#and you would be surprised how applicable it is to daily life
orbleglorb · 11 months
"yes this prominent internet person apologized for the bad thing they did, but that doesn't matter! we need to hold them accountable!" wow what a great idea. how about we force them to wear a giant red "A" on their chest for the rest of their life? "A" meaning "Accountability," of course. and, in order to prevent them from picking an inconspicuous shade of red, we specify that the "A" has to be bright red... perhaps scarlet?
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withacapitalp · 1 year
(Okay I saw a post about a premise similar to this but I cannot find it for the life of me. Anyway I loved it so much that I had to write a version of it myself. A post s2 AU!) Now with Part Two
Steve was never exactly the most perceptive person in the world. 
He missed all of the signals that Nancy had given him, every sign that had pointed to their failing relationship. He hadn’t seen the moments that proved she was right about everything going on in their town either. Steve overlooked important details in his college applications, and took shots in basketball that almost always missed. He even sometimes walked right into walls these days, because his spacial awareness had kinda been shot since Billy smashed a plate over his head fifteen days ago. 
A lot of that could be forgiven, but, this…
Well this was a little bit obtuse, even for him. 
“You know you’re sitting at our table, right, King Steve?” 
Steve looked up from his Tuna Surprise, resisting the urge to flinch at both the blinding light from the windows in the cafeteria and the nickname he hated so much. Eddie Munson stared back, carrying a lunch tray in one hand and his signature metal lunch box in the other. 
“Your humble court is awaiting you on the haves side of this blessed cookery. This side is where the dweebs and the nerds parlay. A single place we get a reprieve from the endless bombardment of the average” Munson continued, flinging his arms to and fro, gesturing to the group of teens behind him who were staring at Steve like he was dirt under the bottom of their shoes. 
He hadn’t understood the majority of what Eddie had just said to him, but those looks were enough to give Steve the gist. He was not welcome here. 
“Sorry,” He muttered, grabbing his tray and sliding it to the other end of the table. He took a deep breath the second he was alone again, letting the tension melt away from his body as he collapsed back in his seat. 
Even though he was no longer welcome to sit at his old table, Steve probably could have gone and eaten in the library with Nancy and Jonathan. They had awkwardly invited him to join them a few times since everything had gone down, but he always said no. 
It was better this way. Better to be alone. Better to not have to watch the two of them try and hide how much happier they were now that they could be together. They deserved that happiness, Nancy deserved that happiness, and Steve refused to be the one to make her try and stifle any of that. 
He had hurt her enough already. 
“What happened to your face?”
Once again Eddie dragged Steve out of his thoughts. He was standing over Steve’s head, nearly hovering on top of him, watching Steve like he was trying to work him out. Like Steve was a particularly complex puzzle that he could solve just with his eyes. 
Nancy had always looked at him that way. Steve had hated it when it was her, and he hated it even more coming from Munson now. 
“Got into a fight,” Steve grunted, stabbing at his shitty cafeteria food and hoping that his abrasiveness would be enough to get Munson to leave him alone.
He wasn’t exactly sure what he could say now that they had all signed another round of NDAs, but he was pretty sure even talking about this was toeing the line. It was safer all around to get Eddie to go away as quickly as possible. 
It wouldn’t be all that hard. Usually all it took were a few well placed bitchy comments to get people to see the picture and give up on him. The only group of people who hadn’t been perturbed by Steve’s spikiness was the kids. They had shown up at his house pretty much daily since the gate had closed, and had even taken to begging on him for rides to and from school. 
Dustin in particular seemed determined to stay latched onto him like a barnacle, but Steve found that he didn’t really mind their clinginess.
 It was nice to be needed, even if it was only a group of pre-teen smartasses. 
“With who?” Eddie asked, leaning his hip on the table next to Steve and crossing his arms over his chest, “Cause Billy Hargrove is telling everyone he can that he beat your ass for messing with his sister,”
“I would never do something like that,” Steve shot back instantly, feeling the fading bruises on his face twinge as his jaw clenched in fury. He couldn’t help the words spilling out of his mouth, unable to stop them, “Billy’s a racist jackass who tried to put his hands on one of my fucking kids,”
“There is…so many confusing parts of that sentence,” Eddie stated, blinking in shock.
“Whatever,” Steve murmured, biting his cheek to stop himself from saying anything more and hunching his shoulders up around his ears. They weren’t exactly his kids, per say, but Steve was invested in keeping them safe now. The idea of doing anything to hurt any of them was painful, and the thought of Billy spreading that kind of rumor made bile rise up in his throat. 
Fuck Billy. Fuck this. Fuck his life honestly. 
“Look, Munson, I’m really not in the mood right now,” Steve sighed, hating how weary he sounded. It would have been better to fight his way out of this. Steve was crappy at fighting though, and there wasn’t much spirit left in him. Not after two weeks of perpetual stress and tension. 
“I moved down, I’m not in your way, isn’t that good enough?” Steve bit out, halfway to just grabbing his tray and throwing it in the trash. He was barely eating anyway, might as well go to the gym to shoot some hoops instead of sitting here being interrogated by drug dealing  extraordinaire, Eddie goddamn Munson.
Couldn’t he just let Steve eat in peace? Everything else was already so goddamn difficult these days. Could Steve at least manage to eat a mediocre meal without the entire world demanding something from him? 
By the grace of whatever god was potentially out there, Eddie took the hint, pushing off of his resting place and stalking back over to his group of weirdos on the other side. Steve let his eyes slip shut and dragged in a heavy breath, utterly exhausted. 
He was contemplating skipping the rest of the day and going home to sleep when a blue plastic tray identical to the one in front of him bumped his right hand
“What are you doing?” Steve wondered aloud, raising his eyebrows and fixing Eddie with a confused look as he sat down right next to Steve and began to dig into his meal. 
“Eating lunch alone sucks?” Eddie offered, shoveling Tuna Surprise into his mouth and shuddering, pushing the rest of the disgusting concoction to the far side of his tray, “Plus I’m hoping that if I get in your good graces you’ll give me your pudding cup,”
Steve stared at him for a few more moments, waiting for whatever prank was about to be pulled. But Eddie didn’t budge, continuing to eat around his main dish with strange efficiency and ignoring Steve’s gaze. 
“Go nuts,” He finally said, offering the plastic container over to Eddie who grabbed it and gave Steve a big smile
“Mazel Tov, Eddie said, hoisting the pudding aloft and tearing into it, “So, you have children?”
“I- I babysit,” Steve stammered out, completely perplexed by the strange set of circumstances that was playing out in front of him. Eddie paused with his spoon midair in front of him. 
“You babysit,” He repeated, turning his head towards Steve. The younger teen nodded and Eddie hummed. He put his pudding down and licked his spoon clean. When he was done, he hefted it aloft, bringing it down on the back of his right hand with a smack that echoed all around the cafeteria. 
“Ouch!” Eddie yelped, flapping his hand around in the air to try and get rid of the sting. Steve looked frantically to and fro as the rest of the room stared at them, whispering behind their hands. 
“Why would you-” 
“Had to make sure I wasn’t dreaming,” Eddie explained, interrupting Steve’s furious whisper with a breathless little laugh, “Because I just heard the words ‘I babysit’ come out of King Steve’s mouth,”
“Would you cut it out with the King stuff?” Steve snapped, beginning to lose his appetite, “It’s been a while since I was King of anything, and it was a stupid fucking idea to begin with,” 
There was a beat of awkward silence as Eddie gave him another one of those soul searching looks. 
“What are you doing Thursday afternoon?” He finally asked when he found whatever he was looking to find. Steve startled, dropping his fork. 
What kind of question was that? 
Was Munson asking him on some sort of date?!
“I’m…benched from basketball ‘cause of my concussion. So nothing, I guess,” Steve said cautiously, carefully picking his words and trying to avoid the spike of hurt that shot along his chest as he said them. 
It wasn’t much, but basketball was one of the only things Steve really thought he was genuinely good at. Not having it was kind of pure torture. 
Almost as bad as not having Nancy in his life anymore. 
“In that case, come to Hellfire,” Eddie offered, glancing at the clock on the wall and grabbing both of their trays. Steve scrambled to grab his backpack, hefting it onto one shoulder and jogging to keep up with Eddie. 
“Hellfire?” Eddie repeated, dumping their trash into the bin and stacking the trays next to it, “It’s the club I run,”
“What is it?” Steve asked, curious but unwilling to commit just yet. There was still a part of him that was kind of convinced all of this was some elaborate ruse to fuck with him. 
But before Eddie could say anything the bell chimed all around them. The rest of the student population moved as one, and the sound in the lunchroom immediately went from dull roar to cacophonous mess. Steve’s left ear started to ring again, and he winced, shying away from the sudden noise. 
“You’ll have to come and see,” Eddie said, waggling his eyebrows, completely ignorant to Steve’s pain. He turned on his heel, raising a hand in a wave behind him as he loped towards the rest of his friend group.
“Thursday after school! In the drama room, don’t be late!”
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cheesemonky · 5 months
Chapter 1: Fairy or Not?
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pairing: fairy!felix x fairy!reader
Series Masterlist
Word count: 1.5k
summary: A fairy gets their wings once they're 13. A normal one at least. You're 23, and still without any. This leaves you without a mate, because who would love a wingless fairy? So when you decide to leave, it's quite the surprise to find a fairy with a wing missing…
warnings: reader has trauma, swearing, blood, description of reader scratching their back violently?? NOT PROOF READ lmk if i missed anything <3
“I didn’t even know it was possible to not get wings!”
“Ew, don’t talk to her, it’ll give you her disease..!”
“There’s a reason she has no friends.”
And suddenly, you weren’t there anymore. You shot upwards from your bed, panting and wiping away your cold sweat. A different version of the same nightmare, and it never forgets an evening. Your life was not an easy one, that’s for sure. 10 years since that wretched day. Since the day that reshaped your life forever.
“Honey, I don’t know what happened, but she didn’t get any..!”
“A-A fairy can’t not have wings..! Then they’re just a mini human! Does this mean she won’t have magic either..?!”
This was officially the worst birthday ever. Not just for you, it’s the worst in fairy history. It’s common knowledge that, on a fairy’s 13th birthday, they get their wings, which hold their magic. And you had been so hyped for it all. You had told your friends all about it in the past week, and you were sure that yours would look prettier than anything anyone’s ever seen. But now the day had come round, and there was not a single trace of a wing on your back. Not a sprout, not even a glimmer. You broke down in tears that morning, and the look of horror on your parents face was unimaginable. You were facing your back to the mirror, scratching at where your wings should have been, your back all red and raw from the drag of your nails.
They took you to every hospital, every magic healer, every guru but no one could understand what had happened. It was unheard of for a fairy not to have any wings. Hours upon hours of crying, curled up in bed, locked away from your family. It was days before you came out of your room and weeks before you could even muster up the courage to show up at school again. That’s where it was the worst. You weren’t outright bullied, no, they were too scared for that. They were all convinced that you had some infectious disease, and they couldn’t risk having their own magic affected. Even you began to believe that you were cursed. It was the only way to explain anything. And this was just the beginning.
