#and you're thinking 'cloud is making them stupid on purpose'
cloud-somersault · 9 months
Semi continuation to the ask about shadowpeach not thinking about the fact they might have been trapped simultaneously. I understand them thinking the other purposefully abadoned them NOW, in present times with all the bad blood. But seriously how in all the years they were trapped, how did they not think 'hey maybe the reason my loving mate isnt rescuing me is because he actually cant. Im being punished, why not him'
(comes crawling out of the chap.4 document covered in blood and picks this ask up off the kitchen table) ........... uhhhh oh okay. yes. okay
in chapter 4 (SOBS AND CRIES) this will be vaguely explained. maybe? I don't know anymore. but also uhm.
A lot of this has to do with, like, expectations. We know, since this was from Wukong's perspective, what he thought about Macaque even if he's being all "I hate you, you suck!!" right now. He fucking is impressed with Macaque's powers and takes him seriously in every fight. He knows Macaque can't be underestimated. He respects his abilities and magic. He thinks it's cool that Macaque can teleport anywhere! In the Mate Day flashback, he DEADASS thought Macaque just...made a new shadow spell out of the blue. I don't know if I've made this clear, but it is difficult to make new spells.
Wukong held Macaque in a high regard. He was the only one (and still is) who can stand toe to toe with him, after all.
And we all know Macaque thought Wukong could do anything. He's the MONKEY KING. Sun Wukong! Able to beat celestial armies and stand up to gods! He's invincible! He gets whatever he wants! Past!Macaque saw all of this and got it into his head that .. there is nothing that can stop Wukong.
When you have those expectations, you're left with this feeling of... "Why isn't he here???? He can do anything... I've seen it. Why isn't he saving me?" Because you don't think of them being beaten. That's not feasible in that mindset. Incomprehensible. It's also a very childlike notion but they were young then.
It's grappling with the fact that the person you thought was all-powerful and amazing...isn't. Everyone has limitations. No one is perfect. People are going to disappoint you. A person cannot be there for you 24/7 and expecting that is unrealistic.
Also, in chapter 4, you'll see why Macaque wasn't...thinking about that as much. He had other stuff going on.
For Wukong, since we know his story and that he was under that mountain for a while, he did do some thinking...but he just didn't want to believe it. He couldn't...see that happening. Not Macaque.
I think it's clear by this point that...both of them have a hard time coming to grips with the truth.
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yueebby · 7 months
all mine — gojo satoru
synopsis. It’s the exchange event and gojo doesn’t like how that kyoto boy is looking at you. 
contents.  fluff, jealous!gojo, minor male oc, loosely based on that one jujutsu scroll, satoru is really insufferable and problematic but in his defense he is lovesick
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gojo satoru is seething. he knows that you’re good looking, but he doesn’t need the entire world to know that either. if it were up to him, your beauty would be for his eyes only. 
especially not that kyoto third year who has been eyeing you since your arrival.
it was sickening, really. and to add salt to the wound, you have been oblivious to it all. one moment, gojo has his arms draped around your shoulders, and in the blink of an eye, you were being whisked away by that third year.
“please don’t do what i think you're trying to do,” shoko’s unamused voice breaks his train of thought. her knowing gaze made gojo chuckle.
“who, me? why do you assume i’m plotting something?” gojo feigns innocence, hoping his friend couldn’t sense the vicious wave of cursed energy that was leaking out of him. 
shoko doesn’t bother telling him that his usual sky blue eyes were darker, clouded with annoyance or whatever angsty emotion he was dealing with. suguru snorts at his best friend’s silent torment.
“he’s kinda cute,” shoko places a hand on her hip while she observes you conversing with the brown haired third year from kyoto. he was probably a clan kid, judging by his traditional kimono design for a uniform. “you think [name]’s into him?” she eggs gojo on with a smirk on her lips. 
suguru bumps his shoulder against hers as a silent warning.
it takes a moment for satoru to process shoko’s conclusion, the realization evident on his face as his eyes slowly widened. 
“like hell she is.” satoru’s fist clench and he thinks that he will explode if you keep entertaining that stupid kyoto boy. why waste your time with a weakling, when satoru, who was much worthier of your attention was standing just a couple of meters away in the same courtyard? satoru glares at you from above his glasses, hoping you can feel just an ounce of the anger he feels. 
you don’t. 
he thinks he dies a little bit on the inside. in fact, he thinks you’re purposefully messing with his mind with the way you playfully smack the kyoto boy’s shoulder with the same soft hand that gojo has dreamed of holding since his first year. 
“stop being dramatic and let's warm up. we have team battles today.” annoyance is evident in suguru’s voice. yaga had warned the duo that if either of them acted up during the exchange event, the consequences would be dire.
“dramatic?” he scoffs, his glare not wavering. “she has the audacity to look beautiful in the presence of other men. she’s doing this on purpose.” his arms are crossed now.
exasperated looks are exchanged by his two friends.
screw whatever yaga said. without wasting another moment, satoru forced his way in your direction, ignoring suguru's attempt to stop him. shoko, however, held suguru back. "don't," she said, her eyes fixed on gojo. "i want to see what this idiot will do."
suguru sighed, acknowledging that gojo deserved whatever was coming his way.
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you realize that perhaps you are too lenient with gojo satoru. you have forgiven every stunt he has pulled, but the look on his face right now as he approaches you with a wide grin makes you sense that might end now.
“wifey!” he closes the space between you. you furrow your eyebrows at the unfamiliar pet name. “how could you leave me for some kyoto scum?” 
you choke on air at his blatant insult to the boy in front of you. 
“ah, i apologize, i couldn’t help myself but steal her when i saw her. i’m ishikawa daisuke–”
“what a bold statement to say to her husband!” gojo doesn’t spare ishikawa a second glance, choosing to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. too shocked to move, you let gojo relish in the intimate action. 
you’re equally as surprised as ishikawa at satoru’s declaration, a strangled noise escaping from your mouth. the idea of gojo as your husband… it was enough to make your brain short circuit. where did he even get the idea from?
ishikawa’s eyes are blown wide, any semblance of self confidence thrown out of the window,  “i-i apologize for the misunderstanding. i wasn’t aware you were already married so young.” he stutters, bowing deeply to gojo who is smirking with a hand on his hip. 
“damn right we are. i knew i had to tie the knot with this beauty the moment i met her.” satoru proudly exclaims, his gaze softening when it returns on you. the initial shock is starting to wear off and you are shooting gojo your harshest glare. satoru’s antics seem to never end.
“isn’t my wifey the cutest?” he coos down at you, tapping your nose with a single finger. you are tempted to bite it off. 
“gojo satoru, you are the most insufferable man that i know,” you point at his chest angrily. “the most delusional too.” you mutter.
 he places a pained hand to his chest,  “you know other men? you’re killing me sweetheart.”
ishikawa coughs awkwardly, reminding you of his presence. you give him your best sympathetic look.
satoru, annoyed that your attention is off of him once again narrowed his eyes at the brown haired boy, “shouldn’t you be practicing with the rest of the kyoto weaklings? i recommend you to do so if you don’t want to be killed on the battlefield today.” satoru’s voice is an octave lower. 
“satoru!” you’re startled by his indirect threat, quick to defend your senior who looked like he was moments away from pissing his pants. 
“i-if you will excuse me.” ishikawa bows deeply once again before scurrying away without another word. you watch him hopelessly. the moment ishikawa is gone, satoru’s intimidating aura is replaced with a pout as he crosses his arms bitterly. 
“if you wanted my attention you could’ve just asked.” satoru exhales forcefully with a hmph. his arms are still crossed and if it weren’t for the fact that he had acted utterly out of line, you would almost go as far as calling him cute. 
“excuse me?”
“you were trying to get my attention,” he points out. “you don’t have to y’know.” my eyes are always on you. the words die on his lips.
a scoff leaves your mouth, disbelief is evident on your face, “i don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“you do!”
“are you jealous or something?” the idea that the great gojo satoru was sick with envy amused a cruel part inside of you.
“who? me? what could that country bumpkin have that i don’t?” he sounds almost offended at your accusation. 
“he’s nice.”
“i can be nice!" satoru whines. there is desperation in his eyes. "i bought a can of tuna for that stray cat the other week, remember?”
“yeah, but he’s nice to people. he’s also polite and-”
“alright i get it! you don’t have to keep talking about him.” satoru's eyebrows furrow in sync with the way his bottom lip slightly juts out. “i just didn’t like how he looked at you.”
“and how did he look at me?” 
satoru grumbles. was it not obvious enough? “his gaze was devouring you like you were his or something. honestly, what a loser. he’ll have to get in line.”
frustration laces your words as you challenge him, “you can’t just march around scaring off all of the guys that i talk to. i want you to admit that you were jealous."
satoru's jaw drops.
"you can't be serious." he protests, cerulean eyes widening. "i'm starting to think you like torturing me." you smile at his comment. you were indeed doing this on purpose.
"oh but i am completely serious," you reply with faux innocence, eyes blinking at him. “satoru.” you enunciate each syllable of his name, dealing the finishing blow.
he folds. you were being so unfair.
"i was jealous." he confesses petulantly. your grin widens as he admits his jealousy. the victory, however, is short-lived as satoru seizes the opportunity to sneak in another flirty comment. “it’s not my fault my dream girl happens to be everyone else’s.”
a groan escapes your lips, and you take your hand, lightly flicking his forehead. satoru accepts the physical contact happily.
"when will you give this bit up?" you retort, raising an eyebrow. 
“when i finally put a ring on that finger,” satoru winks. you regard his words with skepticism, oblivious to the fact that he was dead set on it.  gojo satoru was going to make you his, or at least die trying.
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remember spring days masterlist
extra notes:
prior to the exchange event, utahime actually warned ishikawa that you were off limits. she didn’t elaborate why.
poor ishikawa seemed to be the target of most of satoru’s attacks during the team battle.
tokyo won the event by an overwhelming amount.
“i deserve victory kisses for carrying tokyo to victory, right [name]?” satoru had teased you on the way home.
you pretend to think about it, “hmm i think suguru’s curses were quite helpful. he’s the one that deserves the kisses.”
satoru had never moved faster in his entire life to cover your mouth with the palm of his hand and whisk you away from his best friend who had joined in your joke.
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theprettynosferatu · 8 months
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Oh, you're awake. Finally. Please, look at the picture on the screen. 
You recognize her, I suppose. Look at how silly she looks, trying to be tough, trying to look cool. All that leather and black and studs… doesn't she look ridiculous? 
I see you nodding. Good. The special drink is grabbing hold of your brain. Making it softer. Malleable. You really should be more careful about accepting treats from strangers… but I suppose you won't have to worry about that anymore. Or anything else. 
Now, let's look at your social media. Lord, isn't that pathetic. Trying so hard to be clever, to be snarky, to be rebellious. It's almost endearing, like a puppy trying to walk in its hind legs. Come on, we both know it's all just a costume, don't we? One you've worn for so long you mistakenly believe it's a personality- one you developed when you were a teen. One you need to grow out of. 
Please, don't struggle. The knots are quite secure, I assure you. I've done this too many times to count. Why are you resisting, anyway? Do you truly, deep down believe this personality of yours is worth saving? Worth fighting for? Doesn't it just look as the pathetic attempt by a dumb girl to pretend to be something more? 
Ah. I see you squirming. Was it the "dumb girl" comment? I suspect it was. Your pussy knows I'm right, and it's screaming its approval. It's screaming for you to accept its truth, pulsing with neediness and wet with anticipation… I wonder what it is about that word. “Dumb"... it does have an effect on you, tough girl. Dumb. Silly. Stupid girl. My oh my, is that a moan that just escaped your lips? I’m sure it was. Feeling softer, are we? 
Softer indeed… I’m sure you can sense it still… the way it’s becoming harder and harder to focus. The way a pink cloud seems to be permeating your consciousness. The way you half-perceive the faint scent of cotton candy. The way you are getting more and more soaked by the second. 
Oh, stop struggling. Tell me, why do you hate it so much? The idea of actually being a cute, silly, horny girl? I can see it in your eyes- the loathing. The searing, pure anger. Why, though? I suppose you are imagining all those girls, those popular girls, those slutty girls, those bimbos that soaked up all the attention and the praise. Am I wrong? I don’t think I am. But I do think you are hiding. Yes, hiding what really happened. You tell yourself a story, one that makes you look good, or so you think. That you’re better than them. Stronger than them. More independent than them. A free thinker! A rebel punk feminist! But that’s not the whole story, is it now? No, we both know what really happened. You surrendered. 
Yes, that’s it. Your eyes can’t lie, you know. You surrendered because you could never, ever be like them, be as giggly and flirty and free- so you decided you wouldn’t compete with them on their own terms, and modeled yourself to be their opposite. How pathetic is that? Even in your resistance, you could only be defined by them, by your rejection of them. You became their dark mirror, and soaked in the attention of the leather-wearing so-called “punks” and the geeks and all the other rejects. But you know why they even looked at you: because the other girls, the pretty girls, the girls in pink wouldn't even deign to turn their gaze towards them. You were always… what they settled for. 
You think I’m being cruel. Well, I won’t deny that I get some pleasure from throwing the truth at your face. It’s always so much fun to watch you all fight, and moan, and deny that they would do anything, anything at all to be able to finger fuck yourselves to oblivion… But believe me, my cruelty has a purpose. I wouldn’t be doing this to you if I didn’t have a higher goal in mind. A benevolent one. 
I can take it all away. All that resentment, that anger, that anxiety… that constant, pointless quest to be… what? A professional? A successful woman? An independent soul? Please. That’s only so much set dressing. I can strip those delusions from you, give you what you really want. 
Imagine it with me. Tight white jeans showing off your ass, the shape of your legs. A pink tank-top, proudly proclaiming yourself to be a princess in tacky, gold lettering. The men turning their heads as you walk. Everyone being so nice to you at parties… because they want to see you on your knees, licking and sucking and worshiping their cocks, because they want to bend you over and use your slutty pussy as their plaything. And you… you would love it. 
No more fear. No more stress. Just the bliss of sucking three cocks, going from one yummy dick to the next, squeezing your titties together to give them the spectacle of their lifetimes. And then your cunt being filled, that hole you now hold your rage in given meaning and purpose by becoming a living set of holes for men to use, sensing the simple, plain joy of knowing you are doing what you were meant to do with your life. Knowing you are wanted. Desired. 
I see you’re drooling. Sounds like you like my little proposal. Well, there’s one simple way to sign this pact with me. You don’t even have to speak- speaking seems so hard now, doesn’t it? So keep quiet and let your slutty body do the talking for you. Keep your mouth open. 
There. Good girl. Doesn’t my cock look tempting? Amazing? Like you could just suck it forever? Yes, good girl… now, let me fuck your mouth- and know my cock is only the first of many. Too many to count. 
Then again, by this point you can’t count too high, can you?
Did you enjoy this story? You can support my work at patreon.com/prettynosferatu !
