#annoy malik day
kazeofthemagun · 8 months
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@nabeandfriends asked the summoner:
Kaze breaks into Malik's house, on his birthday, yelling about bread??
Nabe has determined it's time for consequences. The breadbug is the first target, followed by Kaze himself.
Is anti-tank weaponry overkill for a single breadbug? Probably, but changing weapons takes time.
Annoy Malik Day || Continued from [ X ]
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The appearance of the crow fae was noted as the Wind abruptly stopped his "search", turning to face potential danger. And a potential danger it was, indeed.
How did she get.. all those armaments in here at a moment's notice..? So, his hunch had been correct. There must have been some teleporting at play.
(The breadbug was, thankfully, smart enough to escape in the momentary confusion - though it sure did not go unnoticed.)
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"Crow." The gunslinger addressed the woman, ocean orbs narrowed. As it was, he was mere seconds away from being blasted, but he was willing to take the risk. "It may be your bread that is teleported next. Are you truly picking the correct fight?"
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loveravel · 1 month
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Zayn with Fernando Alonso
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The One-Legged Pirate | @sins-of-the-sea
Putting an obvious target in front of a trained sniper is one thing.
Putting an obvious target in front of a trained sniper with orders to kill is another.
Nabe thinks for a moment, then ejects the chamber, swapping out the current magazine in her Hecate II for a different one.
Eject the first round (she always keeps a blank in them, after all), then carefully line up the shot from her hiding place.
Surely, the detonation from a single explosive round hitting its target won't cause any structural damage.
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sins-of-the-sea · 8 months
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"Aaaaaaaaahahahahahaa!! What a lose-
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"AIYAAAA!!" Ruixiong flies off the roof as soon as the shells and bullets fly. For now.
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demigoddessqueens · 5 months
Imagine Altaïr, Malik, Ezio, Haytham, Shay, Connor, and Arno trying to deal with an S/O who has befriended the local crow population.
It's cute when the crows keep bringing you small trinkets, keep using you as a perch, or follow you around all the time.
What's not quite as cute is when one day you get captured and the damn crows keep breaking into the residence and SCREAMING at your poor boyfriend. He'd be finding you right away the instant he knows something's wrong and you're hurt, and the corvids are definitely more than smart enough to help.
Oh, and when you're found? Injured? Not only are you staying right with them at all times but you're being watched by five or six sets of beady eyes all the time.
Awww! This was so cute and then got angsty then cute again!
It’s 50/50 with him, either he’s intrigued by your bird companions or annoyed they impose on moments with you
if you were ever taken from him or missing, Altair tries not to panic but feels some relief that he can track you down when the crows lead him to you
Now he appreciates their loyalty to you and how they’ve come to accept him as well. After all, he’s glad there are those who look after you when he’s not there
Thought it was a bit odd at first, but it wasn’t a bother to anyone, and at least when you visited there was additional company with the birds. As long as they didn’t make a mess of things.
if anything bad happened to you or you were taken, he’s grateful for their lingering presence to signal where you are
After an incident like that, Malik now has the habit of tying notes to their legs, saying something like “whatever impulse you have that leads to trouble, think twice about that.”
Equally annoyed but intrigued about the corvids and tries to bribe them to bring him trinkets too
in the case of you being taken or missing, every eye on the ground and in the sky is able to find you safely.
Also likes to tie notes to said crows’ legs to pass along to you. Something funny, cute like “I see you.”
Is not amused at all. He thinks they’re annoying 😝
but if you were ever kidnapped or separated from him, he’s grateful that the unlikeliest allies help find you
There was a rare moment you saw him attempt to bond with them, one successfully perching on his finger
He didn’t think much of your pet birds before but they were a welcomed presence on the ship during longer voyagers
the one time you were not by his side, his fiery temper almost got the best of him before your own trackers lead him down every path to find you
From there on out, he greets them like he does any other crew member. Giving them treats sometimes
He adores your birds and thinks it’s sweet they look out
however, pity the souls who try to take you away because there’s no corner they can hide in
Of course your pet crows are just naturally drawn to his calmness, always perched on his shoulders
He thought it was oddly endearing that you’ve bonded with these birds, although they happen to be a bit of a nuisance
Now if you were to ever be taken from him, it’s all hands on deck
Given the amount of loss and heartbreak he’s had in life, it’s no surprise that Arno always wants you close to him and appreciates the corvids for keeping tabs on you
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teecupangel · 10 months
Do we have a Phonenix yet in the menagire? We need one.
