#and you figured that you'd be eaten eventually anyway
randoimago · 9 months
I always wondered how the romanced companions would react if Orin kidnapped the player character. Especially Astarion, Gale, and Halsin. Any thoughts?
Reactions to Romanced Tav Being Kidnapped by Orin
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3
Character(s): Astarion, Gale, Halsin
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): Idk if you've played Dragon Age, anon, but the first game (Origins) has companions rescuing the main character and that's very fun. I feel like for BG3 it'd be much less lighthearted 😅
Also, alternatively, if Player Character is Dark Urge I can just see an "Oh no!... Well anyways..." cause the companions figure Orin's head will just be eaten off or something
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While he has all the confidence in your abilities (you did capture his heart), he does feel that deep seated fear of what may happen. Wyll's father be damned, he'll play along with Orin's plan to deal with Gortash if it means getting you back.
Doesn't care who he has to manipulate and bribe to get extra help. So many innocent people have already died in this stupid fucking conflict, if more die from him trying to save you then so be it. He'd burn down this damn city to get you back to him.
Depending on if Cazador has been dealt with or not, he also has fear of not having you by his side because Cazador might find out and use that to get to Astarion.
If he's become an Ascendent vampire, then he finds it hilarious that Orin thinks she can steal his prized pet from him.
Tempted to just activate the orb at Orin's mere appearance and the information she gives, but knows that that would be a bit too much of an overreaction (and he doubts you'd end up safe due to the blast radius).
While Gale is a very intelligent and capable man in spellcasting, he knows that it's best to rely on Wisdom for something like this, as much as he wants to immediately run to your rescue.
There is fear for you, of course there is. Fear that Orin will kill you anyway, fear that he won't be in time to save you.
But he knows that he has to stay calm while using time in camp to practice his magic and prepare whichever spells he thinks would be best.
Oh he is livid when he learns that you've been kidnapped, but he knows that acting on his rage won't solve anything. There's obviously a time limit on this, but he knows it's best to make a plan first and decide what to do.
While Gortash is an obvious evil that'll eventually be dealt with, Orin is a disgrace upon nature. He'd prefer to strike the snake in her home, but he also understands that it could prove risky to your safety.
But he remains calm as he strategies with the other companions on ways to get you back and the best course of action.
Although, he can't help losing his temper due to some of the disagreements and arguments from the others when your life is on the line.
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Taglists: @reo-the-leo @unhelpfulnpc
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augustinewrites · 2 years
for @missmeinyourbones bcs you always say kind things to me!! thank you <3
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back when dabi was still touya, he loved watching romantic comedies. 
whenever her shitbag husband was out on an overnight mission, rei would put them on after she’d tucked them all into bed. …or at least she thought she did. because he and fuyumi would sneak out of bed, peeking into the living room from the hall anyway.
once in a while he thinks about it. thinks about the way his mother would let them sit with her, and the way he and fuyumi would giggle when the couple on the screen kissed, and no one reached around to cover their eyes. (but thinking about this brings back that dull ache between his ribs, which is why he doesn’t do it often.)
what he does think about often are the couples on the screen. about the awful clichés and predictable plots. the lovesick schmuck in a suit that’s fresh off a boring 9 to 5, flowers in hand to take his love interest to dinner. 
(thinking back, there was probably a reason for the genre his mom chose, but unpacking all of that would require the help of a shrink he didn’t have the dough to see).
he’s only been thinking about these couples often because of, well, you. if this were a movie, he’d say it was fate that led him to get stabbed and promptly pass out in an alley close to your hospital. you’d nurse him back to health in your cute apartment, saving his life and domesticating him in the process. 
but this wasn’t a movie. and even though you’d saved his life, all he'd done to repay you was bleed all over your rug and steal the change on your counter before jumping out the window. 
and you must have been all kinds of desperate, because when he put his hands into his coat pocket he'd found your number written on a slip of paper.
just in case, you'd written.
he stole a burner phone the next day and, like the couples on the tv say, the rest was history.
you were like a bad habit, because he swore every night he went to see you was supposed to be his last. you were so damn annoying, asking him shit like how his day went and if he'd eaten. offering to wash his clothes like some sort of pervert.
but then he’d tell you he was exhausted and starving from all the felonies he’d committed and you’d let him sleep on your couch. then he’d dip out the next morning with his clothes smelling like freesia or some shit he’d rather die than admit he kinda liked.
and eventually…he was okay with it. okay with you and this stupid love you’d dragged him into. you let him come and go as he pleased, the latch on your window always unlocked just for him, cause no matter what, he always came back. 
but everything is fucked. this city is fucked and this country is fucked, and dabi’s hiding out on the fire escape when you join him.
your shoulder brushes his as you sit next to him on the step, and he doesn’t have to look to know you’ve got that big frown downturning your lips. it’s far from the first fight the two of you have had since starting this…relationship, but it’s the first time he can safely say he’s not sure you’ll bother wanting to salvage it. 
(he thinks that after every fight, actually. but you seem to have this endless patience for him that he doesn’t understand nor deserve.)
hugging your knees to your chest, you ask, “are you going to leave?”
“are you coming back this time?” you ask quietly. 
“don’t know,” he shrugs.
you don’t say anything for a long while and neither does dabi. he should just leave, ditch you out on your fire escape and fuck off somewhere into the city. maybe he’d get shitfaced enough to crash at the league’s hideout, or maybe he’d blackmail birdbrain into letting him get shitfaced at his place then crash on his ridiculously expensive couch. he’ll figure it out later.
it’d certainly be easier to leave and figure it out if you yelled and swore, maybe even slapped him a little. 
you don’t do any of those things though, because anger isn’t embedded in your dna like it is in his. instead you give him a look that’s half-pity, half-disappointment, and it stings all the same.
“you always do this,” you sigh, staring straight ahead at the flickering city lights. “whenever this happens, you refuse to talk about it after. and– and when i try to give you space to figure your stuff out…you run.” 
you don’t say it angrily, like you’d be within your right to be. you say it…softly. tiredly. you’re not trying to antagonize him, just stating a fact, and it makes him feel shittier.
“well, ‘s not like ya need me around anyway,” he shrugs. 
you look at him this time, “of course i don’t need you.” 
dabi had said it first, but hearing you say it hurt, strangely. like a faint touch upon a fresh bruise. 
but you’re not done, listing things off on your fingers. “you don’t pay rent, you eat all my groceries, you track your dirty boots through my living room, and i don’t know if you’ve forgotten, but you are a wanted criminal, you know.” 
he chuckles at that. it’s only very slightly, but it makes you break into a smile. “jeez, babe. you sure know how to pick ‘em.” 
“i know,” you hum, nudging his knee with yours. “but that’s my point. i don’t need you. but we– i want you anyway.” 
you offer him your hand, palm upturned, and for a second he doesn’t want to run. he wants to take your hand and let you guide him back inside. wants to cuddle with you in your too-soft bed with all your blankets and the stuffed animals he'd stolen for you.
then he sees the recently patched up burn on your wrist and he’s reminded that he’s stupid. stupid for thinking he could ever have anything past…this with you. 
you follow his gaze, pulling your sleeve down quickly as you murmur, “it was an accident.” 
he’d been running hot. hot like he always did when you fought. then you’d turned away and he’d reached for you, forgetting.
it was an accident, yeah, but you don’t deserve it. 
you want him. but you deserve the schmuck in the suit  who can help you pay rent and buy groceries. 
so he decides that this is the last night. he lets you guide him to bed, and once you’ve fallen asleep, he eases his arm out from under your head to pull the covers up to your chin.  
sometimes his heart is so big that he can’t stand it. he’s letting you go. you’re better off without him—
but you catch his hand as he’s about to slip out of bed, unflinching as your thumb brushes across cool metal. 
“stay,” you murmur, eyes slowly blinking open to peer at him in the darkness. 
“i can’t,” he mutters, averting his gaze from yours.
“stay,” you say a little more firmly this time. “or i swear to god i’m going to call your mother.”
he rolls his eyes, choosing to indulge you one last time (he does not take your threat lightly, either). he lets you plant kisses up the column of his throat and rest you he’d on his chest. but it’s just until he’s sure your out cold, then he’s definitely gone. he’ll be out the window and out of your hair—
“i love you, touya,” you whisper. 
“yeah, whatever, you brat,” he grunts, but he places his hand over yours, turning his head to the side to press a kiss to your forehead before murmuring the words against your skin.
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zoyaofthegardvn · 2 years
New Friends, Old Insecurities (2)
A/N: Finally! Here is the second and final part of New Friends, Old Insecurities :) Thanks so much to everyone that was so kind about that fic and really encouraged me to write a part 2! I hope you all enjoy <3
CW: Angst to fluff!
Read part 1 here first....
It's been weeks since your explosive fight with Mor, and you were miserable. Looking back on it, you decided that perhaps you had escalated things too far, too fast, too dramatically. But you were truly heartbroken, and angry, and the damage has already been done, anyway.
Gwyn and Azriel, the friends that they are, have been letting you stay with them. You had shown up on their front porch in tears, stuttering and blubbering about what happened. Gwyn had brought you inside, made you a cup of tea, while Azriel started a fire and prepared the spare room for you to sleep in, carrying your things out of the room to give you and Gwyn some time to talk.
They've been incredibly understanding, even reassuring you that you can stay as long as you need every time you mention that you're going to start looking for somewhere else to stay soon. Truthfully, you think they just don't want you to pay for a place to live alone, all too confident that you and Mor will find your way back to one another eventually.
And that's not to say Mor hasn't tried. It wasn't hard to figure out that you'd started saying with the Shadowsinger and the Priestess, and Mor even showed up, trying to persuade them to let her see you, before Azriel very firmly told her no, that you needed time.
Gwyn said Mor asked about you every single day at training. She wanted to know if you were sleeping well, if you were eating enough, if you were ready to talk yet. Gwyn merely nodded at most of her questions, but always refused to answer the last one. When you were ready was entirely up to you, and Gwyn would never say so on your behalf. Gwyn did report back that Mor looked awful, bags under her eyes, sluggish like she hadn't slept or eaten anything. She said that she stayed to herself, showing up to training late and leaving early. She didn't go to family dinners, and Rhys had stopped asking her to patrol because her heart wasn't in it. That always made your chest ache, but you weren't doing any better.
You also found out that a rift had grown between Emerie, Nesta, and Gwyn. And that made you feel guilty. You had never intended to cause something between the three, knowing how deeply they love and admire one another. You apologized several times, but during one evening that Nesta and Cassian had come over for dinner, Nes and Gwyn both explained to you that it wasn't your fault. They said that Emerie had abandoned them, too, and that they were upset with her for interfering in a mated friend's marriage. Again, you tried to apologize, tried to tell them that it didn't have to be that way, but they shot you down.
"I love Emerie, and I'm sure we'll make up, but she messed up, that's all there is to it," Nesta had told you.
"She feels bad about it, I can tell, but she has to work up the courage to make amends. We can't make her do that," Gwyn had replied.
And that was that. But still, you couldn't shake the guilt. Though, a small part of you was thrilled that Mor and Emerie had been staying away from one another.
Your days mostly consisted of reading, paperwork, lunch with Gwyn, cards with Azriel, and dinner with the pair of them, or alone if it was family night. They had offered to stay home and eat with you, but that you adamantly refused. Just because you couldn't stand to be around everyone right now didn't mean you would keep your friends stuck at home, too.
So, while you had an amazing support system, friends that rallied around you and refused to let you go through anything alone, you were still, quite frankly, miserable.
During the third week of staying at Gwyn and Azriel's house, you were spending another night alone, cooking a small dinner for just yourself. The pair had just left, and they'd likely not be back for several hours. So, it surprised you when you heard footsteps at the front door, before a gentle knock sounded from the foyer.
You placed the spoon you'd been stirring your pasta sauce with on the counter before making your way to the front, a confused look on your face. As far as you were aware, Gwyn and Az hadn't been expecting anyone to stop by. They would have told you.
Another soft knock makes you walk faster, and you don't think to peek out of the window before you pull the door open.
There, on the front porch, looking sheepish and a bit scared, is Emerie.
You're a bit stunned, and all you can do is gape. The stare obviously makes her uncomfortable, and she looks down at her boots, sniffing a bit before saying, "Hey."
You swallow thickly, making no move to let her into the house. "Gwyn just left, she went to th-"
"I-I'm not here for Gwyn. I came to speak to you, Y/N," Emerie replies, pulling her gaze up to look at you. She looks braced for rejection, but ultimately, you don't hate her, you don't even dislike her. But there are, of course, harsh feelings.
"I don't know that that's a good idea, Emerie..."
"Please, Y/N, I came to explain, to apologize. I-I know why you won't speak to Mor," the sound of your mate's name makes you flinch, but Emerie just continues, "I understand it, I do. But please, at least, just hear me out."
You're silent for a few moments, contemplating how to proceed. You could shut the door in her face, go inside, make your dinner. You could keep looking at apartment listings, make a plan to move the rest of your stuff out of your and Mor's once shared home. You could avoid your mate like the plague. You could never see Emerie again. You could keep ditching family dinners, live a life of loneliness. You had always been so stubborn, so determined. Even if it was about making your own life a living Hell.
Or, you could let Emerie inside. You could hear her out. Let her convince you to reach out to your wife, to go home.
You sigh, you step aside, and you pull the door open wider. "I was just making dinner. Do you like pesto?"
You and Emerie share a quiet dinner, bowls of pasta and glasses of wine consumed with little conversation. When you're both finished, you take the dishes and rinse them in the sink. Wordlessly, Emerie cleans up the ingredients you had laid around the kitchen, and you're reminded that she's been here before, several times. Gwyn is her best friend, and you're not the only one here that's lost someone important.
When the kitchen is tidy, you make your way towards the living room, gesturing for Emerie to follow.
"I suppose this is the part where we talk, huh?"
Emerie nods, sitting in the chair closest to the fireplace while you sit on the edge of the couch.
Again, silence fills the room. But eventually, Emerie clears her throat and begins. "I think that first, I just need to apologize." She shifts so her body is facing you, she makes eye contact even though you can tell she feels a bit embarrassed. "I am so, so sorry for how I interfered with your marriage. I never had any intentions of breaking the two of you up, I truly hope you can believe me. I-I feel like I've done something... awful, and I am just... I-I'm so sorry."
You dip your head, trying not to cry. "Thank you, Emerie. I... I believe you."
She sighs, like she was expecting you to call her a liar, to kick her out. But you can tell that she's sincere, and you know her well enough that you don't think she'd ever want to or try to be a homewrecker. That just isn't her intent.
"And Emerie, truthfully... I don't want you to feel so awful."
She looks at you, confused, but before she can speak, you continue.
"Mor neglected me as a mate, as a wife. Yes, you encouraged her, certainly, but Mor chose to do what she did all on her own. You can't shoulder the blame for our failed relationship when it was her responsibility."