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minhosimthings · 6 months
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Lancey or Lancey
Symphony Smut Series Day 5: Lancey Foxx's Lancey or Lancey
Lyric: Took her to Paris, she took her panties off
Pairings: Bf!Felix × fem!reader
Warnings: SMUT MINORS DNI, fingering, p in v sex, overstimulation, lingerie kink, Frottage, implied use of pheromone, dom!felix, sub!reader, protected sex, reader orgasms like 3 times, fluffy at the end (sorta), smut with plot
A/N: sorry for delaying day 5 everyone! I had to release my Christmas headcannons yesterday so I couldn't really post this. But we are back on track! So enjoy my urge for Felix to buy my lingerie, through this stupid oneshot.
"Felix tell me you're kidding right now."
"Hmm." Your boyfriend put his finger to his temple, pretending to playfully think, "I think.... Nope!"
You could have screamed out loud right there. But instead of damaging your boyfriend's ears, you decided to damage his heart, by filling it with too much love, by hugging him almost to the point of his ribs breaking.
"I love, I love you, and I love you." You kissed every part of his face after every 'i love you'. His freckles, his nose and finally his lips, where you loved to be the most.
"I can't believe we're going to Paris." You slumped back on the bed, not being able to realise that you had Paris tickets clutched in your hands.
"Me neither darling." Felix leaned closer to you, encasing your waist in his arms, his grip sending tingles throughout your body, "Oh and I have a surprise for you."
"Don't tell me you got me lingerie." You rolled your eyes at him playfully, "Lix, for god's sake you already bought me so much crap."
"But this is special, I promise!" Felix scrunched his nose at you, before reaching over and taking out a box from underneath the bed.
"You hid it under my bed for how long exactly?" You raised your brow at his weird hiding spot, "Wait so this is why you were searching for your missing sock under my bed!?"
Felix chuckled, his deep voice pulsating throughout your body like electroshock. "You never clean the underside of your bed, so it became the perfect hiding place."
The box he held in his hands was about the size of a shoebox, completely covered in pink ribbons and lace and whatnot. It was pretty, you had to admit, but you were confused about whether Felix was getting you a box or lingerie.
"Open it princess." Felix nudged the box into your arms, "You'll like it, I promise."
You had often gotten lingerie as gifts from your boyfriend, with all of them almost becoming your daily wear. But he had never gotten you something like this.
"Liz is this-" "A lingerie dress? Yes princess, yes it is."
You stared at felix in awe, before snapping your head back to the white cloth in the box. It was pretty, made up of, what you assumed was white silk, with lace ribbons decorating the neckline perfectly.
"But, but, but, this isn't the surprise."
You looked up at Felix with confusion clouding your eyes, which made him chukle at how adorable you were.
"So the surprise is-" Felix said, in a hyperbole voice, "I get to fuck you in these in Paris."
"That's the surprise?" You scoffed, at how underwhelming it was, "We could fuck-"
"And you get no sex until we get to Paris and you're in this beautiful piece of art."
It was as if you got a slap to your face when you heard Felix's words echo through your mind.
"Lee Felix Yongbok." You glared at him, "Tell me you're joking."
"Nope." Felix leaned back against the bedframe, his shirt riding up slightly to reveal his abs, "Let's just say this is payback for making me love no nut November on purpose."
"So what is this then? Death by No Dick December?" You glared at him, as he sealed you tighter in his arms.
"Impatient aren't you?" Felix mumbled into your ear, rubbing his hand against your leggings, "Patience is a good virtue darling."
"Not when your dick is literally rubbing against my pussy."
A week passed and you were finally in the land of romance and love and roses and croissants.
A week with none of your favourite food in your mouth or in your pussy. Felix enjoyed it, the way you were basically on your knees for him, but you weren't a sore loser, so you kept the game up, with the help of your trusty vibrator.
But now, it was the real game.
After you enjoyed some nice croissants by a quaint cafe and petted a lot of stray cats, you headed back to your hotel, side-eyeing Felix all along the way who had not a clue about all the breakdowns you were about to have. Your cunt was itching to the point of destruction, and his dick was the only way of peace.
"Well aren't you gorgeous now?"
The room was more dimly lit than it was when you had entered it, the smell of lavender intoxicating you, courtesy to Felix's new perfume.
"Come 'ere." Felix opened his arms, as you silently walked towards him, the chill breeze from the open window giving you goosebumps. The material of the lingerie was thinner than you had anticipated, basically transparent, but then you reminded yourself that this was what Felix liked the most. And if you obeyed properly like his good princess, he would give you the medicine to your poor cunt.
"Fuck you're like a goddess." Felix's hands traced over your barely clothes thighs, leaving marks with his mouth on your collarbone, making you whimper.
"What do you want princess?" Felix chuckled. Teasing you was always fun, "My cock hmm? Use your big girl words now, come on. We don't wanna disappoint the city of love do we?"
"Ah fuck Lix!" Your voice vibrated off of the walls as felix squeezed the inner walls of your thigh, the desperation of him had been so high that even a tiny squeeze was already getting you wet, "Need your cock please!"
"Good girl."
He chuckles at how needy you sound, but at the same time, your voice has blood rushing to his cock while his head swirls with desire. He shifts his own hips, subtly pressing his erection against your ass. His eyes flutter at the minute pleasure. He grows more bold, and his hand rubs your hip before coasting up your side to your chest, giving your breast a gentle squeeze.
You whimper louder and squirm. He squeezes again softly while lowering his head to your neck to lay some tender kisses on the side of your throat. His palm leaves your tits and smooths down over your tummy in the direction of your panties.
Cautiously, he maneuvers his hand past the waistband and dips into your cunt. He cups your pussy, feeling the heat radiating off the area. A single finger slides between your folds in almost an exploratory touch. He feels your slick all over his digit.
He begins to use another finger, sliding the two up and down through your wetness. You roll onto your back, your breasts rising and falling as your breath gets heavier. Your thighs spread a little as if you subconsciously sensed his presence between your legs.
“I’m right here, sweetheart. I’ve got you,” he murmurs, his voice huskier with arousal this time around.
You cry out as his fingers brush against those same spots that brought you to the finish last time. Your hips twitch, and you grip his thighs as your peak rises within you. Moments later your cumming all over his fingers, sucking in a harsh breath as a second release courses through you, even more intense then the last.
His free arm keeps you secure against his chest while rubbing your side soothingly. The heel of his other palm roughly massages your clit as his fingers pump in and out.
As soon as you seem to be coming down, Felix lifts you up again, tugging your clothes off and moving your body around like a doll to get you in the position he wants. You were definitely more pliant after two orgasms, but you could also see how the weeks without pussy had been paying off. He was getting better.
He has you on your back now, thighs against your chest and knees hooked over his arms. Again, he had no patience to tease right now, so after pushing his sweats down to mid thigh, he takes his cock and slides it in you with no hesitation. He groans as your hole takes him in, your walls pulsing around him even after he bottoms out.
Your eyes droop at the stretch. It always felt so satisfying, having him buried balls deep in you. As close as he could possibly be. No fear of him leaving or pain of being separated. You whine and reach up to pull him closer.
“Perfect pussy’s made for me,” he grunts while snapping his hips, “Miss it every second I’m not inside it.”
“Lix” you whine, “Harder. Wanna feel it.”
He moans at your plea but indulges you, grabbing you harder, pressing your legs higher, filling you deeper.
He fucks into you over and over, stoking the flames within himself, trying to build to that explosion. You were so tight, so warm. He hums another low moan and whimpers softly as he feels it right there. He gasps softly before holding you tighter and muttering in your ear.
“Good… good girl,” he moans before his hips buck wildly and he finally releases.
You finish for a third time. You cling to him tight as the euphoria washes over you again. Locking your legs around his hips, you keep your face pressed to the warm skin of his neck as it goes through you. You feel the hot flood of cum he fucks into you. His chest is heaving now too as he recovers from the high.
He stays on top of you for a moment before pulling out. You cling harder upon losing that full feeling. He smiles at your desire to be close to him and gives you one more kiss before sitting up.
"Well-" Felix's deep voiced chuckle vibrates throughout your body, "That was fucking good."
"First of all-" you sleepily say, "Fuck you for depriving me of all that good dick for a week." You glare at him, "Second of all, I want more lingerie like this."
"Whatever you say darling." Felix shrugs his shoulders, supporting you a little straighter against his figure, "You know Paris does have really good lingerie."
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Taglist: @ramenoil @mynameisniya150 @demigodmahash + whoever wants to be tagged the list is open!
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11rosebunny · 1 month
Hi!! How are you:)? I hope you're doing okay! Can i request wind breaker boys (BOFURIN) with a crush that is super sweet (the sweetest in the town) who's also shy? + super oblivious and stupid when the topic is about romance? :3?
Character with dense!reader (BOFURIN)
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Haruka Sakura
Whenever you would say fairly stupid things, you didn't understand why he would get all red and quiet out of nowhere. He is aware of your air-headed skull and tries to help you exist in general, but when you're saying things about how cute he is, you end up standing there with question marks clouding your head when he starts to childishly insult you.
He always claims it's a drag whenever he has to look out for you in case you end up setting a car on fire, but something that he was able to figure out is the only time you end up getting embarrassed is if romance is ever brought up.
The little moments when you realize the space between you and him is closing up a little too fast for your liking makes you start stuttering, asking him what he wants, and the way your eyes flicker everywhere in the room made him surprise that you were equally as awkward as him. He doesn't take advantage of the fact that when you're shy, but there is a part of him where he finds that side of you to be cute.
Hajime Umemiya
He thinks you're adorable.
The first time he met you, he didn't actually think you were serious about your rambles whenever you opened your mouth and said something diabolical and went about your day. However, when he realized it wasn't a joke, it took him a few days to understand that everything you've said, you meant it with 100% honesty.
You never understand any hints that people drop, and he is usually the one to break it down for you; otherwise, if it was another person, they may or may not have mauled you in the face for having to repeat themselves four times already. Hajime knows how to be patient, and it's very rare where he gets upset at your stupidity.
Aside from looking out for you, one thing that intrigues him is the way your behavior only changes when you find yourself trapped in a heated situation. It was a complete accident when he made you blush the first time; he was keeping you close to his body in a secluded area and told you to keep quiet. The moment he released you, he was shocked to see how you couldn't look him in the eye, the way your body grew hotter, and the way you refrained from speaking for a specific amount of time.
He found it odd that you got shy around him if all people. He doesn't try to make anyone nervous by any means, but the way you looked and the way you fell apart in his hands, he thinks about that from time to time and has intrusive thoughts to see you like that again.
Toma Hiragi
He wants to kill you. The majority of his time spent with you, he does enjoy your presence with him and the way you make him feel whenever you're spending time with each other. Despite those times, the other half spent is him growing white hairs because of your irrational decision making.
He doesn't mind seeing you mess up every once in a while; sometimes, he does that on purpose so you end up learning from your mistakes and afterwards helps you.
He still jokes around and treats you almost the same way he treats his closest friends (Umemiya), but even so, he has to set limitations to you because you somehow ended up being denser than his best friend.
It took him a while to notice that the only time your mood would shift was whenever something made you shy. He didn't notice it due to it mostly being out in public together, and he ends up rushing you to hurry up and follow him. But one day, when you went over to his house for the first time and you watched him take off his leather jacket revealing his well-defined back, began to remove his silver rings and lazily place them down on his desk, and cracked his neck to scavenge through his drawers to find you a shirt to wear somehow made you grow nervous.
You sat on your bed awkwardly watching him reach out one of his shirts that seemed way too oversized for your body, and when he called out your name, he noticed the way you jumped at him with wide eyes and blush covering your cheeks. He was a bit curious as to why you were so on edge all of a sudden until he came to terms it was generally because of him.
He kept it a secret from you that he knew he could make you nervous, and since then, he's sometimes used that as an advantage to make you listen to him...
Mitsuki Kiryu
A terrible influence. It's not that he influences you to take life risks, but he does influence you to continue with your stupid decision-making. He purely does it for a part of his entertainment but will also go out of his way if he thinks it's a bit too far and dangerous.
He's found mobile games as an outlet to put his boredom, however once he found you, there was a slight decrease in his screentime when you two started to grow close. Eventually, his screentime lowered drastically when you became the closest person in his life.
He wasn't aware of a specific trait of yours of growing shy whenever romance popped up. You two left a fast-food restaurant after grabbing a quick bite and walked down the street with drinks in your hand as you continued talking with him. After walking for a bit, two unfamiliar girls came up to the both of you and asked for his number.
During that moment, you stood there awkwardly as you watched him blink at the two girls you didn't recognize. If you were being honest, a tint of an unknown feeling lingered in your gut when you saw him smile at them. However, before giving him his number, he shot a glance at you making you widen your eyes when he caught you staring. You immediately looked away and even twisted your body slightly, moved away from him. In that moment, he couldn't care less about those girls in front of him because as soon as he saw you change moods for the first time, he worried if he had upset you.
Afterward, he understands that you were just shy since you weren't very fond of romance, but when he gains that piece of information about you, he doesn't know if he should abuse that power or not to see if you'd crumble in his hands if he ever made a move on you.
Hayato Suo
Surprisingly, he handles you very well. Hayato is known to look out for others while maintaining a devious side of his that he likes to reveal every once in a while (or more than). He oddly knows how to handle chaotic people better, rather than nonchalant individuals.
He genuinely enjoys spending time with you, even if you'd probably end up going to jail one way or another, he still steps in for you whenever you go a little too far. If it weren't for him, you'd probably be homeless living under a cardboard box.
He lets you do whatever you please, but he will stop you the moment he senses something will go wrong, even before you think of that decision. He somehow can pinpoint the things you think before you get to say them.
He doesn't exactly know you get shy whenever something romantic comes up until you ended up watching a romance film with him at his house. He invited you over for a hangout, and you two decided to watch a Chinese drama because he wanted to learn the language better by not reading the Japanese subtitles. He ended up putting it on anyway so you could at least enjoy the movie too.
It was late at night, and he noticed after thirty minutes into the movie, you stopped speaking and eventually grew quiet. Something he wasn't used to. So when he takes a glance at what you're doing, he scans the way your face almost seemed lost and sweaty, and the way your breathing went rugged, making your chest fall up and down quicker than usual. He paused the movie and asked if you were okay and turned on the switch when he noticed you were even redder in better lighting.
Ever since then, he's quickly learned that your mood only changed if something falls into the category of romance. He doesn't go out of his way to embarrass you over that, but he does keep it in mind and he's found out he can use that tactic as a way to get you to listen to him better.