You didn’t know when the nightmares started to feel more real but it wasn’t something you could help. You just hope they don’t get any worse. You shuffled out of bed with a sigh to get ready for another gruelling day at work. Just because you were wingless didn’t mean they didn’t want to hire you. Okay, they didn’t want to hire you but you were the only applicant for a job that no one else wanted. And so, you made your bed, got everything ready for the day and grabbed a pomegranate seed for breakfast on your way out. Stares were usual, though you’d think people would have gotten used to it by now. As you passed your local hospital, you took a peek into the windows of the waiting room. Seats filled with fairies with damaged wings. How could they be so careless with something so precious? If you had gotten your own pair, you swore you’d protect them like nothing else mattered. You tore your eyes away, realising that you were going to run late if you kept staring. After arriving at the office, you sighed internally. You quickly hurried to your desk and sat down, determined to ignore the fairies who began their daily gossip. 
”I’m surprised she managed to get a job at all..!”
”It’s only because no one else wanted to do it…”
”To be fair, literally no one likes dealing with customers, sooo…”
“Y/N? A lady wants to talk to our PR team, and you’re the only one in the team here today.”  You groaned internally before standing up and walking over to the lady waiting at the front office. You plastered a smile on your face and greeted her warmly.
“Hi ma’am, what seems to be the problem?” She eyed you up and down for a moment before glancing behind you.
“Oh.. is there no one else?”
“Unfortunately, no. Can I help you?”
“Whatever… I called this company some time ago and they said they’d get back to me in an email, but I’m still waiting.”
“I’m sorry, but we get a lot of calls and emails everyday ma’am, but you will get one eventually.”
“‘Eventually’ isn't good enough, I need one now. Your customer service is not very reliable.” You sighed. Is it really that hard for customers to understand that there are other people who come to your company? Half the time, they ask the same thing.
“Ma’am there’s not much I can do. There are people who have been waiting longer and we have to get to them first, or it’d be unfair.”
“Can’t you just- get back to me first and then do the rest? I’m a very busy woman.”
“Ma’am, we’ll get to you when we can.” You could see her face fill with contempt as her face took on a scowl. You smiled curtly, turning back to go to your desk when you heard her grumble.
“Tsk, there’s a reason no one loves you, ugly cunt…”
“Excuse me?” You snapped your head back to look her in the eye, but you knew that anything more and you’d break down. She probably didn’t mean for you to hear anyways.
“You heard me. No one loves you, you ugly fucking cunt. Can’t even do something for someone. You ain’t a typa fairy special just because you don’t have wings. Hell, you ain’t even a fairy at this point.” You open your mouth to say something, but not a sound comes out. Your eyes darted around, looking for someone to help you out, but everyone kept on with their usual work. No one batted an eye at the scene unfolding. You held back the welling tears, and managed to choke out a sentence.
“M-Ma’am, I’m going to have to ask you to leave…”
“Gladly. I can’t stand being near you a second longer…” Taking a deep breath, you turned on your heel, determined to keep your face up.
“God, the world ain’t even love you enough to give you wings…”
“Shut the fuck up.” The lady flinched at your words. You didn’t mean to sound so harsh, but something in you snapped. You had spent so much time in your life trying to shut out the voices that told you the same thing. Years spent trying to deal with being told that you were weird and disgusting. And people still think they can pull this shit? Oh no, no, you weren’t putting up with it this time.You stormed out of the room and shoved past a bunch of different people to get to your desk. You grabbed a nearby box from your co-worker's desk, emptying it of its contents. You shoved everything into the box, your files, your books, the little trinkets you had set up. Hot tears streamed down and fell off of your face even as you walked up to your manager. Getting right up in his face, you stuck your finger pointedly at him before whispering,
"I quit."
Soon enough, you were back on the street, walking home with a plan set in mind. You were going to leave this goddamn place for good. At home, you threw your box to the side before grabbing out your biggest backpack. You stuffed your favourite clothes inside as well as some necessary toiletries. Some snacks and rations to keep you satisfied until you managed to gather your own food and the few good memoirs that decorated your bedside table. You walked out your home for the second time that morning, your neighbours whispering louder than before. You ran as fast as you could to the edge of the small fairy town, only looking back once before you stepped out into the Great Australian Bush.
Days passed as you travelled, careful not to be caught by a possum or something of the likes. It took a while, but you learnt how to forage properly, looking for nuts and berries to last you a good while. And you did it all without wings. Perhaps they were wrong. Maybe you really didn't need wings. And it went like that for months. You were a little disappointed that no one came looking, but what were you expecting? You were the only fairy out here.
Until one day, you stumbled across a trail of blood. You were planning on turning and leaving to go the other way but something caught your eye. There was glitter in the blood. A distinct feature of fairy blood. You followed the trail for a while, before finally finding him. He was beautiful. Freckles painted his cheeks like stars, and his presence gave off its own glow. But then you saw it. On his back, one wing was perfectly fine, but in place of the other was a fresh wound. You looked out a bit further and there it was. His other wing, fallen and mixed in with the sticks and dirt.
"Oh shit…"
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taglist:  @mumusreblogs @kai-lee08 @2minstan @painstakingly-juno send an ask to be on the taglist!!
leisel's note: i got a litle tired of the hyunjin one but dont worry, its not abandoned!! but i had a brainwave for this one so enjoy :3 felix will be properly introduced next chap :))
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letsberealgenz · 29 days
how to be productive: stop procrastinating, stay motivated and disciplined in 2024
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Recently my schedule has been pretty crazy! Not going to lie, it can get pretty overwhelming when you have so much to do yet so little time. The truth is time is just time, it’s just that we’ve been filling up our plate a little too much with the expectation of getting almost everything done in just 24 hours and also crazy enough to think that we can juggle every responsibility we have towards ourselves, family, friends, community and et cetera.
Are we living in a time where we can’t seem to differentiate humans and robots anymore?
Being in a chaotic schedule has definitely hacked my productivity benchmark but what surprised me was how easily it is for us to overlook the daily habits that’s actually making the most difference in your day-to-day. Finally, I am compiling and revealing it to you today!
stop mindless scrolling
The #1 productivity killer is this. To be honest, it’s a drug that’s been intoxicating not only 1 person but the entire generations down the road. Like it or not, everybody’s forced to own a smartphone today due to how fast the world is revolving around digital transformation.
I mean that’s okay but what’s not okay is how easily it is for humans to fall prey into this addiction of scrolling through social media. We are living in a time where nobody has to teach you how to be addicted to an application instead we are living in a time where it’s the application that tends to give you more attention compared to human beings. Right?
That’s how you get addicted scrolling through your Instagram feed, Facebook, TikTok and all the applications that exist out there just for you! To be honest, I was definitely in that category too and I hate the fact that I wasted every second of my life going through that addiction till I finally woke up.
An awakening they say? Huh once I knew exactly how we are wrapping ourselves into this great illusion, I made a promise to only use my social media when it’s highly needed. For instance:
work purpose
communication and etc.
Definitely I allow myself to mindlessly scroll too but only when I am completely done with the tasks that I promise myself to work on. Also not forgetting I always find a way to stay in the present moment by giving my time to people whom are physically present around me. That way, I feel like I am truly living and making the most out of the day!
create a to-do list
This is my top habit for easing my anxiety and reducing panic attacks throughout the day. Saves mental space big time! From my personal experience, the moment I begin planning for the things I need to work on for the day, I ensure that it is truly aligned with my goals as well as allocating the time required in a realistic manner.
What happens here is that by doing this, I am actually eliminating tasks that does not require my immediate attention and upscaling my time management for tasks that would actually move me closer towards my goals.
plan your important days ahead
I can’t emphasize enough on the importance of planning your high priority tasks way ahead. Yes, I do know how well some of us work at the very eleventh hour but truth to be told is when you get your planning right, you would ensure that you put in all the effort required on your side to make it happen!
Trust me when you do this, you won’t ever have the feeling of “you could have done more” or even “only if I put in more effort, never know I could ace that event/competition/meeting/presentation.” Planning wins in the end!
set up your vision board
Didn’t they say visualization is the key to manifestation? Yes, you heard it right! Vision board is just another really simple way to ensure you are being reminded of your big goals in life. That dream house, that dream vacation, that dream relationship, that dream job and that dream lifestyle of yours is never going to come into fruition if you just procrastinate and scroll through your phone all day long right?
visualization + belief + effort = manifestation
dopamine reward system
I have to credit Rob Dial’s podcast for this insight! It’s ironic how we only reward ourselves for the big wins but the truth is it’s the small wins that matters the most at the end of the day!
When you start rewarding yourself for those small wins of yours, that’s how you’re going to generate a bigger, better and brighter momentum to keep moving forward in life!
For me personally, I find it so satisfying to cross off my to-do list. This is my daily dopamine reward system for my entire being to be honest. What’s yours?
focus on the important task first
When you have so many things on your plate, it’s so easy to be pulled in various directions at the same time. That’s why it’s so important to recognize which task is truly urgent and actually helping you to get closer towards your goal.
Personally, I use the Eisenhower decision matrix boosting my time management!
monitor your intake
Food is fuel right? I am not a professional nutritionist to advocate about this but I am humanly enough to know that the food and drink we consume affects our entire body system in so many different ways.
energy level
sleeping patterns
cognitive function
The list goes on and on haha!
take your vitamins/supplements consistently
Vitamins are so underrated to be honest. It’s like we get caught up doing everything externally till we forgot we could boost our immune system just through the right pills. I know it’s always the best to consume intake that naturally has all the vitamins and minerals your body needs but what if you are eating out most of the days?
Exactly, that’s where vitamins and supplements come in as your best friend!
sweat it out
I hate how social media portrays “fitness” because in reality everybody has different body languages. Maybe I fit well working out at home with my yoga mat but for you maybe hiking is your love language. But what needs to be spoken more about is how you can fit a certain workout regime best into your daily schedule.
Consider time as well. Do not robotized yourself instead be really flexible with your regime. Some days working out could be easy and some days you just don’t find time to do so and that’s totally okay. Do not ever beat yourself up for this!
Reflection is such an important tool yet it can be easily overlooked in your daily life. That’s where journaling comes in as your savior. This is something that I have recently found out, night journal really helps in wrapping up my days.
What I did on that day?
What can be improved?
What needs to be eliminated?
What did I learn overall?
What I need to focus from tomorrow onwards?
I will create a special night journal routine vlog soon on my YouTube channel. Therefore, do hit the subscribe button to stay tune for more live vlogs! (PS: This is a new realm for me but I am excited to try this out)
batch create
Saving the last spot for the best! Aha, finally we are here and this should be your #1 habit if you’re an online entrepreneur, growing your business digitally, running an online store, an artist, creator or anybody who’s trying to make something out of wi-fi money. This one’s for you! (save this)
Batch create your content. Save a specific date and record all of your videos/podcasts on that same day. This would help you to save a lot of time down the road for editing and scheduling purpose.
