#anger murder violence rage kill kill kill
derww · 3 days
ok ive decided that i also want to have it here. written right after s5 zam ban
Name: Everything that will remain after me
TLDR: Mapicc and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
CW: Violence, murder, suicidal ideations, self-harm, canonical character death
Zam betrays Mapicc; it's a second time.
He freezes at the place, hearing the blood-curdling rumble of the ban. He knows who it is with his guts. For the first time in his life, he is fucking terrified.
How dare he, It's tearing him inside out. How dare he leave him alone. Leave his back exposed and one comm – empty. How dare he.
He wants to revive Zam just to crush his skull and then kill himself, twist the knife in his own stomach, and on and on until there is no blood left in him to flow out. Every cell in his body is irritated. He turns inside out and tears apart; his skin melts alive; his world exists at one tiny point, around which there is an all-consuming void.
He hardly remembers what he does next, but his blood is boiling and his hand is clutching a sword. It seems that he kills someone, with the full realization that this is forever; he skins someone's alive and does not even remember who. He wakes up in the middle of nowhere, bloodied from head to toe. Some of the blood is his own: torn, extended wounds from a fight that he does not remember, as if the only thing that prevented him from being split apart were reflexes.
How dare he leave me, he thinks. How dare he give up. How dare he die. How dare he, how dare he, how dare he.
He is so hot that he is suffocating. He's so cold that he can't stop shivering. He wants little more now than to light two beacons of rebirth – to pull ten hearts out of his chest and dissolve them in the wind. He knows it's useless. He knows it won't work. Helplessness eats him alive. He wants to kill someone else. He wants to stick a knife in his leg and lead it forward until it stops hurting.
When Mapicc was betrayed last time, he felt sad. He didn't want to fight, and he didn't want to lose his friend and partner. Most of all, he was sorry – it was a pity that they did not talk more, it was a pity that they did not establish real trust, it was a pity that Zam did not talk to him first, and that he did not think that something was wrong. He fought not because he wanted to, but because he had to, because he had no choice, and then mourned their dead friendship, knowing that he would never be able to return it to its former state. Anger and rage came after.
"If we're going to continue working together," he told Zam when the Pirates started working with Guccigang, "you have to swear that you will never betray me again. I'm serious." Because his "I" did not rest on just hating, and he never liked to be reduced to that.
"Don't worry," Zam replied with a smile, "I won't betray you anymore. I've learned my lesson." For a single, unified moment, they were back in the snow-covered castle. Mapicc nodded. He knew he would never be able to trust him the way he trusted him then – unconditionally, absolutely – but that didn't mean he couldn't trust him with his back and his life.
In reality, his hands are shaking so much that, for a moment, he doubts whether he will ever be able to hold a weapon again, and it terrifies him. He is complex and simple, he reads people through and through, but misses the betrayal of the nearest one, he is smart and strategic, but at really important moments only a berserker who wants more deaths. He wants to cry, but he can't. He wants to give up, but that word is not in his vocabulary.
You whisper to MinuteTech: where is his body.
MinuteTech whispers to you: the podium
He is preparing a battle kit. He is preparing to die. He's going anyway.
There are people on spawn, and he appears to them, smeared in blood, carrying a trail of corpses in the shadow, with crazy eyes and still fingers. Guilty and innocent, dangerous and harmless, they don't bother him – in tunnel vision, he goes to the podium, and then just stares.
Zam looks peaceful. He is bloody from head to toe, and holes in his clothes mark the places of severe wounds, but he is smiling, and his whole body is covered with sakura flowers. It's a disgusting sight. He seems happy.
It seems that someone is trying to talk to Mapicc, but he does not hear a word. He carefully takes the body off the podium into his arms and just looks at it for a long moment, completely not understanding how they got to this point. Just a couple of hours ago, Zam had thirty hearts, and Mapicc was sure that he didn't have to worry about him. Now, he was dead. Mapicc opens his wings and takes off. No one follows him.
Ultimatum: You don't trust a Lifesteal member who is not your ally with absolutely anything. Immediately after the disaster, Mapicc and Zam took Bacon's body and buried it in the middle of nowhere, because the idea of using it against them was much worse than not being able to let him rest in his home. Mapicc flies there again, remembering the coordinates by heart.
He buries Zam very close to Bacon, almost shoulder to shoulder, and then stares at the graves for a long time. Both of his closest allies were banned on the same day. Those with whom he dreamed of meeting the finale, which he desired more than anything else, are now almost unattainable.
You whisper to Roshambogames: if i die, bury me next to them.
Roshambogames whispers to you: of course.
He tears his hand into a bloody mess with his bare fingers. The hatred in him is a beast, eager to tear apart everything in its path.
"Wemmbu better resurrect you both next Saturday," he hisses, "or I'll crush the skies to kill him."
He leaves without looking back, walking along a path that uncomfortably reminds him of something from the past. An hour later, he obtains immortality.
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fruit-kick · 1 year
every month im like i need to get weirder and more unhinged and everytime im like "haha okay." (peacefully leaves) STOP IT. STOP. KILL THEM. KILL THEM NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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walrussyy · 1 year
WHY IS OVIPETS RAFFLING HARRY POTTER INSPIRED PROJECTS ??!#?!%?%!#?5;?#!%????#!!#!3!+?#!%?3(4+
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fivetrench · 11 days
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Finished Acrea’s ref, I got her from @goosehadfood! I changed her design quite a bit to fit my style,, I hope that’s okay :,33
Her backstory is under the cut! (s/h warning)
Acrea was born into a small, secluded village of fugitive Silkwings who abandoned the Hives. In her childhood, Acrea trained under her mother, Webworm, to become a skilled fighter. She was an incredibly talented stealth attacker, preferring ambush over melee. She was instilled with a deep contempt for the Hivewing ruling class from a young age, and holds that contempt to this day. A few days before Acrea was meant to enter metamorphosis, her village was found and attacked by a Hivewing patrol. Acrea’s mother and the community she had known her whole life were murdered in front of her. She snapped and attacked the Hivewings in a blind rage, getting badly injured but managing to kill them all. She burnt down the remnants of the village and wandered aimlessly into the nearby woods. When her metamorphosis finally happened, she was malnourished and traumatized, which resulted in her wings barely developing past the bud stage. When she exited her cocoon and realized what had happened, she clawed her underdeveloped wings off, leaving only scarred stumps. I’m not sure where I’m going to take her story from this point forward, but I know that she is a solitary, unstable, and very insecure dragon who is prone to violence and fits of anger. I’ll update y’all if I get a concrete idea for where her story is headed!
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daceydeath · 6 months
Biggest Flex
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Pairing: Seonghwa x Reader
Word Count: 1.6K
Genre: Mafia Romance, Smut
Warnings: 18+, MDNI, Swearing, Alcohol, Violence, Explicit Content
Park Seonghwa is a traditional mafioso so there are only a few rules that apply to those around him. Do not disrespect him, his organization or what he considers his.
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“I'm here with someone, sorry” you repeated as politely as you could, it was probably the fourth time you had said the same thing and the dip shit was still talking to you trying his luck.
“Well he ain't here beautiful so how about you and me…” he started a cocky grin still on his face before you interrupted him again.
“I'm here with someone and he will be back in just a moment” you sighed, plastering on a fake smile that didn't reach your eyes. You knew there would be some kind of trouble once your boyfriend came back but only if you couldn't get rid of this absolute moron before then. 
“Listen you stupid bitch, your man ain't here so how about you stop acting like a tease and come over to drink with us” he shouted getting too close to your face for you to not flinch back “aw is the little slut scared now?”. He reached out to grab your arm.
“Touch her and I'll kill you, you piece of shit” A terrifying snal echoed across the room. Skirting around the guy who was trying to pick you up you almost stumbled to get closer to Seonghwa who looked murderous. The anger rolled off your lover in such palpable waves, you could almost taste it. Even though it wasn't directed at you it still made the hair on the back of your neck stand on end, nothing that happened from this moment was going to be bloodless.
“Hwa” you whispered, sounding loud in the deafening silence that had enveloped the room. Reaching out to touch his arm as he stepped closer to where you were standing.
“Go with Joon baby” he murmured, taking your hand and kissing your knuckles softly “You shouldn't see what happens now”.
“Hwa, he's just an idiot who doesn't know who I'm here with” you continued “you promised me tonight would be just us”.
“I know, but disrespect must always be punished especially when that disrespect involves insulting what's mine” his eyes were still burning with rage but the way he spoke to you reassured you that he didn't blame you.
“Alright Hwa” you nodded, stepping towards where Hongjoong was standing, his gun already on display from the way he had crossed his arms whilst backing up your boyfriend. Hongjoon nodded at Seonghwa before guiding you from the private VIP room and towards the exit, his hand barely touching your shoulder blades. Usually Seonghwa would simply send Hongjoong and some of the others to take whoever he was angry with outside to deal with them away from you but this time he was far more frightening than you had seen him before.
“What's going to happen Joon? Will Hwa be alright?” Your voice showing how nervous you were about what was about to happen.
“Trust me you don't want to know” Hongjoong smirked before noticing your wide eyes and smiling lopsidedly instead “Hwa will be just fine, he has back up with him”. Nodding you didn't feel much better about the situation especially when you heard the first scream and crashing sound making you jump.
“Come on, to the car so you are safe” Hongjoong picked up his pace walking you into the alleyway and in the direction of the black Lotus that Seonghwa had driven you to the club in. Getting into the passenger seat Hongjoong shut your door and took his place in front of your window gun drawn and ready to act if it was required making your anxiety grip your heart like an icy hand squeezing it until you felt like you couldn't breathe. Even though you were outside of the club and shut in the car you could still unmistakably hear the sound of gunshots echo through the night making you shudder and Hongjoon tense in his stance.
After what felt like an hour you saw Hongjoong relax and move from his position holstering the handgun that he had tried to keep from your line of sight. You looked around still feeling anxious but less so since Hongjoong had relaxed, Seonghwa was making his way out of the rear exit door, his black coat swirling in the cold air as he walked over to the car calmly. Hongjoong made his way over to the black Audi sedan that Seonghwa’s men traveled in while Seonghwa smiled at you looking as though he was completely uninjured. He opened the drivers door and slid in beside you, his hand coming to rest on your thigh, his teeth flashing as he grinned at you.
“Let's get you home pretty baby” he hummed, starting the car and letting the engine roar to life. Speeding through the city streets you very quickly found yourself pulling into the gated driveway of his place.
“I thought you were taking me home Hwa” you smiled shyly, biting your lower lip softly making him raise his eyebrow as he looked you over.
“This is your home baby, you know anything I own is yours” he almost purred, getting out of the car and opening your door for you. As soon as you were standing Seonghwa pulled you into a desperate kiss pressing himself against you. 
“Let me show you that you own everything I am” he smirked, making you blush. Scooping you into his arms he carried you into the house, not bothering to even shut the front door, only putting you down when he could lay you on his bed. 
Pulling off his coat and jacket he threw them to the floor, followed them went his tie, waistcoat and shirt leaving him looking glorious in his half naked state. In the time it has taken to rid yourself of your coat he was crawling up the bed and hovering over you. Moving to toe off your shoes he stopped you gently.
“Leave them on baby, I want to undress you myself” his voice turned husky as he pressed his clothed crotch against you letting you feel how hard he was.
“Hwa, I was so worried something would happen to you” you whispered feeling yourself already giving into him.
“I'm sorry you had to see me angry pretty baby” he whispered before connecting his lips to yours, this kiss much more sensual than the last. His lips moved more gently against yours as he swiped his tongue along the seam of your lips and pulled your bottom lip lightly with his teeth. Gasping in pleasure he took advantage by slipping his tongue between your open lips and moving it against your own in slowly making you whimper quietly.
“I forgive you Hwa, I know you just want me safe” you uttered breathily as he began kissing his way down your neck stopping to mouth at the juncture with your shoulder making you sigh. You could feel his lips curl into a smile as he repeated the action making you whine softly and thread your fingers into his hair. Moving back to your lips his hands made short work of tugging you dress down your body leaving you in only your underwear and heels as he sat back to admire you.
“Fuck you're a goddess” he spoke almost revenantly making your heart swell in your chest. Taking your right leg and kissing your ankle and he removed your high heel he repeated the action with the left before undoing his pants and crawling back up your body kissing every inch of your exposed skin in the process. Once his lips reconnected with yours you felt his fingers make their way past the lace covering your core and begin gently teasing you.
“Mmm Hwa” you moaned, lightly rocking your hips against his digits melting into the pleasure he was already giving you. Without moving himself away from you he tugged your underwear further aside and before you could protest the lack of his fingers he started filling you with his length. Inch by inch he sunk into you at a maddeningly slow pace making you arch your back as he bottomed out inside you.
“So tight baby” he groaned gradually pulling his hips back before sinking into you again “you take me so well baby”.
“Ngh… please Hwa” you babbled as he rolled his hips again stretching your velvet walls perfectly. You heard him chuckle breathlessly before he lazily continued rocking his hips into you giving you just enough pleasure to drive you mad.
“Does my baby want more huh? Does she need me to make her mine? Show her who she belongs to?” He teased picking up his pace and walking you moan loudly. He began snapping his hips into you more roughly each thrust hitting the spot that only he could inside you sending you hurtling towards your orgasm.
“Seonghwa… oh my god….” You cried out as the tingle in your belly caught fire and exploded making you cum hard around him, your walls quivering as he kept fucking into you. He growled from somewhere in the back of his throat making your head spin while he continued to pump into your fluttering hole.
“Such a good girl” he groaned, his voice strained as he tried to hold off his own high just a little bit longer, lifting your leg to wrap around his waist to plunge even deeper into you “Fuck I love you so much baby” he moaned as he finally hit his climax filling you with thick ropes of his seed.
“I love you too Hwa” you panted tiredly as he carefully pulled himself from you making you hiss slightly at the feeling of emptiness between your thighs. He languidly got off the bed stripping himself nude before helping you out of your underwear and climbing back into the bed beside you pulling you onto his chest.
“I meant it baby, everything I am is yours” he smiled, kissing the crown of your head.
A/N: Thank you for reading my lovely loves. All your kind support means the world to me xxx
Taglist (open): @christopher-bangnaldoskzz , @armystay89 , @damnyouficc , @roamingpolar , @tara-skyhold , @bakedlilgoonie , @krishastumblernow , @mrsseals16 , @fawnpeaks , @leeknowinggg @uno7 @tanzen-ist-gold
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If I can't have you, no one can. // Yandere!Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader [ONE SHOT]
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Summary: Aemond cannot bear to watch you be married to someone else.
WARNINGS: nsfw content, mdni: dark themes, obsession, possession, major character death, angst(?), yandere!aemond, smut (p in v, fingering), violence, murder, creepy behavior. + not proofread.
WC: 1,450
Aemond has always been obsessed with you as far as he can remember, he remembers the moment he fell in love with you.
He was a young boy, recently recovering from the incident at driftmark, wearing bandages around his face to recover, he didn't get out of his room much, too insecure to show his face after the incident.
The rare times he was out was to converse with his sister Helaena, and in those exchanges was when he met you, you were a lady of a small house, assigned to Helaena as a lady in waiting, or a playmate. She had introduced you to him and he was reluctant and had his guard up at first, but eventually he warmed up to you, and soon became friends with you too.
You saw him without his bandages once, it was an accident, Aemond panicked and screamed at you to get out, being extremely insecure at the wound, and you immediately obeyed, not wanting to anger him further.
You found him crying in a corner for an odd reason, and he looked up at you, before wiping his tears away and looking ahead. You sat down next to him to which he was surprised by.
“Why are you crying?” you asked him, and he sniffed, “You can drop the acting, I know you think I'm hideous, a monster.” he spits bitterly.
You gasp at that before quickly reply, “I do not, your wound is a proof of your bravery, I do not know how you got it, neither do I intend to pry on it if you are not comfortable, but it is a reminder that you are brave. That you overcame a dire situation.” you say and he sniffs once again, he hated being seen so vulnerable but never in his life did he feel so accepted and loved.
And then went on to tell you how he got it and by the end of the story you were seething, “Those vile bastards, how could they do that?” you seethed, Aemond was surprised at that before he chuckled, “I wasn't planning on hitting them with the rock, they are my nephews after all.” he explained his side and you nodded, defending him and taking his side.
It was the moment he fell in love with you, watching you talk about he didn't deserve that, you didn't pity him, you shared his anger and wrath, and from that moment onwards, he wanted to have you.
As you both grew older, Aemond's love got more twisted and dark, his love becoming obsessive and suffocating, he refused to let any man gaze at you longer than needed, always staying by your side and only leaving when he had to. He would lay on your lap as you read to him before pressing kisses on his forehead, you eventually fell in love with him too.
You were unaware of his doings, he killed multiple people who he saw as a threat, a threat to your relationship, he wanted to rip everyone who touched you to shreds, he wanted you to be only his, forever and ever.
And so begun your secret relationship, he would pull you to an isolate area to shower you in kisses and lovebites, he made your father get a position in the small council so you could stay in the keep, he would sneak to your room at night from the secret pathways.
He remembers vividly when he took your maidenhead, promising to marry you as he spilled his seed deep inside of you. He was the happiest man alive in that moment, he thought about you swelling with his child, and how much of a great mother you would be.
His plans came to an abrupt stop when he heard that you would be marrying a Cregan Stark, in hopes of bringing more allies to back up Aegon's claim when they usurp the throne, and also that Cregan had taken interest in you so much that he was willing to break an oath, which is never done by any Starks.
He saw red in those moments, felt pure rage, how could they propose that? The realm be damned for hells. He would rather rain fire on the realm than watch you get married off to someone else.
But alas, he was bound by duty and had to watch you be married to him, the wedding took place in the keep like your father had insisted, as the North would be too cold for them to visit.
The consummation of your marriage was to be done in your chambers. You had left early because you didn't want this either. Cregan was talking to important lords and it seemed that it would take a while before he retired.
So you laid on your bed thinking of what to do when you heard the door of the passageway open and your head snapped to the side finding Aemond, he immediately wasted no time pouncing on you.
“Fuck, fuck I can't let him have you.” He breathes against your neck, trailing kisses down to your breasts, he pulled up the chemise revealing your intimate area and breasts before he latched his mouth onto one and suckled like a hungry babe.
His hand trailed towards your intimate area, finding it wet already, “Is this for me or for him?” he asks, and your breath hitches in your throat when you feel him press the fingers down on your clit, “Y-you.” you say and he smirks before his rubs small circles against your clit.
His fingers trail down further and prod at your entrance before he slides in a finger, you gasp when you feel his fingers hit the rough patch almost immediately, it seems as if he knew it by memory. He thrust his fingers in and out, watching you squirm and moan his name, he wanted to be inside of you so badly, so he pulled his fingers out and licked them clean.
He undid his breeches before pushing your legs apart and burying himself in your cunt, you moaned in pleasure as you felt him spilt you open, you wrapped your legs around his hips and encouraged him to move, his hands pinned yours to the side before he started moving and rutting his hips against yours
You moaned and chanted his name like a prayer, he hands left your hands to grope your breasts as he kissed your lips, he pulled away to look at your dazed expression as he felt you clenching around him knowing that you are close, he watched as you closed your eyes before moaning his name out loud and coming undone beneath him, he groaned at the pretty sight.
His thrusts became more sloppier before he pushed to the hilt and came inside you with a loud gasp.
You both were breathing heavily, you pulled your chemise down and turned to him, he plopped down beside you, doing up his breeches and you rested your head on his chest, the moment was so perfect, but the truth weighed on him like a curse, and so he got up and paced the room, angrily, wanting to do something, but knowing he won't be able to do anything without destroying the alliance.
He can't let Cregan have you either.
You sat up and looked at him and then the atmosphere of the room shifted into a sinister one, Aemond going mad to his obsession with each second, he slowly stalked towards you before he stood in front of you, caressing your face and leaning down to kiss you.
“You're mine, you belong to me, I can't let him have you, no no, you're mine.” he grunted angrily and just then something evil popped up in his head.
His hand slowly reached for his dagger, you watched him, confused.
“If I can't have you…… ” he trailed off before kissing you.
“No one can.” he whispered against your lips as he plunged the dagger straight into your chest, digging it in your heart and stabbed you, you gasped in pain before the light in your eyes faded, falling unconscious.
He pulled his dagger out and watched as you fell backwards onto the bed, the life leaving your body, the blood soaking your chemise and now the white blood sheets, he snapped out of his dark thoughts and felt the weight of the situation.
He panicked when he realised what he had done, he immediately left the room when he heard the door open, hiding in the passageway, having guilt weigh on him, but he also felt satisfied in a sick way that no one could ever have you now, just like he can't.
Cregan screamed for the guards and for some odd reason, this entire situation somehow was blamed on the blacks, accusing them of sending assassins to kill you, this only made Cregan support the greens more.
Aemond had achieved what he wanted, but he couldn't bear to live along with the fact that you were gone, feeling lonely, he went mad and so, he followed you.
That day, Alicent screamed when she found Aemond's dead body, a letter written to apologise to everyone for leaving them behind, but he couldn't bear to live without you.
And so you and Aemond went down as a tragic story of unrequited love.
Where everyone tells the stories of how Aemond was smitten with you since a young age, but he watched you get married off to someone else and also die in the same night, it was told how he mourned and grieved for you, succumbing to madness before finally following suit.
The story was more sinister than that.
However they wouldn't know.
Nobody would know the truth.
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mswyrr · 1 month
One of the most important bits of dialogue in hotd is from Viserys in 1x01:
"The idea that we control the dragons is an illusion. They're a power man should never have trifled with. One that brought Valyria its doom. If we don't mind our own histories, it will do the same to us."
