#annalise keating imagine
oneshotnewbie · 2 years
Annalise Keating and Female reader "I Didnt know where to go, so I came here." Annalise's gf, shows up in the middle of a case after facing a tragedy. Please make it as fluffy as a blow dried sheep
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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️ This one-shot includes the topic of a car crash and blood/bleeding wounds. The plots are presented. If this triggers you too easily or you just can´t handle the subject, I urge you NOT to read this work. I am NOT embellishing this topic under any circumstance. Read at your own risk.
Tires squealed, people screamed and shortly afterwards, you could hear cars colliding. Your Audi skidded over the side of the road, hit another car and both were eventually stopped by a tree. The car on the opposite side of the road could not brake in time and grazed the rear or yours, shortly afterwards fire broke out.
Then everything was quiet, dead quiet for a few minutes.
Only the constant ringing in your ears and the pounding of your heart, which tried to chase twice the amount of blood through your body, remained in your auditory canal and did not leave you alone.
Less than fifty meter away from your car was a white Mercedes, the front of which was completely dented and wrecked. The man sitting in the drivers seat was in shock. In a flash, he jumped out of the car and ran towards you, but he got dizzy and fell to the ground, losing consciousness while falling.
A young man, barely reaching adulthood, was behind the wheel of the Hyundai in front of you, which was pinned against the tree by your car. Slowly, he regained consciousness and tried to understand the situation he was in. Panic shot through his body and he tried to free himself through the passenger side, but all efforts were unsuccessfully. He did not get out of his seat, realizing he was trapped.
And then there was you, your head on the steering wheel, wrapped in the airbag that erupted right after the first impact. Due to the force of it, you flew forward quite a bit, so that you were violently pressed into the seat belt. This caused you to gasp painfully for air in a daze. Your blood spread on the white sheet, the laceration on your head bleeding profusely.
"Ma´am, are you all right?" the boy in front of you asked, trying to get to his cell phone. He carefully tried to stretch forward, but the pain in his chest prevented him from doing so. No matter what he tried to do, he could not reach his phone. "Please answer me"
As you agonizingly tried to pull yourself out of the junk that used to be a car, slamming open the door with a thud and pushing yourself out of the seat to painfully fall onto the wet street, you heard a car pull up behind you. "I am fine, help is on the way"
When the rescue team arrived, two paramedics helped you into an ambulance and took your vital signs while an police officer questioned you about what happened. As detailed as you could in this situation, you described the accident and explained that the driver of the Mercedes was to blame for it and asked about the other people who had been hit much worse.
After half an hour, during which the doctors tried in vain to persuade you to take you to the hospital for a check-up to be on the safe side, you left the place with a few bandages and plasters on your hands and face, limping and with bloody clothes.
You only had one goal in mind; Annalise.
You walked the streets of the settlement only slowly, due to to the effect of the adrenaline you did not noticed the pain, which went far beyond the usual hematoma caused by seat belts in such accidents, until now.
Warm blood dripped down your forearm and fingers and you heard a whimper escape your mouth. Your breath quickened, tears stinging in your eyes as you pressed your palm to the open wound on your upper arm. The paramedics had not checked you out further, had not looked under your leather jacket, which, despite the profusely bleeding wound, had not gotten a single scratch.
You had almost arrived, had almost reached your destination when a sharp pain in your left side made you groan briefly and you fell down onto the steps of Annalise´s office. Even a brief twitch in your muscles suddenly sent a chilling throb from your hips up your spine to your head.
-Control yourself, Y/n. Put the pain aside and stand up!- you mumbled to yourself, but your body did not respond to your commands. Instead, your skull pressed against the pillar of the terrace and you closed your eyes for a moment.
The loud bang of your body weight on the old wooden floorboards had caused a stir; the door jumped open with violence. Your head stretched up as far it could, your eyes scanning the human standing in the open door. His expression was a mixture of shock and fear, concern and agitation.
"Y/n, what the hell happened? You look like someone straight out of a horror movie!" Frank shouted a little louder than expected, making you wince and cry out in agony. He pushed forward from his stand and ran down the stairs to perch on the first of these to survey you. "Annalise, you need to come quickly!"
He examined every limb of your body, roughly skimming the outward appearance of the uninjured areas and keeping his eyes glued to the blood pooling on your palm while he nervously listened to the bleating from his boss, who was obviously deeply involved in a case, talking to her client. "Frank, I don´t have- my Y/n.."
You felt your girlfriend´s strong arms nestle under your body, pulling you up and letting your head sink into your carrier´s shoulder as you tried to hold back the tears of pain and shock. But all you could manage was a pitiful whimper. "Shh, it´s okay. It will get better soon, honey."
Annalise soothing voice calmed your insides and you forgot the pain for a short while. "Y/n, what happened?" your girlfriend asked worried as she entered her office with you. You looked more than worn out, judging by your pale complexion you had been roaming the streets like that for a long time.
You did not answer and she dragged you over to one of her couches where she carefully sat down with you and you took a seat on her lap. Your tired upper body was still pressed tightly against her, the pain overcoming you with an ice-cold shiver down your spine.
"Honey?" the lawyer asked again, leaning over and looking at you worried with her enchanted eyes. You grimaced in pain as you braced your arm against her thigh to position yourself slightly differently and comfortable. "I.." you started, searching for the right words in the fog that surrounded your thoughts. "had a car accident. Someone hit me, crashed into another car and ended up curled up against a tree."
Annalise´s eyes widened and she had to swallow hard. With her mouth wide open, for the first time ever, she had no words to vouch for. "Why the hell are not you in the hospital right now? You need to get checked out!"
"I did not know where to go, so I came here. No need for hospitals, only you."
Tentatively but quickly, she began to strip of the blazer and then your top, exposing the bleeding skin under the blue colored fabric of your sleeve. You sucked in the air sharply while an unintentional whistle escaped your lips as the filthy and dried blood spattered top brushed the left part of your shoulder.
The brown-haired woman instantly saw why.
A cut ran from the outer edge of your left shoulder down to about midway on your upper arm. She immediately motioned for you to let yourself fall into her arms and to close your eyes; she knew how much you hated blood and could not stand seeing it. "Frank, I need clean and fresh clothes- a shirt that has wide, short sleeves. A bowl of warm water, a cloth and bandages. Now."
The man, who stood nervously in front of you and observed the situation, disappeared from the room with a nod and returned shortly afterwards with the medically necessary items, which he placed on the small table beside his boss before letting you both alone.
She took the washcloth in her hand, soaked it in the bowl of water and began cleaning the wound. "This is going to hurt, I am sorry baby."
You tried not to let it show, but your arm spasmed several times and your fingers clawed at her thigh as the burning in your upper arm intensified. After each swab, she looked up at you and concern crept onto her tired face.
"Ahh!" you gasped in tears and clenched your teeth. Annalise was working as neatly as she could, not wanting to continue to watch your suffering. When she was done with that, she bandages your wound and tended to the small cuts on your face, which would heal just as well.
She quickly threw the used things on the floor and picked you up to lay you flat on the couch, which she lined with some pillows from the other sofa and an comfortable blanket. The brunette carefully lifted your wounded arm over the blanket and placed it high on another pillow before dabbing your forehead, which was clearly covered with sweat, with the washcloth.
Gently pressing the damp cloth against your cheek, wiping away some tears that were running down your neck, she watched you. "You should get some rest, my love." she said, tossing the damp cloth back into the bowl and stroking your wounded arm soothingly.
Instead of the expected pain, you thought would be rushing through your system, a sense of security flowed through you.
Your hand reached up to her, placing itself on her neck, gently pulling her towards you. Annalise closed her eyes as she felt your lips on hers, kissing her passionately, unconsciously leaning in a bit. Her forehead rested against yours and you let your eyes fall close.
"Will you lie down with me? I could use a good cuddle session. For the healing process if you understand" you whispered to her and she grinned into another kiss before pushing herself away from your face. The brunette gently ran her fingers over your hair and helped you push yourself a little to the side.
Annalise took off her high heels and carefully crawled under the covers. Her arms gently wrapped around your midsection, careful not to bump into your wound. "For the healing process, huh?"
You nodded and snuggled closer to her. Annalise kissed the bare skin of your collarbone, earning a tired moan while running her fingers in circles over your chest as she watched you enjoying the closeness and slowly drifting into a deep, well-deserved sleep.
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sanjiaftersex · 5 months
your top 15 favourite tv shows can say a lot about your personality
Tagged by @kuhakukage
Let's go besties :
1. Courage the Cowardly Dog
2. Danny Phantom
3. Teen Titans
4. Teen Wolf
5. Inuyasha
7. Tokyo Ghoul
8. Shen He Ling/Word of Honor
9. Australia's next top model
10. Brooklyn 99
11. How to get away with murder
No tags all the besties can come list their favourite shows so i can get some good tv show recs thank yew.
