#and.. I have to say Taylor has actively been encouraging this
dorotheashome · 9 months
Another day of swifties being way too invested and over involved in Taylor’s life.
I have read a portion of Scott’s email but stopped reading halfway through. But from what I’m seeing online.. I mean is any of this new info? So the Swift family are total Capitalists (capital C)? We’ve known this for years. So Taylor’s parents may not have always had an amicable relationship - while on the verge of or going through a divorce. I mean we don’t need to know that (and shouldn’t??) but it’s hardly shocking. A parent feeling like their teenage kid doesn’t appreciate them or recognise all the things they do to support them - mindblowing.
Another day of overanalysing minuscule things Taylor has said, and changing the meaning of song lyrics to fit the current narrative - that Scott is an abusive father/husband. Apparently Tolerate It is about Scott now - funny how it was about Joe last week?? Maybe we just need to accept that we really have no clue what’s going on in Taylor’s life (and I feel more and more that the stuff we do know about Taylor is a very carefully crafted public persona - again not very shocking).
Honestly, the only thing that matters right now in the year 2023, Taylor stills has a very public and seemingly positive relationship with her father. Taylor is not a teenager anymore, she is a woman in her 30’s, she can decide if/how she continues to have a relationship with her parents. Scott - along with Andrea - constantly attend her shows, and the family were all at the Chiefs game just a few days ago. Whatever may have happened 20 years ago they at least have a somewhat amicable relationship now. Considering this is all in relation to a court case I’m going to hazard a guess that Taylor has known about these emails for a while- so clearly she’s not too angry at her Dad? If she (or Andrea) didn’t know, or are actually more resentful/angry then they’re willing to let us know - that’s fine, that’s their prerogative. Because it’s their family.
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shitswiftiessay · 10 months
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“multiple posts in support of the lgbtq community”
her LGBTQ “activism” pretty much started and ended with the lover era. she released the musical equivalent of “it’s ok to be gay,” she waited until she was in a blue state on the eras tour to even barely address the anti trans legislation that was being passed in OTHER states (states she had just performed in where her speech would’ve made much more of an impact). and telling people to go vote without specifying who you’re voting for or bringing attention to the important issues is not activism. it’s merely a voting reminder. which is fine, but, y’know, it doesn’t make you an lgbt advocate. which she promised to be as she accepted an award for it.
and despite the fact that she’s reportedly “spending a lot more time” in fuckass missouri to be with travis, she’s yet to say anything about the anti lgbt legislation being passed in that state.
she also went off tumblr because people asked her to talk about BLM and swifties act like it was the cruelest thing in the world to expect of her 🙄 but she made a whole thing in her documentary about wanting to be on the “right side of history.”
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and taylor did the black square too so if you’re gonna attack joe for that 💀
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and she made some promises on twitter to be “loudly and ferociously anti-racist.” then she went on to date racist pos matty healy… and use ice spice as a shield. AND she also made sure that her publicist let everyone know that the “controversy” surrounding matty’s racism had NOTHING to do with her decision to split from him.
so… yeah.
these same miserable fucking swifties used to praise joe alwyn for speaking out against men abusing their power over women in hollywood but now their whole blogs are basically dedicated hate blogs to him. because he committed the crime of not marrying taylor so now they’ve decided he’s the worst man on the planet. 🙄
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meanwhile taylor’s working with rapist directors, hanging out with SA apologists and high-fiving an abuser at football games. her feminism and “advocacy” is limited ONLY to herself and it’s painfully obvious she does not give a shit about anything that doesn’t directly affect her.
also, joe’s name wouldn’t have been added to that ceasefire letter if he didn’t WANT it added. it’s a risk to anyone in the entertainment industry to openly support palestine and no one’s name is going to be “just added” without their consent. signing that ceasefire letter may be bare minimum shit, but it’s still more than anything Miss Americana has said or done regarding this issue, which is absolutely nothing, and you have to ask yourself WHY.
also if you’re upset about people saying that taylor was encouraged to be more political because of joe… idk what to tell you that’s literally a canon event that came straight from taylor’s own mouth.
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and it’s not that i think she’d be a trump supporter without joe but… it’s pretty obvious that since they’ve broken up (and even in the year leading up to the breakup) she’s not dared to do anything remotely resembling activism or being “controversial.” if anything she’s just too fucking narcissistic and self-absorbed to care about anything going on in the world, just like her bestie selena.
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kvtnisseverdeen · 5 months
This is my humble take…
Joe Alwyn was Taylor’s best boyfriend. She knows this and her fans know this. But he demands actual work and accountability. Taylor is a white rich conservative girl first and foremost. And she’s very narcissist. Joe is the first boyfriend of hers to put actually limits on how her public personal affects him and their relationship. And she liked dating him at first because he was private and reserved and she was desperately trying to scape the industry and she found the most non-industry British man ever. She liked that security and knowing he didn’t attract that much attention. Then, she slowly gained her reputation back on track and realized that she could finally go back to being the person that plays for the media again. And yes, maybe her relationship with Joe was slowly fading — it happens a lot. But she clearly says in her lyrics that wanting to be shown off in public is one of the reasons too. Because she likes that every relationship she’s in gets consumed by her fans and the media.
And Joe Alwyn required her to go and do some work on herself! He comes from a very activist family. He was the one that made her be more open about social activism. It was because of him that she tried to do the bare minimum like encouraging during elections, have more racially diverse people on her music videos and tours, and do a very cringey job at supporting lgbt rights. But it was at least something…
Isn’t funny that the moment they broke up she went back to being very problematic? The climate terrorist that she’s been for the pass year and then wanting to sue people for spreading her private flights information (knowing this is public information). Then dating that racist man that mocked woman of color and admitted to watch what he did, being quiet about the war that’s going on, and the lame and immature issue she created over some of Olivia Rodrigo’s songs (a literal new artist and teenager at the time) to the point she cut total ties with her and her next man being a very typical conservative macho man that seems to love the attention just like her. She’s back at being who she’s always been…
“Your integrity makes me feel small” Yes, Taylor, indeed. I am glad you know this too.
oh you absolutely have said it all. this is extremely well said and on point.
