#and you know what he WAS gay boys' dessert of the week for this
eurodynamic · 8 months
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JOE SANTAGATO — The Basement Yard Podcast
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gayerthangayer · 6 months
Taking a Few for the Team
I've always had a fantasy about a sports team breeding one of the players, transferring all their fat to the one player. It's a work in progress, but here's the first part! Contains male weight gain & sex, and some bloating/gas.
Part two is here.
Exhausted, Aaron made his way out of his last class of the semester. Walking outside onto the cold winter afternoon, he admired how nice the snow looked across his college campus. Unfortunately, there was no snow on the indoor soccer field. His coach had insisted that the team practice tonight one last time before winter break.
Even though he only considered himself to be an average player on his team, Aaron enjoyed soccer. It was nice to have something going on other than his classes, and Aaron got along well with his teammates. His best friend Jess would always poke fun at him asking when he was going to hook up with the other players since they always acted so gay around each other. He didn’t mind though, since they were all cool with him being out as gay. His teammates would joke about it sometimes but only ever in jest.
He made his way back to his apartment he shared with Jess to grab his soccer bag, then he was off to practice. It went like any other, but near the end his coach made a point to tell all the boys they had better make sure and watch what they ate over the holiday break. “I don’t need you all to have to go harder at practice than you already will when you get back.” He figured he was being self-conscious, but Aaron felt like that statement had been directed at him. He was sure the coach made the most eye contact with him when he said that to everyone.
At 5’11 and fairly muscular, he was still definitely athletic. But with exams and everything going on, Aaron found himself stress eating more than usual. He had gained about 10 pounds since the start of the semester. It didn’t bother him, if anything it was just a good bulk that he could cut and gain some muscle mass if he hit the gym hard enough over the break. But his already small uniform shorts were definitely struggling with his slightly larger butt. His tops were definitely tighter too, but if he sucked in his belly it wasn’t too noticeable.
“Shit, I was really looking forward to eating good the next couple of weeks,” said Jared in the locker room after practice. “But you guys heard him, if I can’t then you can’t either.”
Jared is the team captain, who Aaron had a crush on. He was tall and muscular, and somehow ever so slightly tan even in the winter. He was assertive but also kind and understanding. It’s no wonder the team looked up to him.
“My girlfriend’s mom makes the best desserts! What coach doesn’t know won’t hurt him” complained Trevor. With a great sense of humor, he and Aaron were pretty good friends. Aaron was also a pretty good wingman for Trevor, which he appreciated. 
“Yeah it’ll be hard. I’m not sure what I’ll do when my mom makes her famous pork roast. But think of how much better shape we’ll be in compared to the other teams once spring season starts” said Jared.
“Shit, you two are making me hungry” said Aaron as he took off his top.
“Look, just don’t overdo it, man” said Jared. Aaron could have sworn that Jared shot a quick glance at Aaron’s belly, but just like before he tried to write it off as being self-conscious.
He finished changing and headed back out into the cold night. On his drive home, he thought about his workout plans for the break. Like most of the other guys, he and his family both lived nearby to the school, so it’s not like he would have to give up the gym for a month. But also in the back of his mind, he knew that it wouldn’t matter, he probably wouldn’t go anyway.
The last couple days of break came faster than he expected. Aaron was seriously not ready for classes and soccer practice to start back up again. In between hanging out with Jess and also his family, Aaron had spent a few nights drinking beers and playing video games with Trevor. It was nice to become closer as friends. But also, to hang out without feeling pressure from the team about somehow gaining more weight. He knew Trevor didn’t care, but Aaron was terrified about how he was going to explain to the coach why he could barely squeeze into his shorts and jersey.
Trying it on before their practice that night, Aaron could see in his mirror that there was now no hiding the fact that he did not spend a minute in the gym all month. Or that he had completely ignored his coach’s advice not to overindulge in his mom’s delicious cooking. His shorts were straining to cover his now very round ass, and his jersey was completely showing off his new belly and love handles. His pecs were now larger looking as well. “Dammit!” he muttered to himself. He was definitely a little chubby now. But even though he was nervous about his team’s judgment, somehow he felt a bit sexier? He’d always liked men with some meat on their bones, but had never really considered that look for himself. But damn, something about how he was filling out his uniform made his shorts even tighter…
But without much time to think about it, he rushed out the door to get to practice. Somehow he was already running late.
After getting to practice, Aaron was relieved. It looked like all the other guys had spent the holiday more or less exactly like he did. Especially Jared, who now had a bit of a pudgy belly along with slightly pronounced love handles under his jersey. He liked to wear a smaller size to show off his muscles Aaron suspected, but now it was just showing off his mom’s many desserts he had eaten.
Coach definitely noticed the guys’ different physiques as well, and seemed irritated that the team was doing their exercises slower than usual. At the end of practice, after a short conversation with Jared, the coach pulled all the guys into a quick meeting.
“Look, I know I told you boys not to overdo it with eating over the break…” said the coach, with an exasperated tone in his voice “but this is ridiculous. We are going to have to do something about it.”
“Yes coach…” the team said meekly, knowing full well what they had done.
“So here is the deal. Jared and I have come up with a plan to get you boys back in shape in time for spring season. Be ready to do whatever it takes! That’s it for today’s practice, but it won’t be as easy next time!”
While changing in the locker room, Aaron reflected on what coach had told them. ‘Do whatever it takes?’ Aaron was already dreading the next practice and he hadn’t even left this one. Being the chubbiest one on the team, he knew whatever coach had in store was not going to be easy.
“Way to go, fatass” Trent said angrily, poking Aaron in his soft belly. “Now we are going to have to work out twice as hard because of you.” Trent was a player that could get pretty heated in the game, but Aaron had never had Trent get confrontational with him off the field. So this was definitely a first that Aaron didn’t know how to handle. 
“I… I don’t…” stammered Aaron, blushing a little in embarrassment. He didn’t know what to do.
“Whoa calm down man” Trevor came and stood between the two. “Look, we’ve all put on a few over the holiday. I know I at least have a little beer belly now.” Trevor said, making a point to grab the little bit of belly fat he had gained and laughed. “It’s all good. We’ll get back in shape in no time.”
“He’s right, it’s not the end of the world” chimed in Jared. “Coach and I put a plan together, and it’ll definitely be faster than a normal training regimen. We should do great this season.”
“And how the hell are we going to pull that off?” demanded Trent “Other than working out twice as hard, what are we supposed to do?”
“We haven't worked out the formula just yet, but I’m sure we can do it. Just listen to me and coach. We have a plan.” said Jared, with more of his assertive-team-captain tone than before. He was still positive as usual, but Trent could tell this conversation was over.
Formula? That was an odd choice of words, thought Aaron later that night. What did he mean?
All Aaron knew was Trent poking his belly and calling him a fatass earlier was somehow… insanely hot. Fuck, why was it so hot!? If Trevor hadn’t stood in front of him, his boner in his boxer briefs would have been on full display for the whole team to see. Thankfully his normally eight incher was now slightly smaller from his new encroaching fat pad.
That night, he beat himself off grabbing his belly and playing that scene over and over in his head…
The next day, Aaron got a group text from Jared.
'Hey everyone, team meeting tonight at my place. Be there at 7.'
'Damn' Aaron thought to himself. 'What is so important we couldn't have gone over it yesterday?!' 
Regardless, team meetings at Jared's house usually ended up being more of a kickback than a meeting. The guys all usually brought a few beers, snacks, and some video games to enjoy after whatever team business was discussed. Jared's family had moved away but kept the house so he could live in it while he finished college. This made it the perfect place for them to all hang.
After pulling up to Jared's quiet suburban home, he headed down to the large basement living room, where the team usually hung out. It had multiple sofas and plenty of space for the whole team.
He was surprised to find that he was the last one on the team to arrive.
"Hey man! Didn't know you had it in you to be on time to anything" Aaron said jokingly to Trevor as he sat on the couch next to him.
"Dude what are you talking about? Jared said to be here at six th-"
Trevor was immediately cut off by Jared who jumped up and started the meeting.
"Glad to see you all could make it." Jared said, standing and facing everyone. "I wanted to go over the plan coach and I made to get us all in shape. We are very excited but it's going to take every guy on this team doing his part."
Jared held up a protein shaker bottle filled with an ivory liquid. It just looked like any other protein shake. "Coach and I consulted with some people in the chemistry department and formulated a unique protein shake mixture for each of you. It's highly concentrated and is specially formulated to last longer than a normal shake. Because of this, we probably only have to drink it once a week. So every week starting today, we will all drink it together, that way I know nobody is slacking."
"Seriously?!" Chimed Trent "you have to babysit us about it?"
"No you don't understand. It's just way easier this way." Said Jared. He seemed annoyed that Trent would say something like that, as if he should have known better.
"Anyway, we are still working on the flavors. So let me know what you guys think!" Jared handed everyone a bottle with their name on it.
Aaron gave it a couple shakes then put the bottle up to his mouth and took a big sip. The shake was… delicious. It was so sweet and rich and nothing at all like those nasty protein shakes he was used to.
"Fuck that's good." "Hey man, what's in this?" "Damn it's just like ice cream…" the other guys clearly enjoyed theirs too.
"Glad y'all like it. Anyway, that's the meeting. Once you finish your shakes, I've got plenty of beers in the fridge." Said Jared with a grin on his face. "One more thing. We noticed when we were testing it, sometimes the shakes can make you a little… bloated."
As if on cue, Trevor let out a long *buuUuuUURRP* followed by some hearty laughter from the rest of the guys.
"Look if this gets us in shape like you say it will, a couple burps won't kill me" joked Trevor.
"Oh don't worry, it'll work just fine." Said Jared.
The team came prepared with the usual snacks, beer and video games. They were broing out just like any other team meeting before long.
20 minutes later…
The guys started getting really gassy. Being a soccer team that spent tons of time together, an occasional fart or burp was not new for the boys. It was always followed by laughter at the expense of the perpetrator, but this was different. The teammates were all feeling way more bloated than they had ever been. ‘Hopefully these shakes are worth it…’ their faces seemed to say.
At first they seemed to be a little embarrassed about it, but after a few minutes of laughing at each other they were letting it all out. All the boys at this point were occasionally farting and burping. Aaron noticed that the boys’ cheeks were becoming a little flush as well. They were also starting to get hard. Rock hard. Aaron noticed that everyone on the team had a boner visible through their shorts by now. Even himself.
All the guys were blushing as they started noticing the strange effects of this protein shake they had been given.
"Yeah sorry guys, it has some odd side effects" said Jared.
Aaron felt super flustered. The guys knew he was gay, but staring at all their protruding manhoods felt like a step too far. He got up to go to the bathroom, but as he did…
"Hey... Has anyone else noticed how fat Aaron's ass is?" Said Trent
"You're joking right?" Aaron said in disbelief.
"Like, seriously huge..." said Trent, as he stroked his cock through his shorts.
"...hey!" Aaron was completely shocked. This… didn’t feel like their normal banter.
"I'm serious!" Said Trent. "Has it always jiggled this much??" He got up and gave Aaron’s ass a huge smack. Even through his shorts, you could see it shake in recoil.
Come to think of it, Aaron thought, was it usually that jiggly? Was this another bizarre effect of these shakes?
The next thing he knew, Trent grabbed Aarons shorts and pulled them to the ground.
"Holy fuck!" exclaimed Trent "That ass is fucking insane!"
"What the fuck is going on here!?" yelled Jared "Get your *buuuURP* hands off my teammate!"
Trent grabbed Aaron's cheeks and squeezed. His fingers sank deep into the soft flesh, which he loved. He pushed Aaron firmly between the shoulder blades, the boy bracing himself on the couch. Trent mimed fucking Aarons ass in front of the team, causing an uproar of laughter.
“Hey man, chill out!” Exclaimed Jared. “I told you how this was going to work.”
Jared grabbed Trent by the collar of his shirt and pulled him away. But then quickly dropped his own shorts and stood behind Aaron.
It all happened so fast Aaron didn’t have a chance to move. From being shocked about what Trent had done to him, to being frozen by seeing Jared act so dominant. Aaron just watched in shock as he was still bent over the couch. But he didn’t really want to move, either. He was starting to feel unusually calm.
The next thing he knew, Jared reached for some lube that was on the side table, and rubbed it on his huge rock hard cock. Wait… Aaron thought to himself, was that lube always there? Why would Jared leave it out like that?
Aaron also noticed that Jared’s balls were looking massive, as if they were a pair of oranges. 
“Get ready, fatass” moaned Jared. He gave Aaron’s jiggly ass a good slap and then grabbed him by his love handles.
Aaron felt a tingle through his body. He had never had a dick in his ass before. But he had always fantasized about it. This was a very weird night so far, but he’d be lying if he said he had never fantasized about having handsome, tall, fit, dominant but gentle Jared pound his tight (and now fat) ass.
His ass relaxed as if on queue, and Jared easily slipped in. Aaron moaned quietly at the sensation of having his first dick inside him.
He could hear Jared burping as he slid back and forth. The guys were definitely getting gassy because of their shakes.
Aaron groaned as Jared began to go deeper and harder. He was so turned on by this. He didn’t care that his whole team was there. He didn't mind the gas or the loud farts that Jared was letting out. In fact, he liked it. There was something about being taken by his team captain, called names and fucked in the ass that made him feel so incredibly horny.
Jared was thrusting really hard now and Aaron could feel Jared’s huge balls colliding with his own. It was so hot feeling Jared’s fat cock sliding in and out of his ass.
"Fuck, yeah, fuck me, I love it!" whined Aaron, leaning forward on the couch.
Jared continued to pound away, slamming Aaron's asshole relentlessly. He was so focused on Jared that he forgot the rest of the team was in the room, watching and stroking their cocks to Aaron and Jared.
"Come on, you fat bitch, take my dick! *BUuuuuUP* You're gonna be our team slut now!" yelled Jared.
Aaron nodded his head in agreement as Jared pounded away.
“Fuuuck…” was all Aaron could let out between his moans. He had never been so aroused. All he wanted at this point was to feel Jared release his huge load inside him.
"Take it, take it all… Take my load!" cried Jared, as he came inside Aaron's soft stomach. Aaron felt him gushing inside him. It felt like he was cumming forever, to the point where Aaron began to feel a slight pressure inside him from all the sloshing cum.
When Jared was done, he slowly pulled out of Aaron's ass. “Don’t let that go to waste, fatboy”  he said as he slapped Aarons’ dribbling ass. He started laughing as he looked at Aaron's now rounder and softer belly. Aaron looked as if he had instantly put on 10 pounds. "Damn, did I do that? You look even fatter now"
"It feels... tight" said Aaron, out of breath. "But it's amazing." He put a hand on his belly and felt not only Jared's cum sloshing around but also a softer layer of fat beneath his sweaty skin.
"I definitely feel less bloated now," said Jared with a grin, "you guys should try it" he said to the rest of the guys.
Aaron looked up and noticed Jared’s balls were normal sized now. Jared also looked like he… had lost weight? How was that possible? He looked like he was back to his toned, muscular body that he had before break. But Aaron was still in too much of a daze to think much more about it. He wanted to cum himself but his belly was too tight to focus.
The other boys all looked hesitant but something told Aaron that they all wanted to fuck him and unload their cum in him just like their team captain did.
Part two
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mediumgayitalian · 3 months
fic rec friday 6
hi!! welcome to fic rec friday. every week, i pick five fics i have bookmarked and rec them with a little review. check them out!
Will and Nico Sitting in a Tree by percyspandapillowpet
Nico rolls his eyes. “Can’t believe I used to have a crush on that guy,” he mumbles, and then immediately covers his mouth. Oh gods. “What—what?” Will asks. “You what?” Nico turns away, burying his face in his hands. “I—I said that out loud, didn’t I?”
this one made me giggle oblivious nico always does. "Like absolutely clueless sons of Hades" yes you tell him will!! will is such a brat w the biggest eyeroll problem in the world i adore him. i know he has literally strained his ocular muscles before
2. (Im)perfect by percysandapillowpet
He was thankful his suit was black, because he was starting to sweat through it. His stomach wasn’t holding up well, either. He hadn’t eaten anything in hours, but he felt like he was going to throw up any second. He stood in the bathroom still, now holding a wet cloth to his forehead. His hand was shaking, causing the water to drip down his sleeve. Why was he so nervous?
i am weak for proposal fics and have been my whole life. 'marriage is an instituation' blah blah blah. its FUN. i LIKE READING IT. and this was CUTE AS HELL. the namebadge especially was the cutest ever touch truly
3. As Long as I'm Getting Paid by percyspandapillowpet
Nico raised his eyebrows, using his shoulder to hold the door open. “Hi. What do you want.” Will smiled, but he shifted his feet. “Can’t a friend just stop by and say hi?” “No,” Nico replied. He then moved to close the door and retreat back into his cabin, but Will lunged forward and caught it. “Wait!”
walking up the scary badass to kill the spider will never not be funny. like yes of course befriending the most dramatic kids in camp will have dire consequences for nico and those consequences will involve waking up at odd hours in the night to do the Dumbest thing possible ever
4. Two Boys, Being Straight, Doing Straight Things by percyspandapillowpet
“Remember, dessert makes her sleepy. She’ll be out by seven-thirty, and we’ll have the rest of the evening to ourselves.” “Fair point,” Ms. Solace says, handing Will and Nico each a pie wrapped in tinfoil. “We can probably hold out til then.” Will glances at the clock above the stove. “One more hour.” He glances at Nico with a grin. “And then we can be gay again.”
i love this fckn series i have to have read it like fourteen times. i love seeing them gay and older and disastrous. and this whole concept of having to pretend to be straight for wills dumbass homophobic grandma will never not be funny
5. Even If It's Forever by @wintersky101
Nico doesn’t like to be touched. Will respects that, of course, even though he’s got a lot of hugs he wants to give him. Sometimes, though, Nico doesn’t mind, and those are some of the moments Will likes best. Or, five times Will didn’t touch his boyfriend, and one time he did.
this was such a soft and wonderful character study. the soft slow build and determined communication...yeah this fic was written with such care and you can tell
thank you for joining me this friday!! happy reading!!
