#animal abuse mention
yardsards · 1 year
hot take but you all NEED to stop telling people to kill themselves.
yes, even *those* people. i don't care if you're talking to some monster who puts live puppies into a wood chipper for fun, don't say that shit.
because mx. puppychipper isn't gonna be affected by your words.
but you know who might be affected? some innocent third party reading the words you said on a public website.
because telling people to kill themselves says "suicide is a punishment for being a bad person. bad people, upon realizing they're bad, should simply commit suicide instead of working to atone for their actions."
and that is NOT a message you wanna be normalizing to anyone, but ESPECIALLY people with depression (who, let's be real, make up a higher than average chunk of this site's userbase). whose mental illness is already telling them that 1: they're an inherently terrible worthless person no matter what they do 2: death is an appealing option.
is reading "kill yourself" once or twice gonna make them do it? nah, probably not. but reading it multiple times a day every day is gonna make their mental health worse. it's probably not good for your mental health to be saying that kind of thing, either.
just knock that shit off. the world is already so hostile to people with mental illness, and managing mental illness and unlearning unhealthy thought patterns is already so difficult. you don't need to be out here making it worse.
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just-antithings · 25 days
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on a post about animal abuse and welfare when it comes to a certain breed of cat. would it kill this person to focus on the actual animals that are suffering over their owners taste in fiction?
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chaifootsteps · 3 months
After the turnover rate reveal, I just have to ask Vivzie Stans one thing: How much is too much for you guys?
How many people does she need to fuck over, how many posts from former friends and mistreated workers need to be made, how much studio money does she need to keep to fund her lifestyle, how many animators does she need to burn through before the camel’s back breaks and you realize that Viv isn’t that good of a person? This much shit being told about can’t all just be a bunch of haters looking to crap someone innocent, especially when it’s in such a niche group such as indie animation. Does she need to stomp a box of puppies before you figure that out and stop supporting her?
I can think of a couple of people I suspect would still be on her side even if she did.
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ohsleepie · 6 months
Oh look, it's the cat-coded mofo folding his arms and being like "Baka, it's not like I love you or anything." and the dog-coded dipshit being all lovey-dovey to the cat-coded mofo and wagging his tail. 🙄 Is there any wonder cat abuses and dog attacks are so common?
I cannot read the tone of this message at fucking all. Um...anyway heres some more of that for you whether you like it or hate it. Yeah okay bye
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lowkeiloki · 2 months
the way hamster abuse is so normalized on the internet makes my fucking skin crawl
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thewickerking · 7 months
final message: i love you people who were "scary" children. i love you people who attacked other people, who hurt animals, who destroyed people's things, on purpose or on accident. i love you people who got labeled "creepy" or "problem child" or "attention-seeking" or "manipulative". i love you people who got kicked out of class or suspended often, who got kicked out of schools, who transferred before you could get kicked, who didn't understand why they got in trouble. i love you students who failed classes, who'd cry in class, who'd sleep through class, who got sent to unhelpful counselors. you weren't at fault for being a struggling child, and i love you if you struggle feeling overwhelmingly guilty for how you acted as a child, and i love you if you dont. i especially love you if you struggle to see yourself as a good person because of whatever you did as a child. i love you people who cant remember what you did, but are told it makes you bad. you are not defined by the actions of your child self, and you are able to choose who to be as you are now. if you have the capacity and interest to make amends, you can, and its also okay to not do that and just leave it all behind. i love you all the same.
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cafe-mouse · 3 months
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New friend! Everyone meet Applesauce ♡
(more about Applesauce below cut)
-Applesauce's former owner was evicted from their home recently and abandoned her at their old house along with her gerbil roommate (they were in the same cage together, which is most likely the reason why the end of her tail is missing). I was able to adopt her from my local shelter just last night and she already made fast friends with my other female mouse Sweetpea, who is 2.5 years old (she had a couple cagemates but her last friend that was even older than her passed recently). They've been snuggling and sleeping together under a hide most of this morning and I'm so happy that they're getting along so well despite how much more energetic Applesauce is than her
-Very hyper adventurous little mouse that loves digging and climbing
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edraculation · 7 months
A Non-Exhaustive And Imperfect Explanation As To Why Declawing Cats Is Animal Abuse, Aka Me Promoting The Paw Project For Approximately 8 Paragraphs
okay, I'm dropping the quirk for this. too much text to be capitalizing every word.
for most people, not declawing your cats is common sense, but for some ignorant individuals physically removing an animal's body parts to make their existence as palatable as possible is commonplace. yes, i phrased that aggressively on purpose. i have no respect for these people.
before we get into it, below is a diagram of a cat claw for reference. the quick (pink tissue bit inside the claw) doesn't usually go down that far, but that's not important.
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memorize how that works for a second. cool. moving on.
now that you know how the claw works, let's look at what actually happens when a cat is declawed.
