My confusion is. If that’s the explanation for the bird suicides, then what the Fuck happened on the first day when all the birds came crashing through the window?? There was no reason for that to happen. She was totally fine! And doing it to frighten people doesn’t make sense because she set off the radars of everything supernatural in town. (And Stiles.)
This kind of mass mind-control is kind of insane and makes the situation with Derek just That much more awful. I am so sickened.
Now, on the subject of the chanting, I assume it’s part of the ritual since it’s present at the deaths so much. The question is, where did Julia Get it? THOUGHTS: This chant isn’t present at any of the virgin kills. It’s not there with Heather, and while we don’t see the boy at the pool’s abduction/death, Emily Also didn’t hear it during her hallucination. What if it’s part of the virgin sacrifice perk? Like, Julia could Only Use it after killing the virgins, because it’s got some kind of mind-control thing about it?
Wh--why didn’t Julia tape her arms down before she woke up? Why make the garrotte before ensuring her victim couldn’t Punch her in the face??
I thought you JUST said she wasn’t going to be a sacrifice?
Still confused. You didn’t sacrifice Lydia, so that doesn’t count as the third philo, but then the teacher who died onstage wasn’t a threefold death, or the hanging thing, they just got their throat cut and they were poisoned. So....what? Was that supposed to count as your sacrifice?
Nobody TOUCHES Noah, who managed to be the only fucking cop on tv i’ve ever seen follow sensible procedure which is to shoot them in the fucking leg when they walk toward you menacingly, rather than threatening to shoot them in the head and doing nothing.
Final Thoughts:
There was a lot in this episode that didn’t make sense. It’s very clearly an amping up for the finale thing, but it’s annoying that after all this time they’ve essentially made the Alpha pack a time waster. The whole thing with getting Derek in the pack is relatively meaningless now that there’s a Darach going after the Alphas. I dunno, feels kinda off.
Anyway, onward.
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annab-nana · 4 years
Merch Meetup - Colby Brock
Sam has been telling Colby about the girl who helps him design his merch and how he thinks they would be perfect for each other. When she comes over to get started on some of Sam’s ideas, he introduces the two, and Colby has to get closer to her.
Requested by an amazing anon 💙
Warnings: some curse words
Word Count: 2.1k+
“She is literally so perfect for you, dude. I’m sure you two will fall in love instantly,” I tell my best friend. He rolls his eyes at me. I know Kat has tried to fix him up with several of her friends and it never works, and now I’m doing it. But I know he will love this girl. She is literally the perfect person for him.
“What do you mean? What is she like?” He sighs as he puts his phone down. Okay, looks like I’ve got him hooked. He is interested and is giving me his full attention. A small smile plays on my lips before I begin to describe her.
“Well, she is exactly your type, looks-wise. She is super smart which I know you love in a girl. She’s creative and funny and she has good style. She likes to travel, and she has a little dog named Doc. You two have the same type of humor and if you check out her Twitter, you’ll see she posts deep tweets too. She’s carefree and fun and I know you will love her when you meet her later today.” His eyes widen at the last bit of information.
“Today? I’m meeting who you think will be the love of my life later today?” He questions as I nod.
“Yeah, she’s coming over to help me design merch. She’s a merch designer for Fanjoy,” I fill him in.
“What’s her name?” asks Colby.
“Y/n,” I watch as a smile grows on his face when I say her name. He is already in love with her. I can tell.
“I like her name. It’s pretty,” He gushes. I roll my eyes playfully.
“Yeah and so is she. So, I suggest you go change out of those sweatpants and that hoodie you have been wearing for a few days and go shower. She’ll be here around two,” I inform him before he hurries off the couch and to his room. I hope he doesn’t mess this up.
“Y/n!” I shout excitedly as I swing the door open to let her in.
“Sammy!” She reciprocates my same energy when returning me a greeting. I pull her into a quick hug before we move to the kitchen, sitting at the counter.
“Do you want anything to eat or drink?” I offer as she pulls her laptop out of her bag and places it on the countertop. Before she can reply, Colby yells from the next room over.
“Hey, Sam! When is your friend supposed to get here?” I mentally facepalm and shake my head at him. His back is facing the kitchen so he can’t see us, and I guess all he heard was my voice, so he knew I was here.
“Um Colby, she’s right here,” I tell him before he spins around in his chair, moving his attention from Dig Dug to y/n and I. She gives him a small wave before giggling softly to herself. Maybe she found his awkwardness as cute and charming? We can only hope. Colby made his way over to the kitchen island, leaning against it.
“Y/n, this is my best friend, Colby. Colby, this is y/n, Fanjoy merch designer.” The two shake hands and I notice both of them are slightly blushing. Maybe this is working?
“I like your name,” Colby tells her, and her blush grows even more. She giggles once more before thanking him for the compliment. The two make a little small talk before Colby leaves us to get some work done.
“Sorry about him earlier. He’s normally a pretty cool and charming guy,” I laugh off before sitting down next to her.
“Don’t worry about it. I thought he was charming and cute,” She blushes again. I crack a smile before we start working on some merch.
Sam: she said you were cute and charming
Colby: so i didn’t totally mess up
Sam: nope, you saved it
Yes! I didn’t totally screw this thing up. And to top it off, she thinks I am cute and charming. So, I played it off pretty well. I still feel very embarrassed, but that’s okay.
Sam failed to mention how fucking gorgeous she is. She is beautiful. Her eyes are mesmerizing. I could stare into those things forever and her hair frames her face perfectly. Her smile is my favorite thing. It is stunning. And how could I forget her laugh? It’s great too. But her small giggle is the best. It’s the cutest thing I have ever heard. I could listen to it all day along with her voice. It is so soothing and unlike anything I’ve ever heard.
I could literally go on and on about her and I have only known her for fifteen minutes, talked to her for five of them. Sam was right. She is perfect for me. Is it too soon to say that I love her? Yeah, but I do. I feel like I love her already. Damn, she has got me messed up. I have to see her again.
“Okay, how about this?” I ask Sam as I turn my computer towards him. His mouth drops open as he examines the design I put together, and the corners of his lips turn upward into a smile.
“I love it, y/n. I don’t know how you do this, but you are so good at it!” He shouts as he pulls me into a hug to thank me.
“It is my job,” I laugh as we pull away and as soon as we do, Colby comes in the room with another guy.
“Are you two done? Or looking to take a break?” Colby asks, looking absolutely adorable. I am falling hard for this boy and have only talked to him for like five minutes. I may be crazy, but I don’t really care.
“We actually just finished,” I inform him as I shut my laptop.
“Well, Jake and I were wondering if you two wanted to play pool with us?” He says with a huge grin plastered on his face. I look to Sam and he nods.
“We’re in, but I’m gonna warn you. I’m not the best,” I say as I slide off my chair and follow the boys.
“I’m sure you’ll do fine and if you don’t, I’ll show you how, okay?” Colby speaks softly and I nod in response. We walk over to the red felted pool table and the guys begin to grab pool sticks, but before I can grab one, Colby hands me it.
“Thanks,” I say as I feel myself blush. He is sweet and caring too? I am definitely already in love. God, I am a mess.
“I want to team with Sam!” shouts Jake as he pulls Samuel away from the group. Colby and I look to each other, knowing that we are now on a team together. I honestly feel bad for the guy because we are now completely doomed.
“I’m so sorry, but we are going to lose,” I tell him as I pat his back sadly before heading to our side of the table.
“You can’t be that bad,” He tries to be hopeful, but I shake my head at him.
“No, I mean I am bad,” I say, emphasizing the word.
“Let’s start the game and I’ll help you as we go,” Colby assures me. I nod, knowing that literally nothing will help me, but I’ll let him try.
“I can do this part,” I say as I pull out the colored billiard balls and place them in the triangle that Jake had placed on the table. After we get all the balls in the triangle, Jake pulls it up, leaving the balls in a triangle formation.
“Who’s going first?” Sam questions. I shrug, but Jake looks at Colby, challenging him to rock, paper, scissors. I roll my eyes playfully as I watch them battle it out, tying the first two times, but Jake’s scissors cut Colby’s paper. Sam lets Jake go first out of the two of them and he skips happily to our side of the table, placing down the cue ball and striking it. It makes contact with the triangle of colored spheres, sending them in all different directions.
“Yay, I love being stripes!” Jake excitedly states after one of the striped balls falls into a corner pocket.
“So, you know that we are solids, right?” Colby leans down to whisper in my ear. I look up at him and nod.
“Yeah, I know how to play the game. It’s just the shooting of the ball that I struggle with,” I giggle. He smiles down at me before speaking again.
“Well after he goes, I’ll go, and then when it’s your turn, I’ll watch you do it so I can show you what to fix.” Jake goes again but doesn’t get anything. Colby walks up to the table and spots a ball he thinks he can get. He bends over, lining up his pool stick, the cue ball, and the solid yellow ball he has aimed for the side pocket on the right. Using his right hand that he has gripped onto the pool stick, he pushes it. The momentum from the force flows from the stick to the white ball to the yellow one and it gently falls into the pocket.
A victorious smile spreads across his face as he looks up. I give him an impressed and proud look before he figures out his next move. I watch as he goes through the same process, picking a ball, lining it up, striking it, but this time, the purple ball he chose rolled all the way to the pocket but didn’t quite fall in. It stayed put at the edge of it. Jake laughed at it before Sam got up to go. Colby came back and stood next to me.
“You are definitely going to have to show me how to stand. I don’t even know how to do that.” He nods as we watch Sam miss his shot.
“Looks like it's your turn now,” He whispers over to me before placing his hand on my lower back, guiding me over to the table with him.
“Okay first, pick which ball you want to go for.” I look at all my options and the easiest looking one is the blue ball closest to one of the corner pockets.
“That one,” I say as I point to it. He chuckles before we walk to where I need to be. “Now, show me how you hold this thing.”
“Okay,” He says as he nods at me. I get into position and he comes behind me.
“Hold this hand like this so it can just glide through your fingers when you push it with your other hand,” Colby says right next to my ear as he uses his left hand to position my hand, his right rests on my hip. “You won’t move this hand. It’s just there to prop your pool stick.”
I notice Jake and Sam giggling before Jake whispers something to Sam. Sam nods and the two back away from the table a bit. My eyebrows furrow together in confusion before hearing Colby’s voice again in my ear.
“Y/n?” My head turns in his direction, only to come face-to-face with him. I did not realize how close he was to me, but now that is all I can see. It felt like we were the only two in the room.
“Can I kiss you right now?” Colby asks me as a blush rises to his cheeks. I look around us and the other boys had vanished by now. Turning back towards him, I nod. Within seconds his lips crash onto my own as I turn into him and wrap my arms around his neck. His arms wrap around my waist before he picks me up, setting me down on the edge of the pool table. A giggle escapes my lips and he takes the opportunity to slip his tongue in. Our tongues explore each other’s mouths as he pulls me closer to him. My instinct is to wrap my legs around his hips. He pulls away for a second and I can’t help but pout.
“Do you want to take this upstairs?” He asks me and my pout quickly turns into a large grin.
“Let’s go,” I say as I wrap my legs tighter around his waist. He chuckles before lifting me off the table and heading for the stairs. I will say I like where this is going.
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anika-ann · 4 years
Hands Too Cold, but Heart of Gold - Pt.10
The Reveal (final)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader
Word count: 3970
Summary: Avenger!reader AU, love triangle. After Natasha provided you some supporting evidince, you take up courage and go talk to Steve. It goes about as well as expected... okay, maybe it’ not that bad.
Warnings: some awkwardness, swearing, fluffiest fluff to ever fluff
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Story Mastelist
────── ·❆· ──────
You were standing in front of the door, staring at it blankly. Once again, you were replaying something in your mind, unable to leave the loop.
Natasha had given you a recording. A recording of her conversation with Steve. An impossible recording.
“When— when did-- this happen?” you had asked her shakily, absolutely stunned and carefully guarding your heart so you wouldn’t let the hope in. This can’t be real.
“Can’t you tell? You were there in the beginning. It was the night you talked to Matt.”
“You— how-?”
“Honestly, you are both so pathetically oblivious it hurts. You really need to finally make out. I’m sure it will feel better than with Matt.”
You had had no words that could reply to that comment satisfactorily, so you had aimed for a different issue.
“He said that being with a teammate-“
“And you heard what I said back. Just take a fucking shower, brush your teeth and go talk to him, Frosty. And try to keep it quiet,” she had mumbled and you had looked at her, honestly clueless.
“Keep it— you think we’ll fight?”
“I think you’ll fuck, sestra.”
You were still blushing when standing in front of Steve’s door almost an hour later. You were a nervous wreck, still not quite accepting the possibility of the recording not being fake. Then again, there was this annoying hope sprouting in your heart and you totally blamed the sneaky Russian spy for that.
“Captain Rogers, I would like to inform you that your teammate known as Frostbite, or Snowflake as you like to call her, is standing in front of your door for exactly five minutes now,” a well-known voice with British accent announced in Steve’s room, loud enough for you to hear it.
Oh, JARVIS, you sly AI.
“Frosty? Wanna come in?” he called out lightly and you released the breath you had been holding and knocked on the door uselessly. Steve humoured you, inviting you in once more.
You hesitantly opened the door, all your mental bravado flying out of the window. Not that there had been much to begin with in the first place, but it had been something.
You peeked into the room, finding Steve cosy on his bed, resting his back against the headboard, his knees bended. He switched to sitting cross-legged when you entered.
“Hey,” he greeted you softly, putting his sketchbook aside and you managed a half-hearted smile.
“Hi, Steve. Haven’t seen this baby for a while,” you noted, beckoning to the notebook. He smiled shyly, closing it.
“Yeah. I thought it needed revisiting so it wouldn’t feel neglected. Haven’t seen you for a while.”
You closed the door, pressing your lips together at the strike. ”Fair. I’m sorry, Steve. I didn’t want to ignore you. I… I just needed some time for myself.”
His baby-blues searched your face with a hint of worry.
“You look tired. Come sit?”
You couldn’t help but smile at the care. Yes, of course, Steve cared. Steve loved you even, but… but.
You approached the bed slowly; seating yourself on the bed felt like sealing a deal, as if there was no way out now. It was time to talk and possibly embarrass yourself for a lifetime. He moved a little closer, coy, but with a goal. He lightly caressed your bare arm, his honest eyes locked with yours. Shit you really could drown in that sea of blue.
“Feel better now? No need for more alone time?”
You closed your eyes, taking in his gentle touch. This was a great opportunity – he literally offered you a way to say it.
“I… I think I was alone for long enough,” you whispered, his soothing motion faltering. You opened your eyes slowly, worried about his reaction.
“Is it about the date? Did something happen?”
You observed his face wearing a strange expression you always interpreted as worry – this time, you couldn’t help feeling like there was something else, something you couldn’t put your finger on. His brow furrowed with anger too.
“He didn’t hurt you, did he?” he asked warily, his anger making sense to you now. But there was still something… “Snowflake? Did he-“
“No! No, Steve, Matt didn’t hurt me. He was… he was really nice to me, actually.”
“Oh. Good.”
Despite his words, something in his eyes darkened. It was such a tiny change, you wouldn’t have noticed it, but you were fascinated by his hypnotic gaze until he wasn’t looking into your eyes anymore. His hand fell too and his fingers started crumbling his sheets as if they couldn’t stay still. His lips formed a smile, but you didn’t believe it. You knew him too well.
“Where did you go? What was it like? Was he a gentleman?”
You licked you lips. His interest seemed genuine, but once again, there was hint of something venomous. You couldn’t help feeling like you weren’t Gerda but Kai, suddenly poisoned by the Devil, seeing flaws everywhere. It was so ironic you barely held back a snort.
“Nice Italian restaurant, not too crowded. The food was really good. Uhm… and yes, he was a gentleman, but… I didn’t come here to talk about my date, Steve,” you said, your stupid brain finally making the connection – or you hoped so.
It was jealously. Steve was jealous. Forget Bible, this was a goddamned revelation.
“Oh. Sorry,” he smiled hastily, nervous. “I didn’t mean to pry-“
You had no idea where the bravado came from, but you took his hand he kept closed in a fist in his lap to yours. It worked greatly; he shut up.
“Steve, I— okay, maybe I need to say it, because I feel like I’m always telling you everything and it would be weird if I suddenly didn’t, so-- uhm. Okay.”
He tilted his head curiously, looking utterly confused. But his body relaxed, the stiffness you could see ever since you had started talking about the date resolving. Well. You would both have to suffer through it once more. You cleared your throat.
“I had a great time with Matt. He… he walked me home and kissed me-“
Steve gave you a tiny smile, obviously trying very hard to be supportive friend slash brother and squeezing your hand gently.
“-and there was nothing. Just… nothing. It was… weird. Really weird. Not that he wasn’t a good kis-“
You covered your mouth with your fist to shut yourself up before more verbal vomit would come out. This was going terribly. Yet, Steve patiently sat opposite to you, listening to your non-sense, because he was a sweetheart.
Your sweetheart.
“Well. Let’s say we didn’t click. I— I’m not going out with him again. It was… embarrassing for both of us. But… what I’m trying to say is, that… that I’m really glad I went out with him, because… because it helped me realize something,” you explained slowly, finally getting on the right track.
For some reason, Steve looked like a deer caught in the headlights.
“Steve?” you addressed him, worried.
Seriously, he looked so spooked for a moment that it sent your heart racing; until he shook his head and moved a little closer to you, his free hand coming to caress your shoulder. You were utterly baffled by that development. Did he… did he do the math? Were you that obvious? Because so far you sounded to yourself like talking lots of crap.
“It’s okay, Snowflake,” he whispered with a reassuring smile. “You know you can tell me anything, right? You know I love you, nothing will change that.”
Your mouth fell open and you just stared at him wide-eyed and endlessly relieved. “Oh thank god,” you breathed, “I love you too, Steve.”
His smile looked a little broken now, but perhaps it was the weight of the confession. His palm cupped your cheek and your eyelashes fluttered at the sensation, just like your heart.
“I know I’m from the times that were less tolerant, but I would never look at you differently, Snowflake.”
His words made you freeze. Hold on a sec. “Steve-“
“It’s okay. So you… like women, that’s not-“
You slipped from his gentle hands, burying your face in your own, whining miserably. “Oh my god, this isn’t happening.”
You felt like you got punched to your stomach by Iron Man. Or by Steve’s shield to make it more ironic. Oh, this was not happening. Steve just told you he loved you, loved you despite being gay, while you finally admitted you loved him and you fucking thought he had confessed to loving you too.
“Someone just kill me, please,” you muttered, your hands immediately ripped away with not much grace.
“Don’t even think about it, this is not end of the-“
“Jesus Christ, Steve!” you snapped, startling him. His hands immediately went away, raised in a harmless gesture. “I’m not telling you I’m gay! I’m not trying to come out to you or tell you that I want to— to kill myself over it!”
Though now it seems to be a likeable option.
He blinked in shock; his lips parted. He looked so fucking cute you just wanted to kiss the confusion away – which would be pretty self-explanatory, but maybe a bit harsh.
“So… what are you saying?”
“I’m pretty comfortable with my heterosexuality, thank you very much, but it’s good to know you’re tolerant, not that it’s surprising.”
You took a deep breath, shaking your head with your eyes closed. You were going to say it. Right now. Everything. You didn’t have to look into his eyes while doing it, right? Instead, you played with your fingers in your lap, watching the digits meeting and parting again.
“What I’m saying is that when I thought you were gonna die, it was the scariest thing I ever felt,” you whispered, his sharp inhale too loud in the room. “That every time you show up in that uniform of yours, my heart is going crazy and it’s not just because I’m afraid of what will happen on the mission – I’m positive, because my pulse is doing the exactly same thing when you just walk around in one of your stupid blue shirts or white t-shirts, because seriously, I’m pretty sure that you wearing those should be illegal.”
You checked his expression quickly, but he seemed absolutely stunned. Well, at least he wasn’t running away yet; though this was his room, he had nowhere to run.  You lowered your gaze again.
“I’m saying that every time I’m falling asleep in your arms during a movie night, all I want is to wake up in them too. When we’re training and you… somehow end up on top of me, I wish for you to stay there a little longer. Every time you look at me with those ridiculously pretty eyes of yours, I’m not sure whether I should snuggle you or… or…” Shit, I am such a coward. “I-“
His fingers found a way to your cheek once more, sliding under your chin, light pressure making you look up. You heart was pounding in your ears – you couldn’t remember being scared like this, ever. This was a different kind of fear, the deep kind you hadn’t experienced in a long, long time.
“When I thought you wouldn’t make it…” he whispered, his gaze flickering across your face, looking as amazed as if he just found a relic. “It was the worst feeling I lived through since I crashed the plane into an icy ocean.”
Your breath hitched. Please, please, tell me you’re saying what I think you’re saying.
“Every time you show up, I wish you were wearing your smile, because it’s like sunshine.”
His thumb traced your lips slowly, cautious, and you pressed a little daring kiss on the finger, praying you weren’t crossing a line. His own lips spread in the softest smile you’d ever seen and honestly, all you wanted to do was to taste that smile, your abdomen heating up at the idea.
“Whenever you’re falling asleep during a movie night… I wish I wouldn’t have to carry you to your room, but to mine instead, to keep you all night. When you happen to end up under me… I have to get up fast, because if I would stay a little longer…”
Alright, you were very distracted by where that thought would go, but holy sweet Jesus, Steve was really making a love confession and you couldn’t believe this was happening. It physically hurt you not to pinch yourself or to touch the adorable blush that appeared on his cheeks at the last exclaim.
“And when you look at me – the way only you do, I can’t even describe it, it’s like I matter, me, my bare soul, just-- all I want is to kiss you.”
You were positive you just changed into a puddle of love-sick jello. Definitely. You were absolutely putty and it took too much effort to ask him one simple question that burned on your tongue. You made sure to look into his eyes when asking it, the unknown feeling rushing through your veins, plucking up your courage,
“Then why don’t you?” you whispered, rewarded by his orbits lighting up, his smile widening. His gaze flickered to your lips and back.
“I don’t know. I guess I’ll just try.”
The distance of the few inches seemed infinite with how slowly he crossed it. But you were willing to wait for it, your eyes falling shut when his own got unbearably close and then finally his lips were there too.
For a fraction of second, your messy mind returned several nights back to a completely different kiss, the reason why it hadn’t felt right finally clicking into place. Because this was right. Steve’s lips gently pecking yours and retreating a little at instant, just to trace the texture with his thumb once more and drive the butterflies in your stomach crazier.
You met his gaze, drunk and a bit baffled. Why did he stop so soon? Was it bad?
“I wanted to do that for a very long time,” he breathed, his eyes burning with honesty and delight.
“Just that?”
“Considering that a slap could have come at this point-“
You raised your hand to his cheek and he must have seen it peripherally, because for the shortest moment, his eyes widened with horror. But you just laid your palm on his jaw, pulling him into another kiss, this time making sure it would last. Steve’s lips sunk into yours with more confidence, apparently not afraid of you slapping him anymore.
You let your fingers wander up his arm, heat coiling in your abdomen at the idea of that arm holding you down, drawing you close. It had happened before, but now you knew the meaning would be completely different and your toes curled at the thought. You sighed when he took your lower lip between his, sucking on it tenderly. Oh god, you couldn’t feel your own limbs now and the same arm you had caressed just a moment ago wrapped around your waist, indeed pulling you close, basically making you sit in his lap. Which was a little uncomfortable and straddling him wouldn’t, so you shifted in your position.
He sighed in appreciation at your thinking, the tip his tongue gently asking for a permission to go on. You let him in, the pool of warmth inside your body spreading just everywhere, always coming back to your lap.
You felt his fingers tighten in the fabric of your top, his lips leaving, his forehead resting against yours so you could both catch your breath. You massaged the back of his neck, unaware your hand had got there along the way.
“Can you open your beautiful eyes for me, Snowflake?” he pleaded lowly, his voice rougher than usual. With desire, you realized.
Your heart possibly stopped – had he always been saying the nickname with so much affection and you hadn’t noticed or did he finally let his feelings bubble into his voice now?
Your legs squeezed his hips tighter on instinct, drawing something between a chuckle and a whine from his lips. You obediently opened your eyes to meet his – this up close, you could see the subtle threads of green in the sea of blue.
Putting some distance between your faces, you couldn’t help but feast your eyes on him. His pupils were blown wide, his cheeks flushed, his mouth almost bloodily red. Yet, his expression was one of awed, astonished even, and indescribably tender.
“I love you,” he said softly, his eyes locked with yours to add severity to his declaration, the words finally meaning what you always wanted them to mean.
“And I love you, Steve.”
His lips parted, his gaze suddenly hesitant. “You said I was family.”
“So did you,” you noted and he gave you a lopsided smile which was something you wanted to kiss away. But no, your stupid mouth needed to say something else. “And technically, husband and wife are family too-“
His pupils went comically wide and you realized what you just implied.
“Not that I’m thinking about marriage already! I meant— I just-- I wanted to-“ you stuttered and the beautiful creature that had you in its arms pressed its lips together before smiling brilliantly and shutting you up with another kiss. You were all for returning it before you could say something even more stupid like wanting to have his kids that would inherit his blond hair and his beautiful eyes.
You wriggled in his lap instead, earning a startled and very pleased sound from him, granting you access to his mouth, your tongues meeting. He pressed you against his broad chest in response, his hand moving a bit lower, running down your lower back and heading sideways; you were sure you were about to have a heart attack when he cupped your lower left cheek and you couldn’t think of a better way to go from this world.
“Steve,” you breathed to his mouth, rewarded by his grip tightening, his fingers digging into your flesh. Oh Jesus.
There was no better response than slipping your daring hand under his t-shirt on his back, feeling the muscles shifting as he kept pressing you closer. God, this man might have been an artist, but he himself was a work of art.
“Miss Anderson, Captain Rogers, Agent Romanoff is asking me about how your conversation went,” JARVIS announced smoothly, sending you into a cardiac arrest and causing you to bit into Steve’s lips at the fright. “What shall I tell her?”
Steve shot you a puzzled look, licking on his wounded lip and you whimpered miserably, letting your forehead fall on his shoulder.
“Thanks, J. You can tell her that if she keeps interrupting like that, we definitely will keep it quiet tonight,” you whined and JARVIS, the friend he was, just said he would tell her exactly that.
You honestly didn’t know whether you should laugh or cry. What if Steve got mad now?
“Natasha?” he asked quietly and you just whined louder before facing him.
“Yes. She might have convinced me to crawl from the hole of my room and misery and admit how I feel about you.”
“Really? That’s… oh. She actually tried to convince me too,” he admitted tentatively and you shrieked, having a pretty accurate idea of how that had gone. “What is it?”
“She might have… used some… pretty solid evidence to… encourage me.” Steve’s eyebrows shot up in silent question, worry darkening his features. “A recording… of your conversation few nights back from the kitchen and-”
“Son of a-“
You looked at him, shocked, but he stopped himself before the actual curse left his mouth. His face was… priceless. Also, his lip seemed just fine, so you hadn’t hurt him that bad. Good.
“I honestly don’t know if I want to kill her or hug her,” he noted, making you grin. He wasn’t mad. Just… taken back, which was an appropriate reaction.
“Well. We are here, right? Together?” Steve’s arm tightened around you on instinct. “So maybe we should rather send her a fruit basket or something?”
Steve’s face lighted up with a mischievous smile, a spark of something appearing in his eyes. Ah-oh. His lips moved to your ear, the touch and his low voice making you shiver.
“Or maybe we should buy her some earplugs… for when we won’t keep it quiet.”
You dug your fingers into the skin of his back, momentarily forgetting how to breathe. Now that was a whole new side of the mischievous Steve you just glimpsed. Jesus. You did not see that coming and you sure as hell didn’t expect the heat pooling in your lower abdomen at that note being set on fire.
