#and you also enjoy being a little bastard man. one of the scenes that endeared him to me was def the rules reciting though. legend
llycaons · 2 years
I think personally the minute I knew I liked wwx was very early on in the show...like in ep one when he stopped time (somehow?) and stole the peanuts and then was like ugh these suck. he just immediately had a lot of personality and his mischief and carefree nature was so starkly juxtaposed to the previous scene we saw him in that he was very intriguing to me. and he was a scamp...I love a scamp
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gillianthecat · 2 years
Watching The Eclipse episode 5
~ they got everyone anxious about Ayan's photo last episode and then they deploy it immediately... as blackmail... but adorable blackmail. That was cute, The Eclipse, good job.
~ I like that they've put the prefects in these more relaxed athletic outfits as a visual parallel to Akk starting to relax about strictly enforcing the rules. It also makes them look more mature than the shorts & jacket student uniform.
~ ... doth protest too much, etc.
~ this teasing conversation about the picture 💗The way these two look at each other. Their little half smiles.
~ "you bastards, do it in sync!" The metaphors in this show are not subtle. But it works somehow.
~ the mystery hands reappear. The person enforcing the "curse"? Oh no!
~ the relief on Akk's face that the judo teacher won't turn him in. I'm paying more attention to the subtleties of First's acting now, and he's amazing. This is my first watch since seeing him in Not Me, and he so totally unlike Yok here.
~ Akk's vulnerable position as a scholarship student is now text and not just subtext. Ayan looks surprised, I guess he didn't know. Is he reevaluating Akk's reasons now? He's a smart guy, it seems like something he might get right away.
~ I appreciate that they did not waste their limited budget on bruise make-up and just used bandaids. I'm being serious - I think they've been very clever about using their money as effectively as possible for the story they want to tell.
~ what did Akk want with Teacher Chadok? Report the theft? While he's in this in between stage it's harder to figure out his motivations. (Probably it's hard for him to understand them too.)
~ gathering the whole class to talk about the stolen notebook? I wasn't expecting that. I can't tell if this is a good thing - students starting to unite against "the curse" - or a bad one - invading Ayan's privacy.
~ who is asking this question about the notebook? Is that Namo? what is your deal, mystery man?
~ Again, Kan is the one bring up the curse
~ was that a passive aggressive little dig from sweet Thua? I love it!
~ Akk is worried about Ayan 💗💗
~ I love that they have "their" spot now. Oh, but Thua is approaching Ayan. I can't read Akk's expression here. Jealousy? Glad that Ayan has other support?
~ vague unformed thoughts about Ayan and earbuds and sleep...
~ ah, it is jealousy. Don't walk away Akk. He always wants to see you, even if he's still mad. (Is he still mad? I can't tell.) I'm guessing mostly he's grieving the loss of a piece of his uncle and worried about what's going to happen to his mission now.
~ and both our nervous closeted prefects are jealous.
~ oh my god, my heart leapt when he took his hand! I was not expecting that. I feel like I'm experiencing Thua's emotions right now. This whole little miniature scene! So much in like 30 seconds. I could write pages on it alone.
~ oh, puppy's pouting cause he misses Ayan too.
~ I don't understand why everyone is wearing these track suits all day, but they all look hot in them so 🤷🏻‍♀️
~ and I could write another million words on this Akk-Ayan scene. Very full. No condensed reaction available.
~ aww I like this comic relief moment with the sprinkler. Perfectly timed. Ayan is so endeared by Akk (and his wet white t-shirt, I'm sure, lol)
~ there's also a lot going on in this scene with the hoodie, but my initial reaction is mainly squeeee! This hoodie business is adorable! The tension! Plus I always enjoy a shirtless First.
~ i get you Ayan. If Akk was constantly staring at me with that wide eyed expression of startled awe I would fall in love with him too.
~ there's been focus on this custodian before. Is he going to turn out to be significant?
~ they've shown Akk doing laundry twice now. Something I haven't noticed a character doing before in a Thai bl. (Maybe it happens and I just haven't seen it). But I feel like it subtly emphasizes his class position. Plus a great chance to show him communing with his crush's clothing.
~ "Why does it have to be you?" Oh man.
~ Thua's asshole stepdad is an asshole. But I (genuinely) appreciate the nuance of making him a sarcastic asshole.
~ so far we're mostly getting scenes of the three visibly queer activist kids in the periphery, through the eyes of our main four. Which is an understandable focus for storytelling, but I'm also interested in their story (hmm, vague unformed thoughts comparing this to Not Me's focus on the activists as main characters)
~ tying some individuals' queerness to the reputation of the whole school (only a vaguely formed thought so far)
~ I like that we keep discovering new spaces around the school this episode. It a) makes the world building feel more real, like this is a full place, and b) I think reflects the way our main characters mental worlds are expanding.
~ interesting that we began with a scene focused on the school rule of no phones and we keep seeing our main characters using their phones. Is something going to happen?
~ oh, babies. Oh Thua. He is using is voice in the only way that feels safe to him.
~ ooh a mystery. My first thought was Bruce Wayne is Kan of course, but than I remembered we're in the middle of a mystery story so it could be something else
~ Wat! Opening up to the teacher. 😀 It feels like he was so ready to open up about this, just needed the gentlest nudge. And Teacher Sani is a rebel, but we knew that already.
~ all these scenes with Akk and Ayan are so full and complex I can't do a quick reaction for them. Flirting. Connecting. Grieving. Plot happening.
~ I love that they're using this same setting of the red mats for a conversation now instead of a judo match.
~ aww, baby Akk had a crush on the head prefect. And seemingly had no idea that it was a crush 🥺
~ Given the rest of this episode, I feel like this pool scene must an intentional highlighting of Ayan's wealth and the class difference with Akk. And probably also an excuse to show him shirtless and wet, lol. (also I've been recently thinking about pools as a symbol of wealth.
~ political stuff (and curse stuff) - I have unformed thoughts but it's all too complex for my quick reaction post.
~ yay! More time hanging out with the activist kids. And I appreciate how this set-up frames Akk coming in as clearly the bad guy. They're not trying to soften what his role is at this point in the story.
~ Namo, Namo, Namo. You mystery man. Who are you and what is your role in all of this?
~ I asked to get to know these activist queer kids and they delivered within thirty minutes. 🥰 and I love them and their courage and hope.
~ oh fuck! oh fuck?! oh fuck. Has it been Ayan Akk this whole time? Shocking and yet also not. And that would fit everything we know so far, I think. Or he's he just being the "curse" now, in desperation? He couldn't have stolen the notebook, after all
~ I think the last scene's shift to be from the activist kids' perspective really works to set up this new perspective on Akk's character.
~ wow what an ending. And again next weeks episode looks full.
I'm about to go unblock the tags now, and I'm excited to read everyone's reactions and theories and see your beautiful gifs and screenshots!
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whoree321 · 3 years
the bad batch + what romance/rom com movies they watch with you
each of the bad batch x gn!reader
ok first and foremost i really truly believe to the pits of my soul that every single one of these fuckos loves romances and you cannot under any circumstances change my mind
ALSO it’s a gender neutral reader except kinda in echo’s theres like a very brief quote regarding breasts but like i still think even that is pretty gender neutral tbh
so anyway
Hunter: Pretty Woman
this is not the first time that i have publicly declared that i think hunter has a deep rooted connection to the movie pretty woman and it will not be the last
first of all this movie is incredibly soothing to hunters overwhelming savior complex
second of all hunter is literally richard gere (debonaire but emotionally distant gentleman that learns to love) and julia roberts (hooker with a heart of gold) at the same time
he was a little skeptical the first time you put it on but he instantly fell in love with it
the humor, the sensuality, the class divide, the glamour, the unconventional cinderella story of it all. it just really butters his bread
after the first time, when you suggest watching a movie and you pick this one he’ll act very aloof about it (“whatever you want cyar’ika, it doesn’t matter to me”) but secretly he’s really really happy bc it’s one of his favorites (you def know this and def pick it more often)
he absolutely hates the scene when stucky the lawyer hits vivian. like it doesn’t matter how many times he watches it he will fully turn his head away from the screen and say “I don’t like this part” and when it’s over he nuzzles a little closer into you and very tenderly kisses your forehead
he loves the soundtrack too. like he fully exposes how much he likes the movie when you catch him singing or humming “pretty woman” or “it must have been love” absently to himself (you kept it to yourself for a while but eventually you just had to tease him about it. he just smiled a little sheepishly and admitted he liked the songs before promptly changing the subject)
hunter also lowkey definitely wants to recreate the ending where richard gere shows up to her apartment in the white limo with you bc he thinks it’s such a sweet gesture and he wants to treat you like royalty
Crosshair: 10 Things I Hate About You
if there’s one thing about crosshair it’s that he’s a sucker for the enemies to lovers genre
maybe its just him projecting (spoiler alert it most certainly is) but he really enjoys watching the drama conflama of a miserable bastard be tricked into love
and really that’s the true essence of 10 Things I Hate About You
he will grumble and bitch and moan about not wanting to watch a ‘chick flick’ when you put it on, but 15 minutes in and he’s hooked
he has strong negative opinions on literally every single character except for kat and patrick
(crosshair really really wants to think he’s patrick but when it comes down to it he is katarina stratford in every single possible way)
he doesn’t say a word throughout the entire movie but you can tell when he’s annoyed at like bianca or cameron or joey bc he will openly scoff at them
will absolutely hum along in your ear during the “can’t take my eyes off you” scene and make out with you during the paintball scene
(seriously he wants to be patrick verona so bad)
when it’s over and you ask him what he thought he’ll roll his eyes and say “i guess it could have been worse” but his little smirk let’s you know he enjoyed it a lot more than he’s willing to admit
Tech: 50 Shades of Grey
ok hear me out on this one
tech is a huge movie talker. like subtitles are a non-negotiable if you wanna be able to take in any of the movies dialogue bc tech is most likely gonna make commentary over it the whole time
this makes him absolutely indescribably so much fun to watch bad/corny movies with
he will go off about EVERYTHING. the plot, the dialogue, the acting, the costuming, the music, the production quality. nothing and no one is safe. whether you just enjoy letting him talk at you or you join in on the roast, cheesy movies are a hoot between you two
and honey. 50 shades is one of THE cheesiest movies ever
you and tech will literally spend the entire duration of the movie tearing it to shreds
and the thing is tech is a very sarcastic, funny guy when he wants to be (and when it comes to you he definitely wants to be) so by the end of it he will have you in absolute stitches from laughing at the ridiculousness of both the movie and him
with any of the other batchers watching a movie like this either turns into a shy, slightly awkward experience (wrecker, echo) or an incorrigibly horny experience (crosshair, hunter)
but in this context tech literally has no shame or squeamishness about sexual things (why should he it’s a natural biological process?) so to yall the sex stuff is just another thing to roast
literally christian grey could be fully tying dakota johnson down and flogging her and tech will be like “in the last 3 minutes they have panned up to her nipples 4 times. this is criminally shoddy cinematography”
even tho he’s busy giving a detailed play by play critique, he never fails to keep some sort of physical contact with you (wrapping an arm around you and running his hand up and down your skin, playing with your fingers or your hair) so you know he’s enjoying spending this time with you despite his nasty words about the movie
also 1000% after you watch it tech will do extensive research on the ins and outs of bdsm and will have lots of hypotheses he wants to test out (as long as you’re willing and able ofc) ;)))
Wrecker: 13 Going On 30
of all the bad batch members, wrecker is the only one who unabashedly loves any movie that could be considered a chick flick
like he doesn’t even try to hide it or act like he’s too masculine for it. he loves romance and he’s proud of it
this man will have full marathons with you. rom coms, regular roms, tragic roms, hallmark roms, you name it and he’s game
his absolute favorite tho is 13 Going On 30
i feel like he has a huge soft spot for childhood best friends to lovers stories like he finds that type of lifelong partnership so endearing (and he loves to live vicariously through jenna since that type of romance was obviously never an option for him)
wrecker is also very childlike at heart and i think the idea of a 13 year old sweetheart trapped inside the body of a 30 year old cut throat magazine exec is so amusing to him (and maybe makes him feel just a little bit represented in the media)
he is definitely the type to completely engulf you in a cuddle for the entirety of the movie and he DEFINITELY cries into your shoulder at matty’s wedding when jenna is crying on the stoop with her dream house
he wants to try razzles so bad. like so bad. i think if he ever came across them somewhere he would barter at least one of his brothers for them
wrecker really just loves love and watching movies about it just reminds him of how lucky he is to have his own love story with you <3
Echo: The Princess Bride
i feel like it’s glaringly obvious why echo loves this movie
pirates. sword fighting. decades long revenge plots. the value of an honorable, loyal man. true love that never wavers even in the face of devastating tragedy and the darkest of hardships. clever but goofy humor.
echo considers this an action/adventure movie and NOT a romance movie (even tho it 100% totally is a romance movie) and requests to watch it very frequently
he can quote the whole thing. i’m seriously telling you echo loves the princess bride with his whole chest
even tho he refuses to admit it’s a love story above all else, he really does try to model himself in your relationship after wesley
like especially given what happened at the citadel and all the time you thought he was dead, the cinematic parellels are alive and present in y’alls relationship and he strives to be even half the man to you that wesley is to buttercup
literally in your day to day life he will sometimes respond to your requests with a smooth “as you wish ;)” (it doesn’t matter how many times he does it it still gives you butterflies)
when you watch the movie, he snuggles as close to you as possible and does his best to make youre comfy the whole time (he’s insecure about his prosthetics hurting you no matter how much you reassure him they don’t)
he just loves to be able to feel your heartbeat and your laugh when you giggle at the funny bits
every single time without fail at the part when buttercup is about to stab herself he leans down, ghosts his lips against the shell of your ear, and whispers the line in time with wesley: “there’s a shortage of perfect breasts in this world. it would be a pity to damage yours”
every single time without fail you wind up making out until he pulls away and tells you to watch the next part when wesley challenges humperdinck to a duel to the pain
echo just loves you to bits and wants you to know he’d endure a thousand fire swamps for you
Omega: Clueless
i have this really specific obsession with omega being a total girly girl and having very traditionally feminine interests as she keeps experiencing the universe and being exposed to a spectrum of gender expression beyond clone (masc and boring) and kaminoan (ugly)
so with that headcanon of her in mind, it’s vital to me that she sees clueless as soon as possible
clueless is an essential piece of media for a girl entering adolescence and i will die on this hill
it has literally everything you want and everything you need to develop into a well-rounded young woman
it’s so deliciously 90s and glamorama and valley girl humor and camp. its got meaningful female friendships and valuable life lessons and paul mf rudd
if there’s one thing you should encourage a burgeoning hetero teen girl to do, it’s to stick to dating guys like paul rudd in clueless. the earlier this message can be broadcast the better
the second you’re able to steal omega away from hunters watchful eyes (“hunter we’re just gonna watch finding nemo i swear!”) you show her this movie
at this point omega is not really a girly girl, but omega also has absolutely zero feminine influence in her life
the first time she sees clueless she is absolutely obsessed. like seriously she is so enamoured with the glitz and glam of cher horowitz
she asks you questions the entire time. she wants to know about EVERYTHING. the makeup, the clothes, the hair, the slang
(she definitely goes around saying stuff like “i’m totally bugging” for long enough afterwards that almost all of the boys have slipped up at least once with some ridiculous valley girl slang. you thought you were gonna die of laughter when you overheard tech say “as if!” to wrecker in the middle of an argument)
it just really introduces her to this whole world of femininity that she didn’t even know existed and she absolutely loves it
she makes you watch clueless with her seriously once a week at minimum. she begs you to style her hair like tai’s and you can’t help yourself when you happen to run across a little yellow plaid dress and buy it for her on sight
(hunter was gonna scold you for recklessly spending credits until he saw how omega almost cried from how happy she was for the gift)
honestly she enjoys the romance of it all and paul rudd is def her first celebrity crush but she enjoys more that you and her now have this special thing of hair and nails and pretty dresses
she loves how confident and beautiful and special you’re able to make her feel, and you love that you get to bring her that small sense of normalcy and happiness
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qyllenhaal · 4 years
God’s Face in the Fire || Part 1
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Dark!Lee Bodecker x Dark!Reader
Summary: A wife who would do anything to give her husband the world, even if it means getting herself involved with his trouble.
Word Count: 10.3k
Chapter warnings: dark themes!!! contains mention of assault, murder, non-graphic death scenes, sexual themes, oral (m receiving), smut, brief mentions of possible infidelity, misogyny, uncomfortable situations. Please heed the warnings!!! 18+ only
A/N: Sorry for the bad summary, I’ve never been good at those! This first chapter doesn’t include an awful lot of Lee but the next part will be very Lee heavy! There will only be two other parts for this mini-series, maybe another or so if I extend my ideas.
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The baby she held on her hip just would not stop crying. Tears stained her own eyes as she felt at her ropes end looking at her baby's red face. Nothing she had done to make her baby feel better was working. When Y/n stared at her small face, the one that looked so much like her father's, she searched for a clue on what could be the problem. All she got back was a look of anguish. She wondered if her daughter's eyes mirrored her own emotion.
"What's wrong baby? What's wrong?" She asked as if she was genuinely going to get an answer from her. Her soft voice didn't assuage the baby's cries. What baby doesn't love the sound of their own mother's voice?
Y/n tried stroking her little girls back to calm her, tried feeding her, burping her, changing her, and putting her down to sleep but all of those things failed miserably. Her daughter continued to scream her little lungs out. The tears were beginning to dry up, but she still wailed. Y/n worried if something was wrong and if they needed to go to the hospital. Her husband wasn't home and she didn't want to cause anymore trouble for him, or herself.
"Are you hot? Wanna step outside?"
She did her best to open the backdoor without dropping her daughter. The rush of cool air as she stepped onto the back porch did more to help her than it did her daughter. The porch light was nearly as loud as the cries; it was one of the first noises she had heard in hours that was something other than her daughter. She got lost in the noise as she peered into the darkness of their backyard that stared back at her. She had been afraid of the dark when she was younger, always needing a night light until she reached her teen years. It was safe here in Brewer Heights, but something about the vast darkness gave her a creeping feeling. It felt endless.
The night air was doing nothing to help her anymore, and she worried that her neighbors would hear the baby cries and think something was terribly wrong.
"Let's go inside."
The songs she often sang to her daughter that her own mother sung to her when she was younger normally made her giggle and smile. Tonight, however, it was just another thing to add to the list of things that failed to calm her down.
Around midnight she finally heard the front door opening and the heavy footsteps of her husband trudging into their home. A groan followed when he heard the sounds of his daughter crying pierce the air.
"Lee," Y/n exasperated. She came out of nowhere, blindsiding him and begging, "please take her."
Lee didn't even get a second to take his jacket off, nor was he going to be able to relax like he had planned to after his long day. This situation paled in comparison to what he had to deal with at the station today. A domestic dispute, a robbery, a bar fight that ended in a stabbing, and hefty loads of paperwork that came along with it.
"She just won't stop crying Lee."
He said nothing to Y/n as he eyed her. Y/n understood what the look he gave her meant, but she was too concerned with making the crying stop. Lee held his arms open to take the girl into his arms.
"What's wrong darlin'?" He cooed at her. He held her close, snuggling her into him and his warmth
Lee had to temper his annoyance. He didn't want to come home to a screaming baby and a helpless wife, but he was weakened by the desperation radiating off of Y/n.
"What's wrong little girl? You like givin' your mama hell?"
Y/n sighed as the screams began to die down. The sinking feeling that she was an awful mother for not being able to get her baby to calm down was present. The worst thought to cross her mind was that Lee also thought the same. She didn't want to be the wife who couldn't raise her own child and was too dependent on her husband. Lee was admittedly more present in child rearing than her own father. However, she had only started becoming so fussy in the last few months when her father decided to run for Mayor and spent more time at work than at home with his family.
When their girl was born, Lee spent an eternity staring at her face; her features were so similar to his at a young age, but with her mother's lips. Hours after her existence in this word, Lee promised his wife would be home more, maybe he'd even hire a few new officers to handle the countless petty crimes that end up on his desk. Y/n believed his promise, but it changed when he out of nowhere declared that he was going to run for mayor.
"You enjoy being the sheriff's wife. I'm certain you'd love being the mayor's wife even more. And now that we got a baby, my chances are even better."
All of her years of being Lee's wife and she never heard him express any interest in being mayor. Sure he got off on power of any type, but he never uttered the words "mayor" unless he was talking about some trouble the mayor's son ran into. But Lee did always make it clear that his career and maintaining his position was a top priority for him. Y/n often missed the man who did his best to court her and was successful after a few failed attempts. He changed a bit when they started trying for a child, but Y/n could always see it in his face that his old habits will die with him.
"She misses her father."
Lee didn't turn around to acknowledge her. He just rocked his daughter back and forth, ignoring Y/n until she began to move out of the living room.
"Be ready when I get up there," Lee called to her.
Y/n wondered how harsh he would be, or if he would be at all? When he was this on edge he liked to keep Y/n in line; he couldn't go to a stressful work environment and come home to the same. He was always gentle with their daughter and that's all that mattered. Y/n could endure his brutality, but her daughter did not deserve it when she just didn't understand much. She would be too young to remember anything but Y/n would never forget.
She washed up in the bathroom, wiping away the sweat and tears that had clung to her face throughout the day. Her appearance in the mirror looked foreign to her. Her body had changed since giving birth, something that was expected, but she looked more rugged due to stress. Lee didn't realize that whatever he felt, Y/n felt it even harder. When he ices her out, she tries to understand but the feelings of inadequacy had piled up inside of her.
Lee put their daughter to bed without much trouble. She looked so peaceful, a stark difference from the screaming she was doing when he stepped into their home. He wondered how such a sweet little thing could cause so much hell. She was completely innocent yet she made her mama cry and nearly tear her hair out. Lee felt bad for his wife having to spend days alone without help, but there was nothing he could do about it, so he didn't feel that bad.
He was still in his jacket and hat when he finally came into their bedroom. He was well-intentioned on taking a longer shower tonight but he felt all worked up. His body felt tense, but seeing his wife sitting obediently on the bed made him loosen up.
"Pretty, little nightgown," Lee whispered to himself. Y/n's face burned at his compliment. She'd never get used to him being sweet on her.
Y/n held her breath, unsure of which side of Lee she was going to get tonight. She picked out the cream nightie that reached mid-thigh. She knows just how much Lee loves her legs, he has fawned over them since they were dating, and she hoped that the sight of them would make him go easy on her. Her nipples poked through her nightgown; she was going to be leaking in the morning but her only concern was giving Lee something that would make him soften up.
She melted into the palm that was placed on her cheek. He looked down at her, his ego still stronger than ever. He was a powerful man with a strong possibility to grasp even more power, and a pretty fucking wife. He's lucky that she gave him the time of day when she had the option to run off to Cincinnati with a pretty boy. Lee was older than her other suitors, but that's what made him enticing to her then 20 year-old self.
"I overheard Phil talking about the Sheriff's wife today," Lee began to stroke her cheek as she purred up at him, "was wonderin' why a stunner like her was with a fat bastard."
"Don't call yourself that," she cut him off. He had gained a significant amount of weight since he began finding solace in sweets. She feels bad because it began when she was three months pregnant and had him bring her back something sweet everyday. Her cravings turned into his, but the difference was that hers went away after giving birth but Lee's never did. Besides, Y/n found it endearing. Maybe it's just because she's wildly in love with her husband, but she couldn't deny how much she loved to feel the weight of his belly on her back when he took her from behind and pressed her face against the bed.
