#annette kid
annett85 · 3 months
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Kids Pants 2024 * Part 2
Mesh & Colors by EA
Edited by Annett85
Basegame compatible
5 Files 
Patreon - early access - public 14th July
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jimmy-got-blueberries · 5 months
Reject modernity
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Embrace tradition
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even-disco-baby · 2 years
ANNETTE — “Hi, ace detective.” The young girl stifles a yawn. “We’ll be closing up soon, I’m afraid. Is there anything I can help you find?”
EMPATHY — She’s hoping the answer is yes. Any excuse to take a break from the dreaded *math homework.*
“No thanks, I was just on my way out.” [Leave]
“It’s okay, I don’t want to distract you from your studies.”
“Yeah, actually. I’m looking for a book.”
ANNETTE — She tries and fails to hide her relief as she sets her textbook under her chair. “Of course! What are you looking for, sir?”
“A happy story.”
“A sad story.”
“Something that will make me a better detective.”
“Something that will make me a better person.”
“Something about how to mend a broken heart.”
ANNETTE — “Oh…” She frowns, staring up at the shelves as if hoping that the perfect book will miraculously catch her eye. “Umm… Let me think…”
EMPATHY — She’s genuinely trying to think of one. She wants to help you.
ANNETTE — After a long, long pause, Annette finally lets out a sigh of defeat. “…I’m not sure,” she admits sadly. “I’m sorry, sir.”
YOU — “You can’t think of anything at all?”
ANNETTE — “Well… We do carry some self help books, sir, but…” She casts a quick glance around the store.
REACTION SPEED — Making sure Plaisance is out of earshot.
ANNETTE — The girl leans in conspiratorially and whispers, “Mother says those books are all snake oil. ‘If all it took to change somebody’s life was a book, *we* would be sitting quite prettily.’”
DRAMA — Her Plaisance impression is uncanny! What talent!
YOU — “Why do you sell them, then?”
ANNETTE — “Well,” she coughs, “not everyone agrees with my mother.”
RHETORIC — Translation: because people buy them. It’s as simple as that.
ANNETTE — “But I don’t think that’s quite what you’re looking for, is it, sir…?” She looks up at you with that seemingly impossible mixture of innocence and knowing that is unique to children.
“Yeah, you’re right. It isn’t.”
“No, I think I’ll give the self help books a try.”
“I’m not really sure what I’m looking for, to be honest.”
ANNETTE — She nods slowly, looking down at her frayed nails. “Lots of people come into the shop not quite knowing what they’re looking for. But that’s what’s so nice about bookshops, don’t you think? No matter where you look, you can find *something* interesting.” She smiles bright enough to light up every dark corner of the bookstore and the doomed commercial area below it. “I’m sure you’ll find what you’re looking for, ace detective. Maybe you just have to let it find *you.*”
VOLITION — Here in this bookshop. In Martinaise. Revachol. The world. This seemingly wretched lifetime. In the midst of it all, there is always something for you. Uncurl your fist. Let it find your palms upturned.
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weskerfied · 1 year
Ada and Annette’s interaction is so underrated. I love them. They sound like two high school mean girls from rival friendship groups, or whatever the equivalent is in the resident evil universe.
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logicalloony · 6 months
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Tabi and Annette are my comfort fruits. Love them and their weird goopy boy!! @krikidilly, congrats your boy got adopted by the two least qualified people 👏👏👏
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cantsayidont · 9 months
Seventh in a series of modern no-homo variations in Popular Media (for which I should probably make a tag):
faux-mo: Where the presentation of canonically LGBT characters is burdened by obvious discomfort at depicting any substantive romantic or sexual interaction between those characters. This is conceptually adjacent to where-homo (described in my first post on this subject), but rather than outright outright denying the LGBT characters any romantic or sexual relationships, faux-mo instead seeks to keep those relationships as chaste as possible so as not to squick the actors or the (presumptively cishet) audience.
One of the more egregious offenders in this category is the 2010 film THE KIDS ARE ALL RIGHT, directed and co-written by Lisa Cholodenko, which stars Annette Bening and Julianne Moore as married lesbians with two teenage children whose already rocky relationship is sorely tested when the Julianne Moore character has an affair with their kids' hunky sperm donor, played by Mark Ruffalo. This is a lesbian movie written and directed by a lesbian, and yet most of its numerous sex scenes are between Moore and Ruffalo, and there's little more than prickly resentment between the lesbian main characters, who are of course played by straight women.