Emerie nods, but that guilt still paints her face. "I can't... I know it's not my place, to give you any sort of relationship advice..." She trails off and looks at you, anticipating you cutting her off, but you don't. "But Mor, she's... she's miserable. She doesn't talk to me anymore, and I don't blame her. Not many people do." And that statement breaks your heart a bit. You truly feel guilty that Emerie, likely more than you do, feels so lonely. "But I can just tell. She isn't sleeping, or eating, the only time she speaks is to ask someone about you. She.. she loves you, Y/N, adores you. You're the only person she'll ever want."
"It sure would've been nice if she had treated me that way the past few months," you spit out, your bitterness revealing itself.
Emerie flinches, but she doesn't disagree. "You're right, and I imagine she hates herself for it. A-And I know you probably don't want to hear this from me, but I never, ever had any romantic feelings for her. What I felt for Mor was strictly platonic, I swear to you. And never once did I get even the slightest idea that she felt anything beyond friendship for me. I would not lie to you about that."
And though you had tried to hold them in, the tears start falling anyway. You sniffle, quickly swiping your cheeks with the back of your hand.
"I don't know what do, then. I want to believe you, Emerie. But Gods, the way she treated me, made me feel. I can't ever go through that again."
Emerie nods, understanding and compassionate. "I know, Y/N, I know."
For a few beats, the room is silent save for your sniffling and the crackling of the fire.
"I... I'm going to stay away from her. I had already decided that when I heard about what happened between the two of you, but you should know... if it'll help convince you to reach out to her... I won't ever be a problem again. I'm going to stay away, I swear it."
You scoff. "And what happens when another female comes around to woo her? Again Emerie, I appreciate you coming here, but the problem lies with Mor. And anyway, I'd never ask you to not be friends with her. If you say friendship is all that it was, then I believe you."
"Yes, she is my friend, and I know how devastated she is to have lost you. So if it takes me staying away, so be it. I'll do it. And as far as other females go... Y/N... she would never, ever cheat on you. Do you know how much she loves you?"
You don't get a chance to respond before she continues. "You're all she ever talked about. In the mornings, she'd talk about how pretty you looked when she woke up, how she couldn't wait to see you later. When we'd be at the shop, she'd constantly talk about your studies, your work, how proud she is of you, how you've been working so damn hard. And that night... at dinner... she was telling me about how she missed you, and she was starting to get worried, because you were never late, and you never left without telling her where you were going."
Emerie's details make you start crying harder, quiet sobs shaking your shoulders as you keep trying to wipe the blurriness from your eyes.
"I-I don't know what to do," you cry, embarrassed to be so vulnerable in front of her.
Emerie stands from her chair, she moves to be beside you. Her hand falls to your shoulder, and she squeezes. "Please, just.. just hear her out. For both of your sakes."
You don't answer, and Emerie pulls her hand away. "I know you have a lot to think about, so I'll go. Again, I'm sorry for my part." She begins making her way to the front of the house, but stops to add one more thing. "Thank you... for the dinner... and for hearing me out." Then she lets herself out the front door.
You spent a few days mulling Emerie's words over, coming to terms with what you wanted to do. She had convinced you to talk to Mor, to try to work things out, but you just didn't know how to proceed. How to forgive and move on.
Eventually, you decided you'd speak to her at home. You wouldn't confront her in public, not when emotions are as heightened as they are. And you didn't want to invite her to Gwyn and Azriel's house, even though they would have no issue with it, you didn't want to impose on their home anymore than you already had. And truthfully, you wanted to see your house again. You wanted to be able to return to it one day.
And so, after days of contemplating, talking relentlessly with Gwyn and Az, losing sleep from the anxiety, you've finally decided to show up at your house, where you know Mor is currently at, if the candle glow from the windows were any indication.
Your hands tremble with nerves, your stomach doing flips. You debate knocking, but shake your head at the idea. This is still your house, anyway. If you keep thinking like it isn't, it'll be harder for you to see a way forward with Mor, and that's not why you came here.
However, you don't want to scare her, so you do softly rap on the wood before pushing the door open, softly closing it behind you.
You hear gentle footsteps sound from the living room, but you make no move to meet her, your nerves keeping you firmly planted in the foyer.
She stops in her tracks when she rounds the corner, and your heart sinks when you take in her form. Her hair is a mess, pulled back in a knot, some loose tangles plastered to her sweaty skin. She looks pale, her eyes bruised and sunken in. A blanket is wrapped around her shoulders, and she's dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. She brings a shaky hand to her mouth that's fallen open, clearly shocked to see her wife has come home.
"Y/N?" she asks, her voice quiet and broken, like she's hardly been using it.
And then she's bursting into tears, her shoulders shaking, her chest heaving as she struggles to breathe.
"Oh, Mor..." you sigh, rushing forward, grabbing her by her forearms and pulling her into the living room. You set her down on the couch, then fetch her a glass of water from the kitchen, urging her to drink it before she has a full blown panic attack.
When she comes down a bit, she sets the glass on the table, then brings her teary eyes up to look at you. "Are you h-here to get the rest of your stuff?" Her voice is muffled from her tears, her throat raw. "Did you come to... to e-e-end it o-officially?" She stutters over her words, the panic creeping up on her again.
You shake your head, sitting next to her on the couch, but keeping a bit of distance between the two of you. "No, Mor. I came to talk."
Her head whips to the side, her face in shock. Clearly, she hadn't expected you to ever hear her out. "To talk?" she asks, like she can't quite believe what's happening.
You nod. "Emerie... she came and... explained things a few days ago. She told me to hear you out... she said you're not doing well."
Mor shrugs, but she doesn't respond, like she doesn't really care about her physical and mental health. The thought stabs at your gut.
"Mor.. I-I'm done running from this. You're my mate. My wife. As hurt as I am... I've been wrong, to stay away from you for so long. So for that, I apologize. But I just... I needed tim-"
"You don't have to apologize, Y/N, please. I know why you left."
You don't argue with her, but still, you feel guilty for your part in your separation. "But still, I'm sorry."
Mor says nothing for a few tense beats, she just sniffles and wipes at her eyes.
"Can.. can we fix this, Y/N? Please? I can't... I can't lose you. Not for good. Not forever. I-I can't," Mor starts crying again, gentle, silent tears. "I won't survive it. I love you, Y/N. Please, let me try and fix this."
You reach a shaky hand out, placing it on her shoulder. "That's why I came here, Mor, to try and fix things. I came here to talk. But I think that you're the one that needs to explain things, not me."
Mor reaches her hand up to sit on top of yours. She releases a deep breath, clearly relieved to hear that you want things to work out.
"I have to start by saying I'm sorry. I'm so, so fucking sorry, Y/N."
Her words bring fresh tears to your eyes, and you try to keep them from spilling over, though it's useless.
"So why, Mor?" your voice cracks, but you keep going. "Why did you.. treat me like that? I-I want to understand."
She shakes her head. "There's nothing to understand. It was wrong, stupid, awful of me. I neglected you, I made you feel like I wasn't in love with you anymore... and even if you can forgive me, I'll never forgive myself for that."
A few more beats of silence, then Mor continues. "I want you to know, Y/N, that you're perfect for me. What you said that night... about us being mates... about it being wrong" she shakes her head like the thought disturbs her, like she's trying to rid herself of the memory. "That's not true. We belong together. I have never wished you were different. I have never wanted you to be more like Emerie, if that's what you had been thinking."
And she's right, that's exactly what you had convinced yourself she wanted. It had hurt beyond belief, but the ache lessons hearing Mor so sincerely tell you otherwise.
"I just... it had been so long since I had made a true friend, outside of the family. I have Feyre, but she's Rhys' mate before she's my friend, and she's been so busy lately, with her growing family."
"Were you not... were you not happy being my friend and my lover?" you whisper, always prepared to face the fact that you couldn't give Mor everything she needed.
She turns her whole body to face you, her features crumpling in devastation and shock.
"What?! Gods no, Y/N, no, that's not it at all. You're my best friend, and my wife. But we're not together all of the time... we.. we have our differences. Ones that I have never, ever wished didn't exist. It was just nice, to have Emerie, to have someone to talk weapons with, someone that could keep up with me in training, someone that understands what it's like to be a warrior and a female."
You could never fault her for that. Mor, after having gone through so much, deserved a friend she could relate to more than anyone.
"I... I understand that, Mor, I do. What I don't understand is why... or how she became more important than me. Than us." Your tone is firm, straight to the point.
Mor shudders, she squeezes her eyes shut in shame. "She never was. I know you have no reason to believe me, but I swear that no one has ever been more important to me than you, no relationship more important than our marriage."
You're reminded of Emerie telling you how Mor always talked about you, bragged about you, asked about you. You find yourself believing her, your anger slowly ebbing away.
"I got way too caught up in having fun with her, in being able to relate to her. It made me abandon you, neglect our relationship, and again, I am so sorry, baby."
The nickname tugs at your heart, the ease of slipping back into it.
Through tears and a shaky voice, you ask, "When you saw me... when you would come home at night, it felt like all you really needed me for was sex. Do you know how badly that hurt, Mor? To know that after you slept with me, we were going to wake up just for me to be alone again while you spent the day with her?"
Mor cries out, both of her hands coming to rest on your legs. "Gods, Y/N, I'll never forgive myself for making you feel that way. You were the only one on my mind, all day every day. When we made love, I was entirely there, with you. I missed you, every day, even if it was my own fault, I missed you. I just... I wanted to show you how badly I did, how much I loved you, through being intimate. I didn't realize what kind of message I was sending, and I'm so fucking sorry. You're so much more to me than sex, baby, you know that. I love you, I love you, I love you," then she brings one of your hands up to her mouth, planting a kiss to the smooth skin.
You take deep breaths to steady the overwhelming emotions, but the tears remain constant. Her words soothe your anxieties to some degree, but the hurt isn't entirely gone.
"I forgive you, Mor, but I don't know what to do, how to proceed."
Mor's breath catches in her throat, and she doesn't breathe for a few seconds. Eventually, she inhales, shakily, then speaks with a wavering voice. "I will spend the rest of my life making this up to you, Y/N, please give me the chance to prove to you, again, that you're perfect for me, the only person I'll ever need. Please, baby."
She sounds terrified, and you feel a bit guilty, because you hadn't meant to imply that you weren't sure if you'd able to continue being mated to her. Just that you weren't sure how to go from here, how to keep working on making this better.
"I-I don't want to... divorce.. or.. Gods forbid, break the bond, Mor, I don't." Mor shudders with relief, her shoulders relaxing, her hands start shaking a bit less.
"But, we can't just go back to before... we can't act like nothing happened. Things have to change."
"I understand, Y/N, I do. Tell me what you want from me, and I'll do it."
You huff a laugh at her eagerness, your tears finally ceasing to roll down your cheeks. You wipe your face with the back of your hand, but keep the other intertwined with Mor's.
"Well, first, I need to move back in, I guess."
Mor nods rapidly, "Yes, yes, please. I'll help you get your things. Come home, tonight, I can't stand being here without you."
You give her a soft smile, one that she returns. "Okay, we can do that."
She kisses your hand again, rubbing along your knuckles with her thumb.
"But, I don't think..." Mor looks at you expectantly, urging you to continue your train of thought. You clear your throat and begin again. "I-I don't think I'm ready for us to be.. intimate.. again. I-I'm sorry, I just need time, and I nee-"
"Don't apologize, Y/N, it's not necessary and I don't deserve it." Her voice is stern, and it shuts you up immediately. "I told you that you're not just sex, baby. I'll wait as long as you need. All I want is you, back home, with me, in whatever capacity you'll have me."
You nod, a bit stunned by how sincere she is, and relieved that she isn't upset with your decision.
"And, things have to be different. You have to spend time with me again, Mor. I won't be treated like that again." She nods while you talk, and it makes you grow more confident as you assert your needs. "Mornings belong to us again, and you'll speak to me, read with me, before we go to bed. You'll go into town with me, we'll go on dates several times a week, and we'll sit together at family dinner, every single time." Mor's smile grows, like she's proud of you for your demands, demands she would never dream of protesting, demands she craves, too. "You'll speak to me when you see me, you'll kiss me hello and goodbye, you'll ask me how my day was and you'll tell me about yours, even if it's something you think I can't relate to." Mor hums, she nods, she says, "Of course, my love," but you're not done yet. "You're my wife, Mor, my mate. But you're my best friend, too. You'll have to treat me as such again, if this is going to work."
Mor wastes no time agreeing. "Yes, to all of it, a million times, yes. I was a fool for not doing those things these past few months, it's a mistake that will never happen again, I promise you, Y/N." She leans in, and when you don't pull away, she presses a soft kiss to your lips. It feels like coming home, like everything falling back into place. She pulls back, cupping your cheeks with both of her hands. She stares into your eyes, an act of intimacy you can't, won't shy away from. "I'd do anything for you, give you anything, all the time in the world, if you wanted it. I love you, Y/N, and I'll forever be grateful for you, for this second chance you've given me."
You grin, then it's your turn to kiss her. "I believe you, Mor, I really do."
A/N: Ahhh! Part 2 is finally done! Once again, thank you so much to everyone that encouraged me to write the continuation, and all the enthusiasm you showed me! I really really appreciate all of you guys <3 I hope this part was satisfying and worth the wait :)
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ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52424179/chapters/132621133
Mobius stands under that tree for a long time, just watching the house he doesn't remember living in. He's having trouble processing what happened. When they all rebooted the TVA to be about keeping He Who Remains' variants from starting a war, he had something to do to distract him. But that can only work for so long. He needed a change. He needed somewhere quiet to figure out what he really wanted. Because now that he had a choice - a choice that Loki gave everything for him to have - there was no staying behind a desk doing a job anyone else could do. So he left.
He left and quickly realized he didn't have many places to go. He can't just figure out when he got taken from his life on the timeline and go back to that life. He doesn't remember it and as he watches 'Don' with those two boys, he realizes he wouldn't fit in that life anyway. He has been through too much and seen too much to just be able to settle for an ordinary life surrounded by people who wouldn't see him as much more than a stranger in the place of who they once knew. It wouldn't be fair to anyone involved.
But then, what does he do? Sylvie had no trouble finding a place for herself in a world she'd never been in before.
Wait... Sylvie!
Sylvie had been hopping from universe to universe with no limits to what she could do and she eventually found a life for herself and a place she could call home. Maybe Mobius could do the same thing. But that still begs the question: Where should he go? Where is the place that will feel "right" for him, or even just like something he could settle for?
Well, since they don't need to worry about timelines branching any more, there isn't any harm in looking around before making a decision, right?
Now, there's just one more question to ask here: "Where should I go first?"
. . . . .
After jet-skiing for the first time that he can remember, Mobius came to the realization that the ocean spray in his face, the thrill of hopping over a wave, the speed, the taste of salt, and the freedom that jet-skiing gives him...is a little underwhelming.
Like, don't get him wrong, it's fun. There's a rush to it that is so much better than sitting behind a desk as well as a meditative quality to it that, combined with the excitement, gives him a sort of euphoria, but... it feels like there's something missing. It's as though in all those magazines full of admittedly idyllic descriptions, and stories from people who genuinely love these water crafts, there must have been some sort of fine print he forgot to read with instructions that would help make the whole thing worth it.