Phoenix!Desmond, probably looking like a normal bird for the most part, and stays with Sef when they go after the mongols (Altair probably thinks he's getting too old he looked a bit ratty lately) and takes the hit when Swami tries to kill him.
Idk whether to have this crack or angest with them thinking Desmond died, had a chick, and was apparently a female bird the entire time.
Okay, so I was checking the Phoenix wiki page for any information if it would be possible that Altaïr would know what a phoenix is and there’s this part written by Herodotus (yes, Kassandra’s Herodotos)
[The Egyptians] have also another sacred bird called the phoenix which I myself have never seen, except in pictures. Indeed it is a great rarity, even in Egypt, only coming there (according to the accounts of the people of Heliopolis) once in five hundred years, when the old phoenix dies. Its size and appearance, if it is like the pictures, are as follow: The plumage is partly red, partly golden, while the general make and size are almost exactly that of the eagle. They tell a story of what this bird does, which does not seem to me to be credible: that he comes all the way from Arabia, and brings the parent bird, all plastered over with myrrh, to the temple of the Sun, and there buries the body.
… which may be a reference to Bennu, the Egyptian deity connected to the sun, creation, and rebirth.
So Altaïr would meet him during his travels with Maria and he just stays. They assume he’s an exotic bird (or eagle), maybe a native to one of the places Altaïr and Maria visited.
Altaïr never told them that the bird flew into his room one night and began to chirp at him as if trying to tell him something. He also tried to tap the Apple but all it did was glow a bit.
The bird had been quite annoyed by it and began to hit it with his talons so quickly the Apple had a taptaptaptaptap sound rapidly before Altaïr could take the Apple.
After that, the bird just decided to sit on Altaïr’s shoulder when he left his room the following morning and Maria assumed he had bought the bird yesterday when they went their separate ways.
Her guess sounded so much better than the truth which was Altaïr spent the entire day yesterday holed up in his room, writing letters to be sent back to Masyaf as part of his deal with Malik in exchange for letting him go on this trip (which was to send letters detailing the geopolitical situations of the places he travels to with suggestion on what the Brotherhood should do in those parts… if they could do anything).
So nobody ever questioned the mentor’s newly acquired bird (except Malik but Malik had been more focused on the ex-Templar that Altaïr brought to Masyaf and married).
Then Darim and Sef were born and the bird (named Desmond because Altaïr thought of the name first when Maria asked what the bird’s name was) usually stayed with the children, letting out loud screeching cries whenever one of the two children were doing something they shouldn’t do.
When they got older, Darim and Sef learned the word ‘bribe’ and how Desmond can be easily bribed to look the other way in favor of delicious food.
Desmond stayed in Masyaf though, regardless if Altaïr or any of his sons left for a mission or to travel to a bureau. At some point, the bird had become a symbol of Brotherhood with its gold and red plumage.
So when Altaïr left with Maria and Darim to take down Genghis Khan, it was only natural for Desmond to stay with Sef in Masyaf.
Altaïr had been a bit conflicted though as Desmond’s feathers had grown quite… dull and he was moving slower than usual.
Maria and Malik both told them that Desmond was growing old and maybe it was time but the Ibn-La'Ahad boys refused to believe that.
Darim also believed that they might find medicine in one of the camps of the Mongols as they have been to many lands.
So when Desmond flew to protect Sef and got stabbed on the chest by Swami, Swami screamed as Desmond became shrouded in flames.
Swami burned as well and Sef could only watch in horror as white hot flames consumed the both of them.
Swami was left as a corpse charred beyond recognition.
While Desmond…
Only ashes remained…
And from those ashes…
Sef heard a small chirp.
As a little chick with red and gold plumage poked his head out of the ashes, shaking the ash from his small body.
Sef could only stare as he asked, “Desmond?”
And the bird gave him an enthusiastic chirp while jumping.
