#animation lernen
owarinaki · 3 months
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Frieren EP27 - Gifs Recap 2 : Serie & Her Apprentice
EP 27/1 : 27/2
Serie recap 27/3 :: 27/4 :: 27/5 :: 27/6
Gifs 27/7 :: 27/8 :: 27/9 :: 27/10
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New short Kreativ Studio Nuding Textlogo Blender 3D animation with free Music by bensound.com License code 0GP9AHURY0UQKSN9 and Sounddesign by me with BlenderHilfe Soundpack - THX a lot!
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kreativ-im-studio · 2 years
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arkido881 · 2 years
-COMIC CON STUTTGART 2022 Impressionen- Messe Stuttgart 2022-
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theoriginalbitter · 1 year
Part 06 - Wie Du das Maskenwerkzeug in After Effekt perfekt verwendest
Zeichnen des ersten Scheitelpunkts in einem gekrümmten Pfad
A. Platzieren des Zeichenstift-Werkzeugs B. Beginn des Ziehens (Maustaste gedrückt) C. Grifflinie auf gewünschte Länge ziehen
3. Setze das Zeichenstift-Werkzeug auf den Punkt, an dem das Kurvensegment enden soll, und führen Sie einen der folgenden Schritte aus:
Wenn  eine C-förmige Krümmung erstellen möchtest, ziehe in die entgegengesetzte Richtung, in der Du die vorherige Grifflinie gezogen haben, und lassen Sie die Maustaste los.
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punctuationmarks · 7 months
Als ich aufwuchs, war ich ein großer Fan von 'Die Drei ???'. Ich dachte "Crimebusters" sei das Ende der Buchreihe. Aber ich war überrascht, als ich erfuhr, dass die Serie in Deutschland eine Fortsetzung hat. Ich war sehr glücklich darüber, sodass ich Deutsch zu lernen begann, damit ich die Bücher lesen konnte. Das Hörspiel inspirierte mich und ich wollte eine Animation machen. Mein Favorit ist Peter und ich mochte seine Emotionen hier, also habe ich diese Szene animiert. Ich hoffe es gefällt euch allen. Die Drei ??? sollten eine TV Show sein! Entschuldigung, mein Deutsch ist nicht gut.
Main Blog ► @azurajae Twitter ►https://twitter.com/azurajae ArtStation ► https://artstation.com/azurajae
Special thanks to @greenxlady for all the German help <3 You're the best, Green!
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medicatedcountertop · 3 months
Spoilers for Frieren Beyond Journey's End for Anime watchers
Ok so we know from episode 27 that Lernen was going to hold the 3rd stage examination if not for Serie taking personal interest due to Frieren, and that it was heavily implied that the 3rd stage examination is most likely a duel to the death between Lernen and the candidates (or maybe a duel until someone gives up.) Lernen allows Serie to do this because, he does not think he would be able to defeat Frieren, considering her mana.
HE COULD HAVE WON AGAINST FRIEREN. His ability is immediately recognised by Frieren, and when he attacks her, his attack immediately breaks Frieren's basic defensive spell, making her to dodge out of the way instead. His spell is fully magic based, as it doesn't use physical elements in anyway shown by the show, and it shatters the one defensive spell (that we currently know of) that is specifically created to stop Zoltraak and other magic-based offensive spells. And he uses it thrice more against Frieren, actually wounding her shoulder, and it seems like he would still have had more mana left to spare to cast more of that spell. And it should be the original zoltraak, the one that Qual uses, instead of the one that is now ordinary offensive magic (note the black beam instead of white beam). Frieren defuses the situation with words, but should they have dueled Frieren could have been in trouble.
I don't know exactly what point i wanted to put, but it's really cool to see what kind of mage Frieren could've possibly lost to. Frieren was definitely holding back against Lernen, but considering the only other threat we've seen get past her defenses so far was herself, Lernen's barrage was fucking exquisite. (Also her mimic's zoltraak barage that destroyed her shield was such a fucking huge cast, and it still took time to chip away at the shield. Lernen's attack legitmately shattered her shield as if it was nothing).