His hands framed your face, forcing you to look at him. He suddenly seemed anxious.
“Too much? I didn’t mean tonight! I don’t want to rush it, I’m perfectly fine with just keeping you for tonight, or— or not-“
You couldn’t believe that this guy honestly loved you, but somehow, it made sense. His sudden fright of crossing a line was adorable and the honesty in his words was something to cherish. He truly didn’t want to rush, willing to wait for you. He had a practice in that, after all. And so did you.
A little more waiting was fine with you, but you weren’t about to leave him thinking he spooked you or something. Oh no. You hoped he would live up to that suggestion. Possibly soon.
“Steve? Shut up and kiss me.”
A beautiful grin spread on his lips. “Yes, madam.”
────── ·❆· ──────  
Daredevil was on his nightly patrol, listening in for any disturbance of the relatively calm night when the air shifted, the temperature dropping suddenly. He couldn’t tell the precise figure, but it was close to freezing point now.
He thought of you immediately. Did something-
A snowflake fell on his lips, melting the very same moment it made contact. His breath caught in his throat. Almost soundlessly, other snowflakes fell, one after another, a symphony, the softest lullaby. It didn’t sound like crying; it sounded like happiness, the sounds lighting up the city, making his heart melt as well.
He smiled melancholically. Something did happen; you finally found love.
────── ·❆· ──────  
Natasha poured herself another glass of wine, sitting down on the couch, which was where Clint found her few minutes later.
“Ladies’ night?” he teased and the Russian just grinned at him.
“You’re paying up, brat moy.”
Clint’s eyes widened when he realized what she was implying. “You’re joking.”
“JARVIS, replay what our special snowflake asked you to tell me.”
Your voice filled the common room, while Natasha just extended her hand in Barton’s direction. He pressed a twenty into her hand with no further protest.
“What’s the gathering here? Oh, money? I’m interested,” Tony hummed, stopping in his tracks and taking several steps backwards to the couch to find out what that was about.
“Nah, Barton’s just paying up for a bet we made ages ago.”
“Really? About?”
“JARVIS? Could you-“ Natasha just started and the record played again.
“Son of a bitch, I think the hell just froze over – which would actually explain the early snow. How did that finally happen?” Tony asked, astonished.
“I’m afraid Agent Romanoff is quite a matchmaker, sir.”
Tony eyed the spy warily. “Dangerous woman. But you know it’s on you to buy us all earplugs now, right?”
“You think she’s a screamer? Or he is?”
“Ugh, I’m leaving,” Natasha exclaimed at Clint’s question, quickly jumping to her feet. She so didn’t need to be here for that. She still heard them as she was leaving.
“Dunno. I have a better question. How long until Rogers breaks a bed?”
She rolled her eyes and turned her glass bottoms up.
In the end, Stark won with his guess of five days, while Barton lost with his fifteen and Bruce with his guess of twenty, both losers naively hoping Steve would be more old-fashioned.
It took them six days to sleep together judging by the thin white frost with beautiful ornaments covering all windows of the Tower the seventh morning. The eighth night they broke a bed; and it happened at three a.m. Natasha swore she was never playing matchmaker again.
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Tags: @mermaidxatxheart​, @murdermornings​, @elisaa-shelby​ @ask-hellbent-tweek
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Steve Rogers masterlist
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There we go! It’s done! Thank you for reading :)
If you’re interested in further story, stay tuned for Heart Too Cold, but Friends of Gold... and if you want to stay tagged for it/get tagged, shoot me an ask or something :-*
111 notes · View notes
blankdblank · 4 years
Next Caller Pt 42
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“It’s supposed to be Sheppard’s Pie, but it’s more of a, swirl than layered.” Giggling softly you sat down I the chair beside him.
“Looks delicious all the same.”
Sheepishly he grinned at you and he asked, “How was work?”
“Quiet as usual, saw three check outs, got some decent tips I handed over.”
“How does that work with tips?”
“Well you turn them in each night and they take note of them for taxes, the total is added to your checks monthly, and there’s options to send it or a part at least to the cooks who make our lunches.”
“That’s a nice touch.”
“Well we’re not allowed to tip generally, only paying guests can.” After wetting your lips you asked, “How was the shop?”
“Good, only stopped in for a bit. They didn’t really need me today. Keep finding reasons to send me home early anyways lately.”
“Imagine that,” you teased making him smirk at you. “I should warn you though, we’ll be having company near breakfast tomorrow.”
You nodded, “Apparently I am the only show host willing to aid in a repair air time slot on our floor and now that I have my own booth Echo and Glori will be over to help set it up to broadcast from here. Don’t know what Mal will get up to past possibly nap.”
Thorin chuckled again, “I am certain she could find something to help with the show.”
“Haven’t much recorded bits for her to signal and with the system I have the touch screen in the booth I can link to the monitors outside to signal audio clips.”
“Well I am certain it will be a rousing success. How long will the repairs last?”
“Two weeks, minimum. Depending on how much of a fuss the other shows put up sounds like. I think they’re wanting to add in a second sound booth so we won’t have to ant march past one another. No doubt with some special touches for each show, bunnies flooded on mine for instance,” making him chuckle again in your next giggle.
“Right, um, I was meant to ask on behalf of Bofur’s daughter, Shari, and her boyfriend Ori,”
He nodded, “Yes, he’s a mix between Firebeard and Broadbeam, just barely related through Dain to our clan by marriage. Many get confused, Shari takes more after her Hobbit Amad to having our Durin looks.”
“Ok, you were saying?”
“Right, yes, the pair of them graduated art school and they were watching your show on Bombadil and they love the style that matches theirs and they were wondering if you might have some tips to get them started in animating. They have a summer program starting soon they got intern spots on but it’s months off.”
“Oh, um, I mean if they want something to do they could help me fill in coloring on my panels. It’ll be mind numbing and painful for their hands but if they’re up for it...”
“They will be. I’ll text Bofur after dinner.”
“Isn’t it a bit late?”
“His shift ends in an hour, a night owl as well works in the business side with Gran and Gramps.”
“Ok, ya, well if they’ll be up they could be here before my show and they can work through it if they like otherwise I could try to work a weekend thing out.”
He shook his head, “They’ll be here tomorrow.”
“Will I be needing to supervise them then? Boyfriend and all?”
Chuckling to himself he shook his head and replied, “No. Not at all you focus on your show they will be focused on work. They are Ones, and are of no risk, fully trusted.”
Plates emptied through sharing a bit more on possible plans for the week for him while you were at the hotel and smirking as you eyed the messages on the board from the birds you helped fill the dish washer he started then paused at your hug. Wrapping his arms around you in return he asked, “What is this for?”
“Apparently you want hugs, Cuddle Monster.”
Thorin laughed and kissed he top of your head, guiding you along halfway releasing you, “Come on, off to bed with you. Big day tomorrow.”
You nodded and after changing to comfy flannels and a halfway sheer tank top you flopped into your bed and wiggles under the covers in the room beginning to warm by the fire to the distant sound of Thorin answering Bofur’s confirming call to secure the details he was all too elated to hand over.
Up you sat to the sound of a doorbell and out of bed you climbed frowning your way to the door as you awoke. Opening the door you brushed your hair back and looked to BamBam in his bag alone on your porch making you step out and peer over into your front garden where Mal has chased a paper of hers. Bending down you picked up the bag watching Mal huffing in snatching it up and turning around to join you on the porch. “Sorry,” taking hold of BamBam’s bag saying, “Keep losing my notes, got a tear in my bag buying a new one after this.”
“Oh that’s good,” you said as she stepped in and you watched Echo pull into your driveway with a truck parked on the street behind it.
To the door the techies strolled after Echo with all their supplies in heavy looking bags that you guided inside and through the house past Thorin heading to the kitchen to get started on breakfast. “Want some tea?”
The Elves shook their heads thanking him for the offer and Echo said, “Tea would be lovely, thank you. Should not take long.”
The dark room seemed in an odd place to the techs but when you switched on the lights their lips parted at how the space was so far from what they had expected out of an old storage room. “Booth is over there, clearly, and the audio set up is over here in this corner.”
They nodded and got to work as Mal looked the space over still gawking and Echo said, “This is splendid. I should warn you I had some bodies in my trunk.”
Your brow inched up and unnoticed to you at the tail end of the group you saw Elrond’s twin uncles holding their work kits and rolling stools for said kits you accepted hugs from, “What are you doing here?”
Elured chuckled replying, “Glori said you were working on a commercial. We know you’ll need help.”
Elurin, “In town till Saturday, then we have to help with some mural in Gondor since they had a row with Beorn over his bear theater so he is retaliating through art.”
You giggled and nodded saying, “I’ll grab my sketches, just have bare characters so far.”
Elured, “Better to have us here for the mind numbing part.”
Elurin, “Jackrabbit we love coloring books you know that.”
The stacks of bound sections had them smirking on the path back to their waiting stools and kits they rolled to the wavy desk and eyed the notes you had made and Mal asked, “All of that is for a commercial?”
The twins answered, “Anyone can just morph the expression changes and motions on top of a stagnant body pose, we prefer old school, frame by frame to make it flawless.”
Their heads turned as Thorin came in with tea for Echo who was admiring your carpet for the booth one techie was inside of. “Jaqi, kids are here,”
You nodded and when Ori and Shari came into view flashing quick grins at Mal whom they recognized in the sea of Elves. “Hey, good to see you, I know it’s early, but um, these are my friends Elured and Elurin here to help with the commercial as well.” Feeling the curiously smirking twins looking you three over you said, “Ori and Shari here just graduated from art school and wanted to get some tips on animating before a summer program of theirs.”
Elurin chuckled, “No problem there, we have the best break into it right here.”
Elured motioned the closer, “Come in, while Jackrabbit eats we’ll give you the basics on it.” The pair moved in and while you stepped out Mal went with you and Thorin leaving them to it so you could eat. Smirking as she saw you winding your curls up into an awkward bun already starting to droop. “Sleep well?” She asked and you nodded.
“Not bad. Just a bit earlier than usual.” At your seat you lifted your mug of tea to sip on then said, “I’m good.”
She sat down beside you still keeping hold of BamBam asleep on his bag and asked, “Seriously, all that was the commercial?”
You nodded, “Three full minutes. And it’s just the characters, no background or color yet.”
“Get out.”
You giggled, “It takes a lot of patience to be an animator.” Looking her over you asked, “How was your night? You look like you’re holding something.” She smirked and you said, “Besides him.”
Sheepishly she said, “I got an interview.”
“Ooh,” That had Thorin looking over at her wondering if she was aiming for another job.
“Well you know I’m two years left on my Marine Biology degree so I can finally start interning, and there’s a really great program in the Grey Havens this summer. The head of it picked out my application, loved my profile page I had to make and wants to come interview me on Thursday.” Her eyes scanned over you.
“That’s amazing, why are you looking at me like that if you need the summer off I won’t be mad go follow the fish in the sea.” Making her smile as you added, “I won’t stand in your way.”
“See, thing is, they needed to pick an interview location, and, well, I sort of gave them your address.” Your brow inched up and Thorin chuckled to himself, “See, I can’t take them to the Tea shop, or the tattoo parlor which I live over, but no doubt they’ll get crushed by something toppling over. Can’t use Bilbo’s house because no doubt Frodo will streak through coated in bubbles with Bilbo and Dwalin after him. And it’s on Thursday and I hoped if you were here and off the show you might let me use the dining room or parlor just for the interview I swear I’ll pay you back or do chores or whatever you need.”
Rolling your eyes you said. “It’s fine. Not a problem, good impressions, I get that. Rented my friend Elrond’s tea room once for one of mine. Thank you for actually asking. So, details.” You said taking another sip.
“Well, it’s mainly working with a shark preservation camp. Heading out to inspect, observe, tag and all that with some work helping on the rescues and injured sharks back at their base. Most first timers don’t get to go in the deep ocean yet so mainly I might just be centered around nursing in the base and compiling data maybe.”
“Doesn’t sound too bad, do you get to be the one to give the baby sharks their lollipops?” She gave you a playful glare and you giggled back, “I’m sorry I’m not trying to tease you. You say shark nurse and that’s what I see a baby shark sick in bed just waiting for its lollipop and temp to be taken.”
A grin cracked across her lips, “Alright, it is a cute image.”
“You’ll have to send pictures.”
“I’ll have to get in first.” She sighed out as Thorin started to set food down in front of you, gesturing at it in a silent question if she wanted some she shook her head as you spoke freeing him to grab his own food.
“You’ll get in you love rescuing animals. I mean come on you even took in an injured Mortar boar for Vanna’s sake.”
“Ooh, cast off this weekend, Dain is so thrilled he’s planning a party for Truffles and him to welcome BamBam fully.”
“Aww, so sweet.” After another sip you lowered your mug asking, “Why wouldn’t they take you? Since you’re so critical of being accepted.”
“Well, for the blaring obvious reason no Dwarves have been accepted before, and only a handful of Hobbits, who all got especially high class jobs from the internship.”
“So what’s the problem? You love sharks, they’ll let you in.”
“Ok, you don’t,” she sighed, “Cirnaven is one of the hardest researchers out there-,”
“Cirnaven?” You asked in fluid Elvish correcting the pronunciation wondering if she was trying to say someone else’s name instead.
“I, yes... wait have you heard of him? Is he really famous out there? I know you came through the Grey Havens and Lindon.”
“He’s my step father’s twin brother.” That dropped her jaw that lowered even more as you said, “He used to take me on his runs when I lived there.”
“Jaqi!! You went diving with him?!”
Following a timid nod you said, “He’s the one who helped me with my water therapy.”
Her mood dimmed a moment then spiked again as she asked at Thorin’s settling down at the table patting your hand before easing your utensils closer to your hand signaling you to eat. “Could you put in a good word then?”
“No doubt I already have.” Her brows arched up and you said, “Look, I don’t have many friends and my calls home got boring, I have talked about you and my Naneth had three times as many questions on you as your parents had on me. I wasn’t kidding when I gave you their best on holidays and your name day. No doubt Cirnaven was told about you and the name caught a flag.” You paused a moment as you said, “Come to think of it I can’t remember him taking anyone outside of Numenor past the Misty Mountains.”
Mal pointed at you, “See! My point! Right there.”
“And you invited them right to my house,” you teased.
“I-,” her voice cracked a moment as that set in that if they had wondered if she was your friend that the address would no doubt confirm you were her friend.
“Game and point.”
“I don’t think that’s the term,” Thorin muttered around his mouthful and you sighed around yours making him chuckle. “Don’t mind me. I’ll be heading out in a little bit. Won’t know I’m here, give you plenty of privacy.”
“You do know you live here, right?” He nodded smirking as you continued, “Just making sure. Not gonna be naked in the booth no need for privacy, you’d be listening anyways so no need to scurry away.”
“New inventory today, Balin will need me.”
“Ooh, jealous.” You teased making him smirk and chuckle causing Mal to smirk watching the pair of you bantering.
“What am I in store for then? If I may?”
“Not much, just breaking into Durin’s house.” Making him almost choke on his food and coughed a few moments.
Mal, “You do know that’s grounds for proposal depending on what Bunny does?”
You smirked at her making him chuckle and say stabbing another slice of waffles, “Gran no doubt will be calling again in that case. Can’t wait.”
Mal, “Will they at least be engaged by tomorrow?”
“Not yet.”
The pair of them groaned and you giggled. Thorin asked, “How is that possible, tradition is they break in and he has to propose for surprising him in his dwelling.”
“For a traditional break in yes.” His brow inched up as you said, “It’s his birthday.”
“Not till November.” He grumbled back.
“Well if he would have answered Bunny’s question it wouldn’t be but it is now.”
He pointed his fork at you, “You’re doing this on purpose.”
You giggled again and Mal said, “You said Durin and the bantering isn’t till book two, when do they get together, and I mean full courtship wide open.”
“Book four.” Again they groaned and you took another bite of your food. “Just wait till book three, when he gets to wooing.”
Thorin smirked holding back his argument that according to Dwarf traditions has been clearly wooing Bunny already leaving you your surprises knowing they would be amply worth it.
Echo shared fully how the system was to work and assured you he was staying for the first show with Glori confirming it was airing flawlessly as it should from the station where the work crew had just gotten started. Into your booth you went leaving the young couple between the twins wondering where the rest of the crew was for the show. Up onto your stool you sat settling your notebook on the stand inside the small booth and you inhaled sharply tapping the screen on the monitor there to confirm in the countdown to being live that you were ready. And through your headphones you slipped on the opening music played at Mal’s tap from behind the desk across the room while BamBam napped on the floor beside her feet.
“Hey hey hey, it’s me your dear friend Bunny, devoted as ever with my ear to the ground here to give you all the latest. Today however much like before we are on an adventure as I happen to be scaling a wall at the moment carrying you with me.”
At the shop Thorin smirked at the opening wondering how the break in would take place and go over with his kin.
“Now, we seem to be locked in quite a dilemma because I find myself committing quite the crime of the century, but you see it really can’t be helped as it is entirely out of my own volition you see.” Brows inched up wondering what violent ends Bunny was facing to commit a crime. “Quite bluntly not two days passed I had been thwarted in trying to discover the birthday of King Durin, and so now here I am, scaling this monstrosity of a wall to bake for the stubborn King. Whether he likes it or not, the truth of it is, no matter what today is now his birthday and he shall just have to live with the fact that today of all days even as a King he cannot escape an impending cake.”
Carrying out through the process inside and through the palace and unloading of ingredients as several smirking servants were noted by the narrator taking over for you. Blending in was Durin still brooding away as to how his next meeting with Bunny would go after their last speaking ending in a row recapped for those listening in seeing the painfully easy to remedy dilemma the pair faced. With his sharing the date he misunderstood her reasoning to know and her sharing her intentions for spending said date with him. All wishing to simply drag both characters to lock them in a room until they shared they loved one another.
Colors had been set out and divided up with your reference colored sketch taped up for the new duo and Elured said, “Now, you handle the gown base, you the wrap,”
Elurin, “Just leave the details to us.”
Ori eyed one of the panels asking, “what are these lines?” Asking about the fainter lines aimed from two tally marks landing across Beatrice and the chair underneath her.
Elured, “Those are light references. Now this one is from the lamp, so to this we will add a golden hue, while others with moonlight shall be more silvery white.”
Shari, “Jaqi adds light references? These are on nearly every panel looks like.”
Elurin chuckled, “Like we said, Jackrabbit is very old fashioned. Used to carrying the weight and thanks to that it makes this so much simpler for us.”
Elured, “Now, around those lines color your spots in and we will show you how we treat those sections.”
Getting to coloring with colored wax pencils they filled in their sections and passed the images on only to watch as the brothers colored the light strips in with non wax colored pencil they then painted over with a golden hue coloring up to where the lamp would be adding more depth to the scenes. The twins taking turns with each panel on the smaller details they let dry and accepted the next pair in a slow building stack from the first section that Echo smirked in seeing coming to life.
A detail on the chair however had Ori asking, “These symbols, on this chair, what are they? Some old form of Elvish?”
Elurin, “No, Troll.” That had the couple looking at him.
Shari, “Why would Miss Pear add Troll runes to this tale? I know she added Troll characters to her old show-,”
Elured, “Back in her apartment before her move to Beryl she lived in a Troll town. Babysat for a family of Trolls, all while the first show was in development.”
Elurin, “Gorufndunt, the little boy, one day he started crying so hard. A game promoting a Troll character just ended up the butt of jokes and mocked and abused because out of the band of warriors he was the lone Troll and by public opinion was meant to be mocked and insulted. Gorufndunt believed so much that for once there could be a Troll outside Troll media that was more than that.” That had their lips parting.
Elured, “So Jackrabbit put her foot down, we revamped the entire second half of the first season to include a Troll Warrior named Gorufndunt, with his parents’ permission that is, to use his name. She fought so hard to keep him strong and respectable and true to their traditions. Sure there were misunderstandings and a few teasing snippets, and he was a clown at times, but for his own choosing nothing to do with his race. Fully respected member of the team and looked up to.”
Shari, “What did the little boy think?”
The twins smiled replying, “He loved it. Every moment, and he was so proud.”
Echo, “Small hands turn the wheels of the world. That move was not much, but it started the motion all the same. She knew how much it meant to him and it would mean to so many other little children watching looking for someone to look up to just like them.”
Ori asked, “How did he like the next season, wasn’t there a family in that one?”
Their smiles dropped and Elured said, “There was a fire, in their apartment building. None of the family could get out, Jackrabbit barely did. Their names are in the memorial clips at the credits, and for the second season after reaching out to their clan she was granted permission to add a family for the warrior with their names. All equally as strong and respectable in their own ways, even little Brumble in her wobbling years.”
Elurin, “Their clan was honored to have them live on, their little quirks, and snippets of their lives that their heirs now get to watch with pride seeing the characters their ancestors inspired.”
Echo, “When Jackrabbit’s Ada’s clan had all but disowned her Trolls showed her kindness and friendship, one she feels to have betrayed in losing that family from the world. With all her projects she tries to add little hints to make people wonder and possibly inspect to look up their history.”
Mal hurried back to her desk from her bathroom break stepping over BamBam on his path around the room again and with a call from Glori Echo stood in your own commercial break you exited the booth saying, “Excuse me,” hopping over BamBam to hurry out the room.
Back again you came letting out a breath asking Ori and Shari in a peer over the desk, “How you doing?”
Shari grinned at you flexing her fingers and hands in the break, “Good. Thank you for giving us this chance.”
“Well I’d like to help where I can, and you’re really doing me the service.”
Ori, “Can we ask what the Countess is saying?”
“Give it till Thursday and you can hear the audio clip recordings yourselves. Giving it a simple try and hopefully they will like it.”
Echo said walking over, “If anything you might have to invite Gorgo over on the weekend to give it a once over.” Leaning in had claimed a warm hug, “Glori needs some back up, I do believe you have it under control from here.”
By the time you had returned however Echo sighed saying, “Glori needs me.”
On your toes you accepted his hug saying, “I’ve got it, go have fun, about to throw some flamingos into this pool party.” Making him chuckle and leave as you said, “I can drop the guys off after the show.”
“You are doing spectacular Dear JackRabbit.”
Mal said, “Don’t know how you stay sane in that box.”
Smirking at her from the doorway you said, “You just have to change the way you think.”
She rolled her eyes, “Let me guess, outside the box?”
You giggled closing the door and moving back to your stool to add your headphones again readying to dip back into the show again, yet when you came back on the air you looked down hearing a snorting in the booth while you were describing setting the table with all the food you had made only to have light fill the box when Mal crept inside pulling BamBam out of the box she closed mouthing an apology. Chuckles came from the trio in the tea shop knowing where the odd boar noises came from others largely ignored.
Pt 43
@avaria-revallier​​ , @c-s-stars - Stars hope you like the details coming up about your dear Mal :D
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looselucy · 5 years
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June 21st “Right, Niall, get in position. A little to your left, closer to Lin.” I demanded from beside the lake, shivering and dripping from my recent dip. “No, your left! That’s my left.” “Which left?” “Your left! Left!”
“What is going on?” Libby laughed, watching the three lads get in line in the water. Libby had only just got there after having been at work most of the day, and preparing for her arrival, the lads had come up with a rather incredible synchronized swimming routine for her to arrive to. They’d sort of been exhausting her at work recently, with longer shifts and more responsibilities but no extra pay, and Louis was practically making it his life’s aim to cheer her up at any point and in any way that he could. Even with a water-based dance routine. “Just watch, you’re gunna love it.” I giggled to her. “Ready, lads?” Louis asked, and they nodded. “And a one, and a two, and a one two three.” Their arms shot up, all bizarrely in time to say how little practice they’d had over the past hour, and well, their entire lives before that. They started spinning on the spot, Niall clearly already dying to laugh but trying to just be serious for a minute of his life. Lin and Louis actually looked incredibly involved and invested in their routine. Libby was losing her head instantly, and I just stood laughing with her. Slowly, as they continued, my smile began to fade from my face as I stopped concentrating on their dance and lost myself staring at Lin, maybe forcing myself to look at him in a way I hadn’t done before. I hadn’t gone back to him with an answer to the question he’d asked me at the beginning of the week, and I didn’t really want to keep him waiting much longer. He’d asked me on Monday and it was now Sunday afternoon and I knew if I went much longer without acknowledging his proposed date and how much courage it had taken him, he’d retract the whole thing subconsciously and pretend it had never happened to save himself the shame. I wasn’t even sure that I’d made a decision, but then it seemed to me that there were pros and cons and risks either side, so why not just take the plunge? I wanted to let go and not even think about it and just see how it all unfolded of its own accord. Part of the reason I wanted to say yes was almost like a nod of respect to him for asking in the first place. I wanted to show him how much I appreciated the fact that he wasn’t going to let his fear hold him back and ruin something that could be incredible. Fear had ruined and stolen things from my life before and it was only looking back that I could see how foolish that was, the mistakes I and others had made due to fear. I didn’t want to look back on this and feel the same way. I was snapped out of my daze when Libby started clapping the lads along, laughing manically at their stupidity and the fact that Niall was completely out of time and now spinning the total opposite way to the other two. “You’re killing it!” She cheered them on. “I didn’t know there was so much talent in our group of friends, holy shit!” I had started and ended my week by that lake, starting somber and reflective and ending fun and carefree, always surrounded by people I loved, peaceful, happy. Maybe trying something with Lin would be the thing that finally shook things up again. And maybe that was exactly what I needed.