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jongbross · 11 months
reckless behavior (park chanyeol x reader)
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pairing: park chanyeol x reader
word count: 1388
genre: mature
warnings: suggestive themes, mention of sex, falling in love
a/n: inspired on pillow talk by zayn malik <3
relationships are complicated. 
the whole thing about having feelings, about dealing with them while also dealing with someone else’s. the idea of getting attached to a person and being so careful not to hurt them but not knowing if they would ever be careful to not hurt you too - and then the heartbreak when either they leave or you had to leave…
ugh, it’s just too much. having a relationship as in actually being a couple is too much. but it also sucks to not have someone to satisfy your needs when you need to, when you want to; your own hand and toys are fun and do the job most days, but nothing compares to having a human being beside you - or on top of you, or beneath you, or whatever position two people can imagine. nothing compares to the feeling of being pleased by someone else.
so, what to do? the definition of friends with benefits sounds kinda fun but it has its issues too, because someone always catches feelings towards the other one and yes, sometimes it’s all a fairytale and the couple realize they have always loved each other and suddenly they’re so happy they drunkenly hooked up one night. but sometimes it’s hell on earth, as the person who caught feelings confesses to the other one and they don’t feel the same and suddenly everything is ruined, they don’t have a booty call anymore and they probably won’t stay friends as it’s way too awkward to face your friend after seeing them naked and knowing they love you.
so truly, what to do?
the only answer chanyeol came up with was finding someone he absolutely did not know. someone he knew nothing about, a mere acquaintance. he didn’t care about their story, where they came from, if they had any pets when they were little or which was their happiest memory. chanyeol just wanted someone to please and to get pleased by them. simple, pure lust and desire.
he searched for a bit, meeting friends of friends countless times at parties or whatever. he didn’t like to be so shallow as to only look for someone pretty, someone he immediately felt attracted to - but that was the only way, right? that was the only thing that mattered.
that’s how he found you. sitting on a corner at a christmas dinner jongdae held with his wife, having small talk with people whenever they tried to, a polite smile on your lips even though your eyes gave away how annoyed you truly were.
that’s how he got curious about you. chanyeol asked jongdae about you, learning your name and that he had met you through his wife, maybe you had worked with her? studied with her? chanyeol couldn’t quite remember. jongdae told him that you were nice, and that you were single. thank god jongdae was kinda nosy, he gave all the information the youngest needed to approach you that day.
that’s how you ended up knocking on his studio door late at night, now. chanyeol had asked if he could go to your place, have a night off with you - which of course would turn into sex -, but you chose to meet him instead. he received you with a soft spot on the couch of the studio, a blanket ready for you in case you got cold and lots of take out food. “i was gonna take it with me to your place, but we can eat here too”, he had said.
“we’re gonna make a mess, probably.”
“we’re gonna make a mess anyway, darling”, chanyeol said with a smirk.
he was a nice guy, you found out as soon as you agreed to the whole “strangers with benefits” thing the two of you had going on. he always made sure that you were comfortable with the whole situation, and never ever did something against your will. if anything, he was actually a gentleman, even going as far as breaking his own rules and knowing a little bit about you - i mean, otherwise, how could he ever have picked your favorite take out if he didn’t know shit about you?
you grinned to yourself as chanyeol sat beside you on the couch, big hands quickly working on undoing the food boxes and serving a bit for you and a lot for him. he probably hasn’t eat it the whole day, you thought, and didn’t need verbal confirmation of your assumption as you heard his stomach growling before he took the first bite of his food. chanyeol had a problem with taking care of himself whenever he was working hard on something, you could clearly see; it was a habit that you could only try to break it for him if he’d let you into his life.
which he didn’t, and which you didn’t want to.
quickly, eating turned into small talk - about what every button on the huge desk in front of the two of you did and about how you found a new route to his studio on waze -, small talk turned into something a little more intimate as he got closer and closer to you on the couch, and “something a little more intimate” turned into a whole makeout session once you were finished eating.
chanyeol’s lips were all over you suddenly, kissing your exposed throat and brushing against your jaw. his hands flew to your waist, grabbing your flesh and pulling you so close to him that for a second you questioned if he wanted the two of you to become one - thought quickly sat aside as he kissed you hard, giving everything he got. you moaned against his lips as his hand left your waist and started to caress your thigh, a weak spot you had that he always made sure to use against you.
“come here”, he whispered once he broke the kiss, skillfully pulling you to his lap.
you straddled him, mind clouded with lust as you didn’t give yourself time to adjust and just attacked his neck, feeling your whole body shake when you heard his beautiful moan for the first time that night. his hands traveled to your waist once against, pulling you down so you could feel how hard you were getting him, how turned on he was for you. 
you were so lost in the need to please him that you couldn’t help but groan when he pulled your hair strongly, forcing you to look at him. “why didn’t you let me go to your place?”, chanyeol asked, voice raspy and low. “i wanted to have you all spread out on your bed for me.”
