#andrew mogel
k-wame · 7 months
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JACK BLACK & JAMES MARSDEN The D Train (2015) · dir(s). Andrew Mogel · Jarrad Paul
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tctmp · 1 year
Comedy  Drama
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rosalie-starfall · 3 years
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Weekly TV Shows: Week 05/20 (01)
I thought about it and planed this a lot of times. But now, finally, I feel, that I have more will power to write and watch more. This makes it a good opportunity, to talk weekly, about the newest episodes of some tv shows, that I'll be watching week by week. As always, I'm lazy and I don't promise, that it will be regularly, but I promise, that I will try.
Only one problem tho, I'm behind in a lot of popular tv shows (like Vikings (2013-), Riverdale (2017-), Doctor Who (2005) or any other, that you can imagine), so for now, please don't expect much from me. I'm gonna watch them someday, maybe.
I almost forgot to say this, but I'm gonna talk about these episodes with *SPOILERS*. You've been warned.
Miracle Workers: Dark Ages (s02e01)
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It's... weird. I mean, it took me a little by surprise, because I didn't expect this show to be an anthology. If I remember correctly, this was supposed to be a miniseries. I guess the numbers were bigger than we thought and that's fine. I'm ready for it. Hopefully.
The cast returned. That's a big plus (yeah, I didn't even watch the trailer, so don't expect me, to know anything about any of this). There are some very talented people on board. It doesn't make the show goodo it's own and it didn't make the first season very good, but I'll gladly watch, what will come of it. As important, as it was in the first season, is the humor. And it's mostly on the same level, as the first season. A little too quirky for me tho, as it was in the first season because I'm more of a "Friends" humor kind of a guy. I guess the story looks a little more promising than in the first season. Yes, there will be a lot compering to the first season. I mostly like just too characters, Alexandra and The King (hey, Peter, what are you doing here?) because these two aren't made into complete idiots. Yeah, okay, maybe Maggie too. That's the problem with the series tho. It makes some characters into idiots, witch just isn't that fun to watch, as it could be, because this story has a lot of potential, or it could have if they had a better writer. I don't know. I'm gonna still watch it, because I'm curious, what's gonna happen next. Please don't disappoint me. I had to add this, Peter Serafinowicz, you badass, keep up the good work.
The Good Place (s04e13)
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Wow. This is probably the best ending there could be. I never thought that this show was a great show, for me it was always good, not much above average and probably that's why this ending took me off guard. The humor was good, but it's the characters, that I stood with. I like them, a lot after these four seasons and I got used to them being around. As is with most of the tv series, running longer than one season, but these are fun and compelling characters. That's why this ending hit the most. because most of them "died" and all of them had a beautiful ending, that they deserved. I know it because Jason was my least favorite (I still liked him, but not a lot) character of the original six and his ending (the first one) was, in my opinion, the best one. Of course, the second wasn't supposed to be there, it ruined it for me a little. But still, when Jason sat on the bench, a small tear dripped from my eyes. Also, I don't know how he (Michael Schur) did it, but he managed to put in here a cameo of every important character in this show, so hats off.  I won't go through every ending, cause there are five of them and still, every one of them is beautiful and filled with so much respect for the show, characters, and fans. Just great. When Chidi told Eleanor, that he was ready for a long time, but he stayed, that was it. It was 1 am and I was crying in my bad. This episode was such a tearjerker but in a good way. And don't know, what more there is to say here, you all saw that. Michael Schur, thank you for a fun show, great characters (especially Eleanor, I like when Kristen Bell has a job), and a wonderful ending. I couldn't imagen anything better.
Saturday Night Live: JJ Watt / Luke Combs (s45e12)
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I just started to watch SNL last week, because of Adam Driver. And I'm no expert, but I think this one was just okay. I didn't know the Host, nor the music guest. The beginning wasn't as good as the beginning of last weeks episode, but it was fun, I enjoyed some of his jokes. The sketches were average as always I guess. Although the MADDEN sketch was my favorite, I always like, when someone is making fun of EA and even more if it's funny. Last week I discovered Halsey and the first song she performed got on my Spotify favorite list. As for Luke Combs, his songs aren't my climate, but I like his voice, he has a great voice. But, at least Halsey took part in some of the sketches and Luke didn't (as far as I know), but he could. He looks like a guy, that likes to have fun. So this episode was just okay.