This is a man who bonded with Balerion, The Black Dread, the oldest dragon who had actually hatched in Old Valyria. This was the same dragon who flew Princess Aerea, a 12-year-old girl who bonded with him, back to Valyria against her will - sickening and killing her in the process (Fire & Blood, p 263). The little girl was away from her home at the time and probably feeling "I want to go home" but what Balerion did with that feeling killed her. His will was strong and his memory was *deep*.
Viserys only rode him one time, his inaugural flight, and then never again. IMO he experienced something bonding with that ancient beast that--in addition to studying the family's history and Valyrian lore--convinced him of the danger and fundamentally uncontrollable nature of dragons.
It is totally in keeping with canon events that Vhagar, in the current timeline the most ancient dragon alive--a dragon who drank deep of bloodshed and war with Visenya during the Conquest and *likes* war--translated Aemond's anger at Lucerys into murder of the boy and his small dragon. It is perfectly in keeping with what the show has been saying since episode 1.
An ancient, powerful and wilful dragon overcoming the will of its rider is *literally canon*. Princess Aerea must have been terrified during the whole, long flight to Valyria, and yet all her protests couldn't stop the dragon she'd bonded to.
I would also say that the Valyrians turned magical creatures, dragons, into weapons of warfare - that the dragons, in that sense, represent war. And the show is imo fundamentally antiwar - so here war is something you cannot control. GRRM has said the dragons are "nukes," which fits with this reading:
“Dragons are the nuclear deterrent, and only [Daenerys Targaryen, one of the series’ heroines] has them, which in some ways makes her the most powerful person in the world,” Martin said in 2011. “But is that sufficient? These are the kind of issues I’m trying to explore. The United States right now has the ability to destroy the world with our nuclear arsenal, but that doesn’t mean we can achieve specific geopolitical goals. Power is more subtle than that. You can have the power to destroy, but it doesn’t give you the power to reform, or improve, or build.” (source)
War and nukes - you cannot aim them only at the guilty, only at those you hate; you cannot prevent them from consuming the innocent as well. They a raging fire that consumes, that is all. And so, on that level, I just adore what they're doing and how it all fits together.
Aemond's domestic violence fits too - boys go to war thinking it will be honorable and manly and they'll protect "their women" but instead come home and hurt those very women. This thing burns and burns until it is exhausted, and it doesn't stay contained, not within you or outside you. "So it goes," to steal a phrase from antiwar writer Kurt Vonnegut.
The reason I keep coming back to my antiwar reading of the show is that things that people dismiss as "bad" or mock actually come together beautifully if you don't expect to war to be glorious and masterful and heroic. If you take the text seriously, in terms of what the dragons are metaphorically and what characters have outright said about their fundamentally uncontrollable nature. The lore supports what Vhagar did! That she could overcome a teenaged human's will with her century old bloodlust.
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spngi · 2 months
My tears ricochet | mafia!carlos sainz jr x reader
Prologue | part 1 | part 2 | Part 3| Part 4
part 5
summary: Mr. and Mrs. Sainz lived in a dream for many years, now everything is falling apart and they need to deal with their feelings
warnings: Grammar mistakes, mentions of violence, Carlos is an idiot, mentions of cheating, sexual content, angst.
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It’s the first morning I truly wake up happy after a long time. I feel ready for a new beginning when I wake up embraced by Carlos’s body. It’s perfect to share the little things with him, his presence filling me with joy.
I watch him through the door; he’s on the phone now, and Paco is jumping on his legs, begging for attention.
We were having coffee outside, enjoying each other’s company, when his phone rang. Things are not like they used to be; we still have a long way to go to regain each other’s trust, but we are happy with the small steps we are taking.
The conversation my husband is having doesn’t seem good. He looks tense, defensive, and even without hearing his conversation, I can tell it’s a serious matter. He is standing in the middle of the room, phone in hand, head down, his abdomen bare, and wearing sweatpants. Every domestic scene warms my heart more, like him making pancakes for breakfast earlier or the large bouquet of peonies that miraculously appeared this morning.
I knew that just these gestures wouldn’t erase the pain Carlos and I had caused each other, but they were a good way to start this new journey.
I see him hang up the phone in a single, explosive gesture. He takes a breath while putting the device in his pocket.
“What’s your problem?” His voice echoes coldly in the room. I don’t understand who he is referring to or why he’s looking at me that way.
“What are you talking about?” I ask him, still confused as I approach his tense figure. The contrast with the relaxed figure he had before the phone call is clear. “What happened?”
“I tell you I love Martina, and you try to kill her? Is this how you want to move forward?” He explodes, his tone loud and desperate.
“What are you talking about? You think I tried to kill that girl? Are you out of your mind?” I ask him, my words stinging. Carlos looks at me as if I were a monster, and it hurts to be his first suspect. It hurts to know he thinks so poorly of me.
“What a great coincidence, isn’t it? I tell you how I feel about her, and today someone hits her car and flees.” He points at me as if he’s about to warn me. “You’re lucky she’s still alive.”
“Does it not occur to you that it could have been just a drunk idiot? Do you think so poorly of me that you believe I’d do something like that?” I exclaim, anger exploding from my body. That bitch had to ruin my life without me even doing anything to her.
“You lost the benefit of the doubt when you decided to killed those men.”
A car accident? I wouldn’t even have thought of that, and I had thought of many ways to get rid of the girl, but none involving her death—only involving putting a package with absurd amounts of drugs in her car and house, along with a call to the police.
Carlos’s words drive me crazy. I feel insane for hearing them because it can’t be true. His eyes look at me with disgust, as if I were a murderer.
“I don’t know how serious the accident was, but if I were you, I’d pray for her to be okay. It would prevent you from finally becoming a monster,” he says, and Paco runs away scared by the shouting.
I don’t think much after what I hear; my body is overtaken by rage, and I can only remember all the times Charles taught me to aim and shoot. That’s what I think about when I grab the closest object to me, a crystal vase, and throw it at Carlos.
The crystal shatters upon hitting the top of his head in small pieces. The noise is loud, and the whole house goes on alert before returning to its routine upon seeing the scene.
“Are you crazy?” He yells in shock, with glass shards all over the place, including in his hair, and small drops of blood running down his forehead.
“Maybe, but I’m not a murderer,” I say through clenched teeth. “Believe me, if I wanted her dead, there wouldn’t be any pieces of the car left to tell the tale, but I would never dirty my hands with someone as insignificant as her.”
The room turns into a chaos of shouting and arguing. Even though I love Carlos, I’m almost ready to throw another vase at him. I decide to stop arguing with him; it wouldn’t help when he’s so blinded by believing I would do such a thing. I turn around, leaving him to argue alone, and head back outside.
“You should leave, Carlos… I can’t stand looking at your face right now,” I say finally before leaving. “And don’t you dare ask anyone to clean up the mess you made,” I point to the floor and walk out.
I sit in a chair, not allowing myself to cry this time. In fact, I can’t even remember the last time I spent a day without crying, so I forbid myself from doing it today! The scene that just occurred felt like it nailed the final stake into our marriage. There was no more unity, no more fidelity, respect, or love.
I couldn’t love for both of us alone, not when it was destroying me. When it was already destroying me.
“Your foot is bleeding,” I hear a voice pull me out of my thoughts, and when I look up, I see Charles.
“Oh,” I have no reaction. I look down and see the small pool of blood forming underneath the injured foot I hadn’t noticed before. “I must have stepped on one of the glass shards. I’ll take care of it…”
I try to reassure him and spare him from my melancholic company.
“Let me take care of it for you; just wait here, please,” he smiles, looking tense, possibly having witnessed the situation.
Just as I didn’t notice him leave, I didn’t notice him come back, this time with a first aid kit in hand. He kneels in front of me and gently takes my left foot.
“I can do this, Charles. Thank you,” I thank him and try to get rid of his presence.
“No, no, I insist,” he smiles worriedly, his eyes on me. There’s something there I can’t decipher; it’s not pity, but definitely something shining.
He opens the significantly large first aid kit that is necessary when someone with a gunshot or knife wound shows up at the house from time to time.
“Do you need anesthetic?” he asks, laughing.
“Although I would love to be high right now, it won’t be necessary,” I say, and he laughs lightly.
He pulls the glass shard out in one precise, smooth movement, and I watch as he cleans the wound with cotton and alcohol.
“To save you the trouble of investigating the accident… I didn’t do it,” I say to Charles.
“I know,” he replies, not bothering to look up at me, appearing certain of his opinion. “And I think if Carlos had a bit more reason and faith in you, he’d know that.”
It’s funny to watch him work with such calm and gentleness on a simple injury, contrasting sharply with all the memories of when he taught me to shoot and defend myself months ago.
“I didn’t teach you to do a job halfway and to leave traces. I have faith that you were a good student.” He looks up and smiles. Charles is the same age as me, but the difference between us is apparent. He’s lived and witnessed many things to be where he is now and still tries to be as gentle as possible in my company.
“Thank you,” I say, watching him as he wraps my foot with a bandage. It’s large and silly for the size of the cut, but the gesture enchants me.
I let my eyes wander away, to the garden or beyond it, my thoughts drifting. I don’t want to cry, not for Carlos. Just thinking about his name makes me sick, and I wonder why I did all this. Why did I sacrifice so much of my life for him? Why did I fight so hard for this marriage when it was destroying me?
It’s ironic how life presents things to us. Throughout my life, I’ve always loved art, preferring romantic ideals and works that depicted routine and brought peace. Now my life would be painted in a dark and melancholic canvas.
“If you could choose to be anything, what would you be?” I ask Charles, who is still kneeling in front of me, his hand gently touching my injured foot.
“What do you mean?” His green eyes look confused.
“I would have my own art gallery, or rather, I think I would like to work in a museum…” I let my mind wander, to what I could be if I weren’t here.
“In which museum?” he asks.
“In Washington,” I reply without thinking. “I think there cuz my favorite art is there, a beautiful Monet. I would be the happiest person to see it every day,” I smile at the scene in my mind, a genuine smile. “And you?”
“I think I would be a Formula 1 driver,” he laughs. “My childhood dream was to drive the red car around the world.”
“In another universe, I’m sure we’re doing that,” I smile at him, laughing. It’s silly to think about it, but it helps me calm down. “Please sit down.”
He closes the first aid kit and sets it aside, then sits in the chair next to me. He seems awkward or even embarrassed to do so.
“I don’t want to get divorced, Charles,” I murmur, scratching my forehead. I thought I would have more strength for this, that I wouldn’t give up so easily.
“He will find out it wasn’t you eventually” he murmurs.
“The problem isn’t the accident, or even Carlos. He isn’t that desperate about the divorce, and if he were, he would file for litigation” I sigh. “She wants the divorce; I just took a while to realize it… Carlos getting divorced is just a red flag for all his business, and it will make his life much more difficult… I just don’t know if I can handle it anymore.”
“Y/n…” the man calls me, then says, “You are the strongest woman I have ever known. You’ve been through so much and endured it as if it were just another normal day at work. You handle all the problems better than anyone here among us. You could be Carlos, but he could never be you.”
It’s the first time in a long while that a man makes me cry with joy.
One more part! I hope you guys are enjoying it!
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Our Little Love part five - OT7 Mafia/Yandere au
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Trigger warnings:  toxic yandere men, sub drop, guns, crime, violence, borderline abusive behaviour, possessive behaviour, unhealthy relationships, manipulation, a bad and failed attempt at aftercare, and I don't know if this counts as a warning but MC is naked through the whole thing
A/N: It's been a long time guys, I apologise <3
“I would love to kill him but you know it’ll upset little love, and I can’t stand the idea of her crying over another man.”
You start to rouse into consciousness, feeling multiple hands on your skin, stroking softly, a number of bodies sitting by your side as you sleep, their words starting to come into focus.
“We could make it look like an accident?” Another voice mumbled.
“She’d know.”
“Could you imagine her not speaking to us because we stomped on an ant?” Seokjin shakes his head in disbelief, a thumb rubbing the crease between your brows soothingly as you frown. “Part of me wants to do it out of spite.”
Your eyes open then, seven figures coming into view, all looking down on you with intense obsession that for a second it makes something on your skin crawl before you remember who they are in a daze. You inhale deeply, starting to stretch as you yawn, the sight has them cooing with adoration, their perfect little love. The ache begins to settle, the evidence of their ownership felt in your bones. 
Your body is pliable as Jin pulls you up with ease, resting your head on his shoulders as he adjusts you to straddle him, stroking your back soothingly as you come back to consciousness. You don’t know how long you slept for, either not enough or too much with how heavy you felt. They did a number on you, that much you knew, you had never felt this gone after a session or punishment, but you put that on the emotional toil it had on you rather than the physical aspect of it. 
You feel hands secure yours to Jin’s neck before he stands, taking you somewhere but you’re too tired to question anything, barely able to open your eyes. Your face is warm in his neck, the rest of your still naked body exposed to the cold air, you inhale him, his scent making you feel safe even as you shiver against him. You only realise their intentions when you’re lowered into hot water, Yoongi having checked three times it wasn’t scalding before letting Jin put you in the tub. There’s a hand on the back of your head, like a cushion as you lie back, as if there was a risk you could drown in your current state. 
“Maybe we should’ve let her sleep some more first,” you can hear someone mumble, it sounded like Kookie.
Slowly the warmth of the water eases your muscles, your head still aches at the front but you feel yourself returning, becoming more coherent and aware. Your eyes open, the brightness of the light making the men appear like dark shadows until your vision adjusted. They were all still staring, a mixture of different emotions in their gaze that put you on edge. This was supposed to be your recovery, you had regained enough thought process to realise that, so then why did they look like they wanted you back on that bed tied to it. 
You frown, the words from your dream coming back to you in their voices, slowly reconstructing as you realise it wasn’t a dream at all. The looks on their faces were murderous, you could see the remnants of rage still bubbling away under the surface. The setting was supposed to relax you, but the promise of blood put you on edge. Your heart thumped in your chest faster in warning, the ache in your limbs subsiding enough for you to run if you needed to. Your body recognised the signs of the oncoming danger, but it didn’t realise it wasn’t for you, it was for another. You swallow down the lump lodged in your throat, trying to find your voice enough to subdue their anger.
“What’s going to happen to him?” You dare to ask.
Jimin scoffs, his fists scrunching beside him, the first thing you ask about is another man, the first thing on your mind isn’t them but another man, didn’t you realise that was the wrong button to press? How could you even think of another after they monopolised you? He looks over to Taehyung, his face set in stone but Jimin could see through it.
Their silence makes your anxiety spike, wanting to fill the empty space with something even if it was your own voice.
​​“I know you’re angry but don’t do that to me,” you whisper, tears involuntarily slipping from your eyes. “I don’t care about him the way you think I do, but if you hurt him you put the guilt on my shoulders, and I can’t bear the weight.”
Your lower lip trembles, your chin wobbling and you look at them with innocent pleading eyes. 
“Don’t do that to me,” you breathe, begging them.
There’s a flash of irritation on some of their faces, a despondency in others.
“Please,” you whimper, fearing their decision had been made and you were fighting a battle already lost. You wouldn’t be able to handle it, you wouldn’t be able to look past it, everything they had done had somehow not crossed an invisible line of no return, but this, this would shove you over the edge. 
“You’re too good, little love,” Namjoon says, taking a seat on the rim of the tub, looking down at you, his presence forcing you to look up and meet his gaze. Your knees are to your chest in the water, arms wrapped around your legs like you were hiding yourself from them again and he hated it. “Crying over another man.”
The insinuation is crystal clear, even in his calm delivery of his words, you could see a storm ready to crash down on you. 
“I’m crying over you,” you admit, imploring him. “Over us.”
“Is that a threat, love?” Hoseok’s voice can’t hide the venom.
“No,” you can barely breathe, something seized your chest as the darkness in their gazes grew. Strums of panic start beating into your limbs, you couldn’t talk them down, you were useless but you will the words out. “For me, Hobi, for me, don’t do this.”
“You’re acting like we haven’t killed anyone before,” Yoongi states, scoffing at how ridiculous this was. 
“Not over me.”
He laughs and your blood turns cold, amusement written all over his face as it mocks you. 
What difference does it make, his expression says but you can hear it all clearly, if we kill for you or at all?
You turn back to Namjoon in panic, praying that they hadn’t, they didn’t, because it did make a difference. As stupid and naive as it sounded, it made a whole world of difference. 
“Joon,” you whimpered, wanting him to reassure you Yoongi was just messing with you, just being mean because you hurt him. 
“We won’t lie to you little love,” Namjoon states with a sadistic smirk.
You shake your head, eyes closed, refusing to believe it. It was a test, that was it, they were testing your loyalty, your love. 
“Get out,” you didn’t care if you failed.
Fingers under your chin force your head up, your eyes meeting Namjoon’s cold hard stare, but that smirk was still playing on his lips. 
“Do you regret coming back?” he asks.
You bite back bile, piercing him with as much anger as you can muster on your face.
“I regret not doing my job,” you say through gritted teeth, wanting to hurt them back just as much, petty rage fuelling your words. 
To your surprise he chuckles under his breath, an abnormal admiration in his gaze at your fire. Another hand overtakes his, turning you to face Hoseok’s glare, his nostrils flaring. 
“Tell me again you don’t care about him,” he dares you as if every word you had uttered was a lie just to save Suho, like all your feelings for them had been a lie. You tried to pry his fingers away, but they gripped your chin with such force, his fingers would make dents in your skin. You push against him but he doesn’t budge.
“Sounds like you care too much,” Seokjin pipes in, “Enough to regret what you have with us.”
“You’re threatening to put blood on my hands!” You yell back, pissed now that they didn’t see this from your perspective, that they didn’t care what it would do to you. Despite wanting to hold strong against them, you can feel more tears prick the corner of your eyes. “You say you don’t want to hurt me but you all do it again and again.”
“Careful love,” Yoongi warns, not liking your accusation at all even though he knew there was some truth in it. 
“Or what?” you scoff shakily, the tears making you tremble as you tried so hard to hold them in. “You’ll just find some way to make me learn my lesson, you’ll hurt me again, you’ll push me away, it's the same shit on repeat.”
You take a long shuddering breath, losing the battle to keep from crying. You were so exasperated, didn’t they see what they were doing to you?
“I love you,” you sob, “why isn’t that enough?”
The water had turned tepid and you blame that on why you were shaking. Hoseok finally lets you go, turning away from you before he let his anger get the better of him, biting his tongue.
One by one they leave you, no words of reassurance or love, just cold eyes turning away from you as if they couldn’t stand you. As soon as the door closes behind Jimin you let out the tears as silently as you could. 
Namjoon knew that was the wrong timing to bring up such a delicate subject, especially after a session like that. They all knew it, but in their eyes and in their defence, you were the one to bring it up first. They knew after Hobi’s theatrics you needed thorough aftercare, especially to bring you back up from the bottom of whatever hell or heaven they took you to, but in that moment they had to walk away.
Their anger was getting the best of them, they couldn’t swallow it down. To salvage the situation they had to keep their mouths shut, otherwise you would leave again. Not physically, they would never allow that, but emotionally, and as much as they could train you to love them and accept them, it wouldn’t be the same, it wouldn’t be real. They didn’t want a doll, or a toy, despite what many believed, they wanted you, the fire that came with you, but they wanted it to themselves. 
“That went well,” Seokjin grumbles, guilt starting to make its way to the surface of his thoughts as he remembered how much aftercare you would need, and they just deserted you. Panic starts to strum under his skin, the urge to go back and comfort you pushing his legs towards you but he stayed still, only his eyes travelled towards the room you were in a floor above them. 
“We just need a second to breathe,” Yoongi groans as if he could read Jin’s mind. His hair covered his face as he leaned on the back of the sofa, his eyes to the ground but his fists clenched to the fabric.
“Who knew it would be so hard to resist a kill?” Hoseok laughs mockingly at himself, he wanted Suho’s neck crushed in his hands, he wanted that body beaten and blue until there was no breath left in it. But you asked them not to. 
Make no mistake of it, they had in fact slaughtered many because of you before, but the difference was your ignorance to those crimes. You didn’t need to know, so they didn’t tell you. That man that snapped at you for knocking into him by accident? Gone. The guy that stared for too long when you went on a date in the park? Buried. The woman who looked at you in disgust when you were receiving their affection in public? Well long story short there was a trail of bodies never to be found, the only thing that connected them was their wrongdoings to you. 
This was a bit more complicated. You outright asked them not to, and now their two rules clashed - Destroy anyone that hurt you. Do everything you asked. 
“We can’t leave her for long,” Jimin pipes up after a moment of silence, starting to worry about your mental wellbeing. There was no movement from the floor above, it didn’t take a genius to figure out you were where they left you.
“I’ll go,” Jungkook and Taehyung were the quietest since you woke up, the youngest was the one to move first, the others watching him leave wishing they could trust themselves to follow without bringing about another argument. 
“Hyung you should go too,” Yoongi says to Jin, knowing he would control his emotions better than the rest of them and keep Jungkook in check. Seokjin nods once and follows the maknae. 
The silence between them only grows, their ears stretching to hear your movements, your voice, something that reassured them you were still here, still theirs. The sounds are muffled but they can hear the shower start, the soft mumbles of movement. There was a collective sigh of relief, though shoulders stayed tense. There was still an obvious problem that needed solving, not to mention undoing the damage they had inflicted with you.
“We don’t have to kill him,” Taehyung spoke for the first time that day, his deep timbre commanding their attention. “But we can’t just leave him.”
You couldn’t move, your bones felt cemented, they didn’t want you anymore. You ruined their perfect perception of you, you fought for another man’s life and now they discarded you. You didn’t want to move, to move would be to accept it and you didn’t have the strength left to. Would they kick you out? Kill you? You knew too much, they wouldn’t leave you alive. 
