#anon i truly was SO excited when i saw this message at work. i wanted to drop everything and answer it then lmfao
hourcat · 2 years
hi ! i'm currently writing fic and i saw ur post about having all your scenes fleshed out but having notes to them and it just made me really curious about your process and if u have any tips like how much you outline first, whether u write chronologically etc. bc i have no sense of organization and feel a bit like a headless chicken rn ! ty if u choose to share & good luck finishing ur fic i can't wait to read it 🥰
hi hi bestie!!!! first of all, HOORAY FOR WRITING!!!! i know it is such a fucking PAIN to actually sit down and do, so good on you for doing it! i feel like i need to be held at gunpoint these days. (i actually have an alarm set on my phone that goes off every day at 6pm that says "write for 30 minutes" and even then. sometimes gunpoint simply is not enough)
anyway HAHA i hope you weren't waiting for me to answer this bc i am truly the most chaotic, horrible writer there is. putting this under the cut so i don't ramble all over everyone's dash
honestly, it all depends on what i'm actually writing. for shorter fics (i.e., copium/kiss me more chapters) i can usually just sit down and write it in one sitting without any planning or anything! i'll like...write down the gist of the idea in a sentence and then just let my brain run with it. sometimes i'll get an idea so potent that i have to stop in my TRACKS and run to google docs and write down the sentence that has, like, almost fully formed. idk if other writers experience this or if its just me being unhinged.
but for longer form fics, i need to plan. soooo much. you would not believe the number of draft posts/google docs that are literally just. bullet lists of fic ideas that i want to run with. (so many skeletons i might as well be a graveyard! heh heh.) i used to be able to just write mindlessly and get away with it, but as i get older (and have more fuel/stamina to write longer fics!) i get more forgetful and more obsessive about the way i want certain scenes to go, so it ends up becoming a bulleted list. and it also is an ongoing list! like, with the NFL au for example - i had a general idea of how i wanted the fic to go, but as i started writing it, i got MORE ideas for scenes and moments, so those got added to my outline list. it becomes chaotic because all of a sudden i have like twenty-five scenes by the end and its like....girl.....get some help.....
it also becomes a fucking mess when i have ideas for future parts of a scene i'm writing and don't want to jump ahead but don't want to lose the idea so, mid prose, i'll do something like:
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also FUCK writing in chronological order. in theory i would like to but in practice sometimes you're just in the mood to write one specific scene and i am of the belief that, if you're in the mood to write a specific part, you should just WRITE IT and ride the momentum whenever you can instead of trying to force that inspiration into something else just because it's "in order".
ultimately i feel like writers are never TRULY organized because like...there are always ideas bouncing around in our heads, ya know? but i find that outlining really helps me for the longer things! ESPECIALLY when you're inspired w/your plot. being possessed about a fic idea is truly an uncommon experience (at least. to me) so you gotta run with it whenever you can.
i hope this made sense? i'm literally a mess of a writer like ive been writing for a decade and i still have like. no idea how i get things done at all LMFAO. keep me posted abt ur fic process, darling!!!! organization is for chumps.
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welcometomyoasis · 6 months
end of year appreciation post
this year has been an emotional rollercoaster, but i wouldn't change a thing because i found svt and all of you 💕
sending a huge thank you from the bottom of my heart to those who interact with my posts. whether you follow my blog, like, reblog, send asks, or leave comments, just know i appreciate every single one of you. 
as for my moots. thank you all for the laughs and interactions. i love you all so so much. so to express my appreciation, here's a list of which svt member i think you all would be because what fun is being carat if we can't do things like this.
@brownsugarbaybee Kari as seungcheol. Need I say more? In the way that seungcheol is the naturally protective alpha who babies his members, you do the same for me. You’re like the older sister I never had. You make me feel so safe, protected, and loved when I talk to you. I’m really socially awkward irl and am actually always afraid that I’ll say the wrong things, but with you, you never make me feel bad for sending too many asks, or spamming you through dms. You really create a safe environment for your followers and friends and I cannot thank you or express my gratitude enough for that. You were the first person i talked to ever (on anon) on tumblr and our friendship just grew from there. I love how we check in on each other frequently and randomly pop into each other’s asks just to say we missed each other. I’m always so happy when i see that you’ve sent me an ask/ dm. We’re like two magnets that can’t stay away from each other. I love that so much. Just like I love you. Here’s to a lot more love and interactions next year! (and yes, i’m dming you more mushy stuff later shhhh) 🤭
@wonijinjin Gigi as joshua. You're my actual other half? My soul sister? Like you notice there's no jeonghan on this list because you're my evil, lovable twin (okay you knew there was no jeonghan I texted you about this a month ago). FR THE SIMILARITIES BETWEEN US? From our bias lists, our need for perfectionism, our food cravings, us getting distracted all the time when we’re supposed to be doing work, to even the fact that we have the same frame for our glasses and hair colours. I could go on. Joshua suddenly appeared in my life and took over when i saw him in the anyone special video, kind of like the way you popped into my dms. We’ve literally talked everyday since then. All your messages, your words of encouragement, your comforting words, the random things we talk about (like the tote bag dilemma? Or all the possible collabs we could work on? OR ALL OUR TALKS ON SHUA AND HIS HANDS). I want you to know that I truly treasure each and every single one of our conversations. You’re one of my comfort people. Thank you for popping into my life because I cannot imagine my life without you rn. Yes, I’m not done but this is already very long so expect a lot of love coming your way in your dms. ILYSM SERIOUSLY. PLEASE LET’S MAKE THE SHU X GIGI MEETUP HAPPEN ONE DAY BUT NOT IN THE MIDDLE IT’S TOO DANGEROUS.
@haecien Cien as junhui. My timezone buddy. Like Junhui, you’re crazy and incredibly fun to be around. I’m not going to lie, I thoroughly enjoyed watching you spiral into loving new things and new groups. Sure, it’s entertaining, and I found it really endearing. I absolutely adore how you fall for other groups so quickly and how you’re so open about falling for them. You’re not afraid to go all out and show your affections towards them. You love with all your heart and that’s such a great quality to have. Your fics are super adorable and you were literally a trend setter because so many people followed your prompt generator idea. Junhui has the ability to be adored by everyone and you have that same effect on people. 
@weird-bookworm Sky as soonyoung. Extremely easily excitable babies who always bully mingyu (see Zanna’s part). You get so happy and excited over all the little things. Your tags when you reblog posts gives me life because they’re always so funny and sweet. Not to mention, you have this bright energy around you that draws people to you. You’re so easy to love and interact with. Seriously, you’ve made such a big impact on everyone’s lives here on tumblr whether you know it or not. You might be the glue that is holding the mess that is tumblr together rn. Yea, you also give off major squishy vibes like Soonyoung, it makes me want to protect you more. With consent, i would love to mush your cheeks together and give you so many hugs. Love you Sky. 
@woozvc-main Nora as soonyoung as well. In the short span of time that we've interacted, you really remind me of soonyoung and sky haha. You're easily excitable, you're funny, you're honest, you're great at writing your fics (like how soonyoung is great at dancing). You're so real when writing your little thoughts out on tumblr. You're so smart too? Like you're doing physics? And you randomly do math when you're bored? It's like when soonyoung randomly does little dances when he's bored or excited. Plus, you love pandas like soonyoung loves tigers! Okay, maybe not as extreme as that, but you get the point. We're both panda lovers. Why did we take so long to talk, I have no idea. But I love that we are talking now and here's to talking more in the coming year!!