i find it so odd that most swifties can't pinpoint that the real issue between joe and taylor was taylor once again giving into the industry and being a rich white capitalist which is something joe is not and does not want to be, and most likely caused the demise of their relationship. taylor herself has said this in her songs (like the lyrics in peace, as you said). so yeah, maybe she wanted marriage but joe probably wasn't comfortable marrying someone who had completely different morals than him which is his right. let's be real here.
and oh the relationship between her and travis probably set her "redemption arc" far back than ever. she really was finally speaking up on so many matters and now she's dating a problematic trump supporter, giving into the media frenzy with the NFL, and has done no activism despite having the biggest platform. i think what sucked the most was her being times person of the year and using it to talk about travis and how she wasted 6 years of her life being private. so disappointing. and the cherry on top are some of the lyrics from ttpd (ex. 1830s racism lyric) like WHAT?
another thing swifties misinterpret is that no one would've known joe if it wasn't for taylor and that he's living off of his songwriting credits from folklore/evermore. joe who is notoriously low-key and has stated he just wants to be seen as human never used taylor for clout and has avoided saying her name in interviews, even after the break-up. not because he didn't love her, but because he did not want to feed into the media frenzy. and if all eyes are on him, he's using it to make a statement about palestine which is amazing. sure, you may not have known joe alwyn if it wasn't for taylor but he never used taylor's fame to make him more famous. and might i argue, it was taylor who despite releasing positive songs about him sometimes didn't defend him (like in the folklore sessions where jack antonoff was obviously being rude to him? or how she told her fans not to go after john mayor releasing speak now tv but didn't say anything for joe when her fans have been harassing him like crazy?)
on the other hand, we have travis kelce who has most definitely brought her up in every capacity like on his brothers podcast and let's be real, most of the swifties didn't know who travis was (i didn't!) unless they were football fans. we saw proof of that when NFL sales and viewership was significantly higher. so yes, travis is using her name for clout and feeding into the media frenzy. and then you have swifties saying he loves her and supports which yes, can be true, but you cannot deny that taylor and travis' relationship fed the media, fed the NFL, and diverted attention from more important issues like gaza. and while taylor and travis had their eyes on them, they didn't use it to do any good.
so yes, you are right. joe was taylor's best boyfriend.
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re your commentary on swifts feminism
her song the man has always bothered me particularly how it's been labeled and used as some "feminist anthem" when it's not about feminism. she literally says she'd rather replace the man on top and get to get away with all the bad behaviors men do, "if a was a man" means she'd be the one "flashing dollars and getting bitches and models", being a baller and not a "bitch", and referencing leo dicaprio also feels weird to me given his track record of throwing female partners away the second they hit age 25. if it was really about feminism it'd be a song about getting rid of that structure entirely, not having anyone in a position above someone else especially to abuse wealth and social power but instead it's over three minutes of her wishing she could be in that position instead
Hello! Apologies this took me a whole week to get to <3. I totally agree with on "The Man"(2019) though. This song is such a snobby, classless disgrace.
I always forget that people really believe that to be a feminist anthem… and I just don't understand how people think that?
It's not a song about disrupting the patriarchy. Taylor Swift is singing about climbing the corporate ladder, and wishing, simultaneously, that she was privy to male privilege.
Like she's already privileged, and yet she's singing about wanting even more privileges…. LOL
Swift is not a feminist and I will literally die on this Hill. She's not even a LGBT ally either- but that's a post/rant for another day.
She cares about exactly one thing- herself. Absolutely nothing in any of her songs that she markets as feminist music takes about issues facing women as a whole- or even extends empathy towards other women. All of it is so completely self-centered.
Especially, "The Man."(2019) I'm sorry, Miss Swift, but as a real feminist, I really have no desire to replace men at the top of the hierarchy- I want to destroy the hierarchy.
Also, since you're giving me the opportunity to talk about this, can we talk about how gross this line is: " and they would toast to me, let the players play/ I'd be just like Leo in Saint-Tropez" First of all, she's saying that if she was the man she would be applauded for sleeping around so much, and if she was a man she could be like Leonardo Dicaprio who famously refuses to date anyone older than 25?
Like she's really out here repackaging sexist power imbalances, ones that encourage the objectification of other people, in romantic relationships and singing about how she wishes she could do that without being called out? She's romanticizing Leo's creepy dating life, as perpetually single yet using young girls like accessories, and yet in all of her other songs she is crying about how much she wants to get married and be "pushing strollers." Make it make sense.
Also, uhhh… the men are also called out for being creeps? Why would we stop doing that if gender roles were suddenly reversed?
My aim with feminist activism is to destroy gender roles altogether…
Anyway. She's a fraud.
And you have brought up a remarkably good observation in her music- because this theme extends out well past just "The Man" (2019).
God this song makes me so mad- How does she get away with selling this shit as Feminism??????????????????? She's probably never read a feminist text in her life.
I have this ongoing theory that her idea of "feminism" is just being able to climb the corporate ladder. Like she's just so clearly only imaginative when it comes to business. She really should have just focused on becoming a businesswoman, because she's certainly not a poet or a feminist.
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joesalw · 10 months
You really can't write this shit lmao...
TS's friend group consists of Miss 'idc about genocide and continue to employ a bloodthirsty zionist CEO for my makeup brand' and Cara D who's great grandfather created the Black and Tans which is a terrorist organisation that killed Irish people during the Irish War of Independence. A group that also sent their people to kill Palestinians in favor of establishing the state of Israel. Last night these 3 went to Ramy Youssef's (who Taylor probably met at the "Poor Things" premiere) comedy show in NYC and 100% of the proceeds would go to the Gaza relief fund. The thing is, Selena and Taylor are getting all the credit and praise for Ramy's activism. I've been a fan of her work for the past 10 years and her recent activities have turned me off of her completely. The turning point was that pathetic TIME interview.
I've always thought of her as this well-read individual who can masterfully express herself whether it would be public speaking or writing but I couldn't help but cringe while reading that article. She tries too hard to appeal to gen z and younger millennial crowd when she herself is practically pushing 40 atp. I feel like all of her 'intelligence' came from being around Joe Alwyn who's a notorious bookworm. The fact that she describes her Rep era as 'goth-punk' was the first strike, the 2016 hate train as a ' career death' was the 2nd and the whole patriarchy delusion she went into just hit the final nail in the coffin and I was like 'nope, not doing this shit anymore'.