All you could see were their cold eyes, no ounce of love in them, it left you so empty and terrified. A subconscious part of you was tearing apart your insides as it tried to pull you to them, to beg them to forgive you, let them end Suho’s life… It was a dark part of you that suggested it but you wouldn’t, just because their morals were nonexistent didn’t mean you would give up all of yours. Even if they were the cost?
You close your eyes at the question, not wanting to answer it even in your mind.
You felt broken. But worse than that, you felt unwanted, by people who swore they would never let you go. 
Never say never, you internally scoff before releasing a deep shuddering breath, the fear gripping you again with fresh new tears escaping. You struggle to swallow down your whimpers, knowing they were an innate part of you that was trying to call out to them, but you wouldn’t, not when their rejection would seal the end like a casket closing. 
There’s a soft knock on the door, but they don’t wait for you to answer before it opens. The hardness in his doe eyes were gone when they stared at your form still in the tub, you thought about how pathetic you must’ve looked, no wonder why they didn’t want you anymore. He sighs to himself, was he disappointed in you? Did he want to use the bathroom but you were in his way? Any rational thought you tried to have to reason his reappearance swirled into a cloud of negativity above your head, even Jungkook could see it. 
“Love…” he said softly, approaching you slowly like you were the one who would run. Your hair was a mess, your knees still brought up to your chest with your arms crossed on them, like you were trying to disappear in yourself, or protect yourself. He kneels beside you, hand on the back of your head, stroking it gently like he was trying to tame it, and whatever thoughts he knew were spiralling inside. 
You were shivering, eyes closed at his touch when the door opened again, you didn’t open them to greet the new presence, trying to get your breathing back under control now the sobs stopped. 
Jin pulls back his sleeve before he puts his hand in the water, confirming what he already knew, it was frozen. His eyes are fixed on you when he pulls the plug, grabbing the shower head and turning it on, finding the right temperature. There’s a second of a violent shiver cascading through you when he runs it over your cold form, before he can visibly see you start to warm.
There’s an unspoken thought between the two when they glance at each other, they need to pull you out of whatever bottomless pit they threw you in fast, an idiot could tell you were still falling in it. 
“We’re sorry little love,” Jungkook whispered to you, loud enough that you’d hear him through the water, his own eyes starting to tear up at your form. It wasn’t just about physically pulling you out, after the damage they inflicted you needed reassurance. 
“Jungkook take her out for a second,” Jin instructed, passing him a towel before he stopped the water. “Let’s try this again.”
With the way you were sitting it didn’t take much effort for the maknae to carry you out, his own clothes getting soaked in the process not that he cared. The towel covered you instantly, not to dry you but to keep you warm, shielded. You moulded against his chest as he sat on the bathroom floor, waiting for Jin to refill the bath, muttering to himself as he added different salts and oil, something about eucalyptus or whatever, Jungkook wasn’t listening to him, his voice faded to the background to your breathing, every inhale and exhale, he focused on it.
“We’re sorry,” he repeated himself, arms firm around you, trying his hard not to constrict you too tight even though the fear of you disappearing had his muscles aching with a fight against his instincts. “We’re idiots baby, you know we’d do anything for you, forgive us hmm?”
He needed something from you, his own heart starting to panic at how quiet you’d become after the fight. 
“You don’t have to worry love I promise,” it may prove to be empty words depending on Namjoons decision how to proceed, but he’d tell you the sun was green if it brought you out of this free fall. He strokes your arm through the towel, trying to soothe the ache he knows they caused.  
“You know what we’re like,” he tries to chuckle but he can barely manage it, “our anger gets the best of us sometimes, but we’re trying baby.”  
You were right, it was a fleeting thought, one he tried to push away but he couldn’t, not with the way you were trembling against him. They did hurt you, time and time again, their love for you was stripping you of everything they loved about you. Toxic wasn’t the right word for it, they were a disease.
He keeps making gentle promises to you, softly spoken without an ounce of his previous anger or jealousy. Hell, with the way the fear of losing you had suddenly gripped him, he would throw the fucking Captain a birthday party just to see you smile again, the feeling was dramatic, but after losing you once… 
“Say something to me, hmm?” he kisses the side of your head, just below your temple. “Just one word, please Y/n.”
He nuzzles his head against yours, begging you to give him something even if he didn’t deserve a single syllable. 
“Jungkook,” Jin pulls his attention, the water ready. The oldest tried to ignore the tug he felt with you in the youngest’s arms, trying to focus on the task in front of him, but your state was the worst distraction. He wanted to call Namjoon, but he knew that may not have been the best idea right now. 
For the second time that day you’re placed back in the bathtub, like they were restarting the day, wiping away the wounds they left you with, but wouldn’t that be too easy. The warmth starts to ease your bones, your muscles relaxing visibly as your eyes close. For a second you could pretend everything was okay, that the men you loved were as soft inside as they were with you now. 
Jin pulls your arm out of the water gently, working the loofah on your skin like you were made of the most fragile glass. Jungkook pulls your head back, wetting your hair with his hands forming a barrier so not a drop would fall on your face. His hands work through your scalp. You kept your eyes through it all, content with feeling them, their hands transpiring their love, or so you wanted to believe. Was it love or just possession?
Now the seed of doubt presented itself, you couldn’t stop it growing, manifesting its vines around your chest, you could feel each thorn, each prick brought a new uncertainty. Jungkooks thumb rubs away the frown that formed at your thoughts. You look up at him and he swore he could see you coming back to them, the despondency starting to leave your eyes as you gazed at him in wonder. He smiles softly, pressing a kiss between your brows, but he didn’t run with relief just yet. 
Jin holds up a fresh towel then they’re done, you wobble slightly as you stand, but he wraps you in it before you can stumble. He lifts you out, making sure you stand steady in front of him as he dries you, Jungkook doing the same for your hair. There’s a soft kiss on the bridge of your nose, Jin testing the waters before the urge to cover you with his lips overtakes him. He doesn't meet the stare you have on his face, he doesn’t think he can hold himself back if he does. 
“Come on heaven,” he keeps his voice gentle, coaxing you out of your shell. “Clothes, food and bed. Everything else can wait for tomorrow.”
He knew he was being followed, it was inevitable, he knew that, didn’t mean he didn’t fear death. He was wondering when Kim Namjoon was going to put his head on a silver platter, he wondered if it would be served to you. What bullshit did those men fill your head with?
Your friendship with Suho ran deep, your respect ran deeper, he knew that, that’s why he couldn’t give up on you. It happened in his line of work. He had seen it, call it brainwashing, an identity crisis, stockholm syndrome, there were a thousand labels for the conditions that messed up the brain. He never thought it would ever touch you, but he’d been wrong before. 
Kim Namjoon wasn’t the only person who wanted his head, his higher ups were questioning everything. How did the task force fail when they put their best asset on it? That asset now fell into the hands of what they were trying to take down in the first place, the universe had a fucked up sense of humour. 
Suho paused at his door, the poor concealment of the broken lock stood like a dare, almost as if it were calling him a coward. He kicked it open, gun already drawn and aimed in front of him.
“You can put that away Captain,” a voice called in the darkness of his apartment. “Your death isn’t on the cards tonight.”
He doesn’t lower his weapon despite the reassurance, criminals were known liars, and he wasn’t an idiot. One hand reached for the wall, roaming blind until it found the switch. 
The figure of Kim Namjoon looking too comfortable in his humble home presented itself with the lights, the head of the syndicate sitting on the worn couch like it were a priceless throne. 
“Your death might be,” Suho replies, his gun aimed at Namjoon’s head. 
He only laughed, like the threat out of the police Captain’s mouth meant nothing, a joke. Fury burned underneath his skin, first the piece of scum takes his best detective, and now this. 
“You shouldn’t underestimate me,” his gaze turned deadly in a second, his own warning carrying more weight than anything Suho could say. 
“Believe me, I didn’t,” Suho admits, remembering how much resources they put into their task force, how he always knew it wasn’t going to be enough. Yet he still sent you into the firing line, foolishly hoping you would be the answer to everything. “Why are you here?”
“Don’t come near Y/n,” his eyes assess his opponent, calculating him accurately. He knew exactly what the Captain wanted, and he would let the whole nation burn before he ever allowed it. 
“Why? Are you scared I’ll speak some sense into her?” It was Suho’s turn to chuckle, the patronising sound mocking his enemy.
“Truly, yes,” the corner of Namjoon’s lips lift for a second, humouring the ant in front of him for a moment. “But you upset her with your last unwanted visit, and normally that would mean I detach your soul from your body but unfortunately our little love has a soft spot for you.”
Disgust worked his dinner up his throat, the idea of these men sharing you like you were some sort of fuckdoll, didn’t you see that was the biggest slap in your face? The fact they were probably doing it to show the entire police force a massive fuck you, how did they pull the wool over your eyes? 
“I won’t let Y/n become a pawn in whatever game you’re playing,” he said with as much conviction as he could muster, his hands tight on his gun, his finger aching to pull the trigger. 
“Pawn?” Namjoon seethed, that’s all you were to the authorities that threw you into the syndicate like fodder. “I can assure you in this analogy she’s the queen, but I think you already know that, otherwise why would you be so concerned?”
“She’s my best detecti-”
Their glares intensified, the original intention of peace fading fast. 
“She was a detective,” not your anything you fucking cockroach. 
A part of him wished he followed through with his earlier plan of bringing you to this meeting with him, he would show the arrogant fucker exactly where you belonged. He’d eat you out on this very couch, kneeling in front of you, not letting the ant see a single sliver of your skin, but your voice would tell him exactly what was transpiring, exactly how it was you that held them in your clutches, you that drove them mad with a despicable desire.
It was an empty thought, fuelled by irrational jealousy that Namjoon didn’t previously think he was capable of, but when it came to you… No, there was no way he’d let anyone else witness you that way, he’d kill them, and even if Hell froze over there was no chance that your old friend would ever see you again. 
The silence grew heavy, even with the rage in Kim Namjoon’s eyes, the Captain thought he looked too relaxed. 
“Obviously a verbal warning isn’t going to make a dent in your thick skull,” he sighs, motioning in the air with two fingers.
Suho can’t differentiate what came first, the shattering of glass or the bullet in his hand knocking the gun out of it. Sniper. Curses tumbled out of his mouth loudly until he bit his mouth shut, there were civilians in the building. The pain seared through his hand like an invisible fire. 
“Look at me Captain,” the weight of real power commanded him. Through tear filled eyes he saw the evil in front of him, gleaming with a promise. “You let Y/n go.”
A second bullet whistled into his knee cap, the message understood; he couldn’t follow you if he couldn’t walk. 
Taglist: @nlost21 @pb-n-juju @needyomnivore @lvpersona @marvelfamily3000 @love2lovesworld @halesandy @dreamamubarak @deepseavibez @mikymouse0729 @barnesrogerslover @itismochirice @mwitsmejk @minswife4life @justanotherstarlightmonger @rapline-heaux 
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saberlight1 · 8 months
the red means i love you — frank castle
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pairing: frank castle x fem!reader
warnings: violence! like a lot of violence.. and detailed accounts of said violence, reader goes insane, mentions of murder, trauma, reader is a past widow for the red room, Y/N usage, kidnapping, established relationship, fluff, standard the punisher warnings.
authors note: hii theree! so this one is kind of insane, i may have went just a tad bit overboard, but y’know. thank you anon for this request that this fic is based on! this story is heavily based on the song, ‘the red means i love you’ by madds buckley, so give it a listen if you’d like. much love to you all, i hope you all enjoy this !
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You panted, your hand pulling the machete out of the last man’s chest. Your vision was still hazy, and you didn’t exactly feel like you were in your body.
But, that’s how you always felt when you killed.
As you gathered your bearings, your eyes began to dart around the room— and you realized how many men you had just taken out.
“Motherfucker,” You groaned as the pain began to set in due to the knife that was currently in your thigh. One of them must of done it when you were distracted, and your adrenaline was far too high for you to register it.
You no longer had that problem, it hurt like a bitch. But, you’ve had worse— a lot worse, and you could handle it. So you did was you were trained to do: push the emotions and pain away get the damn job done.
You had to. For Frank.
You see, he was taken by God knows who. You and Frank had no shortage of enemies, so you weren’t exactly sure who you were even invading, but you didn’t care. You knew they had Frank.
You were getting him back. You didn't care how many lives you had to take, you would do it all without second thought.
One of them had his sawed-off shotgun, they tried to shoot you with it. So you knew he was here. You just didn’t know exactly where.
And you’d go through hell and back to get to him.
So with a sharp inhale, you began to walk over to one of your victims, snatching the shotgun from his cold grip. A new sense of rage washed over you when you held the cold metal in your hands— they tried to take Frank from you.
You couldn’t let that stand.
Anger flooded your bloodstream as you began to stalk over to the hallway in front of you, cocking the shotgun along the way. You looked damn insane—you were covered in blood, a knife sticking out your thigh, your machete in one hand and Frank’s shotgun in the other.
One thing was for sure: you were out for fuckin’ blood.
You kicked open the first door you saw with your good leg, and inside were 3 men. Before they could even get a chance to react, you let the first round of bullets fly at one of them, the man dead instantly.
You narrowed your eyes at the two remaining men, putting the machete in your belt, you cocked the shotgun and aimed directly towards them. “Where the fuck is Frank.”
“I–I don’t know what you’re talking about,” One of the men stuttered out.
You scoffed, shooting that same man in the shin. “You think I’m fuckin’ playin’ around? I said, where the fuck is he?! What did you do with Frank?!” You shouted angrily, cocking the gun once more.
The man cried out, falling to his knees as his partner put his hands up in surrender. “He’s in the building..” He murmured, but you could see the man you shot reaching for the gun that the other had so obviously in the back of his pants.
Rolling your eyes, you shot the man who was still unharmed in the head. “Fuckin’ useless. I’ll find him myself.” You muttered to mainly yourself before grabbing your machete once more and stomping over to the last one.
“No, no, no!” He begged, backing away as far as he could from you. “Killing me won’t do anything. You’ll never get through all of us. You and Castle are as good as dead,” He spat and you only gave a sinister smile in return before you dove the machete into his chest.
After he was dead, you took your machete and wiped it clean of the blood before storing it back in your belt. You walked out the room without another thought as you continued your walk down the hallway, Frank’s shotgun tight in your grasp as you pointed it for precaution.
The next room you walked into contained 5 men, and then 3 after you let your itchy trigger finger take over.
3 guns were pointed at you in a instant, and you smirked in delight. "Drop them now!" He nodded towards your weapons. With a smirk still on your face, you let your machete clattered to the ground, but still kept Frank's shotgun in your hand. If you were going to die, you wanted it to happen with at least something that tied to Frank.
Staring them all down, you tried to wait for one of them to make the first strike— but eventually you got bored.
You hit one of the men over the head with the shotgun as you kicked one of the other one’s knee in. Without thinking, you grabbed the knife that was still painfully lodged in your thigh and pulled it out-- causing a sharp roar of pain to leave your lips. And with a menacing stare, you used that very same knife to slash the third man's throat.
In a flash of motions you turned to the next man and shoved the knife into his throat, causing him to stumble back with fearful eyes before dropping dead.
That left the last one that you practically bitch-slapped with the gun. He stared at you with wide, rage filled eyes before he grabbed you by your neck, throwing you into the table next to you. Your now open wound on your thigh got caught on a nail on the way, only tearing it open further. A cry of pure pain left your lips at the act, but you recovered quickly, turning to the man with a evil glare.
You let out a yell as you tackled him to the floor, letting all of your anger out as you brutally laid punch after punch to his face until he was unrecognizable. You let out another broken cry as you left one last hit to his bloodied face.
Ragged breaths left your lips as came back down to reality, shakily standing up. Your knuckles were bruised and cracked, and you knew it would hurt like a bitch later, but as of now, you really didn't care. It would all be worth it in the end. So, without another thought you grabbed your machete and the shotgun and headed out the room.
There was only one room left. It was at the very end of the hallway, and you silently prayed Frank was in there. At this point, after all the people you had just killed and fought— you were fucking tired, and quite frankly; fed the fuck up.
You cocked the gun with nothing in your brain other than bloodlust and kicked open the door harshly. “Where the fuck is he?!” You bellowed as you stormed in, gun raised. You had tunnel vision, seeing nothing over than the targets before you.
8 or 9 men were scattered around the room, and before you knew it bullets were flying everywhere. With wide eyes you dove down for cover behind a fallen table, and on the way down you were grazed by several bullets. Your hand flew up to the blood you felt trickling down your ribs, a low groan leaving your lips. You fought tears of pain as you pulled yourself together, reminding yourself of the goal: Get to Frank.
“Come out, now!” One of them yelled, and it only fueled your anger further.
“Fine.” You growled, standing up and shooting the first two men in front of you. Standing up, you ran to the side of the wall where their bullets couldn’t hit you. You let out a small laugh to yourself— you had to admit, you kind of missed this.
The chaos of it all.
You were raised in the chaos of this— you were brought up in the Red Room, killing people all around the globe. Yelena Belova, one of your fellow past widows, had broken you out some time ago and you tried to give the life up, but it seemed it was in your DNA.
Who were you to fight that?
You shook the thought away just as quickly as it arrived— you had more pressing issues right now.
You pulled the pistol out of your boot, peaking around the corner and picking off 3 men, leaving now 4.
“You fuckin’ crazy bitch!” One of them roared, running at you with a dagger.
“Fuck off!” You screamed back, blocking his attempted strike by grabbing his wrist and twisting his arm, the man now yelling out in pain. He dropped the dagger that was clutched in his hand, while you caught with your free hand, not hesitating to plunge it into his heart.
“Y/N?!” You heard that familiar voice yell, causing you freeze. His call made a soft smile spread across your features, but at the same time ignited that dedication to get to him now.
You grabbed Frank’s shotgun, cocking it and getting your pistol in your other hand. And with a devilish glare, you turned the corner and proceeded to pick off the rest of the men that remained.
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding when you realized they were all dead. Turning on your heel, you ran to room in the back that was connected to the room you had been in, throwing open the door urgently.
“Frank,” You practically whispered. He was bound a chair by chains, his face bruised and bloodied.
“Holy shit.” He murmured, taking in your current state. You didn’t know what you looked like, but you were sure it was nothing short of horrific. You were covered head to toe in a mixture of your own blood and your victim's, wounds and bruises littering your entire body. "Christ, woman, what the fuck happened out there?" He asked with a worried tone.
You aimed your pistol at his chains. “Don’t move.” You spoke gently, yet firm. He nodded, giving you the okay to take the shot. Once you did, he was up and bringing you into his arms almost immediately.
The weapons in your hands clattered to the ground in an instant as you let yourself melt in his arms. You were exhausted. Due to your search for Frank and also just your pure anxiety in being away from him, you had barely slept in the past couple days. That definitely came back to bite you in the ass, and on top of it all, you were in a lot of pain. The kisses Frank was leaving to the side of your head made you feel a lot better, though.
You pulled back just a bit to cup his jaw, your eyes scanning his injuries. “Are you okay?”
He let out a dry chuckle before turning his hand slightly to leave a kiss to your palm. “Baby, you are in no position to be askin’ me that right now.” His hands came up to cradle to your face, and you nestled your face into his palm. "Are you okay?"
You managed to give him a smile. “I'm better now.” You let out a shaky breath. Now that you had found Frank, the pain really began to set in. You wouldn’t let yourself feel all of the pain until you knew you were safe— and you now knew that Frank had you. “They’re all dead.” You told him. "I killed them all."
“Damn,” He licked his lips, staring down at you. “And here I was thinkin’ no one was comin’ for me.”
“You should know by now I’ll always come for you.” You expressed, leaning up to connect your lips. You didn’t care if you were covered in blood, or that Frank had been tied to a chair for 2 days— you missed him.
You loved him. And you would set the world on fire for him.
Once you two pulled apart, he stared into your eyes. “I fuckin’ love you.”
You giggled softly, gazing up at him lovingly. “I love you, Frank.”
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iamnotoriginalphil · 11 months
Her Girl (Melissa Schemmenti x f!Reader)
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Synopsis: Sometimes you have to calm Melissa down, and sometimes you get more than you bargained for when you do.
Words: 1.6k
Warnings: anger, gross men, mentioned violence
“And so all I had to say to him was glitter was for special occasions. To which he told me anything could be a special occasion which really made me reevaluate some things,” you said to the camera crew, brushing some of the green glitter off your hands, “an ordinary day could be a special occasion and maybe we should celebrate-”
A teacher rushed past you, throwing a scared glance back over their shoulder. You watched them go before you began to hear the shouting that was coming from down the hall. One voice, in particular, was very familiar.
“Would you excuse me for a moment?” you said to the camera crew, before following the sounds of conflict.
Bursting into the staff room you found most of the teachers pushed to the outer edges, looking inwards at the centre of the room. Melissa had the neck of a poor teacher’s shirt clutched in her fist, the other brandishing a plastic knife close enough to his eye to cause concern. The murder in her own eyes was also a concern. He was trying to cower away from her but her grip was strong and her anger unstoppable.
“What’s going on?” you whispered to Janine.
“I think he said something she didn’t like,” she whispered back, “she keeps calling him a pig.”
“Are you going to intervene?” Gregory asked, leaning over to you.
At some point in the last three years you’d been teaching at Abbott you’d become the designated person to calm Melissa down. It had started with small things like noticing when the vein beginning to throb in her temple or the way her gaze turned sharp when Janine began to talk. You would usher from the room or distract her until that anger was forgotten. Now, whenever it looked like she was going to kill someone, you were sought out to stop it on school property.
And no one knew why you were the only one that could calm her down. Yourself included.
“You’re pathetic,” Melissa shouted, “you can’t say shit like that. Not about her.”
“I suppose I have to, don’t I?” you sighed.
You stepped into the no man’s land left from the teachers trying to keep out of the way of Melissa’s rage while still watching the fight. There was a sharp intake of breath from behind. You ignored it, pausing at your friend’s shoulder.