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wangxianficrecs · 3 months
The Winner Takes It All by YilingSani
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The Winner Takes It All
by YilingSani (@yiling-sani)
M, 46k, Wangxian
Summary: "Wei Ying doesn't know why he ended up on this exact island. All he knows is that he's scared, alone and hungry. And with a child." ----- 18 years later Wei Yuan has grown into a proper young man, helping his Baba to run the hotel on the island. On the week of his wedding, Wei Yuan comes across Wei Ying's diary and decides to invite the man mentioned in it to the island, unaware of the consequences it will bring. Kay's comments: I never knew that I needed a MDZS Mamma Mia AU until I started reading this story. I have never even watched Mamma Mia (I know, shame on me, what kind of gay even am I), but I was so hooked on this story. So hooked in fact, that I read it first as it was published as a thread fic and then once again once it updated on AO3 and I could still hardly wait for the updates. The drama, the heartbreak, the angst, the found family! All of it was such a delight. The angst hit especially hard in this story and for the longest time, as a reader, you're wondering whether you even want Wei Ying and Lan Zhan to get back together again, but it all works out in the end without being a magical fix-it. Highly recommended. Excerpt: Granny Wen extends a hand to brush away a strand from the young man's face, but the moment her fingers touch his forehead, she feels the heat coming from the boy. He's running a fever. It would be inhuman to leave the boy to fate, so Granny Wen nudges him awake. Once the silver eyes open, they immediately fill with fear, and the boy draws deep into the corner, looking like a frightened deer. "It's alright," the woman speaks softly. "I won't hurt you." The silver eyes are puffy and red-rimmed - it's clear that the young man has cried himself to sleep. "It's alright," Granny Wen repeats. "You’re safe. I’m Granny Wen. What's your name?" "W-Wei Ying," the boy's voice is hoarse, his throat dry as a dessert. "Are you from the mainland?" she asks the next question, and the boy nods. She notices how the boy's hands are placed protectively on his belly and she frowns. "How old are you?" "Seventeen." Seventeen.
pov alternating, modern setting, modern no powers, mpreg, single parent wei wuxian, inspired by mamma mia!, one night stands, first time, unplanned pregnancy, traumatic childbirth, post-traumatic stress disorder, ptsd, illnesses, chronic illness, teen pregnancy, panic attacks, angst with a happy ending, emotional hurt/comfort, families of choice, no jiang cheng & wei wuxian reconciliation, background character death
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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echovelvet278 · 7 months
Stinky Wants a Taste of Brad
(continuation of Fatso's New Bubble Butt)
“Hehe yeah Stinky you shoulda seen me in that fleshy, I was smokin!”, Fatso giggled. “Well ya gotta let me try him out! I wanna have a taste Fatso!”, Stinky replied. 
It’s been a few weeks since Fatso had his fun inside Brad. He ended up being one of Fatso’s favorite fleshies and couldn’t get Brad off his mind. 
“No can do Stinky, I’m keepin’ Brad all for myself hahah”, Fatso declared with a mischievous grin. “I’ll show you him though, and you can watch me hop inside how bout that”, he continued. With a groan, Stinky responded, “No fair. But okay… let’s give ol’ Brad a visit shall we?”. With that, Stinky followed Fatso as they flew over to Brad’s apartment. 
Meanwhile at Brad’s apartment… 
“Babe please I don’t know what happened to me, I literally don’t remember fucking a man? I’m not even gay I’d never do that?!”, Brad said while on the phone with his ex-girlfriend. 
“Oh please stop with the lying, how many times do I have to tell you that I saw you with my own damn eyes! And you weren’t even shocked when I walked in!”, she responded. 
Brad replies, “I’m telling you the truth! I woke up butt naked on the floor covered in jizz, maybe that guy broke in and knocked me out I have no idea?! I love you babe, I’d never fuck anyone else!”.
Brad pleaded again, ”Please, I can make it up to you!"
"Oh yeah? How’s that, hm?" she retorted.
A spark of excitement lit up Brad's eyes. "Meet me at my apartment in 2 hours; it’ll be a nice surprise!" he exclaimed with genuine enthusiasm.
"Okay fine, but this doesn’t mean we’re back together," she warned as she hangs up.
In Brad's kitchen, he was on a mission – chopping veggies, tossing herbs, and turning the joint into a homemade pasta sauce that smelled like heaven. And if that wasn't enough, he dived into making a wicked chocolate fondue for dessert. The whole place was a mix of savory and sweet, and Brad couldn't help but taste-test, knowing he was cooking up something special for her.
With the grub in the works, Brad tackled the apartment vibe. He queued up some smooth jazz, not too loud but enough to set the mood. Candles were everywhere, giving off a chill glow, and he threw together a cute table with flowers as the finishing touch. The whole scene screamed "I put thought into this." Brad stepped back, gave a nod of approval, crossing his fingers that this combo of tasty eats and a cozy setup would make her want to get back together with him.
Phasing through the walls of Brad's place, Stinky and Fatso found themselves smack in the middle of a cooking show. Brad was in full chef mode, making the kitchen smell like a foodie's dream. The ghostly duo went invisible and floated to a corner and observed him.
“Mmmm hubba hubba, Brad looks as delicious as ever!” Fatso exclaimed. “And look at all the food he made, all for me hehehe”, he giggled. 
“Man Fatso you were right, he’s sexy as hell!” Stinky said. 
“Told ya. Now just sit back and enjoy the show!” Fatso replied with a mischievous grin and immediately flew towards the chocolate fondue and phased into it. 
“She’s gonna love this!” Brad smiled admiring his work. All the sudden the fondue started bubbling viscously. “What the hell?” Brad said confused as he walked over to it. 
Scratching his head, Brad eyed the bubbly fondue skeptically. "Okay, this is definitely not supposed to be happening," he muttered while he brought his face closer to it. As he grabbed a spoon to investigate, Fatso, now within the chocolate mix, couldn't resist a cheeky remark.
"Heh, hope you like your fondue with a touch of ghostly ecto, Brad!" Fatso's voice boomed as his head popped out of the fondue. “What the FUCK?!”, Brad yelled. Just as he opened his mouth to scream, Fatso pulled his fat ghostly body out of the fondue and flew straight for his open mouth. “Comin’ through braddy-boy!”, he yelled before his head plopped into Brad’s mouth. “MMmmph!” came out of Brad’s mouth as it was stuffed with Fatso. Brad was backing up as Fatso fit more and more of his body inside Brad’s mouth and down his throat. Eventually he backed into his couch which caused him to fall and sit down on it. 
Brad moaned as the last bit of Fatso’s tail slurped into his mouth with a *fwwoop*. Brad’s body immediately started shaking and jiggling on the couch as Fatso started taking over. His limbs flew out and in as Fatso inflated into them. While this was going on, Stinky appeared above them and smiled. “It’s always nice watching a sexy fleshy get possessed hahah”, he cackled. But what Fatso didn’t know was that Stinky had his own plan. 
As Fatso was busy trying to possess Brad, Stinky flew down and pulled down Brad’s pants and underwear, revealing his juicy dick and jiggling balls. “Mmmm those look delicious fleshy! I don’t care what Fatso said, I NEED to have a taste!”, he exclaimed before diving straight for his cock and sliding up his dick slit. Brad’s body was still shaking as Fatso was taking over. Once Stinky got all the way inside, he sabotaged Fatso’s possession attempt.
“Stinky?! What are you doing in here? He’s mine!”, Fatso shouted.  
“Sorry Fatso but Brad was just too good to pass up, you’re gonna have to share!”, Stinky replied with a mischievous tone.
Stinky started overpowering Fatso and began to shove him down away from Brad’s head towards his crotch. A gigantic bulge moved downwards, as his pecs inflated then deflated, and continued downwards inflating then deflating his stomach, and finally moving down into Brad’s dick and balls, making them huge. As Fatso’s body shifted, Stinky took the opportunity to fully take over. 
Brad’s body, still shaking, was lifted off the couch as his muscles were spasming, legs flailing, dick and balls jiggling. Suddenly a loud *boom* sound was heard as Brad’s body stopped shaking, and his head lifted with a grin. 
“Ahhhh oh yeah baby”, Stinky moaned, fully in control of Brad. He quickly took off Brad’s shirt, leaving him fully naked in the middle of the living room. He walked into the bathroom in front of the mirror and admired his naked body in all its glory. Suddenly his cock and balls jiggled slightly, bringing his attention to them.
“Damn it Stinky, you’re so wrong for that!” Fatso said inside Brad’s inflated crotch. “I always get the fat guy so I just wanted to have a thin fleshy all to myself!”, he continued. 
“Haha sorry Fatso, maybe next time! Just enjoy the ride down there, it’ll be great!”, Stinky replied as he gripped his gigantic fatso-filled cock and balls.
Stinky noticed the shower was on. Looks like Brad was getting ready to hop in, luckily it was already all nice and hot. As Stinky stepped inside, he moaned as he felt the hot water cover his body. “Ahhh this feels great fleshy!”, he says as he feels up his muscles. 
“Ya know what Stinky, it does feel pretty nice in here hehe”, Fatso giggles as he gets more comfortable being situated inside Brad’s crotch. He stops tensing his body as it relaxes, causing Brad’s cock and balls to bulge out more, while some of his ectoplasm briefly slips into his ass making it inflate for a sec. Stinky spends the next few minutes enjoying having full control over Brad. 
It was a bit squishy for Fatso, so eventually part of his tail slips out of Brad’s dick, before Fatso sucks it back in with a *pop*. Stinky giggles while turning off the shower, grabbing a towel, and walking out. He dries himself off and walks into the living room, immediately being hit with the aroma of the delicious food Brad made earlier.
“Mmm YUMBO! We gotta taste that grub Stinky!”, Fatso said from Brad’s cock. 
“Hmmm fine, but right after I wanna play with this guy’s dick. Plus, you’re making it extra nice and thick, big guy!” Stinky explained. 
Stinky walks their body to the food and starts shoving handfuls of it down his throat. “This tastes amazing!”, Stinky says. “Mmmm it really does! This fleshy knows how to cook hahah” Fatso laughs. Even though he’s not in control, he can still taste and feel everything Stinky does.
After a few more minutes of stuffing his face, Stinky eyes the fondue. He grabs the bowl and brings it over to the couch. He sits down and pours the chocolate all over his naked body. It coats his meaty pecs and inflated crotch as it drips down is thighs and legs. His cock quickly inflates into a hard on, prompting Stinky to grip it tight as he begins to stroke it.
“Oh fuck yes!”, Stinky moans as he strokes his dick, using the chocolate as lube. It feels especially good for Fatso, since he’s the one directly inside it. “Ughh hell yeah Stinky this feels incredible!”, Fatso says as Stinky strokes.
After a little over an hour of edging, Stinky and Fatso’s cock bulges before it starts spewing a mix of fatso’s ectoplasm and Brad’s cum all over their body and the floor, getting mixed with the chocolate fondue. Stinky scoops it off his chocolate covered chest and licks it all up. 
“Wow! Who woulda thought this combination would taste so amazing!” Stinky said as he swallowed. 
Suddenly they hear a knock at the door. 
“I wonder who that is? Maybe it’s one of his sexy fleshy friends hahah” Fatso giggles. They get up off the couch, covered in cum and chocolate, and walk to the door and open it. 
“Hey Br-… what the FUCK?!”, Brad’s girlfriend says as she sees Brad naked, semi-hard, and covered in chocolate and his manly spunk. 
“Who the hell are you fleshy?” Stinky asks her.
“What the hell do you mean? Why the fuck are you covered in chocolate? You’re disgusting!” she yells.
“It’s not that bad bone bag! Come on, give it a taste, it’s incredible!”, Stinky says as he scoops another chunk of the chocolate-spunk mixture off his dick and puts it towards her mouth. 
“Eww gross! Get away from me you freak!” she yells as she pushes his hand away and backs up. “I knew this was gonna be stupid! Don’t ever call me again, we’re done!”, she exclaims.
“Ohh Stinky I forgot, that’s Brad’s girl-.. sorry ex-girlfriend. I remember her from last time hahah”, Fatso tells Stinky.
“Ohh gotcha!”, Stinky replies.
“Sorry lady, this sexy ass is reserved for dick haha”, Stinky cackles as he turns around and spreads his cheeks showing his hole. A huge puff of his stench poofs out of it right into her face making her gag. She quickly runs away with a trail of Stinky’s stench following her.
Stinky and Fatso laugh together as they shut the door. “Speaking of dick, we need to get this ass plowed before the night ends!” Stinky tells Fatso.
“Agreed!”, Fatso replies as he recharges Brad’s cock and balls again, making his dick reach full mast, reaching a whopping 10 inches. This prompts Stinky to download grindr on Brad’s phone… again. 
To be continued?...
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romanarose · 6 days
Lil Bit O'Cream
Santiago Garcia x Fat!Francisco Morales
Masterlist : Triple Frontier Masterlist (full of plenty of gay shit)
For week 4 of my Oscar Pedro Pride Event Week 4, Food, Fashion Fun if the theme!
To celbrate my dear friend @beefrobeefcal !!! Happy one year of your blog my pal!!!! I love you so much, thank you for all you do to spreadyt he fat p-boys agenda!
Summery: Frankie doesn't think he deserve extra whipped cream, Santi proves him wrong.
Warnings: Food play, making out, illusions to sex. Body insecurity, Remains 18+ even if we don't get down and dirty!
Hosier referece in there for you sluts.
Devider by @nekokabuuuri
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Dinner went well.
It was dessert of straweberries and cream that got Frankie in trouble.
Frankie had noticed that since dating Santiago, he had gained a little weight... And by a litttle, it was a lot. There was so much wasted time, so many years he and Santi missed out of together, they spent the time they had just... Being, having fun. They ate a lot of food... Frankei always knew Santi could cook but damn.
What was frustrating was how Frankie seemed to gain and gain and gain and no matter the chilles rellenos and barracho Santiago ate, he remained the same. Little bit of softness, but overall fit. Frankie was never that fit. In the air force, he always struggled to keeo up with fitness regiments and as soon as he got out he stopped trying too hard. He had to keep a certain level of fitness for a while... but that wained as Santiago's calls for missions did.
Then Colombia happened, and Frankie never wanted to go on another godforsaken mission again, lest he lose Ben, Will or Santi, or leave his daughter without a dad.
Santiago went radio silent for months, no one heard a single word... And then one day, he showed up again at his doorstep, and suddenly lips were on Frankie's before they made it inside the door.
Now, where he was worried about his daughter not having a dad, she had two.
She was away with her mom for the week, leaving Santi and Frankie with some alone time. Alone time Frankie was not that eager to get into. It wasn't that he didn't want Santi. He did, he really fucking did. Sex with Santi was incredible, and it had been a few weeks due to the rush of life... but Frankie was now accutely aware of his weight gain after his last pair of jeans busting a button. He didn't want to take his shirt off to find Santi no longer wanted him.
Dinner was done at the table with a few candles with Our Lady of Guatelupe and Martin De Porres staring at them, housewarming gifts from Frankie's mother to show her support for the couple.
For dessert, Santi sat Frankie down at the couch, put on Breaking Bad, and soon joined him with strawberries and and can of whipped cream. Frankie panicked. He did not need whipped cream right now as his stomach folded over the wasteband of his sweats.
"Um, I'll just take the strawberries, no whipped cream." He requested as Santi's ass bounced as he sat down on their couch.
His partner turned to him, a brow raised. "What? No whipped cream? The strawberrie are just an excuse to eat the whipped cream in the first place."
He was onto him. Frankie resisted the urge to run his fingers through his hair; Will had informed him once that this little habit was a tell when he was uncomfortable and/or lying. "Well, you know me. Whiskey neat, coffee black. It's too sweet for me."
Frowning now, Santi set down the bowl, still grasping the tin can of spray cream. "Frank, you slurped down an iced Caramel machiatto in record time today."
"It was sugar free!"
His eyes widened as he connected the dots, then his face softened. "You wanna tell me what's going on?"
Frankie sighed. "Fine." He slouched in the couch, stomach protruding out. "I just think if I'm gonna eat whipped cream, I should probably earn it."
"Earn it?"
"Yeah, you know, like going for a run or something."
Santi burst into laughter, "A run? Fish, you haven’t run since Lorea's men shot a gun at your ass."
Huffing, Frankie tries to get up as his face flushes, burning at the embaressment of his lover acknowleging his sedentary lifestyle, but Santi's hand catches him.
"Hey, hey now, I'm sorry. That was rude." His voice was sincier, pulling Frankie down to the couch again. Frankie still wouldn't look at him, staring instead at the strawberries on the table while the bad is breaking on the tv in front of him. "Talk to me, baby."
Face on fire, the older man just mumbles. "I got fat."
He expects Santi to deny it, to say no, you havn't you look just the same. That would make him feel worse, the idea that he was fat and sensitive enough he needed to be lied to. But Santi knew that, because Santi knew him. He shrugs.
"I love the way you look. It suits you. I always enjoyed the fact you had meat on you. I honestly feel don't even notice much, it just feels like this is how you were meant to be."
Now the warmth on his skin was a nicer form. "But... I mean, I get that people like dad bods or whatever, but this is beyond that. It's not a beer belly, I'm just fat."
Santi nods. "I know, and I still think you look great like this. But, what I think isn't really important, although I'm happy to boost your spirits and tell you I think you're hot." He punctuated his point with a pat to Frankie's tummy. "The important part, is how do you feel?"
He considers this for a while, thinking earnestly. He doesn't stare at himself in the mirror hating his body. He doesn't find it's hard to do tasks he enjoys, like running around with his little girl or... activities... with Santi. He can still fit comfortably in the pilots seat even if his uniform has gone up... a few times. He doesn't need a seatbelt extender but he doesn't think he'd mind one. He can happily do the things he loves and although he's not exactly admiring his form, he doesn't hate it.
