#andro rambles
itsyaboighostie · 1 year
Manga SPOILERS for Mairimashita! Iruma-kun
Lets take a moment to appreciate these panels, they're adorable.
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beezonia · 6 months
Wanted to talk a bit about Andros!
Andronan’s call their capital city Azul
Now the palace is in a bay (so you have the palace built into the cliff surface that surrounds it)
This means they are closer to their merfolk counterparts!
It also gives the merfolk easy access to communicate with the Andronan’s because they can meet at the shoreline or tunnels in the deep mean they can join the royal family in the throne room.
Azul is sort of like a costal city that spans from the shoreline to quite far into the hills
So you have plenty of boats and canal roots to travel to smaller cities and villages!
There is one main spot named “The Circle of Amphitrite”
It is quite far out from the city, since it’s on the end of a spit!
It’s a large pool of water where both merfolk and the humans of Andros can make political decisions together.
I’d say the landscape in Andros is more countryside and then beautiful towns and cities by the coasts and further in land if people decide to make the move
So it’s villages further inland, whilst most of the population stay near to the coast
It’s one way to solidify the connection between merfolk and humans
Merfolk tend to give jewels or certain things they like to a person who has greatly pleased them or shown kindness to them
The Adronan’s in return give them something to wear, may it be a clip for their hair or a shawl for their tail
Also when you have done that both the human and the merfolk have bonded. (Meaning you are that person’s protector and closest friend)
So it could also be classed as a courting ritual on Andros
Andros have a few
The festival of aquamarine
Where humans will dive into the water and with help from the merfolk try to find aquamarine in the summer
(It’s frequently found in summer more so then any month)
The aquamarine is a jewel that is used mostly for engagement rings or just necklaces for your loved one
(It’d be in feb since it’s kinda like their own Valentine’s Day)
Swiftboard festivals
So kinda like surfboarding but it’s humans against merfolk in this
Merfolk are tasked with making sure the tides knock the humans of their boards
If the humans stay on for longer then a minute then they win 10 points
Same for the merfolk if they knock all three boarders!
3 rounds, whoever has 30 points at the end wins!
Yeah Andros is a very carefree planet I’d say they don’t actively seek war they seek bonds that last a lifetime!
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ranger-ribbons · 1 year
Power Rangers In Space Headcanons
There's always someone on the bridge. Its part of the sleep-shifts they take. Sleep-shifting doesn't just become common but necessary, especially after Dark Spector captures Karone the second time
TJ - 29, Ashley, Cassie, Carlos - 26, Karone - 22, Zhane - 17, Andros - 16
Andros is the younger brother, not the older brother. He just gives off those vibes. He's also misremembering when Karone got taken
Andros can't sleep unless he feels safe, it's a side effect of being by himself and on the run for so long. He only feels safe around Zhane. Ashley works in a pinch, maybe Carlos, but not TJ or Cassie
On that note: If the other rangers happen to see Andros asleep, they kinda just leave him alone unless it's urgent, especially after Zhane left to go assist the remaining KO-35 survivors.
Andros doesn't like loud noises
Carlos is the team's second in command by technicality (for example: him controling V-2) but if Andros isn't there or can't lead them for whatever reason, the team defaults to T.J. as he was their Red before
T.J. had a lot of issues taking orders at first because he'd been the Red for his team before, and because Andros is so young
The team tends to forget that Andros has been fighting the war against Dark Specter since he received his morpher
Ashley really did like Andros and have a crush on him, but he's way too young for her and he's obviously head over heels for Zhane
On the note of relationships - Andros/Zhane (childhood friends to lovers), Ashley/Carlos (fake to real relationship), T.J./Cassie (slow burn)
Andros and Zhane are slow burn in the way that they met when they were small children and got together when they where teenagers
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Slightly spicy question as a belated birthday gift:
What cheesy porn set-up fits best with Persephone and Hades??
Flirty boss who can't keep his hands off his secretary? College student trying to get an A from her sleazy professor? ....Plumber who comes to the underworld to fix Hades' hell-pipes...? 😘
(For example; Andros is the hunky young pool boy and Hermes is the old rich daddy he works for)
That’s a great question lmao!! Honestly, I feel like there’s so many cheesy porn set ups that suit Hades and Seph lol! Like, they just fit so many ideas because they’re both so horny for each other and (for the most part) they’re very dom and sub, but they’re also switches, so the possibilities are endless for them lmao!
But, if I had to pick one, the first one that comes to mind is the “boss can’t keep his hands off his sexy new secretary” set up. I think that’s mainly because it reminds me of my modern au version of Hades and Persephone where they both work in an office together and Hades is the head of his own department, but that’s also just kinda their dynamic. Like, Hades is the sleazy business man and the big guy in charge of the underworld while Persephone is new to the underworld, but is also willing to help Hades in anyway she can (in more ways than one 😏😉). Hades gives her special treatment out of everyone else and is just absolutely crazy for her that he’s willing to risk it all lmao.
