#and your English is great
beautifulpersonpeach · 8 months
I fell into the BTS rabbit hole for a year now. Does that make me an Army? (That's a tittle i'm not so keen to earn). What i've seen from them this year made me wondering what is really an Army?
After 8 months consuming all BTS contents, i wanted more. So like any addict out there, i went to the chippest contents : Armys' SM. (Thank God i don't have a Twitter account, i would go insane).
What i learnt about Armys so far is that they really enjoy dramas. There is not a week without drama. It's drama after drama. Was it always this insane before? Serious question btw.
I want to read blogs about the boys musics etc, all i've read until now are the furthest from it. From months now, it's all about record breakings, sold out kings, the most handsome, the most bankable, the most.... 🤢 It's not about music anymore... It's so annoying.
ARMY are the luckiest fandom out there, the boys genuinely love them. but i don't know if Army deserve this love... Do they really know the people they were suppose to support no matter what?
The next 20 months would be really difficult for the fandom. It might implode, but at the end of the day, only the true fans will wait for them.
What i like the most about being a new fan is that i have 2 years to appreciate thoroughly every song and concept from BTS. Lucky me.
I just wanted to rant about the fandom. A sorry if i made some mistakes, english is my 3rd language.
I love reading your post! 👍
“What i've seen from them this year made me wondering what is really an Army?”
An ARMY is simply someone who is a fan of BTS. Meaning they actually like BTS. If you genuinely like the guys, then everything else (wanting to support them, valuing their autonomy, respecting their boundaries and choices - you know, treating them like actual people and not products you feel entitled to) will follow.
The thing about k-pop fandom in general though, is that it has a tendency to suck some people in. And once you’re sucked in you start exhibiting all the stereotypical behaviours of crazed stans who have lost all bearing and perspective. A.k.a. what you’re seeing on all platforms that have a lot of k-pop stans. As the BTS fandom has already imploded, chances are you’ll just see more of this.
It’s easy to keep your hair on though if you have a strong sense of self, know how to think for yourself, and are here genuinely for the guys.
Good luck on navigating the madhouse. :)
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project-sekai-facts · 3 months
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According to 4koma #232, Kohane has the ability to purr.
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meowpupp · 7 months
jus imagine infecting owner!price and pup!gaz w the sleepy girl agenda.
always pulling price back into bed, locking your chubby thighs around his waist. he just can't deny you. his cute girl, all sleepy and soft for him. he loves how sweet you are in the mornings, nuzzling into his neck, the comfortable weight of your body ontop of his, arms wrapped around your waist. he likes to act like he's getting up just so he can hear you whine, watch as you snuggle so close to him it's as if you're trying to crawl inside him.
with kyle it's the opposite. the pup works hard, keeping you and price safe, training, doing the manual chores around the house. he needs his naps, and for those he needs you. a pretty weighted blanket. he turns on your favourite movie, pulling you to rest your head on your chest. the whole time he idly plays with your hair, waiting until you fall asleep to join you.
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fairydrowning · 1 year
"Happiness is in the quiet, ordinary things. A table, a chair, a book with a paper-knife stuck between the pages. And the petal falling from the rose, and the light flickering as we sit silent."
– Virginia Woolf, The Waves
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going-down-to-orlando · 2 months
"He smiled understandingly-much more than understandingly. It was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, that you may come across four or five times in life. It faced-or seemed to face, the whole eternal world for an instant, and then concentrated on you with an irresistible prejudice in your favour. It understood you so far as you wanted to be understood, believed in you as you would like to believe in yourself, and assured you that it had precisely the impression of you that, at your best, you hoped to convey." Nick Carraway about Jay Gatsby, 'The Great Gatsby'
This is a PARAGRAPH about Gatsby's smile. Not even Gatsby, just his smile. Nick wrote 2 sentences about Jordan and his thoughts on her appearance. Jordan, his supposed "love interest".
This shows us two things. Firstly, Nick is definitely not a good, unbiased narrator. Secondly, Nick is a flaming homosexual.