"I feel like... Like I shouldn't like it. I'm fat, Im supossed to want to-"
Santi stopped him by squishing his cheeks. "I didn't ask how you should feel, amor. I asked how you actually feel."
When Santi let go (after squeezing his cheeks enought to make his lips puff out and planting a kiss) Frankie answered. "Neutral, I guess. I don't pay much attention to it but... I'm comfortable."
Santi begins to smile at that. "Bien. And do you want to lose weight? Because I'll help you, I'll diet with you-"
"No!" Frankie responded, all too quickly, eyes wide enough to make Santi laugh. "I... I like how you look. a lot. Especially your ass."
Grinning his shit eating grin, Santi climbed up to straddle Frankie's stomach and lap, whipped cream still in hand. "Good, because I like your ass too, Fish." His voice drops lower, sultry and suggestive. "So, are you gonna let me feed you whipped cream?"
Frankie felt much better, grabbing that ass of Santi's that he loves so much and matching the energy, "I'll feed you some cream"
"Fucking idioto" Santi grumbles before his lips crashed into Frankie's, devouring him in a kiss, licking into his mouth like there was already something to eat. He raised the whiped cream can, taking it to Frank's mouth and spraying it until the white overflowed his mouth, dribbling out the sides and down chin. When he went back to sloppy making out, the impact to his face caused whipped cream to go everywhere, their tongues finding each other in the cloud of white while Santiago ground his hips against the swelling length in his grey sweats. Santi felt Frankie's fat stomach roll against his, running his hands over every bit of flab he could get his hands on.
Santiago absolutly adored how his boyfriend looked, drinking in his body every time he stepped out of the shower, how big he was, how thick fucking everywhere. He loved how, when Frank topped him, he could feel his other half's stomach on his lower back and ass, how he could hear the slap of skin to skin other than from thigh to ass. He loved sucking him off and bobbing up to kiss the low-hanging tummy. He loved hugging him and the way his finger tips barely touched. He loved him so goddamn much.
As soon as Frank's shirt was off, whipped cream was on his chest. Santiago lapped all over him, swirling his tongue around his nipples while palming the erection. He'd never heard Frankie so... Loud. Frank maybe be neutral about his body, may be unaccfected and comfortable now that he was certain that Santiago was more than still attracted...
But as Franks moans grew louder, his cock twitching in Santi's right hand while the left cupped his pudgy face... His goal was to make Frankie love the body he was in.
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Hope you enjoy my gay shit!!!!
Follow @romana-updates to keep up with my works, and follow or check out #OscarPedroPrideEvent2024 here for othercool works! plenty of time to participate if you desire, lots of fun themes!!
Follow my dear @beefrobeefcal for more fat pedro content!!! Her dark frankie is *chefs kiss* (pun intended if you read the story)
Like fat/ chubby frankie? Like dark? come read Room's on Fire !!
Love you all!
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127luvr · 3 months
SOOO i just reqd the jaemin smau AND i have thoughts (as a jaemin and sungchan ULT STAN GAY EUEUEUEUE)
so uhm everyone knows jaemin and yn will be tgt lile thats the fic BUT i have big inclination that shotaro will yes might be the reason chanyn will break up but i feel like shotaro wont go back to sungchan cause duh career hello SOOOO
can i request a sungchan x male reader story 🫶🫶 which could or could not be continuing this like later on after jaemyn is a thing so imagine regular new yn and he actually really liked sungchan ever since sungchan served him one time so he goes to the cafe hoping he sees him everytime so the one week he constantly see him gone yn asks jaemin's yn where he is and jaemin's yn basically become the bridge for sungchan's yn to be with sungchan
(so just imagine sungchan's yn that has a tissue paper ready with his socials and saying you're cute cause sungchan had given him too much change prior and he waited for the whole week and got impatient so he just gave it to jaemin's yn forgetting the tissue paper with the change so jaemin's yn give it to sungchan)
(you dont have to write this in the story im just brain farting but sungchan's yn being hopeful romantic that is also no boyfriend since birth and sungchan even though moving on and befriending his exes still is adamant in finding love is just UGHHH like i need sungchan to have a happy ending I NEED MY MAN TO HAVE A HAPPY ENDING IN EVERY AU </3)
love 119 ✶𓏲ּ꩜ .ᐟ
jung sungchan x male reader
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in which y/n finds himself in the My Love Mine all Mine alternate universe, but he doesn't mind it.
it's been a month since you stepped into the luna cafe. a month since you sat at the first table you saw--closest to the service counter. a month since you held your head in your hands, elbows digging into hard surface below you--trying to dig into the wood and fall through it. a month since sungchan sat across from you with your favorite drink in his hands.
you ignore the way the liquid spills out from the bottom of the lid and onto the table. laser-focused on the man in front of you. you've never seen a face like his back home--with a deer-like charm. tall nose paired with full lips and brown hair that falls over his eyes like he's the boy-next-door. he sits across from you with a certain familiarity in his eyes, a soft smile gracing his lips when the two of you make eye contact.
"i thought you were off today, y/n?" he throws his arms on the table casually, like he knows you. like he's comfortable with you but you pull yourself back, pressing your body as far as you could to your cushioned chair. sungchan gives you a puzzled look, his lips thinning into somewhat of a frown. "what's wrong?"
"do i know you?"
sungchan freezes, his hands placed flat against the table that separates you from him. and he finally notices your clothes. clothes that he knows his y/n doesn't own. he takes a second to get a good look, noticing the way your hair is parted differently. your lips a little asymmetrical--the mole that was on his y/n now on the opposite side of your face.
"i'm so sorry! i thought you were my friend for a minute. you guys look eerily similar." he takes one last look before he pulls himself off of the chair, dusting his apron off awkwardly before bowing his head in an apologetic manner. he leaves the drink with you, even pushing it towards your timid fingers as another apology. "what's your favorite dessert? it's on the house for any inconvenience."
it has been four mondays since your initial meeting with sungchan. four mondays in a row where you've stepped foot in the same cafe--at the same time on-the-dot as the first monday. so far, it's to no avail. it seems that the closer you try and get to sungchan, the further away he was.
your second visit to the cafe, you encountered this world's you. it wasn't like looking in the mirror. it was uncanny--uncomfortable--as you stared at your own face. heard your own voice. reacted to your own mannerisms. this y/n brushed it off, choosing to chalk it up to pure coincidence even with playful nudging that came from his coworkers.
although the two of you were the same, this y/n was far more extroverted. he was always surrounded by friendly coworkers at the cafe--always stealing glances at the white-haired man that sat at the booth with a clear view of the counter. he took his breaks with him, sitting with his head on his shoulder, (h/c) locks sprawled all over his shirt. the white haired man never looked away from him, always attentive even with his work sitting in front of him.
you learned his name on your third visit--jaemin. you never knew you could be so jealous of yourself. bitter at the way this (y/n)'s mouth couldn't help but form a smile every time he uttered jaemin's name. it was a foreign feeling. watching yourself be affectionate with another man.
you've lived your whole life without a significant other. you could continue living without one but experiencing unrequited love your whole life was grueling. all you wanted to do was hold hands with someone who liked you just as much as you liked him.
by your fourth visit, you grew tired of waiting for sungchan. tired of watching this (y/n) and his jaemin touch all over each other. you were determined to get into contact with sungchan again, preparing a piece of paper with your social media handles and phone number just in case he was more comfortable with either one of them.
"can you give this to sungchan, please?" you wipe your clammy hands on your blue jeans, handing this (y/n) your cash and your torn piece of paper. he gives you a crooked grin, paying more attention to the writing on the paper instead of your change. "i haven't seen him since that first meeting, but i can't get him out of my mind. i know it's stupid--"
"no! no! it's about time. you won't shut up about him and he won't shut up about you. it's just unlucky you always come in when he's not here." (y/n) folds the paper in front of you neatly, placing in his wallet carefully. "i'll protect this with my life."
"thanks, (y/n)."
sungchan doesn't wait long to text you, eager when he receives a picture of your number from (y/n).
you can't help but smile at the unknown number on your phone. you can hear his voice through the letters on the screen, his messages sounding just like his speech in real life.
hey, y/n!
(it's sungchan btw......)
do you have a nickname? i might confuse you and the other y/n.
so weird! you both look the same and have the same name, are you the evil doppelgänger?
no, maybe he is 🤔. haha!
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edwinspaynes · 5 months
share your hcs about Anna please! :D
I'll give you some Anna and Matthew headcanons because that's what I've got! It's the primary context through which I think about Anna, lol, so.
They try out new clubs and salons every month and see which ones they like. The Hell Ruelle may be their favorite, but they have other haunts, too.
Matthew constantly lends Anna nice clothes to wear out, and she lends him some periodically, too, when they fit. She has all of her men's costumes tailored to frame her curves better, and this leads to them not always fitting Matthew's masculine frame.
They have tea and gossip about everyone in London once a week.
Anna is one of the first people Matthew came out to, and Matthew is one of the first people that Anna came out to.
Anna was always trying to warn Matthew away from certain men and women that she knew wouldn't treat him properly, but this just gave him fuel for his self-destructive tendencies. She never figured it out.
She definitely yelled at Kellington once or twice.
Every time Matthew had some passion that didn't pan out, Anna would show up at his door with a Charlotte Russe cake (canonically Matthew's favourite dessert per an old newsletter). They would each grab a fork and eat it straight from the tray, no slicing necessary.
Matthew admires Anna because of her "hardness" and seeming inability to get a broken heart. Matthew always has a broken heart. It feels like an impossibility to him. Little does he know...
Matthew helped Anna decorate her flat when she first moved in. He took the job very seriously and did all in his power to make the tiny space look aesthetically pleasing. He made sure there was a lot of natural light to bounce around the space and gave her old plush furniture from the Devil and his own house.
When Virginia Woolf gave Anna Percival, she didn't tell Matthew. Instead, she invited him over and put him in the entryway of her home. Matthew almost pissed himself and screamed bloody murder, but eventually thought it was a hilarious lark when he calmed down. He was proud of her.
Matthew would give Anna things that made her feel more masculine as a child. There's some canon basis here, what with him handing her menswear in EET. But like, if there was a party with "boy favors" and "girl favors," he'd trade with Anna. It was no problem for him - he secretly liked the frills and flowers anyway.
After ChoT, Matthew plans meticulous romantic dates for Ari and Anna. He lets Anna take all the credit, of course, and Ari swoons.
Matthew is Anna/Ari's first child's godparent.
Matthew and Anna go to Paris together every couple of years as adults. Even when they live far apart, they make it a point to meet there sometimes. Periodically, Thomas and Alastair come along, as do Ari and Matthew's partner. It's basically the Big Gay Club France Meetup. They have croissants.
Writing this out has made me remember how much I love their friendship, lol. Thank you.
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the-terukane-archives · 8 months
i have returned from war (studying for tests) and bear gifts (hcs)
royalty au: so like teru is the crown prince of the minamoto's kingdom while akane is his advisor/retainer who has a specific amount of time he must spend in servitude before he may leave. nene + aoi are maids (aoi and teru meet up sometimes to trade gossip and yearn in a pathetic gay way). akane and aoi grew close naturally as childhood friends again but this time he isnt obsessed they're just good friends (akane complains about how annoying teru is and he listens to aoi's woes and such)
here we go with the actual hcs!! -whenever they (terukane) are alone in a room together, they casually (very very casually) trade insults like it could be t: bitch ak: jerk t: moron ak: wh*re
but they both do it to unwind and neither of them take the insults seriously
-akane has been serving teru long enough (since akane was 13 and teru was 14 yes they have a one year age gap do not question me please and now, three years now akane has been serving) that he knows teru's particular needs and schedule at any time of day
-since teru and his father's party go off in the night to do exorcist crap akane takes this time to catch up with aoi and occasionally nene before turning in (ofc he's already done his tasks by then)
-when teru returns he sometimes finds a very nicely written note near secret places he visits (ex: the chef wasnt feeling quite so bitchy today and sent you some extra dessert. she said that she would attack me with her meat cleaver if i didnt get it to you while hot and fresh so you better enjoy this for all the trauma i have endured from her) with the promised plate of goods. other times its random items teru had vaguely mentioned wanting earlier in the week -one time they got into a really awful fight (even worse than usual) and then akane was back to treating teru with the coldest etiquette ever. teru was a pathetic wet cat when he and aoi had their bi-weekly discussion
-when teru was 14~15 he kinda went from being simply cute to reflecting the princely looks he will eventually obtain. but teru had an extremely awkward phase during this time. akane still laughs at him about it
-teru was akane's bi awakening, end of story
-akane initially had a small crush on teru when he first came to work for him. it went like
admiration/puppy love ---> disgust ---> acceptance ---> big ol crush -while teru's pipeline was more like
new toy---> okay maybe he's competent ----> there is a smidgen of a chance he may be cool -> yeah he makes me feel alive, what about it? that's GAY?? -> im screwed
-when mitsuba came to work at the castle akane saw him and kou buddying up and was like "damn little bro's got game"
-he would make fun of teru for that but a. he's got girls and some boys lining up to get a simple look at teru b. kou found out and swore him to secrecy
if this doesnt sound coherent, its not. you are completely right -princess carry anon (im eepy now goodbye)
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hangeslefteye · 1 year
This is a crack writing blog, therefore I present to you crack ideas (not a request) with our big sad boi S4 Reiner. What he needs isn't a typical soft caring bestie, but a caring yet somehow aggressive and threatening bestie. Marleyan noble reader here bc she has more privileges and can do whatever she wants :)
"As your friend it's my job to care for you, it's not like you can stop me anyways :)"
"Don't want me to treat you food and other things? Awww, too bad. You should've think twice before befriending me in the first place"
"I would've strangled someone for that, but since you're my bestie then you can get away with it"
"Magath and the other high ranking Marleyan soldiers aren't going to like it when I coddle you? Too bad, they don't have the money and status to do anything to me :)"
His bestie is creepy but she cares for him so yeah
AAAH this is a great idea thank youu <33 This week I was a little busy so it took me for a while to write but this is a great inspoo.I quite like the Noble! au yet I'm not very good at it I hope I caught well.Also even tho I thirst over Reiner madly I love the idea of gay bestie protecting the lesbian xD (Like ymir x reiner).The rest turned out to be something like that but not very spesific sooo use your imagination on real besties or friends to lovers ;)
As you sat on the hardened wood stool, air was filled with music,smoke and some people's bickerings or maybe laughter.Your eyes lightened up with a certain blond man entering the inn.''Reiii'' you yelled and got up from your seat to run to his arms.''Y/n'' he said as he hugged you a little hesistantly but you knew he missed you a lot too.
''I told you to don't come to internment zone'' he said as protective as always.''Well,If you'd like I can get them kicked out of inn?''you said innocently eyeing rest of the inn.He knew you could.With all the money and status of your family there wasn't anything you couldn't do and you weren't afraid to flaunt that.''You speak as if you didn't take enough attention already''he said and dragged you to upstairs where less people could see.
As you two sit he asked deadpanned''What brings you here?'' possibly recalling his old memories of you needing him.You batted your eyelashed innocently''Can't I just miss my friend?''He arched a brow at you.Knowing you so well.''What do you need of me''He asked bluntly.As you sighed and opened your mouth to talk you got interrupted by a waiter.Reiner just made an quick hand sign on he doesn't want anything but you called him back.After ordering pretty much everything on the menu you waved him off.Reiner looked at you in shock.''Oi,are you planning to eat all of these?'' he asked.''No I will just get a dessert,YOU will eat the rest''you told him somewhat bossily.You remembered back then him having a huge apetite but now he seemed to lost a lot of weight as if he didn't eat at all.You notted yourself to trouble someone certain over this.
''I'm not really hungry''he mumured as he tried to protest.''Yes you are''you shutted him fast and sharp.''T-thank you then''he said hesistanly.He knew it was pointless to argue you on that.''Don't,besties care for each other,no?''you said as sweet as you can.You both knew he couldn't stop you from whatever you wanted.He returned back to his blank stare.''Yeah talk about that'' he said sensing what's about to come.You sighed heavily before speaking up.''Look,we have the spring ball coming up and I need someone to accompany me''you looked at him expectingly.He approved you with a slight hum as he didn't get the idea.''You know that I don't want to go but my parents push it a lot''you kept going.But there wasn't even a thought behind his hazel eyes.''Reiner they will turn it into a debudente''you blurted out.
''Wait?What??''his eyes suddenly widened with shock.''Are you even interested in men?Like at all?''he looked at you with horror.''No,not like that.But what I think won't really matter''you smiled at him bitterly.''If I go with a man maybe they give up on setting me with someone else''you said thoughtfully.Honestly,you knew it was inevitable but you hoped you can earn some time.''If you came with me th-''he cut you swiftly.''Absolutely not.Can't you see my armband?''he hissed as he showed you the crimson piece of cloth.But that was it.İt was just a piece of cloth for you.''I don't care Rei.I just need someone that won't turn it to their advantage''You couldn't trust any other but Reiner.
''Look,if it's going to help you at all I would come.''he muttered.Your eyes lightened up with hope.''But I'd just be an another trouble for you.''he shook his head and sighed.''B-but Re-''you tried to disagree.''You seriously shouldn't be seen next to me y/n'' his eyes were looking into yours firmly like he wanted to shut it here.But you kept insisting.''Reiner please.I really need your help this time.''
You saw him getting lost in his thoughts silently as he considered.You could see the reason why he was still reluctant.Sadly, you knew how to get rid of it.''I can pay others enough to shut it.''You ABSOLUTELY needed to pay up if an Eldian was going to be seen next to you,a noble.Let alone the armored titan.This is going to be expensive,you thought.