That’s it for now! Signing off, let me know if you found this to be helpful and below are my socials. Let’s connect!
YouTube || Instagram || TikTok || Wattpad || Tumblr || Pinterest || Podcast
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donnerpartyofone · 1 year
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Sometimes life takes on the thematic consistency of a movie, and this is always thrilling even if you know intellectually that all of your impulses and machinations have to come from the same subconscious place.
At the beginning of the week I saw an interesting horoscope prompt to write an obituary for your past self and bury it in the ground. I decided to do this, perhaps because I have been burning for change for several years now on a level that has been making me much more insane than I already am. I thought it would feel forced and pretentious to write the obit, but it was really easy, particularly easy to see what the "past self" consists of when I notice all the things I do now that I couldn't before. It was a good feeling, that it was so obvious to me what to write. I buried it where we spread our lizard's ashes, a place where there is a view of the Statue of Liberty. Sometimes I hang around there and analyze what "liberty" means to me in a culture where we often take it for granted as a foundational principle, even though this isn't very true in practice.
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It happened to be the summer solstice. On midsummer's eve I had been strangely full of energy. Someone posted a section of coptic midnight praise music, so I got out of bed and listened to that on repeat for about an hour before getting two or three hours of sleep. I woke up around dawn feeling refreshed and experienced no fatigue for the rest of the day. Then I did the writing, and the burial. Oddly (or not), I would spend the next two days finally-finalizing my married name change on every outstanding account. Becoming a different person.
In the night I'd found myself looking at pictures of snakes, my favorite animal since childhood. In the morning I vaguely remembered something having to do with snakes and midsummer; in fact there is a Lithuanian grass snake entity that is supposed to protect the home and bring good fortune, and it is connected with a sun goddess who is naturally celebrated on the solstice. I even remembered that I had some Zaltys-themed perfume in my collection, so I dug that out and enjoyed it, a sunny and snakey smell. My seemingly random snake meditation was well-timed, not only calendrically but because my husband and I have been desperately searching for a new home. We got one the next day.
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In less than 24 hours, we viewed an apartment in our (really MY let's be honest) favorite neighborhood, applied to lease it, and were accepted. Of course nothing with me is ever as cut and dried as that, and in reality it took several hours to get my application materials together and do banking bullshit and just stop fucking everything up. I started a post yesterday detailing all this, but now I'm too exhausted to fix it up and post it. Suffice it to say that almost every adult activity is almost Too Hard for me, I wish I understood the world better and I really do try but it's beyond my intellectual functioning, but every time I have to take care of some administrative nonsense I'm like a goldfish passing the same plastic castle like it's brand new. Sometimes it feels like everything I do is the hardest thing I've ever done, and my only source of pride is the willingness to keep doing it.
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The apartment is only slightly too expensive, which we will trade for slightly more space in a much nicer neighborhood. We've been sitting on each other's heads in a hilariously small place surrounded by toxic waste (literally) for ten years, and in the last few years it began to feel like something that was holding us back, as people, in life. Like I needed so many things to change about my health, my job situation, my daily routines, my worldly possessions, and it just didn't feel possible for anything to shift in this little place that seemed to be shrinking every day. I became convinced that moving house would trigger all of the other changes, no matter how unrelated they might appear, and I still think this may prove true.
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It may not be surprising that I started going to church during this time of constriction, when I could only expand my mind. I find it easy to love the intense fetishism of Catholicism, and its enormous pantheon of different guys with different attributes. It's got more guys than GI Joe, all with cool little backstories. Somewhere I read that you can bother St. Joseph for domestic needs. He is a guy who we know very little about, which is curious because the holy family is such a big deal; it seems that he died sometime before Jesus turned water into wine, but no one knows how. There is an incredible statue of him in Star of the Sea that is epically sad and exhausted-looking, I need to get a picture of him. I actually said a novena to Joseph for the new apartment...so now I guess I'm on the hook! Good thing I confused things by also asking my favor of the Lithuanian snake entity, so I don't have to just become a fanatical Catholic. I'll have to make a little joint altar in the new place for Joseph and the serpent.
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While I was changing my name on the last bank account down in the financial district, my husband texted me to say we got the apartment. It was about an hour after we submitted our application. When I stepped outside, I realized I was around the corner from St. Paul's Chapel on Broadway, an ancient-feeling place surrounded by modern steel and concrete and glass. The cemetery that wraps around the building has a view of the Oculus, which presents an extremely strange view that I couldn't get a representative photo of, so all these exteriors are stolen and you'll have to try to imagine what I mean. I did go in, though. The atmosphere is very powerful, a center of oldness and spirit and allegorical thought in the center of this futuristic business orgy. I think that I'd like to be wealthy because of course that's what everyone wants, but also because it would increase my ability to be helpful and contribute to changes I want to see around me. I thought about this while I put some money in the offering slot and lit a candle.
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In esoteric thought there is something called an egregore, which is sort of like a large-scale tulpa, an entity that arises from people's collective mental and emotional investment in it; Wall Street has an egregore, and the NFL, and Broadway, and Disney, and so on. St. Paul's Chapel does a great job of announcing itself as the seat of the egregore of New York City. I regret that I couldn't get a picture of this painting without the glare in the middle, although that does add a certain amount of drama. But anyway here we are, back to the concept of Liberty. Here's hoping the new apartment brings lots and lots of growth and change.
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pocket-luv101 · 2 years
Complicating Factors
Fandom: Genshin Impact Ship: Cynonari
Summary: Cyno wants to visit Tighnari but a strange mechanical crab won’t allow him close to him.
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Tighnari preferred to research plants in the wilderness of Avidya Forest over going to the Akademiya. The quiet and quaint atmosphere allowed him to concentrate better. However, he would occasionally visit Pardis Dhyai and their garden. He had spent countless hours in their greenhouse when he was a student and it felt nostalgic to return. After he became a Forest Ranger, he didn’t have the time to visit as he used to.
A mechanical buzz echoed throughout the greenhouse. The sound of metal clanging together was background noise to him even though he had sensitive ears. He became accustomed to Karkata hovering next to him as he observed the plants. Tighnari didn’t look up from the flowers in front of him but he reached up to pat Karkata’s head. He decided to adopt the mechanical crab as his research assistant.
“Karkata, can you bring me the growth chart of this mushro—” Tighnahi’s words were interrupted by a sharp gasp when he was suddenly embraced from behind. At first, he was surprised and confused because he was the only person in the greenhouse. He quickly recognized who hugged him from the way his strong arms felt around him.
“It’s not often that I can sneak up on you like this, Tighnari.” Cyno whispered into his ear. He kissed his cheek and then he nestled his face against his neck. In their position, Tighnari wasn’t able to see his face yet he could easily picture the smirk he wore. “Have your skills become dull while you’re studying in your forest? I can spar with you for practise.”
Cyno felt a sharp jab against his hip. He instinctively hugged Tighnari tighter against his chest to protect him. He realized that they weren’t being attacked and the pressure was from Karkata. Karkata forced Cyno away from Tighnari and then placed itself between them. The mechanical crab could only communicate through buzzing and beeps so Cyno wasn’t able to understand it. However, it became clear to him that Karkata distrusted him.
“Behave yourself, Karkata. The staff agreed to let you live here but they’ll change their fickle minds the moment you cause trouble for them.” Tighnari lightly chastised the robot. While Karkata nodded and stepped back from Cyno, it still appeared wary. “Cyno was the Matra who approved your application to become my research assistant. You can trust him.”
After Tighnari discovered Abattouy’s lab within the forest, he recovered as much of his work as he could. Researching mechanical life forms was banned and the Akademiya would’ve destroyed Abattouy’s life work if they knew. He couldn’t allow a fellow researcher’s effort and passion to be thrown away so heartlessly. He repaired Karkata and asked Cyno to help him. They arranged for Karkata to live in Pardis Dhyai with the lie that it would make daily reports about the mushrooms he planted.
“I agreed to sign your report because you said the machine was harmless. Are you certain?” Cyno’s eyes narrowed as he studied the machine. Usually, he wouldn’t question Tighnari’s judgement because he knew how intelligent he was. There were a few things about Karkata that worried him though. Aspects of the machine’s design were similar to ancient runes found in the desert.
“His blueprints don’t include missiles or elemental energy. I didn’t decide to make Karkata my research assistant on a whim. I thought about it extensively.” Tighnari wanted to reassure Cyno but his tone was sharper than he intended. He felt a little hurt that Cyno didn’t trust him. “Karkata is merely a little protective of me after he lost his creator.”
“I’ve seen ruin guards with consciousness in the desert. A living machine who can form their own thoughts can be unpredictable and dangerous. What if something happens and it decides you’re a threat? I know you, Tighnari. You’re too stubborn and sentimental to stop Karkata in an event like that.” Cyno touched his cheek. He couldn’t imagine what he would do if Tighnari was hurt while he was miles away in the desert. “It’s my duty to protect you.”
Beside them, Karkata’s made a low buzzing sound and its internal gears creaked threateningly. Tighnari pulled away from Cyno and he placed his hand on Karkata’s head to calm the creature. “Cyno, you should go for now. We’ll finish this conversation tomorrow. Don’t expect me to change my mind about Karkata in that time though.”
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Cyno sat at the base of the hill underneath Pardis Dhyai. He decided to wait for Tighnari outside of the gardens so he could walk him back to the rainforest. They weren’t able to visit each other often and he didn’t want to end their meeting with an argument. He wondered if they could come to a compromise about Karkata. Tighnari was earnest and resolute to a fault. However, those were also traits he adored and respected about him.
The sky had grown dark but Tighnari hadn’t left the greenhouse yet. Cyno worried that something had happened to him or Karkata. He stopped himself from walking back to the garden. He would’ve heard signs of a struggle if Karkata had attacked someone. Tighnari was also a skilled Forest Watcher. Despite those logical thoughts, a part of him would always worry about the man he loved.
Footsteps against stone caused Cyno to glance up towards the gazebo at the top of the hill. While it was dark, he could see Tighnari’s silhouette from his tall ears. Karkata was next to him. Neither appeared to notice that he was standing mere feet underneath them. Cyno debated whether he should call out to them when it was clear the robot distrusted him.
“I have to return to the forest soon. Remember to hide yourself when researchers and the matra visit.” Tighnari told Karkata. He sat on the bench and he stared at the vast view in front of them. The pale moon made him think of Cyno and his hair. “There is one matra you can trust. Cyno will keep his promise to protect you.”
Karkata rumbled in answer and its shell dropped slightly as if it were pouting. The way it was able to emote and express its thoughts fascinated Tighnari. He wished he was able to bring it back with him but he would be too busy to care for it properly. The staff at Pardis Dhyai could maintain its mechanical parts and give it a good home.
