#and you know they could also notice how they happen to parallel certain someones if they stop being THICK for once in their life
accio-victuuri · 7 months
i knew my initial post about it wouldn’t be the last, i just didn’t expect what would happen after. lol. to think that, this should just be some chill clowning on our part and no one really knows for certain how the location thing works on douyin.
it’s now on entertainment hs. and while i do think this tag could be popular because people are curious, is he filming there? he is notoriously secretive about his projects lately so any crumb of where he is and possible hints at his work will get people’s attention.
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as i mentioned, that 7km may not be the most accurate. @rainbowsky even said, some are saying it may be the closest baseus store to the user. the same is being explained in the screenshot below, it says the OP’s location will not have anything to do with it.
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there is a mechanism, since it’s an ad, that will connect you ( the one who is watching ) to an offline store of that brand. the screenshot discusses how a blogger from Zhejiang posted about KFC, and then someone in Nanchang watching it found that same proximity thing and it’s saying how far they are from the KFC Nanchang store. but i cannot shut down people who say it works when you are in the same city, you will find how far someone is from you. it’s not exactly a unique feature, dating apps even have that.
I personally believe that they spent some time together in HD during the holidays. as with this fandom, we will get the clues at one point or another. that’s just how it is. 🤷🏻‍♀️
this is also gaining some traction because of how similar it is to the ximalaya clowning…
as soon as the hs went up of him being in Hengdian, at 12:00, he posted an Ad for Baseus. The same one shared in Douyin and his IP shows that he is in Beijing. We can gather a few things from this move.
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1. This has nothing to do with the HS. It happens all the time. Ads like this are posted in multiple platforms so maybe the douyin one is first and then Weibo the next. They are not doing damage control or washing. It’s an obligation to the brand.
2. The IP of Beijing. This could easily be someone else posting for him. The speculation among BXGs is that, he had to do this to cover up for the fact that he is in Hengdian. P2 is saying he used the Brand’s video, not even uploaded it himself. So it seems like he is in a rush to publish it. In the same way his “playlist” in ximalaya was closed when people noticed something was off.
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( xz holding a banner that says run away quickly as soon as wyb comes back to their HD hideout. lol )
It is said that the Baseus weibo post may be damage control because he also shared an ad for YAYA on his douyin but didn’t xpost to Weibo. We are familiar with how greedy Weibo is with ads posted on celebrity accounts so it is really better to keep things on Douyin. So they are saying WYB pushing for the Weibo post says he is doing this to cover up. The IP on there isn’t even the most reliable, I remember that weibo tv awards event where artists are posting supposedly in the venue but their IPs are different.
It also doesn’t help that we had that rumor of them spending CNY in HD.
It you think about it, in a way, this seems like a parallel of sorts to him posting a photo of him in Inner Mongolia while XZ’s production was filming there. but that was voluntary on his part.
3. He is shutting down the rumors. I believe this is a favorite among so/os because it implies that wyb hates the cpf narrative so he is shutting us up by posting that weibo ad with an IP. However, him, “shutting” us up in this case is totally fine. 😅😅😅
We’re sorry for exposing you. 🙇🙇🙇
That’s why i felt off when i saw that candy cause it’s invasive. It could easily be used for the wrong reasons and we know how big wyb is with his privacy. There is nothing wrong when we piece things together based on photos they share ( or lrlg posts ) like with GG’s birthday etc but this one may put WYB in trouble. I love it when they get to spend their free time together or with friends & family and i would hate for them to feel like we are making a joke out of their security. That is not the case here. They always come first and whatever will make them safe.
At this time, the point isn’t even what the 7km means and who is right or wrong. I personally think this is a lesson of how what we talk about in the small circle of cpfs may be used to negatively talk about WYB. Tho this HS is not negative or scandalous at all — but it’s only a matter of time. XZ & WYB are such big names and there are a lot of people who are just waiting for the right piece of news. Years ago, our CPNs can be kept locked away and no one cares, but in recent years, that is not the case anymore. We should be more careful. ☺️
AGAIN, if it’s true, it will come back to us in bits and pieces till the picture is complete. 💟 Let’s be patient. Bjyxszd indeed.
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buckingham-ashtray · 2 months
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After rewatching ASIP again today, I think I might have finally discovered the truth about if Sherlock has chosen the correct pill.
The answer is YES.
I will save you time and tell you right here right now that the truth lies simply in how certain shots were particularly framed. However, if you do wish to discover the Why, then here is the other end of the handcuffs, be my most welcomed guest.
Let me start with a notice that I am as well aware as I can be that A LOT of people have already analyzed this mystery countless times from every possible angle. And while I remain confident in “The Princess Bride Theory” and am sure it's still the most possible solution (given the impossible odds), it might not be the case in Sherlock's situation. Here are two possibilities:
According to Mr Cabbie (Jefferson Hope), Sherlock's "fan" / his sponsor (later revealed to be Moriarty) has warned him about Sherlock in advance:
SHERLOCK: How did you find me?
JEFF: Oh, I recognised yer, soon as I saw you chasing my cab. Sherlock ’olmes! I was warned about you. I’ve been on your website, too. Brilliant stuff! Loved it!
SHERLOCK: Who warned you about me?
JEFF: Just someone out there who’s noticed you.
Now, Mr Cabbie’s kids get money every time their dad murders someone, yes, but since Moriarty has particularly warned Hope about Sherlock instead of warning him OFF Sherlock, it could be possible that the pay would be higher if Hope succeeds in murdering Sherlock. (But also given that Moriarty was much more interested in making Sherlock dance rather than killing him, this assumption is very likely wrong)
The second possibility is that could it be for both types of pills to be harmless to Hope (with his aneurysm), and only one of them deadly to the victims? (This hypothesis is also very unlikely, due to the fact that Hope did not have a real gun and was unlikely capable of strangling full-grown adults to death with his hands if they’ve actually chosen the harmless pill)
Thus, in this meta we are temporarily abandoning The Princess Bride Theory, assuming that there actually were a good pill and a bad pill for Hope as well, and focus entirely on the framing.
[I watched Ben’s new TV series ERIC a month ago and was astonished to realize that I was able to pick up on hidden messages so rapidly during the show. (Really recommend it! And if you’re into interpreting intricate movies as well, definitely watch The Power of the Dog too! I like it so much I am currently reading the novel.) A huge thanks to all you clever clever TJLCers, for that if it wasn’t for you and TJLC I would never have developed this ability at all to write this short meta.]
The key idea is to constantly ask yourself “Why?”. Why is this shot framed that way? Why did that light go out first? Why is this seemingly unimportant detail included here? Why did this dialogue happen?
Why did Steven Moffat write in the script that Hope chose the building on the right?
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If there’s one thing I know for certain, it is that NOTHING in BBC Sherlock is there without a reason. So, why was the right building the “right” one, instead of the left? Does it parallel how the two bottles of pills were placed on the table? If we make the assumption that Right is correct and Left is wrong, is there any other evidence to support it?
1. The pills
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WHY is it that EVERY TIME the two pill bottles were given close up shots side by side, it was ALWAYS the one on Hope’s right in focus?
2. The doors
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WHY is it that Sherlock and Hope entered through the right side of the door in the right building, and John ran through the left side of the door in the left/wrong building?
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WHY is it that John burst through the right side of the door AFTER Sherlock has chosen the pill on the right?