I know that swifties have been comparing her to Beyonce lately saying things like 'well, Taylor writes her songs' or 'Beyonce can't read' and talking about how she doesn't give interviews so people don't know that she's dumb. And as a comparison I've found her Harper's Bazaar interview that she gave when she turned 40. And good God, I've slept on this woman for way too long. In the interview she talks about building her work ethic from an early age. The dedication of her life's decades (First decade was dedicated to dreaming, the teens were about the grind, the 20s were about building a strong foundation for her career and establishing her legacy, the 30s were about starting her family and prioritizing her own life over her career). She started her own management company at 27, in 2013 she started her charity foundation in which she helps hurricane relief, education, supporting minorities businesses, families with housing needs, water crises, pediatric health care and pandemic relief. She talks about expanding her business ventures beyond music industry, talks about setting boundaries in the world of celebrity culture, about her friends being a group of strong independent women, about the importance of mental health. She also says that she's most inspired by her parents ("My mother has always been my Queen and still is. She has always been so strong and is filled with humanity", "No matter how tired she was, she was always professional, loving, and nurturing."; "My father constantly encouraged me to write my own songs and create my own vision. He is the reason I wrote and produced at such a young age."). That woman is so well-spoken and genuine you can't help but feel warm while reading it and she doesn't feel the need of throwing unnecessary 'smart people' words to seem that way.
Reading Taylor's "Person of the Year" profile and Beyonce's 'Entering 40s' interview were completely different experiences. And as a result, one of them lost a fan and the other gained one. I wish Tree Paine would stop Taylor from giving these interviews because everytime she does, she comes across as tone-deaf, out of touch, mentally stuck overgrown teenager, try-hard bratty diva who can't stand being not the only one praised.
Anyway, I'd recommend to read the full interview and watching her new film. I've watched it yesterday and got the urge of turning my life around. That lady is truly such a light.
Taylor's friend list also includes 'Mr. and Mrs. plantation with slave cabins on the property wedding', 'a sex offender and a SA apologist as the newest addition', 'Ms. "I assaulted my own sister", ' an insecure and whiny music producer who likes to stir drama on Taylor's behalf'. And not to mention that she's dated a nazi this year and her newest flavour of the month is a fatphobic jock with a double digit iq, her father is also an avid republican voter. I think the people she surrounds herself with tell about her more than she does herself.
And concluding with two cents about Joe Alwyn. I'm glad she's out of his life. While I was a swiftie I've watched his interviews and he always came across as a very gentle, calm, well-spoken and a bit introverted man. And she's... well, her. I also think that she'd held him back in her job in regards of producers and directors not wanting their work to be overshadowed by 'Taylor's BF is in this' articles. I'm hoping he does more projects in the future or maybe dips his toes in writing and directing something because clearly he's a talented writer.
Sorry for the long rant, had to get it out of my system <3
I love reading your rants, keep it coming. they are so on point.
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INVALID reasons to dislike Taylor Swift as a person:
You don't like her music
You think her fans are obnoxious/annoying
You believe she is not being genuine about liking/appreciating her fanbase or the awards she has received
You didn't fact-check that "study" that claimed she emitted 8,000 tons of carbon via her private jet (I read the article by Yard— not only do they not source their methodology, but other climate experts have come up with completely different estimates, averaging around 1,000 tons)
You believe Taylor Swift (the person) is guilty of queerbaiting
You don't think non-Black people have any place at all in hip-hop
She has friends who are mostly also rich white people
She has had a lot of boyfriends in the past and seems to have moved on from her partner of six years very quickly
She sometimes plays the victim
You think heartbreak is all she writes about
VALID reasons to dislike Taylor Swift as a person:
You believe Taylor Swift (the brand) is guilty of queerbaiting and that Taylor Swift (the person) is content with this business strategy
1,000 tons of carbon is still A LOT to emit and Swift should be more responsible with her footprint, ESPECIALLY now that she's touring
The music video for "Shake it Off" features what many people consider racially insensitive material, disputably using traditionally Black and Latine styles of dance as the butt of the joke and Black and Latine women as props
Swift was politically quiet for years, allowing white supremacists and nationalists to claim her as one of their own and declare her their "Aryan goddess" (though this could be blamed on her marketing team, considering they did not allow her to be politically active until 2018— and she did denounce racists in interviews prior to making her Democratic opinions public)
She is currently dating white singer/songwriter Matt Healy, who has been accused of a) saying the n-word, b) doing a Nazi salute on stage "ironically—" and there is video evidence of this, though it's difficult to tell if it's actually a Nazi salute or just a regular gesture to which he didn't give much thought, c) making fun of fat people, and d) making fun of black women. And probably more of which I'm not aware.
The music video for "You Need to Calm Down" portrays a very naive view of bigotry as angry people holding signs (and a somewhat classist view of bigotry as well, considering the appearance of the "homophobes") and uses queer people as props
She's a rich white liberal and is guilty of many of the sins typical of most rich white liberals
She has played the victim as a white woman and vilified black men (specifically Kanye West) in the process
You believe her releasing new songs like "Mr. Perfectly Fine" and the 10 minute version of "All Too Well" has encouraged harassment of men she dated over a decade ago and there was no need to rehash this hurt.
You believe that the academies (i.e. the Grammys, the VMAs, etc.) are biased towards her as a white woman and she has not done enough to combat or even acknowledge this racism
She has engaged in LGBTQ+ erasure by having one of her brand's official accounts call straight couples "lavender," even though that is a queer phrase, following the announcement of her song "Lavender Haze" and by using the queer dog whistle "hairpin drop" in a song even though she is assumed to be straight, reducing the saying's meaning.
You just don't like her vibes (NOTE: this is a valid reason to dislike her in your personal life, but NOT to diss her)
More can be added to both lists. Please note that many people acknowledge all of the flaws above listed and like her anyway because, as it is important to understand, she is human and will often make mistakes. Doing any one of these things do not make her a "bad person," and dividing people into "good" and "bad" categories— especially people who you don't know— is very binary and unnuanced; however, they do make her a flawed person, and people, Swifties and non-Swifties, have a right to make of that what they will.