This is lampshaded in the film's most memorable scene, where one of the main characters' kids accidentally stumbles upon some of his mothers' porn collection and expresses surprise that they don't have any lesbian porn. The Moore character explains, "Well … usually in these movies, they hire two straight women to pretend, and the inauthenticity is just unbearable."
There's nothing inherently wrong with gay characters being played by straight actors; gay actors have been playing straight characters for as long as drama has existed, and it's not in anyone's interest to limit LGB roles to out LGB actors. (Trans characters being played by cis actors is another matter, but that's because it causes significant real-world harm.) However, as LGBT characters become more common in popular media, we see more and more stories with same-gender couples who share little if any real intimacy beyond the occasional awkward closed-mouth kiss between hetero actors who are visibly uneasy at having to pretend to do gay shit on stage or screen.
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roboticutie · 2 years
So kinda spoilers on his backstory but. Okay. Yes we all know Harry is Pathetic Divorce Man Incarnate. Yeah. I also laugh it IS funny
Only they never even got married
She terminated the pregnancy and got on the next flight out of his life before he even had time to get the ring on her
He's SO divorced that he was never married in the first place. She divorced him At Proposal
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possessionisamyth · 1 year
Can you do Annette and William Birkin cooking headcanons? :3
sure can!
William Birkin- Burns water. He never bothered learning how to cook. He's too in his head thinking about work or what tasks need to be done with his family during his time off (whenever that may be) to focus on cooking. He's also never had any particular interest in the craft. It was easier for him to let his mom cook and later find girlfriends who would cook if he didn't go out to eat.
Annette Birkin- Before meeting William, she wasn't in the kitchen either. She was the lab tech who ordered in a lot or would forget to eat anything more than protein bars or oat bars between sips of coffee. After getting married and getting pregnant, she tried to be the mom/wife that cooks, but it'd usually lead to very odd meals. Think cool whip salad or soupy pea sauce on tuna steak. Eventually when work consumes her again, she gradually switched to frozen meals she puts in the oven, anything "instant" that can be microwaved, or things that can go in the toaster. There's no shortage of snack cakes and chips in her pantry.
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im-getting-help · 2 months
I think i'm accidentally torturing my bestie.
On his last fly back he watched Saltburn cause I "recommend it" (I didn't. I was just freshly obsessed and told him that 'I really like the movie, idk if you're gonna like it but... if you watch it let me know' and so he watched it).
Previous to that, I asked him he wanted to come with me to a screening of Cuándo acecha la maldad" (When devil lurks), an argentinian horror movie. I know he doesn't like horror so I told him that I was going and if he felt up to come with me he was invited. he did came.
This year I talked about Killing of a Sacred Deer cause I rewatched it. Yesterday he sent me a text asking if he should watch it, i'm like "dude idk?? I love Yorgos but idk if I can recommend it to be honest. If you want to then... 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻".
And I love we talk about movies and share our different tastes and preferences but i'm starting to worry every time I talk about a movie with him, cause he's favorite genre is like, golden era of musicals?? like 50's I think?? and i'm into psychological horror and wired vibes. My guy, you don't have to watch this, we can watch other movies 😭✋🏻
We watched Pearl the other day and idk, I didn't really like it, he was kind of ambivalent about it, and i'm like... we can watch Holiday Inn again, I loved it... hell, put Singing in the Rain again. We can watch other stuff, I loved Phantom Thread but we can watch The Princess Bride, dude, plz stop watching the movies I like, you don't like that shit and it's okay 😭
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filmbook21 · 1 year
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caught-in-a-landslide · 11 months
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Day 18: Scientist. (Annette Birkin)
This is my first time drawing this ‘mother who’d leave her daughter in a garbage dump and act like she was guilty about it’, and was it worth it? Not sure lol.
I’m planning to share my GOFxRE series on here, since I’ve always wanted to do writing and trying to do crossovers. So you’ll be seeing some artwork I’ve done and the stories I’m doing.
(Some of them may contain ships you may or may not like though, but it’s just what I like so pls don’t judge me.)
But anyway, I’m going to upload the next part of this challenge tomorrow, so take care!