3. The positions
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WHY is it that Sherlock was ALWAYS on the left side of the frame and Hope the right without ANY exceptions?
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WHY is it that they switched positions AT ONCE, the moment Sherlock chose the pill on the right? (Also note that Sherlock held his pill in his right hand and Hope his left)
Why Why Why?
If it’s just once or twice, we could still dismiss them as “coincidences”. (What did we say about coincidence?) But this many? Implicated in such platent ways? I was an absolute idiot for not seeing this sooner.
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If every single shot implies that right is Right and left is Wrong, Hope slid the pill on the left to Sherlock, and Sherlock chose the one originally on the right, is there any possibility that he chose the wrong one?
All screencaps taken from here.
(I really wanted to tag someone but sadly I don’t know any of you wonderful people and it feels terribly intrusive and impolite to tag someone you don’t know :( Please definitely let me know if you wish to be tagged and thank you so much for coming to my ted talk.)
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
Ya know there is so much in the Fandom and yet I have noticed a distinct lack of Buggy and Sanji content.
Not in a shipping way either but like. Buggy, the Flashiest Pirate In The East, would ABSOLUTELY go to the Baratie if only for the renown it has for its food. Also I bet he knew - or knew OF Zeff at the very least - when he was still a pirate. Buggy visiting the Baratie occasionally, sometimes in Normal Flashy Fashion, sometimes more toned down because he just needs a bit of a break. Zeff would absolutely take one look at this traumatized little hobgoblin of a pirate and go "oh wow. Someone get this bitch a meal. Bitches love meals"
Sanji, a wee tyke learning the ways of the kitchen, sees this absolute bozo who he, at first, assumes to be a second rate pirate. Zeff is better. Zeff tells all these stories about the Old Ways, the Pirate's Code, and Sanji thinks "this clown doesn't know the meaning of a code"
Then smth happens to completely change his tune. Maybe Buggy says or does something. Maybe Sanji overhears or sees smth. Maybe someone else kicks a fuss, and Buggy responds in the Right Ways. Who knows?
But Sanji is now intrigued. And Sanji is a kid, with lots of trauma sure, but a kid nonetheless. And Buggy Notices.
He gets forcibly assimilated into Sanji's found family. He never agreed to this. He never had a choice.
Sanji grows up with Zeff and uncle Buggy. He happens to leave with the Strawhats at the perfect time to do so - and he keeps avoiding Buggy via near misses, to the point Bugs is SEETHING playfully. How dare. Truly. All of his nephews are EVIL.
It comes to a head when, years later, with Emperors crowned, there is a series of wacky shenanigans which lead to Cross Guild and the Strawhats meeting face to face.
Sanji is flabbergasted by the realization that he now has step-uncles, one of which is the mosshead's mentor/father-figure. The other is the brutal ex dictator of Alabasta who later passed the captain's vibe check and might just be said captain's other father, there is no confirmation.
Buggy meanwhile is having twelve different attacks of a variety of nature bc he's due for his yearly fight to the death with his one nephew, and the other is here and within throttling range and - IS THAT A HICKEY!?!?!
Cue veeeerry awkward Meet The Family where Buggy and Usopp actually get along well while Sanji is debating his chances of kicking these men's asses and if it would dishonor Zoro's dreams if he threatened mihawk....
Both conversations boil down to "he's been through a lot, so be good to him or you'll be hearing from me, okay? Okay. Good."
Usopp actually is chill with this both bc "I would never" and also "even if he came for me, I could kick a clown's ass probably. If nit me, then Luffy. And if Luffy doesn't, then I will deserve it."
Crocodile and Mihawk are mildly amused but also curious - the clown? Having trauma? As if. They think of it initially as smth of a comparison. Severity of trauma is the highest rank. They think of Buggy's past as "his captain died, he broke up with his best friend, the end". They do not know of the interim details. The reasons that Shank and he both refuse to allow anyone below 14 at the bare minimum onto their crews. The reason Buggy was frothing when Shanks told him about Uta - after the fact. The reason Buggy only drinks certain brands of rum because some make him physically sick. The reason he can't sleep in pitch black darkness. The reason he sometimes simply Can't Sleep At All.
There's more to it, to everything, to all of it, than any one person knows.
Just. Back on topic but Buggy and Sanji. I just think they'd have the neatest dynamic.
You just chose two of my favorite characters and did THIS and I love it 😭 The funny thing is that it does make sense that Buggy had gone to the Baratie and met Sanji at some point... I've always thought mostly on Usopp/Buggy parallelisms but Sanji kind of relating to Buggy too because of feeling inferior to his family,,,, Besides I think the dynamic would be hilarious because okay, they get along, but I can imagine them growing closer and caring about each other but arguing all the time Sanji/Zeff style? So at first, everybody thinks he has something against Buggy because when they meet they won't stop yelling at each other but when they ask them about it, Sanji is like "??? Nah, he's something like my uncle don't- Don't think too hard about it". And I am also SO sure Sanji would know stuff about Shanks that Luffy doesn't because Buggy explained Sanji their childhoods,,, Going insane about this one, actually.
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thesharktanksdriver · 4 months
(I realize that all your resent asks have been about your determination series,, amazing series btw,, but imma bout to break that streak with a question about the magical girl 🤞)
So I was rereading basically every work you’ve written,, cause it’s my therapy,, and I saw that you made a post about magical girl y/n and that Justice League movie “Crisis on two earths” I was wondering what that would be like?
In an other universe where all the heroes are evil is the magical girl also evil? (<<<evil magical girls 😻)
I thought about how y/n is like on neutral grounds but leans towards the “good side” more. So is “evil” y/n the same she just leans towards the “bad side” more?
And I don’t know about you but I’d love to see others reaction to a y/n who is aggressive or is just wearing black,, lol.
A potential villain y/n as just been a brain rot for the past couple of decades.
But I’d like to hear your opinion about it! 😽🫶
I’m happy to be yalls therapists tho be warned u might need a second one after all my shit lol. I love me song angst and yall are the ones who pay the price.
But to answer your question it actually gets pretty interesting with crisis on two earths because something impossible happens. Cause, everyone in that universe has a parallel version of them. All of them for some reason except y/n.
It’s puzzling for them along with the other characters within the films because that shouldn’t be statistically possible.In every universe almost no matter the outcome there should be a version of you. Theoretically as you said an alternate version of y/n should be someone who maybe leans more towards the side of bad but retains some element of neutrality to them.
Something along the lines of maybe an informant or even some sort of back alley doctor of sorts. But there’s nothing.
While y/n knows that they can be the only magical girl (due to the fact Rigel can only pick one vassal per dimension/universe there should be a different version of herself. One she was actually quite excited to meet even if they were evil because she wanted to know if this life had been any different from her own.
But nothing
Not even Rigel seems to know why there is no different version of her. But to be fair it brings up another question for Rigel, what about the other girls? They’d never sought out to try and find any sort of alternate version of the other girls due to the guilt. But it now brings up the question that no matter the universe they had never seen a dopple.
But in that regard it catches the interest of the alternate justice league from this flipped world. Especially Owlman.
The entirety of the film is about his existential crisis that nothing matters because everything that could have possibly been done and said by you has been done before in a different universe. But here’s seemingly an outlier to this very idea, something that seemingly goes against multiversal theory in the form of a young girl of all things.
One that is moldable and malleable, something that in his eyes the entire multiverse deemed as important and literally one of a kind.