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zot3-flopped · 8 months
The people who see PR in celebs’ love lives got to this point because they hold certain very childish beliefs about relationships and about what pop stars feel about their fans, and also about paparazzi.
So first of all they have an incredibly simplistic view of relationships, which is that a couple should be visibly a couple or else it there is something wrong. Imagine a young teenage girl writing to an agony aunt: ‘My boyfriend won’t hold my hand in public: doesn’t he truly love me?” only there is no agony aunt to tell them to get a grip and that people use different levels of affection at different times - you know, normal stuff that people usually learn really young but these chumps have somehow not. This is where all the ‘he never claims his women’ crap comes from. I suspect they are growing up in really conservative, perhaps very Christian, families where landing a good husband means you have won a prize in life. They need to perform the role of girlfriend as a warning to others to back off, and they need their boyfriends to perform their roles as protection.
Secondly, since they are stunted emotionally, they believe that “the fans” actually have some real measure of control over what pop stars do - in 1D’s case, they fully encouraged this. All the praise of the fans, all the effusive thank yous, all the acknowledgement that the fans know everything - this is what some simple-minded fans cling onto, not the other stuff about boundaries and personal lives etc. It means that they think on some level (of insanity) that the fans and the pop star are working towards the same goal, namely a sort of shared friendship where the fans can advise the star, and he will do what they say. So when the pop star doesn’t share stuff, doesn’t let them IN, they feel a psychological wound, and go on the attack. Sometimes the man gets it; always the woman gets it. (Women are a natural threat: see above.) This is where management fill a role, too: they take the pressure off the need to blame the star himself for rejecting the fans’ clear wishes. Double points if management can be in cahoots with the woman.
Thirdly, they hold intractable beliefs about how the paparazzi industry works, and they cannot be shaken from these. It’s useless to explain that paps have gone on record saying that stars at the very top don’t tend to call them unless they have a very, very specific job that needs doing (I saw a good example of Rihanna announcing her first pregnancy, bump out, head-to-toe Chanel). What paps say is that people calling them for promo are usually at the low end of the fame spectrum, and they have a brand endorsement to do. But because some people call them sometimes, in their simple minds that means all celebs call them always, and every shot that ever appears now is called a pap walk. Half the time they’re just fans with iPhones. It doesn’t help that Backgrid have a couple of times accepted these photos onto their database, from where they’re purchased and published. The ‘low-rent celebs doing a brand endorsement’ might explain why some people are convinced he is actively promoting Lime Bikes. He’s worth £175M but yeah he’s a public bike influencer as well (rolling my eyes).
Here are some truths about Harry: he hates being photographed - according to paparazzi! -so when he looks miserable, it’s not because he’s being forced to be with a particular woman against his will. He doesn’t talk about his relationships and I have absolutely no doubt that every person he’s been with has for a long while been on the same page. He knows how to do PR and he always works hard at promotion so it doesn’t take a genius to work out that if (in an alternate universe, presumably) he ever did do a PR relationship (as if) he would do a good job at it and not scowl at the cameras in sweaty gym gear. He is rarely photographed by fans with Taylor, and currently is rarely photographed by himself as well, so either he’s setting boundaries (good) or he’s not going out as much (not good).
Harry and Taylor being spotted in a bakery or whatever is not going to sell theatre tickets in NY but that’s what those childish nitwits are angling for. It’s pathetic.
It’s cathartic to let all this out but I understand if you prefer not to publish my essay. Thank you.
👏👏👏 So many excellent, perceptive points. You are right about these PR types being childish and inexperienced. There was a poll on @apolladay with about 1k votes and 60% of Tumblr bloggers have never been in a relationship.
Here's a more recent poll with over 1k votes. 54% still live at home with their parents.
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tawaifeddiediaz · 1 year
tbf some of us are complaining about this feeling like eddieana/bucktaylor again because it feels like an unoriginal rehashing of those storylines, not just because of love interests per se
but is it? is it really?
before i say anything, i want to preface by saying that everyone is entitled to their own opinion about things, and that being disappointed with how the season ends is a valid feeling to have. except the way that this has spiraled through fandom with all these comparisons indicates that no one's really understanding the use of these storylines to begin with. that no one's taking it with any amount of grace, between the constant negativity, review bombing, etc etc and that's why it's frankly annoying.
yes, there was the whole thing about this potentially being the series finale, and if that had happened, it would've sucked, but it didn't. there are still many stories to tell about this whole thing, why not focus on that?
back to your ask:
eddie, this whole season, has spent time fretting and spiraling about not wanting to be alone, now that he's actually in a place to move on from shannon - who, as we've found out this season, has potentially been his only partner before ana.
think about the way that it is only this season that pepa starts to set him up, and that it's only this season that he even considers it, even if it's for his aunt's sake and he wasn't initially happy with it. think about the way he's been going to frank to unravel some of these feelings, that he and chris are talking more openly about shannon, that eddie is allowing himself to feel his grief so he can carry the weight of it better.
marisol, regardless of how anyone feels about her, comes in front of him and he feels a spark of connection with her at the hardware store. and this time, christopher himself encourages eddie to call her, ending the conflict we saw at the beginning of the episode where he was trying to text her.
eddieana and eddiemarisol are very different just on the basis of how he reaches out to her. it remains to be seen how they intend to continue it, but for the purpose of his arc this season, he's taken the step, his son is on board, and he's moving towards a relationship where he feels less of the grief of losing shannon. those are three securities that eddieana did not have, because eddieana was how eddie was trying to move on from shannon's loss, while eddiemarisol is what he's doing now that he already has.
as for bucktaylor - natalia, whether we like it or not, gives buck something that no other character on the show gives, just by virtue of not knowing him. him dying isn't a tragedy to her the way it is to everyone else, and for buck, who's still grappling with the loss of his life and all, that is a big thing for him to find somewhere.
it's easy for us to sit here and say "eddie sees him" or "how does someone who's known him for 3 seconds know him better than all his friends" or "she sounds too fascinated" but buck does not get afforded the same view that we do. he is an unreliable narrator, going through the things that we see from a bird's eye view, almost.
yes, there are multiple parallels between bucktaylor and bucknatalia but again, those are things we see, as viewers. they're not things that buck is going to notice right off the bat.
that ending scene with the couch - if we absolutely must with this specific interpretation of the theory - ali and taylor both came with couches. this is one where he's taking an active role in purchasing it for his apartment, an active role in pursuing something that'll make him happy. will it pan out? who knows. but where his story stands right now, it's miles different from where buck and taylor where at the end of s4.
and if it's buddie goggles that we're trying to view this through, then i absolutely do understand the disappointment, but with s7 coming up, and so much more for them to flesh out (because 911 does sometimes spread storylines across multiple seasons), there's going to be a lot more to come.
anyway this got very long, but my point basically is that i don't understand how this feels like they're rehashing storylines because when i take a look at the path towards the decision they made with ana and taylor vs marisol and natalia, it couldn't be more different.