@babyleostuff Natalia as Jihoon. You both write masterpieces. I think I’ve read through your masterlist a couple of times at this point. The way you manage to convey everyone’s personalities and emotions perfectly is amazing. More seriously though, you were one of the first people I approached on tumblr. Thank you for giving me advice before on how to start writing because it really helped a lot. Your advice was one of the reasons why I even started in the first place. You were also my first official moot on tumblr. I sincerely hope that life will treat you kindly, that you’re doing better, and that the next year will go smoothly for you. 
@addicsvt Ari as dokyeom. Literal balls of sunshine?? Idk when I talk to you I can just imagine you smiling in the same adorable way that dokyeom does, with his eyes curled up into crescent moons. I hope you never stop writing because your fics are lovely. I really like the way you write! It’s so fluffy, and it makes me feel all warm and cozy. Your mood boards are also amazing!!! You’re seriously such a sweet angel. I can’t thank you enough for loving my writing, you have no idea how much that means to me. Love you and let’s talk more!
@fairyhaos Yena as dokyeom. Yena = a huge reason as to why I started writing in the first place. Yena = one of the first people I ever messaged on tumblr. Yena = ray of sunshine. Yena = one of the best fic authors on tumblr. You just remind me of Dokyeom so much maybe because you're both so in love with Joshua because you're both the happy angels of the group who find so much joy in simple things like Joshua, being around your friends, doing what you love, watching the pretty scenery around you, and you're so musically inclined? You also have this maturity about you that Dokyeom has? Like you know when to be serious and when to have fun which is such a great quality to have. Keep being you!! You'll do great in your upcoming exams!! Thank you for being such a kind person because the world needs more people like that. The only thing, you call Joshua a Shuamoroll. And now I call cinnamoroll that too...
@idubiluv Arya as minghao. Artist duo. I know we haven’t actually talked much but I do know that you love photography and art. I also don’t exactly know why, but I associate you with having this very calming, chill energy that is similar to minghao’s. Perhaps it’s the comfort that your fics give me when I read them? Maybe it’s because you’re so sweet, attentive, and supportive of everyone? Whatever it is, thank you for being my moot and I hope we can talk more in the future! 
@slytherinshua Zanna as mingyu. HMMM WHERE DO I BEGIN FOR YOU ZANNA. You’re both always bullied affectionately. You’re both social butterflies. You’re literally everywhere on tumblr in this fandom and that fandom. Idk how you do it because you stan so many groups, write for so many groups, manage both caratsland and the kdrama label, etc. It’s definitely a talent. You’re also one of the sweetest people ever. Like you’re so happy to talk to anyone about anything and everything under the sun. It’s really cute, so please never stop. ONE THING THOUGH. Like mingyu, i feel like you’re always up late… i know timezones are a thing but PLEASE GO SLEEP EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE???? Seriously, i cannot count how many times i've seen "please sleep" on your posts and in the group chats... 🤣 
@wheeboo Rania as seungkwan. My fellow criminal minds enthusiast, angst, and purple colour lover. I’ve never actually known anyone else who loves criminal minds so this is a really big deal for me. ANYWAY. I’m not just associating you with seungkwan because he’s your bias, though that is one reason. Seungkwan has this warm, inviting, witty, very accepting personality that is similar to yours. Idk if this makes sense but you write the way Seungkwan hosts. You’re fics are very cozy (even the angsty ones). You develop the stories so well. You put in splashes of humour or fluff, all while still keeping the readers in suspense until the moment is just right for everything to unravel. You’re also always so open when replying asks and responding to feedback on your posts. Plus you want to be a therapist one day? You’re seriously the best and the sweetest. You’ll do great. I’m extremely sure of it. Let's write more angst too!!
@askdacast Askdacast as vernon. LISTEN. YES I'M TAGGING YOU IN A SEVENTEEN POST, NO WE AREN’T MOOTS ON TUMBLR BUT WE ARE IRL SO HEAR ME OUT. Vernon is that one quirky member who does the weirdest things and embraces his quirkiness to the fullest extent. He just does what he wants, when he wants. At the same time, he's such a lovable guy who is adored by everyone around him. That's you. I've always admired your ability to just embrace being yourself even if you do face your own demons. You deserve everything that you've achieved and I'm so proud of you. I'll send you all the other sappy stuff privately... and let's go out to you know where. i mean we just discussed it yesterday? ALSO I HAVE TO PASS YOU YOUR PRESENT HHEEHEHE. BUT JUST KNOW THIS IS MY PUBLIC DECLARATION OF LOVE FOR YOU. I LOVE YOU THANK YOU FOR BEING MY IRL FRIEND FOR WHAT 6 YEARS NOW? ❤️
@mangocustard16 Mango as Dino. Honestly, I just got to know you last month but you’ve been such a joy to be around. You’re constantly putting out 11/10 content and reblogging stuff. Your incorrect quotes are hilarious. Your fics are so fluffy I want to melt in them. Your reblogs, especially the reblog chains you have with other people are so funny. You have a great sense of humour and you give this vibe that you’re just so happy to be here. I’m happy to have gotten to know you! 
@eightlightstar Vittoria as Dino. We've only really talked once since we just became moots. I guess in that interaction I get Dino vibes from you? You're my fellow grad student who seems wise beyond her years just like Dino. You want to be a professor and get your PhD too! Dino is ambitious and that's how I would see you. You're going to do great! Let's talk more soon!
@glosskirt Gloss. If I were to liken you to a svt member, I would say you're a little like jun because you remind me of cien and you're kind of unhinged as well from what I've seen. But you're more of a bts stan. So, I'm doing this specially for you. My bts stan days were years ago, but I'm going to say that you remind me of Jhope. Happy, hopeful, sunshines of the group who are really funny. You care so much for others and you're so happy to interact with other people. Idk I saw your post about moving out of your lonely kpop phase and that made me feel something? Because I felt that way too after starting tumblr. I'm so glad we found each other through tumblr, and I hope we can interact more next year!
As for the rest of my moots, I'm sorry that we haven't interacted much. Sorry if you didn't want to be tagged. Here's just my little ramble for all of you because I'm still so thankful that we're moots and I would love to interact with you all more next year!
@amxlia-stars Amelia as Mingyu. You give me puppy like vibes and you just genuinely seem to be enjoying yourself here. Thank you for always liking my posts, it means a lot to me!
@mirxzii Roxie as Soonyoung. Idk the post of you horanghaeing in a museum really stuck with me haha. You're really nice and the aesthetic of your account is so sweet! Sorry that I haven't reached out much. Thank you for reblogging my work, I really appreciate it!
@icyminghao Noelle as Jihoon. Your posts are so so good? The way you write is so amazing. Actually I think your posts were some of the first I ever saw when I first started reading fics on tblr. It made me all giggly and happy. Major serotonin boost when I read them.
@aaniag Aania as Vernon. We haven't interacted much, but you remind me of Vernon because you can get very excitable and you're also really random? Like sometimes I see a huge wall of pictures on Sky's account from you. You're really nice and sociable too!
@staranghae Cherry as Seungkwan. I see you popping up everywhere to send those cute chain messages to everyone. You seem really sociable and fun! We just became moots so i'm sorry idk what else to say, but thanks for being here!
@seokminded Artai, @hrts4hanniehae Sadako, and @ryuwonieebae Ryuwon. I'm sorry to group you all together since I really don't know much about all of you at all. Hmm, I guess you all remind me of Vernon and Dino in some ways. I love the aesthetics of all your accounts. I mean that's the point of tumblr because we can express ourselves here. But your accounts and the things you all write just seem like you? Thanks for being my moots! Let's interact more in the future!