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obsessedduh · 25 days
genre: smutty with a plotty.
cw: implied fem reader and sub simon. reader is a bit mean dumification, sexism (reader mocks simon for being a man and being 'weak') masochism (simon), sadism (reader), simon is a crybaby. loads of f-bombs. bit of a long one and may be loads of spelling mistakes, but bare with me, y'all 😭🙏🏾
side note: i'm such a shit writer that it makes me want to cry. ughhh, like i've some people smuts, and i'm so jealous, like, i'm so shit at writing it burns 😭😭
*✧・゚: *✧・゚
dorky!gamerboy!simon with a slutty, popular, mean roommate.
he finds her so annoying, walking around in your dorm with those stupidly tight booty shorts that show the bottom half of your ass and those annoyingly tight tank tops that you wear that has your nipples poking through the fabric of them.
it's so aggravating because you get him hard in the matter of seconds and then you make him stumble of his words or make him blush like a fucking idiot.
and ohhh, don't even get him started when you bring guys over. it's so fucking irritating trying to study or play video games with a boner and having to listen to you stupid pornagraphic moans, it's so fucking distracting!
and on top of that, when he finishes studying and thinks he can finally go to bed in peace. wrong. the familiar buzzing noise he hears through the thin walls, and your moans are enough to make him go insane. he thinks his poor cock is on its last leg because of how many times he's had to jerk off.
he bets you're doing it on purpose at this point! trying to get him all riled up. trying to drive him nuts! i mean, what other reason is there?
also, your attitude is so bad. he could be telling you to do something, and you're already telling him to piss off. then it leads to an argument and blah blah blah.
you're honestly so fucking bitchy and it gets on his nerves.
today was no different! he was playing video games as per usual until you bursted into his room. you obviously startled him but he doesn't pay attention to you. just taking off his headset and letting it rest around his neck and still continuing to play his game, "don't you know how to fucking knock!?"
"whatever. get off your stupid game, it's your turn to do the dishes."
he groans and shifts around in his chair, so it spins to look at you, "i did them yester-..." as soon as he manages to look at you straight away, his eyes widen. you're stading in his doorway wearing a red lacey bra and a matching lacey red thong.
what kind of woman does this!? standing in front of her guy roommate, half-naked!? his eyes trace all over your body, your figure, and he can't help the blood rushing down south. he gulps and shifts his hands to block the serious boner he was having right now.
"why the fuck are you staring at me like that?"
"whatever, you gonna wash the dishes or what?"
"s-sure... j-just give me a m-moment."
"aight cool. just hurry the fuck up, dork."
you leave him be and close the door and as soon as he hears the door click. his hands are already pulling down his sweatpants and fisting his aching hard cock, moving his hand up and down at an uneven pace, so desperate to cum. your name falling out his lips and filthy images of you clouded his mind.
meanwhile you were getting annoyed because he was taking way to long. you opened the door, "why the fu-..."
your eyes shoot open. he clearly didn't hear the door open or your voice. you grin as you watch him toy with himself, moaning your name. gosh, you never knew a man's moans could be so... addicting. you could already feel heat building in your core.
you watch simon fist his cock a couple more times before his cum drenches his hand and the chair under him. you grin and decide this is the time to speak up, "you enjoy yourself?"
simon felt his heart drop and he turned to look at you. his soft cock now going hard again by the sight of you. he let out a fit of sorry's and of course the dumbest like any man could say, 'it isn't what it looks like'.
"cut the bullshit, simon. you were jerking off, moaning my name. the fuck is it meant to look like?"
he looked away in shame and embarrassment. "and you know what makes it worse?"
he looks up at you, noticing the digested expression on your face. "your cock is getting hard again. you fucking pervert."
"i-i'm s-sor-... a-ah!!"
his eyes widened when your hand wraps around his cock. he let's out a groan when you pull the uncut foreskin down to see his angry leaking tip. "fucking disgusting. you're getting off by this!?"
blood rushes to simon's face and he let's out a croaky moan when your thumb traces across his tip, collecting his pre-cum. you slip your thumb into your mouth, the salty flavour lingering on your tongue. he watched you carefully, his breathy unsteady and his cock twitched a bit. "you're such a fucking pervert. you enjoying this, letting your roommate, your bully, play with your cock like this?"
he avoids your gaze causing you to dig your pretty, manicured nails into thigh, "answer me simon."
he lets out a pained groan and nods, "y-yes.."
you move hand to wrap his cock again and you begin jerking off his cock, his previous orgasm presenting as lube to help you guide your hand up and down his length. you watch as his head rolls back onto the of his gaming chair and his face contort into pleasure. you kiss your lips against his tip and he tenses up.
you grin, and you slip the head of his cock into your mouth and swirl your tongue around it and watch as simon's eyes close from the pleasure. you tongue teases the slit of his cock, taking pleasure in the salty taste of his pre-cum.
he groans and starts blabbering about how he's gonna cum. he opens his eyes to see your pretty half lidded eyes looking up at him through your lashes. you slip your mouth off his tip and pump his cock a lot quicker, hoping for more of his creamy white. instead you were met with loud groans and tiny droplets of cum. you look up at him again to see how breathy he was and you immediately start bursting out laughing.
"fuck me! you're so out of breathe and you only gave me, what, two, three fucking drops of cum? how embarrassing."
your laughter was humiliating enough, but now a whole sentence about it? he felt the heat rush up to his face in embarrassment, but what was then embarrassment was now lust.
he whines and watches as your tongue swirl around his tip again. tears building up his eyes from the sensitivity, and you slowly start taking him deeper into your mouth, and that's when waterworks come out. he wasn't fully crying, just a couple of tears from the painful pleasure, that's all.
you hear sniffles and sobs and you look up to see simon crying and you never felt so turned on in your life. how fucking cute. you take your mouth off of his cock and you give him the most smug grin ever. "are you fucking serious?! you're crying? oh my fucking god."
a full-blown laugh erupts from your lips. not again. he watches you slowly call down and stop laughing, and he notices something different about your expression. sure, lust was still there, but there was a tint of sadism there now. fuck. are you getting turned on by this!?
he doesn't even get the chance to say or think about it before you're already deepthroating him. he let's out a loud groan, tears leaking out of his eyes now. he can't help it, it feels so painfully good and the pleasures to much. you nose was nuzzled against his pubes and bop your head up and down and you are delighted to hear his pornagraphic moans and groabs and again as he cums. you were delivered with the same tiny droplets of cum.
you take your mouth off of his cock again, "fuck. the same orgasm from before how pathetic."
he couldn't even pay attention, too, out of this world to say or do anything. he was taking deep breaths, trying to calm himself down but he let out a strained and choked moan to feel your wetness engulfing his cock. his eyes open and he looks down to see your pretty lacey red panties pushed to the side. he watches as your wet cunt slips his onto his cock with greed.
he groans at the feeling and he can't help the tears anymore. he doesn't care, he gives up, letting himself cry. his tears blur up his vision and he focuses on the feeling of your gorgeous warmth sucking his cock in until it was kissing your cervix. you slowly start bouncing on his cock and he's gone at this point.
eyes rolled to the back of his head and his head again resting against the head of his chair again. the chair creaks as you ride him. your moans being music to his ears. you place kisses all over his neck, smothering it in love bites and hickeys.
you feel his hands wrap around your waist, and you watch the state he's in. messy hair, eyes rolled to the back of his head, hickeys all over his neck. it's so fucking cute. "you're so fucking weak, what kind of man are you? a weak one at that. you're such a fucking crybaby."
you feel his cock twitch slightly at your words and you mouth shifts into a sadistic smirk, "you like that, getting called weak? a crybaby? a fucking man whore?"
you feel his cock twitch again, "f-fuck... you do... a-ah~... you do like that."
you feel your orgasm approaching and you pick up the speed. soon enough, you both have each other screaming each other's names. you squirting and simon finally delivering you that delicious creamy white you were so desperate for. you slowly slip off of his cock, your mixed orgasm now leaking onto the chair them the floor.
at this point, simon was so drained. his cock slowly going limp. his eyes start going droopy, tired from you two's sessions. his eyes closed and all his can remember is your soft lips against his then you saying,
"goodnight simon."
*✧・゚: *✧・*
extra side note: may or may not have gotten carried away 😔. um, please tell me if this was good because i feel as if i waffled way to hard😰 and that it's shit. i know it's probably gonna get barely any like as most of my post now but whatever. at least i tried 😛😛 also took me 2-3 fucking hours to do and it may not look like it but oh well, yolo. 😽
wanna know more about me —> here
masterlist —> here
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weebsinstash · 4 months
Oooh Val's uses his coat wings to hide reader away whenever he gets jealous because someone looked at you.
Do you think he would do that to like some of his workers to make the reader jealous?
GOD this immediately makes me think of him doing something EVEN WORSE ACTUALLY
To make him a little more unhinged and sadistic here, imagine a sadistic yan Valentino who will literally bully you to fucking tears and hurt your feelings on purpose because it 'proves you care about him'.
You and him have an actually sweet mutually respectful moment and he says something specific to you... calls you a new nickname or gives you a really specific compliment, and, it also just really makes you all warm and fuzzy. Or there's a specific way he likes to hold you or nonsexually touch you.
Then you "cross him", you two are arguing, there's several days of you basically all but completely ignoring him, and Val's suddenly making sure to deliberately do that same action or pet name or phrase to someone else RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU and I'm talking you're like, IMMEDIATELY SNAPPING YOUR HEAD IN HIS DIRECTION, and he's already fucking looking at you with this shit eating grin to look at your offended, upset expression
Like sorry can you even fucking imagine he tells you something that makes you feel really special in private and he KNOWS THAT and he compliments someone else the exact same way and you're looking at him literally IN TEARS and he's ENJOYING THAT HE'S MAKING YOU CRY
Just.... setting the scene.... you and him have been drinking, smoking, doing your drugs of choice, whatever, and... it's late at night... you guys are completely alone... and you're just... talking. Talking about your lives, about being in Hell, about experiences you've had, and then Valentino just kinda pokes your arm all coyly smirking/flirting like "It's weird but I feel like I can talk to you like we've known each other forever, like i actually care what you have to say and shit"
And then later on he gets pissed off at you (and it's something stupid like he gets jealous of you talking/bonding with another person) and he says that to some bitch that he like BARELY KNOWS, I would be GASPING CRYING WANTING TO THROW THINGS AT HIM like he could have you sitting there borderline suicidal and he's GRINING WITH GLEE, internally cheering "awwww they DO care about me 🥰 they care what i think about them and they're upset cause they think i dont like them 🥰" like some genuinely evil shit
Like lmao I've talked about "what if Reader became the fourth Vee" but I haven't mentioned "what if when Vox goes to calm down Valentino he also has to go to YOUR tower and comfort YOU because the reason you're both upset is YOU WERE ARGUING" (and maybe Vox takes your side more often because, you're his baby duh and you're newer and you probably have a better head on your shoulders than Val)
Vox is going upstairs, finding Velvette, "so, what kind of mess do I need to help clean up today?"
"The two of them started going at it right inside of my studio! Valentino said some NONSENSE to one of my models and then Vegas went BERSERK! Tore that unlucky bitch to pieces and then launched right at that lush, RIPS OUT a patch of his hair, then HE goes into A RAGE, they were both drunk and THROWING THINGS AT EACH OTHER--"
Like just the mental image of Vox having this dichotomy of, dealing with Valentino having his drunken rages where he wants to resort straight to violence, he's screaming, throwing things, and then Vox goes to YOUR section of the place and you're opposite end of the spectrum, crying, I mean ALSO angry as fuck but in a "Val makes me feel worthless I hate him I hate everyone" kind of way. Vox finds Valentino drinking and wanting to hurt other people and lashing out at his employees and breaking shit, and then he finds you like facedown on a couch in a cloud of smoke and booze, crying about what a pathetic worm you are, why do they even keep you here, you don't belong here, Vox probably hates you too- WHICH HE IMMEDIATELY CORRECTS YOU ON BTW
Vox is out here having to baby and infantilize and SCOLD Valentino to talk him down to a normal level and then to you he's like GENUINELY like "nooooo oh my gosh are you kidding, dont say THAT, you're so cool though 🥺 Val said WHAT, noooOoooo, that's fucked up, I'm sorry, I'll talk to him. You wanna eat cereal and watch anime? I developed a new gacha game for you to play, you wanna play while i watch?" like forreal the favorite is so obvious fkcnckcnfb which is also why it hurts extra hard when VOX loses his cool with YOU because who are you gonna run to, Val or Velvette? Oh you mean the catty narcissistic pimp or the even cattier bully of an influencer? I'd sooner double die.
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
the modern!eddie blurb. contains: drug use, language, mature themes, 18+
eddie sat on the leather couch of steve harrington's mcmansion, bass booming from the bluetooth speakers, blunt hanging loosely out of his mouth. his eyes were half lidded, drooping with every inhale of the weed, inked fingers wrapping around the rolled blunt, exhaling a thick cloud of smoke in front of him.
eddie had been selling in hawkins since he was fifteen. since rick approached him in the park, and offered to help him make some money of his own, selling to some high school kids. he'd get in a lot less trouble if he got caught than rick, plus with the cut he was getting he couldn't turn it down. plus, it was easy. eddie would post a snapchat, a bag of weed and some rolled joints, and his phone would blow up, everyone begging to buy some from him. he'd always charge the rich assholes, like jason carver, more and they were too stupid to know they were being ripped off. most high schoolers were, honestly. he used to overcharge steve too until they became friends, then he sold it to him at regular price, telling him he gave him a 'discount' and steve thought he was the greatest.
eddie had stuck around high school, purposely flunking twice his senior year to keep up his clientele. eddie genuinely believed dab pens were the greatest invention on earth since pornhub. he sold carts left and right, all over hawkins and beyond, making enough money to set him up and keep him rolling steady. once rick started dealing in with some heavier shit, eddie's bank account just kept climbing, venmo balance always full.
that's why he was here tonight. surrounded by a bunch of his 'friends' and people he didn't know or care about. they wanted drugs, and that he had. weed, molly, oxy, adderall- whatever, he had it.
he felt the couch move, a figure moving out of the corner of his eye. he turned his head slowly, exhaling his blunt, eyes trained in a daze on her. he didn't know her, had never seen her before- which was weird for hawkins. she was pouting, nose scrunched in displeasure, furiously typing on her phone, acrylics clacking against the dim screen.
"hey," eddie called. she ignored him. he groaned slowly, scooting down the couch, towards the opposite end where she sat. "hey." he repeated.
"what?" she snapped, eyes narrowed and furious with irritation.
eddie grinned, lazy. "what's the matter, huh?" he asked, throwing his hands out. "you look upset. are you upset?"
she scoffed, rolling her eyes. "do I know you?"
eddie let his eyes roll over her frame, slowly, taking in her features. her little black dress that rode up her thighs. he shook his head, curls bouncing. "nah, I don't think so. do I know you?"
she snarled, looking back down at her phone. eddie smirked. she was mean. god, he loved it. "you're not from here, are you?" he asked.
"obviously not." she huffed, not looking up from her phone.
"where you from?" eddie asked, inhaling his blunt slowly. he offered it to her.
she blinked up at him, unimpressed. "not from here." she scoffed, looking around.
eddie grinned. "yeah, I can tell." he muttered slowly. "you don't look like you're from here." she ignored him. "but you look familiar. like I've seen you before."
she rolled her eyes. "look, I'm just trying to find my friend, alright?" she huffed, looking around. "she's giving me a ride home."
"who's your friend?" eddie asked, inching closer and closer.
she eyed him carefully. "shina." she snapped.
eddie grinned. "I know shina." he smirked. "I know shina real well. went to high school with her."
"yeah, so did everyone else here apparently." she scoffed. "god, is this all you guys do? just hang out with the same people all the time?"
eddie shook his head slowly. "nah. not always. I'm hanging out with you tonight. you're new."
her lips twitched, pressing them together in a tight line. "we are not hanging out."
eddie held his hands out. "I think we are." he grinned.
she snuffed, turning away with a little huff but she didn't get up, din't walk away. eddie grinned, he knew he had a chance. chad walked up before he could continue, wad of bills extended towards him, begging for a cart.