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southbound-in-the-sky · 9 months
Whenever i think about a possible ace attorney live action tv show the issue that always get stuck with me is apollo's hair
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freakingholland · 25 days
"Law of attraction" – Asher Millstone x gn!reader
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A/N: There aren’t enough HTGAWM fics here on tumblr so here I am with this little something for Asher! If you want to talk about the show or if you have ideas for some imagines feel free to slide into my asks 😊
Warnings: swearing, mentions of exam-related stress
Summary: The Keating 5 and reader are preparing for exams. Who would have thought that exam anxiety could give somebody enough courage to express their romantic feelings?
Set around season 3, post vacation but pre-jail era.
Word count: 1K +
If you enjoyed my work: Ko-fi.com/freakingholland
questions/requests/ideas here! - rules here
masterlist (needs a proper update)
my wattpad archive is here
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September meant no more partying, but more preparations for the fall exams. You were stuck in the evening-lit library alongside Laurel, Asher, Michaela, and Connor. Wes did not take part in the study session since he was stolen by Annalise. They were preparing for a particular case with the help of Bonnie at Annalise’s place.
You could feel your eyelids becoming heavier and heavier. It was an nth hour of staring at your books, scrolling through documents and researching papers. The palms of your hands were stained with yellow and pink highlighters. You were sat between Laurel and Asher.
You glanced up from your notes to visually check on your friends, not wanting to disrupt them. Laurel’s eyes met yours and she smiled slightly. Tiredness was visible on her face as smudged mascara created a shadow underneath her eyes.
You looked to your right, heart skipping a beat as you caught sight of Asher, hunched over his notes, his posture sagged from exhaustion. The gentle blue light from his laptop’s screen reflected in his pretty brown eyes, giving them a shimmering hue that accentuated his warmth. His usually well-groomed hair was tousled and slightly disheveled.
His presence had a soothing effect on you, managing to lift your spirits even though he looked visibly tired. You couldn’t help but wish you could retreat to the comfort of your apartment with him. Yet, despite the butterflies in your stomach, you couldn’t muster the courage to admit your true feelings for Asher, leaving you trapped in longing for something more.
What if he doesn’t feel the same? What if saying something changes everything between you two? The thought of losing the closeness you have—of turning something so natural and easy into something complicated—keeps you quiet, even as your feelings for him grow stronger.
“So… I’m trying to remember this definition of Res Ipsa Loquitur and I keep messing it up. It’s so fucking long. Mind if I recite it to you and see if it sounds right?” Ash asked whispering, leaning into your ear.
“Go ahead.” you responded.
“Okay, here it goes: the thing speaks for itself, it refers to situations where the nature of an accident-- implies negligence due to the mere occurrence of the event.” he paused for a second.
“The doctrine—umm… allows a plaintiff to establish a presumption of negligence without direct evidence… provided the event is of a type that does not normally happen without negligence, and the instrumentality causing harm was under the-- defendant's control.”
You nodded with a grin.
“That sounds pretty solid.”
He exhaled heavily and leaned back in his chair crossing his muscular arms over his chest.
He shook his head no.
“Dude I’m so tired.” He murmured.
“I can tell. Me too. I could really use a nap.” You also leaned back in your chair.
“Mmm… a nap.” Asher reached out to grab his cup of now cold coffee. After taking a sip or two he turned back to you.
He laughed at his own thought.
“Remember that damned Civ Pro final?” He said.
“Oh yeah, you came out looking pale as fuck.”
“Seriously, I thought I was about to pass out right there in the exam room…”
“I’m starting to freak the fuck out if I’m being honest.” He exclaimed.
Michaela overheard the conversation and chuckled slightly.
“And what is that supposed to mean!”
“I told you to start reading that a week ago. But you guys were too busy with Annalise’s cases.”
“Aaaas alwaaays.” She added mockingly.
Ash only rolled his eyes in response to her remark.
“You’re not the only one who’s stressed out, but we got this.” You tried to reassure him.
He spaced out for a couple of seconds.
“You are right angel. We got this.”
He stood up abruptly and reached out to grab both your mugs.
“Anyone else wants some more coffee?”
You could feel your cheeks burning up. You eyed Ash up and down as he was making his way out of the room when your eyes met with Michaela’s. She gave you a wink and smiled.
The hours ticked by, and the evening grew darker.
The silence was suddenly interrupted when Oliver burst into the library, a cheerful grin spreading across his face as he carried a plastic container full of freshly baked cookies.
“There is absolutely nooooo way in hell that you made those!” Laurel said jumping up from her seat and walking towards Oli.
Oliver tilted his head pretending to be offended and smiled at her.
“It’s good to see you too! I did. You all look like you could use some glucose.”  he said with sympathy in his tone.
She quickly took one of the cookies and bit into it.
Everyone stopped in their tracks and locked their gazes on Laurel to see her reaction.
“Okaaay these are… not too bad actually.”
“Gimme one I got to try!”
Michaela reluctantly bit into a cookie. She started nodding after taking two more bites.
“Not too bad huh?”
“Okay alright… pretty good Oli. Good job hun.”
He walked towards her and embraced her in a hug, making sure not to spill the cookies.
As the study session wrapped up and everyone started packing their bags, Asher turned to you, his eyes a mix of exhaustion and excitement.
"You know," he began, his voice softer now.
"Once we get through these exams, I think we deserve a break." You looked up, curious, as Asher continued.
"How about we celebrate with dinner? Just the two of us?"
The sudden invitation made your tiredness fade slightly as you quickly considered the offer.
"Dinner sounds nice. "
Asher's grin widened, clearly pleased with your response.
"Great, it’s a date then” he said, his tone playful yet sincere.
The others exchanged quick glances but pretended not to hear, letting the moment pass without interruption. With that, you headed out of the library, finally chatting about other, less boring matters.
You delicately poked Ash’s side. He looked down at you and hummed.
“Sooo do we have a plan for the dinner or-?”
“Mmm… I was thinking of something low-key, maybe just some good food at my place and no textbooks in sight?”
“That would be perfect.”
A/N 2: Part 2 soon? Yes? No? :)
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rafaelsilvasource · 2 years
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Out100 Cover Stars Ronen Rubinstein & Rafael Silva Televise Queer Love
9-1-1: Lone Star's Ronen Rubinstein and Rafael Silva are setting network TV ablaze with their fiery queer romance.
BY RAFFY ERMAC | October 25, 2022
Tarlos is here — and ready to take over.
Coined by fans of Fox’s hit procedural drama 9-1-1: Lone Star, the affectionate “ship” name is a portmanteau of the show’s queer main characters: firefighter-turned-paramedic Tyler Kennedy “T.K.” Strand and Carlos Reyes, an Austin police officer. The LGBTQ-inclusive series centers on the lives of emergency responders and also boasts names like Rob Lowe, Liv Tyler, and transgender actor Brian Michael Smith.
Watching Lone Star, which opens a fourth season in early 2023, it’s easy to see why fans love Tarlos. Their relationship — which began in the pilot episode in an Austin honky-tonk and evolved into a roller coaster of casual hookups, breaking up, moving in together, and eventually getting engaged — is a story LGBTQ+ fans could only dream about seeing on network television just a few years ago. Seeing these two characters — with their movie-star good looks and boys-next-door appeal — navigate life and love in relatable ways gives fans giddy feelings with every new episode (which is why discussions of Lone Star continually trend on Twitter during the television season).
Fortunately, out actors Ronen Rubinstein and Rafael Silva have the chemistry to bring these two Lone Star boys to life.
“I can’t imagine doing this with somebody that (a) you don’t like and (b) you don’t mesh well with on set,” Rubinstein says of Silva. Since they started this journey as Tarlos when Lone Star premiered in 2020, the two have grown close as both colleagues and friends. “I can’t imagine doing that with somebody that you don’t get along with and you don’t respect and you don’t love as a human being,” he adds. “I can honestly say that’s how I feel about Rafael.”
“Ro and I are just so fucking different as people…. But it’s this sort of yin and yang thing,” says Silva. “Two of the same pieces of the same puzzle are not going to go together, they’re just not. They have to be different in order to complement each other, and I think we do that very well as actors and as people.”
One of the first scenes the two shot together was a sex scene, and like with any intimacy on camera, that required a lot of trust — even if at the time, they had just recently met. But the two used their real-life newness with each other to their advantage, as it paralleled how T.K. and Carlos were also just getting to know each other, creating a realistic pairing that the stans simply can’t get enough of.
“At that point, when you have a bunch of people just watching you make out and do that, you have to rely on your partner,” Silva says. “It’s like we only got each other right now, so let’s just do whatever happens here, just go with the flow. Let’s just go.”
Tarlos, with all their confidence and chemistry, is one of television’s better examples of an LGBTQ+ couple just getting to live their messy but meaningful lives without extreme trauma keeping them apart. A couple like Tarlos was a portrayal Rubinstein and Silva didn’t see a lot of growing up, and that helped motivate them to portray T.K. and Carlos in a way never before seen by generations of queer TV watchers.