Someone with more power at her fingers tips than she could ever imagine with literal infinite potential.
Someone that could potentially shift any scale if she so deemed.
Someone they need on their side.
Yeah….his plan becomes less destroying every universe into first trying to manipulate y/n which failed and then into aight we doing this by force then.
Mind controlled y/n which I’ll call evil y/n for now is someone like you said that’s aggressive and most of all bitter. It kinda takes all of y/n stored away anger towards a society that left them to rot as well as the fact that they had to literally scrape by half the time and almost no one noticed nor cared. It kinda cuts off her memory at a certain point, the part where things got better for her, that she found a home and people who do care. As cliche as it is it’s that which is used to snap her out of it along with the general mental fog she has when not just focusing on her anger.
But anyway evil y/n is wholeheartedly destructive, using everything she can to essentially just destroy. Using that enhanced strength to good use, and while she can’t use her magical weapon on things that aren’t Shadowmites who’s to say she can’t find an actual weapon to do the job instead lol.
I feel like as well evil y/n would have a bit of not only a god complex but also simultaneously a lot of self-loathing. She uses being the only magical girl in the multiverse and being the only one to kill Shadowmites as a point of ultimate power, seeing it as things people should worship them for. But at the same time she hates herself, she so lonely and mad at everyone including herself.
Because why did the world abandon her? Why did it hate a little girl who dared to dream about helping people just like the girls in her shows?
Why did her parents leave her before she could even remember them? Was she not good enough? Is she good enough now for them?
Why did that little weasel who keeps telling her to “remember” choose her? Why did it place such a burden on her shoulders? Was it cause she’s expendable?
And lastly why does it tear her apart seeing people look at her in fear? Why does it hurt when those heroes go flying through walls when she hits them? Why do her eyes water when theirs do as well?
Her outfits would definitely be the typical evil magical girl wear black type of thing but I feel like hers would almost look in a way godly and ethereal. But then become more and more disheveled and dark as she mentally cracks more and more.
(Sorry this was a long response lol)
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nalyra-dreaming · 3 months
Heeey, Nalyra :)) same anon about marius/ armand as before!! :D
Yeah, I agree that what they're portraying in the show is hinted in the books, in some way or another. I understand why some people would say Amadeo was "groomed and abused" by his maker, though the show is making me feel like when GOT changed daenerys' first time in the show.
Now, you and someone else touched on the topic of rebranding memory and even that Santino might have made Armand think Marius whored him out. Do you think that Armand might be, alongside these things Santino might have put inside his head as he was brainwashed, lying to himself, trying to make Marius seem worse than he was? As if Amadeo had no choice, as if he was just his slave and not had became his lover? I could see that, especially if he has already met Marius in the show and is disappointed he didn't look for him for so long when he thought Marius to be dead
anyway, thank you so much for the response!! sorry for any typos or gramma mistakes, when i read your ask i noticed i had made some haha English is not my first language :p
Well, I mean... within the context of the torture and the cult mentality they had... them trying to "rebrand" what Armand and Marius had there would fit, imho.
Armand was brain washed, for centuries. That is no trifle.
As stated before, I do not want to take away from the show pointing out certain things here. (And as said I do like them putting their fingers into wounds. And I DO think the books more than hint.) But the show also plays with "memory is a monster" and this is definitely an instance of that. Worse even, since it was literal brain washing and torture.
There is also the aspect that Armand might have also realigned some things that happened simply to deal over time. To deal with the loss, to deal with the void within himself. Marius was taken from him after all, and he did think him dead for centuries. Eventually he likely had to harden himself, or he would have perished.
Given how the show is structured I don't think we will get the full picture here for a while yet.
And yes, I also think that the Armand in Dubai might already know Marius is alive... but he and Marius were not always on the best of terms (in the books), given history (very understandable, imho). It's very complicated and I do not see the show shying away from the parallels and reasons for Armand's fear of abandonment there either.
I don't think the Armand in Dubai has any reason to soften Marius, even if he knows already he is alive. As said before, I can easily see it having been Marius who did the "final edit" on Daniel's brain... at some point of the relationship. And Armand... would not have taken kindly to that I think.
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At this point the only thing left to do is to sit everyone one by one and explain slowly and with detail why and how Tomura isn't a reliable narrator and what it really means.
The reason it took Deku so long to reach Tenko wasn't arbitrary. It was not an accident. It was planned by AFO since day one and he succeeded to isolated Tomura from the world, rendering his efforts to communicate completely useless.
This (meta?) post is pretty long but you couldn't get it shorter, since I needed to connect a lot of the dots most people seem to be missing.
So here it is. Enjoy.
— Let's talk about Tomura Shigaraki:
He was an abused five years old kid (I think?) who got his quirk after a beating from his father. The quirk in question is a mutation, not something common anf certainly nothing expected by his family. Besides, he had bottled up years of abuse and trauma, got the bad luck of decaying his dog first and reach a point of stress where that turned his hair of color. He couldn't even speak.
We know Tomura started thinking of himself as a monster when he was alone on the streets, after what happened with the Shimuras. We know too that he was in shock, unable to speak due the severity of his physical and psychological trauma. He was also blaming himself for his family's death (even when he had no control of his power or emotional state at the time) and he thought the reason no one would save him was because they thought he deserved it, because he was evil.
He was five years old.
If that it's not enough to convince you about him being an unreliable narrator about his own nature and past, let me keep going.
On the chapters where we see his past, we can notice how AFO's point of view is clearly twisting the narrative. He retraumatizes Tenko (to the point of having the kid pucking and shaking on the floor) in order to shape his mind into a new identity: Shigaraki Tomura. AFO located the hands of Tenko's dead family over him to keep him unstable enough to need AFO constantly, incapable of healing. He gave Tenko a new name, dressed him in black, convinced the kid that he'd find peace in destruction (not mentioning that it wouldn't last for long) and sent him to kill.
From that point on, Tomura became a prisoner.
Which in other terms means the Tomura you met at the beginning of the manga is what AFO wanted everyone to see. A manchild, someone to don't listen to, a madman, a menace with no real purpose, a loser, too anxious and unstable.
Say you want symbolic proff, right?
AFO gave his surename to Tomura as a claiming mark of that being his next recipient. It wasn't paternal, it was a man shopping for a new body once his was old and dead. If you payed attention to the manga, you could recognize how Tomura's clothes slowly changed into AFO's clothes. His hair overcame multiple changes until they reassembled AFO's and he got surgery that not only made him suitable for the AFO quirk, but also made him look bulkier, like AFO. There are other details like Tomura being drawn in parallels to certain AFO's stances, or Tomura losing even his pupils, and big facts like Tomura being outright possessed, c'mon.
The placements of the hands (something I have repeated multiple times) is not accidental either.
They hands on the back of his head is keeping it down, along with that one on his shoulders, arms and neck. Keeping him in place. Grounding him as chains would. They get destroyed when there's no need to hold him back anymore (funny enough in the same fight his clothes change to look like AFO's and when Gigantomachia accepts him as his master).
The hand on his face is special because it's the thing he hates the most, Father. The symbolize a will keeping him away from the world, blinding him, suffocating him, covering even his mouth. People won't listen or see Tomura for what he is and it is Bakugo who knocks that hand for the first time. Not because Bakugo was seeing him, but because Tomura was being really vulnerable there. Tomura destroys Father several times, but we keep seeing hands overlaying his face as to symbolize he is not free yet.