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jalwyn21 · 7 months
This! If anything, the fact that he stayed so long with her makes me think he might be a super empath.
It's a known fact that narcissists specifically target people who are very empathetic or very kind because those people are easier to manipulate. Factor in what literally everyone who has ever known or worked with Joe has said about how lovely he is and how sensitive he is to other people's feelings and how he wants people to feel safe on set along with what was happening with the hate train against Taylor in 2016 and the way she probably did make herself seem like the completely flawless victim, it's not surprising at all he would fall for her. And let's be real, at the age of 25, he was probably extremely flattered that an international superstar would be so interested in him that he didn't think about anything else. But obviously reality had to sink in for him at some point and we have Taylor's own music to tell us that she did keep a tight leash on him to keep him from leaving with all her manipulative behavior. But eventually he did manage to break free of her and now he's thriving even with the negative attention that she keeps trying to thrust on him. And even the way she harnesses her fanbase is such a red flag. What other celebrity does that to the extent that she does. I have my criticisms of Selena Gomez but even she told her fans to stop harassing Hailey and Kylie while Taylor is actively encouraging her fans to go after Joe.
There is one thing that I feel doesn't get talked about which is how she suddenly became besties with Sophie Turner when she was divorcing Joe Jonas. Now, Sophie was in a very vulnerable position because of the divorce and the way Joe was slandering her in the media by calling her a bad mother in an effort to stop her from getting custody of the kids so she could take them back to England to live a quiet life like she'd always wanted. And then suddenly in the midst of all that, Taylor involves herself and starts doing pap walks with Sophie Turner? I don't actually blame Sophie because I understand she must have been desperate and you really don't see much of her nowadays anyway. But what reason did Taylor have to get involved with the woman her ex was getting divorced from if not to gain clout as some big feminist. Bear in mind this was happening while she was still getting some heat for Matty Healy and the private jet thing so she was in need of some good pr. And it worked because the articles that should have been about how Sophie Turner was being treated became about what a girl's girl Taylor was to be supporting Sophie as Joe J's ex. It's funny because fans accuse Joe of going after Taylor when she was at her most vulnerable when Taylor literally did that with Sophie. And when was the last time we actually saw or heard her say anything in support of Sophie aside from the pap walks?
I think being with Travis works for her right now because it gives the illusion of her having moved on as well as give her the opportunity to be in the spotlight with a partner who also loves it as much as she does. But it is going to backfire on her because one narcissist can't exist peacefully with another one. At best, they will have a messy breakup where she will once again claim victimhood. At worst, they will eventually destroy each other.
At any rate, we can literally see how much better off Joe is away from her and the less attention he gives her or her fans the better off he will continue to be. I hope he spends his birthday celebrating with friends and family, knowing what a lucky escape he's had and that he deserves so much better than her
I'm sure he had a great birthday. He is well loved by both friends and family... and basically every woman he meets...
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hxrricvnes · 4 days
c. | michaela shannon finch.
she's a badass with a big heart. –r.h. sin
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Is that CAMILLA LUDDINGTON? No, that’s just MICHAELA FINCH. They were born on 12/15/1977 and are a (FLOWER) FAIRY living in Northknot Town. They work as a NEUROSURGEON. Some say they're FRIENDLY and INTUITIVE, but I’ve heard others say they're STUBBORN and DEFIANT. When you think of HER, don’t you think of A KIND SMILE AND KNOWING EYES, A RECORD PLAYER FILLING THE WHOLE HOUSE WITH SOFT SOUNDS, AND THE SOUND OF RAIN AGAINST A WINDOW?
M U S I C    P L A Y E R
“  I do what I want (she does), say what you say. I work real hard every day. I'm a motherfucking woman, baby, alright. ” woman by kesha “  They wouldn't shake their heads and question how much of this I deserve. What I was wearing, if I was rude... Could all be separated from my good ideas and power moves . ” the man by taylor swift “  But I won't let them break me down to dust. I know that there's a place for us–- For we are glorious. ” this is me by keala settle
P E R S O N A L I T Y  
When asked about, people tend to describe Michaela as a total girls girl. She's kind and genuinely cares for others. She's never been the type to try to bring someone down to help herself. Michaela will always consider everyones feelings. But that doesn't mean she's a push over either. Her kind heart doesn't mean she'll hesitate to put someone in their place. Especially when it comes to her children, 'Mama Bear' is always ready for them. She's a very active and hard working woman. Doesn't let anything stop her from her goals. Which isn't a bad thing, but has gotten her in trouble from time to time. Mainly when she was younger, but once in awhile even now.