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sprimps · 3 months
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they're thinking about very different things
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KIng Eclipse, we humbly ask for your forgiveness. We, the little voices, are bound to this human to guide them, but we acknowledge that not all our suggestions are wise or well-thought-out. The incident involving the trumpet was a grave mistake, and it was not the human's idea to begin with. We understand that you were injured in the process, and we deeply regret any harm caused.
We ask you to spare the human from any punishment, for their intentions were not malicious. They were merely following an ill-advised suggestion from one of us, and as their humble guides, we take responsibility for the misguided advice. We implore your kindness and understanding in this matter. May you find it in your heart to show mercy to our shared charge, for they are, after all, under your benevolent care. - Unkown Voice (Sry of you can't understand what i'm saying.- My english is bado ╥_╥)
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》I appreciate the humble apology but a suggestion is a suggestion, and not a command. This small human could have not followed the suggestions of you little voices. Though i am a fair king and will be mercyfull in giving punishment to a scared human. Three hundred years of servitude should be enough... though we will see《
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how did it feel that your headcanon that Rayla is a good singer was confirmed? Sorry if I wrote something wrong, English is not my first language.
Oh Anon. I was already happy enough that we got Rayla singing a lullaby to Stella while Callum listens looking lovestruck. Fits perfectly with the image of her singing to her and Callum’s future children.
@lawchan89 what am I supposed to do about that???
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holdtightposts · 4 months
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One of the best anime ever gets an actual official US re-release?!
After the failed dvd releases back in the early 2000’s because Geneon didn’t do this anime PR justice and also completely renamed it Fighting Spirit.
Boy, when that intro comes on I’m gonna be all
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thedeadpoetsraven · 1 month
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— F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby
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aroaceleovaldez · 7 months
every once in awhile i remember that Percy Jackson et les Secrets de l'Olympe: Apollon et Artémis, Les Jumeaux Terribles exists. like yeah there's just a random French-only ghostwritten companion book. huh.
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arrimorr · 20 days
If I have to choose one I will go with the Beast and Enoch from Over the garden wall 😭 they have zero interactions (outside of that one scene of the Beast's lantern ending up in Pottsfield in the epilogue) but I will go down with this one. Oh the eldritch romance stuck in between autumn and winter...
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aleksanderscult · 24 days
hiiiiii!hope ur doing well and drinking water(eventhough i don’t ,i want others to)so at first i just rlly wanted to thank you for this account and for giving me so many argumented thoughts because when i read these books(not the duology KoS),about a year ago,I THOUGHT THE SAME THING.and eventhough i did not argument it i still promoted my thoughts because,”that’s my opinion you can have another.”but now i can argument my thoughts and i thank u for that.
anywayyyy,my question is:does it ever give you the ick the fact that the books mentions aleksander having multiple lovers?like i know it’s normal but i just find it kind of icky,mentioning him “so good at seducting women”.honestly ew.like i didn’t need to know that women folded when they looked into his eyes.because at the end of the day,even with all the hours i spent on ao3 hoping that they were endgame,they weren’t.sooooo…maybe he is not so good after all(jk).all the jokes aside,maybe it’s just me but i find it icky when someone mentions the mmc ex lovers.like pls focus on the main ship for the love of god.
that was my question,hope you have a great day and if u are rotting in bed and feel guilty abt it,remember that anyone deserves to rot when they feel like it🎀🎀🎀
p.s.english is not my first language and i also wrote it fast so pls if i misspelled something keep that in mind<3
You're welcome!! I'm so happy to know that I have contributed to this community 😊🫡
And yeah I was rotting in my bed and binge-watching Breaking Bad while this ask came. There's no such thing as guilty pleasure.
I think that in the books it was only mentioned once by Baghra in S&B (after the Winter fete make out) that he had plenty of time to learn how to manipulate women (*eye rolling here*).