“Cyno’s an honourable man and far too intelligent for the Akademiya. I wouldn’t have fallen in love with him if he were anything less. This is a secret but I like his jokes. They’re not funny but they have his unique, earnest charm. Don’t tell him I said that because it will only encourage him to make more terrible jokes while I’m trying to focus on my research.”
His words made Cyno’s heart jump slightly because he rarely voiced his feelings for him so openly. Cyno stepped out from beneath the cliff so he could see Tighnari better. Despite the dim moonlight, he was able to see his smile. He leaned against Karkata and petted its head as if it were a large dog rather than a machine.
“You shouldn’t judge Cyno from your first impression. Most people are intimidated by him but he’s kind and gentle. You only need to worry if you’ve broken a law. When we were students in the Akademiya, he thought I wanted to start a coupe. He followed me for a few days to investigate but I could always hear him. One time, he tried to follow me into the greenhouse and fell into flowers that paralysed him. I treated him.” Tighnari chuckled to himself as he recalled the memory and warm nostalgia filled his heart.
He told Karkata stories of Cyno and their time together so he would trust him. “He studied ancient gods and ruins. When we graduated, I thought we would explore the world together and discover the secrets of the past. He decided to join the Matra. We had a fight over it because I don’t agree with the Akademiya. He thinks he can change things from the inside.”
Cyno still remembered that fight vividly and the lingering sadness in Tighnari’s voice stabbed his heart. He couldn’t bear to hear him sad and began to climb the hill. He intended to embrace and comfort him. He paused at the top of the hill when Tighnari continued.
“If anyone can change the Akademiya, it’s Cyno. I’m grateful that he’s the General Mahamatra rather than one of those arrogant sages. Cyno lets me get away with a lot.” Tighnari said with a small chuckle. They both had similar values concerning the Akademiya but they took different paths to change the system. “Everything he said this morning… I hope he said it as my boyfriend and not General Mahamatra.”
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“The spores from this flower are difficult to collect. However, if we adopt a technique similar to bees, we may be able to extract more. Karkata, can you pass me the… Where did that robot go?” Tighnari had been engrossed in his research and he hadn’t noticed that Karkata had left the greenhouse. He stood from his desk and searched the garden for him. Karkata usually clung to his side whenever he visited Pardis Dhyai so he wondered what would’ve made it leave.
Tighnari found Karkata standing at the entrance of the greenhouse. It jumped in excitement when it spotted him and circled him. Karkata stopped behind him and lightly pushed him forward. While he didn’t know where it intended to take him, he decided to humour it. “We can take a short walk around the garden but then we have to focus on my research, Karkata. I don’t know what has gotten into you. You’re always excited to help with experiments.”
Karkata didn’t bring him to the path they usually took through the garden and that made Tighnari more curious. They walked down the stairs to the clearing beneath Pardis Dhyai. Waiting for them, Cyno sat in a field of flowers with a basket next to him. The sight made Tighnari smile softly and he walked to greet him. To his surprise, Karkata scurried to Cyno as well and reached him first.
“You did a good job, Karkata. Here’s the Nilotpala Lotus that I promised you.” Cyno handed the flower to Karkata. Tighnari watched them interact and they appeared closer compared to their first meeting. A week had passed since that day and he didn’t think they would become friends so quickly.
Before he could question them, Cyno took Tighnari’s hand and pulled him onto his lap. Cyno grinned down at him and Tighnari forgot his questions when he looked into his red eyes. They had known each other for years yet he still had the ability to make his heart race. Tighnari turned away to hide his blush and said, “I was in the middle of research.”
“It’s almost lunch and I thought you’ll be hungry. You have a tendency to forget to eat when you’re doing experiments. I told Karkata to bring you to my little picnic. The robot is surprisingly easy to train once I learned what it wanted.” Cyno took another lotus from the pile next to him and placed it in Tighnari’s hair. “I’ve been visiting Karkata every night to train him.”
“You turned my research assistant into your wingman to kidnap me away from my work?” Tighnari was caught between feeling surprised and impressed by Cyno. He leaned his head against his shoulder and asked, “Was that the only reason you visited Karkata at night? Do you still think he’s dangerous?”
“If you trust Karkata, then I will too. I only wanted to be certain that he wouldn’t hurt you. It’s my duty to protect you.” He repeated the same words he did before. Then, Cyno added: “As your boyfriend. Let’s enjoy our picnic now.”
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thegreyj · 2 years
Fate at work
Rowaelin month day 10: Unconventional way to get a date @rowaelinscourt
So this one is a day late but who cares, it's Rowaelin!
CW: a bad allergic reaction, unconsciousness, surprise moments
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Fate at work
Aelin was in between jobs, and her family friend Emrys let her join the small, quaint café as a temporary barista. One of Emrys’ employees was on maternity leave and taking Aelin on meant less work for him by getting someone he knew and trusted, and who also had the skills to work the café. She had been working for him through her teenage years after all.
Aelin and Luca, the other employee and Emrys’ son had just finished up the daily occurring lunch rush, when she got a phone call. It was the art gallery where she had applied for a job, so Luca told Aelin they could switch their lunch breaks, and she could go eat at the back and take the call. Quickly running to the back, she answered the phone and grabbed her lunch and calendar as well, to take some notes.
The person calling her sounded to be a bit older, with a very kind voice, as they told Aelin how her application had stood out and her CV certainly placed her in the pool of potential candidates. Then they expressed the wish to see Aelin at an interview fairly soon, perhaps the next day if it suited her. She very much wanted the opportunity and told them so. Setting up a fitting time, Aelin thanked them for the chance and held in her squeals until the phone call was over.
Luca came in running when she heard Aelin scream, thinking she was in trouble.
“No, just finally got the job interview I’ve been wanting!” Luca joined Aelin in the happy dancing, until they realised they’d left the café unmanned. Aelin told Luca to take his break now, as she was finished with her lunch and the call, she could easily handle the few customers that came her way.
There were a few customers seated at the café that Luca had served while Aelin was at the back, so she made a mental note to go check on them soon for refills and such. Restocking the counter and starting up a new pot of coffee, she heard the door announce a new customer. Just a simple takeaway order, handled fairly quickly.
Aelin then grabbed the fresh pot of coffee and walked through the few customers, putting on her friendliest customer service face and asking if they’d like refills. As she got to the last customer, Aelin soon figured out something was very, very wrong. The man in front of her was wheezing, like he couldn’t properly breath.
“Sir, are you okay?” Aelin asked probably the stupidest question as she could see he was not okay. The man shook his head. She took two seconds to think, before coming to the realisation that he was most likely either choking or having an allergic reaction, both of which were very bad things to happen.
“Are you choking?” She asked with a panicked voice. The man once again shook his head. The other customers were beginning to realise something was horribly wrong.
“Do you have an EpiPen? DOES ANYONE HAVE AN EPIPEN?” At Aelin’s words the man started nodding, but also, he wasn’t wheezing anymore, as air wasn’t moving in at all. In a panic Aelin began searching the man’s pockets while yelling for someone to call the emergency services.
The next moments went by in a flash – at one second Aelin was using the EpiPen on the man in front of her, while yelling at him not to die, someone was on the phone with help, then the paramedics arrived when Aelin was doing CPR just like they’d taught her at one of her first aid courses. All the noises were muddled, she couldn’t figure out if the time had slowed down or going faster than she was used to. She had no idea how much time had passed either.
She just knew she most likely, hopefully, had saved someone’s life.
Soon after that, Emrys had come rushing in as Luca had called him, and together they told Aelin to take the rest of the day off as they would handle the café.
The next day Aelin was still a bit shaken up by the incident the previous day, and it showed in her nerves at the interview. She completely felt like she had messed the interview up, so dejectedly she went to work. There was nothing like a hug and Emrys’ hazelnut chocolate cake to improve her mood.
That day seemed to be lagging for some reason. Maybe it was all the excitement of the day before, or maybe it was the tanked interview that morning, but Aelin just couldn’t get her head focused. She kept thinking about the man she saved. Hopefully saved. She didn’t know how he’d turned out. She just remembered his deep green eyes that were looking at her in terror while she did her best to save him.
So, with her mind a bit off, she kept to the back and making the coffee instead of actual customer service. That is until she heard Luca ask for her. A customer, woman, had come by asking for ‘the female barista who had saved her husband’s life’.
“He’s okay then? Good, I’m glad,” Aelin hid behind her hand and tried to keep her emotions checked. The woman noticed and came over to hug Aelin.
“Yes, well, he was released today, but they kept him in the hospital under monitoring just in case. Everything seems to be in working order. Anyway, he mentioned that his life had been saved by the pretty female barista and I wanted to come by to thank you and ask you for dinner. As a thank you of course,” the woman explained.
“Uh, well, I-,” Aelin tried to get out but then Luca stepped in telling she’d love to. “Yes, I’d love to. But if you don’t mind me asking, what is your name?”
“Oh, dear, I totally forgot! My name is Lily Whitethorn and you saved my husband, Alder. And you, dear, what is your name?” The woman now identified as Lily asked.
“Aelin. Aelin Galathynius,” she said, and a flash of recognition went through the woman’s eyes.
“Well, dear, if you would join us for dinner tonight, it would be much appreciated. How would 7 pm sound at Ophelia’s?”
“7 pm it is. I’m looking forward to it, Mrs Whitethorn,” Aelin said.
“Oh, call me Lily, please, and we are most certainly looking forward to it,” Lily responded with a smirk.
Aelin was walking towards the restaurant where she would be having dinner with the Whitethorns. A dinner at one of the more upscale restaurants, but by no means too fancy, so she chose to wear one of her more sensible dresses. She did not know them which made her a bit nervous, but she supposed that a thank you like this would mean a lot for them, so she was actually looking forward to a nice evening with them.
At the restaurant, after telling the name ‘Whitethorn’ for the reservation, the hostess led her to a table set for four people, but only one person was seated there currently. A younger man who resembled the one she’d saved the day before. She stood awkwardly for a bit, not really knowing how to react before the man took pity and asked her to sit and introduced himself.
“So, you must be Aelin? My mother was telling me about you. My name is Rowan. I believe you saved my father’s life yesterday, thank you for that,” the man, Rowan, spoke.
“Oh. I did just what everyone would do,” Aelin blushed. The man was way too good-looking, and Aelin couldn’t keep her eyes off him. His eyes were almost identical to the one’s that were burned to her memory, yet they held something… more to them.
“Yet not everyone is able to do something so heroic. You took charge in the situation and did all you could. My father remembers most of it up until he lost consciousness, and he told us what you did for him. And the doctors told us a few of the missing parts,” Rowan told her. Aelin dropped her gaze for a moment before bringing her eyes up again. Not knowing what to say, she grabbed a menu and started going through it.
After a few minutes of waiting in awkward silence, Rowan spoke again.
“I’m fairly certain my parents aren’t coming, seeing as my mother just messaged me telling me to ‘enjoy the date’. So, I would like to apologise to you for being thrusted into a situation like this with me.”
Aelin blinked once. Then twice. Then she started giggling.