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yikes. uh huh. freaky ass visual, isn't it?
you may be noticing that it looks a whole lot like detaching bones, and that's because that's exactly what it is. it's a common misconception, even within anti-declawing groups, that removing a cat's claw is equivalent to pulling out a human's fingernail; when it's actually far closer to removing the entire first finger bone.
you're probably pretty uncomfortable right now, thinking about having part of your finger torn off. if you weren't already thinking about that, sorry for putting that in your brain.
perhaps, to distract yourself, think about getting through daily life without the first segments of your fingers. it would make a lot of things difficult, wouldn't it? picking things up, opening just about any packaging, scratching an itch. the list goes on.
what if a cat were in that same situation? no climbing things, no catching their toys, no saving themself when they fall, and so much more. rather important things for a cat to do.
as unthinkable as all of this may sound, the paw project, an amazing organization helping to fight against declawing, estimates that 25% to 43% of cats are declawed.
this means 25% to 43% (that's about 150 to 258 million on the low end, according to a 2023 estimate of the world's domestic cat population) suffer from the exhaustive list of problems associated with declawing. find a more in-depth list of these issues on the paw project's website, linked in the previous paragraph.
i am relying on the paw project website quite a bit, but then again, they are an amazing source for this information. i highly recommend checking out their website for more information on this subject, as i think my wrists are about done with this post.
i would appreciate reblogs if not just to promote the paw project, but they are of course not necessary. thanks for reading.
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chessboardz · 6 months
i understand what people mean when "human people's lives are more important than animals" but it hurts because i don't feel the same. i don't see it the same way. people scare me. they hurt me and don't apologize. people KNEW what they were doing and didn't care.
animals never hurt me out of sheer malice. a dog bites me because i'm too close. not because it wants me to follow its every command out of fear. animals are just as afraid and primitive as i am. we don't understand societal norms. we don't understand why the people who hurt us did it.
"well if you had to kill a dog or kill a person, which would you rather do?" don't ask me that! you have no idea. don't make me choose again.
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abhainnwhump · 1 year
Watching/reading a Whumpee get shackled in a cage and tortured via beatings, eventually breaking under the torture: Mm-hm, very nice.
Watching/reading a dog get kicked once: You monster, you demon. I hope your name gets lost to history. You will lose everything and everyone you love until you are alone in your own regrets with no one to turn to.
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therealvinelle · 10 months
Do you like Taylor swift
Not really, her songs all sound the same and while she's far from the worst celebrity around, she's not great either. Namely, I have a problem with the fact that she owns not one, but two Scottish Fold cats.
For those who don't know, the Scottish Fold is a Scottish Straight with a mutation keeping its bone and cartilage from developing properly, which leads to the folded ears the breed is named for. This mutation leads to terrible arthritis, the cat spends its entire life in severe chronic pain. By owning two of them Swift is not only owning two cats who will never be healthy nor free of pain unless she keeps them dozed up on painkillers, but she's promoting the breed. And no, there's no such thing as a healthy Scottish Fold, if it was healthy it would be a Scottish Straight.
I have a pretty big problem with her over this.
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just-antithings · 1 year
..I'm tired
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*screams in neuroscientist* that’s not how this works! that’s not how any of this works!
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aita-blorbos · 4 months
AITA for Killing and Serving Our Hotel Guests?
(Trigger Warnings for cannibalism, animal abuse, suicide, and mentions of drugs)
I (M,200+) work at this hotel on a lake. One week, we had these 5, high-profile guests staying over. My job was to make sure the guests were happy and to gather ingredients for the dinners we'd be having every night. Thing is, we didn't have the meat on hand to make the dishes planned for each night. I'm sure you can see where this was going.
To be clear, my boss (M,118 at the time) who we'll call O, had this planned in advance. All the ingredients were in the hotel, it was just a matter of me finding them while also collecting the meat of each guest for the night. After each guest was dead, their souls would then be captured in these large tanks which would extract their memories. I think O also had some sort of personal vendetta against these people though I'm not clear on the details. The guests also weren't exactly innocent themselves, if the fact their souls were corrupted is anything to go by.
In order, we had: Mr. D, a chemist who was apparently doing research similar to O's. Mr. R, a magician. Mrs. P, an electrician who apparently hooked up this young pigeon to electrocute for the fun of it I guess. Ms. F, a stage performer and really the only one that I didn't kill directly since she just shot herself while I was taking her photos. And finally Mr. B, an opioid-addicted ambassador who was constantly barking at me to make him a sandwich.
About a year later, their souls broke free of the tanks and I had to flee the hotel before they killed me or worse. Last I've heard they've been chilling at the bottom of the lake now.
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hylianengineer · 4 months
My mom is sending texts about how my poor, sweet, traumatized dog - who was abandoned and almost certainly abused as a puppy - had a freak out at the vet and now they have to find a trainer who specializes in doggy PTSD. It's weird, because he did not used to be that scared of the vet, and he's even on anxiety meds now, but apparently anxious, traumatized dogs usually need training (sounds like doggy therapy to me) or they just keep getting worse over time. I feel so bad for him, I can't stop drawing parallels to me and my anxiety disorder and what a mess I was as a teenager - which, he's two years old, so he kinda is in dog terms? I just wanna hug him so bad but I am not at my parent's house and also dogs don't usually like hugs the way humans do and I don't wanna make him feel trapped. Poor furball.
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thatsprettylane · 1 year
Watching a playthrough of MK1: I just don’t get this obsession everybody has with Bi Han. He seems like a dick?
Watching playthroughs of Mortal Kombat 9, 10, and 11: Just an absolute idiot who is also mean?
Watching a playthrough of the Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub Zero: It’s like all he does is get screwed over by other people and then get mad about it?
Ooooooh. I get it now. He’s like an abused dog with aggression issues.
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whumperofworlds · 1 year
Whumper: I can excuse torture, but I draw the line at animal abuse!
Whumpee, tied up: You can excuse torture?!
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