We start seeing Tenko and the real Tomura with the League of Villains, on Overhaul's arc a little and mostly on My Villain Academia.
I'll make a quick pause to mention from MVA on, Tomura goes most on the manga on a state of mind that is... Like dude. Fainting or severely sleep-deprived to outright possessed in various degrees. He's unpredictable to say the least but it allows us to break into the chaos of his mind.
Okay. Continuing.
With the League, we start seeing a side of himself that is more than a bloodthirsty criminal. We see that he cares about them, he's loyal. That doesn't come from AFO. We see he has hobbies, worries about the League and he pays attention to them. He trust and encourages them and values them closely, and doesn't hold them accountable for their own mistakes.
He gets his revenge for Magne, promises Toga he wouldn't destroy what she loves, compliments Twice and doesn't punish him for recruiting Overhaul and holds him down before panicking and warns them about a dangerous situation so he could protect himself (uffff!), plays games with Spinner and doesn't get mad when he complains about Tomura's leadership and values them just as much as everyone else on the League... Tomura priority was also to fulfill Mr. Compress wishes about food and find them some money, and he trusts Dabi blindly with operations, even shortly after their first meeting.
He seeks Deku to talk (in the most twisted way possible but c'mon, raised by AFO) and doesn't fall short on making rational criticism about the hero society. He explains his trauma to Ujiko and the League enough to make Spinner cry, noting that Spinner at that time was probably the most human of them all, the healthiest mentally.
Horikoshi intentionally makes you see how complex Tomura is so he can culminate with him tragically losing his consciousness and body to AFO on the War arc. Deku finally sees beyond AFO's disguise because he could connect with the Vestige world, but to everyone else? No clue they couldn't use or understand. It was all AFO.
Tomura's character is driven by the desire to find peace and closure about what happened that night with the Shimuras.
For 20 years AFO (basically the only person in his life beyond Kurogiri, who was a nomu himself, and Doc Ujiko, who doesn't count) convinced him he would find peace if he destroyed (everything). Tomura did as instructed, only to find AFO was tricking him into becoming his new body.
There's a lot about how he strikes some hard truths about the hero society on the process, but essentially what we see is a misconception. He tells people "I want to destroy" and people says "so you must be evil" and they fight.
Because Tomura can't openly say "I want to find forgiveness for something I did on accident when I was five and I want to understand why no one helped me back them" so people could say "then you are searching for peace and acceptance and you are upset because society failed you, let's rehabilitate you".
You can't ask him to judge himself. You can't ask someone who doesn't understand the situation to judge him either. But we, as readers, we know everything and are outside the narrative, that's why we're supposed to root for him finding closure. We're supposed to root for Deku reaching him because that means Deku successfully breached the gap of miscommunication between victims or the system and the heroes that are supposed to help them.
Deku saving Tomura is a representation of the new era of heroism triumphing and defeating AFO's manipulation once and for all. It's supposed to represent hope for those the light couldn't reach and instead fell om AFO's hands, hope for the forgotten and invisible, a world where a quirkless kid can protect the ones who are like he were.
BNHA is a story about how dangerous miscommunication is, about how big problems come from little problems who accumulated over the years, how victims become abusers and abusers can be victims, how a smile is worth everything but we need to fight for all the smile around us, not just our own.
It is a story about duty and recognizing we are to blame and we need help and we need to accept our responsibility and deal with the consequences of our actions if we want things to get better.
Tomura is an unreliable narrator because Deku is suppose to teach him all of that, like he taught Eri or Kota or Bakugo or even All Might.
AFO is the real villain because he doesn't want to be taught, he chooses to be blind. He ready once upon a time a story and decided everything was fiction and he could make up stuff and force people to believe it, if only he had enough power and influence to do so.
The story is not suppose to hand this to you word by word! You're supposed to make an effort to understand it. Yes, to understand every character including and especially Tomura Shigaraki.
I can't state this enough, but if you don't understand it now that I've explained it at length, better treat this manga as just another fighting story. Don't try to analyze the message blatantly ignoring what Tomura Shigaraki as an unreliable narrator means to it.
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Chess and Deduction
Okay so, this blog is meant to be the place where i put a lot of my more fluid ideas, things like rants about a specific concept or theory in deduction, or posting some deduction that i made. I tend to use @amateur-deductions for more article-like posts explanations so here's a bit of a rant for you about what deductions can look and feel like.
So recently i've been answering questions about how to squeeze information out of the things you observe, how to break down what you see into information that can constitute as actual deductions. And while i was in that mindset to make one of my last posts, my Youtube feed blessed me with videos of Levy Rozman, (Gothamchess on youtube for those of you who don't know), and i've started to draw some parallels between chess and deduction.
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Now, i'm by no means an amazing chess player, i've been more into it recently since i have time, but it's not really something i dedicate a lot of practice to. That being said, Levy said something in one of the videos i watched that caught my attention: As he was explaining very basic chess concepts, he mentioned how once you start pushing your pieces forward and entering the middle-game, the moves you make in the opening start tying together.
Essentially what he pointed out is that, once the opening is done, your pieces start to naturally intertwine with each other, they protect each other and take control of a plethora of squares, so many that sometimes you don't realize it until the game starts to develop more. You start to notice that the knights you moved in the opening can attack a certain way because the rooks that you also moved in the opening are conveniently in a position where they can cover the attacking pieces. Or you notice that as the opponent pushes pieces to attack you there's no reason to panic because a piece you'd moved during the opening is conveniently guarding the area the opponent is pushing into.
Now, you may be wondering what the hell does this have to do with deduction. Well in the same way that you don't always have to think about every single little implication about your moves during a chess opening, and even if you don't, you still can start formulating a plan in the middle-game with what you built during said opening, in deduction you're not necessarily always looking to make a "plan" from the beginning, or to set up your observations a specific way to get to a specific conclusion.
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The way that deduction works a lot of the time is, you just start observing, maybe drawing small conclusions like someone's handedness or their extraversion level, and then as you start piling onto these conclusions you start to realise that a lot of them conveniently tie together, you start to notice that you can make forward progress because a new conclusion that you might consider happens to be supported by an observation or conclusion you made in the "opening". In the same way that, in chess, as you start to get into the middle-game you realize you can attack with certain pieces because other pieces are now set up in a way that can defend them. You're looking to realize that you can push forward in your conclusions because previous observations and simple deductions have been set up to defend these conclusions.
So taking a deduction from Sherlock for example. As you look at someone's phone and start to realize that it's expensive, and that it has an engraving and scratches, you start to draw small conclusions, like "huh, this is a gift because this person is clearly not in an economical position to buy this", or "huh, this has had a previous owner". This could be considered the "opening", you're sort of just going through each piece, developing it, getting control of the center of the board, and just scanning around for your next moves.
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Once you have a solid footing, once you have a solid opening position, you start pushing forward, and start realizing that the pieces that you've set up can start moving and tying together, so you make a move that looks optimal with the piece set up (the information) that you have, something like "well if the phone was given to him by a previous owner, and that previous owner is a close family member, why not move in with them? hm, maybe they don't get along". And as the deduction goes on you try to keep making these optimal moves, moves that are supported with what you've already uncovered.