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buckys-wintersoldier · 5 months
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First of all, thank you to everyone who joined me and helped me with that idea. For finding those nice words, even when she knows that you appreciate her, even when she knows that you love her work. And a special thank you also to @lives-in-midgard, without her, I would not have found the courage to really do this. You helped me when I was just a minute before I threw that all away.
Skittle? @mrsbuckybarnes1917
Finally, you are allowed to know about the surprise. I made this to thank you. I know you already know that I appreciate you, but I wanted to show you that not only I do, but also other people do, and it’s a better way than just telling you.
But thank you so much for always being so kind and helpful. You’re not annoyed, and even when the day isn’t perfect, sometimes it never changes your kindness. Not many people are like you are, and I hope you know deserve all the good and the best and that you’re worth it.
It’s an honor to be your friend and get your support personally and with fics. It's always fun to talk to you about ideas and add details, but it’s also fun to talk to you about everything else. I hope you know that I will always be there for you and support you as much as I can. The moment you started following me and whenever a notification with your name appeared in my notification, it made me so happy because it was and still is such an honor.
And I’m not the only one who thinks like that, so here are some people who think so too. Enjoy their messages for you.
@ellemj: You were the very first writer to ever reach out to me on Tumblr and honestly, I freaked out a little when I saw your user and realized I'd definitely read your work before. It was like I was living out some kind of dream. You're so kindhearted and willing to talk to other members of the community, it's inspiring. I feel lucky that I've gotten to be on the receiving end of your kindness. Thank you for being a friend and thank you for sharing your amazing works with us all!
@lives-in-midgard: Dear Skittle, I want to let you know that I really enjoy reading your stories and always love to see what you came up with! 💗 Beside that I also really love to see you in my notification or on my for you page. Reading your comments on my fics always makes me smile! I'm sending you hugs! 💞
@buckyysdoll: hon, you truly seem like such a genuinely sweet person. the way you interact with the fics you love and reblog on your page is honestly heartwarming, and you can see even from an outsider’s view how affectionate and encouraging it is. keep up your kindness hon, & happy belated new year too! we need more people like you in this world 💛🌻☀️sending love & hugs from a stranger xx
@sergeantbarnessdoll: I love her. She always has something nice to say, even when you’re having a bad day
anon: I love your work, it always puts a giddy smile on my face and brightens my day. When I see a new post I do a wee happy dance in my seat (or bed).
anon: Hi Skittle I love reading your stories! And I always get excited when I see that you have a new one shot!
@rogersbarber: such an incredible and talented person!!🖤
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Can you write something for reversed!AU? (the one where they are playing an otome game of MC, maybe if you want MC to get isekai'd there too) thank you !!!
Yeah of course I can anon! I also saw your other message and that is fine! Mc uses she/her pronouns here- I’m sorry to other people
When his brothers started playing a harem game, he thought it was stupid and wanted them to focus on their school work
Then he sees a certain character… mc?
she is stunning
so he subtly decides to download it. He claims it’s to see what they are so excited about
he ends up grinding for your cards when he has time
and he likes the fan service of you
he tried to delete it but he couldn’t last a day
he actually really liked the game
when his brothers find out he struggles to explain
He starts playing after he sees Levi playing it
he was whining that he didn’t have enough energy to do a battle
he was intrigued so he downloaded it
he thinks you’re the best character. Definitely his favourite for your personality and looks
dont start him on the fanservice. You can tell when it’s on from his flushed looks
he may have some merch too
He was very excited for the games release
he thinks your character is really cool from the start
he has cosplayed you before
he will go on to his brothers about you and how you are amazing in every way
he prefers you to Ruri-chan
he can’t wait for the anime!
probably has a body pillow of you
Levi wouldn’t shut up about the plot and it sounded… interesting
he thinks your character is interesting. Your back story is not said and he’s determined to find out
he will raise your intimacy level high above the others
originally it’s not a conscious thing but it does become one when he realises he prefers you over all the other girls in there
he will sketch you sometimes and write about you
he talks to Levi in front of the brothers about it just to piss off lucifer
Asmodeus falls for your amazing face when he sees the game trailer
theres no harm in trying out the game
he thinks he’ll only have it a few days and not prioritise it
hes very wrong
like very wrong
its all he can think about at times, gifting your character, watching your face light up
Beel plays it because everyone else is
he thinks your character is very pretty and has a nice personality
whoever Wrote you must know what a nice person truly is
wishes you existed irl
he us not as innocent as you think with fan service you know
he won’t talk about the game but he does enjoy it
Belphie plays it because beel did
he starts prioritising events over sleep
and grinding for your new cards
he thinks your character is very attractive if they were real
he also thinks the game is worth all the talk Levi gives it
he probably has a body pillow but not for sinful reasons to sleep on
We all know he will find out through lucifer
he thinks it’s what all the youths do: either lucifer or youthful fun 101 told him
he likes it a lot
he has money to spare too
like he spends a lot on getting your new cards
your intimacy level is really high
he also has you as his strongest
loves your design
might have merch
Hell only play in his spare time
yet still manages to get lots of good cards and stay updated
he also loves MC- she’s awesome
reminds him of himself
his favourite card of you is ‘the dutiful maid’
Plays because Diavolo wanted him too
He’s not good at technology but this helps him
he loves playing the game- even if he had trouble downloading it
favourite character is MC no questions asked
he will not save for 10 pulls, he only does 1 pulls
He plays because asmo does
he thinks your character is cute and grinds for new cards
you seem kind of shady but he still loves you
he has seen fanart
tried to cook your favourite dish from the game and it’s awful
he is really good at the game surprisingly
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charliesinfern0 · 20 days
SO SO SO SUPER COOL. i first saw your artwork back in 2022 [i think…!?]?? your ososan stuff! and i thought your artstyle was so super cute and unique that when you started posting it again in 2023 i recognized it off the bat haha. i look at everything outside of ososan too now and i find it all very fun! we have a lot of overlap in other interests but its also been so cool to see things i have only thought of getting into without ever taking the leap LIKE CATS!!! I REALLY LIKE SEEING POSTS ABOUT CATS!! its all very interesting to me!! i like seeing you indulge so much. its fun seeing blogs that are so obviously and beautifully collections of things that person is passionate about!! i would like to see even more of that. i VERY MUCH get being held back by a sense of being cringe/too much but i bet if you doubled down on everything without caring things would only become doubly cool! its also very fun to see someone who has a lot of continual passion for their fankids for homestuck?! admittedly my hs days were primarily like..4-3 years ago but back then it was really common for people to start msfpas or make ocs and then run out of steam really fast [its a strong time commitment and VERY OBVIOUSLY AS I WOULD KNOW interests change!!] but seeing how much youve stuck with page and the development of your art since making them is CRAZYYYYYYYYY and so inspirational!!! truly very awesome to see. LASTLY LASTLY LASTLY though i could ramble for a very long time I REALLY REALLY LIKE YOUR CAT CAFE FIC IDEA…and this is no like easy feat when it comes to ososan stuff to me im pretty picky lol. even if it never gets off the ground the stuff you laid out in that one ask w all the chapter titles and musical tie ins was so fun to read + A VERY GOOD MUSIC REC and im glad to have been able to peek into your head about it!! i was just thinking about it the other day :) anyway have a good one forever benrey infern0
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OH MY GOSH THANK YOU?!?? THIS IS SO SWEET YOU'VE MADE MY DAY LIKE TEN TIMES BETTER NOW T_T im so happy that you enjoy my blog so much and im so happy you like my art and writing and ocs!!! ^_^ i have been nervous about being seen as annoying or too much for posting abt stuff i enjoy and ive been wanting to post about stuff that im worried people might find cringey,,, but your message is inspiring me to just go for it!!!! hehehe ^_^ i do have some new interests (and some new f/os!!!) that i want to share soon, and im also planning to just do a bunch of self ship and oc ask games and make a bunch of oc x canon art!! im super excited to do all that now :D
also its actually the 1 year anniversary of the official beginning of citrus!!! (though ive been working on it for a lot longer lololol) i'm planning on posting some art to celebrate in just a little bit, so keep an eye out for that! >_o
thank you again for all of your kind words!! knowing that there are people out there that enjoy me and my art makes it all worth it (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) i hope you have a good one forever too anon!!!!!
