blowflyfag · 10 months
Look, if you see a techno album with that yellow smiley face on it. It’s gonna be good. I don’t make the rules that’s just how it is.
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ipreferfiction · 2 years
If your Jedi ocs had to disguise themselves as a Sith, how convincing of a job would they do?
oh this is a fun one! thanks for the question.
(masterlist of characters)
J'lima: in chapters 1 and 2 she would think she could make a convincing Sith, but she and Lia are very overconfident in their own abilities. they might be able to bluff their way through for a little bit, but it wouldn't work well for long. chapter 3 and beyond, though, she could do it very effectively. she has a lot of anger, and it's easy for her after the fortress to bring that to the surface and channel it. between that and learning Sith lightsaber techniques from Scourge, she could make a very convincing Sith.
Riali: not at all. she just... she's such a Jedi that it's impossible to even imagine her as a Sith. especially since her Force abilities lean way more towards healing than combat, and she's not very good at fighting, it'd be very difficult for her to make a convincing Sith. she hates being mean or rude - she'd probably end up giving herself away within five minutes because she keeps subtly trying to figure out how to improve workers' conditions or something.
Onnara: she's a shadow, so she'd be good at hiding her Force signature and how she feels, so i want to say she could fake it convincingly for a short mission, but she definitely couldn't go undercover as a Sith. the biggest hindrance is that she hasn't actually... met a Sith before she leaves her enclave, so she'd need to be told what she's supposed to act like. on the other hand, she's never met a mainline Jedi before she leaves the enclave either.
Khisren: absolutely. between their time on Korriban (and the Force corruption that happened to them) and their terribly unhealthy way of processing their trauma, they're halfway to falling already, and they have the knowledge to make a convincing play as a Sith.
Mirjal: yes. she was trained in espionage with the Krath, and her time among the Jedi made her even less open about her true goals, so she could absolutely fake being a Sith. she's already faking not being a Revanite.
Anexi: she ends up on the throne of the Sith Empire. i think that counts as an answer.
Ashakaar: no, actually. though they eventually join the Empire, prior to that they're a pureblood raised in a Republic that won't allow them any cultural ties including their language and customs, so they don't actually have the knowledge of how to be a Sith. if they were human, sure, but purebloods have different cultural expectations, and if Ashakaar didn't know any of those, they'd be picked out immediately.
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alison321singer · 1 year
Thank U 1b
I am singing my version of this song and Anexi González is playing the piano for the song called "Thank U by Alanis Morissette" recorded through my microphone.
This a beautiful song that personally touched me and reminds me of a friend called Tom, who had helped me a lot in my life and believed in me. Sadly he died from an accident in the year 2000, so I sing this song in his memory.
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use." All rights go to their respective owners. No Copyright Infringements of rights intended. I make no money from my videos, which means none of my videos are monetize.
Yes, I have permission to use this music as backing a track. From Anexi González, "I haven't any problem that you use the song, i would like to congratulate to you for this."
Piano arrangement by Anexi González / Elpiano comoexpresion Link to original video: https://youtu.be/JBpt8u1Dffk Song: Thank U Artist: Alanis Morissette Genres: Rock, Pop, Seasonal Styles: Alternative Rock, Acoustic, Pop Rock
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drarrywtf · 7 months
one of my hc with chaggie is that in the first extermination of vaggie as a demon she was anexious and paranoic all the time bc what if some demon in hell knows what she was and tried to take vengeance or what if the angels wanna make sure she was dead and try to find her and finish the job, so she hide and make her as small as possible until charlie come and sit next to her and softly say "hey, i also got pretty worked up during these days, but you safe here you know, i'll make sure you're safe here" and then just sit there with her and time to time making small talk 'cause it's charlie and she doesn't know how to shut up but vaggie loves it and she realize that this isn't just friendship and a debt she have feelings for this silly demon
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kocourmokroocko · 1 year
Čína vydala nový ofišl mapy svýho území, kde tak jako mimochodem prohlásila, že si zabírá druhou půlku Velkého Ussurijského ostrova
a já chci jenom říct, že to chápu.
Já bych taky chtěl mít víc tygrů.