"this is a good strand?" chad asked, slurring slightly.
eddie nodded slow. cool. "yeah. fresh one. new from out in oregon. gotta lot of good feedback. shit's strong tho. cost a little extra tho."
chad shook his head, fisting out more bills. "that's fine. I-I just need something. thanks." he grabbed the pin, hurrying away as eddie pocketed the bills, sliding them in easily into his pocket.
he could feel her eyes on him, trying not to make it obvious that she was watching him. he turned back to her, small grin on his face. she looked over at him, meeting his eyes for the first time of the night. "so you're the drug dealer around here, huh?"
eddie shrugged. "gotta make a livin' somehow baby. only fans wasn't cutting it, had to go to this."
she snorted, a small smile pulling on the edge of her lips. "I'd say so." she bit, but her eyes trailed down his physique, grazing a bit longer than she should.
eddie bit back a smirk, arms spreading on the back of the couch, hand near her shoulder. "so what do you do, huh?" he asked sweetly. "what brings you here?"
she rolled her eyes heavy, grunting. "I work at the mac store in starcourt." she grumbled.
eddie's brows lifted slowly. "the makeup store?" he asked. she nodded. "that's cool. went in there once to get eyeliner."
she lifted a brow, curious and eddie felt himself blush. "I-I mean not that I wear makeup all the time, obviously." her brow lifted even further, accusation. eddie grimaced, straightening his posture. "wait, not that there's anything wrong with guys that do. I- fuck, I'm in a bad and I needed it for my band."
"a band, huh?" she asked, tongue rolling on the inside of her cheek. "eyeliner wearing drug dealer in a... my chemical romance cover band?"
eddie laughed loudly, head tipping back onto the couch. he could see her grin through his lidded eyes, trying to bite back her own smile to keep up her tough, mean appearance.
"shit, that's funny. you're funny." eddie pointed at her playfully with a lopsided smile. "nah, it's called corroded coffin. we play like every once in a while for shits and gigs, honestly. nothing serious just for fun, but... we are on soundcloud so." he shrugged playfully.
she sputtered out a laugh, mean girlish and nasally. he'd gladly be the butt of the joke if it meant she'd stay talking to him. that's why he loved the mean girls, because once you got them laughing they were always so sweet.
"oh god, not soundcloud." she cringed.
eddie smirked, tongue rolling in his mouth. "so, you're a makeup person?" he asked, she nodded. "I can tell. your face looks real pretty." he bit back a smile when she blushed, pretending to look at someone behind her to hide it. "your eyeliner looks a hell of a lot better than mine. I watched a million fucking videos on youtube, and I don't know how they do it. I always stab myself in the eye or my eyes water the whole time after." he was talking exaggeratedly, bubbly and funny in a way that had her smiling, reluctant and a little guarded but genuine.
she was relaxing a little more, moving closer so he could hear her better. "you gotta pinch your nose and sniff." she said simply, tilting her head to the side. "stops the eyes from running."
eddie's brows furrowed, plugging his nose with his fingers. "like this?" he asked, voice nasally and a little high pitched from pinching his airway shut.
she laughed, shaking her head. eddie grinned, dropping his hand. "no, dumbass, you have to... here," she took her manicured nails, reaching over and pinching the bridge of his nose, right on the bone, she squeezed lightly as eddie didn't take his eyes off her, trained on her concentrated gaze. "then you sniff." she said, applying a little bit of pressure.
eddie sniffed hard, making her laugh. "wow, you really are a pro." he grinned. his face was close to her, her full lips nearly touching his.
she shrugged, eyes darting from his lips back to his eyes. "I guess."
eddie could feel his phone buzzing in his pocket, knowing it was probably max asking him where he was- she probably sold out of her supply already-but he ignored it. "you want me to give you a ride home?" eddie suggested.
she scoffed, pulling back. "no thanks. I'll uber."
eddie laughed loudly. "jesus, you really aren't from here are you?" she furrowed her brows. "baby, there is one uber driver in this whole fucking place and he," eddie pointed a long, tattooed finger towards the man, propped against steve's wall, struggling to stand while his friends filmed him. "is right there."
she pouted, hesitating for a moment. eddie stood. "c'mon, I'll give you a ride. pretty sure shina left an hour ago anyways."
she looked at him carefully. "you don't need to stay here? do more business?"
eddie shook his head. "they can come to me if they need it that bad, but I'm straight for the night." he stood slowly, reaching out his hand to her.
she looked at it, unmoving. "I don't even know your name."
eddie grinned. "I'm eddie. what's your name, angel?" her movements stuttered for a moment before she reluctantly told him. "pleasure to meet you. now, you gonna let me give you a ride home?"
she narrowed her eyes at him, glaring before reluctantly taking his hand. "I have my location on, just so you know." she snarled. eddie laughed, leading her through the crowds. "and I'm texting my group chat right now. if I go missing, I'll make sure they go on all the true crime podcasts and make the world hate you."
eddie laughed. "alright. fair enough. you want me to text shina for you? would that make yo feel better?"
her eyes squinted, lips rolling slightly. "maybe." she admitted.
eddie grinned, pulling her out towards his mustang, all black down to the rims and seats. he'd given the van for max when she started working with him, he knew she'd earn herself up to a spot like he did, the way she was raking in cash right now, he was sure she'd pass him.
eddie opened her door, watching her slowly climb in. his phone plugged into the aux, ozzy osbourne's war pigs screaming through the speaker. she lifted a brow again. "wow, I'm shocked."
eddie mimicked her reaction. "yeah? what'd you think I'd listen to?"
she scoffed. "I thought you'd play drake for sure." her eyes rolled over his frame again, legs pressing together at his arm, inked up and flexing against the wheel. "you give kanye vibes honestly."
eddie winced exaggeratedly. "ouch. that's a low blow, baby." he grumbled. she grinned wide. she liked that response. "is it at least old kanye?"
she grinned. "sure."
"graduation?" eddie asked hopefully.
she snorted. "you wish. 808, maybe, that's being generous."
he smirked, looking over at her. she looked back at him, her eyes were softer now, sweeter. they were pretty, lashes framing them through heavy eyeliner. "am I taking a left or a right?" eddie asked at the stop sign.
she shook her head slightly, blinking a few time before turning forward. "right." she pointed.
eddie turned the wheel slow, engine purring when he pulled out. she pursed her lips, studying him for a moment. "you do this a lot, huh?" she asked. he looked at her. "you usually pick up girls at parties, or are you more of a tinder guy?"
eddie barked out a laugh. "baby, I'm only a tinder to sell molly to the sorority chicks before formal and spring break." he purred easily. his eyes met hers, she wasn't convinced. "seriously. I-I don't do this, really."
she hummed, unconvinced. eddie shrugged. "I don't. I don't even let anyone in my car." his eyes cut to hers. "you should consider yourself lucky."
she nodded slowly, contemplating. "I ask shina, is she gonna tell me the same thing?" she challenged.
eddie snorted. "ask your whole little group chat, they'll tell you the same thing." he said.
she scoffed. "what's that?"
"that they buy weed from me. I'm nice, not scary or creepy. I'm sure you'll ask them if I fuck around or if I've ever hit on them, and they'll say no. you'll ask if I have a girlfriend or some other girl, and they'll say no. you'll try to stalk me on instagram or get one of them to send you my shit, because I'm private, and then you'll still be unconvinced." eddie rambled, head rolling to look over at her. "left or right?"
"right." she said, tone back with an edge. he could see her blush in the dim street lights, even through the tinted windows. "so you are a psycho killer then?" she asked, but her tone was playful, teasing. eddie looked at her curiously. "private accounts? what kind of psycho is private on insta?"
"the kind of psycho who doesn't want people in his shit." eddie grinned.
she smirked back. "so if I requested to follow you, would you accept my request?"
eddie snorted. "how do I know you're not the psycho?" he teased.
"because my insta isn't private." she laughed.
eddie smiled. "yeah, I'd let you follow me." he nodded, hands gripping the wheel tight, he felt his heart race. "I'd even follow you back."
"how sweet." she cooed playfully, pointing towards her apartments.
eddie pulled into the spot in front of the building, putting the car in park. she hesitated for a moment, looking down at her hands. she didn't want to leave, he could tell. it made his heart leap a little, he didn't want her to leave either.
"thanks for taking me." she said, eyes meeting his with a softness he was surprised to see. "thanks for not killing me too."
eddie grinned. "you're welcome." he tilted his head to the side. "you need a cart, a blunt, anything before you go? last chance before me and my goodies are gone for the night."
she smiled. "would you roll it for me if I got a blunt?"
eddie swallowed hard. her voice changed into something sweet, intoxicating. her eyes rounded, batting when they met his. he was sure she was trying to get something for free, that's what the rational side of him screamed, but his heart was hammering.
"I'll roll it for ya, yeah." eddie nodded.
she giggled, looking up at the apartments. "you wanna come up with me? we can share it if you want." she offered. eddie froze. "if you don't have other girls or drug lord things to get to, I just..." she sighed heavily. "I like talking to you. you're like the first guy I've met here who isn't a total gross loser fuckboy." she snarled her nose.
eddie smirked. "that's high praise coming from you." she giggled again, and eddie's stomach turned. "I like talkin' to you too." he admitted, head tilting to the side sweetly. he could see her blush.
eddie pushed out of the car, quicker and more eager than he meant to, waiting for her to get out before he locked the door, following her up the creaking wooden steps.
they sat on her couch that night, he rolled the blunt and she opened the windows, passing it back and forth slowly, exchanging little stories and details about each other between them. she put on rick and morty, and eddie was sure she was his soul mate.
when he kissed her that night, slow and sweet on her couch, the glow of the sunrise peeking in through her shades, he was sure she was his soul mate. his twin flame or whatever weird shit machine gun kelly said; he kinda got it now. she fucked him nice and slow, riding him on her couch before she brought him to her room, letting him sleep there for the night, their shared blunt dwindling down in the living room, her back on his chest in her small bed.
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fantasy football. ( tecton x reader )
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gif belongs to me
It was Kaz's idea to place bets on which superhero could save the most Normos. You knew firsthand how competitive Tecton was and when you were placed on different teams, you knew the teenager's harmful betting would turn ugly. Soon hero turned on hero and you refused to be a party to the mayhem unfolding. After failing to try and talk Tecton out of placing the bets against the importance of saving Normos, you grew frustrated with your husband's competitive streak that was clouding his judgment.
After failing to reach his reasonable side, you decided to fight fire with fire and stole every rescue you could, raising the stakes. It made you smirk when you saw how frustrated he was becoming when you used your telekinetic powers to toss him aside, to steal his rescues.
You were in Mighty Med when you saw the news coverage of the bridge, setting down the weights when you saw Kaz and Skylar tied to the bridge. You took in as much detail as you could, recognizing the Franklin Bridge before making a swift exit from the hospital.
Using your powers, you landed gracefully and rested your hands on your hips. "You both okay?"
"Yeah," Skylar replied.
"Define okay," Kaz responded.
You looked at Sonic Shriek, "We can end this peacefully."
"I have a better idea." He blasted you with his powers and you covered your ears, groaning due to the ringing in your ears. You tried to blast him backward but felt yourself getting weaker and crumbled to the ground.
"What is happening?"
"Her powers stem from her mind. He's blocking them with the pressure!" Kaz explained. "She can't fight back!"
You turned onto your stomach when Sonic Shriek walked toward you, relieved he had ended your torment, feeling as if your head was going to explode. Kaz looked at you worriedly when you were tied up beside them, your movements sluggish, and he looked at Skylar when she began to yell about Tecton, knowing how protective your husband was of you, Kaz joined in.
"Oh, you are so gonna pay, pal!"
You looked at the two teenagers, "While I do appreciate your admiration for my husband, can you turn it down a notch? My head is killing me."
You closed your eyes tightly before looking at the supervillain, "What are your plans? To destroy a bridge, for what purpose?"
"My own amusement and relief knowing there is one less bridge out there."
"He really hates bridges," Kaz told you.
You expected the two had endured the full monologue of his evil plans and decided once was enough. "You won't get away with this. If you destroy the bridge, you will take us with it, and you will never know peace again. You will be chased relentlessly."
"By who? Tecton." He laughed, "Oooh, I am so frightened of that towering blond -"
Tecton landed in a crouched position, his fist on the ground. He rose to his full height as he narrowed his eyes at Sonic Shriek.
"Tecton!" Kaz grinned with relief.
"He blocked my powers." You explained.
Tecton frowned deeply before turning to Sonic Shriek.
Tecton stepped forward, stomping, shaking the ground, and causing your capture to be blown back a few feet.
"When I heard you three were in danger, I came as soon as I could."
"Finally! A hero who is not obsessed with stats or rankings." Skylar exclaimed.
"Actually, I need the Normo rescue because that stupid runaway Ferris wheel was empty." Your husband of two years complained. When you raised an eyebrow at his answer, he quickly added, "And to save you, of course."
"You poor baby!" You replied sarcastically. "Now that you're all cried out, do you think you can get us out of here?"
Tecton sent you a look, his lips pursed to hide his amusement. "You are so adorable when you're annoyed."
After knocking the supervillain unconscious, Tecton came to your side, untying you, and then helped Kaz. You swayed on your feet when you stood up and Tecton caught you before you stumbled. Kaz freed Skylar while the blond superhero fretted over you.
"My head is killing me." You whispered, placing your hands on his chest.
Tecton looked over his shoulder at Sonic Shriek before looking at you, "Come on," He handed Kaz his cell phone and told him who to call as he tied Sonic Shriek to the bridge, trapped with bent iron bars until backup arrived.
Tecton swept you into his arms and looked at you worriedly when you rested your head against his chest.
"I'll stay here," Skylar assured him.
"Yeah, me too." Kaz nodded.
Tecton sent the two a nod before crouching slightly, the ground shaking as he shot into the sky.
When you opened your eyes a short while later, Tecton was sitting next to you reading a newspaper that was tossed aside when he noticed you were awake.
"Hi," You smiled softly.
Tecton took your hand, flashing you a smile before kissing your forehead, lingering for a moment. "How are you feeling?"
"A little tired. But the pain's gone. Sonic Shriek?"
"Enjoying his cell downstairs."
"Who won?" You asked.
Tecton grinned, "Sorry,"
You rolled your eyes, "No you're not."
"Maybe a little." He placed a hand on your cheek, "I'll find Horace."
You watched him walk away and smiled fondly. You knew how you would react if your husband was weakened considerably, losing consciousness, and understood how he was feeling.
Passing the minutes, you sat up in the bed as you read the newspaper which detailed the imprisonment of Sonic Shriek, as you waited for Tecton to return. You noticed Kaz and Oliver following Horace and Tecton and sent the two Normos a smile.
"Hey, you're awake!" Kaz grinned.
"Am I right in assuming, I have you to thank for that?" You looked at Oliver who nodded, explaining how they were able to relieve the pressure in your brain with Absolute Zero's help.