That's it for this week sadly. I'm not watching anything big right now, as I said at the beginning of the post. So for more meat we have to wait for Rick and Morty (2013-) s04 part 2, or American Gods (2017-) s03, or Hunters (2020), it looks fun.
I was supposed to post it yesterday, but I was too lazy to watch the finale of The Good Place (2016-2020) a day earlier, so... sorry?
See you next week, If there'll anything interesting to write about.
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genevieveetguy · 5 years
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- Are you stalking me? - No, I would never do that. Oh, by the way, the new furniture looks great from the yard.
Yes Man, Peyton Reed (2008)
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lifejustgotawkward · 6 years
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365 Day Movie Challenge (2018) - #137: The D Train (2015) - dirs. Andrew Mogel and Jarrad Paul
(Warning: spoilers ahead.)
Every now and then I take a chance on a film streaming via Netflix despite not knowing much, if anything, about the title. Such is the case with The D Train, a dramedy about blurred lines between masculinity, friendship, admiration, lust and fidelity. I only knew about one particular element of the plot - a pretty important event that happens early in the film and which sets a number of second- and third-act conflicts in motion - but it turned out that that was the only interesting part of a movie that can be described overall as a missed opportunity.
The narrative is driven by Dan Landsman (Jack Black), an office drone who married his high school sweetheart, Stacey (Kathryn Hahn), and doesn’t have a whole lot to look forward to except heading the committee organizing his Pittsburgh high school’s twenty-year reunion. Dan never left town, but the coolest guy from his graduating class, Oliver Lawless (James Marsden), has since become an actor living in Los Angeles. Late one night, after spotting Oliver in a Banana Boat commercial on TV, Dan devises a ridiculous and complicated ruse to trick his boss, Bill Shurmur (Jeffrey Tambor), into letting him go to LA on a “business trip,” during which time Dan plans on meeting Oliver and convincing him to attend the reunion. The plan hits a speed bump when Bill insists on accompanying Dan to the “meeting”; things get even weirder when Oliver, who is surprisingly chill about being contacted by Dan for the first time in decades, agrees to pose as the businessman.
But all of that is a MacGuffin. The real conflict arises after Oliver takes Dan out for a night of carousing at nightclubs, a wild ride overflowing with drugs and booze and ending up with Oliver drunkenly kissing Dan, leading to them having sex. This rendezvous seems to barely leave an impression on Oliver, who is openly bisexual, but for Dan, this indiscretion throws everything he thinks he knows about himself, his sexual orientation and the comfort with which he views his stable marriage/family life into question. Immediately, Dan tries to figure out a way to convince Oliver not to fly to Pittsburgh for the reunion, but of course the wheels are already set in motion for the “big Hollywood actor” to return home.
If it were a better movie, The D Train would have explored the complex nature of Dan’s motivations, impulses and the fallout from his one-night stand with Oliver with more nuance. (If you’re looking for a film that seriously considers the implications that naturally arise from the type of situation Dan is involved in, you’ve got the wrong production.) To Jack Black’s credit, he handles his character’s tectonic shifts in emotion with as much skill as the screenplay allows him. Whatever warmth we might feel for Dan by the end, however, is essentially erased by an unbelievably dumb final montage and summarizing voiceover that attempt to wrap up the last remaining loose ends, but instead make his journey and all his stabs at self-reflection into a joke. It’s also hard not to be peeved at a movie for wasting Kathryn Hahn in yet another of the “harried girlfriend/wife” roles in which she is so often stuck. Not even the presence of the delightful Mike White as one of the high school reunion committee members and a cameo by Dermot Mulroney as himself (Dan and Oliver run into him at an LA hot spot) can do much to salvage the film.