Silva, who was born in Brazil and spent the early part of his childhood there, says he was raised in a very male-dominated, machismo-drenched culture with a stigma surrounding gay people. It wasn’t until he was a young adult attending Pace University in New York City that he was exposed to queer culture, and he was able to “actively, fully be myself” as a gay man. And it wasn’t until he saw Viola Davis’s badass bisexual Annalise Keating on ABC’s acclaimed How to Get Away With Murder that he felt like he saw something of himself represented on television.
Like Silva, Rubinstein, who spent his childhood in the U.S. but was born in Israel after his family left the Soviet Union following its collapse, had a similar experience growing up in a culture that taught folks being gay or queer was verboten. “It just wasn’t a thing that was ever brought into my world,” Rubinstein says.
That is, until he caught the acting bug. Going into Manhattan for auditions and exploring the West Village introduced Rubinstein to people and cultures that he had never experienced before, and that’s when he started to realize he could truly be himself and like both men and women. (Rubinstein publicly came out as bisexual in April of 2021 while Lone Star’s second season was airing.)
“I remember going there, just wandering around, and I was like, ‘Oh, wow, this is amazing,’” he recalls. “I think that was probably the first time where I started looking at men differently. Especially growing up, [I don’t remember] anybody talking about being bisexual. That wasn’t even a term that I even knew existed. It was just gay or lesbian.”
Though they didn’t have much representation growing up, Silva and Rubinstein are elated by how many people are touched by Tarlos. “It’s really all over the world right now, it’s unbelievable,” Rubinstein reflects. “I’d be lying to you if I said, ‘Yeah, of course I knew it would be like this,’ or ‘Yeah, I expected it.’ First of all, just for this storyline to even be birthed, it is so risky. Especially for a network like Fox. If it wasn’t for [creators] Ryan Murphy and Tim Minear, it wouldn’t be possible, and it’s still shocking me to this day.”
What was also shocking for Silva and Rubinstein (in a good way) was getting to see just how much love fans were ready to give in real life, as the two got to meet Tarlos stans over the summer at the Dream It Not at Home convention in Paris.
“We met a lot of people saying, ‘I’ve been saving money to come here, I’ve been working overtime,’ so all I could hear was, ‘I’ve been putting in effort in order to see you,’” Silva says of the experience. “When you hear that, you feel the responsibility to also take them in.”
And they’re not taking any of that love and support lightly. With season 4 of Lone Star on the horizon, and with more Tarlos promised to viewers after a breathtaking proposal scene at the end of season 3, Silva and Rubinstein are more committed than ever to nailing their parts as authentically as possible. And they can’t wait for fans to see what season 4 has in store.
“I’ve definitely been shocked and surprised already within the first couple episodes. There’s definitely been some storylines where I’m like, ‘What?’” Rubinstein says. “It’s hard to predict what’s going to happen on the show, especially with us, so that’s been really cool. It keeps you on your toes, and when I get a script, I’m literally flipping through the pages as fast as I can because at any moment, there could be a bombshell — and we’re definitely going to have a couple this season.”
“Right off from episode 1, we’re going to find out some things that are funny, but it propels on to several beautiful episodes after the first one, and it’s going to be intense,” Silva says. “It’s going to be fun to watch and fun to do. Like what Ronen said, you can’t really expect much because things change a lot. Whatever you think is going to happen, Tim always brings something better than what your imagination can perceive. I think the fun part is just waiting to find out what actually happens.”
“The biggest thing is all paths lead to the wedding,” Rubinstein adds.
As the actors reflect on the future of their careers beyond Lone Star, both remain optimistic that LGBTQ+ representation is only going to improve, and they both want to work on projects that push boundaries and are more inclusive of historically marginalized identities. For Rubinstein, that means seeing more projects with bisexual male leads, and for Silva, that means adding Latinx representation to mainstream American media.
“I would love to do movies and work with some of my heroes, whether it’s Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio, Christian Bale. I’ve been putting that out since I’ve started this journey, so hopefully it happens,” Rubinstein says. “I think, selfishly, I would like to see more male characters who are bisexual, especially in leading roles. It’s strange that it’s not happening more often. Maybe it’s going to take me to produce something or be the one that does it, but I’d love to see more of that. I think there’s a lot of stories to be told, but especially in the LGBTQ+ community.”
“If I’m going to dream, I want to do things that challenge me, that make me scared, but where I can also have fun and also, I’m going to say selfishly, where I can achieve a certain level in my career where I won’t feel like I have to explain myself,” Silva says.
talent RAFAEL SILVA & RONEN RUBINSTEIN @actuallyrafa @ronenrubinstein photographer COYOTE PARK for GOOGLE PIXEL 7 coyotepark.format.com @coyotepark executive producer & senior director TIM SNOW @snowmgz creative director RAINE BASCOS 1st assistant MASON ROSE masonrose.photography @masonrose__ light tech EVADNE GONZALEZ @evadnegonzalez digitech MERLIN VIETHEN video AUSTIN NUNES austinunes.com @austinunes producer STEVIE WILLIAMS x2production.com @beingstevie of X2 Production set designer ORRIN WHALEN orrinwhalen.com @orrinwhalen art assistant BRANDON LOYD @ohmylord stylist EDWIN ORTEGA edwinortega.com @edwin.j.ortega styling assistant BROOKE MUNFORD @brookesquad hair/groomer ABRAHAM ESPARZA abrahamjesparza.com @thisisbabe manicurist RILEY MIRANDA @rileymiranda.nails
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cliquestitsandicks · 9 days
Rewatching Wildmoore scenes and started playing a game of Married, Partnered, or Broken Up for my queer ships.
Wildmoore: Married. In the erased timeline on The Flash, they were already married. That timeline is no more, but I think they still end up happily married maybe 3 years after the season 3 finale. Sophie has been in a sham marriage before, living a total lie personally and professionally. I think it’s going to be everything to her to be able to live her complete truth and that includes being able to call Ryan her wife. As for Ryan, she’s never had the comfort of stability and belonging. It’s going to mean the world to her to have not just her biological family, but a home with her wife Sophie who chooses her everyday. Given their ages, experiences, and history with each other, neither of them was going into this relationship unless they thought it had a chance of going the distance anyway. Consider how long it took for them to act on their feelings, as apparent as they were, even though they were seeing each other every day and night.
Catradora: absolutely married.
Pearl and Bismuth: Partnered and living together, but not married.
Garnet: still, forever and always, married. But lives as Ruby and Sapphire more often.
Kadena: Partnered and living together, but not married. And Adena takes an extended international assignment once or twice a year to keep from feeling trapped/caged. She typically stays for about 5 weeks, asking Kat to join her for the 3rd week. She always showers Kat with affection and reassurances (even though she’s long ago told her she doesn’t need them anymore) when she returns.
Carson and Greta: And They Were Roommates (as close to married as we would probably get in 1943). They wouldn’t be able to get a house without a man. I’m thinking their coach helps them get one.
Max and Esther: Broken up but still friends. It was good for a while, but ultimately Max needed time to find herself and adjust to this new level of freedom. Esther found someone else while she did that and they’ve been roommates for 10 years.
Calzona: re-married when Sofia was 19. Lots of therapy and a change in their dynamics helped this. Teddy, Cristina, April, Webber, Bailey, Meredith, and Mrs. O’Malley attended after Sofia told Zola it was happening.
Korrasami: married like crazy. You’ve never seen an avatar married so hard. They give Aang and Katara a run for their money. This is the avatar state of marriages.
Not canon, but go with it… Laurel and Michaela: Partnered but not married. Hear me out. I’ve said it before and I stand by it, Michaela was in love with Laurel. It’s canon that she loved her; Annalise said it, told Michaela that Laurel didn’t “deserve” her love in that pillow-hitting therapy session scene. It’s just not canonically said that she was in love with her even though her behavior and vulnerability with her suggest so. Anywho… Michaela, like the rest of the non-white male Keating 5, had an unfair share of trauma even before law school and it drove her to seek 2 things above everything else - success and a sense of traditional normality in her home life. That second part is why i think the series is completely on track in that she will marry a man and have children with him. But i think she also knows she can’t shake what she feels for Laurel and her child. If given the chance to keep them in her life she absolutely will. I imagine her conducting a relationship with Laurel that is very much a “romantic friendship” as the fics call it. Like they are clearly more than platonic but she’s trying to pretend they’re not until she can’t. She treats Laurel’s son the same as she does her daughters with this man - holds him the same, dotes on and soothes him the same, is there for all the milestones. Every weekend (starting Thursday nights) she and Laurel take the kids out together and have these sleepovers at Laurel’s where she and Laurel are in the same bed every time. Her husband knows all about this sleeping arrangement and has been just acting like his wife spending half her week in her other home with their kids is completely normal since he came to the hospital after Michaela had their first daughter to find Laurel in the bed with her soothing said daughter as Michaela napped while cuddled into her side. He knows exactly what this marriage is and is not. He benefits from having this image as much as she does. But it all comes to a head when he has an affair. Michaela is livid but he just deadpans her and says “you have a whole wife i share half your time with. Our children knew her voice from the womb and were bilingual by the time they were 3 even though neither of us speaks Spanish. But i can’t have someone i just sleep with occasionally?”