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“You wanna stay?” I suggested nervously to Lin as everyone began drying off and packing up their things to head back into Rosebury. “Huh?” He hadn’t heard, too busy attempting to carefully dry his dreads as much as he could with his t-shirt. “Do you wanna stay for a bit? We could chat, or whatever.” “Uh... Yeah. Yeah definitely.” His smile was gradual, sensing my mood and tone. “Did you drive here?” “Yeah, I’ll drive us back. Saves you crawling into the back of Louis’ car too.” “I dunno why Niall always gets shotgun, it’s not fair.” “Niall always gets what he wants.” I smiled. “What is that about him? I feel like he could ask me to do anything and I would!” “He’s got a quality about him. It’s Niall’s world and we’re all just living in it.” “Rosebury might just be a figment of his imagination and we’re all just living in it, and we don’t even know that we don’t actually exist.” “What the fuck, Lin? Why would you say that? That’s gunna freak me out for weeks. That’s gunna keep me up!” “OI!” Louis yelped as they headed towards his car. “You coming, or what?” Lin turned his head so he could answer on our behalf, but before he’d even managed to spit out a sentence, Louis had this shit-eating grin on his face that showed he already knew exactly what was going on. “Um, we’re gunna stick around for a bit. Drinks tonight?” “Yeah, maybe. I’ll text you.” Louis called back, the three of them getting into his car. “Sweet. See ya later.” “Drive safe!” I yelled. Niall and Libby were none the wiser as they waved their goodbyes and got on the road, leaving the two of us alone. It was the first time we’d been alone since he’d asked me out. I was nervous. Never before had I felt like I didn’t know how to talk to Lin. From the second I’d met him, we’d conversed with ease. He was so friendly and bubbly and easy to get along with, it had been impossible to be any other way with him! It was so unnatural to feel as though I didn’t have anything to say to him when actually I probably had more to say than ever before, it was just harder now. It was obvious he felt the same way, so obvious in fact, that he called it out. I liked that about Lin. “This is weird.” “Right? Fuck, I know, I’m sorry.” “It’s my fault, why’re you sorry?” He cried. “I feel like I shouldn’t have ever asked and… put that on you, I’m sorry.” “No, don’t- Okay, sit.” I huffed, taking my place on the ground, Lin quietly sitting beside me. “I don’t want you to feel like that at all, because… I’ve given it careful consideration, and I think… we should do it.” “Seriously?” “Yeah. We should. We should… go on a date, or whatever. Although, I’m not even sure I know how dates work.” I sniggered down to the ground. “No one’s ever taken me out on a date.” “No one? What about Sam?” “Well we were young, weren’t we? We just kinda got to know each other at college, and back then all we did was get drunk and go to house parties. The next thing I knew, he was my boyfriend. We never really… had a dating stage.” With Sam, we’d been too young and too smitten to even think about dating. When things started with us, it was still all about being cool and bumping into each other in the right places, trying to show interest without ever being overly interested. Dates weren’t really a common thing at that age, so he’d never taken me out properly to try and woo me; he hadn’t needed to. And then there was Harry. “You deserve to be taken out on a date.” He was confident yet bashful, sweet. “Okay, well I will give you the honour of doing that then.” I joked. “You will?” He grinned. “I will.” “Fucking hell. M’gunna have to pull out the big guns then. First proper date.” “Yeah, good luck with that. There’s fuck all to do in Rosebury.” “Okay, so maybe we go out of Rosebury then.” He shrugged. “I mean, if I’m gunna do it, I’m gunna do it right.” “I’ll let you think about that then.” I giggled. “I’m already stressing about it. Genuinely.” “I wouldn’t. I think I’m pretty easy to please.” “Good to know.” Struggling to find something to say again, I looked out to the lake and attempted to control my breathing, my stomach not stilling even though we seemed to be fine. The thing that I couldn’t shake was the fact that my insides weren’t churning with nerves because of what he did to me, but because of what the scenario was doing to me. I didn’t want to overthink it and start questioning why we were so awkward, if it meant something, because after being friends for so many years it had to be inevitable, surely. But I craved that immediate spark, that sensation and desire that could occur between two people, like your bodies are begging it to happen. That was lacking and it was something we couldn’t create or force, I could only hope that it would appear in time and blind me when it arrived. “Thanks for… having the guts to ask me.” I spoke after a while. “That must have been difficult.” “I literally felt like my insides were rotting.” He seemed completely serious. I couldn’t help but laugh. “Thanks for saying yes. Eventually.” “We’ll just… see how it goes.” I turned to look at him. “Yep. We’ll see how it goes.” He looked back to me. His gaze had changed. The only reason I had been barely surviving these new dynamics was because at our core, we felt the same. It was Lin and he was familiar even when our circumstances weren’t, and that was why I’d said yes and why I’d had the nerve to give it all a chance. But then he looked at me, and it had changed. He wasn’t just looking; he was gazing and it was different and I felt like I wanted to scream. And then he kissed me. He just threw his head forward and put his lips on mine and he fucking kissed me. It couldn’t have lasted more than a few seconds before I ripped my head backwards, eyes still closed, not breathing at all before I just blurted out the only words I could. “You kissed me.” He didn’t say a thing for far too long. I opened my eyes, seeing that he was just as alarmed by his actions as I was. He looked horrified. “I did. Shit, I don’t know why I did that, m’sorry. Fuck, I dunno why I’m like this. I’m so fucking awkward and useless. I dunno what the fuck’s coming over me. I don’t-” This time it was me, flying my lips towards his. I wanted to kiss him and actually do it for long enough to be able to decipher how I felt about the kiss, but also to stop him ranting on and putting himself down, always thinking he’d done the wrong thing. He widened his mouth, kept the kiss calm yet intense, soothing his fingers down my jaw as his tongue gently met mine. It was slow, strange but good, captivating yet confusing. It was peculiar to kiss like that and still feel completely clueless. He slowed down our kiss, eventually stopping and laying his forehead against mine, the two of us taking a few quiet moments to reflect. “Sor-” “Lin, you’re gunna have to stop apologising for everything.” “Okay.” He chuckled, rubbing his nose against mine. And then the feeling came, crystal clear and undeniable. I was happy. And though it didn’t give me any of the answers I was searching for, it didn’t feel like a complete moment of clarity that defined what I wanted and what we might become, it was good enough for me. I was really happy. “Wanted to do that for ages.” He admitted through a whisper, like he was unsure whether he actually wanted me to know or not. “Did it disappoint?” I asked. “No, not at all! It was just… weird.” “Mm.” He leaned in a placed one last peck against my lips, my smile bursting as soon as he pulled away, the two of us incredibly coy and shy, but it seemed he was happy too. We would be okay. No matter what happened, we would be okay. I knew that then.
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June 22nd “Was it nice? Was it big enough?” “It was fine.” My dad sighed on the other end of the line. “But I didn’t get any feeling about it, really. I can’t see myself there.” “Fair enough. It’s only the first place you’ve viewed anyway, I wouldn’t even worry about it.” “No, I won’t start panicking yet.” He'd been for his first viewing of a place he was looking to rent only a week after expressing the fact he wanted to leave Rosebury. He was moving quickly, proving to me just how much he’d been struggling since he moved back. He was eager to move on. Onwards and upwards, hopefully. My pride for him was literally bursting out of me. After so many years, he’d finally reached the stage where he felt he could progress and start this new life without feeling guilty about it. It was time he found his own contentment again, started anew. His happiness had been so routed in my mother for so long, and as wonderful as that was, I was thrilled that he didn’t really have any other option than to be utterly selfish and look out for himself. “How about you? How’s your day looking?” He asked. “I’m in the shop. I’ve given Louis the day off because him and Libby are looking at some venue for the wedding, so it’s just me today.” “Bloody hell, they’re not wasting any time, are they?” “I think they think they’ve had enough wasted time. They’re so adorable, it’s ridiculous.” “And have you decided on your date with Lincoln yet?” “Uh… yeah. I said yeah.” “Oh that’s good. I’m glad. Are you feeling okay about it?” “Yeah, fine. It’s strange but… y’know. It’s good. Why not?” “C’mon, Fee. You can talk to me. I know you struggled last year, when Harry left.” I was beyond thankful that my dad had been there to console me through our breakup, or whatever the hell it was. He’d been the only person there who I felt I could talk to, spill my guts to, and he’d been wonderful throughout. My heartbreak was delayed, in some ways. I’d been so angry with him and so confused by the things he'd said and how things had ended, that even after he’d left completely it hadn’t quite sunk in. And following that, when my mum died, that took up every single emotion and every single inch of my body, I didn’t have the room to habitat the pain he’d caused. It must have been a few months after her funeral, long after he’d first left. Nothing happened in particular, but it hit me from nowhere; that he’d gone, that I wouldn’t see him again, that I’d really loved him and lost him. It took so long for it to sink in, but when it had, I broke. My dad felt the brunt of that. My dad was the one who had to pick up the pieces, and I still hadn’t quite managed to put them back together. “Um… I kinda feel-” I was cut short by the bell chiming as someone walked into my shop, shutting up completely because I recognised her instantly this time around. It was Harry’s mum. It had been exactly a year to do the day since I’d last seen Harry, and in walked his mother. I stared in disbelief. “Fee? You there?” “I’ll have to call you back, I’ve got a customer.” “Alright, speak soon.” “Bye.” I hung up quickly, shooting her a friendly smile which was returned as she began to mosey around my shop quietly once again. I couldn’t believe she was back again. I didn’t think I’d ever see her again, despite the fact I knew she visited our little village. The fact she was there but I didn’t even know where Harry was, whether he’d ever reached her, if he’d even tried again. I felt really lost. “Julia?” I was timid, anxious. She turned to face me, looking sort of amazed. “I can’t believe you remember me.” She tittered. “It’s been over a year since I was last here.” “Well… I dunno.” I mumbled. “I uh… I guess I’m quite good with that sort of thing. We had a good chat.” There was a much grander reason behind why I remembered her so well, but that didn’t feel like the sort of thing I should just blurt out to her, even though seeing her then I really wanted to. I wanted her to know everything and hear what she had to say, because I’d never hear it from Harry. Their family was something I’d grown to care about and I wanted the best for all of them, even Jack. I recalled the time when Harry told me that he believed trauma either tied people together or tore them apart, and how their family had fallen victim to the latter, and I wanted so much for them to heal, tie themselves together even after all those years. Maybe they were on their way to that but I didn’t even know. There was much I could say to her. “We did.” She nodded. “How’ve you been?” “Yeah, yeah fine. How’re you?” “Good. Glad to be back, I love it here.” “It’s a beautiful place.” “It is. So, I feel like since you know my name, I should know yours?” She inquired. She was so friendly, so gentle. I saw a lot of Harry in her. They had the same eyes, the same beautiful smile, one that was warm and inviting. Even the energy she gave off without knowing reminded me of him, and suddenly I felt like I wanted to cry. It took so much strength to hold it back, but it was as though I could feel him there with me and it was agonising. “It’s Alfie.” I swallowed, and it hurt. “Alfie? That’s unusual for a girl.” “Yeah. It was my mum’s idea. Apparently, she was dead-set on it, much to my dad’s dismay. I think he wanted a really traditional name, but she wasn’t budging. She was tough like that.” “Did your mum grow up around here?” She asked, seemingly very intrigued. “Yeah.” “Did she… Did she have a dog called Custard?” I think my heart stopped beating, completely. She knew my mum. Harry’s mum knew my mum. “Rita.” I whispered, my tears brewing fully, unable to keep them at bay. “Yes, Rita! Rita was your mum?” She was excited, kindly ignoring the way I’d started to cry. “I went to school with her. She was… my best friend before I had to leave.” “How did… I…” “She was such a romantic. We used to play dress up, wear binbags as wedding dresses. Even then, she was set on the name Alfie. That’s how I knew, as soon as you said! We were so young, but she knew. I can’t believe she stuck with it! I remember it so well. I can’t believe this. What a small world. How is she?” Our world was even smaller than she recognised. My ties with Harry were even stronger and deeper and older than we could have ever known. Even when he’d told me his mother had grown up in Rosebury, I felt connected to him in new ways, but to now learn that our mothers had been so close in their childhood, it meant even more. I knew Julia had left when she was really young after losing both of her parents, and maybe that was why neither myself or my father could strongly recall hearing about Julia; maybe my mother had told us stories but never given a name, or maybe we’d just forgotten. It was mind blowing. “Um… She died. About a year ago.” “Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry.” She rested her hand on her chest. “That’s… But she was so young?” “Very young.” I wiped my tears away quickly, embarrassed. “She uh… She had Alzheimer’s. Early onset, so… She had a lot of fight in her, but… Sorry, I dunno why I’m crying-” “Please don’t be sorry. It’s totally understandable. I’m sorry, I wish I hadn’t said anything-” “Are you kidding? I’m so glad you said something. Like… you knew my mum, that’s insane! I think these are happy tears, I don’t even know.” She reached out and took my hand, pinched her fingers into my palm and squeezed tightly, smiled sympathetically. She felt like a mother, in that way that some women do; certain qualities and sensations that just accompanied her and her friendly touch, a familiarity, a safeness. If anything, I think it made me cry even more, though that definitely hadn’t been her intention. “Thanks.” I sniffled and chuckled at the same time. “And sorry. I’ve probably made you really uncomfortable.” “Not at all. I’ve seen a lot of tears in my time, this is nothing new to me.” She comforted me as much as she could, her smile bright. “I had two little boys. Trust me, I know tears.” My vision dropped down to the counter, the mention of them making me want to block the entire conversation out. She was so unaware of how much I knew about her children and her husband and just how many tears had fallen in that family. They had struggled so much, lost so much. Even beyond their father, beyond what Jack and Harry had done in their teenage years; Harry had told me himself that there had been times where she struggled to even feed them because they didn’t have the money. She had been fighting for all of them on her own. Julia had faced and conquered some truly trying times. “M’still sorry.” I sniffled. “Tell you what, I’ll grab the wine I came for and I’ll get out of your hair.” She let go of my hand, thinking I’d want some space. “It was a Caymus, beautiful.” “I remember. Cabernet Sauvignon, right?” Already getting out from behind the counter to retrieve the bottle for her, I started to pull myself together, stop myself crying. “You’re good at this.” I remembered her last visit to my shop as though it had happened only days earlier. She didn’t know that I’d have any reason why I should remember her more than others, but after recognising her and ringing Harry and waiting, I was so tuned-in and locked-on that I could recall every aspect of that day, down to all the mundane details. I climbed our little ladder to grab the wine she desired down from the shelf, carrying it carefully back down the steps and then over to her, passing it carefully into her hands. “It’s free.” I told her. “I’m sorry? No. No, I couldn’t.” She tried to pass it back. “Please, you have to.” I pushed it to her. “My mum used to run this place, and if she was here today, you’d be leaving with a free bottle of wine. Please, have it.” “Are you sure?” “Positive.” She clutched it to her chest, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath inwards, as though kindness was rare to her, as though this gesture was special, a moment and a feeling to cherish. “Thank you.” “You’re more than welcome.” I cooed. “I’ll maybe see you in another year or so, if I visit again.” “Please do.” I nodded. “Do you need a bag?” “No, this is perfect, thank you. Nice to see you, Alfie.” “You too.” She turned on her heel, heading to the door and swinging it open, one foot outside before I spoke, without even meaning to, without even knowing what I was doing, without even thinking, it just happened. “I know Harry!” I uttered urgently, instantly bringing her to a halt. I cursed quietly beneath my breath as she slowly turned to face me once again, evidently alarmed by what I’d said, and so was I. “I’m sorry?” She was quiet, startled. “Harry. I… I know Harry.” “My Harry?” I nodded, and she let the door close with herself still indoors, the two of us stood staring in silence for a portion of time I couldn’t possibly decipher. I could see from the look on her face alone that he hadn’t gotten in touch. She really hadn’t seen him since he was 18 years old. There was a chance I’d made a mistake by telling her, but Harry and his wishes were no longer mine to fret over. I didn’t need to worry whether he’d be angry for intruding or trying to push him, because he wasn’t even there to see it or experience it. I didn’t mean to take matters into my own hands because he had failed to, but if there was something that I could do to help their family then I would. “Where is he?” Her voice was feeble, scared to hear my answer. “I’m not sure. New York, I think, but I don’t know for sure. But he was here, for a while. He lived here.” “Here?” She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “He bought your old house for you.” “What?” “He bought it for you. Did it up, hoping you’d come back. It’s beautiful, and as far as I’m aware it was never put up for sale again so… I think he’d want you to know. It’s yours, if you want it. The number I had for him was disconnected months ago, but I just know how much he wants you to have it.” Embarrassingly, I had tried to call him more than once. Usually after a few drinks, feeling lonely and asking questions about him and his wellbeing. It wasn’t that I ever knew what I wanted to say, but I knew I wanted to hear his voice more than I could even understand. “I… I haven’t heard from him for years.” “No… I haven’t either.” I choked. “But I know he tried a few times, to find you. I think he was just scared… after what happened.” “He told you what happened?” There was almost a sense of scrutiny in her voice, staggered. “He… Yeah.” I mumbled. “He was never much good at talking.” She was so dazed she sounded somewhat serene. “We… We got pretty close.” It seemed to me as though she hadn’t blinked at all from the moment I had said his name, in such a state of disbelief over what I was telling her, the fact I knew him at all. I’d just known in my heart that I had to tell her, even though it didn’t help either of us. I didn’t even have a way she could reach him, but that was beside the point. She remained quiet for a while, adding some things together from what I’d said and what she knew of her son. “He was in love with you, wasn’t he?” My body rejected the notion rapidly, shaking my head and breaking our eye contact, feeling like I’d been punched in the chest. Over a year, and the damage he had done when he’d spurned my love was still evident. “Uh… No. No, he wasn’t. I-I wish.” I tried to joke breathily, but neither of us laughed. “But I need you to know that… Your son is an incredible man. He’s grown into this… beautiful, kind, amazing person. He’s changed, and I really… I think you should reach out to him.” Her smile was fleeting, but I saw it, truly saw it, and I saw everything it held. I think what I liked about her smile that occurred over my words concerning her son ran deeper than the obvious pride, because within that brief and beautiful smile I noted how she didn’t seem at all surprised by what I’d said about who he’d become since she last saw him. I knew then that she’d always seen the good in him, she had always known how wonderful he was, in spite of his mistakes, but she’d just needed some time. After all those years and all that pain, she had chosen to put herself first, something she hadn’t been able to do when she was caring for all three of them. I appreciated that she had it in her to do that. For years, I had wanted my dad to be selfish enough to put himself first, look after himself, and he hadn’t really managed to do that until recently. I had to respect the way she had been as bold as to love herself enough to know her health had to be put first at some point. She may have cut him off for her own reasons, but she knew Harry was a good person. He always had been. “I’ve tried.” She told me simply. “What? Did you… Did you get through to him?” “I wish.” She faked a smile, repeating words I’d used just as wistfully. “It’s not easy. He’s a renowned artist, which makes him… hard to reach.” I hadn’t really thought of it that way before. For the time he’d been in my life, he was there and he was ours and he was close and familiar, so much so that it was hard to think of him in the sense of him being an artist, a public figure. Of course he’d be difficult to reach from outside of that; even when he used to go away for weeks at a time, he completely disappeared off the radar, made himself inaccessible. Harry would have been well aware of that, which was likely another reason he always felt it was in his hands to reach out to her. “I tried a few times. I got through to his agent once, but I never heard anything back.” “Fuck.” I seethed. “His agent is such a prick. I’ve never even met him but… fuck, I hate him.” I didn’t need to meet him and I had no desire to ever meet him because I knew exactly what he was like, even from the few facts I had, the basic knowledge I’d acquired through what Harry had shared with me about him. He literally wanted to keep Harry in pain and provide hardship, because that was where the art came from. He didn’t care about Harry’s health or happiness, he only cared about the buyers and the money. “Harry doesn’t know that.” I continued once I’d taken a few moments to calm down. “If he knew, he’d have replied. I spoke to him about it more than once. He doesn’t think you’ve even tried since he left for uni.” “I did, but then it got to the point where I felt I had to stop.” “Why?” “Because I didn’t want him to think for even a second, that the only reason I was trying was because of his money. We really struggled when he was growing up, and I didn’t want him to think that I only wanted to see him because he’s doing well for himself. The thought kills me.” An abundance of complications had kept them apart when they so desperately wanted to join themselves again, make amends and rebuild all that was broken. It was heart-breaking to think they had both wanted and tried for the same thing for years and yet it hadn’t happened for them. “That makes sense.” I acknowledged. “It’s… so complicated.” “Is he well? In himself?” “I wish I could tell you.” I started crying again. “I really fucking wish I could tell you. I hope so.” I craved to know the answer to that question myself, but I didn’t know and I wasn’t sure I’d ever know. His existence was now entirely separate from mine. Our only link in that moment appeared to be his mother, who was stood right in front of me holding back tears. I was as clueless as she was. “I’m sorry.” I sobbed. “It’s not your fault. It feels so surreal to speak to someone who knows him so well, knows what happened. I miss him terribly and it’s… As sad as it is, it’s almost comforting. To know he spoke to you. To know he found the courage to talk.” She shuddered. “You have no idea how much that means. That’s how I know he loved you, dearly. It’s been too long, but I know my son very well. He wouldn’t have told you about what happened with our family without feeling as though he was giving you his whole heart. I know it.” Even though I felt I knew more, things that made me immediately want to dismiss what she was saying, I didn’t want to say that to her. Him managing to talk was important, and I didn’t want to shatter that for her because of things that had happened months later. Instead, I tried to embrace what she was saying, beginning to appreciate that even if it hadn’t been love, it had been something significant for both of us. He might not have loved me in the way she thought, or the way I had wished he had, but I’d meant something to him, momentous enough that he had shared parts of himself that he would only hand over to someone he truly trusted. I reached for her hand the way she had reached for mine earlier, squeezing tightly in a rather weak attempt to comfort her, show her that tears were accepted, a sign of her strength more than a moment of weakness. And though our links to one another had only ended with the two of us in tears, we smiled at each other then as though we were grateful it had happened, grateful we’d gotten to talk and be open with each other. We shared something special in those moments. We somehow both ignited and eased the pain simultaneously. I appreciated her presence more than I’d ever be able to word.
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ryouverua · 6 years
Trial 6 - Flashfiction (4)
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Trial: 1 / 2 / 3
it’s what kokichi would have wanted
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how can mirrors be real if our eyes aren’t real
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And we found it in Kokichi’s lab of all places. Why? Had he been able to get access to it ater all? Why was it just lying there so awkwardly - not hidden or neatly put away at all, but just tossed on the floor like an afterthought?
...... thinks about the state of Kokichi’s dorm room
yeah the chance that he left it on the floor like a bored 12 year old or me is not 0%
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Wait.... is there??? The only one that stands out to me is the method of applying vs being scouted...
So we go over the events again, or as the game would probably put it, comb over The Longest, Most Ridiculous, Most Despairing Backstory to look for discrepancies.
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Don’t look so pleased with yourself!
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It.... it doesn’t???
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U-Uuuuh Monokuma??? Are you just allowed to namedrop the title like that???
A-Anyway, this one was sort of vague - not sure if the game did too good a job of hiding it or not, but I certainly didn’t clue into this immediately because, well, I’d argue that Junko was ultimately the cause of this? And she was the original Ultimate Despair, even if Mukuro got roped into it with her? This felt a bit like being at a multiple choice exam where there are a few answers that are sort of right but not exactly right and then I cry
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AND MUKURO!!! I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS MUKURO ERASURE, DAMN IT!!! can you tell she was one of my favourites in the first game if not my favourite
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“And that’s why, even though you are technically right, you are also wrong, and therefore will not get any points for your answer to this question.” sweetcheeks you sonuvab -
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despite the mukuro erasure, consider me team maki
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“Can it, nerd.”
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It would have been really nice to have Maki in the first game.
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We really are going over this piece by piece.
Okay, so now we’re reviewing the first game. They were forced to kill each other, then Junko was found out and killed herself in the end, which led to the eventual end of the Despair side....
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Shuichi is clearly onto something that I haven’t quite latched onto yet. 8′D
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This makes me think of how cool it would have been to have this text style in the previous games. Have I mentioned enough about how much I like the typography in drv3? Because I don’t know if that’s possible.
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OOOH that’s right - I forgot! Or, well, I didn’t forget, but it didn’t really occur to me that we were remembering that they were literally trapped in the school by Ultimate Despair, I guess.
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I guess the gist of it is that they’re remembering - well, not witnessing the events, but being told things were one way vs another. They would have been too young to have been alive at the time though, right? It seems to me that, though the game clearly wants us to take it a different way, we can also interpret this as them just being told the wrong thing within the memories themselves as opposed to the actual memories being entirely falsified. What if the reports at the time or the commonly-known story was that they had been locked in by Ultimate Despair, and it’s only the properly researched books like this that have the correct accounts? It’s not exactly an uncommon phenomenon for there to be widely-held mistaken knowledge/generalizations of famous events, unfortunately... 8′D
Anyway, I’m getting distracted because like I said, this is really not the angle the game is going with at all.
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I’m seriously fixated on this book!
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I love Shuichi just casually ignoring Junko!Tsumugi lmao
I’m calling her Junko!Tsumugi I refuse to call her Tsumugi!Junko I REFUSE TO GIVE UP ON TSUMUGI’S AUTONOMY
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This.... this one has to be it, right? This was the one thing I remember getting really confused by when they talked about applying! In fact, I had thought the whole reason Shuichi was considered the Ultimate Detective was because of the homicide case and if that resulted in him being at Hope’s Peak, it was because word of that had traveled - but then if it was an application, that means either his parents or his uncle would have applied on his behalf, right?
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this was a detail I remember remarking on and loving btw I got really sad when in Chapter 5 it started looking like they were all in the same class
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I think more than the others, this is the big one. All that other stuff can be attributed to mistaken hearsay - but this? This is something they would have ‘directly experienced’.
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Oh apparently he chose to come... despite feeling awkward about his title.
I wonder if he was pressured into it by his family....?
Or, uh. Let me correct myself. I wonder if, in this mistaken memory, he remembers being pressured into it by his family?
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I-I feel like I would trust the book over you guys especially considering the whole ‘we remembered Kokichi Ouma as a Remnant of Despair and got him killed as the fake mastermind’ situation tbh.
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well technically ultra despair girls is
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That is a good point. I mean, it could quite possibly happen underground, but I suppose the same could be said of the Jabberwock Island one - there’s no reason that should be public knowledge.
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“I mean, I know it’s nothing new, but bear with me here.”
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sdfkdslfj fukging
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“Also have you seen their outfits? Do you realize how terribly they would clash? ‘Oh Saihara, why would that matter what do uniforms have to do with anything surely Kokichi and his uniformed clown posse could just be a branch under the Remnants’ NO THAT WILL NOT FLY WHEN THE HEAD OF THE ENTIRE ORGANIZATION LITERALLY DOUBLES AS THE ULTIMATE FASHIONISTA!!!”
this level of reasoning is possible for saihara shuichi
.... what do you think, everyone?
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And he still has the Supreme Leader title, even if these aren’t really their talents... there has to be something to that, right?
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Shu -
The words DICE were written in big words over his giant hella awesome throne
He has a checkered scarf which brings about a certain ‘game’ feeling
he literally challenged you to card games
I’m.... I’m just gonna throw it out there, but there’s a pretty good chance the group he led was called ‘DICE’.
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“Maki also said he literally said he didn’t know what she was talking about when she interrogated him with a crossbow literally aimed directly at him but surely that’s unrelated -”
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s o b s
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I 100% bet Tsumugi was not counting on them finding this room. So.... beginning the trial, she tried to do a Kaede/Kaede’s twin mastermind thing. Then she switched tactics to being solely ‘Junko’ and her lackey Kokichi setting up the game with the last survivors of humanity as... revenge for Hope’s Peak, I guess? Or something.
So where are we going from here? Are we about to discover this was all a simulated scenario then?
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Sort of like they’re trying to test different outcomes and scenarios - with different talents, maybe? Is there the selected 16 (15? 14?) talents that can be switched around at will, or is there a larger database of students’ talents? That’s what I really want to know.
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But “there are an endless possibilities for lies,” a certain person may say.
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why are you all ganging up on me also how when two of you are literally the same person and the other one is an AI acting as an extension of you -
It sort of hit me but this is a weird echo of Korekiyo’s trial, with Junko and Tsumugi switching back and forth with each other the way Korekiyo and his sister did. I wonder if there’s something to that, or if it says something about Tsumugi in general...
(one hangman’s gambit later...)
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that is a dangerous precedent to set
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But you weren’t planning on revealing this, right??? Right???? Your hand was totally forced! Don’t play this off like it wasn’t!
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I swear I had a similar idea when I was coming up with how they could see themselves in photos/pictures if the students weren’t actually who they thought they were - about how their brain filled in the gaps and placed their own faces where they’d expect to see them (like in the funeral scene with the portraits, etc). Glad to know I was kinda right on that regard!
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I really like it when they combine Junko and Tsumugi here. There’s probably something to that - when it’s Tsumugi herself acting as the mastermind, as opposed to just being ‘Junko’.
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T-Those are some pretty big inconsistencies though? Why would there be incorrect options in those flashback lights in the first place? What was there to gain for their being options where ‘Ultimate Despair trapped the first class in’ and ‘Junko is the end-all of Ultimate Despair’? At least Kokichi’s made sense to have on standby, but the other stuff? Isn’t their existence a bit weird?
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It’s... nice to see Shuichi focusing on Kokichi. Being posthumous and all it’s a bit late, but it’s still nice - especially after all that talk of ‘not understanding him’ and ‘the embodiment of a lie’, having him finally clue in to Kokichi’s real place in all of this - a victim of the mastermind - is good. It’s the perfect example of ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’ and Kaito figured that out last chapter, so it’s long past due for Shuichi to drag himself and everyone else to that conclusion, kicking and screaming if he must.