He sighed as he finally surrendered.''Fine,I'll come''When you heard words coming out of his mouth you jumped to hug him tightly behind the table.''Thank you Reiii!!''you squeaked happily.''Magath will strangle me with his bare hands''he muffled.''He might if I don't first''you sat back to your chair.You seriously considered pressing Magath for a little.He was at least responsible for Reiner's extreme weight loss if not for his horrible mental state.Yeah,you absolutely had to trouble him over that.
''Huh?Why would you strangle me?''he asked.Sometimes you seriously couldn't believe his foolishness.But that's what you loved about him.''Because of refusing me you dumbass! Is this how you say no to a woman?''you decided to play along.''S-sorry.I was worried about you''he looked at you like a lost puppy.You really wanted to pinch his cheeks whenever he gave you this look.''Whatever,I'll let this one slide since you are my friend''you huffed.He was too precious for you to bully.
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notsocheezy · 2 months
Brain Curd #43 - Rerun Monday #3
Brain Curds are lightly edited flash fiction - practically first drafts - posted daily and sometimes written with the express intention of being terrible… but, you know, in an endearing way. With this rerun, I am now a full week ahead of schedule on these, which makes it much easier to remember which day it is. This piece got a lot of laughs in my old writing class - please enjoy.
“Mom, D-Dad…” Sarah stuttered. “I have something to tell you. It’s important.” She toyed with the peas on her dinner plate, staring at the little green ball roll around, running away from her fork. “I know it’s not what you were expecting of me, but…” She gulped. “I’m… straight.”
Mom began crying immediately, inconsolable. Dad put his arm around her, wiped the tears from her mustache, and adjusted his binder.
“I can’t say I’m surprised, Sarah,” Dad said. “Just disappointed.”
“Did you even try dating another woman?” Mom asked through tears.
“No, Mom. I was never really interested.”
“Maybe you’re just asexual!”
“I’m not asexual, Mom, I like boys!”
“Where did we go wrong?!?” She cried even harder, and her mascara ran down to stain her bleached goatee. Dad tried to be the reasonable one.
“Look…” he said. “I want you to know that we love you. We’ll always love you. You’ll always be our daughter. But we’ll be having none of this in our house.” He pulled a book out from the shelf next to the refrigerator. “I want you to read this.”
“But, Dad,” she protested. “I’ve read this book a million times! You used to read it to me as a kid!”
“Yeah, well, it seems like you’ve forgotten. Don’t you care about your mother?”
“Of course, but -”
“Then you’ll at least humor me. Read about the gay penguins again and then we’ll talk. Until then - no dessert, kiddo.”
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harleybeaumont · 1 year
Maxwell's Jolly Holiday Pt. 2
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Book - The Royal Romance AU
Pairings -Liam x Maxwell
Synopsis- This story gives a glimpse into Maxwell’s high school days at an all boys school where he joins the drama club and performs in his first play. This is set as a prequel to my fic, Unintentional, but can definitely be read as a standalone fic too! This ‘one shot’ has taken on a life of its own and will probably end up being 3 parts.
Warnings- swearing, some crude language, a few homophobic comments from bullies
Word count- 4,150
Catch up here.
Part 2 - Like Somethin’ is Brewin’, About to Begin
The following week was exhausting and exciting as Maxwell began rehearsal and studying his lines. He had made several new friends and actually had someone to sit with at lunch time. But all too soon it was time for his usual Sunday afternoon phone call/scolding from Bertrand. He had learned how to tune Bertrand out and just respond based on the tone of voice he was currently using. He lay on his bed, reading over his lines while Bertrand was using his ‘disappointed voice’. Max had completely checked out, robotically responding with “you’re right” and “I’ll try to work on that.”
After a while, Bertrand cleared his throat, “are you even listening to me?!”
“Hmm?” Max snapped back to attention, “I mean, yes, of course.”
“What was I saying?”
Max thought for a minute and stretched out on the bed, “you were talking about.. my grades?”
“Myyyyy stunning good looks?”
“Um… wait I remember! You were saying that the Duke of Karlington used his dessert spoon instead of his soup spoon?”
Bertrand stammered, “W-what sort of oddly specific blather is that?! And there is no way that a Duke would confuse a soup spoon with a dessert spoon! They aren't even beside one another on the place setting for goodness sake!!”
Max couldn’t help but chuckle, “Sorry, it just seemed like something you’d say.”
“Get serious. I didn’t send you to the most elite finishing school in Europe so you could fool around. I sent you so that you could grow up and learn to make something of yourself.”
“Ya right..” Max said under his breath.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“You sent me because you wanted to get rid of me.”
Bertrand heaved a long sigh, “not this again.”
“Everybody knows it! Why else would you send me to an all boys boarding school hours away from home? I was going to a perfectly good school in Ramsford and had decent grades and a ton of friends!”
Bertrand raised his voice, “To get you a proper education with no distractions!”
Maxwell sat up on the bed, gripping the phone tighter. “Distractions? What, like my friends?! You thought I’d fit in better with the snobs at this place?!”
Bertrand sighed again and Max could tell he was pinching the bridge of his nose the way their father always did when he was annoyed with him. “Maxwell, don't be ridiculous! I sent you to an all boys school because you are of a.. certain age, and being around females is distracting! Soon you’ll be driving and taking women out on dates.  I don’t want your budding hormones getting in the way of your education.”
Maxwell burst into laughter, “well you’re a few years too late on that one Bert.”
“What?! What do you mean?”
“Maybe you should've had this conversation with me when I was like.. twelve. I’m sixteen now, bro. The hormones have been running rampant for a while!” Max wiped a tear away as he continued to laugh, “And not to burst your bubble, but sending me to an all boys school was about the worst thing you could have done if you didn’t want me distracted!”
Bertrand was flabbergasted on the other line, “What are you saying? I don’t understand.”
“Are you really serious right now?”
“Maxwell, you know I hate when you do this. Just spit it out!”
Maxwell shook his head, “I’m gay, you idiot!”
Bertrand remained silent for a moment and scoffed, “Stop being foolish. This is not amusing.”
“Wow, thanks a lot for your support. I just came out to my brother and he calls me a fool. Good talk, Bertrand. Bye.”
“Wait! Wait!” Bertrand interrupted. “Why are you saying this? Are you trying to upset me?”
“I’m trying to point out what I thought had been painfully obvious for the past few years. I. Am. Gay.”
Bertrand once again went silent on the other line. So long so, that Maxwell thought he hung up. “Are you being serious, Maxwell? How can you be sure?”
Max ran a hand down his face and lay back on his pillows, “I don’t know how to tell you this any more clearly. I like boys. I am attracted to boys. I am not attracted to girls. Seriously, how did you not know this?”
“Well.. you’re still young. Maybe you just haven’t met the right girl yet. Maybe you’re just confused.”
“Don’t. Just.. no. Don’t do that.” The brothers remained silent for a long time until Max spoke up again. “I get it if you need some time to process or whatever, but I have to go.”
“Right. Uh, I’ll let you get back to studying,” Bertrand said quietly.
Feeling like he had nothing to lose at this point Max said, “Oh I’m not studying. I’m reading my lines. I auditioned for the school play, and I actually got one of the lead roles.”
“The school play? How will you have time to do your actual studies if you’re playing around on stage?!”
Max felt tears prick the corner of his eyes. He wasn’t sure why he assumed Bertrand would be proud of him. It’s not like Bertrand was ever proud of Max, but it still stung just the same. “Oh you didn’t know?! That’s just something that us gays do! Ya, once you come out, you have to audition for a school play. Bonus points if you get to kiss a guy on stage!”
“Maxwell..” Bertrand sighed.
Tears streamed down his cheeks, and even though he wanted to cry, he forced his words out. “No! I’m done talking to you! I don’t know why I ever assumed that you would approve of anything I do! Even when you’re not here to scold me on a daily basis, you still make me feel like shit!”
Maxwell hung up the phone and tossed it across the room. Putting his pillow over his face, he cried until he drifted into a dreamless sleep. 
Over the next few weeks, Max ignored any and all phone calls and texts from Bertrand, instead focusing completely on the play. He was amazed at how naturally it all came to him. He always knew he was good at dancing, but acting was like a hidden gem deep inside of him that had been unearthed. He loved it.
While in the lunchroom one day, Max, Eddie, and the other theater kids were talking animatedly about the upcoming play.
“So a couple of the chicks from the girls' school are coming to the next rehearsal," Eddie said, smacking on a carrot stick. “It’ll be like the real deal having everyone together on stage.”
“Oh that's great!” Max smiled. “I hope they’re nice.”
Just then, his phone vibrated repeatedly. He snuck it out of the pocket of his uniform pants and checked it under the table. Liam. It wasn’t like him to call in the middle of a school day. Hopefully nothing was wrong. Max leaned forward to answer the call as discreetly as possible.
“Hey Max!”
“What’s going on? Did something happen?!”
Liam chuckled, “Nothing’s wrong! Sorry if I worried you! I just wanted to tell you something.”
“Whew! Not gonna lie, I thought someone had died!!” Maxwell felt like he could finally breathe again. “So what’s up?” Maxwell felt a tap on his shoulder and when he spun around, his jaw dropped. “OMG! What are you doing here!?”
“Surprise!” Liam was standing before him with two palace guards on either side, scanning the room.
Maxwell jumped up and threw his arms around his best friend, holding him tightly. “It’s so good to see you!”
By that time, everyone in the cafeteria was turned to see Maxwell Beaumont hugging the Prince of their nation. Liam and Maxwell, however, only seemed to notice each other. Max grinned, looking him up and down. Liam seemed like he had gotten taller since the last time he saw him a few months ago, and his hair was longer and a little shaggier. He looked good. Really good. Max felt the butterflies return to his stomach in full force.
Liam grinned, “So I may have pulled some strings and gotten you relieved from your classes for the rest of the day.”
“Score!” Max beamed and pulled Liam down next to him at their table. He introduced Liam to his theater friends who were flabbergasted that the prince was actually talking to them. Eddie asked, “Why didn’t you tell us you’re friends with Prince Liam?”
Max shrugged, “It never came up!”
Eddie laughed, “Well damn.. I guess that’s true. You friends with any other nobles? The Queen of England perhaps?”
Max thought for a moment. “Well my brother is the Duke of Ramsford and I’m kind of acquainted with the Duchess of Lythikos, although she may or may not hate me-”
“Hold it, hold it..” Eddie froze. “Your brother is a Duke? So you’re noble too?!”
Max shrugged and the rest of the theater group gawked at him. Suddenly everyone around them was whispering and lobbing questions at the younger Beaumont. “Why didn’t you tell us? Are you rich? Are you gonna be a Duke one day? How big is your duchy? Do you have an arranged marriage?”
“Whoa guys, chill!” Max held up his hands attempting to calm everyone down. 
The next statement he heard made him sick to his stomach. “So that’s why he got the lead role.”
Maxwell turned around to see Jason, one of the boys who had teased him before his audition weeks ago. His mouth fell open, but he couldn’t make a sound. 
Eddie stood up and rolled his eyes. “Jason, fuck off.”
Jason got closer and stared down at Eddie who was about a foot shorter than him. “You wanna make me, nerd?”
Liam jumped up and held his hands in front of him, “Ok everyone, let's calm down.” His guards were mere inches away, ready to intervene if needed. “If there’s an issue here why don’t we try to solve it calmly?”
Jason scoffed, “Your Highness, I was simply pointing out that Beaumont clearly only got the lead role because he’s a Lord and best friends with you.” He rolled his eyes, “Do you know how many of us were there to audition? It’s not fair that we didn’t get an equal chance just because we're not noble.”
Eddie scowled at him, “You weren’t there to audition! You just wanted to hook up with the lead actress! And no one even knew Max was a noble then!”
“I'm sure the teachers did!” Jason said, “I think we should all get to audition again.”
“You don’t give a shit about this play!” Eddie raised his voice, “Stop being an asshole, just to be an asshole!”
“We’ll see what the parents think about this blatant favoritism the faculty is showing Beaumont. I know mine won’t be happy. They’ve donated lots of money to this school and how are they being repaid?”
Maxwell had reached his boiling point by then. He stood up and said, “Fine! If you want to audition, talk to Mr. Eldore, but there is no way you’ll get the part. You can't even remember to zip up your fly, much less memorize an entire script!”
Jason looked down at his open pants zipper and the theater group burst into laughter. He quickly zipped his pants and stormed away, still fuming. 
“That was fucking hilarious, man!” Eddie clapped Maxwell on the back. 
Maxwell felt a swell of pride. He wasn’t sure if that was the last he was going to hear about the whole Jason incident, but he shut him up and it felt great. 
“Now that that’s been taken care of..” Liam grinned ear to ear. “..I would love it if Max could show me around. I’ve never even been to school before. All I have are private tutors.” 
“Yes!” Maxwell took Liam’s hand and enthusiastically started leading him away. 
Liam chuckled and waved behind him to the theater group, “It was nice meeting all of you!”
Maxwell led Liam through the halls of his school, trying to ignore the whispers and stares of the other students who gawked at the Prince. He showed him his fencing club practice area, the stables where his horse resided, and a few of his classrooms. But Maxwell was most excited about showing Liam the theater. He pushed open the double doors and led him inside with a grin. “This is where the play is gonna be. We practice here every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday.”
Liam looked around the grand auditorium in wonder. “Too bad you aren’t practicing today. I’d love to see you up on stage.”
Max chuckled and actually felt himself blushing. “Really?”
“Duh!” Liam laughed and sat down in a front row seat. “Hey, why don’t you give me a little preview?”
“Now?!” Maxwell stepped back. “But there’s no music or any other people on stage or anything!”
“I'll go up with you!” Liam raced up the stairs and onto the stage. “Wow, it’s so big up here.. And open! I’d be terrified to be up here reciting lines in front of all those people.”
Maxwell climbed the steps and stood beside him, looking out at the hundreds of empty seats. “Well thanks for putting a new fear in my head!”
Liam grimaced, “Sorry.”
Maxwell burst out laughing and nudged his friend. “I’m joking. I don’t know why, but I actually love it. Weird, huh?”
They stood beside each other, taking in the beauty of the theater and Liam smiled, looking out ahead. “No. It’s not weird. Not for someone like you.”
Max was taken aback. Someone like him? “What do you mean?”
“I mean.. You’re just this amazing, fearless person. You’re so optimistic and funny and.. I really admire you.” 
Max turned to Liam, who was still staring ahead. His cheeks held a faint blush that made Maxwell's stomach flutter. “Wow. That’s the nicest thing anyone has probably ever said to me.”
Liam looked at him with a tender expression he had never seen before. “Well I mean it. Every word.”
Maxwell stepped closer. It was as if each of them were connected by a magnetic pull and fighting the attraction was futile. Liam’s chest was nearly touching his by now and Max swallowed hard. He felt his breath start to come quickly but the warm touch of Liam’s hand on his cheek stopped his heart completely. Liam leaned in until his forehead was touching Max’s and he tenderly stroked his jaw. “Max.. I.. I-”
A boom from the entrance to the auditorium caused them to split apart quickly. The doors had been thrown open and Mr. Eldore strode in wearing a grin. “My word, it’s true! Your Highness, I am thrilled to have you in our humble theater!”
Liam’s posture immediately changed back to the one Max had seen thousands of times before. He was in prince mode. “The pleasure is all mine. This theater is beautiful, and the architecture is just stunning..”
While Liam and Mr. Eldore were talking, Maxwell’s mind was racing a mile a minute. Liam had almost kissed him. Liam had almost kissed him.  Liam had almost kissed him! That’s what was about to happen, right? He fought the urge to lean over and ask one of Liam’s guards his opinion on the matter. No, that would be too weird. It was already weird enough that they had been right there and seen the whole thing. His palms were sweaty and he attempted to calm his heart rate before any attention was brought to him. 
Liam turned to Max with a grin, “I’m actually here visiting my dear friend, Maxwell Beaumont.”
Mr. Eldore looked delighted. “Your friend?! Well, I hope that means you will be attending the play in a couple months! We would be honored to have you in our theater. Of course the entire royal family is invited.”
Liam winked at Maxwell, “It’ll just be me and maybe another one of our mutual friends, but we’ll definitely be there opening night.”
“Well that is fantastic!” Mr. Eldore bowed. “Maxwell, you just let me know all the details and I will personally see to it that everything is perfect.”
“Thank you.” Liam smiled cordially as Mr. Eldore left the building and they were once again left alone. Well.. alone plus two guards.
Max shuffled his feet and smiled awkwardly at his friend. “I think I’ve shown you everything now.”
Liam put his hands in his pockets, grinning. “Well you haven’t shown me your bedroom.”
“M-my bedroom?!” Maxwell’s voice cracked like a prepubescent boy. He cleared his throat and nodded. “Right. Ya.. of course. My bedroom!”
“Unless you don’t want to.”
“No! No, I definitely want to take you to my bedroom!” Max felt his face grow hot. “No! I mean.. I mean I can definitely show it to you.. my room, I mean!”
The two of them chuckled awkwardly and Max tried to think of a good lie to cover for his dorkiness. “It’s just a little messy is all. Hope you don’t mind.”
“Nah. Your room is always messy, Beaumont! Has that ever stopped me before?” Liam teased and the boys laughed sincerely, thankful that some of the tension had cleared. 
Once they reached Maxwell's door, Liam turned to his guards. “Can you just stay outside?”
They looked at each other skeptically. Sam, the most senior guard, responded.  “Sir, no disrespect, but you are a seventeen year old boy. Your father has charged me with looking after your wellbeing. I cannot in good conscience let you go into Lord Beaumont’s bedroom without supervision.”
Liam flushed, “Oh my God, what do you think is going to happen in there?!”
The guards glanced at each other and Sam cleared his throat. “I.. uh..”
“Just do a sweep and let me have some time alone to catch up with my friend.” Liam looked at Sam pleadingly. “Please?”
After a moment considering, Sam nodded. Once the room had been cleared and the guards left, the boys sat on the bed together. The insinuation from the guards had left them feeling a little uncomfortable. Maxwell tried to break the tension. “Hey.. Why did the student eat his homework?”