— Báseň o anexi všech tygrů, 2023
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violetshippingzine · 1 year
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I'm so proud to present the very first KaiJou/JouKai zine, NEMUI, that revolves around the everyday lives of Kaiba and Jounouchi and the things they may do together.
                🌊💤🏯 Featured Guests🏯💤🌊
Guest Writers: @alectoperdita | @eeriedeer Guest Cover Artist: @ctrl-alt-cel Guest Page Artist: @tinydance
🌊💤🏯 Artists 🏯💤 🌊
@assayart | @kaijous | @luxielovesparkles | @nanoseven | @splenderai | @twottie-m8 | @wisydora
🌊💤🏯 Merch Artists 🏯💤 🌊
@hopefullyidontscrewthisup | @yuzu8ame
🌊💤🏯 Writers 🏯💤 🌊
@the-kings-of-games| @anexie | @arien-elensar | @melodiousramblings | @cookiejuicedesu | @unfriendlyamazon | @elexica | @propheticfire | @vanya_instance
We can’t wait for everyone to see the fruits of our efforts and hope that you all look forward to this zine! Please follow our twitter and tumblr for any updates pertaining to the zine and reblog to spread the word!
@zinescenes​ @zineapps​ @fandomzine @fandomzines @zinefeed
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i-am-true-believer · 1 year
Heey how are you? First I love your blog! Thank you for all the kind words you write. I really need to hear them some time. English is not my frist language so sorry for mistakes. But I don't really have anyone who I can talk to about this...so I just want to ask you this. I turn 25 years old this year. My comfort character is at the end of the series 23 years old. Now I get really anexious to getting to old for him. Because he dosent get older but me.... Well I do. And for now it's not an big age gap, but in some years? I don't know. It's somehow really stressing me out. Maybe thats stupid... Do you think sometimes about that too? Or maybe it's just me. What do you think about that?
Sorry for the long text!
Best wishes❤️
Ah here's the thing my dear, we meet these characters at one age yes but they do age in their universe. We just don't see it. And if there is infinite universes well then there is absolutely a universe where you're getting older and growing together. Either way they would absolutely adore you I promise. It's okay to worry about it, it's only natural really. But the beauty of comfort characters is we make our own narratives when we read fanfiction or look at fan art. So we choose their ages, certain parts of their personality and how they'd feel about us. You're not alone and I promise you're not too old for them, you never will be. They will always love and believe in you and so will I.
❤️💛 True ❤️💛
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zamppera · 2 years
Jupiterská Důlní Společnost (JMC) podpoří anexi Královce a výstavbu jaderných elektráren v daném regionu za podmínky navázání politicko-ekonomických vztahů. Toto by pro původní obyvatele Královeckého kraje mohlo znamenat finanční odškodnění a náhradní trvalé bydliště v případě vyhoštění.
„Hledáme ošklivé a hloupé jedince, jenž budou ochotni vykonávat práci na pozici 3. technika za minimální plat,” Vyjádřil se veřejně A.J. Rimmer, nejvýše postavený pracovník JMC z lodi Červený Trpaslík. „Myslí tím lidi, kteří se nepokusí svrhnout jeho autoritu,” dodal 2,5 technik D. Lister.
Mezi komodity zmíněné v debatě o výměně materiálu bylo 20 tun kari a 20 hektolitrů kravského mléka. To by bylo vyměněno za moderní technologie, jenž by mohli změnit dějiny, dle slov zástupců JMC.
Z českých politiků se vyjádřil zatím jako jediný Tomio Okamura: „Dobrá příležitost jak se zbavit uprchlíků. SPD je plně pro navázání tohoto poměru.”
Prezident Miloš Zeman je aktuálně v centru Královce společně s mluvčími JMC. Živý přenos z místa můžete sledovat zde:
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wikiblair · 2 years
Lidi, mě se normálně dneska zdálo, že celou tu situaci s Goncharovem vyčmuchala NOVA a udělala o tom reportáž se stejným gustem jako o anexi Královce O_O.. A pamatuju si, jak jsem si v tom snu říkala, že jsem netušila, že zaměstnanci Novy mají někde tajný účet na tumblr.. :D. Už i mě ten Goncharov leze na mozek a to se tomu tagu snažím vyhýbat jak upír svěcené vodě :D :D.