“cause last time you went there, my neighbor complained to me about how loud we were for a whole week straight”, you smirked.
chanyeol chuckled, pulling your face down to his so he could speak against your lips. “good thing these walls are soundproofed then, i want you screaming tonight.”
the moan you let out for him was sinful, but quickly muffled by the way he once again kissed you. 
you could hear his heartbeat, loud and clear against his chest while he tried to catch up his breath. his skin smelled like a perfect mix of sweat and his cologne, with a little bit of your own lotion as he held you so close. you closed your eyes, enjoying the quiet and rare moment - part of you didn’t want to let go, but that was against your rules; you couldn’t allow yourself to want to be that way with him, you couldn’t let the need of aftercare and coziness ruin what you had with him.
so you tried to get up, gently pushing yourself up and off his arms. but you see, the strangest thing was he didn’t let you. chanyeol held you tighter, right hand coming up to the back of your neck to push you down to his chest again. he even went as far as laying his lips against your hair.
“it’s okay”, he murmured, like he could see exactly what was going inside your mind. “this… this is nice. i mean… h-how was your day?”
park chanyeol did a lot of things throughout his life, but the most reckless one, by far, was allowing himself to break some of his rules just for you.
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btw-its-tamanna · 2 months
Appreciation April
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For : someone who wouldn't like to be tagged 🥺
My bhai , Gawar bhaiya , Vics ki goli, KYN, annoy karne ke liye best target, Saste Tanmay Bhatt, Saste Zayn Malik, gyaani insaan, pedo bhaiya , Simp bhaiya and what not
From : Aapki annoying bhen (kya matlab one sided bhen kyunki aap rakhi pe gift doge hi nahi or raksha to khudki hi nahi hoti aapse 😋)
Ha bhai aa gayi firse aapko annoy karne 😋 meri nayi hobby hai ye 🤌 So yeah main bhot hi zyada achi writer nahi hu or na hi aap mai kuch appreciate karne wala hai okay okay sorry 😭 Main pehle hi bol rahi hu main acha nahi likhti so no expectations.
So lemme remind you of that unfortunate day , the day you got me a annoying, nakhrili, kainchi jaise zubaan wali, ladki as your bhen 😭 Ha so yaad karo the day you entered the server main active thi and we did that honey Singh ka song "love dose" ka lyrics completion. Uss din ke baad istg maine aapko Jo mere Punjabi gaane ke obsession se tang kiya hai I am sorry for that 😭 Ik aapko ek pal ke liye lemonade irritating lagta hoga but yk mera obsession 🤌
Thanks for always being there, Thanks for roasting you-know-who, Thanks for doing lafde in server, thanks mujhe annoying bolne ke liye, Thanks mera blog stalk maarne ke liye , Thanks mera Akash Thapa se obsession khatam karne ke liye (nahi bhai ek abhi bhi hai) , Thanks humesha mere against jane ke liye, thanks entertainment ka source banne ke liye, Thanks exist karne ke liye, Thanks hector bhaiya ke sath b(romance) karne ke liye main abhi bhi hasti hu usse yaad karke, Thanks for everything 🤌Thanks server pai Punjabi gaane bajane ke liye since the day you came to know about my love for them.
Y(our) Vibes
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Some Songs Forever You ✨
Aapki baraat pai dance karungi iss gaane pe istg 🤌
Baaki ha last but not the least Remember I am annoying only for the people who are my favourite so if you think I am annoying to samajh jao and yes Aapne Mera sahi description diya tha "iss server ki sabse choti , Pampered and annoying ladki"or ek secret batau uss din VC pai main hi thi.btw sorry agar kuch bura laga ho to 😭 yk na bachi samajh kar maaf kardo.
Signing off
With love, Always 🖤
Desire 🤍
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sugdenlovesdingle · 23 days
So here's my *actual* seven sentence sunday
@carlos-in-glasses @nancys-braids @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad
it's a little snippet of a Marjan/Nancy fic I'm working on for @captain-gillian (I hope you don't mind me sharing a little preview of your fic!) for @911actions Gaza fundraiser - check out the page to see how you can donate too!
"Work is good. We have a new probie actually." Marjan said, holding up her phone at eye level to talk to her sister. "This girl fresh out the academy. She's eager to learn but kind of reckless ."
"Sounds like someone else I know." Sahar joked. "I'm guessing you and her get on well."
Marjan laughed. She was sitting on her bed in the firehouse bunkroom, waiting out the last part of her shift, hoping no call would come in.
"She's a good kid." she settled on. "What's happening over there?"
"Malik and I just bought a house. With three extra bedrooms."
"Really? I didn't know you were looking."
"Yeah... This place is becoming too small for us."
