#and yesterday I watched the society of the snow
daincrediblegg · 7 months
I love you wilderness survival stories. I love you breakdown of social order that gives credence to what truly matters in the face of the wild untamed and unknown. I love you exposure of colonialist imperialist and capitalist hubris and christian morality. I love you stank and stubborn bitches who absolutely refuse to fucking die against absolutely bleak and incomprehensible odds completely against the will of the horror they have witnessed at the hands of mortal men and at the hand of forces far beyond their mortal means to control. I love you. Never change gorgeous <3.
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rainsofcamelot · 8 months
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goodoneguys · 29 days
I wrote a poem (as todd?? sorta kinda) a couple weeks ago after I watched dead poets society for the first time (it took me like 20 minutes)
I was so close to you yesterday
Now you're gone and all your tears have washed away
Today has come and gone
And you're no longer here
All my deepest thoughts have come true I fear
Tomorrow will be hard for me I know
Seeing your body buried in the snow
When all my hope was lost
All our friends gathered near
They grabbed me by my chest and said “he’s still here”
When I go home tonight
To pity in my plight
I will see you there
Sitting in you chair
I will wave you over
So please come over
It’s a cold winter night
And I need you by my side
I was so close to you yesterday
Now you’re gone and your presences starts to fade
Tomorrow will come and go
Like you were never here
But I never will forget you my dear
I also posted this in the Dying Poets Society community a few hours ago
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tigris-types · 3 months
Yesterday, @starbiology posted that in cannon Neopets lore, Dr. Sloth arrived to Neopia and started creating experimental lifeforms on the empty planet. These lifeforms started to mutate into the Neopets we know today after magic was introduced, and then faeries were later discovered. Faeries are seen as immortal being and on the Neopian Times, Queen Fyora is often used as a stand-in for god. This means that our timeline is Dr. Sloth experiments - magic arrives - Neopets appear - deities/faeries appear.
I think it's safe to say that's deities are created by belief, and in the world of Neopia, "believing" can affect the weather and magic. So Neopets believing in a persona that controlled a force created the faeries, but where did magic originally come from? For that, we look to the stars.
Aishas are a unique neopet as they are the only one that can be painted alien. In their lore, the alien color was actually the original aisha, but they lost the additional ears when they adapted to life on Neopia. Aishas also have phychic abilities and a tie to the mystic arts; they are magical beings.
I propose that alien aishas brought magic to Neopia and created the faeries. Here's how I imagine it happening:
Alien aishas are explorers of the galaxy who come from a matriarchal society. They pray to their patron of stars and safe space travel Mira to guide them on their journey. They have discovered a planet that can sustain life just on the edges of their explorable range. The aishas send a small crew to check it out, but unbeknownst to them, it's under the watch and protection of Dr.Sloth.
He doesn't want anyone messing with his planet wide experiment! He found the planet first! It's his! So he shoots down the incoming ship. The aishas are able to make it to their escape pods and land on Neopia.
But how could this have happened? Were they too far away from their home planet for Mira to protect them? If they were truly out of range of the deity of space travel, could none of their gods help them now? Did they need to pray to new ones? No! That's blasphemy! Accidents happen, they should send out a rescue signal and wait.
So they do. But they find the planet full of hostile lifeforms, monsters of every shape, size, and color! And every time a rescue party gets near to the planet, it gets shot down in a similar manner. They assume it's something in the atmosphere that is breaking up their ships, and they loose faith in their old gods. Dr. Sloth meanwhile leaves his moon base to go investigate where all these ships are coming from as Mira looses her power as the Neopian aishas loose faith in her.
The colony of aishas are trying so hard to survive the monsters. They don't know the deities of the world they are now inhabiting, but they know how to be respectful to them.
They pray to the Mother of Protection so they can fight the monsters at their doors, and a battle faerie comes to aide them.
They pray to the Mother of Survival when their rations and supplies run out, and so a faerie with a cooking pot appears to teach them what can be combined to create something greater than its parts.
They pray to the Mother of Medicine in the winter when they start to fall ill from the cold. So a faerie of healing and snow appears to help them, and disappears when it's spring.
The faerie of survival tells them about neggs, and when they find a fruit that contains all their nutitrial needs, they praise the Mother of Neggs, and a faerie appears to tend to the negg bushes so the aishas will always have something to eat.
And although they have lost faith in their old gods, some rituals still carry over. Losing a tooth is still considered a great milestone that must be honored. The Mother of Milestone is manifested as the tooth faerie that gives money in exchange for teeth, but these aren't the nerkmids that they use as money. Could their be other civilizations on this planet?
As the aishas start to explore the planet to find other civilizations, they take their beliefs with them. They thank Mother Earth for soft grasses, shady trees, and protective caves. They thank Mother River for fresh water and Mother Ocean for a safe seafaring journey, and they thank both for the bounty of fish. They thank Mother Air for fresh breezes and to keep them upwind from the monsters. They thank Mother Fire for keeping the monsters away, and Mother Light for keeping their spirits bright.
But mothers can also be mean and nasty, and mothers can be cruel. They attribute the monsters and their hardships to Mother Decay, a spectral shadowy faerie that lives in our nightmares and can corrupt our minds until we become the monsters attacking our friends.