Growing up, Michaela was always someone who other's would describe as "ahead of her times." She'd run around like most children, but also had moments where she'd just stop and really think about things that most children didn't. She didn't just accept most things told to her. As soon as she could read, the girl didn't stop researching anything and everything. She needed to know the why's and how things could change. She always knew she wanted to be a doctor. The only thing that changed was what she'd specialise in. She wanted to help everyone and focusing on one thing didn't always sit right with her. Micha just wanted to do it all and help everyone. The old she got, the more she was able to realise what seemed to call out to her. Due to always being so into school, she was able to get into a school of her choice and graduated at the top of her glass. When she was twenty, she found out she was pregnant, and while it hadn't been part of her plan in that moment... She knew she wanted a family. So she decided to not only keep the baby, but also to not let it stop her from her goal. A lot of people judged her for not slowing down. They all assumed she'd overwork herself but she proved them all wrong. Even before her kids were born, she was setting examples for them. Having Beckett changed her life. Michaela wasn't a selfish perseon, but all her goals shifted. They became goals she wanted for her family. She wanted to prove that if you want something badly enough, you can do it. So she always encouraged her kids to go after what they wanted. Nowadays, Michaela is still pretty much the same. She has everything she's ever wanted. With all the threats, she has been on edge a little because she's afraid to have any of it taken away from her.
husband. to be plotted. but would love for them to have dated broke up and got back together (could have been because she was pregnant)... struggled a bit but made it work. and have been happy since. (fc suggestion: john krasinski, ryan gosling, open to 40+) best friend. i would love for her to have a friend that she's just had since childhood. the two did everything together, but once they were older, they didn't end up doing the same thing, but they never let that get in their way. they still support each other all the way. work friend. someone who started their career around the same time as michaela. so they really went through it together. might have friendly competition as work, but never actually argue about it. frenemy. someone who just bumps head with michaela a lot. the two are both pretty stubborn and somehow end up seeing each other a lot. they don't always disagree, but still just can't seem to be on the same page at the same time.
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beachesgetpeaches · 1 year
I can't deal with the two extremes at this point. I've seen some act like Matty is a godsend that never did anything wrong, because it was all an "act". I've seen the other side act like he murdered someone.
There is a middle ground. He might just be an immature asshole that made shitty edgy jokes. He wouldn't be the first. He won't be the last.
More than anything, and this is just my opinion, I feel like a lot (not all) of Swifties are upset, not because of what he said or did, but because he makes Taylor look bad and it calls her activism into question. Some of them seem to think liking an activist makes them an activist or morally superior.
This is probably all over the place, but that's kind of how I feel. Matty is an ass, as always. But Taylor was never an unproblematic champion of marginalized communities.
I think at this point, fans might just need to accept that maybe they aren't amazing people, and maybe it's okay to just like their music or...stop buying it. Taylor breaking up with Matty tomorrow won't make her a better person.
Sorry, that was longer than I meant it to be.
I actually love that my ask can be a place to vent and share opinions so no apologies needed for the length. But I agree, there are two extremes which kind of just seem to feed each other... and it's not constructive at all.
It also means that if you say something that disagrees with one extreme you are likely to be treated as the other. Though in this case I've gotta admit that I've seen more of it from the "hate matty" side than the defend side - though this could just be the side of the internet I am in.
And with that kind of mindset it means that people who are in the middle (which I think is the closest to the truth, not to idk pat myself on the head or anything) and recognise that Matty has fucked up, and that we should criticise some of his actions, while also maintaining that he is not actually racist/antisemitic/islamophobic/thedevil/etc... those people are being ignored. Or worse, they just get bunched with the other extreme side and called racists, white-feminists, and yknow the rest.
Not to mention that I do think Matty in his statement to New Yorker was onto something with how he said "let me get as close to X as possible, so you can see how good I am"... kind of like, look at me calling out what everyone else is calling out to prove how moral and good and worthy I am. When, in fact, all of those reactions are doing nothing because ultimately Matty (in this case) is actually not a racist, has stood for things that need standing up for, and is actually not actively harming people. Beyond hurting feelings of people online (?).
(and I guess here I understand the wish from some fans that he addresses things or apologises, but I can't speak on t1975 fandom account since I have not been a part of it for the many years they have been active)
Either way, to me it seems that people still have not learned to listen/read for themselves instead of reiterating the things they read without forming their own opinion.
@yallcantread has made a few really well written, well documented posts about this specific topic, which I would encourage people to read through.
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anon, who is applauding Taylor for having the courage and strength to walk away from a relationship that is no longer working, I really appreciate you saying that. I feel the same way. The last thing Taylor (or anyone, for that matter) needs to do is stay in a situation where it's just not fulfilling the people who are actively in it, in order to please those who have no active part in the relationship.
I've seen some people online make comments like "I don't get Taylor; does she even know what she really wants?" While I'm in no place to say or know what exactly Taylor wants, if she were to be honestly trying to figure things out, we should not treat that as some kind of moral weakness. If someone needs to do that, they should shown grace, compassion, and understanding. In fact, they should be encouraged to take the time and do soul searching. If we don't know who we are, and what we want/are about, how can we share our best with others?
Also, again, I don't claim to know what Taylor's wants and desires are, in terms of her private life. I do think of her, in Lavender Haze, railing against "the 1950's shit they want from me". I wonder if, after much contemplation and thinking, is it possible that Taylor came to the realization "maybe I don't want to get married. Maybe I don't want to have kids. More power to those who do, but my path lies elsewhere". When you have society define a woman's entire success in life based on her getting married, settling down, and producing children, what if Taylor is saying, 'I draw so much fulfillment from my career, because my work (songwriting, directing, performing) defines me'. And that's not a putdown to those who do what the marriage, and children. The point is, we should all be allowed to follow the path in life that is best for us, and brings us the most reward and satisfaction, whatever it maybe. Taylor has always talked about being honest, with ourselves, with others, and being honest with our emotions. That honest might be hard to hear, for some, but I think it makes for a greater perspective and understanding. Again, I don't claim to know what Taylor's thinking is, but these are things that I have been thinking about. Let Taylor be Taylor. And may each of us know to be themselves.
And as silly as it is I've been saying something akin to this a lot on TSSQ. I mostly talk about it through the lens of what your favourite Taylor song is and being open to re-examining songs that you 'hate' or don't like - but I think it holds true for really all of life.
Give yourself the permission and the space to change your mind! You are allowed to change your mind! And to reformat your life based on what you've honestly asked yourself that you need.
It's absolutely terrifying to ask the question in the first place. Because what if the answer is different than it has been in the past. Change is incredibly hard for anyone. And if you don't know yourself - what do you actually know?
It's brave to ask yourself the question. It's brave to know that the answer you get might be different than you expect. It's brave to know and trust yourself so completely that you are capable of following through on making your reality fit the conversation you are having with your inner most self.