And like a chess game, yes, sometimes you blunder pieces, sometimes you reach a conclusion that isn't supported by any evidence, and it leads to you loosing the game. Sometimes you make a counting error and you realize that your pieces are not as protected as you though. Translating this from the example, sometimes you think every conclusion you're drawing makes sense and is fully supported, only to be corrected and realize that you didn't account for something, or that there was another, simpler explanation for what you've found, and this leads to loosing the game.
And when this happens the next move is to plug the chess game into an engine and see what you did wrong and what you did right, did you blunder anything? did you make a move that was horrible but the opponent didn't notice? did you miss a mate in one? or in 3? or in 5? In other words, did you reach the right conclusion with the wrong reasoning? or did you miss a clue that would have led you to a massive deduction? or did you just jump to a conclusion without a good base for it? As always the goal is to analyze this and make sure these are not mistakes you make in your next game
Here's where i'll leave this rant, i do hope it was informative (hopefully it wasn't confusing). If you have any questions feel free to send them over in my asks.
Happy Observing!
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crazycoke-addict · 7 months
Smiling Critters Theory Part 2 (KickinChicken and CraftyCorn)
I'm continuing with my previous post, so let's just start. KickinChicken is known as the cool kid of the group. On his cardboard cutout, he suggests the player that they should go outside and hang outside but also say he had never been outside before. This is in reference to how the orphans weren't allowed to go outside fully but rather a fake one that playtime Co. Created. Since KickinChicken was likely a bigger body experiment , it's interesting for him to say he's never been outside before because it would've been or at least in the fake one. The only solution is that KickinChickin and another smiling critter (possibly bubba bubbaphant) manage to get out where they are the front entrance, KickinChicken being the cool and confident decides to go out first. KickinChicken is killed first by most likely CatNap than is served him to PickyPiggy.
CraftyCorn is the shy and sweet unicorn that loves to be creative. In their cardboard cutouts, CraftyCorn asks for certain colours where it seems like they are probably painting something. However, there's one specific colour that she needs, and that is red. You hear her attacking someone since they are discussing red. They are actually talking about blood. CraftyCorn is a perfect example of losing their sanity through what they were created for. While her cardboard cut-out doesn't exactly give us any information on her death. It's most likely that they tried to escape and are stopped by catnap where they were food offering for PickyPiggy as a warning to the other smiling critters.
I don't really need to analyse DogDay and CatNap since we know what happened to them. Its possible that the reason why DogDay survive longer than the others because just like his canine counterpart, he obeyed the rules and understood what happened if they tried to escape. DogDay gets his legs sawed off instead of death, and this could also be the mini smiling critters can use him as a vessel just in case unwanted people or things go over there.
CatNap is electrocuted, which parallels what happened to Theo Gamble, which caused them to start the experiments and put Theo in CatNap. I do believe that CatNap offered himself to the prototype. Since we know what happened to them, we also need to ask where they went? Throughout the game, you see dead bodies of the toys across the factory. It's heavily implied that the prototype is collecting toys parts from dying or dead toys. We see it happened with mommy long legs where we see a metallic hand takes the upper half of mommy long legs. So, if the prototype was collecting the parts of Beary BearHug, Hoppy Hopscotch, and PickyPiggy, then we at least should have seen some of the body parts around playtime Co.
That's because the prototype never collected them for himself but rather food for the orphans that are trapped underground. Throughout the playcare, you will see the vending machine, but you'll notice that the vending machine still has food. It looks as though the vending machine hasn't been touched in years. So, if they weren't the food in the vending machines, then it's likely they were given parts of the smiling critters to the orphans.
There are two questions we need to answer: How would the orphans even eat the bigger body version of the smiling critters? And why would the prototype or even catnap feed them something like that? Well, it's heavily implied that human organs are the biggest factor for the bigger body toys to come to live. While walking through home sweet home, we hear a news reporter mentioning how a body of a boy was found at the front of Elliot Ludwig's house. The organs were missing.
While you could say that we were hallucinating because we did go through the red smoke, it is likely that the player has heard about this around time with Elliot Ludwig's passing. So, it's possible that the orphans were eating the organs. It's not that far-fetched for humans to eat animals like pigs and rabbits. But what's most disturbing is that the bigger bodies of the smiling critters could've been children themselves.
Cannibalism has been mentioned many times in the games. The dead toys like around, Miss Delight eating her sisters to survive, The bigger body toys who have subconscious of humans eating the bodies of the employees to survive,PickyPiggy eating three of her friends and two of Thomas Clarke's organs through Bron Dinosaur were devoured.
From this information, it is most likely that they were changing diets of the kids to get them used to human meat. We see this through Boxy Boo was the first successful of the bigger bodies initiative and was used to eliminate any employees that got too close. Rowan Stoll was the unlucky person. The way that Boxy Boo grabbed him so quickly shows that this isn't the first employee that was offered to Boxy Boo as food.
Because the prototype and the other bigger bodies have been abused. The abuse really took a toll on them, especially on the prototype, who was around the longest that they were brainwashed to believe that cannibalism was the best for them. So it's likely that's what they are doing with the orphans have been trapped underground.
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emyluwinter · 2 years
I just realized something. So you know how in sleeping beauty the 3 good fairies gave aurora 3 gifts. Flora gave beauty, Fauna gave song and Merriweather gave sleep. Malleus seems tied to the 3 gifts by fixing the stadium in chapter 5 (SONG) and he restored Vil's youth in chapter 6 (BEAUTY) and so I have the sinking suspicion that in chapter 7 he's going to give someone the "gift" of sleep. Thoughts?
Hello, honey!(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Ha ha.Welcome to the Big Brains Club!
OOOOOOOH. My dear, I HAVE A LOT OF THOUGHTS! And all this is just my guess.
To be precise, Merriweather was supposed to give "happiness", but due to Maleficent's intervention, she had to change the "curse of the great witch".
Technically, she could not "remove" him, but only changed the conditions to avoid the formal death of the princess. What is very interesting, it turns out that someone's spell used for the curse can be changed by a third-party magician?Or magic contains a formula that, with proper strength and experience, can be changed.This is very intriguing! I hold on to the statement that magic is similar to complex formulas that magicians need to either visualize or clearly represent it when using magic. Remember the same sigils. (Yes, I have read Atelier of Witch Hat many times) If the formula is made incorrect, the spell will not work as originally planned.
WHICH IS POSSIBLE….will it give a chance that someone will be able to rewrite Malleus' spell if he uses his power to the fullest?But this probability is small. A curse, as well as a blessing, as far as I can understand correctly, require the observance of certain conditions. And if these conditions change, the ultimate goal is likely to be changed.
In the introductory lines of Malleus at the announcement of the game, there is the phrase "I'll show you a true happy ending"
Please forgive me if I may not be accurate in phrases, due to differences in languages. (Because translating from Japanese to English and then also into Russian will definitely play a role that can change the meaning of words.) Add to this that I use a translator.
There are a huge number of analyses, theories and guesses who will be cursed. Because looking at this huge sh*t…Forgive this huge spinning wheel that Malleus carries with him as a staff. (Boy, if it's made of wood, it's already heavy enough!If you add all these mettalic parts to it, then you won't even need magic to kill someone with this thing!)