The aishas know they need protection from Mother Decay when they go to sleep. They need a force in the darkness to help keep them safe from the nightmares when no other mother can reach them, so they pray to Mother Dark for sweet dreams and sanity. Mother Dark may not always be nice, but she will do what no other mother can and make it so we can brave the night.
As the aishas expands, and new faeries start to appear in their settlements, things been a little hectic. No new civilizations have been found yet, and while their own has been more established, these faeries cause just as much help as harm. Magic is a new force that is altering the landscape, but they need it to make sense! Some have even claimed to find a land made out of jelly for faeries sake!
So the leaders pray to the Mother of Order and the Mother of Faeries. "Please" they say, "Please control your children so we may have order in our lives again" and Mother Faerie appears. It manifests as the Queen of all faeries and all must listen to her. Queen Faerie, no, Queen Fyora, whisks the most unruly faeries away to Faerieland so the Aishas can have peace again.
But with the Mother of Order and Civilization making an appearance, civilization is also brought to the monsters that have plagued Neopia. Everywhere the floating city goes, the monsters turn into the Neopets we know today. They start worshipping the faeries too, and the faeries' power grows. The world turns.
Monsters still exist, as the faeries can't solve every problem, but the aishas have neighbors they can trade with now. Some of the monsters can even be tamed and trained for pets or for jobs!
As Neopian society grows and thoughts and feelings change, new faeries take on the mantles of older ones. Faeries become a species of their own and can form relationships, although no one really knows how new faeries are created. They believe they have always been there, and their belief makes it so. Queen Fyora is thought of as the oldest faerie, and their belief makes that true as well. (Eventhough she is technically the youngest of the ancient faeries, but she is the only ancient one who remains in modern Neopia) (Besides Mira and maybe Kari, but idk)
Other notable faeries and how they came to be:
Library Faerie - Mother of Knowledge
Soup Faerie - Mother of Kindness - the current light faerie took over from a faerie with unquie wings that wasn't meeting the community's needs
Bree - Mother of Quests (when society became more modern, neopets got bored and prayed to be given more involved quests than just simple fetch quests, so Bree spawned and created Key Quest)
Kaia - she spawned as a kid, so idk what she would represent. A daughter of Culture perhaps? She can see into the future, so maybe she is the deity of Time who is in training?
Honestly, Kaia confuses me. But I hoped this made sense of how the faeries came to be! I also went for the mother angle to explain why all of them are female. Please let me know what you all think of this!
Oh yeah - faeries can die if no one believes in them, but if their domain is still needed, then a new faerie takes up that same domain. As a side note, that might be why Kari has an apprentice now. Neggs aren't as obtainable as they used to be and are pretty expensive, but they are still useful. Neopians opinions of Neggs are changing, so there is another faerie to represent the current generation of Neopians' thoughts on Neggs.
Same thing with Delina. Modern Neopians know that dark faeries aren't automatically evil, but they don't know what they can help with that isn't evil magic, so a good crafty dark faerie spawned. All dark faeries are crafty, but Delina is DIY crafty instead of magic crafty.
Thank you for reading! I know this was long but it was fun to write, and please excuse any errors as this was written on my phone. Also, please let me know your thoughts on this! If you agree/disagree or if their is some ancient lore that needs to be incorporated in this!
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tmntkiseki · 6 months
Actually, going back to yesterday's topic of TMNT 2003 and it's lack of romantic subplots with the turtles themselves, I think this is the part where I mention that TMNT 2003 actually came into my life at just the perfect time?
So a little over a year ago, I ended my first serious relationship as an adult. I don't like talking about my ex too much even now, but we were together for over five years and after the break up, the next several months were spent stewing in a boiling pot of rage, sadness, and regret. I wanna say all my negative feelings towards my ex and our relationship peaked during May - July 2023 and didn't simmer down until around autumn, which coincidentally was about when I started watching TMNT 2003. (I'm also convinced that a lot of the stress from the breakup led to some of the minor-yet-concerning health problems I've been dealing with over the last several months, but I have no way of proving that.)
One of the big problems is that, at the time I broke up with my ex, I tended to watch/play a lot of romance-focused media. Under normal circumstances, I'd still be able to regularly engage with a lot of the shows and video games I normally do without being becoming a bitter ball of anguish. Unfortunately, within a couple of months of breaking up with ex, games I used to love like Rune Factory 4 Special or shows like Snow White with the Red Hair became absolutely unbearable play/watch because of all the negative feelings I had towards my ex. If a love interest wasn't reminding me of my ex with certain...behaviors, I was looking at a relationship onscreen and thinking to myself "Why couldn't we be like that?" It was a nightmare.
Fast forward (lmao) to... god, when did I start watching TMNT 2003? I wanna say I started watching it either late August or early September? The pipeline of how I ended up watching TMNT 2003 is a weird one, but there were a couple of things that stuck out to me when I first started watching it. For starters, even though it was a Western cartoon, there were certain quirks about it that reminded me of the anime I usually watch (namely the fight choreography and being so heavily plot-focused rather than episodic in its storytelling) and I found myself gravitating towards it because of that alone. And I just love the characters. The turtles themselves are incredibly well-rounded with their own strengths and flaws, and the supporting cast and antagonists make the world feel very alive and lived-in. (I personally can't get over how half the time the turtles aren't even attempting to get into trouble; they usually just end up walking into the plot of the week purely by accident.)