Oh well. Some dreams just don't turn out like you'd expect them to. That's just a part of life. He'd always imagined he and Renslayer were going to be friends for the rest of time, 'protecting the sacred time line' like the greater good they all thought it was. We saw how that turned out. Don probably thought he and his wife were going to live a normal life and die of old age or diabetes or getting eaten by a shark like normal people. Instead, his wife is gone, and he gets abducted, mind-wiped, brainwashed, and forced into working for what he thought were three space lizards determining the story of the universe. "In hindsight, that is a pretty crazy thing to believe, huh?" Mobius thinks to himself. "Maybe Loki had a better point than I thought, even back then, before he had really started to change."
That was another thing Mobius never expected. Loki has always been known for not being easy to predict. When Mobius was assigned to study his life and question him, it was a little easier not to fall for the facades Loki used to keep it that way.
Loki could be as sneaky and intimidating and threatening as he wanted, but at the end of the day, he mostly just makes things up as he goes along. He's very impulsive, even though he tries to make you think he's always 1000 steps ahead. This is the person who fell through space to presumably never see his homeland again and to land who knows where, so that he could have a dramatic death in front of his father and brother. This is also the person who very easily fell in with the Grand Master's crowd on one of the most chaotic worlds there are. He was D. B. Cooper for fuck's sake, jumping out of a plane, flirting with mortals, and stealing money he doesn't need all as part of a bet he lost to his brother.
Loki switched sides easily depending on what he could get out of it, but you could never trust him to truly be on anyone's side but his own. He also was just a bit of an arrogant dick. At least, all this was what Mobius was led to expect with what he'd read of Loki's life. And he was right. His expectations were fairly accurate on those counts.
But Mobius has a troublesome habit of believing in everyone's potential to be a good person. He didn't allow himself to form any hopes yet, but he still considered it possibly for Loki to actually care about other people. He knew Loki was charming and knew how to read people, meaning he could understand them and maybe relate to them. One of the best ways to connect with someone is to learn more about them. Most of the time, you end up finding you have a lot in common with them. Mobius thinks Loki is the one who didn't expect anyone to give him a chance like that. In fact, he probably didn't even believe he was worth it.
It's kind of funny, really. Loki spent most of his life defying everyone's expectations of him and throwing the rules of their lives into chaos, succeeding by playing off how he expected others to react to the things he did.
When those rules, that he based his own life on, fell apart, and the people he found himself surrounded by seemed to know exactly what he would do, he surprised even himself, and changed for the better. That's probably why Mobius didn't fully see it coming what he was doing at the end until it was too late. Or maybe he just didn't want to believe it. He didn't want to believe that Loki would soon be gone forever.
As Mobius stares at the salad he got for himself from a little place on the pier, he remembers the one Loki destroyed with his somewhat unnecessary display of how apocalypses are supposed to affect the way events cause branches from timelines. It was so over the top, as Loki always is, but it was also just so silly. The way he just stared into Mobius' soul, shaking the salt and pepper shakers up and down and up and down. The triumphant smile after he poured Casey's drink over it, like a little kid showing off his amazing painting skills on the walls. It makes Mobius chuckle softly to think of it. He thinks of Loki's smile and how it gradually became more and more genuine the more they just talked with each other. And they talked quite a bit for two people in the middle of saving the multiverse, about nothing and everything and things you really should rethink telling the person who's job is to keep you locked up or the person who's favorite prank is to put literal snakes in people's food or stab them after dying in front of them. Mobius almost wishes he would stab him right now, just so he can be back.
Aaaand that's the sign that he's thinking of Loki too much. Time to pick a new place to go and try and figure out what the heck he wants to do with the rest of his life. Maybe he'll go to see the Roman Empire before it fell. See what all those warriors really liked to do in their free time. He takes his time finishing his salad before getting out the tempad and setting the destination. He looks at the empty salad bowl, just plain white and round and not very interesting at all. There's huge mounted fish and stunning artwork on the walls of this restaurant. You can hear the calming waves and the group of sea lions just outside. There is no reason his attention should be so solely given to this silly salad bowl. And yet his eyes stay on it, even as they tear up. It isn't until he wipes at them that he looks away and stands up.
He leaves some money on the table and opens a time door to walk through. As he does, he feels a breeze ruffle his hair, brushing it away from his eyes. "Strange," he thinks, "all the doors and windows are closed, there shouldn't be a breeze in here." He looks around at the nearly empty restaurant getting ready to say goodbye to the morning calm and welcome the lunch crowd in an hour or two. He feels a warmth on his side and looks over to the large window where the sun has shifted its light and heat to blanket Mobius almost comfortingly. As he looks over, his eyes catch on a flash of the window, ever so faintly tinted green. There was movement of something not quite there, but unmistakably there enough to be visible. Like something between a shadow and a reflection. It was hard to make out a shape at first, but as it got bigger - no - closer, mobius saw the shape of a person with horns on their head and, if they looked closely, green and gold vines twisting around them like magic. Mobius stepped closer and was sharply met with two very familiar eyes. He took a breath.
. . . . .
Part 2
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lesbiansanemi · 1 year
🌧️☔️ :3
🌧️ Share something angsty from your WIP
I've been working on Gyutaro and Ume's backstory for the role swap AU off and on the past couple of weeks, and honestly the whole thing is super fucking depressing, but this little bit about Gyutaro being happy to eat locusts kinda hurt ngl
Locusts squished in his mouth. Wings and legs caught in his crooked teeth, guts burst over his tongue, and he couldn’t help the stifled groan that escaped him as the bugs slid down his throat. They were the first thing he’d eaten in three days now, and he’d never tasted anything better. Already he could feel his stomach settling. Not enough to be full… He’d never been full before, but some of the nausea and twisting hunger pangs began to abate.  That was one nice thing about the height of summer, something to make up for the soul-crushing heat. The locusts came out, so if he had the energy, he could catch them and eat them. It was one of the closest things he ever got to a steady food source.  Locusts in the summer, and the rodents that infested their home during the winter.  He shoved another bug into his mouth, felt his cracked and broken nails scrape against his chapped lips.  Another nice thing about summer was being able to avoid home for longer. There was no risk of freezing to death. He could sleep in the gutters and the alleyways. His mother wouldn’t come looking; she never came looking. Hell, she probably hoped he had finally fucking bit it and was rotting in a garbage heap somewhere.  Not that it should matter. She didn’t feed him, didn’t spend a single bit of her earnings on him.  She used to, back when she’d had some slim hopes of selling him to one of the houses, but that obviously wasn’t going to happen now… Not with the way he looked. Now he only existed for her to take her frustrations out on. His shoulders still ached from the last beating he’d been on the receiving end of.  Now Ume got the meager money that didn’t go towards drugs.  Which was fine. It was good. A day that Ume got something to eat was a good day. 
I have a lot of feelings on Gyutaro in general, but role swap Gyutaro especially gets to me
☔️ Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
There's a ShinoMitsu fic I would really like to write, but just don't know if I ever will. Part of it is because I'm having some trouble figuring out the logistics of it (timelines, how it would even work, etc etc) but also because... It would be pretty long and take a lot of effort, and it's kinda disheartening to work on a big long project and know it would get barely any response because it's f/f but ya know, it's whatever. I need to get over that and write it regardless. Be the change you want to see in the world, etc etc, I know like four lesbians would love it Anyways!! The basic premise is Mitsuri ends up finding out about Shinobu's plan to kill Douma, and decides she can't let that happen under any circumstances, she can't let Shinobu kill herself like that. So she decides to take matters into her own hands She starts an investigation, and is able to eventually catch onto rumors of a "haven" for women running from abusive situations... but then none of them are ever heard of again. Seems a bit suspicious, so she looks into it, and discovers Douma's cult. She knows she can't tell Shinobu about this, because she might do something rash, so she decides to go undercover in the cult and hope for an opportunity to catch Douma with his guard down and kill him I'm also heavily considering adding another AU element of this, where Douma didn't kill Kotoha after she threw Inosuke off the cliff, but rather dragged her back to the cult because he liked her too much to kill her. For once, his reasoning beat out his hunger. So she's had a lot of years for her resentment to build, and for her to lay some plans for Douma's death herself. I think it would be fun for Mitsuri to meet her in the cult, so she has at least one ally there, and I want the opportunity to actually work with Kotoha, since I've never gotten to write for her before So on one side, we have Shinobu losing her mind because Mitsuri has disappeared while looking for Douma and tearing up Japan trying to find her, and on the other side, we have Mitsuri and Kotoha planning to brutally murder Upper Moon Two but trying not to get caught over it Like I said, I think it'd be a lot of fun, but I doubt many people would be interested in it, and I'd have to fuck with time lines a lot to make it plausible
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starchild--27 · 2 years
Morning! Your Secret Santa here!
It's a relief really knowing we only have two more to suffer through. My heart gets a little constricted everytime I think about Jongin and Sehun being sent off. It'll be good when they return and we'll hopefully get group contents once again. I'm hoping for an actual world tour, though it's been nice that some of them have been making appearances at festivals and such…it's just not the same as all of them together. 
As for places I'd love to visit…everywhere. The world is so big and I have seen so very little of it. But, if I had to choose a handful, Korea would definitely be on the list as would India and Italy. Peru for certain. Hungary, possibly? It's honestly a toss up between Hungary and Morocco. Most of these are based on their cuisines by the way.  What about you? You mentioned you loved traveling too? Any traveling anecdotes to share? Or places you'd live to visit? 
Well, just because you don't cook for yourself often doesn't mean you can't enjoy food….any particular favorites? I tend to just make whatever catches my eye and my stomach. Like, for instance, this week I made a large batch of corned beef and colcannon. Once those leftovers are eaten, I plan on making jajangmyeon with some squid I have in the freezer. Or maybe I'll make a curry…. Huh. Well.  Now I have a dilemma. I'll figure it out. Anyway. Baking! That's so neat! I don't bake often because I dislike the measuring aspect of it. I much prefer methods and recipes where I can cook by sight and smell. Are there any baked goods you prefer? 
I'm of the same opinion on choosing favorites….it really does come down to cases….like context and detail are everything really. And sometimes it's just hard to articulate why something resonates. I've not read any of the books you've mentioned so I'll have to look into them eventually. I'm not a big shipping fic type person when it comes to Real Person Fic….reader insert is preferable to me because it feels more like sharing a daydream with a friend. If that makes sense. I have no problem with those that do read it of course, we all have our own preferences. I've read some of marshmallow-phd's works, she's very talented! As for guardians-of-exo I'm not sure if I have read anything of thiers, but to be fair I've been mostly reading Harry Potter fic recently. 
Donnie Darko! I have only watched it once but that movie stuck with me as one I recommend to people often. The sequel was good but…I was somewhat disappointed with it though I never quite been able to put my finger on why. The others I'll add to my list of things to look into, though the Lotr and Starwars and HP I don't need to lol. 
Gilmore girls is an awesome show! Though I still need to finish it. I think I stopped watching right around the time when Luke and Lorelai first got together. Kinda like…hey this is where the happy ending starts…I don't need to watch the writers potentially ruin it. I'm assuming Bad Prosecutor is good? I mean it has Kyungsoo in it so I doubt it's bad. I'm waiting til it's finished before I binge it. ….honestly my list of "I need to watch this" is horrifically long lol. 
And thank-you! Its something I've never understood, even though I'm guilty of it myself at times…if you're asked for what you'd like in terms of a gift …why not offer a few choices? Like you mentioned, saying: "anything really!" is not helpful. Especially when it comes to events like this. Irl I've taken to telling my family if you don't give me at least a short list to pick from I'm not getting you anything. We're all adults at this point and we don't see each other often. How am I expected to know what you'd enjoy? And before I get into a tirade about social niceties not making sense we shall change the subject lol. 
So. When reading fic, do you have any aus that you gravitate to? Any tropes you get irrationally excited over? Do you like art? Do you have a favourite photoshoot for Chanyeol? Favourite exo stage? If you had to pick an environment to live in for the rest of your life what would you choose..dobyoubhave areas on areas on the choice? (City, country, suburbs, desert  rainforest, forest. Etc.) You said you like space, yes? Do you have a favorite constellation? Nebula? Planet? What about space makes you go: Yes. THIS.? 
Hope your week goes well! 
Hello, dear secret santa! ✨️
I am already excited to answer your questions at the end!! But let’s start from the top xD
I don’t like to think about Sehun and Jongin going either :c Aren’t they like… babies? Is that even legal? Joking aside tho, I was so thrilled to have at least 5 of them playing silly little games in the Acorn Market videos – I really can’t wait for having them all together in a room again and mayyybeee even having a group comeback early next year, when Baekhyun’s back and Sehun and Jongin haven’t left yet… but yeah, I’m delusional like that xD a true clown, ready to face disappointment if it doesn’t end up to happen like that xD
I totally get your travelling mentality – there are so so many places to see! I love your little selection here ^^ I have been to Hungary and Italy before and of course also got tastes of the local cuisines and even if I’m not really a fan of Hungarian food, it’s always different to taste it in the actual country so I enjoyed it a lot still. I really hope you can visit all these places and try all the local dishes you want :DD My own travelling bucket list also has Korea way on top, and Japan and Taiwan, and a couple of European countries I haven’t been to yet, for example some places in Spain, Portugal or Iceland. Morocco is also one of the places I’d really like to see too. And then of course there are countries I’ve already been to but want to see again. I’m really interested in languages, cultures and history so that is where the interest for all these places comes from for me.
Haha, please feel free to share what dish you settled for ^^ Because you mentioned it: Jjajangmyeon is actually one of my favourite Korean dishes. I tried in a Korean restaurant and loved it ever since. But other than that, I’m really your average pizza-pasta-burger kind of person xD But I think it’s so cool to be able to cook so many different dishes and to be open to try out whatever interests you. You can experience a part of another country right there in your kitchen like that – I really like that concept ^^ For baking, I really like the good ol’ cakes because they are so easy to share and  can be very versatile too!     
Your explanation makes perfect sense! As you said, everybody has their own preferences, and I can totally get behind your reasoning here. I used to like reading (and sometimes even writing) both, but these days I don’t really get to read new fics (I have too many other books to read xDD) and always come back to my one, all-time-favourite when I need a comfort read, hehe. From guardians-of-exo I can recommend her Songfic series with the EXO members, if you want to check her writing out! It’s really amazing!