“Hey Mel,” you said, keeping your voice light, letting her know you were there without sneaking up on her, “what’s going on?”
“This piece of shit has been running his mouth,” she replied, the knife coming dangerously close to his eye.
“And you’re planning on stabbing him in the eye?” you asked.
“I’m planning on teaching him he can’t say shit like that,” she said.
You eased your way around her until you were able to see her face. You reached up, curling your fingers around her wrist, the one holding the knife, holding it in case a sudden move took his eye out. His gaze flicked down to you then back to the knife, turning cross eyed as he tried to keep it in sight.
“I’m not sure this is the best way of doing that,” you said to her.
She looked to you, those green eyes flashing with an anger that was far beyond what you were used to. If anyone but Melissa had looked at you like that you would have flinched back, but you knew Melissa. You trusted Melissa. She would never hurt you.
“Tell her what you said,” she demanded of the man.
You looked to him, still held in a death grip. He whimpered at the knife wavering in front of his face.
“I was just voicing my admiration for you-“
“Don’t you dare lie right to my face,” Melissa growled before looking back to you, “he said that he’s fantasised about bending you over your desk and that your mouth looks perfect for blowjobs.”
“Ew,” you said looking back at him, sweeping your eyes over his trembling body, “gross.”
“And so I have to take his tongue so he never says it again” she said.
He whimpered again. You sighed, leaning towards Melissa, lowering your voice.
“There are witnesses. Ava is filming. Think this through, Mel. There’s enough evidence for them to take you down if you do anything right now.”
She huffed, eyes finding your face. She allowed her hand to be lowered by the hold you still had on her wrist. You were soft as you plucked the knife out of her hand. She shoved the man back before releasing him, watching him trip over his own feet to sprawl on the ground. You didn’t even bother sparing him a glance before stepping in front of Melissa properly.
“Come on,” you said, keeping your voice low enough that she was the only one who’d hear, “he’s not worth criminal charges.”
The growl low in her throat shouldn’t have done something to you but an angry Melissa had an appeal that was hard to understand. She was staring at you, clearly thinking it over. Your thumb brushed against her pulse point, feeling it beating hard under your touch. She jerked out of your hold.
“Fine,” she ground out.
“Now let’s leave that creep to…” You glanced over your shoulder at him, nose wrinkling at the spreading wet patch, “find new trousers.”
She strode out of the room, other teachers scattering to give her a clear walkway. You followed in her wake, ignoring the whispers that sprung up behind you. Half running, you trailed her into her classroom, watching her hands clenching into fists.
“Don’t.” She spun on you, “he was outta line.”
“Sure, but he’s hardly the first guy who’s said something gross about me and he’s not going to be last. At least he didn’t come up to me and say it to my face expecting me to jump into bed with him like it’s some kind of compliment,” you said, “c’mon Mel, you know what guys are like.”
“He has no right to say that stuff about you,” she growled.
A slow smile began to stretch over your face. Her scowl deepened.
“Were you defending my honour?” you asked.
She mumbled something under her breath.
“Melissa Schemmenti, you were totally defending my honour,” you laughed.
“He doesn’t get to talk about you like that,” she said.
“Mel, it’s fine,” you reassured.
“No it’s not,” she snapped.
“Why not?” you asked.
“Because you’re my girl.”
Her outburst wasn’t expected by either of you. She blinked, taking a step back as your mouth fell open, watching her. Your heart thudded against your ribs and for the first time with her uncertainty filled your veins.
“What?” Your voice came out in a whisper.
She sighed, looking less than pleased at the situation she’d found herself in.
“Look, everyone here knows your my girl. They know not to talk about you like that,” she said.
“Okay can we cycle back to the bit about me being your girl,” you said, “what?”
She rolled her eyes before both of her hands cupped your cheeks and pulled you in. Lips pressed together, stealing your breath, making your skin tingle with electricity. Your hands found a home on her hips, pulling her closer as she nipped at your bottom lip. Her fingers slid into your hair as she drew back.
“Sweetheart, you’re the only one who didn’t know you were my girl,” she said, “why do you think I let you talk me out of most of my revenge plans? It’s not because I don’t wanna do them.”
“Have I been your girlfriend this entire time without knowing it?” you asked.
“Course not, hon,” she said, “but you will be.”
“I’m so confused,” you said, “can we got back to the bit where you kiss me again?”
She chuckled, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, fingers lingering on your jaw. The anger had been replaced with something softer, the kind of look that you were more used to seeing directed your way from her. You melted under her touch.
“Look, I had a plan that involved inviting you over and cooking. That human skid mark ruined it but he should have known better. I’m the only one who gets to think those things about you,” she said.
“You think those things about me?” you asked.
Her eyes darted to the side.
“What sort of things do you think?” you asked, tugging on her hips until she was flush against you.
“I might have thought about pinning you to my kitchen counter and eating something…” Her gaze swept down your body, making heat bloom within you, “sweet.”
“You better be planning on following through with those thoughts,” you murmured, “otherwise I’ll be very disappointed.”
“I don’t want to disappoint you,” she whispered, lips pulling up into a smile.
“Then I guess I am your girl.”
You kissed her, deep and longing. Her tongue swept in, sending your thoughts spiralling until there was nothing but her. She seemed to delight in the way you moaned into her mouth, fingers tightening in your hair.
“Alright,” she mumbled against your lips, “tonight. My place. Now get outta here before I do something stupid like bending you over my desk.”
“Now who’s outta line,” you laughed.
She swatted at your ass as you walked out of her classroom. You threw a smile over your shoulder at her, only to find a soft smile already on hers. Your heart fluttered at the sight, your dreams seeming to have come true on a random Thursday.
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inhonoredglory · 1 year
A Wartime Footing: An Explanation for Aziraphale's Elevator Smile
(Based on an ask from @sabotage-on-mercury in response to my meta on why Aziraphale had to go to Heaven)
The creepy smile was one part of the ending I couldn't quite put my finger on either, until someone pointed out on a Twitter response to my meta:
The reason why its scary is bc azi is becoming properly angry at the system and is 101% determined to set things right (Source)
In season 1, Aziraphale was determined not to kill anyone to stop the Apocalypse. He wouldn't even tell Crowley where the Antichrist was, because Crowley's only solution was to kill him.
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And because Crowley consistently didn't have any ideas ("not one single better idea??"), Aziraphale took it on himself to pursue the only option left––to ask God to intervene and stop both Heaven and Hell from destroying Earth. Therefore, Aziraphale had to keep the integrity of his angel status by distancing himself from Crowley, while the world was still in danger.
Despite this dedication avoid bloodshed, when God didn't have an answer, Aziraphale went against one of his core beliefs to help save the world. He was willing to murder a child.
For Aziraphale, that takes guts. And (seeing how he reacted at the end of the Job minisode), I wonder that if he had killed Adam Young, Aziraphale would have checked himself into Hell.
Going to Heaven for Aziraphale is ultimately a conscious choice, one that he is clearly afraid of. We see him constantly steeling himself again the Metatron in the end, covering his fear and hurt from losing Crowley with a placid smile and a flippant attitude. He's wearing so many masks, to Crowley, to himself, to the Metatron...
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All season we've seen him playing roles (detective, magician, doctor, landlord). But the final role is warrior. Going up that elevator, we first see Aziraphale's eyes searching, worried, panicking, but unable to show it because he's not in a safe space. He swallows, blinks, he's breathing hard (you can see his entire shoulders rise and fall).
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But as he goes up, his expression steels. He's quite literally putting on a mask (to himself): a vengeful, hardened expression of pure anger and rage (to drown out the fear and uncertainty he so clearly still has).
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Michael Sheen conveying contained anger in both Good Omens and Masters of Sex.
Cuz this isn't just him scrambling to kill a kid, this is him walking calmly and knowingly into sacrificing everything he loves most (Crowley, the bookshop, his entire life on earth) to create a world that will always be safe for him and Crowley and humanity for the rest of time. Where he would have to go up against the most powerful angels, the Metatron, and God Themself to change things. He can't be the kind, sweet angel he was on Earth. That won't cut it in Heaven if he wants to make a difference in any real way.
He wanted to do it with Crowley, with the love and support and strength of his demon. But without him, Aziraphale has to channel something else to keep his resolve afloat.
Something he had when he was a warrior, fighting on the front lines of a battle between Heaven and Hell, when he very likely led a platoon into divine fields of bloodshed before the earth was born. When he was an avenging angel.
I haven’t done this since the Great War.
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It was a time and an identity he had chosen to leave behind, because it wasn't the kind of angel he was anymore ("I'm not fighting in any war!"). In this context, you can read Aziraphale's passionate unwillingness to take a life (his pacifism) directly into his past experience as a warrior. It is often the veterans of terrible wars who are the most earnest advocates for peace. (And especially in Britain and Europe, where the violence of the world wars is still such a powerful and painful national memory.)
As he goes up the elevator, he's breathing so hard we can hear it mirrored in the soundtrack, and he is so hyperfocused on steeling himself that he doesn't even care that the Metatron is watching him. He doesn't rest until he's psyched himself into that warrior mindset necessary to carry out this mission entirely by himself, to be both the moral advocate and the uncompromising leader of angels who had intimidated him his entire life. To demand respect and to talk to the very face of God and tell Them they are Wrong.
(Please read this Neil-approved meta for further thoughts on God and Aziraphale.)
That creepy smile is clearly not there because Aziraphale is happy to fall into a toxic parent's false love. There's no comfort or wistful nostalgia in that face. There's no "it'll be so much nicer" in that smile. It's not a happy smile. It's an I'm-gonna-fuck-shit-up smile.
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Because it's a warrior's smile before they go into battle, before they put on that armor and, for a while, become something they're not in the name of some greater good. He's fucking furious and it's downright frightening.
Because I have no doubt that the angel Aziraphale we get in Season 3 is the angel Aziraphale who can say this:
He's not quite there yet in the TV show. But this bravery, this anger, this flaming rage is how it starts.
Or as he's described in the book when Aziraphale mysteriously does away with the local mafia:
Just because you’re an angel doesn’t mean you have to be a fool.
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actuallysaiyan · 5 months
Waiting For The Miracle(Villain!Nanami Kento x Fem!Reader)
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I dreamed about you, baby It was just the other night
Let's see if we're that strong Yeah let's do something crazy, Something absolutely wrong
warnings: Dark themes, murder, violence, abuse, blood, smut, unprotected sex, weapons, swearing, choking, rough sex, Yandere themes pairings: Villain!Nanami Kento x Fem!Reader word count: 3.5k summary: Nanami Kento has a rage that builds deep inside of him for years. The minute he finds out that you are the victim of abuse, he snaps...and what ensues is the madness that you both descend into. taglist: @beneathstarryskies @seireiteihellbutterfly @an-ever-angry-bi @benkeibear @namikyento @adharadotcom @anonimusunnoaniswriting @erebus-et-eigengrau
I cannot stress this enough, this is a VERY VERY VERY VERY dark piece of writing. I do not condone these actions, but I just want everyone to know that this isn't for the faint of heart. If you cannot deal with any of the warnings mentioned above, please you should skip this. Heavily inspired by the film Natural Born Killers.
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Nanami was outraged. He’s been holding these feelings deep inside of himself for years. They threatened to spill over so many times, but he was so good at keeping himself in check. So many times he clenched his fist and bit his tongue. Losing his best friend and watching his upperclassman defect, it made the fire deep in the pit of his belly become even more heated.
Kento took lots of comfort in knowing he always had you. You, the bright eyed smiling girl of his dreams. You worked hard to become a sorcerer that was at his own level. Both of you became Grade One sorcerers in no time. But what Kento never knew was that you were hiding your own secret. He had no idea that you harbored just as much pain as he did. Maybe you harbored even more pain than him.
For years, you endured the abuse of your family. The minute they found out that you could see curses and that you weren’t just mentally ill, they found it so repulsive to keep you around. During the summer vacation, you always wished you could go somewhere else but home. They tried to hide you like some dirty secret, but you always found solace in coming to school.
Meeting Kento and Haibara has been your saving grace. Having two best friends who would do absolutely anything for you made you feel like a normal person. It’s why you hid your secret from them for years. Neither of them had any idea that your family was treating you like some sort of pariah.
After the loss of your sweet friend Yu Haibara, something broke deep inside of Nanami. You watched him shift from calm and collected to sullen and deep inside himself. Then both of you felt so helpless losing Suguru as well. You, Satoru and Kento tried to pick up the pieces, but it all just seemed to be too hard. Gojo became too strong for any of you to match him, and Kento grew increasingly angry at the world.
It started with one mission gone wrong. Kento found himself in a conundrum where he could save someone at the cost of losing the curse. The curse taunted him one too many times, and so he allowed the victim to be hurt to be able to exorcize the curse. 
The blood that splattered from the victim ended up on Kento’s face. He shuddered at the way it suddenly excited him. His eyes rolled back and he smeared that blood. The victim watched in horror before their life was snuffed out. He used his Ratio technique, hitting them right in their weakest point.
From that moment on, Kento finds himself growing addicted to the spilled blood. He knows it’s wrong to allow innocent people to die, but he also knows he can’t stop the anger that fuels him. He’s gone too far down this path, and he doesn’t think he could ever deviate from it.
So the moment he found out that your family had been abusing you, Kento grew even more angry. It was like his whole body was crying out to end this madness. You were his everything. The apple of his eye. His sweet angel. He knew he’d kill for you if he had to. And he would stop at nothing to keep you safe…
It’s late one night when he knocks on the door of your family home. You open it to see him, and you swear you’ve never seen this look in his eyes. It’s pure rage that you can see. It excites you in a way that is confounding and eerily comforting. 
“Are you home alone?” he asks, his fists shaking from being clenched so hard. 
“N-no.” You reply in a quiet voice. 
You know that you shouldn’t let him in, but you feel it in your heart that this could be your way out. As you shut the door behind him, you hear your father calling out from his spot on the couch.You wished that he would just leave you alone for once in your life. 
“Who the fuck is here?”
You shudder and cower when you hear that tone of his voice. Tears sting your eyes, and Kento is quick to notice the way you’re reacting to this. He gently cups your face in his hands and he leans in closer.
“I’m here to deliver you from this pain,”
His words make your heart skip a beat. Your eyes widen and you try to understand just exactly what he means when he says he’s going to deliver you from this pain. What does he plan to do? Your heart races as you watch Nanami pull the carrying case from his back and unsheathes his blunt blade.
“K-Kento, what are you—”
But you’re interrupted by your father coming in to investigate what’s going on. His eyes narrow at the blond standing in front of you. You can tell your father is beyond pissed off at this point. You make no move to intervene.
“I knew it! You really just let any man into this house,” your father spits out. “Who’s this scumbag anyway?”
Kento sneers, “You’re never putting your hands on her ever again.”
Your father is about to laugh in his face, but you watch in surprise as Kento uses his ratio technique on your father. There’s a split second where your father doesn’t quite realize what’s just happened. Then the blood begins to gush from his throat.
You blink and squeal in surprise when some of the blood splatters on your face. With shaking hands, you try to wipe it off your face. Yet all you manage to do is smear it, and just like Kento some time ago, something changes inside of you. You look at the man you love.
“You…you killed him,” you say in a matter-of-fact tone.
“I did it for you. Nothing’s going to take you away from me. Never again,”
Kento wraps his arms around you, ignoring the gurgling noises that your dying father makes. Then you feel Kento’s lips on yours in such a heated kiss. Neither of you know where this passion has come from, but it feels like it’s growing with every second.
“I don’t know why you hid this from me,” Kento says as he rests his forehead against yours.
“I was ashamed. I was scared you wouldn’t see me the same way.”
Kento growls, “You are my one and only, do you understand me?”
You’re about to reply when a blood-curdling scream interrupts you both. Your mother is pointing at you, trying to convince you to move away from Kento. Then her eyes widen in horror as she sees the blood splattered and smeared on your own face. You begin to laugh as she’s piecing it all together.
“Oh sweet mother of mine,” you coo mockingly. “How many times did I ask for your help or for you to lay off me?”
“I-I-I-” she tries to get the words out, but she’s so terrified.
“I-I-I…what? You’re too scared to fucking talk to me now? After all this fucking bullshit?!” You cry out. 
Then you grab Kento’s blunt blade, imbuing it in your own cursed energy. It glimmers with red energy, pulsing and glowing. You spin it around, catching it with a scary precision. 
“Go on, darling. Show her just how strong and powerful you are,” Kento coaxes you, knowing you’ll do what you need to.
Your eyes flare with rage as your mother begins trying to reason with you. She tells you that she never meant to hurt you. She gets down on her knees and begins to beg for forgiveness. You slowly slide the blunt blade down her cheek, making a cut from the imbued cursed energy.
“What kind of mother hurts her own flesh and blood?” you ask her, tears in your eyes. “What kind of mother lets her little baby become the victim of years of abuse?”
Your mother tries to defend herself, but it’s too late. Kento watches you proudly as you slash the blade. Blood pours out of her wound, and she grasps at her neck pathetically.
“You let him hurt me for years. You let my own father— you let him touch me. You let him do anything he wanted, and all you did was watch.” You finally tell her.
You hand Kento his blade back, and he can see it on your face. You never knew that you’d be capable of doing something like this. But after being hurt so deeply by the two people who were supposed to protect you and raise you, your heart had been filled with so much rage.
“You’re free now,” he whispers softly before kissing you.
“We’re free.”
You hold his hand, and he leads you out of the house. You look at your childhood home one last time before Kento lights a match and throws it at the building. It goes up in flames within seconds, making you cheer loudly. 
Then he guides you to the car he managed to acquire. You jump into the passenger side, and Kento gets behind the wheel. He starts it up, winking at you. You never knew you could feel so liberated in your entire life.
With the music cranked up, Kento drives you far far away from all of this…
In the hotel room, Kento’s hands are all over you. After a long shower to clean the blood from your skin, you feel new. He kisses you hungrily. His tongue wrestles with yours for dominance, his saliva filling your mouth sweetly. You moan at the taste of your lover. When he pulls away you watch the strings of spit keeping you both connected.
“You’re my angel,” he whispers gruffly. “Nobody will ever take you away from me.”
Your eyes widen, “Nobody will ever take you away from me either.”
His hands pin your wrists above your head. You let out such a cute moan for him as his knee spreads your legs. Kento’s eyes are alight with passion as he leans in to kiss you once more. Your lips meld together with heat and desire. Your whole body shudders as he tightens his grip on your wrists.
“I fuckin’ mean it, angel. Nobody’s taking you away from me,”
Your heart races at the sound of his voice. His words are genuine and true. He’d do anything to keep you safe. One of his hands comes up to your throat, squeezing just a little to have you gasp for him.
“You are all mine,” he growls in your ear. Then he squeezes your throat harder. “I’d rather fucking die than to be on this earth without you.”
You let out a strangled moan as you feel his hand dragging down your naked body. He smirks as he tweaks one of your nipples, then the other. Then he presses a kiss to your breast, his teeth gently biting down on it. 
“Shit!” you cry out, your hands gripping his hair.
Nanami chuckles darkly as he licks the deep bite mark he’s left on your sensitive flesh.His eyes flicker up at you as his large, calloused hands cup your breasts. You let out passionate gasps and whimpers as he begins to suckle on your nipples. His teeth graze them, making you jolt into his touch.
Eventually he gets fed up with waiting. He spreads your thighs wide, spitting onto your already wet cunt. Using two fingers, he smears your arousal and his spit all over your weeping hole. Then he stuffs you full of his fingers, making you buck up.
“That’s it,” he coaxes you. “Think you’re ready for me?”
His cock rests against your mound and he pulls his fingers out of your cunt. You nod eagerly, begging for him. With one fluid movement, Kento bottoms out inside of you. He doesn’t give you a chance to adjust, slamming into you over and over.
The air from your lungs is forced out, making you gasp and pant from the intense pleasure. You’ve never seen him look at you like this. It’s like he’s trying to bound your souls together. His hands grip your hips, pulling you down with each harsh thrust. 
“Don’t worry about anything,” Kento growls against your ear. “Never going to let anyone touch my fuckin’ angel ever again.”
You cling to him, wrapping your arms and legs around him. “I love you so much. I never want to let you go.”
Kento picks up his pace, nibbling at your neck. With every thrust, he tells you about how he’s never letting anyone come near you anymore. You’re always going to be right by his side where you belong.
“You belong to me, and only me…” he pushes his cock deeper inside of you.
The coil inside of you snaps and your orgasm comes crashing down over you. You cry out, your nails digging deep into the muscles of Nanami’s well-toned back.
“Fuck that’s it,” Nanami grunts as his hips go faster. “Good girl, my good girl.”
He grips you even harder, his fingertips surely going to leave bruises into your skin. His eyes are boring into yours, a flame of desire building between the two of you. It’s going to consume you both.
“Nobody’s taking my baby away from me!” Thrust. “All mine, you got it?!” Thrust. “Gonna claim you and keep you safe!” Thrust.
And with the final thrust, his cock is nestled bruisingly against your cervix. Shots of his thick potent cum begin filling your awaiting womb. You let out another sweet cry of love, making Nanami growl loudly.
The days and weeks that follow are a whirlwind of pain, pleasure and killing. You and Nanami find yourselves unable to contain the bloodlust that seems to have infected the two of you. The rage that built so deep inside both of you has become uncontainable. It grew so fast.
Each and every little village you go to, you find yourselves unable to stop killing. With you seducing the worst types of people, Nanami is right there ready to attack them. Doesn't matter if they are men or women, you two get your fix together.
One night you’re in a small bar together, enjoying each other’s company. To anyone looking at you, nobody would be able to tell you’re the infamous curse users. Nobody knows who you two are. 
The music starts up on the jukebox and your eyes light up with excitement. You get up from your seat, getting closer to the source of the music. 