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lonesomedotmp3 · 2 months
you know that post that's like when you're having a horrible day and want to call your mother do NOTTT call your mother she will not help. she will make it worse. that's literally happening to annalise keating rn on a scale you cannot even imagine
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zalrb · 2 years
Maybe this is asked before but who are your fav female characters on media?
It has.
Maxine Shaw
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Cristina Yang
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Whitley Gilbert
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Annalise Keating
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Michaela Pratt
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Book!Hermione Granger
“Are you planning to follow a career in Magical Law, Miss Granger?” asked Scrimgeour. “No, I’m not,” retorted Hermione. “I’m hoping to do some good in the world!”  
“Hermione drew herself to her full height; her eyes were narrowed and her hair seemed to crackle with electricity. "No," she said, her voice quivering with anger, "but I will write to your mother.” 
“Hermione slid out of her bunk and moved like a sleepwalker towards Ron, her eyes upon his pale face. She stopped right in front of him, her lips slightly parted, her eyes wide. Ron gave a weak, hopeful smile and half-raised his arms. Hermione launched herself forwards and started punching every inch of him that she could reach. 'Ouch — ow — gerroff! What the — ? Hermione — OW!' “You — complete — arse — Ronald — Weasley!” She punctuated every word with a blow: Ron backed away, shielding his head as Hermione advanced. “You — crawl — back — here — after — weeks — and — weeks — oh, where’s my wand?” She looked as though ready to wrestle it out of Harry’s hands and he reacted instinctively. “Protego!”  
Piper Halliwell
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Sansa Stark
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In a way, her strangeness, her naiveté, her craving for the other half of her equation was the consequence of an idle imagination. Had she paints, or clay, or knew the discipline of the dance, or strings, had she anything to engage her tremendous curiosity and her gift for metaphor, she might have exchanged the restlessness and preoccupation with whim for an activity that provided her with all she yearned for. And like an artist with no art form, she became dangerous.
“Lonely, ain't it?” “Yes, but my lonely is mine. Now your lonely is somebody else's. Made by somebody else and handed to you. Ain't that something? A secondhand lonely.”
Choi Ae Ra
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OG Princess Jasmine
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Honourable Mentions -- and they’re honourable mentions because the writing gets in the way a lot of the time
Tara Thornton & Bonnie Bennett
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oneshotnewbie · 2 years
Annalise is worried. Reader wants to die.
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Summary: Some say, violence is a bad thing- the physical pain. Some say, death is a bad thing- the mental pain. However, some do not realize that it is loneliness that destroys your psyche and physical health. Especially if it lasts too long.
⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️ This one-shot includes the topic of suicide and the plot is presented. If this triggers you too easily or you just can´t handle the subject, I urge you NOT to read this work. I am NOT embellishing this topic under any circumstance. Read at your own risk.
How immensely motivated you had been as you devoured the many books and articles, in your free time, in which death was nothing but aesthetic, dignified and painless. According to them, people fall asleep within a few seconds after whispering one last word to their loved one.
How romantic.
You were practically gushing and looking back on your current life as you took a sip of your brown liquor; you were in your mid-twenties, employed in one of the most famous and successful law firms, single and also surrounded by the depression that was engulfing you.
You sat alone in the dark kitchen, downing gallons of hard liquor, surrounded by the many wreckage of your life. Nobody who was happy when you came home in the evening. No one you could talk to privately about whatever was bothering you. Nobody to share your dinner with. Nobody to love you.
But how do change this sad and broken life that seemed so hopeless? After much thought and the drunken state you were in, you made up your mind and got to change it.
You wanted to die. After that, you wouldn´t need love or anyone. Paradise awaited you, you knew it. Everything there was cheerful and bright surrounded by light and color unlike your gray and cold life.
What´s the best way to go about it? In the numerous books that dealt with it, many lay down in the bathtub and bleed to death miserably. But you didn´t want to be in pain, you wanted to spend your last few minutes in peace. Sleeping pills? No, that was a bit too easy. A shot in the head? Would cause too much mess. Hang? That sounded like a true pioneering spirit.
Hang. Like the great dictators and soldiers.
The laptop, normally used for preparing a case before you sank down into a hole, was sitting on the kitchen counter practically prompting you to look up instructions online and painstakingly attempting to tie a hangman´s knot out of a static rope you retrieved from your mountain gear that was laying in the farthest corner of your closet.
The crossbeam attached to the living room ceiling served as a support rod for the end of the cord. Now you only needed the right chair to give your life a final end. Minutes later, you were standing on one of your kitchen chairs, the strap around your neck and your eyes closed. Five, four..
Dangling your right foot off the chair, you felt a slight pull under your chin; you life slowly passing in front of your inner eye, your heart beating and pressing hard against your chest while you took a deep breath. Three, two..
"What the hell are you trying to do?!" shouted a dark and harsh voice and you opened your eyes; almost tipping over the chair under you from shock. You looked at the figure, that was standing in your door in disbelief, stepping briskly out of the shadows and quickly approaching you.
It was no other then Annalise.
"I wanted to kill myself." you brought out stone cold and regretted the decision to sell the truth as a joke that didn´t come across even half that way. "Kill yourself?" she asked horrified and kept hurrying towards you without taking off her mud covered heels or wet coat.
"Yes.." you said meekly and nothing came out of your mouth except a soft whisper. "My 20s have been the loneliest time in my life. I am surrounded by people but not connecting with anyone. Everyone loves someone but my love never seems to get through."
Your professor´s watery, troubled brown eyes pierced your sluggish eyes, that looked straight at her and a horrid sorrow welled up inside you like tormented ice water eating through your limbs on a cold and rainy day. It wrapped itself around your heart with relish and penetrated deep into it, eating it up with an infinite and unquenchable greed.
The aching ice water reached your eyes and spurted out in torrents. The sadness prevailed and the inner pain tore you apart. Your hands clawed at the rope that was still wrapped around your neck, slowly scraping through your thin skin and your foot rose from the chair; hovering in playful, circling motions above the ground, which was much too far away to touch.
"You don´t want to kill yourself, Y/n. You just want to kill something inside of you."
You sobbed and suddenly felt warm and firm hands on your waist; Annalise had managed to slip into your immediate vicinity unnoticed. You didn´t dared to look up, didn´t want to be comforted. You wanted to let the pain out, just cry and end your life. You wanted to die, wanted it to be over so you didn´t have to suffer anymore. "Throw yourself into the sea and you will see yourself fighting to survive."
A hand on your hip disengaged and slid to the orange rope at your neck, fingertips tenderly pushing through and loosening it to invite you to get your head out of the noose. Once done, the brunette hesitantly pulled you towards her before you pressed yourself again her and found yourself in a protective embrace shortly after. You leaned against her chest, needing that support before the last bit of will to live would left you and you would try to put yourself in a situation that would eventually end your life for good.
You couldn´t cope with it all and endure it, couldn´t deal with it. The emptiness and loneliness consumed you and you didn´t want words, no empty promises where Annalise would tell you everything would be fine. You didn´t think so, your life was just an empty shell.
A shell that held nothing. Your soul was broken and destroyed by loneliness.
"Y/n." Annalise only said your name, that´s all it took. Your tears dried up and stopped running freely down your cheeks. But not because the grief had passed or the alcohol had lost it´s effect, but because you were empty. Drained.
Your tears were banished, but the sobs still echoed through the empty apartment.
She seemed to seize the reason for your pain; she knew the feeling of untamed loneliness that had eaten her up and carried her in it´s power. Softly she spoke to you, no solace crossing her vocal cords trying to block out the truth.
"Y/n, there is nothing you can do about it other than hope that one day, someone will love and appreciate you for who you are. Stop destroying your soul because you will destroy yourself if you don´t stop. The loneliness won´t go away just because you want your end."
The attorney swallowed hard and for a second, realization flickered through her. Like ink, hope flooded her veins and momentarily, she thought of the moment you realized that she was the only one bracing to take away your loneliness.
The one who was brave enough to save you from the darkness.
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llamaqueenprompt · 3 years
Get Out
Characters: Annalise Keating, Reader and Frank Delfino
Not Requested
Word Count: 481
Inspiration:  “Come out so I can kill you,”
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“Come out so I can kill you,” Annalise said as she slammed the door behind her.
Everyone that was in the Keating household started looking around trying to figure out who she was talking about.
“Y/N, where the hell are you?” asked Annalise fuming looking around for the girl in question.
