#animal death*
Some experiences just blaze themselves across your soul forever. Even if you don’t want them to. My memory is often spotty but I remember some things I’d rather not with perfect clarity.
Like the morning I was walking to my car to go to work. It was a chilly fall morning, mist and fog clung to the treetops, the thin light was grey and damp. It was early enough that no one else was stirring, it was like I had the world to myself.
My car sits right beside the dumpster, which is enclosed by a paltry wooden fence for propriety. As I got within a few feet of my car I heard a bizarre wet sound. I paused and looked toward the dumpster.
Two squirrels were darting away up a nearby tree, startled from their pillaging of trash. The sound I’d heard was haunting me. Something small but heavy, something damp and limp. Almost against my will I looked around the corner of the fence.
There, splayed on the cold wet concrete, was a dead parakeet. Dropped unceremoniously into the dumpster, it had been found and feasted upon by squirrels, then abandoned with a splat into my still misty morning.
I was so distressed. I’d never met this bird but seeing it’s little body left so carelessly with the accumulated rubbish hurt my heart. It hadn’t been cherished enough to be disposed of with care. It’s body had been left to scavengers.
All day I would remember it and shudder but I couldn’t convey to any of my coworkers how awful it had been.
I’ve never been able to see the neighborhood squirrels the same. Rodents are omnivores and it’s just a fact of life, but the ones by us are cursed for me now. I can still hear the sad wet sound of that bird hitting the ground.
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todaysbird · 2 days
I have to ask.. How often do you deal with lamprays.. Often up that you may actually play the forbidden ocarina?
I was seeing them every day, but not really handling them (except for The Slap incident) until they started passing away (their migration is now over, and they die after spawning). Now it's mostly the occasional lamprey body :(
The forbidden ocarina was within reach, though. I have nets. And willpower.
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SUMMARY: To save Paris from a bloodbath, a grieving scientist is forced to face her tragic past when a giant shark appears in the Seine.
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joeyclaire · 3 months
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ysabelmystic · 21 days
Doge is gone
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moldwood · 8 months
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😭😭😭 my phone is begging me to put tumblr down like a sick animal...
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troutpaws · 8 months
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the flesh will persist (graphite & digital, 2023)
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bunjywunjy · 2 months
Hi I just learnt that grebe the bird existed and I am intrigued do you have any knowledge to drop on the dudes
BOY DO I! grebes are my favorite waterfowl!
they're specialist divers and fish hunters, and they're a pretty wide group with a LOT of species!
and they're all freaks. every single one of them.
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they're most closely related to FLAMINGOS, of all things, which is why their feet are so weird! they evolved completely separate from other waterfowl like ducks and geese, so they did the flipper thing totally backwards.
this is going to be a theme, nothing these birds do is normal.
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unlike other specialist diving birds (coughcough LOONS coughcough), they aren't totally incompetent on land! just, again. total freaks about it.
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aaagh I love them so much I might actually explode
also they swim like frogs, babies can dive pretty much immediately after hatching, and adults can minutely adjust their buoyancy in the water at will like a fucking submarine. you just can't make any of this shit up.
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weirdest fucking bird 100/10
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great-and-small · 11 months
This is going to be an unpleasant post but I need to talk to y’all about heat stroke in dogs. I am an ER vet and I am seeing firsthand the death toll that this heat wave is taking on our pets. In the past two weeks, for every single weekend shift I have worked, we have had at least one DOA with a body temperature over 107 degrees. One of them had simply been on a 20 minute walk at 5pm. All of them were brachycephalic (short faced breeds like pugs and french bulldogs). Their owners were in shock that this could happen so quickly, and their grief lingers with me.
If you have a dog, and especially if you have a brachycephalic dog, you need to familiarize yourself with the signs of heat stroke. Do not take your dogs out in the heat of the day, be aware of the pavement temperature, and always have fresh water available for them. When I am outdoors with my dog I am checking on him constantly. This heat wave is extremely serious; I need you to keep yourself and your pets safe.
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manxmoss · 10 months
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moved2fshfish · 1 month
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Im killing myself
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todaysbird · 10 months
as a huge lover of birds, 90% of the concern against wind turbines being used for energy is literally just pro fossil fuel propaganda. birds ARE at a risk however there is a lot of strategies even as simple as painting one of the blades that reduces a lot of accidental deaths. additionally renewable energy sources will do more in favor of the environment that would positively impact birds (and all of us). one study found over one million bird deaths from wind turbines. while that is a shockingly high number and we should work to drastically shrink it, at least 1.3 billion birds die to outdoor cats on a yearly basis. it was never about caring about birds
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zooophagous · 8 months
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Shedding velvet.
The skin of the antlers is temporary. The bones of the antlers are temporary. The stag is ultimately temporary.
Digital. 8x10. Prints are available, $30 each, free shipping worldwide.
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artharakka · 1 year
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“Äiti itki. Isä lähti huoneesta. Vivian istui nurkassa ja kuunteli vaiti. Kissamme Minni hyppäsi vuoteelle ja käpertyi jalkojeni päälle ja kehräsi, sillä kehräämällä parannetaan sairaita.” — Emmi Itäranta. Kuunpäivän kirjeet
“Mom cried. Dad left the room. Vivian sat in the corner and listened quietly. Our cat Minni jumped on the bed and curled up on my legs and purred, for through purring the sick are healed.” — Emmi Itäranta. The Moonday Letters. Quote tranlated by me (unofficial)
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canisalbus · 8 days
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✦ Rainy day apartment details ✦
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meanbossart · 3 months
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Teenagers, am I right?
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