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fraisefille33 · 2 months
Fraise Attempts German ⋆·˚ ༘ *
This is probably not 100% correct because I did try to write this with as little translating as possible. If you notice anything wrong with it please reblog this or comment and (nicely) let me know!!
Starting with what actual children do: A very basic introduction.
Ich heiße Fraise und ich bin 18 Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada und ich lernen deutsch seit ich 15 war. Habe ich nicht lernen viel Deutsch seit dann. Meine Muttersprache ist Englisch und ich auch lernen Französisch (B1). Mein Hobbys sind Schrift, Videospiele, Zeichnung und mehr. Mein Lieblingsspiele sind Animal Crossing und Minecraft.
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sailor-arashi · 3 months
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A good effort, anime, but Lernen looks far too dignified! Give me back the weird withered man whose moustache is eating his lower jaw!
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owarinaki · 3 months
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Frieren EP27 -Serie Exam Recap
EP 27/1 : 27/2
Serie recap 27/3 :: 27/4 :: 27/5 :: 27/6
Gifs 27/7 :: 27/8 :: 27/9 :: 27/10
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ecargmura · 3 months
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Episode 28 Review + Final Thoughts - No More Frieren Fridays For Now
Milet is asking me if I’m alright. No, I am not alright. Frieren is done. This is the final episode. No more Frieren Fridays until a second season is fully announced. What will my Fridays be like without Frieren now?
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The finale of Frieren: Beyond Journey’s end continues off from where the penultimate episode ended. Serve eventually passes Fern, Denken, Ubel, Land, Wirbel and Methode. They all impress Serie in different ways. For Fern, she’s naturally talented in magic. For Denken, he’s old, but still has youthful passion for magic. For Ubel, she passes her because she can sense her psychotic nature underneath; it’s more of a “here, have it and now go away” or some sort of equivalent. For Land, she passed him because he had the biggest titanium balls to show up to the exam as magic clones; the Land in the exam all have been clones as the real body happens to be at his hometown sipping tea. The fact that his clones can produce more clones is a crazy spell in itself; no wonder Ubel is so fascinated with him. I want his power; it’d be cool to make my clones go to work in my place while I just laze around at home; I’d still be multi-tasking at the end of the day. For Wirbel, she passes him because she finds him the most ideal of the first class mages she’s seen. He has no likes or dislikes when it comes to magic as he sees it as a tool for killing at the end of the day. For Methode, she calls Serie small and cute and that unexpectedly causes her to pass. Serie’s methods of passing is quite unusual, but it does make sense as the ones she passed were the most competent mages of the bunch.
After the exam, it’s nice to see the main party interacting with other characters. We have Stark and Fern interacting with Denken and Laufen. Denken tells Fern and Stark about how he spoils younger people because he never had children or grandchildren; his wife died young, and the grave he’s most likely going to visit is hers. Denken enjoys magic because he admires Frieren from the hero’s party. Wirbel and Frieren interact. This is an unusual pair, but Wirbel approaches her in order to ask why she didn’t help the old lady. He then talks about how Himmel was the reason he became who he is now because the stories of his adventures motivated him to be able to protect something. Their backstories seem to indicate that they’ll meet Frieren again.
It can’t be Frieren without an action scene, which is shown when Lernen tried to engage in a duel with Frieren. Although there wasn’t a big brawl between the two, the animation was rather crisp. He did this because he was worried that Serie would not remember him. Frieren tells him that she’s just a big tsundere and that she always remembers her disciples even if they didn’t make a mark in history. I think this was rather nice to let him know that Serie isn’t all that she seems.
The flashbacks with Himmel were rather soothing. They shape up why Frieren does what she does. She treasures every memory she has of him, which is sweet as she is learning to appreciate her time with him. I’m going to miss these flashbacks.
