#angel headcanon
brainyrot · 1 year
well, it's more than one, and I'll explain them.
FIRST!! The language.
they have a language in heaven and the upper. Just like demons first language is latin, angels have their own first language, and based on where they go to the surface, they learn their second language.
They also learn English, both in hell and heaven, because both sides have learned that English is the language generally every surface toon knows, and is easier to communicate instead of using dead languages, or runes.
Remember how i said how i like when demons generally act like a cat, and then they vary based on what type of demon they are?
Well, angels do it too!
but with birds.
Since angels aren't shapeshifters, their variety is very limited, all looking like humans, and all with wings. (We do not count those little exceptions.)
So, in what they vary? Well, of course the wings and type of bird behavior!
While demons act based on what they are, (Example, a wolf demon acts like a wolf, like an actual wolf, or a plant demon can do photosynthesis!) Angels are based on their type of wings.
Yes, all white and shiny, but their forms are different!
Some angels can have their wings as the shape of an eagle's! Therefore, they'll get some little habits that they share with eagles! (But still act human for the most part.)
That's how much they can vary, the rest is pure based on how their body decides to work.
they can be born with blue eyes, blonde, y'know, that kind of stuff. But sadly, they are mostly the same.
yes, there are angels that look like surface toons, like foxes or any other animal, but they are awfully rare.
Then there's THOSE possible things that they can be born with, but it's highly disliked. Better hide them! Horns are a BIG example. (Looking at you, Alice Angel from BATIM, not BaBotqftim because she doesn't have horns there, in the fic at least)
But other than that, they are literally a copy of each other, they are so basic! According to demons anyway.
And the final headcanon!
How do angels use their wings? Obviously, not only for flying! But as a blanket, as a cuddling tool, and as an umbrella too!!
wings are normally big, they can cover up a whole angel, so, whenever the blanket is not enough, or there's no blanket, an angel just covers themselves with their wings.
They are a very important and sensitive part of them, just like a demon's tail, so they can only do it when they know they are safe. They would never do it in an hostile or unsure area.
Cuddling? Oh, of course mothers! They always wrap their children in big hugs with their wings, keeping them warm and safe.
And the umbrella one, kinda obvious, using their own wings to cover themselves from the rain.
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ghostwrita · 2 years
Hello!!! I rediscovered this blog and I'm having a hell of a time rereading my favorite little headcanons and such!! I hope you're doing well :)
Would you be willing to do nsfw headcanons for an angel partner? And if not for angels, maybe nsfw headcanons for an elf partner?
I'm glad that you're enjoying rereading everything! Due to school it’s been a minute, so I have also been reading some of my posts haha. Here are some nsfw headcanons for an angel partner, hope you enjoy.
Angel NSFW Headcanons
Angels themselves are messengers. They deliver a message through either their words or through their actions. They are devoted to the religion in which they meditate. That being said, many angels will refuse to do anything sexual with their partner unless they are wed under their religion. Some angels feel sleeping with a human is abusing their power. Either way, to have a an angel get intimate with you is a sign of the utmost trust.
Angels have very durable wings. They are made to last through hell and back. Despite this, the base of their wings that connects to their torso is really sensitive. Soft tugging there is the human equivalent of neck kissing.
If they have feathers, expect them to put one or two in your hair after the act. 
Angels are big on eye contact. It is almost as if they are not blinking.
An angel’s halo can be very sharp, so be cautious if you decide to run your hands through their hair.
Angels are one of the less sexually liberated creatures. They are very inexperienced when it comes to physical intimacy, so please be patient with them. They are eager to learn, but it may take them a while to actually retain the information.
Angels are a little more old fashioned with their courting and foreplay. It is not often that they converse with a human one on one, and their foreplay shows that.
When you both get to the stage of talking about potential intimacy, everything you do will get them flustered. While they always would stare at you, you can sense that this look is more intense and hungrier.
They are not a fan of hickies. They feel that intimacy should be more private.
I would not categorize angels as either dominant or submissive. They are flexible, but don't lean in any direction.
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i-bring-crack · 1 year
More hot takes no one, no even God would ask for:
Sammael would that one student that pranks their teachers by putting up porn on the dash of a presentation. I like to think it's one way to get kicked out of heaven.
Uriel from Pradise lost is a sunshine who deserved better treatment how dare Satan try to lie to em, ya little bastard no wonder they don't like you— Uriel in the noncanon books is an underrated MVP and deserves more attention– "but she/he is very known!" DONT CARE SHE/HE NEEDS MORE ATTENTION!
Eve and Lilith met and they both just are okay with one another, no fighting done between them, both of them have to suffer for not following the order of heaven but had their own reasons which they understand and respect the other for. Lilith knows that Eve had been tempted out of Eden because of that snake and for that it was not her fault. Eve knew that Lilith could have never put herself bellow Adam for she was born to be his equal in regards of intelligence and power, sculpted of the same dirt as the other, with the same hands of God and breathed into the same way as Adam, to submit would be against her nature, and she respected her for that.
