#animal cruelty CW
dathen · 4 months
Normally you’d know that any character that hurts a cat goes on my shitlist to never return, but the Griffin testing the invisibility experiment on one has so many tiny character details that it honestly fascinates me.
The flaw that undermines Griffin the most is that he is practically incapable of parsing simple cause and effect, and that he never manages to think ahead.
When he’s experimenting on the cat and it makes a lot of noise, he doesn’t comprehend that it’s because it’s in pain, because he then immediately uses that process on himself and is shocked at how agonizing it is. He’s no Sydney Atherton out to torture and kill a cat for his own sick amusement, he’s not even Jack Seward insisting that vivisection is necessary because it’s medically useful—he’s just seeing if his process works on a living creature immediately before using it on himself. He didn’t even realize he’d hurt the cat until he was in the throes of agony.
And then a more down-to-earth detail that re-emphasizes this: the cat was hungry, so he gave it some milk. He tried to give it more milk later when it was upset, only to find all his food was gone. Not only does it paint more of the picture of what a stripped-bare life he lived, this unfurnished room stuffed with scientific apparatus and a bed he rarely uses—but how he can’t even piece together “give the cat the last of my food = I now have no food left.”
This contextualizes SO MUCH of his behavior up to this point, both the comical and the grim. Steals from his father without thinking about what his father will do without the money. Commits a burglary and immediately tells his landlady he can pay her now, is surprised when they suspect him of the burglary. Escapes arrest by stripping and then is left starving and naked without shelter. It’s a domino effect that not only chauses chaos and pain wherever he goes, but is a constant source of his own suffering.
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caesarsaladinn · 2 months
my frustration with the riding I've done previously is that horses have been used for so much cool, varied, dangerous shit, but all my instructor have ever taught is jogging in pretty circles and jumping a perfect zigzag. that takes serious skill and athleticism, but it's boring! I was made to believe that anything else would be reckless. you can't run on that surface, mount from that angle, hold your reins that way, or you'll wreck the horse. that's probably true for a top-shape show jumper--but I was not riding top-shape show jumpers.
so after a couple decades of pining and a couple years of searching, I found a barn that rides a mix of styles on a mix of horses, with some cattle, sheep, mules, etc on the side. I showed up as a student/laborer but they put me on a horse right away (I guess there was no labor to do), a horse trained and equipped for a style I hadn't really ridden before, and it was fine. they included me in everything, excited by my inexperience, and it was great! I helped move the cattle, wrestled a calf while the cowboys roped it, punched the tags into its ear... I learned to mount from the ground without spilling a drink (when in rome).
they offered me freshly severed bull testicles for a trophy, or a dinner, or just to see if I could keep up with the real farmers, but that was where I drew the line. my roommates put up with enough weird shit from me already, and they had been dropped in the dirt.
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signanothername · 15 days
Nightmare having a cat is adorable, wonder if he ever regrets killing Killer's cat after he gets his own. Probably not regret for the pain he caused Killer, but more regret for killing the cat. But also, what's the black stuff on Uncorrupted Nightmares hands?
Well, my thought process when it comes to Nightmare and cats is a bit weird xhhxhdh
Like know how Nightmare hurts Killer’s cats? He does so to control Killer, not cause he finds joy in hurting the cats
Imma leave this ramble i said that pretty much explains it
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So when it comes to regret for the cat itself, i’d say it’s a possibility
Like i can see uncorrupted Nightmare feeling a bit of guilt, but otherwise he wouldn’t really feel much guilt and I even think he’d still hurt Killer’s cats if it means he keeps control over him, even after he gets his own
Maybe it’ll make Nightmare a bit more hesitant to actually hurt the cats, but it still wouldn’t stop him
And again, it’s not even out of joy, it’s more out of fear for losing whatever control he has on Kille, but the thing is I don’t think Nightmare realizes he’s screwing himself over by hurting Killer’s cats, cause if anything, hurting them is just giving Killer the more reason to break away from Nightmare and find a better life for himself and his cats
Nightmare’s actions are a double edged sword after all
As for the black on Nightmare’s hands, they’re gloves, but specifically compression gloves, cause while i like to think most of Nightmare’s pain is in his back and legs, I still like to think Nightmare’s hands are also fucked up to an extent, not as much as his legs, but he mostly experiences weakness in them rather than pain, they hurt sometimes, but mostly it’s weakness, so he wears it more for stability than pain
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blackbackedjackal · 1 year
not one owner in particular but the amount of people who come to me, a dog groomer, and say "oh yeah if hes acting up just yell at him" or even worse "just pop him its fine" makes me crazy, like??? you are giving me, a STRANGER, permission to fucking hit your dog??? its insane like, i dont know of anything that would make a dog less cooperative in a grooming environment then fucking VIOLENCE AGAINST THEM and thats your recommendation for me as their owner its horrible
I blame Cesar Millan tbh. That's absolutely horrible and kind of insane? Like putting a dog in an already semi stressful situation for them (being alone with a stranger touching all over them) and then being like "aha just fucking throttle them if they act out" like ughhhhh. People really don't understand that positive reinforcement goes FAR better than punishments for them.
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cxpperhead · 7 months
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Nagaina is one of the snakes that's been in Copperhead's care the longest, about six years since he came to Gotham. He originally found her in a travelling circus way down south close to Arizona, featuring as part of a snake charmer's show. However her mouth had been sewn shut by her keeper, preventing her from being able to bite or spit while performing so Copperhead carefully cut the threads loose, laying in wait for her keeper to return.