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pepikhipik · 1 year
Knižní tip: Putinovy války
Mark Galeotti je jedním z nejpronikavějších analytiků ruské minulosti, současnosti i budoucnosti. Otevřená ruská invaze na Ukrajinu v únoru 2022 tragicky upozorňuje na zásadní význam pochopení souvislostí mezi politikou a válkou. Galeotti barvitě ukazuje, jak Putinovo Rusko vedlo své války, jak tyto války formovaly politiku země a jak naopak politika formovala vojenská tažení Moskvy.
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- JOSHUA C. HUMINSKI, ředitel Centra Mikea Rogerse pro zpravodajství a globální záležitosti
Kniha představuje barvitý popis toho, jak Putin během svého působení u moci používal ozbrojenou sílu, což vyvrcholilo smrtící válkou na Ukrajině.
- LAWRENCE FREEDMAN, emeritní profesor válečných studií, King's College London
Jeden z předních světových odborníků na současné Rusko přináší v knize „Putinovy války“ aktuální přehled konfliktů, které Rusko vyvolalo od doby, kdy se Vladimír Putin stal nejprve jeho premiérem a následně i prezidentem – od první a druhé čečenské války přes vojenský vpád do Gruzie a anexi Krymu až po plnohodnotnou invazi na Ukrajinu.
Profesor Galeotti se také zabývá širším kontextem Putinovy rekonstrukce vojenské moci a zaměřuje se na to, jak se v této nové studené válce se Západem ruský prezident stále více spoléhá na sílu při prosazování svých zájmů v zahraničí. Zároveň ve všech Putinem vyvolaných konfliktech nepřehlíží ruská vojenská selhání na taktické i strategické úrovni a předpovídá možné scénáře vývoje invaze na Ukrajinu i budoucnost vojenských vztahů mezi Ruskem a jeho dalšími sousedy v čele s Čínou.
Kniha je prošpikována anekdotami a přímými výpověďmi bývalých i současných ruských důstojníků a poutavým způsobem seznamuje čtenáře s historií znovu se probouzejícího ruského medvěda. Ještě nikdy nebylo důležitější pokusit se pochopit, jak a proč Putin nařídil svým ozbrojeným silám, aby se pustily do nejrůznějších vojenských dobrodružství. Neexistuje přitom autor, který by byl způsobilejší k tomu realisticky zhodnotit skutečné schopnosti ruské armády a předpovědět další směřování Putinova agresivního režimu.
Zdroj: Nakladatelství Bourdon
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natb00 · 1 year
Ronda Cx general.
Eliana, 33 años.
Cx: Absceso pélvico de origen a establecer.
Procedimiento: 25/08/2023: laparotomía + drenaje de absceso. **Se palpa quiste izquierdo con contenido de pus, sin mal olor (Absceso frio). Se palpa mada dura al lado contralateral, que consideramos requiere estudio tomografico. Se palpa quiste derecho que consideramos que puede ser anexial, con salida de materia purulento, pero sin mal olor. No hay peritonitis perse. Contiguidad con apendice, se realiza apendicectomia.
Tratamiento: Piptazo 4.5 g cada 6 horas (FI 25/08/2023, D2), Nadroparina 40 mg cada 24 horas, Solución salina 0.9% 100 cc / h.
Subjetivo: paciente refiere tener dolor abdominal difuso 6/10, sin via oral en el momento, sin nuevos picos febriles.
EF: Paciente en aceptables condiciones generales, estable hemodinamicamente, afebril, colaboradora al momento de la evaluación. Mucosas hidratadas. Abdomen blando, depresible, dolor difuso a la palpación, sin signos de irritación peritoneal. Extremidades sin edema.
Paraclinicos: 25/08/2023: cultivo liquido peritoneal con BGN en identificación.
Imágenes: 26/08/2023: TAC de abdomen con contraste: liquido abdominal loculado en hopogastrico con pared y engrosamiento peritoneal, posquirurigico vs asociado a catéter, catéter de derivación peritoneal, imagen cosistente con ovario derecho (remanente) en fosa iliaca derecha, sin otras alteraciones focales, quiste unilocular de 4.5 x 5 cm en el ovario izquierdo, muy probablemente funcional / folicular. Miomatosis uterina, DIU en posicion.