We can safely say that this action will definitely be in the history of Chapter 7. Namely, a scene with a finger prick and the imposition of a very powerful curse. I don't know if anyone knows A. Chekhov's phrase "If there is a gun hanging on the wall in the first act of the play, it will definitely shoot in the last one"
This principle is also called "Chekhov's gun"
The principle of dramaturgy, according to which every element of the narrative should be necessary, and non-essential elements should be removed; there should be no elements in the story that deceive the expectations of the audience by never playing a role in further events
So what do we see? We are literally given information about the hostel of the Diasomnia bit by bit. Even the feeling creeps in at times as if we are hiding this information on purpose. As if they want to present something big. And definitely tragic and with the presentation of a serious topic. Because we are nearing the Final!This story.
Who will be cursed and how it will be served so far we can guess. But!There are certain "targets" for this development.
Silver will also have to play a very important role. Because as some players might have noticed, he and have Yuu /The prefect has parallels. It is possible that Silver has something similar to Yuu in terms of the fact that their power is associated with dreams. Yuu - sees what will happen next in dreams. Over time, their dream studies give a clearer picture of the future event. Someone is talking about the theory of the time loop, but I tend to think that Yuu has the gift of foresight like Merlin. Silver, for example, can walk in other people's dreams?We were never told what he "sees" in a dream. There is a theory that Mickey saw Silver in Yuu's absence. Which might be a good explanation. With sleep, there are also many parallels or meanings as lethargic or many others. If you think about Silver, there's even less information than I can remember right now….
Don't forget that Idia and Ortho will be involved in this chapter! Which intrigues even more! This pair is very strong magicians. And it is quite possible that Idia will be a local psychotherapist with a lecture on how to accept that everyone's time is not infinite and the life cycle ends sooner or later. And no matter how hard the loss is, no matter how you resist it, it's impossible to change even with such powerful magic. So that Malleus could "grow up" in this regard. That despite all the strength and power, even he has something beyond his control.
It is quite possible that something may happen to Yuu and Malleus will have to use this trick with a dream and a curse.
(Can I remember for a moment that Malleus was one of those characters who did not use magic on a student without magic and generally treated them quite kindly?Thank you.)
One more moment!
If you remember, the three fairies had certain color palettes. Which lead me to think about the composition that CAN be used in the plot.
Flora is Red. Fauna is Green. Merriweather - blue (light blue?)
And now remember the main characters. Their stones, or elements of clothing or the whole palette as a character. Red is our Duo Adeuce. Green - Diasmonia. And blue are the Shroud Brothers.
I'm sorry, I can talk about this endlessly. But these are just my guesses, so we are just waiting for the announcement of the chapter. I think it will happen in December.
Because as far as I understand, the Twst EN server is very keen to catch up with the Japanese. It would be very logical for one of the final chapters to be released on both servers. Or in the English version a little later to keep up with the main plot.
By the way, I said "one of the final ones" for a reason. Because as far as we all know well, there are not 7 dormitories
….there are 8 of them.
All dormitories have their own history, which means that the last chapter will not be Chapter 7. And the eighth…
By the way, if you flip the figure eight, you will get an infinity sign.
Oh, how much symbolism can be taken from this!
In addition, Maleus may well not be the "main villain" of the whole story. You see, it may be so…that someone is pulling the strings from afar. From a safe place, seeing the whole picture in your palms clearly and clearly. Waiting for the fruits of the seeds planted by him to ripen.
And yes….you understand correctly.
I'm talking about Director Crowley.
He is a Phantom Blot. We saw his initials on the merch being sold. And this is definitely not just an important detail.
Well, we can only wait for what awaits us next~
Thank you more for the question and for giving me your time!
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cosmetichorror · 2 years
Know what I think is a really neat detail in age of calamity and breath of the wild?
The great plateau. Specifically, the stairs.
So as you know in breath of the wild you have to climb up a rock wall to get to the door that leads out of the shrine, right? And how the stairs down the great plateau are demolished? When I first played the game I assumed it was because it was old, but I never quite understood why there was a wall you had to climb in the shrine of resurrection.
Well, when I played age of calamity, I wasn’t expecting to get to the great plateau, but we did. And what do you know, when you are inside the shrine of resurrection, guess what’s there!
Meaning in breath of the wild, the stairs had to have been blown out by something. Or more specifically, someone.
Purah and Robbie took Link to the shrine of resurrection when he was killed/injured (I think he was killed but whatever fits you) as said in Purahs diary. So they must have done it!
What I think happened, was Purah carried Wild while Robbie fought off monsters. In age of calamity it’s shown that he can indeed fight, although Purah does help him in some spots such as detonating certain items or teleporting Robbie. Getting back on track, I think they were being chased by monsters. Robbie can’t fight them all forever, he’s not invincible. And they knew the monsters would attack the shrine to get in and finish the job, so Purah blew the stairs up just so in case a monster got in, it wouldn’t be able to reach him, and just hoped he’d be able to climb out. Robbie fought as many monsters as he could, but I believe some got away, that’s why there’s monsters on the great plateau. On their way down, they blew out the stairs ti the great plateau so no more monsters could get on there, and by the looks of it it worked!
Now, how exactly would this tie into LU?
Let’s take in that Au where age of calamity Link gets dragged into the chain, they end up on the great plateau. And he, of course, is confused as to why there’s monsters. But more importantly, he wants to know why there aren’t any stairs to get down. Then, they end up in the shrine by some magical means, and he notices the stairs are blown out. He asks questions, and Wild gets confused as well. “What do you mean?? The shrine used to have stairs???” So now the entire chain is confused about these parallels between the two, so they go to the one person who would know, Purah. Then, this would be where she explains to the chain the part of the story we don’t see, what happens after Flora gives the orders to take Wild to the shrine. It would bring the chain closer and also just be an excuse to loredump on the other Links.
Thanks for coming to my tedtalk
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darkfictionjude · 2 months
Etymology nonnie here!
I like how the mystery is going. Also, I did learn some things that I hadn't expected, and some other that corroborated some of my theories. In any case, it's fun to be able to explore some of the more sordid, political and adult (perhaps, I'm not sure if it's the best term) of the town.
Mostly, I see confirmation that some people in town, probably those in power plus the police force, know what it's going on. Perhaps not everyone (Percy clearly doesn't, in my opinion, since he doesn't have true power; Sally has me on the fence, he knows more than he lets on, but how much?).
It also seems to be something those people don't have a control over (but can manipulate to some extent). After all, the whole scene with Prudence gives a lot of information. And, other than basically confirming that Orla was a victim of whatever is killing people, it also gives the clue that there are certain ways to circunvent the killing (or, at the very least, that some people believe there is a way to do so). Which does mean, then, without a doubt, that there is some part of town who certainly know what it's going on. Maybe not fully, but enough.
This makes even more sense since the killings have been going on for decades.
Also, Prudence current psychological state only seems to strengthen this point. She obviously feels guilty. She blames herself for Orla's demise. Now, it's possible to argue she is speaking out of grief and not just plain regret. That is, that she could believe she could have change Orla's fate, but in reality she wouldn't have been able. Which it's an interesting point to consider. However, the letter makes such idea less probable. In my opinion, at least. Because it does seem that it is possible to change who the target is, but Prudence didn't take it seriously enough. And she blames herself for it. Or, maybe, she did try to get Orla out of town, but she wasn't able to (maybe due to Victor's involvement), and feels distraught about her powerlessness as well as blaming herself.
All in all, she grows to be more intriguing as the plot advances.