Metaron look like a child compared to every other angel, cuz he is the youngest but also the most powerful so the new souls coming to heaven didn't expect the tired little boy to one day slam dunk Leviathan back to hell.
Book of Job was the best thing ever just imagine this man watching Leviathan and Belphergor from afar and being like "damn." While internally screaming.
Also considering that people think the adversary angel is satan, I cant help but picture Michael having to hold Satan down by like, the hand or something so he doesnt rampage through heaven, meanwhile the rest of the angels are confused as fuck and God is like, "Welcome back! my, my, look who came at just the right time as I was presenting my good boi Job.... :) Satan:... God: :) Satan: .... God: You wanna hear about him? :) Satan: This is going somewhere aint it? God: :)
Abbadon/Apollyon is just playing cards in the underworld with leviathan and Belphergor waiting until Revelations.
So are we just gonna ignore the Tank-Mage-Healer trio that is Michael-Gabriel-Raphael? Was the book of Enoch not good proof?
Jophiel, more Jophiel representation, her going to Europe at the end of the middle ages and being like, you know what this place needs? Gay artists!
In paradise lost, Beelzebub is turned into a fly instead of a snake.
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monstersovka · 7 months
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Fallen from the sky with grace ✷
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notherpuppet · 4 months
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Angel tries to find Husk’s contract
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[Even though Angel has been a city boy all his life, he would rather attempt to live out in the mountains or countryside. Away from all the people in an attempt for some peace]
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theorphicangel · 8 months
thinking about collegebf!gojo staying over for the night, constantly complaining about your single size bed.
“stop kicking me.”
“m’not kicking you.”
“Yes, yes you are satoru, don’t even try to deny it.” You huff, grumbling into your pillow.
“Is it my fault that you have a small ass bed?” Gojo exclaims, “I can’t even turn over right, I’ll pull a muscle.”
“leave then.”
your bedroom fills with immediate silence as soon as the words leave your mouth. your stomach nearly drops, regret creeping across your skin. you’ve only been dating satoru for a few months but you’ve known him for years and can already predict his reactions when it comes down to situations like this.
there’s two possible ways he could take this. one: he could turn into a brat and actually leave, giving you the silent treatment until you guilt trip him into talking to you by buying him sweet cinnamon buns for breakfast. or two: he plays along and actually ends up kicking you out…of your own bed.
awaiting his response you whisper his name tentatively.
“take it back.”
“or what?” you tease, despite there is anxiety in your tone.
“fine then.”
Satoru sits up and reaches for his phone on your bedside table, immediately his fingers start typing, you watch him silently as he scrolls.
your mind gushes over the possible things he’s doing on his phone. finding ways to break up with you? Texting someone to pick him up? Ordering an Uber to leave?
the thought of it makes the regret take control over your whole body.
“I take it back!” you exclaimed suddenly, your arms wrapping around him, securing him tightly so he can’t leave. “m’sorry,” you kiss him between your speech,”don’t leave me — I’ll buy — you all the cinnamon— buns that you want.”
“whoa, whoa, whoa, who said anything about leaving? If anything we’re leaving together.”
“we?” you repeat.
“I’m looking for one bedroom apartments with a double bed.” He emphasises on the last part, “m’ getting sick of these dorm rooms.”
“wait really? you want to—“ you pause, swallowing thickly as the words come out of your throat.
“you want to live together?”
Gojo looks up, the glow of his phone screen illuminating his face.
“Of course baby, unless you don’t want to?”
“I do!,” you say exasperatedly, “I want to. I just didn’t think…”
“well, right now? we don’t even have any—
“shhh—“ satoru presses a finger to your lips, “don’t start worrying that sweet little head of yours sweetheart, I’ve got it all figured out.”
you frown, pulling away his hand, “don’t sign anything without letting me see it first satoru” you warn.
“or course!” He says, “what do you take me to be, an idiot?
satoru glances up at you, his expression declares full offence. this is the moment where he’d choose to get up and leave but thankfully your sweet lips play as a smart distraction.
“but you’re my idiot, satoru, and I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else.”
“would you still buy me all the cinnamon buns-“
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demigods-posts · 2 months
as far as everyone was concerned. percy had a year left to live in tbotl. and i know that we didn't see what that like for him because it didn't matter plot-wise. but i would have loved to read it. give me percy who is hardly speaking up at the dinner table. half-asleep and behind on last week's homework. give me percy who is clearly losing the will to live and trudging around the apartment like he doesn't care where his feet takes him. give me percy who is sneaking out of the house and visiting montauk. sitting along the beachside shore. wondering why his only purpose in life is that of a soldier and not of a kid.