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(he was jealous of Angie)
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because he was trying to stop the game!!!!!
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Which, honestly, was pretty clever on her part. I think overall Kokichi will come out of this looking the best - he had so little going for him and almost succeeded in his coup - but the fact that Tsumugi was able to counter his surprise attack still says a lot about her own intelligence and her ability to adapt, because in that moment she also had limited options.
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Pretty damn successfully, too.
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While the fact that her first inclination was to straight-up murder Kokichi was very Not Good, it’s at least good to know that it took the extra nudge of the flashback lights to push her over the precipice. Basically, it took turning Kokichi into a complete monster in her eyes - Despair with a capital D - to strip away his humanity entirely. I do wonder if she still would’ve staged a rescue mission of sorts to rescue Kaito? For that matter, I wonder if Kaito had been on the outside (with the Flashback Light used on him and everything) and it was someone else being held hostage like Shuichi, would he have been able to talk Maki down?
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It’s interesting how they’re turning hope itself into a weapon here. I think Junko talked about this in the first game, the idea of giving hope out to maximize despair, so it’s not the first time the mastermind has actively used hope as a weapon - but it’s never felt quite as dirty as it does here.
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!!! We’re seeing her as herself in the room!!! I guess it’s the flashback light classroom, but still!
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That is so unfair considering they were all being threatened with death, you were straight up messing with their brains and also that airlock exists??? And they straight-up collapsed after being exposed to the outside??? I’m 
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I think Shuichi managed to break away from that a bit at the end... maybe. He seems more motivated by righting the wrong in Kaede’s case at this point, and of avenging everyone who died - but the same can’t be said of the others.
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Man I even wondered what it would be like without Kaito and Kokichi there considering they’ve been the strongest ‘movers’ on both sides - and the answer ended up being ‘I’ll give you artificial motivation to act’.
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Oh, this does feel dirty. She’s lusting after them in an abstract way - like pieces on a chessboard. Kokichi was able to compartmentalize and make people take certain actions to an extent, but even he had attachments that he wasn’t able to shake. I knew it felt like she had managed to keep herself from getting too close to them, with the sole exception of the protectiveness she felt for Gonta (which?? I want to know if we’ll hear anything about that specifically???) but this is... wow.
Actually, this is very Komaeda-esque isn’t it? She wants to see them succeed in their battles against each other in a similar way...
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Junko only gets that look when she’s actually mad. So if Tsumugi is sporting that... well, she must be smarting a bit underneath all the gloating she’s doing. She was happily spouting off ‘hints’ before, right?
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me too tbh
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35 notes · View notes
windless-hurricane · 6 years
Pennywise and the Dancing Girl
Chapter 4: The Boy with the Clouded Blue Eyes
SUMMARY: Emma has an unknown past with the clown of many names. IT to the ones he haunts, Pennywise to himself, and Robert Gray to her. Although she hates and regrets this, she lives with it anyways. However, that begins to change once she meets Henry Bowers, the local asshole.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a longer chapter compared to the previous ones, but hopefully you'll still enjoy it and the newfound spiciness!
WARNINGS (for the entire series): Explicit language, violence, graphic scenes involving blood and/or death, some sexuality, and some underage drinking and drug use.
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I picked at my salad, all appetite gone. After yesterday, I could hardly gather the will to eat anything. Normally, I didn't care when I saw Gray feeding, but this time it was different. I felt like I was the direct cause of it. I jinxed Patrick and it got him killed. It was my fault. If I had never met him, I wouldn't be feeling this way. Now, it even pains me to confess that I never liked him. Why? Because he was so off putting and much more maniacal than Henry ever could be.
Although Henry was running the show, deep down Patrick was evil. He was more sadistic and uncaring. If Henry was a time bomb, Patrick was a bear trap. Anyone could cross his path and become a target. It didn't matter how long you stood still, you would've inevitably ended up getting hurt and losing a limb. With Henry, there was some control, but for Patrick there was none whatsoever. He was unhinged, unpredictable, and in a way, deserved to die. However, I couldn't believe that anymore. Not after seeing that look on his face. It was the most he ever looked...human. That's what ate me up the most.
Patrick had finally become the victim.
I couldn't help but continue to ponder as I stared at the lettuce. I would've packed some chicken with it, but meat was becoming less and less of an option. I continued to the stab the leaves, completely unaware that I was being approached by someone. I heard someone slide into the bench opposite of mine and let out a large sigh. I almost forgot that I was at the park.
"You should probably stir clear of me before I get you sick," I informed them, lying sweetly.
"You don't have to worry about that, sweetheart," they cooed and I stopped my actions. I knew that voice. I raised my head only to be met by the sight of Henry. I scoffed loudly, even though internally I wanted to melt away.
"Still not over me," I asked annoyedly, eyeing him.
"Well, I can't get over a girl like you. Not after you kicked me in the nuts," he explained. I honestly expected some form of dread in that sentence, but he only had a small smirk on his face.
"I kneed you actually," I grumbled softly.
He shook his head, "Cute." I cocked an eyebrow. What?
I cleared my throat pushing aside my confusion, "So, are you here for your revenge? Somewhere out there, are your little minions waiting to jump me?" He raised his eyebrow in amusement. "Cause if you are, you better get it over with now. Last time I went easy on you because honestly, I just thought you were a pussy."
"That's so considerate of you, Emma," he commended a little too kindly. "But you don't have to do that for me. I like it rough." He winked.
"If this is your new way of messing with me, I'd rather take the knife. Just make sure this time you aim for the heart."
"Why would I ever want to do that to such a beautiful girl?" Beautiful? Ok, now this was getting weird. Cute, now beautiful? Does he really think he could get me this easily?
"You seemed to enjoy it last week," I snapped. Although this conversation irked me, I couldn't help but hate how smooth and alluring his voice sounded. It made me want to like it, but I couldn't.
He spoke almost effortlessly, "I realized that was a mistake." Mistake? "Cause what I really wanted to enjoy was you." My eyes widened. Yes, those words just left his lips - Henry Bowers' lips. You know what this was? Bull shit.
"Stab me now," I muttered, causing him to huff in annoyance.
"Got a death wish or something?"
"I don't," I started. "But this, it's not gonna work. Not on me. Whatever you do, whatever you throw at me, I'll still fight back. Because like I said before, I'm not afraid of you and I'm also not gonna fall for your shit. Got it?"
He grew red in the face and I didn't notice that we both unintentionally kept moving forward as we conversed. He was pissed off. I could tell by his glare that stunk of frustration, but I wasn't having it either.
The moment he started flirting, I knew he was trying to get under my skin. His threats and violent behavior had failed, so he tried using what little charm he had to seduce me into giving myself up to him. Saying the fake lies I wanted to hear and committing the fake gestures of kindness to set me at afire. Then, he could taint and break my heart just as easily. That was his intention. I was supposed to fall for it and him, but I didn't.
He clicked his tongue angrily and looked away from me, "You're impossible."
"Sorry for being no fun," I apologized sarcastically. "I don't like being messed with and I can tell you don't either."
We sat there for awhile in awkward silence, refusing to look at each other. I thought he would've left awhile ago, but I guess he had nothing better to do. I could've left too, but there wasn't a better place for me.
I started to play with my salad again until he spoke up,
"What happened to your neck?" His voice was low and beat.
"You happened," I mumbled.
"Yeah, I left one cut by accident," he defended. "But everything else was already there."
"Why does it matter to you," I interrogated.
"Because that's the real reason I didn't keep going," he barked, startling me. Did I hear that right?
"What," I asked confusedly, disbelief in my eyes.
"If I didn't see your neck, I would've kept going," he repeated discreetly.
"Since when has Henry Bowers ever been considerate towards people?"
"I'm not a complete dick, Emma. I saw you walking by even before we almost hit you and you were a total mess. And when I saw your neck, blood was still fucking coming out of it."
"It could've been something else," I suggested, knowing it was a terrible claim.
"If it was something else, you wouldn't have been trying to hide it so badly," he declared.
"Maybe I was scared of you taking advantage me."
He rolled his eyes apathetically,
"Bullshit." That sounded familiar.  
Then, he pulled something from underneath him and placed it on the table. It was my sweater that I left behind. Had he been sitting on it this entire time?
"I don't believe you because first off, you weren't scared of me pulling a knife on you. You weren't even afraid of taking on four guys at once. And two, what explains this?" He revealed the sleeve of my sweater that was drenched in dry blood and the collar that had splotches of crimson on it. "Hmm," he hummed and I bit my lip. I couldn't necessarily fight that. It couldn't have been red juice or even paint. Different consistencies, but I also didn't owe him anything.
"Well," he pushed.
"It's none of your business," I growled.
I stood up to leave, but he caught my wrist, already standing himself and moving in front of me. My cheeks burned from the sudden contact and closeness. I gulped deeply and glanced up at him. Our faces were inches apart and if I was any closer, my forehead would've grazed his cheek. His breath was lightly fanning the bridge of my nose while he still held onto my wrist.
His eyes gazed onto our hands till finally locking with mine. I let out a silent gasp as I stared into his eyes - those cloudy blue eyes. If I didn't look away now, I would've lost myself in them, being forever trapped. Instead, I settled for our hands.
He loosened the once tight fist I had with his free hand and although his touch had been initially harsh, the feel of his hand was incredibly soft. Calloused, of course, but soft. A tad bit dry, but smooth.
They did look quite different. His hands were bigger by a lot. Much paler in comparison to mine. More veins were apparent. While my hand looked mostly clean, his was scattered with bruises along the knuckles. He must have gotten in a fight with someone recently. Who? I don't know; but altogether, he did have nice hands. Not the best looking, but nice.
I shivered as his thumb ran down the burnt part of my hand. He reached for the other and I let him. Now, he was taking my hands in his as he examined them and the sight couldn't have been more satisfying.
"What happened?" And for once, he didn't sound pushy or accusatory. His voice was soft and genuine. My eyes widened for a split second.
Emma, you're getting yourself stuck. You know you don't hate him, but you act like it to keep him at bay. His personality was anything but pretty, but you've seen and tamed it before. It would be so easy for you to help and get him out of his hell. So, the real question is: Are you willing to risk everything? You know that despite your promise, if you answer now, you'll tell the truth. You'll let him in. Are you really prepared for that?
I looked up at him again. For those eyes...yes. Without a doubt, yes.
"It's really nothing," I whispered. "Just rug burn."
"And your neck?" That was the million dollar question. "Did someone do that to you?" I bit my lip.
"Yes," I mumbled and his body stiffened.
"I'm sorry." Pardon? Did I hear that correctly?
I smirked the slightest bit,
"Did an apology just leave your mouth, Bowers?"
"Shut the fuck up," he responded and a smirk found its way onto his lips again. "I-"
"Henry," a voice called out, causing us to both jump. Our heads simultaneously turned in the same direction and it was his 'minions' - Victor and Belch. Victor had been smiling suggestively, while Belch was utterly shocked. It had to have been Belch that spoke.
I gave Henry a quick shove away from me, losing his hands and closeness.
"Are we interrupting something," Victor asked teasingly and my gaze switched between him and Henry.
"Nope," I answered boldly. "I was just leaving."  
This time, I was able to step away with ease. Of course though, I heard feet scuffling behind me. I rolled my eyes and turned to Henry.
"Listen, pretty boy. You tell anyone about this, I'll skin and gut you alive." He only smiled smugly. "And I will also tell your friends over there that you're aren't as good of a flirt as you think." With that, the smile faded away. That's more like it.
"See you around, Bowers," I waved, shooting him a fake smile before walking away.
"What the fuck was that about," Belch asked from afar, irritation blatantly lacing his voice. He was still mad at her.
"Nothing," I lied, stepping towards them.
"It didn't seem like nothing," Vic shrugged with a smirk.
"Questioning me?"
"No, no," he waved his hands. He wasn't convinced, but I brushed it off.
"Let's get outta here." And like obedient dogs, they followed. I couldn't help but smile. Not because of them, but because of what Emma had called me.
She really thought I was a pretty boy?
It's been a few days since Henry and I's encounter and I've still been contemplating whether or not I made the right choice. In the moment, it felt completely right. I did consider all the consequences, but what if I didn't consider them enough? What if this ended up blowing up in my face? There was no guarantee this would end nicely. Had I really been that lonely? Had I really missed those eyes that much?
There was no use in asking these questions now. Nothing had even started yet. I just told him one truth and that was all. Who knows if he'll even act differently. He could still be an asshole, but another reason I told him was because I was confident he wouldn't be. I'll just have to wait and see what happens like I've always done. For now, I could just relax.
I had been at the quarry for awhile, hanging out on one of the rocks along the shore. This was my favorite place in Derry. It was soothing, quiet, and secluded. Beyond that, it was beautiful with light reflecting off the soft waves of the pond, vibrant greenery, and birds singing. It was the most undead place in Derry.
I was reading, but started drifting off midway. It was so easy to fall asleep here. I was so warm and comfortable in my lying position. I wanted to, so I did, my book falling onto my face in the process.
Everything black until there was the sky. It was blue, wide, and framed by swaying leaves while light peaked through every so often. Everything was moving forward by something unknown.
This scene almost played out like rolling film frames. It was choppy with no sound, but you could still make out the movements.
Then, the sky was covered, but not by clouds. It was by a boy. A boy with eyes that resembled a cloudy day - still blue, but not quite. They weren't the cliche kind of blue and they weren't the "beautiful" translucent kind of blue. They were the kind of blue that swirled with pain and gloominess. They were the kind of blue that wouldn't be considered gorgeous because of their cloudiness.
Nonetheless, who ever said that?
I loved clouds. They didn't just mean sadness, they meant redemption. As the old saying goes, every cloud has their silver lining. Every cloud wouldn't just stay in pain, it would grow to be strong and I found that more beautiful than any clear blue eyes.
I found his eyes more beautiful.
I only wanted those eyes and him himself. Him and his smiling face, button nose, and caramel skin. That's what I wanted. No, that's what I had wanted. The possibilities of ever having him were gone and they have been for a long time.
Now, I began to hear. Screams, cries for help, and words of betrayal and deceit.
"IT killed me because of you."
My eyes tore open and I was still met with the same darkness. I groaned as I pulled the book away from my eyes and stared up at the sky.
It's been awhile since I dreamt about that, even him in particular...
Out of nowhere, the sounds of splashing and masculine yells overpowered the peaceful surroundings. I sprung up from my spot, still holding the book to my nose and mouth. From afar, I saw figures in the lake and water being thrown up in the air, but I couldn't tell by who. As they kept swimming further out, the image became clearer. One figure disappeared into the water, before their head popped out again, running their hand through their wet hair. My eyes widened. Oh, no.
Maybe my eyes were deceiving me.  Let me look again. Ok, there's a blonde, a chubbier face, and...a mullet. Fuck. Maybe I could get outta here before any of them say something.
"Well, what do you know?" Fuck. Of course. Bowers.
He swam closer with a smug smile playing at his lips. "If you wanted to see me shirtless, you could've just asked," he suggested confidently and I moved the book away.
"In your dreams, Bowers," I retorted sassily.
"What happened to pretty boy?"
"I didn't know you liked my insults."
"I took it as a compliment, sweetheart."
"Well, whatever pleases your ego." I  clenched onto my book and crouched down to stuff it into my bag.
"Why don't you come in," he called out, causing me to raise an eyebrow.
"And why would I do that," I questioned.
"Because you're not afraid to." I shut my mouth because for once, he actually left me speechless. "Am I wrong?" I simply shook my head and continued to zip my bag. "If I'm wrong, what happened to the ballsy girl that doesn't take shit from anybody?"
This was becoming extremely difficult to deny. I was ballsy and I wasn't afraid. No one could say otherwise, not even myself.
He hummed, "It's disappointing." I stopped my actions as I heard him swimming away. I looked up as his retreating figure, then Victor and Belch waiting for him, and finally back to my bag.
"God damnit," I muttered quietly.
I tossed my bag to the side and began to unbutton my jeans. Good thing I always wore boy shorts. It'll make it less uncomfortable. I pulled them down and stepped out of them quickly while my cheeks burned intensely. I knew Victor and Belch were facing my direction, so they were getting the full show. Soon, Henry would be getting part of the show.
I groaned internally, screamed internally, and did everything internally. I wasn't mad, just nervous and crazily embarrassed. I pulled my shirt over my head, finishing it off. Luckily, my shorts and bra were matching too. Both were black.
I looked up and all three boys were staring me, utterly entranced. The most affected, Henry. His mouth was slightly agape while he was actually turning red? Now that was a sight.
"Am I ballsy enough for you now, Henry," I yelled, a smirk reaching my lips. I didn't expect a response. It was just buildup for what I was about to do. I jumped in.
I held my breath as fell into the water, the coldness engulfing my entire body. I came back up and inhaled deeply, flipping my hair out of my face. I looked ahead and that somewhat woke them up. Boys, I rolled my eyes.
I swam over to them as best I could, stopping in front of Henry when I made it.
"Cat got your tongue," I joked.
"No," he mumbled, glancing away.
"No flirty comment?" He scoffed.
"That's a surprise. Seems like you were really enjoying it."
"Tease," he finally said lowly.
"I didn't quite hear that," I pushed, but instead I earned a splash to the face. "Really?" He simply smirked. I splashed back in retaliation and it turned into an all out splash war. It started out with Henry and I, but eventually Victor and Belch joined in much to my surprise.
It stayed like that for awhile until we started pushing each other into the water. I struggled a lot with Henry more than I liked to admit...and I enjoyed holding his hands more than I liked to admit. I was able to get him down just for a bit, until he drove me under completely.
I popped back up and watched as he moved onto Belch, leaving me with Victor. His platinum hair was the messiest it's ever looked, going in opposing directions and clinging onto his forehead. There was something oddly nostalgic about it.
He looked over to me and it compelled me to talk.
"Were you the one I, uh, headbutted," I asked innocently and he chuckled, shaking his head.
"It was Belch and he's actually still mad at you," he responded. He was more chill than I expected him to be.
"So you're the one I stomped on?"
"Yeah, but I - I deserved it."
"Yeah, we did almost hit you with Amy."
"That's what Belch calls his car."
I laughed and a real laugh at that. I don't why I found it so funny, but I liked it. Little did I know, Henry had stopped his roughhousing to look. He was mesmerized, but also jealous. Mesmerized because he had never heard me laugh or seen me smile so generously. He thought it was adorable. And jealous because he wasn't the cause of it, Victor was.
"Ok, then," I smiled, wiping my face. "Well...I was thinking of..."
"Apologizing? Don't," he finished and I hummed.
"Ok." I honestly was considering apologizing. It was odd for me, but I was genuinely having a nice time and I didn't want it to be a forced nice time. I didn't just want this to be a moment and have me turn back into a target a few days later.
As much as it didn't seem like it, I would prefer this over being chased all the time. This wasn't me giving up. It was overcoming. It was overcoming obvious differences and the lack of understanding to one another. Maybe instead of having a permanent enemy, I could have a temporary friend.
A small splash interrupted my thoughts and I found a smiling Victor. I splashed back and seconds later, our hands were intertwined as we tried pushing each other into the water.
All four of us were now sitting on the rock that I had been sleeping on, spitting into the lake. Well, I just watched as they did.
"I gotta take a piss," Henry announced, causing me to snort.
"Charming," I whispered and glanced as he walked away.
"I'm gonna get something from the car," Vic stated abruptly. I gazed at him and he gave me a knowing look, gesturing to Belch with his eyes.
"Oh," I breathed out, nodding. He got up and walked away too, leaving me with Belch.
His body was stiff and he was clearly uncomfortable. He wouldn't even glance at me.
"Um," I started awkwardly. "Suh-sorry about your head." I didn't mean it, but it seemed like he worked differently than Victor. He was more stubborn and petty. A good minute passed until he decided to respond.
"Oh, you're sorry," he questioned.
"Yeah and just letting you know, I had a big bump on my head after that. So, you weren't the only one suffering from something." He wasn't convinced and it wasn't hard to tell. He was going to need more than an apology. I sighed deeply.
I tilted my head away from him,
"Lay one on me."
"What," he voice sparked.
"Lay one on me," I repeated.
"Like hit you?"
"No, kiss me. Yes, hit me."
"Just do it. Yeah, you almost hit me with your car and called me a bitch, but I hit your precious Amy. So do it." I half expected him to, but I also didn't expect his knuckles to just gently push my head to the side.
"There." And I actually smiled. Did he realize that he was in the wrong?
I jumped slightly as I heard a few branches snap and we both looked back instantly. It was Henry and Victor, eavesdropping. I raised an eyebrow at both of them before Victor spoke up,
"I actually thought he was going to punch you."
"Well," I shrugged. "What do you know?"
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anhed-nia · 6 years
This is one of those movies that I really want to like, because it maintains this glow among some horror nerds, and I want to be able to enjoy Christmas and birthdays just like the secular kids, but as of 2018, I am still uncompelled by the (minor, culty) hype. Maybe it’s because HELLRAISER is such a great movie, and also because I have such deeply personal feelings about HELLBOUND: HELLRAISER II; maybe it’s because I just don’t find the boringly beautiful Terry Farrell any more charming here than I did on Deep Space 9; maybe it’s because I just don’t have a good enough sense of humor to fully embrace the CD Cenobite, even though I would normally run-not-walk to see anything one might reasonably say is among the most ridiculous things ever filmed. I guess I’m just here to say that, yes, HELLRAISER III exists, and I’m not sorry I’ve seen it, but I still haven’t developed that urgent need to see it again.
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Anthony Hickox, director of WAXWORK and WAXWORK II and WARLOCK: ARMAGEDDON (the latter of which I would surely rather be watching than *almost* anything else I’ll have mentioned here), took up the directorial reigns from Tony Randel of HELLBOUND fame; the latter was apparently replaced due to producers’ fears that his vision for HELL ON EARTH was too bleak. The more I read about this movie, the more I came to resent it for what it was not. I would definitely have had a use for Randel’s hella bleak HELLRAISER III. I would also have been first in line to see a movie totally focused on Julia, Clare Higgins’ often-skinless villainess from HELLRAISER II, though she apparently turned it down just to break my heart. And not to say that I think movie franchises like this should never change or evolve, but I could also have stood for some QT with my favorite old cenobites, and even the perennially mascara-smeared Ashley Laurence in more than a grainy cameo. What I got instead was a movie made at a breakneck speed, with actors working up to 17 hours a day and having no real sense of what the finished product was supposed to be like, slathered in a decent amount of gore but tainted by some awkward early CG effects, and garnished with some pretty Freudian daddy issues material that I actually would have welcomed if it were accompanied by any kind of chemistry between the leads.
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So what actually happens in the movie? Scummy club owner JP Monroe acquires a raunchy statue in which both Pinhead and the lament configuration are trapped. He discovers the real value of this artifact when Pinhead slurps up one of JP’s dates, sending him on the familiar quest to bring the demon more victims in exchange for...some abstract concept about pleasure. As cenobitic activity ramps up around town, struggling reporter Joey takes note, and she teams up with homeless goth chick Terri-within-an-”i” to try to turn this into her first big scoop. Joey’s mission is complicated, not so much by the physical dangers ahead, than by this thing where her reoccurring nightmares about her father dying in Vietnam begin to blend with present day ethereal encounters with WWI Captain Elliot Spencer, Pinhead’s discarded human form. Spencer explains that without him, Pinhead is pure evil (I guess he wasn’t in the first two movies), which Pinhead simultaneously proves by rampaging across Manhattan turning douchebags into cenobites willy-nilly. It will be up to Joey to figure out how to unlock the infamous box and send Pinhead home before he creates a hell on earth.
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If I’m being perfectly honest, I love seeing Doug Bradley with the pins off. As with Robert Englund, he transitions easily from being one of cinema’s most seductively pervy bad guys, to a naturally charming and somewhat paternal oddball, which is very rewarding for those lonely dorks among us who grew up favoring ‘80s movie monsters over GI Joes or My Little Ponys. This ought to make it shamefully exciting to see Captain Spencer try to fill the daddy-shaped hole in Joey’s heart, but statuesque Terry Farrell is far too womanly to be swishing around the astral plane in a nighty with a cartoonishly humongous bow on the back, literally screaming the word “daddy” into the void.  However, the problem with this bit isn’t only that the comparatively queenly Ms. Farrell doesn’t exactly fill the nymphety little shoes of Ashley Laurence from the previous two movies. The metaphor is confused, too; what does war have to do with the existing thematic material of HELLRAISER? We get some kind of spiel about how Elliot Spencer’s dehumanizing military experience drove him to seek out the ambiguous pleasures of the cenobites, but that doesn’t justify the arbitrary conflation of Joey’s father’s ‘Nam experience with Pinhead’s WWI origins. At that, it’s a little weird, after two borderline pornographic movies full of people being skinned alive and turned into raisins and so forth, to suddenly suggest that Pinhead wasn’t all the way evil before. It is only now that Spencer’s soul is drifting around on its lonesome that we’re meant to really worry about Pinhead, who is meanwhile charging around in Manhattan fucking shit up with the aim of world domination, or something.
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The main contribution of HELL ON EARTH is the new cenobites that Pinhead creates along the way, and while you wouldn’t call them “good”, they are at least...something! The most Clive Barker-y concept in the movie is that punky street urchin Terri is unable to dream, which makes her seem like prime cenobite material, somehow. Curiously though, she is reduced to a demonic chainsmoker, who mumbles something about having dreams while doing nothing much besides burning Joey with cigarettes. HELLRAISER III may totally lack inspiration, but that sure doesn’t keep the movie down; It also offers us a sex addict cenobite with thrusting pistons in his head that I guess symbolize “doing it”, a molotov cocktail-hurling bartender cenobite who gets wrapped in bar-bed wire (and is formally referred to as the “Barbie cenobite”), and a cameraman cenobite who...well, I don’t think I could possibly top the fandom wiki on this matter: “Whatever he films can explode using his mind. Also, the camera in his head has a hydraulic device that allows it to impale people.” If you’ve actually seen this movie, you may be wondering why I’d leave out the infamous CD cenobite, a club DJ who gains the ability to kill people with CDs that pop out of his head. I didn’t mean to. I just think it’s worth saying, all on its own, that there is a CD cenobite who kills people with CDs that pop out of his head. You won’t get to see the more iconic female cenobite, not Chatterbox nor Butterball. In fact the whole concept of torturing damned souls has pretty much gone out the window; in a climactic scene, Joey cowers in the middle of the street while the new cenobites menace her with cigarettes and lead pipes like some leftover gang from THE WARRIORS. It’s weird. HELLRAISER III is a weird movie. I’m not totally sure what it’s getting at, but as I mentioned at the very beginning: it sure does exist.
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draginhikari · 6 years
Final Fantasy XIV: Azure and Crimson Section 2: Kari Azuresol, Light Reborn Chapter 6: Rejection and Acceptance, The Path to Heavensward
Once Kari had fully recovered from her injures she began her journey once again.  This time heading towards the snowy lands of Coerthas in the northern lands of Eorzea.  This landscape, held by the Holy See of Ishgard, was transformed by Calamity from a mountainous forest region to a realm of endless ice and snow.  It was in this land where Kari intended to once again meet with the Doman Shinobi, Yugiri Mistwalker.  This time their meeting was less business and more of a personal matter for Kari.  Kari had arranged this get together to accept Yugiri’s previous offer to learn about the Au Ra and her homeland.   Meeting at the Observatorium, in the southeastern corner of the Coerthas Central Highlands, Kari and Yugiri enjoyed a little respite from their individual missions as Yugiri took the time to explain to Kari about the Au Ra people, the land they came from, and the differences between the two clans.  Yugiri brought a map of the east to provide to Kari, which featured both regions of Othard and Hingashi, as well as some eastern tea for Kari to try.   After a rather enjoyable and casual conversation between the two Auri.  Kari decided it was time for her to take the next step forward on her mission.