Y/N was hidden in the kitchen talking to Frank when they started listening to the older woman calling her.
“What did you do?” he asked with an amused smile plastered on his face.
“I may have talked to the client alone”
“Oh boy,” he said taking a sip of his coffee and laughing a little “you better tell me your funeral plans before she finds you”
“It can’t be that bad right?” Y/N asked as her eyes widened with fear, she was starting to rethink her actions, not that she thought that she had done something wrong, but Annalise Keating had that power over people, making them question things they knew were right.
“There you are,” said Annalise as she finally found the girl in the kitchen with the others following her steps, their curiosity gaining the best of them  “what the hell did you do?”
“I just talked to the client,” she started finally gaining the courage to face the monster “is that forbidden now?” 
“It is when you go alone!” Annalise starts pacing around the island avoiding looking Y/N in the eyes “I told all of you that you don’t talk to my clients without me under any circumstances”
“You were busy at court and this was important, we didn't have any time to waste and for the record, they are also our clients, we work on them as much as you do”
Annalise finally looked up at Y/N, looking her dead in the eye.
“Do you regret what you did?”
“What?” she asked, not really understanding what she was asking her.
“Do you regret going to talk with the client behind my back?”
At this moment everyone was looking at the both of them scared of the outcome of this situation. They were both extremely stubborn and knew what needed to be done and were not scared of standing their ground. 
“No” Y/N responded, not showing any kind of remorse in her voice.
“Then get the hell out of my house”
Everyone just stayed shocked, not believing the words that had come out of Annalise’s mouth. In the months they have been working with her they have made countless mistakes, but not once has she asked any of them to leave her house.
“Annalise, that isn’t…”
“No, it’s okay Frank,” she interrupted him placing her hand on his arm and grabbing her purse that was on top of one counter “I’ll go”
The next sound that was heard was the door closing.
“What are you all looking at, get to work, and don’t get on my nerves.”
I hope you liked it. I feel like this one could have a second part, would you guys be interested in it?
If you have any requestes just tell me.
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xjimneycricketx · 7 years
Imagine: “How to Get Away with Murder”
*Imagine being one of Annalise`s closest friends and helping her teach her classes*
Annalise: “Morning class today I want to introduce you to someone new.”
Students: “...”
Annalise: “Meet my closest friend and confidant, Y/N.”
“Show some respect.”
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stan-fixations · 2 years
♡Connor Walsh♡
Inspired by the song:
Love Won't Change by J.I
☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ A story in which you and Connor are best friends but he wants a deeper relationship. So he hatches a plan to make you his forever.
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Part 1
You first met in kindergarten. It was halfway through the school year when Connor transferred to your school. The teacher sat him in the seat next to yours and asked you to help him out for a few days. You tried to talk to him throughout the morning but he kept his head down not saying a word. At lunch you found him sitting alone and went to join him. When you opened your lunchbox you found that your mom had packed you two juice boxes. You slid one over the table and Connor took it, neither of you saying a word during the exchange. The next day at lunch he had two apples and slid one over to you. You took it, again neither of you spoke. It soon became routine for you. You'd bring one extra snack to share everyday.
On the last day of school you were walking out the front when you heard someone call your name from behind. You turned to find Connor standing a distance away looking at you. Then he did something. Something you never thought would happen, something you never saw coming. He waved and said "Have a good summer!". With a smile on your face you waved back and replied "See you next year Connor!". That's how it all began.
Every year since then you sat next to each other in class and shared snacks at lunch. You started hanging out during summers. Late night calls, movie nights, concerts, you guys did it all. Overtime you came to be best friends. To you it was a simply perfect friendship. You had someone to count on who you knew would always have your back. All your secrets, dumb questions, insecurities, every thought that crossed your mind Connor knew and you were fine with that because he was your best friend. If you couldn't trust him then who could you trust?
However, your friendship was more complicated for Connor. He told himself you guys just spent too much time together. You were too similar. You were his best friend so of course he had a strong connection to you. Over and over he said these things. Yet he never believed them, not once because he knew deep down underneath all the lies and the fake reasoning, he knew with every ounce of his being what the truth was. He loved you. He loved you more than anything. He loved the way you laughed. He loved the way you hung your head when you were embarrassed. He loved to watch your eyes light up whenever you heard your favorite song. He loved how peaceful you looked when sleeping. He loved how every moment he spent with you made his heart beat out of his chest. He loved you. There was nobody else he dreamt of being with, nobody he wanted more than you. Still, with all this love flowing through him he could never bring himself to confess. His palms got sweaty at the thought of confessing. What if you didn't feel the same way? What if he ruined everything? All those years together. Every birthday, wedding, funeral, party, injury, day, and night. What if it was all washed away with nothing but the words his heart ached to say? The words that fought to escape his lips everytime you looked into his eyes.
He'd known you since you guys were five years old in kindergarten. Now you're 18 going into your senior year in highschool. He knew he was running out of time. Graduating meant starting a new chapter of life and he feared that there wouldn't be a space for him in your next chapter. He knew that senior year was his last chance to get over his nerves and finally tell you about his feelings. So he made up his mind. This school year he was going to do everything in his power to make you fall in love with him. He was desperate to make you see that he was the right guy for you in hopes that maybe, just maybe he could avoid having to say goodbye to you forever. In Connors eyes he was yours and you were his. His first love, his only love, his sugar sweet craving.
To be continued...
Original work - do not use without permission
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thefanficmonster · 2 years
Hi!:D Can I request Connor Walsh and Wes Gibbins taking care of there’s gf/s/o when she/they has a really bad fever?
Hi dear! Sure thing! Enjoy the headcanons 💕 (PS: Reader is gender neutral because I wrote it in second POV)
Connor Walsh
He knew something was wrong when he came home to find you there, lying on the couch and 'watching' some cheesy rom-com
Yeah, not exactly 'watching' considering you were in no state to keep your eyes open for too long, leaving you half-asleep
The hot and cold flashes knocked you down a few notches in class, but when the weakness in your limbs also kicked in, you had to excuse yourself and return home several hour early
You foolishly thought it would pass without any need for a doctor visit or medication but were quickly proven wrong when you felt nothing except worse
Hell, you barely heard Connor entering the apartment but still wanted to go greet him with a hug like he would greet you
Problem is, you couldn't even sit up without a cold shiver running up your spine
And he, of course, wasn't blind to any of these details of your oncoming flu
He'd be such a mother about it though
A thermometer's in your mouth because you know it and he's already preparing a cold tower for your forehead
All done while he scolds you for not dressing for the weather and kicking the blankets off yourself in the middle of the night
Some time during his rant, you even had the audacity to say, 'Jeez, ok, mom.' Which only prompted him to get more irritated
But you knew it was a side effect of his mother hen personality - he was so worried about you he couldn't even pick a single way to express it
Further proof of this is that once he made sure you took a fever defusing pill, had enough liquid in your system and were comfortable, he finally let out a sigh of relief and kneeled down by the bed to finally ask you what you wanted
Although he already knew
"Cuddles, angel?"
"Yes, please"
Now you were both 'watching' the rom-com for approximately ten minutes before you both drifted off to sleep
Wes Gibbins
Wes had called you on his way out of Annalise's office to double check if you wanted to meet up at his place or yours for your movie date that Friday night
You'd told him that you had to cancel because you didn't want him exposing himself to whatever bug you had
Surprisingly enough, he was agreeing on the phone and didn't try to argue with you about it like you had thought he would but instead you agreed on a time to reschedule the date once you got better
What you didn't know is that, after the two of you hung up the call, he hopped on his bike and rode off straight to a pharmacy then a store to buy the typical 'get better soon' starter pack with some extra items
He heard how out of it you sounded over the phone, drowsy and tired and unlike your usual self one bit
He would've been damned if he didn't stop by to see you, probably wouldn't have been able to sleep that night either
But then again, he's come to realize that he's gotten so used to sleeping with you in his arms, he has trouble sleeping alone
So, truth be told, you weren't all that surprised to find him knocking on your door barely twenty minutes after the two of you spoke on the phone
The date still took place but with a twist to it which turned Wes into a nurse and you a patient who wasn't allowed to complain about any of the treatments without sounding like a hypocrite, for every time he has been sick you've been hella bossy with him
But you'd be lying if you said you did want to complain
It felt like a little vacation if you could overlook the medication and the symptoms of your fever
But what really made it perfect was when he slipped under the covers with you, despite your protests and warnings that he too would get sick
"So what? If I do we'll be stuck home together. Doesn't that sound just wonderful?" He asked, kissing your cheek as his arms engulfed you in a safe, warm embrace
"Guess it wouldn't be bad..." You mused, stealing another kiss from him before you could slip into some much needed slumber
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marwritesgood · 4 years
Reputation | F. Delfino
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Pairing: Frank x Edmond!Reader
Timeframe: Season One
Summary: Y/n becomes resistant to Frank’s charm after finding out about his reputation.
warning: murder, violence, season one spoilers.