Also, it was hilarious that the magic Fern got from her promotion was laundry magic. Serie’s face as she gave her the grimoire was priceless. It was also hilarious knowing that Serie banned Frieren from any building associated with the Continental Magic Association for the next millennium out of petulance. These elves are at a civil war with each other.
It was also nice to see a glimpse of what Stark had been doing as the mages were taking the exam. He was playing with the city kids, befriending other city folk and merchants adore him to the point that they want to give him samples of their products. I do like how he’s like a people magnet. He attracts people of all kinds, from kids, to men, to elderly men.
The ending of Frieren is calm, soothing and very fitting for what the vibes of this show gives off. The good-byes are short because they’ll meet again. The reason why they say it’s embarrassing if they meet again is because a dramatic farewell would be awkward if you met the person who received the dramatic parting with. What are your thoughts about the finale?
Final Thoughts
Frieren is a very unique take on the fantasy anime. While there are classic fantasy tropes, Frieren’s story primarily focuses on how life is ephemeral and how each encounter should be treasured because you may not be around when they pass on.
It’s a unique fantasy story because the story begins after one big journey comes to an end. The premise itself is unique. On top of that, the main protagonist isn’t a human, but an elf, so she lives much longer than her peers. She sees people live and die all the time, but it’s because of Himmel and her travels with him for the past 10 years that she learns that there is a lot more she needs to know when it comes to life, hence why she starts a new journey to seek out Heaven.
Frieren is already an experienced protagonist. While she is OP, she still has flaws like having juvenile weaknesses and an obsession with treasure chests. The people traveling with Frieren, past and present, all have unique personalities that help them stand out. They aren’t exaggerated caricatures as they have various personalities that make them feel human—well, socially awkward humans. My only issue with the characters is that I sort of want to see more of the other races. We’ve seen elves, demons and dwarves. Are there more out there? When will we get dwarf lore? Mimic lore?
The people and experiences Frieren goes through in this story is her appreciating the memories of the past and the people around her. Whether it be helping people by eradicating demons that she still has yet to kill off or doing menial tasks because she knew their ancestors, it’s nice to see the stoic Frieren grow as a person too.
The animation was amazing. Madhouse really showed off why they’re powerhouses in action scenes. My personal favorite was Episode 9 where Fern and Stark were battling Lugner and Linie. The way they moved around was amazing. Not only that, Episode 15 was a spectacle in animation as they animated the Fern and Stark dance scene, which wasn’t shown in the manga.
The music was beautiful. I never heard of Evan Call until now, but I know that he’s definitely one to watch out for anime soundtracks now. I love the addition of flute when it comes to the battle scenes. It gives a rather unique flair to it.
The voice acting was great! The choices for each character is really good! Atsumi Tanezaki has always been versatile, so for her to voice the rather stoic Frieren and make her sound rather different from Chise Hatori from The Ancient Magus’s Bride was really something. I’ve never heard of Kana Ichinose until this anime and I really like how her voice sounds! Chiaki Kobayashi as Stark was nice too. Himmel, Heiter and Eisen’s voices fit them so well. Everyone else in the cast had very fitting voices too. The mages were voiced by rather new faces mixed with veterans, but they did a good job too! I think the stand out performance was Mariya Ise as Serie because I didn’t expect her to use her “boy” voice when voicing the female Serie. It was a nice twist. Nobuhiko Okamoto as Himmel stood out too because he voices him as a young adult and as a grandpa in the first episode.
Overall, I really enjoyed this unique take on a fantasy anime. I normally don’t watch fantasy anime despite being a huge lover of the genre, but this one is definitely a kickstarter that I should watch more. I know that the fantasy genre has been saturated with isekai, but I’m sure that some of them will be hidden gems. I totally recommend watching this show if you want to watch a chill fantasy anime. Let’s hope that a season 2 is in the making. What are your thoughts on the anime as a whole?
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kreativ-im-studio · 2 years
THX 2 Levi Magony 4 his “How to make the Impossible Shader for your Trading Card + Fake Reflections“ Tutorial - that really helps me!