Thinking he'd left her enclosure unlocked, her keeper mistakenly thought her to be harmless and went to pick her up, only to get bitten again and again for all the years of torment he'd put her through. His death was thought to have been a careless mistake rather than foul play as nothing was missing except the snake, leading authorities to believe it had simply managed to escape after a handling session had gone wrong. Years later and Nagaina is still with Copperhead, having no wish to leave nor return to the wild.
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bobcatmoran · 2 years
Arai is possibly the only adaptation I've seen that includes the title of Les Mis chapter 1.3.8, "The Death of a Horse."
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Soon afterwards, though, the men go off to fetch the "surprise."
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Wow, what can the surprise be? I'm sure that the ominousness of that final panel means nothing at all.
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quantumofawesome · 2 months
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thank god I'm a country boy
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AITA for banning a child from my house?
It's not my child, btw- it's my cousin, an 8 y/o autistic boy. I am 15 and it's technically not my house.
For context, my cousin has EXTREMELY severe autism, to the point where he quite literally cannot form any connections with people and does not sit down at all. He is always running around, yelling in garbled speech, and doesn't understand words, sentences, or commands. He only responds to his name when his mother calls it. He isn't intelligent mentally, either. I do love him a lot in spite of how he has never paid attention to me or treats both me and everyone else around him as though they don't exist.
I have (had?) a cat. I have raised this cat for 3 years and I got this little furball when he was only 2 weeks old. I gave him milk and cared for him so, so much. He was a Persian-British mix and was, frankly, pretty dumb and sleepy all the time. Like a little doll.
My cousin also, apparently, decided that my cat, Velvet, was doll-like, because he grabbed Velvet and refused to let the cat go. I was in the bathroom at the time and only heard the cat's mewing. Nobody else was home. My cousin thought it would be nice to throw Velvet out of the window. Our 4th-story window. Velvet was a spoilt little thing and had never really lived outside of a house, and consequently, died. My cousin? Didn't care. Just went away from the open window and went back to running around the house.
I came out only a few seconds later and was very confused as to just WHERE was the previously mewing cat, and obviously I couldn't just ask my cousin, since he can't talk and wouldn't be able to think of it either. My mom found the fucking CORPSE when she came back home. I was horrified and, while I don't think this was the proper thing to do to a little boy who has absolutely ZERO awareness of his surroundings, I proceeded to absolutely scream my head off at my cousin while grabbing his arm, which resulted in an absolute meltdown from him and my aunt (who had also just arrived) having to physically pry me off him as I was crying. I don't think I can be really blamed for being upset over my cousin KILLING my BELOVED PET just because he was born wrong. I also sort of yelled at my aunt to never come here or bring her son here ever again. My mother has severely chastised me for that and had ME grounded. What the fuck. Mental illnesses aren't all sunshine and rainbows, y'all. Ugh. I feel like I AM the asshole, but honestly. Consider the circumstances. I hate it here and I miss my fucking cat.
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dathen · 1 year
Victor Frankenstein: Teenage me was so evil because I experimented on animals while trying to cure death 😭
Jack Seward: What kind of BACKWARDS LOSER would oppose VIVISECTION?? Now only if I had a good reason to do it…
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yuri-puppies · 1 month
under the cut for trauma dumping and PTSD-induced hallucinations, but i just remembered a particular episode i had once that would be very interesting to give to k@bru
i was taking a test for a class and one of the readings was an indigenous person talking about seeing white people posing with a hunting trophy and empathizing with the wolf instead, and connecting it to mmiw
i was normal levels of saddened and horrified when i read the text, but when i tried to recall it for the test some kind of empathy wire got tripped and connected the wolf in the leg-hold trap to the indigenous author to mmiw in canada to feminicidios in mexico to the attempts on my mom's life to me
and so i spent like half an hour trying to focus on a test while feeling a leg-hold trap snap over my arm and break it over and over again
so yeah. i think k@bru should hallucinate physical sensations of being eaten alive.
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proselfshipsafespace · 2 months
rate my F/O (if you want): dio JJBA
HOLY GUAC!!!! I LOVE DIO!! he's the manwhore of the century, he was a very enjoyable villain to me (we dont talk abt my thoughts on pt 1 dio 🥰)
8.9/10, wouldve been a 9 if he didnt put a dog in a furnace
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fictionkinfessions · 7 months
wow my friends and i were so fucked up we threw handfuls of bees at each other like it was normal what
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unobjectionableurl · 1 year
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thesummerstorms · 4 months
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Like, honestly. I'm annoyed it works.
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cxpperhead · 1 year
What's Copperhead's opinion on reptile shows?
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Slipping this beneath the cut for animal cruelty mentions ~
Provided the animals are well-cared for and aren't being exploited by unscrupulous breeders, Copperhead can't bring himself to completely hate reptile shows? Anything that spreads public awareness and puts reptiles in a positive light is way better than ignorance and hate, and should the animals be in good health, treated well and handled by enthusiasts who know what they're doing, he's content to leave those people be. What Copperhead hates are people who care more about spinning profit than caring about the animals they claim to love. Breeding for certain colours and patterns is one thing, but certain lines are as detrimental to reptiles as pedigrees are to dogs. Spider Ball Pythons are one example, bred for their unique patterns despite horrific neurological side effects for the animal in question - the snakes perpetually have a 'wobble', can never see or move straight and are condemned to a miserable life from start to finish. All for the sake of a pretty pattern. He despises that so much, and in turn despises people who care more about getting a fancy-looking pet than actually caring about the impact their purchase has on the future of keeping reptiles, with more people getting into the hobby. Educating the public and showing them that reptiles aren't cold-blooded monsters looking to bite everyone is something he loves, whereas bastardizing nature and screwing with it for profit is one way to get his attention and not in a good way.
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sail-not-drift · 1 year
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Jess Jordan will always be famous.
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