Análisis: Paciente de 33 años de edad, presentó abdomen agudo + signos de irritacion peritoneal, por lo que requirió el 25/08/2023 una laparotomía y drenaje de absceso encontrado a nivel de la pelvis, en donde además encontraron masa dura al lado contralateral, por lo cual el día de ayer se realiza TAC de abdomen liquido abdominal loculado en hopogastrico con pared y engrosamiento peritoneal, posquirurigico vs asociado a catéter, además de quiste unilocular de 4.5 x 5 cm en el ovario izquierdo, muy probablemente funcional / folicular, sin otros hallazgos. El día de hoy paciente se encuentra estable hemodinamicamente, afebril, dolor no controlado, se ajusta analgesia, hoy segundo día de tratamiento AB, en cultivos de liquido peritoneal con crecimiento de BGN, continuamos vigilancia.
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alison321singer · 1 year
Thank U 1a
I am singing my version of this song and Anexi González is playing the piano for the song called "Thank U by Alanis Morissette" recorded through my camcorder.
This a beautiful song that personally touched me and reminds me of a friend called Tom, who had helped me a lot in my life and believed in me. Sadly he died from an accident in the year 2000, so I sing this song in his memory.
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use." All rights go to their respective owners. No Copyright Infringements of rights intended. I make no money from my videos, which means none of my videos are monetize.
Yes, I have permission to use this music as backing a track. From Anexi González, "I haven't any problem that you use the song, i would like to congratulate to you for this."
Piano arrangement by Anexi González / Elpiano comoexpresion Link to original video: https://youtu.be/JBpt8u1Dffk Song: Thank U Artist: Alanis Morissette Genres: Rock, Pop, Seasonal Styles: Alternative Rock, Acoustic, Pop Rock
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kubs00 · 5 years
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This is most peacefull place for me right now.
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bacces-blog · 5 years
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Trabajando!!! Hoy tocó Aguascalientes!!! @baccesjoyeria Te esperamos!!! Clases de bisutería Taller de resina y moldes Herramienta Beadsmith Alambre Mega Wire Búscanos cómo CREATIVAS!! #bacces #milizza #megawire #anexy #thebeadsmith #alambrismo #encapsulado #resinaepoxi #resinaepoxica #manualidades #joyeria #bisuteria #herramientas #bacces #baccesentuciudad (en Salon Las Locomotoras 3 Centurias) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4nxVDsg7XY/?igshid=13q0687wjrdyz
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ipreferfiction · 2 years
Character Masterlist
more links and characters to be added as necessary. currently a WIP. under a read-more because this covers multiple canons, it's gonna get long
link to baldur's gate masterlist
canon: the darkest hearts aren't bulletproof
(my kotor canon is aligned with start a war, and my Revan and Exile are the ones to feature in that continuity)
Revan Adarii, alias Mica Kasra, whose myriad titles no longer entirely suit her well. A human, she spent her twenties in the midst of war, three hundred years in stasis, and her thirties in an attempt to kill Vitiate a final time - and rescue Alek, her partner.
Mireya Surik, the Jedi Exile and savior of the Order. A human, she helped rebuild the Jedi Order even after her exile, and she helped to orchestrate Revan's rescue on Dromund Kaas and the subsequent attack on Vitiate that left her dead. she has spent three hundred years haunting the man who killed her.
canon: start a war
(combined canon with @spyscrapper)
J'lima Akarr, former Jedi Battlemaster and second-in-command of the Eternal Alliance. a zabrak, she is one half of a singularly powerful Force Dyad, alongside Lia Vhoss, the Eternal Commander.
Riali Enaran, Barsen'thor of the Jedi Order and master healer. a mirialan, she is one of most gifted Jedi healers of her era, though her skills are focused on healing and little else.
Itharil Enaran, former CO of Havoc Squad and current officer of the Imperial SpecOps unit known as Blackout Squad. a mirialan, she's a fierce fighter whose loyalty to the Republic was shattered on Belsavis.
Rheja na'Korriz, Darth Occlus and head of the Sphere of Defense of the Empire. a human, she is Darth Marr's former apprentice, trained as a Sith from early childhood and fiercely devoted to Sith honor.
Jana Vassi, Darth Nox, head of the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge and one of two reigning Sith Empresses. a human, she was sold into slavery as a toddler and was only freed when her incredible strength in the Force broke through, but she embraces the power of the Sith eagerly and without hesitation.