"You're so sensitive, Y/n. You think I give a damn about what a man who can't keep a girlfriend for more than two months has to say about me? He was right about one thing though," Lee began to unzip his work pants, "I do have a pretty wife with a pretty mouth too."
Y/n's face burned and her eyes moved away from his. Years of marriage, a baby later, and she was still bashful when he made such sexually charged comments.
Lee pulled himself out of his pants. He was hard, the tip dripping with pre-cum. From the look of it, he had probably been hard since the late hours of his work shift. Y/n hoped that he thought of her, she always did, but she knew that station was littered with smut magazines; Lee didn't see too fond of them though.
Y/n wrapped her hand around him and gave him a light squeeze just to feel how hard he was. He grunted and more pre-cum seeped from his tip. He was going to make a mess of her gown and exposed thighs if she didn't get him in her mouth.
"Good girl...always so good for me," he sighed in content.
He placed his hand on the back of her head and she welcomed him deeper into her mouth. Moments like this and all of his stress goes away. There is no county to oversee, no mayoral election, and no whispers; just his wife's wet mouth and something else that's wet between her legs. He felt at home inside of her. She sucked on him harder and his hips stuttered. Y/n did her very best to please him, to make him proud. His sweet little wife looked so wicked with his cock in her mouth.
"You keep that up and I'm going to fall over," he said through his pants.
Y/n looked up at him with innocent eyes. She was far from that when they were alone in their marriage bed. Y/n was anything Lee needed her to be, even without asking.
Lee grabbed ahold of her head and started to thrust into Y/n's mouth. She kept herself still, letting him take control of her. Her tongue applied pressure to the bottom of his shaft. His hips bucked as he lightly fucked her face until he was cumming into her mouth. She gagged when the liquid first splashed against the back of her throat, but she quelled herself and swallowed him completely, just how he likes.
"Let me see," she stuck her tongue out to show him that his seed was no longer in her mouth and he smirked, "good girl." He patted the top of her head and zipped himself back up.
"I'll be in bed soon, but don't wait up for me."
He could see how her body was begging for rest just in the way she lazily moved and the tiredness in her eyes. She wakes up before him every morning to make him breakfast, thus making her days longer than his. She didn't get up to much like he did, but long hours of nothing had probably dulled her. It was even worse when you add a screaming baby to the situation.
Y/n wanted to wait for Lee to come back to bed despite him advising against it. However, as soon as her head hit the pillow, she was out. There were no sad cries from her daughter and no worrying about where Lee.
The sound of sizzling bacon in the cast iron skillet and percolator going in off was louder than Lee’s footsteps coming down the stairs in his heavy boots and jacket. He paused in the doorway, his daughter the only one to notice his presence in the room. A smile formed on his face as she squealed in delight and reached her arms out for him. Y/n looked over her shoulder to see her looking at Lee. She’s surprised that he came down for breakfast later than usual, but she was happy to see that he seemed to be in good spirits.
"You're going to be uncomfortable eating breakfast in that."
"I might not be able to stay for breakfast,” he tutted while smoothing the downy hairs on his daughter’s head.
Y/n furrowed her brow, but didn't protest. She continued with breakfast anyway. She felt Lee’s presence next to her as he pulled a teething ring out of the freezer. There were two little teeth coming in that contributed to last night's meltdown. She was much happier this morning after a good sleep; she was so oblivious to the world and everything happening around her.
The phone rang disrupting their regular morning routine. It was 7 am, too early for anyone to be calling. Lee picked it up anyway; his face first confused then sullen. Y/n couldn't help but try to eavesdrop when Lee turned away from the kitchen and walked away as far as the cord would allow him. Surely whatever he was talking about on the phone, he would tell Y/n. He always complained about whoever he had talked to on the phone. But, he had become more secretive since he entered the mayor’s race. He didn’t want her to worry, or worse, go around blabbing to one of her girlfriend’s or her parents about something Lee told her in confidence. Besides most of it was information that he didn’t think would interest her.
"Alright...I'll talk to you soon...take care."
Y/n busied herself with cooking again to cover up her nosiness. Lee stepped back in the room spilling the moment he put the phone back on the hook.
"People in town are talking."
"About what?"
"About me."
There was something about the way he talked to her that made Y/n believe he wasn’t telling the complete truth, or that the talking town was something much worse. 
Y/n was not fully aware of Lee’s reputation when she had met him. She knew of him, and also wondered why a man like him was talking to her when she was fit for being a housewife at the time. Over time she learned that Lee didn't have the cleanest reputation. Little bits and pieces would be revealed to her, but by the time she heard the most damning things about him the two were already married; and the information came from Lee himself. While Y/n didn’t want to concern herself with what others thought about Lee, she absolutely did. His position depended on what people thought about him. Y/n believed that their marriage and the birth of their daughter made people see Lee in a different light. Y/n was a very nice, bright girl from a good family. She turned Lee into a family man and a man who doted on his baby girl and treated his wife sweeter than people expected from him. Whispers about him had gotten quieter when her belly became visible under her dresses. No one looked at Lee with contempt or worry anymore, they gazes softened when they saw him walking with his waddling wife.
Shortly after Lee became her boyfriend, Y/n began to hear about some of the rumors that followed Lee throughout the years. She had been told he was corrupt, frequented a local brothel, and turned a blind eye as long as he got something out of it. She was so naive to believe that people were just jealous of her. There were some women who wanted the sheriff from themselves. A year or two into her marriage, Lee began to confide in her about some things. It would only happen when he was drunk. He'd say a thing and Y/n would ask him to elaborate and he would. Covering up murders, drug deals, and allowing the brothel to stay open as long as he "got a sample" was all true. No one else in the town knew the extent of his troubling choices while on the job. Y/n didn't know what to say. He had done bad things, but he was her husband, she took an oath.
Y/n often imagined what would happen if she had told someone about his confessions. He was already the sheriff when they got married, and who would cross the sheriff? She believed that if she ever said anything he'd divorce her, spread lies about her, and she'd end up an outcast. Her options were very few especially now that she has a young child. Her fear and her devotion to him as a wife kept her silent. She has loved Lee since their third date; she wasn't going to throw her life away with him over her husband’s business that didn’t concern her. They made a promise to each other in front of family, friends, and God. Lee's burdens would become hers, and the same goes for Lee's darkness.
"Someone's been sayin that one of the girls' at that whore house been sayin' I beat her."
Lee seemed to explain it to her with ease, like he knew it wasn't true, but Lee was a good liar.
"Well, did you?"
"Why would you ask something like that?"
Lee started towards her and Y/n partially expected him to chastise her. He wouldn't do anything with their daughter a few feet away from them, she assured herself.
"You really think I'm stepping into a whore house when I come home to you every night?" His arms wrapping around her waist made Y/n smile. This is what Lee did often to deter her from asking many more questions, and it always worked, she melted right into his arms. "The last time I was in that place was to arrest someone for causing a fight, and it damn sure wasn't a whore I roughed up."
Y/n wasn't satisfied with the answer, but she nodded as if she was. She knew not to question him after he had given her an answer he deemed fit. No woman wants to believe that their husband would be at a brothel getting “serviced”. She never found signs of another woman on Lee's clothes or his car. All she'd come across was dirt on the bottom of his pants and candy wrappers in his car. "You've got to believe me Y/n." His eyes spoke the truth, she believed. Y/n pecked his lips and Lee’s arms dropped from her waist.
"Sorry I can't stay for breakfast, but if I want to get back home earlier then I have to go in early. You two girls have fun together," Lee kissed Y/n's lips again before walking over to his daughter and kissing her forehead. She giggled when she felt his lips on her head. He was happy to see her in a better mood, but he didn't want a repeat of last night, "don't give your mama such a hard time today, okay? If I hear you been bad, I'm gonna have to put you in baby jail." She had no idea what he was saying, she just enjoyed hearing her daddy's voice.
"Be safe Lee. Please."
He nodded at her sympathetically before leaving. She heard his patrol car rev up and he was pulling out of the driveway. Y/n worries so much, but every night Lee has come home to her without a scratch on him.
Paul Sullivan has been the mayor for as long as Y/n could remember. He’s getting up and age but he’s a very beloved man. His popularity made Y/n worry about Lee’s own chances. The only thing that could knock the man down was his son’s reckless behavior. Darrel Sullivan was a few years younger than Lee and had a penchant for hard liquor and trouble. When his name started being involved in almost weekly bar fights, people started to wonder how a man as good as Paul could raise a son like that?
Lee had used the mayor’s trouble kid to his advantage. It just so happened that once Lee decided to run, Darrel ran into even more trouble. The last offense ended him up with a three month jail sentence (of course his father was responsible for such a lower number of months he spent in jail). A baggy of cocaine was found in his car. When did the mayor’s son escalate to cocaine when his vice had only been alcohol for years?
“It was bound to happen at some point. That boy’s brain is so used to booze that he had to turn to something much harder.”
The talk of the town had satisfied Lee for weeks after the arrest.
Y/n didn’t have to be told by him to know that the cocaine wasn’t Darrel’s and that it was planted. She felt bad for Darrel, but he wasn’t so nice to women so maybe some time in jail would do him and everyone around him some good. Still, Y/n was sort of shocked to see what lengths her husband would go to win. He often played dirty to get what he wanted, but messing with the mayor’s son who has evaded so much trouble was a very close call. Lee was lucky that he got away with it and many people didn’t have questions about it.
That phone Lee received this morning spooked her a bit. No one has ever called just to say there were rumors about him. It was a much bigger problem than her husband wanted to let on.
Y/n did her best to campaign upon Lee’s behalf. She’d tell all the girls at the salon about the newest dress Lee bought her and let the strangers know who stopped to tell her kid was cute just who her father was. Her efforts didn’t go unnoticed either. Her closest girlfriends were always eager to tell her that they overheard someone talking about how wonderful Lee’s wife and daughter are. Y/n believed that she wasn’t going to have to do much more than that, but some people didn’t care much about pretty wives or cute babies when the sheriff was allegedly causing trouble. 
Lee’s approach lately has been much more careful. He can’t get caught planting evidence on the wrong person or having someone rat him out. He was growing increasingly paranoid that the townsfolk were watching him closely. Even his deputies got the brunt of some of his delusions. Y/n saw the wild look in his eye every time he would confide his problems to her. Sometimes his words would blend together in a drunken ramble. Bodies...the river...laundering. He scared her sometimes, but she didn’t say anything. Y/n knows her husband has at least killed someone in cold blood; he confessed it in so many words. She wouldn’t be surprised if it has happened two or three times. She didn’t concern herself with the circumstances. If Lee had killed someone then it was probably justified in the eyes of morality and it wasn’t her business.
All of his revelations hardened her. She stopped being shocked after the fourth time Lee let something slip. Lee had never been violent with her the entirety of their relationship. He gets mad, he yells, and he has been guilty of calling her a name or two, but never ever has he laid a finger on her. Y/n was mostly an obedient wife so Lee never found a reason to be forceful with her. The only time Lee took out any aggression was on her was in the bedroom, but he figured she liked it because she’d moan louder than when he’s most gentle with her. Y/n wasn’t too fond of it at first, but she learned to love it and all the rough edges that began to appear as the years together had gone on.
“Here’s the plan for today, little one. You’re going to spend some time with the nice neighbor girl and you’re going to be a very good girl for her, okay? Okay honey?”
Her daughter just looked up at her from her little pallet on the floor. The toys that surrounded her were mostly bought by Lee. There were a few from her parents, but Lee was responsible for buying her too many toys.
While Y/n had never considered hiring a nanny before, it was often suggested to her. Lee  even told her to hire some help before the days get too rough and he's gone for longer throughout the day. However, Y/n was always hard-headed. She didn’t need the help, this was just a tough time with their daughter’s teeth coming in. Besides Y/n’s mother was just a phone call away. She always had an answer for Y/n that came from her years of being a midwife and from raising her own children. 
The only reason why she was calling over the Peterson's teenage daughter to come babysit was because she couldn’t help Lee in the ways that were needed and bring her baby along with her. Normally she’d put her daughter in her stroller and they were out and about, but this wasn't a regular daily task. It was summertime and her neighbor's daughter probably needed something to do while making some money on top of it.
"Does she need to go down for a nap, Mrs. Bodecker?"
"Not for another hour or two. She shouldn't be hungry or wet. Her teeth are starting to come in so she may get fussy, her teething ring is in the freezer and if that doesn't work then sing Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star to her."
Y/n knew it was a lot for the 16-year-old girl to take in, but she still nodded at every word Y/n said as if she got it all. Of all the little time her daughter had been here on Earth, Y/n had not left her alone with a stranger. It was hard for her to say goodbye to her little girl and leave her with a teenager, but it was bound to happen someday. And the afternoon was almost over, her day was calling for her to begin it.
Lee would be so pissed if he learned that Y/n was driving his car. She wasn't that great with the manual transmission, but she was only taking a short trip to her parent's house. Her brother was home to visit from Cincinnati. He was the child who went to the city unlike his sister. His original plan was to stay while Y/n wanted to go, but she had met Lee and decided to stay. Her brother never explained to her why he left for the city. She didn’t want to ask him too much in fear of prying into his business.
Y/n's parents were incredibly happy about Y/n’s relationship with Lee because that meant their only daughter was bound to stay near them. Her father respected Lee and often disregarded the town’s gossip because he saw it just as that: gossip.  
Her brother David was a different story. He didn't really like his brother-in-law. The age gap between them was his biggest concern. “Don’t meddle in your sister’s life. Lee is a good man,”  there mother had once tried to persuade him. It was tough when he heard rumors that Y/n didn't even know about at the time because she was younger. He moved to the city before he could hear just how worse things have gotten with the gossip about Lee Bodecker. David wasn't too thrilled to return for Y/n and Lee’s wedding.
Y/n found his disdain with Lee rather comical. Lee was a protective older brother just like David was, but they just couldn't see eye to eye. She recalls the Christmas fight that happened three years ago. David nearly kicked Lee's ass but his little sister protected her husband by shielding him. Y/n didn't want to involve herself, but if she had to pick where her loyalty lied, it would be with her husband.
"Why you stop by without bringing my gorgeous, little niece?" David wrapped his arms around his sister, surprised to see her pulling up by herself, but happy nonetheless.
"You can come over any time to see her David," Y/n ignores the frown that falls on her brother's face, "are mom and pop home?"
"Ma's at the salon and pop is outback cutting up some wood. I tried to stop him. His arthritis is getting worse, but he gives Ma and I hell every time we tell him to slow down. Is everything alright?"
"Yes. I just need a favor."
If she was asking her visiting big brother for help instead of her husband or their father, then it must be something she's trying to keep quiet. David was weary about his sister being secretive when she has an eight month old baby at home. In his eyes, if she's sneaking around then it's some sort of trouble.
"What kind?"
"Can I borrow your truck?" Y/n didn't elaborate, she just hoped that he'd say yes.
She can't go around town driving in a familiar car. Lee's personal car was too expensive not to notice and her father's truck had a damn logo on it. David's car though was perfect; no one would recognize the plates because he bought it two years ago from a dealership in Cincinnati, but it would blend in with any car that would be driven in Brewer Heights.
"Is something wrong with the cadillac?"
"No. I just don't want to be noticed. You know Lee doesn’t like me driving around in his fancy car."
If it wasn't for the immense trust David had in his sister, he'd say no. Something about her was off; her sweet demeanor replaced by something more discomposed. It was the same look on her face the night he had caught her trying to sneak out of the house when she was 14. Whatever she wanted to do, it would probably be better handled by someone else, but he didn't ask anymore questions, just handed her the keys.
“Get back before it gets dark, and be safe.”
“You sound just like pop,” she tried to joke to mitigate his worry but he kept a stern look on his face.
“I’m serious Y/n.”
"I'll be back soon," she promised. Of course she would, she has a child at home.
David watched her peel out of the dirt driveway and his car disappeared from sight. He only worried because he didn’t know what the problem was and she looked like she was dying to say something. Maybe in due time she’ll be able to tell her brother everything. Maybe they’ll laugh about it when the years have passed and they’re up in age. 
The streets started to become unrecognizable as she drove away from her parent’s home and a much different part of the county. Y/n struggled to materialize the exact location of her destination but from what she had gathered it was at the edge of town, almost entering a different county. All she's ever heard about it was that it was in a "shady part of Knockemstiff." “Shady” meant so many different things because she found the bar that Lee liked to stop at sometimes after a shift to be “shady.”
She hoped to God that Lee was stuck at the office with paperwork and not out patrolling. The sun was going to be setting soon and if he caught her over here all alone past dark, he may just never let her leave the house ever again.
Y/n was not ready to admit what she had planned, especially not to Lee. She herself hadn’t reckoned with it herself. The station her brother had on annoyed her. She turned it off and sat in silence. The only noise that accompanied her was the whirling sound of the wind that slipped through the cracked window. Her eyes peered at every building until they became less frequent. She could hear her blood moving through her veins as she gripped the steering wheel. Did Lee get this way when he did something he wasn’t supposed to? Surely he would be more composed than her, but he has the experience. 
She tried to lighten herself up by putting herself in Lee’s shoes. He probably wouldn’t hesitate or second guess his actions. If he did it, he most likely believed that the end justifies the means. No one who was innocent was ever hurt. They may have not committed a crime at the time, but they had before and would do it again. Y/n would have her own confessions to tell Y/n some day. She doesn’t need alcohol to spill her sins. Lee’s presence alone was compelling enough to get her to divulge her crimes, even the harmless ones.
The fact that she’s been driving around for a good half-an-hour lessened her anxiety but increased her impatience. She didn’t realize just how big the county was. It’s been a while since she drove herself anywhere. It was freeing, but she did miss her husband acting as her chauffeur. The thought of Lee driving her to the very brothel he has been accused of frequenting before he was a married man was comical. The consequences of her getting caught was only scary when she thought about how Lee would react. 
There was a large clearing of land before Y/n reached another set of buildings. A memory about one of them made her pump the break before passing the entry to turn in. She made a sharp turn into it's parking lot. Jimmy, her high school boyfriend, tried to sneak her into some bar but she was caught about her brother who also happened to be there. She remembered the distinct color of the door; neon green. It was an eyesore but it had never been changed, even when they switched owners. The place had closed down years later due to an excess of minors being able to sneak in. 
The crappy bar was not her concern, but the place next to it. She remembers Jimmy’s distinct voice whispering in her ear, the smell of alcohol ripe on his breath.
"That's where the girls who got nothing but good pussy between their legs go."
She had flinched at the words he used. She wondered what he meant by that, only 14 at the time and not really able to comprehend the concept of a brothel. It was the first time she's heard anyone refer to a woman's private parts as a "pussy..
Y/n didn’t expect the parking lot to be so empty. It was pretty early in the evening, maybe people did not want to be at a whore house when there was still daylight. Only one car sat in the parking lot of the bar. There was a makeshift parking lot on the side of the building and next to the old bar. It looked like it was not taken care of properly and a fire hazard waiting to happen. 
She circled around the building, eyeing it to see if there were windows to see inside somehow. Only a few small windows were on the building, but they were either foggy or covered in moss that it was a futile attempt.. Tire markings covered the dirt right in the back of the building. Y/n figured that most people parked back here so they wouldn’t get caught by any passing cars or authority. There was not much that could kill a man’s reputation like being caught in this place. 
Y/n settled for parking her car on the side of the bar. The likelihood of someone driving by and being able to see the plates of her brother’s car was very slim, but she found herself being extra careful.
Upon her arrival at the door, Y/n told herself she had no idea what she's doing, nor what she should expect. It probably wasn't common for a woman to walk into a whore house unless she was a whore herself. She hoped that she was unrecognizable with her usually pinned-up hair cascaded over her shoulders and a different shade of lipstick on her lips. The sunglasses were a last minute, ridiculous purchase, but it gave her a layer of protection. At least she could wear a disguise, Lee didn’t have anything to protect his identity when he did his own sinful acts. The least she could do for her husband is to not get herself caught.
Y/n wonders if Lee hadn’t been so secretive, would she have to do this? Lee did his best to hide things from his wife, but she isn't stupid, she goes out in town and hears things about her husband. Those rumors weren't small like he tried to lead on. "Someone" always meant more than ten people. In her eyes, this had been a long time coming; it was only a matter of time before she got sucked into his world without the intention of doing so. She could only feel so compelled to protect a man no matter the consequences if she loved him more than life itself. 
If he wanted to be secretive under the guise of “protecting” her then fine, but she hated that she had to piece everything together on her own. She heard his late night conversations when he failed to make sure she was sleeping. Whoever he talked to, they talked about a lot of things that didn’t sound wholly legal. From what she picked up from his phone call concerning this dilemma was that the owner of this place was referred to as “Reed”. He didn't seem too fond of Lee, and from the sound of her husband’s voice, the feeling was mutual. She had trouble keeping up with all the technical jargon of Lee’s phone conversations, but from her understanding Lee was threatening to get the place shut down. It would be a good look for him in his bid for being mayor. He would look like a hero if all the crime and sleaziness of this county was suddenly dealt with. Maybe they’d put his picture in the newspaper and dedicated a lengthy article to him and Y/n could clip it to the refrigerator. 
No one would think twice about connecting the dots that Lee was connected to several illegal operations going on around the county. Of all the rumors she has heard about Lee, the whore house bothered her most. It made her feel vain that she was only concerned with her husband cheating on her and not potential murders he has committed. Insecurity crept into her as she visualized her husband stepping through these exact same doors and finding his pleasure in a woman that had more experience than her. She did believe her husband when he said he hadn't stepped out on her while they were married, but that didn’t include their entire relationship. It shouldn’t matter because she was the one he decided to marry, but it still lingered in the back of her mind.
Her body shook to the core as she opened the door. She swallowed thickly as she wondered what sight she would be greeted by. It was an anti-climatic moment when she fully stepped inside to an empty place. It looked like a makeshift motel lobby and bar at the same time. Y/n thought it would be something more shabby and slimy, but it was not. Some pin-up model posters were plastered on the wall along with photos of random musicians. There were oddly a lot of photos of Frank Sinatra that had their own little corner of the wall. It was hard to determine what the vibe of this “establishment” was. One thing for sure is that she felt like an intruder. The posers on the wall made her feel stupidly bashful; this was a man’s domains and not a place for someone’s wife.
"Can I help you darlin?"
The smooth voice belonged to an older man. Y/n figured he was “Reed” because he looked like a Reed. And he appeared to be the only person here. She doubts a random patron would take to cleaning the place up by sweeping the floors.
"Uh -- are you Mr. Reed?"
Surprisingly, he just laughed at her stumbling over her words. It hadn’t dawn on her prior to a few moments ago that he knew his way around talking to a nervous girl. She ironically hoped that he thought she was just a lost whore, and that she wasn’t recognized as the sheriff’s wife.
"I am darlin’. Is there something I can help you with?" He asked again. Y/n was surprised that he wasn't intimidating, or greasy. He seemed so simple and kind, but he just happened to run a brothel. And he was the man who was saying awful things about her husband.
"I'm looking for a job," she made sure her words were as natural as possible. The little script she created in her head seemed like it would be easy to see-through, "I-I’m just wondering if you were looking for a waitress or someone to clean the place?"
A sly smile spread across his face. A shiver ran down her spine as she felt just how insidious this man was. A glance at him and he was unsuspecting, but a few moments with him, especially when he’s alone with a pretty girl and his true nature was hard to hide.
"You've come to a good place, darlin’. Let me put this away and I'll show you to my office."
He put the broom he held back into a closet and beckoned for her to follow him. Her heart thumped loudly as she followed him to potential danger. He could assault her or do something worse if he really wanted to. She was vulnerable now and just had to trust the process. 