To be fair, though, James Marsden does an excellent job of playing an impossibly sexy narcissist. If there is any one scene from The D Train that will stand out in my memory in the future, it’ll probably be the moment at the end of the film when, the day after Dan and Oliver’s fling has been revealed publicly (in an exceptionally humiliating way), Oliver bids farewell to two other old buddies, Randy (Kyle Bornheimer) and Craig (Henry Zebrowski), by pointing out to them that “I could’ve fucked either one of you.” Their speechless reactions and slight nods are agreements; maybe the ultimate moral of the story, the lesson that writers/directors Andrew Mogel and Jarrad Paul hope that their audience will remember, is that everyone - be they man or woman, wherever they operate within the spectrum of human sexuality - would have sex with James Marsden if given the chance.
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tellusepisode · 4 years
Yes Man (2008)
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GRYFFINDOR: “The world’s a playground! You know that when you are a kid, but somewhere along the way everyone forgets it.” -Nicholas Stoller + Jarrad Paul + Andrew Mogel (Allison: Yes Man)
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thestefanonline · 4 years
Podcast / Blog Psychologie, Ratgeber & Lebenshilfe
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Von Stefan Svik
Folge 3: Der Ja-Sager
Wann ist es noch gesundes, positives Denken und wann wird es zu einer Art Sekte und Gehirnwäsche, um gehorsame, unkritische Untertanen zu formen? Es ist ein Denkfehler zu meinen, dass positives Denken generell bedeutet, dass Menschen dadurch zum Verzicht auf kritisches Denken, zur Dummheit und zum willigen Ja-Sager und Konsum-Zombie erzogen werden. Denn: Ist Grübeln über Dinge, die man eh nicht ändern kann, wirklich klug? Wahrscheinlich ist es so, dass je intelligenter, gefestigter, selbstsicherer und zielstrebiger Menschen sind, sie um so eher Vorbehalte gegen Coaches und selbsternannte Gurus und Möchtegern-Experten haben. Zumal dann, wenn unklar ist, welche Qualifikationen sie haben, und was mit dem Training bezweckt werden soll: Abzocke oder tatsächlich nützliche Hilfe. Menschen, die voll im Leben stehen und bestens zurechtkommen, brauchen keinen Rat mehr oder denken das zumindest. So jemand ist Carl Allen (Jim Carrey).
Der Bankangestellte  verbringt seine Freizeit gerne allein zu Hause vor dem Fernseher. Seine Ehe ist nach wenigen Monaten gescheitert, Allen gibt sich keinen unrealistischen Träumen mehr hin. Seinen Alltag meistert er sehr diszipliniert.  Sein Leben ist so aufgeräumt wie seine gepflegte, sicher nicht billige, Wohnung. Bei der Arbeit erfüllt er seine Pflicht. Alles ist berechen- und vorhersehbar. Carl hat die Kontrolle über sein Leben. Sein bester Freund Peter (Bradley Cooper) will demnächst heiraten und versucht Carl davon zu überzeugen, mehr Freude und Abwechslung in die von Routine und Mittelmäßigkeit geprägten Tage seines Kumpels zu bringen. Als Carl nach einem enttäuschenden Tag in der Bank, nach langer Zeit, einen alten Bekannten wiedersieht und diesen von einem lebensverändernden Coaching erzählen hört, bleibt der sarkastische Single zwar skeptisch, aber gibt der Sache eine Chance.
Nach der Show von Terrence Bundley (Terence Stamp), die wie eine Veranstaltung von Jürgen Höller, Bodo Schäfer oder Tony Robbins wirkt, hat Carl geschworen, von nun an, zu allem, und zwar wirklichem allem, ja zu sagen. Wenn er das ablehnt wird es schlimme Konsequenzen haben, hatte ihm der Motivationstrainer eindringlich eingeimpft. Also nimmt der neugeborene Optimist einen Obdachlosen im Auto mit, lässt diesen sein Telefon leer telefonieren und gibt ihm all sein Geld, schließlich hatte ihn der Fremde höflich danach gefragt.