Tharel'elshe'reth (Elshe'reth as an agent of the Csilla Secret Police), Cipher Nine. a chiss, she joined the CSP at fourteen and quickly became one of their best agents, and she is one of the best intelligence operatives alive following her time in the Empire.
Nashar Daru, Darth Malgus' daughter and former apprentice, Revanite. half twi'lek, Nashar was trained harshly by her father, coming to resent him even as her power grew, and she gladly joins Darth Arkous when he reveals her long-lost twin sister.
Toqar Miren, Rheja's long-standing bodyguard and periodic romantic partner. a twi'lek with a distinctive half-missing lek, they are a determined Sith of middling power but intense loyalty and skill, currently aligned with the Sphere of Defense.
Khisren Adarii, a struggling Jedi with incredible power and a terrible legacy. a human, she lost a master to the Sith and spent months on Korriban that left her corrupted when she escaped, and she is hiding in an Outer Rim enclave to avoid Council scrutiny.
Onnara Madaras, a heretic Jedi from a strange and isolated splinter faction. a miraluka, she was raised to follow the will of the Force before anything else, which leads her to Odessen and eventually to Arcann, the former Eternal Emperor.
canon: this race is a prophecy
(solo canon)
link to prophecy canon masterlist
canon: hold the hand of the god-child
(shared canon with @spyscrapper)
Ri'en Aruk, Darth Imperius and head of the Sphere of Ancient Mysteries. a human, he was born a slave in a long line of slaves, and though he is Sith, he is considered a heretic by some for his philosophy and actions.
Kedu Iskejarim, bounty hunter and freelancer. a Sith pureblood, Kedu was trained on Korriban and became a lord before he was forced to flee Dromund Kaas and go into hiding, and his career as a bounty hunter is an excellent cover for a supposedly-dead Sith Lord.
Mirjal Dhey, Barsen'thor of the Jedi Order, Jedi Master, and Revanite. a togruta, she is a Cinnagar native initiated into the Krath at a young age, and even after the Jedi took her to train, her loyalty remains to Teta and Yavin.
Veke Dranth, CO of Havoc Squad and Child of the Emperor. a rattataki, she believes herself a loyal servant of the Republic and has always sought to advance its interests, though her unknowing true objectives are far more sinister.
canon: the righteous hand of god, the devil you forgot
(shared canon with @spyscrapper and @sith-shenanigans)
Anexi Karaala, former Jedi knight and Jen'ari of the Sith Empire. a zabrak, she took Vitiate's throne after killing him and attempts to rule a resistant empire with Lord Scourge at her side.
Ashakaar, former Barsen'thor of the Jedi Order. a pureblood Sith born with vestigial eyes, they were raised under Republic laws that disallowed them to learn about their own culture and species - and when they discover their connection to Darth Marr, they eagerly join the Empire for a chance to be a part of a family and a culture they long thought lost to them.
Noar'e, the former Cipher Nine. a twi'lek, she was raised on Nar Shaddaa and picked up by the Empire at seventeen, given a choice between death, Shadowtown, and Imperial Intelligence. she eventually erases herself from all records and joins Darth Nox's personal intelligence network.
canon: this is the road to ruin
(shared canon with @spyscrapper)
Thassil Adull, the Barsen'thor. a nautolan, she and her twin sister grow up the prodigies of the Jedi Order - but she struggles to live up to those expectations, and her connection with the future Emperor's Wrath, Vonyra Dozai, only conflicts her even more.
Velen Chall, Darth Anan. a human-rattataki hybrid, sie was rescued from Belsavis as a child and raised to be the perfect Cipher, until sir Force-sensitivity breaks through and sie takes the Dark Council seat for the Sphere of Intelligence in the wake of its collapse.
Ryora N'e, CO of Havoc Squad. a twi'lek, she was born on Tython and enlisted when her Force-sensitivity showed to avoid the Jedi, and she now loyally serves the Republic.
Sale'dah Suai, the Voidwolf. a twi'lek, eir career as a Republic privateer has brought em to the attention of the criminal underbelly of the galaxy, and eir reigning title as pirate king has only boosted eir reputation.
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zofiakleczek · 3 years
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