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But besides that, as I mentioned in my other post, even though there are a couple of romantic subplots in the show, most notably the April/Casey one that spans pretty much the entire series, the turtles themselves never end up entering a serious relationship with anyone. The closest we ever get to romance with one of the turtles is Don's one-sided crush on April, which was never going to go anywhere on account of her being an adult and ending up with Casey, and I wanna say the crush is almost entirely dropped by midway through Season 3. Beyond that, the turtles are never shown becoming physically attracted to anyone and all their important relationships--Splinter, April, Casey, Klunk, Leatherhead, Honeycutt, Sydney, Angel, the Professor, the Justice Force, Traximus, the Daimyo, Usagi, Gen, Renet, the Ancient One, the Acolytes, Cody, Serling, and Starlee--are all strictly platonic. And you know what? That's okay by my book.
It is a fact that society regularly insists that the key to happiness is finding your One True Love and places more emphasis on romantic relationships than platonic ones. I personally don't want to die alone, but at this point in my life, I don't need a romantic relationship to be happy--in fact, I think being in a relationship would just complicate things when I'm still getting my shit together as is. When you look at Leo, Raph, Don, and Mikey within the context 2003, I cannot recall a single moment where one of them complains about how their status as a one-of-a-kind mutant turtle means they'll probably never land a partner and as far as I can tell, they seem perfectly happy as is. They have each other, they have Splinter, April and Casey are there too, Klunk, all their other friends--really, what would giving one of the boys a love interest do for them? The answer; not all that much, honestly. In fact, I feel like the risk of giving any of the 2003 turtles a love interest far outweighs the reward.
Now, mind you, I don't think it's impossible to give one of the 2003 turtles a serious love interest--in fact, I have a lot of thoughts about how it could be done right--and that it actually would be something worth exploring in a reboot/sequel series that'll likely never happen, but again, I don't think that TMNT 2003 suffers for the lack of turtle romances and is perfectly fine as is. 2003!Leo, Raph, Don, and Mikey are very lovable characters and are able to have fulfilling relationships without any of them being romantic in nature and I think that's a good message to send to people, whether you're a young kid or a grown adult. Romance is great, but so is a crushing bear hug from your three brothers, your rat dad, and the two humans you adopted.
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acheronist · 7 months
tagged by @majortomwaits 🖤 mwah!!!!
nine people I'd like to get to know better
last song/album: deep by peter murphy.... 🚬
favorite color: black / burgundy / butter yellow
sweet, spicy or savory: savory, generally, but i do have a terrible sweet tooth which has often lead to my downfall
last tv show: umm, oh iwtv 2022! i wanted to rewatch the mardi gras episode yesterday. for mardi gras. laissez les bons temps rouler etc etc
last film: i genuinely think it was society of the snow... which actually makes me a little sad, i used to constantly be watching films, and now i'm like Does it suck. Will it make me feel hopeless about the future. Does it seem horrendously insincere. and if any of those get answered with a 'yes' i just skip over it completely. i think i've seen three movies so far this entire year
last thing i looked up online: laysan albatrosses
relationship status: despite my best efforts , heartbreakingly single. BUT at least i am not in a relationship with someone who ignores me and wastes my time, which is ultimately the better position to be in, even though i do feel a bit pathetic on this particular valentines day
current obsession: thee lost franklin expedition... part of my resolutions this year was to keep track of my obsessions and fixations to see how long my interests last but for every week so far, the entry has just been "😔🧊🥩❄️🥫🐻‍❄️⚰️⚓️🌨️. still."
@zaegreus @ratcity @miffyghost @hexgh0ul @olympianbutch @saintfitzjames @jirving @aucupariascupa @bridglars
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super-ion · 7 months
Such Lovely Fur
[chapter 1]
Chapter 2
“I don't even know your name!” I gasp over breakfast.
The demon blinks at me in surprise from her corner of the shallow cave that we shared the previous night. She is hunched over the carcass of a rabbit and I watch in morbid fascination as she plucks out the heart and pops it into her mouth.
“You… do have a name, don't you?” I ask.
“Aye,” she responds as she chews. “But I have yet to meet a human who can pronounce the language of my people.”
“So, what do I call you?”
She narrows her eyes at me as she swallows.
“Why?” she asks cautiously.
“If we're going to travel together, I can't just keep calling you ‘the demon’ can I? I am afraid I've been terribly rude and you have been…”
I run my fingers through the fur on my arms, taking a moment to marvel at the softness as I have many times in the night.
I realize that she is watching me with a bemused expression and I force my hands to my lap.
“You have been nothing but helpful,” I finish with a blush.
She raises an eyebrow, knowing full well that she had been nothing but crass and mischievous the entire time.
“Well… when you put it that way…” she says with a smirk. “I suppose you may call me Rook.”
“Rook?” I ask. “Like the bird?”