I’ve actually never seen the sequel to Donnie Darko, but yes, the first movie has this peculiar, eerie feel to is that really memorable! The other two I recommended also have a certain peculiarity to them, but are totally different in character, hehe. I feel you with your too long to-watch-list tho xDD
So, now to your questions (I’ve done a lot of thinking on these):
Mostly, I am gravitating to fics in academic contexts like College!AUs and also a different musical context than being an Idol like Band!AUs (……it’s gotta be so obvious that Chanyeol is my bias xD) but I also enjoy to read fantasy themed stuff. For tropes, it’s definitely slowburn romance that just grabs me the easiest. There is something so sweet about reading how two characters get close and then closer and then a tiny bit closer and then they realize the have feelings for each other and it’s the most obvious thing but they fail to see it until the end xD I also like a good amount of angst if it ends well and fluffy, like, I am a b*tch for hurt/comfort stuff. And of course tropes that feel very domestic like “…and they were roommates” and they are having the most fun hanging around each other – doesn’t matter which relationship the characters have. And, as I said, I get totally mental over anything music related – crazy dance parties in the living room, making music together, “hey listen to this I think you’d like this”, you name it. ^^
I am very interested in art! I have very minimal knowledge about it haha but I love going to art museums and learn and see and explore what emotions an artwork can communicate.
My favourite photoshoot…. This one’s so hard, oh god. Well, we’ve got the iconic Acqua di Parma shoot for the W Korea Magazine for November 2019. And the one for March 2019 too, once we’re on it xD absolutely otherworldy beautiful, both of these in their own very special ways *^* also everything from the 1 Billion Vjews (longish hair on him was just <333), Love Shot, The War and Exodus and- I will stop here bc otherwise there would be no stopping. I just think he’s always beautiful, always has been :c I still hope my little selection helps you a bit ^^'
For the environment, I grew up in the countryside so I love it there, how calm and familiar nature is. But some sort of bigger city should be nearby, for all the exciting activities, like museums or concerts and all that. If I can choose I want the best of both worlds xD
Anyway, I love love love space, it’s so fascinating! I don’t have a favourite constellation per se, but my favourite stellar object is the Pleiades star cluster (because of the mythology behind it) and my favourite planet is Jupiter, I think. Or Saturn. I generally love our gas giants <3 It’s both the philosophical and scientific aspect of space that makes my brain whirr, they go hand in hand really. It’s just… our home. Our gigantic, infinite, ever-growing home and we are just a teeny-tiny speck of dust in this vast infinity that holds so much - much more than we can fit in our heads. And yet, here we are still exploring it, doing research, wanting to know what forces work out there, how they work, what is out there in general and if we are alone in this universe. The size of it all makes me feel small in a very calming way, shows me this sort of nihilistic positivity that makes me feel less anxious about life at times. And then again, this ever-expanding and growing universe full of contraditing phenomenons and complex workings and colours, particles, elements and shining stars and deep darkness is something I think we can find in ourselves too. We as humans, as persons are always growing, are full of wonders, of light and dark and complexities that make us us - that let us feel and think in our very own beautiful and unique way. As a wise korean musician called Park Chanyeol once said, I am also a universe. And you are a universe as well. It describes all I really love about people so well. And that's what I love about space too.
Now I talked a whole bunch again xD I forgot if I asked alredy but do you have any favourite books, movies, series you can recommend? Including fanfics too. What kind of fanfics do you like best? Anything that just gets you everytime no matter how often you've read it before? And if you want to share your thoughts on art and space, you always can ^^ like are you interested in these too, any particular favourites? or are you not too much into that? and another things i've meant to ask (only if it doesn't give too much away ofc): What kind of music do you like, what songs do you listen to the most these days?
Anyway, this was pretty messy, I hope you're having a good halloween season~ 🎃
0 notes
del-eatme · 2 years
Willing and fatal together is such an interesting dynamic to me
Inspired by this post by @honeyed-poet, I interpreted it as g/t.
Warnings: g/t vore, fatal vore, willing vore, fade-to-black digestion
The first day I saw her, it was easy to avoid her. She made so much noise stalking through the forest that I could swiftly remain concealed by the brush while she tried to track down my scent. It was almost pitiful how bad of a hunter she was. I let myself feel lucky and went on with my day.
The second time saw her, she spotted me. We locked eyes the moment she did. I could see per pupils widen at the sight of potential sustenance and she lunges for me. Her movements are unpracticed and awkward, so she is easy to evade. Her fingers don't come close to catching me and I slip away while she is paused in frustration.
The third time I saw her, she didn't see me at all. She looked noticeable different since the last time I saw her. Thinner. She had lost weight in her cheeks and looked... defeated. I considered approaching her but reconsidered once I heard a long, loud groan from her stomach. She winced as it growled, visibly starving and weak. I guess she hasn't had much luck hunting. In a strange way I feel bad for her. I debate with myself before making the choice to approach her. She isn't much of a threat in this state, anyway.
I slowly walk over to where she is sat on the forest floor and she hears the leaves under my feet when I am one of her arm's length away. I'm careful to keep my distance, I know better to underestimate a starving predator.
"Hunting doesn't seem like your strong suit", I remarked. Her head lifts weakly and she stares at me pathetically. I can tell if she weren't weak with hunger she would be lunging at me. I can feel in the air how badly she wants to eat me. "Can I offer you some advice?" She looks skeptical but doesn't interrupt from a lack of better options. she looks unsure of being lectured by her potential food. 
All throughout that day and evening, I coach her in the hunt. It was obvious that nobody had ever taught her anything about providing for herself and it made me wonder why that was. I didn't ask.
Instead, I talked her through ambushing, tracking, and trapping. I told her about predators who had tried to manipulate me into a false sense of calm before striking. I told her about ways her prey might try to escape and how I've escaped predators during close calls. She listens intently. I leave her that night with a lot to think about.
The next time I saw her, she was in the distance with something clutched in both hands. She slowly unwrapped one of her hands and a frantic voice escaped. She had a man that I recognized from my years of venturing within the forest. I didn't know his name, but he was a fellow wanderer. Friendly, from what I could remember.
"No, please! Please don't eat me! Don-!"
The pleas were cut off by a pair of giant lips opening and closing around the tiny man's face, muffling the shouts and protests. I watch as she purses her lips to suck the man the rest of the way into her mouth and tossed him around her cheeks with her tongue, her mouth occasionally opening to let out the man's panicked begging. She savors the man for a while before tilting her head back and letting the man slip into her throat. I can see the bulge in her neck where her prey had slipped before she throws her head back with a GULP that echoes to where I am currently hiding. I watch with a mix of pride and dread as the wriggling bulge slides down and out of sight into her starving center. She breathes a huge sigh of relief and licks the remaining flavor from her lips.
"It looks like you're getting better at that", I called out, stepping out of the brush to face her. She startles out of her daze and looks to you. She looks embarrassed having been caught savoring her meal.
"Your advice worked. I got him to talk to me and he let his guard down. I saw the opening and just...", she trailed off, her hand drifting to her abdomen where it was ever so slightly bulged out. At the touch, her stomach let out a gurgle, shifting against the still panicked prey inside. It seemed that she was starting to digest her catch. I can barely hear his shouts from within her. She looks so relieved that it feels easy to be happy for her, even though it could have been me within her right now. That thought stuck with me. It could be me in her stomach, rewarding her new skills as a predator. Not completely sure what I'm feeling, I look to her again.
"The first time I saw you I easily snuck past you. Now look at you", I praise. I truly am impressed. She blushes.
"It's all thanks to you", she replies, hand stroking back and forth over her belly as it gets to work on her meal.
Driven by a wordless feeling, I offer to her. "You seem capable of handling yourself now. It makes me want to see your skills in action", I look up at her with some hesitation. She looks confused, but there's an underlying eagerness there. Something in her eyes and the way her tongue subtly swipes at the corner of her mouth. "I guess for now we go our separate ways. If our paths happen to cross, it'll be how it always has been. But, If you happen to catch me..." I meet her eyes, "you can have me." Her eyes light up with predatory hunger even moments after consuming prey.
Speaking of which, her stomach has kicked up a gear since we've been talking and I no longer hear the pleas of the man she ate. It must be rough in there. A drop of sweat runs down my neck at the thought.
"Okay", she tells me in a light voice full of craving and restraint. I take that as my cue to leave her to digest and escape while I can.
Since then, I've had a few close encounters with her. The first time, she tried a classic ambush to chase me into a corner, which I escaped by hiding in a crevice much too large for her to reach into and hid until she moved to search a new area. The second, she attempted to smooth talk to set me at ease. Under the guise of seeing an old friend she looked happy to see me and attempted to act as harmless as possible to draw me in. If I hadn't been the one to teach her that, she might have fooled me but I've seen her hungry enough to recognize the deep want in her eyes. I kept my distance and slipped away while she was distracted. Another time, she nearly pinned me down before she sensed another predator in the area and fled. I felt confident that I could escape her at least for a while.
Soon, my cockiness would get the better of me. This time, while venturing into her part of the forest, I let my guard down. I didn't think twice about the patch of leaves on the ground gathered in one circular pile. As soon as my foot made contact with the foliage my weight tipped forward and I tumbled for a few seconds until I landed on my side at the bottom of what I can now tell is a pit trap, much deeper than I would be capable of digging. The walls are far too fall and steep to lift myself out on my own. It hit me suddenly that I knew who put this here. And what it meant. If I don't escape, I'll be eaten. But I don't panic.
I hear heavy footsteps against the ground above me and sure enough I see her face peering into the pit with those eager eyes. She looks proud of herself and her trap. She wastes no time reaching a hand down toward me. The image makes me instinctively back away but I don't resist. She has me. Long fingers as thick as torso wrap around me and lift me out of the pit that has trapped me. We lock eyes as I am lifted right up toward her face. I can see my own pitiful reflection in her plate-sized irises.
"Caught you", she spoke softly, her breath pushing my hair back. I can only think to let out a "Yeah". She lifts me until her lips are all I can see.
She leans in and presses a gentle kiss to my head that covers my entire face. The soft lips linger for a few silent moments before parting for a warm, wet tongue slithering over my front. After a pass she pulled away and sighed pleasantly. It was clear she enjoyed the taste she has been denied until now. It felt strange to just let it happen after being conditioned to avoid this at all costs. A strange sense of calm washes over me as her tastebuds drag against my skin. Our eyes meet for the last time. Her pupils are blown wider than I've ever seen them. We both take a few breaths. I somehow feel simultaneously calm and powerless under her gaze. She looks so eager, like a dog waiting for a treat. She's earned it. I give a hesitant nod.
"Thank you", she whispers, like it's a secret between us.
She brings me back up to those parted lips and I am greeted by her tongue once again. It sort of scoops me up and draws me between those giant lips and beyond a row of teeth. I look through her jaws out into the forest for one last glimpse of sunlight before her mouth closes and encases me in humid darkness. Her tongue cradles me, shifting around and keeping me moving as she tastes me. Instinct has me tensing but I remain pliant for her. We had a deal, after all. The noises of enjoyment are so much louder inside her mouth like an echo chamber. Hearing her enjoy me in the most basic sense satisfies a deep part of me. It's fulfilling in a strange way, knowing that you'll nourish a larger being.
I'm not sure how much time passes in the wet darkness before she's decided to move things along. I'm exhausted from tossing and turning and the constant licks and damp air. It takes her no effort to nudge me to the back of her tongue. Her lips part slightly and I am blinded momentarily by the crack between her lips and a rush of fresh air hits my face, rejuvenating me a bit. I feel her head tilt upward and gravity pulls me right to the precipice of her throat. Everything is still for a moment, and then an explosion of movement.
My mind is immediately reminded of when I saw her consume the man. How her throat bulged as he was dragged down into her. That's me, now, I thought. Deafening gulps sound around me as her muscles squeeze and pull me down. It's so tight I can barely draw breath in between squeezes. I am tugged down for several moments before being deposited into a slightly more spacious area. I am greeted by a satisfied sigh echoing around me and the stomach walls clenching and feeling me out.
I am completely within her now. This is it. I've been eaten.
Being in a stomach is a unique experience. I know I won't be here long, yet I'll never leave. It's smaller than I expected it to be. The walls rub against me nonstop, drenching me with something that makes my skin tingle upon contact. Every few seconds the surrounding stomach lets out a series of gentle rumbles, groans, and gurgles.
I shift to make myself comfortable and settle down within the stomach of the predator I created. The pride is back as I think of how far she's come. I feel thankful that my end is within her, how in a way I get to reap the benefits of helping her. It's a strange pride drawing from causing my own end. It's not the worst way to go. I know she'll make good use of me.
"That was clever. I'm proud", I admitted, not sure if she could hear me from so deep within. I feel additional pressure running back and forth and I realize she's rubbing her full belly. I hope I'm filling for her.
After stewing for a while, the fleshy walls containing me begin to clench harder and tighten around me in rhythmic motions. My ears are overwhelmed with the groaning the gurgling of her stomach around me, preparing to digest me and take in my nutrients that she needs so badly. The already heavy and humid air gets thicker slowly over time and my head gets fuzzy. It occurs to me that once I fall asleep, it'll be over. I knew being eaten was a possibility my entire life but willingly subjecting myself to it is something I didn't expect to do. I've escaped quite a few hungry predators, but this ending feels right.
I slowly fade from consciousness knowing that I've helped change the life of the predator who consumed me.
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thelonelyme · 2 years
♡ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ᴛᴘɴ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ [ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴs]♡
𝐀𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐞: 約束 の ネ バ ー ラ ン ド [The Promised Neverland]
𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐨 / 𝐢: Norman, Emma, Ray
𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭: What type of yandere are they? [yandere Ray x mc] [yandere Norman x mc] [yandere Emma x mc]
𝐀𝐕𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐙𝐄: GN READER, yandere content, usual stuff. Anyways, i know that they're kids, so don't kill me please, that was a request from my Wattpad account, all the characters mentioned in this work are still kids, and mc is a kid as well. Enjoy ☺️.
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• Ray is one of the orphanage model student, who constantly gets perfect scores during the daily examinations. He is also known to be an avid reader with high intellectual abilities, frank skepticism and cunning. I do not think there is a way to escape.
• I mean, look at the devious plans that he has come up, and that, I'm not surprised anymore, they worked brilliantly.
• He is known to have an extremely cold personality with everyone.
• Well, at least with others, with you he is the exact opposite.
• All that ice front will collapse as soon as you would start giving him affection and confort.
• You'd probably figure the second mother/father's orphanage, which would instantly have him attracted to you like a moth, because of the bond he personally hideous with his biological mother.
• He would be so good at hiding what he's feeling, the constant feeling of jealousy when he sees you hugging Don, or the thousands of worries that would run in his mind whenever you're not with him, that even Isabella wouldn't know what's constantly in his mind.
And as it should be.
He knew she would use it against him.
• Emma would, however, would've noticed the ongoing fleeting glances of him to you that would be immediately stop as soon as mum would be around. It's such a complete switch to his normal behaviours that she would have connected all the dots and confronted with the boy about of his feelings for you. Eventually Ray would get new aid.
• Norman would have remained neutral, the only thing that interested him was the escape and Emma's safety, and if he had to help Ray to keep you with him to continue to receive important information that the latter had, so be it.
• He's very protective. And I don't blame him at all. With you two being human kids in a Orphange just to be eaten by some disgusting demons, and with your pretty naive nature, he would constantly be afraid that you may have been chosen as the next course by those bastards.