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mintaikcorpse · 3 months
Enjoy Blake Roman shipping Huskerdust
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elsa-fogen · 3 months
fun is over time for pain
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stitchin' him up (it is painful)
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newts-frogs-toads · 4 months
Another Husk headcanon I have is that he just casually drops huge info about his life that he didn't tell anyone cuz he "didn't think it was important". (I mean don't tell me the guy who casually told Angel he was an overlord wouldn't do that?) Like:
Angel: Are ya sure ya can take care of him by yourself?
Husk holding Fat Nuggets: How hard can it be? I've had kids when I was alive, it's not like it's any different...
Angel: ...Ya had what?
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monstersovka · 6 months
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✶ ✷ ✶
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notherpuppet · 2 months
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Scenario inspired by this tweet
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that-fic-girl · 4 months
Head canon: what it would be like to date them.
characters: Alastor, angel dust, husk, vox
disclaimer: everything i write about these characters might not be accurate to the actual story, please take everything in the fic with a grain of salt, none of this is canon!!
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he hasnt been in an actual relationship in a while so being close and vulnerable with someone is quite hard for him, especially as someone who associates emotions with weakness.
First off, its safe to say he adores the ground you walk on. He's in love with everything about you, your clothes, the smell of your hair, your sickly sweet voice. his loves it all.
If there was ever a problem you needed fixing, a person you needed taken care of or even a errand you needed to run he would tend to it himself. he would not let you lift a finger.
PDA is a iffy thing for him, he wouldnt do grand big gestures but maybe a hand on the hip or a few words of affirmation.
everyone in the pride ring quickly learned of yours and radio demon's relationship. And no one dared to mess with you, ofcourse there was people who wanted to test their luck but they would have to pay the price later.
his love language is definitely words of affirmation, he will sweet talk the shit out of you. At night when it's just you two in bed, he will have his hands stroking through your hair whilst you rant to him about your day and he'll reply with sweet nothings
"oh darling, i've missed you all evening"
"you looked ravishing today my dear.."
"mm your hair smells amazing, my love"
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Angel Dust
Angel is one of, if not, the horniest mother fuckers out there but somehow, he manages to somewhat make a healthy relationship with someone.
you two are seen as "the bad bitch" couple. you're always out together, always getting into dumb shit together. You'll get yelled at by vaggie at early hours in the morning because the two of you where playing a childish game of tag in the hotel halls.
his love language is definitely physical touch, he'll have his arms slung around your waist almost all the time. Kisses are a MUST every 5 minutes, like this boy will NOT part from you. especially in the mornings when you have to leave for work;
"mmnnnnoooooooo...stayyy for five minutes pleasseeeee"
"but sweets..you're soooo warm"
"sweetheart please, you feel so comfy"
yeah good luck with that.
nights with him are VERY eventful, if it wasn't obvious. You two would usually be at it late hours into the night but sometimes, when you two where too exhausted to fuck like rabbits, he would be sprawled across your lap whilst you stroked his fur.
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Despite his harsh tone and uncompromising demeanor, you understood that Husk wasn't trying to be malicious towards you. It was simply his way of communicating, and you knew that his behavior wasn't personal. Even though he could be abrasive at times, you loved him for his rough edges and authentic personality
You and Husk's time together was mostly spent at the bar. You didn't like to drink much, but you loved seeing him work and make cocktails like a pro. You didn't mind that it wasn't considered a typical date, because you liked spending time with him in whatever way he felt most comfortable.
Husk is not used to receiving compliments, as he didn't often receive them in his past life. When you complimented him, it caught him off guard and he was surprised. But he eventually learned to appreciate it, and it even made him feel a little sentimental.
Despite the difficulty, you were able to help Husk realize that you genuinely cared about him. He had been used to being surrounded by dishonesty and hypocrisy, but you were always sincere and real. He held you in high regard, as you were the only source of light in his life, and he didn't want to lose you.
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You were known as a strong and independent person who didn't need assistance from others. You knew how to stand up for yourself, despite being harsh and tough at times. Despite your exterior, no one was aware of the soft spot in your heart that Vox's affection and touch alone could melt away your severity.
He appreciated seeing your affectionate side, as it felt special and intimate, like a shared secret between the two of you. He knew you valued your privacy, and he respected it by never sharing photos or other details on social media. He didn't want to betray your trust.
You were often feared and respected when you were with Vox. People found it hard to believe that someone as intimidating as yourself could have a tender, caring side that was kept hidden from most. Vox was glad that he was the only one who got to see that side of you. He didn't want to share something so special and personal with anyone else.
Quite often, he would call you on the phone, knowing that sweet words could be just as effective as a kiss. He enjoyed hearing how your voice softened from its usual seriousness to a more affectionate tone. He was aware that when he said loving phrases to you, you would blush and smile shyly, and sometimes he even regretted not being able to witness it in person.