"Why do I feel like you're only telling me half a story?"
Sahar laughed.
"I never could hide anything from you." she stood up and walked to a mirror, putting a hand on her stomach and showing Marjan her reflection. "It's early days but Malik thinks you can tell already." She turned to give Marjan a view of her profile.
"Wait. Are you pregnant?"
"Yes!" Sahar beamed. "About 12 weeks now. Don't tell mom and dad. They don't know yet. Only you and Malik's sister."
"I won't tell anyone." Marjan promised, pushing the thought that she barely spoke to her parents these days to the back of her mind.
"When we've moved into the new house, you need to come visit." Sahar insisted. "And you can bring Nancy too so we can finally meet her for real."
"I'd like that." she and Nancy were going on 8 months together and so far she'd only introduced her to Sahar via facetime. She was pretty sure her parents would be happy for them, but actually introducing Nancy as her girlfriend to them still scared her.
"I have to go now. We're getting the keys for the new house today." Sahar snapped her out of her thoughts. "We'll talk soon ok? Tell Nancy I said hi."
"Will do. Bye." Marjan said and ended the call and let herself fall backwards on the bed. Nancy made her happy, things were going great between them, and even the awkwardness with Mateo had been resolved, but outside of her work friends, nobody knew about them. She wasn't even sure if the B shift crew knew they were a couple.
She sighed and closed her eyes, trying to get her brain to turn off. Either that or give her the answers she'd been looking for.
"Are you sleeping on the job?" the mattress dipped and an arm slipped around her waist as someone squeezed in beside her. She opened her eyes and looked into Nancy's smiling face. "We're you at least dreaming about me?"
"Always." Marjan vowed and tugged on her girlfriend's uniform until she leaned down to kiss her.
I won't annoy you all with a second set of tags so just consider this an open tag for YOU if you have anything you want to share
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enchantedlandcoffee · 9 months
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September Fic Recs
Hey guys! This is a belated fic rec list for some of the fics I've read in September 2023.
holding on to you (please, don't go) by @wemadethishome
Zayn Malik/Liam Payne | General Audiences | 1.3k | Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Zayn Malik Leaves One Direction
"I don't– I don't want you to go," Liam muttered, his tone seeming almost urgent as he held tightly onto Zayn. "I know, Liam, I know," Zayn whispered, his breath hot against Liam's cheek. "I don't want to go, but I have to." Or Zayn always knew goodbye would be hard, but he never knew it would be this hard.
Devil's In The Detail series by @babyhoneyheslt
General Audiences, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Angel Harry Styles, Devil Louis Tomlinson The Tower There's something strange going on in Heaven. Bored Angel Harry can't help but investigate. The Fool After making a deal with the devil, Harry has to forge a new life for himself alongside Louis on Earth. The Devil Harry has grown to love being on Earth, but his absence in heaven and the company he keeps, hasn't gone unnoticed.
Disenchanted series by @hellolovers13
Mature | Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson Witch Harry is just trying to live his life. Then there's Louis. The Potion or, Harry is a witch minding his own business, Louis is a nuisance. The Escape Harry is still minding his own business, Louis is still annoying. Well, fine. Maybe he is the tiniest bit helpful, too. The Healer Harry is trying to- Louis is- He's going to make it. Harry will make sure of that. The Curse Time for Harry to confront his past. Or not? The Heart True love isn't something that was ever going to be in the cards for Harry. It finds him anyway.
You were in my dream by staybeautiful / @harruandlou
Explicit | Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson | 59k | Acquaintances to Lovers, Fluff, Smut
or Louis woke up after having a sexy dream about his best friend's boyfriend's best friend resolved to never think about it again. He hardly knew Harry, so what difference would it make? Bust when they are thrown together only a few days later, Louis had to admit, subconscious might have been onto something.
Those Early Mornings by @wishingforloushair
Explicit | Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson | 4.7k | Top Louis Tomlinson, Mild Kink, Fluff and Smut, Teacher Harry Styles
Harry can set his clock by the beaten up red car that drives past his house every morning - in fact he basically has. But one morning he realises the car hasn’t come, and he’s now running late. In his rush to get out the door for work, he crashes into the owner of the red car, a record shop owner called Louis, who begs him for a lift to the station as his car has broken down. The initial attraction is undeniable.
Love Is In The Air by @justahappycloud
General Audiences | Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson | 3.7k | Airports, Christmas, Musician Louis Tomlinson, Non-Famous
When Louis gets stuck in an airport during a snow storm, he mentally prepared for his already bad day to turn into something even worse. What he wasn't counting on was a certain green-eyed boy who would come to light candles in the dark of his bad mood.