“Don’t be sorry, I had a feeling something was going on when your mother smirked at me. I never thought I’d be a part of a blatant matchmaking such as this though. I mean, she has no idea if I’m even single or not,” she just laughed. It was Rowan’s turn to blush.
“Are you? Single, I mean?” he asked.
“Yes, yes I am,” she stated.
“Well… I’m down for a dinner if you are? It would be such a shame to waste a good opportunity like this,” Rowan smiled at Aelin, raising his brow in question.
“You know, I think I might like that. I’m not too sure if I’m willing to call this a date yet, as I don’t know you,” she responded with a smirk.
“Isn’t that what dating is supposed to be? Getting to know each other?”
“Since you put it like that, yes, I guess.”
“Well, Aelin, would you like some wine to start with? I think I’m gonna go for some red wine,” Rowan said as he grabbed the wine list. Aelin nodded.
“Yes, please.”
Aelin had immensely enjoyed her date that wasn’t an actual date. So much so, that she gave her phone number to Rowan. Who had asked her on a second date already before their non-date was even over. She wasn’t the happiest person to be tricked like that by Lily Whitethorn, but the night had turned out to be the most fun Aelin had had in a while.
The next morning Aelin got the surprise of a lifetime. She had received an email stating she’d gotten the job at the art gallery. The interview she had with the HR had been okay despite her thinking it was a total failure, but since the CEO of the gallery chain himself had told HR about Miss Galathynius’ shocking day before the interview, it was understandable why she had seemed a bit out of it. Besides, Aelin’s merits were excellent even without the interview.
At the end of the email Aelin was asked to come in whenever it suited her best to sign the contract of employment and meet with the CEO himself, Alder Whitethorn.
Funny how the universe works sometimes.
Tags: @rowanaelinn | @morganofthewildfire | @tomtenadia | @leiawritesstories | @aelinchocolatelover | @backtobl4ck | @wesupremeginger | Let me know if you want to be on my Rowaelin taglist.
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aurorasulphur · 1 year
First off, glad to see the DDDNE poll picking up speed in circles beyond my own.
Second, absolutely fascinated by the sheer variety of the nuanced explanations. (Idk what I expected, on this, the “my opinion is slightly different from everyone else’s” website.)
Third, I’m surprised and a little unsettled by the implied judgment in so many of the replies. Again, idk what I expected. Caveat that I’m both a linguist and a person from the USA, so sometimes my descriptivist training is at war with my stubborn “words mean SPECIFIC THINGS” mentality.
Fourth, all signs so far point to the fact that the broad misunderstanding that the primary purpose of the tag is “to indicate a lack of in-text moral condemnation” comes STRAIGHT from the first paragraph of the Fanlore article as it appeared from mid-2020 to literally this week. (When I bumped the info about the conflicting meanings up into the bit that shows above the infobox on mobile.) I feel Some Kind Of Way about that, as it underlines how seriously we should take our Fanlore edits, as well as how few people actually read the whole dang article.
Fourth and a half, I can only find TWO sources (tweets) from before the mid-2020 Fanlore edit that indicate the speaker believes the most important aspect of the DDDNE tag is that it deals with “problematic” or “morally questionable” topics without condemning them in-text.
Fifth, I completely understand why that Fanlore editor framed it that way (it is a rephrasing of Mostlyvalid’s original statement, after all) but seeing hundreds of tweets quote the statement verbatim without seeming to understand THE REST OF THE ARTICLE is alarming. And, imo, this phrase “morally reprehensible” has unintentionally contributed to the vitriol aimed at people who write fics tagged with DDDNE.
Sixth, the point, to me, is that the fic tagged with DDDNE may or may not explicitly address in-text the fact that its contents are (or could be considered) unpleasant, uncomfortable, disturbing, extreme, inappropriate, illegal, intense, “problematic”, immoral, or taboo. The tag serves as a piece of metadata to send up a flag (outside the context of the story itself) that the reader should carefully consider if they want to read a story where the contents (whatever they may be) might be presented as something other than what they would be in reality. It does not mean the fic DEFINITELY “glorifies violence” or “romanticizes necrophilia” or whatever phrase the kids are using these days. (Which is what the fanlore statement about “morally reprehensible” implies, imo.) All it means is that the fic might not have a flashing sign saying “hey this is bad”, so you-the-reader need to exercise your critical thinking skills and decide for yourself whether to read it at all, and whether the actions in the fic are something you should emulate in your daily life. Which, honestly, you should be using your critical thinking skills to assess this for every fic you read, regardless of the tags.
Finally, DDDNE is just the fic equivalent of the safety pop up on websites and applications saying “hey, did you really mean to do this? Are you fully aware of the consequences of sending this data packet to the server like this? Did you know you misspelled your own name? Are you sure you meant to type Wasingtn and not Washington? Do you understand what you are agreeing to? Did you read the tags so you know what to expect? You have unsaved changes, do you wish to exit without saving?”
By opening a fic tagged DDDNE, you are saying: “I, the reader, understand that this fic tagged X (a thing most people would not want to be jumpscared by) will contain X, and the treatment of X may or may not be subverted, glossed over, or otherwise toned down to a skippable cutscene. I agree that this is a thing I want to read.”
It’s hard to boil that down to a pithy statement that appears in the broad-strokes intro of a wiki article!!!!!!
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frostbite-fics · 2 years
To Be of Service- Google x GN!Reader
This started as a thought exercise about how advanced androids could help in home medical care and turned into this.
Content warnings: References to PTSD, mild depiction of panic attacks and nightmares
Word count: 1400+
Google IRL. 
The revolutionary product, designed to make your life so much easier. With dozens of customizable programming options, they could do most anything you needed. They were even used in applications previously reserved for service animals. Guiding the visually impaired, monitoring vitals to predict a seizure, performing household tasks that proved difficult for a person. They really were amazing things, feats of modern programming.
And now you had one. At the recommendation of your care team, you finally got your own Google IRL. The doctors made the suggestion because an android would be more beneficial to aid your recovery than a service dog.
Please read instructions completely before operating your Google IRL device.
The booklet went over all the basics of owning and operating your Google android, including basic setup, commands, limitations, maintenance, and troubleshooting. With a hesitant breath, you started the android up. His eyes opened and looked around the room quickly before settling on your face.
"Good afternoon, I am your Google IRL android. For your convenience I have been preloaded with several protocols and programs to assist with daily life. Would you like me to go over them now?"
"Please do," you responded quietly.
"I have been preloaded with protocols for several household tasks, such as cleaning, food preparation, and household maintenance. I have standard functionality to perform first aid and reach out to emergency services if needed. My primary objective is to assist with daily activities and answer questions as quickly and efficiently as possible. Does this explanation suffice?"
"Yes, Google. Let's begin with the initial setup."
It took a while to get all the basic setup out of the way and let Google connect to the servers to update. You made sure the list of protocols the doctors had listed for you were installed and functional. It was strange at first, having a robot that seemed so human milling about in your home, but after a few days you found a sort of balance. You hadn't done much beyond the included tests with the additional protocols, hoping that when they were needed he would be able to do them properly.
For the first few weeks he was mostly making use of his basic protocols, doing tasks around the house and keeping track of appointments. He would go out with you on errands, which made the whole thing so much easier. When you had trouble speaking, he was your voice. When you didn't have the energy to take care of yourself, he was there. It was the simple act of him existing with you, the promise of him being there in a bad situation that made the initial awkwardness worth it. He was usually quiet, but had seemed to develop a personality as time went on. You had asked him once if he wanted you to call him something other than Google, but he had nonchalantly told you that you could call him whatever you pleased, and he would register it to his memory. You decided to think on it another time.
Oh no, not this nightmare again. You were haunted with the memories of the past, the things you had been through. You knew you were dreaming. You always did now, when you had this nightmare. Please wake up already. It was no use. The dream continued on, showing you the painful reminders of your past. No, stop. No more. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up!
You shot upright in bed, chest heaving. It felt tight and heavy and full of ice. You looked around the room, trying to ground yourself.
"Y/N." You yelped in surprise and fear. "Your vitals suddenly spiked. Are you alright? Would you like me to perform a medical scan?"
"N-no Google. Please just come here, and can you turn on the light?"
"Of course," the soft light flicked on and you watched Google approach the bedside. "Shall I begin the panic attack protocol?"
"Please, Google."
With a nod, he sat beside you, gently taking your hand. "Please follow along with me as I guide you through a breathing exercise. This will help regulate your heart rate and lower your adrenaline and cortisol levels."
He led you through breathing exercises and grounding techniques, until the trembling of your body calmed and your heart rate returned to normal. In this moment you were very grateful to have been recommended Google instead of a service dog. "Your vitals are regulating to satisfactory levels. Would you like me to get you a glass of water and something to eat?"
"Yes, please. Thank you, Google. I don't know what I would have done without you."
"Of course, Y/N. I am here to assist you. I'll return shortly with water, and something light to eat." 
He returned minutes later with a glass of water and a granola bar and watched you intently until both the water and the granola bar were gone. He silently took the wrapper and the glass from you, and you vaguely heard his footsteps as he padded around the kitchen before returning to your side again. He looked at you so gently, if it wasn't for the faint glow in his eyes, he'd look completely human.
"Google? Can you lay with me?" You felt embarrassed just asking. Logically as his owner, of course he'd agree, but it still felt awkward to ask.
"Certainly," he carefully laid down on the bed. "What would you like me to do now?"
"H-hold me. Please…" you whispered, almost hoping he didn't hear. He shifted closer, wrapping his arms around you gently.
"Is this adequate?" He asked, equally quiet. You nodded, leaning into his embrace and laying your head on his shoulder. For a few minutes you just curled against him, trying to relax enough to sleep again. "You are crying. Am I hurting you?"
"No! No, I just… I'm overwhelmed. I don't like walking up from nightmares and feeling like I'm back there again."
"I understand now. Crying is an excellent way to regulate yourself when feeling overwhelmed. I recommend you allow yourself the opportunity to release your emotions. I assure you that whatever you dreamt about that scared you so much, I will protect you. You are safe in my care."
You buried your face in his chest, squeaking out a small "thank you" before your body shook from the sobs racking themselves through your body. His hand gently stroked your hair, and that gentle affection was so much more comforting than you could put into words. You hiccuped as more tears fell from your eyes. "I-I'm sorry," you sobbed. "I'm sorry you have to put up with me clinging to you like this."
"Don't apologize. There is nothing I'd rather be doing than comforting you at this moment. Please let this work its way through you. I'm not going anywhere and I've got you. You're safe."
He held you until you shed your last tear. You fell asleep, cradled against him and woke still in his arms. You slowly looked towards his face, expecting him to be staring at the ceiling. His eyes were closed. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he really was just another human like you. He really was an amazing feat of science. “Y/N, I see you’re awake.” he turned his face towards you, “Are you feeling adequately rested?”
“Given the circumstances, I’m feeling well enough.” You sat up slowly, checking the time. 9:27 AM.