“A very fine, upstanding bird,” she says.
I have some doubts regarding that assertion, but who am I to judge?
And… having asked for hers, propriety dictates that I give her mine.
“I am Astra,” I say.
It likely is not very good practice to tell your name to a demon, but seeing as I have already entered a bargain with her, what harm could it do?
I pack my meager supplies and together we step out into the chill. The blizzard has momentarily paused its relentless onslaught and the air sits silent and heavy on the landscape. The air is still unnaturally frigid, but with my new coat, the cold doesn't bite quite as deeply.
“May I ask you a question?” I ask nervously as we set out.
“You just did. But yeah, go ahead and ask another.”
“You asked me yesterday if I was a man or a woman or something else. What else could there be?”
She narrows her eyes at me, searching my confused expression.
“A person can be any number of things,” she says, “both or neither or something else entirely. Take me for example, I'm whatever I feel like on any particular day. Girl today, but maybe tomorrow I feel different.”
I gawk at her.
“I've… never heard of such a thing.”
She furrows her brow.
“Alright," she says. "Let me ask you something. You were born a boy, were you not? Surely your society tolerates such things?”
“We are an enlightened society,” I say. “But a man is a man and a woman is a woman and it would not be proper to force someone to be something they are not. As is customary for people of my station, upon my sixth and twelfth birthdays, I was presented with a choice between male and female. I chose female as dictated by my inner truth and I was raised as such. I was given a woman's education to fulfill my proper role in society. Sometimes someone doesn't know until later in life, but there are policies in place to accommodate such a thing.”
“How… quaint?” she says with a look of genuine bafflement. “And your whole entire identity is tied up in rigidly defined gender roles imposed by said ‘enlightened’ society?”
I open my mouth to respond, but close it again. she is right.
“Tell me, is it a woman's role to rescue her husband-to-be from a witch?”
The barb lands home and I stiffen. I knew that having this discussion with a demon would be a mistake. I should have heeded my own advice and avoided this topic entirely.
“Do you even want to marry him?” she presses. “Because you have told me of the desires of your society and your family and your bridegroom, but you have told me nothing about your own desires.”
“What I want is inconsequential,” I say, more sulkily than I intend.
She looks at me with something very much like pity, but she holds her tongue for once.
We continue on in sullen silence, me trudging through the snow, her fluttering overhead between rocky outcroppings and stunted trees. The path narrows, traversing treacherous switchbacks and finally entering a narrow ravine.
It is just past midday when the fears that have crept their way into my consciousness are realized. We come around a bed in the ravine only to find that a landslide has blocked the way.
I stare at the rubble and the sheer rock walls in dismay. There is no way I could possibly climb this safely. I could attempt it, but for my efforts, I would receive bloodied fingers at best and a broken neck at worst.
“I could ask for wings?” I suggest to Rook.
She makes a pained face.
“Yeah, you don't want wings. My cousin once gave a man wings. He screamed in agony for hours. First I would have to break all of your ribs and your sternum and your arms and your-”
“Okay, I got it,” I grumble. “Maybe you can carry me?”
“No can do,” she replies. “I can only grant you boons to help yourself. I can't do the work for you.”
I sigh. I know where this is going.
“So, you're saying I need something to help me climb.”
“Something like claws?”
I look at my hands. The fur is something I can manage. Claws will be much more difficult to hide. Will my betrothed even accept me if I arrive to rescue him with the claws of a beast?
I shove the thought aside. Of course he will. He has to, doesn't he?
“Fine, let's just get this over with,” I mumble and close my eyes.
I feel the jolt and this time the magic takes the form of an ache in my bones. Despite her prior warning, I let my mind wander elsewhere, desperately seeking solace from the discomfort.
My thoughts wander to when I was a child, and my mother took me to a zoological exposition. I remember being fascinated by all of the strange and exotic animals, but one in particular held my attention more than any other. I must have spent an hour staring at that leopard, captivated by the fluid ease in which it moved, leaping and climbing within its enclosure. I remember trying to imagine such a creature in its own native environment, unconstrained by the bars that caged it. The idea of that freedom stuck in the back of my mind like a splinter for years afterwards.
When the transformation ends and the ache fades, I survey the changes with a weary sigh. My hands are now very nearly paws, more animal than human. My feet are even more so, as I discover when I kick off the shoes that now dig into them uncomfortably. I flex my fingers and toes, watching in fascination as pale, razor sharp claws emerge.
Rook is staring at me. I am expecting smugness, but her expression is uncharacteristically stricken.
I then become aware of the strange weight on my backside, and sensation where there should be none. Dread settles into the pit of my stomach as I crane my neck and pull up the hem of my dress to look at a tail covered with the same spotted silver-grey fur as the rest of me.
I glare at Rook.
"You gave me a tail!?" I shout.
She raises her hands placatingly.
"No... I mean, not on purpose..."
My tail begins thrashing behind me in agitation, the alien feeling of its motion bringing me to tears.
"How am I supposed to hide this?" I demand.
"I didn't do it," she insists. "This was not at all my intention."
"What do you mean, you didn't do it? It was your magic!"