and i hope you like the little collage of some of my fave things right now hehe ^_^
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cherryslyce · 1 year
Enjoy the second to last HC's, bubz. Who knows... The anon to lovers pipeline sounds kinda in rn..
*in bed*
Reg: So. Just to clarify..You actually like me right?
MC: No, I kept a portrait that kinda hurt to have in my pocket which gave me splinters btw, around for years, got devasted by the demise, slept in said portraits room as a source of comfort, went all the way to NORWAY at the off chance something could be done for said boy in portrait, went into a creepy cave, nearly died, did a ritual, all because I can't fucking stand you.
Reg, contemplating: ..you were in my bed before marriage? 😙
MC: You kinda make me wanna drown myself.
Reg: I thought we established it's too soon for those-
Sirius: There is no fucking way.
Harry: There is definitely a way and fucking is likely involved.
Reg, unfazed: What was it you say birdie.. No bitches? 🤔
Sirius and Harry: Fuck this combo. Fuck this combo. FUCK THIS COMBO-
Blaire: Nah you better be fucking forreal.. FIRST YOU ANSWER MY MOM BEFORE ME, LEAVE ME TO FEND FOR OUR CHILD AND NOW YOU GOTTA SICK VICTORIAN CHILD LOOKING BOYFRIEND? I'm having a moment. Oh i'm have a serious moment.
Reg, coughs: Wrong brother to be having a moment with.
Blaire: Girl, you BETTER be joking.. 👁️_👁️
Mc: I think I'm going to pre-maturely die now. I wish you the best.
*Reg holding MC's hand*
Sirius, behind them both, disgusted: You know, I know you don't know what you're saying and you're aiming for better than blood traitor but you could have said literally anything else. Anything. God.
I have so many.. thoughts. feelings. headcannons. but rly, I want to say thank you first. I've had a pretty rough month and my highlight was always getting to read Second Son. Reg always was a soft spot of mine but your characterisation was probably as close to how I imagined it. When the 3rd last chapter came out? Girl, I was in a boba shop, moral supporting my friend and he thought I was delirious CUZ I WAS GIGGLING. Of course, I'm sad it's come to an end but your journey as a writer sure as hell hasn't thus I'm super excited for you new work!! I hope you're proud of the series because not only were you delivering so often, you rly made all our days when you did. I'm wishing both sides of your pillow are how you desire them to be..
All the love, beloved hc anon 💌✨
My lovely hc anon <33!!! The anon to lover pipeline is def in<333 !!!!
Regulus would definitely be up at ungodly hours just contemplating that kind of stuff (poor reader, but same Reg). Also LOL, reader was more disturbed by Voldemort's snake face than anything else (like reader definitely gets nightmares of that moment at the cave still).
Regulus and Reader would literally drive Sirius up the WALL, like they give him and James a run for their money. +++ I'm so dead LMAO, you captured Blaise's humor perfectly, that is something he would definitely say in his head while plastering on a wide grin !
BLOOD PLEASER. I LOVE that omg...Kreacher is trying to be better, but he would most definitely come up with the most absurd nicknames ever.
I'm so glad that my series has been able to lift your spirits, my dear!! And I must thank you as well because your hc's always made my days so much brighter and really helped bring the characters to life!! You are truly one of my most beloved anons on here, and I really am going to miss these messages <33! I went into this series not expecting much, but I'm so overwhelmed by the kind words I received, and I starkly remember the first ever hc message you sent me. I was just blown away that someone would take the time to do so much for the series, and I truly want to thank you <33!!
I'm excited for the journey ahead and I hope to see you around !! Wishing you a lovely day/night wherever you are !!
-cherry <33
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doctorweebmd · 7 months
Dropping by to say I have been reading Battle of the Bands this weekend and not only has it CONSUMED MY LIFE for the past weekend (and ruined my sleep schedule), but it has also had a really big effect on me and I am sitting at home right now in front of my desk, working from home in my silly little corporate job with this big achey feeling in my chest knowing I'm coming to the end of a fic I've really loved.
I'm sure I will be spewing comments when I actually get to the end, but I just wanted to let you know that I think you're a fantastic writer! I feel really inspired by the way you write metaphors, like I truly sit there like dayuuuum I gotta get me some of that!!! Bonus points for the fact they are always so hilarious and on point! And they read as very natural, like you just plucked it right out of your brain and didn't have to agonise for hours to think of something like some people (mentioning no names.... Me). I sat down and splurged an extra 800 words into my current WIP this morning because reading your fic has me so hyped up and inspired. It's the best feeling, and I know you can be super hard on yourself or critical of your own work sometimes!
Just know, as a reader I am totally absorbed, your writing style feels so unique to you as a person in the absolute best way, you clearly have a natural talent for storytelling and a wonderful way with words.
And I wanted to be able to tell you that, not even on anon!!!!! Thank you for sharing all these wonderful works with us (best believe I will be gulping down the ones I haven't read next)
AHHHHHH PLEASE i've read this message like 10 times already today. The fact that its coming from such a talented and accomplished writer like yourself is seriously such a huge compliment! game recognize game or something like that lmao
I saw your comment on the first chapter the other day and squeed in joy! to be honest since its an 'older' fic (even though its just two years old!!! the passage of time is meaningless!!!) i dont really get comments on it anymore BUT reading your words made me so excited and want to reread a couple of chapters!!! man i love that story. it was such a blast to write and honestly i miss those kids. out of all the endings i've written i think battle of the bands might just be my favorite one idk just... falling in love and finding success together and finding a partner in someone you respect and want to grow and change together... and writing the cheesy songs they sing together and AHHH i miss them they make my heart so warm
BUT. i'm so so so so thrilled that you wrote more on your WIP!!! adlfkjalksjdfalksfj ahh that seriously makes me so happy!!! please keep writing your beautiful words and changing people's lives and putting smiles on people's faces!
gosh thank you so much for your kindness!!! i've felt so weird and disillusioned about by bnha writing for a little while now, to be honest, so to hear this from you was something i really really needed. thank you so so so so much and i honestly can't express my gratitude for your thoughtfulness. i love you you're amazing and thank you x500
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wri0thesley · 1 year
oh my god I didn't realize I wrote that much on my last ask (thomato fanatic) 😭 I am so sorry if that was a bit lengthy, I didn't realize how much I had typed until I just saw it </3
but yess!! I definitely believe you have reached the hallmark of successful writing! :) I truly do mean it when I say I can never find a work of yours unfulfilling! everything you write, no matter how short or long, has clear thought, effort, and dedication put into it - and it really makes reading it more all the more enjoyable. I love the ideas you and your anons ricochet off one another, and I always think it's amazing how a single idea can stretch so far and become so diverse when given the opportunities. I really adore your writing style and creative ideas!! <3
on a slightly different note, I honestly don't think I've read your other blog's work . . . but I am excited nonetheless for your original concept and character posting!! I'll probably binge some of your work on the other blog and familiarize myself with your ocs while I wait for the migration on this blog! :) I'm glad you're able to expand your writing interests more and have the chance to write new ideas and whatnot! it especially excites me to hear that you might wander into psychological horror territory at some point, as it's one of my personal favorite genres!!