They had passed multiple doors to get to his office, probably the doors where the girls would stay and please customers. Y/n tried not to imagine Lee being behind one of those doors with a woman touching his body. This place smelled like tawdry perfume, luckily something she has never smelled on Lee’s clothes.
"Do you have any experience waitressing?" He said the word as if he wanted her to believe that this place was anything but a brothel. For him it was possible that she really thought this place was something innocent, but he could always persuade a pretty girl who looked lost to work for him. 
"A few years...I was a waitress with my friend in Columbus for a year."
"Columbus? Why did you leave darlin’?" Y/n wanted to cringe at his constant pet name. No man talked to her like that besides her husband. It felt dirty to hear him call her something reserved for Lee and Lee only.
"Got into some trouble. My ex roughed me up a bit and I had to leave," Y/n recalled the story her brother told about one of his college friends: a homely sorority girl who got caught up with the wrong guy. She felt bad using the poor girl's story and reclaiming it as her own, but a sob story would make this man more likely to take her in if she guessed correctly.
"Well, I don't know if I'm taking anymore girls in-"
"Please!? Please? I don't have anywhere else to go. I really need the money and a place to stay. It was hell getting up here," she implored. 
Hearing her beg like that made his cock harden in his pants. There was something about a sweet little thing begging for his help that turned him on. He had no intention of turning her away from the beginning, but it was also nice to know how desperate a girl was; that made it easier for him to get a taste for himself.
However, Reed was either too horny or just an idiot to realize that a girl who had been traveling alone and from Columbus wouldn't be wearing such a nice dress that looked untouched. He was a sadistic bastard who liked employing girls that he can push around and Y/n was beginning to see that due to his negligence.
 His appearance absolutely covered up for how mean he was. Most bruises that ended up on his girls weren't from customers, but from him. He had to control himself when customers started to complain about the marks on the girls. (It was not like they cared for their well-being, they just wanted to fuck girls who were looked clean and pretty. Those men just wanted their fantasies fulfilled). His rage was taken out in psychological ways now instead of physical. He made sure those girls were in hell with no escape. He was sweeter on them if they opened their legs for him, but he was well aware that he could get away with doing whatever he wanted to them because they had nowhere else to go. If Y/n knew half the stuff he did then she wouldn't feel as guilty for what she was planning to do to him.
"I don't just hire anyone -- say, what’s your name darlin’?"
"Mary. My name is Mary."
"You gotta prove you deserve to work for me, Mary. Why don't you stand up and turn around for me."
Y/n dreaded following his orders, obeying him and spinning around slowly in her dress for him. The only man she had done that for was Lee. She felt like she was cheating on him, but she remembered that it was for him. His face was etched in her mind the entire time. The thought of him comforted her as she pretended like he was there with her as if he was God’s spirit, wrapping her in a feeling of vengeance instead of love.
"You sure are a pretty little thing. You been fucked before?"
"Once. Just by my ex-boyfriend."
"Good. I'm sure that pussy is still tight, I can just say you're a virgin and make one of those fuckers pay a heavy price for a piece of you."
Y/n nearly looked at him in horror, but gave him a half-hearted smile instead. She would act like she was grateful for him giving her a chance to make money. Her stomach churned at the thought of possibly not making it out of here. Reed’s eyes had darkened once he knew that she was in his grasp with no easy escape. He was a big man who could easily overpower her if she tried to do something stupid. But she seemed so obedient, like a perfect little girl.
"I can get you a bed, but you're going to have to reuse the clothes that are in there already. The girl who stayed there last up and ran away,” Y/n was very doubtful about that. Reed began rummaging through his drawer, pulling out a bottle of liquor before continuing, “If they don't fit you can trade with one of the other girls. You and the rest of the girls stay in your room until it's time to open. Can't have any of you roaming around in case one of those bastard cops decide to give me some trouble."
Her eyes glanced at the clock on the wall, it was nearly 8 o’clock. She did not think it would go this smoothly so far. Her anxiety didn’t cause her to make any major flubs that would get her caught; she just came off as an unsuspecting girl. Y/n just didn’t realize how simple a man could be in the presence of an attractive woman.
"Place opens at 9 every night, ‘cept for Sundays. I’m going to let you go get ready soon but I need you to learn my rules before you go out there and do something to piss me off," he shuffled in his seat for a few seconds, his face painted with discomfort, "first I need to go piss. Can you stay here and wait for me darlin’? Of course you can,” he left without waiting for a response from her.
Y/n waited until he opened his office door and closed it behind him. She had limited time to do what she had to do. She quickly moved behind his desk and began to fly through his drawers looking for arsenic.
There was a conversation she remembers Lee having with one of the men in town when they stopped in the middle of an aisle at the grocery store to talk. Most men believed that their wives weren’t interested in listening to whatever they’ve got to talk about with other men. Or that they just don’t understand what the hell they’re talking about. That may be true for Y/n most of the time but her ears perked up when she had heard certain words. Y/n had a penchant for being nosey ever since she was a kid, but it usually got her in trouble. She tried not to eavesdrop on Lee’s conversations but he made it so hard when he started to whisper and look around to make sure no one else was near. 
A word like "syphilis" had Y/n scratching her head. She hadn't heard of it before but apparently a man in town died from it after contracting it "at the whore house." It sounded serious. and from the context, something you get from fucking someone without a condom.
 A few books at the library confirmed her suspicions. She had to re-read some sentences to fully grasp what she was reading. From what she gathered, syphilis was treated with “magic” arsenic before they switched to penicillin. However, with Mr. Reed being referred to as a "cheap” and “old school” man multiple times in Lee’s conversation with the man at the grocery store, she believed (or at least hoped) that he still used that old method. But instead of Salvarsan, she found something that looked much cheaper and like it wasn’t obtained legally. She grabbed as many vials as she could and just began to dump them into his glass that held his dark liquor. She did it rather sloppily, her hands shaking when she realized that this was it. It was possible that she was more scared of getting caught by him than killing the old man. He’d probably beat her until she was unrecognizable.
Y/n desperately hoped it would work. If it didn't kill him, then it would certainly impair him since he was up in age and probably didn't take good care of his health anyway. She tossed the empty vials into one of the drawers of his desk and wiped whatever residue was on her hands onto the tacky shag rug on the floor. She had to get it off of her hand before getting in her brother’s car. She didn’t consider the risk of poisoning herself, but it arose inside of her the moment she felt a few splashes onto her fingers.
"Ok sweetheart," he had caught her on her knees, "what are you doing?"
"I-I dropped my earring."
He couldn't see her ears due to her hair covering them. He grumbled something about "women" but moved to his seat without question.
Y/n got off the floor and sat in the chair in front of him. He looked a little annoyed with her now instead of eyeing her like a piece of meat like he had done for the entirety of their time alone. She watched his hand intently, waiting for him to wrap his hand around his glass and bring it up to his lips.
"I run a tight house here. None of my whores act up and I expect the same for you. If you're good for daddy, he'll be good to you."
A loud buzzing in her ears made his words unintelligible. She panicked and wondered if it was the little amount of arsenic that got on her hand that was making her feel sick to her stomach. She needed to clean herself up, and Reed needed to wrap this up. But he just talked and talked and talked while she nodded along like she really cared or was paying attention. She held her breath as he picked his glass up and took the first sip of his poisoned alcohol. Y/n isn't sure why she expected an immediate reaction from him, maybe for him to spit it out or clutch his chest, but he just carried on. It was going to take time, and she just had to wait it out. She had probably about 45 minute left before it was opening time. What if there were people already starting to come? What if one of the girls was roaming around now?
"You got that darlin'?"
"Yes," Y/n choked out, not realizing Reed had finished his spiel.
"Alright. Your room is upstairs, take a left and it’s the third room on the right hand side. Just because you’re new doesn’t mean I won’t have your ass if you’re late," he kicked up his heels and reclined in his chair as he placed a cigarette between his lips. He lit it up and blew smoke right in Y/n’s direction, disregarding her grimace, “I’ll probably just let a few men use your throat tonight. Don’t worry, I won’t let them touch that pretty little pussy yet.”
Reed smiled coyly as if he was doing her a favor. He nodded towards the door and Y/n hot tailed it out of there. She didn't realize that she wasn't breathing right until she let out an exhale and then inhaled deeply. If he wasn't going to experience symptoms right away then it was going to take some time. There she ran the risk of him being able to get some help. It wasn’t likely that many people would call the cops to help a dying brothel owner, but she panicked that maybe somebody would.
Barricading him inside of his office was the only thing to give her reassurance. She grabbed one of the bar stools, heavier than she expected, and trudged towards his door. She gently placed the first one against the door so as to not to make a noise that would cause him to see what’s going on. Y/n did her best to run back and forth in her flats and placed each stool against his door until there were no more left. She added a few chairs to the growing pile to make sure it stuck.
Y/n paused when she heard someone starting to rouse. Whoever it was, or what, stopped making noise after a few seconds. Y/n looked up and started praying to God that she would not get caught, but the irony of wishing for someone to die did not escape her.
God just may have been on her side though. She got out of there with clean hands and not a single mark on her skin. Y/n knew that Lee couldn’t know about this just quite yet, but she begins to fantasize about Lee being proud of her and taking her to bed afterwards.
"Where have you been?” Imagine Lee’s surprise when he saw his neighbor’s teen daughter holding his little girl. Nothing seemed to be wrong, in fact his daughter was giggling at something the teen was doing. However, Y/n had not told him hiring a babysitter, nor did he know she was going to go out. She always told him if she was going out. If it was a spontaneous decision then a new question rose of where the hell she was during the darker hours of the day.
"I went to visit my parents and must have lost track of time,” Y/n kissed his cheek like she always does. She knows how to get Lee’s attention on something else, “David is in town and I wanted to see him-”
She was cut off by the sound of her husband groaning. It wasn’t often that his brother-in-law came into town, so it was only a matter of time before Y/n was dragging him over to her parents house for dinner.
“Whatever. Just put the girl to bed.”
Probably the first time, Y/n was happy to see that Lee was too tired to talk to her. She doubts he’ll have questions later about her whereabouts, especially if the death of the brothel owner hits his desk by tomorrow morning.
Y/n won’t worry about it tonight. She’s fine. Everything will be fine.
Their daughter went down easy tonight. She was tuckered out from her day with the babysitter. “Good night baby,” Y/n kissed her forehead and prayed that she would sleep through the night instead of waking up crying for a feed.
Y/n walked into the bedroom to Lee undressing himself. “Join me,” he nodded his head in the direction of their bathroom. There was a smile on his face, a sly one but not as lascivious as Reed’s. After being in the presence of such an awful man she was surprised that her body warmed at the idea of Lee’s hands roaming her body. He’s the only man she wants to be obedient for. The hot water on her skin cleaned her and the cum that sputtered out from Lee’s hard-on anointed her. 
“You feel so fucking good. Oh God...I was thinking about this pussy when I was at work...almost had to touch myself.”
Lee’s words were similar to the ones Reed had used earlier but they purified her. Her cheek pressed against the tiled wall as he fully pushed himself inside of her, hands gripping her hip. There was a low sound of their wet skin slapping together coupled with Lee’s own grunts. Y/n wasn’t particularly in the mood to have sex, but she just needed Lee close to her.
“I’m gonna cum Y/n -- I’m gonna cum honey-” his voice was cut off by his orgasm as he emptied himself inside of her. 
He slumped against her, his face pressed against her back as his arms wrapped her waist to bring her body closer against his.
“Do you think I’m gonna win?”
Y/n wiggled out of his grasp and turned off the water that was beating down on their skin. Water continued to fall down his face; his eyes were more than tired, they were sullen. 
“What do you mean?”
“Do you think people are really going to vote for me? They love that old bastard so damn much even though he’s old as shit.”
“Lee? Where is this coming from? Why are you so worried? People respect you-”
“But it doesn’t mean they like me. You and I both know that most of the people didn’t even start being friendly with me until the little one came along.” It was sort of his own fault, but Y/n would never tell him that.
“Don’t worry Lee,” she cupped his face, something he normally does, but it was nice to switch roles, “everything will be alright. I promise. You’re going to be mayor and I’m going to be the mayor’s wife.”
He nodded at her reassurance, but his doubt was hard to push away. He felt foolish being so vulnerable and borderline emotional about this, but his wife made him feel better. Her eyes were honest and words earnest when she said, “everything will be alright.”
Lee believed her.
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zedwards · 4 years
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stray kids x reader
genre: fluff
word count: 1.8k
warnings: intended for male reader, but can be read as gender neutral; my first fic 👉👈 im nervous; lowercase aesthetic; does “bastard” count as a swear word..?
i hope you enjoy this little gift :)
bang chan
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he likes romantic comedies
tbh being chan’s s/o would feel like a romcom of its own
since he doesn’t like crowds, your movie dates together usually wouldn’t involve actually going to the movies
instead you’d probably both opt to stay in for the night and watch a movie on the couch
under multiple blankets
in each other’s arms
hugs and cuddles
with the occasional kiss on the top of your head
it’s so soft
it’s chan :)))
he does the little claps at the end of the movie
because happy endings ^–^
y’know those awkward scenes where the main couple meets for the first time?
he likes to point out which character you were most similar to when the two of you first met
“i didn’t know you were in this movie!”
“you look so different! i could hardly recognize you!”
he’s such a dork
all your movie nights would end in one of three ways:
1.) you falling asleep in his arms
2.) him falling asleep holding you close (yeah not really, this man doesn’t sleep that much T_T)
or 3.) you both make it through the movie, and one of you says something like
“this is nice...i wish we could just stay like this”
and so you both (in theory) fall asleep right where you are
either way, chan is the best boyfriend and neither of you know what you did to deserve each other
lee know
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he’d get you to go see a horror movie
even if you protest, he’d manage to convince you somehow
pokes fun at you every time you get scared
during a suspenseful part in the movie, he’d suddenly put his hands on your shoulders and shake you (lightly) out of nowhere, just to startle you
and he’d have to stifle his giggles because your reaction is just too priceless
absolutely relishes in how you never let go of his arm
like ever
seriously, his arm might as well be an extension of your body at this point
he may act like he’s annoyed
but he loves it
cuz he knows it’s because you feel safe with him
and if you hide your face in the crook of his neck
he’d get this look on his face...
something between an evil smirk and an amused grin
why? because his plan is working
plot twist: the whole reason he chose to see a horror movie with you was so that you would cling to him
surprise!! >:]
but even if you catch on, he’ll never admit it
“did you even see any of the movie?”
you just kinda grumble in response, still latched onto his arm
“i can’t believe it... i so generously paid for your ticket, only for you to hide your face the whole ti- OW!”
you jab him in the side with your elbow give him a “love tap” :)
but it’ll take more than that to get him to stop teasing you about it
he’s a cocky bastard but you love him to death for it
seo changbin
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superhero movie!!!
like something from the mcu
seeing him get so excited/invested in the movie??
but he might get a little too excited
in other words, going to the movies with changbin is an...interactive experience
meaning that he talks at the movie
not to the movie, but at the movie
like...he talks at the characters on screen
as if they can hear him
honestly it’s kinda cute
but occasionally you have to remind him to keep his voice down
“shhhh alright calm down a bit-”
“changbin i love you but please don’t get us kicked out of the theater”
10/10 would have his arm around you throughout the movie
even if his arm goes numb, he’d refuse to let anything stop him
“changbin, you don’t have t-”
lowkey feels like a pillow
bc he beefy
on very rare occasions he might fall asleep during the movie
if he does end up dozing off and you catch him in the act, he’d deny it profusely
he likes to spontaneously slip his hand into yours :)
and lace your fingers together :))
you’re holding hands now :)))
his presence is just so warm and fuzzy and you make each other so happy
hwang hyunjin
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the funnest(?) most fun bf in existence
he’s definitely the type to try and smuggle outside food into the theater
he insists that he’s inconspicuous about it
and he tries to be
but he’s not :)
“uh... hyunjin, why are you wearing two hoodies?”
“i uh... i’m... cold?”
“so you’re sticking bags of microwaveable popcorn in between your sweatshirts...to keep warm?”
*visibly sweating* “i can explain...”
ok ok
so y’all seeing a comedy
it’s so bubbly and contagious
so naturally, you’d both be laughing up a storm at the back of the theater
and sometimes it’s because of the movie
but most of the time it’s because of the side comments the two of you keep making to each other
and it doesn’t help that he keeps making these ridiculous observations about the characters in the movie
“what’s up with that guy?”
“what about him?”
“why is he built like a refrigerator?”
about halfway through the movie, you both reach that delirious state where literally anything and everything becomes funny
even if it’s not supposed to be funny
...especially if it’s not supposed to be funny
the two of you? lowkey hyenas
long story short, you’re both asked to leave the theater not even two hours into the film :)
han jisung
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action!! movie!!
finishes the popcorn within the first ten minutes of the film
that is, if he doesn’t scarf it all down during the previews
he talks through the entIRE THING
he’s always got something to say
it’s like watching the director’s commentary version of a movie
but instead of the director talking about the film-making process
it’s jisung muttering nonsense in your ear
sometimes pertaining to the movie
and other times...
“hey did i ever tell you about the time i saw a seagull eating garbage?”
...yeah, other times it’s...not
either way, you don’t mind
because you aren’t really paying much attention to the movie anyways
you’re too busy admiring your boyfriend
how could you not?
the way he’s on the edge of his seat, giving the movie his full attention...
the light from the screen flickering dimly on his face, highlighting his gentle features...
you’re the luckiest person in the world, no doubt
his eyes light up whenever something particularly cool/badass happens in the movie
but he also gets startled by the explosions every now and then
when that happens, you just look at each other for a moment
and then burst into a fit of giggles
“stoooppp!! it was loud, ok??”
you just hum in response and rest your head on his shoulder
y’know that thing he does where like...
he’s giggling, but he has something he wants to say, so he keeps trying to talk?
but his words keep getting cut off by his own laughter?
yeah... that’s what he’s doing
he’s adorable
lee felix
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animated movie
a firm believer that you’re never too old to enjoy cartoons
he never lost that child-like energy/enthusiasm, which is part of what makes him such a gem
so of course, when the new disney movie came out, he knew he had to go see it with you
he would definitely load up on snacks from concessions
if you don’t stop him, he’s gonna be buying two giant things of popcorn and at least five different kinds of candy
and when he walks back to you after paying, he’d just smile brightly from behind the mountain of junk food in his hands like
“snacks :D!!!!!”
seriously though, try to keep track of how much popcorn he eats
bc he might overeat and get a stomachache :((
obviously he can take care of him self, cuz he’s an adult
but like
he loves when you look out for him
because he knows just how much you care about him
sunshine boy :((
y’all already know how much of a cuddle bug this man is
so of course that means lots of cute, affectionate gestures during the movie
holding hands
you resting your head on his shoulder
and him resting his head on top of your head
and most importantly SNUGGLES
snuggles are a must
for him, movie dates are just an excuse to be extra touchy with you
even though he never needs an excuse to get cuddles whenever he wants
because c’mon
it’s felix
what are you gonna do, say no?
kim seungmin
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murder mystery film
tends not to talk all that much during movies
he’d just be so completely engrossed in the movie that he’d forget about his surroundings
but that’s not to say he won’t hold your hand or drape his arm over your shoulders
every now and then you can catch him leaning forward in his seat
with his mouth slightly ajar
it’s so endearing
but if for whatever reason you want to get his attention...
yeah, good luck with that
you’d have to maybe give his hand a lil squeeze to get his attention
and at first he’d just turn his head in your direction, keeping his eyes glued to the movie
but if you gave his hand another squeeze, he’d snap out of it
“hey, seungmin?”
“huh? yeah?”
“i love you”
if that doesn’t make his heart SWELL—
his dazed expression would quickly shift into one of pure elation and fondness
he might not respond verbally
but he’d gently bring your hand up to his lips
press a soft kiss atop your knuckles
and then lower your hand again without letting go, turning his attention back to the movie
but that bright smile of his would never falter for even a moment
he loves you too
so so much :)
yang jeongin
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another one for romantic comedies
he likes it when there’s a little less “rom” and slightly more “com”
and so do you
because it means you get to hear his laugh more
oh god...
his laugh
the little giggles in between the short gasps for air...
so cute
“no. i’m not cute.”
he is very cute
probably won’t initiate any skinship
but if you do, he will absolutely go along with it
sometimes he’ll nod off in the middle of a movie
and then wake up during the credits, completely disoriented
“where am i”
“you fell asleep”
“you drooled a little on my shoulder, you goof”
unlike hyunjin, he’s really good at sneaking food into the theaters
like really really good
almost to the point that it’s scary
usually people try to sneak in popcorn or candy or maybe soda
well not jeongin
“hey, you want some?”
he’s not telling
like or reblog if you enjoyed ^^ feedback is always welcome and very much appreciated!
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alexjcrowley · 3 years
Hi! This fanfiction is based on an idea by @idrilearfalas , she wrote the entire concept and the iconic/important lines you'll find in this fanfiction, check out her blog, she is great.
The Pompeii mission, Mobius thought it would have been an easy one. Everybody knows what should happen in Pompeii and it's usually all natural. You just have to make sure someone dies- eh, sorry Plinius- and someone lives.
It's an easy mission, normally, but not when you have to handle a certain norse God of Mischief. One who likes to throw a tantrum on every other occasion.
It's usually nothing more than bantering, playful and witty at its best, sharp and bitter at its worst, but it's something Mobius can handle. He can even enjoy it, when he makes a stupid joke and Loki tells him how stupid it is and they both chuckle. Loki has to learn something new about being a TVA agent and most of the times he makes a fool of himself before getting the thing right, so Mobius can tease him a little and Loki will respond sharp as ever, but with a sort of...endearing note in his stubborness.
Those are good days, days Mobius comes back to his apartment with a smile and when he closes his eyes he can still hear the God's laughter at whatever funny thing happened that day, or replay the moment when they looked into eachothers' eyes and they suddenly understood what to do with the mission, with a single glance.
Today was not a good day. He didn't know the reason. Maybe Loki woke up on the wrong side of the bed, maybe Mobius accidentally made an unpleasant comment, but the norse God started their mission with a pout you could see on the face of a child when they don't get the Christmas present they wanted.
"Oh well" Mobius had thought. Oh well, it's just another bad day, a day in which he had to watch his mouth, because you don't want to deal with an angered God. The general mood was low, the Minutemen looked already tired before the mission had even started and Mobius knew from the moment he passed through the portal he wanted to come back home as soon as possible.
But this wasn't an ordinary bad day. Mobius was prepared to deal with a bit of coldness, with a lack of enthusiasm from everybody, what he wasn't ready to deal with- he didn't want to deal with Loki acting like an asshole.
"And that's it? Really?"
"What did you expect me to say, exactly? You brought me here, you told me I was living a delusion and you gave me no choice other than being your hound. I apologise if I can't think of you as one of my dear friends."
"One of your dear friends? Who would the others be? Just curious, because I have seen your entire life and there is not one person, except maybe Thor, you actually build this strong and trusting relationship with-"
"Wonderful, so why did you expect you'd be the first one I'd decide to grant the gift of my friendship to? I am not even your colleague, I am subjected to this stupid organisation and to you in particular. We are not friends, we forcibly work together and that's it."
Mobius and Loki had been speed walking during the entire discussion, but Loki stopped for a moment.
"You can't fool me, I know very well I am not anything more than your ticket to the Variant. I'll be damned before I put my trust in you, we both know, after all of this has come to an end, nothing will be between me and that resetting stick."