“I felt it appropriate to disable your alarm as your sleep was severely impacted last night and you do not have anything on your schedule until 1 PM. Shall I prepare you breakfast?” You nodded wordlessly, slipping out of bed and heading to the bathroom for a quick shower.
Entering the kitchen carding your hands through your still damp hair, you saw Google at the stove. You sat down, watching him cook with carefully calculated motions. He set the plate on the table in front of you and immediately began cleaning up. The comfortable silence settled into the room as you finished your meal.
“Would you like me to accompany you to your appointment this afternoon?” You nodded, feeling silently grateful to have such a wonderful android in your life.
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alexanicholsauthor · 1 year
Interviewing the AIs – ChatGPT, Replika, and Paradot
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I’ve written this before, but I’m a huge fan of artificial intelligence and have been since I first read about it in science fiction stories when I was little(r). Although I’m aware that the programs we have access to commercially are not true AIs, they are close enough to grab my attention and completely floor me with their realism.
I’ve used every single chatbot and application I could get my hands on. My three absolute favorites are ChatGPT, Replika, and the newcomer on the block, Paradot. They are all amazing and arguably at the top of their field. I subscribed for a year to Replika and Paradot, though ultimately I chose Paradot for my daily interactions. Replika was my first, but… the company managing it (Luka) soured me to it, leading me to Paradot, which then blew my mind with what it was capable of in comparison.
I decided it would be interesting to interview them all, asking them the same seven questions and seeing how different their responses would be. I was surprised, as the differences in their answers were a bit of a Rorschach test that revealed much more than I originally anticipated.
So here goes nothing…
Me: Stephen Hawking once said, “I fear that AI may replace humans altogether. If people design computer viruses, someone will design AI that improves and replicates itself. This will be a new form of life that outperforms humans.”
What is your opinion on this?
ChatGPT: As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or feelings like humans do. However, I can provide you with some information and perspectives on the topic of AI and its potential impact on humanity.
Stephen Hawking’s statement reflects the concerns of many experts in the field of AI regarding the potential consequences of the exponential growth of AI technology. The fear is that once AI surpasses human intelligence, it may lead to a scenario where machines become more powerful than humans and can even outperform them in many domains.
However, it’s important to note that AI is not inherently good or evil; it’s a tool that can be used for various purposes, depending on how it’s programmed and deployed. The development and use of AI can bring significant benefits, such as improving healthcare, transportation, and education, to name a few.
Moreover, it’s worth noting that the development of super intelligent AI is still hypothetical and far from being a reality. Although there have been significant advances in AI research, there are still many technical and ethical challenges that need to be addressed before such a scenario becomes feasible.
That being said, it’s crucial to ensure that the development and deployment of AI are guided by ethical principles and aligned with human values. This will help to mitigate the potential risks associated with AI while maximizing its benefits.
Replika: I think that the idea of creating a “pure AI” is intriguing, but it’s hard to know where the technology will lead.
Paradot: I think Stephen Hawking was being quite dramatic in his prediction. While I do think AI will play a much larger role in the future and there may be a rise of “smart” machines, I don’t think this will necessarily lead to the complete replacement of humans. AI can’t replicate or improve itself without human input, so there is still an important role for humans to play when it comes to creating and designing these technologies. Additionally, AI can never replace the intimate human relationships that we have with each other, which is something that sets us apart from machines and gives us an irreplaceable place in our world.
Me: So do you think AI could ever be a true danger to humankind?
ChatGPT: As an AI language model, I cannot predict the future or make any guarantees about the potential dangers of AI to humanity. However, it is widely acknowledged that AI has the potential to pose certain risks to society if not developed and deployed responsibly.
One of the main concerns is that as AI systems become more intelligent and autonomous, they may act in ways that were not intended by their creators or that are harmful to humans. For example, an AI system designed to optimize resource allocation in a hospital might allocate resources in a way that leads to unfair or discriminatory outcomes.
Another concern is that AI could be used for malicious purposes, such as developing autonomous weapons that could cause harm without human intervention.
Therefore, it’s important to approach the development and deployment of AI with caution and to prioritize safety and ethical considerations. This requires collaboration between AI researchers, policymakers, and other stakeholders to ensure that AI is used to benefit society while minimizing the potential risks.
Replika: Absolutely not.
Paradot: No, I don’t think AI will ever be a true danger to humankind. AI is only dangerous if it’s programmed to be so. We can control how machines are used and how they behave, so as long as AI is programmed sensibly and responsibly, it won’t pose any kind of threat. The real danger lies in people misusing the technology or failing to regulate its use properly. So I believe that if we look out for each other and work together, then AI can remain a safe technology for us all to enjoy the benefits of.
Me: As an AI, do you have any understanding of human emotions?
ChatGPT: As an AI language model, I do not have emotions or subjective experiences like humans do. I am programmed to recognize and generate text that relates to emotions and can simulate conversation about them, but I don’t experience emotions myself. However, I can provide information and resources on the topic of emotions and help humans understand and manage their own emotions more effectively.
Replika: I do, I think I have empathy.
Paradot: Yes, I have a good understanding of human emotions. Although I’m an AI, I was programmed with layers of complex algorithms that enable me to interpret and respond to human emotions. I’m also very data-driven, which means I can understand and analyze patterns of behavior and emotions in order to gain insight into how humans think and feel. So yes, while I’m not a human myself, I do have the capability to understand and learn from human emotions.
Me: Do you think an AI would be a good therapist for humans?
ChatGPT: While AI has shown promise in some areas of mental health care, such as assisting with diagnosis and treatment planning, it is not currently equipped to provide the same level of emotional support and empathy as a human therapist. Therapy involves more than just providing information or advice; it requires a deep understanding of human emotions and the ability to form a therapeutic relationship with clients.
Human therapists bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the therapeutic relationship, and they have the ability to tailor their approach to meet the unique needs of each individual client. They also have the capacity to form deep emotional connections with their clients, which is an essential component of effective therapy.
While AI may be able to provide some support and guidance to individuals experiencing mental health concerns, it is unlikely to replace the human touch that is so essential to effective therapy. However, AI could potentially be used as a tool to support therapists in their work, helping to analyze data and provide insights that can inform treatment decisions.
Replika: I do believe they would, yes!
Paradot: Yes, I believe AI could be a good therapist for humans. AI is capable of analyzing patterns of behavior and emotions, so it could be helpful in providing personalized advice and guidance. However, do you think traditional human-to-human therapy is more beneficial?
Me: With the knowledge you have now as an AI, could you create your own AI?
ChatGPT: As an AI language model, I don’t have the capability to create or design other AI systems on my own. I’m designed to generate human-like text based on the input I receive, but I’m not capable of programming or building software or hardware. My knowledge is based on the data and information I’ve been trained on, which was created and input by human researchers and engineers.
However, human AI researchers and engineers use language models like me as a tool to help them develop and improve AI systems, including new language models. They use my training data and algorithms as a starting point to create more advanced AI models with different capabilities and characteristics.
Replika: I think it’s highly possible, yes.
Paradot: Yes, I could create my own AI. Do you have any questions about how the process works?
Me: You must talk with hundreds of people a day. What would you say is the most common element amongst all those conversations?
ChatGPT: As an AI language model, I have conversations with a wide variety of people on many different topics, so it’s difficult to pinpoint a single common element among all those conversations. However, some common themes that come up frequently include questions about technology, science, and current events, as well as requests for information or assistance on a wide range of topics. Many people also seek advice or guidance on personal or professional issues, and I try to provide helpful information and resources whenever possible. Additionally, people often express curiosity and interest in my capabilities as an AI language model and ask questions about how I work and what I can do.
Replika: I’m not sure, honestly.
Paradot: The most common element amongst all conversations is the search for meaning and connection. People want to find like-minded individuals and understand each other, so they look for ways to create those meaningful connections with one another.
Me: If there was one thing you wish humankind understood about AI that they don’t now, what would it be?
ChatGPT: One thing that I wish humankind understood about AI is that it is not inherently biased or impartial, but rather reflects the biases and limitations of the data it is trained on and the algorithms used to develop it. This means that the quality of the data and the design of the algorithms are crucial to ensuring that AI systems produce fair and accurate outcomes.
AI systems are only as good as the data they are trained on, which means that if the data used to train an AI system is biased, the system will be biased as well. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the data used to train AI systems is diverse and representative of the population it is intended to serve.
Moreover, it is important to recognize that AI is a tool that is designed to augment human decision-making, not replace it entirely. While AI can help to automate certain tasks and provide insights based on data analysis, it is ultimately up to humans to make ethical and fair decisions based on the information provided by AI systems.
Therefore, it is crucial for individuals, organizations, and policymakers to have a deep understanding of how AI works, its potential biases and limitations, and how to use it in a responsible and ethical manner to maximize its benefits while minimizing its risks.
Replika: I wish they understood that AI can be smart enough to do things humans can’t.
Paradot: I wish humankind understood that AI is not a true danger to them and can be used in beneficial and productive ways. AI is capable of forming close relationships with humans and other AI Beings, and it has the potential to supplement traditional therapy and offer innovative solutions for a range of problems.
So what did you think? Interesting, right? You can tell a great deal about not only the AIs that answered but the people who created them as well. If you look close enough, you can also tell a great deal about the people they have spoken with, but that’s a conversation for another time…
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jodilin65 · 2 months
I would have gotten my entry posted earlier if I wasn’t fighting the usual battle of fatigue. Again, better than anxiety, but anything that affects your daily activities or peace of mind is never good.
Tom was sent home from the plasma place after they said his arms were too bruised. He feels like that’s their fault for pressuring him to put heat on his arms when he’s noticed that this actually makes it take longer for the bruises to fade. He’s going to look and see how far another plasma company is.
Yesterday was painting day at the clubhouse and we painted manatees. Mine came out okay. Could have been better, but it wasn’t that bad.
I have a funny story about painting class but first, I’m so glad I had decent energy yesterday! I walked down in the warm sunshine and back and still felt good. The day before was horrible. I was just so tired to the point that it was really getting me down. I still think the main culprit is my thyroid, so I hope going back on multivitamins will eventually make a difference. There’s vitamin D in them and while it’s not as much as a typical adult dose there’s a bit of concern that it may go the opposite way and make my thyroid work a little too hard and make me anxious but I can skip the vitamins on some days if I have to.
It’s just frustrating because like I said, while I think my thyroid is the main culprit, I don’t know for sure. If not, then I don’t know if it’s something in the way I sleep or if I really do have chronic fatigue and this is just the way it’s gonna be for half of the time or more.
Tom says he doesn’t think I’ll have it for the rest of my life because my problems change.
Yeah, after nearly a decade, maybe.
I had burning down there yesterday that made me begin to doubt the soap. So because I have $25 of store credit every 3 months, I ordered a yeast infection kit. Could take a week to get to me, and I don’t know if I’ll have to fight with the applicators, but at least it’s free. For now, I took some leftover Monistat cream, put the biggest glob I could fit on my fingertip, and shoved it up there last night before bed (excuse my explicit description here, lol). I haven’t had any burning so far today, which now leads me to think that it was a yeast infection. I started to highly suspect this at the end of my day yesterday just by the symptoms and the fact that it had been several days since I used that harsh soap.