“This is my favorite song!” You exclaim, losing yourself to the music.
Nanami watches you, his eyes full of nothing but pure love. This soon turns into something else as a few men begin to take notice of you. His eyes are narrow and precise as one of these scumbags approaches you and tries to place his hand on you.
“Hey fuckface! I’m just tryin’ to dance here!” You spit out, pushing him off of you.
“What’s your fucking problem!? Stupid cunt!”
He’s about to hit you, when you slam him into the wall. The man’s eyes are wide as he notices how you are much stronger than you appear. Everyone is looking at the display, but Nanami’s got his eyes locked on just you. He thinks to himself how proud he is that you’re his girl.
“Now, now…let’s settle this calmly, little miss.”
You spit in the man’s face, “I told you, I was just dancing. You’re the one who got fucking handsy with me!”
The man’s eyes widen when he sees you pulling back his fist. Nobody in the bar can see the cursed energy imbued in your fist. The guy tries to reason with you, but it’s much too late when your hand connects with his fist. Everyone screams in horror as the blood comes flying out of the guy’s nose and eyes.
“Holy fuck!” Someone from the crowd exclaims.
Before anyone else can do anything, you watch as your true love pulls the blunt blade from his harness concealed beneath the cream blazer. Everyone watches you both as you begin attacking the people in the bar.
“Think you can just watch as a couple of scumbags try to take advantage of a young woman?” Kento asks the scared patrons. “Is this really what you want to see happen right in front of your eyes? How disgusting!”
One of the men comes over and tries to reason with him, which makes Nanami swing his blade while pairing it with the Ratio technique. You squeal in delight as you watch your lover dispatch these evil people.
Soon it turns into an all-out brawl. The bar was packed with so many people, and here you and Nanami are trying to teach them all a lesson. All you wanted was a night out for fun, but they showed you their ugly side. 
“Don’t even think about touching my pretty little angel,” Nanami sneers as he grabs someone by the back of their neck.
And he holds the person steady for you, causing you to use your cursed energy to set their nerves alight. They foam at the mouth from the intense shock to their system. Their eyes flutter shut, and then you strike them with your fist.
The last person alive is a writer named Genevieve. She pleads for her life, telling you she’s nothing but a lowly writer. You look over at your lover, smirking playfully. Then Kento sheathes his blunt blade back into the holster.
“Take your swing, honey.”
The last thing the writer sees is your fist coming straight for her face…
The car slows down on an empty bridge. You’ve been driving for a long time. Kento looks at you when he cuts the engine. Then he gets out of the car, coming around to open your door. He takes your hand in his, leading you towards the railing.
“Look at that beautiful river,” Kento whispers in your ear. “The water flows endlessly…just like our love.”
Your pupils are blown wide with love. Kento cups your face gently, kissing you so tenderly. It’s been such a wild ride already, but you’re ready to continue this life with him. You know you’d happily die for him. You’d happily kill for him again and again and again…
“Let’s do this properly, yeah?”
You nod your head. Kento leads you back to the car and you gather up some stuff from your past life. He helps you push it off the side of the bridge. Mementos, pieces of clothing you’d never wear again and even family photos scatter in the water.
“Goodbye bitch,” you say to your former self. “I’m a free woman now!”
You climb onto the railing, raising your arms up and letting out a loud cry. Kento looks at you like you strung the stars in the sky just for him. He places his hand protectively on your back, keeping you steady.
“Let’s get married,” Kento finally announces.
You look back at him, your eyebrow cocked when you finally take in what he’s just said. You laugh wildly.
“Right here? I mean…we got no priest. No officiator. No church…no temple.”
Kento helps you down onto your feet, pulling you into his arms. Your face nuzzles in the crook of your neck as he begins to play with your hair. He then leans in to whisper in your ear, his voice deep and full of desire.
“No need for any of those things. Our church is right here. We are our own officiators. Our own redeemers.”
You look deeply into his eyes, your heart thumping wildly in your ribcage like the wings of a hummingbird. Then you nod, unable to properly form the words just yet as you are overwhelmed with so much happiness.
“Give me your hand,” Nanami asks, and you do as he says.
You watch as he pulls a small buck knife. Then he makes a small incision in his hand. You gasp when you feel the cold metal on your palm next, whining softly from the pain. Then Kento clasps your hands together, holding it out over the flowing river.
“There we go,” he whispers huskily. “Now we’re husband and wife.”
You tear up, “Y-yeah! Yeah we are!”
Kento then uses his other hand to cup your face. He kisses you with all the love he can muster. Then he leans his forehead against yours, keeping your hands together and dripping blood into the river.
“And there we go…flowing in all the rivers and oceans and lakes and seas of the world. We’re everywhere all at once.”
You look into his eyes, then you wrap your arms around him completely, kissing him so sweetly. You never knew that life could be so free. You know that things aren’t going to be the most normal with this relationship, but you wouldn’t trade any of it for the world.
“I love you forever, Kento.” 
He smiles, “And I love you forever, darling.”
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spicyvampire · 11 days
I was gonna make gifsets out of them but tbh idk if I'll ever have the time because it would be like 20+ gifs gifset but I have to say
Great and Tyme had the most complex character developments I've ever seen in a show
Great went from being extremely passive and selfish in the face of violence, e.i. letting Den's girlfriend to have a heart attack when he literally had a phone in his hand he could have call an ambulance and letting Manee die after hitting her and not stopping Title from killing Dome and letting his parents control him like a puppet while he self destruct alone, to genuinely trying to have a connection with Tyme even if Tyme was using him (it's not like he knew any better from anyone else around him all people do is use him: Title used him as accessory to murder, his parents use him for the family business, he is probably used to people using him for his family money and that's why he has like virtuallyno friends other than Title), to trying to save Nan but being paralyzed by fear, to confronting his parents about their illegal businesses when the news broke irl before even his 4MP, in the middle of all of that he was already become permeable to the idea that his parents and him weren't good people, he was having trouble sleeping & being alone because of that, and on top of that he had Tyme yelling some sens into him because he could not just stay in that state of passiveness, indecision and self destruction forever, his inaction hurt people, got them killed, got him shot
So in his 4MP he became braver, he saved Manee, he saved Dome, he helped save Nan, he help Tyme get at his parents for being assholes, because he never wished that none of it happened he just wished he had reacted better, and meanwhile he also experienced another thing he always wished he had which is someone who cared deeply about him, even if he barely knew Tyme, he knew that Tyme had that in him because of how Tyme treated him before during and after using him to get back at his dad, and to be honest it really didn't matter if Tyme didn't have it in him as long as he was brave and someone treated him right before he was gone forever
And when he came back from his 4MP, he knew he couldn't change and be as perfect as he was in his 4MP but he could better in the future, he can stop his parents before they came back and started that cycle of violence all over again because once again they were using him and putting him in danger for their own benefits and were focused on trying to get something they didn't even deserve back, he can make amends for what he had done before aka hit and run with Manee and his implication in Dome's death, he can take decisive actions even if they are hard and will affect him negatively because it's the right thing to do and because he isn't alone anymore, Tyme is there, Tyme knows everything, understands him and loves him anyway
Tyme on the other hand got completely changed by resentment when he found and read his mom diary, he became cold and uncaring towards everyone around him including his patients and his ex, he was so blinded by rage that he misinterpreted the contents of the diary, he used Great who had nothing to do with any of it other than being related to the person he thought was responsible for his parents' death, threatened the wrong people, couldn't save Nan after putting her in danger by involving her in his vendetta, lashed out on Great who was genuinely trying to be better & help but he could not see it because he was too angry, impulsively exposed the gambling dens out of anger, Great is in the hospital dying after he just used him and lashed out at him, he got his Grandma killed instead of giving justice to his parents he lost his last family member, and then got shot and his heart stop in irl
So in his 4MP he chose not to read the diary at all from the very start, he chose to be free of the resentment and anger of what was taken from him and what could have been, he will never be a singer but that's fine, he can learn to love being a doctor and learn to care about his patients, he can break up with Nutcha properly and have his grandma be with him, he can love Great and Great can love him and he can be happy with that
Tyme experienced the 2 complete extreme on the spectrum of Revenge and resentment, a world where he was blinded his vendetta and didn't see anything but it before he was shot and a world where he didn't touch that vendetta at all, and when he came back from his 4MP he realized that he didn't want to make those choices like that anymore, he didn't want to be only fuelled by revenge but he couldn't just live with 0 justice being served, especially not with Great being back next to him who is taking action to right his wrong doings, so he chose to still try and find justice but in a way that would honor his parents & his grandma, in a way that will allow him to feel the love that can be between Great and him, in a way that he would be happy with the life he has
So yeah, I think this show had a very interesting and complex way of showing characters developments that we have never seen before, and while it was extremely non-linear, the message of taking better decisions so you do not have only regrets on ur death bed was very clear, and I'm gonna be thinking about those characters for a while
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op-sys-chaos · 2 months
A prompt I just saw by @brucewaynehater101 inspired me so have a sad DC prompt with a happy ending, ft. violence and character death and so much angst but also a good conclusion :)
What if the pits’ effects weren’t forever? What if instead, when you were revived with the Lazarus Pits, the Pit Rage picked a single goal and latched onto it. Not until after the Pit Madness fully fades and leaves only the Pit Rage, so it takes time, but the second you get your mind back the Rage gets a goal. Luckily, once you fulfill that goal, the Rage goes away and you get your mind back fully. Unluckily, it’s a rage-based goal, so it’s usually not pretty.
Jason is still in the midst of the Madness stage when Talia informs him of Tim becoming Robin. He’s almost out of it, but he’s not fully himself yet. The Rage latches onto Jason’s anger at being replaced. So Jason’s Rage goal is this:
Kill Tim.
Jason won’t get hit sanity back, won’t be rage-free, until Tim is dead.
Talia finds out about this and is instantly upset. This time, she’s not just delaying Jason’s return home by sending him to train with a lot of people for Bruce’s sake; she’s also doing it for Tim and Jason. She doesn’t think Tim deserves to die for the crime of putting Bruce back together and she knows Jason will be appalled by what he’s done once he’s fully sane again. So she delays as long as she can. But, like in the comics, Jason still goes home and enacts his plan.
Under the Red Hood still happens pretty much the same. Jason’s still in there, after all, and he’s still mad at Bruce. The only difference is this: during Jason’s attack on Titans Tower, he doesn’t stop. The Pit Rage is screaming at him with single-minded focus to kill Tim. So he does.
And, less than a second after the light fades from Tim’s eyes, Jason gets his full sanity back.
Jason gets his sanity back and the first thing he sees is the body of the little brother he just killed.
He can see it all now. How fucked up some of his plans were. How he never wanted to murder in the first place; the Pit Rage pushed him to do it. He doesn’t even blame Bruce for not getting there in time and not avenging him. He figured after all the shit he just did, they’re even. More than even; Jason just killed Tim. Bruce has the moral high ground now. Maybe he always did, Jason thinks. But he doesn’t have time to analyze his mistakes. Tim’s only been dead for a few seconds. Maybe there’s something Jason can do to save him.
He starts CPR.
Another Titan, maybe Kon, barges into the room (idk where the Titans are, I rest most of UtRH but I never read the Titans Tower bit so all my knowledge here is second hand) and sees Jason kneeling over Tim’s body doing chest compressions. Jason looks up and notices the Titan and tells them to start bandaging Tim’s wounds so he doesn’t lose any more blood.
Jason knows this probably won’t work. He’s desperate to fix it anyway.
The Titan starts bandaging, wanting to ask what happened but more focused on saving Tim, and Jason just keeps doing CPR. Jason doesn’t even notice himself getting tired as he does it; he’s got way too much adrenaline in him right now to care.
It’s been three minutes of CPR. The Titan has tears streaking down their face, knowing Tim isn’t surviving this. They’re about to tell Jason to give up.
And then Tim inhales. And coughs. And he’s breathing again, he’s alive, he’s okay-
Actually, he’s very much not okay, he’s immediately unconscious again and he’s very very injured. They rush him to the med bay at once and get him attached to the machines he needs to start healing. Jason, who followed, finds and needle and thread and starts stitching up the worst of the wounds and replaces the hastily applied bandages with better ones.
Tim stabilizes, but is in a coma for the next two days.
When he wakes up, the first thing he sees is the Titan who found him, followed by the rest of his team. They’re all so glad he’s alive and okay.
“How… how did I survive that?” Tim manages to whisper the second he finds his voice.
The Titan who found him looks at him with an unreadable expression, then says “Jason.”
“When I found you, Jason was doing CPR. He ordered me to bandage up your wounds so you wouldn’t lose any more blood. He… he didn’t give up. Tim, he did CPR for three minutes straight to save you.”
Tim’s confused. “How?? Why??”
“You can ask him when you can leave the bed. Right now, he’s in a cell. We haven’t told anyone he’s here; we’re waiting for you to decide what to do with him.”
“We also may have told Batman that you had stayed up for three all nighters so we knocked you out to get you to sleep. That’s why he’s not here; he just thinks you’re getting some much needed rest,” another Titan (probably Bart) explains.
(…Do I even have the Titans roster right for this time period? I just realized I’m thinking of Tim’s YJ team not his TT team I have no clue who’s on TT rn. Anyway.)
“Let me see him,” Tim demands. So they stick him in a wheelchair and roll him to Jason’s cell.
Jason looks up, sees Tim, and pure relief is on his face as he says “You’re okay…” and then instantly breaks down sobbing. The team can make out the sounds of the words “I’m so sorry” over and over if they pay enough attention to the sounds coming out of Jason’s mouth.
Eventually, Tim asks Jason to explain. And Jason tells him that his Pit Rage goal was killing Tim. (The way that Pit Rage works in this AU is well known to the bats.) He explains how that ended up as his goal too. And Tim looks at him with a mix of pity and horror as he realizes. “You finally got your mind back for the first time in 4 years and the first thing you saw…”
“Was my little brother’s dead body,” Jason confirms with a whisper. Tim hides his shock at the fact that Jason called him his little brother right away and moves on with the conversation.
“So you ended up with my death as your goal, because you heard about me becoming Robin while still under Pit Madness and your mind, which was only 3/4 there at that point, decided that B replaced you and that I had to die to prove that Robins just get killed and he should have no more Robins. You end up in the Pit Rage state, leading to all the crime lord stuff, and you’re stuck in it for YEARS.”
“I think Talia delayed me as much as she could,” Jason chimes in. “I’m grateful to her for that. I wish she’d delayed me forever, though.”
Tim’s confused at that. “Jason, you would’ve been in that state forever.”
“It’s better than knowing that I killed my new little brother, even if I managed to undo it right after,” Jason admits, staring at the floor. “How… how can I go home and look B in the eyes after that?”
Tim smiled softly at that. He understood. “Jason, look at me.” With a gulp, Jason looked up. “We don’t victim blame here. We’re Robins. We comfort victims. You were a victim of the Pits, and we all know how the Pits affect a person.”
Jason looks back at his feet, but hope blossoms in his chest for the first time in 4 years. It’s nice to be able to feel that emotion again. “You mean it?”
Tim smiled at him, and instead of answering, said “Welcome home, big brother. You’ve been missed these last four years. I’m glad you’re finally, truly, fully alive again. As far as I’m concerned, the man who killed me died at the same time, and in his place my older brother was resurrected. It’s nice to finally meet you, Jason.”
Jason starts bawling at that. At Tim’s gesture, the Titans unlock Jason’s cell, and Tim rolls his wheelchair close enough to finally hug his brother. He’s not much of a hugger, but this is a hug-worthy occasion.
Jason is by Tim’s bedside for the rest of his recovery, being brotherly and making sure Tim heals. Eventually, Tim goes home, and he brings Jason with him. (None of the bats knew Jason’s identity at this point, besides Tim who figured it out bc he’s Tim.) People are suspicious about his spontaneous resurrection, until they mention that it’s not spontaneous at all. “He had to fulfill his Pit Rage goal first. Don’t worry, it was nothing that couldn’t be undone. We’ve already fixed it, so don’t ask,” Tim says, putting the matter more or less to rest. The Red Hood retires, leaving a message saying “I’ve seen the light and I’m gonna go join it.” No one knows if that means that he’s now a good guy or he left to go off himself. Most people assume the latter.
Jason rejoins the Batfamily after a few weeks of family bonding and healing under a new moniker (dealer’s choice). He’s wearing a domino (and Hood never too his helmet off) so no one really associates the two besides conspiracy theorists who think Hood’s message meant the first option. They’re right, of course, but Jason denies it when asked. Batman never finds out who was under the Red Hood, but Tim says “don’t worry, I know, and he’s gone now” and proceeds to make Batman regret asking whenever he brings it up again by being the most cryptic mf alive. Jason thinks it’s hilarious and helps Tim come up with vague ominous shit to say whenever B asks.
Eventually, Damian joins the family, and Jason jumps to Tim’s defense the second Damian tries to kill him. Damian doesn’t get in more than two swings before he’s stopped, and quickly learns that this family loves each other and murder isn’t okay. (He didn’t do it because Talia convinced him that Tim stole his spot as heir or anything; he just decided that all on his own, so when he was proven wrong it didn’t take all that long to convince him unlearn that notion.) Within a few months of Damian settling in, Tim passes on the Robin mantle willingly and becomes his own hero (the name is again dealer’s choice).
When the BruceQuest happens, Tim isn’t alone this time. When he insists Bruce is alive, Jason sides with him, saying “I came back from the dead, I’m sure Bruce can too.” (Half of the reason he sides with Tim is lingering guilt from the Tower, honestly, but hey it’s someone who believes him, Tim will take it.) Tim shows Jason how he arrived at that conclusion and Jason thinks it through and ends up fully on board. Between Tim and Jason, they get Dick to sit down long enough to hear Tim out, and within minutes the whole family is sure Bruce is alive. It helps that Damian was already Robin so that lingering angst didn’t hurt the already limited conversational abilities of the batfam. They all work together, and Bruce gets back in a week. Dick doesn’t have to take over as Batman and Tim doesn’t lose his spleen or get nearly SAed or any of the other horrendous shit that happens during that comic run (which is actually really well written and I recommend you read it, for Tim’s inner monologue at minimum. He’s so sassy, I love it. But I digress). As a side effect, the LoA is still going strong because Tim didn’t have to take it down, but it also means they don’t have Tim’s help with the Council or Spiders and the two groups do a great job of destroying each other.
Eventually, years pass, and Jason and Tim’s relationship has healed enough to start making jokes about what happened. To each other quietly at first, but one day, the family is playing Among Us and Jason (the imposter) kills Tim. In the ghost chat, Tim goes “smh, this betrayal hurts worse than when he actually killed me” and Duke, Babs, and Steph, who are already dead, start freaking out about “Tim what do you mean he killed you when did this happen are you okay are you fucking with us what happened???” Other people who die join the chat to pure chaos and Tim just silently laughing and screenshotting the whole thing, sending the images to Jason, who’s also cracking up. The second the game ends, everyone explodes with questions. All Tim says is “what happens in 20xx stays in 20xx” and doesn’t elaborate any further. The whole family starts digging through the reports from that year but of course find nothing. Jason and Tim think it’s hilarious. Everyone else is concerned. Eventually, though, the decide it’s just some prank or inside joke between the two. Until one day, Tim makes a joke about it when the Titan who found him initially is around, and the Titan goes “ugh, don’t remind me, seeing your dead body was horrifying.” The family goes straight back into freak out mode. Jason and Tim are too busy cracking up to answer, and the Titan shrugs and goes “I’ve been informed that what happened in 20xx stays in 20xx.”
Eventually, though, the group is in some situation where they have to confess secrets. Maybe there’s truth serum involved, or it’s like that secrets cave from Once Upon a Time where you have to share a secret to get out. And Tim admits that Jason’s Pit condition was killing Tim, and that the first thing Jason did when he got his sanity back a moment later was bring back his little brother. Tim also admits that he’s glad that that was the condition, because it meant he could be there to help Jason the second he came back to himself. Everyone is understandably horrified, but Jason’s touched that Tim was glad he could help him. Besides, Tim and Jason have been joking about it for a while now, so clearly, they’ve moved on from it. They’re okay. And then it’s Jason’s turn on the confessional. And he confesses to being the Red Hood. Batman and Nightwing of course freak out, but to the rest, they’ve only heard vague stories and seen the personnel file on Hood. They don’t get the big deal. Luckily, Dick realizes that Hood’s disappearance, followed by a note soon after announcing his retirement, coincided with the end of the Pit Rage. Batman, on the other hand, figures out that the Titans lied to him about Tim being on bed rest at that time and that Tim was actually recovering from his death. The Teen Titans get a massive lecture later, but Dick calms Bruce down eventually. They also update Hood’s file, noting that he’s retired and was under the influence of something during his time as a villain.
All in all, it ends well. The family is okay, the siblings are all actually on pretty good terms with each other, and Bruce has all of his kids home safe and sound whenever it’s time for weekly family dinner. Are they perfect? Of course not. It’s the batfamily, they’re still emotionally constipated af. But they’re a family, and they’re all as sane as they can be. And that’s what matters.
Ok it got a tiny bit heavy again at the end, I meant to end it with the among us bit, but still. What do yall think? :)
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justanotherarmyfangirl · 11 months
Dark&Wild (6) His Obsession
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You are an interpreter for international idols, but you soon realized their lavish lifestyle came at a cost, and somehow you became the price. The man who came to collect had a special kind of vendetta, and you, so foolishly, sparked his interest.
In this story Yoongi is the villain and you will hate him! Everyone else, well, the question becomes not if there are good guys or who will save you, but how will you save yourself?
yandere loan shark!Yoongi x blind!reader x bodyguard!Jungkook x idol singer!Jimin x idol rapper!Namjoon x idol singer!Taehyung x detective!Hoseok x detective!Seokjin
TW: 18+ only, dubcon/noncon, mental torment, physical torture, mind break, violence, Stockholm syndrome, reader is blinded before events that take place in the story, Jimin is an addict, Yoongi is a sadist, voyeur, fingering.