Liam quirked an eyebrow and smiled. “Why?”
“Because the teacher told him it was a piece of cake!”
Liam laughed loudly, “That is so bad! And I love it!” Maxwell joined in and soon they were laughing uncontrollably, laying on Maxwell’s bed. Liam rolled over to face him. “You always make me laugh. Remember when you tried to do a roast at Olivia’s sweet sixteen?”
Maxwell groaned and covered his face, “First of all it was only 2 years ago, so of course I remember. And second of all, it was the day I was nearly murdered. One doesn’t usually forget that day.”
Liam chuckled, “Everyone was going up to the mic and wishing her happy birthday, then along comes Max with his note cards and just totally demolishes her!”
“Shut up!” Maxwell shoved Liam playfully. “I thought she’d like it!”
“You thought she’d like you asking how she manages to create a hairstyle that covers her horns?”
Maxwell laughed, “Drake liked it!”
2 years ago:
Liam had just taken his turn at the mic in the ballroom of Lythikos, cordially wishing Olivia a happy birthday. Max was seated across from the small stage, not so patiently waiting for his turn. He shuffled the note cards in his hand with a grin. This was going to be great. Olivia was surely tired of all the generic birthday wishes, but HE was going to give her something to remember.
He sauntered on stage and winked at Bertrand, who for some reason looked nervous by the gesture. Little did Bertrand know that Max was about to have everyone in this room rolling with laughter. 
Maxwell tapped the microphone and smiled. “Good evening, good evening. Well I’m happy to be here in Lythikos - the land of ice and snow. The only duchy in Cordonia where the temperature outside matches the temperature inside Olivia’s heart.”
Max waited, but was only met by a crowd of shocked faces. Ok, maybe that joke wasn’t the best, but he had more. He cleared his throat and flipped to the next card. “So it’s Olivia’s sixteenth birthday. Tell me, Liv, what's that in people years?”
A loud guffaw from the crowd caught his attention and he saw Drake holding a hand over his mouth, shoulders shaking as he attempted not to laugh. Liam was seated beside Drake, staring at Max wide eyed.
Hey, maybe this was good stuff after all. Drake never laughed but he was loving it! Feeling encouraged, Max flipped to the next card. “So Olivia I love your new hairstyle!” He turned to face her and grinned, “how did you manage to hide the horns?”
Once again the room was met by silence other than the boisterous laughter coming solely from Drake Walker. Surely everyone would get the jokes soon and then the whole room would be full of joy. He glanced over at Olivia and her face was as red as a tomato. Must be from holding in her laughter. He flipped to the next card. 
“Liv, there’s a saying that always reminds me of you: ‘Two wrongs don’t make a right.’ Take your parents for example.”
Drake continued to laugh and Bertrand whispered loudly, “Maxwell Percival Beaumont, get down here right now!”
Max leaned away from the mic to speak to his brother, “Don’t worry, the jokes are about to get better!” Max flipped to the next card and cleared his throat, “Speaking of parents.. Olivia’s parents are dead-”
Just then, the mic was ripped out of his hand by his brother. Bertrand forced a chuckle and spoke into the microphone. “Um, best wishes on your sixteenth birthday Lady Olivia. My brother and I are very grateful for the invite to your party but I’m afraid something urgent has come up and we must take our leave. Goodnight everyone.”
Bertrand quickly ushered Maxwell out of the ballroom and down an empty hallway before turning to face him. “ARE YOU INSANE!?”
“You used her birthday party to insult her? And you were about to ridicule her dead parents!”
Max shook his head. Of course Bertrand had no idea what comedy was. “It’s not insulting, it’s called a roast! It’s the highest honor you can give someone!”
Bertrand ran a hand down his face, “My God, Maxwell. We have to get out of here.”
Just then, the ballroom doors slammed and the sound of high heels stomping down the hallway grew closer and closer. Olivia rounded the corner, looking like a wild animal, and pointed at Maxwell. “YOU!!!”
“Run, brother!” Bertrand shouted and Max took off as fast as he could. Why was Olivia so angry? Maybe she needed someone to explain what a roast was, but Max wasn’t about to stop running to do so.
Eventually he gave her the slip and crammed himself in a dumbwaiter to hide. A terrifying hour later Olivia gave up hunting him and returned to the party. He and Bertand slipped out and weren’t invited to Lythikos ever again.
“I still don’t think she knows what a roast is!” Max chuckled and shook his head, laying next to Liam.
Liam laughed, “Maxwell Beaumont, you are the only person in the world brave enough or crazy enough to ‘roast’ Olivia Nevrakis.”
The two lay together in contented silence, simply enjoying each other’s company. “When do you have to leave?” Max asked quietly.
Liam sighed, “Soon probably.”
Maxwell felt his heart drop. “Oh.” 
Liam checked his watch with a frown. “I have a stupid meeting early tomorrow morning with Leo, my father, and the council. I have to start learning about amending treaties and other bullshit.”
“Well we have at least a few more minutes together.” Max turned over to face Liam and smiled, “Wanna hear some new music?”
Liam smiled, “Sure.”
Maxwell grabbed his phone and scrolled through to his newest favorite album. It wasn’t dance music like he usually favored, but had more of an indie romance vibe. Max closed his eyes, heavily in his feelings about listening to love songs next to Liam. His body was so close, Max could feel the warmth radiating from him and he was trying his best not to get too excited.. In more ways than one.
Suddenly he felt the soft, gentle warmth of Liam’s hand slide into his own. He opened his eyes abruptly and looked at his best friend. It was all he could do not to squeal with joy. The two shared a smile and lay together for the next half hour, hand in hand, enjoying the music and company, until Liam had to return home.
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dredshirtroberts · 1 year
God it's no wonder i never thought of my birthday as anything really special and have just been waiting for people to forget it's a thing for years. Fuck the reality of the situation dawned on me and my god is it depressing.
When your choice - the thing you pick to do because you want to and think it will be fun - for your EIGHTEENTH BIRTHDAY is a Southern Republican Leadership Convention and the only reason you can complain about it 13 years later is because your politics have changed so drastically (for the better, absolutely for the better do not get me wrong), something has gone deeply, deeply wrong in how your family has handled your birthday up to that point.
oh sure we did fun things over my birthday but it wasn't like I had requested we go on a 2 week trip across the country by minivan, mainly camping the whole way in early springtime, and the only reason we were in town to be able to go to the Washington National Art Museum was because my dad wanted to go to a weekend hockey camp, and that just so happened to be the same weekend when the hockey team my family rooted for actually fucking won a game to get into the Stanley Cup on *coincidence* like...
My sister always complained about what we did "for" my birthday, especially if it was something I specifically requested (like the Art Museum because if we're going to be there and i'm 16 and fucking really into art, i wanna go to the art museum because what the fuck else is there for me to choose from in April in Washington DC?). You know what we did for her birthday *at her request* multiple years in a row? Waterparks, Amusement parks, fancy dinners at her favorite restaurant. My mom *chose* to go on long family vacations over her birthday, it wasn't on accident and coincidental and because we were already going to be there, it was on purpose and the reason we were going was *for* her birthday (except that one year, when it was for my sister's choir opportunities but one year as opposed to *multiple instances.)* We went to the beach many many times for my dad's birthday. We always did things *they* wanted to do.
When I became "fun" to hang out with (read: I was old enough to drink alcohol with my parents), I did a sit and drink with my family at a local bar until my little sister drove us home. I went to the only gay bar in a 100 mile radius with my roommate and didn't even drink, and no one even really cared it was my birthday. I went out drinking with my parents, my aunt and her at the time boyfriend (now husband) and their frat buddy and we lost my aunt, my mother collapsed because she was too drunk and I had to half carry her to the corner where my sister was going to pick us up, and hand feed her chips my dad bought for her when he finally fucking caught up like fifteen minutes later after we told him it was time to go home.
My requests for my birthday were "Something small, at home, nothing fancy, just maybe if we could get steaks and potatoes and broccoli, and a fun dessert" because if I made a big fuss, it was always "oh well that's really expensive and we all know your sister is going to want a big ol' birthday and man we really can't plan for that, and boy the off season in springtime is a terrible time to do things huh? Except for when it's your mother who has an earlier birthday but that's obviously beside the point"
My birthday this past year, another "milestone" in my family were it for anyone else, was a complete disregard for my request of something small because I didn't want anything big. And I got ignored. At my own birthday. And told that my family doesn't believe what I tell them about myself. And judged and berated and the only reason any of that was saved was because my partner loves me and even though they lived far away at that time, they bothered to try and do something special for me, but only within the bounds of what i was comfortable with and that's all i wanted.
i cried because i hadn't gotten anything even close to that in over 2 decades. I didn't know i could *like* my birthday.
I am....I am so mad. I am furious. but also? mainly? I am just...
i'm really fucking sad. what the *fuck*.
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The Other Side of the Storm
Summary: Spencer & Luke are not out as a couple but have to attend the same FBI gala where a young, pretty agent insists on flirting with Luke. Misunderstandings and surprising reveals ensue.
Tags: relationship reveal, secret relationship, coming out, jealousy, caught, hurt/comfort, autistic spencer, angst with a happy ending, misunderstandings, found family, est. rel., cuddling & snuggling, domestic fluff
Pairing: Luke Alvez x Spencer Reid
Word Count: 2.7k
Masterlist // Read on AO3
Lets pretend I didn't just disappear for a couple of weeks bc I'm BACK now yay! This is written for a prompt from @ralvezhq who asked: "Ralvez is already dating but no one knows about them yet. they get invited to some sort of FBI gala and a young, accomplished female agent won’t stop flirting with luke and spencer is absolutely not having it so he finds a way to let everyone know they are together." -- I stuck to it except that they're caught rather than willingly confessing, I hope that's okay! I really enjoyed this one, so I hope you do as well.
!!!TW: the woman is very insistent on her flirting and makes Luke uncomfortable when she touches his chest without his consent!!!
“Any particular reason you keep looking over at that table full of Fugitive Task Force members, Spence?” JJ asks amusedly, sipping from her wine glass.
“Mm, I’ve noticed you looking over there a little bit,” Tara muses. “You got your eye on someone?”
Spencer looks down and forces a laugh, but he can feel the tips of his ears turning pink, and knows that he’s not gonna hear the end of this for the rest of the night. The team have never been fond of the FBI Galas they’re forced into attending every year, and unfortunately, Hotch’s usual stunt of pulling a non-urgent case from the stack and jetting off to some far-flung corner of the country to avoid it failed to fool the director this time.
He’d broken the news to them at the start of the week, and conversation in the bullpen has pretty much exclusively revolved around the event ever since. Even Penelope, who loves seeing people win awards and dressing up in her favourite full-glam outfits, has been significantly less upbeat. She only gave him one spontaneous hug all week.
None of them, though, have been dreading it more than Spencer. The others aren’t exactly fond of the faux smiles and convoluted politics and fake niceties either, sure, but tonight he has far more to lose than ever before. Namely, the man sat just out of his direct eye line at the Fugitive Task Force table.
Ironically, he and Luke had gotten ready for the same event together. They’d stood in the mirror side by side and tied one another’s ties in the way that always makes Spencer smile and Luke had gently brushed his hair out of eyes, but when it came time to leave, Spencer called a rideshare, and Luke drove the truck, arriving at completely different times in completely different vehicles.
The thing is, that as much as he loves his team, and as much as the FBI fraternisation policy has been significantly relaxed over the last few years, no one can know they’re together and have been for the last eight months.
Even the thought of Derek or Hotch or even JJ finding out — not only that he’s dating someone but that that person is a man — makes him feel queasy.
Which is why he smiles around an awkward cough and forces himself to meet the eyes of his profiler teammates, fighting every instinct in him to run, leg it out of here, never show your face again.
“No, I’m just looking at the clock above them,” he lies, and it isn’t smooth in any way shape or form but it’ll have to do. “You know I can’t wait for this to end. I haven’t read any Carl Jung in weeks.”
Tara laughs, raising her wine glass slightly. “Now that I understand.”
“Nah, I’m not so sure,” Derek grins slyly, “I think my man has his eye on some girl and he’s just getting a little shy, am I right, pretty boy?” He quirks an eyebrow playfully, leaning over to pat him on the back, and Spencer scrambles to recover.
“Believe whatever you’d like, Morgan,” he says, bringing his own glass to his lips to conceal any tells in his expression. “Doesn’t make it any less false.”
Thankfully, the conversation is interrupted by the Director clearing his throat into the mic on the stage as he introduces the next round of awards. Spencer loses himself in the anonymity of a dark room and a clapping audience, grateful that he’s avoided this round of interrogation.
The rest of the night progresses similarly. Spencer tries to keep his eyes away from Luke’s table — and valiantly attempts to keep from blushing like a schoolgirl when their eyes meet and Luke’s lips quirk upwards in an I-tried-to-stop-it-but-I-just-can’t kind of smile — and the rest of his team rib him pretty relentlessly about this ‘girl’ he supposedly has his eye on.
Hotch tries to get the team to leave him alone, but when a group of skilled, determined profilers all a little tipsy on wine and champagne encounter a friend’s mysterious love life, it’s pretty difficult to stand in their way.
Once dessert is served, though, things rapidly go downhill.
As much as he’s been trying to keep his eyes away from Luke’s table, it’s almost impossible to prevent his gaze from straying in a temporary moment of cognitive lapse every now and then, and while everyone is relatively quiet and occupied, digging into the Belgian waffle dessert, it happens once again. This time, though, instead of a small smile from Luke, he’s rewarded with the frankly heart-stopping sight of a young, pretty agent practically sitting in his lap, trying to feed him dessert.
He looks uncomfortable, and immediately Spencer is hit with an overwhelming wave of insecurity, jealousy, and an urge to protect that strangles his breath for a moment. He stares unabashedly, no longer caring whether anyone sees him because that’s his boyfriend and an extremely pretty woman is all over him and he looks like he wants her to stop, and oh my god, what does he do?
“Is that the girl you like all over that dude?” Derek asks sympathetically, catching onto Spencer’s staring. “It’s alright, man, if she’d choose someone else over you then she’s not right for you anyway. Why don’t you come and enjoy your dessert?”
Spencer senses the rest of the team’s eyes on him, but they don’t say anything, probably from a combination of pity, awkwardness, and confidence in Derek to counsel him through it. He’s hardly cognisant of that, though, instead a roar of emotion crashing through his mind, and he has no idea what to do about it.
When he sees a perfectly manicured hand land directly on Luke’s chest, though; when he sees Luke reject her more firmly, this time pushing her away; when he watches as she clearly gears herself up for some sad protest of self-victimisation, he sees red.
Before he can stop himself, he’s storming across the room over to Luke’s table. “Hi,” he says firmly, audibly pissed off and not in the mood for bullshit, “do you mind if I borrow my friend here? I have some official FBI business to discuss with him. Thanks.”
Without waiting for a response, he grabs Luke’s arm and leads him to the corridor outside the main hall, Luke following quickly and willingly behind him.
“Are you okay?” Spencer asks with his brow furrowed, his hand coming up to gently rest on Luke’s waist as he peers at him concernedly through the dim lighting of the hallway.
“Yes, baby, I’m fine,” Luke smiles reassuringly, raising a hand to Spencer’s face. “I’m sorry you had to see that. She was… persistent.”
“She shouldn’t have made you uncomfortable like that,” Spencer insists, still feeling distressed and anxious despite the immediate situation having been diffused.
“You’re right,” Luke agrees. “And she should’ve listened to me when I told her I was taken. I’m sorry you had to see someone flirting with me so openly like that, carinõ, I know you still get insecure about things like that.”
Spencer sighs, relaxing slowly the more he hears Luke’s voice as steady and strong and kind as it always is. He steps forward and buries his face in Luke’s neck as he nestles in close for a comforting hug.
“You know I only have eyes for you, right, sweetheart?” Luke whispers softly, one arm holding his waist and another tangling itself in Spencer’s loose curls.
He nods into Luke’s neck, but doesn’t make any move to pull away, just enjoying the warmth and closeness of standing so intimately with the man he loves until—
“Spencer!” Derek’s voice pulls him violently from his sweet escape from reality and horror instantly floods him as he jerks away from Luke, staring at Derek in a nauseating mixture of alarm and trepidation.
“What…” Derek stares right back at him as both JJ and Tara come tumbling through the doors behind him, looking ready for a fight—
Oh. That makes sense. They all saw him storming towards a woman they thought he had a crush on, then pull the man she was flirting with out into the most secluded corridor surrounding the hall. Even considering Spencer’s character, he has to admit that the circumstances definitely look like he was gearing up for a fight, and everyone knows that he is not the kind of person who could hold his own against an ex-military man who chases down criminals for a living.
“You’re… not fighting him,” Derek says hesitantly, the puzzle pieces clearly falling into place for him.
Spencer shakes his head minutely, and is only thankful when Luke inches closer and wraps an arm around him. After all, he has nothing more to lose.
“You were looking at him, not her,” Derek continues slowly.
Spencer nods, unable to meet the eyes of any of the three friends standing in front of him.
“You’re dating him,” he says, still sounding shocked, his voice almost entirely numb. “You’re gay.”
“Or bisexual,” Tara offers, and Spencer takes a little comfort in the fact that she doesn’t sound shocked or upset, her voice warm and helpful. He tries to meet her eye, but he can’t work up the courage and buries closer into Luke’s embrace instead.
“Gay,” he whispers.
“Spence,” JJ says quietly, earnestly, “why didn’t you tell us?”
It’s too much to go into right now, too convoluted and long of a story for him to explain when even choking out a single syllable takes a herculean effort, so he shrugs instead.
“We were talking all night assuming you were interested in a woman,” Derek says numbly, more to himself than anything, but Spencer watches out of the corner of his eye as he shakes off the shock and comes back to himself, slowly putting more of the puzzle together as he looks at Spencer. “That’s why you didn’t tell us. We’ve been making assumptions all this time and hurting you in the process.”