Es folgt ein Abenteuer voll unerwarteter Wendungen, Chancen und seltsamen Erlebnissen. Als Carl die quirlige Allison (Zooey Deschanel) trifft beginnt eine romantische Komödie. Allison ist das komplette Gegenteil von Carl, sie arbeitet tagsüber in Los Angeles gleichzeitig als Lehrerin für Fotografie und Fitness (die Bilder werden beim Joggen geknipst) und kümmert sich abends um ihren Traum, erfolgreiche Musikerin zu werden. Der so völlig unkonventionelle, spontane und überdrehte Carl fasziniert die junge Frau. Sie ist zwar selbst ein mutiger Freigeist, begegnet dem Leben optimistisch und aufgeschlossen, aber verzettelt  und überfordert sich bei weitem nicht so wie der einst so brave, biedere Bankangestellte.
Der Film basiert auf dem Buch von Danny Wallace und könnte Zuschauern, die von Jim Carrey nach „Die Truman Show“ nur noch ernsthafte Rollen ohne jeglichen Klamauk erwarten, stellenweise etwas zu albern sein. In Sachen wirklich nützlicher Lebenshilfe und Stimmungsaufhellung reiht sich dieses Werk ein mit Serien wie „Scrubs – Die Anfänger“ und „The Big Bang Theory“ oder einem Film wie „Crazy, stupid, love“ oder „Jungfrau (40), männlich, sucht“. Skeptiker und Anhänger von positivem Denken und Coaching werden ebenso zufriedengestellt wie Zuschauer, die einfach nur eine schöne Liebesgeschichte und Humor in Form von ausgeklügelten Gags, Slapstick und temporeichen Stunts auf Zweirädern erleben wollen.
Hinterher haben dann sowohl Carl als auch die aufmerksamen Zuschauer erkannt, wann ein „Ja!“ Türen öffnet und wann ein „Nein“ die klügere Option ist. Eine ganz wunderbare, sehr lustige, schöne und äußerst empfehlenswerte romantische Komödie mit brillantem Soundtrack und wichtigen philosophischen Betrachtungen.
Bewertung: 92 %
Der Ja-Sager
Erscheinungsdatum: 19. Februar 2009 (Deutschland)
Regisseur: Peyton Reed
Originaltitel: Yes Man
Autor der Filmgeschichte: Danny Wallace
Drehbuch: Nicholas Stoller, Jarrad Paul, Andrew Mogel
Laufzeit: 1 Stunde, 43 Minuten.
Bonus der Blu-ray: Komplette Songs von Munchhausen by Proxy, Outtakes, Blick hinter die Kulissen.
FSK: 6.
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itunesbooks · 5 years
Voice Lessons for Parents - Wendy Mogel
Voice Lessons for Parents What to Say, How to Say it, and When to Listen Wendy Mogel Genre: Parenting Price: $11.99 Publish Date: April 17, 2018 Publisher: Scribner Seller: SIMON AND SCHUSTER DIGITAL SALES INC New York Times bestselling author Dr. Wendy Mogel “ teaches parents the dialect needed to converse with their daughters and sons at every stage of life. It’s kind and loving, but it’s also strategic” ( Chicago Tribune). Most parents are perfectly fine communicators—unless they’re talking to their children. Then, too often, their pitch rises and they come across as pleading, indignant, wounded, outraged. In tone and body language they signal, I can’t handle it when you act like a child. Dr. Wendy Mogel, “one of the most astute psychologists on the planet (Angela Duckworth, New York Times bestselling author of Grit ) saw this pattern time and again in her clinical practice. In response, she developed a remarkably effective series of “voice lessons,” which she shared with parents who were struggling with their kids. The results were immediate: a shift in vocal style led to children who were calmer, listened more attentively, and communicated with more warmth, respect, and sincerity. In Voice Lessons for Parents , Mogel elaborates on her novel clinical approach, revealing how each age and stage of a child’s life brings new opportunities to connect through language. Drawing from sources as diverse as neuroscience, fairy tales, and anthropology, Mogel offers specific guidance for talking to children across the expanse of childhood and adolescence. She also explains the best ways to talk about your child to partners, exes, and grandparents, as well as to teachers, coaches, and caretakers. Throughout the book, Mogel addresses the distraction of digital devices—how they impact our connection with our families, and what we can do about it. “In this intelligent and useful book, Wendy Mogel explains how the tenor of your remarks may make as much difference as their content…and shows how minor adjustments may help lower the inherent tension of parent-child relationships” (Andrew Solomon, bestselling author of Far From the Tree ). http://dlvr.it/R3Gmbs
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topreplayfr · 5 years
Huge in France - Saison 1 Intégrale VF [ 8 épisodes ] | Streaming
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Huge in France  - Saison 1
Origine : France, U.S.A.