Kari smiled as she finished her tea as they sat at a table near the stove keeping the room warm, “This stuff is pretty good.  Thank you Yugiri.   Someday, I would like to see it for myself, but for now it’s at least comforting to know where I come from.” Yugiri smiled and nodded to Kari, “Tis a pleasure Kari, I understand that this must all be perplexing for you.   Tis a difficult thing to not know who you are and where you come from for so many years.  Still, I find certain things in your story hard to believe.   I had no idea that Ala Mhigian refugees had made their home on a southern island that is so close to home.”
Kari chuckled, “There isn’t much else to really say about them.  It’s enough to know that the view that Shadros’ people held of me was not the reality.   Spending a lot of years only knowing yourself as a…” Kari paused a moment before continuing, “freak.  It was definitely hard but I feel better about myself these days and that’s all that matters.”  
Yugiri sipped her tea before speaking, “If I may inquire Kari, that blue mark across your eyes? Have you always had it?” Kari ran her hand over part of the face marking for a moment, “Yes, for as long as I could remember.  Why do you ask?” Yugiri thought for a second before she shook her head, “Tis just a curiosity think pray me none.  What course of action will you take now?”
Kari went quiet for a few moments before she said, “I think it’s time I made my presence known to Alphinaud and Tataru.  I had to be certain of my path before I met with them which is why I wanted to talk to you about all this before I went ahead and did so.” Yugiri put her hand to her chest looking down for a moment before looking back at Kari, “If it is your wish.  I have business but if you can wait a time I could accompany you. Would be a simple task to vouch for your words.” Kari chuckled, “I appreciate that, but I’ve already taken up enough of your time so I will do my best to try to convince them on my own.” Yugiri nodded, “If that is your desire, I will return amidst the night and see how you have fare regardless as I worry of them as well.  Till then take care, Kari.”
Kari would part ways with the Doman Ninja glancing northward, “Camp Dragonhead.  Shadros, I’ve finally made it here.  After all this time and after all this struggling, I’m ready to stand with them like you did.”  Kari took a deep breath before she began up the path towards Camp Dragonhead. Fortunately Camp Dragonhead wasn’t all that far away from where she had been staying at the Observatorium.   Kari let her eyes wander some as she arrived at the camp.  So much of Coerthas had such a different feel from the rest of Eorzea.   The realm seemed bleak and desolate not helped by the number of weapons aimed for the sky in preparation for more conflict with the Draconian hordes of Nidhogg.   Kari only knew the basic history surrounding the Dragonsong War, a conflict going for over a millennium between the Holy See and the dragons, but she figured there would be more time to address that at a later date.   Kari found herself standing before the Camp’s headquarters.  Kari glanced inside the headquarters as she made her way inside, “Let’s see if my memory serves, Lord Haurchefant works somewhere in here.  He was the one sheltering them so he probably know where to find them.  I just hope Shadros’ letter is enough to convince him.” Kari would spy the silver haired Elezen working from his desk towards the back of the headquarters.  Haurchefant looked up as Kari approached, though he did a bit of a double take when glancing at Kari’s attire.  Haurchefant regained his composure quickly to greet her. “Welcome to Camp Dragonhead. Please, warm yourself by our hearth.  By the fury, your appearance gave me a bit of a shock, I had been expecting return of a friend who wears a familiar garb not all that different from your own.  Tell me, are a follower of the Warrior of Light? Tis a worthy role model to have in this current day and age.”  Haurchefant said as he stood up gesturing his arms out in a welcoming expression before bring them back down.   Kari chuckled finding something about the man interesting, she could only image how annoyed Shadros must have gotten at the man’s antics.
Kari would raise her hand in greeting “My name is Kari Azuresol and I suppose I am in a manner of speaking, I am a… student… of Shadros Hiku and am here on his behalf.” Haurchefant put his hand to his chin, “A student you claim?  He didn’t seem like the type to keep students.   I must admit curiosity.  Why would he send you when he has no reason not to come himself?” Kari nods and reached into her bag pulling out a letter addressed to Haurchefant specifically, “A lot has happened and it’s a bit complicated.  It might save you some time if I just give you this to read.” Haurchefant would take the letter and look at the outside, “Ah yes, tis definitely Shadros’… unique handwriting.” Kari had to hold back a snort as even Haurchefant seemed to struggle to find nice things to say about Shadros’ penmanship.   Haurchefant began to read over the letter slowly.  Kari saw his expression shift a few different times as he read through the letter as if trying to process what was being said.   Haurchefant rubbed his eyes for a moment as if to collect himself and went silent much to the confusion of some of the other knights.   After about ten minutes or so Haurchefant finally stood back up again with a more serious expression on his face, “I must ask you this Miss Azuresol.  Do you plan on continuing to follow the path that your close friend did?” Kari wasn’t sure why Haurchefant was asking her this, but Kari responded with total honesty, “Yes, absolutely.   It’s exactly what I want to do.” Haurchefant chuckled and extended his arms some, “Splendid!  Tis what I needed to hear from you,” Kari was taken aback by Haurchefant forwardness, “Wait?   That’s all you needed from me?   You aren’t the least bit curious about anything else?” Haurchefant chuckled, “Why would I?   The amount of passion and faith my friend had for you in his letter displayed I hath no reason to do otherwise.   Though I am saddened to hear of the loss of such a noble soul and a dear friend, this is not a time for mourning loss.  Would be disrespectful for me to put my feelings over his noble wishes and see you forward from here as he wished of me.”  
Kari blinked some, “Then you’ll…” Haurchefant replied before she finished her sentence, “Yes, I will permit you to visit with the Scions that are currently here.   I am still waiting to grant them access to Ishgard so this would be a good time to convince them of your case.” Kari bowed, “Thank you, Lord Haurchefant.” Haurchefant chuckled, “Think nothing of it.   Shadros was a dear friend, I consider it my duty to support my friends and those they call friends.  Especially one such as you, who is a sister to him? As such I must consider you the same.” Kari was a little surprised to hear him say that.   Kari could only wonder how different that letter must have been from the others for the knight to reach that particular conclusion.  Haurchefant would leave his desk and escort Kari the ‘Falling Snow’ as he called it where Alphinaud and Tataru were currently residing while they await word from Ishgard.   Haurchefant and Kari would go inside.   Tataru was the first to catch site of them, who was taken aback by Kari’s appearance.  Soon, Alphinaud also turned once his thoughts were broken equally taken aback by the situation.
Alphinaud looked at Haurchefant, “Is something amidst Lord Haurchefant?   Why is this woman dressed up like Shadros?  Is this some unusual Ishgardian custom that I’ve not heard of?” Haurchefant gestured to Kari, “Nay Alphinaud. This is Kari Azuresol, someone who knows Shadros quite well, and she has something of the essence to speak with you about.  I believe it best to hear it from the young lady herself.” Haurchefant would gesture to Kari before he step out of room leaving the three to their privacy.  An awkward silence would pass between the three as if none of them knew what exactly to say.   Kari finally took a deep breath deciding she had to come out clean with the two and explain what really happened.  Her lie of being Shadros’ apprentice was not going to fool someone like Alphinaud anyway.   Kari would start to tell her story beginning with how Shadros had been seeking the Hymn Venom order, the visions, his battle with the Hymn Venom order, and his very fate.
Tataru looked mortified by what she heard, “Shadro is gone too!?  No, we can’t have lost another one.  Not him too.” Alphinaud clutched his fists and glared at Kari, “You think this twisted jest is humorous!?  You expect me to believe such rubbish?   Shadros would not have kept these kind of secrets from his allies like this!” Alphinaud voice escalated and became angrier as he raised his tone, “After all we’ve be through you dare come here and speak such lies?   We have been harmed enough by deception and I won’t be deceived by you here!” Kari looked stunned trying to find her words, “But I’m…. not lying… I’ve got Shadros’…” Alphinaud knocked a glass off the table causing it to shatter which stunned Tataru as such an outburst was unlike him, “Enough, I do not know wherever you came from or what kind of game you are playing at but you have no friends here.   Be gone from our sight, Kari Azuresol, and never show yourself before us again!”  Kari froze for a moment before closing her eyes some, this wasn’t how she expected this to go.   Even if she provided Shadros’ letter now, it wasn’t likely Alphinaud would believe it.   Kari turned around and left the two alone.  
Kari returned back to cafeteria at the headquarters sitting down at one of the tables putting her head down as grumbled to herself, “This is not how this was supposed to go at all.”
Haurchefant sat across from her after a short time, “I take it that things did not go accordingly with Master Alphinaud?” Kari groaned, “No, it was an utter disaster. He wouldn’t listen to anything I said.” Haurchefant put his arms on the table looking at Kari, “Do not distress my lady, you must forgive Master Alphinaud and be relentless in your pursue.   He has been through many difficulties since the fall of the Crystal Braves and learning of Shadros’ fate liken to worsen such things.   I am certain you will convince him in due time once he given himself some time to calm.”  Before Kari could answer him as a knight of the camp approached Haurchefant and he was force to raise a hand to Kari to give him a moment, “Speak, you seem to be in distress.”
The knight said, “My Lord, the tower just spotted an attack by dragons on a supply caravan heading here from the city!  It’s utter chaos!” Haurchefant stood up, “Gather whatever units that are not currently off duty, we shall make haste!”   Haurchefant turned to Kari, “Forgive me Kari, I must see to this situation but perhaps may we talk more once this dire situation has passed. Try to keep your spirits up, Kari.” Haurchefant would go at this point.  Kari simply remained silent and put her head back down.   She wondered for a moment if she should have offered to help but she really wasn’t in the mood at the moment.   Kari simply dozed off for a short time.   Kari would snap awake when she hear a woman scream outside of the Headquarters.   Kari quickly ran outside as she heard people screaming something about dragons. Once outside, Kari caught sight of a Wyvern that was attacking the base with a small group of minor dragons. Kari glanced around, “The caravan attack must have been a diversion with the bulk of Haurchefant’s forces out the rest decided to strike at the base!”  The remaining guards were doing the best they could and other adventurers that were in the area also provided back-up to the camp.  Kari turned as the Wyvern dove down towards a few children had fallen in the snow while attempting to flee.  Kari quickly ran forward drawing the Aegis Shield to block the razor sharp talons of the Wyvern. The children looked up, fearful and stunned at Kari.  Kari shouted at them, “Don’t just sit there like a lump get to safety!”  The children would run away as the Wyvern shrieked at Kari and gritted her teeth as the wyvern swooped down at her.   Kari managed to get a slash on the wyvern wing as she moved out of the way.  Though not with enough damage to knock it out of the air.   The swoop was nothing more than a distraction by the Wyvern as several lower dragons, known as Dragonflies, descended upon Kari forcing her to content with them first.   The biting and scratching of the lower dragons were little direct threat to Kari’s heavy armor but her focus on them meant she couldn’t watch the Wyvern very closely as it slammed into Kari throwing her into the wall. Kari let out a gasp as she made contact with the wall.
Alphinaud’s Amber Carbuncle took down another dragonfly that were attacking the anti-dragon weaponry on the upper levels of the base, “Another one down, there appears to be no end to this.   Hm?” Alphinaud turned to see the Wyvern approaching Kari on the lower wall, “What in the name of the gods is she doing?  Watch out!” Kari snapped back to focus as she thrust the shield to smack the Wyvern in the face when it got too close to her with its jaws, “I’m far from done arsehole!” The Wyvern stumbled back taking to the air, lurching its head back, and released a burst of fire in Kari general direction. Kari gritted her teeth in frustration, her anger reaching a peak as she shouted, “I’m not done!  Not by a long shot!”  A spark shot through the Excalibur and Aegis as she went to defend with her shield.   Alphinaud thought Kari had snapped and completely lost her mind.   However, the flames seem to spread around her rather than going through her as Alphinaud expected as another light formed within the fiery spread.   When the wyvern’s attack dispersed, Kari stood back up slowly.   The Excalibur and Aegis were now glowing with a new energy, for the first time since Kari had taken hold of Shadros’ weapon she had finally tapped into the true power of the Zodiac Braves and unleashed their full power that Shadros had originally obtained. Alphinaud was taken aback by what he just saw, “That sword and light pattern, Shadros’ sword had the same effect.  Then that weapon isn’t a replica at all!  It’s a real Zodiac Brave!?”   Kari walk slowly towards the wyvern with a serious glare on her face.  She was entirely focused, she was not hesitating, and she was entirely in control of the power flowing through her.   The wyvern shrieked and attempted to charge Kari again but she moved to the side slashed through a chuck of the wyvern’s wing this time when it passed by her.    Causing the Wyvern to clumsily stumble out of sky and crash into the wall a complete reversal of the situation from a few moments ago.  The Wyvern roared angrily and began release balls of fire in Kari direction.   Kari began to run towards the Wyvern strafing from side to side dodging the fireballs as she moved forward as if she were able to see the path of the attacks a second before they were coming towards her.   Alphinaud continued to watch the scene play out, not believing what he was seeing, “These movements they seem similar to the manifestation of the Echo that Shadros used.  Is it possible?   Was Kari speaking truth?”   Kari reached the wyvern shouting some as the Wyvern lunged towards Kari. Kari dodged to the side growling, “Spirits Within!” The light around the Excalibur intensified as Kari thrusted the blade through the side of the Wyvern’s head.   For a moment, Alphinaud swore he saw Shadros. It wasn’t the case it was just her stance, her attack method, and her power seemed extremely similar to Shadros’ own, too much to be a coincidence.  The wyvern’s eyes widen for a split second before the wyvern flopped down to the ground.  Kari drew her sword from the Wyvern’s head panting heavily as she recover from the sudden adrenaline rush.   Kari glanced down at her sword, “I did it, the Zodiac Brave’s power has finally awoken for me.   Shadros, I did it…” Kari groaned as she slid to the ground, “I hope it’s not always going to be this draining to do.” With the Wyvern down the lesser dragons would begin to scatter or were easily taken down by the knights still at the base.
Haurchefant returned to the base with his men to wrap the situation up.   Haurchefant personally defending Kari from a few stranglers going after her.  Afterward, Haurchefant turned his gaze to Kari and the Wyvern, “Ah, my friend it seems I left you to clean up an unintended mess, my apologies.”
Kari groaned some, “Can’t talk… recovering…” Haurchefant chuckled some, “Of course my friend, as I suspected you have just much spirit as Shadros did and the ferocity to boot to take a Wyvern that large single handedly.  Thank you, my friend, you likely saved a few lives by choosing to get involved like you did.”  
“I must admit my impression as well,” Kari turned to see Alphinaud approaching the two, “I assumed you merely a charlatan but based on your actions just now it appears my initial judgments may have been on the… hastily side.”  Kari just looked at Alphinaud unable to speak much yet.   Alphinaud looked to her, “When you are ready.  Come back to room, I will here you out again.   I want to understand fully what has happened with an open mind.  You’ve earn that much today.” Alphinaud would return to the chambers at this point.   Kari just seemed kind of surprised as she stood back up putting her sword and shield back in their place.
Haurchefant chuckled some, “Well, my friend, it seems you now have a second chance to make your case.   Alphinaud seemed to be in a better mood now so I wouldn’t waste your opportunity here.” Kari nodded, “Right.”
Kari would return to the chamber with Alphinaud and Tataru.  She would retell her story and fill in some of the gaps she left out in the story earlier. Once Kari had finished her story she reached into her bag and revealed the final letter from Shadros and provided it to Alphinaud who would sit down and read through the letter carefully.
Alphinaud and Tataru,
If you are reading this letter it means that my personal mission to end the Hymn Venom Order has failed and I have fallen.  
I owe you all an apology.   It was never my intention to hide so many secrets from the Scions but I didn’t want anyone else getting hurt in my private matters.  In the end I was not strong enough it seems to fulfill the role I was given.  The truth is the power I held was not originally mine to wield in the first place but rather was a combination of circumstance and my close friendship of the young woman who has likely handed you this letter.  The manifestation of the Echo I wielded was Kari’s soul united for a time as a result of a horrible tragedy.   Kari gave me an extension on my life and with her help I would become the Warrior of Light that you would know me as, together we became unstoppable.   However, it was simply not meant to be. Whatever boundaries we broke, the power of the echo needed to be properly restored.
Please, do not blame Kari for what has happened to me.   She tried to stop me from pursing her but I would not listen. I could not ignore the guilt I had for allowing all this to transpire and followed what my heart was telling me to do.   Whether successful or not I had to try to resolve this issue with my own hands.  This was greatly selfish of me and I do it knowing so.   However, I did not do so recklessly and believe Kari will want to continue where I left off.   Kari is young and inexperienced, this much is true.   However, Kari possess a potential that could easily surpass my own but only if she has the guidance to lead her down the right path.   I have left Kari my memories, my experiences, and my Zodiac Brave.   She has gone far and wide to seeking those that could help her learn and knowing her she has now come before you far different person then how I left her.   Yet still, she has much left to learn.
My final request of you, my friends.   Please accept Kari among you, let her grow, change, and become the person she always wanted to be.   She will be the Warrior of Light you all have been truly waiting for.  I truly believe that.
P.S. – Alphinaud please give my regards to your sister and… I am sorry that I failed to keep my promise to her too.  
Shadros Hiku Alphinaud sat quietly for several minutes re-reading the letter from Shadros a few times.   Before he finally stood up again looking at Kari, “Tell me Miss Azuresol, what is it that you want to do?” Kari looked at Alphinaud answering him like she had earlier in the day to Haurchefant, “I wish to continue where my friend left off.   I want to help his friends, clear his name, and continue protect my new home here in any way I can.  I want the power to be able to do that.” Alphinaud tilted his head moving his hands to his chin in thought, “There is a certain sincerity in the words you speak but I am still uncertain on whether to believe them or not.”  Kari frowned but the door would open again and a voice would speak out as it did. “Perhaps my words, Master Alphinaud, would settle your doubts,” Yugiri stepped in along with, surprisingly Aya.
Alphinaud turned to Yugiri slightly stunned, “You know of this Lady Yugiri?” Yugiri nods, “I do.   This woman is Aya, she is a shinobi I recommended to Shadros when he was seeking help with his personal matters with the Hymn Venom Order.   Shadros had also spoken to me on the matter on a number of occasions.” Alphinaud said, “And you decided not to inform us on such matters?” Yugiri said, “It seemed unnecessary as though I did not understand what he meant and he requested me to stay silent on the matter.  After all Shadros had done, I feel he deserved at least that level of respect.   Though I not know to the extent of his plans.   He inquired of my race and his connection to a girl he had seen in his vision.  He descripted to me a young woman of Kari’s appearance.  He could list nearly every feature to me as if she were standing before me.   Shadros requested that if something went wrong that I could provide him a trinket to help me identify her if she escaped the order.  That is exactly what transpired and why I did not hesitate for a moment to help Kari find her way.  Aya has agreed to step forward and speak on the validity of the story and confirm the nature of Kari’s character”.  Kari was a little surprised by that, that Aya would stick her neck out for her so easily. Aya bowed slightly, “Master Alphinaud, I have been with Kari since she first appeared several weeks back and I was the one who worked with Shadros on his personal mission.   I found the information on the Hymn Venom Order, accompanied Shadros to investigate the information and was the last to see him before his disappearance where he gave me a key to his belongings to give to a girl matching Kari’s description when she appeared before me.  Whether you fully believe my story or not, Kari has already proven her worth on more than one occasion.   Not only has she progressed in power faster than anyone I’ve seen.   She unselfishly engaged in a battle she did not have to and saved a group of young women from abuse, manipulation, and assault. She even defeated a notorious criminal single handedly.  She’s still a little bit green around the gills that’s for sure, but she bravely stood against a criminal far more experienced and powerful then she was and still managed to come out on top.   I would trust Kari with my life at this point and there are about a dozen young women that could say the same.”  Aya handed Alphinaud small stack of papers.   Kari couldn’t tell what they were but with the different handwriting they appeared to be testimonials from different people.   The entire thing just surprised Kari even more.   Did Aya really do all this for her? Alphinaud listened and gestured to two shinobi, “I will take your council into consideration.”  Aya would bow again and prepared to leave giving Kari a wink and her usual smirk dropping her polite act for a moment before she left.   Alphinaud was quiet for a few more minutes. Tataru looked at Kari then at Alphinaud, “Alphinaud, I think I’m more then convinced, I think we should give her a chance.” Alphinaud stated, “Given the circumstances of our current predicament to turn down willing help would be a perplexing choice for sure.” Alphinaud looked back at Kari, “Miss Azuresol, you do understand that we walk a difficult path and that there is no guarantee of success in any sense of the word.   Is that a risk you are willing to take?” Kari chuckled and gestured towards Alphinaud, “If I wasn’t I wouldn’t be putting myself through all this right now.   I need to live for both Shadros and myself now.   I don’t plan on giving up.” Alphinaud finally let a small smile show, “Very well, Miss Azuresol, then I will allow you to accompany us to Ishgard and will expect you to demonstrate your words on the trials ahead.   Understand, I am still hesitant to entirely trust you.  If your words are true however, I hope to be free of such hesitation soon enough.” Kari crossed her arms and nods, “That’s all I can ask and I prefer that anyway.   Though I do have one request.” Alphinaud seemed a bit surprised, “And that would be?” Kari squinted her nose in annoyance and stated, “No more of this Miss Azuresol stuff all right?   My name is Kari okay?  The formalities give me a headache.”
Alphinaud was taken aback as if he wasn’t expecting her to be so forward, “Yes, of course.   My apologies.  Very well, Kari.”
Tataru approached Kari and held out a linkpearl for her, “Welcome aboard, Kari.”  Kari would take the linkpearl with a slight smile.  Kari had actually done it, after so much work she was finally on the way to starting her mission.
Alphinaud stated, “We still awaiting official word from Lord Haurchefant on when we can enter Ishgard. Once that time arrives we will contact you on the linkpearl.   Once we contact, you please make haste as we will not be able to wait upon you for long.” Kari chuckled, “Very well, don’t worry you won’t be waiting up for me.”  Tataru would clap some and Yugiri would nod to Kari before she too left the scene.  Haurchefant provided Kari a bed in the barracks to stay for the night.   The following morning Kari rose and grumbled as she wrapped her arms around herself, “Sheesh, another cold morning.” She reached for the Paladin Soul Crystal to get her armor on as quickly as she could before she stood up and walked outside noticing that the weather was actually calm this morning.   Kari decided to take a walk and she made her way to the west from Camp Dragonhead.   Kari would stop as she turned towards the Gate of Judgement that lead towards the City-State of Ishgard stopping for a moment looking towards the magnificent and ancient city in the distance. There was something impressive about the city, yet she had a feeling of dread when she looked upon it for reasons she could not directly explain.   A burst of aetheric energy released as Midgardsormr suddenly appeared alongside her again.   Kari looked towards the ancient Wyrm for a moment before turning back to the city.   She didn’t even have to ask him why he was here.   Midgardsormr gave a monotonous chuckle as he spoke, “Heh Heh Heh.  Thou thinkest sanctuary lieth beyond?  Delusion. Despair.  Death.  Thou shalt find naught else here.”  Kari expression grimaced some as she heard Midgardsormr’s words.   She would normally have questioned the ramblings of the Wyrmking but for whatever reason she believed his words on that matter. Midgardsormr would soon disappear and Kari turned back to make her way to Camp Dragonhead.   Kari stopped a short distance from the camp looking towards some cliffs near the camp feeling like she was being watched for a moment but saw nothing.   Kari shrugged some wondering if she was just hearing things before she continued towards the camp.  Upon leaving a figure stepped forth, the Azure Dragoon of Ishgard, Estinien Wyrmblood.   Estinien glanced down at the Eye of Nidhogg he was carrying that seemed to have lead him to this place.
“The eye reacts to a third?   No, that is impossible.   This feeling is familiar, tis like the day Shadros Hiku first appeared before me.  That woman was dressed like him as well.”  Estinien looked down at the eye again, “What is the connection?  No matter.   I will find out one way or another.” Estinien leapt off up to a higher cliff as another snow storm masked his exit.  
Kari shielded her eyes as she glanced upward to the stormy skies when she arrived back at Camp Dragonhead, “This is only the beginning of my struggle… isn’t it Shadros?”  The Scion linkpearl would go off and Kari would take it out and look at it, “It’s time…” Kari would begin to make her way back to the room where Alphinaud and Tataru awaited her arrival.  Kari’s journey as the new Warrior of Light had just begun.
To preserve the dawn’s light the Heroes journeyed north.  Their hearts filled with hope and eyes fixed Heavensward!
End of Section 2: Kari Azuresol, Light Reborn
Section 2 - Chapter 5: Duty Commenced! Life or Death Dance upon the Silver Waves
Final Fantasy XIV: Azure and Crimson Complete  
Section 3 - Chapter 1: Azure Dragoon and Iceheart (Coming Soon)
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thesearchforspirk · 7 years
1 x 9: ‘What Are Little Girls Made Of?’ {Subtext Study}
Please read my manifesto here if you haven’t already- it better explains my beliefs as per the Kirk/Spock dynamic and what I aim to accomplish with this blog.
An episode that barely features any direct K/S reactions yet seems to say a whole lot about them in 50 minutes time, through strategic use of androids. And Lurch. 
So, Chapel’s on the bridge this time around which is a bit of a switch-up. Turns out she’s anxiously awaiting news of her fiance’s whereabouts and whether or not he’s still alive. Kirk is cautiously hopeful; reminding her that said fiance, Dr. Roger Korby, has been missing for 5 years despite several search expeditions to find him. I guess that doesn’t make her love confession to Spock in The Naked Time too terribly awkward then... yikes. Dr. Korby asks that Kirk personally come down to the surface which has ignited Spock’s suspicions, but Kirk is hesitant to refuse given Dr. Korby’s reputation for being a brilliant scientist or something. 
When Spock asks for confirmation that Chapel knows Dr. Korby’s voice beyond any shadow of a doubt (likely because of his increased concern now that Kirk’s wellbeing is on the line) she teasingly asks if he’s ever been engaged. Kirk gets a personal amusement out of his reaction. Yeah what a hilarious thought, there’s NO WAY Spock has ever been engaged hahaha.
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(just wait for Amok Time you little shits) 
Kirk and Chapel beam down to the tundra-like planet (apparently impervious to the cold as neither of them seem the slightest bit affected) and, having not seen Dr. Korby anywhere nearby, decide to head down into the cavern to see if he’s somewhere in there. Kirk contacts the Enterprise and asks Spock to beam down two expendable red shirts just in case (Spock of course not neglecting to ask if there’s been any trouble). All for the better, as one ends up falling off a ledge somehow just as Dr. Korby’s assistant, Brown, shows up and Lurch (LURCH NO!!) slinks away. 
Brown’s acting a little weird around Chapel, as it takes him a moment to recognize her. Kirk’s suspicions are being increasingly aroused but Chapel continues to seem hopeful (he’s also super beat up about his red shirt guy dying which isn’t significant to the point of this post but I just like James T Kirk so much and how much he cares about each member of his crew ok). Unfortunately the other red shirt guy gets suffocated or something by Lurch before he can give Kirk’s orders to the Enterprise. 
Brown explains that Dr. Korby’s discovered how the inhabitants of the planet moved underground as the sun dimmed and created a mechanistic type culture, which he hopes to harness and implement everywhere for some reason. When they get into the main living area a sexy lady barely wearing anything shows up and I freaking love the look Kirk gives Chapel- he’s not checking sexy lady out, he’s looking over at Chapel to see how she feels about this super hot, scantily clad woman and the fact that she’s apparently living here. “Girl, can you believe this?” Sure enough, Chapel’s like what the fuck. 