• Never leave him, he could be even more that that.
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• Haha, you will never get out of him.
• Norman, along with Ray and Emma are the smartest in the orphanage: even if you wanted to, you couldn't get rid of them, especially when they're working together.
• Norman is a math prodigy and a model student, with an intelligence that surpasses his peers and even adults. He is also known for being a brilliant strategist and planner, as well as unbeatable at hide and seek.
• Do you really think you have a chance?
• He would not have been discovered at all. You would never know that he had such dark feelings towards you; which would have helped him immensely as you would never have tried to get away from him.
•You wouldn't expect him to be like that. So weak for you and Emma, so devoted to you to to the point to even wanting to killing all of those filthy beings and eat their bodies. Why don't let them have a taste of their own medicine?
•But he's not that stupid. He knows he's just a weak kid compared to a standard demon, and he's definitely not that deluded to the point to fight one. He needs a little more time and a good strategy, and then all will come to him.
• Now, his priorities have changed: escape from that hell hole that is the orphanage and save you, Emma and Ray from the rot that surrounded you. He doesn't absolutely care about the other kids, but thanks to Emma, he now needs to help them too. If she didn't say anything or if she didn't stopped Norman from following his original plan, they would be all dead in the next few years.
• Norman is a calm, balanced, kind guy who wants to appear as a reliable person to those around him. He's the living represention of the sentence: "Reality is totally distant from appearances".
• He would be suffocating. You would never know why he'd be always around you, talking to you more than with the other kids, touching you, but you still wouldn't do anything about it, feeling somehow special because of him. A guy so cunning and smart as him wants to constantly talk to you, eat with you, wants to seat near you during exams and lessons, and wants to even play with you? And while he could choose anyone else to play with, he did wanted to always be with you? You would've been soo happy.
• He would approach you as he would do to all the other children, but instead of engaging in a platonic relationship as he planned, he found himself having feelings for you as much as he did for Emma, ​​if not stronger.
• And don't even think about counting on the girl or Ray, they won't help at all.
•Or at least not you.
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• Emma is an extremely optimistic, loud and cheerful girl, full of life, whose athletic skills and outgoing nature contract directly to Norman's weak physique and Ray's introverted nature. Emma plays the part of an older sister among her youngest and always shows unlimited love and care for her adoptive siblings.
• With her personality extremely cheerful, it would be hard to ignore the fact that she has a huge crush on you.
• Her reputation would be perfect. No one would suspect that beneath the sweet, bubbly little girl was another completely different person ready to pick you up and keep you safe.
• That said, no one would help you. Neither Don, not Mom, Ray, Norman, nobody. They would all be on Emma's side when she casually starts crying saying she said bad words to her.
• So she will isolate you as much as possible.
• She would keep your shirts and trinkets under her pillow, and if mom found out, she would just say she wanted to give them back to you the night before but she forgot about it.
•Even the mum wouldn't suspect nothing.
• One way or another, she will always escape any accusation. And don't count on Ray and Norman, in fact, maybe the latter could hurt you if you hurt her too much. And she would use that affection. Trust me.
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Remember to stay hydrated! <3
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onionpainter · 3 years
I’m a huge fan of your account. Gorgeous art and I’m thrilled with everything. So: why onions?
For many years as a young adult, my then partner and I had very little money, and one of the cheaper things to cook was vegetable soup, which took a lot of onions. I took the responsibility of chopping and preparing all of the vegetables for our food [we were both vegetarian at the time, I am not anymore]. So ever since then, I have quite a taste for them, and I also am very practised with my knife skills, since pretty much everything I've eaten for nearly a decade I have chopped myself.
Then, in 2019, I became very serious about oil painting, and began to study it in a structured fashion, according to the principles of training that i learned from a book called Don't Shoot The Dog, by karen pryor, and some additional information from Thinking In Pictures, by Temple Grandin, and other books as well. I followed video tutorials on youtube [the channel is drawmixpaint if you'd like to look through it].
I wanted very badly to succeed, so i gave myself several achievable goals, the first of which being paintings of symmetrical white objects. I needed to learn how to use a proportional divider, and recognize different values, and i did eventually learn these skills through painting things that were very simple and didn't have any sort of pattern or high contrast areas.
I then had to work very very hard in my illustration job and once i had completed a month of working more or less 8 hours a day, every day, on drawing, i went to the grocery store to buy myself some carnations [i was very fond of carnations at that time], and as i wandered around the store i came upon this massive, squat, yellow onion. I was completely taken by the beauty and size of it, and i thought, i deserve something nice, and i think i can figure out how to paint a yellow onion, now that i had done around five paintings of white objects and a couple value studies of the faces of some friends of mine. I bought the onion, and, on a whim, bought a head of garlic that had grown so successfully that the cloves had split the outer skin and exposed a cleavage beneath. I took them home and painted them over a period of three days, and felt such exaltation at my success that i wanted to feel that again. Onion and Garlic is still, i think, the best thing i've ever painted.
I then visited montreal to visit a friend of mine, and during our week we visited the montreal art museum, which has an excellent collection of large scale dutch still life paintings. we stood for hours in the still life hall, and our legs ached, but the paintings were so beautiful and fine that the pain of tearing my eyes from them nearly eclipsed the pain in my knees from standing around in heels for hours at a time. i should have worn more sensible shoes, but i really live for aesthetics.
When i returned home i was determined to paint something like what i had seen in the museum, so after a while i visited walmart and picked out twenty-three [or twenty-six? i can't remember now] onions and shallots and arranged them on my black desk, which is what the painting called "Onions" is based on. I wanted to paint a scene of plenty. it took forty one days to complete, and i know this because it was from life, and at about the thirtieth day they began to rot on my table and I had to race to complete the painting before i started really suffering from spores.
Onions have a certain erotic nature to them as well, once you really start to look at them, and if you are of a certain temperament. There is delicacy and robustness to them, and yet they also, to me anyway, present a stalwart humility that i wanted to portray. it is, after all, only an onion, and i am, after all, only a person. theres nothing so commonplace as an onion.
oh and also i wanted something that wouldn't immediately rot on my table lol, that was the original reason that i just remembered.
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peanutpinet · 3 years
Yuta as a cold yet soft mafia boss
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Prompt: 99) “You think prison is the worst place you could go? You pull some shit like that again and I’ll have you thrown in places that’ll make prison seem like a wet fucking dream.” from 100 Dialogue Prompts for Mob Boss AU
A/N: just like the Jeno fic, I've always wanted to do a Yuta fanfic and it wasn't until I saw this writing prompt that I'm like, this feels like something Yuta would say.
Warnings: probably some cursing since it's Yuta XD
Now, we all know how cold and scary Yuta looks when in fact he's a big softie. Which is probably one of the reasons why you fall for him; because of how soft whipped he is with you and the rest of NCT.
Like the boy is very much whipped for you that he would even have time to ask you 'have you eaten', 'what are you up to' while being on a mission. The boys also like to tease him about it, even WayV (who we all know are slightly terrified of him)
Would definitely take you out on a date every now and then if he can. A/N: Kay, hold up, we're getting a bit ahead. I forgot to tell you how y'all met XD
So, it was a school night (well, you're in college); and you were quite stress with your final assignment that you decided to go to the nearest convenience store to grab some coffee and snacks to pull an all-nighter.
You wore an oversize hoodie and some sweats (cause comfort is key) and was walking through the snack aisle, about to grab (your favourite snack) when another hand was about to reach for it (ehem, Yuta, ehem)
Despite wanting to grab the snack, you insist the tall, handsome man to have it instead (even if you were wondering how a guy like him like your fave snack). But the man insist you take the snack; which led to the both of you having a little debate and eventually the man took the snack, paid for it but gave it to you, saying that you needed it more
"Take it. Finals are tough and you need the little boost to keep you going. Also, don't worry so much about the result. What matters is you did your best, mkay? See you around kid" the man lectured, giving you a slight smile before leaving with his own coffee
After he left, it took you a while to process what just happened before going back to your dorm and continue your final assignment
But oh how the universe like to bring people together ;)
It was right after your finals and you and your friends decided to have some drink at a nearby bar since you guys were curious and have never experienced the bar aura.
You weren't much of a drinker despite your amazing tolerance in alcohol so you were rather confused what to order until a familiar sound came.
"She'll have the orange-mango crush" a familiar voice stated
Turning around, you saw the same man you bumped into at the convenience store almost 2 weeks ago but this time, he looked way more put together and even wore a suit. Lowkey, your mind was starting to wander around and thinking whether there was going to be a fight or some sort or if this was that typical mafia story you secretly read.
"Didn't think you'd be the type to come to a bar on a school night. You done with your finals kid?" the man asked
"I, uhh, yea. Wait!! What do you mean the type to come to a bar?" you stuttered; not aware that your friends were staring at the both of you
"Don't worry, I don't mean it like it's a bad thing. People do what they want. Who am I to judge. Anyways, you ladies enjoy your night. If there's any problem, don't hesitate to let me, the bartender or the guards know. Also, the drink is on the house" the man winked at you and your friends, giving a slight wave before leaving
Cue your friends immediately plastering you with all sorts of question. Wondering how you met a handsome hunk in the midst of your finals. Not to mention, that handsome hunk even remembers you. Cue you becoming a blushing mess; especially after the bartender came with the drink the man requested for you.
Though you were worried that the drink was spiked, you gave a little sip and it was all fruity and delicious. Mental note to yourself: not only is he good-looking, kind but also has good taste in food; great, just great.
The rest of the night went fairly nice. You and your friends were sipping on your drinks, having a nice chit-chat bout life in general, catching up since you guys were not in the same classes. Once the clock hit 1 am, you figured that it was time to head back to your dorm.
Since you decided to wait for your friends who were calling an uber to head back to their homes since they live near your college. Whilst waiting, you told your friends that you were going to go to the bathroom for a bit.
Right when you came out of the bathroom, a random man tried to hit on you and it made you very uncomfortable that you eventually hit the wall behind you. But luckily, a certain someone came and save the day ;)
"Oi. Hands off the girl. Looks like someone is new to my bar since I don't accept any sort of make-out if there's no consent between two parties. Scram before I make you" your saviour growled, making the man leave you alone
"Are you alright?" the man asked while you were catching your breath
"Yeah. Yea, I am. Thank you again. Uh..." you mumbled
"What is it? Are you sure you're alright?" the man questioned, worried in his tone
"It's just, you've basically helped me twice and I still have yet to know your name" you chuckled, making the man chuckle as well
"If that's really what you want. I'm Yuta" the man called Yuta chuckled
"Thank you, Yuta. I appreciate it" you thanked him, giving him a genuine smile; not knowing what that smile does to Yuta's heart
And folks, that was just the beginning of your relationship. Ever since that night, Yuta made it his goal to get to know you more before actually asking you in a relationship; which, when the time came and Yuta asked you, without thinking twice, you said yes.
Throughout your relationship, Yuta was pretty blunt in telling you what he does as a living and mentioned that while he may live a dangerous life, he still had morals and his job was actually putting down all the bad people hiding in the shadows.
Despite all, you trusted Yuta and he also trusted you. You still had your freedom and was allowed to go wherever with whoever you wanted as long as you told Yuta beforehand. Even throughout your near one year anniversary, both of you knew each other's friend group and you even get to see how soft Yuta was when it comes to his mates.
However, all those sweet moments you both felt like a dream the second Yuta heard news that you were captured by some lowlife gang that NCT made go broke. Hearing the news, it was only a matter of minutes before the whole NCT used their network to find you and create a well thought out plan to get you back.
Once Yuta got you back, he made sure you were alright whilst the other members lock the gang up in their basement. Yuta made sure that you had no injuries; which, if you do, he would tend them himself and if he can't then he'll have someone come but stay by you until you were alright or, until you fell asleep.
After tucking you into bed and making sure you were fast asleep. Yuta peck your forehead for a moment before quietly sneaking off the bed and out of his room, going down to the basement and confronting the gang with some of the other members.
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“You think prison is the worst place you could go? You pull some shit like that again and I’ll have you thrown in places that’ll make prison seem like a wet fucking dream. Now, which one of you nutjobs came up with the idea in the first place?!" Yuta growled, smirking once he saw the gang cower in fear
A/N: hope you guys enjoy this Yuta fic that came out of nowhere XD and hope you all stay safe and healthy :) xoxo
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zapsalis-d · 3 years
Narudar: Chapter Thirty-Four—The Reveal
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SUMMARY: Pressing matters are brought to attention, though you’re not sure how to react. Din, though, seems to have an idea and there is no getting past him.
WARNINGS: Mild violence and these two finally getting soft again.
Theatrical colors delineated the planet's atmosphere.
Swirls of a variety of hues—pink, orange, red—stalked the descending sun, embellished the view ahead of yourself and Din Djarin. A brisk breeze swept by you, sending your scarlet cloak along with currents of air, pushing the lingering scent of saltwater aside. Upon the dock, your trio observed a ship a great distance away, almost entirely concealed by the waves that reflected the setting star. A weighty silence drifted amongst you and Din, quickly interrupted by the sight of three figures firing into the air and escaping the explosion they left in their wake.
The recent memories of nearly drowning on that damned boat were still fresh in your mind. The panic that ensued when everything about this mission was falling downhill drastically had been... horrifying. Very. If it weren't for those Mandalorians, you weren't sure what the outcome of that situation would have been. Probably none too good. But the important part was that the three of you escaped with your lives—and that was what mattered the most. You could calm down knowing Din and the Child were alright, and you weren't sinking to the bottom of a mamacore tank... Kriff, your back ached. Severely. When one of the Quarrens had struck your spine with their staff, the adrenaline had allowed the pain to subside temporarily; yet now, it was definitely affecting you.
But your head was focusing on Din, because he... simply wasn't himself. He wasn't speaking... Well, he didn't talk much anyway but this was a significant difference to before. He was pensive, you knew—frustrated, perplexed, pained... Pained to realize that what he was raised believing in, everything he dedicated and swore his entire life to, could likely be something false. And you wished you could do something about it, somehow, but you were entirely clueless. Unfortunately, there wasn't much you could do except be there for him... and hopefully he'd appreciate that. If his desire was to speak to you about it, then you'd fully listen to what he has to say; although that was unlikely, because he was reluctant to open up about anything. He always had been... and you knew best not to push him. It wouldn't help either of your circumstances in any way.
"Let's... head back." His distorted voice rung quietly throughout the dock. He turned around, and with a nod, you followed besides him, eyes glued to the ground beneath you. "Do you want something to eat now?"
You pondered over it. Hungry wasn't exactly what you were feeling at the moment... but food would do you good. After all, you hadn't eaten in almost a whole rotation. "Sure."