You see, on an ordinary bad day, this would have never happened. On an ordinary bad day, Mobius wouldn't have seen all of his efforts to build a decent relationship with Loki shattered. Was he used to a suspicious Loki? Yes. To a Loki who said that trust is for dogs and children? Also yes. He had been used to that Loki since he first opened up his file. But he had also started being used to Loki's rare moments when he opened up, to his hidden heroic side which desperately seemed to call for attention, to his awkward, genuine reaction when he was showed any form of affection. Mobius had seen Loki spitting his "trust nobody" one liners with less and less convinction everyday, and then they were only mumbled comments to keep up a façade, and then they had become whispers, and then eyes rolls, to the point that Mobius had thought Loki had started warming up on poeple- warming up on him. But he was wrong. Just because Loki didn't voice his dissent, it didn't mean it wasn't there.
It didn't mean he saw Mobius as more than just enemy, even after everything they had been through, even after Mobius took on himself the risk of whatever would have happened to Loki and because of Loki, even after the trust he had shown him, even after the laughters and the lunches and the jokes and the stolen glances- now, look at who was the delusioned one.
Did this upset Mobius? Absolutely. But it also fired him up. Frustration, anger, embarrassment, Mobius erupted with a fiercety matching the volcano explosion just minutes ago.
"Do you really think I would just let them reset you?"
Although shorter than the God, Mobius stood up in front of him looking him in the eyes.
"After all I have done to keep you alive, after all we have been through, do you believe I'd just abandon you to your de-"
"What else would you do? Keep me with you, as your 'friend'? What, you took pity on me and were planning to give me a desk so I can spend the rest of my eternity working for the same people who robbed me of my future?"
"Now stop it, you two, the passage is open, we need to leave" said Hunter B-15, but Loki and Mobius didn't seem to have any intention of listening to her, so she just signed at the rest of the group.
"Come on, hop through it, they'll come when they're ready" she ordered. She waited for the Minutemen to go through the passage, she looked once again at Loki and Mobius and she shook her head, following her collogues back to the TVA. She closed the passage, aware that Mobius could have opened another when he wanted to.
"Just because you are a selfish, uncaring bastard it doesn't mean we all have to be. Is it so difficult for you to accept some people care about you? Like your mother or your brothe-"
"Don't you dare talking about them, you know nothing about them-"
"I literally know everything about them-"
"And stop pretending you care about me or trust me, I am the God of Illusions, I know all your stupid tricks, I used them before-"
Loki and Mobius were shouting very loud, they barely heard the footsetps of someone approaching. A Variant, not the Loki Variant, another one, an enemy of the TVA, probably.
Mobius noticed them in the corner of the eye and turned around fast enough.
Loki was not minimally done with the discussion, but if Mobius was looking away from him, something must have happened.
Loki has been in battles. Battles on Asgards are usually more "traditional" than what you see on Midgard. Sure, they can use magic, but it's mostly swords and axes and arrows and, sometimes, good old-fashioned punches. When he had been on Midgard, Loki had learned war had incredibly evolved. The glorified Midgardian technology changed the face of battles. He had seen a few of the new weapons, nothing that impressive, incomparable to magic. But he remembered them very well, he knew he was not a good idea to underestimate them. So he remembered the sound of a bullet. It was loud, violent, fast. It lasted a few seconds, and then there was silence. If you aim right, your enemy is not just wounded, he's already dead.
They both turned to see the Variant pulling out a gun, and then Loki heard it.
The sound of a bullet.
He shoved Mobius away, before the agent could do anything about it. Mobius heard the sound of a bullet as well, he heard Loki moan in pain and he knew he hadn't been fast enough. But he made up for it pulling out his gun as well, shooting the Variant right in the chest, it only took one bullet to kill him.
Mobius was suddenly grabbed by the arm by a bleeding Loki, who was trying to stand up in vain.
Mobius kneeled next to him, holding him and putting his head on his lap.
Blood. So much blood. The bullet hit the stomach. A normal bullet? You take him to the hospital and chances are he'll be fine. A bullet like that, with a venom release? Kills you in a matter of minutes.
'He is not going to survive' a voice declared in Mobius's head.
He had seen scenes like this too many times to ignore the truth, even if he was desperately trying to. So many missions ending up with corpses, Mobius had witnessed so many deaths like this. It was useless to try and save them, the most merciful act was to immediately reset them to spare them the pain.
But not with Loki. Mobius had already started pressing on the wound, trying to stop the blood.
Useless, all of this was useless.
Loki was uttering verses more than words, normally at this point he would have neen already unconscoius, but the whole being a God must have come with some sort of enhanched healing capacity.
"I am not...ugh, not surviving this?"
"No, no, you are, I just have to take you through the passage-"
"I am...the God of...lies, I know one when I heard...one" Loki coughed.
No, no, no, one thing was seeing Loki dies in a stupid video, another was to witness him dying between his arms, Mobius thought. He couldn't bear this.
Loki looked so scared. He didn't even have the strenght to talk to pretend he was fine with this, he accepted this death. He just looked pained and frightened. He tried to tighten his grip around Mobius's arm, but he couldn't, he was loosing too much blood too fast.
"He looks so young, God, he looks so young" was all Mobius could think. He had seen Loki die, he had seen him a hero, a son of Odin, a troubled man with a controversial life, but this Loki, he was too young. He was just learning what his life could amd couldn't be, he still hadn't make up with Thor or heard his father tell him that he loved him. There was an entire future for him ready to be rewritten, he couldn't die in that moment, he couldn't die on him.
"Aren't you...you tired of watching...me die..."
"You are not dying, Loki, we just have to press on the wound for bit longer, enough for it to stop bleeding, then I'll take you through the passage and-"
"It's always...so pathetic..." Loki coughed again "of a scene..."
Mobius looked around him for another piece of cloth to press on the wound. He had already sacrificed his jacket, but, in absence of anything else, he ripped part of the sleeve of his shirt and pressed it on Loki's stomach. The white cotton was soon impregnated by dark red blood.
"At least...both times...I died for someone I-"
Loki coughed again, exhaling his last breath.
Mobius stopped pressing on the wound. He stared at Loki's corpse in a silent horror.
His body wasn't cold yet, the blood was still flowing, but he was dead. Loki was dead.
Mobius conceided himself a few seconds to fully realize there was nothing left to do. He wanted to scream, but his mouth didn't emit any sound.
His hands still rested on the wound, wet woth blood.
"It should have been you, is that what you're thinking, isn't it?"
Mobius reluctantly teared his gaze off Loki's corpse, to meet the eyes of another God Mischief, one alive and on the run.
Towering over Mobius with his dark cloak, the Dangerous Variant casted a shadow on the two TVA agents. He then kneeled beside Loki's corpse.
Mobius looked at him is disbelief.
"Why are you here?" was all Mobius managed to say.
Why are you here now? Where were you five minutes ago, when Loki was still alive, when you could have done something? How are looking at your own corpse- they were, after all, the same person- without any anger, or surprise or shock?
Mobius wasn't scared of the Dangerous Variant, on the contrary. Although TVA insisted on branding him as this big enemy, he had on several occasions helped him and Loki out, even saved them from some very bad situations. He had never constituted a threat for him or Loki. Sure, he was a mass murderer, but that was kind of a Loki characteristic in general.
"Okay, here's the deal" said the Variant, without looking away from the dead body "You use your...your- ah, what's its name, the- the remote to go back in time, I'll take his place and it's happy ending for everyone. Except for me" he mumbled "but that was mever in the plans, wasn't it" he smiled bitterly, pushing a lock of the dead Loki's hair away from his face.
"What?" Mobius exclaimed.
"Just do as I say" the Variant kept looking down at the corpse "You turn back time, I take the bullet, you two live, I die. It's easy, Mobius."
"How the hell should this be easy?" Mobius shouted, prey to grief and confusion "Why would you do that? What's- what's the meaning of this?"
The Variant had been willing to lend a hand in moments of need, but he was no suicidal.
Finally, the Variant pried his eyes away from his other self and looked at Mobius.
"You asked me once why I was doing what I was doing, remember?" he began.
Mobius slowly nodded.
“Killing TVA officers, trying to destroy the system" the Variant continued "It was just... revenge. Against the TVA. For taking away the thing I cared the most about."
He then looked Mobius in the eye, with a strange intensity, some sort of regret.
"...I was that Loki"
He looked once again at the corpse.
"Then they killed you." he paused.
Mobius didn't say a word, but he kept looking at the Variant astonished.
"And I decided it was time to stray from my written path again. Because nothing else mattered anymore, except making them pay for what they did and making sure what happened to you in my past... did not happen in your present."
The Variant idly run a bony finger over his other's self pale cheek. He then raised his eyes at Mobius.
"I will take his place because he still has you" he then declared "and he still has time to accept" he made a small gesture with his hand, encompassing his dead alter ego and Mobius "whatever you’ve got going on."
Mobius looked at the Variant ever so bewildered, but the Variant simply closed his eyes for a few seconds, looking for the right words.
"He still has time to tell you...all the things I never said." 
The Dangerous Variant was on his knees, teary eyes and a lump in his throat, but he then stood up and cleared his stance. Despire the shaken voice, he proclaimed with all the courage he seemed to own: "I am Loki of Asgard and I am burdened with glorious purpose." He screamed that to no one in particular, or maybe just to himself.
Mobius had been shocked into silence until that moment. Still looking at the Variant, he stood up too, hesitated for a moment then extends his hand to Dangerous Variant. The other one looked at it for a moment, and then firmly grasped it, shaking it.
Mobius was still very confused over what has just happened- what was going to happen.
"Are you sure?" he asked "You...would die. For good. I- I don't think there's a way everybody can get out safe from this- even if you consider time travel and-"
"I know. That's why I am doing it. So that you two get to live, you still has reasons to do it." the Variant said, no hesitation.
"I was right, you know," Mobius said, still reluctant to leave Loki's hand- the moment he did, the Variant would have to die. It was still hard for him to sentence someone to death. But his lips curled into an almost amused smile, even though with a note of sadeness "You're not a villain."
The Variant snorted- oh, Allfather, he had missed Moby's antics- and rolled his eyes, then looked at Mobius again, trying to hide his amusement. You had to have a sense of humour to live his life, Loki thought, there weren't many moments to laugh in his existence, he had to learn to appreciate rare moments like those, when fate graced him with the last sight of the love of his life.
"Turn back the clock, Mobius."
After a slow nod, his hand still in Variant Loki's, Mobius did as he was said.
Two days later those events, ut was a good day. In the previous two days, the TVA had finally declared that one of his most wanted Variants was not a problem anymore. Mobius simply stated he had "been cared about", with a hint of sadness nobody cared for. Loki had been quite shocked to witness his death, he had tried to do something for him, but Mobius had looked at him the way he rarely did- with resignation. Nothing left to do. He had offered Loki to spend some time together after the whole thing, to buy him a drink if he needed, to simply listen to him or leave him alone, if he wanted to. It wasn't easy to be a spectator of their own death.
Loki had recovered quicker than Mobius would have thought. Sure, you could still see Loki lost in his train of thoughts when he was left on his own, but he had seen himself die once, he could handle twice.
"Paperwork. To distract you. As a treat." Mobius put on his desk a stack of papers the size of an encyclopedia.
Loki frowned: "And you call this a treat?"
"Well, you can always go help Casey cataloguing the infinity stones, if you like it best" Mobius chuckles.
Loki mindlessly started playing with the Tesseract on his desk- yes, they let him keep it. After all, it was no more than a glowing blue lamp at the TVA.
"Mh, whatever" Loki sighed, picking up a paper, still glaring at Mobius.
"Oh, you have to file these for the end of the day, which gives you around...hmm, something between one and four hours in earth time, I don't remember now. Good luck." Mobius added before starting to walk away.
An irritated "what" that was probably heard in the entire pocket reality of the TVA made him stopped in place. Mobius couldn't help but smile, but he didn't turn around.
"You must be joking! This is- this is unacceptable! What is even supposed to mean between one and four hours? I may have king ambitions but you are the real tyrant!" Loki shouted.
"Oh, Loki" said Mobius, finally turning to face the God "This is very flattering, but I am no more than a mere bureaucrat."
"Yes, and the worst kind." the other replied. He then looked around him, noticing that everybody has stopped whatever they were doing to listen to his shoutings. With a faint flush on his face, Loki sat back in his chair, just after glancing at the whole room and snarling a "What are you looking at?"
He then looked back at Mobius, sighing a "I hate you so much".
Mobius simply smiles.
"Sure you do, kitten."
I am sorry for the spelling mistakes, I tend to make a lot of them and also I am not a native english speaker, so I hope I everything I wrote makes sense.
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cybernaght · 4 years
Guardian rewatch: episode 4
While patrolling at night in civvies, Shen Wei gets caught by Zhao Yunlan and his merry band of misfits. You’d think that he would maybe quickly morph into his black-cloaked persona, because we know that the can just transform into Hei Pao Shi, magical girl style. Instead of summoning that disguise however, he dons his glasses (a very different kind of mask, but a mask nonetheless), and turns around, bracing himself for what’s to come. 
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This is going to be fun. 
(Spoilers for the future episodes)
Let’s look at the situation from Zhao Yunlan’s perspective. What does he really know about Shen Wei? The man is polite, but strangely intense. He is undeniably intelligent, both learned and perceptive, but he is also way too knowledgable on the topic of alien-mutant-demihuman/supernatural for a civilian. He also, as far as Zhao Yunlan knows, walked away unscathed from at least three fights, two of which should have definitely been lethal. He could fall off the roof, and not even look disheveled afterwards. After being connected with two cases, he has now been lurking at a different crime scene entirely. And with all that, Shen Wei is also courageous, kind, compassionate, and understanding. He pushes back when Yunlan gets into his space. I don’t think there is a single moment, not even in this, very soft, episode, when Zhao Yunlan does not know that there is more to Shen Wei than meets the eye. He just doesn’t want professor Shen to be the big bad, and thinking he might be one is making chief Zhao worried and confused. 
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Back at the SID interrogation room, Shen Wei is preparing to evade enough so that he does not have to lie too much. Thankfully, he is good at this sort of thing.
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Part 1. Zhu Hong.
Zhu Hong is the first to interrogate Shen Wei, and her approach is by the book. She is impassive, but not unfriendly. She asks reasonable questions, such as “why were you so far away from your place of work and your abode in the middle of a night?” and “aren’t you a little bit too composed in face of death and spooky things for a professor?” Those are technically right things to ask. It’s exactly what should he asked in this scenario. Shen Wei, being much more of a sly bastard than he was letting on, turns it around completely and instead of answering anything plainly, talks about the Snake Tribe, implying that Zhu Hong must be a disappointment to her people. 
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Zhu Hong storms off. Instead of being concerned, this time Zhao Yunlan is... endeared at the power move of cosmic proportions. It’s almost like he enjoys this man’s ability to use people’s weaknesses against them.
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Part 2: Chu Shuzhi
Lao Chu approached the problem of Shen Wei by trying to scare him: he brings in his brother/puppet, and pretty much ignores the man. For Shen Wei this is an easy one, which is extremely unfair. He knows Chu Shuzhi and his past, which means does not need to find an opening; he just pounces right away, commenting on how Chu’s puppet seems alive, even trying to grab at it. His willingness to exploit his knowledge of his colleague’s dark past is kind of eerie.
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“You confidence and composure remind me of someone I know”, comments Chu Shuzhi. And now, now Shen Wei purses his lips. He thinks, as do the viewers, that he must be speaking of Hei Pao Shi. But then Chu Shuzhi states that that other man is much more worthy than Shen Wei, we are to understand that he is talking is about Zhao Yunlan. Shen Wei stares at the chief through the mirrored glass, noting that whoever that person is, they must be truly righteous. 
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Lao Chu very rarely speaks highly of his chief, so it’s nice to see some of that admiration here. If you squint, his comment could even be read as protective: he is neither deaf, nor stupid, and Zhao Yunlan must talk about Shen Wei a lot. 
Part 3: Zhao Yunlan
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Zhao Yunlan does not try to intimidate, pressure, or follow any reasonable protocol. Instead, he just asks Shen Wei to be honest with him, and say whether there is a connection between him and the cases. Shen Wei startles at this, his eyes going big and vulnerable, and does, in fact, tell him the truth. Well. Sort of the truth. It’s closer to the truth than it is to a lie. It’s complicated. 
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It’s hard to say for sure whether this perfect kicked puppy expression is an act. I, for one, choose to believe that he just sometimes cannot control his face when he’s in the vicinity of the man who will become his Kunlun. 
Zhao Yunlan counts his eyelashes, and lets him go. Just like that. No surveillance, no further questions. Shen Wei is just free to leave. 
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The following day marks Guo Changcheng and Chu Shizhu being on the case together for the first time. 
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It’s not remarkable, apart from being the first very tiny step from the least likely working duo to the most important people in each other’s lives. They would not get along for a while, however. It will take time for Guo Changcheng to find resilience through his weaknesses, and for Chu Shizhu to start admiring this young man’s ability to throw himself into danger he cannot possible handle. 
As this happens, we get to meet a righteous youth which is Lin Yusen. He lost the girl he likes to the face snatcher, and is prepared to do a lot of stupid things to avenge her. He’s noble, brave, extremely reckless, and a bit of an idiot, all of which are characteristics which should actually make him very suitable for the SID. I believe Zhao Yunlan when he agrees to take the boy on board after graduation. It’s a shame that he needed to die to create a plot device. 
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Zhao Yunlan and Lin Yusen run into Shen Wei. Or rather, Shen Wei plants himself right next to SID, in order to calmly ask to tag along. He does not actually have a good reason to do so, I don’t think. It makes more sense to get involved as Hei Pao Shi than as Shen Wei, especially if he wants to keep pretending that he is a normal human. 
What Zhao Yunlan should so is keep the man he arrested the night before very far away from the case. What Zhao Yunlan does do is express vague concern for Shen Wei’s well-being, and then agree for him to join in, because, apparently, when Shen Wei is determined, there is no way to refuse him. Yunlan’s got it really really bad for this man, and it shows. He is rewarded with one of Shen Wei’s little secret smiles. 
Okay, now, can we talk about how they are literally touching as they walk by each other? 
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I thought maybe this was a forced perspective thing, but no, they walk perfectly side by side, and so close their arms are rubbing together as they do so. It’s been a very long time since I have walked with anyone closely side by side (2021 feels), but I’m pretty certain you can’t achieve this accidentally. 
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They find the victim who is not the victim, and Shen Wei is jumped by the perpetrator who is not the victim’s boyfriend, getting scratched hard enough to draw blood. Unfortunately, by the time Zhao Yunlan shows up, his skin has already repaired itself, leaving Shen Wei to pretend like the blood, crusting over what clearly used to be scratches, is not his. 
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You’d think that while spending several decades pretending to be human you would learn to not accidentally heal yourself. 
The perfect “what the hell are you?” face. 
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Instead of addressing it, Zhao Yunlan moves to shout his head off at Lin Yusen for getting involved, even though he was not the one who got attacked. I love the double standards at play. Shen Wei, in his mild, compassionate way, references the youth of his own name, reminding him to rely on other people for strength. I am sure this is a literary reference, incomprehensible to a foreign viewer; it sounds insightful and beautiful. 
As with many things, Shen Wei will learn a wrong lesson from this in the end, hyper focusing on his name, rather than remembering that going at it alone can get you killed. Shen Wei’s special power is learning, apart from when he is learning the wrong thing.*
As the two men proceed to interrogate the woman, and Zhao Yunlan figures out that the victim is not the victim via the misogyny: he does not think that a young woman could fend off an attack, or that she would be comfortable strolling around the day after. He makes his conclusions in front of slender Shen Wei, who has been attacked by things and people seemingly stronger than him and shook them off with ease. 
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The thing is, Zhao Yunlan is not an idiot, he remembers that Shen Wei should have died on him at least twice, and is staring intently at where blood should definitely be soaking Shen Wei’s jumper. He is not really letting him off the hook for this. But he must see as plainly as we do that they work well together, and he makes a clear, deliberate decision to trust the man either way. He proceeds to discuss the case with Shen Wei, who also concludes that the victim is not the victim.
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It’s lovely to see SID squad in action, staking out the perpetrators. Zhu Hong is set up as bait, with Da Qing and Chu Shuzhi having her back, and Lin Jing being their eye in the sky. There is a strange anti-yashou thing happening with the team however, which I find quite hard to understand. Lin Jing is giggling at her applying makeup, Da Qing saying that he is excited to see her pretending to be a lady. Come on now, guys, I know she is probably eating raw meet in her spare time, but she is also a beautiful, elegant young woman. I mean, look at her! 
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While the team is staking out the Undergrounder perpetrator, their boss is having a lovely evening stroll through the park with Shen Wei, talking about merits of intimate friendship. We can assume that they spent the rest of the day together.
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“Does Wei in your name have a deeper meaning?”
“It does. Someone very important gave me that name.”
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I assume Zhao Yunlan hears the same thing in this as every sane person would: “my parents gave this name to me when I was born”, as opposed to “the love of my life who looks like you, sounds like you, acts like you, and has a thing for candy, gave me this name ten thousand years ago”. So, Yunlan starts talking about his family, makes a comment that his mom would have loved Shen Wei. The conversation is quiet and honest. There is some flirting, naturally, but there is no digging and no games; just the two men getting to know each other. 
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Zhu Jiu ruins their stroll, and at the same time the face stealer and her boyfriend, Jia Hui, walk around the surveillance, capturing Zhu Hong. The team then does not call their Chief, presumably because they don’t want to disrupt his date. 
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Shen Wei’s solution to throwing Zhao Yunlan off his scent is pretending to be hurt once more: this time drawing blood by prickling his finger on one of Lin Yusen’s trap. While it will not work in the long run, Shen Wei breathes a sigh of relief at Yunlan’s overreaction, and agrees to go to A&E with him to get a tetanus shot, as if it’s a thing people do every time they have a minor cut. 
We then meet Wang Xianyang pre-evil, and his pregnant wife pre-dead. Good times.
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Guardian’s insistence on making Zhu Hong a damsel in distress is slightly grating. She should not need help to be rescued: she is not a human, and she shown to have a number of powers in this very episode. I almost wish her reliance one Zhao Yunlan could be read as an excuse to be close: I would prefer that to her being side-lined because she happens to be a woman.
If those recaps continue, I will start focusing more on fight sequences when they happen, because one of my jobs is in stage violence. This episode, we only get one fight, however, and it’s only four moves long. It’s more of a capture, really: Chu Shuzhi blocks a left hook and puts Jia Hui’s arm in a lock, then does the same thing on the other side. We are to understand that Jia Hui never stood a chance here. This lock would have looked better and more vicious if the elbow was more bent, putting the hand higher on the back. Also, continuity, what continuity? 
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Shen Wei, who probably teleported out of the A&E, goes back to patrol the streets against Zhu Jiu, still in civvies, because being caught once was not enough for him. After a brief stand-off, he fails to capture the baby goth villain, who taunts Shen Wei with his only visible weakness: Zhao Yunlan.
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Being distracted thus, Hei Pao Shi does not arrive in time to save Lin Yunsen, who runs in to save the SID team from the face stealer about to take them all out. On top of that, Hei Pao Shi also informs Zhao Yunlan that he’s taking the young man’s body away with the perpetrators, citing the peace treaty violation on his part. Needless to say, Yunlan is actually incredibly angry and upset at this turn of events, even though he probably could have summoned Hei Pao Shi if he wanted to; and must know that the Envoy is just doing his literal job. As he is storming off, Shen Wei stares at his back with naked longing. 
