lesbian-polls · 1 month
lesbians who have played splatoon poll. pleas
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What do you think of EPICAC, Frank? Have you ever read it?
I read it long ago, but I don't remember it well. I didn't like it much, though.
(BTW, I'm getting a ton of new asks and I will get to as many as possible when I can, thank you for the interest!)
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I think Vinyl city isn’t the only city with a qwasa, and I think the grand qwasa isn’t manmade but rather something that’s just been there for centuries. There’s something about it that reminds me of Dyson Spheres because the noise it makes sounds like those transmitted space sounds nasa published. I also think it might be the source of the characters’ powers because they both react to making music.
Interesting theory!  Though if it’s been there for centuries there must be a reason why NSR can’t get the qwasa percentage past 48% right?  I like to think that the long lasting effect of qwasa caused powers to form and manifest in people, though some are not music based. Like how Yinu’s nature powers run in her family. DK West’s shadow powers running through his as well.  So over time the powers become more varied and diverse 
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erigold13261 · 2 years
Qwasa lore idea: it gives the people powers, and reacts to passion being put behind music and not the quality. Also why people’s powers correspond with their music.
I see the whole world itself as having some inherent type of magic, where music/passion can help hone and enhance those magics, which is why West is able to have shadow magic/puppets even though he most likely never worked directly with the Qwasa.
Unless you mean that the Qwasa can just give anyone powers, which could work. Though I still prefer people having their own magic they were born with (such as plant and space people: Mama and DJ), that just gets stronger as they grow and learn how to create their own passion for their powers. Whether that be music or any other kind of passion they might have. While others need to create their own magic out of their passion and music.
However, if we go off the idea that the Qwasa gives powers to people, are we talking about a machine or the plant Qwasa I talked about earlier?
If we are talking about the machine, then that could mean that there was already magic in music (or in passion) and there just needed to be a boost/amplification to it in order to manifest magic directly into the world. Because I don't think there is a machine that can just create magic out of nothing. Amplifying magic that is already there seems more logical.
Over time of putting in music/passion will lead to permanent changes, which is why Mama can change size even though she is no longer making music (unless you go off the idea that she is making the EDM part of Yinu's music, which I feel would not have as much passion to it as if Mama was playing a harp or the piano). The amplification of one's own power/passion back onto the person will end up just boosting that person's natural power.
Though that could mean that there is no need for the Qwasa to get power because West, a person who wouldn't have gotten power amplification from the Qwasa, was able to hone his own passion/music/power over the years and he doesn't even use any tech/instruments to help him. Now imagine if he was able to amplify his powers back onto him and the Qwasa just boosted him so much.
Mayday and Zuke look like they have powers, and they might have SOMETHING because of the Light's Up Audition giving them some kind of power amplification back to them, but I like to think, going off of tech, that their instruments are like temporary power boosters that allow them to have some magic. Without Mayday's guitar or Zuke's drumsticks, they have no power. But if they worked with the Qwasa over time, May and Zuke will be able to use magic/power/passion without the assistance of any tech/instruments.
But if we go off of the Qwasa being a plant that takes sound (or in this case the passion) behind music to make power, and think that the Qwasa itself holds all the magic and gives it to those who have a lot of passion, then we get more of what you were talking about!
In this scenario, there would be little to no magic in the world itself other than the Qwasa plants. People like Mama and DJSS would be MUCH more rare, having to come from musical/magical/passionate families OR they are people who worked with the Qwasa plant (even a little bit of it) and were transformed because of the power it gave them.
Having this kind of plant around means it could potentially be more accessible to the world than the Qwasa machine. With the machine, there is most likely only one Grand Qwasa, and a bunch of mini Qwasas that are solely in Vinyl City. The Qwasa plant however, would be everywhere in the world that it can grow (and considering it is magical, it probably can grow in all kinds of climates).
So there could be small patches in the country that West was able to rap to and get power from. And this idea of Qwasa's giving magic to anyone with passion does go into the fact that Tatiana said her artists are from all over the world (if I am remembering that correctly). That would mean that anyone near a Qwasa plant, with enough passion, can gain enough magic to boost themselves into the sights of NSR.