But the “plumber comes to fix the pipes” one is a close 2nd mainly because it reminds me of this post I made a while back about Hades and Persephone role playing in the bedroom with Hades’ “Hades Heating” uniform. Like, it’s basically canon that Hades can fix things and is “good with his hands” lmao 😏. And I mean…c’mon….he looks really sexy in that uniform. Something about rolled up sleeves on men really does it for me for some reason 😂
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excelsior9173 · 1 year
okay this is entirely like. a me thing but it’s driving me nuts and i need to rant about it everywhere
i am finally getting around to watching amazon’s adaptation of the stand. this was the first stephen king novel i ever read and it’s stuck viscerally in my head. i was so excited to watch.
nick andros was my favourite character in the book. seeing him on screen crushed my heart all over and it physically hurts to know his fate and have to watch helplessly.
but! my biggest pet peeve with this show is that none of his signing is translated/subtitled/whatever unless Frannie is around. and i honestly find it quite upsetting
i don’t wanna overstep as an abled person, but something about not subbing the signing seems icky to me. like this character already doesn’t have a voice, and now you’re not even going to let people know what he’s signing? i’m so upset because i loved his mind in the book and having his signing written out by mr king was vital. nick was the cleverest character and so, so good. and now i feel like i’ve lost that part of him. it’s there, but it’s inaccessible for me because i don’t know signing. and probably i should learn to sign, if nothing else it would make me better equipped to go out into the world, it opens up a whole new avenue of communication.
but yeah. that’s my rant. amazon pls tell me what nick is saying because i love him and i need his brilliant words in my life
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carbonateddelusion · 4 months
I feel like something Andromeda definitely experiences is chronic fatigue
like. their life essence literally comes from doing constant performances. of course they're fucking exhausted constantly. on top of that their body is CONSTANTLY rejecting their own life force
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had an older lady at work say the green hair complimented my face well :]
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andromedaneedsanap · 8 months
A little ramble about when you're too hyper or fidgety and its distracting/stressing you out more in the moment.
something I'm learning about myself as a confirmed adhd lad is that there are gonna be moments where you think you aren't having a too hyper, fidgety, or anxious moment- but all signs are showing that you might be.
How do I know? 20 minutes ago my body felt like it was twitching out of control and tense at the same time. I've been worried about my homework all week and the fact that I can't seem to get myself to do it even when I need to. I grabbed my weighted blanket thinking it'll prove I'm not anxious and you know what happened? I stopped twitching. I calmed down and relaxed more than I have in the last couple of hours.
So if you're feeling too hyperactive, anxious, fidgety, or whatever- find something to weigh you down and bring you back. Something like that helps in these moments where we aren't sure what is happening but know something is. Take care of yourself out there. Punishing your body isn't going to help you in the long run.
Also if you're wondering why I'm talking more about adhd than anxiety; its because my adhd is causing me stress, and now it's triggering my anxiety. This is just my experience. Plus, a situation like this (am really fidgety ---> distracts and or distresses me ---> grab weighted blanket or something to ground me ---> is calmed by it) has happened multiple times in the past.
Take care of yourselves y'all
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fangcyclonelunaheat · 11 months
I need some euphoria I need BINDER
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charmixpower · 2 years
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I was thinking about birthday traditions between the planets and while I think birthday's are one of the few celebrations Zenith has, it's a very low key thing and Tecna's family never celebrated with her so she's confused about what all this is about lololol
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bigrawrenergy · 1 year
I'm so tired of being told that being nonbinary/gnc and not just being a masculine woman or a tomboy is just enforcing gender stereotypes
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outpost-31 · 2 years
can a forensics lesbian and an astronomy lesbian really fall in love
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(andros [meant to be who's on the left] is @rhaaclaws' oc)
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What if I threw Andros into the mix 🤔
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Was in the middle of a meltdown when I remembered this is one of the relationships that kind of settles down and becomes concrete through the power of "life-changing pegging skills"
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(it's actually what the pegging represents and carries out but I'm not coherent and eloquent enough to go down this essay now)
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femme-enby · 2 months
I got some awesome shirts & tbh if anyone asks what my style is- it’s whatever tf outfit I can pair w shirts that say shit like “awake, but at what cost?” With an opossum, or “hold on, overstimulated” with a teddy bear that indeed looks very overstimulated.
And then occasionally the femboy part of me gets to shine in either some fae creature type fit or in some bodycon shit.
We call that the duality of man.
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Y’know it’s funny. I originally made this account to be shamelessly posting and reblogging whatever the hell I wanted I didn’t care what anybody thought. Autistic rambling, rants, emotional breakdowns about personal life bullshit, reblogging porn, you name it I didn’t care id do it here. But it’s gotten a lot harder to actually post things here with this many people follow me. It’s like I have people watching me, and I have something to lose. Seeing my peers who post mild criticism of the website get their blogs nuked for no reason, and or pissing off the wrong trans andro truther and getting their blogs mass reported for totally not transmisogynistic reasons. It’s made me kind of afraid to use my own damn blog. Because I don’t want to lose it. And the way I can even post something kind of personal like when my post about my group chat of mentally ill women I’m friends with got popular and people started tags on it like boys will be boys, I made a post complaining about it and someone said some dumb shit in reply about how I have a following so I need to expect it or whatever. Idk. It’s just kind of exhausting. I don’t really want any more followers beyond reaching the milestone I’m next to. But even though I complain that having followers is just a pain in the ass with little benefits, that stupid number makes me feel like surely that means people care about what I have to say. I don’t really know where I’m going with this. I feel like when I’m making a post for this blog I’m walking on eggshells now. It sucks. I’ve started posting more of my thoughts to Twitter now because I don’t have nearly as much to lose there. Surely I could just make a private side blog, but I don’t want to. Idk. I hate what’s going on with this place, I don’t really feel welcome anymore. I don’t know what to do, and I’ve got enough mental health problems that I don’t need to start worrying about my goddamn blog of all things. Whatever everything sucks everywhere forever
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