Nombre d'épisode(s) : 8
Réalisateur : Gad Elmaleh, Jarrad Paul, Andrew Mogel
Acteurs : Gad Elmaleh, Matthew Del Negro, Erinn Hayes, Jordan Ver Hoeve, Scott Keiji Takeda
Genre : Comédie
Durée : 30
Année  : 2019
Gad est un artiste célèbre... en France. A un tournant de sa vie, il décide de tout plaquer et s’installe à Los Angeles  dans l’espoir de renouer des liens avec son fils de 16 ans dont il a été séparé, aujourd’hui devenu mannequin, et qui déteste la comédie.
Etrange évidence  - Saison 1 Intégrale VF en streaming
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 Voir et revoir  Huge in France   - Saison 1 Intégrale VF en streaming en rediffusion, replay, streaming HUGE IN FRANCE, SÉRIE INTÉGRALE, Séries, SÉRIES EXCLU from Blogger http://bit.ly/2Gnu2dm via IFTTT
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justincaseitmatters · 5 years
Rewind: Yes Man
It's easy to wish that Jim Carrey had declined the chance to appear in this film that celebrates saying "Yes" to life's possibilities. But his wholehearted embrace of this mediocre material winds up proving the value of negativity.
Carrey's rubbery features and his willingness to do just about anything for a laugh, including bungee jumping for real, guarantee at least a few chuckles, but he's at his funniest when you can't see his manic outbursts coming.
The thin script for Yes Man follows a template similar to Carrey's hit Liar Liar, only it's not as credible or as fertile. Whereas a magic spell forced Carrey's character in the previous film to tell nothing but the truth, the new movie features the comic playing a bitter loan officer named Carl Allen who shuts out even his best friends because he's smarting from a tough breakup.
A fraudulent motivational guru (Terence Stamp, essentially reprising his role in Bowfinger) challenges the prickly Carl to say “yes” to any opportunity that comes his way, no matter how dangerous or repellent it might be.
Carl goes along with the idea and discovers that despite some odd setbacks, his life gradually becomes more rewarding and adventurous. He meets a young woman (Zooey Deschanel) whose quirky obsessions — like playing in an alt-rock band and taking photos while jogging — somehow manage to make her a living.
Director Peyton Reed and screenwriters Nicholas Stoller, Jarrod Paul and Andrew Mogel never manage to make the situation believable and telegraph just about every outburst or shot of Carrey's posterior. With Liar Liar, for all of its flaws, it was funnier and more cinematically credible to follow Carrey as the spell forced him to admit difficult truths.      
The opportunities that come Carrey's way in Yes Man have plot point written all over them, and one wonders if the screenwriters considered having him say yes to a Nigerian 419 email.
Carrey is reportedly so enthusiastic about this film, loosely adapted from a book by Scottish humorist Danny Wallace, that he took no up front money for appearing in it and will make all his compensation from the film's grosses. While Carrey's willingness to sing for his supper is commendable,the movie is an offer that's easy to refuse. (PG-13) Rating: 2  (Posted 12/19/08)
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cherylgar-blog · 6 years
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The D Train - Jarrad Paul & Andrew Mogel | Comedy |990284055
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tuseriesdetv · 7 years
Noticias de series de la semana: Louis C.K. admite las acusaciones
Nuevos escándalos y sus consecuencias
Netflix, HBO, FX y TBS han cortado todas sus relaciones con Louis C.K., que ha admitido todas las acusaciones de acoso sexual. Ya no producirá Better Things, Baskets, One Mississippi -producida por FX Studios-, un segundo especial de comedia para Netflix o la serie animada The Cops (TBS), que no llegará a estrenarse.