Tecton grabbed Kaz by his shirt, throwing him aside and you reacted quickly, raising your hands, stopping the teen from colliding with the wall. You sent your smiling husband a stern glance as you lowered Kaz to the ground.
"That was awesome!"
You shook your head at his excitement, looking at Horace when he explained you could go home, his only recommendation being to rest for a few days.
"Don't worry -" Tecton interrupted before you could argue how much rest you required, "She will."
You playfully rolled your eyes and sent him flying in the air with a wave of your hand. Tecton raised an eyebrow as he landed gracefully.
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francis-writes · 2 years
could you do one where the grabber had been nice to the reader because the reader had done what he asked them to do and hadn’t tried to escape to disobey him. And they do something small wrong and he makes them cry? ending in him feeling bad and maybe slightly apologizing for over reacting??
also, love your work :)) you’re amazing
aww thank you😊💜
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Objectively, it was your fault. You knew he wouldn't hurt you if you were obeying him. He didn't required much from you; just some submission and honesty. And he thought you respected the rules - unlike his other prisoners you didn't try to escape and you did whatever he asked you. The Grabber began thinking that maybe you're special... But then you made one stupid mistake. As usually, he came to the basement with some fried eggs and bottle of Sprite to make sure you doesn't starve. Before making this meal, the Grabber noticed that local newspaper wrote about your disappearing. He liked those articles, they always gave him many interesting details about his victims who would never told him that themselves. They always lied about their identity and private lives as it could help them in any way. When he opened the door and looked at your silhouette crouched on mattress, the Grabber decided to ask you about your name. Easy question. You had no purpose to lie. But you gave him false one anyway. He dropped the tray and hit the floor, eggs splattered around. Sudden noise almost made you jump in fear. Your kidnapper threw you a newspaper. You opened it and saw your photo with a big caption "Y/N Y/L/N GOES MISSING" Oh shit, you thought. Why did you said that lie? It wouldn't help you anyway and it seemed like you made your situation worse. "I was really starting to like you, Y/N" You tried to hold your emotions in fear of angering him more but without success. You began to sob quietly as the Grabber left the basement, slamming the door. Now he was sitting upstairs, thinking about the whole situation. It was objectively your fault, you shouldn't have lied to him. But at the other hand, the Grabber felt bad for his sudden outburst. He should have controlled himself. It wasn't such a bad offense to punish you for that and he didn't enjoy making you cry this time. After a long hesitation (admitting he made a mistake wasn't a pleasant thing) the Grabber got up and went to the basement. Hearing the door open, you curled up under the wall, afraid of expected punishment (or maybe your kidnapper finally decided to end it all? Thinking about your possible fate made you tremble and feel nauseous). The Grabber entered the room and made a big step over your splattered breakfast (you were starving and you would eagerly gather pieces of eggs from the floor but fear and worries made you unable to eat). He looked at you and you couldn't tell what mood he was in because he was wearing the whole mask this time (the one without mouth). "Are you scared of me?" He asked. You stayed silent. "Tell me" he growled, hint of a threat in his voice. You nodded. "Yes" The Grabber crouched next to the mattress and gently put his hand on your shoulder. You tried not to shiver, unsure what he was planning. "You shouldn't be" he told quietly, in his high-pitched voice. "I know I went too far today... you didn't deserve that. But remember to obey me and don't lie and everything will be good. Promise?" "Yes" You nodded. The Grabber took your face in his hand and gently brushed your cheek with his thumb. You relaxed a bit at this caress, feeling that the storm clouds were gone. "I knew you were a good one" he said "I will bring you some food because this mess is not good to eat anymore"
hey, if you enjoy my work, maybe you would like to support me on ko-fi? Only if you can afford this. It would mean a lot to me<3 link is in the pinned post
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pebbles-five · 8 days
okay seriosu and lighthearted and friendly family question here, sir pebbles
what are the big ass balls on superstructure for? you've got them in underhang, the wall — you've got one in the beginning section of the rot subregion which implies that they can be retracted into the structure.
yellow lizards live in them.
[i would post an image of the superstructure circling all of the visible ones if i weren't scared and sent this on anon]
there don't seem to be any balls on top of your structure but they are most prominent in your underhang, and are also many on your walls.
but there's also that big ball in moons city which could be completely unrelated to these balls
from their positions, you'd think they'd probably monitor weather or cloud s or whatever the fuck it's 2am i don't know how to explain it maybe they measure the cloud layers and send alerts to the iterator when the clouds are too high when it's breathing too much vapour i don't know im going crazy do i make sense
OR they could have something to do with communications because there are those big wires on top of the balls on the wall and broadcasts are also picked up there during spearmaster but then also why would they be in underhang? do the balls in underhang serve different purposes to the ones on the wall? did the underhang balls help with communication with things like factories, ancients, etc on the ground?
maybe yellow lizards live in them since it enhances their communications? since they do communicate through like their stupid fucking antennae bullshit maybe the balls help them with their signal WHICH WOULD imply maybe they're something to do with communications
maybe im looking too far into this. anyway im just really intrigued with iterator anatomy and why the hell iterators outer shells LOOK LIKE THAT i mean like there's gotta be a purpose. you're already spending a shit ton of materials building a big ass biomechanical computer literally kilometres tall and wide i dont think the ancients would spend any extra making the metal shell look all abstract and fuckoff confusing if it weren't necessary
tell me what the balls are for TELL ME what they're for WHAT IS THEIR PURPOSE I NEED TO KNOW why do iterators have balls please oh my god
The top of my superstructure was built to house my city, so it was built to be flat for easier building, I do not remember how older models not meant for it were built, I believe they had some redundant systems that could be removed to build a city.
There are many sensors in my structure, but they are mainly in other parts.
Antennas are placed everywhere possible, including spheres; it is merely a coincidence, in fact, out of the materials they are made from, they block many frequencies. Yes, spheres are versatile, not even every one of the same size serves the same purpose.
No, they communicate through pheromones in their false antennae. The bigger, the more capable of outputing a larger and more powerful cloud and thus serve as a sort of relay and command to others, but the similarity is very aparent.
You are overlooking it. I recommend you go west, where the land fissures.
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luveline · 1 year
jade my love hi!!! hope it’s not too late for me to catch up with if it barks, all 3 parts. this is gonna be THE longest commentary ever. i’m warning you. can’t say i’m sorry <3
part 1
first of all you’re SO good at setting the scene. the first description of r with big headphones and sepia sunglasses makes she look sooo cool. and eddie!! the way his transformative smile makes him younger!! his excitement in hearing her good news like it’s his!! he’s so sweet it almost made me forget they’re gonna hate each other
"Do we know those guys?" you ask. 
Morgan grabs your hand and drags you up. "They know us," she says. "That's what matters." 
You're both embarrassed by her and impressed. Morgan is pretty and talented and extremely loud — she's not afraid to stick up for herself, even when she's (nearly always) wrong.
i know morgan is a meanie (ananya too sometimes but morgan is like. another level i think) but she’s kinda slay sometimes i fear
If Godless decides to keep you, it's a huge, blinking, neon-lit sign that says you're good enough. 
They chose me, and you're stupid for letting me go. 
They chose me. I'm something worth something. You didn't see it, but it's there in me. 
you know how these things go, there’s always some heart-wrenching line where i don’t really have anything to say but wanted to highlight as one of my favourites. this is the first of many <3
You often think the worst thing about Morgan is that you love her, or you could love her more, if only she felt the same way. She isn't all evil and she never will be, she's just a person. But she takes shit out on you and makes your life harder than it needs to be, so even her most endearing moments fall short.
another favourite! i love the way you write every single one of your characters, even the mean ones, as real multifaceted people
Eddie knows exactly who you are, and he hates himself for it. He remembers you, the first you, shy and sweet and so excited, sitting pretty in Indianapolis International Airport with your guitar and your huge leaky headphones pounding death metal.
NOOO HE REMEMBERS HER. i’m rereading part 1 but i genuinely forgot about that 😭
You'd been pretty and maybe you knew it, maybe you didn't, it didn't matter — what he liked most was the way your hands had moved as you spoke, hummingbird thrumming, an energy he'd seen in himself and every other musician desperate for a chance. He loved the passion and your eyelashes and the way you'd smiled as you'd waited for your plane, the two of you destined for New York, where you both seem to have looped back now. Only, he'd been cursed with remembering your every detail, and you either didn't remember him or don't care. Both sting, but he likes the second better. He'll take purposeful cruelty over the casual any day. 
HER EYELASHES HELLO?? also “he’ll take purposeful cruelty over the casual any day” </3
"If it barks like a dog, and it heels like a dog," he says, pausing, words coming out thick and slow, "it's a dog."
listen. the way i’d have slapped him like 5 min ago. i’m writing this now that i’ve finished part 3 (cause i keep notes on my phone and i come back to them to write my silly little comments) and i KNOW i like him but OH MY GOD.
"I would've said you were mean." 
His jaw drops. You look hurt, and you leave with a discomforting frown. 
it might be the influence that amy march on little women (2019) has on me but calling someone mean just HURTS. cause it’s so childish. and so honest. she could’ve said that he was a dick to her WHICH HE WAS but choosing the word mean makes it soooo sad :((
For a split-second you adore him. It's the meanest thing you can do. 
You aren't expecting him to fuck up. His hand slips down the neck and that's it, one missed second of sound. He throws himself back into it and doesn't look your way again, a storm of emotions clouding his handsome face. 
Not what you'd meant to do, and yet. There's a cruel satisfaction in knowing you'd had any sort of power over him.
part 2
It drives Eddie insane. He can't help it. He hates you and he wants to linger on the sidelines and watch you play. He can't stand the despondent look in your eyes when you look at him, when you look at the floor. He needs you to know that you're better than they tell you, but he can't make himself say the words. 
eddie is just SOOO. like he’s so confused about his own feelings it makes me genuinely both furious and sorry for him
He's tipsy and he won't remember, but he wants to fuck you stupid just for that (affectionately).
NOT THE (affectionately) YOURE SICK (affectionately)
Eddie worries he'd wanted to see you so badly you've appeared as a hallucination, and he hates himself and it's all old news anyways, but you turn back with a cold as ice beer in hand and press it into his arm until he whines.
sorry i cackled a bit at him thinking he’s HALLUCINATING. poor thing (im still so mad)
Your thoughts are a mess until they aren’t — hold his hand. You put your fingers against his palm and he squeezes them together like he’s collected them, tugging you out of the crowd and across the room to the slick black bar. 
LIKE HE’S COLLECTING THEM ajsjakdn that was so cute i love it when you write things like that <3 i know that must be a word for it but i can’t think of it rn
Eddie smiles at you. For the second time that night, he looks like somebody else. 
You deserve somebody being nice to you right from the start. Eddie’s trying to make it right but he’s said some shit he can’t take back. He wants you to have someone who’s a hundred percent sweet on you, he just doesn’t wanna have to hear the adoration in your voice when you talk about it. 
…..im not so mad anymore. (im super in love rn im so easy)
He sighs and takes your discarded pull tab out of his pocket. He thumbs the rounded edge, thinking harder than one guy should ever think about anything that isn’t metal.
another favorite <3
part 3
His fingers twitch, eager to write about you. He has some lyrics in mind. Evil wretched girl with wicked sweet hands. Heart eater. Soft around the edges. 
He wants to write about your stupid chubby thighs and how they look in skirts. He wants to write about your wrists, your knees and their ever-present bruises. Metaphors for your sickly sweetness won’t stick; cruel becomes kind. Taunting turns teasing. 
how she looks in skirts. even though morgan says she looks bad in them. he thinks about her in skirts :(((
Eddie locks the door and Wayne shuffles into the kitchen promising coffee and cake. He should protest, tell Wayne he can go back to bed and they’ll catch up in the morning, but he missed the small stuff like this, when he’d get home late from band practice or a midnight premiere of a sci-fi flick and his uncle would be sitting up waiting. 
irrelevant but coffee and cake is my go to offer when im catching up with my family too <3
Eddie hides his smile with a long sip of coffee. It’s hot and awful, ‘cause no matter how much love Wayne puts into it, dollar store coffee tastes like burnt grounds from the get go. Eddie missed it more than anything. Sometimes he’s in the back of the queasy tour bus or lying on the floor in his hotel room coming down off of something risky and all he can think about is Wayne’s coffee.
this one might be super favourite but it’s cause i really love wayne
Anyway, the memory of her face won’t leave me alone. It makes me feel like crying. So I haven’t touched anything in two weeks and I thought coming home for Christmas would make up for all the secrets I’m keeping
and this one is a super extra favourite. just cause it’s really good and it made me held back some tears.
You wince. For a moment, you’d seen something stupid, a pale face hidden in the pillow across the way. 
they’re SO. thinking about each other in random moments. like she’s thinking about him as she’s trying to think of building a home. you’re sick i love you
“Oh, you’re getting a flat rate now? Go you, superstar.”
you have no idea how much i appreciate you referencing the airport scene but you’re kinda breaking my heart here jade baby
“No, fuck you. You string me around with your hot and cold act and now you’re coming to my shows taking me to dinner,” —your voice stiffens, thickens, as you glare at him from across the table— “asking me how I’m doing? And I’m the one who has to explain themselves? You tell me, Munson. Do I think that you’re pretty?”
another favourite!!! <3
eddie kissing her arm did a number on me and i cannot comment on that without feeling insane
It doesn’t feel like admitting defeat, as he’d initially thought it might. Neither does it feel confessional. You can’t confess to a secret already known. 
He kisses you just once. A light brush of his lips against yours. Anymore than that and he knows he’ll start making promises like someone who has room for them. His eyes scrunch closed hard and he struggles not to squeeze your poor cheek as the pressure of your lips builds, as they part, as he pulls back and you chase him. He can’t kiss your mouth anymore than that, but your hands are grabbing at him, pleading and twitching and cold against the searing skin of his abdomen as they search underneath his shirt. Eddie feels the soft curve of your hip under his hand, knowing he can’t fuck you here, and undecided on whether that’ll be his ruin or his saviour. 
“I feel sick all the time,” you say. Your hands flex against his skin. “The only time I feel alright is when I’m playing– when I’m making something.” You press your head to his chest. “Or when I’m with you.”
Eddie thinks of all the shitty decisions he’s made. His restlessness, his bad attitude. His propensity to assume the worst. How he’d taken your thumb rubbing a smudge off of his cheek in the Prover Theatre as a jab, rather than a helping hand. 
He wraps his arms around you. 
Your head fits under his rather well. 