Sexy lady introduces herself, very mechanically, as Andrea. Then Dr. Korby shows up and he and Chapel have some kissy-kissy reunion times and Kirk looks so happy for them because he is perfect. Korby apologizes for Kirk’s lost crewman, Kirk assures him it wasn’t his fault, and then attempts to call his redshirt posted outside. When he doesn’t answer he makes to try the ship, but things escalate quickly when Brown points a phaser at him and says “NO COMMUNICATIONS” 
Geez, y’all aren’t really going for warm and hospitable, are you?
Dr. Korby insists, instructing Andrea to take it from him. Kirk flips her around as a sort of hostage and then does his infamous barrel roll to hide behind the desk. He then presumably attempts to stun Brown, but instead blows open and sizzles his circuits because GASP he’s a robot! Kirk also gets fucking picked up like a toddler by Lurch and thrown against a wall. So far as I can tell these are the same actors, not stunt doubles, so that means Ted Cassidy literally hoisted Shatner up and held him. HELD HIM THERE. LIKE A BABY. 
I just find that hilarious and precious. Anyway. 
Kirk does indeed contact the Enterprise- or rather, his voice does. It turns out Lurch can do excellent, spot on voice impressions so he calls the bridge and gives a pretty level-headed, standard message about the progress of the mission. 99.99999% of people would not have heard anything worth suspicion. I would guess that would even include McCoy. Of course, 99.99999% of people don’t know Kirk as well as Spock (nor are they secretly in love with him) so of course Spock notices something is off and asks as much and says he sounds tired. Very logical and unemotional of you, Spock, A++++ Vulcaning. 
Korby apologizes for being so shady but, y’know, it’s necessary. Because of reasons. Lurch does some more impressions, proving he can do ANYONE’S voice (as a voice actor I’d kill to be as good as him) and Kirk is clever enough to convince Korby to order Lurch not to disobey Chapel’s orders. Because Kirk is such a smarty pants and I love him forever and always. Anyway, Korby attempts to convince Kirk to have an open mind about things so he can help him facilitate this new android technology he’s been working on. Kirk’s not having it. He attempts to escape and is ONCE AGAIN picked up like a baby by Lurch. Whoever had the idea for this to happen not once, but twice, is a hero, honestly. 
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(I’d like to thank god and also jesus) 
Meanwhile Andrea is asking Chapel some weird questions like, “How can you love Roger if you don’t trust him” and “Why does it bother you when I call him Roger?”. She seems genuinely confused, but of course Chapel is having a hard time believing that...all things considered. Korby shows up and tells Andrea to call him Dr. Korby since the alternative bothers Chapel and that’s sufficient enough. He then also explains that Andrea is an android, a computer, a machine, and Chapel shouldn’t be jealous because she’s incapable of love. Supposedly. He even has Andrea kiss and then slap Kirk, reiterating that she’s a totally logical computer incapable of feeling, that only responds to orders. 
Huh. Who else has been described in such a way time and time again? What’s more, Kirk doesn’t seem in the least bit convinced. In fact, he seems somewhat angered by this assertion. Certainly that could be because it seems wrong to talk about living things as objects, but given all the familiar descriptors that have just been used I’m going to guess that it’s more than that for him. Much more.   
As if to confirm this, Kirk challenges the assertion, that if these things only act as Korby programs them and have no feeling, then why did Brown turn a phaser on him with an order? Korby doesn’t give a direct answer, he basically just says ‘lmao let’s go give you an android twin, will that help?’ This they do (and Kirk’s laid out like a fucking snack, but I won’t waste time on a visual tour of that this time, I promise) and when it comes time to copy over his mental patterns so that android Kirk is just like real Kirk, Kirk makes a quick decision to instill his thoughts with an openly hostile opinion of Spock to be transferred over to the android. “Mind your own business, Mr. Spock,” Kirk chants. “I’m sick of your halfbreed interference, you hear?” 
While there is something to be said for that fact that no Kirk is a real Kirk if he isn’t enamored with (or at least respectful of) Spock, I think it’s also telling that Kirk knew Spock would inevitably ask concerned questions and so supplied a telling uncharacteristic answer. Perhaps there’s something else in the fact that Kirk had to be so openly hostile to convincingly mask and block any of the strong familiar feelings of affection for his First Officer. Something to think about anyway. 
Chapel sits down to lunch with Kirk, insisting that despite the moral dubiousness of Dr. Korby’s current work she knows him well enough to ensure that he hasn’t lost his mind and that they should trust him. But whoops, this Kirk is the android, so perhaps when he asked her if she’d obey his command to betray Korby he was testing the waters. He has Kirk’s intellect after all. Man, someone writing this show really liked the idea of dual Kirks didn’t they? Can’t say I blame them. 
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(a decidedly tastier sandwich than The Enemy Within version, sign me the fuck up) 
The two Kirks verbally spar for a bit and Korby flatters himself that he’s made a perfect duplicate. Kirk says somewhat knowingly, with a slight grin, that there are still certain differences between them. Korby insists that if they exist they are entirely unimportant. Something tells me Korby has never come between a Vulcan and and the object of his (logical) affections before. 
Korby finally pushes his game plan on Kirk, saying he needs his starship to transport them to an Earth colony where he can begin integrating androids into society, to make the perfect immortal society without jealousy or hate or any unpleasant emotions (but also without love, Kirk argues). Not willing to be Korby’s pawn, Kirk takes him as another captive and keeps Lurch at bay as he manages to escape through the cavern. Korby orders Lurch to ‘protect’ though (how he’s protecting by chasing a guy long gone through a cavern I don’t know). 
Thankfully, Chapel orders that Lurch not hurt Kirk so when he has the chance to send him falling off a ledge, he instead has to help him up. And, yes, Kirk gets hold of a dick-shaped rock and poses for the picture that makes it into every tongue-and-cheek write up about Kirk/Spock or anything gay/Trek related so let’s just get that out of the way right now:
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(har har penis joke)
Meanwhile android Kirk goes back aboard the Enterprise to get some info for Korby. Spock looks just about beside himself to see him again and bounds after him as Spock is wont to do when Jim makes a surprise appearance. Spock is understandably confused, however, as Kirk wasn’t due back for awhile, so when he pushes for clarification android Kirk busts out the whole halfbreed interference thing. Almost immediately after this he asks Spock why he looks upset, which is...rather hilarious. Spock doesn’t seem upset after that though, rather he appears justifiably suspicious, if not convinced that this is not his Kirk. 
Android Kirk then passes on possible planet settling info to Korby while real Kirk gets Andrea to kiss him again- but not the cold, mechanical kiss, this time he kisses her passionately and invokes in her feelings that confuse her (specifically with that intent). In keeping with this attempt, when Lurch comes in to attack him Kirk starts asking him difficult questions, like what happened to the ‘old ones’ and is it possible to go against his creators if they’re illogical. Kirk essentially pits Lurch’s violent need for logic against the programming given to him and discovers that Lurch can indeed kill his programmers if their orders override his need to survive. As such, he turns on Korby but Korby just kills him with the evaporation phaser or whatever it is.
Neither Kirk nor Chapel can seem to figure out why it is that Korby has such a flagrant disregard for life now, but when Kirk attempts to fight him again they learn why; HE’S AN ANDROID TOO!! He disturbingly assures Chapel he’s the same Roger inside, that he had to make this change to survive, and Chapel wonders how true that it is. 
Meanwhile android Kirk shows up again and Andrea is tasked with intercepting him. She wants to kiss him like she kissed real Kirk before but he says it is “illogical” and so she angrily zaps him away. When she comes back into the main room, however, she realizes it was android Kirk she zapped and not the real one. Kirk challenges Korby, asking him if this is the ‘perfect world’ he envisioned, of androids killing each other off without a second thought. Korby blabbers some more about being the perfect computer or whatever, showing Chapel that this absolutely isn’t him anymore, 
Andrea, however, doesn’t kill without a second thought. She kills to protect, because as she’s discovered through Kirk’s accessing, she has the capacity to love Korby and does. She insists she does but he tells her it’s impossible. She’s not human after all. When she kisses him he presses the phaser she holds between them and kills them both. Obviously, his work has been for naught. 
Spock shows up then (a little too late) with the landing party he’d planned for earlier. He, of course, asks Kirk if he’s alright first even as Chapel is sobbing right beside him. When Spock asks about the Doctor Kirk tells him, solemnly, that he was never there. 
Back on the bridge Chapel says she’ll be staying with the ship, even if her original intent for boarding one died long ago. After she leaves Kirk notices something is off about Spock and asks about it, to which Spock replies that he didn’t really appreciate the use of the term ‘halfbreed’, even if it was implemented in an android’s head for a good reason. He says Kirk has to admit it’s an unsophisticated expression. Kirk assures him he’ll keep that in mind for the next time he’s in a similar situation. Spock all but rolls his eyes but can’t seem to fight a little bit of a smile. Neither can Kirk. 
It is not insignificant that this episode deals with beings of ‘pure logic’ and the feelings each of them has repressed or justified as a means of maintaining said logic. It’s also interesting that the only being among them that could not display morality, feelings of mercy, etc, was the one who had engineered the whole thing and fancied himself more of a human than the rest of them. Lurch could feel anger, Andrea could feel love despite Korby’s insistence otherwise, Brown protected without a direct order. There’s argument to be made that android Kirk could not have felt them either, as when Andrea tried to kiss him he insisted it was ‘illogical’, but perhaps it was only real!Kirk’s effort to drive out his affections for Spock that made this so. Without those affections any Kirk copy has no heart, it would seem. Interesting.  
It’s also not incidental that Kirk is the one who correctly guesses that these supposedly emotionless, logic-driven machines were indeed capable of feeling and knew how to drive that feeling out of each of them. Who better to guess that a robotic entity who insists logic is the only thing that fuels him might be mistaken in that respect? What’s more, Kirk knew the weakness of each android and exactly how to press the right buttons to bring it out. He does this on a daily basis, after all. 
This episode also explored the depths to which Kirk and Spock know each other; Spock can correctly tell there’s something off with Kirk’s voice even when he’s down on a planet, giving a routine order, not sounding off to anyone who wouldn’t have that intrinsic knowledge and concern. Kirk used his knowledge of Spock’s emotional weaknesses to exploit the pitfalls in the android’s engineering. Even if they barely get any screentime in this episode, it’s not hard to see why all of it functions as a thinly veiled metaphor for their dynamic. 
EDIT: I often go back to my predecessor, TOS Commentary, after I’ve finished evaluating an episode just to make sure I’m not missing anything and have put everything in my own words. Something was pointed out there for this episode that I thought might be of interest to anyone reading this evaluation, and it’s something that can easily fly under the radar. In her words, “ Chapel intimates that engaged couples can always tell their lovers' voice. Later, when Android Kirk appears on the Enterprise, Spock is immediately suspicious, and Android Kirk's insult confirms his suspicion.” What’s more, Spock recognized that Lurch’s imitation was NOT Kirk’s actual voice. I found this a VERY interesting coincidence, one of those that makes you really wonder just how intentional all of this was. Bits like this make me think someone has always had it in the back of their mind. 
Hopefully I did this episode justice as that’s about all I have! Join me next time for ‘Dagger of the Mind’!
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sachertortes · 7 years
Awkward first meeting theme// 1. Horrible Umbrella... //Darcy/Pietro if you can, if not, then maybe Darcy/Steve?
@dresupi Well, for you of course I’ll try my hand at Darcy/Pietro!
Prompt: Awkward first meetings, #1, “This horrible umbrella won’t extend! Oh shit I just hit you in the stomach/crotch! I’m so sorry!”
Pairing: Darcy x Pietro
Rating: G
Notes: SHIELD Agent Darcy Lewis.
Also, according to the Google School of Language, in Czech “pako” = dork and “miláček” = honey, sweetheart.
“Work for SHIELD, see the world,” Darcy grumbled. She pulled her collar up against the fat drops of rain, then wrapped her arms around herself. “More like see a bunch of parking lots in Delaware.”
The rain was coming down harder than ever, beginning to soak through her issued jacket and ugh, getting through her shoes to her socks. That was probably her fault though, for wearing Chucks and not boots like she was encouraged to.
For what was probably the hundredth time, she shoved her hand into her pocket and felt for the memory stick. It contained locations of AIM cells on the east coast she’d downloaded from the computer in the “abandoned” office building. This was her first big assignment since she’d become an Agent, and although she hadn’t expected Captain-America-Punching-Nazis levels of excitement, she also hadn’t expected it to last approximately 15 minutes. That was the amount of time it took for her to disable the security alarms (ten minutes) and get the info she needed from the computer (five minutes - their password was ‘PASSWORD’ for cripes sakes).
Now she was bored and rapidly soaking while waiting for extraction.
Extraction never took this long for the other agents. Well, fine, the other agents were also waiting for extraction under a hail of gunfire, or a blaze of flames or something equally as dramatic and violent.
There was certainly no threat of gunfire but she was about to get violent as hell on the crappy umbrella she’d pulled from her messenger bag.
She was so busy trying to get the thing to work she didn’t notice the grey blur headed her way.
Her nemesis, the crappy umbrella that was going in the trash as soon as she got home, finally extended.
“HA!” she declared triumphantly at the same time a male voice cried out, “EUGGH.”
And suddenly, there in front of her on his knees was a man. A silver haired man who was sort of curled up on himself, groaning. He made a high whining noise followed by what sounded like a bunch of very creative curses in a foreign language.
He had his hand cupped in front of his crotch, and his face was reddened and scrunched up pitifully when he glared at her.
“Dude, I am so sorry! I totally got you right in the nuts, didn’t I?! I didn’t – oh, my god. Can you walk? Here, let’s go over here,” Darcy said, and under her the shelter of her umbrella, led the slightly staggering guy to a brick wall. He put an arm out against it, and leaned on it heavily.
“This is worse than the time Cap threw that shield at me,” the guy said in a heavy Eastern European accent.
The accent.
The silver hair.
The (frankly, incredibly hot) toned bod. (Yes, she noticed, she was only human!)
“An Avenger?” Darcy said, with disbelief. “They sent an actual Avenger for my extraction?!”
“I was in the area,” Quicksilver croaked, still bent over slightly.
“I’m so gonna be fired,” Darcy said to herself. “I’m gonna be fired for hitting Quicksilver in the balls, of all things.”
He groaned again
Darcy winced.
Yeah. So fired.
“You’re Quicksilver, you do the – the thing!” Darcy said, and made pantomimed running motions as best she could with one hand on the umbrella. He looked confused and not very impressed. “Why didn’t you just, y’know, zoom out of the way or whatever?”
“Are you blaming me for this?!”
“Besides, I can zoom out of the way if I know something is there to zoom away from.”
“You look like you’re in a lot of pain, Quick – Mister Quicksilver?”
“Pietro,” he finished for her.
“Pietro. Should you do – do some breathing exercises maybe?”
“I am fine, fine,” Pietro gritted out, even as he followed her directions.
“I really am very, very sorry,” Darcy said, coming by to stand closer to him.
He looked at her up and down with mirthful appreciation. “I know, Agent. You keep petting my arm.”
And yep, there was her stupid hand rubbing Pietro’s stupid arm. She pulled it back as if it’d been burned and shoved it back into her pocket before it could get her into any more trouble.
“Shit. Sorry about that, too!”
One corner of Pietro’s mouth ticked up. “That’s alright.” He then pressed his fingers to his earpiece. “I’m with Darcy Lewis. Requesting extraction.”
A female voice, softly accented, answered. “Pietro…you are the extraction, pako.”
“And now I need extraction, Wanda. When can you get here?”
The siblings murmured amongst themselves for a bit, and soon Pietro ended the communication with a hollow clicking-beep.
“So, I don’t see a car or a fancy jet. How were you going to get me out of here?” Darcy asked.
“I was going to…carry you.”
“Carry me,” she repeated, a blush blooming on her cheeks at the thought. Held tight against Pietro Maximoff’s chest, her arms around him? Yes, please.
“Yes. And then…zoom.” Pietro looked at her with eyebrows raised.
“Well, I’m sorry I missed that,” Darcy said softly. She sent him a little smile.
“Wanda should get here in fifteen.”
Darcy bit her lip and nodded. “Okay.”
Pietro ran a hand through his thick silver locks and looked at her from beneath his lashes. “There is a coffee shop a block away. Would like to get coffee with me, Darcy? While we wait?”
“…Can you walk?”
“For you I will try, miláček.” And when he held out his hand to her, she took it.
Not a boring assignment, after all.
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Fear and Loathing in Recovery
Summery: Jason Todd is back from the dead and he's out for vengeance against those who have replaced him. Tony has something to say about that.
This chapter is a Jason centric chapter and it ended up being so long because of all the feels. I've never read the Death in the Family comic where Jason Todd's Robin was killed, but I own a copy of and have watch several times, Batman: Under the Red Hood, so the events of that movie is what I have in mind concerning Jason's death, resurrection, and fight with Bruce and Dick, though I do hint at his birth mother being a factor at some point to keep with comic canon.
That said, I hope you enjoy the chapter
Full series AO3 link
My Master List for Fan Fiction
Fear and Loathing in Recovery 2011
Jason Todd had grown up learning that there were very few people in the world that you could trust. The only reason he believed that there were ANY people you could trust was because of people like Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, and Tony Stark. Before his death at the hands of the Joker, Jason had thought he could trust them. Trust them to have his back. Now he knew better.
Bruce, his so-called father figure, had replaced him, and Alfred clearly liked the newer model better, dotting on the boy like he was the man’s own grandchild. Stark was no better. Jason had looked into the man’s travel records, and saw that he made twice as many trips to Gotham since the new Robin had appeared then he had when Jason was Robin.
It had made Jason so incredibly angry to see the three men he’d looked up to before his death so happy and having dinner with his replacement. Even Dick Fucking Grayson was there, tussling the brat’s hair and making nice like he never had with Jason. It had made the resurrected teen want to shoot out the dining room windows and have them look at him. Make them face him. Make them stare him in a face and see that even after his death they wouldn’t be rid of him. The only reason he hadn’t was because he had been watching that sickly domestic scene through a hacked camera feed in the manor from his safe house and not in person.
It just galled him. His replacement was a joke. He might have been smart (Jason could admit that the runt was a much better detective than he and Dickie-bird had ever been as Robin), but he was woefully underwhelming in the power department. It had been so easy wiping the floor with the brat back at Titan’s Tower. So easy in fact, Jason found him pathetic and not even worth finishing the job (or so he told himself). And yet Bruce and Alfred and Dick-face continued to keep the boy around. They weren’t going to take him off the street. They couldn’t see that this life was going to get him killed.
At least Stark seemed to be getting with the program. It had been very satisfying to hear him and Bruce go at it in the Batcave after Stark had found out what Jason did to the kid at the tower. Jason wasn’t sure how long Tony had known that Bruce was the Batman, but it was clear that he was in the know now. What was also new these days was the fact that Stark himself was part of the superhero scene, though not apart of any official team like the Justice League. Jason had to admit that Stark’s Iron Man armor was totally badass. He would almost give anything to see him take on the Batman, but he knew that would never happen. Stark and Bruce argued a lot, but it had never come to physical blows.
Jason was keeping low these days. Batman and Nightwing had been hunting for him relentlessly after he’d attacked the new Robin in Titan’s Tower less than a week ago. It irritated Jason that that was what it had taken for them to take him seriously. Two weeks ago they’d had their own little reunion. There had been injured pride all around after that little debacle. Nightwing had twisted his ankle badly during their first chase/standoff, and Batman had nearly crippled Jason’s hand during the final showdown when he’d caused Jason’s gun to backfire with a batarang just when he was about to blow the Joker’s brains out.
His hand was still a bit stiff, but it was nearly healed. The cursed Lazarus Pit was good for something at least. Dick was clearly feeling better since he was back out on the streets trying to help Batman hunt the Red Hood down. At least the Joker was still in traction with all the busted bones that came with having a building blown up and fall down all around him. It was a pity he hadn’t been crushed. That was only mildly satisfying, though. Jason still wanted that fucker dead, but the Bat had the clown locked up tight. So Jason had gone after his replacement.
The kid had returned from some summer trip in California apparently, which would explain why he hadn’t been around when Jason was trying to draw the Bats out in the beginning. Then Bruce had sent him back to Cali to the Titans after Jason had tried to slit the kid’s throat. If Bruce had thought that sending the brat away was going to stop Jason, than he was only kidding himself. Jason had seen the action as a challenge and proved that it didn’t matter where the Bat sent the boy. If the runt was going to wear the Robin uniform (and seriously? Why did he get to have pants?!) he was going to have to earn his place and prove that he could handle it. But clearly he couldn’t.
So now Jason was keeping low in Crime Alley in one of his few but secure safe houses. He didn’t dare patrol as Red Hood right now with Batman and Nightwing scouring every inch of his territory. All of Crime Alley’s usual criminals were keeping low as well. The Bats were clearly out for blood and it was best for everyone to stay low until they moved on.
Jason was very proud of the fact that he was able to hide right under their nose. He wouldn’t admit it, but he’d been nervous and anxious the first few nights he’d heard that the Bat was making sweeps of Crime Alley. When it became apparent that Batman hadn’t found any of his current safe houses, he began to relax a bit. Big mistake. Just because Bruce and Dick-face hadn’t found him yet, didn’t mean that someone else couldn’t.
“Nice place you have.”
Jason stared, surprised, as he took in the fact that Tony Stark was standing in one of his most secure safe houses examining his Red Hood helmet. Then he pulled out one of his guns and aimed it at the man’s head.
“Are you going to shoot me, Jason?” Stark asked, actually pouting a bit. “Rude. I’m unarmed.”
“Your mistake. What the fuck are you doing here?” Jason snapped.
“What, I can’t visit?” Stark asked. “I’m hurt. You came back to see Dick and Bruce and even the fucking Joker, but not me? If you weren’t going to drop by for a visit, then I was. Simple as that. Alfie says hi, by the way. He’s disappointed you haven’t visited him yet either.”
“Why are you here?” Jason growled.
Stark sighed and set the Red Hood helmet down, his fingers gliding over it’s red finish almost… fondly?
“I had to see for myself,” the man said, looking straight into Jason’s unmasked eyes and never had the teen felt so vulnerable. Those warm brown eyes cut straight through like the Batman’s never had to Jason’s core. His corrupt Lazarus Pit saturated core.
“See what?” Jason muttered, his voice rising in volume until he was screaming at the man. “That the kid you knew is no more? That I’m as twisted and evil as the Bat says?! That I’m nothing more than some common criminal now?! Huh?!”
Stark shook his head and dared to take a step forward. Jason flicked the safety off the gun and aimed between those disappointed, condemning… sad eyes?
“No,” Stark said softly, taking another step. “I came to see if Jason Todd was really back from the dead.”
“Well here I am,” Jason scoffed, throwing his arms out wide. “What are you going to do about it, Mr. Genius?”
Then Stark moved, faster than the teen thought the man capable of. Jason was too late to bring the gun back up in time for a clean shot, so he dropped it (and was glad it didn’t discharge, because that was sloppy of him), ready to get into it with his fists…when the man hugged him.
Jason froze, unsure of how to react, before his face suddenly found itself tucked into the man’s neck. Stark’s hold was strong and hard, full of muscle Jason didn’t remember him possessing.
“You’re alive,” Stark gasped, choking a bit. “You’re really alive.”
Jason…was astounded. He hadn’t expected this at all. Hadn’t thought he’d mattered enough to Stark to warrant this kind of a reaction. The man had never been much of a touchy feely person. Yes, there’d been moments Stark had offered tokens of physical affection in the form of a shoulder squeeze, hair ruffles, and pats on the head, shoulder or back, but the closest thing to a hug he’d gotten from the man before this was the occasional loose arm around his shoulders as they surveyed their work on whatever car the man had brought over for them to tinker on.
“Sorry,” Stark said taking a step back, eyes blinking rapidly - shit, were those tears?! “Awkward, I know, but… Jesus , kid, you’re alive.”
Jason had no idea what to say. He was honestly still a little shocked that he’d been hugged … and that’s when Stark punched him right in the face. Hard . POW! Flat on his back and, son of a bitch, that had actually hurt . Then again, the man had supposedly been a boxer for years now.
“Sorry, not sorry, but I felt entitled to a punch,” Stark said. “You did nearly kill my kid twice now. Chalk it up to a dad’s overprotective tendencies, parental rights and all that jazz.”
What now?
“The fuck?” Jason growled, feeling the pit driven anger rile up again, but he was still so confused by the hug and even more so upon hearing that,that it only simmered instead of explode.
“Tim Drake,” Tony said, crouching down next to Jason where he was still flat on his back, and poked him hard in the chest. “Batman’s new Robin? The kid you slit the throat of and then not even a week later beat to a pulp in the Teen Mini-League’s Clubhouse? He’s biologically my son. Bruce may have legal guardianship until Jack Drake clears PT and gets out of the hospital, but due to our agreement I still have what amounts to parental rights. Shit, that does make us sound like a divorced couple.” Jason tried to make some sort of comment, but Stark wasn’t having any of it. “No! I’mtalking. I’ll tell you that whole story later. Right now you listen because I’m having a hard time deciding whether I want to hug you or slug you again because, fuck, I missed you, you little bastard, but I also want to kick your ass into next Tuesday for what you did to Tim. Just be glad I decided to have this conversation without the Iron Man suit nearby.”
“Seriously,” Jason groaned. “What. The. Fuck?”
“I feel like I should be asking you that,” Tony sighed, plopping back to sit beside Jason’s sprawled form. “I get wanting to stick it to Bruce and Dickie-bird, because who doesn’t on occasion, right? But going after Tim? That, I can’t fathom. He’s never done anything to you. Well, technically he did stalk you when you were Robin but that was because he fucking idolized you. Dick may have been the first Boy Wonder, but you were the one he followed around the most. Your death and the shit storm that became life afterwards was the whole reason he became Robin. He did it in memory of you, asshole.”
“And you never thought to stop him?!” Jason growled, sitting up. “Didn’t my death teach you guys anything?! Kids his age shouldn’t be running around in tights playing hero. It gets them killed. It got me killed!”
“Clearly I’m a shit parent,” Stark deadpanned. “Why else would I let Bruce have custody over by boy instead of me? But that doesn’t mean that I like the fact that someone as young as Tim is Robin. I didn’t like it when Dick was Robin, I didn’t like it when you were Robin, and I most certainly hate it now that Tim is Robin and his predecessor is trying to kill him. But I can’t stop him because it’s what he wants to do - it’s what all of you ever wanted to do, even now - and I’d be a hypocrite if I told him that he can’t do it when I am running around doing the same thing as Iron Man. The best I can do is make sure he has the best training, equipment, backup, and protection as possible.”
“Is that why you’re here?” Jason demanded. “To neutralize a threat to your precious son?”
Stark punched him again. The anger that had been with Jason ever since he’d awoken in the Pit came boiling to the forefront and for a moment all he could see was that sickly rage-driven green. He snarled as he sat up and was about to hit back and wrestle the man to the ground when he felt those arms wrap around him in another hug, dowsing the worst of the Pit Rage almost instantly. What the fuck was up with these hugs?! And why were they throwing him so off kilter?
“Idiot boy,” Stark growled back, a hand fisting into the hair at the back of Jason’s head. “Is anything getting through that thick skull of yours? I’m not here for Tim. I’m here for you .”
“No,” Jason snapped, trying to push the man away, but it was harder than it should be. He couldn’t tell if Stark was just that much stronger now, if his conflicting emotions were weakening him, or a mixture of the two was the reason for it. “You’re here for the boy that died . The kid that used to help you fix up your damn cars. The kid that thought you were fucking brilliant because you taught him a few simple things about engineering. The kid that got his ignorant ass beat and blown to hell.”