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Zhao Yunlan does not know that Shen Wei took Lin Yunsen away to spare his feelings as the young man was forcefully turned into a mixed-energy bomb. This episode is when we discover that being mixing dark and light energies together leads to adverse effects for the carrier, resulting in a spectacular explosion. Shen Wei will use this knowledge in the future in ways I don’t care to remind myself of. That said, I do like is well-structured narratives, with a decent amount of foreshadowing, and elements are set-up in good time, so it’s satisfying - in an abstract, detached, sort of way -  to see that that particular plot device is already present in the story. 
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At the end, we are treated to another sneak preview of the past: this time with the naming scene. Shen Wei vouches to keep his promise he once gave Kunlun to bravely march onwards, despite everything, and chooses to step aside. For now. 
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(By which I mean while he will temporarily stop inviting himself along to solve cases with Zhao Yunlan, he will still get an apartment across the hall from the other man to better stalk him.)
I would also like to note with a hint of sadness that the first onslaught of dubbing glitches happens this episode. I thought those would not start until later in the show. 
Next up, Episode 5: The Butler Did Not Do It
*I don’t actually remember if his special power being learning is something explicitly stated in the show canon, or if I have just absorbed this through fandom osmosis. 
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chubbyreaderchan · 5 years
Unexpected | Geralt x chubby!reader
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Content warning: Alludes to attempted assault on MC as well as mentions of blood and bullying. Also super long with cursing. Also I can definitely see a second part. I definitely want Geralt to train her and such.
Tags: @evyiione @labyrinth-of-thoughts @zestygingergirl @pantrashtic
(Y/n) stared silently at the party being hosted in her father's home. Her face was filled with boredom and her eyes were particularly dull watching people dance, eat, and drink. She flinched hearing laughter behind her. It was always that way. Nervous of the laughter from behind, wondering if it was about her or not. It was stressful.
She was the daughter of a nobleman. A man who had five daughters and one son. Her sisters were beautiful, thin with perfect curves and skin. Always having boys begging for their attention. Begging for marriage. Begging just for one night even. They all seemed to take after their father. He was handsome. Strong. Villagers often claimed that he had four beautiful daughters and one pig. Not that they'd ever say that to her face but she had ears.
Unlike her sisters, (Y/n) took after her mother. Her mother was beautiful of course but she was plump. No matter what they both tried they never seemed to be able to shed the weight. It was embarrassing especially since she had never been in a real relationship with anyone while her sisters were constantly turning someone down. Even more so when this whole party was in celebration of her last sister's engagement. Many disappointed suitors were present plus many villagers who were simply excited for free drink.
Another hearty laugh could be heard from behind the young woman. She decided to walk off, perhaps speak with her father or one of her sisters. Her mind was slightly cloudy from drink and anxiety. Maybe next year would be her year but she knew it wouldn't be likely.
With her mind so fuzzy she hadn't noticed the white wolf himself, to the point of bumping into him knocking his drink over another man. The man who was spilled on instantly got angry.
"Oi, bitch watch what yer doin'!"
(Y/n) began to react, an expression on anger forming on her face. She never took well to being yelled at, even by her father.
Geralt rolled his eyes at the man and turned to look over the young nobel woman. Catching his eyes instantly changed her attitude.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bump you" she opted for ignoring the angry man. He simply grunted and nodded in an acknowledgement of her apology.
"Let me get you new one" she offered, slightly avoiding eye contact from the white haired man. A short nod was his only response as they both ignored the angry villager, walking off to get more mead. It was quite easy to lose the man in the crowd.
"You're the daughter of the Lord here" The Witcher spoke finally, once he had a drink in his hand. (Y/n) nodded once, drinking her own beer. She nods. "Why were you alone all night? I assumed you'd be having a time like your sisters" he nodded towards one dancing away gleefully with a handsome young man.
Her eyes glanced at the strong face shape of the man next to her. A slight shrug came from her. "I'm not a fan of dancing"
The white wolf raised a brow and gulped down some of the liquid. A grunt in acknowledgement was all that was heard from him.
"I'm guessing you must be the Witcher."
He nodded. Clearly, he wasn't much of a talker.
"What's your real name?" She cocked her head to the side slightly.
"Geralt" he responded. (Y/n) nodded. "I'm (Y/n)." He chuckled slightly.
"I figured as much. The Bard already explained about you and your sisters" He nodded towards a thin man playing a lute and singing a bouncy happy song. The dancing and laughter began to get louder with each strum and note. In fact they were both bumped into this time by a very drunk couple. Geralt and (Y/n) both grumbled in annoyance.
The couple sauntered away, giggling without acknowledgement towards the Witcher and the young Lady.
"I think I'm going to go to my room." She paused. "You're welcome to join me if you need a break from.." she gestured to the increasingly chaotic party. Geralt looked at the room with irritation on his face. He gulped the last of the mead and slammed it on a nearby table.
"Are you sure your father wouldn't mind his daughter going to her room with a stranger?"
"I think he'd be glad of it" she said with bitterness in her voice.
He looked over the young woman as she turned towards the door. "Maybe in a while" he responded. "I must keep an eye on my bard for now." His eyes turned back to said bard as a drunk Noble began yelling at the lad. "Well my room is..."
"I'll find it" he nodded a thanks to her.
His foot fall was heavy as he went to talk to the drunk. Occasionally he glanced at the door hoping perhaps the young woman would come back to lead him away. The other part knew a noble like her would only be a night of fun. He grunted upon hearing the man threatening the Bard for sleeping with his wife. Even still, he could be having a nice quiet night with her instead of being muscle for an irresponsible musician.
Geralt essentially scared off the man quite easily but damn he could use another drink. He walked back towards the table from earlier, when he noticed the man that got mead spilled on him earlier. He watched as he left the party and out the door. Instinct kicked into the Witcher instantly. He was still visibly pissed, drunk as hell and most likely going to have a bad plan in his head.
"Shit" he grumbled, changing his path and following the man. It was very clear he was going the same way. Her scent was strong and sweet. Easy to track and his was strong and musky, mixing bitterly with hers.
And the little bastard was quick. As Geralt was rounding a coroner he heard a yell. It sounded like a young women. He cursed himself again as her shoved open the heavy door. The smell of blood filled his nose. His golden eyes looked upon the scene in surprise. There laid the man, curled into a ball gripped his loin in agony. Blood seeped through his pants.
"...The fuck?" Geralt spoke softly. He looked up and there (Y/n) stood blood on her lip, clearly from getting hit in the face. Her hand held a blood covered dagger. She was breathing hard, anger on her face.
"Asshole attacked me" she stated pointing the dagger at the man. He whimpered and cursed. "Fuckin' bitch. She stabbed me in the dick." He whined.
Geralt winced slightly before walking forward into the room. He lifted the man from the floor and dragged him out the door. His golden eyes glittered in annoyance as he did so. Quickly he shut the door to her room, attention back on the plump young girl. Suddenly he found her more attractive than before. The way she cleaned the blade off with the silk of her dress intrigued him, a soft grunt of curiosity escaped him. She didn't even flinch as she wiped the blood from her face. Of course it was just a man, not any sort of beast but his opinion that she was just a silly rich girl was slowly disappearing. Geralt approached her carefully. He didn't want to upset her by coming forward to quickly.
It took a lot in him not to grab her and take her then. The candle light seemed to dance off her skin in that moment. A moment of fury.
"While my sisters were being doted on by boys... I choose to fight. Play with swords and knives. I've never actually had to use for like before tonight..." She admitted. Why was she admitting something like that to him. Was it skill or dumb luck? She wasn't exactly sure. But the adrenaline from the fight was intriguing none the less.
The Witcher was quite close to her now, one hand carefully taking the small dagger from her hand tossing it onto the bed with his other he lightly ran his thumb over her slightly swollen lip. A slight grunt was the only sound he made to acknowledge her words.
Her breathing hitched as her looked into his eyes. He took a deep breath himself.
"Fuck" he grumbled softly. Now wasn't the best time. He knew that. She was just attacked. Geralt pulled away, shoulders slightly more tense as he turned towards the door.
(Y/n) couldn't gain her voice. It seemed like centuries passed before she finally said to him just as he reached for the door knob. "You don't have to go... I'm no party but... I do have wine." Geralt paused.
"You were just attacked..." He grumbled. (Y/n) for a moment thought he reminded her of a grumpy old man. Perhaps he was. She honestly only knew about Witchers from stories.
(Y/n) nervously licked her lip, wincing as she touched the cut with her tongue. "Yes... But you are a Witcher. I'd feel better with you here" A half truth. The fight with that man gave her confidence in her skills enough that she knew now she could defend herself, but there was something about this so called white wolf that she enjoyed. "I... Also like your company"
"You barely know me" he said matter of factly.
Her face scrunched slightly. "Yes... I suppose that is true. But what a better way to get to know a man than through wine and conversation?"
"Did you make that up just now?" He challenged, turning back to her.
Her cheeks turned warm as the embarrassment in her chest built. "No, I believe it was my elder sister that said it. When I was a young girl asking about boys"
The Witcher scoffed but didn't leave.
"You're a strange one." he muttered, heavy foot steps were heard as he came back towards her.
"No stranger than you, good Witcher"
He hummed again, as she motioned for him to sit in her bed. She poured two goblets and joined him.
"Just conversation for tonight" he mentioned.
(Y/n) looked up at him, quite innocently. It was much clearer to him that though she was older her experience with the seduction of man was minimal. "Of course.... What else....?" He chuckled and slightly shook his head. How endearing she was.
"Nevermind what I said"
"And I'm the strange one?" She scoffed playfully.
"More like... Unexpected"
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Blood, tears and sea breeze
Warnings: ANGST, mental health issues, graphic depictions of violence, blood, cursing, mentions of sexual assault, mentions of sex, substance abuse.
Summary: The not so peaceful town of Broadchurch face dead again, while Alec Hardy continues his journey to redemption will this school teacher be the key to solve the mystery or just another victim of the ever watching evilness that seems to reside in the town.
Notes: My OC Derek Ramos is basically Anthony Ramos (Hamilton) I love him, he is cute and sexy and so freaking talented, and I frankly just wanted to write a story about him, but the In the Heights movie won't be happening any time soon, so I settled for this.
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Chapter 16: Inappropriate
Common sense and logical thinking, as Doctor Florence used to say when you were just a kid, whenever you felt ike you were losing control you needed to found the logical thing to do, and that would calm your anxiety before you have an episode, and usually it worked, most of the time anyway.
What was the logical thing to do now? None of the actions you have been taking the last weeks were logical, and common sense was urging you to stand up and run away from him, but the soft touch of his hands on the small of your back and the warm breath of his mouth were proving to be more calming than any rational thinking.
His lips felt soft on yours and maybe also scared, but he had no hesitation and you have seen the quiet need in his eyes, and you could almost cry since this was the first time in weeks since someone had kissed you, and sadly the first time in months since someone had that actual desire and need on his eyes before kissing you, he doubted for a second the moment you start returning the kiss with the hunger and longing for physical contact that had been denied to you; but he kept you close to him enough for you to feel his heart beating hard and fast on his chest, and you were desperate to know how would it feel under his shirt.
His touch became tighter on your waist and your body was moving on it's own trying to climb on his lap obeying some muscular memory on how familiar it felt, not like they were similar in any way, but he gave you the safe feeling He used to provoke on you, and you finally open your eyes... for a moment you were convinced that a pair of playful blue eyes will receive you with a cheeky grin, but instead there were those sad brown eyes darkened with desire, and logical thinking choose the worst possible moment to start working again.
You broke contact immediately, and felt a little hurt that he didn't tried to stop you when you muttered a little "I'm sorry" and run straight to his room closing thee door behind you and finally letting the tears consume you.
Jonathan's memory deserved better than this reckless and selfish behavior, and Detective Hardy deserved a free woman, free from all the horrors in your past, free from a dead fiance whom you still loved deeply, and free from all the problems you tended to cause. Also you were not entirely sure but it seems like he and Detective Miller had a thing going, and you would never get in between two people, it was a harmful and indecent thing to do specially to people who were as nice and considerate as them.
You could hear him pacing on the hallway outside the door and you wanted to get outside and tell him how much you really wanted to kiss him and maybe more, but you were broken at the moment and how bad idea it was, you wanted to tell him desperately how much you enjoyed kissing him, how his lips bring you back to life and how for a moment all the sadness disappeared, and how much you appreciate all the things he have done for you, and how you bring sadness and trouble to anyone around you so you have to walk away from him before you drag him to your darkness and ruin his life.
Because for god sake Y/N! Your mind told you once he stopped and turned off the light of the hallway, you were a fucking witness/ suspect on a murder case, his bloody career will be in the trash if someone knew that he did as much as looking at you as something more.
No, this was better, you could hide there at least until he left for work the next day and after that... well you will figure it out once the sun were up. You sitted on the bed trying to take Jonathan's disappointed and hurt face away from your thoughts, but two hours later when Daze entered the house you were still awake, ot wasn't until after 4:00 am that the fatigue defeated you and finally closed your eyes.
Olly Stevens was waiting outside Ashley Langford's La Boheme deli, holding a tray with two cups of coffee, and saw detective Harford approach him in civilian clothes she pointed to an empty table in the terrace and he followed her.
"Detective, you look as gorgeous as usual, may I offer you a coffee" He said again with exaggerate reverence but before the woman could roll her eyes at him a strong hand took the tray off his hand and gave Harford one of the drinks and took the other for him.
"Oh that's really considerate from you sir" a handsome man with short curly hair and sweet and compassionate eyes sitted next to Katie and offered him his hand. "I'm DC Ramos, you can call me Derek"
"Hi Detective, I'm Olly Stevens, I'm the Broadchurch Eco editor, how can I help you?" Harford smile to his inside since Stevens would act professionally now that other man was in the scene, I was completely ridiculous and insulting, but she had to admit that Ramos had potential and she secretly wanted to spend some more time with him.
"Did you found what I asked you?" She said once he put out a couple folders.
"It wasn't easy, I had to promise a janitor a two page story on how unfair their working conditions are" he said giving her what seemed to be photocopies of a C. Langford medical record.
"And they don't have unfair working conditions?" Harford asked.
"They do, but that doesn't sell newspapers" he said and have her a wink that was received by a dead glare. "Anyway here are the old newspapers you asked for" He said giving a voluminous binder that detective Ramos took. "Now what can you tell me about Jonathan Norbury's case, anything interesting?"
"Absolutely nothing, but we appreciate your collaboration, and once we have something that would sell newspapers you'll be the first to know" Detective Ramos said with a bright smile and Olly couldn't hide the disappointment on his face and after some more small talk he left them alone.
"Did you get the old records that I asked you?" She said once they were on her car.
"I did, they are not digital so is a lot of paperwork he said pointing at a voluminous box in the back "Is gonna take us forever Katie"
"Us? They are not paying us for this you know? I mean you don't have to be here" she said and his eyes went sad for a second and she feared he felt unwelcome when she was actually delighted that he wanted to help.
"Well I know that the files came from a shady reporter, I can't leave you alone now" He said hopefully and she put a serious face for a moment.
"Fine, but I can't take work home, my apartment is tiny and they are renovating the ceiling so is a lot of noise"
"Well you can come to my place, I mean if you want to" he said nervously, and she found him endearing.
"Sure, we can order take out if this gets too long" He smiled with that happiness that reach his eyes and gave her the address so they would start search on Charles Langford's past.
"I'm going to beat that bastard" Father Coats said loudly causing a few of the penitent in the church to look at the confession booth.
"Seal of confession father" You said and you could guess the way he was brushing his hair to the back of his head as he used to when he was nervous or angry, or in this case both.
"That only works if I didn't knew who you are" He said sarcastically, since he would have recognized your voice in any place.
"Well then pretend you don't, or better yet, talk to me as my friend" you said to him in the stubborn tone you knew drive him insane.
"If this was a talk among friends I could actually have a word with detective Hardy" He said and you rolled your eyes angry because he was right.
"Well then father, tell me if I'm burning in hell for being a loose woman" you said after a while.
"No more than him" He started and you knew he was joking, was that allowed? For him to make jokes in there? "I can only absolve you if you feel repented, but something tells me you don't, and if that is the case I think there is not such thing as a sin, is terribly inappropriate, and I'm sure if you choose to continue with this you would be jeopardizing Jonathan's murder investigation" He said after thinking throughly the situation.
"Well we wouldn't be the only ones misbehaving right?" You said and you could swear you felt the color rising to his face.
"We are not discussing my personal life here, and there is nothing happening there for your information" He said defensive, he finish with the confession and you follow him outside where Daze was helping some children arrange some flowers for the altar.
"It looks amazing Dasy" you said and she smiled, apparently she pretended to become a teacher eventually and she was searching for opportunities to be around children.
"Thanks Y/N my dad is coming to pick us, I text him we were here" she said and your plan to avoid him fall apart.
"DI Hardy" Father Coats said once he got inside the church.
"Paul" he said with a dry tone, he look sadder than usual and you felt guilty for it. "Are you ready?"
"Can I stay longer?"Dasy said and you wish she could read your mind so she won't left you alone with him, although you hope he would say no, but for your surprise he agreed.
You didn't have time to think when you were already walking towards his car, but before you get back to be reclusive in his room yo thought at least you owe him an explanation.
"Alec I..."
"Y/N I'm sorry..." you spoke at the same time and he immediately shut up when he heard his name on your lips, you haven't call him that yet, but he didn't seem mad. "Go ahead" he said and he stop walking next to the car.
"Can I drive?" You said after a moment and for all answer he gave you his keys and you climb on the driver's seat.
The drive was silent, but relaxing somehow, you had a place in mind to go, and you were sure he knew where were you going but he seemed uneasy once you start walking up towards Danny Latimer's cliff, your pants were now damp by the grass but you didn't care.
You finally reached the top and sited on the grass looking at the ocean, he looked at you concerned but eventually he sited next to you.
"What are you sorry for?" You said finally.
"Well my behavior last night was... " He started taking off guard by the question.
"Inappropriate?" You said remembering Paul words "Well is not like I didn't wanted you to kiss me" you said and you could see relief in his face, and suddenly it was clear, he wasn't mad with you for running away but with himself for making advances on you. "He proposed here you know?" You said fighting the tears and trying to search for the right words to explain yourself.
"Did he?" He said with a cautious tone.
"Yeah, he hated being outdoors, city boy you know?" You laughed remembering Jonathan tired face when you reached the top and he finally put down the picking basket on the floor, and the pain start pressuring your chest "He bring me here because he knew I love this place"
"It's quite nice" he said and offered you a handkerchief.
"Thanks" you took it and clean your eyes smearing some lipstick on the fabric. "I keep thinking about how manny weeks are until our wedding day" You said and he looked confused "I keep questioning me if things had been different... I want to believe that if things had been different I would have ask you your name in one of your appointments with Dr. Florence, and maybe... I don't know maybe I would have postponed my wedding because I was not sure anymore..." you said elaborating the childish dreams and ideas that you told yourself to justify your actions.
"I'm sure you wouldn't have postponed it" he said not understanding where you wanted to go with this.
"Or maybe I would have married him anyway and eventually I would have cheated him with you" You said bitterly "Not like what I did was much different"
"You didn't cheat on him" He said vehemently and he didn't need to elaborate because you could imagine that by now he must know more about Jonathan life than you.
"We hadn't have sex in months and I felt like he was repulsed by me in the end... I'm not justifying him, but that's the truth, I thought that it was wedding nerves, but I was to naive apparently, you must know of course if he cheated on me" you said.
"You know I can't discuss deatails of the case..."He said but that was all the confirmation you needed.
"I know that, and if he was it doesn't make right what I did, I was just not ready to have feelings for someone else so soon, and I feel like by having them I somehow love him less... I should be the one apologizing because I wanted you to kiss me and more..."
"You don't have to apologize, I shouldn't have act upon my feelings, but I'm glad you are not offended by them" he said and you gave him a small smile.
"Why would I? You are a handsome wonderful man, and if I'm honest I feel more free next to you than I have in the last five months of my life, I just wish that maybe the timing had been different"
"I would have asked you your name" he said after a while and you nodded, it was so peaceful up there. "Maybe several months after we met, maybe too late for anything to happen"
"Now what?" You asked standing up after him.
"We go back, and we pretend this didn't happen" he said, and you agreed, logical thinking "and maybe when this over..." he started with hope in his eyes.
"Alec, could you be honest with me?" He nodded as a response "Do you think I did it?"
"I don't" he said, it wasn't a emotional declaration, it was just a fact for him, he was completely sure you didn't do it.
You look straight into his eyes and evaluate the situation, he was right that was the logical, rational, and correct thing to do, but...
"I don't want to be too late" You said and you kissed him, waiting that maybe he would be rational and reject you, but he closed his arms around your back and kissed you with the same intensity of the night before or maybe more, both of you knew this was dangerous, reckless, irresponsible and completely inappropriate, but you couldn't care less.
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@allonsymexgirl @laciesaito @tf18unipups @dazedkrosupreme @timey-wimey-lovi @coffees-and-constellations @ladyaziraphale @acid-gurkerl
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Kombat Krew; Random HCS, Habits and quirks.
No idea what to call this. Just an assortment of some random headcanons, featuring various habits, quirks and random occurrences of the Kombat Krew.  Some of them are slightly NSFW so just to be safe, 18+ NSFW under the cut!  Ermac is NOT paired with anyone. More just a random Headcanon about him, solo, no pairing. Because I don’t do pairings with him.  Kano is mentioned, but it is a shit post.  Mainly trash! Hope you enjoy!
·         Kabal; Doesn’t matter if he’s pre or post burn. He has a bad habit of eating your food. The left-over pizza in the fridge? He ate it. That piece of cake you were saving, he ate it. Those sweets you hid in the cupboard, he ate them. He is so sorry about it though. He will buy you more to make up for it. He gets really hungry (I headcanon is metabolism is higher than normal) he says he’s sorry. He’ll never eat your special stash, the sweets reserved for when you’re ill/ on. And he always buys you non-edible gifts, he just gets hungry and needs to eat. He always shares his food though. So, he’ll never complain if you steal his chips (Fries) even though you said you didn’t want any.  
·         Scoprion (Hanzo Hasashi); Sometimes, when watching a film, if a scene gets a little too intense, he can accidentally, like light a pillow on fire. He really doesn’t mean to do it. It just happens. Some guys have the strength to pop pillows, he lights them on fire. You were once watching a horror film, and he accidentally set fire to the pillow he was holding. All because you jumped and squeaked a little. Which made him jump and squeak a little. Queue the both of you trying to extinguish it. He’s so sorry. It’s endearing because you both laugh about it. Seeing him smile is worth all the burnt pillows and set off fire alarms in the world.  
·         Sub Zero (Kuai Liang); He loves to hold you. He wants to feel close to you, the man has been touch starved for a while. It also brings him great relief knowing you are safe. But there is a slight snag in this. He’s freezing. His hands are extremely cold. And he has a bad habit of placing his hands-on exposed skin whilst asleep. Which wakes you up. It’s not bad in summer, but when are you actually anywhere but the cold? So yeah, Cold hands warm heart. He’s really sorry about it, apologises and blushes red. Why is it endearing? Because he just wants to be close to you. Subconsciously it’s like he’s trying to reach out and touch you. Even in sleep he’s trying to keep you safe. And ain’t that cute?  
·         Kano; Pisses to make his territory. Pissed all over your new sofa. Absolutely foul man.
·         Baraka; Isn’t really a bad habit, more of a regular occurrence, which has turned into a habit. Okay. So, I agree with the consensuses that he is a bit spiky and would rip clothes, blankets etc. But making out with him comes with a risk. To cut a long story short, he once got embedded into the couch. Innocent little cheek kisses, turned into you kissing his neck, straddling him. And he punctured your best pillow and his spikes got stuck in the couch. Well. Fuck. It’s quirky, because, he is literally like an up-turned hedgehog in these moments. Just don’t laugh… or let him catch you laughing.