but ahaha. . . I apologize again if my original ask was a little bit long lol, but thank you for taking the time to read and respond to it!
oh no anon, i loved reading it!!! i replied to it on my phone so i couldnt go through every point individually but it was such a deeply DELIGHTFUL message to receive and to know how much of a deep dive you went into and to see all of your reactions!!! <3
the original characters on my other blog are definitely more horror-focused. there's still an element of yandere and obsession and love and - naturally - sex to them all, but . . . you would perhaps not want to be caught alone with them if you could help it! i actually genuinely have a lot of ideas about them but i didn't feel quite comfy putting fic on my mostly art blog, so it will be nice to do it here!
and i hope you all will like them, whether you have seen stuff from them before or not! (that also goes for my concepts and thoughts i have never actually posted publicly! i have been reading and absorbing so so much fantasy and folktale and fairytale type stuff recently especially, so i hope you are all excited to read some horror-fantasy erotica!)
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nextinline-if · 2 years
Hi, just wanted to say I'm that anon who sent you that long ass message and you definitely don't have to answer this but I just wanted to thank you for being open minded and not just telling me to shut up. I didn't mean to be rude or anything. If I was harsh, I'm truly sorry. I hope it didn't come off mean, but just in case it did: I do really like your story and I'm excited to see more of it! Again, I'm sorry if I sounded rude, I genuinely tried to be helpful, though I'm aware no one asked for it lol.
Hope you'll have a great day/night!
Hi. I don't think your message was rude or harsh, but it was disappointing to read when I first saw it. Your apology is not necessary and I wasn't looking for an apology in my other message - so sorry if it seemed like it. I just didn't want to ignore your message for a whole week and seem like I didn't care about what you said. Because I care a lot about what people think about my game. Probably more than I should, but that's who I am.
Is your other message brutally honest? Yes...
Everyone has an opinion and I do my best to have an open dialogue and accept ideas/feedback. I'm not perfect and my game is far from perfect. But, as a person, I strive to always improve. If I'm asking people to spend time in the world I built, I should at least hear them out. It's not my style as a person to shut other people down.
That said, I cannot incorporate all the feedback people give to me. Because a.) I'm a single person and it's not possible, b.) it's not feasible due to plot and other restrictions, and c.) some feedback goes against my vision for the game.
I've spent most of my life writing and as a writer (for me), it's hard. Hard because I've been scared to show my work to other people. So, your message and perspective of my game (which is perfectly valid) did sting. Not because you had issues with it, but because I felt embarrassed. If you feel that way about my game, how many other people do but didn't say anything? At the end of the night, it's your message that will be floating around in my mind.
However, you're not responsible for my feelings - that's on me. Those are my insecurities as a writer and a human being. Those are my demons to grapple with and not the responsibility of an anon who was just sharing their thoughts.
Anyway, I will address the rest of your other message on Friday when I post it, and thanks again for your time. I'm glad that you liked the story!
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the-blind-geisha · 2 years
okay listen, it's so damn late and I told myself to leave the next message to your for tomorrow but I cannot help myself. And it's because I saw something interesting you added to your post.
I mean those aesthetic thing. I'm gonna be honest dear, I'm cringing when I look at this...
...because I'm the person who did them.
Damnit, Oreana! you indirectly exposed me in like, third respond to my anon messages??!! I'm beyond angry but in a very good way. In very exciting way.
And as much as I cringe at these edits (cuz I could do better now!), I cannot describe how happy I am to know you still kept that. It's... such an amazing feeling. I'm beyond happy that I might even shed a tear or two. Absolutely amazing. And I'm absolutely thankful cuz holy eff. You don't even know how much. Truly. It can be seen as nothing but thanks so much for having them saved. Although I must say I saw that you still have them on your blog. Amazing feeling, that it wasn't deleted. Ah, I meant I wouldn't mind if you deleted them! After all, it was something made for ac so yeah!
Yes I start to ramble, sorry, but I'm so so so so thankful.
Thank you, dear. Truly, thank you.
But well that should explain to you how I remember that Emmett had the ability to change into the horse. I never forgot, nor I forgot your Oreana. Holy eff, I even remember how I started to simp to her brother (I hope it was her brother) and I requested a short fic with him.
AHGGG this is beyond exciting! Kinda overwhelming too, especially for 2am.
Anyway, don't you dare think I'm gonna ignore the talk about overlord, happy farm and demiurge. I'm gonna get there, I'm just too excited to share this all and expose myself even further.
But I will say that I'm glad to hear you beat the anemia's ass. That's always good to hear tho but yes. Slay!
But truly, damit Oreana. I cannot believe this happened. And I cannot believe I wrote this instead of acting normal.
Love you, dear. Even after all of those years.
- Pandemonium
(sorry if I don't respond immediately to your potential reaction to this. it's truly too late here but I just, couldn't help myself)
So it IS you! ♥ Funny thing... you said Emmett turning into a horse, and yeah—he could in Oreana's version of her world as that was his dream land animal form—BUT...I still remember when you had that Horseman idea, and Emmett would even turn into her steed! Funny story to add onto that one: Cheshire, Demona's NPC in Overlord, actually took some of the ideas from that where his little necklace turns into a shield when he transforms. X”D
Wow. No fooling?? OMG, I'm so glad you're okay! ;~; I sadly couldn't give you a name, because I know you changed blogs so often that I couldn't really give you one! But yeah! I remember you! And of course I kept them! I have ALL those edits. All of them. ♥ Just because the fandom hurt me didn't mean I ever wanted to be rid of the treasures people gifted me. ♥♥ I even have the one you did of Oreana's older brother.
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I think it's because I changed my name. It used to be one word, remember? Now it's The-Blind-Geisha (because I swear if I heard someone make the joke 'hate a house' one more time, I'd riot lol). But they are under 'for me' tag:
I also have this one still I know you did:
Yeah! Her brother Emuntin! ♥ We even did a small RP about that, I think?? Goodness, it's been so dang long! Good memories though!
Awwwr, still! It was a joy to read! ;^; Thank you so much again, hon. It was wonderful to catch up with you!
Love you too, hon! I am so relieved during this crazy time you're okay. ♥♥ Puts my mind and heart at ease.
(Sleep, silly! You deserve it!) ♥
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munsons-maiden · 2 years
Reading your response should have been enough it's almost like that anon didn't watch the same show as us, and got confused bc the entire time eddie was on screen he was nothing but kind to everyone around him. the only time we saw him kinda upset is when they want to postpone hellfire, but I can understand why he's the dm who put a lot of time and effort into that campaign. Them wanting to postpone last minute I'd be upset too. I truly believe that anon has some how gotten it into their heads that THEY are not pretty enough or whatever so they projected that onto the characters of a show. Numerous amount of blogs got the same anon just different variations of it. Makes me wonder if this discourse came from twitter and they brought it over here or something.
Hard agree with everything.
Yes, Eddie has flaws like everyone else which makes him realistic, but his flaws are flaws, not moral shortcomings.