A/N: I just finished the series so don’t mind me with the occasional HTGAWM fic here and there x This is definitely not for the faint of heart, so please be weary!
In the first year I spent as Annalise Keating’s newest paralegal, I became well-acquainted with a lot of the people she kept close to her. In particular, a certain Frank Delfino. 
Much to my initial dismay, he took an almost immediate liking to me. Whenever Annalise assigned me different tasks to fulfil, Frank always found a way to tag along with me. Any time I found myself trying to go through files of legal paperwork on my own, he would insist on working within close proximity to me.
As the year went by, I eventually grew to enjoy his company. The things I, at first, found irritating about him. Such as his overpowering cologne and his covert pick-up lines. Even the way his calloused hands would purposely graze over mine every time we reviewed paperwork together. 
These were the traits I ultimately found most endearing about him.
“What time does your cab get here?”
I looked up and saw Bonnie approaching me, arms stretched out to pull me in for a hug. I smiled and hugged her back. Frank made his way into the room from Annalise’s kitchen, my travel mug clutched in his hands with the coffee I had requested for.
“In about half an hour, Bon,” I answered, glancing down at my wristwatch when Bonnie finally let go of me. Frank smirked at me as he handed me my travel mug.
“Do you really have to go?” He asked, his tone half-joking and half sincere. Ever since the day I told him I was going to be out of town for a month, to visit my father, he had been whining non-stop covertly enough not to alarm Bonnie or Annalise, but overtly sufficient for me to find it amusing.
“I’m only going for a month,” I laughed. I lifted my mug to my lips and took a sip, before closing the lid and placing it on the coffee table. “I’m sure you’ll find some way to survive those four weeks.”
“Doubt it,” he replied.
He lifted his hand and placed it over his chest, trying to emphasise how physically heartbroken he apparently would be without me around. I rolled my eyes, trying to appear annoyed by his relentless coquetry. The immediate burning sensation on my cheeks betrayed me, and Frank caught onto it quickly.
“Hey, Bon,” Frank began, turning abruptly to face Bonnie. “- Annalise wanted Y/n to take the Boyd file with her, but it’s in the cabinet in her office.”
I scrunched my eyebrows. Annalise hadn’t mentioned anything to me about taking Mr Boyd’s file with me. Bonnie nodded, reaching into her bag for the key to Annalise’s office cabinet. 
“I’ll go grab it,” she said, before walking hastily to Annalise’s office.
Frank watched her leave until she was successfully out of earshot. Afterwards, he quickly closed the doors into the living room. I was slightly alarmed, but not as much as I was amused. 
“What’s going on?” I asked, laughing underneath my breath, as Frank quickly made his way back to where I stood. He smiled warmly at me. Not a coy smirk like his usual behaviour. This was a genuine smile- the first I had seen of its kind.
“Just wanted a second alone with you,” he murmured, reaching his hand out to hold mine. The feeling of his calloused fingers loosely intertwined with mine made my heart pound. “... before you leave me.”
“Oh my god,” I sighed, pulling my hand away so I could lightly punch his arm. When Frank was relentless at something, he was fully committed to it. “Don’t be such a baby.”
“I’m just gonna miss you,” he said softly, as he slowly wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I lifted my arms and hugged him tightly. For a moment I could have sworn I could feel his heart pounding just as aggressively as mine.
“I’m sure you can annoy Bonnie while I’m gone.”
“It’s not the same,” he answered, letting go and pulling away from me. I was grateful he did so, for fear that I was getting too comfortable being in his arms. After all, our relationship never exceeded being anything more than a flirtatious work friendship. “Promise you’ll come back?”
“I don’t know,” I replied jokingly, pretending to consider not coming back to Philadelphia. “Do I have any reason to come back?”
I was expecting him to laugh along with me, or have some witty rebuttal. Instead, he just gazed at me for a long moment. Knowing something was on his mind, I remained silent until he spoke again.
“What if I take you out to dinner when you get back?”
My eyes widened. I was taken so far back, I almost physically doubled back. I couldn’t lie. I loved the thought of going out to dinner with Frank. I especially enjoyed humouring the possibilities of what could happen after dinner. 
However, I had no idea Frank's harmless flirting was perhaps more meaningful than I had anticipated.
“Frank-” I gasped. I couldn’t shake the fear that he was just playing a cruel joke on me.
“I’m serious,” he whispered, never breaking his gaze with me. He seemed so sure of himself. As though this were something he had been calculating and contemplating for a while. “My uncle owns this nice restaurant uptown. Italian, of course... We could go there.”
“... I don’t know,” I responded hesitantly. If not for all the other factors to consider, I would have jumped at the opportunity to go out with Frank.
“You don’t think this is... I don’t know, inappropriate?” I felt pretentious immediately after I finished my question. I still thought it was a valid point. “I mean, we work together. What would Annalise say if she found out?”
“I don’t care.”
My breath hitched. Frank’s loyalty to Annalise was a character trait of his as prominent as the dark and mysterious persona he upholds. For someone who was always at Annalise’s beck and call, he claimed not to care about her input very nonchalantly.
“Well, I do,” I retorted, chuckling beneath my breath at how ridiculous Frank was sounding. “What if she fires me? You’ve been with her for years, I just joined last November. I won’t have a job, and I’ll be-”
“I’d never let anything happen to you,” he said thoughtfully. It startled me just how intently he gazed at me, but I knew he did so only to emphasise how much he meant it. “You know that, right? I’d do anything for you.”
“Yes, I do, but... You have to know how crazy you sound right now-”
“I’ve been crazy about you from the moment I saw you, Y/n,” he simpered, his eyes beaming at me as he lifted his hands and held the sides of my face. At this moment, he was mere inches away from me. “Tell me you don’t feel the same way.”
I paused for a moment, as I mulled over what he had admitted to. I considered denying my feelings. That would have been the wiser decision concerning the legal career I had worked so hard to build. But I just couldn’t go through with it.
“I can’t,” I admitted, my voice barely audible. From the way Frank began grinning, I knew he had heard me. Crystal clear.
“So let me take you out when you come back-”
At this point, I knew I wasn’t going to turn him down. I wondered if the year’s worth of flirting on the job was a ploy of his; a way to get me to go from finding him irritating to irresistible.
“You’re not gonna be hooking up with other women while I’m gone?” I smirked, though I was partially fearful of how he would respond to my question. I couldn’t imagine I was the only woman who was charmed by him, and I doubted he spent his Saturday nights at home.
I expected his face to fall. For Frank to realise just how long I would be gone, and immediately regret ever asking me out in the first place. However, he surprised me again by remaining unfazed. This was either because his game was just that good, or because he was just that deadset on taking me out for dinner, even if it meant waiting a month. I liked to believe the latter.
“Not when the only woman I want is halfway across the country.” He smirked, and I tried to suppress the grin that was threatening to appear of my face. His hands dropped to my waist, and he pulled me closer to him. I placed my hands on his chest, trying to savour the moment before I left. “What do you say?”
“Okay,” I whispered, smiling at him as I nodded my head. He grinned, before bringing his hands back up to the sides of my face. Something told me he was not going to let go of me anytime soon. 
“Yeah?” He asked, moving his head closer to mine until our foreheads just about touch.
“Yeah,” I repeated.
Before another moment could pass, he gently pushed the back of my head with his fingers until our lips met in the middle. He kissed me softly and slowly, yet with a fiery passion. I never knew it could be achieved in just one kiss. My heart was no longer pounding. For a moment, I could have sworn it stopped beating altogether.
I didn’t want the moment to end. I was not yet ready to break away from Frank, let alone leave his embrace. But when Bonnie’s footsteps sounded across the house, Frank and I found each other pulling away instantly. Before Bonnie entered the living room, I ducked down and tried to fix my lipstick, which Frank had managed to smear very visibly in what was barely a minute-long kiss. 
I did not mind at all.
“Here are the Boyd files,” Bonnie announced, as she handed me a golden manilla folder, with an enclosed document detailing Mr Boyd’s personal details. She looked at Frank and me questioningly. It didn’t help that he and I were doing a terrible job at acting natural.
Fortunately, the sound of a car pulling up in the driveway allowed me to break the risky silence.
“That’s my cab,” I said, instinctively reaching down to grab my suitcase. Frank quickly dived down and gripped the handle on my bag before I could get the chance to. 
“I got it,” he mumbled, before standing back up. My suitcase had four wheels and a retractable metal hand bar. Even so, Frank made a point to hold it up himself. Before he turned towards the door and headed out, he glanced back at me, a proud smirk appeared on his face.
I bit my lips as I tried to suppress a grin. Frank's charming demeanour had even more of an effect on me now that I knew his true intentions. Not to mention the fact that he had just finished offering a very intense demonstration on just how good of a kisser he was.