This would also mean that Vinyl City has the largest amount of concentrated Qwasa Plants, maybe because it needs a lot of water or something and being close to the ocean allows the plant to thrive. Which is why Vinyl City has so many magical people in it. That's where the most magic is, so more people will just flock there. It becomes a cycle of passion and magic!
I... I kinda started rambling at this point. I hope this made sense! Your idea is really cool, though I still prefer my idea that thee world itself and the people in it are inherently magical and just use the Qwasa to store and collect energy from sound.
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muffinlance · 1 year
We've been working with toddler on using his words instead of screaming when something happens that he doesn't like
Which has lead to:
Toddler, upon accidentally dropping a toy: ANGER ANGER ANGER!
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bixels · 3 months
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Posting a sneak-peak of this now because I'm about to be In The Shit school workload-wise, so this'll take me a while to finish.
Doing some character design exploration/expression sheets for Celestia and Luna. Figuring out Celestia's weird ass anatomy while I'm at it.
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ethicalcannibalisms · 2 months
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blue eye samurai + text posts 2/? mizu edition
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nelkcats · 10 months
Family Trip
Danny loved her, like a sister, a daughter or something in between, but Ellie was happy as long as he was there to take care of her. She felt protected but couldn't stay forever.
She had already explored the whole world, and as interesting as the Infinite Realms seemed in reality they didn't interest her that much. Ellie was sure she needed to go further, but she didn't know how to let Danny know. So she simply told him straight out, that the universe they were in was no longer enough for her.
Danny accepted it, and told her that there were many other universes that she could explore, he told her that Clockwork had told him about some of them. Ellie was excited, she could travel more, but for the first time she hesitated, and realized that she didn't want to travel alone.
She asked Danny if he wanted to travel with her and he gave her the flattest look in existence.
"Obviously I'm going to travel with you" he said. And that was that. No discussion, no questions asked.
They both packed a couple of backpacks as if they were going hiking and asked Clockwork. He just tossed them Dan's thermos before offering them a method of travel. Danny frowned but opened the thermos anyway and dragged Dan with them as he yelled about injustices and upset families.
They ended up in Gotham, in front of a man with a helmet and a guy dressed as a stoplight. Danny waved and asked them for a chat (he probably wanted to ask for directions) while Dan sulked in the back. Ellie looked at the architecture curiously.
Unfortunately for Danny, the stoplight guy pulled out a sword and the helmet guy pulled out a gun. They both looked tense as they looked between the three of them. Danny frowned (his green eyes glinting with annoyance) before nodding towards Ellie and Dan and disappearing.
Thus began their vacation in a world where everyone wanted to shoot them; Danny felt at home, Dan wanted to steal an exotic candy called crypto-something and Ellie was happy to explore.
Their family trip had officially begun.
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claraoswalds · 7 months
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The Girl Who Died // Hell Bent
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binary-bird · 1 month
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25 expressions challenge feat. david!
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lesbian-polls · 22 days
hair textures? Straight, Wavy, Curly, Coily, or multiple?
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stil-lindigo · 1 year
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seeing clearer
(sequel to another comic of mine, the calamity.)
all my other comics
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ten-simm · 8 months
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When you kept your best pal imprisoned for a whole year along with his friends while exterminating half of the earth's population in front of him and he is still looking at you like that.
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asavt · 1 month
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Into the confessionary a little spider walked
Mind not quite there
Quite lost
Memories scrambled around, confused
Pain flaring up, things that shouldn't have been said out
Siblings falling apart
Guilt over forgotten acts
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blighted-lights · 2 months
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thinking about them again,,
(this post by @weapon-up-wallflower had me thinking about rodimus' apology towards drift in dying of the light again, and,,, yea. not Fully related to the original post but it got me thinking)
ive always thought drift accepting the apology was one last form of appeasement towards rodimus- or at least less of a genuine acceptance and more of a, "we're probably going to die soon, do i really want rodimus to die thinking i hate him?"
but then they both lived 🤷‍♂️ and it was just easier for drift to fall back into his old role than try to change things. surely this will not cause a build up of resentment in the long run. surely.
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violaobanion · 3 months
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