Underneath the final light of the sun, your trio briefly traveled through a nearby market in order to purchase a meal. Not exactly a full course meal—you simply were not feeling it—but more of a snack to drop something into your stomach. There wasn't much that grabbed your attention straight away, but eventually you settled on some fresh broth that smelled nice. The Child, though, didn't have actual sustenance in mind and instead gestured with both his claws towards some desserts—specifically, pudding. You weren't sure what was in it, and the desire to try it out beforehand was just not there, but he seemed to truly want it... so you bought it for him. It had come in a small cup, equipped with an equally small spoon, which fit perfectly for the kid. Soon as you obtained it from the vendor, the Child had quickly wriggled his way out of Din's arms and went straight into yours instead.
You're spoiling him, Din had voiced. But you didn't care. It wasn't like you had the chance to buy the kid much anyway. With a smirk, you handed the one bag in your hand which contained your food in a bowl to Din instead, and helped the kid with his pudding.
Afterwards, your group traveled back towards the Razor Crest. It was the safest place to remain in, considering the isolated town seemed a bit suspicious and dangerous. There was no other place to settle down and eat anyway. Although, what with the repairmen still working on interior restoration, Din decided the roof would be the only place to eat. You didn't mind. Once you'd all climbed onto the top of the gunship, you were able to settle yourself down, with Din besides you and the Child on your lap. Ahead was a view of the ocean from an altered perspective, although now with the sun completely vanished from the sky, the atmosphere was pitch black, save for a few stars that managed to penetrate through the constant cloudiness of Trask.
Drinking from your warm bowl of broth was slightly uncomfortable considering Din hadn't purchased anything for himself. He had insisted, but... you were certain he was starving and needed something for his stomach as well. He continued denying it and insisted, so you really couldn't do much else. So you sipped from the soup in complete silence and didn't utter a single word to Din for a while. At least, not until you were nearly finished with it. A portion of the broth had been left, and seeing as you were already satisfied, you passed it over to Din.
"I'm full. You can have the rest."
Din had considered it for a moment... But eventually, he gave in. One hand reached for the lip of his helmet, raising it slightly, before lifting the bowl to his lips. From your peripheral vision, you were able to catch part of his lower jaw, but you had prevented yourself from looking any further (as tempting as it was)—and the Child as well, as he had sneakily tried to peek... but you had turned his little head towards the other way as soon as you caught  him. Din had finished promptly, setting his helmet back down, and had seemingly downed the remainder of the soup already. So he had been hungry, although he didn't want to admit it. You knew him too well... and you were glad you hadn't taken it all for yourself.
"Thank you."
Your eyes switched from the horizon ahead of you, towards Din's visor. A hardly audible sigh escaped your lips... Then, "Are you okay?"
His own gaze shifted to face you, directly. "Why wouldn't I be?"
"Well... you recently found out you've been part of the Death Watch since you were a kid. Doesn't that affect you at least a little bit?"
"Okay." You rolled your eyes at that, returning your sight ahead while shaking your head. Silence passed for a moment before you elected to speak up again, "If you tell me what you're thinking, I'll tell you what I'm thinking about."
For a second, he seemed to think about it—and you believed that maybe he would agree... Then, "The only thing you think about is the Child. And sleeping."
You laughed quietly in response to his quip. "Maybe, but..." the smile dropped from your lips, and your eyes returned to him, his visor still lingering over you. "There's something that's... worrying me, sort of."
"What is it?"
It was evident in his voice that he was curious about it, you could tell even through the modulator in his helmet. He had noticed something was off before, after all—and it was probably best he knew about it as well. It was not something that you should ignore. But it was... difficult to wrap your head around the fact. Slowly, you rested your head on his pauldron. Albeit stiff and solid, the coolness of the silver steel against the side of your face comforted you.
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to..."
"No, it's... probably something you should know about," you continued, lifting your head again. "Because I could be pregnant... maybe?"
Maybe not the best way to say it?
"It's not for sure, though."
"You knew about this and you went diving into a tank with a mamacore?"
"Obviously, I wasn't thinking correctly and can we not make a big deal about this, please?!"
"It is a big deal—" he paused, for a split second, noticing the apparent stress you were under. Then, "I'm sorry."
"No, it's... it's okay." Your chest heaved with yet another sigh, gaze dropping. "The father's probably Vanth. But like I said, I'm not one-hundred percent sure about any of this. I've been nauseous and more tired than I normally am. It's just a possibility and I need to make sure of it before confirming anything."
"Then make sure of it. I can take you to a medic."
Paying a visit to the medic was likely the sole option you had right now. But you stayed silent for a while afterwards, without responding to Din's suggestion. Another question snuck into your head instead. "Have you ever wanted a kid of your own...?"
This was such an awkward topic...
"It'd be nice... You?"
"I don't know. I don't think I've ever really thought about it before."
Truthfully, the notion of having your own baby hadn't exactly crossed your mind in the past. Your entire life had been based off of training, fighting, hopping from planet-to-planet, hunting... Definitely not a life a child could be raised within. Your lifestyle was particularly dangerous. It was probably best not to have children at the moment, but... at this point, perhaps you won't be able to avoid that.
"What if it's true?"
What if it's true? The terrified you. It terrified you straight to the core and you weren't even sure what to do. How to react. How to respond to this. How you should go on with this... You couldn't allow this to change anything. It wouldn't. You needed to continue with your mission to find the Jedi. Nothing would change—it was that simple.
"I'm staying with you guys," you answered, once again lifting your gaze to face him. "I'll continue finding this Jedi and I won't stop until I do. It's my mission. This won't change anything."
"I don't think it'd be very safe to stay with us." He sighed... Then, "To stay with me."
"No, don't do that again. Don't try to make me leave again."
"I'm not. It's your decision, but... you're never safe when you're with me."
"I don't care... I'm staying with you."
When you received no answer from him anymore, your eyes scanned the sky again in an attempt to distract yourself, somehow. The constant sounds of the ocean were supposed to be soothing, and yet they were not. The ruckus of the waves crashing against the dock below were aggravating, and the scent of seawater still plagued your senses— you were going absolutely insane over all of this this. You had to find out whether it were true or not—
"I'd raise it as if it were mine..."
That... that really caught you off-guard.
Without regarding the fact that it wasn't his, he'd care for it anyway. Honestly... you wouldn't doubt it whatsoever. Over the course of months, you'd seen the way he had grown accustomed to the Child, even developing endearment towards him. There was simply no uncertainty in you that he'd care for it the same way he cares for the Child... and for you. His words weren't mistrusted by you, but there was still a question left unanswered...
"But... why would you even consider doing that?"
Din was silent for a moment, likely calculating his words carefully. As your eyes returned to look into his visor, you allowed him his time to think. It was a rather heavy subject after all. With each passing day, you were becoming more confused with whatever you were feeling—and there was no doubt he felt the same. You couldn't help but notice the outline of his face visible behind the tint of his visor, a streetlight behind him slightly illuminating the darkness. For a second, you searched for those gentle eyes again... but you could not see them, much to your dismay. Seconds later, Din had answered with, "Because I care about you... I care so much I'd do anything for you."
Your lips pulled into a soft smile you weren't capable of holding back. He cared so much he'd do anything for you. That response... wasn't something you expected. But you welcomed it nonetheless, and you didn't hesitate to return his acknowledgment of what he was feeling. "I also care about you... a lot, actually. Even since Tatooine, I know I was harsh on you and I didn't show it, but I still cared... Seeing the Krayt dragons swallow you had scared me. I thought I'd never be able to apologize to you."
Quietly, he sighed. His visor did not leave your face, and his helmet had tilted the slightest bit as you were speaking. As if he couldn't comprehend what he was hearing. "I'm sorry. I ruined everything the day I told you to leave. It was a mistake."
"Din." You missed saying his name. Lifting a hand, you set your palm onto the dent of his helmet—where his cheek would be if it weren't for the beskar blocking genuine contact. Feeling the coolness of the steel underneath your fingertips, your thumb skimmed the helmet as if it actually were the side of his face. "Can we just forget that day ever happened?"
There was nothing that could possibly distract him from you then. A contented breath leaving his lips, you felt him lean into your touch, as if he truly wanted to forget all about it, but... "You can't forgive me for that."
You shook your head that. "I can. I already have. I probably won't ever understand why you did, and you don't have to tell me why... I forgive you, Din. Okay?"
Arguing with him for the remainder of your time together was not something you wished to do any longer. One day, you would find that Jedi that could train you and the Child. Once you leave for good, the last thing you needed was to live with regret. To remember that you'd  been cold towards the Mandalorian. That you never apologized to him. That you treated him in a way he didn't deserve. No. You were past it all already; and you were glad you came to realize this before.
Finally, "Okay."
"So let's go back to how we were before?"
His own hand rose to cup the side of your face, immediately accepting the idea. The leather of his glove was gentle against your skin as you relished in the moment, silently hoping this wouldn't be the last time you could be this close to him. Then, "I'd like that, Cyar'ika."
Warmth spread throughout your chest upon hearing that nickname. Cyar'ika had been a name he hadn't called you in what felt like an eternity—and it felt so good to hear it from him again. When he had stopped regarding you by that name... you knew you were drifting apart from each other. And you imagined that you both simply weren't compatible with each other. That you were always meant to be temporary allies... and then return to enemies. But maybe that wasn't true? Perhaps you were wrong. Loving someone didn't mean you were constantly supposed to get along. That you would never argue between each other. Eventually, you came to realize that it was normal for disagreements to appear. For fights to ruin that connection. But if you truly loved him... you'd disregard his flaws and forgive him for everything
You did. You forgave him despite what he'd done... The only problem was that you weren't sure whether he loved you in return. And finding out might have been possible in that moment, if it weren't for you realizing that the Child was no longer on your lap.
That had finally snapped you back to reality, and your focus on Din had quickly been stolen by the kid who was peering down dangerously close to the edge of the ship. Abruptly, you had pulled away from Din and stood, snatching the Child from the border and bringing him close to you. "Woah, what the hell were you doing, kid? Trust me, you do not want to to swimming in that water... Din, how did you not see him?"
"I... don't know," he replied as he stood up as well.
"Right." A smirk appeared on your expression as you inched closer to him. "You were distracted. By me."
"Yeah. So were you."
You rolled your eyes at that. Then, "Should we find a place to sleep while the Crest is under repairs?"
Din had agreed to that and soon afterwards, your trio had hopped off the Razor Crest's roof in search of lodging to spend the night. Finding adequate accommodations for rent were surprisingly difficult to locate on this planet. There weren't many shelters deemed very safe to stay in, but neither of you quit looking. Although as you guys continued down the isolated streets during the pitch-blackness that accompanied nightfall, there had been something bothering you. It had bothered you ever since you departed from the ship. As if you were being watched. It had been insistently pestering you for a while, so you elected not to ignore the feeling. While there didn't seem to be anything obvious around, if the Force was warning you of something, then you should remain cautious and look out for anything. That was a good thing, too—or else you probably wouldn't have caught the Quarrens who seemed to be preparing to ambush you up ahead.
Immediately, you and Din halted yourselves in place. As the group of Quarrens emerged from their hiding spots, you didn't miss the way Din had shifted himself in front of you, blocking you from their sight in order to keep their attentions off of you and the Child in your arms. A pit developed in your stomach as you slipped your fingers into your holster, although your eyes didn't leave the creatures obstructing your path. They did not seem pleased whatsoever as they called out for you both.
One of them had stepped up first. Then, "You killed my brother."
Initially, you imagined he was referring to one of the Quarrens on that boat you nearly died on. While it was true that his brother was killed... it was not by your hand, and it was definitely not Din's fault either. "You've got the wrong people," you instantly voiced the fact.
The Quarren chuckled, stepping forward even more. Watching him near too closely for comfort had provoked Din easily enough, and his gloved hand had quickly reached for his blaster, fingers strictly wrapping around the handle. "Let us pass," he ordered firmly.
"I don't think you understand," he continued. "You killed my brother... and now we're gonna kill your pet."
They can have fun trying.
Although before you could even react and pull your weapon out of its holster, three figures had landed right behind you. Three Mandalorians—completely familiar from earlier—had reinforced your team for the second time. Once more, you were relieved at the sight of them.
"He didn't kill your brother," declared the Mandalorian you recognized as Bo-Katan Kryze, her modulated voice ringing loudly through the streets. Promptly, she stepped forward in order to remain besides you guys. Then, "I did."
All three of them—as if they were somehow telepathically connected—had fired their blasters repeatedly. Taking down each and every one of those Quarrens who had been on the verge of ambuscading you had only taken several seconds—and that was it. Neither of them were capable of escaping in time as they all slumped to the floor within seconds, completely lifeless. Your gaze snapped to face Bo-Katan, eyes still wide with surprise.
Her visor shifted to you. Then, "Can we at least buy you two a drink?"
Seated on a table across from the Mandalorian group—the Nite Owls, you learned—, you listened intently to Bo-Katan's explanation of her mission. Their objective was to seize the weapons that were being marketed illegally on Trask, hoping to locate a specific weapon in order to retake their homeworld, Mandalore. Soon after that, they would be able to seat a new Mand'alor—what you assumed to be the leader of the planet—to rule on the throne. Their story had been intriguing to you, and meanwhile you had learned the names of Bo-Katans companions: Koska Reeves and Axe Woves. They had removed their helmets in order to enjoy the meal they had purchased in the inn you were seated in, which you had to admit was slightly strange to see... and you imagined it was even stranger for Din. The Child seemed curious, too, seated on his little booster seat... You were surprised this place even had a booster seat for kids.
"That planet is cursed," Din voiced, regarding the planet Bo-Katan had mentioned—Mandalore—as she had been explaining. "Anyone who goes there dies. Once the Empire knew they couldn't control it, they made sure no one else could either."
"Don't believe everything you hear. Our enemies want to separate us." A pause. Then, "But Mandalorians are stronger together."
"That's not part of my plan."
You agreed with Din's statement. If she was insinuating that he should join their group, that simply wasn't possible at the moment. There were other things to concentrate on. "We're supposed to be returning the Child to the Jedi."
Bo-Katan's viridescent eyes settled on you. "What do you know of the Jedi?"
"Plenty... They're just difficult to find. That's why we need you to help us."
"I was hoping you would help me by Creed," Din added to the conversation. Your response was a curt nod.
The Nite Owls shared a brief glance with each other, before their leader returned her gaze to you two with a smirk appearing on her lips. "I can lead you to one of their kind..." she paused for a split second—and your eyes had widened upon hearing her declaration. She did indeed have connections with a Jedi, so perhaps not all of them had died off yet. That sparked an enthusiasm within you. You hadn't associated yourself with a Jedi in what felt like an eternity, and you hadn't realized how thrilled you were to realize that this could possibly be someone you recognized in the past.
"But first, we need help on our mission."
The concept of undertaking another side-mission along your path to finding a Jedi wasn't exactly ideal for your circumstances. But considering you were so damn close to achieving your objective... why the hell not? You had put in your utmost effort to reach this point and you weren't going to give in anytime soon. So you followed the Nite Owls back to the Razor Crest with no hesitation, and quickly set the Child into the ship since the repairmen had retired from their work temporarily. You simply didn't want the kid peering over the edge of the ship's roof again, and no matter how much he whined, you left him within the safety of the gunship before heading back up onto the roof again.