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neue-freunde-finden · 6 months
Hey ich bin Justin
22 Jahre alt und Hab echt Hoffnung hier neue Leute kennen zu lernen
Zu mir ich komme aus MV bin 22 Jahre und bin ein totaler Zocker Typ bzw stehe auch auf animes,horror Filme und auf nerd Kram
Ich versuche wirklich immer zu helfen und hab echt Hoffnung das ich hier leute finde die interesse an Gesprächen hat
Ich hab ne ziemlich heftige Depression und hoffe es schreckt dich nicht ab
Wenn den schreib mir gleich oder Like diesem beitrag
(Sry mache dies mein erstes Mal)
Viel Erfolg!
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kips-laboratory · 10 months
Mune - Ein Faun rettet seine Welt (Teil 1)
"Man erzählt sich, dass zu Beginn die Welt dunkel und kalt war. Ein super starker Mann - der erste Wächter der Sonne - fing die Sonne ein, und zog sie zu unserem Planeten heran, sodass fortan Licht und Wärme herrschten. Der erste Wächter des Mondes brachte den Mond selbst aus dem Reich der Träume, und mit ihm die Nacht und die Träume in die Welt. Fortan stehen Tag und Nacht im Gleichgewicht auf unserem Planeten."
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Bild: On Animation Studios / Paramount Pictures
So beginnt der traumhaft schöne Film "Mune - Der Wächter des Mondes" unter der Regie von Alexandre Heboyan und Benoît Philippon, produziert von On Animation Studios und Paramount Pictures. Seine Kino Premiere hatte "Mune" am 6. Dezember 2014 und ist wahrlich der ideale Film für die Vorweihnachtszeit, denn er entführt uns in eine Welt, die auf einem kleinen Planeten spielt, auf dem allerhand seltsamer Wesen leben.
Die Geschichte Die "alten" Wächter der Sonne und des Mondes übergeben ihr Zepter an ihre Nachfolger: Sohone und Leeyoon. Sohone aus dem Volk des "Tages" ist ein muskulöser, ehrgeiziger Athlet, der vor allem mit seiner Körperkraft und dem lässigen Auftreten die weiblichen "Fans" beeindrucken möchte. Leeyoon, ein kühles, ernsthaftes Wesen, das entfernt an ein Alpaka oder Lama erinnert, hat "jahrelang" für diesen Augenblick trainiert und studiert.
Während dieser historischen Zeremonie lernen wir auch Glim kennen: Genau wie ihr Vater ist Glim ein "Wesen der Dämmerung": Ihr Körper ist aus einer Art Wachs, das im direkten Sonnenlicht schmilzt, und in der Nacht erstarrt. Glim kann sich deshalb immer nur im Zwielicht aufhalten. Als begeisterter Astronomie-Fan wohnt sie dem Ereignis, an dem die neuen Wächter von Sonne und Mond ernannt werden, bei (und sitzt genau zwischen den Tag- und den Nachtwesen.
Eines der Nachtwesen, die zum größten Teil aus Faunen besteht, ist Mune. Mune hat blaues Fell, ein sehr gütiges und sanftes Gemüt und besitzt die Fähigkeit, böse Träume zu vertreiben und andere Wesen einen ruhigen, friedvollen Schlaf zu bescheren.
Während der Zeremonie "entscheidet sich der Mond" gegen Leeyon und für Mune als neuen Wächter des Mondes - zur großen Überraschung aller! - denn alle Faune - auch sein Vater - sind stets genervt von Munes ungeschickten Verhalten.
Da er sich verraten und unfair behandelt fühlt, ist Leeyoon empfänglich für die "bösen Alptraumschlangen", die ihm einreden, dass er seinen "rechtmäßigen Platz als Wächter des Mondes" verdient hätte und "dieser blauen Ratte Mune" wieder entreißen müsse. Dazu müsse er nur Sohone die Sonne stehlen und Necross, dem Herr der Unterwelt überlassen.