Alone in the bath was your favorite time. 
The warm water felt nice on your aching muscles, the relaxing smell of lavender helped calm your anxieties. 
You massage the suds into your skin, listening to the trickle of water, wondering where in this massive place your captor, Min Yoongi, might be right now. With your luck, he’s already in his bedroom, waiting for you.
You hated how even now, finally alone, you still thought of him. You couldn’t escape him, he was with you even when he wasn’t, and you feared no matter what happened in the future, you would never be able to get away, he would always be there, an irritating voice in the back of your head, low and raspy, taunting you. 
You were almost grateful you couldn’t see him, you couldn’t stand the thought of his face imprinted behind your eyelids, in your dreams like the way his touches were, the heat of his palm against your skin, against your throat, against your hip-
Min Yoongi…I’ll kill you…
You clenched your jaw in anger, ignoring everything else you felt when you thought of him. When he…
When Yoongi fucked you the white hot rage you felt deep in your chest and the heat of his unforgivable arousal in the pit of your stomach almost became indistinguishable. When you thought of those moments when he was on top of you, and the scorch of his tongue, the searing stretch in between your legs, it made everything inside you feel heavy, feel burning. 
It must be a sickness, the way your head feels hot every time you think of it, of him.
You sink lower and kick your feet out of frustration, splashing the water over the tub’s rim.
It’s quiet. There’s a small low voice that reminds you again, it’s been months now and you haven’t seen or heard of Taehyung, or anyone at all.
There’s a lingering thought to drown yourself as you splash aimlessly, and another defiant angry voice that screams you should be drowning Yoongi instead.
Oh you’ve tried to. 
To cope with your circumstances you rationalized, he was going to take what he pleases from you anyways, punish you for your continual combativeness, might as well give him a good reason to do it. Still, no matter what you do, overpowering the loan shark never works. 
So damn disappointing. 
You still remember the time you had stayed here until your toes and fingers became wrinkly, refusing to leave until Yoongi grabbed at you and you pulled him right into this nice large deep bathtub of his. 
After the initial shock wore off he easily overpowered you, took advantage of your slippery wet nakedness and fucked you like you hadn’t just tried to murder him. 
That time he wasn’t even mad you had soaked his designer suit, you remember how you could hear the smile behind his mocking words while you choked on soapy water, “If you wanted me to join you, you could have just asked.”
You almost managed to drown him again when he came, if you hadn’t needed to breathe as well.
You let the water slosh over the tub’s edge, dunking yourself under the bubbles.
And scream.
You don’t hear the knock on the door, too busy wallowing in your own lavender scented misery. A hand pulls on your shoulder, lifting your head before you can inhale water.
“What?!” you splutter, wiping your face.
“I…” Jungkook clears his throat, looking away from your nakedness, letting his initial worries subside. “You shouldn’t do that,” he mutters.
“Towel,” you say simply. Not in the mood to argue, you stand up. With Yoongi, you are used to his leering presence. He’s already seen every bit of you, and loves reminding you about it when he wants to make you feel humiliated. And now you’ve kind of let your indifference about your body extend to Jungkook as well. You knew he wasn’t going to try anything like the others might have, plus, you enjoy making the henchman stutter.
You feel soft fabric plop against your front, catching it before it falls into the tub. “Hold my shoulder so you don’t slip,” he says.
The edge of the towel exposes the side of you as Jungkook moves your hand to his shoulder. “I need-” His hand wraps around your soaking back, pulling you out of the tub and placing you on tile in one swift motion. “-t-thanks.” 
Jungkook hands you a silk robe, a pink short kimono style Yoongi chose for you that Jungkook already knows you’re not going to like. He can’t help but chuckle when he hears you groan, muttering about the thin article of clothing. You turn your head in his direction but you don’t comment on it. 
Jungkook leans in the doorway, hands in his pockets, waiting for you. 
He’s to deliver you to Mr. Min. 
Everyone has good and bad days, today is one of your better days, and also one of Mr. Min’s bad days. He’s had to kill someone, and that means, Min Yoongi is not getting his money and that pisses him off more than anything. That also means with almost certainty Yoongi is going to make today one of your bad days. 
Jungkook tries not to think about it as he listens as you hum contently, knowing what’s to come. He glances over at you. Jungkook tries to give you some modesty, but he’s still a man, and a curious one at that. He chooses to ignore that old saying as his eyes linger on your naked body as you dry yourself. As long as he doesn’t touch…
“Have you seen Tae?”
Jungkook might have ignored the question, he has ignored your questioning when it came to such matters, but he feels sorry for you, for what’s to come, and so, in hopes that you won’t let your day be ruined, Jungkook answers.
“Yeah, he came to one of our establishments the other night.”
“Really? Alone? Did you talk to him?”
“He was alone. Usually Mr. Park joins him, but not in a while,” Not since we took you. “He drank,” and fucked a prostitute, but Jungkook decides to leave that out. 
“Did he,” you pause, “Did he ask about me?”
You sound so hopeful. 
“Yes,” Jungkook says, still waiting by the door.
“He did?” you sound so excited, so happy. Perhaps if you had let his words sink in, you could have noticed the hesitation in his voice. “What did he say? Did you tell him what I told you?”
“He wanted to know how you were being cared for, that he and the others miss you.” Jungkook lies, telling you what he thinks you most want to hear. 
You stay quiet and he wonders if you see through his lies. “Did you tell him?”
“I wasn’t able to, Mr. Min was right there. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, it’s okay, next time.” You sound so hopeful, pleased, grateful to him. Jungkook never promised he would tell Taehyung anything for you, and he doubts that coward would do anything with the information if he did. But you still try, asking him sweetly every time, never getting mad when Jungkook gives you another excuse. Your hopes are too high, and Jungkook can’t be the one to destroy them.
You smile in his general direction. You can’t see him, so he lets himself smile back.
“We watch and bet, it’s just a couple of us that do it.”
“I want to listen! You have to let me!”
“You really like soccer that much?” Jungkook asks.
“Yes! The announcers are so animated! I can get the jist of it, and our company would hold these big parties on game day and get chicken and beer, just feeling everyone’s energy was so much fun.”
“Um I don't think it will be the same-”
“You telling me gangsters don’t know how to party?”
Jungkook laughs. “Okay okay, I’ll see.”
You laugh happily.
Yoongi can hear your laughter. It’s melodic and pleasant. However Jeon Jungkook’s laughter? Mixing with your own, tainting it? 
Yoongi’s short temper has already hit its fuse.
He watches your shadows before you enter the room and the way the larger shadow moves away slightly before you enter. You grip Jungkook’s bicep with one hand and hold his forearm with the other, using both hands, overly touchy…overly affectionate. Yoongi clears his throat. 
Jungkook leads you to the loan shark, until you are standing by Yoongi’s side. Only then does Jungkook leave you to take his spot on Yoongi’s other side.
You’re in his office, you presume. Your thigh hits the hard oak of his desk. Yoongi taps his phone. “Translate this.” He plays an audio. The volume is very low, you crouch down to hear it clearer.
“They were talking about their wives,” you frown. 
Fucking pigs, you think, and you hope their wives leave them.
Yoongi cracks his knuckles. “That’s it?”
“They were talking about their wives’…private parts,” you cross your arms, disgusted. “I rather not go into detail.”  
“Hmm, I thought they were going to double cross me.” He finally relaxes, pulling your body closer, he sets you into his lap.
You’ve learned a few things about Yoongi, the biggest revelation was that he was extremely paranoid. “Well they still could,” you note, poking at his paranoia. You lean your back against him, just to feel more comfortable, “but no, that conversation was not about that.” 
“We’re going back to Japan at the end of the month.” You stiffen in his hold. “Tokyo this time, we’ll be staying for a few weeks.”
“Two weeks? Are you setting up another parlor?”
“Close,” Yoongi clicks his tongue, amused by your curiosity of his dealings. “We have a few host bars there, just checking in. There are some regulars with high tabs we’re going to be…visiting. Need you there.”
You exhale, fingers fiddling with the string of your robe, “Okay.” 
Translating for a bunch of blubbering business men begging for forgiveness, or a longer extension, or just another chance at life, was such a stark contrast from the bubbly television interviews you used to do. 
But there was always a fakeness during press junkets that you really hated. All of it felt like such a shallow performance, and it made you feel like a circus animal at times, putting on a show, no matter how offensive the question, no matter how you felt, you had to smile and translate with a happy face. 
Hell, there’s no superficiality around you now, even if Yoongi’s targets sure put on a performance…
Traveling with the loan shark really showed you how dark the depths of humanity could sink. There was rawness and realness to the underground scene that you could just feel in the air, swirling amongst the cigarette smoke.
No bullshitting, no pleasantries, straight to business. It was one of the few things you didn’t actually hate about this predicament you were in, the few moments where you felt like you had some power. 
You were the voice of the most powerful man in the room, and by extension that meant your voice held power. The men in the room would, sometimes quite literally, be hanging on your next words.
If you didn’t like the men you were translating for, you weren’t afraid to make it obvious to the loan shark in your translations, and he would seem to punish them harsher for it. It’s happened so many times now that it was no longer a coincidence to you.
Now if only he would listen to you on other matters…
Yoongi drapes his hand over your front, under the opening in your robe. You don’t flinch like before, what’s the point in flinching? Yoongi will just grab at you tighter, make it hurt if you do.
“You smell good.” Yoongi’s nose tickles your neck.
You cough. “I just took a bath.”
He runs his hand across your suppleness, pinching your nipple.
He knows you are holding it in, staying quiet to spite him, it’s amusing to him, so he continues to play with you, letting your robe open wider and wider until he hears someone clear their throat.
Jungkook turns to leave.
“Jeon, stay.”
Jungkook was wrong. 
Yoongi wasn’t going to take out his anger on you.
He was going to take it out on him. 
“Why are you doing this?” you mutter, not used to an audience. Usually Yoongi isolates you to his bedroom when he’s home and he’s surprisingly quite professional when you’re out in company, even if everyone knew what he did to you behind closed doors.
“He is not bothered,” Yoongi turns his chair so he and you are facing Jungkook, “Are you, Jeon?” he asks the young gangster. He yanks one of your legs open.
“No.” It’s flat. It’s a lie. Jungkook knows Yoongi doesn’t want to hear the truth.
“Well I fucking mind!” 
You yell when he grabs you by the neck. “You don’t have to always do what he says, you know. You’re not like me,” you swallow, speaking to Jungkook. You’re not weak like me, you imply.
“Hohoho.” Yoongi laughs. “Hear that, want to rebel against your mean old boss, Jeon?” he hums. “Did you ever think all those nice things our Jungkookie does for you is because I ask him to? To keep an eye on you, you do your job better when you’re not a mopey brat. You should be on your knees thanking me for giving you a friend.”
“Fuck you.”
“What did you say? Say that louder.”
You stay quiet, head down.
“I could have made him be the one to dole out your punishments. Jungkook is skilled with a knife. He has a taste for blood, did you know that? People call him The Maestro…when we need someone to sing, we send him. After enough time, there's a certain pitch everyone gets to, of screaming. His favorite method is fileting his victims until they sing that tune. You know what that means? Pulling the skin back until you see muscle.” You shiver when he runs his fingertips across your arm. “That’s the kind of man he is.” Your stomach flips at his words. 
“Every bit of kindness is because of me.”
“I know,” you mutter.
“Thank you, Sir.”
“Can I go, Sir?” Jungkook speaks up.
“No. Stay right there,” he says, undoing the tie around your waist. “Jeon, like what you see?”
“No.” Jungkook knew better than to ever admit he had grown fond of what Yoongi deemed was his.
“No? But she’s pretty,” he says, uncovering everything, pulling your legs open wider. “And so tight.”
You cry out, wanting nothing more than to attack the loan shark for putting you on display like this, and it takes every ounce of restraint to not fight him…to not close your legs...
“Feel for yourself, touch her.”
“Sir?” Jungkook looks very displeased at being roped into this. 
“Come here and touch her.” Yoongi waits and smiles as he watches Jungkook hesitantly step closer. 
“Please, don’t,” you whimper.
“I thought you would enjoy this. Since you are so close now, chit-chatting and making jokes all the time, hm? Don’t you ever think about-” Yoongi puts his hand between your legs, “-what it would be like? You can’t see, but our Jungkookie is very handsome.” Yoongi’s lips brush against your ear.
“I only think about ways to please you, Sir,” you grit out very unconvincingly. 
Yoongi laughs. “You don’t want Jungkook to touch you like this?” 
You try to ignore the pressure of his fingers inside you. You couldn’t bring yourself to confirm such a thing in front of the young gangster, so you admit something just as horrible. “Just you, I just want you.”
Yoongi presses his lips against yours, so forcefully you feel your teeth knock against his and you yelp, pushing him away, clearly disgusted. 
You can’t hide your hatred for him when he does that, when he kisses you like that. Even with his hands groping you, fingering you, kissing Yoongi just feels worse, feels wrong.
Yoongi grabs your chin, pulling your head back to him. Yoongi eyes the man in front of him whose gaze hasn’t left a particular painting on his wall. Jungkook refuses to look at you like this.
That just won’t do.
“You know what I think? I think someone has a little crush. And I know it’s not you,” he murmurs in your ear.
Jungkook glances over to his boss. He has you spread over his legs, his fingers pressed deep inside your cunt as you shake against him. 
“You’ll say whatever sweet little words you can think of to worm your way in my mens’ good graces, so convinced they will help you escape eventually,” he says. Yoongi manages to keep the tempo in his ministrations precise, pressing into you deeper, thumb circling your clit in such a mind numbing way you feel like your body is catching fire.
“Why would I try something so stupid?” you grunt.
“They won’t betray me, you know.”
“Oh, I know. How nice it must be for you,” you mock. “How many men did you say you have killed for crossing you again?”
Yoongi’s temper rises as you hit a nerve for him. He pushes you off his lap, and you fall at Jungkook’s feet, knees scraping against Yoongi’s hard wood flooring.
You lean against Jungkook, curled into yourself, pulling your robe closed.
Yoongi watches as you move closer to Jungkook like a scared child looking for comfort. “Jeon, punish her.” He stands up, anger overflowing. “Hurt her, since that’s what she seems to want instead. NOW!” he yells.
Jungkook looks down at you and sighs exasperatedly. 
There are a million and one different things a man could do to a woman to hurt her…
What will Jungkook pick?
Jungkook lifts you to your feet by your hair, making you cry out in pain. He ignores it, whatever he is feeling. He’s done it so many times it’s come natural: dissociating from the situation.
“It’s okay, do it, I don’t blame you.”
Goddammit, Jungkook inwardly curses. Don’t you see how much worse you are making it for yourself? Why did you say that? To make Jungkook feel better about this frustrating situation he’s in? Jungkook doesn’t have any feelings…
Yoongi raises his brow and grinds his teeth, crossing his arms, waiting impatiently for Jungkook to do something.
Jungkook releases you and for a fleeting moment you believed he was going to refuse.
In that moment you actually believed he would go against Yoongi.
In that moment you were relieved.
And then you felt a stinging across your cheek, so hard you toppled over.
“Not her face!”
Before you can cry out, a fierce kick into your stomach knocks the wind out of you, once, then twice more. Jungkook has to make sure Yoongi sees he doesn’t care about what happens to you.
You bring your knees into your body and cradle your head, not knowing where Jungkook might strike next. You're sure he’s pulling his punches for you, but holy shit it hurts, and you can’t imagine just how strong he really is. You shake from head to toe, and finally your muscles decompress and you’re able to inhale and catch your breath.
You roll over on your back, waiting for what’s next as you take in deep breaths. Jungkook grips your robe, lifting your body.
This isn’t going how either men want. Jungkook stands over over, staring at the blood dripping from your lip, frozen in place. Yoongi can see the remorse twisting in Jungkook’s expression and how you are taking the beating in strides, lips pressed together in determination. 
You are an exceptionally annoying martyr. You sacrificed yourself for Jimin and now, Yoongi now sees with a sick realization, you think you are doing it for Jungkook. His Jungkook.
“Jeon…” Yoongi looks down at you, clenching his fist. “...leave.”
Yoongi will make you regret this. The loan shark really couldn’t help himself. It was going to be him and no one else…
Jungkook looks back one last time before closing the door, and sees a glimpse of your glowering expression as his boss stands over you and pulls off his jacket. Jungkook was always calm, always collected, yet in that moment, his heart rate jumps.
Yoongi got what he wanted in the end, Jungkook was keeping his distance from you now, ignoring you almost completely when he was around.
You’re annoyed, stuck having to listen to your new “handler” Jon explain in excruciating detail his recent trip to Phuket. He’s the only other one of Yoongi’s men you can stand to be around for extended periods of time, but if you have to listen to another pun involving fornication in Phuket you’re going to jam something in your eardrums!
“What about you?”
“What about me?” you hum bored.
“...so, miss y/n. I have to confess, I did some research on you after what we talked about,” he lowers his voice. “You’re kind of a celebrity. Can I have your autograph?”
You laugh. “Shut up! JTJ are the celebrities, I was just along for the ride,” you pausing. “Any recent headlines that I might be interested in?”
“Well, the hot news is that JTJ have postponed their next album.”
“Really? I wonder why,” you ask, concerned. “Have, um, are there any articles about…what happened?”
“Nothing, only a forum thread between their fans speculating if you got fired. Boss man really worked his magic.”
You sigh, flopping over on the couch.
“Jon, any chance you’d drop me off at the corner store no questions asked?” You have begged to be released so many times now your enthusiasm has all dried up.
“Sorry honey, but I intend to live a long life.”
You snort. “As a gangster? Good luck.”
“Ha!” Jon goes uncharacteristically quiet. “How much did you say that debt of your boy was?”
You snort at the implication that Jimin, the elusive idol, was in any way ‘yours.’ “Eight billion won, something like that,” you huff.
You suspect Jon’s wincing as he sharply inhales. “Ahh shit.”
“Yeah, shit.” You change the subject. “You coming to Japan with us this time?”
“That I am!”
“Wonderful,” you say, emotionless.
“Now about that autograph.”
“You’re joking-” you cough out surprised.
“I printed out a picture and everything!”
“You’re ridiculous!” you laugh. Your fingers run over a piece of paper Jon places in your hands. “What picture?” you ask unable to contain your amusement.
“Well, there was an interview in France, you’re wearing a bright orange dress, looking like a real bigshot, I took a screenshot of it.”
“Orange, really?” you grimace, you never really questioned what coordinators put you in and it’s not like you could see yourself but you still had pride in your appearance.
“You looked nice, you match the others.”
“JTJ?” you perk up.
“Yep, well…I cropped them out.”
You giggle. You hold the picture in your hands delicately. You wish you could see the photo, see how you look now and how you might have fit in with them.
“Yeah, I’ll sign it, you weirdo.”
A pen is placed in your hands. Any other day you would have thought to jam it in your eye and end it all. Today, you try your best to scribble your name down for Jon and feel like your old self.
“What’s this?”
“You don’t recognize them?”
“I do, but-” You believed Yoongi had destroyed all your things in his anger. “You kept them?” You rummage through a whole box of your books that Yoongi has unceremoniously dropped at your feet. 
“Yes. Here, some new books for you too.” Yoongi drops a few clean and crisp books into your lap, the pages not bent and worn from multiple readings like yours were. 
You want to question why now all of a sudden, but you were too afraid the temperamental man might take your questioning wrongly and take away his gift as quickly as he gave it to you.
“Thank you, Yoongi.”
“Pick one and come with me.” You let him lead you. You suspect he did this because you’ve become practically mute around him, refusing to speak to him until your trip to Japan.
Who knew the silent treatment would actually work. You hold the book close to your chest while Yoongi drives. It’s a long drive, you try to keep track of every turn and stop but it’s impossible. 
“What place is this?” It didn’t smell like smoke or alcohol or sweat, the regular scents that usually assaulted you when you went out with the loan shark. It smelled like…baked bread.
“Just read your book.” Yoongi leads you to a cushioned seat and hands you a drink, and when you place the straw to your lips you sip on something sweet and milky, a rich coffee concoction. Yoongi sits next to you, clears his throat and doesn’t say another word.
You flip through the first pages of your book. Is this some business thing…or is this another trick… You remembered the last time you felt disarmed like this.
You remain stiff, sipping on your coffee and slowly reading. The sounds and chatter around you could only mean you’re in a cafe. There’s thousands of cafes just in the city alone, who knows where you could be. Yoongi’s arm rests on the seat behind you, his fingers touching your shoulder every couple of minutes to remind you of his presence, as if you could ever forget him. 
You finish another page, flipping the paper. “Is there…someone I know around?” you ask, trying to sound uninterested, thinking this really was a scenario like last time.
“No, but if there was, what do you think you’re going to do?” He sounds just as uninterested.
“I’ll scream-”
Yoongi’s lips brush across your cheek. “Then I’ll kill him. Not now, but I will kill him.” He leans back again. “Maybe I just wanted a croissant, this place has the best in Seoul. Want to try?”
You grunt, too confused to do anything else but open your mouth when he puts the half eaten pastry to your lips. It’s flaky and buttery with rich custard and burnt sugar on the top, it really is one of the best desserts you’ve ever eaten.
Part of you almost played along. You were about to just succumb to whatever this was, an odd date between the two of you, and suck it up and enjoy yourself. You almost reached out to him, you almost thanked him.
“If you think doing this will make me hate you any less-”
“You are so very stubborn-”
“You are the most stubborn!” You hiss back, “I don’t understand you. I don’t want to be here with you, I don’t want to be around you- s-stop…” Yoongi grips your hand, thumb rubbing circles along your palm, and doesn’t stop even when you go quiet. 