Andrew Kreisberg, showrunner de The Flash, ha sido suspendido de sus deberes en Warner tras las acusaciones de acoso por parte de diecinueve empleados, incluidas una guionista y una directora. Una productora afirma que advirtió de su comportamiento a un ejecutivo senior hace más de un año y que éste simplemente ignoró la información. Berlanti, que al parecer desconocía todo esto, colabora ahora con la investigación.
Amazon canceló Good Girls Revolt tras su primera temporada. Resulta curioso saber ahora que Roy Price, entonces presidente de la compañía, nunca vio la serie porque no le llamaba el argumento.  Ahora, tras la ola de escándalos sexuales -entre otros el que propició la dimisión de Price- Sony TV planea vender una segunda temporada a varias cadenas, entre las que se encontraría Amazon. Ya no existen contratos con el reparto, pero muchos de ellos han pedido su regreso en las redes sociales y estarían encantados de volver. Amazon investiga las acusaciones de acoso por parte de Jeffrey Tambor (Transparent) a Van Barnes, mujer transexual y antigua asistente del actor. Él lo niega todo. Jill Solloway, creadora de la serie, ha declarado que colaboran con la investigación Por su parte, BBC ha anunciado que no emitirá Ordeal by Innocence, la adaptación de la novela de Agatha Christie protagonizada por Ed Westwick, como parte de su programación navideña. Y gracias también a BBC, sabemos que la productora independiente encargada de White Gold ha informado de que el actor ha interrumpido su participación en la segunda temporada, que ya había comenzado a grabarse.
Series para el nuevo canal de Disney
Bog Iger, presidente de Disney, ha anunciado que preparan una serie de acción real de Star Wars, adaptaciones de High School Musical y Monsters Inc. y una nueva serie de Marvel para su nuevo canal, que no tendrá anuncios y ofrecerá un precio considerablemente más bajo que el de Netflix.
Big Little Lies 2
La producción de la segunda temporada de Big Little Lies podría comenzar la próxima primavera si consiguen cuadrarse las agendas de todas las personas involucradas. Precisamente debido a sus compromisos, Jean-Marc Vallée no será su director, aunque participará como productor. Están buscando a una directora que le sustituya.
Renovaciones de series
Showtime ha renovado Shameless por una novena temporada
ITV ha renovado Bad Move por una segunda temporada
Episodios adicionales
The CW ha encargado nueve episodios más de Dynasty, con temporada completa de veintidós gracias a este back-nine, y ha decidido que no habrá más episodios de Valor en su primera temporada.
FOX ha encargado siete episodios más de The Mick. En total serán veinte en su segunda temporada, tres más que en la primera.
CBS ha encargado dos episodios más de NCIS y NCIS: New Orleans y uno más de Hawaii Five-0, haciendo un total de veinticuatro para todas ellas en su actual temporada.
ABC ha encargado tres episodios más de Kevin (Probably) Saves the World, llegando a quince en su primera temporada, y tres guiones más de The Mayor.
Incorporaciones y fichajes de series
Ellen Page (Juno, Inception) protagonizará The Umbrella Academy. Será Vanya, la oveja negra de la familia y la única de los hijos adoptivos de Reginald Hargreeves que no tiene poderes.
Julianna Margulies (The Good Wife, ER) se une como regular a Dietland. Será Kitty Montgomery, la editora de una revista. Robin Weigert (Deadwood, Jessica Jones) y Rowena King (Of Kings and Prophets, Shut Eye) serán también regulares como Verena Baptist, asesora de nutrición, y Cheryl Crane-Murphy, presentadora de informativos.
El cantante Josh Groban protagonizará The Good Cop junto a Tony Danza. Serán dos policías, padre e hijo, que viven juntos. Monica Barbaro (Chicago Justice, UnREAL) será Cara Vasquez, nueva detective de Homicidios.