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viperbarnes · 2 years
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I posted 3,442 times in 2022
164 posts created (5%)
3,278 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 493 of my posts in 2022
#bucky barnes x reader - 53 posts
#bucky barnes - 49 posts
#bucky barnes/reader - 49 posts
#bucky barnes x you - 48 posts
#bucky barnes/you - 47 posts
#bucky barnes/yn - 46 posts
#bucky barnes x yn - 46 posts
#tfatws - 28 posts
#comment rb - 18 posts
#marvel - 18 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i haven’t been online properly for a few days so i don’t know what happened but absolutely fuck you if you aren’t holding people to account
I sent 1 gift in 2022
My Top Posts in 2022:
You Are In Love -- Oneshot
[Bucky Barnes x Reader]
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Summary:You can hear it in the silence. You can feel it on the way home. You can see it with the lights out, you are in love.
Notes: this is just a widdle something based off of Taylor Swift's 'You Are In Love' which made me cry when I first heard it rip. thank you to @xbuchananbarnes for encouraging me on this one a few months back, and for putting up with me when I left it off with angst in the sneak peek&lt;3
Warnings: allusions to sexy times, mentions of affairs and infidelity, but mostly just pure fluff &lt;3
Words: 3868
See the full post
395 notes - Posted May 23, 2022
The Itch – Masterlist
Alpha!Bucky x Omega!Reader
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Summary: “It seems whatever suppressants HYDRA pumped you with over the years have flushed out of your system at last… you aren’t sick, Sergeant Barnes. You’re an Alpha who hasn’t known an Omega in more than 80 years.”
Warnings: smut smut smut smut smut 18+ PLEASE! also cussing probably, and later the implication of infidelity but sort of not really, (if you have concerns feel free to shoot me an ask and i can explain further!)
A/N: this is just one of two different ABO au's i've been planning for a while teehee, but this is the shorter and more complete one so far! let me know if you'd like to be tagged!
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493 notes - Posted August 1, 2022
The Family -- [Mafia AU, Oneshot]
40's Mob Boss!Bucky Barnes x Reader
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Summary: Bucky returns home from the war and finds himself with a lifetime's worth of mistakes to make up for. You aren't going to make it easy for him, but he wouldn't have it any other way.
Warnings: smut! gun violence, ptsd, dad bucky (prepare ur ovaries) language, bucky having been a dick in the past, mentions of crime and such. The reader has a name, but it only comes up every so often so.... i think thats it?
Notes: This is one of my fave oneshots that I wrote for my patreon, so unless ya'll used to follow me there, this is an entirely new piece <3 This was basically an excuse to write Mob Power Couple Bucky x Reader, and also Dad!Bucky <3
Words: 17k!!!!!!!!!!!
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1,071 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
The Itch [1/3]
Alpha!Bucky x Omega!Reader
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Summary: “It seems whatever suppressants HYDRA pumped you with over the years have flushed out of your system at last… you aren’t sick, Sergeant Barnes. You’re an Alpha who hasn’t known an Omega in more than 80 years.”
Warnings: smut smut smut smut smut 18+ PLEASE! also cussing probably, and later the implication of infidelity but sort of not really, (if you have concerns feel free to shoot me an ask and i can explain further!)
A/N: this is just one of two different ABO au’s i’ve been planning for a while teehee, but this is the shorter and more complete one so far! let me know if you’d like to be tagged!
Word Count: 3.6k
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1,552 notes - Posted August 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
No Strings Attached
Ex!Steve Rogers x Reader
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Summary: “Every time you’ve called me, I’ve come,” Steve says, voice thick with hurt, and you clench your teeth. “Every. Time.”
Warnings: smut! language, hurt, exes to lovers &lt;3
Notes: this is one of my fave oneshots i've ever written tbh. i really love the trope of people breaking up, because of xyz issue, and then the person with xyz issue actively works to resolve or change it, but with no expectation of reuniting, just because they want to be a better person. so ye, that's basically this whole fic lmao
Words: 15,849
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4,373 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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mariacallous · 2 years
Thoughts on Ilhan Omar's removal? I'm conflicted, on the one hand I don't want her on Foreign Affairs, her votes on Russia, Ukraine, etc are grade A horrible, I think based on the evidence she's antisemitic both personally and in her policy stands
that said I know that this is a purely cynical move by the GOP to get revenge on behalf of and offer political cover/white wash Marjorie Taylor Greene who supports Qanon a massively antisemitic conspiracy theory, and Paul Gosar who has lots of links to holocaust denying Neo-Nazis, so like they're not doing it because Omar is bad for the Jews, they don't give a shit about us
so I'm struggling, is a result I like getting someone who I think has dangerously bad opinions on foreign policy off the committee in charge of foreign policy and punishing someone for something they should have been punished for years ago good if it's done for bad/shitty reasons and offers cover to other bad actors or is it bad because it was done for cynical and shitty reasons
I think that it's normal to be conflicted in this case because of reasons like these - I would say that I fall on it being bad both because of the cynical and shitty reasons and because of the false equivalency - like apart from their antisemitism, Gosar and Greene were removed because they were openly advocating for violence against their colleagues and encouraging January 6th and similar activities. Ilhan Omar hasn't done anything like that.
And she's antagonized the right and the GOP for years just by existing tbh - a prominent, vocal, leftist, female, Somali, Muslim, refugee who got elected in a very blue part of a purplish state and who's been pretty unapologetic the whole time. So that adds to the shittiness.
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illlllillllli · 2 years
I understand most of yall hate tiktok but i need you to understand that with twitter on the verge of death, people literally finding themselves unable to download archives of their content, that tiktok is serving a vital purpose right now
If you search names like Shervin Hajipour, Zhina Amini (Mahsa Amini), Hossein Ronaghi, Khodanour Lajaei, or Nika Shakarami on google, you might only find results from September or October. As I'm typing this, November 2022 is almost over.
This particular wave of the ongoing genocide has been ramping up for MONTHS now and you have to dig for updates.
Look back a little further and you'll learn about Bloody November, in 2019. 1500+ peaceful people. Look back further! This battle against genocide isn't new, isn't small, isn't irrelevant. But mainstream news would have you believe it. Meanwhile on TT and IG you can search these tags and find updates as recent as a few hours.