When he finally left to load my bag into the cab, I reached for my mug. I turned back to Bonnie, only to realise she had been watching mine and Frank’s interaction very intently, and seemingly with a lot of concern.
“I know that look,” she droned. I couldn’t tell if it was disapproval or disappointment prevalent in her tone, but it was clear she was displeased by what she saw.
“I-I don’t-”
“Y/n,” she began, uncrossing her arms so she could place her hand on my shoulder. I grew to really trust Bonnie. She was a mentor to me, but even more so, she was a trusted friend and confidant. “I know Frank is as charming as he is handsome, but believe me... you can’t trust him like that.”
“You don’t know that,” I said softly. I wasn’t trying to undermine Bonnie's concern, so much as I was trying to give Frank the benefit of the doubt.
My feelings for him only grew stronger the more time I spent with him. The fact that Bonnie was trying to convince me to feel otherwise was deflating, to say the very least.
“What did he say to you?” She asked, her eyes piercing mine as she stared intently at me. When I didn’t respond immediately, she took that as her cue to keep going. “Let me guess then... He said he’s crazy about you... Has been since the moment he met you, and that you’re the only woman he wants?”
My mouth fell agape. I tried to keep myself from reacting too emotionally. Since the beginning of my legal career, I had been trying to coach myself to suppress any physical trace of emotion or vulnerability. Here, that was considered a woman’s weakness.
“Frank sleeps with every girl that walks through those doors,” she explained, gesturing towards the front door to Annalise’s home office. I knew she was not only referencing to clients and employees, but to the students, Annalise invites in every year from the university she teaches in. “I know it’s not my place to tell you what to do... but I don’t want to see you get hurt.”
I nodded, sighing heavily as I looked down at the floor. I had a lot to think about during my month away from Philadelphia.
In the month I was gone, I found out from Bonnie that Annalise chose five students to join her clinic as opposed to her traditional four. In a further turn of events, I found out from my younger brother, Wes, that he was among the chosen five. He and I grew up together until our mother’s untimely death. 
Following that tragedy, Wes was adopted, and I moved in with my father, who helped to make sure my brother and I stayed in contact.
“So first you don’t tell me you enrolled at Middleton,” I grumbled, as my brother helped me unload my suitcase from the cab I was picked up at the airport in. I led him towards the elevator of my apartment building. “And then, I’m the last to find out you’re not only in Annalise’s class but that you’re one of the Keating Five.”
Once he wheeled my suitcase in, I pressed the button with my floor number on. Afterwards, I turned to my brother and glared at him. I was not actually angry at him, but I was slightly offended he didn’t keep me in the loop, and I was not about to let him live it down. 
“What do you think people will assume when they find out my sister is one of Annalise’s associates?” He reasoned, wheeling my suitcase out once the elevator doors opened back up. I led him to my apartment door and rummaged through my bag before fishing out my key. 
“Point taken,” I sighed, opening the door so Wes could take my bag in. I followed him inside and showed him where to put it down. “But I’m not involved in who Annalise chooses for her clinic. Only Bonnie and Frank are. It would have been nice to know.”
He sighed, putting my suitcase down on my sofa just as I had told him to. Since our mom died, I became really protective of my relationship with Wes, especially when we got separated. I hated being kept in the dark when it came to his life, and he knew this.
“I’m sorry,” he said sheepishly. “No more secrets from now on... I promise.”
I smiled, satisfied with his vow. Briefly after, he and I made our way out and down to where the courthouse was, which was mere walking distance away. Annalise was in the middle of a new case. 
Frank was responsible for catching me up in-person, which I had been excited and eager for simultaneously. Ever since Bonnie told me about his reputation, I felt conflicted about my feelings towards him. Nonetheless, I still missed his company: his calloused hands and covert flirting.
Wes and I walked into the courtroom together but broke off. He headed to where the other four students, of the Keating Five, stood, whilst I approached Frank. Once he noticed me walking towards him, he slowly began to smirk.
“You’re back.”
“I did promise, remember?” 
“Yes, you did,” he replied, pulling me close for a quick hug. After pulling away, he led me down the corridor, assumably to the boardroom where Annalise and Bonnie were. “Now let me hold up my end of the deal... Tomorrow night, dinner at my uncle’s restaurant. Sound good?”
“Why don’t we focus on our jobs first, hotshot,” I smirked, reaching out and snatching the files he held in his hands. 
“You never told me puppy was your brother,” he said, nodding towards where my brother stood. I furrowed my brows in confusion. Since Wes took his adoptive parents’ last name, most people would never know he and I are siblings if we didn’t explicitly tell them. “A little investigation and I found out Wes Gibbons was actually Christophe Edmonds.”
I finally looked up from the files and stared at Frank, dumbfounded. When Wes’ adoptive family renamed him, I had to go along with it, so I could stay in contact with him. I, on the other hand, kept my name. First and last.
“Frank,” I warned, concerned about what he did with this information. It was less surprising that he found this out, as Annalise typically left him to do background checks on our clients and students. “Were you the one who picked my brother?”
Bonnie and Frank were both able to chose one student each every year. The other respective members were decided at Annalise’s discretion. 
“Guilty as charged,” he smiled. I shook my head and rolled my eyes. My brother specifically kept me in the dark so he could be chosen on his own merits. I couldn’t imagine his disappointment if he found out Frank chose him because just to appease me. “Hey, he’s a good kid. Even Annalise told me she liked him. The fact that his sister’s the hottest girl in Philly is just... an added bonus.”
I jumped at the sound of Annalise’s voice. Frank looked up as I turned around to face her. She marched over with her classic briefcase in her hand. Looking between Frank and me, she maintained an unamused expression.
“Keep it in your pants,” she muttered at Frank, prompting me to fight the urge to laugh at his sheepish reaction. Annalise turned to me and noted the files in my hand. “Y/n, it’s good to have you back... I trust you caught yourself up on the case, while Frank was busy flirting.”
“Yes ma’am,” I answered, handing her the manilla folder, satisfied with the amount of information I had gathered. 
He and I followed Annalise down to the students. 
“Listen up,” she called out. “The prosecution’s rested, so the next witness to take the stand will be Max’s daughter. I need someone to write up the prep questions.”
A brunette, standing behind two of the students, pushed through. With her notebook clutched in her hands, she spoke up before any of the other four could.
“I’ll do it,” she volunteered.
“Frank’s girl,” Annalise muttered. I cocked an eyebrow and glance at Bonnie, who offered an apologetic nod. It was no wonder she refused to tell me who she or Frank chose for the Keating Five. Even after I nagged her about it for a week over the phone. “Have it on my desk by midnight.”
After Annalise dismissed the students, Bonnie, Frank and I were also evident for the day. The students went with Bonnie back to the office while I headed for the doors so I could go home. 
Not only was I fatigued from jet lag, but I was not in the mood to talk to Frank, let alone discuss having dinner with him anytime soon.
The only upside to this revelation was that Wes hadn’t gotten chosen simply because I work for Annalise.
“Y/n,” he called out, racing towards me as I sped out the doors of the courthouse. Just as I was about to begin sprinting, Frank jogged and got in front of me, obstructing me from going any further. “Hey... So when did you want to grab dinner?”
“Why don’t you ask Laurel Castillo?” I sneered.
“Y/n, c’mon... It’s not what you thinl.”
“Oh, no?” I said incredulously. “You lied about picking my brother because you knew damn well that if you told me who actually picked, I would have punched that stupid smirk off your face. Take her to dinner, because I don’t even wanna look at you.”
I half-expected he would do that. Annalise had mentioned to me that Frank typically chose based on who he wanted to sleep with. What upset me the most was that he lied to me. I didn’t like being treated like another stupid young girl Frank wanted to get in bed. 
I thought he had more respect for me than that.
“It wasn’t like that,” he repeated louder, gripping my forearm to keep me from walking away. I glared at him. At that point, he was insulting my intelligence.
“Then why’d you pick her, huh?... Which college did she go to? What was her GPA? What made her stand out from the rest of Annalise’s students?... Was it her work ethic?... her ambition?... or her ass?”
Frank flinched as my voice grew louder and louder to the point where I was just screaming at him. Obviously, this wasn’t the first time he had heard me raise my voice. This was, however, the first time my yelling was directed at him.
“Bonnie was right, I should have never trusted you,” I spat angrily. I regretted ever kissing him, and ever humouring his flirting. Especially now that there would be no way of avoiding him since we work together. “Maybe you get a kick out of sleeping with every girl Annalise brings into the clinic, but I don’t want anything to do with you. From now on, we're colleagues... Nothing more.”
I shook my hand free from his grasp and walked to my apartment.
It had been over a month and a half since my fight with Frank. Following that day, I made it a point not to speak to him. However, that didn’t seem to stop him from relentlessly trying to get me to forgive him, let alone say something to him. Annalise eventually noticed that I was avoiding Frank and made me vow not to let it affect my work as her paralegal.