Fly To You by @babyhoneyheslt
General Audiences | Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson | 1.8k | Cute, Pilot Louis Tomlinson, Nervous Flyer Harry, Honeymoon
On the way to their honeymoon, Harry and Louis find out the pilot is ill. With Louis being a pilot, he offers to fly the plane there, and it turns out to make the start of their honeymoon extra special.
Bluer than velvet were her eyes (and softer than satin were her thighs) by @thebreadvansstuff / thebreadvan
Explicit | Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson; Liam Payne/Original Male Character(s) | 12.3k | Girl Direction, fem!larry, Five Times Plus One
Or, Harry should probably stop obsessing over her customer's boobs, but fate can't keep her away from Louis.
Wordplay series by @red-pandaaa
Daffodils Explicit | Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson | Established Relationship, Fluff, Smut Or, Harry comes home to Louis reciting poetry. Orange Blossoms Teen and Up Audiences | Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson | cute boyfriends, Domestic Fluff Or, Louis runs Harry a bath "I Wanna Marry You" General Audiences | Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson | Established Relationship, Fluff, Domestic Fluff Or, Harry has something he wants to talk to Louis about Key Cards & Kindness Teen and Up Audiences | Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson | Flashbacks, Established Relationship, Hotels Or, Louis stays in a hotel for a teacher training course. Harry is the receptionist. That'll Be Us General Audiences | Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson | Weddings, NOT Louis and Harry, Established Relationship, Fluff Or, Harry has to find a pair of lost wedding rings, Louis carries a handkerchief, and one day, it'll be them.
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tododeku-or-bust · 3 months
It annoys me when people's reactions to being called out (or others called out) for racism and other things is "well you should give people the chance to grow". Because nine times out of ten they're not actually going to grow, they just want to not be held accountable. And that's bs. For example: if Malcolm Little had not become Malcolm X, had not become el Hajj Malik el Shabazz, we would NOT be discussing him as one of the most influential civil rights activists in history. He had to GROW. You don't get to "oh well one day I'll be better just not today so you can't blame me".
My point is, sure I value the potential, but I value the action far more.
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An (Intentional) Miss || @rosegoldkingdom
"Nabe was told that nobody was supposed to be here without an invitation!" she pouts, putting her hands on her hips.
"So Nabe suggests you leave her friend Malik alone! It's his birthday he's allowed to want to relax!"
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sins-of-the-sea · 8 months
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"So I hear it's a certain someone's birthday at the strike the midnight tonight...~"
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rea-grimm · 2 months
Dragon of Masyaf 4
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During your training, you set your own mission. You knew Altair had a soft spot for you and to be honest you had a crush on him too. However, you needed to put all these emotions aside.
You knew very well that the Grandmaster was hiding something and it also concerned the underground passages and the room with the dragon. You didn't know how or why yet, but it was definitely there. And the grandmaster was the key.
It may have been drastic, but you didn't come up with any other solution. Your tactic was to be cool and professional with him, without any emotion, and wait and watch for him to make a mistake.
Once you weren't well and so you weren’t in the mood or anyone and you had the impression that Altair might lose his mind, to find out what was bothering you. You hoped it would be the same now. That he will make a mistake and lead you to the truth.
Your efforts were not long in coming. You were the first to start calling him master again. When you said that to him for the first time in a long time, he looked at you uncomprehendingly. However, when he saw that it was not a mistake, he was speechless.
After a few days, it was clear that he was annoyed. Although he tried to disguise it, all the inhabitants of Masyaf recognized it. However, it did not lead to any error. Yet.
And finally, after almost a month, it happened. What you've been waiting for so long. Altair sent word to Jerusalem. You knew that if it was an administration to Jerusalem, it was to the only person who could help him.
A few days later, when you were patrolling the castle gate almost every day, the expected guest finally arrived. Malik left his horse on the outskirts of the city and walked to Masyaf. 
From there you watched him from afar. Instead of going to the study or Altair's room, he headed to the underground. You followed him there as well, being careful not to lose sight of him.
Malik had a torch with him, so you knew very well that you had reached the gate. He glanced over his shoulder before stepping through her. However, you were hidden behind a pillar the whole time and you were quite far away and without a torch. There was no way he could see you. He finally got through.
You walked over to the gate and listened. You recognized Altair's voice as he discussed something with Malik. However, you didn't understand them from this distance. The worst part was that you had no idea how far they were from the gate. What if they were right next door? You would reveal yourself that very soon.