She gasps indignantly, fluffing up her feathers to appear larger. She thrusts a clawed finger at me, pointing accusingly.
"Yes, but you are the one to will the change. Your imagination got away from you, didn't it? What part of ‘try not to think’ did you not understand?"
I am now quivering with rage. I flex my new claws, feeling them emerge and retract dangerously.
"My imagination? You're the one who gave me leopard spotted fur in the first place!”
“That also wasn't on purpose,” she pleads. “But you do have to admit-”
I've heard enough. With a snarl, I pounce at her, catching her off guard. I make contact and she goes down with a squawk.
I find myself on top of her, my paws pinning her shoulders, my face inches from hers as I bare my teeth and snarl menacingly. She stares up at me, panting slightly. When she does finally recover from her initial surprise, her expression doesn't shift to fear, but something altogether different.
“My, what big teeth you have,” she says with a sultry voice.
It is enough to cut through the fog of my anger and I clap a hand over my mouth as I roll off of her.
What on earth had come over me? It was completely improper for me to have lashed out like that. It went against every lesson in etiquette and decorum I had ever been given.
And to make matters worse, my canines are longer.
What am I going to do??
“I will say that was quite a pounce, little cat,” Rook says as she dusts herself off. “As I was saying before so rudely being interrupted - you have to admit that tail of yours will come in quite handy for balance on the climb. I do believe that you have just proven that exact point.”
I stop feeling at my teeth with my tongue and look back to my tail once more. The pounce had been effortless, fueled by instinct more than anything else. She is right of course. I would need all the tools at my disposal to face this obstacle.
The only problem is my dress. I flick my tail experimentally, watching and feeling as it snags against the fabric. The fine material is already frayed and ragged from my journey so far and it surely will not fare well against the jagged rocks ahead anyway.
“Turn around,” I tell Rook.
She cocks her head, and watches as I unsling my pack.
“Please?” I add belatedly.
She smirks and turns her back, giving me a modicum of privacy as I strip down to my small clothes. My chemise is still far too long to be useful, so I am regrettably forced to tear wide strips off of it until it is scandalously short. But… liberated from my dress and wearing naught but my leggings and a makeshift tunic, I feel… I feel…
Rook is staring at me. Her eyes glitter hungrily and she smiles her sharp tooth smile as her gaze traces up the shape of my legs.
My face heats, but I hold her gaze as I shove my cloak into my pack. It will only get in the way and within the relative shelter of the ravine it is hardly necessary with all my fur.
Unfortunately the dress will take up far too much room and will thus need to be left behind.
I am surprised to find that I do not care.
I sling my pack over my shoulders and look at my paws. I flex my claws and meet Rook’s gaze once more. I flash her a toothy grin before quickly turning and making a running leap for the boulders that block the path.
“Hey!” she shouts after me and I hear her begin to flap her wings.
But I'm already scrambling across the rocks. My claws find purchase where my fingers never could. Some deep primal instinct brought on by the transformation tells me where to place my paws, how to orient my tail to best balance my leaps and navigate narrow precipices with feline grace. Soon my heart is thundering and my lungs burn, each breath coming out in a great cloud.
I have never felt so alive.
I crest the top of the rockfall when Rook’s shadow falls over me. I pause for a moment to look back at her, a great dark shape blocking out the sun. I am briefly captivated by the way the light refracts through her feathers. I have to admit to myself that I have caught myself admiring the powerful muscles in her shoulders and chest that power those wings.
She starts to dive, sailing over me smooth and deadly.
I return my attention to the slope and make my next leap. In my descent, I find myself on all fours more often than not. It just feels right in a way I cannot put into words.
I reach the bottom just as Rook flutters to land atop a stray boulder. She studies me with a gleam in her eyes.
“Not bad, little cat,” she says with a grin. “Not bad at all.”
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I watched Society of the snow yesterday and it is a great film, extremely respectful to the victims and survivors, the crashing scene will be engraved in my brain forever, the actors were exceptional.
But I couldn’t stop thinking about triple frontier cos of the Pedro brain rot. I just repeated non stop in my brain
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“We cannot fly over the fucking Andes, man”
I mean this is a very documented and well known plane wreck, how the fuck they thought they could fly tons of money over the fucking Andes and be alright is beyond me and then donate EVERY DIME, I will never be over how stupid that is. Anyhow I will continue to watch the movie till the end of times just for Pedro’s performance and those tight jeans Oscar Isaac wears just to refresh my obsession from time to time so it is even more delicious to spend hours on here reading fics better written than any published novel I’ve read in a long time.
To end this weird post:
Watch society of the snow for a good film watched triple frontier for the reasons above
Avoid flying over the Andes
Continue to write those amazing fics and if you haven’t started go for it
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mikelogan · 8 months
im trying to watch more new (to me) movies this year, partially bc letterboxd is so fun and partially bc there are so many movies i want to see but i just keep rewatching the same stuff. anyway, yesterday i watched his house (3.5/5) and society of the snow (5/5) and this morning i watched bodies bodies bodies (2.5/5) and i see you (2/5). im also trying to write at least a little something for a review bc my memory is notoriously shitty and i'd like to at least be able to look back and know my general thoughts on what i watched lol
anyway, here's my letterboxd
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lantur · 1 year
Dropped off the face of the earth for a while, but I'm back! @wind-on-the-panes came to visit and we spent 10 days together doing excellent things.