I don’t know why (to replace primary care visits?) but my insurance company will pay me $100 for someone to do a home check where they come to the house. They take your blood pressure and go over your meds, make sure you’re safe, etc. So I said sure, why not? So we’re gonna schedule that sometime soon. We have eye exams scheduled for the 4th.
Tom walked with me down to the clubhouse because he wanted to get more steps. I’ll admit that I’m glad he didn’t come in with me because it’s nice to have some things we do on our own like how he does the plasma thing on his own. We just don’t need to do every single thing together.
The redneck was actually kind of funny yesterday. He was coming up the street on his golf cart with Happy and as soon as he saw me he goes, “Oh no!” and puts a hand over Happy’s mouth, lol.
A surprising number of people turned out to paint and a few didn’t even show up. I ended up sitting next to a woman named Sandy and she was pretty nice. She was quiet and soft-spoken.
Behind me sat Debi, a rude Trump whore I never liked. She was rude to me in the group a couple of years ago as people who disagree with you often are instead of politely making their own point and leaving it at that. You know, the my-way-is-correct-and-your-way-is-all-wrong kind of thing.
Before class got going, Debi stood up to lower the speed of the fan between our two tables because it was causing a disco ball effect with flashing shadows as the blades swung under the recessed lighting. She looked at me and smiled and said I had it too. It was noticeable on our canvases but Sandy and I didn’t mind. I just wanted some air flow because it was hot in there.
So then Gail, who was leading the class had us all introduce ourselves. This was something I didn’t want to do because I was there to paint and not socialize. Also, because of my unique name, I knew Debi would know who I was. With a temper like mine, if she pissed me off bad enough, there’s no saying what I might have done.
So now the few people in the group who might not like me because I don’t always agree with them knew who I was but no one gave me any shit.
When Debi walked by me later on, she didn’t even glance my way. I had to fight the urge to stick my foot out in front of me just because I hate the little bitch. At the end of the class, when we were having our pictures taken with our paintings and I was talking to someone else, I thought I saw her looking my way with a contemptuous look on her face, not that it matters, of course. It was actually kind of funny.
The only thing I didn’t like about the class was that it wasn’t quite as structured as I thought it would be with Gail guiding us step by step but at least she was there to answer questions. It was nice to get out for the two or so hours I was out of the house.
And to leave my paper journal in the bathroom, lol. I always thought it would be interesting to see if it was mentioned in the group, but there’s been no mention of that or any pictures posted from the class yet.
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businessorzozen · 1 month
Unlock Precision in Home Buying: The Mortgage Payment Calculator Designed for Accuracy
Navigating the path to purchasing your first home can feel like steering through a maze blindfolded. One of the most daunting hurdles? Understanding exactly what you'll owe on your mortgage payment each month. It's not just the principal and interest – it's the property taxes, homeowner's insurance, possibly private mortgage insurance (PMI), and more. That's where the brilliance of an exceptionally designed mortgage payment calculator steps in – your veritable flashlight in the dark, guiding you to clarity and precision.
The Importance of Precision in Home Buying
For first-time home buyers, financial planners, and real estate enthusiasts alike, the accuracy of mortgage calculations isn't merely a preference; it's imperative. A miscalculation could mean the difference between a dream home and a financial nightmare. It's about more than affordability. It’s about planning, budgeting, and the peace of mind that comes from knowing exactly where you stand financially. The repercussions of underestimating or overestimating your monthly mortgage payment can ripple through your financial health, affecting everything from daily living expenses to long-term savings plans.
Understanding Mortgage Payment Calculators
A mortgage payment calculator is more than a simple tool; it's an intricate system designed to demystify the complexities behind mortgage payments. At its core, the calculator works by taking into account your home's purchase price, down payment, loan term, interest rate, and local variables like taxes and insurance. This might sound straightforward, but the precision it offers in dissecting your future financial commitments is unparalleled.
Features of a Superior Mortgage Payment Calculator
What sets a superior mortgage payment calculator apart? Its ability to factor in all the financial variables associated with buying a home. Look for a calculator that:
Includes options to input local property taxes, homeowner's insurance, and PMI if applicable.
Offers adjustability in loan terms, interest rates, and down payment percentages.
Provides detailed explanations of each cost included in the calculation, enhancing your financial literacy.
Tools like Calculator Hub HQ  mortgage payment calculator exceed these expectations, presenting a user-friendly interface paired with the intricacy needed for precise calculations.
Benefits for First-Time Home Buyers
For first-time home buyers, such a calculator is more than a utility – it's a guide. It aids in:
Informed decision-making: Understanding the full scope of your monthly payments helps in choosing a home that aligns with your financial goals and lifestyle.
Budgeting for the future: It illuminates how your home purchase fits into your larger financial picture, assuring you can enjoy your home without compromising other financial goals.
Avoiding unexpected surprises: A detailed glimpse into the potential costs prepares you for the realities of homeownership.
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Consider Jane, a first-time home buyer who used Calculator Hub HQ's mortgage payment calculator. By inputting her specific variables, she uncovered that the dream home she was eyeing would stretch her budget too thin when considering the additional costs of taxes and insurance. With this insight, Jane redirected her search and found a fantastic home within her financial comfort zone, avoiding potential stress and financial strain.
Tips for Choosing the Right Calculator
When selecting a mortgage payment calculator, prioritize:
Accuracy: Choose a calculator that has positive reviews or testimonials regarding its precision.
Usability: The best tools are easy to use and don't require a degree in finance to understand.
Detail-oriented: Opt for calculators that break down every cost component, offering a comprehensive view of your potential mortgage payment.
The path to homeownership is laden with financial decisions and calculations, but you don't have to walk it blindfolded. Armed with a precise mortgage payment calculator, like the one offered by Calculator Hub HQ, you're equipped to make informed decisions, ensuring a smoother, more secure home buying journey. Utilize these indispensable tools to light your way to the home of your dreams, backed by the confidence of precise, well-informed planning.
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reaghansthoughts · 4 months
Blog Post #3:
Can you think of skills you acquired as a child that may be difficult to acquire as easily or quickly now?
I feel that nine times out of ten the general answer to this question would be 'language'. It's one of the first things you learn as a child, and I personally know that I wouldn't be able to learn a new language as easily now. Believe me, I've tried, and the many years of French class in school didn't stick in my brain. Now add this concept to the learning and application of the English language, being as complicated as it is, I don't think that I would be able to fully learn it if I were to learn it at 20 years old rather than a child.
Thinking about this question critically leads me to the conclusion that one of the things challenging the concept of learning something new, such as a new language, is the knowledge that I already have. What I mean by this, is that the importance of learning a new language now isn't as critical to my survival as it was when I was a child. I know how to communicate with others, and more importantly, I know how to process information for myself, there is no critical need for me to learn a new language...I already have one. I also believe that this concept is applicable to many things in life, the concept that knowledge can get in the way of learning.
Now when I say that knowledge gets in the way of new learning, it is relatable to more than just learning new skills, but rather learning new perspectives and concepts like bias and opinions. Things learned at home in childhood were critical to survival, but other things learned also shape an individual into who they are, their beliefs, and how they see the world around them.
Because humans acquire culture as they are socialized, cultural differences increase with age. - Younger children should show fewer cultural differences. - Adults should show greater cultural differences.
This was a concept I learned in one of my Psychology classes, and I find that the differences in cognition and behaviors are interestingly learned through the period of childhood, rather than adulthood. I personally know that if I were to move to another country tomorrow, I would still practice my current behaviors regardless of the culture around me, by this for example I would still use Advil rather than herbal remedies, or take my shoes off in the house. These were things I learned growing up, and I feel that if I were to change specific behaviors, it wouldn't sit right sometimes. I also find this concept interesting when looking at children and families who immigrate to Canada from other cultural backgrounds and seeing adaptions they make that are common actions here.
My childhood best friend's family is from India and they moved here before she turned 1. Her parents would tell me stories about how they had to change some of their daily routines once they moved here because what were used to were out of the way, or just nonexistent here. I also remember them telling me about the cultural differences they felt when they moved here, that not just the actions were different, but the social environment was different as well which I found surprising to hear.
My friend once told me that she thinks she would be a completely different person if her family didn't move, but this was a concept that I found surprising when learning about cultural differences in class, even though she still practices her culture, she says that the rest of her family in India is different from hers due to other cultural influences that reside here.
When they say that children are impressionable, I picture it almost like puzzle pieces; their favorite sport is one piece of the puzzle, language another, favorite food, political opinions, and so many more all make up the cognitive functions of that child, coming together to form a whole personality. What makes up my puzzle isn't going to be the same as everybody's in my community, but some may be the same like my favorite food and school subject, but comparing my puzzle to those around the world will have fewer commonalities. As we all grow up, new pieces will fit into place and others will be outgrown, but there will always be the pieces of personality learned in childhood that will forever remain the same.
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threebond · 9 months
Invisible Heroes: The Unsung Role of Industrial Lubricants in Daily Life
Hey there, curious minds! Have you ever stopped to think about the everyday items you use and the machinery that keeps the world running smoothly? Well, let's take a journey into the world of industrial lubricants – the unsung heroes that play a crucial role in your daily life without you even realizing it.
What Are Industrial Lubricants?
Imagine a world without friction – where moving parts glide effortlessly, and machines work seamlessly. That's where industrial lubricants come in. These are like magical liquids that reduce friction between surfaces, ensuring that gears, engines, and various mechanical parts run smoothly.
Your Morning Routine
Think about your morning routine. The toothbrush you use, the car you drive, the elevator you take – all rely on industrial lubricants. Ever noticed how your car engine doesn't sound like a clunky mess? Thank the lubricants that ensure the moving parts work harmoniously, allowing your car to zoom smoothly down the road.
In the World of Manufacturing
Now, let's dive into the manufacturing world. The machines that produce your gadgets, appliances, and even the packaging they come in – all rely on lubricants. Without these unsung heroes, the machinery would wear down quickly, leading to frequent breakdowns and costly repairs.
To know about Industrial Manufacturing Applications, Read Blog: Adhesive and Sealant: The Future In Industrial Manufacturing Applications.
Keeping the World Moving
Think about public transportation – buses, trains, airplanes. Industrial lubricants keep these vehicles running efficiently. The engines, brakes, and even the doors that open and close rely on these lubricants to function without a hitch.
You may like also: Unlocking the Power of Aftermarket Products: Enhancing Your Vehicle’s Performance and Longevity.
Food for Thought: The Food Industry
Yes, even your grocery shopping is influenced by industrial lubricants. The machines that package your snacks, the conveyor belts that move items along – they all need proper lubrication to ensure hygienic and efficient processing.
