#annabeth cahse
nataliescatorccio · 8 months
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PERCABETH + Tumblr Dynamic Descriptions (x)
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jkriordanverse · 11 months
unpopular opinion but...
I feel like Athena is also highly overrated...Just bc she doesn't really approve of Percabeth tho.
NOT TO MENTION PERCY GAVE UP IMMORTALITY FOR ANNABETH, (also bc for the other demigods but let's just ignore that for a sec)
And Athena's still like "no" and doesn't approve of Percabeth because Percy is Poseidon's son and they have beef with each other.
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Welcome back to conspiracy theories with Percy and  Leo! ft. Percy's girlfriend Annabeth
Percy: When will Ted himself.... finally show up to the talk?
Leo: The final boss
Annabeth: You guys do know that TEDTalks stands for technology, entertainment, and design talks, right?
Leo: I will not let Ted hide behind these lies any longer.
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thedeadlycod · 4 years
Seven Seas of Rhye by ofswordsandpens
Seven Seas of Rhye by ofswordsandpens
Words: 20,240
Pairing: Annabeth Cahse/Percy Jackson, Piper McLean/Jason Grace
Completed: No
In 1999, the Great Prophecy came to pass. Percy Jackson turned sixteen against all odds and a single choice preserved Olympus. For ten years, all was right with the world – as right as life could be for a demigod, that is.
(A Heroes of Olympus rewrite – one in which all of the original pjo characters are a decade older when the Hero of Olympus series start.)
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nessaiscute · 8 years
Okay listen
You can hate annabeth all you want (Don’t know why you would she’s awesome) You can think Percy should be gay, Annaebth should want Reyna. Whatever the hell you need to get by. I don’t care at this point. but if you don’t think Percy will spoil the hell out of annabeth then you are wrong and need to fight me cause Percy will spoil the holy hell out of the child of athena
Annabeth’s step mom: no, you will NOT eat burgers thats not lady like
Annabeth: *pouts*
*the next day Percy preparing annabeth’s girl’s day picnic*
Percy: Lets see..... Annabeth’s lunch. it’ll have to be good Burgers and-
Thalia: I was given strict orders to make sure-
Percy: Um, NO! *aquakinesis thalia’s blood to make her fall top the floor*
Percy: Ah yes burgers and she loves fired onions
*the day of the picnic*
Annabeth *is miserble cause she wants a burger*
Reyna: cheer up Chase, 
Annabeth Yea.....
Piper: why didn’t Thalia come?
Reyna: She fell off a bridge. got hosptilized 
Reyna: Yea, her pride is wounded though, Percy said he would watch her
*They get to the picnic*
Annabeth: stares at her bag*
Piper; Why don’t you open it first?
Annabeth *opens it* wait.... 0_________0
*A note falls out of the bag and Annabeth’s face lights up*
Reyna: what does this say?
Annabeth, you said you and your mom were fighting so i prepared something good for you. don’t tell your mom. enjoy
Annabeth: Look Reyna! Percy gave me a burger! and Fried onions!
Reyna: Treated like a child huh?
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soshortstoryteller · 9 years
Annabeth + Maths = Percy dreaming
Annabeth: [...] Beacuse if you add (X+2Y) to... Are you listening?!
Percy: *wakes up immediately*
Percy: Uh? Ah! Yes, yes!
Annabeth: Sure? Then, what did I just say?
Percy: That I'm an idiot?
Annabeth: *sighs*
Annebth: You're hopeless.
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marauders-reunited · 9 years
everyone’s keep saying and gushing about how in TOA Apollo is going to be the best dad ever but what if he turns out to be just an asshole...?
asshole’s never change and most greek Gods were and are one.
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attheolympus · 9 years
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Happy 22nd Birthday Seaweed Brain!
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discarded02 · 9 years
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I am pretty sure that this is wolf Fenrir, one of the greatest threats against the Norse gods.
I hope it's a villain really dangerous and not as the Titans / giants and Gaea.
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blackjacktheboss · 9 years
Yeah Percy and Jake are cool, but imagine Annabeth and Rose meeting each other?
Sharing fighting techniques
Debating whose boy is the biggest dweeb
Comparing battle scars
Annabeth being like “I think I could work the dragon mark look”
(and maybe an AU where they are girlfriends because woooow i am so into that vibe~ hot blondes who could kill you. Sign me the fuck up)
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To percabeth: what will your kids' names?
It’s too early for this. -Annabeth
I want our kids to be named something cool like Hunter or Trevor or Mikayla if it’s a girl. -Percy
I bet Annabeth’s gonna suggest names like Offspring #1 and Offspring #2. -Leo
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libralita · 10 years
Cool, Rick's touching on Percy's scary moment on both Annabeth's side and Percy's!
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altessah · 10 years
Percabeth Drabble
I posted You Oughta Know a few weeks ago, but I really like how the end turned out, so here it is as a drabble! A little background: Annabeth was dating Luke, but has, at this point, realized he's a jerk.