He's genuinely kind and respectful, he's genuinely caring and empathic and he's inherently a good person. Being petty because he doesn't want to postpone the game he was so excited to play for an extracurricular activity which's players are the very symbols of the system which has been mocking and ostracizing him for his own interests and looks is a flaw, but a relatable one (and he doesn't know how important it is to postpone for Lucas because to him it's just an overlap of activities because Dustin and Mike don't communicate the actual reason for why it should be postpones, I wrote a whole essay about it).
Yes, he judges people prematurely - not for their looks like they do with him but for their social standing and clique - but as soon as he's proven wrong, he corrects his mindset towards them and lets his defense mechanisms slide to show them the same genuine kindness like he does for everyone else.
Yes, he can be revved up and loud and brash and get carried away but that's because he's an eccentric dork who's passionate about everything in general, not from a place of arrogance or malice. He could have been rude to Chrissy in the woods because she's a symbol of the system which has been hurting him his whole life, yet even when he thinks she's scared of him he shows her genuine respect by trying to calm her and putting her in control of the situation until he realizes it's not against him and that she's kind and he immediately lets his guards down and tries to make her laugh and cheer her up despite everything she embodies - not because she's pretty, but because she's kind.
Yes, he sells ("harmless", non-dangerous) drugs, but he does it because he's a poor trailer park kid using the extra money to finance his hobbies (so he probably won't have to ask his uncle for money, who already works nightshifts to provide for them).
All of those are flaws that make him relatable and change nothing about how genuinely sweet, kind, caring, self-reflected, gentle, empathic and pure of heart Eddie Munson is.
The people who don't see it don't want to see it, because it's evident, the subtext and context as well as confirmation via interviews don't leave room for other explanations/interpretations on the matters the antis keep bringing up.
I've seen so much hate directed at Chrissy, who was written and intentionally acted to be sweet and kind and subvert the Evil Prom Queen trope, just because she's a pretty cheerleader as if the actual message just evaded some people.
So yeah, I completely agree with you. I think with some people, seeing Eddie being kind to Chrissy and the cheerleaders, they ignore that he's kind to everyone else as well - I cannot emphasize enough that jump-scaring the other girl wasn't unkind or impolite but a joke he would've pulled with everyone else, his friends included, and wouldn't have minded being pulled on him the way he's happy about Erica Sinclair absolutely roasting his ass - they feel like Eddie would treat them with less kindness because they don't feel pretty. When in reality, Eddie being unkind to Chrissy and these cheerleaders would have made him genuinely unkind so it's a super twisted mindset some people possess. I don't know whether it's true media illiteracy or simple ignorance or a mix of both but it's canonically wrong and I won't stop pulling out the receipts until the day I'm six feet under.
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shunshuntaiga · 1 year
i hate it when life gets in the way of me dicking around on tumblr with my favourite people. truly homophobic of the universe to give me serious stuff to do instead of just letting me ramble in your asks about spadi and aure >:( but anywaaaay, i'm back!! *really animated finger guns gestures* how have you been, dear? all hood, i hope. <3 may the new year treat you kindly. ok, so, i HAVE read a bunch of suburra fics in english, and i stand by my statement. yours is one of the best, you can't change my mind. 😌 the only thing i agree with is that suburra fic writers DO go hard af. them insane, talented folks don't mess around, bless their hearts. :)))) Oooh!! the whole thing starting after Lele's death and Aureliano's admission would fuck so hard, i like it. s2 and s3 aurelia is more.. polished, more distinguished. i feel like he would handle the hook up better than the s1 blond disaster. i have been laughing my ass off thinking about the absolute CLICHE that is aurelia getting knocked up in the back of the car lmfaoooo. it would be so in character for s1 spadeliano, it's Perfect!! ... oooh... i just got hit with a thought... what if he doesn't realize right away, what with all the stress of the situation back then. and even once he does, he gets the opportunity to tell spadi that night on the beach, after livia.. so, in a way... he lost his family, but also he has gained a new one... kind of... if that makes sense... i love love love your big, smart brain!!! the loop starting to manifest more and more for aureliano the more he looses spadi is si cruel and insane and i ADORE it <33 “No matter what I do it always ends the same way, where I’m on that fucking boat and you’re dead in my arms!”---- well... ouch... thank you... i didn't need my heart anymore anyway... :') AGHHHH i am so so glad the idea clicked with you too!!! one i finish my self-indulgent post s1 fix-it, i might give the time loop au a shot too... like you said, it's a good au and there is not enough of it in this fandom. <33 good luck on your fic, dear!! may you have all the inspiration and time to write you heart desires. :33
Doing much better anon, once I saw your charming little unknown user icon appear in my asks! Seeing your messages gives me so much serotonin❤️❤️
Life is so unfair certainly, I was prevented from writing because I had to do adult things as well. Though hopefully I can get back into tonight! I'm already working in chapter two of the loop fic because all our dicking around via anons (lol) has me so excited to write it!!
We're definitely gonna see Spadi go a bit feral at some point during this one, and I CANT WAIT to write it.
Right though? Season 2 + 3 Aure is polished. He's a little more mature in some ways, and I really like that version of him.
But the car scene.... hooking up in the car.... it's so tempting lol
But I also want the two of them to be emotionally ready for a baby, you know? And I feel like season 1 Spadi and Aurelia, as much as I love them, are NOT. It's the last thing they need lol.
Maybe I'll save that idea for a different fic.... ?
But yes! Loosing Livia but gaining Spadi and Rubina would be the perfect sort of full circle moment. He's definitely gaining a much better family.
Oh gosh, but that could be the thing that somewhat forsee him to grow up a little and become that polished version.... the possibilities are limitless and you are so good at making me think of them all!
And anon you're gonna have to drop that fix-it when you're done with it👀👀 I crave it.
I'd absolutely LOVE to see what you'd do with a time loop as well! It's such a fun idea and it's totally consuming my brain right now.
*I didn't need my anymore anyway*
Lol that is high praise to me. I know it's terrible but I do enjoy making people deal with my angst-y fics or ideas (knowing full well of course I'm a sucker for a happy end and I'll always write one)
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1d1195 · 3 months
Burn out is wild because I have not been able to fully get out of it for years lol like i am just TIRED in all aspects! I think spring break is in two weeks i think but it's literally like three days mainly due to finals week lol i don't think I have anything too exciting for break other than seeing some friends? BUT yes i LOVE doing nothin on breaks/vacations! I truly enjoy my alone time and turning my brain off!!! Like the most I do is see my friends who come back home or just some that I haven't seen lol and when i was younger I we use to go on little local vacations like an amusement park or just go to another town because we were/are poor lol which is fine because i have no complaints! And You have no idea how much I've miss talking to you Sam😭 You even just remotely thinking about me, means so much😭 I saw a video where someone was trying to reinvent the "mash/bake potato" and my first thought was " I wonder how Sam might feel about this?" HAHA
The Time universe is a heavy/dark concept but that does not take away from how heartbreaking and heartwarming it is! You've always mention how writing and your stories mean a lot to you because of how person they can be and i think that you being able to create such wonderful stories is just amazing. It helps you and it helps others feel SEEN! I know I have felt so truly SEEN, which is rare for me, they way I can easily relate to your stories is wild bc not even in "traditional" media do i feel truly seen! and I know you answered an anon(i literally catch up on your blog first when i come on here lol) about how youre not really feeling to good about your stories :( I just want you to know that your feelings are so valid bc it's hard work and sense it is so personal at times, it's hard not to feel bad about it. You're also okay to feel jealous at your worst and that doesn't make you a bad person at all! but trust me you still have so many people who ADORE you and your stories! and not having too much smut isn't a bad thing! I know it' more popular but that doesn't mean it makes the story better! personally I have always been more of a plot person!