Blind vor Wut und der Verführung des Bösen führt Leeyoon den teuflischen Plan aus und verschafft den Dämonen Mox und Spleen Zugang zum Sonnentempel, wo die Dämonen die Sonne stehlen und Necross bringen.
Mune, völlig überfordert von seiner neuen Aufgabe, steuert den Mondtempel völlig chaotisch über den Planeten, bringt das Gleichgewicht von Tag und Nacht durcheinander und verliert schließlich um ein Haar den Mond!
In diesem Augenblick reißt Leeyoon sich seinen Posten als Mondwächter an sich; Mune läuft traurig und enttäuscht weg, Sohone stellt fest, dass die Sonne weg ist und aus Mune, Sohone und Glim, die zu ihnen stößt, wird eine Fellowship unterschiedlichster Persönlichkeiten, die sich in die Unterwelt begibt, um die Sonne zu retten und sich dem böse Necross zu stellen …
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Bild: On Animation Studios / Paramount Pictures
Die Charaktere und ihre Eigenarten Bereits sehr früh wird deutlich, dass die Bewohner der Planeten spezielle Fähigkeiten besitzen: So kann Mune wie bereits erwähnt Träume und Schlaf beeinflussen, Sohone besitzt außergewöhnliche, körperliche Fähigkeiten und Glim ein beeindruckendes Wissen über Astronomie sowie den Lehren der "Bücher der Ahnen".
Die Bevölkerung des Planeten setzt sich aus einer Mischung aus Wesen zusammen, die beispielsweise auf der "Tagseite" (in der es aber auch Nacht wird und umgekehrt) humanoiden Reptilien ähneln, deren Körper jedoch aus Erde oder Gestein zu bestehen scheinen. Die "Dämmerwesen" wie beispielsweise Glim und ihr Vater sind humanoid und bestehen aus einer Art Wachs. Auf der Nachtseite (in der es aber auch Tag wird) leben Faune, Alpaka ähnliche humanoide Wesen sowie Tiere die wie Schafe aussehen in üppigen Wäldern, die an die Welt von Pandora aus "Avatar" erinnern. Vor allem die Faune besitzen besondere Fähigkeiten: Sie können in der Nacht leuchtende Blumen wachsenen lassen, Schwärme von Glühwürmchen steuern und wie Mune schlafenden Wesen eine ruhige Nacht spenden.
Die Fähigkeiten der Wächter werden durch ihren Eintritt als Sonne- bzw. Mondwächter um ein Vielfaches dann verstärkt, was an Superkräfte erinnert: Sohone wird durch die Kraft der Sonne quasi eine Art Superman, der über unglaubliche, körperliche Stärke verfügt, Mune wird zum "Dreammaster": Ihm gelingt es nämlich am Ende Necross einfach "schlafen" zu legen, in seinen Traum einzusteigen und dort die bösen Dämonen, die Necross vergiftet haben, zu zerstören.
Phospho, ein ehemaliger Wächter des Mondes (ein Wesen, das an einen Manta-Rochen erinnert) besitzt immer noch die Fähigkeit, einen Teil seiner Lebensenergie auf andere Wesen zu übertragen und somit ihr Leben zu retten.
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Bild: On Animation Studios / Paramount Pictures
Die "Physik" des Planeten Dass der Planet in "Mune" sehr klein ist, dass die Himmelsobjekte Mond und Sonne ebenfalls in ihrer Größe (etwa so groß wie ein Medizinball) geradezu lächerlich für aufrechte Physik- und Astronomiefans rüberkommen, muss nicht diskutiert werden. Denn der Film entführt uns von Anfang an in eine Welt, in der eigene physikalische Regeln gelten: In ein Märchen. Sowohl optisch als auch erzählerisch befinden wir uns weder in einem Fantasyfilm, noch in einer Science Fiction Geschichte, sondern in einem Märchen-Bilderbuch, wo die gegebenen Gesetze und ihre Welt akzeptiert und nicht hinterfragt werden.