There’s this overlook that Annabeth and I used to visit some days with a blanket and a picnic basket. It was pretty high up, and it looked out on the valley, displaying the most beautiful parts of the town like stars on a map or brushstrokes on a painting. We loved it there. However, we’d never gotten to experience the view at night until one in the morning on the fifteenth of February.
Lights speckled the valley, almost like the freckles that dotted Annabeth’s nose and cheeks in the summer. There wasn’t too much light up where we were, but the darkness that spread around us was kind and gentle, leaving us calm and unafraid.
We were sitting on the hood of my car, empty milkshakes dangling from our hands, my jacket over her shoulders – shoulders which were inches apart but not yet touching. She was shivering, and I wasn’t quite sure if she wanted me to acknowledge it. After about a minute, I just couldn’t let her stay cold any longer, so I put my arm around her, tentatively pulling her closer while holding my breath at the same time. She sighed and I watched the air travel from her lips to the open air over the valley, spreading over the town like a cloud before dispersing.
“I like it better this way,” she said, and I wasn’t quite sure what she was referring to. “The view,” she clarified. “It’s prettier at night than it is during the day.”
“I agree,” I told her, and I meant it. “We should do this more often.”
She was silent for a second, but then she suddenly looked up at me, the lights from below us balancing on her irises. “Was that your subtle way of asking me on a date?” The corners of her mouth were angled slightly upwards.
“I didn’t know this qualified as a date,” I said with a grin, broadly motioning around us. “Especially since you’re technically still with blondie.”
I regretted saying it the moment I heard it, and I grimaced, biting my tongue hard. But thankfully, Annabeth didn’t seem offended. She just closed her eyes and lowered her head until it rested on my shoulder. “Blondie and I were over the moment we laid eyes on each other, and you knew it,” she said. “Funnily enough, I knew it too. I just didn’t want to admit it.”
“Don’t blame yourself,” I said. “It’s not easy to separate what’s real, and what you wish could be real, when the fake stuff seems more important.” I winced then, remembering the disastrous end to my last relationship.
“Rachel?” she guessed in a quiet voice.
“No. Clarisse.”
Annabeth giggled. “The sarcasm is not appreciated, Perseus Jackson.”
“Don’t Perseus Jackson me,” I scoffed.
“Why not?”
“Because when you say it like that, it means you’re angry with me.”
“Well, I am angry with you,” she said loudly. “When I called you up an hour ago on the verge of tears, you smiled!”
“I did,” I admitted guiltily.
“And you still haven’t said it.”
“Said what?” I asked.
She shrugged. “You know… What I told you that you could say.”
I thought back, and I understood what she was referring to. “I’m not saying ‘I told you so,’ Annabeth.”
“And, why not?”
“It’s indecent,” I said simply. “And I’ve been an indecent enough person as it is.”
“True,” she agreed. “But you’ve also been a fairly decent person, tonight. As annoying as that is.”
I looked down at her. “What does that mean?”
She took in a large breath and let it out slowly, allowing suspense to build in my chest. “I mean, that I’m still technically dating blondie,” she said finally. “And I’m pretty unhappy about that. It’s getting in the way of the things I want.”
She seemed ready to end the conversation there, but I reached over and lifted her chin with my free hand until she was looking straight at me, something that I could’ve easily mistaken for a blush spreading across her cheeks.
“And, what, exactly, do you want?”
The silence between my question and her answer felt like it lasted a lifetime. The darkness around us thickened and condensed. Several stars from below us flickered and then promptly went out. Her breaths came out sharp and jagged, like she was nervous, and I had a feeling mine sounded similar.
I didn’t realize exactly how loud I had been breathing until suddenly I wasn’t.
Suddenly I wasn’t staring at the lights in her eyes like they were old friends, or the white air from her mouth that shuddered and sputtered anxiously. I couldn’t see her straightened hair that was pulled back into a loose bun, or the redness that had tinted her cheeks a light pink.
Instead, I felt that light burning inside her, and her breathing that was no longer anxious but immersed. Her lips too busy to breath. Her mind too overwhelmed to worry. Our hearts too intertwined to separate.
Annabeth had always meant a lot to me, but I hadn’t realized the extent of my devotion until there was nothing else that I could think about: Nothing else but the fact that it was one o’ seven on the fifteenth of February, and Annabeth was in my arms, her jaw in my hand, the pounding of her pulse hammering against my fingers, in a syncopated rhythm with my own heavy heartbeat.
It didn’t matter that it was freezing cold, and that the lights from the city were beginning to go out one by one, like candles being extinguished. Nor that the darkness was beginning to curl around us like a dank blanket. It didn’t matter that Annabeth was still technically dating “blondie,” because she and I had unconventionally been together for fourteen years. And it was about time we won a little.
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peetameilark-blog · 11 years
since percy and annabeth go to circe's island in sea of monsters does that mean we get to see reyna?
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salasarslytherin · 11 years
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URL graphic ↔ reynabeths
p.s im sorry and ok hi this is it and ok :'(
oh and credits to burdge bug because i cant even with her drawings
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love-and-sigh · 11 years
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