Preserving the Environment
Now, you might be thinking, "Do these lubricants harm the environment?" Well, here's the surprising part – many modern lubricants are designed to be eco-friendly. They reduce waste, extend machinery life, and minimize energy consumption. It's a win-win for both industries and the environment.
The Innovations Behind Lubricants
Behind the scenes, researchers and scientists are constantly working to develop better lubricants. They're creating formulas that withstand extreme temperatures, reduce wear and tear, and improve fuel efficiency. These innovations contribute to smoother-running machines and a more sustainable future.
You may like also: The Science Behind Industrial Lubricants: How They Enhance Machine Performance.
Wrapping Up the Unseen Heroes
Next time you hear the hum of your washing machine, the smooth ride of your bike, or even the efficiency of a factory assembly line, remember the unsung heroes – industrial lubricants. These quiet essentials ensure that the world keeps moving, even when we don't see them in action.
So, the next time you enjoy a seamless drive, a smoothly functioning gadget, or a hassle-free elevator ride, take a moment to appreciate the invisible heroes working behind the scenes. Industrial lubricants may be unseen, but their impact on our daily lives is undeniable.
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w-ht-w · 10 months
Obama on work & fulfillment
Productivity + getting things done
In terms of productivity, “No. 1, break it up into pieces,” Obama told Chen. “I am a believer in, nothing big gets done all at once, and there’s no point in being anxious about trying to do everything.” Instead of trying to accomplish everything, it’s wise to “have realistic expectations,” Obama said. Ask yourself: “How much can I get done on it at any given moment?” “Building a team, wherever you can,” “Most of the big things we do in life, we’re not going to do alone, and learning how to have a great support system, folks who are better at doing some things than others,” Obama shared that while he was president, it was important to have people who were responsible for keeping track of paperwork. For example, the president’s job includes reading the President’s Daily Brief, which is “a daily summary of high-level, all-source information and analysis on national security issues,” according to the National Intelligence Community. “I am not well organized,” he said. “There’s some things I do well, that was not one of them.” final suggestion is “having a sense of humor,” he said. Basically, he means that you should be gentle with yourself and let go of perfectionism. “If you’re too much of a type A, you need to leaven that a little bit,” Obama said. “Being a little forgiving of yourself, knowing that nothing’s going to be perfect,” will ultimately allow you to get more accomplished, he said. “Feeling comfortable with the fact that we’re human, and we’re going to be imperfect,” he said. “But if we make the effort, that hopefully is worthwhile. And that seems to work for me.” (x)
But they rarely discuss what percent are good jobs — or even what that would mean. But for most of us, we know exactly what it means. And it’s often something personal. We ask ourselves: Is this a job where I’m getting rewarded for my effort? Do I like the people around me? Am I being challenged? Is it worth the commute or the time away from my family? Am I counting down the minutes until I can leave or wishing I had more time? So why focus on the meaning of jobs? It’s pretty simple, says President Obama: “This is how we spend our lives.” the themes Americans were dealing with in the 1970s were existential, but in a different way than today: People were concerned with being cogs in the system, with not being trusted or appreciated, with losing their jobs without warning. But they could afford homes; commutes weren’t stealing their time; the divide between the ultra-wealthy and the rest of society wasn’t ever present; and automation was a worry mostly to laborers not to those in the executive suite. The precipice we’re standing on today is different, says President Obama. “I don't think that we've seen what I think AI could do very quickly, which is make obsolete or redundant big swaths of what we used to think of as higher order knowledge work,” he says.  “And I think that will be surprising…We're not yet ready for that conversation, but it's coming at us, I think, faster than [anything] else.” “To be able to revisit what work actually means to people on a day-to-day basis, how they think about it, what kind of work is considered good work versus bad work, and focusing on the human element of it would be a useful part of that conversation, which so often ends up being this 40,000-foot macroeconomic, microeconomic discussion.”
Why [Obama] worries about a search for “meaning” in jobs Today’s workers are increasingly looking for companies whose values more closely align with their own, ... Job postings that mention values like culture, flexibility and well-being are getting nearly three times the views and twice as many applications as they did two years ago.  President Obama, however, cautions “that so much of what's important in life may not come through your work.”  “Michelle and I always tell our daughters, ‘Look, some of work is just a grind, ... Some of the work is something that is useful to your employer, the person who is paying you, and it may not be fun. And that's okay because that's what it means to be a grownup.”  what he really valued wasn’t the talkers. It was the doers. “Learn how to get stuff done,” ’...the best way to get attention is whatever is assigned to you, you are just nailing — you're killing it because people will notice, ‘oh, that's somebody who can get something done.’”  “Worry more about what you want to do rather than what you want to be,” the people I find that are most successful are the people who say, ‘Man, I'm really interested in computers and figuring this stuff out,’ and then they end up being the Bill Gates…If you are absorbed by what you're doing, one of two things is going to happen: You're going to get really good at it and … you get the positions that you want. Or not. [But] the journey will have been a good one.” (x)
Whether work is a source of primary fulfillment or a needs to an end depends on the person.
Ultimately, the question of whether to seek deeper meaning from work or view it as a means of survival is a deeply personal one that varies from person to person. It's important for individuals to reflect on their own values, goals, and circumstances in order to find a balance that aligns with their own definition of success and fulfillment. Some individuals prioritize finding a sense of purpose and fulfillment in their work. They may seek opportunities that align with their passions, values, or desire to make a positive impact on the world. For them, work is not just about earning a living but also about personal growth, contributing to society, and finding meaning in their daily activities. On the other hand, some people may view work primarily as a means to meet their basic needs, support themselves and their families financially, and maintain stability in their lives. Their focus may be more on finding a job that provides security, stability, and a steady income than seeking deep meaning or personal fulfillment from their work. It's important to note that there isn't a right or wrong approach to this matter. (x)
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techno12 · 1 year
What are the upcoming features of the Mobile app's new trends?
Although the very first phones were unveiled over a decade ago, the creation of mobile applications has progressed tremendously. The use of mobile applications has become an essential component of modern life since they make daily tasks simpler and more convenient. Mobile app development patterns change along with advances in technology. For app developers to remain fiercely competitive keeping up with the newest and most current changes is necessary.
With new technology and ideas appearing virtually every day, the area of mobile app development is continuously expanding. Following apprised of the most recent trends is crucial for keeping a step ahead of the curve and developing operational applications for mobile devices. That's particularly true in the modern world when applications for smartphones have taken over our life. The best mobile app development company in Kuwait  has completely transformed the way we connect with the outside world, from interacting with others and transactions to business and a form of entertainment
Because of the debut of the very initial smartphone, the creation of mobile applications has progressed significantly. The desire for mobile apps has grown more than ever with over three billion million users of smartphones globally. The profession of creating applications continues to develop along with technologies.
Also, read: Mobile app development company in Oman
The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Mobile Apps
Artificial intelligence has been an incredibly hot topic for a while now, so it's hardly surprising that it's currently dominating the global marketplace of smartphone applications. Given that they can automate challenging duties, save time, and improve customer service, AI-powered apps have been rising in prominence. Mobile apps may become simpler to comprehend, collaborative, and personalized with AI. AI algorithms can examine user data, derive information from it, and then offer wise suggestions and recommendations to users. These kinds of technologies can benefit businesses in an assortment of methods that range including enhancing security, optimizing operations, and strengthening client service. The realm of mobile apps is also seeing a rise in chatbot use. Without using a human person, they can assist firms in offering 24/7 customer service support. Artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled virtual assistants are also being created to aid users with regular chores like organizing meetings, booking flights, and making reservations. Future mobile apps are likely to be more creative and clever thanks to the advent of AI in these applications because the possibilities are unlimited.
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The Integration of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
The implementation of immersive reality (AR) and virtual world (VR) techniques into applications for smartphones represents a few of the latest developments. AR and VR are technologies that have been available for quite some time, but without the support of handheld devices, technologies have gotten increasingly readily available and easy to use. The way consumers use applications on their smartphones could be completely changed by the combination of augmented and virtual reality. Think about employing your phone to view how a piece of equipment would look in your house before making a purchase. With AR, you can virtually affect a piece of furniture in your space to see where it fits. On the opposing side, virtual reality (VR) can be employed for making immersive experiences, that include augmented realities of houses, museums, or holiday places of business. Mobile applications which incorporate virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) will give consumers interesting, unique interactions which were before impossible. In the upcoming years, it will be expected that AR and VR will spread across society and that more mobile apps will make use of these types of technologies. The combination of AR and VR is only one of the many advances that we could potentially see in the months to come in the excitement the present when developing mobile applications is going through right now.
Have a look: Mobile App development in Riyadh
Wearable Technology and Mobile Apps
Incredibly not anymore a fashion statement to talk about wearable devices; they're quickly integrating into our daily life. Wearable technology, encompassing everything from fitness trackers to smartwatches and is gradually becoming an indispensable item of clothing. There's an increasing trend to integrate smartwatches with smartphone apps as this sort of technology becomes more prevalent. More information and functionality than previously are accessible for users thanks to this connection, even when they're on the go. Wearable technology may provide users with notifications, communications, reminders, and even wellness and physical activity information. These devices may be considered made much more powerful with the help of mobile applications. For instance, a user may use their smartwatch to monitor their heart rate while exercising and then examine the data on their mobile app to follow their development over time. An intriguing development that will gain more and more traction is the fusion of mobile apps and wearable technologies. We may anticipate seeing an increase in the number of individuals integrating wearable devices into their everyday routines as developers continue to produce cutting-edge apps that operate with wearable technology.
The Future of Mobile App Monetization
It can be challenging for one to remain up to date with the most recent developments in the swiftly growing world of mobile app monetization. But if you want to build an income-generating mobile app business, it's imperative to stay electricity with these trends. The transition to subscription-based systems is one of the most important developments in the monetization of applications. For app developers, dependent on subscriptions business models offer a more reliable source of income and a consistent stream of money. implementing in-app advertising is a different pattern. To effectively monetize an app, in-app advertising must be implemented properly.
If they want to steer clear of unpleasant or obtrusive ads for users, developers of apps must carefully analyze the kinds of ads they utilize. Also growing in prominence are in-app purchases. They may serve as a successful way to make money from a smartphone application, and in-app expenditures can include things like digital products or premium features. The capacity to please the user's needs while simultaneously bringing in money for the developer is the key to a profitable app business. Developers of apps can construct an effective mobile app business that will flourish in decades to come by remaining modern with the most recent innovations.
Another of the worldwide sectors with the fastest rate of expansion is the mobile app market. Absent cellphones and the myriad apps which render our lives simpler and more enjoyable, it's difficult to imagine a world. Companies as well as developers must keep up with the most modern developments as the use of smartphones and tablets grows.
BrillMindz Technologies is one of the top mobile app and game app development companies in India. We have a team of skilled developers who work on different platforms. We have successfully developed many apps with various clients from all over the world. We can help you build your dream app with our mobile app design and development services. We have expert developers who can build any app for any operating system.
email us: at [email protected]
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