“Oh, Spence,” JJ whispers sadly, stepping a little closer.
“I’m so sorry, pretty boy, I— I should’ve known or tried to be more inclusive at least, I’m so sorry I made you feel like this.”
The regret in his friends’ voices and the absence of a negative reaction brings him out of the safety of Luke’s arms slightly. His boyfriend is eyeing him with serious concern, and he tries a smile to reassure him a little, squeezing his hand.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,” he manages, clearing his throat awkwardly as he finally succeeds in making eye contact. “It’s a long story and I’ll tell you another time, but, uh​​— this is Luke. We’ve been together for eight months, two weeks, and four days.”
Luke smiles fondly. “As much as we didn’t expect to reveal it like this, it’s nice to meet all of you properly,” Luke says warmly, shaking everyone’s hands quickly before stepping back to Spencer and interlocking their fingers, pressing a quick but meaningful kiss to his temple.
“I’m really glad you felt able to share this with us, Spence,” Tara says encouragingly, smiling at him in that bright, reassuring way of hers that rivals Penelope in the warmth and comfort it radiates. “I’m proud of you.”
Something about her reaction this entire time has him wondering whether she already knew. He’ll ask her later when he feels less like his heart is still firmly lodged in his throat.
“Me too, kid,” Derek agrees, smiling as well. Spencer wonders whether the initial shock and numb reaction was more a response to his own behaviour than anything about him and Luke, and the thought makes him feel substantially better.
JJ grins, stepping forward and grabbing Spencer’s other hand. “Me three.”
Before anyone can say anything else, the doors are opening again and Penelope is flying through them.
“Oh! Thank god you’re all okay! You just ran off after Spencer and I left you guys to it because I thought you could handle it better than I could but then you didn’t come back and even Hotch was worried, and—” she cuts herself off as she realises everyone staring at her, and slowly she takes in the scene around her. “Oh my god, I’ve missed something. Oh my god, I missed a moment, didn’t I? What have I told you guys about having moments without me? Someone tell me what happened, please, before I explode—”
“Alright, Penelope,” Spencer chuckles, interrupting her. He’s known her for too long to expect her to cut herself off when she’s on a tirade like that. “Uh, this is Luke. My boyfriend.”
“Your… your boyfriend? Oh my god, I finally get to meet him? Wait you told the others? Oh my god I’ve missed so much!”
“Penelope knew?” Derek asks, surprised.
“Half of mine and Spencer’s mutual friends are FBI Agents, and the other half are drag queens, of course I knew,” Penelope dismisses him, “but he wasn’t ready for me to meet his boyfriend yet or even know his name and I very nicely did not go hunting to find him out because I could’ve done that, but I didn’t, because I value you so much as a friend, Spencer, and I’m so glad you finally—”
“Penelope!” Spencer interjects, laughing even more as the tension and distress he’d felt only minutes ago finally melts away fully. “Do you actually want to introduce yourself to Luke, or do you want to keep rambling about drag queens?”
“Right! Yes!” she says eagerly, turning to Luke. “I’m Penelope and it is so nice to meet you, like you don’t even know how much I’ve wanted to meet the man who has my blueberry muffin blushing bright pink in the corner of my batcave while he texts on the phone, and I know you call him carinõ because I saw a text once and it’s the sweetest nickname ever, you are just the cutest, and we are going to be best friends—”
Spencer rests his head on Luke’s shoulder as he listens fondly to Penelope rambling and his friends chatting amongst themselves and everyone getting to know the most important man in his life — the only man he’s ever wanted anything long term with, the only man he’s ever wanted to actually marry one day — and a warm, sweet feeling of contentment floods his chest.
It’s far from the way he thought he’d feel after the team found about Luke, and he savours it, holds it in his mouth for as long as he can before swallowing the memory and filing it away to treasure forever. A moment like this deserves that kind of reverence.
“How are you feeling about tonight?” Luke asks gently as they crawl into bed, tired but happy at gone 2am. He pulls Spencer into his side as soon as they’re under the duvet, resting his chin on his head as he always does.
Moments like these make Spencer smile, the kind of familiar routine that’s so essential to their relationship. Luke had figured out early on that close physical contact and firm touches make him feel safe and settle his racing mind, so they’d worked out positions that made them both feel comfortable, and now relaxing into them is second nature.
“A bit weird,” Spencer admits after thinking for a moment. “I’m happy that they know now and everyone took it well, but it’s strange. A significant part of who I am has been not only that I’m gay, but the dedication I felt to protecting that secret. And now that it’s out, it feels like something private has been bared for my friends to inspect.”
“I think that’s only natural,” Luke muses quietly, pressing a kiss to Spencer’s curls. “It’ll take some getting used to, but you’ll adjust eventually.”
Spencer sighs. “Yeah, you’re right. After I tackle telling Hotch and Rossi, it’ll be nice not to have to hide it. I’ll be able to talk about you at work and maybe even go crazy and put a photo of you on my desk.”
“Wow, that is wild, check you out,” Luke chuckles, before they settle into a comfortable silence in the warm glow of their bedroom. Eventually, he speaks up though, quiet and reverent. “I’m proud of you, carinõ. I really am.”
The words instantly make Spencer smile, a light blush tinging his ears again. He hides his face in Luke’s chest, scooching impossibly closer into his arms. “I love you,” he whispers.
“I love you, too, Spencer,” Luke replies, a happy sigh in his voice.
He reaches over and turns off the bedside lamp. His hand returns to Spencer’s hair and something clicks into place somewhere, a fundamental alignment of the universe that brings a feeling of something so incredibly right as their breathing rhythmically matches to one another and they slide into the welcome embrace of sleep.
I hope you enjoyed that! I had a lot of fun with this one. If anyone has any more ralvez relationship reveal prompts, feel free to send them my way!
Taglist: @criminalmindsvibez @suburban--gothic @strippersenseii @takeyourleap-of-faith @makaylajadewrites @iamrenstark @hotchseyebrows @reidology @spencerspecifics @tobias-hankel @marsjareau @hotchscotchh @oliverbrnch @im-autistic @thataveragenerd @anxious-enby @kuolonsyoja @ropoto @cmily @nudgerox @love-pyramus @notevanbuckley @downwiththedoorpoole @nomajdetective (Add yourself to my taglist here!)
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shanastoryteller · 3 years
Happy Pride Shana! 🏳️‍🌈 I love all your fics - so dealers choice!
Liz is eleven the first time she goes to take out the trash and finds Michael Guerin digging through their dumpster.
He takes off running as soon as he sees her and she's too surprised to call out after him.
He glares at her in school the next day but she pretends like she doesn't notice. That night, she leaves a carton of still warm food on top of the dumpster and just hopes that he's coming back for it. If nothing else, he doesn't glare at her in class anymore.
This goes on for a week before her father catches on to what she's doing. She tells him the truth when he asks, and his face goes very adult and serious and he gently says to her that he'll handle taking out the trash from now on.
Two days later he's cleaning out the tiny room he uses for an office and moving a twin bed into there and the day after that Michael shows up to their dinner table with narrow distrustful eyes and a trashbag full of clothes.
They can't foster him legally, considering her parents, but as long as his on paper foster parents can continue to collect a check without any fuss they don't care where he is. So Michael stays.
Liz sits next to him at dinner and walks with him to the bus stop and teaches him how to brush his hair and his teeth the right way, just like her mama and papa taught her, because he does it but not right and he doesn't say anything to her but he brushes his teeth longer and uses a comb on his wet hair and lets their shoulders knock against one another while they make their way to the bus stop.
Mama doesn't seem to have much of an opinion about this boy in her house. Liz is more grateful about that than she is disappointed.
Rosa pretends not to like him for about three days, which is when Liz starts crying because she doesn't their homework and it makes her papa sad when she asks so she just doesn't ask anymore and Rosa hates school but she's patting her back trying to make everything okay when Michael sits next to her and slowly, haltingly explains all things that don't make sense to her until they do.
Rosa gives in after that, after Michael made her stop crying when she couldn't, and starts complaining about having two little siblings annoying her all the time. She ends up being so busy keeping up with their antics that she stops trying to spy on their mother whenever she leaves, which seems like a good thing.
"I'm probably older than you," Liz tells him, "so that makes you our little brother."
"Probably doesn't count," he protests, but he's smiling too.
Liz is the one to notice first, to figure it out, and by the time Michael gives in and confesses that he's an alien - a real one, not like their parents - she already knows. Hearing that Max and Isobel are too does come as more of a surprise.
Michael starts putting Ortecho as his last name on all his schoolwork and no one stops him. Liz and Michael become nearly as close as Max and Isobel, who make themselves a near permanent fixture in the diner once Liz knows the truth.
Liz starts teasing Michael about having a crush on her best friend Alex in high school. (Both Alex and Michael worry about being gay at different times, but Papa already has practice with that ever since Maria and Rosa started dating). He shoots right back about Max having a crush on her, which is a suitably distracting thought that she forgets to annoy him for the next several months and finds out they're dating when she walks into her brother's room to find him sucking face with Alex, which she really didn't need to see.
Kyle is a jerk for about a year, so she dumps him and starts dating Max. Then he and Alex become friends again and he's way less of jerk and she has several small crises about it up until she notices Kyle and Max are giving each other the kind of looks that Michael and Alex used to and she solves her problem but just deciding that she and Max should date Kyle. Several people tell her that it'll never work, but she graduates with two boyfriends who are dating each other and her, which is very fun for her because she loves proving other people wrong.
Rosa splits her time working between the diner and the Pony with Maria and Mimi. She and her brother and all their friends commit to going to college in at least the same tri-state area, and all of them drift back to Roswell slowly. She and Kyle get jobs at the same hospital while Max works on his novel and jokes about being a kept man, even though he was the one working the most to pay their bills while Kyle was in medical school and Liz was in graduate school.
Alex and Michael get engaged, surprising no one, while Michael pursues his career in agricultural science. Alex starts discovering some worrying things about his father, which makes him sign up for the air force to dig deeper against everyone's protests. Isobel and Gregory start dating, surprising no one, although she and Michael start making a lot of jokes about Manes men that make Alex and Gregory turn interesting shades of red.
Maria and Rosa buy the Pony and then take a trip to Vegas where they drunkenly elope all in the same weekend. Papa is pulled between furious and elated and gives Alex and Michael a twenty minute long lecture about having a proper wedding.
Alex find out about Caufield and works with Gregory and everyone to free all the aliens and shut the project down. Alex manages to do that while getting his father court martialed for running an illegal operation and not releasing the aliens to live amongst society as the Caufield operation was ordered to do fifty years ago. Several very important people are quietly court martialed when this comes to light.
They meet Nora who tells them all the truth of their home planet and why the left. She and several other aliens go to the dessert and take care of Jones and a man called Noah, who she says never should have been on the ship in the first place.
Liz successfully sponsors her father so he attends Alex and Michael's wedding as an American citizen. He and Nora sit side by side and watch their son get married to the man he loves.
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danniburgh · 3 years
As the trees miss the Autumn (Javier Peña x f!reader x OFC)
Pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader x ofc
Summary: It was almost meant to be; Lia and you had spent six months together before meeting Javier and never felt like something was missing until he smirked towards you; The three of you really didn’t know exactly how it started, but you knew how it had ended.
Word count: +9.2k
Warnings: mild angst, OT3 SMUT, unprotected sex, p in v, fingering, oral, cum play. I made it gay, pregnancy. I think that’s it.
A/N: guys this is terribly self indulgent, i just wanna say that i loved writing this bc im super bi and i want a relationship like this. This one is dedicated to @mouthymandalorian​ just because i love her and i might wanna kiss her deeply
Masterlist // Read on ao3 // ko-fi
comments and reblogs are eternally appreciated 💓
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gif: @javier-pena​ 
None of you really knew exactly how it started;
For Lia it was when she met you, in a tiny, dirty bar, hiding away from the men that wanted to take you out to dance, begging someone to save you from the claws of a crowded dance floor. She bought you a beer after the one you’d been nursing was gone as you enjoyed the attention of a not-so-older, gorgeous woman and after that she took your hand, got inside a cab with you, spent the ten-minute ride caressing your thigh over your skirt, welcomed you into her apartment and kissed you like a woman starving as soon as she closed the door
For you it was at the end of that whole long weekend you spent at her place, she had taught you to cook that potato omelet you liked so much the first time she cooked it for you, only wrapped in a bathrobe with her arms wrapped around your waist and her lips nibbling at your neck, you ate the almost burnt omelet sitting on her kitchen counter while she stood between your legs and right after you finished she ate you as a dessert.
For Javier it was when he met you at an empty bar that served the best chicken wings you or Lia could’ve ever had; he saw you laughing and holding hands from his seat on the bar while the bartender poured him the third whiskey of that night, he liked Lia’s hair and your laugh, the way she gripped your forearm with her lean fingers made him feel something he swore he wouldn’t be able to feel again; the way you leaned onto her to brush her cheek made him lick his lips in craving for that kind of intimacy, and when you and Lia both turned to see him at the same time, he knew he was screwed.
For the three of you it was when Lia had all but forced you to walk up to the handsome man with the mustache that sat on the bar, she had told him if he enjoyed the view and you asked him if he was alone: he answered yes to both questions. Two hours later, several chicken wings orders and a never ending chat, the three of you were in Javier's car and driving to his place while discussing the terms of what the three of you wanted to be a possible permanent agreement.
It was almost meant to be; Lia and you had spent six months together before meeting Javier and never felt like something was missing until he smirked towards you.
What the three of you started to build wasn’t always honey over pancakes; there’s was jealousy and possessiveness; Javier was a blunt man with a difficult job, several hours away from home and feeling like he should keep everything to himself; Lia was moody and controlling on her bad days, she knew what she wanted and how she wanted it and she knew how to get things, she and Javier clasped and crashed almost every day; you were more passive than them, quiet on your good days and loud on the bad ones, you had your own rituals and your own quirks, but there was this role that was implicitly assigned to you when that relationship started; you were to bring the three of you together.
But with the pass of time the only complicated thing left was sex; almost always between the three of you; counted times you had one of them only for you or they had themselves. You did it all together.
The three of you really didn’t know exactly how it started, but you knew how it had ended.
Two years into your relationship; after life had thrown at you some heavy rocks, after part of your families accepted the uncommon root of the love you shared, after sharing a living space and building a life together; Javier got transferred to Colombia.
The night he brought the news to you and Lia he was a different man, he looked ten years aged, tired and bewildered; it wasn’t like he didn’t ask for it, he did but out of commitment to his office; he really didn’t want to go to a foreign country to fight a war you and Lia had convinced him was not his to fight; but the wars are never fair to the desires of the people and he received the transfer papers and a work visa. When he found out he had a week to pack his life in two suitcases and say goodbye to his family; his dad, Lia and you.
And even though he had never really said he loved either of you out loud; as he preferred to show you, the day Lia and you went to drop him at the airport he hugged each one tightly, he whispered against your ears how much he loved you and how grateful he was that you had made space for him in your lives, he kissed you both like a man starved; not caring about the few glances you three got as you said your goodbyes and after the second call on the airport speakers for the passengers with destination to Bogotá, Colombia, Lia and you saw him disappear through the boarding gate.
So you returned to a home that felt empty without his broad body present; his cologne still lingered in the space and the smell of the man you slept wrapped around for two years made you break as Lia held you; the night he left, neither of you slept.
At first he called two or three times a week; he really tried to be there for both, asking about your days, trying to tell you both about his; but life has a way to show you who really is in charge. Life has its own plans and so his workload was heavier and your lives got busier, so his calls eventually stopped making the phone ring.
You missed him; missed him like the stars missed the bright light of the moon when it was new; Lia missed him like the trees missed the leaves they lost during fall; Javier missed you like the fire missed the oxygen it needed to survive; it was a miserable feeling that he tried to drown in his own ways, always trying to get his ways to be shaped as Lia or you: but it was never enough.
Javier got to a point where he felt pure and green envy towards the both of you because you still had each other: in the years you had shared together he got to feel like and addition and not a part of something whole only a few times and only in the beginning; neither you nor Lia ever made him feel like he didn’t fit or he wasn’t as much yours as you were his. But he was alone in a country he never knew and he only knew a variant of the language of, he was tired and some nights he felt cold and scared like when he was a child and he could only think of the warmness of your bodies that he should’ve never left behind.
And so a year passed, and then another one did; if it wasn’t because of the few phone calls you two gave him, on christmas, on his birthday, on yours, on the times you two felt like it was too much and you just needed to hear his voice and you forced him to stay on the phone until he was practically falling asleep while talking; he could’ve sworn he would’ve already forgotten the sweet and sour sound of your voices. 
If it wasn’t because of the pictures you sent him with the few letters you wrote him, some of you together, some of you smiling into the camera; some of you kissing so he wouldn’t forget he was still yours even if he was thousands of miles away; he could’ve sworn he would’ve forgotten your faces, or the color of your hair and Lia’s green eyes, or the shape or your bodies, or the color or your pretty pussies as one of you spread it open with your fingers and snapped a polaroid of it all wet and leaky for you and him.
He was actually grateful for the obscene amount of nude pics you two had sent him; your naked bodies were the last thing he wanted to forget about you.
Neither you nor Lia ever expected him to send something back; you still had the comfort of each other’s bodies, and you never forbid Javier from finding comfort in another person; you wanted him to be as happy as he could be in a place that seemed even god had forsaken, but that didn’t mean you didn’t miss him.
You missed him until you couldn’t anymore.
“Babe.” Lia whispered in your ear one night; the room still smelled like sex and you and her and the absence of Javier’s essence.
“Yeah?” you answered, shifting on your side to face her, both of you sleeping in the middle of the bed, right where Javier used to sleep.
“What if we go see Javi?” she whispered again, you frowned.
“Baby,” you scoffed softly, you could see in the darkness and by the very few moonlight that entered the room the way she rolled her eyes, “he told us we shouldn’t.”