Toni Collette (United States of Tara, Little Miss Sunshine) protagonizará Wanderlust en BBC. Será una terapeuta que intenta mantener viva la llama de su matrimonio. Le acompañan Steven Mackintosh (Lucky Man, The Halcyon), Zawe Ashton (Fresh Meat) y Royce Pierreson (Line of Duty).
John Noble (Fringe, Sleepy Hollow) presta su voz a Mallus, villano de la tercera temporada de Legends of Tomorrow.
Laurie Metcalf (Getting On, The Big Bang Theory) interpretará a la madre de Winn (Jeremy Jordan) en la tercera temporada de Supergirl.
Kim Raver (24, Grey's Anatomy) se une a la segunda temporada de Designated Survivor. Interpretará a Andrea Frost, brillante ingeniera y empresaria cuya compañía se encuentra en la cima de la industria de la alta tecnología.
James Tupper (Revenge, Big Little Lies) participará en varios episodios de The Brave. Será Alex Hoffman, un agente de campo de la CIA.
Wentworth Miller (Leonard Snart/Captain Cold) abandonará el universo The Flash / Legends of Tomorrow en la actual temporada.
Fred Savage (The Wonder Years, Friends from College), que ha dirigido varios episodios de Modern Family, participará como invitado en el episodio 200.
Dan Bucatinsky (Scandal, Web Therapy) volverá a ser Neil en la novena temporada de Will & Grace.
Patti LaBelle (American Horror Story, Daytime Divas) y Brandy Norwood (Moesha, The Game) participarán en varios episodios de la segunda temporada de Star interpretando a Chrstine y Cassie, hermana y madre de Carlotta (Queen Latifah).
Jaime Ray Newman (Bates Motel, The Punisher) participará en varios episodios de la tercera temporada de The Magicians interpretando a Irene McAllistair, miembro de la junta directiva de Brakebills. Felicia Day (Supernatural, Eureka) será Poppy, conocido personaje de los libros.
Vincent Ventresca (The Invisible Man) será recurrente en la quinta temporada de The Fosters como Henry Mullen, el padre de Grace (Meg DeLacy).
Stephan James (Shots Fired) se une a Julia Roberts en Homecoming. Será Walter, un joven veterano de guerra ansioso por volver a llevar una vida normal.
Russell Hornsby (Grimm), Tim Matheson (Hart of Dixie, The West Wing) y Dina Meyer (Saw, Sequestered) se unen como recurrentes a la cuarta temporada de The Affair. Serán Carl, exmarido de Janelle (Sanaa Lathan), y un matrimonio del pasado de Alison (Ruth Wilson).
Rebecca Rittenhouse (The Mindy Project, Red Band Society) y Morgan Spector (The Mist, Allegiance) se unen a Gina Torres como protagonistas del backdoor pilot del spin-off de Suits.
Jesse Rath (Defiance, No Tomorrow) será recurrente como Brainiac 5 en la tercera temporada de de Supergirl.
Woody McClain (The New Edition Story) volverá a ser Bobby Brown en The Bobby Brown Story.
Eric Winter (Witches of East End, Rosewood) será  recurrente en The Good Doctor como el doctor Matt Coyle.
Laura Mennell (Van Helsing, The Man in the High Castle) será Mimi, la esposa del doctor J. Allen Hynek (Aidan Gillen), en Blue Book.
Jocko Sims (The Last Ship, Masters of Sex) se une como recurrente a The Resident. Será el doctor Ben Wilmot, engreído y controlador.
Bre Blair (Game of Silence) se une como recurrente a SWAT. Será Annie Kay, esposa de Deacon (Jay Harrington).
Dena Tyler (Bull) será recurrente en la tercera temporada de The Path como Claudia, ferviente seguidora de Lilith (Sarita Choudhury).
Pósters de series
    Nuevas series
BBC One y AMC encargan The Little Drummer Girl, adaptación en seis episodios, protagonizada por Florence Pugh (Marcella, Lady Macbeth), de la novela de John le Carré, que colaborará como productor. Dirige Park Chan-wook (Stoker, The Handmaiden).