We watched The Descent and Everything Everywhere All At Once. Both very different movies, and I loved both. EEAAO was emotionally hard hitting and compelling, and The Descent was great horror! I loved seeing a horror movie with an all-women cast, and I'm always a fan of horror with a good setting. The underground cave setting was great, and the interpersonal drama played so well with the horror.
We also played through the Scarlet Hollow visual novel, which is also great horror. 4/7 episodes have been released, and it's just such a good story with so many characters, plot threads, and mysteries. Every episode gets better. (We also played through the demo for the Slay the Princess visual novel, which looks frightening, disturbing, and intriguing!)
We watched What We Do In The Shadows, the movie, and the first season + the first few episodes of the second season. The movie was one of my faves, and I like the show 30000 times better. I'm obsessed. Derek and I have continued watching it :)
Other highlights: massive shopping sprees at the thrift store and the secondhand book store, visiting the Somali mall for henna and food, and visiting two art museums! We also went to one play at a local theatre together a couple of weekends ago, and I went to one play on my own last weekend. Derek and I used to go to plays all the time pre-Covid, but I haven't been to any local theatres since 2019. It felt SO good to be back supporting the local theatre scene, since it's one of my favorite things about living here.
Other other highlights: I got to have a lovely dinner with @broomchickabroom on Thursday night :) Yesterday I finished reading one of my favorite books of this entire year and perhaps one of my new favorite books ever - The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. I ADORE this book and I recommend it to anyone who is interested in historical fiction and the epistolary format, and anyone who likes humor, romance, and having their heart warmed.
Derek and I had a cozy and relaxing Friday night last night watching Abbott Elementary and WWDITS with Westin, and listening to the rain (before the rain turned into snow). Over the past few days, I've started doing yoga at night before bed vs. in the morning, which I used to do for months. I'm really enjoying this before-bed yoga routine.
It's a new month, and I've set my goals for the month around writing and other things like recipes, fitness, and managing my mental health and stress levels. I had a terrible time with anxiety around mid-month, but my mental health has been a lot better for the last 2 weeks, which is a huge relief. :)
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ughgoaway · 8 months
cookie anon, I watched society of the snow yesterday and it was so good!! thank you for the recommendation my love, I hope they win all the awards they're nominated for!
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dearpirates · 7 months
15 questions for (not quite) 15 friends!
I was tagged by the lovely @bizarrelittlemew and it made me so happy! Thank you 🥰
ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? Not at all, my name was like the most common girl's name in Finland, the year I was born.
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? Yesterday, actually. I watched Society of the Snow and it was a big beautiful cry fest.
WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED? I'm not very sporty, never have been. I used to go to the gym and some various classes like yoga and pilates, but these days I just go for walks.
DO YOU USE SARCASM? Nah, what's that?
WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE? I think clothes, and hair. And the general face area.
SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? Happy endings for sure! I don't do scary movies.
ANY TALENTS? I don't know? I guess knitting quite fast, drawing (to some extent)? Baking, I'm told.
WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES? Knitting, doing art, going for walks, baking, cooking, weaving.
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? No, I'm not allowed pets in my flat.
HOW TALL ARE YOU? 169cm / 5'6.5"
FAVOURITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? Art, always. and math at high school level.
DREAM JOB? Turns out I'm not made for jobs... but if I was to have one, I'd love to illustrate children's books.
Tagging... gosh, I can't think of 15 people 😅 I'll just tag my usuals: @honeybeelullaby @sussexbound @morgendaemmerung89 @mylastvow @writingfanficsfan @alexaprilgarden @loveinthemindpalace @bakingsherlycakes @folkyfaery @geoffreydromgoole and @inevitably-johnlocked ❤️ No pressure, just if you guys want!
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lindsaywesker · 2 years
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. Happy Hump Day!
Yesterday’s lessons were really enjoyable! My students are a lot of fun to teach. However, my afternoon was ruined by the 271 bus which failed to turn up for an hour. Out in the bloody cold, waiting for a bus for a whole hour! Killed my vibe and virtually froze my bits! When I got home, I was very cold and needed a stiff drink. I had a large slug of Wray & Nephew (in Coke) which, as you know, has heating and healing properties. Actually, it was a little more than a double shot so, by the time dinner was served, I was warm inside but dizzy! I always obey my body. I needed some alcohol. Not wanted, needed!
Amazon have cut their ties with idiot boy Jeremy Clarkson, who has now written a grovelling apology to Harry & Meghan, like that’s going to make any difference! Posting racist and misogynistic violence is not on! Back in the day, that would be defined as treason and Clarkson would be in irons in a dungeon, awaiting execution but, because it was a black woman, who cares? I’m not even sure how keyboard warriors get away with openly insulting a member of the royal family but, because it’s a black woman, who cares? If this is ‘free speech’, one has to question how helpful it is.