Besonders faszinierend wird hier der "Sprung der Dimensionen" - sowohl erzählerisch als auch optisch, denn als Mune mit Glim zusammen das Reich der Träume betritt, um einen neuen Mond zu holen, werden wir von der 3D Computeranimation in eine 2D Zeichentrickwelt katapuliert.
Auf dem Planeten bringt der Mond "Licht in die finstre Nacht" und versorgt auch die Wesen der Nacht, wie die Faune, mit Energie, damit diese den schlafenden Wesen angenehme Träume bescheren können. Die Sonne bringt Licht und Wärme und somit Wachstum und Lebensfreude. Es ist quasi das "Ying und Yang" am Himmel: Leben und Wachstum am Tage, Ruhe und Frieden in der Nacht.
Welche Aufgaben haben die Wächter? Wie der Name schon sagt, sorgen die Wächter dafür, dass dieses Gleichgewicht auf der Welt eingehalten wird: Die Sonne wie der Mond dürfen sich nicht zu langsam und nicht zu schnell bewegten. Gesteuert wird ihre Bewegung durch die "Tempel" - dies sind gigantische Tiere, die den Mond bzw. die Sonne hinter sich herziehen. Die Wächter wohnen auf diesen Tempeln und steuern die Himmelsobjekte. Während der "Sonnentempel" an einen riesigen, steinernen Dinosaurier erinnert, mutet der "Mondtempel" wie ein riesiges, schwarzes Kamel an.
Da der Film "Mune" eine sehr vielseitige Welt zeigt, möchte ich meine Ausführungen zu dem Film in einem nächsten Blog fortsetzen, wo ich auf die Produktion des Films und am Ende auf mein persönliches Fazit dann näher eingehen möchte.
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mother-sigma · 4 months
Lernen wir die Darsteller kennen!
Since we're officially here, let's meet the cast!
First up, Julius Gormley! Julius is a 14 year old ambivert from the tucked-away town on Hillside, Germany. He enjoys sword-fighting, plays, and scheming! But no matter what, he's ALWAYS up for a new adventure. Weapon of choice: "I like a good stick, a good stick can always get the job done... unless it's a big branch, one where I can sharpen the little branches growing off of it and make a barbarian club! Yeah... those are cool." Fun Fact: Julius has INSANE reflexes, he'll never miss something coming!
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Make way for Tamzin Osgood! (Or Tammy for short) This 16 year old fierce and brave girl from the "Red Brick Road" town of Stillman, Wales won't let anything get in her way! She has a nick for plants and kicking butt! Weapon of choice: "Don't make fun of me, but when I was younger I kicked a football at a stop sign and somehow knocked it down. I keep it in my room now as a trophy of my "immaculate strength", as my mum calls it. If I were to go on any adventure, I would without a doubt take it." Fun Fact: Tammy is a pro at lock picking! Give her some scraps, and you'll be in or out in a jiffy!
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You can't get more brainy than Madison D'Élise! (Or Madi for short) From the former bomb range that flourished into the beautiful town of Parrish #26, France, this 10 year old is a scientist in the making! Her inventions will surely come in handy! ...Hopefully...? Madi loves stuffed animals and robots. Weapon of choice: "Ollie Créon in the 8th grade gave me his Neft Gun when he left to go to highschool, he even gave me all his darts! I have so many I don't think I could ever run out... If I was ever in danger, I would save the day with my trusty Neft Gun!" Fun Fact: Madi's dads said no to a cat, so instead she made herself a robot capybara! She's got a friend in everything!
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Nobody knows where he or his fashion sense came from, but Karl has made a home in the "Never-Ending" rainy town of Belmontus, Russia. Having a sort of 6th sense for time itself, Karl's a bit mysterious all around... Not to fret! He's a very trustworthy companion, one who's always up to learn more and more! Weapon of choice: "It's constantly raining over here, so I always carry an umbrella with me. It's been the same one for years now, I can't imagine parting with it..." Fun Fact: Karl has an ick for the economics industry, so he always shops for clothes at the local thrift shop. ...Maybe it's time for him to change his mind...