·         Johnny Cage; He live tweets EVERYTHING. You’re shopping, he’s already tweeted fifteen times before you enter the centre. Only to be mobbed by a group of fans. You’re having a mini-jokey argument about the answer to a game show question. He’s asking his fans if they know, ‘Hey its classes as phone a friend Y/N. Except, it’s tweet your followers’ Can’t decide what to have on the pizza, live-poll for his fans to answer for you! As annoying as it can get, it is pretty sweet. Because well, he’s letting everyone know he’s happily spoken for. He is so proud to be with you, and he’s just boasting about it! it’s better than him not saying anything at all. So, you can deal with the crowds, just as long as he’s by your side.
·         Erron Black; He has this habit of just being a tad bit messy. Guns, bullet casings and powder everywhere. Also, he sometimes forgets that his boots are covered in mud, so that gets trailed in. Has a terrible habit of placing his feet on the table too. He likes to lounge, if he was an animal, he’d probably be a cat. So yeah. A bit on the messy side of things. He does help you clean up, but there is nothing worse than him, trailing mud into your house. You just kind of stare in disbelief, he’s wondering what’s wrong, then the colour drains from his face when he relaises what he’s done. ‘I’ll go get a mop’
·         Shang Tsung; He trapped Ermac in a bottle. Not happy with him at the moment. So yeah, he’s going to try and eat your fucking soul. Sorry guys. The bastard trapped the Spooky man in a bottle. Not happening.
·         Ermac (Not paired with anyone); They have a bad habit of just floating around. They have scared Erron before. Erron thought he was alone, all happy and content, one minute there was nobody. Next minute BOOM. Ermac is just floating and staring at him. Where the fuck did they come from?  Kotal was once taking a dip in a hot spring, didn’t notice Ermac hovering and reading. Next minute ‘We think the steam will help your wound’ Ermac is now telling him the healing properties of different salts. Thank god they cannot just drift through walls. They have boundary problems, they just want a friend to be fair. Someone be their friend!?
·         Cassie Cage; She sings in the shower. It sounds great to her, but to everyone else not so good. But it doesn’t have to be great! Why? Because it makes everyone smile and laugh. If she knows you’re down, expect her to start singing some absolute nostalgia hits in the shower, before booting down the door when she’s done. Making her solo into a duet. You have never been serenaded, until you’ve heard an out of tune version of ‘Dancing Queen’ By Abba, sung by Cassie whilst she’s drying her hair. Has totally done that vine, where someone is singing and grabs the curling tongs. She swears she takes more of after Johnny, he’s clumsy, a goofball and can’t sing for shit either!
·         Hotaru; Habitual by nature. Life with him is very organised and he has a lot of habits. One of his quirkier ones, would be that he automatically will coaster people’s cups/glasses. Like before they even put it down on the coffee table, he will fucking coaster that shit, all whilst making stern eye contact. He will also organise your library of books, games, DVDS, bottles of alcohol. Doesn’t matter what you have, if he cannot sleep he will alphabetically organise it. He’s another guy who can tune toasters to their perfect setting. Perfect toast for you when you wake up!
·         Fujin; Gods are quirky by nature, well they are to humans. Fujin is quirky even to Raiden… ever so slightly. Fujin has a fair few quirks, such as meditating in the strangest of positions, doing near naked Yoga is another. Because to him, his form is not seen as something to be prudish over. That, and it allows him to be zen. So yeah, prepare for half naked tai-chi in the living room. He can make the perfect cup of tea as well. Like you don’t even have to say how you like it. He. Just. Knows. Gotta love Fujin. He better be DLC or we riot.
·         Raiden; A quirk of his is that he loves cats and they love him. He’s not sure where this has come from, but there is something about them that makes them perfect in his eyes. If you have a cat, it will love him instantly. Random cats will follow him in the streets. He’s the god form of catnip. Your cat may ignore you, but it will not ignore him. You’ve caught him fawning over cute cat videos before. The internet is amazing.
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pass-the-bechdel · 4 years
Marvel Cinematic Universe: Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
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Does it pass the Bechdel Test?
Yes, once.
How many female characters (with names and lines) are there?
Nine (25.71% of cast).
How many male characters (with names and lines) are there?
Positive Content Rating:
General Film Quality:
For a movie which is pretty much wall-to-wall fight scenes...I love it. I always start out going ‘maybe I overrate this movie, maybe it’s not as good as I remember’, but by the end, I’m right back in there.
MORE INFO (and potential spoilers) UNDER THE CUT:
Passing the Bechdel:
Wanda apologises to Natasha for lying. It’s a close call.
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Female characters:
Pepper Potts.
Wanda Maximoff.
Natasha Romanoff.
Male characters:
Ebony Maw.
Bruce Banner.
Stephen Strange.
Tony Stark.
Peter Parker.
Peter Quill.
Steve Rogers.
Sam Wilson.
The Collector.
Thaddeus Ross.
James Rhodes.
Bucky Barnes.
Red Skull.
Heimdall had proven himself too much of an MVP in previous films to be allowed to live in this one. Bastards.
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Heimdall and Loki, both dead before the opening titles. That’s how you know this movie means business, it’s not faking at high stakes.
I also am from space and have come here to steal a necklace from a wizard.
“Mr Stark, it smells like a new car in here!”
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“All words are made up.”
Not gonna lie, when I saw this at the cinema and I realised that Captain America had arrived? My heart LEAPT. It was intense.
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Depressed Thor is a great touch - after all previous films with Thor had him so bland, and then Ragnarok made him funny but essentially glossed over any of the difficult emotions it was dredging up, I’m glad to finally get something real and meaty from the character. If characters go through all manner of Hell and don’t show any signs of labouring under that weight, you’re doing character development wrong.
Nice callback with Red Skull.
The sacrifice of Gamora on Vormir is a really well-balanced piece; it was asking a lot, to make the emotion of it land despite how little of Thanos we’ve seen before, and without genuine emotion at it’s core it’s just the killing off of a female character for shock value. I feel like they got the pitch just right (most thanks to the music).
As much as I enjoy Thor and Rocket’s bantering, the side-quest for Stormbreaker feels like an unnecessary and over-the-top distraction in an already stuffed-full film. Easily the weakest part of the plot.
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The fact that Quill fucks everything up with defeating Thanos on Titan because he can’t keep himself under control for two seconds certainly does not endear him to me in the slightest. Like ok, you’re upset, but if you can’t stop yourself from getting violent that’s on you, that makes you a dangerous person with serious issues, that’s not normal and it’s not ok. Also, literally half of all life in the universe was at stake. So there’s that.
Listen, I’m very susceptible to heroism (and that’s why superhero movies work for me), so every time someone comes to someone else’s rescue, I have feelings. 
I had convinced myself that somehow, Thanos wouldn’t succeed with his whole plan in this movie, that he would get all the stones but that he would like, go to a special place or something before enacting his plan, so that the good guys would have a chance to regroup and race to stop him before it was too late, all that jazz. So (even though Thanos had already snapped at that point), when Bucky Barnes disintegrated before our very eyes, I was SHOCKED. That got me like a smack in the face.
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Considering I’ve never really been a fan of Tom Holland’s Spider-man, it’s a credit to his work that Peter’s death scene is so effective. That’s acting.
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So, what makes this movie work despite being so heavy with bombastic action? The short answer is: it’s because the good guys lose. I’ve made no secret of being a fan of the ‘hour darkest before the dawn’ in storytelling, so this is playing to the sweet spot for me there, but it’s not as simple as just making everything miserable and hopeless. In this case, specifically, the lead-up to that ultimate failure is key; it’s gotta still feel like a superhero extravaganza, even as it takes an increasingly dark turn. The action works because it’s part of what we signed up for (the best camouflage for subversions of the traditional model), and it works because it’s all carrying the story forward - the Infinity War is comprised of multiple battles, and because of the way the pieces of the narrative are separated, the characters don’t know how any of the other battles are turning out; everyone is just trying to fight what’s in front of them and defend the stone in their midst, they don’t have the option to sit around doom-and-glooming and restrategising as news of each defeat comes in. Rather than dragging us wholesale from Point A to B to C in ever-escalating stakes and complications, the writers have had the good sense to spread things out and let things fall apart for our heroes (and the universe) in multiple smaller pieces until they reach a cumulative critical mass. Consequently, instead of feeling as though we’re sitting there watching things go from bad to worse, the audience forms this false sense of security in the action; it’s a superhero movie, after all. We expect them to work it all out in the end, to build toward a moment of apparent hopelessness (a darkest hour before the dawn), and then to rally triumphantly for the big win. As such, we perceive small victories (i.e. the defeat of Thanos’ various ‘children’, the creation of Stormbreaker, the way things draw out in the battle on Titan) as if they are more significant, as if they are signs leading us to that big win; without those small, expected victories, the ultimate failure would not hit as hard, because after two and a half hours of watching the good guys get wrecked without a chance, what surprise would there be in the snap?
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Of course, plenty of viewers knew about the snap already or expected an ultimate failure of some sort based on the fact that we pretty much all knew that this was the first half of our grand Avengers finale (my mother, who is not a superhero movie fan, did not know what she was getting into and was...very shocked), so it’s important that the film still works to engage us on a character level so that the good guys losing in the end can hit like a ton of bricks even if you knew it was coming (and even though you no doubt expected to get the big win eventually, once Endgame came out). After all the fighting and the bantering, all the usual stuff we expect to see our heroes go through in the course of an average adventure, having them then watch their beloved friends/allies/whatever literally disintegrate before their eyes in a quiet, drawn out scene of devastation is a magnificent piece of cinema, communicating the shock not only of the event itself, but of the complete disruption to the superhero status quo. It’s not just that good guys don’t lose like this, it’s that they don’t lose with a whimper instead of a a bang. It’s not only that the cost of failure has never been this high; it’s also that they have never been forced to watch it play out with such inevitability; they have never before been rendered so powerless. If the entire film had the tone of the last ten minutes, it wouldn’t work so well, it’d just be a drudge and the audience would be desensitised by the end. By the same token, if the rest of the film had not planted the seeds of the finale so thoroughly in all its smaller losses and smokescreen victories, the ending would not be so horrifically fitting.
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Neither, of course, would the ending be so affecting, if we were not as attached to the characters as we are. We have many, many films worth of history with most of them, or at least one solid encounter in which to become attached, and even in a movie chock-full of more characters than any other before, everyone gets a chance to show their personality and remind us why we care if they live or die. I’m not going to argue for this being an incredible character piece (nor is it pretending to be one), but it plays its very large hand very well, putting emphasis where it needs to be without overloading or unbalancing the story. As I noted above, I was particularly impressed with the way Thanos was handled, considering our exposure to him previously was very minimal and it was left up the this film to build his ethos as well as his relationships with his ‘children’ almost from scratch, creating complexity and simplicity without falling into the trap of trying to make the villain sympathetic; Thanos isn’t necessarily relatable (nor does he need to be), but he is understandable in that we’ve all probably encountered at least one person who holds the same limited worldview and is somehow convinced that they could ‘fix’ everything, given the power. Thanos isn’t actually aiming for universal domination in the traditional sense, and it makes him more disturbing and more realistic as a villain, because his evil is not nebulous or purely self-serving; he is a true believer, and his delusions have an all-too-familiar ring about them, so as we watch him lumber and pontificate around the story, we get a clearly-drawn image of someone possessed of such basic and humble flaws that he is - again, without being treated as sympathetic - quite significantly humanised, despite all of the non-human elements that make up both his character, and his situation. Even as it planet-hops and draws upon cosmic magic, the narrative is grounded by a centrepiece of plain, ungodly fallibility. 
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Now, I recognise that in all of this praise for the way this film was executed, there isn't really anything to be said for it regarding the purpose of this blog; on the female representation front, it's not really doing anything (the fact that it juuust manages to pass the Bechdel and juuust over a quarter of its cast is female does not win it brownie points; its better than not having either of those things, but that's not a genuine achievement). The two female characters who were more prominently positioned in this movie are Gamora and Wanda; Gamora largely in context of her relationship with Thanos, and Wanda as Vision’s significant other and the means of his destruction. Notably, both women’s arcs are accessories to the arcs of male characters, which is not what we’re aiming for in good representation, though it does not exclude the possibility of quality content; Gamora’s role may have a lot to do with Thanos (not least, after he kills her), but it is still distinctly her own story, rich with emotion and coming to a surprising and depressing end which I felt struck the right chords to be compelling rather than an enraging disposal of one of the few female characters around (more on this after Endgame). Wanda’s presence leaves less of an impression, in terms of screen time, plot complication, and audience engagement, but all things considered I don’t think that was a terrible choice; Wanda and Vision’s relationship had been a somewhat sparse subplot in previous films and the chemistry was not strong, so I don’t think it would have been to the film’s benefit to try and expand on that relationship further than they did. As it was, there was enough there to sell the emotion, and nothing extraneous, and as much as I enjoy this movie, I wish I could say better things for its female representation than that. It is stuffed-full, and definitely not perfect, and space could have been made to pump up some of the other female characters’ roles more (the Earthbound characters get the least attention in the movie, and since basically all my faves are there it is a testament to how well this movie works for me that I enjoy it so much anyway, but a little more attention there would not have gone astray, especially since that’s where most of the female cast is). That said...I still really enjoy it, man. As far as popcorn action goes, this is top shelf.
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olivenight17 · 5 years
HI! I see you write for One Punch Man. Could I please request an anniversary date with Tatsumaki? If you don't write for her, maybe Fubuki? Thank you!
Anon, let me say, I’m so sorry I made you wait for as long as I did. I had the plot all decked out, I knew how I wanted to do this aNd YeT, it took me like three months anyways. Because I felt bad, you also now get to flat out have Tatsumaki propose to you too. I hope this was to your liking, I did my best to keep it gender neutral just in case. Enjoy!
Tatsumaki x Reader “A Perfect Night”
Tap, tap, tap
“Tatsu! Right on time,” You giggled as you opened the door. Your mint green girlfriend merely huffed and looked the other way.
“Of course I am, I’m not about to be late to our anniversary.” She stated cooly, but you could see the hint of a blush on her face. “And I thought I told you to stop calling me that!”
You couldn’t help but giggle at her flustered state. “It’s not my fault that it’s a cute nickname,” You sung and grabbed her hand. The action caused her to look back at you and her face softened.
Tatsumaki was never sure how you were able to do it, but even if she was in the most foul mood, as long as you grabbed her hand or kissed her cheek all of her anger would melt away. A small smile broke out on her face as she slipped a stray hair out of your face. “It’s only cute when it comes out of your mouth. Now come on, can’t be late for our dinner reservation.” The woman led you over to a limousine and you felt your jaw drop to the floor.
“Wait a second, we’re going in that? How much did that cost,” You exclaimed. The car was sleek and black, there wasn’t even a speck of dust on it.
A smug expression settled on your girlfriend’s face as she helped the both of you into the backseat. “(Y/N), I am the number two hero, that comes with a very pretty salary.” She stated before instructing the chauffeur to start driving, a pleased smile on her face.
However, her pleased mood didn’t last long.
The car started rolling before stopping abruptly, the engine coughing and spluttering. Quirking an eyebrow, she got out of the limo with the chauffeur to check it but it billowed out smoke. She was astonished. “What? No, this has to be perfect, dumb car!” She growled, summoning a rock and tossing it at one of the tires. “It’s fine, I can make this work… Call a tow truck, have them take it to the shop,” Tatsumaki ordered.
Once satisfied with her workers agreement she opened the door on your side. You let out a concerned chuckle. “Everything alright up at the front?” You asked to which your girlfriend shook her head.
“Well, no. The stupid engine broke down. But I’ve got a better idea anyway. Take my hand.” She tells you, waiting expectantly.
You take it with an excited grin and just like that you see a familiar green outlining your bodies and lifting you both in the air. Tatsumaki let out a small chuckle seeing the stars in your eyes. “I told you I had a better idea,” She smirks.
“Way better! This is awesome,” You laughed, watching the people on the ground grow smaller. “You know I wouldn’t mind one bit if this was our regular mode of transportation.”
The green haired woman rolls her eyes. “Keep dreaming, dummy. I’m not always going to abuse my powers like this for you.” You merely shrugged at her words, looking all around as you flew through the city.
It wasn’t long before you reached the restaurant and got yourselves settled. After ordering food, you went on a ramble about your day while Tatsumaki listened. Though she’d never fully admit it, she liked hearing you ramble like this. It was endearing that you felt comfortable sharing so much about your day with her. It was also relaxing, your voice always sounded so pleasant, and your sometimes ridiculous phrasing always had her snorting with laughter.
Just as you were getting to the middle of your story, the waiter came back with your food. Just as she was about to dig in, she noticed the faded smile on your face and she paused. “What’s wrong?” She asked and you shrugged.
“It’s nothing, they just put tomatoes on my food when I asked for none cause of my allergy…” You trailed off. Tatsumaki frowned and stood up in response, lifting up your plate of food.
“Then, I’ll be right back.” Before you could stop her, she had already disappeared into the kitchen. Damn it, this night was supposed to be perfect and yet here were these moronic chefs trying to kill her date! She smacked the plate on an empty spot on the counter and cast her stormy gaze out to the workers. “I don’t know which one of you idiots thought this was a good idea but you’re going to remake it immediately without a single tomato on it, do you hear me?” She shouted, bowls and ingredients whirling around the kitchen in her anger.
They all nodded, terrified of what she would do otherwise, and she huffed before slamming her way out of the kitchen and back to her seat.
Your embarrassed expression was waiting for her when she got back. You tugged on her sleeve, feeling the tips of your ears burn. “You didn’t have to make a scene! I could have just had the waiter take it back…” You whispered, ducking your head from any stares.
Tatsumaki scoffed in response. “No, that was completely unacceptable. You told them no tomatoes because of your allergy and they were idiotic enough to do it anyway. That cannot and will not be tolerated.” You merely whined and tried to swallow down your embarrassment.
The waiter came back, your dish with no tomatoes and the green haired woman smiled. Good, everything could go back to being perfect.
The dinner continued, with excellent food, before you both split the check as you wouldn’t let Tatsumaki pay for so much. Then you left, getting your dessert at a nearby sweets shop where you both got candy apples and took a stroll around a nearby park. Tatsumaki couldn’t help but smile. There were some bumps in the road but they still got to where she wanted to be. You caught her smile and took her hand. “What are you smiling about?” You inquired with a grin of your own.
Your girlfriend looked back up at you. “Not much, this was just a good night. But, I was hoping to make it better if I could ask you something?” She now avoided your gaze, feeling her face start to redden.
Curious, you nodded. But just as she was about to speak, her phone rang.
Tatsumaki growled as she fished out her phone. “Give me a second, it’s work.” She sighed, stepping away from you before answering the phone. “What do you want? I requested this night off for a reason!” She practically snarled.
“I’m aware, but there’s a villain in your area, and it needs to be-”
“Get someone else on it, there are loads of other heroes out that are, you know, on the job!”
“Tatsumaki, please this is very important.”
“I don’t care. Respect that this is the one time I’ve requested to be off duty,” She seethed. However, before she could hear another response, she was cut off by a scream.
Specifically, your scream.
Her eyes darted to where you were, on the ground having barely missed a boulder being thrown your way by a monstrous sized rat. She hung up the phone and stood in front of you protectively. “Get going, you rodent!” Tatsumaki antagonized, but the rat monster laughed, deep and mocking.
“I will not allow some little girl to tell me what to do.” He bellowed. The hero’s eye twitched.
She was only 90% pissed before, but that comment drove her all the way to 100.
She used her ESP to launch the boulder he had previously tossed at you straight into his stomach, sending him flying. She followed quickly after, pelting him with whatever she could find. When there was nothing round, she picked up a street sign and rooted it through his leg back into the ground. “First things first, I am not a little girl.” She bashed his head with another rock. “Second of all, you are ruining the night I had planned. I have been waiting to ask (Y/N) to marry me for a year, and yet you turn up and destroyed it all! You absolute bastard, die!” She screamed, unearthing anything she could to break the monster apart.
By the time her rage fell apart, the rat was nothing more than mangled muscle and blood. She huffed before floating her way back to you, checking you over for any injuries. When you turned up with nothing, she sighed and laid her head on you. Confused, you looked down. “Tatsu, are you okay?” You asked, even more concerned when you felt a wetness on your clothes.
“No, I’m not. This night was supposed to be perfect, but it all got ruined. Was it too much to ask for one even nice night? This was horrible…” Her arms wrapped around you tighter and you felt sadness stab at your heart as you returned the hug.
“Hon, I know you wanted tonight to be perfect. But it really wasn’t that bad. So what, the limo broke down, or food troubles, or a villain appearing. Either way, I got to spend time with you, I got to see you smile and that’s all that really matters. This was still a great anniversary to me.” You reply, gently rubbing her back.
She didn’t say anything for a moment before she pulled back and wiped at her eyes. “I don’t know how, but you always know what to say to make me feel better. Ugh, I don’t even deserve to ask you to marry me,” She breathed out. Then she took a pause, realizing what she said and proceeded to hide her face in her hands. “No, this wasn’t even supposed to come out like this! Damn it!” The green haired woman continued cursing herself before you grabbed her hands and pulled them from her face.
“You, you were going to ask me to marry you?” You stammered, trying to process it, a grin stretched out across your face when you saw her nod.
“Look I get it, I’m not ideal-”
“I said yes, Tatsu. I will absolutely marry you!” You beamed, getting even more excited when she slipped the ring she had bought you onto your finger. The rest of the night was spent with you being as gushy as could be and Tatsumaki waving you off with a blush on her cheeks.
Maybe the night was perfect after all.
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looselucy · 7 years
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Twelve - Brandy Boys
“ANNA!” Jason behind the bar beamed beautifully towards me as I reached the top of the stairs, shouting above the music and waving frantically. I wandered over with my arms held up and open, grinning back to him.