And, on the same day, we learn about ‘Bastard Dave’, a 48-year-old policeman called David Carrick, who has now confessed to not one, not two, but 49 sex crimes, including 24 cases of rape. Protect and serve? Who feels safe? Like Clarkson, Carrick is a misogynist. For some reason, he hates women. We know this because many of his sex crimes involved him urinating on his victims. I am struggling to understand how a man can hate women so much. Does he feel threatened? Does he feel intimidated? It feels as if some men need Women Lessons. It feels as if some men need to be taught what role a woman plays in this society, and how they need to be cherished, loved and protected so that – duh – future generations can exist!
The weather is so depressing, I keep looking at the forecast to see what’s coming. I’m pleased to say I can’t see any snow forecast and, in the next few days, it will creep up a degree at a time. Monday will be the positively balmy seven degrees! One of last term’s students is Icelandic and went home for Christmas. I saw him yesterday and he said the temperature plunged to minus 18! I will never complain about the weather again.
We’ve been putting off watching the final season of ‘This Is Us’ because we knew it would be very emotional. Yes, we know the final season aired last year but we’ve been building up the courage since then to watch it! At the end of the working day, we usually want something that will make us laugh but we’ve wanted to complete the ‘This Is Us’ story because it’s such an exceptional piece of television. It really ranks up there with things like ‘The West Wing’. By this evening, we will have watched the last episode and, as expected, we’ll probably both be in a fairly tearful state.
Many thanks to everyone that enjoyed the live broadcast of Too Much Information Tuesday. If I can work it into my routine, I may be able to do it every Tuesday at 7.00 a.m. I don’t think anybody believed that the blue towelling robe existed, well now you know it does!
Have a wonderful and well-endowed Wednesday. I love you all. Yes, a crazy, bald man loves and cares about you.
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dietraumerei · 2 years
Weekly Update
It’s bitterly cold outside and we got a bit of snow and I *ought* to go check my mailbox but I kinda buggered my feet up hiking/breaking in new boots yesterday. Also I ought to be making cards and wrapping the family gifts (I am unspeakably grateful that I get a quiet Christmas at home this year!), but I am very happy curled up in my chair playing Stardew Valley and maybe finally writing some fic. (The new Bike Girls story aside, I haven’t much felt like writing lately, tbh.) It’ll get done eventually! Meantime, I am happy to turn up the heat and watch the birds fluff their feathers up to stay warm.
I finished The Kaiju Preservation Society which was a great quick little read; I was delighted that it seems like it was about as much fun to write as it was to read. An excellent palate-cleanser all ‘round.
I also finished The Fellowship of the Ring which hits different now, a good 10-15 years after I last read it. I don’t care what JRR insisted, WWI drips from every word now that I know something about the context. Even the Shire is so clearly that pre-war romanticized England; the long shadows on the cricket grounds and all that. I had not realized what a beautiful, sad, elegaic book this is, and I’m so glad I’ve come back to it. I’m excited to see how I come to the other books in the series, now that I’m a good bit older and everything that goes with it. It’s such beautiful writing.
(I am also -- very slowly -- watching the Extended Editions, and while the book is like taking a long drink of water, the films just make me cry, I love it.)
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vitaminwaterreviews · 9 months
Agust D - Agust D
I haven’t done a proper hip hop album yet, so this was a cool experience. It’s obviously intended to be more lyrical than melodic overall, and learning about the background of the album feels kind of essential to understand what’s going on. So, if you’re gonna listen to this album, definitely check out the Wikipedia page first.
I think I liked the experience. I certainly enjoyed a lot of the songs, and I like the picture that the album as a whole painted. I’m not convinced by the musicality of it; I don’t think I’ll end up listening to most of these songs ever, I really had to pay attention to the lyrics to appreciate them. But a couple of them were enough that I’ll be able to enjoy them without the lyrics. Plus the last song was actually SO good. Overall rating of 7.9 but… I would kind of take that with a grain of salt. I’ve never listened to another album quite like this, so I have nothing to compare that score to, really. I think a rating of 7.5 would be more appropriate.
- So, funny story here. I never intended to listen to anything Agust D, ever. But then earlier this year, for like two weeks straight, D-Day was everywhere I looked. It was all over kpop reddit and it was all over kpop youtube and so when it finally came out, the Haegeum MV was recommended to me literally everywhere. And so I caved and watched it, and I liked it enough to listen to the album. So I saved some songs from D-Day, and that was all. Then yesterday I was like “I should check out his other titles,” so I watched Agust D and Daechwita, and I loved them. So now I’m gonna go through their respective albums and see what I can see!
Also holy shit I just opened up Reddit and the first post on my reddit is “What is being said in the beginning of Agust D?” from 8 minutes ago. If that isn’t a sign then idk what is lmao
Intro : DT sugA
Haha yep, here we go
The repetition of “STD” is funny. Like, is he aware of what STD means in english? Surely. But also it’s a pun, he’s Suga from TD. So he is STD, and also Agust D. Wordplay!