"So what are we here for, then?" you questioned as you clambered up the steps of the ladder. Din had briefly offered you his hand to aid you upward, and while you were perfectly capable of doing this yourself... you didn't mind holding Din's hand for a second. The memory of what occurred up here earlier still lingered persistently in your brain. That had actually made it difficult to concentrate on Bo-Katan's answer to your question... but you managed to listen in nevertheless.
"You see that Imperial gozanti freighter?" Following the female Mandalorian's gaze, your eyes landed on a ship docked in the distance. Then, "It's being loaded with weapons as we speak. According to the port's manifest, it's scheduled to depart at first light."
By the minute, you noticed the cloudy skies had been brightening up by the minute already... Had you and Din really spent that much time on the Crest's rooftop? Probably...
"So we stow away?" Din assumed.
"We've been hitting them pretty hard," Koska Reeves replied from where she was seated atop the gunship. "They scan for life forms as a precaution before pushing back."
"If you want to do this with four, you're gonna need the element of surprise."
"Four?" you repeated Din's statement lowly. Right. He wasn't bringing you along for this mission.
"Exactly," Bo-Katan continued, sharing a glance with him. "The freighter will maintain trawling speed while inside shipping lanes and then ascend in orbit. We'll jet up when they're cruising in the atmosphere. The tower won't allow them to climb until they've left the port's airspace."
"A squad at most."
"And they couldn't hit the side of a bantha," Axe Woves joked—and he definitely was not wrong there.
After the remainder of the details were sorted out, it was then decided that they should start straight away in order to catch the ship before it departed... But first, Din was going to drop you and the Child off with Frog Lady and her husband. Which you weren't exactly happy about, but at least you'd be able to see her one final time before leaving Trask. Perhaps the eggs had hatched by now... that would be pretty exciting to see. Although, you hoped neither of them would notice that there were several missing.
"So—" you finally opened your mouth after an extended amount of time spent in silence. With the Child in hand, you trekked alongside Din towards the direction to Froggy's home. "About you saying four..."
"You're not coming."
"If this is about—"
"Yes, it's about that."
"Well, I might not be."
"And you might be. What if you are and you hurt yourself?"
You rolled your eyes for about the third time today. A building appeared up ahead, and within seconds you three had entered and continued down a hallway. Doors surrounding you on both sides of the walls, each and every one of them occupying an individual number.
"I told you I was going to find out."
"Then find out. Go to the medic while I'm gone."
"I don't know this planet. I don't even know if there's a medic!"
"There's always one somewhere," he replied, halting in front of a specific door—Frog Lady's home. This was where you were staying momentarily it seemed. Din lifted a fist, tapping his knuckles twice on the metal before pulling his hand back, visor still focused on you.  "The Frog Lady should know."
There was no getting past him, really.
But you admired him nevertheless... at least he cared for your welfare—and for the welfare of your possibly-nonexistant-imaginary-baby.
Before you could remark again, the door slid wide open, revealing Froggy alongside her husband. They were seated on a table, observing the canister which contained their offspring—who weren't hatched yet, much to your disappointment. Soon. The Child's ears perked at the sight of them, though you hugged him close to your figure, hoping that this time he wouldn't find himself any trouble. As he always did.
"Something's come up." Din stepped inside alongside you, a reluctant sigh leaving your lips.
"Can the kid and I stay here for a bit?" you asked. The couple had croaked in response to your question, which you understood as a yes. With that, you turned to Din, eyes immediately meeting with his visor.
"I'll be back."
That had easily stopped him before he had turned to leave.
Your emotions were everywhere at the moment. Truly, you were frightened about this whole situation. If it turned out to he true, there's no saying what could happen in the future. You may be determined to concentrate on this mission of yours, but would that actually be possible considering you were pregnant? You didn't know. Probably not. While Din would probably support and help you as much as he could... things could go downhill pretty easily. Whether you wanted this to be true or not, you weren't even sure about either. This could possibly alter your entire lifestyle, and you didn't know if you were prepared for that.
"I'm a little nervous to find out."
"You'll be okay... I promise." Somehow, those little words had calmed you down, slightly. It was a bit of reassurance, which was exactly what you needed—but still, your anxiety towards this was dominating your feelings. Right before leaving, Din handed an object into the palm of one of your hands. Opening your fingers, your eyes perceived the commlink he had given you. "Comm me if anything happens. I can always leave them if I have to."
You nodded, once. "Okay. Don't die. The kid will cry his eyes out if you do... and I'll be somewhat sad."
He chuckled, quietly. "I won't..." His visor shifted down to face the Child in your arms. "Mind your manners, kid. You know what I'm talking about."
You grinned at that. He definitely knew what he was talking about. With that, you watched as the Mandalorian left the room, casting one final glance towards your direction before the door shut closed and blocked him from view. A heavy breath escaping your lips, you turned to both Froggy and the Frog Man, a question quickly  leaving your mouth...
"Either of you know of a medic around here?"
Narudar Taglist: @wonderless-screwup@welcometothepedroverse@tanzthompson@the-bottom-of-the-abyss@thatonedindjarinfan@tanyaherondale @eternal-fandoms
Permanent Taglist: @dindjarinsspouse
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wh6res · 3 years
tw a lil bit of suggestive on jae's but nothing explicit
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✰ — TAEIL would sing lullabies over the phone or video call. you and him would just be doing your own thing, not talking but enjoying being each other's presence. he'll probably pull out his guitar and start singing random songs until he eventually notices you fell asleep on him. will not end the call and when you wake up in the morning, his snores and his cute sleeping face is the first thing you see. "love? you still there? ... taeil?" then laugh out loud when you hear his snores instead. "okay yeah lets sleep more" the call will only end probably because his phone died. he kinda strikes me as a guy who's phone is always < 50% battery lmao
✰ — JOHNNY is your everything. literally. as long as he has the power of youtube, google, and instruction manuals on his side, he can fix anything and everything for you. we've all seen him do crafty things on jcc lmao so it'll probably apply to relationships as well. will 100% say you now owe him cuddles for fixing something for you. you kinda dont like the fact that he's doing all these things for you so you try doing them on your own without him knowing only to fail big time. "what did we learn today?" "never touch the pipes under the sink" "and?" "and always ask johnny for help" "nuh-uh thats not how i said it" you sigh exasperatedly "always let my smokin hot amazing handsome boyfriend johnny suh get the job done"
✰ — TAEYONG doesn't care whether you take the time shopping or not. in fact, he loves seeing you all excited and giddy for pampering yourself as you should. totally the type to hold the paper bags even if you complain and say you can manage on your own. is a complete angel and will wait patiently outside changing rooms and will give you genuine insight he has of the clothes you picked. "that looks nice. you should get that. the length is just right and the sleeves help accentuate your waist" "really yongie?" "yes love. i mean you look pretty in everything anyway" miss ma'am my heart just fucking melted ?¿?
✰ — YUTA doesn't look like it but will exert real effort into things. would be the type to have a note or a google doc about your favorite orders from restaurants because he just loves how your eyes light up appreciatively and you look so smitten by him. its like a cheat sheet. eventually he memorizes the list with how much time he spends with you and he wont even need it. the type to always bring you food before meeting you (if its just hanging out inside the house). "no way! i was just craving for these!" he smiles before kissing your forehead, volunteering to put the food out its container for you. "i figured. you'd been working since this afternoon. lets eat first then you can tell me about what you've been working on so i can help you, okay?"
✰ — DOYOUNG loves cooking for you. i highkey feel like its his love language? like cooking for you and seeing your eyes light up as it darts back to him after you take your first bite from whatever he cooked just gives him so much happiness. its disgustingly sappy and he doesn't like talking about it. now he understood fully what it meant to see your loved ones eating and being full yourself or some shit. idk how the actual quote goes okay dont come 4 me but u probably get it. anyway the type to always pack you lunch and will get hella mad if you skip meals. "what do you mean you havent eaten yet?" "yeah but i will after i--" "you mean you're going to eat Now?" "what? no maybe later--" "thats it im coming over"
✰ — JAEHYUN would be the type to make you playlists. its really random sometimes he'll send them to you in the early morning for the heck of it bc he cant sleep. most of the time its him being horny lmao the frat boy in him awakening and sending you a playlist called imma blow your back out or something extremely cringey and thirsty pls dont block his sorry ass maybe he'd spell out the words using song titles too! idk jae just rlly strikes me as a guy who's love language is music. "hey babe did you check the playlist i sent you?" "wtf its 4am???" "oh so you havent listened to it yet?" "fuck off" but at the end of the day he'll come over and will use the playlist to,,, you know,,, do the sexy thing ;)
✰ — JUNGWOO always makes sure you walk on the inside of the road. you know when you're walking in the street and he softly nudges your waist? yes. will probably even scold you playfully because with how long its been since you both are together, "babe you always walk on the inside of the road how many times do i have to tell you?" is also the type to remind you to wear your seatbelt immediately after hopping onto his car. would ask you Again while in the middle of the car ride because he forgot that he already asked you earlier. please don't mind him he's just looking out for you bb. "seatbelt?" "yes, babe. already done" "are you sure? i dont think i heard it click--" "babe eyes on the road please" "oh right sorry"
✰ — MARK sends you tiktoks, vines, or memes. this is his love language fite me im calling it. he just wants to see you laugh too okay? thats why he does it. i mean it made him laugh, so maybe it will you laugh too. also because he hopes to make inside jokes with u cuz he believes thats how people really get close and stuff. would definitely love it if you do the same thing with him. you'd be chilling in the sofa while khalid plays on the bluetooth speaker and he'll suddenly go "babe babe babe check this out!" then you both proceed to laugh at a vine for the next thirty minutes <3 #living.the.yn.life
✰ — HAECHAN will do your skincare for you when you're drunk or super tired that you just passed out cold on the bed. would probably come into the room to see you snoring and tutting bc now he has to do it for you again but meh deep down he loves it because he enjoys admiring your sleeping face. its sorta like a healing thing for him? yeah it just washes away all the stress he's feeling and bb is just excited about the idea that this becomes "your thing" with him if u get what im saying? altho the next day he'll probably use it as a leverage to get out of chores :) "no way im not folding our clothes" "and why is that?" "i took your make up off yesterday u know how hard that is? im still tired" "but its literally the next day--" "awww thank you for doing my chores, baby! u the best!" ._.
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ghitathepanda · 2 years
Digimon Survive 1st playthrough complete random thoughts
Non-spoilery version: I enjoyed the ride through roller coaster of emotions that is Digimon Survive, despite some characters defo making me really wanna SLAP em REALLY hard. Idk how common it is in tactical/strategy rpgs to have that bit in a fight where you're spending time just getting your characters to a specific far away spot but if it is a common thing, yeah it's here too, which is the only really negative thing in this adventure. I admit, I ended up doing a lil bit of save scumming near the end for certain things but it's just really engaging.
Okay a few more spaces just in case...
Random thoughts 1: Okay so the writing leans very heavily in trying to get at least Ryo and Shuuji killed in the first blind playthrough right? Like you're still in the "wow new experience!" phase so you haven't exactly figured out what you're doing but Ryo's not doing well mentally after being transported into what would become the "Digital World" but despite your attempts to try befriending the dude, he mentally broke in Chapter 3 and died and BOY the blood splatter effect. And then of course this pushes Shuuji, who is already not hitting it off well with Lopmon, into pushing himself harder and while you're at the point where you'd realize that Shuuji is defo going to be the next to die with how things are going down with Lopmon, it's HOW he ends up meeting his death that will probably really rattle you. I'm pretty sure the shock of Shuuji being EATEN ALIVE by his own partner did numbers to me mentally.
Random thoughts 2: Anyone who isn't immediately in the "wow new experience!" phase early into the game probably realized the professor is the real Haru from the flashback bit at the start of the game as far back as once Takuma meets him in the shrine... or maybe not but a streamer who started his blind playthrough did. I was in the "wow new game!" phase so I was too excited at the idea of experiencing a whole new adventure to immediately connect the dots nor did I bother thinking about that bit although at the very least the game isn't exactly making it the real big plot twist since the game eventually shoves the pieces of that specific plot point into your face before the professor reveals himself as the true Haru. It's the sort of twist the writers deliberately wants to make obvious to players at the very least in chapter 6, where that plot point is properly put into the spotlight. I never bothered wondering what really happened to the real Haru was after the prologue (I assumed both Renamon!Haru and the silent Miyuki were at least some sort of weird ghostly versions of em initially before chapter 6) until the game very unsubtly tells me "hey the professor may be the real Haru", and I also lowkey assumed the flashback happened at least 1 or 2 decades prior instead of the 5 decades because kids in fiction just kinda wear whatever, regardless of era. Like... once the game actually bothered putting the spotlight in chapter 6 it does become fairly obvious because AGAIN, the game deliberately makes it obvious. The maybe(?) real hidden twist is Renamon being Haru in disguise, unless it's actually supposed to be obvious too. I was a bit more invested in other plot points to really notice if it is especially due to how quickly it happened and the idea that Renamon is just lurking in the shadows when things really get tough is just as plausible and you're more focused on saving your friends anyway, or if you have the folklore knowledge to basically spoil yourself. The whole thing can be summed up as "I'm too focused on the immediate main conflict to think about that that plot point" I guess.
Random thoughts 3: Despite the above thing, I was still at least on the money with the idea that the whole Haru and Miyuki thing happening MANY years ago, initial assumption going at least 1 decade so when the game blatantly suggests the real Haru is the professor in chapter 6 without confirming it, I was like "ah okay". Also, in chapter 8 when Miyuki and Takuma are in the real world, I find myself imagining all sorts of scenarios of Miyuki discovering modern tech, including Miyuki asking Takuma about that popular "fortnight" thing (deliberate mispelling because fortnight is a real word and the ignorant Miyuki's first assumption would probably think of Fortnite like that) or Miyuki being the poor victim of "ligma", "updog" or "deeznuts" jokes... or Miyuki giving a member of the main cast a bit of a slight panic by nonchalantly performing the various dances associated heavily with Fortnite. OR she could end up acting like a grandma with technology and thus become the victim of "ok boomer" jokes by other kids.
Random thoughts 4: Okay chapter 5 had that weird thing where Digimon partners that were initially given she/her pronouns suddenly having he/him pronouns so Renamon having he/him pronouns was weird but at least has the excuse of "none of the kids know em well enough despite the voice maybe". Then in chapter 10, Renamon evolves into Sakuyamon (even the game's description for Sakuyamon uses she/her pronouns) so that it must've meant that Renamon SHOULD be using she/her pronouns right? Well later, when Renamon finally joins the group, Renamon spends more time as Haru, as the form becomes more or less the "main" identity after decades of taking care of Miyuki so it sorta justifies Renamon going with he/him pronouns (at least chapter 11 onwards). Idk how things are in the Japanese script so it's hard to really pinpoint what exactly is going on there but I supposed Renamon in-universe for this game has always been referred to with he/him pronouns because Sakuyamon wasn't a form Renamon has access to and because gender as a concept is pretty alien to Digimon so Renamon had no reason to object to whatever pronouns is given. I guess Renamon in Survive can be considered genderfluid.