“Yeah, I know,” she let out, frustrated, you reached to her and pressed her against you, leaving a kiss on her cheek, she sighed “I miss him.”
You said nothing, nodding a few times so she could be sure you agreed. Lia knew you missed him too, missed him like crazy.
Lia’s hand brushed softly through the skin of your naked hip and she left a feathery kiss on your lips.
“I wanna see him,” she whispered out, pouting, through the darkness you saw her eyes begging you for it, you shook your head softly; Lia let out another sigh and leaned towards you to lick at your lower lip, her hand sliding to the apex of your thighs and her lean fingers found immediately your clit, you gasped “let’s go see him,” she cooed on your mouth as her fingers brushed your slick folds “let’s go see our boy.”
“Not fair,” you let out on a moan when her fingers slid inside your cunt and she pressed into you softly “you’re playing dirty, Li.” she smiled against the skin of your chin and scissored her fingers inside you, you gasped again.
“Please, baby, he misses us.” she whispered as her thumb circled your clit, she pumped her fingers inside you and she left soft kisses on your jaw just like Javier used to do.
The coil that she had built inside your belly broke and you only could whisper his name.
Lia huffed a smile and brought her fingers to her mouth as you recovered from the orgasm she made you feel.
“Call Chucho in the morning,” you panted out, “ask him if he wants us to take something with us.”
Lia smiled at you and cupped your face to kiss you deeply.
“He’s gonna be so mad.” Lia said with a smile as you walked into Houston Intercontinental Airport with one suitcase each and holding hands. You scoffed and rolled your eyes at her.
“First, he's gonna fuck us and then he will send us back, just you wait.” you let out on a low voice and Lia cackled.
“A’right baby, turn on your lying, please.” Lia said as you walked out of the plane into the gate’s doors, you gripped her hand tightly and then let her go as you walked towards the immigration booths; the almost three-hour flight was spent with you trying to come up with something to tell the immigration agents besides we are here to visit our boyfriend, who is a fed; that was the first thing Chucho told you not to do.
After talking to one agent each you got the free pass into the country and Lia didn’t wait to be far away from them to gasp in relief.
“I’m so happy Javi forced spanish onto us,” she let out, grabbing your hand again, heading towards the doors, you chuckled. “I don’t wanna know how much harder it would be without at least being able to say Hola and Vine a conocer Colombia.”
The afternoon air in Bogotá was considerably colder than it was in Houston, which made Lia shiver, and you reached for the piece of paper you had scribbled Javier’s address onto and had shoved inside your pants as Lia called for a taxi with her not so lady-like whistle.
A cab parked in front of you and Lia turned on her mean face; the one she used when she knew certain situations could turn sideways quickly, and the one she started using when Javier was no longer walking next to either of you; the driver helped with your suitcases and you got inside the car, you reached for Lia’s hand and rested the entanglement of fingers on your lap.
“I’m nervous.” you muttered, Lia chuckled in agreement.
Javier ran out of the office with Steve tailing him almost at the same speed.
“Jav, what the fuck is going on?” Steve asked again, louder than when he saw him stamping the phone back on its cradle and let out a chain of curses in both english and spanish.
Javier didn’t answer, he didn't even acknowledge Steve as his partner’s heavy steps echoed his own while he sprinted out of the embassy building and towards his truck.
Javier stopped hearing Steve’s steps when he reached for his keys in his pocket and jumped inside his Bronco.
“Fuck!” Javier let out as he maneuvered the steering wheel, backed up the truck and eyed Steve standing on the embassy steps, completely flabbergasted out of the corner of his eye.
Steve saw the truck racing out of the parking lot with an angry Javier driving like crazy, as he frowned, wondering what Javier's dad told his partner that made him run out like there was a fire.
“Are you sure is this one?” Lia asked once the cab drove away, you nodded and walked towards the building steps.
“What I’m not sure of is if he’s even here.” you muttered out, chuckling, Lia shook her head with a smile and walked next to you, she opened the building door and you walked in; it smelled somewhat dampy and enclosed, nothing unbearable but it was certainly different, there was no elevator and according to the address you and Lia wrote on the envelopes when you sent him stuff, his apartment was on the third floor.
Lia sighed behind you when you took in the building's silence and you nodded your head towards the stairs.
“Let’s go.” you winked at her and stretched your hand so she could take it.
Going up the stairs with a semi-heavy suitcase in one hand and your girlfriend in the other wasn't easy, but when you reached the third floor all the discomfort left your body and the feeling that settled inside you was a mix between nervousness and excitement.
Lia pulled you forward to walk towards one of the two doors on that floor and you raised your hand to knock.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” you heard behind you the recognizable and unmistakable hard, deep, very angry voice of Javier.
Lia frowned next to you, and you let your mouth curl into a smile.
Javier felt his chest throb and his heart stop when he saw you turn around to face him at the same time.
“Javi!” you gasped out and let go of Lia’s hand and your suitcase, running up to where he was standing and throwing yourself to him.
Javier’s hands landed on your waist and your arms curled around his neck, he shivered slightly when he felt you inhaling him; he smelled as he always did, cigarette, that cologne you never learned the name of, musk and his sweet, sweaty body essence.
Lia glared at him, Javier felt it deep inside him, she was waiting for him to do something to you, anything.
“What are you doing here?” he asked again, Lia dropped her shoulders in half-relief, half-exhaustion.
“We came to see you,” you replied, your voice muffled by the fabric of his jacket, your face still buried on his shoulder, he gripped your body closer to him “aren’t you happy to see us?” you whispered.
“Yes, Javi, aren’t you?” Lia let out, leaving her own suitcase, walking up to him and reaching to cup his face, Javier relaxed slightly and leaned onto her soft touch, leaning down so she could leave a kiss on his jaw.
“Why did you come?” he whispered as he looked into her green gaze, Lia narrowed her eyes.
“Because you didn't bother to visit, Javier,” Lia admonished, her hardened voice caused you to wake up from the day slumber that breathing in Javier’s smell gave you and you turned on his shoulder to see her, “we missed you like crazy.” 
“Lia,” he let go of you to cup her face, she frowned when you let out a soft yelp and slapped his arms away, “baby.” Javier let out.
“Don’t you dare.” she tightened her jaw, you bit your lip and sensed the unaddressed tension between them.
“Javi.” you called him, knowing that if you didn’t try to stop him Lia would snap at him.
“Amelia.” Javier called out again, and Lia let out a soft growl.
“Javi.” you called again, your voice growing desperate.
“I told you not to come.” he told her, Lia pushed him back, he didn’t move.
“Yet you didn’t visit.” she let out, you closed your eyes and breathed in, Javier crossed his arms on his chest.
“I couldn’t, you know it,” he said, “I needed to stay here, have you forgotten?” you noticed how Lia’s face grew red and, as if it happened in slow motion, she raised her hand and clasped her palm across his face.
Javier didn’t move, but he rubbed his cheek with his own hand and glared at her.
“Lia!” you walked towards them and planted your feet so your body acted as a barrier between them both.
“That’s why you came?” Javier muttered out behind you “to slap me?”
“No, asshole!” she let out, deflating in front of you, you wanted nothing more but to reach to her, knowing how hard it was for her sometimes to just let go and let herself feel things “we love you, we missed you!”
“Lia, stop.” you begged, getting in her line of view, she dropped her shoulders and nodded at you.
“Fine.” she mouthed to you and crossed her arms on her chest, the same gesture she had acquired from Javier.
“And you,” you turned around to face Javier, whose hand had dropped back to his side, “don’t be so hard on us, it’s been two years.” you whispered to him, Javier put his hands on his hips and leaned to the side, you saw him chew the inside of his cheek and his eyes fell to the floor.
“Baby,” he muttered without looking at you, stretching his hand so you could take it, you did, his hand wrapped yours almost entirely and you felt a bolt of energy going through your spine “it’s so dangerous down here…” he let out in a sigh, you felt Lia’s presence behind you.
“It’s been two years.” you repeated, gripping the hold on his hand, he nodded and looked at you and then at Lia.
“Say you missed us, idiot.” Lia let out, wrapping her arms around your waist and resting her chin on your shoulder, Javier smirked and shook his head.
Before he could open his mouth to say a thing, a heavy set of rushed steps was heard behind Javier.
“Jav?” he dropped your hand and turned around, you narrowed your eyes as you looked at the tall, blonde man standing at the edge of the stairs.
“Who is this?” Lia asked lowly in your ear and you shrugged.
“Isn’t his partner blonde?” you recalled from your calls with Javier. Lia shrugged back.
“Hey,” Javier let out, not moving from his position in the middle of the hallway, the man looked at both of you and eyed thoughtfully the grip Lia had on your body “you followed me?” Javier asked.
“No, but what the hell, man?” he spat in a southern accent that made you smile, “you just rushed out like a crazy person.”
“Murph, please…” Javier sighed towards him.
“It is his partner.” you murmured to Lia, remembering the name Javier had told you once he talked to you about the new man that was being sent to work with him.
“You Murphy?” Lia asked, you bit your lips to hide your smile and elbowed her softly.
“Yeah…” he replied hesitantly. Javier turned to look at the both of you and closed his eyes, you let your lips curl in a smile, “I’m sorry, do I know you?” he narrowed his blue eyes at you and Lia.
“No.” Javier spat, you feigned a gasp and Lia released you from her hold.
“Javier didn’t tell you about us?” Lia asked and you looked at the way Javier hid his eyes from the man. Murphy tilted his head.
“Oh…” he let out softly “this’ your girls?” the man pointed at you both with two fingers and Javier sighed.
“Yes, yes we are,” Lia let out, walking towards him, she raised her hand, he shook it and she introduced you to him with your full name “and I’m Amelia.”
“Well, nice to meet you’both.” he let out with a soft, tight-lipped smile as he walked to shake your hand.
“Shut the fuck up, Steve,” Javier let out, making you chuckle “how did you know?” he growled out.
“Jav, you may not mention them,” he said, walking towards Javier “but when you speak to’em you light up, man, you’re not the only man that notices stuff,” Steve slapped Javier’s arm a few times and turned to the both of you, “welcome to Colombia, I guess.” he shrugged with a charming smile and walked to the opposite direction, pulled out a set of keys and opened the door right in front of Javier’s apartment, disappearing behind it with a nod towards you and Lia.
“I like him.” you said, Lia snorted.
“Shut up.” Javier muttered, mimicking Steve’s actions and opening his door, he walked in with yours and Lia’s suitcases and left the door open for you.
“I told you he’d be mad.” Lia said, walking inside the apartment, you let out a soft chuckle.
“I think we can make him feel better in no time.” you responded, walking behind her and closing the door.
You and Lia inspectioned the apartment carefully, looking at what he had done with an embassy issued place in the last two years he had been living there, you liked just how him it was.
Javier had left the suitcases near a door that you figured lead to the room, Lia grunted at the cheesy dog portrait in one of the walls but smiled softly at the full bar that had its place near the window in the living room.
“Can you please explain to me now why you came?” Javier sat on the leather loveseat, holding his head in his hands, rubbing his eyes with the heels of his palms.
“We told you, Javi…” Lia said, walking to sit next to him, you did the same, sitting on his other side, the couch was comfortable but you liked the one you had in Houston better. “we missed you.”
“God,” Javier sighed out, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and reached to him to kiss his cheek “I missed you too,” he looked at both of you and Lia let out the first smile towards him of the evening “both of you.”
“We know, dummy,” you said, resting your head on his shoulder as he moved his arms to hug you both, “don’t be angry, please.” you all but pleaded, your soft voice made him huff.
“How could I?” he said, kissing the crown of your head and turning to kiss Lia on the cheek “you’re both insane,” he muttered, you chuckled, “whose idea was it?”
“Lia’s” you whispered, shivering at the way his hand was drawing shapeless forms on your covered skin.
“Of course,” he chuckled softly and tightened the grip on your bodies, “of course it was.” he murmured against Lia’s cheek.
“Sorry for the slap.” she said, moving her head to kiss his lips, he smiled against her mouth.
“I liked it.” he murmured.
“Should I do it again?” Lia whispered back, you smiled broadly at their flirting. Two years had passed without him, and they were still the same teasing, flirty fuckers you fell in love with.
“No, no hitting,” you whispered out, Lia smiled at you and you moved to kiss Javier’s neck “we are making love tonight,” your words against the skin of his neck made him sigh and Lia looked at him with a mischievous smile, mimicking your movements and licking a stripe of skin on the other side “we can fuck tomorrow.”
“Shit,” he moaned out softly when Lia nibbled at his earlobe “you came here to kill me.” you huffed and the hot air that came out of your mouth hitting the wet skin of his neck made him shiver again.
“Maybe.” you whispered roughly in his ear and he smirked at the low, growly, hungry tone of your voice.
“My dirty girl,” he whispered, turning to face you and looking for your lips, you caved in and licked his lower lip, he let out a low groan and devoured your mouth for the first time in two years; immediately, warmness leaked out of you and a never-really extinguished coil with his name embroidered on lit up inside your belly, “I missed your lips so much,” he whispered against your lips, only to you, you smiled softly and nibbled at his lip, feeling Lia’s hand reaching to you and making you press your chest to Javi’s side, he left a soft kiss on your lips and turned to her, she cupped his jaw with her other hand and kissed him deeply, Javier loved the difference between you and her; your lips kissed him softly but hungrily, there was always a willing to give him something of you in each of your kisses, he liked to think he stole some of your youth directly from your mouth every time you kissed him; Lia’s lips kissed him deeply and patiently, always heavy with a deep emotion she could never put into words, but she spilled as her tongue touched his. He loved the difference, and he loved that he could taste your kisses once again.
“Javi,” you whispered in his ear, he hummed in response and you smiled against his cheek, your hand sliding to palm his crotch over his jeans “take us to your room.” Javier let out a chuckle, remembering that was the same thing you said to him four years before on the first night the three of you spent together.
He stood up from the couch and stretched his hands so each of you could take one and he walked up to the small staircase and towards his room; as soon as you entered his bedroom, he gripped both of you towards his chest, you let out a chuckle at the strength and you put your hand on his chest.
“Can you kiss for me?” he asked, his hands on one side of your waists, you reached to cup a side of Lia’s face and brought her to you, her lips tasted like her and like Javi, you heard him sigh and the hand that rested on his chest slide to his pants once again, you palmed him over the denim of his jeans as Lia’s tongue snuck inside your mouth, Javier let out a moan when Lia slid a hand towards his ass and he tightened the grip over the both of you “I need you both naked.” he muttered, Lia broke the kiss and looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Who told you you were in charge?” she murmured to him, making you huff.
“Shut up, Li,” you stepped back and leaned down to untie your boots, Javier walked to sit on the edge of the bed to take off his as Lia glared at you both, once your boots were off you looked at her. 
You smirked at Lia and stood straight, taking off your shirt and your jeans while fixating your eyes on her, she rolled her eyes and smiled at you, Javier stood up from the bed, shirtless and walked to you, his hands landed on your shoulders and his fingers played with the straps of your bra, you turned to him and he kissed the naked skin of your shoulder, his hands sliding to unhook your bra and help you out of it, you turned to Lia and she bit her lip, stopping unbuttoning her own jeans as Javier’s warm hands snaked towards your tits and covered them almost entirely, making you throw your head back to rest on his naked shoulders.
Lia took off her jeans and walked towards the both of you, Javier was playing with your nipples and nibbling at your neck slowly, making you gasp and sigh at that sensation you had missed so much, his fingers were so much bigger than Lia’s and he played with you like you were a delicate thing, careful to not break you.
“Javi,” you gasped his name, Lia’s hand gripped your waist and reached for Javier, who hummed in reply “touch my pussy.” you half-begged, half-demanded, one of his hands left your breast and went to cup at your sex over the fabric of your panties and his fingers glided softly across your covered lips, he leaned to kiss Lea over your body and you raised your hands to go around Lia’s body and unhook her own bra, she took it off.
Lia’s hands slid over your waist and she helped Javier to get you off your panties, she crouched to hold them as you stepped out of them and she left a soft kiss on your mound, looking straight into Javier’s brown, lust-dark eyes, you gasped and her hands glided over your thighs in a feathery touch she knew you loved.
She stood up and kissed you softly, Javier wrapped an arm around your middle and his other hand helped you hook a leg around Lia’s hips, she held it in place, his long fingers found your clit immediately and he circled it softly a few times, you let out a curse and Lia kissed the soft flesh of your breast, you raised a hand to play with one of her nipples, Javier grazed his fingers across your slit and found you wet and ready for them, he nibbled at your jaw and slid his fingers inside, you gasped his name out, closing your eyes and throwing your head to his shoulder again.
“I missed this so much,” you let out, turning your head to him and licking at his mouth, Lia’s tongue started playing with your nipple and you smiled, lost already in the pleasure they were giving you “I need you deeper.” you whispered in his mouth and his fingers pumped deeper inside your cunt, Lia’s tongue glided across your chest to your other breast and he bit softly at your nipple to get it to harden in her mouth.
“Tell him how close you are.” Lia demanded and you whined when she sucked harder at your nipple.
“I’m so close, fuck, there.” you whispered, kneading at her breast as Javier’s fingers kept pumping and pressing and pushing inside your cunt, your pussy leaked around his hand and Lia’s hand went to your sex to guide Javier and play with your clit, your nipple still in her mouth. You bucked your hips and Javier held you tighter and closer, you felt his erection on your ass, the friction of his denim-covered hardness on your naked asscheeks made you whimper.
“You’re gonna cum?” Javier asked in your ear, his warm tongue licking your earlobe, you hummed in affirmation, your eyes rolling back behind your lids, your body flushing at the sensations both their mouths and their hands were making you feel, you couldn’t formulate any words as Javier’s fingers pressed on that spongy place inside you that made your toes curl and your thighs tremble and Lia’s fingers circled your clit at the same fucking time, it was a sweet torture you had missed like the sand missed the sea on low tide days.