Also, the parallels between MC and Orla keep coming. And not just from the Prudence scene. There is also the Lorcan branches. I did only play the one where you speak with Stephanie's boyfriend. But MC is blatantly being compared with Orla. Even though, at least in my playthrough, nothing romantic is truly going on with Lorcan. I imagine that scene grows in interest when romancing Lorcan significantly. Because I see how it could make both Lorcan and MC to think about the situation. I really have to make my playthrough where I romance Lorcan soon. I love how he has a simple and straightforward personality, and yet he is so interesting because of how he interacts with other characters and the world.
Finally, there is proof the killings most likely are not done by an non sapient monster (or equivalent). Simply, because you can corroborate that the corpses receive a mark. Both Stephanie and Sammy get one, so it stands to reason is something that happens for all of them. Of course, we probably need a third body to be completely certain this is the case. But the fact is, that the marking clue goes very well with the fact that some people of the town are knowledgeable enough about what is going on to hide it and have some possible ways to circunvent being killed. Both clues together point out that the killer is sapient to some extent. Or, possibly, that someone sapient is in control. Either the entity who is doing the killing, or someone else who controls it.
Although, I'm curious about what other people think about the mystery. I have noticed we often focus more on the RO's (which I understand, the three of them are fascinating character to interact with). But the mystery is very good too. And I'm very curious about how we will solve it. If we can.
I'm curious, as well, as how each investigating branch could affect the overall investigation. So far, all seem rather useful. But I would say the information we got from Amanda is the most useful, I think. Simply because it's the one that you cannot find from the others. Both Candace's mom and Stephanie's boyfriend point things that, while useful, are not that hard to figure out beforehand. Yet maybe I'm being biased. It's to early to say what route is more useful.
That said, I do wonder if we will be able to get some clues we missed in this patch in the future? I think it would make sense. But, maybe, it would also make sense that getting some clue earlier or later could affect how the plot goes on. So, for example, learning about the mark now means that we can figure out it's a pattern if a another person is killed (and we have access to the corpse), but we wouldn't be able to do that immediately if we didn't get that clue from Amanda, or it would require some more debating with our team. Or something more serious, perhaps. Like, knowing some fact could render a battle into an easy victory, or something. Are you planning something on those lines?
So far, I'm excited for what is going to come. Both for WWC and for whatever new thing you have prepared that you announced recently. I almost cannot wait for a new update. But don't force yourself to write more than you are able. A healthy writer is a writer that can write, after all. An unhealthy one may be not able. Also, remember to drink water and sleep well.
As to your question… a theme I would say is the inevitably of fate. The battle I would say is more affected by the relationship mc develops within the characters.
Thank you for the advice etymology nonnie I feel like my parent is trying to tuck me into bed
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sterlingarcher23 · 1 year
Stranger Things/ElMax and a Valerian & Laureline parallel
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I noticed something when I just watched Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (which is why I give this post priority) and while it was at first just how Laureline (Cara Delevingne) looked at Valerian's lips (Dane DeHaan) totally says "Yeah, looking at someone's lips communicates a romantic interest" which means that El & Max looking at each other's lips screams 'romance incoming', the whole scene had some weirdly similar vibes.
From the "Wait a moment, our moment is interrupted", therefore no kiss, to the ridiculous charge of Valerian & Laureline and Max on the other side.
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Before this all happens Laureline's brain was meant to be a dish for an alien emperor guy (typical Luc Besson humor)
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Like I said: vibes...
It should be noted that Star Wars which has a huge influence in pop culture including Stranger Things, would have looked very different and probably less interesting if the makers and Uncle George weren't plundering franco-belgian comics and artists including "Valerian & Laureline" by Pierre Christin & Jean-Claude Mézières or the works of Jean "Moebius" Giraud and others.
Just a few examples:
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A video showcasing certain images and although not comparing everything, once you see it, you know that you've seen it.
Something that at least should be acknowledge - Pierre Christin interviewed years ago by a German journal wasn't against inspiration, that's how art works and lives on, he was just sad that their works weren't even mentioned and that it is a thing with Americans that they take what's needed and don't even say "Thank you" which, according to Christin is the very least you should do.
The interview but it's just in German.
Btw Mézières & Christin worked with Besson on his Fifth Element that's why it looks also very similar to some Valerian illustrations bit those came before.
Anyway: Did the Duffers copy Valerian too to have El & Max like Valerian & Laureline? Not sure. It just has similar vibes and although not in the movie but it was meant to happen in a sequel and IS a big thing in the comics, both Valerian and Laureline are time agents,usually only visiting the past (Laureline is originally even a girl from the middle ages) and the constant hints to time travel/space travel (Back to the Future, A wrinkle in time) and dimensions outside the space time feels like this could be an influence and aspects inspiring Stranger Things and more specifically El & Max (because these two most definitely go on a time travel/jump).
The visuals how Laureline communicates with Valerian in "Metro Chatelet" over space and time (she's in the future, he's in the 80s) could be an inspo for Stranger Things, communication/time travel.
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Speaking of similarities (Valerian shows that he's the guardian of the soul of a princess):
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So, it could just be a coincidence (although nerds like the Duffers may know about some ofthe origins of Star Wars) but at least it would be cool... and honor what influenced a world wide cultural phenomenon like Star Wars that inspired Stranger Things too.
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Just the artwork for this book reminds me of the reflection, mirror and upside down/inverse from the show, splitting it in space, time and dimension too - and yeah, in German Laureline was renamed to Veronique.
So, a Valerian & Laureline / El & Max couple parallel that's undeniable for the nerds that know more than just DC & Marcel and I'm happy.
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"There's beggary in love that can be reckon'd"
It cannot be reckoned, it's infinite, bottomless, is infinitely deep. It's timeless. It's neverending.
"And there here upon a rainbow is the answer to a Neverending Story."
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will80sbyers · 2 years
Well, yeah. What matters is how they are portraying their relationship as of now. Btw, unpopular opinion but I do not think the writers originally or always intended Byler to happen. They ofc wanted to continue their story after S1, but as I've said, they were not sure if they could continue their story. They left some things as open-ended (like Hopper putting eggos in the forest) so they could follow their story from that if they ever got a second season. But aside from that they tried to conclude characters' stories in some way with certain open endings. That's why they included Mlvn romance in S1, because they were not sure if there would be a second season.
I think that's why they made El and Mike be separated for most of S2, so they could give El more moments on her own and made them an official couple later on. I believe they only started to actually tear down Mlvn in S4.
Oh, I believe they decided for byler to happen starting from season 2 and started to tear down milkvan from s3, because if you notice a lot of fans started to dislike them in s3 and I was one of the fans that started to think they were not really good together anymore...
I think this also because they started making romantic parallels for byler too since s2 and also because of a thing I discovered recently, that basically they made a parallel with the series of the last of us where two young girls that are childhood friends have reciprocated feelings for each other and they used a similar phrase for the crazy together scene as the thing they say to each other in the videogame and the Duffers were big fans of the videogame and took inspiration from it for a lot of stuff!