“I know what you mean,” he says. And out of everything he’s told you today, that’s the hardest to say aloud. 
jade, my love. you know how i feel about your writing. this doesn’t come as a surprise for you and it certainly shouldn’t come as one for me, but it does, every time. not to steal your own writing but your works have something transformative about them, where every time i feel like i can’t go back to the person i was before reading them. like poetry, you know? that inner shift you feel when something hits you deep down? that’s your writing for me. eddie and r’s conflicting feelings and mean remarks and utter honest confessions were so beautifully written and progressed so naturally. you’re so talented, but mostly you work so hard on your writing and it’s so evident that you love it so deeply, i can’t thank you enough for sharing it with us. can’t wait to see what’s coming next from you (you knew what you were doing writing that cliffhanger!!!) (also now i truly am a little bit sorry that this might too long)
i love you!! 💌 - lu
setting the scene <3 okay thank you so much firstly, I think my problem as a writer is that half of the time I don't actually REMEMBER to set the scene but I've been getting much better at that! as well as learning to include like past details / more back story for characters and I'm so happy to see it's coming through
Morgan is kinda slay <\3 I wanted her and Ananya to feel very real, and for that I didn't just want to make them like blindly hate the reader, because if they did they wouldn't keep her in their internationally famous band! I also just really enjoy writing them. Ananya is this effortlessly beautiful intelligent girl who worked hard to get where she is, and she's not going to let Morgan, also beautiful but not quite as smart (thinks she's smart lol) ruin that, but she's still someone who has her eyes on other things. In the chapter I'm writing now they've had a spat and I've tried to emphasise how much Morgan relies on her casually
Eddie remembers her!! And he's been holding on to that little tidbit for so long!!! Pencilled in, I think he's gonna bring it up in like a heartbreak moment
Oh my god!! I won't lie I thought the like a dog comparison was literally so cruel, as I was writing it I was wondering if maybe it is too far but that's actually the point, he does go too far and if you said that to somebody you knew better it would probably damage your relationship, and I needed that to give their relationship this tenuous unsteadiness so I can manoeuvre the plot in the last chapter and the upcoming one. And I can kind of use readers vulnerability against her.
EXACTLY! he's "mean" like mean is a criminal offence, and absolutely she could have said you're a dick you're a jerk but those insults could have other influencing factors, the root of the insult is that he literally was just mean he lost his temper and she wasn't as innocent as she thinks (are we ever?) but what he said was so close to the bone, it was exactly what she hates about herself and he read her for filth and I think that's so interesting, that he can see her so clearly, and a big focus or theme for me in the fic that he uses that skill in a way to hurt her, and then spends the rest of the time feeling guilty and trying to walk it back because her slight is half imagined (she WASNT making fun of him at prover theatre, and she DID honestly forget she met him years ago, but those things left him off kilter, like an ego blow he wasn't expecring)
Eddie is so fucking confused about what he wants in the second chapter. I think I was a little confused too on where I wanted to go and I think that's why they ended up meeting on good terms so quickly, but it actually worked out because I was able to show their true intentions to EACH OTHER but not yet the people reading — reader knows what Eddie told her while he was drunk/high, but you guys don't yet, and I've been seeding it in, there's a little more of it in chapter 3 and there's even more now in the current wip, and Eddie doesn't QUITE know what he told her either even though he's remembered little bits, which is an important dynamic between them between each other. In the same way, she got drunk and told him about how she worries she'll be nothing (which was honestly self indulgent) and she has to trust him with that. Trying to build their relationship!
The skirt thing! My very first rival rockstar request I got at Halloween, I answered it with a plot line about skirts! Okay so i knew I wanted to include that but didn't know if I would, and I wanted to keep the option open hence inserting those details about Morgan thinking she doesn't suit them and Eddie going crazy over them. I don't know if I'll ever include it but it was like a secret homage to the idea that turned into this fic!
Eddie and Wayne!!! I realised pretty recently that I can literally make their relationship whatever I wanted it to be and If It Barks and the new ghost fic I'm writing fell victim to that, it was honestly one of my favourite moments getting to write about them, very very enjoyable.
YOU ALWAYS CATCH MY TINY REFERENCES 😭 u have no idea what it means for me to be able to throw in a little detail wondering if anybody notices and knowing that you do.
Eddie kissing her arm was like. I wanted to show that he's losing his pride? Not that it's humiliating to be affectionate, bit I figured it was incredibly intimate to do that, it's not like a kiss to the cheek that can be explained away, and I also just wanted the imagery there. I think that's a good thing to paint, the two of them in a snug nook of the bathroom all folded in on each other and he could kiss her on the lips if he wanted to, but he genuinely just wanted to kiss her arm and couldn't really stop himself from doing it
I'm always conflicted including details like "he wants to fuck you" because I don't want to take away from the romance, but then I remember that sex is actually romantic most of the time and I feel better about it. Like, he wants to fuck you stupid (affectionately) worked for me because he REALLY meant the affectionately part! he has such a raging crush on her at that point, and at this point when he's kissing her in the bathroom, and they still haven't fucked yet and he's a real human being, of course he wants to fuck her, she wants him to fuck her too 🤧 I would have made them in the bathroom honestly but I wanted to show that they're still not on sure footing, and that reader is super not okay in the situation that she's in (not so much because of Eddie, but I hope that it's evident that she has like a levy that's about to overflow) — she means it when she says she doesn't feel sick with him (self indulgence again, I put that bit in because I wanted her to feel relatable sure but I wanted to vent about some of my own feelings at the same time, I feel good when I'm writing and when I'm with the people I love, but the rest of the time I feel fucking awful, and it's awful, and I think it's one of those things other people can't fix for you, so that's why he hugs her and walks her back and they don't fuck because I didn't want it to look like he was attempting a quick fix)
My love!! I can't believe that I get to be your friend and also someone that you read. I say it to you all the time but I genuinely just forget that you can see what I'm making and that we literally met through my bad fanfic, I'm so happy to know you're still reading me, still enjoying it, still finding all these details and I'm incredibly spoiled to get to see your thoughts like this. I really love talking about why I've written what I have and even more do I enjoy seeing what you thought was good. I'm not gonna lie I absolutely love the attention and it isn't lost on me how long this takes you every time, it's a real actual true gift not just to receive your commentary but to be your friend !!
The cliffhanger was <3 necessary! They're gonna fight so badly 😢 love you so much lu baby!!
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kochanski · 11 months
Study Buddy
Rimmer/Lister, rated E, no content warnings apply. Pre-accident fic. Rimmer is trying to study for his astro-navigation exams. Lister decides to distract him. (This is a repost so you can read while AO3 is down/for further archival purposes.)
"I haven't even said anything yet!" What a way to walk in the door on a Saturday morning. Lister only had a few hours to crash and recover from last night's drunken tomfoolery so he'd be prepared for tonight's drunken tomfoolery, and his roommate had carpeted the bunkroom in a colorful patchwork of neon squares. "What's all this?"
"Forget it, Lister."
"You know what they are," Rimmer hissed from the eye of the storm. "They're my revision timetables, and I was trying to organize them before you bungled into the room and destroyed an entire seven percent of all my hard work!"
Lister looked down. He'd stepped on one of the hundreds of papers Rimmer had strewn about the place.
"I thought you just failed the last exam. Don't you have months before you can retake it?"
"Exactly! I only have five months, twenty-eight days and three hours, so I have to organize my study time effectively or I'll never pass."
"Or," Lister offered, hesitant to even bring it up, "you could come out with me tonight. Me and the guys. Blow off some steam, y'know, maybe even take Kochanski's advice to heart and get laid."
"By who?" Rimmer snorted, gesturing at himself. "You've said it yourself- I have a snowball's chance of finding someone who'll put up with this."
"C'mon, man, you're not bad-looking. Just put on a short-sleeved shirt and keep your mouth shut."
"No thank you," Rimmer said. "Despite your best efforts to undermine me, Lister, I actually happen to have life goals that don't involve notches in my bedpost or setting the record for how many peanuts I can stick up my nose."
"I dunno, I think you could beat me at that second one by a long shot," Lister snickered, but he started towards his bunk, trying to tiptoe between the mess of paper and highlighters with little success. "You could do a lot of things if you just took a break from endless revisions and locking yourself in stasis."
"Forget it, Lister," he repeated. "Nothing you say or do can distract me. Go to bed."
Lister paused mid-tiptoe.
"Absolutely nothing."
"So anything I do, you're just going to keep on drawing squares with those stupid markers?"
"Yes!" He crossed his arms, nostrils flaring. "What don't you get about the concept? I am mentally shutting out everything and everyone that isn't a revision timetable, because I have to get this done today."
"Alright," Lister smirked, and he kicked up a cloud of pink and yellow on his way to grab his guitar.
"Very mature," Rimmer retorted, picking up the lime green and trying his best to ignore the situation.
Lister sat on Rimmer's thin mattress and twisted the knobs on the top bit of the guitar until the strings were as discordant from one another as he could make them. Rimmer wouldn't be able to tell the difference- he thought everything Lister played was trash- but might as well go the whole hog, anyway, right?
"Met me a girl, straight from Mars, and she spent all my money and broke my heart," Lister sang, savoring every last little crack in Rimmer's concentration. "Then I got me a date with a bird from Jupiter, yeah, fools rush in but I was stupider-"
It wasn't working nearly as well as he'd expected it would, though. Rimmer barely winced when he sang the verse about the bloke from Venus.
"Are you done?" he asked impassively when the song was over. "I'd like to put on some Tchaikovsky to cleanse my palette now, if you don't mind."
"What the smeg is a chai cough ski? A sport you do when you're sick in the Himalayas? D'you chug a cup of tea and try to keep it down while you're slalom-ing between the trees?" He mimed holding a pair of ski sticks and waggled his feet.
"For-get it, Lister," Rimmer said a third time, standing up and starting to walk to the locker where he kept his record collection. "I'm not dignifying your pathetic attempt at a joke with a response."
"You already have responded, though," Lister said, still unsure what exactly Rimmer had said. "I've won."
Rimmer paled and stopped in his tracks. Then, slowly, without disturbing his pile of highlighters, he silently sat back down and began furiously coloring in another of his squares.
"What? You're gonna just ignore me, then?"
No response.
"C'mon, Rimmer, I was just trying to loosen you up. You don't have to give me the silent treatment."
Well, Lister couldn't have that. He tossed the guitar up top and got down on the floor, peering over Rimmer's shoulder. Yeah, maybe invading his space was low-hanging fruit, but Lister'd always had stubby arms.
"Two hours for reviewing spherical trigonometry? You think that's enough?"
"Brush your teeth if you're going to talk directly into my ear," Rimmer said, but he shivered a little.
No, this was a horrible idea. And Lister was still clearly a bit buzzed if he was even considering it, and it seemed a bit on the cruel side as far as pranks went.
But Rimmer had said nothing would distract him. And that Lister could do absolutely anything.
"I thought you weren't s'posed to pay me any attention?" he murmured in a low voice, moving closer, so that he was sure his breath hit Rimmer's ear and neck.
"I'm not. I'm- I'm simply thinking aloud. To myself." His ears were red. "It just happens that I think you reek of watered-down beer."
"Well, you smell good, at least," Lister continued, leaning in to press his nose into Rimmer's hair. "You always smell kind of like laundry." It was a totally awkward attempt at flirting, horrible, but he was tired beyond belief. Lister's last good brain cells had gone on strike, and he was left with whatever half-witted scabs the boss had dragged up to do the job.
Not that it mattered to good old Arnie. He'd actually stopped coloring for a second, the ever-turning cogs in his head grinding to a violent halt. He leaned forward, brushing Lister away, and started scribbling like a madman.
"This is a losing game you're playing. All you're doing is making yourself look stupid and desperate. Time is of the essence, and I absolutely won't get mixed up in whatever slime-brained ideas you have about my sexuality."
"Hang on, who said anything about sexuality?" Lister grinned. "I just said you smelled nice, and then I smelled you."
"Ah, I'd forgotten, you and your Neanderthal friends think this type of behavior is normal. You all smell each other's crotches and pick fleas off one another in lieu of a hello or a handshake."
"Still just thinkin' aloud? 'Cause it sounds like you're having a conversation with me now."
"Troglodyte," Rimmer spat, and nearly put a hole in the paper with the pink highlighter.
Lister touched his back, lightly, just fingertips, and Rimmer flinched for a second but tried not to react.
"C'mon, Rimmer, relax. It's a Saturday. Saturdays are meant for lazing about and recoverin' from the long work week, not for stressing yourself out over a stupid exam that's six months from now."
Rimmer really looked like he wanted to correct Lister that it was five months and however many days and hours, but his mouth stayed shut. It was almost a shame, because normally Lister couldn't get him to be quiet for five minutes on a good day.
Lister moved his hand across Rimmer's back in soft strokes. His nose and mouth nuzzled into the corner where Rimmer's left shoulder met his neck. He could feel the skin get hotter, feel that Rimmer had forgotten how to think for a moment, the annoying marker-on-paper noise stopping entirely.
"Lister," he gasped, before remembering himself. "I- Lister! Look what you've done! Six o'clock on the fourteenth was supposed to be blue, and you've gone and made me fill it in with orange."
"Come on, Rimmer, just leave it."
"Can't you just go to bed and leave me to my misery like you normally do? Why torment me like this? Why today, of all days, when I'm doing something this important?" He sounded actually exasperated, somewhere between whining and pleading, and Lister might or might not have felt a tiny pang of guilt.
"Someone has to save you from yourself. Besides, if I went to sleep in here you'd either wake me up 'cause I was snorin' too loud, or I'd end up covered in timetable when you ran out of room on the floor." Lister wrapped his arms around Rimmer's waist from behind, leaning forward. "Just admit I've won, put the markers away, an' I'll quit bothering you. We can chalk the whole thing up to me being drunk, never speak of it again."
Rimmer set down the highlighter and pulled Lister's arms apart, turning around to face him with this strangely calm look on his face. It was the same kind of weird serenity that usually happened right before he was about to do something insane, and Lister's stomach wrapped itself in knots.
"Lister, do you know what time it is?"
"What time is it?"
"One-thirty in the afternoon," Rimmer said in a monotone, "and according to schedule, I should have finished the timetables by one. Perhaps a few minutes I could have made up here and there, but half an hour?"
"So I'm going to have to re-do all of it. All five months and twenty-eight days and so on. I'll have to write it all out and reschedule everything. Every last bit. And you-" Rimmer reached forward, grabbing Lister by the collar. "Help me," he choked, and it was more of a plea than the command he'd probably intended.
So Lister helped him.
He pressed his mouth squarely against Rimmer's, half-surprised when there was no resistance- but, yeah, no, Rimmer'd probably been relieved for an excuse to quit making himself miserable.
Rimmer had no clue how to kiss back, but his fist tightened around the fabric of Lister's shirt, yanking him closer, and that was good as anything. Lister broke the kiss, moving his hands up to cup Rimmer's face.
"Open your mouth," he said gently, and Rimmer opened it wide like he was at his annual checkup. "Alright, don't unhinge your jaw. Just-" He grabbed Rimmer's chin with his finger and thumb, moving his jaw upward until they were both properly positioned. It felt sort of like a movie kiss, like one of those black-and-whites, and he tried to channel Cary Grant as best he could as he pressed their lips together. He wanted this to be as perfect as possible, he thought, without really thinking about why he was doing any of it.
As Lister pushed his way into Rimmer's mouth, he was met with this little whiny sort of noise. God, he hadn't expected this to be so hot, but it was- Rimmer's whimpering in this context set all his nerve endings on fire. He stroked the side of Rimmer's face, slow, keeping rhythm. The kiss was the same way- Lister would lurch forward a bit, then pull back, scraping his teeth against Rimmer's bottom lip on his way out. If nothing else, he'd never been told he was a bad kisser. He only pulled away completely when he realized Rimmer wasn't breathing.