"i've missed you today babe.."
"mhm look at my pretty girl/boy!"
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sweet-as-an-angel · 5 months
Virgin! König
Warnings: 18+, Virgin! König, Rough! König, Huge Cock! König, Stomach Bulging, Size Difference, Praise, Unprotected Sex, No Pronouns Used For Reader Except ‘You’.
A behemoth pounding a comparatively tiny thing like you was, to the untrained eye, a complete mismatch. Especially when one could so easily spy the bulge in your stomach, the lengths to which your hole was stretched to accommodate his size, and the sheer weight with which his cock pinned you against the mattress. 
But they wouldn’t see the feral gleam in König’s eye, the need to mark you as his plain as day in the pace with which he thrusts, the bulging of his veins along his shaft, and the fervency with which the head of his length sobs, thick globs of pre-cum making his entrance only a scintilla easier as the girth of his cock renders re-entry almost impossible. 
You know that telling him to slow down would be pointless now; a plea upon deaf ears. Especially as König all but sees god in his rapidly-approaching orgasm. His pupils are blown wide beneath half-lidded eyes, his lips suffocating as he presses a wet, open-mouthed kiss to yours. He pants, moaning, groaning, grunting with every exhale. 
He halts, – only for a second – and pulls out before gripping your legs and throwing your knees over his shoulder. He slams back in, hitting a spot deep within you. You can only scream as he resumes his animal pace, slamming into you more times than you can count, reaching a place no other man ever could.
“Doing– s-such a good job, Köni,” you coo between stilted gasps, hands gripping the pillow encasing your head, your crown hitting the headboard. He whimpers at your praise, biting his lip as he looks down at you, gazes upon the battlefield of bruises, bites and welts he’d pressed into your skin. He buries his mouth into the crook of your knee. He bites, suckling, burns the word ‘Mine’ into your skin.
And you can only lay there and take it, every sensibility being thoroughly pounded out of you with each shunt of König’s hips. And to think that this was his first time. Yet, he’s managed to break you down into such a state of fatigued euphoria that you can scarcely believe it. If it hadn’t been for the feverish, feral look in his eye, the sloppy rhythm to which he tries so desperately to abide, and his unwavering need to please you – praising you for taking his cock while almost sobbing amidst the buzz building in his core – you’d have assumed he’d been at this longer far than you have.
It only takes your clenching around him, trying to seize him as his unrelenting pace proves too much for you, that brings this giant to his knees. With your walls bearing down on him, strangling his member between robes of scorching velvet, it takes one final squeeze to wring König for all he’s worth.
He lets go a high-pitched, strangled moan as the knot in his abdomen snaps, a preliminary twitch of his most prominent vein your only warning before he’s flooding you with his semen. He throws his head back, eyes screwing shut as an electric storm sets his very being alight. You can feel his load pumping into you, filling you past full. Some trickles out, viscous and plentiful, in the little space where you and König are joined.
He can’t stop himself from collapsing on top of you as your knees fall from his shoulders. König uses what little remains of his strength to stop himself from crushing you with his gargantuan frame. His head hangs just above your shoulder, his breath hot against your skin. You swear you feel his drool dripping onto the pillow, just catching the edge of your marked, burning flesh. His tongue lolls out of his mouth, his teeth grazing your shoulder.
“Scheiße, (Y/N),” he whispers, his voice thin, his breathing deep.
Whatever reservations he’d had about the temptations of the flesh had been thoroughly eradicated thanks to you. But now, he faced another issue; trying to get a handle on his newfound libido – all without destroying you in the process.
This is going to be a long night.
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theorphicangel · 7 months
satoru would be so obsessed with kissing you, trying to work on your laptop on the couch is no longer any without you being bombarded with pecks across your cheeks, nose and lips.
“satoru…”you warned, starting to get annoyed at all the typos you were making.
“jus’ give me five minutes baby, only five and I’ll leave you alone forever.”
you know a trap when you spot one.
last time he said that it ended up with him between your thighs with your clothes discarded on the floor, not to mention the amount of unfinished work you had left to catch up on.
you shook your head, muttering under your breath, “I can remember the last time those words came out of your mouth satoru.”
gojo simply smirks, “oh yeah? since you enjoyed it so much last time how about—“
“no satoru. I really need to finish this.”
“can I help you then?”
you let out a sigh, “unless you know some shit about biotechnology, then I don’t see why not.”
satoru streched put his arms, his shirt riding up a little, “don’t underestimate the brains of the stongest.”
“mhmm, remember when you thought people in Australia could predict the future just because they were 20 hours ahead?
“I didn’t know back then!”
“yeah, yeah excuses excuses.”
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