Amazon ha encargado The Boys (8 episodios), drama de superhéroes basado en el cómic de Garth Ennis (Preacher). Escribe Eric Kripke (Supernatural, Revolution, Timeless). Producen y dirigen Seth Rogen y Evan Goldberg.
Tras adquirir el proyecto, Apple ha dado luz verde directa a la serie protagonizada por Jennifer Aniston (Friends) y Reese Witherspoon (Big Little Lies) y ha encargado dos temporadas de diez episodios cada una. Basada en un concepto original de Michael Ellenberg y tomando ideas del libro 'Top of the Morning: Inside the Cutthroat World of Morning TV' de Brian Stelter, nos mostrará los retos diarios de quienes ayudan a Estados Unidos a levantarse cada mañana realizando un programa matinal de televisión. Jay Carson (House of Cards) será su showrunner. Aún no hay guiones.
Netflix Brasil ha encargado Cosa Mais Linda, drama romántico de época ambientado a finales de los años 50 y principios de los 60 durante el nacimiento de la bossa nova en Río de Janeiro. Se centra en Maria Luiza, una chica conservadora que, tras la desaparición de su marido, se traslada a Río y abre un club de bossa nova.
Netflix encarga Huge in France (8 episodios), comedia creada y protagonizada por Gad Elmaleh (Gad Gone Wild) e inspirada en su vida. Escrita por Jarrad Paul y Andy Mogel (The Grinder), contará su mudanza de Francia a Estados Unidos para intentar reconectar con su hijo de dieciséis años.
Fechas de series
La 2ª parte de la primera temporada de Star Trek: Discovery llega a CBS All Access el 7 de enero
La segunda temporada de Taken llega a NBC el 12 de enero
La segunda temporada de Divorce se estrena en HBO el 14 de enero
La segunda temporada de Crashing llega a HBO el 14 de enero
La segunda temporada de High Maintenance llega a HBO el 19 de enero
Mosaic se estrena en HBO el 22 de enero
La tercera temporada de The Detour se estrena en TBS el 23 de enero
Otras imágenes
Jodie Whittaker es la nueva Doctor Who
Tráilers de series
There's... Johnny!
Love, Lies and Records
The Detour - Temporada 3
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sadchallenge-blog · 7 years
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The Grinder
Script: 101 About: Dean, an actor who plays a lawyer on TV, moves in with his bro Stewart, a real lawyer, to figure out what’s next in his life. Spoiler: being a lawyer IRL. Notes: I avoided this show for so long because I thought the premise was dumb as hell. TV lawyer becomes real lawyer? Puhhhhh-lease. It sounds like clickbait TV! Fuck off! What a mistake on my part. This is a show about finding meaning in life, overcoming jealousy, discovering teamwork, and eliciting eye-rolling laughs. The pilot introduces us to a super effective straight-man proxy (Stew, who thinks this whole situation is as absurd as you do) to build out an endlessly hilarious and self-aware world. Jarrad Paul and Andrew Mogel make you feel like you’re in on the jokes with them, as Dean upstages Stew time after time. Kurt Vonnegut said to be a sadist. These writers are, in the best way. Highlight: The late-rent subplot is so minor and dumb that it adds this great comedic distance to the absurd premise. Helps you buy in, makes for great laughs. Lowlight: That said, the beats of the late-rent subplot are maybe too dumb. Also the Rebecca hook-up thing is baaaaaaaad.  Would watch next ep? Yep
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skandyx · 7 years
The D Train - Is The D Train on Netflix?
The D Train – Is The D Train on Netflix?
[ad_1] Watch on Netflix » Back to List » 101 min | Comedies A loser in charge of planning his high school class’s 20-year reunion thinks he’s scored a major coup when he gets a marginally famous alum to attend. Director: Jarrad Paul, Andrew Mogel Cast: Jack Black, James Marsden, Kathryn Hahn, Jeffrey Tambor, Russell Posner, Henry Zebrowski, Kyle Bornheimer, Mike White Netflix Rating: 3/5 IMDb…
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