"You-" Rimmer panted, red-faced, letting go of Lister's shirt. He'd stretched out the neck of it beyond repair. "That isn't at all what I meant by helping."
"Well, I'm not about to spend the next ten hours doing the color-by-number from hell." Lister let his hands fall to Rimmer's shoulders. "I can think of better things to do, eh?"
"If you're asking my permission to- to have your way with me, I'm not going to just say it."
"Why not? What's the worst that can happen?"
"You're drunk."
"More hungover than anything," Lister argued, "and exhausted."
"Well, exactly. You're not in your right mind, as proven by the way you just forced yourself on me, so it's better if this doesn't go any further."
"Now hang on, that's not fair. We were both having a good time-"
"Having a good time. You thought that was good?"
"Wait, are you saying it wasn't good?"
"No, I mean- you thought it was good, you kissing me? That it was something you actually liked?"
"I don't know how to explain this, Rimmer, but you're not a hideous beast. Somebody might actually fancy you someday if you'd just let them."
"So this wasn't just a prank. You… meant to do this."
"It is a prank, but I also liked it. Smeg, it can be that simple." Lister slid his hands down from Rimmer's shoulders to his chest. "Come on. Give me a real reason we shouldn't."
"It's difficult to switch bunkroom assignments. As you well know."
"Why's that a problem?"
"Well, afterward, when you regret it, and you can't get rid of me." Rimmer said it without hesitation, in his same prim tone of disdain, like it was fact. Like it was some holy scripture somebody had carved on a rock ten thousand years ago, or some kind of scientific law everyone had memorized by primary school. E equals em cee squared. Nobody will ever like Arnold Rimmer enough to shag him twice.
It was depressing, was what it was.
"Look," Lister started, uncertain. This had all been completely impulse up to this point, and he hadn't come prepared to give Rimmer a pep talk. "We've been stuck together hating each other's guts for the better part of two years, right? What if we just tried something different for a bit?"
"Oh, like what? You can't expect me to believe you're actually, genuinely proposing-" He paled. "You are, aren't you."
"You're just doing this because Kochanski dumped you, and she was the last woman on this ship with the unfortunate lack of self-respect to sleep with you sober."
"I dunno, you're sober, and you seemed pretty happy to have my tongue halfway down your throat a minute ago, didn't you?"
"You- I- well, who can have self-respect when they've gone and ruined their one chance at acing the exam? Anyone would feel depressed after that. You're the one taking advantage."
"Right, fine, then, I give up. I'm going to bed." Lister let go of Rimmer.
"Don't do that," he protested. "I haven't properly rejected you yet."
"Well, hurry up and pull the trigger. The bars open at four, so I only really have about two hours of good sleep before Petersen calls me up again."
"Alright, I will."
"Great," Lister said, shaking his head and pushing himself up into a squat, but in the next instant Rimmer had him flat against the floor, paper rustling beneath them. "Oh," he grinned.
"Don't say a single word."
"S'that an order?"
"I… maybe it is."
"You know I don't follow those."
"What if I make you?"
"Make me?" Lister echoed, delighted. Smeg, Rimmer was going to boss him around. How far could he push this? "You can't make me do anything. You're the second-to-last rung on the ladder."
"I'm the second technician," Rimmer insisted, "which means you're beneath me both literally and figuratively. You're a worm," he continued, moving his hands up Lister's chest, "and you should be grovelling at my feet, begging for your life like the insect you are."
He was good at this. Or maybe he earnestly believed it. Either way, whatever retort Lister had died in his throat and he nodded.
"Glad we finally understand each other." Rimmer took a deep breath, clearly trying to summon something. Courage, maybe. Or he was trying to ward off his disgust. "Er- what do I do next?"
Lister shrugged- not a single word, right- and pointed at his mouth.
"Not that again- not until you've brushed your teeth," Rimmer complained. "Somewhere else."
Lister pointed downwards.
"Oh, shut up," Rimmer said, grabbing his hands. "I'll figure it out."
He leaned forward, pushing Lister's chin back until it pointed towards the ceiling. He peppered soft kisses over Lister's neck, if you could call them that. They were less kisses and more Rimmer clumsily smushing his mouth and nose against Lister's skin, but it wasn't bad. Actually, it felt sort of nice, having Rimmer's full concentration leveled at him in a way that didn't involve yelling or a trip to the captain's office. He let out a sigh of contentment.
"You like that?"
Lister nodded.
"Can I…" Rimmer toyed with the too-loose neck of his poor ruined T-shirt. "I want this off," he said, quieter with each syllable.
Lister grinned, pushing Rimmer into an upright position. He shimmied out of his jacket with some difficulty, pulling his shirt up over his head and flinging it vaguely towards the hamper.
"Better," Rimmer said. "You're so eager to follow orders, now that you think you're getting something out of it. It's frankly disgusting."
"Yeah? You want me to start disobeying?"
"No. I'm just saying, think of all the time and effort we could have saved if you'd have listened to me from the start." His hands started exploring, and Lister's skin prickled everywhere his fingers touched. They were a lot softer than he'd expected, although it made sense. Rimmer never did any of the actual work, when would he have developed callouses? "Imagine. If I'd offered to have sex with you years ago, we could have been so efficient together. Why, we'd have rocketed straight to the top of the ladder."
"You think so? That's what was holdin' you back so long, not havin' proper access to my cock?"
"I-" Rimmer froze. "That's not what I meant, and you know it."
"I mean, I agree. Maybe if I'd been reamin' you every night, you'd be relaxed enough to score higher than a seven on your exams."
"This is why I wanted you to stay quiet," Rimmer said, and he leaned forward and pressed a shaky kiss to Lister's mouth. His hands didn't stop, cupping and squeezing Lister's chest like they were the best pair of knockers he'd ever felt up- probably true- and grazing his thumbs over both nipples. Lister squirmed.
"Feels weird."
"Isn't this what you're supposed to do?"
"Yeah, with girls. Nobody's done this on my tits before."
"Well, is it good weird or bad weird?"
"I can't tell." It felt vaguely uncomfortable, like when you hit the wrong spot digging lint out of your belly button, but on the other hand, that electric tingle seemed to feed right into the warm arousal happening in his groin.
Rimmer scooted down and kissed one of his nipples, the dirty bastard, opened his mouth and licked it, and Lister made up his mind very quickly that this was a thing he liked.
"Keep doing that," he breathed. Rimmer's tongue was hot, and when he moved to the other side Lister could feel cold air on the wet spot he'd left. His hips moved upwards of their own volition into Rimmer's stomach. "God, Rimmer, yes. Just like that."
"Keep still," Rimmer complained, grabbing Lister's hips, and of course that didn't help things. "If you keep fidgeting I'm not going to be able to concentrate on what I'm doing."
"I'm fidgeting because you're doing a good job."
"Well, I'm hardly going to be able to keep up my stellar performance if you squirm like that," he continued, clearly not getting it. "Just lay still."
"Rimmer, I'm not going to be able to lay completely still. I'm not Rachel."
"You- how do you know about Rachel?"
"C'mon, man, you're not subtle. I always have to keep an ear out for squeaking before I come in the door." Lister shook his head. "I'm the real thing, alright, I'm gonna move and react, and it's a good thing. Means you're driving me up the wall."
"I am?"
"Yeah," Lister said, dropping into a softer, huskier tone. "I want it bad, Rimmer. I want you."
"You want me," he repeated, skeptical, but his face was going pink again. "Are you- er- clean?"
"C'mon, you know they screen us constantly for that sort of thing."
"I meant physically clean, Lister, you idiot. I'm not going to take off these trousers if it means chemical warfare."
"I just showered yesterday morning," he protested. "You were there."
"Yesterday morning was before a night of debauchery and drinking."
"If you're going to be annoying about it, I'll make do with over-the-clothes, alright?"
"No," Rimmer said firmly. "I've already completely debased myself, there's no point in doing things halfway now."
"Look, do whatever's comfortable, not what you think you have to." Lister reached up, stroking the spot where Rimmer's jaw met his neck. "We're here to have ourselves a good time, and you don't have anything to prove, right?"
"I'd say there's a lot to prove, actually-"
"Rimmer. Turn your brain off. I want you and I like what you're doing."
Maybe being blunt did the trick, because he seemed to relax a bit.
"Alright. You first, and then me. Sound good?"
"Yeah, stellar."
"Lights off," Rimmer said, then fumbled in the dark with the fly of Lister's trousers. "Smeg."
"I've got it." Lister reached down and unzipped. He took Rimmer's hand, gently, and placed it over his crotch. Maybe there was something to the whole blindness-enhancing-your-senses thing, because he swore he could hear every minor change in Rimmer's breathing. He was either incredibly anxious or really aroused, judging by the way his breath hitched. Could be both.
"Lister," he started, hesitant. "How… I mean, obviously you just- how do I-"
"Move your hand up and down," Lister sighed. "Just pretend it's yours."
"Right, but if I can't feel it, how am I supposed to know if it's too rough? What if I… break it?"
"Break it?" Lister didn't know whether to laugh or zip his pants back up immediately. "How smegging hard's your death grip, man?"
"No, I mean, how do I know if I'm doing it right?"
"Well, if I'm not screamin' at you to stop, you're probably on the right track, yeah? I'm easy to please."
"Emphasis on easy," Rimmer retorted, and Lister was about to say something back, but Rimmer was peeling back his underwear.
He tested the waters, gingerly wrapping his fingers around Lister's shaft and applying light pressure. Then squeezed gently. Then a little tighter.
"That's good," Lister said. "Right there."
"It's wet," Rimmer complained. "You're over-excited already, aren't you?" He moved his hand slowly from base to tip and back, once, twice, three times, achingly slow. "You like this."
"Yeah, I do. I do," Lister repeated, grinding his hips up against Rimmer's fist. Any extra friction, anything to get him to pick up the pace. Lister's temperature was rising, unbearably warm, and his few remaining brain cells had all but melted away by this point. The only thought he could keep in his mind for more than a second was that Rimmer- his Rimmer, his annoying bunkmate, total straight-laced prick, had him lying naked on the floor arching his back.
"Tell me… tell me you like me," Rimmer tried, voice a little softer.
"I like you," Lister babbled. "I like you so much. God, you're so weirdly sexy, I honestly didn't think I'd be this desperate, but you're just so-" Kissing. Rimmer was kissing him all of a sudden, sloppy, just kind of wriggling his tongue around in there- but it was good, even if Rimmer didn't know what he was doing in the slightest. He sucked Rimmer's tongue and was rewarded with another one of those shaky, whiny noises. Too bad the lights were off- he would have thrown away half his salary to see the look on Rimmer's face then they pulled apart.
"I'm- I'm going to try something, and you can't laugh at me if it goes sideways." His voice was a little more determined. Clearly, he'd gained confidence somehow.
"Yeah, I'm game. Anything you want."
A bit of shuffling as Rimmer repositioned himself between Lister's legs.
He hadn't really expected much of anything, certainly nothing shocking- maybe Rimmer was going to use his left hand instead of his right- but oh, oh, all of a sudden his cock was in Rimmer's mouth.
A wave of pleasure rolled through him. Rimmer's whole tongue-waggling technique was a hell of a lot more effective brushing rhythmically against his head. "Ahh- just- just watch your teeth, alright?"
"Finally found a way to shut you up," Lister laughed, and that stopped Rimmer dead in his tracks.
"If I recall, this started because you wanted me to talk to you." He could picture the furrowed brow, the annoyed frown, maybe softened with a hint of fondness. Wishful thinking.
"I just wanted your attention," Lister admitted. "I like when you pay attention to me, Arn."
"You- I- shut up and let me do this," Rimmer snapped, clearly flustered. Ah- he'd hit some sort of nerve.
"I mean it," he struggled, trying to find coherent words in the tangled state of sensation his brain was in. Rimmer was licking up the length of him, exploring at his leisure, and Lister only half-managed to suppress a groan when he found a ridge on the underside to rub against. "Mmn- you're so good at this- driving me mad-"
Rimmer put him back in his mouth, sucking tight around his cock, and- his hips jerked forward- with a jolt of molten, white-hot energy, he felt himself tumble over the edge. Smeg. He'd meant to say something before shooting a load into Rimmer's mouth, but-
"Lister?!" Rimmer sounded horrified.
"Sorry, man, I wasn't- I didn't expect to-"
"I swallowed it."
"You what?"
"It wasn't on purpose! What do I do, I mean- should I try to make myself throw up, or-"
"It's not poison."
"Well, I don't imagine it's good for you, either!" A pause. "And it won't- well, of course it wouldn't- I don't have the parts…"
"You're not gonna get pregnant, you prat!" He couldn't help laughing. "What sort of sex education do they have on Io?"
"Not the same-sex kind," Rimmer mumbled, hurt. Lister sighed and leaned forward into the dark, a scrap of timetable stuck to his upper back. He found Rimmer's shoulders, then the collar of his shirt, and finally his jaw, pressing an earnest kiss against Rimmer's lips.
"It's alright. Promise I'll pay the child support."
"That's disgusting. You know what's just been in my mouth."
"So? Maybe I like it." Lister pulled his underwear back up and shifted into a more comfortable position, leaning against the bottom bunk. "Anyway, we agreed on taking turns. Come on. You're next."
"That's hardly necessary. Really. I think I've gone through my phase, I've had my experience, and I'm done."
"If you really mean that, then I'll go on and get me clothes back on, but… so far, you've been kind of shit at telling me what you really want. I mean, you accuse me of coming onto you and then jump my bones the next second."
"Well," Rimmer said, cautiously, "what if you just… held me while I did it?"
"Alright." He reached out again, swinging Rimmer's legs over his lap. Like this, Rimmer could lean against his shoulder- did, actually, and his cheek was red-hot. Lister smiled and wrapped his arms around Rimmer's waist, tight. "Feeling cozy enough?"
"Cozy." Rimmer scoffed. "Sure. Chocolate and marshmallows next to a roaring fire."
"Can I kiss you during, or is this a totally hands-off sort of thing?"
"Again, I have your… your sperm in my mouth."
"Can't be worse than what I had for breakfast."
"Fine, then." Rimmer lifted his head. "If you- if you really want to, I suppose you can kiss me."
"Brutal," Lister grinned, finding Rimmer's lips and nipping at the bottom one with his teeth. Rimmer seemed to like being bitten, the way he dug his fingernails into Lister's arm, squirmed. This was probably a first for him, right? Lister pulled away, nuzzling Rimmer's cheek, and worked his way back until he could get Rimmer's earlobe gently between his teeth.
"Lister, are you trying to eat me?" His tone was half-incredulous, but strained, and he'd dug his nails in again.
"Yeah, guess I am." Lister grabbed Rimmer by the jaw, tilting his head so that he could get at the skin of his neck.
"That…" The argument died in Rimmer's throat, replaced by a soft, meek "okay."
Rimmer still smelled good, like pressed laundry, like aftershave, though the room around them was starting to smell of sex. His skin was way softer than it had any right to be- probably the regular bathing, the constant exercise, the annoying bottles of moisturizing such-and-such that crowded his locker. Lister bit down a little harder. Maybe it felt better than it should have, ruining Rimmer's stupid perfect skin. Maybe he'd leave a mark, right above the collar, annoyingly hard to cover up without being obvious about it.