“I came here for that kid, yes,” Stark admitted. “But I’m also here for the boy who’s stuck in his own personal hell. The boy that’s hurting inside because he thinks that his father figure has betrayed him. The boy who is so justifiably angry at the world that he’s lashing out in the only violent way he knows how. I knew when I came here that I wouldn’t find the boy that had died. Not all of him at any rate. I came here to see the man that that boy was forced to become because of what the Joker did and see if I could help.”
“Help me, huh? What do you know of hell, you rich bastard?!” Jason screamed.
“Plenty,” Stark said so bitterly that Jason ceased his struggling. The man let him go again and began unbuttoning his dress shirt.
“The fuck?” Jason breathed when he saw the white-blue glow coming from Stark’s chest.
“You wouldn’t know this because you were in Ethiopia being murdered,” Stark said softly, “but at the same time that was happening to you, I was in Afghanistan giving a weapons demonstration for the US military. On my way back to the nearest airbase, my convoy was attacked by a group of terrorists called the Ten Rings. A missile detonated in my face and shrapnel pierced through my kevlar vest into my chest cavity.”
Jason eyed the small but numerous scars that littered the flesh surrounding the circle of light in the man’s chest.
“I woke up in a cave a few days later,” Stark continued, “with a car battery plugged into my chest powering a magnet that was immobilizing all of the tiny shrapnel shards in my chest that couldn’t be surgically removed with the materials at hand.”
“Oh my God,” Jason gasped, feeling sick. He could picture it. A dark cave with low torch light and an eerie glow, only Stark’s light was blue, not green.
“I was stuck in that hell hole for three months. Do you know why they didn’t just kill me as they had originally intended?” Tony asked.
“They wanted you to make weapons,” Jason muttered.
“Yes, but that’s the reason they kept me alive after they tried to blow me up. See, when they had attacked my convoy they hadn’t known who I was. I was just a target to them before they realized who they were trying to blow up,” Tony said, chuckling bitterly.
Jason frowned.
“Do you remember Obadiah Stane?” Tony asked.
“Obie? Yeah, I remember him,” Jason said slowly. “Met him at a few of your galas that Bruce flew us out for. Nice guy.”
Tony’s laugh was harsh and ugly and it reminded Jason too much of how he’d laughed at Bruce only two weeks ago. Clearly he was missing something.
“Yeah, nice guy indeed,” Tony spat. “Like a father to me. Took me under his wing, like Bruce did with you. Only, apparently he thought I’d outgrown my usefulness. It was Stane that had ordered the hit on me in Afghanistan. He didn’t want me to know that he’d been double dealing Stark weapons under the table and off the books. It was one of my own missiles that detonated in my face. Irony, right? Nearly killed by a weapon I designed. Gave a whole new meaning to the phrase, ‘bullet with your name on it.’”
Jason felt his insides freeze.
“And that’s not even the worst of it,” Tony chuckled bitterly. “After I managed to escape the caves in Afghanistan, I came back to the states and basically ordered an immediate shutdown of SI’s weapons manufacturing facilities. Stane didn’t like that. See, he was trying to rebuild the armor I’d used to escape in Afghanistan, but he didn’t have a compatible powersource. He knew about this little gizmo in my chest, realized that it must have been what was powering my armor, and when my guard was down, he ambushed me at home and paralyzed me with a sonic taser that emits a high pitched sonic frequency that attacks the subject’s nervous system and causes their entire body to lock up. I could only sit there and watch as he reached into my chest and took out what has become a physical and almost literal metaphor for my heart.”
Jason watched with growing horror as Stark actually touched the device in his chest, twisted, and popped it out so that Jason could see just how deeply it was imbedded in his chest even with the wires still connected to the inside.
“The Arc Reactor has a diameter 2.7 inches, and a circumference of 8.48 inches, though that’s hardly important,” Stark continued. “It’s roughly 7 inches deep inside my chest cavity, including the magnet, meaning that I have roughly 42 inches of total area carved out of my chest, which translates to a little more than 23 fluid ounces. A 16 ounce bottle of pop holds just under 29 fluid ounces, just f.y.i.”
“How are you still alive?” Jason coughed, feeling sick.
“The doctor that put the casing in was brilliant,” Stark said, smiling wryly. “He had to make quite a few adjustments to my anatomy, and the fact that I even survived the surgery - in a cave in Afghanistan no less - boggles the minds of every doctor I’ve seen since my return to the states. I’ve had further surgeries of course, to replace the old casing and make sure it isn’t causing more damage than what’s already been done to my body, but not much can be done since a good number of my ribs were sawed and cauterized to make room for this cursed thing.”
“Why not have them remove it?” Jason asked.
“... It’s not something I’m currently willing to be put under for. In order for them to perform such an invasive surgery, that would involve not only the removal of the reactor and magnet, but the shards of shrapnel still in my chest as well, I’d need to be put under for roughly 18 hours. And then there’s the lengthy recovery period of at least six months,” Stark said, looking away.
“Wait… are you saying you were awake during all of those surgeries?!” Jason gasped.
“Not the first one that hooked a car battery up to my chest cavity,” Stark huffed, “but, the replacement surgery I had when I put in the first arc reactor and all of it’s replacement units, including the new casing that went in two years ago, yes. I needed to be able to give instructions on how to install it. Pepper wasn’t willing to do that, so she made me have my long standing personal physician do it. I’m not exactly comfortable with other people sticking their hands in my chest without supervision.”
“I can imagine,” Jason said softly, watching as the man put the glowing gizmo back in his chest. And just like that all of his anger was just… gone. For now. It was hard to be angry in the face of someone who had suffered like he had. Worse than he had. Jason at least had had the relief that came with death, until he was unceremoniously and painfully revived. The Lazarus Pit had healed all of his wounds and removed every scar. The only pain he lived with now was his anger and any injury he got on the streets, but even those healed pretty quickly. He couldn’t imagine having to live with that contraption in his chest. “Jesus, Tony, you sure don’t pull your punches.”
“It’s not that I’m belittling your own pain by any means, Jaycie. I’ve come close to dying so many times, but never managed to meet that end like you did. I can’t imagine what it’s been like for you coming back to life after all these years, but I think it’s safe to say that I know a thing or two about what hell is like. I’ve been there. I’m still there some nights. Nightmares are a bitch, aren’t they?”
Jason swallowed around a thick lump in his throat. He didn’t know why hearing that stupid nickname made him feel like he was 12 years old all over again.
“Hey! Shit, sorry, Jaycie, I didn’t mean to make you feel worse,” Tony moaned, pulling Jason into another hug, one hand fumbling to wipe at his face and - shit! Jason twisted away to try hiding the tears he only just now realized were falling. When his hand hit Tony’s chest and he felt the warm metal beneath his palm, he ceased all movement, afraid of damaging such an invasive, but crucial device. “Fuck, I’m not good at this,” Tony sighed, settling for just holding Jason, his hand moving away from Jason’s face to cradling the back of his head.
“Funny, you’re doing a pretty good job,” Jason chuckled, the little part of him that had been Robin wanting to just bury his face in Tony’s shoulder, so he did.
“Right, I feel so accomplished,” Tony deadpanned. “I made an 18 year old tough guy cry.”
“You’re right. You’re an asshole,” Jason laughed. He couldn’t help it. For the first time since he’d been revived by the Lazarus Pit he felt a touch of peace.
“Hey, I made you laugh at least,” Tony said. Jason could easily visualize that damn smirk. “And it takes an asshole to know an asshole, and a broken man to recognize another broken man.”
“Is that what we are?” Jason sighed. “Broken men?”
“Poor choice of words. I prefer to think of us as survivors,” Tony said. “Stane and Joker may have tried to break us, but we’re still here, aren’t we? And if we can keep getting back up, and keep fighting, then they can’t win. We’re more than their victims. We’re Tony Fucking Stark and Jason Fucking Todd.”
Jason laughed again, pulling back before smiling at the man.
“I missed you, Tony.”
“Missed you too, kid. Now let’s get out of here,” Tony huffed, getting to his feet.
“And go where?” Jason sighed, feeling his bitterness bubble up again. “B is looking for me and will have me arrested the moment I come out of hiding. I’ve kill a lot of people over the last couple of months, Tony.”
“My hands aren’t exactly clean either,” Tony said softly. “And please. If I can find you when he can’t, I can easily get us out of Gotham without any of the Bats knowing.”
“How?” Jason asked, still feeling skeptical.
“A private plane and an AI feeding the Bats false information,” Tony smirked. “Who the hell do you think helped Bruce install that supercomputer in the Batcave? I also helped him design and upgrade his Batmobiles. Let’s just say that if I wanted to, I could mess him up good. He may think he’s locked me out in recent years, but JARVIS has been a part of his system since it was installed. He’d have to completely dismantle and rebuild the computer and cars to remove JARVIS from their systems and even then, he’d have one heck of a time keeping me out. Oracle is good, don’t get me wrong, but she hasn’t been a hacker for as long as I have.”
Jason shook his head. “Just like that? You’re going to whisk me out of Gotham, Bruce being none the wiser, and what? Set me up in some cozy loft and send me off to therapy?”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Tony scoffed. “You’ll stay with me in Malibu. I can get you a therapist if you want, but I was thinking more along the lines of helping you get back on your feet and used to living again. I’ve got a decent gym, fun toys, and a sweet firing range. I was looking at your Red Hood helmet and while it’s rudimentary functions are good, I think we can really make it something special. The self destruct sequence if pretty nice. Gives you a last ditch weapon in a tight spot. I assume you wear a domino mask under it?”
“Not going to lecture me on carrying firearms?” Jason asked, genuinely curious.
Tony just leveled a disbelieving stare at him. “Do I look like Bruce anti-gun Wayne to you? Former Weapons manufacturer, remember? I’m hardly gun shy. If you feel the need to carry firearms, then carry a permitted gun. Just ease up on the trigger finger. Where we’re going the most threatening thing is going to be a pissed off Pepper Potts. I kind of ditched our one year anniversary plans to come out here and hunt your ass down.”
“Pepper Potts?” Jason repeated. “Isn’t she your Personal Assistant?”
“She’s acting CEO of Stark Industries now,” Tony said, smiling gently in the same way that Jason had seen Bruce smile at Selina Kyle, meaning that Miss Potts was a lot more that a PA or CEO or whatever her job was to Tony.
“And is she going to be alright with me just crashing at your place?” Jason asked, feeling doubtful.
“Eh,” Stark huffed, shrugging. “We’re not living together, so I don’t see why not. She’ll probably yell at me for not telling her about you beforehand, but I’m sure she’ll warm up to you.”
“Right,” Jason sighed, shaking his head. He doubted it. Nobody - aside from Tony that is - had been particularly thrilled to see him. Granted, that was mostly his fault, but if they’d just gotten rid of the Goddamned Joker-! Hadn’t he meant anything to them? Why was his killer still alive? Why hadn’t they avenged him?
“Hey,” Tony said softly, kneeling on the floor again next to Jason, tapping his knuckles gently against his head. “Talk to me, kiddo. What’s going on in that head of yours?”
“Why is the Joker still alive?” Jason growled.
“You know Batman doesn’t kill,” Tony sighed, but he at least sounded a touch angry as well. “And Iron Man’s interference isn’t welcome in Gotham, by Batman or GCPD. Trust me, if I could, without ruining my friendship with Bruce, or getting my ass arrested, and my armor seized, I would have blown that piece of shit up as soon as I learned what Joker did to you. That’s what I get for being Batman’s friend and a public superhero, though. I have to play by the rules, which includes not killing someone without probable cause. Though, I’m telling you right now, if that fucker ever comes across my path and tries to murder people in front of me, he’s getting blown sky high. My moral standing is a lot lower than Bruce’s.”
Jason growled, but let it go. That was more than what he’d gotten from Bruce. Besides, Tony wasn’t who he was mad at anyway. Never really had been.
“I don’t think I should go with you,” Jason sighed, finally getting his ass off the ground. “I don’t belong in Malibu in your fancy house.”
“So you’re just going to stay here?” Tony asked, getting up as well and gesturing to the rundown apartment that was Jason’s current safehouse. “And do what? Take over the drug cartels? Become a mobster?”
“Here it comes,” Jason smirked fiercely. He knew it. Tony was no different from Bruce after all. “Going to tell me how wrong I am? That Bruce was right? That I’m a criminal now?!”
“Whoa, Jaycie,” Tony said, frowning sternly in a manner that oddly reminded Jason of Alfred. “Cool your jets, kid, and stop putting words in my mouth. I’m not saying you’re wrong. You’re not really right either, according to the law and stuff, but your plan to take over the underworld to make it more manageable does make a lot of sense. And in a city as corrupt as Gotham? It might just work. You can’t get rid of all crime, but you can at least make it somewhat manageable. Do not ever quote me on that by the way. Pepper would castrate me for the shitstorm that’d come up if it got out that I support a would-be mobster.”
Jason relaxed a touch at that, but was still on edge. “So why do you want to get me out of Gotham?”
“I told you,” Tony sighed. “I want to help you, Jay. It’s not like you can do much while Batman is hunting for the Red Hood anyway, so why not leave and regroup elsewhere?  Take a vacation. Get away from everything. California sunshine just might do you some good. I’ll even help you with your tech.” Tony patted the Red Hood helmet, grinning. “I can’t stop you, but I’m willing to help give you the means to be safer. I…I don’t want to lose you again, Jayce.”
Jason grit his teeth, watching the man for a minute before sighing, feeling the fight drain out of him. Now that the seemingly never ending rage that had fueled and driven him for so long was gone, he felt tired. So tired he felt it in his bones. It felt strangely of defeat. Like that moment he’d watched the last seconds on the bomb’s timer in Ethiopia tick down and he knew that he was going to die.  Stark had worn him down. He should have seen it coming the moment he found himself stunned by that first hug. Tony always got his way, after all. Why would now be any different? The man was a force all on his own and, apparently, not even the Pit’s influences could persevere against the man.
“Ok, Tony,” he said. “Ok.”
3 Weeks Later…
Not everything had been smooth sailing after Tony had gotten Jason to come to Malibu. He’d been right about Pepper being furious, but after their fight she’d taken one look at Jason and personally saw to setting up a guest bedroom for him. For the first couple of days, things had been fine. Jason was grouchy in the mornings (the kid had never been much of a morning person), but had taken to the bots well enough. He helped Tony tinker in the lab (though never with the Iron Man armor. That was Tony and Tim’s thing), and spent a good bit of time at the range Tony had set up on his property. So at first, everything was fine. Good even. It was like having the old Jason back, only the kid was older and full of more biting sarcasm and snark.
But the third night led to the first of what Tony and Jason had begun to call Pit-mares. A Pit-mare usually involved Jason reliving his death, his resurrection, and, in one way or another, a disappointed Bruce/Batman. After a Pit-mare, Jason was always seething and angry and just destructive in general, upturning furniture and throwing things because they’d agreed not to have guns in the house. JARVIS was smart to lock down the lab after the first one, after Jason had nearly wrecked half the work space during his Pit-fueled tantrum.
The worst thing about Pit-mare nights, however, weren’t Jason’s bouts of impossible rage, self loathing and destruction. It was the breakdowns afterwards. There was a lot of ugly crying (the kind with a lot of tears and snot and wailing) and depressing shit, that usually ended with Jason saying that he wished that he’d stayed dead. That he could just die again so that it wouldn’t matter anymore. JARVIS had taken to locking away the kitchen cutlery after one particularly bad night that had left half the kitchen in shambles and Tony with a black eye and some scratches from fork tines.
Those nights were becoming fewer, though, the longer Jason stayed, but the previous night had been particularly rough. Tony had known that he wouldn’t be able to keep Jason’s actions a secret from Pepper and Rhodey for long (frankly he was impressed he’d managed 3 weeks), so he wasn’t too surprised that once they saw the damage in the living room when they came over that morning they ganged up on him after Jason left, feeling mildly embarrassed, to shower off another ugly morning-after.
“Tony, he needs help,” Pepper pushed. “Professional help.”
“He needs a psych ward and a straight jacket,” Rhodey had grumbled, eyeing the turned over couch, it’s shredded cushions and the shattered lamp in the living room where there was a steak knife embedded in the wall. JARVIS had missed one, it seemed. Either that, or Jason was in the habit of sleeping with knives under his pillows, which Tony wouldn’t put past the teen.
“He’s not crazy, Rhodey,” Tony sighed. “He’s been through alot and is hurting.”
“You keep saying that, but you won’t say what he’s been through,” Pepper sighed.
“Who is this kid anyway?” Rhodey asked. “Where’d you pick his crazy ass up?”
“I told you, his name is Jason,” Tony said, gritting his teeth. “And he’s from Gotham. He grew up a street kid and has recently seen some really tough times.”
“Was he in a gang?” Pepper asked.
Could the Batman and his posse be considered a gang? Nah. They were more like a mafia. He’d taken to referring to the group of Gotham vigilantes as the Bat Family because of the obsessive way they tended to keep tabs on each other and their Rogues Gallery.
“No,” Tony sighed.
“Well he’s got one hell of a case of PTSD,” Rhodey said. “He looks too young to be a soldier, but was he in service?”
“Something like that,” Tony muttered. “More along the lines of Special Ops.”
“Jesus,” Rhodey sighed. “And how old is he?”
“17-19-ish,” Tony mused, not really sure. Did you count the time he was dead or not?
Rhodey frowned, because obviously Jason wasn’t old enough to have gone through the training required to be a Special Ops. agent.
“Regardless,” Pepper cut in, “that young man needs help. I’m proud and happy that you want to help him out, Tony, I really am, but he needs professional assistance. He needs someone to talk to about his experiences.”
“He is talking. We both are,” Tony snapped, feeling defensive.
“Both?” Rhodey repeated, eyes sharp. “What’s going on, Tony?”
Tony grit his teeth and turned away, heading for the mostly tidy kitchen. A few appliances still needed to be replaced from the fit that Jason had had the week before, but the furniture had either been restored or replaced. He blatantly ignored Pepper’s glare and Rhodey’s pointed looks at the fist sized dents in the fridge door.
“I’ve known Jason for years,” Tony admitted. “We’ve both been through hellish situations in recent times, but we’ve been talking to each other. Last night was just a really bad night for him. He really is getting better. You guys just don’t know him like I do.”
“Tony,” Pepper and Rhodey sighed in unison, but before they could continue, Jason appeared in that quiet and sudden manner that all bat brats were in the habit of doing. They both jumped, startled to see him suddenly there. That had been a quick shower.
Jason glared at them, but flashed Tony a guilty look before opening the fridge. “Sorry,” he muttered.
“Hey, I have my bad nights too,” Tony said shrugging, handing Jason a glass from the cupboard for his orange juice.
Jason sighed, shaking his head.
“Wanna talk about it?” Tony asked, casually. He normally offered after Jason had calmed down after a Pit-mare.
Jason frowned at his drink, eyes darting warily at Pepper and Rhodey.
“They won’t say anything,” Tony assured. “I trust them.”
Jason scowled, but shrugged, slumping against the counter.
“What’s there to say?” he growled. “It’s the same thing every time. Bastard comes at me with a crowbar and beats the shit out of me. Then that damn bomb blows and I’m burning and screaming until fire becomes the water and instead of burning, I’m drowning and I can’t breathe and all I can hear is that bastard’s laugh.” Jason chokes, his voice going hoarse. “And I’m still screaming. I’m always screaming, always burning, and he’s always laughing.”
Tony stepped up next to Jason and wrapped an arm around the teen’s shoulders.
“I have dreams like that too sometimes,” Tony admitted. “In Afghanistan… the terrorists would shove my head under water and hold me there. Over and over and over again when I didn’t immediately follow their commands. When I wasn’t working fast enough to build them their damn missile. It was worse when I was still hooked up to that damn car battery because not only was I drowning, I was being electrocuted too whenever water hit the battery. When I have nightmares about that particular brand of torture… I wake up unable to breathe. Unable to scream because there's no air in my lungs to make a sound. And they’re still shouting and yelling in Arabic and other dialects of languages I can’t understand.”
Jason clenched his eyes shut, nodding, before leaning into Tony’s side. They both jumped slightly when Pepper made a noise that sounded like someone had punched her in the gut. Rhodey also looked pained at the admission. Tony flushed, looking away from his two closest companions. He’d honestly forgotten that they were there in his attempt to reach out to Jason, to let him know that he wasn’t alone in his pain.
“You never told us how they’d tortured you before,” Pepper whispered, staring at Tony sadly.
“Because it’s not something I want to talk about,” he sighed. “I didn’t want you to know what that felt like, because isn’t it enough that I’m back?”
“Is it?” Jason asked hollowly. “ Can it ever be enough?”
“If we want it to be,” Tony said softly. “If we choose to move on instead of dwelling-!”
“Easy for you to say,” Jason snapped, stepping away. “You’ve never died. I did die, Tony. I was dead! I should have stayed dead! But Ra’s al Fucking Gul decided to dunk me in his Lazarus Pit and revive me for whatever sick reason he had and I can’t find peace. I’m so angry! All the fucking time! All the time, Tony…” And yet Jason’s anger faded just as quickly as it’d erupted. “And when that anger is gone, I’m tired. So tired I can’t find the strength to move some days. I didn’t know I could feel this tired until you showed up and dragged me here.”
“Gotham wasn’t good for you,” Tony said softly. “And being here hasn’t all been bad, has it? We’ve had some good days too, remember? The bots like you when you’re not knocking shit over and screaming at them. Why, just yesterday, DUM-E let you use his fire extinguisher. I don’t think you realize how attached he is to that stupid thing.”
“I blew up the prototype for the new Hood we were working on,” Jason grumbled, but his lips were twitching up into a small smile.
“Sure did,” Tony said, grinning. “And then Butterfingers accidentally squirted you with the oil can when we were working on the old T-bird, and U wouldn’t stop chasing after you with the rags.”
Jason chuckled, slumping back against Tony.
“And don’t forget when you allowed him to test the new repulsor, sir,” JARVIS piped up.
Tony laughed, nodding. “Weren’t expecting that much kickback were you, kid?”
Jason snorted, his small smile now a large grin.
“See? Not all bad times. Nights just really suck sometimes. That’s why I don’t sleep very often.”
“That’s not a good thing, Tony,” Rhodey huffed, but he and Pepper were smiling at them, a warm, fond look in their eyes.
“Sleep is overrated,” Tony said, surprised to hear Jason’s voice echo him. He grinned at the teen and ruffled his hair. Jason squawked, batting his hand away, but the smile hadn’t faded in the slightest.
“But in all seriousness, Tony,” Pepper said gently. “He needs help.”
“I’m not subjecting him to anything he doesn’t want to do,” Tony growled.
Jason winced, looking away from everyone as he slumped against the counter again.
“I’m not just talking about him seeing a psychiatrist, Tony,” Pepper sighed, “even though I think that would really help. I was thinking more along the lines of something more recreational. Something to help him work out all of that aggression, instead of letting him take it out on your house and the furniture.”
Jason winced again, looking gloomily at the refridgerator and the fist sized dents in the door.
“Why didn’t I think of that? I can arrange something,” Tony conceded. “Maybe move you to a room that’s closer to the gym? We can get some really sturdy punching bags. I can program some training droids for you to fight, too. Then you can fix them up. We’ve already agreed that fixing stuff is therapeutic, right?”
“I’ve heard pet therapy works wonders,” Rhodes offered.
“I am not letting any animals in here, thank you,” Tony scowled, but noted that Jason was smiling a bit again. “Pet dander gets everywhere and then there’s cleaning up their excrement and just-! No! Ick! N. O. NO!”
“So don’t get anything big like a cat or a dog. What about something small like a hamster? Or a fish?” Rhodey asked.
“They’ll die within the first couple of days,” Tony huffed. “I’m not taking care of anything like that. I’ll forget to feed them.”
“Fish are boring anyway,” Jason scoffed. “All they do is swim in circles.”
“And a hamster?” Pepper asked.
Jason shrugged. “It’s a rodent. What’s so fun about those? Don’t they carry diseases and shit?”
“Rats are notorious for being plague carriers,” Tony added.
“Oh please,” Pepper huffed.
“Hamsters can be fun,” Rhodey protested. “You two could probably build the craziest hamster habitat ever for the little guy to run around in. And don’t BS me about the whole not feeding and watering, thing. You can program a food and water distributor that JARVIS and the bots can run. I’m sure the bots would love to help with the clean up as well. DUM-E and U are kind of neat freaks when they’re not knocking shit over and creating their own messes.”
Jason raised an eyebrow and Tony mirrored the action.
“It’s up to you, Jayce,” Tony admitted. “I don’t mind getting you a hamster if you take care of it.”
“Do I look five to you?” Jason scowled, but there was a look of consideration on his face.
“Whatever, we’ll table this conversation for later,” Tony said, but knew that both he and Jason were probably going to be looking up hamsters later that day.
Rhodey and Pepper stuck around for brunch before taking Tony away for work at the office. They needed to get everything in order before they could get started on the build for Stark Tower in New York. Pepper and Tony had managed to buy out some prime real estate that was within a couple of blocks of the Chrysler Building.
By the end of Jason’s fourth week in Malibu, not only had Jason decided to buy a hamster (a little black thing with a white spot on his back that looked like a bat if you squinted and looked at it sideways) named Batster the bastard hamster, and not only had they built the BEST hamster habitat for Batster that wrapped around Jason’s new room, it also went through the wall into the gym with extensions planned to go into the workshop. Jason’s new room had been a storage space previously, but Tony had quickly outfitted it with everything and anything Jason could need in the basement level. It became common place for Tony to wake up from where he’d fallen asleep in his workshop to the sound of Jason pounding on the punching bags. Tony was still putting the finishing touches on the androids for Jason to fight, but he wanted to reinforce and protect the circuitry and processing panels to make sure that Jason wasn’t able to completely destroy the things when he fought them.
The most surprising development of the fourth week, however, was that Pepper had worn Jason and Tony down enough to get them to agree to meet with a psychiatrist. The doc was more of a behavioral specialist, really. They had scheduled sessions with Dr. Patrick Jane on Tuesday and Thursday. They were allowed to have their sessions together, for emotional support as Pepper liked to say. Tony and Jason knew that that was a load of bullshit, but they couldn’t deny that having the other there helped. It also helped that Dr. Please-call-me-Patrick Jane turned out to be sassy and sarcastic as fuck.
The guy was good. Tony could admit that. Dr. Jane had a way of getting them comfortably talking and then somehow turn the conversation on it’s head and get them talking about some seriously personal and emotional stuff. Jason had really lost it in the middle of their first session, screaming at Dr. Jane about how he couldn’t know shit about what it was like to be killed by the Joker and then revived by a meddling immortal. The doc hadn’t batted an eye and just asked more probing questions that had Jason ranting it all out, going into every gory detail of his death at the Joker’s hand, and his resurrection, not even hiding the fact that he had been Robin. By the time he was done, Jason was drained and panting and all Tony could do was gently take hold of the boy’s wrist and draw him back down onto the couch they’d been sitting on for their session, and wrap an arm around his shoulders.
Tony had expressed with great severity after the session that if Dr. Jane ever dared to break Doctor-Patient confidentiality and speak a word about Jason to anyone, Tony would do everything in his power to ruin him. Dr. Jane had sworn he wouldn’t, saying that he saw it as an honor to help heroes like Iron Man and Robin.
Despite reassurances, Tony had JARVIS run a thorough background check on Patrick Jane and had his movements followed for the rest of the week to ensure that the man was genuine. It sure seemed like it, but Tony had JARVIS keep the surveillance up as a precaution.