“Just drink your coffee and enjoy your book,” he says. His deep voice holds none of his usual berating tone. You wouldn’t dare call it soft, but...
“Why am I here?” you persist.
“Didn’t you tell my men you wanted to go out? That you missed going to places like cafes?” You bite your tongue. Jon is such a snitch. “We can do this again, we can do this as many times you want-”
“The ruthless gangster will spend his precious time at cafes for me?” you ask suspiciously.
“Is that what you want?”
You didn't know if this was what you wanted, being with him, was it really better than being stuck in his home alone? At least this meant you might have a chance at getting away…
“How long do I get?” You finally relax into your seat, opening your book again.
Yoongi smirks. “We’ll see, I am in no rush today.”
Yoongi watches you read, glancing every once in a while and then staring at nothing else but you, unable to look away as you run your fingers along each page, slow at times and fast at other times, like you were trying to get to the end of the scene quickly, your lips would curl up and you would sit up straighter in excitement, and then your movements would slow and your fingers would go over a line once more as you quietly laughed to yourself. 
You had your head down at first, then you looked up and far away, as if you were imagining the story in front of you. Yoongi wondered what it was exactly that you would think of, how much could you still remember by your own memory. 
“I can feel you staring,” you huff, turning in his direction.
“Not me,” he grunts, lying.
“Ah,” you hum, head tilting, “Well, they will do that, or try to completely ignore me. There’s never really an in between with strangers I’ve noticed. I guess it’s a good thing I can’t see them staring… Two good eyes and can’t mind their own business,” you mutter. 
“Lucky for me, I’m sure you would call them out, probably try to start a fight.”
You snort. Eventually your fingers slowed to a stop and you dogeared the page, closing the book. You picked up your glass and finished the drink, ice now melted to the coffee and watering down the strong flavor. Shame, you liked it strong.
“Ready to go home?”
You looked anxious over the question. You tightened your grip on your glass. “We really came just to go to a cafe, no other places you had to go?” you ask suspiciously.
Yoongi crosses his arms. Of course, you would suspect ulterior motives from him, but this time, the loan shark really did not have any other preoccupations, he only wanted to see how you would react out in public with him like this, if you could be trusted with some freedom. You were not falling into line as the other men did, but you did seem more…tame.
He tests you. “Actually, we are going to make a stop at one of my clubs. Lets go.” You seem to relax at that, like you’ve just guessed the right answer to a question asked of you, like you knew all along Yoongi wasn’t really doing this just for you, but for him, confirming he was still the selfish loan shark you had grown to know.
“That was quick,” you deflate when Yoongi steps back into the car after reaching the location to his club. You were building up the courage to try to test the door before he was already back and starting the car. As Yoongi drove in silence there was a nagging inside you, a question you did not want to know the answer to when he had told you, you did not need to actually come inside with him. It sat in the pit of your stomach and flipped around when his hand moved to your leg and rested on your thigh. Did he really just want to go to a cafe with you after all? What did Yoongi want from you?
“What are you doing?”
You flinch, removing your hand off of Yoongi’s jaw. You didn’t know he had woken up.
“Trying to kill me in my sleep?” Yoongi grunts.
“Yes,” you say. It was a lie, you both knew it. You don’t know why you did it, or perhaps you just did not want to admit it. 
You had woken up with him tangled around you, your naked bodies interweaved together under sheets, his skin against yours warm. It was not overbearing, it was an inviting heat, enveloping you. 
You woke up still groggy from sleep and you didn’t think about how much you hated the man who was holding you softly. 
You reached out and touched him just to feel a little less lonely. You’ve felt so alone now without the few interactions from Jungkook you had grown so accustomed to. The loneliness, it had become gnawing at you horribly, and it was a cruel irony Yoongi was the only one who was able to lessen it for you.
Yoongi grunts and rolls on top of you. His hands wrap around your wrists as he lifts himself up to look at you. He studies your unease. You can feel his morning wood pressing against you. You hold your breath, expecting him to continue from last night’s activities, but he doesn’t, just drops down, letting go of your wrists, resting his head against your naked chest, deciding to go back to sleep. It surprises you. Yoongi must be tired…
You don’t know what to do with your hands, so you just keep them beside your head as you listen to his steady breathing.
You want to go back to sleep, so you don’t think about him…
So you don’t have to think about how you want to hold him…
The need twists in your gut, makes you queasy, makes you want to cry out in frustration, but you just lay there, unwilling to accept the same man who was causing you this turmoil was also simultaneously bringing you a comfort.
You will yourself to fantasize about ways to kill him instead, but your fantasies don’t seem to bring you as much joy as before, instead there is another unfamiliar twisting in your stomach, a pain stabbing you right in the center where he is laying.
And eventually you do fall asleep under his embrace.
“Anything else, Sir?”
Yoongi goes through the folder of photos his associate has handed to him. He holds up one in particular, studying the couple in front of him. “Find out more about her, the new girl. Get in close, use your charm,” he smirks. He holds the photo under the light of his lamp. Even if the picture is a bit grainy, the discoloration right under the sleeve of her shirt is unmistakable.
Jungkook, positioned at his right side, leans over. “So this is him?” 
“Mhm,” Yoongi hums, grin widening.
If Jungkook had any protests or questions, he didn’t speak them. It wouldn’t have changed the loan shark’s mind anyways. When blood is in the water, a shark can only think of one thing.
He flips through more photos, choosing ones in a different folder already on his desk. Very old photos, photos of a younger brighter face version of yourself. These photos you kept in an album tucked away in the back of your closet, in a box with your old wedding ring and other memories you weren’t able to part with, hoping someday you will be able to flip through the pages again with new working eyes. Then you could decide what memories deserve to be revisited and what memories deserve to be burned.
You must have liked swimming, there’s many photos of yourself at the beach with friends. Bowling and roller blading, activities you enjoyed in the past, told a story of the person you were before you lost your vision. Yoongi stares at the candid shots of you, staring at your eyes.
Other than the obvious, Yoongi notes there is something vastly different about you now. 
Yoongi likes you better now.
The younger version of you stares at him with light behind her eyes. You still have that, the light is just burning, glowing in you like embers. 
As a kid, Yoongi liked to poke at fires, stir the embers with a stick and watch the flames dance. When the fire would roar and crackle and burst bigger as a gust of wind blew the flames, and others would instinctively step back, Yoongi would instinctively step closer, mesmerized. 
He would feel that similar pull, that instinctive desire to be closer when that fire inside you would blaze and try to scorch him.
There are moments when you burn so bright, held tight in his arms. It was so hot, it was addicting feeling you. It was becoming something he needed, after a long day of dealing with frustratingly stupid people, dull and boring people, people like a Park Jimin, sheltered and coddled, weak fires that, in Yoongi’s opinion, deserved to be snuffed out.
Not like you. You were an inferno. 
After months with him you were becoming fevered as well, ignited by his stroking of you, his fingers around you and inside you. You would burn for him so prettily when he filled your heat and tightened his grip on you. 
There are moments when you let your instincts take over, when your pleasure is mounting, and he is angling his hips into you steadily and stroking your heat so perfectly, building you up to the point where you don’t think and don’t feel exactly how you wish, when you dig your nails into his arms, wrap your legs tight around his hips, when you don’t resist his heated kisses, when you kiss him back….
Those nights, he can taste you fully, sweet and soft and so hot. 
Like fire, it’s dangerous kissing you. 
Yoongi is becoming obsessed. 
He picks up his ledger, going back to business, the photos of you still scattered across his desk. Jungkook tries to keep his eyes from wandering, but he is a curious man. 
“Should I get y/n for you?” Jungkook suddenly asks. He wants a reason, he wants an excuse…
“No,” Yoongi mutters, “let her rest.”
Now when Yoongi leaves you alone, he doesn’t lock you in his room, he is becoming lax with you finally. Perhaps he thinks you have really given up, that his methods have finally chained you mentally enough that he no longer needed real chains. 
His mistake. The loan shark rarely makes them, but in your case, he’s had some…misjudgements.
Once you leave Yoongi’s room, if you turn to your right and follow the wall, you’ll eventually end up at the stairs. You pass by four doors before then, one you believe was the room you used to have, and another you think might be Jungkook’s room, as the young gangster is always in this house somewhere, like he must live with the loan shark. You’ve tried to jiggle the handles a few times on your trek to see if a door might open, but the rooms on the second floor are usually locked. 
Downstairs is more complicated, you’ve tried to make sense of it, but there is always someone to stop you before you can explore too much. You know exactly where the kitchen is, because it is the one place it seems you’re not allowed to be under any circumstances. Anytime you would get close to the area, someone would offer to get you food instead, or lead you to a bar stool to wait. 
The sounds of cooking are far from where they sit you, too far for you to run and try to open a drawer and search for a knife without getting caught. And the thought will only rarely cross your mind now, you would much rather have some good food. 
Tonight however, you had overheard Yoongi was going to be out until tomorrow evening, so you try again to search for an escape. 
What’s the worst thing that could happen? 
Jungkook scrolls through his phone, his one leg propped up on the small side table he is leaning on. He looks up as he hears a faint click coming from down the hall.
He sees a hand reach out cautiously before you reveal yourself, pressing yourself against the wall before moving slowly closer.
You reach the next door and grip the handle. It doesn’t budge and you sigh, moving along.
‘All locked,’ you think disappointedly before spinning around. “Who’s there? I know someone is there!” You whisper. After a long silence you slump against the wall. “Am I hearing things now?” you mutter to yourself. You wait at the top of the staircase trying to hear for voices or movement, any indication someone might be awake like you.
Well, no stopping now. You move back and forth down the stairs strategically missing all the creaky steps you’ve hit on previous occasions.
Jungkook follows your pattern, only two steps behind.
Okay, now you are definitely feeling spooked. A shiver runs down your spine. Is it because it’s night time? Is this house haunted? Just how many people have been killed here?
You hesitate half way down. You still can’t hear anything downstairs, so you take your chances. You’ll explore as much as you can, learn as much as you can, and then, figure out an escape plan!
Even if you could go for a late night snack, you avoid the kitchen. Learning what else might be downstairs is more important. This house is massive, there’s an echoing to voices sometimes. Yoongi must not have it very furnished. Despite his greedy nature, Yoongi never seemed to be too extravagant with such things. 
If you go to the left, you’ll reach the kitchen. If you go forward, you’ll find a sectional where Yoongi’s underlings will be lounging about during the day. You’ve never ever heard a television, instead you’ll hear the familiar slaps of playing cards, another game you could no longer play without a special set you were too prideful to ask for.
You couldn’t risk going forward and to the front door. You’re sure a man like Yoongi had a security system. But maybe, maybe if you could find a window… So you move toward the only direction you have yet to explore. 
What’s this? It’s sleek, it’s too big to be a window. Is it a door to the backyard?
You feel the rush of excitement and fear pump through your veins as you find the handle, but you have to be cautious, doors could set off the security system he might or might not have. It frustrates you how many things you have to speculate about, how many things you don’t know. 
For all you know there are probably cameras watching you at this very moment! Yet, no one has tried to stop you. Should you just risk it and try to run before he sends someone to collect you?
No, you decide to keep searching.
You finally find an open door. You step inside and follow the walls around, a window! It’s covered by a drape. You bend down, running your hands over the window sill. Finally.
You stand up and keep moving, curious what else you can find before you attempt to open it. You move towards the room’s center. 
It’s a table, but you don’t see it for what it is, your legs hit the edge and it reminds you of Yoongi’s desk in his office and you panic, thinking of how much trouble you will be in if he found you there, and you stumble backward.
You stumble backward into a warm body.
Hands wrap around you, cover your mouth before you can scream, and pin down your arms. 
You breathe heavily into his palm, frozen in fright.
You swallow down tears, catching your cries in your throat. He holds you so tight around the waist it stings. You can’t move or scream, so you wait, expecting the worst. The worst is what always happens.
“I’m going to let go now. Don’t scream.”
“Hey!” Jungkook lets you go and you shove him away.
In your panic, you’ve decided to just fuck it, and run to escape.
You stumble, shoulders hitting the door frame, falling when your foot hits what you think is a chair leg. You scrape your palm bracing yourself when you hit the floor. You can hear Jungkook right behind you. He’s going to bend down and grab at you, you are already expecting it, so you kick your leg out. 
He grunts in pain so you know you’ve gotten a good kick in and you scramble to your feet, knocking into walls and furniture, searching for the glass door you felt before.
You click the lock down and yank the door open, security system be damned!
You start to run. The soles of your feet hit jagged concrete, and then…air?!
Nope, that’s a pool, you realize as you fall into water. Dammit.
You swim to the surface and hear another loud splash as you wade in water. 
Did he just jump in?!
That was dumb of him. You swim hastily, a second surge of energy rushing through you, you search for the pool’s edge. Your tiny dress still feels like it weighs a ton when you heave yourself over the edge, knees scraping as you crawl out. 
You can hear him already mimicking your actions as he pulls himself out of the water quicker than you thought possible. You crawl quickly away from the noise, using every bit of the energy left inside you, you dig your heels and palms into the earth.
Suddenly, Jungkook’s entire weight is on top of you, stopping your crawl to freedom.
Jungkook grabs your wrists as you claw at dirt. “Stop!” he grunts, yelling, “There’s a ledge here, you’re going to fall off of it and die!” He moves one of your arms out above your head, letting you feel the steep slant of earth downward.
In that moment, you don’t care. This is the closest you’ve gotten to freedom in so long! It’s been so long since you’ve felt grass and dirt and earth. You used to go hiking with Namjoon all the time, you used to breathe in the cool fresh morning air almost every weekend with him. 
Your heart aches when you remember the way he would lead you over steep rocks, his fingers interlaced with yours, the way he would explain the scenery and overlooks and sunsets and sunrises to you so animatedly, you could hear the reverence of what he could see in his voice. You cry with your head buried in the tall grass thinking of Namjoon and the freedom you had. In that moment, you would rather throw yourself off a cliff.
“Don’t take me in, please. Just let me stay outside a bit longer,” you hiccup.
Jungkook rests over you until you both calm down, until he finally rolls off of you, sighing, looking at the night sky. “You know…” he pauses. “If you want to go outside, you can just ask-”
“I don’t want to–” you grit out angrily. “I don’t want to ask for permission like a child. I don’t want to be let outside like a dog! I don’t want– I can’t– Jungkook,” your bottom lip trembles as you suck in air. You let the grass blades tickle your face as you hold yourself together, “I feel like I’m not myself anymore. I-” you can’t continue, you won’t dare admit to him what sick feelings that have grabbed a hold of you.
His cold wet hand touches your cheek, why does it warm you up so suddenly? 
“Where have you been?!” you cry, fist hitting what you assume is his chest. Yoongi, that bastard was right, Jungkook was the closest thing you had to a friend here. You didn’t want to believe he was just as cruel as Yoongi, you didn’t want to believe it!
“It’s safer for you if you stay away from me,” he says softly. Or bluntly. How could you ever really know if you can’t see the longing look he gives you? 
You stay quiet, holding in your objections. You aren’t going to argue with him, you were a fool to care at all about someone who didn’t care at all about you; a criminal; one of your captors. Your eyes sting as Yoongi’s words replayed in your mind, Jungkook saw you as a job, he was being nice because Yoongi told him to, he didn’t want to be around you.
You shiver, hugging yourself. You pull at the tall blades of grass, thinking of Namjoon instead, letting yourself be carried far away from here. Your body couldn’t escape, but your mind could. You hum to yourself.
It was a tune Namjoon played over and over for you, a song of his that didn’t make the cut, it was too soft and sweet, didn’t fit with his persona, yet it was your favorite.
Jungkook sits in his wet clothes uncomfortably, watching you, listening to your sad soft humming as the night starts brightening, and he has no choice but to act. He lifts your defeated body into his arms. “We’re not going to tell anyone about this.”
“About what?” you grumble, shivering in the cold.
Jungkook sets you in the bathtub, in your clothes, the wet fabric of your dress clinging to you and leaving nothing to the imagination. You can hear the knobs squeak as he turns on the warm water. You reach out and grab his soaking jacket, gripping it tight. 
“What are you doing, y/n?”
“You’re cold too.” Jungkook pulls away but you hold on tighter. 
“I can’t be in here with you.”
“If you leave now, I swear I will drown myself.” You know you shouldn’t force him to be here with you, but you were desperate, lonely, you didn’t care how uncomfortable you were making him if it meant you felt a little less insane.
Suddenly Jungkook moves closer to you, entering the large bath. He grips your knee, bending your leg.
“W-What are you doing?!” A flood of emotions rush through you, so many at once you don’t know what you’re feeling when he begins to touch you.
“You’re bruised everywhere,” he mutters, gripping your elbow and turning your arm. “I’m going to have to tell him you tried to escape.” 
He sounds frustrated. You accept your fate but it doesn’t make it any easier, knowing Yoongi will lock you up once again, no doubt find some creative way to torture you for trying to leave.
The bathtub steadily fills with water, and the uncomfortable weight on you lessens as the water surrounds your bodies. 
You haven’t let go of him, but you move your grip slightly, feeling for buttons, and once you find them, you start to unbutton his shirt.
If someone were to ask you why you did it, you wouldn’t have been able to articulate a reason, your fingers were working of their own accord, listening to something inside you you couldn’t even hear yourself.
Jungkook hasn’t moved, he holds himself up, gripping the tub’s edges with both hands until you reach the end and push away the fabric. By now the water has filled the tub enough that you float against him. You push both his shirt and jacket off his shoulders.
You place your palm on his chest, you can’t feel the tattoos etched across his skin, you weren’t aware of the extent of his ink markings, but you can feel the cold metal of his nipple piercing and you let out a small gasp in surprise.
Jungkook hasn’t moved, so you let your hand travel down his torso, fingers running along the contours of his muscles, until you reach his belt, his pants, your palm laying along his zipper. 
Jungkook is stiffening under your palm and you gasp louder.
Jungkook finally moves, pulling your wrist away. He holds it tight against the cool ceramic of the tub. “Don’t…don’t make me hurt you.”
You were so used to pain, his warning didn’t deter you how he expected. You wanted him to hurt you. You wanted someone, anyone else, other than Yoongi to think about.
Even when he tightened his grip until you could feel the pain sting into your bones, you didn’t flinch, you didn’t tell him to stop. You let out a silent gasp this time, arching your back against him, and Jungkook saw you were more dangerous than he had believed.
If you could have seen him you could have ruined him.
You gently run your other hand down his body, let your legs wrap around him, listening to his breathing grow louder.
He stands up suddenly. “Wash the chlorine out of your hair, don’t tell Mr. Min anything.”
You pause, “Tell him what?”
Dangerous. Jungkook clears his mind of you, focusing on cleaning the house of da what happened.
When later that day, Yoongi teased you about falling down the stairs, you knew Jungkook did what you had been waiting for, for so long…
…He lied for you.
“What’s this?”
You hold the sleek piece of technology in your hand. 
Is this…a cell phone?
“You’re going to say hello and tell her you’ve taken a job out of the country, and you’re going to make it sound convincing. And if you don’t, if she doesn’t believe you, I’m going to go to her tiny one bedroom Gangnam apartment off of Inchon-ro and I’m going to kill her.” Yoongi says coldly.
You hold your breath. What? Who? What?!
Yoongi crouches down to your level, watching you so close he could see each of your individual eyelashes as you blinked rapidly. 
According to Taehyung, for some reason, one of JTJ’s makeup artists, the girl who used to help you with your makeup, has started asking about your whereabouts. 
She’s questioning other staff, wondering why you haven’t answered any of her calls or texts, with incessant suspicions upon why you have suddenly disappeared without any warning. She’s causing others to wonder as well. 
Even if you had quit on bad terms like what they’ve been telling her, you would have still answered her! It just doesn’t make any sense, she thinks, you were so happy the morning before, making plans with her and the others to have dinner the next day-
She even wanted to get in contact with your family, Taehyung told him worriedly.
“Okay,” you nod. 
Her ringtone, JTJ’s first chart topping song plays in your ear as you try to settle your breathing. 
“Hello?” she answers. Your heart rate suddenly jumps and the pounding is all you can hear as you recognize her voice. 
Yoongi grips your leg, fingers digging, shaking it. “Minah?! Hey, it’s y/n-”
“Y/n!” she gasps, “Oh my god! Oh my god! Girl, what the hell? What happened?! Where did you go?” 
Yoongi grips your knee tight. “I’m fine, I’m okay. Sorry, I’ve just been setting up my new place, I-”
“You haven’t answered my calls, not even my texts,” she says, hurt. “They told me you quit? What happened?!”
“Y-Yes. I did, I uhh, I know it’s gonna sound crazy, but I was offered this amazing job-”
“What?! Where? With who?!”
“In J-Japan, it’s a really good job, I get my own office and everything. After that tour, I just really couldn’t do it anymore, it’s just a lot, you know, that lifestyle.” You pray she doesn’t try to get you to answer her other questions.
“What?” she sounds even less convinced, pausing. “Is this your new number?”
“Y-Yeah, sorry for missing all your calls, my cell was from the company, so I had to surrender it. I really wanted to call you sooner, but it’s just been so hectic…” You hope she believes your lies.
“Anytime I bring you up, the boys act…weird. You just d-disappeared, I-I thought something horrible happened-”
“I’m fine! I think they are just upset, it was such a sudden thing-”
“It was!” She sounds mad. “They told me you were sick when you didn’t show up for our celebration dinner, and then when you weren’t on the plane, they told me you just…left?! No one knew why!” She sounds even angrier.
“Yeah. Yeah, I left, I’m really sorry I didn’t say goodbye.” The words catch in your throat and come out stilted and choppy. You have to get it together.
“But why-”
You take a deep breath, terrified for your friend. 