“Javi,” you gasped, your hand leaving Lia’s breast and gripping the wrist of the arm that held you steady, “please,” you sighed out, holding your breath, not knowing exactly what you were begging for; but they knew, they always did, so Lia’s mouth searched yours and she kissed you, her tongue warm and wet and tasting faintly like you, Javier’s mouth returned to your neck and they synchronized their movements, making you whine and moan as they raised their speed.
“Cum for us, baby.” he whispered softly in your ear and you let out a long moan when the coil inside your belly stretched and stretched at the rhythm of their movements and when he pushed in deeper and she angled her fingers to the sides it broke. Your legs stiffened and you let out the air that you didn’t know you were holding in a silent scream as they helped you ride your climax with soft, loud kisses on your neck and around your face.
“Holy fuck,” you let out lowly, opening your eyes to look at them kissing while still holding you, “can someone let me lie down, please,” you asked softly. They broke the kiss, smiled at each other and turned to you. Lia let down your leg gently and Javier walked backwards with you still wrapped tightly inside his arms. He helped you sit on the bed and you let yourself fall on the mattress. “who’s gonna sit on my face?” you let out, making them both chuckle.
Javier kneeled on the bed next to you, he supported his weight on one arm and used the other to wander around your still-shivering body, leaving soft kisses around your chest and shoulders. You smiled at him and he smiled back, your eyes took in his features and your hand went to cup his face.
“I love you.” you whispered, his smile grew wider and he leaned to take your lips in his, you felt the bed shift next to you and Lia’s hand landed on your sternum.
“Are you ready?” she whispered in your ear, Javier broke the kiss and looked at her with a confused gaze, you nodded and bit your lip in mischief.
You put your hands on Javier’s chest and Lia put hers on his shoulder, both of you pushed him to the side so he could lie on his back, Javier let out a soft oof at the sudden movement, before he could sit up you shifted on the bed and straddled his abdomen.
“Hi.” you let out with a smile, taking his hands and putting them on your naked thighs.
“Hey.” he whispered, Lia stood up from the bed, took off her own panties and walked towards his legs, Javi shivered under you at the soft touch of Lia’s hands gliding up his thighs and at the feeling of your wet pussy making full contact with the naked skin of his belly. Lia pulled his jeans off and you looked over your shoulder at her, she was devouring his erection with her deep-darkened green gaze. Her eyes met yours and you raised your eyebrows, Javier lifted his head to look at her behind you and saw her nodding to you.
You moved up on Javier’s torso until your pussy was directly leaking over his sternum, Javier could smell your arousal and he felt his cock throb at how sweet it was; he then felt Lia straddling his lap, and he closed his eyes, throwing his head on the mattress.
“Fuck.” he let out when Lia’s soft hands gripped his dick and pumped a few times, you were looking down at him, one of your hands moved to his face and your knuckles caressed the skin of his cheek and cheekbones as he felt Lia playing the tip of his cock on her wet, warm slit, covering him with her slick.
“Baby,” you whispered to him when Lia put a hand on your shoulder for support, you knew she was sitting on his cock, Javier opened his eyes half-way and gave you with a silent pleading look, he moaned gutturally and Lia behind you gasped, you turned to look at her and bit your lip when you saw her sitting fully on Javier’s cock, her head thrown back, neck stretched, her hand was still resting on your shoulder, her knees over your feet, you turned back to Javier, whose eyes were still traveling from your face to your tits and to your slick, swollen pussy in front of him and back, “you wanna eat me?” you asked him, he nodded and you smiled at him; his body started moving slowly and his eyes closed, one of his hands left your thigh and moved towards Lia’s and your smile grew.
Lia’s hand gripped your shoulder and you felt her leaning towards you, you felt her warm breath on your back and your cunt leaked more over Javier’s chest, you took her hand and circled your hips gently to gain some friction on your core; making a mess out of Javier’s skin.
“Let him eat you.” Lia whispered on the skin of your back and left a wet kiss on it, you nodded and moved carefully off Javier, kneeling next to them. Once you weren’t putting that much pressure on his body, Lia started bouncing on him.
Javier opened his eyes and grunted, one of his hands reaching for you.
“C’mere baby girl,” he muttered towards you, “sit.” he nodded his chin and you chuckled, you moved to kneel above his head and before you could sit on his mouth he blew softly into your core, making you moan. One of his hands rested on your thigh, bringing you down to him, the other on Lia’s hip, helping her move on him.
Javier flattened his tongue on your core and ran it through your folds a couple of times before sucking on your clit, you closed your eyes and reached to Lia, she took your hands and leaned to kiss you, slowing down her movements on Javier’s cock, making him grunt against your cunt.
Javier folded his legs and planted his feet on the bed, beginning a near-torturing pounding into Lia’s cunt, feeling the way her warm walls clutched his cock. Lia whined against your lips and you started circling your hips over his open mouth.
“Fu–fuck,” she gasped out, you moaned when Javier’s tongue hit your clit at a specific angle that made your breath hitch. “Ja–Javier, more.” Lia demanded, licking your lips, you grabbed her by the nape and ate her mouth, your other hand sliding to her clit, you circled it with two fingers, she whined out again and you let her rest her head on your shoulder, Javier nibbled at your pussy, sucking at the juices that were leaking because of Lia’s moans and whimpers and the wet noises of his cock thrusting in and out of her.
You pinched Lia’s clit and she bit the skin of your shoulder as she came, Javier grunted as her cunt strangled his cock but kept going, he fucked her and you played with her clit through her high and prolonged her orgasm until she screamed against your neck.
“Oh god.” she fell on your arms and you moved off Javier’s head and helped Lia to lie down next to him, Javier’s hand was on your thigh as you whispered into Lia’s ear how good she did. You felt him shift on the bed until he was resting against your back.
“Let me fuck you too.” he whispered against your hair, you nodded, Lia snuggled against your chest as Javier grabbed your leg and rested it over his hips, he wrapped himself around you and eased himself into your wet cunt, setting immediately a murdering pace, Lia hid her face into your breasts as they bounced at the rhythm of Javier’s thrusts and her hand went around the both of you to grip at his ass.
“Javi,” you whined out, your hand resting on the small of Lia’s back, she started licking at the flesh of your tits lazily “make me cum.” you begged and he grunted against your hair, his thrust becoming deeper and harder, Lia moved her head and bit your nipple, Javier started nibbling at your jaw and his fingers went to play with your clit once again, you came around him and Javier grinned against your skin when he felt you soaking his cock with your cum.
“Let me cum on your pretty faces.” he let out, still thrusting into you gently as you rode out your orgasm.
“Yes.” you and Lia replied at the same time.
Javier let out a tired chuckle, he slid out of you, both of you whimpering at the loss of connection, and he kneeled on the bed, you and Lia shifted as he pumped himself with the help of your combined arousals covering his erection, Lia reached for you and kissed you before you could crawl on the bed to wait for Javier to finish, he grunted above you.
“C’mon,” he growled, pumping himself faster, you broke the kiss, smiled at Lia and crawled to him, looking at his face with pleading eyes, “you’re so pretty, baby,” he whispered to you, his free hand caressing your hair, Lia did the same and put her face right next to yours, your cheeks pressed against each other, he looked at Lia, “and you? fuck you’re both so fucking beautiful”; Javier came when Lia dared to stick her tongue out for him, rope after rope of his cum covered your face, Javier was making sure he got both your faces equally coated as he praised you both, “you two look so fucking good covered with me.” he was grunting, milking himself; his load was big, he didn’t dare to tell you how much he had been going without having sex because for a long time no other women did the trick for him; you felt the last drop of his cum falling on your chin and you smiled at him.
“Can I eat it now?” you asked, looking up at him, Javier let out a heavy, spent sigh and smiled softly at you, throwing his head forward and you felt Lia grabbing your face and kissing your sticky cheek.
“I’ll do it for you.” she said.
“Please, don’t get me hard again.” he pleaded, letting himself fall on the mattress next to you.
“Don’t leave,” you pleaded, trying to put on your extra puppy eyes, Javier sighed at you “please.”
“Baby, I need to go to work.” he said, softening his tone.
“Can’t you stay a little longer?” Lia asked him behind you; you were kneeling on the bed, naked and half-ready for him just by looking at him getting ready, Lia was resting on her arm, watching him trying to come up with something else to tell you so you wouldn’t ask him again.
“I can’t.” your shoulders dropped and you sat down on your feet, Javier walked towards you as Lia sat up and shifted to sit behind you; you felt her breasts pressing against your back as Javier sat in front of you on the edge of the bed, Lia’s hands wrapped your waist and Javier narrowed his eyes at her.
“You sure?” she said, sticking her tongue out and licking a stripe of skin on your neck, you sighed, you raised a hand to cup his face.
“Stay.” you pouted slightly and gasped softly when one of Lia’s hands cupped your breast and played your nipple between two fingers.
“Fuck.” Javier let out, standing up to unbutton his shirt, making you smile.
You and Lia stayed in Colombia for a week; a week in which Javier felt the most relaxed he had felt in years, a week in which Javier had smiled and laughed the most in what it felt like a lifetime; he had eaten all the delicious food you had made for him, and then he had eaten you both on his bed a few hours later; he felt as if he was getting a vacation from the deep, heavy pressure of his work and his life in that country. He felt like a tiny bit of normalcy was back in his life.
But the fun, the tasty dinners with you, sometimes with you and the Murphy’s, the loving nights wrapped around your warm bodies, the long mornings of lazy sex with each or both of you, as everything in life, had to end.
“I want you to come home with us.” you whispered against his shoulder as he held you tight against his body, the noise of the airport almost made him not hear you.
“I know, baby, I wanna come home with you too,” he muttered in your ear, you let out a shaky breath and he stepped back a bit to look at you, cup your face and kiss your forehead “soon, okay?” he tried to reassure you, you smiled at him and nodded softly, he brought your face towards his and left a deep, gentle kiss on your lips “take care of Lia.”
“Okay.” you replied in his mouth and stepped back from him.
Javier stepped towards Lia and she wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Please, take care of yourself.” she whispered against his cheek, he nodded softly.
“Don’t leave me alone too long,” he whispered only to her, Lia closed her eyes and took a deep breath “please.”
“We’ll come back, okay?” she reassured him and turned her head to kiss him.
That time, Javier got to feel the same thing you both felt two years before when he saw your bodies walking hand in hand, disappearing behind the boarding gate.
Javier was sent home almost three years later after the events that went down with Los Pepes; he was sent first to Miami and then he flew straight to Laredo, to where you had driven to meet him at his dad’s ranch.
The first thing that Javier saw when he got home was Lia’s huge pregnant belly.
He had jumped off his dad’s truck before Chucho could even turn off the engine; you were sitting on the porch, Lia was complaining about her back and you were sitting next to her with your hand on her belly; Javier ran towards the both of you and before you could react he kneeled in front of Lia, already forgetting everything about himself.
“God, you look huge.” he let out with wide eyes and a surprised quirk. You drowned a chuckle.
“Well, hi, asshole.” Lia let out, Javier let out a chuckle and put his big hands on Lia’s belly, marveled at how soft yet how hard it was, he looked at you with a soft smile.
“Hi, baby.” he muttered, Lia smirked, covering one of his hands with her own.
“Hi, love,” you replied, leaning to kiss his forehead, he moved his head to reach your lips “we have a baby in there.” you smiled at him.
“No, I have a baby in me.” Lia corrected, Javier turned at her and rolled his eyes, incorporating to kiss her.
“Well, is it a boy?” Javier asked, turning his brown, wide, shiny eyes to the baby bump, feeling a gentle kick right below his hand.
“No,” you smiled, “it’s a girl.”
“Thank fucking god.” he sighed out, leaning down to press his cheek to Lia’s belly, you put a hand on his shoulder and he smiled at you.
Javier never thought he would be a father, but in between visits to Colombia, you and Lia had talked about having a baby, there was something inside both of you that made you want to have a mini person running around both your legs, someone that looked like either of you and Javier, someone that could be the embodiment of the huge love you had shared.
So, one day, while talking to Javier over the phone, you mentioned to him that you were thinking about having a baby. At first Javier thought both of you wanted to get pregnant at the same time, and you had laughed it off; you hadn’t decided who was to carry it, but you knew you wanted it.
Javier asked to think about it for a while, ponder it and sleep on it; he knew, by looking at Steve and Connie with Olivia, that being a parent wasn’t easy, and although he always thought kids were something he could only see from afar, he didn’t hate the idea of a little person calling him dad; so he called you both and told you he was in, you offered yourself to do it but Lia immediately said no. Javier had laughed at the response but agreed with her; you didn’t fight it, they had a fierce, almost overprotective grip over you, and Lia didn’t want to see you lose your mind and drown in hormones, so she was the one that had her implant removed and on the next visit to Colombia, she was the one getting almost all of Javier’s cum.
The pregnancy announcement came several weeks later, once you were back in Houston, Javier lost his words over the phone and you and Lia had waited for him to say anything for almost three minutes. But he was happy, happier than he had ever felt.
You and Lia had dealt with the pregnancy on your own, Javier’s work grew heavier and more dangerous than before so he cut the visits and didn’t let you travel down anymore. You understood, but you were dealing with a pregnant, grumpy, horny woman by yourself, and you would’ve been lying if you said you didn’t need him by your side.
But, even when his suspension came out of nowhere for you, it was also sort of a blessing; because you both thought he wouldn’t be there with you when the baby was born, but he was, he was back home and about to become a father.
Literally at any time.
You had driven with him back to Houston after a few days with Chucho to get ready for when Lia gave birth and the convivence fell down as always, domestic bliss wasn’t the goal but it was there.
Javier was sitting on the coffee table, rubbing Lia’s feet one night after dinner while you took care of things around the kitchen and threw names to the air; choosing the name for the baby was exhausting, hard work, with three parents looking for something meaningful and fighting over pronunciations and spellings.
“What about Jenna?” you let out, Lia growled.
“My highschool bully was named Jenna.” she said, you chuckled, Javier narrowed his eyes and threw his gaze to the floor as he rubbed Lia’s toes.
“And Lisa?”
“Too short.” she replied. You hummed in thinking.
Javier had received a call that morning; he was offered a new job in Colombia, a new assignment to catch another cartel; a new job and a promotion.
“Lily!” your voice sounded afar.
“Uhm, nah.” Lia’s voice did too.
Javier glanced at the baby bump and he knew the job would do a lot for his daughter, he knew, somehow, that that time the work wouldn’t take long, he knew he could do it, he knew he had it in him; but he didn’t want to leave. He didn’t want to leave you and Lia and his baby alone again, not after spending almost six years away from his home, with a long distance relationship that although worked, wasn’t enough, surviving out of one week trips every six months, he didn’t know if he had that in him.
“Luisa!” you said, falling next to Lia on the couch, Lia gasped.
“I like it.” she replied and you clapped a few times.
“Javi, do you like it?” you asked him, bringing him back to reality.
“Huh?” he blinked a few times, Lia narrowed his eyes at him.
“The name.”
“Oh, yeah, sure.” he let out lowly, nodding a couple of times.
“What’s going on?” Lia asked, having felt his insecurity.
“Nothing.” he replied, taking her foot off his lap and taking the other one on.
“You’re lying.” you let out, searching for his eyes.
“Yeah,” he sighed out, “they offered me a job.” he let out.
“That’s good, right?” you asked, looking at Lia, she shrugged.
“It’s in Colombia.” he muttered.
“No.” Lia let out. You frowned at Javier, Lia took her foot off his lap as quickly as she could.
“You’re going back?” you asked him, already feeling a knot in your throat that was making it hard for you to breathe.
“Wait.” he rubbed his forehead with his hand.
“Javier Peña if you go back to that place,” Lia said with her hardened voice, trying to stand up from the couch, “I swear to God you will not meet your daughter.” Javier closed his eyes and damned the time he just let it out before explaining the whole thing.
“Are you gonna leave us again?”
“Let me explain.” Javier stood up from the coffee table.
“You can’t leave!” you yelled out, standing up as well and helping Lia off the couch.
“Listen to me,” Lia admonished “we waited for you, Javier!”
“Let. Me. Explain.” Javier pointed out.
“Explain what?” you asked him, hiding behind Lia as she waddled towards him.
“You are not leaving us alone again,” she shoved her finger on his chest “I’m about to explode, idiot!”
“Listen to me, silly woman!” he raised his voice to Lia and then looked at you “listen,” Lia was about to reply to him, but you saw his eyes shiny with unshed tears, so you put a hand on her shoulder and she took a deep breath, “I want you to come with me.” he let out.
“What?” you let out, frowning, confused.
“After Luisa is born, come with me,” he looked at the both of you, you turned to Lia and then back to him “I don’t wanna miss you anymore,” he dropped his eyes to Lia’s belly “I don’t wanna miss her.”
“Fuck you, Javier.” Lia let out, her lip pouty. She rolled her eyes and stepped slowly towards him.
“Please.” he whispered, inches away from her, she nodded, Javier kissed her and raised his hand for you; you took it and he pulled you to him.
“We better work on our spanish, then.” you whispered to them, Javier leaned to kiss you with a smile on his lips.
let me know if you wanna be removed :)
pedrito's perma list: @northernpunk​ @pascalesque​ @sleep-tight1​ @cheekygeek05​ @bii-aan-ckaa​ @letaliabane​ @supernaturalgirl​ @metalarmsandmanbuns​ @asta-lily @alliterative-albatross​ @greeneyedblondie44​ @missswriter​ @juletheghoul​ @pedro-pastel​ @agirllovespancakes​ @charlispersonallyhell​ @hopeevenonthisside
dick aneurysm: @starlightmornings​ @mouthymandalorianalso​ @purplepascal042​ @maharani-radha​ @pascalslittlebrat​ @mothandpidgeon​ @wyn-dixie​ @empress-palpat1ne​ @charnelhouse​
Javi's babies: @pulplorrd​
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