You heard the voices start to drift away so you decided to take a peek inside. You crouched in the farthest corner from where the voices were least audible and peeked through the illusion. You haven't seen them anywhere. With that, you crawled inside and hid behind the golden relics. You alternated these hiding places and slowly approached the voices.
You were so close you could see them. Malik had his back to you and Altair couldn't see past him. You could already notice something strange about him. The fact that he had his hood off was strange in itself, but even stranger were the white gold horns sticking out of his head.
 Moreover, now you could see better, how snow-white wings stuck out from his back, resembling the wings of a bat. Just like the time he caught you on a failed jump. Likewise, a long reptilian tail flicked from side to side behind him. By the looks of it, you'd guess it was a crocodile if it wasn't connected to your master.
"... Everything was fine before. Now I don't know why she's avoiding me and it's driving me crazy," Altair complained. So your plan worked.
"And did you try to talk to her?" Malik suggested, rubbing his chin.
"What would I say to her?" he growled in response. You wanted to hear better and leaned out a little more. As you leaned on your hand, the gold shifted under your weight and several coins rolled to the ground.
The two men immediately perked up and looked in your direction. Fortunately, you were already hidden again. Your heart was in your ears from all the adrenaline. You heard footsteps approaching. That was bad. You immediately moved to another shelter.
"Did someone follow you?" Altair asked as he inspected your previous stash.
"I don't know about anyone," he replied and walked over to him. Altair crouched down to exactly where you were hiding before he smiled conspiratorially.
"It doesn't matter," he replied surprisingly calmly and headed for your next hiding place. You had to hide somewhere else.
This is how you played cat and mouse until you ran out of places to run and you found yourself in a dead end. You hoped he wouldn't come after you, but he didn't.
Altair appeared directly in front of you, his wings making him appear wider and blocking any possibility of your escape. You cringed and couldn't take your eyes off of him. As if there was an image that you needed to burn in your memory. 
The first thing you noticed was the bright golden eyes with narrowed pupils and then the white spots on his face which you later found out were scales.
Altair reached out and helped you to your feet. He then put his arm around your waist and led you to Malik. Before you knew it, he pulled you closer and hugged you from behind. His head rested on top of yours. You tried to squirm out of his grip, but it was in vain. He had tremendous strength.
"Leave him. You don't have to worry about anything. He won't do anything else, he just needs to calm down," Malik said as he saw you struggle.
"What's this about?" you asked with a furrowed brow as you calmed down.
“Nothing,” you heard Altair murmur into your hair.
"You should tell her. She deserves to know the truth. She's seen you like this before anyway," Malik tried to convince him. However, the dragon hugged you even more and you felt him dig into your hair even more.
"What are you doing here anyway?" Malik asked you with a sigh, trying to change tactics when he saw his friend refusing to speak.
"I suspected something was up. I always saw Altair sneaking in here. I knew if I ignored him, he would make a mistake," you explained curtly. You felt Altair squeeze you lightly before letting go again. As if he was showing you that he didn't like it.
“Smart. And besides, it worked for you," Rafiq praised you.
“I'm not sure about that,” you replied. They just caught you.
"I think if you've come this far, you deserve to know the truth," he said, looking at Altair to see if he wanted to speak. However, the dragon remained silent. 
"As you can see, the novice here is a dragon. As such, he has his strengths and weaknesses. For example, hoarding things and a certain selfishness or possessiveness. He simply has to have what he likes with him. Which is you. And thanks to your plan, when you kept your distance, it was destroying him. Like a dragon, he wanted to have you with him, but in order not to reveal himself, he couldn't show it," he explained. At his words, the dragon hugged you tighter again. Like he's afraid you'll run away from him.
To be honest, it was a lot to absorb. It made sense, but until now you thought that dragons were just legends, fairy tales to scare little children.
"I think it's best if we all go to sleep. At least Y/N can get it out of her head," he said before turning to his friend. "Altair, don't you want to finally let her go? Let her breathe a little?" he asked him. You felt the dragon reluctantly obey him and let you go.
“I didn't mind,” you shrugged. If it made Altair feel better then why not?
“You shouldn't have said that out loud,” you heard Malik say before the dragon hugged you again.
“You sleep with me tonight,” the dragon murmured, kissing you between your ear and jaw.
After that, he took you in his arms and carried you like that to his room which was located in one of the highest towers in Masyaf. There you took off your gear, but you were still wearing your uniform. He undressed and the only thing left on were his pants.