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Watch out, its Amélie Lindgren! (Or Amy for short) With traveling parents from Vietnam and Scotland, 14 year old Amy finds herself jumping from place to place often. But for now, she's cozy in the dual-divided town of Buttonwood, Scotland. She likes fueling arguments and is a mastermind manipulator... yikes! Weapon of choice: "I hate most people, they're annoying and gross. I would 100% take my bow on any sort of quest, eliminate the oppositions from a distance!" Fun Fact: Amy is trilingual! She learned French and English from her parents, and German from her time spent in Hillside!
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There's more to show, but we're saving that for a later time.
Development is going smoothly, hopefully we will see you guys again in no time!
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l13bg0tt · 5 months
@ronald-speirs tag game
Favorite place in the world you’ve visited?
Ooooh probably somewhere in the Kananaskis region, maybe Barrier Lake. That's where my mom and I like to go paddleboarding 🫶🏻
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Something you’re proud of yourself for?
I think I'll have to say how much I got my act together school-wise this year. Last school year I really struggled mentally, I was very close to dropping out. I was dealing with throwing up from my anxiety almost every day.
My favourite professor actually just recommended me for grad school which I am very proud of! (i had his class this school year lol) It has made me change up my life plans for the next couple of years but I am honoured that he thinks highly of me, so I must do it... Nothing feels as good as academic validation 😭
Favorite books?
The Long Walk by Richard Bachman (Stephen King's pseudonym) and With The Old Breed by Eugene Sledge <3
Something that makes your heart happy when thinking about it?
this is hard lol the first thing that came to mind after daydreaming about being w my special girl was piglets
Favorite thing about your culture?
Yikes... hockey..? wait no, not rn... Terry Fox perhaps?
When did you join the HBO War fandom? What was the first show you watched?
Joined the fandom this year! First show was Band of Brothers.
Have you read any of Easy Company’s books? If so, which ones were your favorite?
So far I have only read Sledge and the start of Leckie's!! My mom got me Webster's for my birthday and it only recently came in the mail, so I'll be starting that this weekend.
Favorite HBO War character and your favorite moment with them?
how dare you ask me this. i suppose luz... i love him in the background of every scene but the major scenes that come to mind are "got a penny" duh, "ooooklahoma" and the way he be looking in episode 8
Do you make content for any fandoms, if so; what sort of content?
I make historical war content on tiktok (huge hiatus while I attempt to get my degree lol) @506thpir and might bring some of it over here
Favorite actor/actress and your favorite film of theirs?
ugh it used to be Woody Harrelson until he pulled some conspiracy theorist BS so I suppose Miles Teller in Whiplash (or the Spectacular Now lol)
Favorite quote/s that you wish to share with others?
Unfortunately I'm not like that... I don't have one. I can actually only remember "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." - Wayne Gretzky 🤣 (no NOT Michael Scott)
Random fact your mutuals/followers don’t know about you?
Ich habe in der High Schule Deutsch gelernt und spreche immer noch ein bisschen. Ich versuche Spanisch für meinen Liebling zu lernen 🙈
If you’re a writer, do you need a beta reader (say yes so I can be your beta reader 🤭)?
omg we are nowhere near ready but if that day comes i will let you know
Three things that make you smile?
my silly lil crush
people wearing cool outfits
Any nicknames you like?
List some people you love to see around on tumblr!
@liptonwashere @executethyself35 @mutantmanifesto @footprintsinthesxnd @ronald-speirs @malarkgirlypop @land-sh @cody-helix02 and soooo many more I forgot to edit this part before publishing the draft 😭
What would you do during a zombie apocalypse?
Everything I could to keep my loved ones safe lol sorry boring
Favorite movie?
I'll just go with She's the Man for the sake of brevity
Do you like horror movies?
yuh but i really prefer it when they're actually decent
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