“Listen, Minah, that night I got into a big fight with Jimin, and I just thought it was best for me to just leave. I really didn’t mean to worry you, b-but this is a once in a lifetime job,” you swallow, trying to keep your voice light and happy. “I had to take it.”
“Oh, okay.” Your lie seems to answer some of her worries. “Have you talked to Jimin since then? He’s just been so…he doesn’t seem like himself since you left. I think he really misses you.”
“Oh, really? No, I haven’t gotten the chance to talk to him.” Your heart is pounding.
“Yeah, talk to him, please! I think he finally realizes what he lost. Everytime I bring you up…no wonder… I told you, didn’t I! He likes you!” she says, sounding happier. “Japan is not too far away, you should go for it now that you’re not under the same company! He is totally heartbroken over you.”
You laugh awkwardly. “Jimin is like my brother!”
“Yeah yeah,” she laughs, sighing. “You two are both hopeless I guess. I miss you, promise me we’ll meet up next time JTJ has a schedule in Japan.”
“I’m s-so busy, but yeah.” Your hand trembles so badly you’re worried the phone will slip between your fingers at any moment.
“I, um, promise. I miss you, Minah.”
“I miss you too!”
“I really miss you.”
“You okay? Do you like your job? They haven’t gotten a new translator since you left! You could come back, honestly, I’m sure they would take you! Joon has been translating for everyone and I’m sure he would love you back,” she jokes.
“I love my new job.” God, you hope she can’t hear the shake in your voice. “But I really have to go, I am glad I got to talk to you. I might not be able to talk for a while though, but I’m okay!”
“Oh! Can you tell Taehyung something?”
Yoongi’s presence is suddenly everywhere as you stutter out your last sentence. “It’s about that Blue Moonlight song he’s been working on with-”
The phone clicks as Yoongi snatches it away, and you feel the coldness of loneliness creep back into your body.
“You better hope she’s as dense as she sounds,” he threatens.
“Don’t you dare touch her!”
“You know what? I think we should take a visit to Taehyung then, and listen to that new song of his,” he says, gripping the back of your neck.
You swallow, excitement and fear swirling in the pit of your stomach and rising the bile into your throat.
Yoongi leans against his Rolls Royce smoking a cigarette.
The door opens and someone sits next to you.
You try not to burst into tears. You frantically reach out to him, and his slender fingers wrap around yours, gripping your hand tightly as he scoots next to you. Then you really burst, crying against him.
You quickly try to pull yourself together, whispering, “Did you get my message?”
“Um, yeah. Blue Moonlight, I’m guessing it's more than just a song title?” He whispers.
“Moonlight Blue.” You repeat the phrase in Thai. “Are w-we alone?” you whisper.
Taehyung eyes the shadow against the window as Yoongi lights up another cigarette. “Yeah, yeah.”
“It’s a club in Thailand. If you take a detective there, in the women’s restroom, inside the second bathroom from the door, my DNA should still be on the door stall, I doubt they cleaned it well. You might be able to get CCTV footage too to show that I’ve been kidnapped, or maybe someone took a picture of it-” you say hastily.
“Of what?”
“My name, I wrote it with my blood,” you say rather proudly.
Taehyung grips your hand tighter. “What? Blood?! He’s made you bleed?!”
You nod hastily. “He’s d-done w-worse,” you stutter, this time you hold in your tears.
Taehyung swallows, resting his head against the car’s seat, feeling sick.
You reach both hands out until you find his shoulder and squeeze. “Taehyung, I have the money saved for my eye surgery in my bank account, I-I’ll give it to you if you help me. Please, please.”
He takes your hand in his again. “I’m not taking your money, y/n.”
“You won’t help me?” you cry desperately. 
He grips your other hand tight, holding them close to his chest. “I’ll talk to Joon and Jimin, we’ll figure something out. Our last album just hit platinum, we have stocks in the company now. We’ll find a way to help you.”
“We’re leaving for Japan right now. Right now, Taehyung. Please hurry.” You can’t tell whether it’s you trembling now or the scared singer. Taehyung brings your hands to his mouth and kisses your knuckles and you do the same, welcoming his comforting affection. 
Yoongi watches as you and the singer cling to each other. He rolls his eyes and flicks his cigarette to the ground, stomping out his frustrations into the tarmac pavement.
“Well?” he asks once Taehyung steps out and shuts the car’s door.
“Midnight Blue.” He says the name in accented Thai. “The club you took her to in Thailand, Blue Midnight.” Taehyung gulps.
“Ahh fuck, you’re right. But why-”
“She thinks if I can get CCTV footage, we can use it in a case against you.”
“Huh really? Most of them don’t even work in that area, but I can have my men check.” Yoongi runs his hand through his hair. “Anything else?” Taehyung shakes his head, unable to look the loan shark in the face. 
“You two were talking for a long time, what else?” He grabs the singer by the collar to make a point, shoving him against the door. You flinch inside.
“She told me you cut her, made her bleed there in Thailand, is that what you did?!” Taehyung pushes against the loan shark, shoving him away.
Yoongi cocks his head to the side, looking confused. “Eh?” He rubs the back of his neck, trying to remember, “Oh, it was one of my men. I took care of it.”
“Are y-you hurting her?”
“Why do you suddenly care?” Yoongi crosses his arms, “Are you gonna stop me if I am?” he asks, challenging the singer.
“She’s done nothing wrong, It’s not her damn fault, it’s Jimin’s, if you had just killed him instead-”
“You would have liked that, huh?” he tuts, “Wanted to go solo that bad, now you’re stuck with those two idiots and your album is on hold,” he rolls his eyes. “If you’re not making money, you’re gonna be in the same boat as Jimin, and you don’t have anyone to save your ass-”
“Just let her go then!” he hisses, trying to keep his voice down so you don’t hear. “Make Jimin pay you whatever he owes you!”
“So she can go to the police?” Yoongi crosses his arms, snorting.
“Min, I-I don’t understand. What are you going to do, keep her forever?!”
“Maybe,” Yoongi says dismissively. “Why?”
“Are you s-serious?!” he stutters.
“It was the deal-”
“S-She didn’t understand-”
“She’s a grown woman, she made her choice.”
Taehyung looks at the loan shark with disbelieving eyes. “Please, Y-Yoongi-”
Yoongi grabs the singer again, done with arguing, “Want to take on Jimin’s debt on top of what you still owe me instead, yeah? Go get her, take her.” He’s met with silence. “Then shut the fuck up.” He signals for his men, who have been waiting to board. “Send me Joon’s schedule, I’ll deal with him when we get back to Korea.”
“Okay,” Taehyung mutters defeatedly. He places his hand on the car’s window. You don’t notice him of course. He says his goodbyes silently, to himself to ease his mind, like a coward.
Yoongi didn’t need to keep a low profile in Tokyo, the city was too big, so many tourists and locals crammed together, he and his associates became just another mean face in the crowd. He bought out a few penthouses in an expensive hotel for the week, with a kitchen and a private hot spring and all the amenities you could ever want. 
It was your lavish prison cell.
“What’s wrong with her?” Jon asks, setting plastic bags of Japanese convenience store food on the counter. Jungkook shakes his head, sending him a look that reads, ‘Please just shut the fuck up about it.’
Jon clears his throat, he looks around, turning on a lamp, fiddling with the shade until he’s happy with the amount of light before leaving you and Jungkook in Yoongi’s private penthouse.
Before he leaves, Jon steps in front of you, studying you with the same scrutiny as he did the new area. He lifts your head up, a crooked finger under your chin. Your eyes are bloodshot, your lids swollen from crying. “Hey, don’t give up.” 
Easy for him to say, that man acts like he doesn’t have a care in the world. You bite your lip, making sure to keep your head up no matter how heavy you feel. “Give me a reason not to give up,” you grumble softly.
Jon stays silent. He steps away from you and nods towards the younger man.
Jungkook sings in his head to drown out your crying as he unwraps the food for you.
You hear the clanging of a glass plate set in front of you.
You raise your hand, hovering over it. Jungkook puts his hand over yours. This is the most he’s interacted with you since your last altercation.
You can’t take it. You can’t take this anymore. You can’t!
“What are you doing, y/n?!” Jungkook grips your other hand quickly, before you can do any more damage. The plate lays shattered under your fist.
“J-Just let me have this, so I can hurt him.”
He yanks the glass plate shard out of your hand.
“Listen to me,” he whispers. “You’re not going to hurt him. Because you can’t hurt him. You’re lucky Jon wasn’t still here, or anyone else for that matter-”
“I’m not with anyone else. I’m with you.”
After a long silence Jungkook finally lets go of your hand, wiping the mess off the counter and into the trash and pulling more food out for you now that you’ve shattered your plate to pieces. “You're testing my patience. Yoongi is mad at me because of you. If you try anything else, I will hurt you again.”
“Hurt me, then. Kill me. Do it.” You reach out, searching for his arms and clumsily put them to your neck. “Kill me, please! I’m not going to fucking do it anymore!”
Jungkook watches you cry. Despite everything you continue to rebel. No matter how small. You refuse to let Yoongi change you.
It stirs something inside him. A question he’s never spoken aloud.
You notice his sharp intake of breath so close to your temple. Is he smelling you?
“I will only kill you if Min asks me to.” Soft, chapped lips brush against yours so quickly you question if you imagined it. “Listen to Jon, you’ve made it this far, don’t give up.”
“No.” You tremble, “You’re going to help me get out one way or another, Jungkook.” 
You feel him move away and reach for him again in desperation. His fingers are back around your throat, shoving you into hotel kitchen cabinets and lifting you off your feet in his anger.
You struggle, unable to breathe. You let your hands follow down his arms until you reach his face. And instead of what Jungkook thought you were going to do, what he would have done: tried to retaliate, fight against him, you hold his cheeks in your palms, thumb running soft lines across his face and over the scars you remembered.
Jungkook lets you drop, shuddering. You cough, inhaling air quickly.
Jungkook is a trained killer. His hands don’t shake, yet…
He looks down at you, silently crying on the floor.
He lets out a slow breath.
“Eat.” He mutters.
“I’ll only eat if you stop ignoring me,” you choke out, glaring in his general direction.
It makes him smile. “Okay, okay.”
You end up eating on the floor with the young gangster in silence, who has his body pressed up against your side. He hands you bites you take reluctantly. Jungkook pulls out his cell, opening a video he took, and you listen to soft cheering as the second half of last week's soccer match plays on his device. You quietly cry and nibble on food until you get caught up in the match, gasping along with the crowd over the very last play.
“You did well today,” Yoongi says, undoing his tie. 
You pull off your heels, frowning. “I’ve been with you for months now, so I want to know exactly how much left I owe-”
“Yes, the amount. Of Jimin’s debt, I want to know exactly how much I have left! You’ve made hundreds of thousands of won on deals I helped facilitate, haven’t you? That counts for something, doesn’t it?!”
Yoongi wasn’t prepared for your outburst, but he knew it would happen sooner or later. And it didn’t stop him from becoming furious with you. “Any other demands you want to make, want a pension plan?” He goads.
You bite back your retorts and take a deep breath. “I want to know exactly how much longer I have to suffer here with a monster like you.”
“Suffer? You ate Wagyu steak today, the jacket you’re wearing is Givenchy.” His finger pokes into your shoulder so hard you almost lose your balance. “Which, by the way, will be deducted off your earnings, of course-” 
“That’s right,” he says lowly.
“I didn’t ask for this!” You yank off your jacket and throw it on the ground at his feet. 
He’s in your space again, his body walking into yours with no intention of letting you move away from him. You would have fallen over if he hadn’t grabbed the front of your shirt. “Going to give me back this shirt too?!” Yoongi rips the buttons off as he yanks the front open. 
You yell and grab at the pieces and hold them over your chest. “Haven’t you learned anything?” he screams in your face. Yoongi holds your head in his hands. You close your eyes out of instinct as tears well up in the corners, breathing through your mouth so you don’t have to smell his cologne, clenching your jaw to keep yourself silent. “You wanted this. Remember that? When you begged Jimin to let me have you? You’re mine, y/n.”
“I’ll never be yours,” you grit out.
“You’re already mine. And I can do whatever I want with you,” Yoongi rasps out with just as much vitriol. 
And then he does what you hate most, he presses his lips against yours. His hand keeps you from pulling your head away, his lips pressed to yours tightly, so you’re forced to inhale him, so you can’t help but gasp in air and open your mouth for him.
You reach for his neck, you try to choke him, fisting his hair and pulling, but it only seems to rile Yoongi up even more as his tongue invades your mouth. 
He finally lets you breathe, pulling your hands away from his throat and securing them behind your back, mouth moving to your jaw and down your neck as he holds you tight. “Mine,” he nips your neck.
It snaps something inside you, you caught yourself before you slipped away completely, and you snapped back, fighting against him. “Get off me!” 
You squirm your way out of his hold and push him away and to your surprise, he doesn’t push you back. He is no longer in your space.
You wipe your mouth and straighten your clothes, unsuccessfully trying to put your shirt back together.
Yoongi stays quiet. You know he’s there, somewhere, watching you, but he’s so quiet! Where the hell is he?
Yoongi watches as you frown and hesitantly reach your hand out in front of you.
You flinch when Yoongi hand smacks your hand down, and swing your fist out in anger, hitting air.
Yoongi laughs tauntingly to your right.
“I’m not yours,” you finally mutter out. Your head is pulled back as Yoongi yanks you by the hair and then shoves you forward. You cry out in pain, knee hitting the corner of something hard. 
Yoongi stays quiet instead of arguing back, he is trying to drive you crazy and it’s working, it’s maddening, you bite back tears as you breathe in sharply.
You stumble, moving around furniture and bumping into a wall. You frantically search for something to grab. 
You throw your hand behind you on a hunch that the loan shark was leering behind you, and he catches it easily, pulling you off balance again. 
You scream out in anger, “You think because you force yourself on me, I’m yours? I can’t stand you, I hate you! When you touch me, I think of someone, anyone, else! You think because I’m blind, I can’t see how hideous you are? How miserable-” you choke on your words as he grabs you by the neck and his grip tightens on your throat. 
He shakes you, moves you around so quickly you stumble backward, terrified he is going to make you collide into something, you have to grip him back to you from falling. 
You struggle against his advances until he’s over you, pinning you into couch cushions. “You disgust me.”
“Yeah?” Yoongi doesn’t believe you. You are trying to anger him, you’re trying to hurt him. He’s played this game before, he knows this game. “But if I was Jimin, or Taehyung, or Namjoon, you wouldn’t be disgusted, that right?” He yells in your face. Why does he always have to bring them up?!
He moves his leg in between yours, pressing his knee against you harshly. “You would happily spread your legs, give them whatever they want because they’re famous-”
You push as hard as you can against his shoulders, yelling, “What?! They would never take advantage of me! They saved me,” you grunt. “You have no idea-”
“I have no idea?” he laughs at you. “I grew up with Taehyung in Daegu, did he forget to mention that to you during your little reunion? I know them. I know Jimin is back to getting high again, he tried to clean up his act for a hot second, but like always, he cares more about his own self gratification than anything else. What do you think will happen after he burns through all his money?” 
Yoongi runs his thumb across your dry lips. “Do you think he’ll come back groveling to me, or do you think he’ll try to convince someone else to fund his addiction? Do you think if I offered him all the drugs his heart desires he wouldn’t hurt you for it? You’re so sure he won’t, are you?”
You have your eyes closed again and he doesn’t like that. Even if you can’t see him, he likes watching your deep irises. Even if you can’t see, your eyes still redden with tears and your expression darkens for him, blazes for him. “And Kim Namjoon, is he the one you think about? When he could care less about you? He’s no knight in shining armor coming to rescue you, and you’re sure no damn princess!”
Yoongi snakes his hand between your bodies and inside your pants, letting out a deep breath when you struggle and he realizes why. “If this isn’t mine, then why does it get so wet for me? Fuck…you’re so wet…”
You feel the last threads of your sanity breaking, and you want to hurt him the only way you can now, you can’t stop yourself, “No, I don’t think about Namjoon, I think about Jungkook,” he hiss.
You try to claw at his face, which stops his advances momentarily. Yoongi pulls his hand out of your pants and holds your wrists down until you stop struggling, and then he yells, “Jeon!”
You hear the door open as someone walks in.
“Come here and hold Miss y/l/n’s hands down.”
It’s deathly quiet until you hear movement again as Jungkook crosses the room. Yoongi’s grip lessens for only a moment until it’s replaced, your hands pressed above your head. You start to cry.
The pressure of Yoongi’s knee is gone as he moves down your body.
Your belt is unbuckled.
Your zipper is pulled down.
His hands reach around your hips and you kick out, attempting to hurt him when he pulls your pants and panties off your legs.
“Stop, stop this!” You’re begging Jungkook, but his grip on you doesn’t lessen. Jungkook’s fingers might as well have been shackles as you try to pull free.
“Who are you thinking about now, y/n?” Yoongi slips his fingers easily into your heat.
You clench your teeth so hard your molars feel like they might crack under the pressure. “You’re pathetic, you know that?!” You let yourself be overcome with anger, a much more agreeable feeling than the hopelessness you felt. “You must be really hideous if you can’t find anyone else to fuck! Is that why you went into this business, huh? Couldn’t get any decent woman so you surround yourself with strippers and prostitutes, and they won’t even fuck you?!” You scream out in frustration as his steady pace quickens inside you unrelentingly.
Yoongi chuckles at your outburst, his body weight pressing on your legs. “Ahh now we both know that’s not true.” He says cockily. You chose to ignore the way the girls at Yoongi’s establishments would address him, the flirtatious tone in their voices when the courageous one would ask him if he needed anything, offering their “services” up to him.
“Then why me?!”
“Because I want you.” 
Yoongi drags his two fingers out of you, and presses three fingers inside when he enters you again, his thumb rubbing across your clit. 
Your heart beats so fiercely in your chest you think you might suffer a heart attack, you hope you do when you feel the heat inside you rise, unable to stop your whimpers no matter how hard you clench your jaw.
Yoongi knows your body now, he knows the pressure that makes you shake, the movement you can’t resist. He rocks his hand into you steadily and precisely as you try not to tremble, as you try to think of anything other than what he was doing to you so you aren’t overcome.
But it only takes a few more minutes before you are overcome, unable to stop your body arching and muscles locking, and your breath stuttering and a moan escaping.
The hands around your wrists disappear and in the next few moments you hear the door slam shut.
“Jun-” Yoongi’s hand presses over your mouth.
Yoongi doesn’t want to hear whatever you have to say, something that would surely make his blood pressure sky rocket. Yoongi looks at the closed door. He has a choice to make. Should he go after Jungkook? No, he will let the young gangster cool down. 
That’s not the only choice he has to make. He looks down at you. You look exactly how he feels, a fierce mixture of fury and puzzlement and anguish twisting at your brows and behind your unfocused glare.
He removes his hand from your mouth, gripping at your neck instead to hold you still.
Rather than letting your emotions take over you again you try to think this through. He is still over you, body in between your legs, fully clothed despite your almost nakedness. You had a choice to make.
“You upset him.” You’re met with silence. “Do you think you can treat people like this forever and they will just take it?” His hand tightens around your throat as he pushes your head back. You yell in pain, but keep trying. “Go ahead, you’ll end up all alone just like you deserve,” you gasp.
“Like you?”
His words feel like a cold shower. When you freeze, Yoongi takes the opportunity to switch the subject of conversation. He brushes his lips across your jaw, finally calming down, “Want to know what you owe me now? Nothing. And nothing you could do or say would ever make me let you go,” he says gently, licking across your neck. 
He moves his other hand back down your body, achingly slow, pushing the broken pieces of your shirt away from your chest and tugging at the uncovered flesh. Why does he have to do this to you? Why? You hate how his touches twists your emotions and you hate how he knows it too. “Like I said, y/n, you’re mine now,” he says huskily. His mouth captures your nipple as he sucks and licks across your chest.
You feel rooted against him, unable to move as you process his words. You can’t fully however, his touches making it impossible to concentrate on anything but his harsh sucking and fondling. 
You let your muscles relax and stop fighting against him, why should you? It never works, it never ever works. 
You rest your palm on the window, the glass is hotter than the surrounding air, and you move closer until your nose touches the glass, soaking in the warmth of the sun outside.
Yoongi’s voice is behind you, still in bed. “Come here, you’re giving everyone a free show.” You must have woken him up when you left the bed.
You rest your forehead on the glass. “I want to go outside today, take me to a cafe.” You don’t ask him, you tell him.
Yoongi studies your naked figure framed by the just risen sun.
He clears his throat, “I’ll have Jeon take you later-”
“I don’t want to go with him, I want to go with you.”
Yoongi pauses. “Why? He was just following orders.”
Facing the sun, the brightness allows you to see the most light possible. You don’t know if it's your imagination at this point, but you like to believe it really is orange and yellow you’re seeing in the otherwise blurry darkness.
“I want to go with you,” you say.
“I’ll see…I’ll find some time.” Perhaps it’s the tiredness still in his voice, but his tone seems to soften.
“Come here.”
You close your eyes, let the darkness settle in, focus on the heat at your fingertips.
You spent the night dissecting what Yoongi had said to you and everything that’s happened to you since finding yourself in the loan shark's service. You had been too distracted, too focused on your own desires of freedom to notice Yoongi’s desires.
You didn’t want to believe it either, that he might have become more than just fond of you. It didn’t make sense, but now that you were really picking apart his actions, it was there, twisted and dark, his own particular kind of affection...for you.
You should have realized this sooner, but you didn’t even want to accept your own twisted emotions. If you had, you would have also figured that it would make sense he was going down the same dark path.
You asked yourself all night, now what should you do? 
You have decided now, turning to him and letting your body relax.
You were going to use it against him.
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Tell me what you liked, and what you hated (is it Yoongi? lol)
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