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annett85 · 4 months
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First Fits Kids Fashion * Part 1
Mesh by EA
Edited & Recolors by Annett85
Basegame compatible
Jacket 30 Recolors + 10 EA Colors
Sweater 30 Recolors + 10 EA Colors
Bottom 12 EA Colors
Boots 6 EA Colors
Shoes 12 EA Colors 
Beanie Download by Patreon
Patreon - early access - public 30th June
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moogmooggggg · 2 years
Pretty sure the Raggedy Ann & Andy fandom is basically dead but this is my comfort film and I'm a big Raggedy Ann sapphic truther so I give you this <3 If there's anything I need to change or if I used an old flag, plz lmk ;^^
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blabbin · 1 year
27 + 53 cunette >: DD
Sick/Injured Fic + Mutual Pining
ou you're kilign me here,,
Cuno finds Annette standing at the front of the bookstore, as usual, and she looks exhausted - *more* than usual. He asks her what's wrong (and by that i mean he says "you look like shit, the fuck happened?"). She waves it off, says smtn about 'just a sore throat' and 'nothing some tea and honey won't help.' he goes 'oh myy fucking god you're sick, does your mom know, why the fuck are you out here in the cold.' she thanks him for his concern but insists that she's not sick, which ofc only makes Cuno go into a spiel about how 'Cuno's NOT concerned, Cuno just thinks you're acting stupid as fuck.'
He doesn't see her outside the next day. When looking into the store he can only see Plaisance. well, shit. if even Plaisance let Annette have a day off then it must be bad.
He decides to go visit her at her place. He's walked her back home a handful of times but never went in. He feels a bit (a lot) embarrassed to be going out of his way to see her - feels that he should just wait till she's back to 'work' to talk to her, but he also can't help feeling worried (not that he'd ever admit it) and wants to check in on her, especially since she'd be home all alone.
He knocks (slams) on the door and it takes a while but she finally opens the door a crack, hiding.
CUNO - Instantly, the first words out of his mouth is: "See? fucking told you, you were sick."
ANNETTE - She groans. "Of course that's why you came here. Just go away." She sounds awful and nasally.
CUNO - "Man, stop being so whiny. Let Cuno in."
ANNETTE - "No way, you could get sick." She is afraid of him getting infected, but she also hates how she looks a mess.
CUNO - "Fuck off, Cuno doesn't *get* sick. Cuno takes so much mag - he's invisible at this point. You should probably take some too - before you die."
ANNETTE - She rolls her eyes. She hesitates a bit, but lets him in after all. She does appreciate him checking in on her and having company sounds nice.
she starts to grow dizzy and he quickly ushers her to her room to rest. Cuno wasn't just making an off-hand comment earlier, he did get her some vitamins. seeing her so sick, he kind of goes into auto pilot - getting her water, a cold water-soaked towel, tissues, whole nine yards.
she tries to tough it out, but ends up falling asleep from how tired she is. Cuno spends the time reading one of the books off Annette's shelves, just laying down on the floor, and getting up to check on Annette's temperature every now and again.
after a few hours, she wakes up feeling a bit better, enough to actually sit up and be aware of her surroundings again. she gets up from the bed and almost trips over Cuno (on the floor) who she has entirely forgotten came over to visit. She's surprised and flustered and embarrassed, and he quickly shuts the whole awkwardness down with a comment about how he's starving and they should just get something to eat.
so they do - they make whatever simple, quick thing from the kitchen, and spend the next while chatting and hanging out. they talk about the book Cuno was reading and Annette tells him he can borrow it until he's done.
He has to leave soon because Plaisance will be back and neither of them want to deal with that. Annette thanks Cuno for taking care of her and says she'd give him a hug if she weren't so sick, which he promptly responds with 'gross, i hope you STAY sick' (he's a little disappointed even if he won't admit it lmao)
anyway smtn smtn they both cant help but think about a reality where they could just spend the whole day - after day after day - together like that smtn smtn
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helloparkerrose · 1 year
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recurringwriter · 2 years
i think rodrigues favorite lion is actually annette because she takes none of felix’s shit and teases felix with him
dsjhdhf Rodrigue 'I love all the Lions equally especially Annette'
but tbh i have a hc that annette swears like a sailor so anytime she trips or drops something she just starts cussing, and i think that for a good amount of time he's just scandalized by her existence and it's a comedy of errors sort of thing because she calls him a villain from a family of villains and he's always putting his foot in his mouth etc. eventually he's like 'oh wait you're actually so hardworking and kind and you love felix and don't take his shit and he loves you so of course i consider you a daughter/forgive you' etc
but i do also like the idea that they just hit it off right away and felix is like 'noooo how can it be that the girl i have a crush on gets along so well with the old man this is Unfair'. and rodrigue maybe trying subtly nudge them together. definitely rodrigue reminiscing on felix's childhood. annette Living for these details.
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