Also I don't want to overstep or anything but have you thought about asking advice from any of your writer mutuals/friends on here? Maybe they can give you input on which tags to use or maybe adding pics/themes to your posts? But I will never ask or suggest to change who YOU are as a person or writer bc in the end this is your blog and in the end you should feel good/proud of it and have the final say in everything! plus never feel bad for not posting constantly or taking breaks because your a real person Sam and you are allowed to take time for yourself. Youre allowed to take a step back because life so overwhelming at times! You can't do it all and that's okay because no one is really made to do it all if that makes sense? you need to give yourself the love you pour into others because nourishing yourself been if it's a little bit, it helps a lot in the long run❤️
Youre so loved Sam! I am so sorry you have been feeling this way :( If i could take it all away i would not question to do so! I hope that you get your deserved break and relaxation time soon! I love you so much, never doubt it!!!💜
(ps. saw someone mention Liar by Paramore as inspo for the physics couple?? HELLO?! this is wild bc as a stan this is so for me lol)
Wait omg I just realized how I forgot to mention in my long ass message that I read the zipper extra and it was so adorable!!! I loved it soooo much! They are just so cute together and ahhh I can’t believe they got married at the office 😭 it’s so cute bc it’s so them! And their vows omg 😭 loved it so much! You did great as always Sam!-💜
I love you so so much! I was actually reading your first message and I was like "That's funny, she skipped Zipper!" But I'm so glad you liked it. I was totally struggling for an idea with them so I was hoping an office wedding would be cute. It seems like it worked for those that read it :)
That'll be so nice to see some friends and relax. Even if it's just a couple days. What's your semester like because it sounds like you finish way earlier than out East here if you're already almost at finals week? As a teacher, I'm always fascinated by school systems and particularly academic calendars HAHAHAHAHA 🤓 I'M SCREAMING ABOUT REINVENTING MASHED/BAKED POTATOES. What an honor to be thought of in such a remarkable video.
Don't you worry about chatting with other writers on here. I am in miss freedomfireflies DM's AT LEAST twice a month and making her listen to me whine and complain about my lack of interaction. She is extremely kind to put up with me 😭
I am definitely feeling less bad about not posting as frequently. I have something queued up for Thursday but I'm thinking about moving it to Monday or maybe even NEXT Thursday. I don't think Monday's are a big day for reading. At least not during a school year and I think many of my readers are in college/university/etc. Or just working, idk. ANYWAYS, it's just me having a little pity party hehehehehe I am constantly overwhelmed. Idk if I've ever been regularly whelmed and i've definitely never been underwhelmed lol. I feel like it's just part of my personality. Like I have brown hair and brown eyes and I'm always overwhelmed HAHAHA
TBH I THOUGHT YOU WERE THE PARAMORE INSPO WHEN I READ IT THE FIRST TIME HAHAHAHAHAHAHA but regardless, I am glad someone had an idea for that one too because I was certainly at a loss.
So good to have you back, bestie 💕 thanks for being so nice and sweet to me!
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hello! your header said requests are open so here i am 👉👈
if it’s okay, may i request hcs for atsushi when he just keeps accidentally (and unintentionally ofc) ignoring/neglecting his gf (or gender neutral if you wish) because of yk, ada detective stuff and exhaustion?? if possible angst to fluff or just overall hurt comfort pls :)
ive been going through smth similar with a close firmed so yeah haha
i hope you have a nice day or evening!😊
Atsushi accidentally neglecting his s/o
A/N: Heyyy dearest anon! Thank you so, so much for requesting, I am glad you deemed me worthy!!!! (ノ▽〃) I am truly sorry to get to this so late, my writing schedule is just not made for emergency comfort requests and I hope that whatever was going on with your close friend is long resolved by now. (≧≦) If not, this hopefully will bring you some comfort. <3
Pairings: Atsushi x gn! Reader
Genre: hurt to comfort
Warnings: angst, crippling self-doubt
Summary: Atsushi gets buried in work and doesn’t notice how this leads to him neglecting his s/o, until (y/n) has had enough of it. Fluffy ending.
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Being the s/o of an ADA member in general is already hard. Any of them will work overtime regularly or just ignore regular work hours completely if need be. The burden to protect a whole city is heavy after all and you have to go to certain lengths to be able to do it justice.
But Atsushi is a very devoted s/o. Since you’ve stepped into his life, he’s been deeply thankful to have met you; even more when you became a couple. And although he has to deal with a high workload, he never failed to set time aside to spend with you. Until now.
You are used to him calling you in the late evening when he walks home to ask you about your day, only talking about his own day if you ask him to, because he doesn’t want to burden you with his matters. You are used to getting random texts throughout the day whenever he can spare a moment; asking you trivial things about your day or commenting on something he saw that reminded him of you. You are used to meeting up at least twice a week for lunch and spending most of the weekends together; you are used to having him close to you, even though his work keeps him physically away from you most of the time.
But lately, he barely calls you anymore. You start to feel a painful sting in your chest whenever you sit by the phone waiting even past midnight, hoping he might still call. Lately, his texts have gotten shorter and strangely impersonal; still peppered with emojis, but even seven differently coloured hearts can’t compare to a proper message with actual content after a week; lately, he’s been late to your lunch meetings or have been cancelling them altogether. In short, he’s been more and more absent.
At the start, you were just worried. Knowing his line of work, you were pretty positive he was working a bit too much lately, but you didn’t wish to burden him further by asking for his attention, which is why you didn’t express the accumulating sense of rejection and hurt which started to arise after weeks passed by with no changes in his behaviour.
And the continued absence started to get worse. After three weeks, he started to run late at Fridays, sending you a million “I’m so sorry’s” via text because he had, yet again, to work overtime. It’s fine, you told yourself, as you stared at the dinner you had prepared in your excitement to finally see him again, which would now get cold.
When he finally arrived, he looked exhausted. It made you forget the painful tightness in your chest for a moment. He looked just too pitiful, his face adorned by quite visible, blue-ish shadows under his eyes, his body slumped forward in the clear need of rest. When you hugged him, his reaction was weak and a yawn escaped his mouth the moment you leaned back. But his smile was as sweet and loving as ever, so you had mercy on the poor, tired soul and decided to draw him a hot bath. Maybe a bit of relaxing together in the bathub would lift his spirits, and you could just eat afterwards…
But when you came back to the living room, you found him fast asleep on the couch, one arm resting over his eyes to shield him from the ceiling light. You just didn’t have the heart to wake him up…even though you suddenly felt all alone again, his physical presence seeming only a weak replacement for actual time spend together.
The rest of the weekend made you largely forget your pain though. After a good night’s rest, Atsushi finally seemed to be back to his old self again: a cheerful, soft-mannered and caring boyfriend you could share your life with. You were hoping that there was no need to bring up the matter anymore. And he didn’t bring it up either; he didn’t notice the way your smile faltered when he mentioned how much word he had to do lately.
Your hopes were in vain. The week following that one was the worst yet. You barely got a text a day, some of them purely emojis, and you didn’t meet to eat lunch together even once. You felt yourself get close to the point of despair – not that your happiness depended on him, but could you even call him your boyfriend when he seemed to have forgotten that you existed? The hurt and pain started to get slowly replaced by anger and a subtle, yet very persistent fear of abandonment. You felt guilty for thinking about him this way – sweet, kind Atsushi, deep down you knew he would never neglect you consciously - but it was still getting harder and harder for you to remember.