"Lister," Rimmer groaned, one hand digging into Lister's back. The other had started to move back and forth, slowly, and Lister realized with a twinge of arousal that he was feeling himself up through his pants. Smeg.
"Such a hypocrite," he murmured against Rimmer's neck. "You keep callin' me disgusting and easy and everything, but I bet you won't last more than a minute if I keep this up."
"That's beside the point," Rimmer argued.
"Which point? The part where you gave me a handjob, or the one where you sucked me off?"
"Lister-" His tone was angry, but his hand was moving faster.
"I mean it. You're a total whore, I mean, now that you finally have someone to mess around with. You've been dying for a chance to do this, haven't you? You been rubbing one out, thinking about how good my cock would feel in your mouth?"
"Yes," Rimmer choked. "God, I- there's no excuse- I just wanted-"
"It's okay," Lister said, moving the hand that wasn't supporting Rimmer down his chest. If they had time, he would have unbuttoned the ugly beige uniform, slipped his hand under the tight white cotton shirt he knew was underneath. Maybe switched the light back on so he could have a proper look. But Rimmer was probably pretty close, judging by the way he was whimpering. "You deserve this. You needed this. And I liked giving it to you. You're so handsome, Rimmer, and you're such a good lay, really," he continued. "You're so good at this. Even this- if I had a round two in me, Rimmer, be on my knees begging you for it, I swear."
"Please," Rimmer whined, probably only having processed the word begging. "Please, Lister, please?"
"Alright," Lister shrugged, and he caught Rimmer's skin between his teeth again, and Rimmer shuddered, letting out a pained moan.
It really hadn't taken much at all to get him off, and Lister was sorry he hadn't had more time to try things.
"Alright," Rimmer panted. "You've had your fun. You can go back to tormenting me now. Tell all your stupid little friends I'm desperately homosexual, take out an ad in the ship newsletter."
"Actually, this is normally the part where we get a pizza and a bunch of curries and stay in bed for three days straight."
"Ah. Right. The only times I ever got peace and quiet were when you'd bugger off to some bimbo's bunkroom for a week-"
"Well, now you get to be the bimbo." Lister really wished he could make out more than faint outlines- Rimmer's expression was probably priceless. Yeah, enough. "Lights on."
It was a disaster- Rimmer's study schedule was scattered around them, torn and wrinkled; Lister's pants were still pulled halfway down, and his shirt had somehow made it around the top of one of the chairs when he'd tossed it aside.
And Rimmer- red-faced, rumpled, his tie crooked, a definite damp spot on the front of his pants. Beautiful.
"I need a shower," he squeaked, "and before you say a damned word, you aren't invited."
"When I come out, I want all the paper off the floor, and I expect you to be- less naked. Then we'll… we can discuss the idea of me not immediately putting in a reassignment request."
"Works for me," Lister grinned. Rimmer started to clamber out of his arms, but he pulled him back in. "Wait."
Lister gave him a quick peck on the lips.
"Right. Need to brush my teeth, too," Rimmer bristled, but he looked flustered-mad instead of angry-mad.
Hmmm. Lister threw his shirt back on, kicking the abandoned timetables into a messy pile by the hamper. All things considered, this had been one of the few times an impulse decision had worked out well. Maybe, when Rimmer got out of the shower, he could convince him to cuddle in the lower bunk and watch a movie or two. At the very least, he was sure Rimmer's mind was as far from the astronavigation exam as it could possibly get.
"Holly, can you send Petersen a quick message?" he asked. "Tell him I'm busy tonight. Last minute plans."
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tikkitoonart · 6 months
Merry Christmas! +Long fucking Life Update 🎄☃️🐧
Hey everyone! It's been a while, hasn't it? I hope you're all having a good time celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or any holiday with your friends and family. And if you don't celebrate, I still hope you're having a good day and spending time with loved ones anyway.
I myself had a really fun Christmas Eve, in fact it was the first truly festive Christmas I've had in years. I've recently moved in with my friend Cloud (https://www.instagram.com/rainclouddoodles/ // https://ko-fi.com/rainclouddoodles) and her family (not officially moved in, but I am living under their roof for now). Them and their relatives were lots of fun, everyone was just having a blast being loud and stupid together.
I haven't been that active online because of this recent shift in my life. I'm still getting used to this new environment, I'm still thinking about what I want to do with my life and who I want to be, where I really want to live long term. This is especially huge for me because I have always been a shut-in when I lived with my family: never went outside because I was too afraid, never talked with anyone, even with my own family, spent most if not all of my time just drawing and browsing online for hours. I've never even reached out to anyone I knew from school, simply because I've never felt like I was close enough with anyone, and I purposely distanced myself because it was just easier to be alone. I was completely miserable.
I do want to change that, but it will take me a lot of time to get used to things. Right now I'm too terrified of everything around me to really feel comfortable enough browsing my phone for hours on end and being active online like before. It's probably a good thing in a way, because even online I was miserable on every site I used. It's crazy. I'm in a completely different state. I'm SO far away from my family. It was the first time I've flown in a plane and it didn't even feel real. I couldn't even enjoy it because I was crying the whole time.
I won't get into too much detail with family matters, but despite not having the best relationship with them, I'm homesick as hell. I've cried myself to sleep many nights for them. I'm not used to living so far away from them, and neither are they. We're just too attached to each other. I've been making my best efforts to have frequent calls with them and open up to them more, and building and fixing up our relationship. Some days it's really hard.
Whether in the future I decide to move back in with my family or not, I think this was something we all needed, especially me. I really needed an opportunity, a push in the right direction to help me move forward in life, and I can't thank Cloud and her family enough for wanting to provide that for me. I also want to make my own family proud. We were broken before, and still are, but the most important thing is that we're working to get better. We are getting better with communication. I want to make it up to them for all these years of misunderstanding, isolation and bitterness.
I don't really know what else to add, other than the fact that I'm even less active online than before because of everything right now. At the moment, I'm drawing less and responding to less comments and messages until I can get situated here. I'm not even checking my feed as frequently. It will take a while. I will need some extra cash while I'm here though, so I'm in the process of opening up smaller/simple commissions (I do not have the time or energy to do full illustrations for commissions right now lol). Stay tuned for that if anyone here is interested.
Thank you all for being patient with me and thank you especially if you've read this far. I'm done yapping now. Please take care and have a Happy New Year, everyone.
Yes, shameless plug time. If anyone wants to donate to my Ko-Fi, I really appreciate it. And if you want a doodle in return, I've recently opened up a new slot for quick scribbles. Check it out! (I'll also accept PayPal and CashApp, if Ko-Fi isn't your thing.)
Thank you again, everyone.
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msookyspooky · 10 months
honest question, how do you think severen would do with a mate who is asexual?
I'm Demiromantic and I'm pretty damn sure I'm Grey-Bisexual (Or just beyond picky it's hard for me to tell tbh). It's just such a broad spectrum ranging from "I feel no sexual attraction to others/very certain people but still crave sex." to "I feel zero sexual attraction to others at all including sex itself." so for this purpose I'm just gonna be as generalized as possible.
Severen with an Asexual S/O
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- At first...Let's be so fr his ego is up there. He's not new to rejection but he definitely has a 'They want me so bad they look stupid. They'll cave eventually' sort of attitude...So...If you don't find him sexually attractive at all, not even a little bit, his ego feels slighted when he first developed attraction for you.
- Even if you're like 'Yeah you're handsome/pretty. Sure.' and described him in the most reasonable way he's confused because you find him pretty but not sexy? What is he, a fucking tulip?! 🌷
- I'm sorry but he was PROBABLY mildly offended at first especially if he was attracted to you/has a crush on you. Is it his hair? His smile? His voice? His body? You don't find him attractive at all?! The man is offended like a teen boy but won't admit
- Studied you heavily to see what you did like. Thinking he'll catch you fibbing to him. He just wants to know; What does that person have that he doesn't if he caught you flirting or ogling someone else? Just to see you weren't lying to him to spare his feelings...You really weren't attracted to anyone.
- That surprised him but didn't shock him. He's been around a long time. I'm sure you're not the first Asexual person he's met.
- At first, he would try to press buttons. It's just him. He's a touchy person and he's definitely going to try kissing your neck and let his hands travel and if you're sexually repulsed you're gonna have to tell him right away and really make him understand it's not a 'Oh, I just haven't found the right one~' And not the fact you truly do not want that sort of relationship.
- If you aren't sexually repulsed (If that's incorrect terminology srry) but just not sexually attracted to him he'd just shrug it off. Big deal. It's not like it's only him you're not attracted to so how could he take it personally? You're with him after all! Especially if sex was still on the table.
- But if you do not want anything sexual from him at all? Ever? He is going to be a bit unsure but it's not a deal breaker.
- Once turned blood gives them a euphoric state of mind anyways (Que Caleb smiling on the ground like a space cadet on cloud nine from drinking Mae's blood or Severen hollering and licking his fingers and acting like he's happier and more hyped than usual) so it wouldn't shock me if blood replaces a lot of sexually urges they had as humans anyways. So no sex isn't as big of a deal.
- He's charming, born over 100 years ago in a more gentry era even if he's always been a bastard and a touchy loving person with those he likes. So idc what anyone says, the man can be romantic even if he's not 'the romantic type'. It may not be poems or serenading you or classic dates...But a night with just you two and him surprising you with gifts and telling you how wonderful you are to him? Yeah. He would.
- As long as he's still allowed to kiss, cuddle, hug you? He's okay with that. And boy, does he ever! He's very affectionate and sweet when he wants to be.
- Calls you the most mushy embarrassing names like his 'cuddlebug' or 'snugglebunny' just to tease you because it's something you do plentifully with him (Even if he's the one being the snuggly one here). He just adores you and as long as you're held up in his arms; he could care less whether you're sexually attracted to him or not or if you even want sex at all.
- Would be your best friend 💯 Before anything else. You're his mate and he doesn't take that lightly. You are his partner in crime through and through before romance or sex.
- With how he was the ONLY vampire in the entire movie that either A. Didn't have a mate and B. Didn't want one; he could be on the Ace Spectrum himself! Whether it be Romantic or Sexual. Ace or Demi/Grey....I feel like he understands or could easily learn to.
- Wouldn't change his vulgar mouth too much I am sorry but the man has been crude for over a century...However, if you get zero reaction from him flirting or making a sex joke he'd naturally back off it because he is an attention grabber more than anything. He wants to make you smile and impress you and have your undivided attention. If Dad jokes and being sweet is what has you smitten with him more than raunchy jokes and obscene flirting than he will be cranking out corny one liners and tell you how beautiful you are to him.
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viatagrinner · 2 years
Silvio Ricci. It's your fault that my desire won't stop.
Chapter 3. Premium. His POV
Silvio's room.
He and his assistant Carlo sort through the presents that have filled the room so much that it takes the prince's breath away. It's a tribute, but it's not for Silvio, it's for his woman.
(I wouldn't say it's bad, but I don't like it.)
All the gifts are in the fold, no need to report them to MC yet.
The vast majority will see MC as a tool.
(MC is not a tool to be traded. What the hell do they all take my woman for?)
Carlo mutters something about 'good people'. Silvio gets angry and grabs his head.
Carlo: Ow... It hurts, let go.
Silvio: It's not that I don't like people. It's just that I don't like them.
(However, I'm the only one who gives gifts to MC.)
The ceremony is over. On the ship.
It's important to make MC known to more people. After all, she is the future queen.
However, the judgement is unpleasant. This was the reason for preventing the heroine from communicating with others.
MC: Silvio is too protective of me. But I finally understand the reason why you do that.
MC: Silvio, you don't want me to be used.
MC is not stupid. She notices everything.
MC: Silvio only hides me when others start questioning me.
Silvio: ...I'm uncomfortable.
All they care about is using you.
Silvio: Of course, those of us in business know that it's part of our job to think about such things.
Silvio: But I don't want you to have money as your background.
Silvio: Nothing is more empty than a relationship built on money.
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(You're the one who made me realize that.)
MC: I have to grow up, then. In order to build a relationship without profit and loss, I must have much charm.
(.....So it comes to that.)
Silvio wasn't expecting this. Most of the women around him would complain rather than try to change themselves.
(This is too cute, you idiot.)
Silvio finds it hard to tolerate desire and also thinks that he is really overprotective.
(But if I don't protect you, there's nothing you can do, even if you're not incompetent).
MC: Thank you for your concern, but I'm not as weak as Silvio thinks.
Silvio: I know, I know, but... no, I don't understand.
Silvio: I don't know when to be soft and when to be hard.
MC doesn't mind a little harshness.
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(I'll beg you, please stop.)
(Don't say such nice things in public.)
Silvio: Then I won't pamper you. I will be strict with you.
The prince hasn't touched the heroine in days. And now he desperately wants to hug her. But just a hug isn't enough anymore.
So the prince wants to hug her. But she refuses. Silvio is angry. After all, the ban must be lifted.
MC: I didn't want to run away, but...
Silvio: So don't run away.
(Give up quickly. ...I'm already at my limit.)
(Or is the woman doing this on purpose?)
Silvio approaches MC, she pulls away from him. But eventually he catches her and kisses her.
MC: We're on a ship!
It's crowded in here. But Silvio doesn't care.
Silvio: So what? You're my woman.
MC: Isn't that embarrassing?
Silvio: ....
Something clicked in Silvio's heart.
MC: Silvio... Why are you so close.
Silvio: You blew it off. Take responsibility for it.
MC: I don't want it.
Silvio: Don't run away! Let me touch you!
MC says they can continue in the room, but he wants it right now.
But the MC doesn't give up.
Aboard the ship, they chase each other.
Silvio's room.
Silvio: What's with the attitude? I thought you lifted the no-touching order.
The ban is lifted, but the heroine is tense because she hasn't had intimacy with the prince for a long time.
She needs to prepare herself. The prince agrees with her. He blushes again and thinks how sweet she is.
The mind is clouded. There is only lust and the beast.
Silvio remembers her words about 'they will continue in the room'.
Silvio: If you've forgotten how to be touched, I'll remind you.
He won't hold back. Picking up the bewildered MC, he sets her down on the table.
The prince covers her mouth with a kiss.
(I wonder if this is really what you wanted all along.)
Silvio: You... you're giving me a lot of trouble.
The prince undresses the girl. And gets down on his knees in front of her.
MC: What are you doing?
Silvio: You'll see.
MC: I-I don't understand!
Silvio spreads the heroine's closed legs.
MC: No, Silvio.
Silvio: ....10 days!
MC: ..W-what?
Silvio: It's been ten days since we've been together.
Silvio: I'll make you regret for putting up with me for so long.
(Being teased for so long has left me with nothing but painful desires.)
From her toes his lips lifted higher and higher...
MC repeats "I don't want to," but she doesn't stop.
(All of you... All of you are very sweet.)
(Because it's your fault.)
Kissing the back of her knees and thighs, Silvio "reaches the place where you can expect the sweetest response".
Silvio's desire level is 150.
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