Random thoughts 6: So did Miyuki enroll back into school after returning to the human world proper? Because I can only wonder how much of a hassle that would be to forge partial lies about her identity. Or maybe she doesn't but has to bother with whatever other alternatives in Japan that puts her in a similar situation as Peter Parker after the end of No Way Home regarding higher education if she finally grows up. OR... she could just pretend to be adopted by her own brother or her own parents (assuming they are still alive and the siblings went to tell the story of what actually happened to em) and go to school under that identity.
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resident-mercie · 3 years
Carlos Oliveira - Fluff Fic.
Coffee For Carlos - Chapter 5.
"What do you want?" Carlos asked, before Wesker could even interject.
"I, uh... some of their mail got delivered to my apartment instead." Wesker muttered meekly, clearly disappointed that it wasn't you who'd opened the door.
"Right... thanks. I'll be sure to pass it on to them." Carlos gave a brisk nod, before closing and locking the door before Wesker had a chance to respond.
"What a creep." Carlos sighed, coming to sit back with you. "Are you sure you're gonna be okay here? I can always come by if you need any help dealing with him."
"Hopefully I'll be okay. Besides, where else can I go anyway?" You shook your head.
"Well... call this idea crazy, but you could move in with me. Or if you're bound to a lease, you could at least stay a few nights a week. I'd just hate for you to feel alone, especially with you-know-who next door too." Carlos smiled at you, and your heart thumped in your chest.
Did... Carlos just ask you to move in with him?
While the premise of moving in with your brand new co-worker was pretty crazy, you couldn't help but find the idea appealing. It's not like your apartment was particularly homey anyway, and your neighbor definitely didn't add to a cosy atmosphere.
You'd moved here for a fresh start after all, to experience things that you wouldn't be able to find in your hometown. Who said those experiences couldn't extend to moving in with a coworker you'd fallen for?
"Alright. I'll take you up on that offer, Carlos. Are you sure though? Like I could pay rent or buy groceries-"
"It's on me. Don't worry about it, Newbie. If you're still tied to a lease, I wouldn't want you paying double. Talk to the landlord in the morning, we can figure it out. Once we've eaten our takeout, I can help you pack up some stuff if you'd want to come and stay over tonight."
Tonight? You could move in with Carlos tonight?!
"Alright. I'm in."
Eventually your takeout arrived, and the two of you curled up on the couch together, eating pizza and laughing at each other's jokes.
"Be honest now..." Carlos laughed, grabbing another slice of pizza. "How are you finding the city?"
"It's actually really nice." You smiled at him, your cup of soda in your hands. "Aside from my neighbour, everything feels so welcoming. I'd love to visit one of the restaurants we passed by on our walk home, the food smelt so good! The weather is nice here too, even though we're in summer, it's not too stifling or anything either. Plus my job is really fun too, of course!"
Carlos watched you talk excitedly, with a particularly tender look in his eyes.
"I'm really happy you like it here, Newbie. Would you like me to help you start packing?"
It didn't take the pair of you long to pack - hell, you only needed to throw your clothes back into a box, and Carlos carried your typewriter in its box too. The rain had settled now, so there was no need for the umbrella, letting you and Carlos sneak past Wesker's apartment, down the stairs, and beginning your walk to your new home, with Carlos, under the June night sky.
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the-writing-avocado · 2 years
Though it was the witching hour, the streets were made bright with artificial light. A dark figure slipped between long, bleak shadows, making their way towards a house they'd longed to visit.
When they began to climb, they travelled inhumanly fast, scaling the building to the second floor with alarming ease. They crouched on the windowsill, slid the window up and swung inside where they removed the black mask that concealed their face.
It was Will.
The room he'd entered was sparse, all made up as if it were merely a guest bedroom. He did not smile as he looked around - these days he found little reason to do anything more than stare and blink and blink and stare, genuine emotion had become lost on him.
The door to the room slid open, light from the hallway streaking into the room, illuminating his pale skin, hollowed cheeks, and dark shadows under his eyes. Xara gasped, rushing forward and enveloping him in a tight hug, pressing her face into the crook of his neck.
"Will." She breathed.
He stood rigid for a moment and then raised his thin, spindly hands up her back and returned her embrace. He shut his eyes, breathing slowly; taking time to absorb her warmth and remember what love felt like.
It had been far too long.
They stood like that for an age and then Xara broke away, pulling back to gaze, grief-stricken, into his blue, bloodshot eyes. She brought her hand up, cupping his cheek, eyebrows pinching together when she felt how sharp it had gotten.
"What have they done to you?"
He looked away and she went to take his hands. They too were changed, covered in scratches and almost skeletal.
Xara loosed a shaky breath and pulled him from the room.
"Let's have dinner."
The meal was almost silent, besides some small talk. Xara was well, tired but comfortable. Happy. Will was glad. The food made his stomach churn; it had been a long time since he'd eaten so much. He ate anyway, for her, because it eased the pinched look that hadn't left her face quite yet.
"Would you like me to stop?" he finally found the courage to ask whilst they sat on the couch, sharing hot chocolate. It was rich and warm and he was thin enough that he could feel as it slid down his throat. It settled in his stomach along with a heavy cold shame.
Xara sighed and placed her cup down.
"I understand why you do it." she closed her eyes like she couldn't bear to look at him. "I know, I know, that you don't tell me everything, that there are things you do that you spare me from knowing because you know I won't like it. I'm not stupid Will."
"I know that. I've never tried to- to."
"I know. And because I understand, I trust you, Will. Whatever you're doing, whatever's going on. I don't care if you tell me now, of ten years from now as long as one day you come clean eventually."
Now it was him who couldn't meet her gaze.
"You shouldn't trust me."
In his periphery, he saw her get up and come crouch down next to him. Her smile was so sincere, and her eyes were so, so warm and brown and like home - nothing like the frozen blue of his eyes.
"Will, I trust you with my life." He cringed. "I trust that whatever you're doing, that when it comes down to it, I am the one that you'd choose to save. I don't like what you do and I know that you do it to help Atrix, like I do stuff to help her, but I trust you so much that I know that whatever you're doing it isn't betraying me."
"I could never do that." He croaked, blinking quickly. "I could never in a million years betray you or hurt you like that. One day, one day I'll tell you, but please know, please know, I did not do it without regret and I did not do it to hurt you or to betray you." His hands were shaking. "I've done what I had to do to get the information I've needed, but it's meant nothing."
"I know."
She was hurting. She was hurting so much and Will knew.
He shook his head. "I can't do this to you." He whispered. "It's not fair that I keep hurting you."
"It's my choice to love you. I'd hurt so much more to not."
"I don't want you to feel obligated to stay with me. See who you want, do what you want. Don't feel like you need to wait for me." His voice broke. "I don't know when I can be honest with you or when life will slow down enough that I can start taking care of myself again. But I know with all my heart that I don't want to push this stress onto you." He looked at her, grasping her hands in his own as tears began to fall. "I love you so, so much Xara, so please, if it gets too much, walk away and be happy."
Xara's lip trembled, eyes welling with tears. She threw her arms around him, sobbing as she shifted to sit next to him. They lent into the sofa and clung to each other.
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angelcorebabyowo · 4 years
Title: Honeydew
Warnings: Brief mention of suicidal thoughts
Summary: Lydia, Johann and edward get ready for a party and it's all OOC because yeah
"I don't even want to go!" Johann complains adjusting his poet's shirt and flopping down into the window bench with a huff as Lydia just as quickly starts to brush through his unkempt hair, he even closed his eyes whenever the strokes got gentler. He typically didn't go to parties unless he was performing and he, sadly, wasn't invited to do that this time. Honestly, the only reason he agreed to go was that it was considered rude to ignore an invitation from the mayor so he felt as if there wasn't really even a choice. Maybe he should just fake sick to get out of it, that wouldn't be all that bad, just a simple little head cold.
He sighs softly and leans back into his sister so that he wasn't jerked around as much, he was a bit tender-headed so it made it easier on both of them now that he wasn't wincing every three seconds. "It'll be perfectly fine babes, don't stress so much. You'll get gray hairs if you do it too much." Lydia warned with a small grin, her unnaturally sharp canine teeth looking unnatural amongst the normal ones. A few years ago she dragged everyone into sharping them but she continues to do it every time they run down even slightly. It would be weird if she didn't make it look so damn good " Although I bet you'd love that, huh?"
"Oh, you better believe it" Johann joked sticking just the tip of his tongue out of his mouth by habit. That wasn't a lie, he always fantasized about the thought of having grayish-silver hair at a young age and everyone in the family knew it and would make fun of him at every chance they could. He knew it wouldn't be a good look or actually enjoy it but it still made him laugh every time so he didn't really think that far ahead on the subject. His dad had gone completely grey by the time he was 30 and Edward, his brother, was starting to already so signs of it at the ripe age of 16 so it was possible that he could develop early on as well. "Could you imagine me being completely grey by my 20th birthday? You'd have to start calling me sir in a sign of respect!"
"You get no respect, none" Lydia laughs and stops brushing Johann's hair for a quick second before starting to do the very loose twist with her fingers. It was one of the easiest hairstyles she knew that could be done in half an hour or less. "Put it in a bun or just leave it down? Either way, it's getting twisted because I've already started."
"Maybe in a bun? " He mumbles leaning more onto the window and looking out at the city the setting sun was hitting just perfect to cast a somewhat orange and pink glow on the tops of certain buildings.  He assumed his apartment complex was one of them do to the height alone. He sometimes wanted to just sit on the ledge and watch the sunset that way, one false mood and he would plummet ten stories down before landing in the pool below. He wondered if he'd still be alive by that point. 
"A buns always a safe option." She whispers interrupting his thoughts and gently putting his hair in a bun before taking a step back to look at her handiwork "Its a little high but I think you should be good. That way it's nearly a safe bet, not one person would recognize you." 
"Do you think Avi would still recognize me though?" Johann questions as he looks into the vanity mirror and puts on a fix inspired mask. He forgot why he picked a fox, maybe do to their cunning abilities or something along those lines. He'd picked it out when he first got the invitation weeks ago so all memories seemed to just fade from him. 
"Avi would recognize you even if you didn't have a face or hair, now stop being a love-stuck puppy and both of you finish getting ready. " Edward interrupts walking into the room. How no one heard him walking down the hall with the obnoxiously loud heels was beyond everyone. He was also wearing his mask already. A cream scaled one with a few black scales mixed into it as it added ' Flavor '
'Snake' was the first thing that came to Johann's mind whenever he first saw it all those weeks ago, and even today his mind couldn't stop from going to that place no matter how many times Edward insisted it was a dragon inspired one. Johann still wondered what kind of snake it would even be, maybe just a simple corn snake. Edward wasn't that mean, after all, he wouldn't pick something venomous after all. 
"I am ready." Johann insists pointing to his outfit, the only thing he had to do was change into some dress pants and he'd be off to go.
"I was talking about both of you. More specifically Miss. "I'll do it later" over there," Edward says, he had a point after all. Lydia wasn't even remotely ready to go at that point. Her hair was pulled into an over-the-top and eye-drawing hairstyle and her nails were done to perfection, but other than that her clothes were just basic pajamas "go get dressed before we leave you at home." 
Lydia smirks before patting Edward on the cheek in a taunting manner. "Talking mad shit for someone who got his license suspended."
"Johann can! Right, you can still drive?" Edward questions flopping down onto Johann's bed with a loud sigh as the bed creaks under the new weight. He winced at the sound but overall didn't say anything about it. 
"I'm 15 years old and haven't even taken the exam yet" 
"Didn't ask how old or if it was legal just asked if you knew how."
"I refuse to let either one of you drive my car," Lydia says before walking out of the room to actually go get ready knowing that the other two would actually leave her behind. 
"Our car!" Edward calls before leaning over and closing the door fully and sighs loudly again before laying up against the headboard already messing up his golden capelet and neon blue shirt. He really couldn't stand not being the center of attention for a single second, he always dressed like that so it wasn't that far of a bet after all. "We have ten minutes before it starts but you know the saying-"
"Arriving fashionably late is better than arriving on time, shows how little you care."  Both of them say at the same time although while Edward sounds cheerful Johann just sounds even more tired then he always does as if he was trying to drag it out for as much as he possibly could. Johann sat at the vanity trying to figure out how he was going to cover up the bags under his eyes that, even with the mask, were extremely prominent. he eventually just settled on leaving them there as it seemed to add character to the entire look. (He was going for a renaissance era poet who just lost his husband due to some mysterious illness. He seemed to actually be hitting all of the points except for the crying but no way was he going to cry in front of people.)
They sat in silence now, it wasn't awkward, in fact, it was more comfortable than anything. Edward was doing something on his phone and Johann was trying not to have a panic attack because he was actually going through with this while struggling to fit pants that were a little too tight on. Alright, so maybe it wasn't all that comfortable but it was close enough to it. 
After about 20 minutes Lydia rushed in with a smile wearing bother her outfit and mask on. It was a multi-colored short yet puffy dress that fell off the shoulders and a mask that looked suspiciously like a peacock with the number of feathers that seemed to be hastily glued on. "All they had at the store was the plain ones so I had to glue the feathers and sequins on myself so now it looks as if a 3-year-old designed it!" she complained before going over to Edward and promptly laying down on top of him with an over the top sigh. "Woe is me."
"Well whose fault is that L? We offered you to come with us weeks ago but Noooo, you needed to wait till the last second like some sort of troublemaker," Edward says pushing her off and then promptly standing up and rubbing his eyes slightly and throws the keys he had been hiding in his pockets to Lydia with a pout. 
"Off we go come along little children!" Lydia says before walking out the door again, the sound of her boots echoing through the mostly empty hall. The only thing in them was a few paintings of fruit painted in over the top and crazy colors and a single statue at the end of the hall that they won at an auction a few years ago for like a thousand dollars,
It wasn't worth it.
"We're the same age!" Johann argues running after her trying to put on some of his slip-on shoes as he walked. It didn't fit the look but no way was he also going to wear heels, that was pushing it too far for him at best. 
"Stairs or Elevator?" Edward askes whenever all three make it out of their apartment building and into the main hallway "I'm taking the stair because no way am I getting Vored by an elevator"
"Stop being so mean to me!"Edward whines but gets in the elevator anyway with a pout and it started to go down, Lydia was babbling about how much fun tonight would be and her brothers both groaned in unison. 
"That's baby talk. Grown-men take getting eaten like a champ." Lydia says with a small laugh before hitting the button to take them to the main lobby "Johann baby, what are you taking?"
"I'm already in pain so I'll just take the elevator, fuck walking down 10 flights of stairs. "Johann says pushing his way into the elevator and gently holds on to the railing. "Ed gets in here, I refuse to sit next to you if you walk down down disgusting!"
If this was going to happen all night then what a fun one it would be. 
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