“AH, JASON, LIGHT OF MY LIFE, GIVER OF DRINKS AND MAKER OF SMILES!” I leant across the bar, taking him into a tight embrace as he planted a sloppy kiss on my cheek, making an endearing mwah sound as he did. “How are ya?” He asked excitedly. “Stupendous, my love. How are you?” “All the better for seeing you.” He smiled. “It’s been too long, A.” He then spotted Rachel over my shoulder, who had lingered behind slightly after spotting some people she knew by the front door. She stood across from us, hand on her heart, looking across to Jason as though she was acting out some dramatic Shakespearean scene. “Is it really you?” Jason put on a posh accent, and I watched them play out the scene admirably. “Tis I, Sir Jason. I have returned to purchase some of your fine ales.” I laughed when she gave up the act and ran towards him, leaning across the bar to hug him just as I had, also receiving a sloppy kiss to the cheek. We then sat ourselves down on the barstools, Jason pouring us both a pint as I sunk back into the atmosphere of Brandy Boys. It felt like home, that grimy little place I was so familiar with. There was nothing too special about it, but I think that’s one of the many reasons I liked it. Dark stone walls, light wooden bars. The upstairs area where we were, was full of low leather seats for people to place themselves, the downstairs area completely empty, the music louder. That was the place to dance. Then, to bring the place to life a little, the ceilings were covered in tiny fairy-lights. I loved it so much. “So where’ve you been?” He quizzed as we settled in. “There’s this new place that’s opened that’s pretty cool. We’ve been there a few times.” I told him. “S’called K. You heard of it?” “Ah, I forget you’re a stuck-up celebrity now.” He joked. “Have you seen some of the articles?” “Yup.” I took a sip. “They make you out to be such a twat!” He sounded both shocked and amused. “Yup.” I simply replied again, popping the p. “Jason!” Rachel snapped, half joking, half serious. “We don’t talk about that stuff with Anna. Unless they’re paying her.” I giggled appreciatively, enjoying Rachel sticking up for me in a way, making sure the topic of conversation would be avoided for the rest of the evening. Jason apologised, and we continued talking between each other, casually drinking the evening away. It felt so good to be there, the familiar feeling taking my mind away from everything. It felt like the days before the video, before AM Girl. Until Jason changed that, once again, without fully meaning to. It certainly wasn’t a vindictive move, but he couldn’t help it. The bar had begun to fill out around us as it edged closer and closer to midnight, myself and Rachel now almost merrily at the stage where we could go downstairs and dance the evening away. “That boy’s staring at you!” Jason suddenly said. My mind automatically jumped to Harry, though I wasn’t sure why. I was hoping to turn around to see him there, sat on the settee behind us, watching me. Like he couldn’t keep away from me. I really wanted it to be him. I really fucking did. I felt a rush of heated disappointment as I turned around to see blonde curly locks rather than brown, the tanned boy dropping his head right away so I couldn’t even see his face, seemingly embarrassed. I turned back to the bar, shrugging my shoulders and not trying to show how annoyed I was by it. The alcohol in my system wanted Harry there. “Do you get that a lot now?” Jason asked. “What?” “Random boys just staring you out? It’s weird.” “If I do, then I don’t really notice. It’s a rarity.” He began shuffling nervously, fiddling with his fingers and looking out towards the room, clearing his throat and making sure his eyes were anywhere but on mine. I furrowed my brows in confusion as I watched him, wondering what the hell was going on in that funny little head of his. I had to ask. “Jason?” “What?” “What’s going on?” “Nothing, nothing.” He tried to brush it off. “Spit it out!” I commanded sternly. He finally looked at me, seemingly already annoyed with himself for what he was about to ask me. But he did it anyway. “Could you get Alex here?” He fluttered his lashes. “Turner?” I baffled. “Yeah. It would really help me out.” He seemed embarrassed, and I would have been too, asking a friend to do that. I’d known Jason since the first week I moved to London when I was 19, and he hadn’t played a role in any of the AM bullshit until the, and I never thought he would. I don’t think he enjoyed asking such shallow favours of me. “Why?” I asked, running a hand through my hair. “I’m sorry, I feel like a dick, but… my boss thinks it would put this place on the map.” He explained. “The best thing about this place is that it isn’t on the fucking map.” I couldn’t hide how annoyed I was. Rachel spoke my name calmly, stroking the top of my arm and giving me a look that was both sweet and stern. I hated how well she knew me, and how well I knew her. As much as the look was sympathising with me, she was also letting me know that it wasn’t all about me. Jason hadn’t wanted to ask me that, but I imagined his boss had been breathing down his neck. I didn’t want to make him look bad. “Please?” He begged one more time. Without another word to him, I fumbled through my bag, finding my phone as quickly as I could and scrolling through my contacts until I hit Turner. I pressed dial, and shot Jason a wink. He put his hand on his heart, letting off a sigh of relief and mouthing a thank you to me as I waited for the call to be answered. “Hi, Turner. Come for a drink.”
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Alex looked like he belonged in Brandy Boys. It was strange, the image of the place truly suited him more than I would ever care to say. He arrived wearing tight fitted pants, a crisp white shirt with a tie undone around and hanging around his neck, chewing gum as he stepped inside. To finish the look, he had a leather jacket flung over his shoulder and hair in a curled quiff. He was like something from a movie, not a sight you have the honour of seeing very often, the fairy lights lighting up his unenthusiastic face, but it was all part of the look. A smirk formed at the side of his mouth as he spotted me saluting him from beside the bar. He pushed past people, a few dropped faces pointing towards him, recognising who he was. It wasn’t surprising in Brandy Boys, because it was actually the type of place that would play their music, so of course some people there were going to recognise him, and they were going to make a big deal out of it, unlike what we’d experienced at K. I usually found it frustrating, but that was what Jason’s manager wanted. That had the potential to help the bar I loved, so I had to just suck it up, and deal with it. “Black.” Alex said, leaning in and placing a kiss on my cheek. “Turner.” I replied whilst he was there. I then turned around, grabbing the drink I had already bought him, putting us both on rum. I decided to move on from beer, because as much as it was beautiful, it wasn’t exciting me in the way I wished, its impacts too slow. If I was going to make it through the night, I would need some real liqueur slipping down my throat. Alex thanked me for the drink, then turned himself around, glancing to the few people that were staring, the rest dancing. He raised his glass to the people who were watching, cocking an eyebrow to them, achingly aware of himself. One girl looked as though she was going to faint, her left knee completely gave way as she took a stumble forward, spilling the top half of her drink. I couldn’t help but laugh, since she reminded me of myself. I was fully conscious of the fact I would have been exactly the same if I hadn’t gotten to know him. Alex turned to look at me, smirking and shrugging his shoulders, loving the affect he had on people. “You look good.” He suddenly said. “Judging by the sturdiness of that girl’s knees, I’d have to say you’re not looking too bad yourself.” He tried to hide his smug smile, taking his drink to his lips and basically finishing the entire thing, only going back for one small swig to finish the remainders. “Sorry to talk about work, but the video will be done in a week.” He told me. “They’re doing a final-cut screening for us, to see if we like it. I need you to tag along.” “Do you really need me to?” I moaned. “You are fucking miserable sometimes.” He shook his head. “I know.” I shrugged sweetly. “We fired that PR Man.” He caught me off guard. “What?” I almost dropped my drink. “You don’t need to pretend to be anyone other than yourself, Anna. He’s gone.” I felt such a sense of relief, knowing I wouldn’t have to act anymore if they were to put me in front of a camera, or if I was going to go with them to another event. It made it all better, the thought that I could be at these places, and feel honoured about that, without having to fake who I was. Suddenly it didn’t seem like such a burden anymore. “Thank you.” I muttered. “Anna, you’re amazing.” He started. “I want to be able to work with you again, without seeing it upset you. You’re AM Girl for fuck sake! I feel like if we did anything else for this album, and you weren’t with us… people wouldn’t be too happy.” Alex signalled behind the bar for another drink, which the flustered bar woman pretty much ran to collect for him. “I don’t think you understand how grateful I am.” I grumbled to the floor. I didn’t think I’d ever be fully aware of how much of myself I wanted to share with anyone who was interested enough to care, but not being forced to hide anything felt amazing. “Well, I’m glad you are, so stop being such a miserable cow and lap it up. You’ll be earning a few pennies doing this. It’s a good thing. And now that bastards been fired, it’s even better. So just… enjoy it. Fame is fickle as fuck anyway. It doesn’t mean anything, so just take it for what it is.” I smiled to the floor, a weight being lifted from my shoulders, a weight I wasn’t even fully aware of until that second. Things almost immediately became clearer, the thought that I could work with him and the boys, earning more than enough money, and there weren’t any outstanding downfalls that came with it. Maybe I still wouldn’t enjoy the eyes burning the back of my head, the people pointing and thinking they knew who I was, but on my own head be it. I couldn’t stop that; I and I alone had made the decision to be in the video. That was just something that came with it, and I was going to have to get used to it. Alex retrieved his drink, winking at the barmaid and taking another swig, then holding his hand out to me. “Dance with me.” I couldn’t tell if he was asking me or just telling me, but either way, I complied. I took his hand, and we edged past people, over to the dance floor, my mind free of worry. I felt great.
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My head was swimming, the clock pushing 2am, making it March the 13th. XIII The rum was taking its toll on me, making my body loose and my eyes lazy, finding it difficult to keep them open as I danced with Alex, my arms draped over his shoulders, swaying with him, his eyes darting up and down my body, his mind in a similar place to my own. He moved a hand, putting it on the small of my back, dragging me closer to him, the front of our bodies almost touching as I moved, my neck barely supporting my heavy head. I knew it was probably time for me to go home. I was tired, numerous nights of drinking finally catching up to me, but I was enjoying myself thoroughly. I flopped my head forward, resting my forehead on Alex’s shoulder as we danced close together, only slightly enjoying the sound of an Oasis song behind us. I think it was Don’t Look Back In Anger, but all I remember is being grateful that it wasn’t fucking Wonderwall. So Sally can wait, she knows it’s too late as she’s walking on by. My soul slides away, but don’t look back in anger, don’t look back in anger, I heard you say. At least not today. I heard the crowd cheering around us as the song came to an end, people raising their hands in the air and applauding, completely happy and trapped in the atmosphere of the place. Fuck, I loved it there, everything about it. The songs, the people, how happy everyone was no matter what song was on. I just adored it. I grinned to myself, eyes still shut and forehead still resting on Alex as I realised exactly how good I felt in that moment, I was totally lost in it. Then something happened. My head lifted from his shoulder and my eyes went wide as we heard the first few beats. “No fucking way.” He grinned as Do I Wanna Know started playing. I moved closer, wrapping my arms around him and hugging him tightly, enjoying the moment immensely as people started cheering, so happy to hear the incredible song, and it was the first time in what felt like forever that I actually enjoyed hearing it myself. Have you got colour in your cheeks? I distanced from him, beginning to move to the music, laughing as I mimicked some of the steps I took in the video, swaying my hips, trying to remain stern whilst miming along to the lyrics. I noticed people beginning to stare at the two of us, watching us, biting their lips and smiling, probably a little shocked by the fact they were actually there, listening to song with its writer right before their eyes. It didn’t take long for Alex to come close to me, grabbing my body once again as I moved slowly against him, grinding my hips into him, not caring about the watching eyes. Alex leant into me, bringing his lips against my ear and saying something that completely caught me off guard. “Kiss me.” I pulled my head back, looking at him wide eyed, wondering what on earth he was playing at, but all he did was smirk at me, lowering his hands to my backside. “Kiss me.” He said again. “Make them talk.” My chest rose up and down in jolts, abruptly unbelievably nervous, his hands on my body now moving past being playful. It didn’t take me too long to come to my conclusion, my mind telling me I would be an idiot if I didn’t grab the opportunity to kiss Alex fucking Turner. For a split second, my mind fell to Harry, remembering his lips push to mine that very morning. I wished for a second that it was him, that it was Harry asking me to kiss him. But it wasn’t, and it wouldn’t be again. I had to kiss Alex, I had to. My lips crashed against his as the chorus began playing. Crawling back to you. Alex wrapped his arms around me as my hand found the back of his head, running through his hair with ease as I breathed in, our mouths wide and our tongues playing together. I could hear people muttering around us as we kissed, a couple of flashes made me very aware that people were taking pictures. But we didn’t care, it was probably a good thing, what with the new video coming out soon. Our kiss was a great way to get people talking, which was exactly what Alex wanted. It was the easiest promo he’d ever done. Rumours of AM Girl and Alex Turner actually being an item would send tongues wagging, all the better for the next video. And even ignoring all that, I was kissing Alex Turner. I was kissing Alex fucking Turner. I grinned into the kiss, feeling him do the same. I pulled away slightly, smiling next him, taking my thumb and running it softly across his bottom lip as the chorus came to an end.
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My head was pounding when I awoke, instinctively groaning, but happy to see the pint of water at the side of my bed that my drunken mind knew I would need when the morning rolled around. I shakily leant across and grabbed it, sitting myself up a so I wouldn’t spill anything. I hadn’t been that rough in quite a while, since rum wasn’t usually my drink of choice. So when it came out on a rarity, it had a strong effect on me. I placed the drink back on the side, groaning again and feeling every tiny ache my body had formed, my head feeling as though it was about to implode. I felt terrible. “ANNA!” I heard Rachel shout from her room. I laughed, her voice as muffled and grumbly as I imagined mine would be if I spoke. I ran my hand over my eyes, realising I was having one of those mornings where I would tell myself I was never going to drink again. Of course, that was a lie; a lie I seemed to tell myself at least once a month. “ANNA, I’M DYING!” She shouted again. “COME CUDDLE ME!” My voice sounded appalling, absolutely horrific. I heard her growl piercingly, her body battling with not wanting to move but wanting to snuggle up to me, and laugh about the evening before, which always seemed to be the best hangover cure, when you realise it was all worth it. I heard a loud thud, which I imagined was Rachel falling out of bed. She let out a dramatic cry, feeling incredibly sorry for herself. I laughed, already feeling slightly better. She grumbled as she stood herself up, doing it loud enough so I could hear, her attempts to amuse me working a treat. Soon enough she was with me, tugging on the door handle and stumbling over to the corner of the room, falling onto my bed face first. “I’m going to die!” Her voice muffled as she spoke into the sheets. “This is all your fault.” I told her. “WHAT?” She flung her face up, only then to flinch at the sting in her head. “It was your idea to go to Brandy Boys last night! I blame you.” “You kissed Alex Turner, like you care!” She laughed. It was only then the memory of the short kiss we shared came back to me. I closed my eyes and shook my head, cursing out loud at the thought. It really did make me chuckle, the image of me and Alex together. I liked that it genuinely was just for fun, just for the publicity. Yes, he was gorgeous, and I got on with him well enough, but there was just something different with him. There wasn’t anything sexual there, I felt no heat when we kissed, I felt nothing. But fuck, it was fun. “I totally forgot about that.” I laughed. “Yeah, yeah, course you did.” Rachel said with a wink. We giggled together coyly, before a silence I was fully expecting fell upon the room. It was only a matter of time. Rachel moved herself, going to the free side of the bed and lying next to me, taking my hand in hers and squeezing it slightly. I turned to her, both on our sides and looking each other in the eye. I gave her a weak smile, and she squeezed my hand a little harder. “This time next month.” She whispered. “Yeah.” I simply said. “Five years since we met.” “To put a nice spin on it.” “You still want to go to his grave?” She asked. “Of course.” “I’ll go with you.” She smiled. “That’s okay. I like going alone.” She nodded in understanding, and another silence fell on the room. I took the quiet to think about how much I loved Rachel, how much I appreciated her and everything she had done, and continued to do for me. I loved her so much, it almost scared me how much I relied on her. I always had. She held me together, she knew me better than I knew myself and she did absolutely everything for me. I knew it was time to repay the favour, as much as I could. “Rach, how long do you plan on living with me?” “Until I meet a man who I get along with better than I get on with you. So... forever. Why?” “I’m gunna buy us a flat.” I told her. “What?” “Somewhere a bit bigger than this, in a better area. I might still need help with bills and stuff, I have a lot of money but it doesn’t last forever, especially in London. But… I really want to buy us a flat. Sound good?” She didn’t even need to reply, she just threw herself across the bed to me and squeezed me tight, squealing in excitement as she hugged me. The hangover seemed to disappear as happiness ran over the two of us. I really did wonder what the fuck I would I do without that girl?
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March 20th. 2pm. A private screening was held for me and Alex. I thought the other boys would be there too, but I suppose since they didn’t make an appearance in the video, they weren’t too fussed. They trusted our judgement. We sat looking up to the screen, the director beside us and a couple of members of the film team, eagerly glancing from the screen to our faces, waiting for a reaction as the video played out. It started, myself and Alex gazing into the camera, stood mere inches apart from one another. I was lazily smoking a cigarette, staring down the lens, Alex at my side eyeing me. The beginning shot only revealed from our shoulders upwards, and my hair took up a large percentage of the screen. “Holy fuck, are we watching seventies porn?” Alex quietly joked from beside me. I laughed heartily, sinking a little lower in my seat and trying to stay quiet, receiving an angry glare from the director as the video continued. The black and white footage was grainy, flickering and imperfect, and it looked beautiful. Alex was miming along to his lyrics, casting the occasional glance to me as I smoked, still looking into the camera as though he wasn’t even there. It was only when the chorus hit, that the camera panned out, revealing our entire bodies, showing the ridiculous outfit that had caused me so much drama in the days that followed the shoot. And that’s when I began moving my hips, and Alex looked up and down my body, his hands occasionally glazing over my hips. Other than the tug on my hair, that was pretty much the entire video, it was as simple as that. Alex watching me move, appreciating me from his spot. It was so simple, it had a sense of elegance about it. I knew it wouldn’t be anything compared to the Do I Wanna Know video, but we hadn’t tried to make it any better, we hadn’t wanted it to be. It was just a simple follow-up to it. That was all. I think if anything, I preferred it. “So what do you think?” The director asked as it finished. Alex shot a quick glance to me, as though silently asking if I thought it was okay, if I was happy with the outcome. I gave him a quick nod, showing I liked it. He nodded back, then turned to face the director. “It’s great.” He smirked. “We love it.” “Excellent!” The director beamed. Everyone who had attended began to stand themselves up, happy with the success of their work, ready to go home. Once again, myself and Alex thanked them, shaking a few hands before they left, showing we were appreciative of their efforts. Soon enough it was just the two of us. “How’ve you been?” Alex asked. “Good thanks, how about you?” “I’ve been good.” He told me. We began walking out of the small cinema side by side, glad to completely call it a day on another video. I was eager to get out of there, because myself and Rachel had a flat viewing later that day and I was ridiculously excited about it. The place was empty, a bare space for us to move into as soon as we could, if we liked it. I couldn’t wait. “So...” Alex started as we walked. “Next week, there’s an award show. We’re going to air the video there.” “An award show? I… I’ve not heard of any coming up?” “They don’t air it on TV, thankfully. It’s incredibly private, pretty prestigious. A quiet room full of artists and writers. It’s a pretty big deal.” He told me. “Shit. That’s a bit scary.” “Yeah, and you’re coming too.” He grinned. “No.” “Yep.” “No no no, I can’t, that sounds scary, I can’t” I tried. “You’re bloody coming, you idiot. It’ll be a good night, you’ll enjoy it.” I knew no matter how much I fought, I would be going to that event. Alex wasn’t going to take no for an answer. I rolled my eyes, breathing out a frustrated okay as he patted me on the back, saying he would be in touch soon. With that he walked out the door, pulling some sunglasses from his pocket and sliding them over his eyes, the weather surprisingly nice for British Spring time. I watched him as he went, my nerves already rising at the thought of going along to such an event. From the little he had told me, it seemed that it was a big deal, bigger than The Brits. It wasn’t even slightly about the publicity, it was simply being awarded for being good at what you do, a private event, marking peoples work. The fact I was going to be there was a little ridiculous, and absolutely terrifying. But then again, it was pretty bloody exciting.
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themanicgalaxy · 4 years
SPN 2X18 Hollywood Babylon
Well howdy y’all, I just said “Good Omens, written by Neil Pratchett and Terry Gaiman” and it took me a solid MINUTE to realize why it felt not good. Those names have ring to them, but of course...they’re wrong
Also, I used this show(the shifter episode) and Umbrella Academy (also season 2, episode 4 i believe) to explain needle drops a la patrick willems. Renegade by Styx showed up T W I C E 
Ooo Hollywood episode
also the director guy is from a disney channel show, I think dog with a blog?
potentially good bait and switch tbh also, I liked that it was a bit ambiguous at first
ohhh NICE with the body and the camera angles, yes they were dumb, but they were funny dumb so it’s ok
now that’s what I’m talking about, yes dark comedy, let’s go
Aw Dean just wants a vacation and Sam is just Panic Mode
Dean fucking fixated on this, he has so much info on it oh my god
This feels self-inserty but it’s also just...kinda funny 
“what’s a PA” “I think they’re kinda like slaves” pfffttt
don’t tell me it’s because they use actual rituals in the show, that would be so good oh my god
Aw he’s fanboying
“My big break” I am Enjoying this way too much, why is this so funny to me
The guy with the snapple....feels....pointed? idk
lmao she takes “polaroids” of course
“no one around here knew the guy” is that a lead in or....is it true?
My god, Dean just like....encyclopedic knowledge of this set I love it
I wonder how much is based on them, seriously
no but like, the amount of little details here, it’s so different. I can’t tell if it’s because of my mood, but the side characters get more Light things to work with
Listen, it’s just fun ok
Damn that was a dramatic death scene awww yeah
Dean’s kinda played more asshole-y but tbh, i don’t really care man, this is fun
“Salt doesn’t make Sense” GAHAHAHAHAHA
him in the merch t shirt and the craft food: ah yes, salt
This man looks good in green and red dammit
“I like being part of a team” aww
ooo cool headphone shot
and Dean’s still working the case through that enjoyment! I like that!
Dean ingratiated himself SO WELL DAMN
wait? fake praise? and he dies? ahaahah
if we get a “we kill the ghost that tells us our movie is trash” I’m gonna lose it
ok i can’t tell if this is a “fuck hollywood” or “we’re the best” thing and IT’S HILARIOUS
and of course, the movie was Secretly Good before the studio wrecked it
“in this whorehouse of a town” oh my god
he’s gonna be a sympathetic villain isn’t he. isn’t he, I’m gonna cry ahahaah
“we could have gotten it right for the first time ever” kripke please stop kinning this man what the hell
“you are one HELL of a PA” “yeah i know” I love you Dean
“they take it and they crap all over it” if you listen closely, you can hear kripke liTERALLY COMMANDING THIS MAN TO SPEAK AHAHAHA
*imitating Bruce Willis* DEAN YOU N E R D 
the invisible wounds, the bringing up the phone to see the mauling, ok i liked that
lmao and he took that scene
also turned it romantic, it’s coded bahahaah
“you find out there’s an afterlife and this is what you do with it” you snarky bastard
“god i love this town” PFFT
Wrap up:
1. the lore with the ghosts was absolutely great, I loved how they flickered, how it was the incarnations, how they appeared as they would in film. That part was just 10/10
2. Look. I’m not entirely sure if this was supposed to be self congratulatory or a way to shit on Hollywoood. Mark got a bad end, but was treated as justified so....Whatever one it was, It was SO FUCKING FUNNY
3. Dean having the Total Asshole Moments, but still clearly working the case only helped endear him. Sam being sassy helped too. It was just like...solid fun time.
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winterscribe · 7 years
That Vampire Hunter D thing I’ll eventually write coherently
So now that I’ve FINALLY found the Vampire Hunter D Fandom I’m working up the courage to share some of my headcanons (my stupid anxiety makes it irrationally hard) The problem is a lot of my headcanons require at least basic knowledge of the fantasy world that I started when I was 14?Ish? And the Ocs I created. Like I decided to yank D out of his post-apocalyptic hell world and put him into this peaceful world populated by non-assholes, or in some cases, slightly less homicidal assholes… ok the number of assholes is much less than on the frontier, and even the homicidal ones usually need a good reason to be homicidal. None of this “I’m gonna experiment on thousands of individuals and put my son through a living hell for shits and giggles” - LOOKING AT YOU DRAC, LOOKING AT YOU!  
Anyway it’s really long and rambly so READ MORE-
Anyway I’m gonna make a series of posts explaining the basics, who’s who, How D got there, basic worldbuilding, that kinda thing. I’ll go through and link ‘em as I finish them. And I’ll make a masterpost because there are a few tags on my blog about the world and D’s family.
Now, since this world was started when I was 14 there are some things that are a little...odd. Names that Stuck and I can’t change because I’ve been calling it that for over 5 years, plot lines that involve characters from a different franchise but i haven’t figured out how to replace. Seriously I have GOT to figure out how to replace Fucking LOKI. FFS I haven’t liked that character for 2 years WHY is he STUCK THERE
I’m currently worldbuilding and planning a few novel’s based on Avaleara’s life, but the first 2 would be before she met D so I don’t think anyone would be interested. I’m gonna write certain scenes though, like Avaleara and D’s first kiss, the emotionally overwrought scenes that bring them together, stuff like that. But hey, if you like really overthought worldbuilding and sprawling sci fi/fantasy worlds, lord knows i could talk about Rev’haros for hours, so feel free to hit me up.