Their Thursday session had been less explosive, mostly because it was focused on Tony due to the last one being primarily about Jason. Jason had no trouble helping Dr. Jane heckle information out of Tony. He even got Tony to talk about Yinsen, someone that Tony had refused to talk about, even to Tim. Especially to Tim. The guilt he felt about surviving captivity in Afghanistan at the cost of Yinsen’s life was still so overwhelming at times. He couldn’t go to sleep some nights because he wondered if he was doing enough good to make up for the bad his weapons had wrought. If he’d saved even a fraction of the number of lives his weapons had destroyed. If he’d even begun to tip the scale in a positive direction.
Unlike Jason, who tended to shout and express his feelings through the anger that the Lazarus Pit had left him with, Tony became quiet and contemplative. Where Jason was raging fire, Tony was still ice. He knew that he’d fallen into a melancholic quiet episode when Jason scooted closer and Tony was able to feel his warm living body budge up beside him, chasing away the cold night desert cave air and the cool touch of sleek machinery that he tended to dwell on.
By the end of Jason’s second month living in Malibu with Tony, the Pit-mares had become fewer, to the point that he was able to sleep most of the week without having a violent episode. The therapy and various physical outlets had really helped. Jason didn’t outright destroy the droids he was fighting either, and had even started to spar with Tony. Those were highly educational encounters for the man that left him battered and bruised in a good way whenever he did it without the Iron Man armor on. It had really freaked Pepper out the first time she’d caught him applying concealer over a particularly dark bruise on his left cheek he’d earned due to a moment of inattention during their morning spar.
Sessions with Dr. Jane still began with a “group” session for the first hour, but they now had individual sessions as well for an additional half hour; Tuesdays were Jason, and Thursdays were Tony. Jason had also started to work a part-time PA position for Tony at Stark Industries under the name Jason Peters. He was mostly getting coffee and running little errands during the day, but he was allowed to work as Tony’s assistant the days that were spent working in the R&D labs. It allowed him to socialize with other people who weren’t Tony, Pepper, Rhodey and Happy (who wasn’t so happy to hear that Jason had sort of taken over as Tony’s sparring partner). The point was, Jason was meeting new people and making sort-of friendly acquaintances. There was a particularly pretty brunette named Abby who doubled as both Pepper and Tony’s office secretary that he was particularly fond of. The woman was a firecracker and fun to banter with. She reminded Jason of Barbara Gordon.
Back at the house, Batster the bastard hamster had also gained a few new friends to join him in the monstrous accumulation of habitats and tubes that threaded throughout most of the basement level. There was Wingnut, a grey, black and white hamster, that enjoyed monopolizing the various wheels in the habitats; Penny, a dusty orange-grey hamster that was always hard to find because he liked roaming around through the tubes; Babster, a bright orange-red hamster who liked to kick Wingnut off his wheels and steal them for herself, and a small brown hamster called Tiny Nim who prefered to roam the tubes and habitat boxes that wound through the workshop because that’s where Jason and Tony spent a lot of their time together.
Yes, it seemed like everything was fine with Jason, but the real test came halfway through his third month in Malibu, when Tim Drake was coming over for a weekend visit after a rough mission with the Teen Titans. If Tony was worried about any possible confrontation, Jason couldn’t see it. He did notice, however, how excited and happy Tony seemed to be the closer it got to Tim’s arrival.
Tim arrived just after sundown looking exhausted as he pulled into the garage on a Ducati in dark civilian clothes with a large duffel slung over his shoulder. Jason kept himself out of sight behind a work table and it’s holograms, watching as Tony set down his tools and raced over to greet the boy. The bots were squealing quite happily as well, as they joined their creator in greeting the blood son of Stark. A bubble of jealousy flared briefly in Jason’s gut, but he squashed the feeling and began a meditative breathing exercise that Dr. Jane had taught him.
Watching them, it was amazing that Jason hadn’t realized before how much Tim and Tony looked alike when he’d been researching his replacement. Seeing them stand side by side, it was obvious. They had the same fly-away black hair (when the kid wasn’t gelling it down or purposefully spiking it up), eerily similar body language, and mannerisms. Yes, their eyes were different colors, and Tim had obviously inherited his mother’s cheek bone structure, but their short, compact frames were nearly identical from the way they held themselves to their bodies’ whip-cord frame beneath their unassuming clothes. Neither looked physically impressive, but Jason knew from experience that both man and young teen were capable of flipping someone on their ass.
“Hey Dad,” Tim sighed, his smile tired as he hugged Tony.
“Timmy,” Tony returned, cradling the back of Tim’s head, much like he often did for Jason after a Pit-mare.
Jason found himself more intrigued than angry as he watched the father and son update each other on their health and recent activities. Then he froze when Tony turned around and motioned him forward. Shit. Tim’s eyes practically bugged out of his head in surprise and his body went tense.
“Well…here goes nothing,” Jason muttered under his breath.
“What’s he doing here?” Tim asked softly. Jason was rather surprised that it was more weary than angry.
“Rehabilitating,” Tony quipped, “and as you know, he’s Jason Todd. Jason, this is Tim Drake, my Godson-slash-bio-son.”
“Huh?” Jason said, frowning in confusion. He knew about the bio-son bit, but Godson?
“Ah, yes, sorry,” Tony laughed. “Even though Timmy’s mother and I agreed that Jack Drake would be his dad, she somehow also managed to get Jack to agree to make me Tim’s Godfather so that I could have some tangible and legal part in his life, no doubt. She was sneaky and manipulative. You would have liked her.”
“I really doubt that,” Tim sighed. “Mother was a high society type. Though she thought it was sweet of Bruce to take in orphans, she didn’t approve of Dick or Jason because of their backgrounds. There was a reason she stopped bringing me to Bruce’s galas as I got older.”
“She thought they’d corrupt you,” Tony said, grinning. “Oh the irony . Jayce and Dickie boy have been corrupting you since Robin first took to the sky.”
Jason frowned, not sure what to make of that statement. He’d only met the kid four months ago.
“You’ll have to tell Jay the story of how you figured out the big bat’s secret and how you became Robin,” Tony said to Tim while smirking at Jason.
Tim glanced between Jason and Tony, his face was carefully arranged in a blank expression - like Bruce’s when he was still taking in a situation and wasn’t sure how to react yet - but the tension was still there in his shoulders.
Jason shrugged. “Whatever.”
“Granted, it’s not anything ballsy like stealing the tires off the Batmobile, but Tim was only eight-nine-ish when he figured Bruce out,” Tony mused in that way that was overly nonchalant and meant to get you interested.  …And succeeded.
“Kid found out about the Bat’s ID when he was nine ?” Jason asked. From his research, he knew that the kid was smart, and now that he knew that he was Tony’s it made sense he’d be smarter than most kids his age, but nine years old?!
“Eight and a half,” Tim mumbled, flushing slightly.
“Tell Jay what gave the Bat away,” Tony said, his smirk growing.
“...Dick has a very distinctive skill set, including a quadruple somersault. I saw him perform it the night his parents died,” Tim said. “Then I saw Robin perform the same somersault six years later. Very few people can execute that move and there was only one person in the world Robin’s age capable of pulling it off. So after figuring out that Dick Grayson was Robin, it was only logical to deduce that Bruce Wayne was Batman.”
It was quiet for a minute before Jason couldn’t help himself. He burst out laughing, startling Tim and making Tony beam proudly.
“So Golden Boy was the one who gave it away,” Jason gasped, having to lean on U’s chassis, he was laughing so hard. “And I suppose, baby bird, that after that, it was only logical that I, Bruce Wayne’s next ward, was the second Robin?”
“Yes?” Tim said, looking unsure and confused now instead of tense.
“Oh, that’s priceless,” Jason snickered.
“That’s nothing,” Tony crowed. “Wait till you find out how Timmy became Robin.”
And Jason found himself genuinely interested. He hadn’t cared before, because it hadn’t mattered how he was replaced. All he’d known about his replacement - about Tim - was that he’d begun his Robin training 2 years after he’d died. 2 years… That had seemed like less time than he’d thought it was fresh out of the pit. Of course, then, being Robin had felt like it was just yesterday. It was amazing the perspective he was beginning to get after all the time he’d spent these last few months with Tony (and talking to Dr. Jane).
Jason gestured to the grungy couch where Tony usually passed out for the night if he was on an engineering binge in the lab, and they settled down to listen to Tim (with some antecedents from Tony) explain how he became Robin. He wasn’t sure he believed Tim when he described how bad Bruce - Batman - had been after Jason had died, even after Tony pulled up injury and incident reports from the GCPD’s database during the two years before Tim began his training. He didn’t want to believe because he still had a grudge against the Batman - he’d admitted as much to Dr. Jane during his last private session. He did wish, however, that he could have seen the look on both Bruce and Dickie’s faces after learning that a scrawny 12 year old knew who they were. He even admired the guts the kid had for putting on Jason’s old suit and taking on Two Face. The guy was known for being one of most dangerous criminals in Batman’s Rogues Gallery for a reason.
“I… I never wanted to replace you, Jason,” Tim said softly as he finished his story. “But Batman needed a Robin. I know that I’m nowhere near as good or as strong as you or Dick, but… I could only hope… it’s all that I can ever hope…that I am good enough . That I can do the role justice. That I can give Batman the kind of support he needs now, that he got from my predecessors.”
Aw hell. Now Jason really felt like shit. Especially when his eyes caught sight of the shiny new scar on the kid’s neck. He’d done that. He’d done that to a fourteen year old boy who hadn’t deserved the brunt of his anger. His rage. Bruce and Joker, he could still blame - did blame - but this kid was innocent. And so naive, with those bright blue eyes that shone with that spark of hope he’d so often caught glimpses of in the mirror when he was that age because being Robin was amazing. When Jason was still baffled and amazed that anyone could want him, the neglected orphan child of an abusive asshole criminal father, a drug addicted mom, and a traitorous bitch of a birth mother.
And according to Tony, the Drakes had been neglectful too. They’d been gone for long periods of time and often enough that their tiny kid was regularly able to sneak out at night with little to no problem to some of the worst parts of Gotham just to take pictures of Batman and Robin.
Jason could just imagine him. A tiny little boy who looked like he was 6-7 years old instead of the 8-9 year old he really was in a large baggy sweatshirt that hid his camera, crouching behind chimney stacks, water towers, on fire escapes, and in tiny crevices just to get that perfect snapshot… so tiny no one noticed him if he held still enough, especially when shit was going down and eyes were only tracking movement. How many times had Jason missed seeing Tim, even when the kid was right under his nose?
“Don’t worry, Jason,” Tony said, “just think of it this way. Even though you never suspected anything for the two years you were Robin, just remember that Bruce had been completely clueless for nearly four years.”
That was actually a good point and it made Jason snicker. So much for the World’s Greatest Detective.
“Please tell me you still have some of those pictures,” Jason said, looking at Tim. “I bet you’ve got some really good ones.”
“Uh, yeah,” Tim stammered. “I moved all of the hard copies here last summer.”
Tony hadn’t stopped beaming the entire time they’d been sitting on the couches. He jumped at the mention of Tim’s pictures and went to a spot in the wall that Jason had never realized was a safe. They spent the entire night looking through the photos, even the ones Tim had been reluctant to show Jason from his own Robin days.
Listening to the kid and watching him talk as he described what was going on in every picture was very informative. The kid had an Eidetic Memory like Tony so he could recall everything going on in each shot, and remembered how he’d managed to take it. It helped Jason remember a lot about his time as Robin when they went over his pictures. It was easier for him to remember the good times he’d had with Bruce and as Robin. He could remember the utter joy and elation he’d felt the first time he’d flown and patrolled the streets. Tim had captured him on his first night perfectly, his grin wide as he crested the apex of a swing, Batman’s shadow a dark protective blur behind him.
“Thank you for showing me these,” Jason said, smiling softly as he picked up a picture of him smoking a cigarette while in uniform alone on a rooftop across from the police station where the backlit outlines of Commissioner Gordon and Batman could be seen in front of the lit Batsignal.
“Sure,” Tim said, smiling hesitantly as he began to put away the photos. “You can keep these if you want. I still have the negatives and can always make new prints.
“Thanks. And...I’m...sorry, Tim,” Jason said, handing the picture back. “I… You…”
Damn it. Words were failing him. What could he say? Sorry for slitting your throat? Sorry that I wiped the floor with you in front of your little team of super friends?
“We can always start over,” Tim suggested softly, smile still hesitant, and Jason hated that his eyes kept returning to Tim’s throat. To that scar. He’d done that.
“I can’t promise that I won’t hurt you again,” Jason admitted. “I’m… several different sorts of fucked up.”
“But you’re getting better,” Tony said, encouragingly.
“I’m still an asshole,” Jason huffed.
“So am I,” Tony snorted. “And I doubt therapy is going to fix that.”
“Therapy?” Tim repeated, his eyebrows shooting into his hairline.
“Yeah, Pep’s got us seeing a shrink every Tuesday and Thursday,” Tony admitted before quickly adding, “I’m only putting up with it to help Jason.”
“Sure you are, old man,” Jason scoffed.
“You’ve got him attending regular therapy sessions… Jason, I’m honestly wondering whether or not I should hug you right now. I’ve been asking him to seek some sort of psychiatric help since he returned from Afghanistan,” Tim said.
“Hug him anyway,” Tony said. “Jayce needs as many hugs as you do and Dick’s not here to supply his personal brand of comfort.”
Jason and Tim both made a face at that.
“Still a hugger?” Jason asked. Granted, he hadn’t been on the receiving end of many Grayson hugs, but he’d seen how much of a cuddle monster Nightwing was from observing Dick and his team.
“Like an octopus,” Tim groaned. “It would be nice if he weren’t so…”
“Clingy?” Jason snickered.
“I was going to say opportunistic, but yeah, that too,” Tim laughed.
“He hugged me every chance he got after my mother passed away, and he’s started up again, now that my father is awake from his coma and is preparing to move out of the hospital,” Tim sighed.
“Speaking of Jack, how is he?” Tony asked.
“Frustrated,” Tim sighed. “But is promising to be a better and more attentive father this time around. He’s moving us out of Drake manor and into a Brownstone that’s more handicap accessible. He’s currently in a wheelchair and will be unable to use the upstairs, meaning that it’s all my space for now.”
“Must make it easy for sneaking out at night to patrol,” Tony mused.
Tim hummed in agreement and as the two continued to talk more about Jack Drake, his condition, and the pretty physical therapist he was seeing, Jason tuned the conversation out and watched Tiny Nim pater through the tubing that ran along the back shop wall. Wingnut was on one of the wheels again in the habitat above the minibar and it looked like Babster was thinking of kicking him off. Again. DUM-E and U whirred fretfully when she did, but it make Jason chuckle. And apparently regain Tim and Tony’s attention.
“What’s so funny?” Tony asked.
“Babster kicked Wingnut off a wheel again. He’s totally sulking,” Jason smirked as he watched the two hamsters he may have named after Dick and Babs.
“Oh my God, are those hamsters?! When did you get hamsters?!” Tim cried.
“They’re part of Jason’s pet therapy,” Tony explained.
“Are not,” Jason scoffed. “Batster, maybe, but the others are totally your doing, Tony. You’re the one who said he must have been lonely.”
“Batster?” Tim repeated, looking like he was torn between laughing and being appalled.
“The Bastard Hamster,” Jason said, shrugging.
“Who may or may not be named after a certain bastard bat,” Tony added.
“Oh my God,” Tim laughed, sounding a touch hysteric - clearly on the verge of losing it. “Do I even want to know what you named the others? Just how many do you have?!”
Tim ended up near tears he was laughing so hard when Jason told him their names. He felt quite proud of himself. His replacement wasn’t so bad after all.
Author’s Note:
So this chapter was really emotionally draining for me to write at times (hence why it's taken me so long to post it). I have a lot of love and sympathy for Jason Todd's character, so I really wanted to give him that chance at recovery. If he came off as too OC, I apologize. I didn't want to make his recovery seem too easy, so that's why the chapter didn't stop after Tony gets Jason to agree to come out to Malibu, even though that was what I'd originally intended. That and I wanted Jason and Tony to grow close again and to give Jason and Tim a chance to meet outside of Gotham and being Red Hood and Robin. I hope that this chapter was believable and kind of fun (the hamster thing came out of nowhere). Because I want this to be a happier Batman and Avengers verse, Jason and Tony are getting the help they need. I really love the bond that has developed between these to characters and with Tim's.
Next chapter will be a little more happier (I hope) and go back to the sort of playful mood the earlier chapters of this fic. Cassandra Cane and Stephanie Brown are going to make their appearances soon and the hijinks promise to be a lot of fun. Granted, I don't know much about either character (having only seen them in the Red Robin comics and read other reader's interpretations of them in fan fics) so I hope to do at least an adequate job, but they will probably end up OC. :P Any advice and info you guys can tell me about the characters would be great, guys.
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drv3imagines · 7 years
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Maybe we will, would you be happy if we did? Well here ya go :3. I’ll even write ya an intro just cuz. (Throw me into the void because gosh golly this is a long post)
Okay. You can totally handle this game. You were not a baby McChicken face or whatever nonsense Miu was spouting. So in order to keep your sense of dignity, you were going to play or else forever live with that degrading name. As you took up your spot in the circle of shame and regret, your crush did too. What were the horrible odds that you and him would be in the other room together as the bottle spun around and around finally slowing down to…crap… 
Rantaro Amami 
* Hoo boy is he pleased. 
* His outside reaction is pretty calm, but internally he is trying to calculate the best way possible for your experience to be a memorable one. 
* While he’s mapping out his master plan, he notices you’re a bit shaky on the way to the other room. 
* Okay, he couldn’t be that bad could he? Well… there was one other possibility. 
* Your shyness. The class was very much aware of how shy you were and this situation probably wasn’t going to make it better. Maybe he should– 
* “A-Amami?“ 
* Oh wait, that’s right. How much time did he waste trying to figure out stuff? 
* After his first attempt in calming you goes terribly and you back away thinking he was trying to make a move, he figures it’s time to abandon calculation and deal with this situation instinctively. 
* So he did what he does best. Chill out. 
* The enclosed space was perfect too, without any distractions or certain classmates making things awkward. 
* By the end of your seven minutes, you don’t wanna leave, this guy is like an expert at making anyone feel welcome and relaxed. 
* You still can’t believe you spent seven whole minutes alone with your crush! How cool! 
Korekiyo Shinguuji 
* It was the perfect opportunity for him to watch the beauty of humanity unfold in such a provocative game. 
* How would a not so ordinary high school student react to being subjected to isolation with another individual at random? 
* True beauty would be unveiled as they returned and questioning would ensue for sure. (Korekiyo that’s not how this works…) 
* But when he realized you were the one he would be paired with he couldn’t help but to feel more pleased about this whole thing. 
* He was aware of your shyness, so how he would be able to coax you into performing well under pressure would all depend on his methodology. How riveting~ 
* However the task proved to be harder than he first thought. 
* It was quiet. Almost painfully quiet due to the heavy atmosphere, but he had a plan. 
* If he wanted you to perform for his study he was going to have to act first. 
* “Reader-san, did you know that shyness is simply a byproduct of the world around us and that it is simply the mind defending itself from endless improbable outcomes?" 
* …okay? 
* "I am aware that you are worried that our time in here may cause you a life time of endless embarrassment. But I believe that you should merely focus on what is necessary for you. Allow the world to be a byproduct of what you are, wonderfully and beautifully made. And if you can remember that all of the pressure you feel will subside." 
* Yeah, but how? 
* "By first allowing yourself to be fully immersed in what makes you you. In other words, as it is most commonly stated, be yourself. But I suppose if you absolutely need the approval of others to let that happen, I will be your first patron, simply because I appreciate the beauty of who you are…" 
* How sweet– 
* 7 minutes over. 
* Okay, so you didn’t really get far, but now you feel a bit more confident, especially since you know Korekiyo is going to support you! 
Kaito Momota 
* Dreams really do come true~ And with such a cute partner! 
* Kaito was over the moon (Mod Tojo: /shot). 
* You, on the other hand, were a train wreck. 
* There was no way you could go through this, even the name calling that would result from backing out didn’t seem so bad at the moment. 
* That is…until you actually became isolated with Kaito. 
* "Hey, Reader, how does one astronaut on the moon tell another astronaut that he is sorry?" 
* What could have sparked this? Was he trying to apologize to you somehow? Maybe you were overthinking the situation…he hadn’t done anything that needed an apology. If anything– 
* "He Apollo-gises!" 
* Then he just kind of cracks up at his own terrible joke. 
* You kind of just stand there like…where did this guy come from? 
* He doesn’t even take notice of your confusion before going on to another bad joke. 
* "Oh, but this one’s a really good one! Okay, so one day Jupiter comes down to Earth and helps these two criminals plan a bank robbery. Anyway, they both got caught and after the judge sentenced the two earthlings to fifteen years behind bars, Jupiter was a bit shocked to get arrested and handed a ten year stretch himself. And he says ‘But your honor. I didn’t even take part in the robbery!’ And the judge then says–this is the hilarious part!– ‘Yes, but you did help them Planet!’” (Mod Tojo: /shot) 
* That one earned him a small chuckle at least. But more at the fact that you two were playing Seven Minutes, and here he was telling really bad jokes. 
* This continued for the rest of the time until you were laughing so hard you started to cry. 
* You were pretty nervous at the start, but Kaito made the experience much more enjoyable. 
Kokichi Ouma 
* “Oooohhh, Reader-chan~ looks like we’re going to be alone together with seven whole minutes!~ Better make them count, right?~ >:3c" 
* What could be better than spending seven minutes with this cute, adorable, dictator who was determined to tease you into the next lifetime? Oh, right the sweet release of death itself. 
* But remembering the name-calling you’d get from Miu and Ouma if you chickened out seemed to be your motive to follow the guy to the next room over. 
* As soon as the door shut and the timer started, he’s already invading your personal space leaning very close to your ear. 
* "Awww is Reader-chan getting nervous because the great Ouma has graced their presence? Don’t worry~ I know exactly how we should spend the rest of our 6 minutes~" 
* You’re starting to get worried, but as soon as he says it he doesn’t make any more strange advances, in fact, he backed off completely. 
* He’s still wearing that sly smirk of his, when you realize exactly what he was doing. 
* As Ouma picks up a chair, he looks to you expectingly. "Well are you gonna help me set up for our big prank or are you just gonna stand there with a red face?" 
* … 
* Let’s just say when Rantaro came in to let you two know time was up…he was not exactly pleased with Ouma’s little surprise for him. 
Shuuichi Saihara 
* Was this really a good idea? 
* Two shy kids playing a make-out game. Honestly, the results would be boring, so no one really expected much, rather it would be disappointing even. 
* Well, that’s what everyone else thinks. 
* Shuuichi didn’t want you to be disappointed in his lack of skills, but there was no way he could kiss you! What if you didn’t even like him? But you were shy too! But that doesn’t mean shy people don’t find others boring? 
* He’s so lost in thought he doesn’t even hear the first time you stutter his name. 
* "S-Saihara-kun!" 
* Oh no! Does that mean you actually want to do something? 
* He starts to apologize, but then he’s spouting out a bunch of different apologies about how he’s boring and you were better off having a different partner to be paired in this game with. 
* "A-actually…I don’t mind…um…" 
* You kind of trail off, leaving him somewhat relieved. 
* So you didn’t hate him…there was still a possibility…even a slight chance that maybe he could start a friendship– whoa there Shuuichi don’t get too ahead of yourself. 
* With the little reassurance you’ve given him, he starts off an awkward conversation hoping you’d play along until time ran out. That way you wouldn’t be bored with him. 
* And he was right, the two of you have good chemistry and found out you have a lot in common, like being really shy… 
* When time is up, the two of you don’t stop your conversation there and it would appear that you two are even friends. 
* Let’s be honest here, robo-boi (roboi, Mod Tojo: /shot) hasn’t the slightest clue of what is happening. When the bottle is aimed at him, he calmly gets up and copies the pattern he watched his other classmates had done many times before. 
* He was curious about your actions though. 
* Why were you shaking as if you were cold? Were you cold? 
* "Are you cold Reader-san? I am able to generate from my body and service you as a reliable heat source!” (so precious) 
* Um not really… 
* “Ah, I see. Then should I begin the process of messing with your hair? I noticed some of our other classmates having disheveled looks, and because I do not wear clothing, I propose we should have your appearance reflect them as well." 
* Wh-what???? 
* Kiibo has anyone explained this game to you? 
* His expression goes blank for a second and his antenna ahoge kind does this weird movement before he goes completely red and he’s hiding his face. 
* "I apologize if my actions were inappropriate! I wanted to ensure full participation." 
* Aw, poor guy just wanted to play along. 
* Of course, you weren’t going to suggest making out or whatever else your classmates did in here, but you decided it would be somewhat safe to just talk…to your crush…*gulp* but Kiibo needs you right now! 
* It’s really awkward but you finally decide to ask a generic question, which gets him to shyly start talking more about the topic you chose. 
* Soon enough the time wound down, and the two of you were booted from the room. 
* "I am glad to have experienced this with you, Reader-san. Perhaps the next time we engage in this activity I will be better prepared." 
* Yeah…perhaps… 
Gonta Gokuhara 
* Another clueless boi. 
* But he acts as a gentleman and helps you to your feet as you are led off to the next room over. 
* Once settled, you curl up into a ball on the floor, trying to make yourself as invisible to him as possible. 
* Obviously that doesn’t work, however, you were not expecting him to ask: 
* "Is Reader trying to be a centipede? Can Gonta try too?" 
* …what? 
* "Oh, sorry? Gonta noticed you were rolled up on the floor and he though you were trying to be a centipede." 
* But aren’t rollie pollie ollie bug the ones that roll up? 
* "Oh, Gonta knows that one, but they aren’t really bugs." 
* Really? 
* He spends the rest of the time educating you on the differences between certain insects and those that can be mistaken and are actually something else. 
* Like the rollie pollie. It’s actually a crustacean, kinda like a crab… (Mod Tojo: yeah I don’t get it either) 
* This discussion draws out until Kaede comes in to check on you. 
* And just as he had before you two entered the room, he assists you off the floor and leads you out of the room. 
Ryoma Hoshi 
* How did he get sucked into this game to begin with? 
* Who plays a game with a murderer??? 
* He isn’t complaining about it aloud, but he’s annoyed and worried that…that, that right there! He would somehow get paired with someone! 
* For seven whole minutes he was going to have to confront the shame of being a criminal locked in the room with an innocent student. 
* He wasn’t going to say anything the whole time…but he should at least– heck no. 
* Even if you were cute, you were still clean and had a good record. No way he was going to taint your reputation even if it was for seven minutes… And as soon as they were done he was out. 
* "Hoshi-kun?" 
* Oh great, you were trying to approach him. 
* "Look kid, I’m sorry I got your hopes up and all. But don’t expect much from me. I’m just the trash who’s been known to hurt others who got too close. So let’s just try to keep it at that and you’ll be safe." 
* You look down at the floor and scuff the bottom of your shoe along the ground. "I-I don’t think th-that of you…" 
* He didn’t say anything so you figured you’d go on. 
* "You actually…seem pretty cool…" 
* "There ain’t nothing cool about being a murderer." 
* "You did a bad thing…sure, but that doesn’t mean you’re a bad person… I get that sometimes…um…we get so caught up in our actions that we lose ourselves…but you’re still trying…and I’m glad for that at least– I'vetalkedtoomuchsorry!" 
* … 
* The rest of the time was spent in silence, and when Shuuichi comes to retrieve you two, he’s the first one out of the door. 
* A few days after the game, you find a blank note at your door. 
* Flipping it over you can see a rushed note scrawled: ”Thank you.“
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