You were lying in bed and he lay right next to you and hugged you from behind. You didn't even move. You closed your eyes and tried to fall asleep.
You had no idea how much time had passed, but there was no sleep. No matter how hard you tried, your thoughts kept drifting to the assassin lying next to you. 
You thought the dragon must have been asleep and you were the only one thinking too much when you felt his face brush against your hair before he lightly kissed you on the spot.
"I love you," he whispered almost inaudibly, but it was more than loud in the silence of the night. You didn't expect this. You turned around in his arms to look at him. The dragon looked unexpectedly vulnerable and you could see the desire in his eyes that shone in like two embers of coal.
"Altair…" you were about to tell him that you felt the same way when he stopped you.
"Don't say anything. I don't want to force you into anything. Let it go through your head," he said.
“I don't need to,” you closed your head and looked into his eyes. “I love you too,” you replied, feeling your cheeks burn from the confession.
"Are you serious?" he asked pulling you closer.
“Absolutely,” you replied with determination. At that, the dragon smiled and gently took your chin and leaned towards you. He kissed you on the lips carefully, as if he was afraid of hurting you. It was a short kiss, but it meant a lot.
When you pulled away, you laid down more comfortably right next to him. You placed a small kiss on his chest before closing your eyes. Altair was still hugging you and to top it off he covered you with his wing. You felt like he was protecting you from the whole world.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Assassin's Creed Masterlist
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teecupangel · 9 months
Look at that little face:
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They would probably first see Desmond somewhere with a body of water.
For Ratonhnhaké:ton, it would be when he first sees Aquila. He would be walking back to the manor and find Desmond following him. He’s never seen a capybara before but it seemed friendly enough and had went on his hind legs, raising his front legs as if to ask for Ratonhnhaké:ton to pick him up. Ratonhnhaké:ton does and he brings him to Achilles who admits to not knowing what Desmond is, only that ‘it’ usually stays inside the wreckage of the Aquila. Faulkner would probably have more information so Achilles suggested that Ratonhnhaké:ton talk to him (but also to not get distracted by the ‘rodent’, cue Desmond glaring at him) but Faulkner only knows as much as Achilles as the ‘thing’ appeared one day and never left until he followed Ratonhnhaké:ton anyway. At least, Faulkner was able to tell Ratonhnhaké:ton what Desmond likes to eat. Desmond spends most of his time in the manor and served more as a companion to Achilles who always gives him something to eat whenever Ratonhnhaké:ton is gone.
For Ezio, Desmond would actually be a gift from Machiavelli. A strange gift with Machiavelli saying “He reminds me of you” which Ezio and Desmond still aren’t sure if it’s meant to be a complement or not. Regardless, Desmond becomes the unofficial mascot of the Italian Brotherhood and is super spoiled by the other recruits. Claudia also teases her brother that Desmond (and Ezio didn’t know why he named the animal Desmond, it just seemed right) is the only child that Ezio would accept officially. It’s all said in jest as Ezio has no idea if he has any illegitimate children running around. (Claudia doesn’t believe it, Ezio is more on the fence, Machiavelli says the only way Ezio wouldn’t have any unknown children is if he can’t have children at all). So Desmond is treated like the mentor’s child more than pet and everyone spoils on him. Then Leonardo meets him and… Desmond began to appear in Leonardo Da Vinci’s works and sketches.
Altaïr would meet Desmond during his travels to one of his mission. A small pond or lake that he stopped by to let the horse rest. Altaïr would find Desmond flopping around the bank and they would stare at each other for a moment before Altaïr would turn around to ignore him. Desmond would probably be offended and ‘run’ after him, his feet making wet squishy sounds against the ground. Desmond would grab hold of the reins of Altaïr’s horse or maybe his robes and wouldn’t let go. Altaïr has no time to deal with this kind of tomfoolery but he couldn’t just kill this creature since it wasn’t dangerous. Annoying, sure. But innocent nonetheless. ……… and that is how… Altaïr finally manages to turn Malik speechless when he brings the creature with him to the bureau, letting the creature rest in his arms. Oh. And the creature waved at Malik and Malik was simply too confused that he instinctively waved back.
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noficbyhalves · 6 months
"Altair had gotten her frustration at 'not having a good enough sparring partner' out of her system a couple days ago, and now they were more-or-less fucking around. Malik set himself the challenge of only winning by disarm this morning, and it had only taken partway through their first bout for Altair to figure out what he was doing and be very annoying about thwarting him."
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