Hashtags on tiktok are allowing people to communicate directly. The internet and ELECTRICITY are cut off in Mahabad and people are being attacked in cities across Iran
yet humans across continents have formed a delicate chain of communication with voice recorders, videos, instagram, twitter, tiktok... this echo is how we hear their cries for help. their literal cries for help. The literal voice recordings of Iranian children and adults in terror being shot at being executed having their homes burned are still making it out of a cities under attack across continents and oceans.
Tiktok is full of vile evil shit just like the rest of the internet. Just like Twitter. but we need these forms of communication.
I am telling you. The content of these videos, which you can find yourself on tiktok or other social media with hashtags like #MahsaAmini, #StopExecutionsInIran, #WomenLifeFreedom, #Mahabad and more, is not being archived for history lessons for your grandkids to watch on a projector. It isn't gonna be broadcast next week on tv news. It is actively being scrubbed, minute by minute, by people who do not want you to believe or care this is happening. People who know that in the age of information excess, out of sight is out of mind. People who know they can enrage more people with Taylor Swift concert tickets.
I download as many videos, as much footage as I can come across. Then I'm moving them to my computer. Then a flash drive. I'm trying to get a library card to access a printer so I can have physical copies of articles. English, Arabic, anything that is direct footage, any summaries of events, I am including the date and location. This is something you can do too. This is something tiktok makes easy to do.
Nobody is telling me to do it but I believe it's going to matter.
I'm 27. I understand the education system. In my time since graduation I've come to understand how much we WEREN'T taught, how much we were taught that was a straight up lie.
Filtering through data is a good skill to have whether you're reading a textbook or using social media.
I'm not telling you to like tiktok or even try it, I'm just saying that if you care about this information then you can find it there, and you can connect with other people who also care.
(Also, there are TON of Indigenous creators using tiktok to share their history, language, art, and updates about issues like threats to the Indian Child Welfare Act. You can't control the algorithm but you kinda can. There are a lot of great people on these apps and I don't want to lose them and I don't want them to lose their space either.)
Archiving, connecting, listening, and learning may not be profitable or encouraged but it is important and accessible work and if you are often housebound or even bedbound, it can be a fulfilling way to reach out to others.
These people in Iran are in danger. They are children, students, people who care about the planet, about equality, about fairness. Thats WHY theyre being executed. These are the people who believe in the future we want and how can we build that future if they're gone? More importantly than their value to future generations, these people deserve to live their own lives, to breathe, to not be afraid.
Many of the recordings I find on tiktok are the first and last bits of connection we have with the people who make them, because they have since been executed or gone missing.
I have seen the photos Kian Pirfalak, a little boy shot to death, his body under ice so it wouldn't be stolen away. People across the ocean knew he died before his father- also injured, still in critical condition from when we last heard- knew he lost a son. His mother attacked while mourning at his funeral.
Ive seen the photos of the devices they use to hang people. People my age. Do you know what I mean? When I watch a video I know it could be removed in an hour. Accounts get deleted and how do you ever find that Person again? that individual, specific person? To help them?
There are people on the internet trying to convince you that 15,000+ humans are not currently at risk of execution. Theyve had a lot of success desensitizing everyone to mass death what with the pandemic and all. Please don't let them. If you cant conceptualize these numbers, just think about one person. Think about the ones who died and why. Think about the ones who are alive and what they need.
I will be posting some of the videos I find on here as well. This is happening in real time and it's being erased in real time. All of this could be gone tomorrow. I don't know what else to say.
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Lmao, people need to start getting serious and stop pretending that people immediately picking random famoua guys to pair Taylor off with after she announced she ditched Toe is something that would ever bother her, she is literally the woman who told a Vanity Fair interviewer in 2020 that in 2016 she and her dumb little female brain couldn't comprehend American politics until a big strong smart man with a superior man-brain came to the US from Britain and told her "Trump bad! Vote Democrat!" within like the first month he ever spent in America because for some dumb reason she thought it'd boost her chances of Miss Americana making the Oscar shortlist for Best Documentary
I love Taylor too but people really need to stop putting her on a pedestal and pretending that she doesn't quite often and quite purposely use misgogynistic tropes and shit to promote and sell whatever she's got going on at the time and that misogyny is actually something that bothers her 24/7 instead of something she likes to use to her advantage on occasions 💀
Anon, I think you are assuming that these truths cannot coincide, when I just don’t think that’s the case. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to post this, because I think some of the language is harmful, and I’m not honestly sure if you’re actually a Taylor fan or just a troll. But, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.
First of all, many of us have been perplexed and frustrated by some of the things she says and does—especially in the case of crediting joe for her political activism. However, Taylor has never portrayed herself as having a “dumb little female brain,” and I find that assertion to be offensive, even though I don’t think you’re actually knocking her intelligence.
I am also of the opinion that joe was a stand-in for Karlie in many ways. So Taylor saying that he encouraged her to speak up and be braver about her political stances could have been her way of honoring Karlie (who has always been politically outspoken) for encouraging Taylor in a similar way.
Taylor does a lot of things that mystify me. I don’t always understand her motives, other than to succeed in the music business. I think that’s always come first for her, even to the detriment of her personal life and relationships. Things like this or Grammygate perhaps are not the best look for someone who has framed herself as a feminist activist, but I think that can coexist with the fact that Taylor would be bothered by people constantly trying to tie her to a man.
It takes me back to the Archer: “I cut off my nose just to spite my face/ then hate my reflection for years and years” She does a lot of things that are contrary to her own beliefs out of fear and the need to be liked by the public. (See also: “I’ve never had the courage of my convictions as long as danger is near”). She doesn’t like that she does these things, and she doesn’t like that (to her it seems) the only way to succeed is by tying herself to a man. I think it’s clear through her lyrics (too many to list) that she wishes it wasn’t so.
Plus, it’s one thing to do it herself (and hate it all the while), but it’s a completely different thing to have others do it for you and rub your face in it. That would really suck.
So while you might say it’s hypocritical for her to be offended by the notion of people trying to match her up with a bunch of famous men, it’s not unrealistic for her to feel that way. I have always worked very hard to keep from putting her on a pedestal, as you mentioned, and I think part of doing that is recognizing the duality of Taylor, her beliefs, and her lyrics.
She’s a businesswoman, yes, but still a woman. Still a person. We’re all hypocritical sometimes, we all do things that we hate, and we all want to be told we’re strong enough to succeed on our own.
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