Also maybe I should watch lyric videos for these songs, considering it’s mostly rap…
8/10, I do tend to rate intros and interludes highly
Agust D
The MV is so cool. Like, it’s not just trying to be cool: it IS cool
He’s actually such a good rapper. Like I just love the way that words sound when they come out of his mouth
Lyrically, it’s kind of what you’d expect. “I’m great and you’re dumb, fuck all the haters, I’m a real rapper and way better than you too”
8/10. Very good, fun, but I want a bit more from it
give it to me
Woahhh the bell
Also this bass
Also this beat
I love the laugh
(I’ll probably be typing a Lot less because I’m spending more time looking at the lyrics)
Oh lol is this literally a skit?
Omg it is that’s so funny
Bro two orders of ribs? Oh I guess if it’s for both of you
Omg he’s totally breaking the 4th wall
“Yankie hyunh” lmao
Okay wait, do I even rate this? I guess I should
9/10, really really cool inclusion, fits the theme of the album well.
Bassy, alright
He keeps referencing bang si hyuk, that’s neat
So far this album seems to be more lyrical than anything, but I’m not totally convinced by the musicality of it. Maybe I’d rate it higher if it was in English, but also, I know what he can do. He’s got more levels to go from this.
140503 at dawn
Lol he’s moaning like
Oh he’s typing
The Last
Do you hear that bass drum?
We do appreciate rapping about mental health issues
Tony Montana (feat. Yankie)
Ohh it’s Jimin? That’s neat
It’s snowing outside! Pretty
Interesting soundscape
Who tf is Tony Montana then?
“A fictional character and the villain-protagonist of the 1983 film Scarface”
“Embodying the possibility of a person rising from the bottom of society to the top, Tony Montana has become a cultural icon, as well as one of the most iconic film characters of all time.”
6/10 tbh. It’s FIne but definitely my least favorite so far
Interlude : Dream, Reality
Ok, a bit more mellow now are we?
8/10, solid interlude, fit the album, and a nice break from all the intensity
so far away (feat. SURAN)
Oh, we’re ending mellow too
Nvm, we’re ending powerful
Love the guitar solo too
I really don’t know whether to rate this a 9 or a 10. It was so so good. And I genuinely can’t think of anything it could’ve done better, so…
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notyour-valentine · 2 years
Michael Gray x Milf!Reader ~ Headcanon
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Note: Too long ago @sonichkkaaascreams snowed into my inbox with the idea of the Shelby!boys x Milf and I do still have an idea for a multi!part series in the back of my mind, I didn't want to keep her waiting so I will publish both this and one for John, Tommy and Arthur. This is my first time writing for Michael!
I do not consent to my work being translated, copied or posted elsewhere on this platform or any other. This hasn't been beta'd so I apologise for typos or mistakes. Here is my Masterlist
Warning: As I am an adult, all my writing I share is unless explicitly stated for adults (18/21+). Expect canon confirming tone, language and depiction of violence. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. 
Request: @sonichkkaaascreams
Wordcount: 530
Tommy had known you forever and trusted you to fill the position in Boston Ada had vacated upon her return to England
He offers good pay and perhaps a change of tapestry will do you good and so you take your boy and move across the sea. 
There is a nice house with a cook and maids, and a beautiful garden, with flowers and trees and gardeners to keep it all in line, and a shiny new car, with drivers to take you wherever you want, just waiting for you - provided by Tommy Shelby
At first, life in Boston is terribly exciting, both for you and your son, but no matter what, you miss home a little
So does Tommy’s young cousin Michael who had been sent over too, to watch over this side of the Shelby Company’s business
He is younger than you and ought to find the whole city and the high society girls in it just ripe for the picking, but you can’t miss his unhappiness, nor how he, instead of nursing a hangover, prefers to sit at your dining room table for sunday breakfasts with you and your son
Or how he would rather take him (and you) to a baseball game than to go dancing in the city
You don’t mind - he is a decent young man and is good with your son
Once, when you felt like he had been wasting his time at your house instead of going out and enjoying his youth, he confessed that he used to have a brother and that he missed it, missed playing football in the garden until his trousers were green and dirty, missed having someone to motivate for all sorts of mischief, missed having someone look up to him
The three of you take lots of trips around America during the holidays to see the country, from the east coast to the west, from the Niagara Falls to the painted facades of New Orleans, the Rocky Mountains or the silver screes in Hollywood
You weren’t born yesterday and so you soon noticed his lingering eyes that were followed by lingering touches on your back or on your arm, nor the way his legs would brush against yours, or how he’d pull you in for dances
At first you are incredibly reluctant, because he is so young, and because you fell like it shouldn’t last. He is just lonely in America, and perhaps you were too
And yet, he was handsome and charming and witty and he made you feel so…glamorous
And consequences, whatever they may be, were far away in England
Why should you two not enjoy yourselves?
So that was exactly what you did, all over the shiny house Tommy had bought you, all throughout the young, wild country Tommy had sent you both to
He had spent the night before the crash in your arms so you were right there when he was called home
You thought that meant that whatever you had was over, after all, it was just a bit of fun, right?
But only when it was time for him to leave, did you realise that Michael had no intention of stopping your affair, in fact- he had nothing but the opposite on his mind and all of the sudden all those possible consequences you thought far away and out of reach became very real indeed
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed!
@lilyrachelcassidy @jyessaminereads @watercolorskyy
@books-livre @chlorrox @quarterpastmidnight
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