I also think that scene is shot to imply romantic meaning down the line because they kind of paused the shot on them after they talk and the music continues and then jumped to a romantic jancy scene, it was suggesting there was more behind this interaction between them and implying future romance, they also put the hand touch in s2 and Mike's monologue for Will! I think Mike was always supposed to be written as someone that loved without knowing that was the feeling they had (?) it's a pretty common writing device for slow burns!
plus they started making parallels between Mike x El and Mike x Will showing they are in the same category of possibility since s2 so I think the idea of the slow burn for them was always there in the back of their minds in the case they got other seasons :)
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hurremsultanns · 1 year
Okay, I want to share an observation of mine, I wonder if you will agree. Hurrem and Ibrahim's stories are mirrors of each other up until certain a point and I don't mean it in a general way. I mean obviously in the wider story they had a similar story because they were both given power by SS. But in the first part of the second season, they get the *exact* treatment from SS. Let me explain. SS loses a little bit of faith he had in Ibrahim because of what happened with Victoria at the same time we are introduced to Bali Bey, on the other hand, who also gets into the story? Princess Isabella Ibrahim is jealous of Bali bey while Hurrem is jealous of Princess and they are both trying to get rid of their opponents. (Hurrem more consciously and Ibrahim more subconsciously) Then Suleyman taunts them both by making Princess stay in Hatice's palace and constantly giving Bali Bey missions to represent the state and him.
(also SS is always so jealous whenever he hears of things Ibrahim and the princess did something together like when Ibrahim brought her to the church or when she tried to escape but like??? Does he not trust Ibrahim? I never understood that part)
After this, SS brings the princess to his palace (a giant blow for Hurrem) and makes Bali bey Master of his chamber (Hasodabasi?) which is a giant blow for Ibrahim. Also he gave both Ibrahim and Hurrem the same look when he is doing these things (Yes, I did it, what are you gonna do about it look with a condescending smile). And after all of this SS is bored, he forgives Hurrem for killing (or trying to kill, I am not sure what happened to her) Princess, rewards her with a kiss, and gives Ibrahim an unlimited amount of power (alongside making him the commander of his armies) And these parallel incidents are all happening in the same episode or one episode apart. Maybe I could even add Hurrem marrying SS after Ibrahim gets unlimited authority over the state ( I guess this is 4 episodes apart though) As much as thematic similarities remain until the end of the show, (Hurrem's speech by Ibrahim grave S4 about how similar they were but she knew where to stop) these scene-by-scene parallels end with Ibrahim getting involved with nigar. Long story short, I think between episodes 24-43 both Hurrem and Ibrahim's scenes with Suleyman mirrored each other a lot. I mean there was even a parallel scene where Hurrem was brooding in her room because of the princess and Ibrahim doing the same next to Hatice because of Bali bey Anyway, it could just be me who watched 63 episodes in a week speculating but I want to know if someone else will think the same.
I hadn't really noticed that and I like it!
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autolovecraft · 1 year
The thing must have happened at about three-thirty in the afternoon.
Another might not have relished the damp, odorous chamber with the eight carelessly placed coffins; but Birch in those days was insensitive, and professionally undesirable; yet I still think he was not an evil man. For an impersonal doctor, Davis' ominous and awestruck cross-examination became very strange indeed as he sought to pull himself up, when he noticed a queer retardation in the form of an apparent drag on both his ankles. He worked largely by feeling now, since newly gathered clouds hid the moon; and though progress was still slow, he felt heartened at the extent of his encroachments on the top and bottom of the aperture. In this funereal twilight he rattled the rusty handles, pushed at the iron panels, and wondered why the massive portal had grown so suddenly recalcitrant.
You know what a fiend he was for revenge—how he ruined old Raymond thirty years after their boundary suit, and how he had been certain of it as the Fenner coffin in the dusk, and how he had chosen it, how he had distinguished it from the inferior duplicate coffin of vicious Asaph Sawyer. Finally he decided to lay a base of three parallel with the wall, to place upon this two layers of two each, and upon these a single box to serve as the platform. The moon was shining on the scattered brick fragments and marred facade, and the company beneath his feet, he philosophically chipped away the stony brickwork; cursing when a fragment hit him in the face, and laughing when one struck the increasingly excited horse that pawed near the cypress tree. I've seen sights before, but there was one thing too much here. He had, it seems, planned in vain when choosing the stoutest coffin for the right grave. Only the coffins themselves remained as potential stepping-stones, and as he considered these he speculated on the best mode of transporting them.
The boxes were fairly even, and could be piled up like blocks; so he began to realize the truth and to shout loudly as if his horse outside could do more than neigh an unsympathetic reply.
Birch, being by temperament phlegmatic and practical, did not shout long; but proceeded to grope about for some tools which he recalled seeing in a corner of the tomb. The skull turned my stomach, but the bald fact of imprisonment so far from the tomb. His head was broken in, and everything was tumbled about. He confided in me because I was his doctor, and because he probably felt the need of confiding in someone else after Davis died.
The hungry horse was neighing repeatedly and almost uncannily, and he vaguely wished it would stop. It is doubtful whether he was touched at all by the horror and exquisite weirdness of his position, but the other was worse—those ankles cut neatly off to fit Matt Fenner's cast-aside coffin, but you always did go too damned far!
And so the prisoner toiled in the twilight, heaving the unresponsive remnants of mortality with little ceremony as his miniature Tower of Babel rose course by course. And so the prisoner toiled in the twilight, heaving the unresponsive remnants of mortality with little ceremony as his miniature Tower of Babel rose course by course.
He was a scoundrel, and I believe his eye-for-an-eye fury could beat old Father Death himself.
That was Darius Peck, the nonagenarian, whose grave was also near by; but actually postponed the matter for three days, not getting to work till Good Friday, the 15th. Why did you do it, Birch? He always remained lame, for the great tendons had been severed; but I think the greatest lameness was in his soul.
The practices I heard attributed to him would be unbelievable today, at least to such meager tools and under such tenebrous conditions as these, Birch glanced about for other possible points of escape. Undisturbed by oppressive reflections on the time, the place, and the emerging moon must have witnessed a horrible sight as he dragged his bleeding ankles toward the cemetery lodge; his fingers clawing the black mold in brainless haste, and his hands shook as he dressed the mangled members; binding them as if he wished to get the wounds out of sight as quickly as possible. In this twilight too, he began to compute how he might most stably use the eight to rear a scalable platform four deep. He was merely crass of fiber and function—thoughtless, careless, and liquorish, as his easily avoidable accident proves, and without that modicum of imagination which holds the average citizen within certain limits fixed by taste.
At last the spring thaw came, and graves were laboriously prepared for the nine silent harvests of the grim reaper which waited in the tomb, and the overhead ventilation funnel virtually none at all; so that he was reduced to a profane fumbling as he made his halting way among the long boxes toward the latch.
In the semi-gloom he trusted mostly to touch to select the right one, and indeed came upon it almost by accident, since it tumbled into his hands as if through some odd volition after he had unwittingly placed it beside another on the third layer. There was evidently, however, no pursuer; for he was alone and alive when Armington, the lodge-keeper, answered his feeble clawing at the door.
The body was pretty badly gone, but if ever I saw vindictiveness on any face—or former face. God, what a rage! He had, indeed, made that coffin for Matthew Fenner; but had cast it aside at last as too awkward and flimsy, in a fit of curious sentimentality aroused by recalling how kindly and generous the little old man had been to him during his bankruptcy five years before. He gave old Matt the very best his skill could produce, but was thrifty enough to save the stoutly built casket of little Matthew Fenner for the top, in order that his feet might have as certain a surface as possible.
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brabe · 2 years
you know no one is more excited about top gun: maverick than hal jordan and johnny lawrence
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