D’s Part of the story line starts when Avaleara was punted through the barrier between universes by her uncle’s failed experiment and ended up on the frontier. By sheer happenstance, she landed right in front of D, who pretty much ignored her because she wasn’t trying to kill him and he needed to get to a job. Avaleara decided “Hey, there’s a fifty fifty shot he’s heading towards civilization, Im’ma follow at a respectful distance” Now, while Avaleara is decidedly Alien in appearance (aprx 6 ft tall, really dark purple skin, has horns, bio-luminescent markings, ALIEN) she has interacted with humans before, has even been to an Earth before, (Multiverse ftw) she has a pretty solid glamour already prepared, so while D knows what she looks like cuz he saw her, she can blend in on the frontier.
Except yah’ know, she doesn’t speak the language cuz the only Earth languages she knows are Japanese or English from circa 2000. Her trying to figure out the frontier dialect is like someone who speaks old English plopped down in the middle of modern day- She can sorta kinda figure out the gist but dear god is it difficult and makes her headache. On top of that since she comes into town a few hours after a Dhampir, well people don’t want shit to do with her, so she keeps vaguely wandering after D. I haven’t figured out the turning point yet, but eventually D interacts with this strange woman trailing aimlessly after him even as he cuts through an incredibly deadly forest and other such frontier horror ‘scapes that should have gotten her killed but didn’t. Because it’s D, he has a better grasp on “ancient” Japanese (Also I headcanon that his mother was of Japanese descent because Tony Thornburg) So they can communicate better.
Eventually they sorta travel together (Again I need to flesh this out) for a few years. About a decade of sorta traveling together (though niether of them will admit it, and certainly won’t admit that they enjoy eachother’s company) Dracula decides to be an asshole. For Hand Wavy reasons he comes up with a test for D and Left hand, that involves poisoning D. (IDK i’m kinda toying with the idea that Dracula had another success that was better than D, and decided to get rid of him, buuuut that would mean another character and i think it really goes against canon so idk if i’m gonna go that route)
The thing about Avaleara is that she is really possessive (part dragon) and fiercely protective of those she’s attached to. So Drac didn’t count on being hit with 900 pounds of sheer protective RAGE. Seriously Avaleara is the kind of person who, if she has something to protect, she will get back up no matter what she gets hit with. Spear through the heart? Bitch please she has two and you just handed her a weapon. Cut off an Arm? Regenerative powers and a history of being tortured so she doesn’t even flinch at the pain? Fire? She’s been burned alive before and it awakened her latent dragon genes. Water? She was born with an innate gift for controlling it. (so i kinda gave her every power I ever thought was cool, oops. HI MARY SUE)
She doesn’t kick Drac’s ass, but she does seriously wound him which is enough to startle him and, since he’s already accomplished poisoning D, he retreats, firing off a psychological attack as he goes. At that point Avaleara has one of two options. Use the last of her strength to fight off the attack, or draw the poison from D into herself (I had a reason for this but it's in a notebook buried in a box somewhere. God I hate moving) Another thing about Avaleara- if it's a choice between saving her life and saving someone else's, she will save someone else's. Every. Time.
So She saves D’s life, but falls into a coma fighting both the poison and Drac’s attack. At this point, her father, Maruketsukai (there’s one of those names I can’t change) appears, because her family had been keeping an eye on her but hadn’t pulled her back home cuz reasons. D does not trust the guy that appeared in midair. D owes Avaleara a debt because she saved his life. D also wants to know how the fuck she managed to wound the Sacred Ancestor. D is a stubborn bastard who will recklessly enter a portal to another universe because he owes someone a debt. He will also stand guard at their bedside for 5 years while they are in a coma because they saved his life.
(I think this is still in character- I mean he wouldn’t do it for just anyone, but shit this person fought Dracula and lived. For Him. yeah he’s gonna stick around and make sure they’re safe before he fucks off.)
His protectiveness earns him the undying loyalty of Avaleara’s family. Like, he’s obviously straight up ready to cut his way out of the room if they so much as breathe wrong in her direction. Ordinarily death threats aren’t the way to endear yourself to your in laws but Maruketsukai and Nikara are… not ordinary.
During the 5 years that Avaleara is in a coma, D learns a lot about her world, her family, and her past. Like the fact that she’s second in line for the throne, and that a previous lover had betrayed, kidnapped, and tortured her and that she had extreme PTSD and massive trust issues because of it. That’s why they had left her on the frontier, because for the first time in two thousand years, Avaleara had sorta trusted someone, or at least, didn’t seem overly paranoid about them, and they wanted to see what would happen.
D spends a lot of time with Takashi and Mizuki, because they speak Japanese. Takashi is the son of Sesshoumaru and Kagome. (Yes from the anime Inuyasha. I did mention this started when I was 14 right?) That’s why he speaks Japanese. Also He drags Avaleara and Mizuki to Earth occasionally which is why Avaleara has a human glamor. Its interesting for D to meet another half breed who is so blase about it, but Takashi grew up in  La’ Shevare, where genetic modification for the express purpose of interspecies breeding has been a thing for several million years. Pretty much no one is a pure blood. But since he’s also the nephew of Inuyasha and has listened to his father express his regret over how he treated his brother, he at least partially understands where D is coming from. Sorta. Academically. Ok not really but he tries. And totally has a talk shit get hit policy when it comes to D. Like call Takashi a half breed, make fun of his heritage, whatever, so long as you don’t make fun of his parents, he don’t give a fuck. Call D a half breed, make fun of D’s heritage, prepare for at least 3 broken bones. Probably more. Seriously. He’s 45 years older than Avaleara, held her in his arms as a baby, grew up with her and fell in love with her sister. She’s Family.  He was helpless when the man she loved broke her and twisted her into someone else, was helpless during her recovery because she wouldn’t let anyone in to help her. The moment D popped up, planting himself between Avaleara and any perceived threat, was the moment he became Pack. And you Do Not Fuck With a Dog Demon’s Pack.
Eventually Avaleara wakes up, except thanks to the psycological attack, and her previous ptsd related issues, Avaleara first thinks D is a hallucination. It takes awhile for it to set in and stick that he’s not. D sticks around, convincing her that he’s real and she’s not going insane, and just being really patient when she freaks out and thinks she’s seeing things, because hey, it was his asshole dad who did this to her so he kinda feels responsible. Plus he’d still really like to know how she wounded him.
It boils down to - Avaleara has spent the last 2 thousand years studying a variety of fighting techniques from all over the Rev’ Haros System, a system whose recent history spans back a few million years. D may know all the fancy vampire tricks, but 10,000 years is a drop in the bucket, a single lifespan of a person from Rev’ Haros. The whole system is so much more advanced than even the vampires at their peak, just because they’ve had the time to develop so far. The average person could go toe to toe with greater nobility if they had to, nevermind the people who are actually trained. Not to mention their fighting styles are so different, so alien to anything on Earth, that Dracula was at a significant disadvantage from that alone.
Avaleara happily agrees to train D in some of these styles. He doesn’t plan on sticking around long enough to learn them all. But he does, and she happily teaches him everything she knows until he is literally the only person who has a prayer of killing her. Shes very proud. Their sparring matches are epic and terrifying.
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This is a piece written entirely by @maybeishouldwait, with a sentence or two added by me. I love this and I consider this apart of my “snippet universe”.
There is another banquet scheduled for that evening, and Zeldris is not interested in going. He spent another whole day training with his brothers. This time he was only allowed to use magic attacks, and with Meliodas’ use of Full Counter it was almost torturous. He just wanted to hit something, and was almost glad when Estarossa suggested a spar later that day. Unfortunately his bruised and sore body would not cooperate, and the prince was given a second dose of humiliation that afternoon.
The last thing he wants to do now is put on formal clothes and watch people he doesn’t know eat for two hours, but he does not have a choice. Once he is cleaned and dressed, he makes his way down to the banquet hall. The delegation from the Vampire clan is still staying in the castle, so state affairs had not only been more lavish than normal, but also more mandatory than normal. The demon king wants Izraf and his subjects as his allies, desiring their power and wealth for his war. It seems ridiculous to Zeldris—after all, who could possibly compare to the strength of the demons?—but in the end, it is not his decision, and as the king’s son he must present himself.
After the required greeting with the kings, Zeldris heads off to find a place to hide. Perhaps hide is the wrong word: go unnoticed is more akin to what he needs. Meliodas and Estarossa are nowhere in sight, thankfully, so the prince takes a drink from a passing tray and heads towards one of the benches near the balcony.
It is a warm night, and the bodies and lights that fill the hall make the air even warmer, so he is glad for the breeze coming from the open doorway that leads to the large balcony. Dignitaries swarm together, talking and drinking and laughing, the din echoing through his head. And on top of it all, there are humans present. Zeldris is disgusted at the looks of them, many of them searching around nervously, awe-struck by the palace and the strength of those that surround them. He had been briefed that there are visitors from more than one of the smaller human kingdoms in attendance, looking for power and ready to make deals with the demon king in order to get it. He supposes it makes sense for the demons to make as many allies as possible, but in the end it would be futile. The demons cannot be stopped.
The coming war is all anyone speaks of, and Zeldris is tired of it already. It had been months of this talk, yet nothing seems to be happening, and the prince wishes that one side or the other would just get on with it. He leans forward, propping his elbows on his knees, stretching his sore back. The prince scans the crowd, taking in the groups, observing for what is underneath as he has been taught… when his eyes land on Gelda.
The vampire princess stands near the center of the room, holding an almost empty glass of wine and talking to three young men. She is beautiful, absolutely radiant, wearing a flowing dress in deep burgundy. It shows off her fair skin and the blonde hair that is twisted into curls around her face. The princess smiles politely as the three talk over one another, and when she speaks, they stop and listen attentively. Gelda is by far the only redeemable thing about this cursed state visit, which seems to be stretching on interminably. But Zeldris doesn’t completely mind, because he is more nervous about what will happen when she leaves.
They had been spending a great deal of time together, as much as was possible, anyway. He had volunteered to escort her whenever she needed to leave the castle, and looked for reasons to see her during the day when he could escape from one of his trainers or tutors. And Gelda actually seemed happy to see him, easily agreeing to whatever lame excuse he made up to keep them in each other’s company.
It had all paid off one night when she slipped her hand in his, and then later, when he finally worked up the nerve to kiss her. Zeldris is still rather stunned by her beauty, by her grace and her spirit and the air of sophistication that plays tantalizingly against her sweetness. She is witty and gracious and sometimes he catches her looking at him in a way that makes his skin go uncomfortably hot. Yet despite how amazing she is, and how very not he always seems to become around her with all his fumbling and stammering, Gelda likes him.
The kiss they had shared was sweet and perfect, and to his excitement the vampire wanted more. In the days since, they had continued their flirtation, both learning how to please the other with eager lips and tentative tongues. There is nothing that compares to the moment when the prince can slip his arms around her small waist, feel her hair in his fingers, receiving a soft press of her mouth on the corner of his. Zeldris smiles a bit to himself thinking of how they had found a little spot just the evening before, and Gelda had sat on his lap, her hands sliding up his arms—
Just as she is doing now to the human leaning in to speak to her.
Red heat blazes up the back of his neck, the prince sitting up a bit straighter as he watches. The human, whoever he is, is bent over slightly to say something in Gelda’s ear, and her hand is on his arm as she laughs. Then she is nodding, a little blush coming to her face; there is another moment, then another, before he straightens back up, and she removes her hand.
The conversation continues, but Zeldris barely registers anything else, his eyes trained on the spot on the bastard’s arm that she had touched. Is this what she does when he is not around? Is she finding corners of the castle to meet up with other princes? The demon swallows, trying to keep his rolliing emotions at bay. This is Gelda, not some random female in the castle. She is gracious and honorable, and surely she is being polite to the men who are jockeying for her attention.
But then another inclines his head, and Gelda smiles sweetly up at him through her lashes, and now Zeldris wants to tear them each apart.
Gelda smiles politely at the three men who are regaling her with the story of a recent hunt they had gone on, bored nearly to tears. They are somehow related to one of the princes from one of the the human kingdoms, not that she cared to truly learn their names or the name of their home. They are the third—or was it fourth?—attempt by a guest to catch her fancy. Gelda supposed they must have assumed there was a better chance in numbers, and had kept her effectively trapped for the better part of a half hour. At first they seemed interesting enough, and the vampire must admit it was nice to receive such attention from three handsome young men. But their overly silly nature is grating on her nerves, especially now that they are each subtly trying to get her alone.
When she introduces herself as Gelda, Princess of Edinburgh, their eyes light up like sparks. Immediately she knows once the words were gone from her lips that they now only see her title. One leans down to make a crude joke at one of the other’s expense; she gives a polite chuckle, trying to think of how to extricate herself, when his hand goes to slip around her waist. Gelda cannot help the blush that forms on her face in fury, but the princess knows better than to make a scene. She presses a hand on his arm to stop him; he whispers in her ear how lovely she looks, and she nods.
The advance is averted, but another sees his chance, bending forward to comment on her dress. The vampire looks up at him with a tight-lipped and rather sour smile. She wonders for a moment if they are intoxicated, as they do not seem to be picking up on her cues to leave her be; then she figures that even if they are, they probably don’t care enough.
Where is Zeldris? The demon princes should have been there by now, and Gelda had been hoping he would escort her and save her from the drudgery of the evening. Deciding to give up being discreet, she looks around the room, ignoring the conversation for a moment, but the demon is nowhere to be seen. With a sigh Gelda finally turns back to them and interrupts, saying, “Excuse me, I’m sorry, but I need to go and… find my father.” She flashes a smile and remarks, “It was a pleasure to meet you all.” But as she turns to go, one grabs her elbow. “Your Highness, let me accompany you,” he says, and she realizes it’s the one that tried to slip his arm around her before.
“It’s really not necessary,” she says, pulling her arm away. “Excuse me.” Before any of them can say another word she practically runs off, squeezing in between the groups in the room. Seeing her father is the last thing she wishes to do. He had lectured her plenty before the banquet about the importance of forming strong allies and presenting strength and other such nonsense that meant she needed to be on her very best behavior. Of course Gelda wanted to please Izraf, and wanted the best for her clan… but did that have to include entertaining the very tiresome sons of his potential allies? She hands her glass off to a passing servant and takes a little cake from a passing tray. Vampires don’t have to eat, as a rule, but she does enjoy the occasional sweet treat. No one seems to be paying her much attention, so she pops the little truffle into her mouth. It tastes delicious, and the princess closes her eyes and sighs.
Just then someone takes her hand, and with her eyes still closed she smiles. Gelda weaves her fingers with his, slowly swallowing before licking her lips. “I wondered where you were,” she whispers, and when she feels his lips brush the back of her hand, she giggles. Zeldris was never what she would consider charming, even though she found him endearing in his own way. His bold move brings a little flutter inside of her, and Gelda opens her eyes with a grin.
The man who is kissing her hand sweetly is not Zeldris. Gelda clears her throat and tries to gently remove her hand, but the zealous gentleman squeezes her tighter, looking up at her now as he brushes his lips back and forth on her skin. She raises her eyebrows in an uncomfortable incredulity and offers a gentle, “Excuse me, sir?” “Your Highness,” he murmurs against her skin. The princess frowns now, tugging again, but the man slides his other hand down her arm, pushing up the ruffled sleeve of her dress to expose her white skin. “You are more beautiful than I’ve heard. I’m so glad to meet you at last.” “Thank you?” she says uncertainly. “But I’m sorry, I don’t know–” “Prince Felan,” he answers, his smile sliding over his face like oil. Gelda sighs to herself; another one to soak up her time and attention. Part of her looks forward to the day when her father will choose her husband, just so that these uncomfortable encounters will stop. Of course, when that happens, then she will no longer be able to see Zeldris…
That snaps her attention back to the prince, who is tracing circles up and down her arm as he speaks. “I told my father to speak to yours, of course, but I just couldn’t wait. You’ll enjoy the North, Your Highness, I’m sure.” “I’m sorry, what?” she asks, shaking her head.
The prince frowns. “Haven’t you been listening to anything I said?” Offended now, he lets go of her hand, and Gelda gratefully pulls it behind her back. Again her eyes sweep the room, looking for Zeldris, or at least something that can rescue her from this latest one—when she finally spots him. Gelda heaves a sigh of relief, her face breaking into a smile as she raises a hand in a little wave, before she notices the deep scowl the demon wears.
Zeldris narrows his eyes as Gelda finally sees him. He wonders what she is playing at with the wave—is she happy to see him? His jaw grinds painfully as the smile she flashed at him slowly disappears, and she looks at him questioningly. The newest gentleman is talking to her, leaning in again to catch her attention; now distracted, the vampire looks back at him, and suddenly Zeldris is angry she would turn away from him.
He had to endure her flirting with the first three, and the way they would casually lean in to brush their lips on her, the easy touches between Gelda and the disgusting humans. Then she went in search of someone, and Zeldris had followed to watch. Another one, perhaps? It makes no sense to him at all. Gelda had never seemed the type to do such a thing. Of course, Zeldris’ knowledge of what women are and are not capable of is limited at best.
And now another, his mouth actually on Gelda, his hand sliding on her skin, and she is smiling at him! It’s nearly too much for him to take as his chest squeezes painfully, not wanting to watch but unable to stop.
Then, the worst possible scenario: Estarossa slides up next to him. He senses his brother only a moment before the older says, “I suppose that kiss didn’t go very well, did it?” “What?” Zeldris snaps, looking up at him angrily.
Estarossa shrugs, looking ahead, and Zeldris knows he is watching Gelda as well. “If the girl had any interest, she wouldn’t be walking around with every other important suitor, would she?” he snorts.
Suitors? That… makes sense. Suddenly Zeldris feels a bit of hope. Perhaps her father is making her meet these men? After all, she did wave to him, and smile at him. Maybe he has this situation wrong? He curses his lack of experience in these situations as Estarossa says, “So are you just going to stand there?” Now it is Zeldris’ turn to laugh. “What are you talking about?” Estarossa leans down a bit to speak quietly to the younger demon. “I know if I had claimed a woman and someone else tried to take her, I would not hesitate.”
“I haven’t claimed her,” he snaps. “We haven’t—I’m not—”
“You want her though,” responds Estarossa. “You said so yourself. And yet here you stand, watching another touch her instead of putting him in the ground.” Zeldris looks down at the floor, a bit of heat on his face again. That is exactly what he wanted to do—still wants to do, in fact. “I can’t exactly walk over to a prince and cut his head off in the hall,” he mutters.
“No doubt!” Estarossa shouts with a laugh, startling several of the guests around them. Zeldris looks up and sees Gelda glancing his way again, blinking expectantly at him, her eyebrows rising slightly. “Best of luck to you then,” his brother chuckles, clapping him hard on the back and making him wince.
From the corner of his eye Zeldris watches him walk away, angry with his insinuations but knowing he is right. With a deep breath he walks forward, his heart doing a small flip when he sees Gelda catch her breath with his approach. He decides to handle this quickly, just think of an excuse to take her to the side and ask himself what is going on. There was no reason to cause potential damage to any of the alliances being formed by losing his temper. He is a warrior, yes, but also a prince; princes use diplomacy.
Gelda turns at his approach, relief washing through her. Fern or Farm or whatever-his-name-is is still going on about the wedding they will have, and she sucks in a little breath of excitement to see Zeldris coming closer. His face is still cold and hard, but it often is until they are alone together; Gelda wonders if he will always wear this mask when he is around others. She also notices the stiff way he walks, and the way he holds his head up at a slight angle, which tells her he had another brutal day of training. It pains her to know that he is enduring such difficulties, but if this is the demon way, what could she possibly do about it other than lend a soothing kiss or two?
When Zeldris is next to her, the prince finally stops speaking, but neither pay attention as they stare at one another. His eyes are as unreadable as always, but she can sense the agitation coming from him. The prince clears his throat rather loudly, making Gelda jump; not knowing exactly what to do, she smiles politely and says, “Zeldris, I’m so glad to see you. May I introduce you to—ah—” She blanks on the prince’s name, blinking back at him in surprise, but to her relief the prince is not paying her any attention either, instead slowly regarding the demon up and down. “You are a demon by the looks of it,” the prince scoffs, nodding towards the mark on Zeldris’ forehead. “Perhaps you don’t realize it, but it’s rude to interrupt a conversation.” Zeldris’ eyes narrow to slits for a moment as he regards the man before looking at Gelda. “I need to speak with you.” Gelda nods eagerly, but the prince moves a bit to step between them as he says, “Absolutely not, I am speaking to Her Highness.”
“Step back,” Zeldris says, his voice full of malice and sending a shiver through her.
The prince smirks, drawing himself up to stand over them, and Gelda feels herself getting angry. “I won’t be intimidated by such a small demon,” he says. Then the prince reaches out to grab at her arm, but she jerks out of the path of his hand with an angry shout, moving closer to Zeldris.
The demon, however, must have seen his intention, because just as she presses against his side, he pushes her behind him, rearing back with his other hand to land a blow directly on his jaw. The prince goes down with a shout, slamming to the ground, those around them turning and gawking. But Zeldris takes no notice, stepping up to grind his foot into the prince’s shoulder, eliciting another shout of pain from the man groaning on the ground.
“Do not touch the princess again,” he says. After a moment he slowly steps back, the prince’s chest heaving with his erratic breaths, and Zeldris turns to look at her.
His voice, his posture, his face, everything about him in that moment scream danger, violence, pain; but Gelda only feels protected. He takes her by the elbow and pushes her to the side, the people making way for the prince and princess as he steers her determinedly back towards the balcony. Then they are outside in the night air, Zeldris still pulling her until they are on the far side, away from where people can see unless they are looking.
Finally he lets her go, his shoulders tense as he turns on her. For a brief second she wonders if he will lash out at her next, but the way he is clenching his fists and pressing his mouth in a tight line shows her how he is struggling to maintain his control. She barely dares to breathe for a moment, just staring, until he finally bites out, “What have you been doing?” “I’m sorry,” she whispers. “He… I don’t even remember his name.” The absurdity of what just happened hits her suddenly, and Gelda lets out a laugh, quickly covering her mouth with her hand. “I can’t believe you just did that!” she exclaims.
She giggles again, unable to help herself, but Zeldris does not stop his deep scowl. “I’ve seen you all night, Gelda. You’ve been talking to every man in there!” Her eyes go wide in surprise. “Zeldris! What are you talking about? They approached me, and I can’t be rude.” She tilts her head to the side, her lips twisting into a sly smile. “Are you—are you jealous?” Zeldris clears his throat uncomfortably, the tension slowly leaving his body. Stupid Estarossa, getting him worked up over nothing. He knew Gelda would never be like that… still, it had been more unnerving than he had expected to see her with others, and even more unnerving was his reaction to it. “No,” he finally answers. “I know you will have—suitors, I suppose. But that last one—” Suddenly her arms are around his neck, and she presses her mouth on his as she presses her body against him. He quickly grabs her up, his hands sliding over her hips and up her back, tilting his face as she kisses him. “I don’t want any suitor but you, Zeldris,” she whispers against his lips.
He pulls back a bit, his eyes looking down at her lips. “You want me? As a suitor?”
Gelda nods, her smile softening at the hint of uncertainty in his question. “You were the one who suggested we get married after all.” She reminds him, quite fond of the memory. She waits expectantly, her eyes tracing over his face, but Zeldris does not respond the way she assumes; instead, he leans in to kiss her again, and she kisses him in return.
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