It was the night of Middleton’s traditional bonfire shindig when Annalise asked me to go to her home and pick up some files from a past case. I had told her I already had them with me, to avoid her badgering me further about it. On my way there, I received a phone call from my brother. 
“Remember, when I promised no more secrets?”
That was one way to greet me over the phone. Instinctively, I checked over my shoulder to make sure no one was listening in on my conversation. My brother sounded even more ominous than he did typically.
“Yeah,” I replied hesitantly. 
“I may have been keeping a big one from you.”
In our brief phone conversation, he hastily explained the situation at hand. Wes had to keep it short to keep the call from being traceable, so I tried my best to follow along.
“You’re saying Annalise’s husband killed Lila? Sam-mother-fucking-Keating?!”
Before Wes could respond, he had to hang up, prompting me to go from walking to Annalise’s office to sprinting there. 
By the time I reached her home, Sam was unconscious on the ground and all five of Annalise’s students, as well as Rebecca, were standing around panicking. I was not being paid enough to deal with this. 
“Y/n?” Michaela’s expression froze in terror. Connor shoved Wes, as the rest of them began to panic even more. I slowly walked in.
“You called your sister?!” Asher shrieked.
As the six of them began talking over each other, each voice sounding all the more panicked and afraid than the other. I sighed. As much as this was unchartered territory for me as well, I had to take some initiative. I was the oldest and most experienced of those who still conscious in the room.
“We need to come up with a cover story,” I said.
“Are you insane?!” Michaela cried, sitting on the couch and placing her head in her hands. It was fair of her to say that. But with what I just walked into, it was either come up with a cover story of fess up.
“She’s right,” Rebecca spoke up, standing up from where she sat.
“You can’t be serious,” Connor scoffed.
“Sam’s dead, because of all six of us,” Rebecca shouted, sending chills down my spine. I expected to walk in on something out of pocket and dangerous, but a murder scene was not it. “-and maybe that’s okay. He killed Lila, and he was gonna let me go down for it. It’s-”
Rebecca’s rant was cut off short by the sound of someone choking. We all turned around, only to see Sam very much conscious, sitting on top of my brother with his hands clutched around his neck. I let out a scream, and Michaela called for someone to get Sam off Wes.
We were delayed in responding, too overcome by fear and shock to act instantly. When we finally did begin moving, I followed my first instinct- to protect my baby brother. 
Hearing him choke. Watching him struggle to stay alive. It felt all too familiar. It had too much resemblance to the day I found my mother’s corpse in the kitchen of our home. That was a catalyst for Wes growing up away from me. I was not about to stand by and let him be taken from me. 
Not again.
I grabbed the first thing I could find, which ended up being a trophy. Sam stared down at my brother with cold-blooded fury in his eyes. He didn’t hear me approaching him. When I struck the back of his head, he had no idea what was coming.
And just like that, blood splattered over Wes’ face and across the hem of my dress. I dropped the trophy, and Sam fell down with it. Blood began oozing out of his skull, as Wes stood up and pulled me aside, hugging my torso tightly, just as he did in moments of crisis.
“He’s dead,” Michaela sunk to the floor in the corner of the room. She began repeating what she said over and over to herself through sobs and wails. 
“Go,” Wes whispered to me.
“W-what?” I spluttered, still trying to recover from the shock and trauma of what I had just done. “I can’t leave you here... I-I just-”
“I’ve got you,” Wes whispered, placing a kiss on my forehead. I was his big sister, yet he was the one willing to carry the burden of my mistake. “I won’t let anything happen to you, just go. We’ll figure something out.”
The rest of the students were distraught, and subsequently to distracted to notice me flee the scene. I knew I was going to do everything in my power to help them, but for then all I could do was listen to my brother. As I held my coat closed, to hide the blood splattered over my dress, I made my way down the pavement.
I tried to amble. Not too slow to draw attention, but just enough to conceal how freaked out I was. I felt a vibration from my pocket. After checking to make sure my hands were clean, I opened my phone only to see notifications of 23 unread text messages and 10 missed calls—all from Frank.
I looked up and realised his apartment wasn’t too far from where I was, so I decided to head there. In an attempt to draw attention away from me, I went through his text messages- starting from the one he sent most recently.
“Y/n please just come over and I’ll explain everything. I’m an idiot.
Sent 30mins ago”
Once I got to his door, I put my phone away. I knocked twice, just loud enough for him to hear, but not so loud as to alarm any nearby residents. I looked over my shoulder to make sure no one had followed me or was in a position to be able to hear me.
Thankfully, Frank opened the door quickly. I had been avoiding him for so long, it surprised me how he looked. His eyes were slightly puffy and red. He hadn’t shaved in a while. His hair was rugged and messy, as opposed to slicked back like normal. He seemed surprised to see me. Before he could say my name, I began sobbing violently.
“I-I did something,” I cried. “Something really really bad and... and I don’t know what to do, I-I don’t-”
Frank pulled me into his apartment, closing the door behind me and locking it. All of his blinds were completed and windows shut. He clearly had a hunch as to what I was about to confide in him about because he knew exactly what to do.
He led me to his couch, and we both sat down.
“I-I... I killed Sam,” I confessed in a hushed whisper. I slowly opened my coat to show him the blood splatter on my dress. He didn’t even flinch. I knew about his history, but I never expected it provide me with so much comfort as it did at that moment. “H-He was gonna strangle Wes, and I-I didn’t know what I was doing until I did it.”
As I continued to explain what had happened, in a blubbering nonsensical mess, I felt myself spiral out of control.
“The o-others are still there... W-Wes said he would handle it but I... I’m so scared of what's gonna happen,” I had gone from sobbing to wailing. I began empathising with Michaela and how distraught she was immediately after I killed Sam. “If he takes the fall for me, h-he’ll... Sam’s a wealthy white man, t-they’re not gonna have mercy on me o-or my brother. And it’s all my fault... I-I don’t know what to do.”
“I’m gonna get you a change of clothes,” he explained, gripping my hand tightly in his. Before, the feeling of his calloused hands in mine had only ever been associated with our flirty relationship. That night, those hands became my safe haven; the only thing keeping me grounded and making me feel safe. 
“I’ll get you and Wes an alibi that you’ll both have to remember. We’ll go over your cover story until you have it memorised. You can stay here for the night. I’ll call the others, and... I’ll call Annalise and stall her and... I’ll go back later tonight to make sure the scene is cleaned, and the body is gone.”
“Okay,” I nodded. 
Despite our previous conversation being our fight, I trusted him; I did so with my whole being. Not only did he come up with a solution at a rapid speed, but I knew Frank’s loyalty. I knew he was giving me his word when he explained how he would help me. I knew he would follow through for me.
“Look at me,” he said, caressing my cheek to keep me from shaking even more than I already was. I forced myself to meet his gaze, and I was grateful for it. “Remember what I said before?- I’m not letting anything happen to you, okay? They’re gonna arrest me before they even think of touching you or Wes, I promise... You trust me?”
I nodded furiously, before sighing heavily, letting out a cry as I did so. Frank wrapped his arms around me and didn’t let go until I pulled away first. Once he did, he got me to get changed into a pair of his old shirts and sweatpants. Then, he gave me the leftovers from his dinner to eat while he made a few phone calls. Though I wondered who he was calling, and how he had so many contacts that could help him fabricate an alibi for me- I didn’t question it.
I needed his help, and Frank was doing everything to protect me. That was more than enough of an explanation for me. 
At least it was, for now.
“Here’s the story,” he began, after hanging up his phone. I placed the plate of spaghetti he gave me down on his coffee table, and I listened intently. “You were at the bonfire, when I texted you to come over. Luckily, you have dozens of messages from me. You then spent the night here before leaving tomorrow morning for the hearing, with me... I’ve already call the others. They’ll be ok.”
I nodded, repeating the story to myself until it was etched in my memory. Frank took my empty plate and headed towards his kitchen. It was only a matter of time before he would have to leave to clean the murder scene, and to make check up on the others.
I glanced over at him. He began washing my plate along with his other dishes. I got up from the couch and sauntered towards him. Before he could realise I was behind him, I snaked my arms his waist and rested my chin on the crook of his neck. I could feel his breath hitch. With damp hands from the soap water, he held my arms.
“Thank you,” I murmured. 
Frank turned around to face me. He placed his hands on the sides of my face and kissed my temple fervently. I smiled, lifting my head up only to see him smiling as he gazed down at me. He pulled me closer to him until our lips collided. His hands were damp, but I couldn’t care less. 
Bonnie was wrong in claiming that Frank couldn’t be trusted.
I couldn’t think of anyone who would do what he did for me that night; who would help me establish an alibi and hide the corpse of the man I killed. In hindsight, there was no one I could imagine confiding in but him. No other person whose embrace could make me feel as safe as I did in Frank’s arms. No one I could imagine trusting with the darkest of my mistakes but Frank Delfino.
There was no one I trusted more.
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