But yeah generally I don't find it icky. Personally I would get the ick if he used manipulation or lies to bed them but Leigh never implied that in her past interviews. And I believe he was pretty straightforward and honest with his intentions. And still is! (flashbacks from the Winter fete and name reveal scene coming in)
A little bonus: If he felt only sexual feelings for Alina I don't think he would even panic. He would be unfazed and would even try to use it for his advantage. But instead he got feelings which upset and angered him, something that Alina felt while kissing him in S&B after their little show.
He feels comfortable with sex but not with romantic feelings.
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nottheweirdest · 6 months
Hi! I don’t know why I’m so nervous. I usually don’t talk to people.. and english is not my first language. Anyway.. So I was reading your sonadow fanfic coming home and I just really wanted to draw something from it.. so here xD I don’t have to post it if you don’t want me to.
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Omg I woke up to this and can I just say BEST MORNING EVER?!? Holy shit! Please don't be nervous, this is AMAZING and I'm so stupid flabbergasted over it I don't have words. I'm just grinning ear to ear 😁! I would love for you to post it! It's so good 😭 the hand positioning, the ties, the fountain in the background just ushajahsjahs. It's brilliant and made me so happy to see!! Thank you!!! 💖💖💖 If you decide to post, let me know and if you're cool with it, I'll link it in the fic! 💕
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no because I spent less than a third of my school years in Brazil and yet whenever I do maths in my head I still always resort back to Portuguese
no because I always speak Portuguese with my mom and we almost exclusively listen to Brazilian music at home but the first time we went back to Brazil after covid just listening to all the people around me casually speak in Portuguese almost made me burst into tears
no because one time I was sleeping at my grandma's and I still hadn't completely woken up and the birds were singing (we used to have australian budgies) and for a moment I thought I was still living there, at my old apartment. I don't even know how many years ago this day happened and my memory is absolute shit but I still remember the feeling of bittersweet grief when I woke up properly
no because I always get so hyped whenever I hear someone casually speaking Brazilian Portuguese like even if I don't outwardly acknowledge them just hearing it always fills me with so much joy
no because whenever I forget another word in Portuguese my heart breaks a little
no because even if I do my hair the exact same way here and there it still comes out with a completely different texture (it looks better over there in case you were wondering btw)
no because I mostly speak Portuguese with my mom and I didn't even realize that some of the words I use are actually super outdated
the point being: I really appreciate that there are so many characters that come from different countries in Stormlight Archive, and that Sanderson has clearly thought a lot about their different cultures and religions and politics and worldbuilding in general. however. i don't think he quite realizes how personal a place and a language can be. like obviously my experiences are far from universal, not to mention very different from theirs (much much less trauma for one lol), but especially when we get a pov from one of those characters I can't help but think that there is always something.... lacking? missing?
let shallan complain about her hair and skin routine not working the same anymore ever since she moved away from her home. let lunamor be a bit resentful of his new family for not even trying to learn his real name. let The Lopen forget more words in alethi now that he's surrounded by his herdasian cousins again. let shallan not be able to properly talk about her drawings in the way she wants to whenever adolin asks because she learnt all the proper words in her vadan art book. let there be foreign members of bridge four who adore alethkar and those who hate it and those who feel a bit of both at the same time.
dunno. i know these are just small details, but i noticed that these are small details that matter to me (and I can imagine that many people with a foreign background may feel similarly?)
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anathemafiction · 3 months
So, my name is Isabela and I play as myself always so is very amusing for me to read Ysabella and Isabela in the same sentence for some reason. Like, So similar but so different! Can u also tell me how to pronounce her name? And well give me an explanation for why this isn't adressed in the story? (I know its because u cant code for every different name but I also want the twins reacting to that lol) is okay if u ignore this! (English is not my first language btw lol)
I've had so many people ask me to tell them how to pronounce certain character's names, but for the life of me, I can't figure out how to type a sound 😭. I could record it, but then, you'd be exposed to my terrible Portuguese accent, and no one deserves that fate.
As for coding a warning about identical names or even adding characters reactions if you have a similar name… I didn't think of it 😄. I always use the pre-set names in games because I assume they're lore-friendly, so I didn't give too much thought to the custom names.
I'll have to think about it.
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