The breaking point came on Friday. Even though it felt cynical, you already didn’t expect Atsushi to be on time – but you didn’t expect him to send you a text (a text!!) saying that he wouldn’t be able to make it and he’d come over the next day. It was the exact moment you finished reading the message that you lost it.
Something inside you – the dam holding in all the different emotions that build up over the past few weeks – crumbled. Your next actions were purely impulsive, logical thinking reduced to tired little speck in your mind.
You dialed Atsushi’s number. As he picked up, you didn’t leave the man even half a second to greet you and just sobbed into the phone: “Please come over. Now.”
Yes, sobbed. You didn’t register when the tears started to flow over and stain your face, but now you were trembling from the uncontrolled hiccups that interrupted your words.
And then you hung up.
Atsushi was on your doorstep 15 minutes later and ringing the doorbell like a maniac.
He was close to panicking. He was talking to Kunikida before he got the call, who witnessed his face turn paler than the moon after you hung up. Atsushi was in clear distress and proceeded to bow deeply, sputtering something about being very sorry and making it up to the older colleague, then spurting out of the room without even taking his bag with him. Kunikida didn’t dare to interfere.
Now, Atsushi has had his fair share of clashes with rivaling organizations already. He has witnessed people getting held hostage, kidnapped and threatened, including himself. So of course that is where his mind goes after receiving your call and when he arrives, he’s in a state of mind close to panic.
Imagine his relief when you open the door shortly after, physically unharmed. He grabs you by the shoulder, looking you up and down to check for any injuries. The relief only lasts a split second though because as he takes a close look at your face, his eyes widen in shock.
He doesn’t need his emotional radar to realize that something is wrong with you. Your eyes are puffy and red from all the crying, your cheeks are stained from the endless stream of tears and your lower lip is still trembling when you open him the door. You see his expression change from alert and highly worried to a second of relief and then to deeply worried again. It’s touching, really, and you are thankful to see the man you love still care about you as much as you care about him, but right now, you are too upset to let that be enough.
“(y/n)? What happened? What’s wrong??”
You drag him into the living room while he tries to find out what has happened, confused and unsettled by your behaviour. The whole situation is giving him a high level of anxiety as he feels the urgent need to ease whatever pain you are going through and, at the same time, starts to get the vague, yet suffocating feeling that he missed something terribly important.
As you sit him down on the couch and take a seat in front of him, he’s already desperately wracking his brain to understand what he could’ve done wrong, and the more he struggles to understand, the worse his desperation gets. This man is inclined to blaming the whole world’s suffering on himself and seeing his partner in such distress without understanding is already torture to him – especially as you won’t react to his questions at all.
As you start talking, his hands are folded in a cramped up position in front of his body to keep them from trembling.
At first, you manage to keep your composure while you recount what has happened. He listens attentively and eager to understand; and as the terrible realization dawns on him what had led to your current state, it doesn’t take him long to fall into an emotional pit of self-hate for not noticing his negligent behaviour. While you keep talking, you can observe how he lowers his head to avoid your gaze, hands clasping into tight fists on his knees.
He’s in a state of shock, caught between the terrible blame he’s putting upon himself and the need to somehow, in any way, make it up to you. He’s terribly afraid this may be the end of it; of your relationship, your love, everything the two of you had. He has disappointed you, he has proven to be unreliable and useless after all – that’s what the voice in his head, wearing the face of his old orphanage caretaker, is telling him.
Somewhere midway through your recount, the tears start flowing again. Even in his state of turmoil, Atsushi’s emotional radar registers your current mood swing. He automatically lifts a hand to wipe your tears away - only to have you slap it away.
You’re both shocked from your outburst of emotion, and you feel guilt spike as you see the evident hurt on his face, knowing well that he doesn’t bode well with violence in the domestic environment. That is when the anger finally dissolves and leaves back nothing but pain and the dreaded loneliness inside of you. You struggle to finish your monologue between hiccups and recurring sobs, now talking about how it all made you feel and how you didn’t want to burden him further by asking for more attention. You keep your head low, struggling not to break down physically, all the emotion that busted out of you leaving you empty and exhausted.
In the meantime, Atsushi’s mind is screaming at him. Your slap dragged him out of his shock-induced paralysis, but his head won’t stop spinning around the same questions. He made you suffer with his behaviour and he didn’t even notice. How could that happen? How could he let it go this far?
It’s only when stop talking that he dares to talk. For a few seconds, a heavy, cold silence falls over the room, nothing to be heard but both of your tears hitting the sofa. Then:
“I’m sorry.”
His voice sounds like a crumbled piece of paper, barely audible as he chokes on his words.
“I know that there is nothing I can say to make this up to you. I can see in terrifying clarity that I messed up. I just hope that there is something that I can do for you to forgive me.”
That’s were his voice starts trembling.
“I know I am not worthy of your love anymore, but I will do everything in my power to make it up to you, even if that there’s nothing I can offer you -”
By this point, Atsushi is crying too. His tears are almost silent as he muffles his sobs, not wanting to make you feel guilty for making him cry.
What he doesn’t know is that your angers has long dissipated by now. The moment he dares to lift his gaze, whole body slightly shaking from the hold-in sobs, that you realize all of this isn’t what you wanted. You didn’t want to yell at him, berate or tell him what a horrible boyfriend he has been. You didn’t want him to look so hurt, or guilty, or fearful. You just wanted him to acknowledge you again, to remember to text you, to feel his affection and love and be able to show him yours. You can’t deny that it makes you feel relieved to see him have such a strong emotional reaction though – a tiny part of you is satisfied to see how much he does indeed care for you. But this is no reason to keep him suffering.
You cut him off with a hug. It may be a simple gesture, but as you lean forward and wrap your arms around his slender shoulders, you can feel how his tense body slumps forward, falling into the embrace. Don’t get me wrong, his thoughts are still spinning 180 miles an hour and his eyes widen with the sudden gesture of love, but his body knows instinctively what it wants, how much he longed for your embrace.
“Eh? (y/n)?” – “It’s okay, Atsushi. I’m so sorry that I yelled at you…it’s alright now. I’m sorry, this is not how I wanted this to end.”
Your voice is just as shaky as his and as your equally tired body sinks against him and you press your tear-stained cheek against Atsushi’s, he’s finally able to relax. He wraps his arms around you and presses you against him in a most desperate manner, one hand buried in your hair, one on your back.
You stay like that seemingly forever, listening to each other’s heart beats, buried in each other’s warmth while you calm down. You finally start to feel again what you’ve been craving the last weeks: the safety, the closeness and the trust in Atsushi’s love and care for you. And you’re determined to make him feel the same.
So when you peel out of his strong grip, you proceed to take his hands in yours and lean your forehead against his, steadying him physically first. You continue with trying to steady him mentally second, repeating that you love him and you only felt so hurt because you feared he may be starting to lose interest in you. You assure him that this does not bring you even close to the end of your relationship and that every couple has fights of the sort, yes, even ones this bad. You repeat this again and again, until you can see the of hope in his eyes that you were waiting for.
Even though things have calmed down now, the two of you stay up all night. You started with changing into more comfortable clothing and ordering take-out. When it arrives, you sit down at the couch instead of the table, craving each other’s closeness. You snuggle up under a cosy blanket and eat, silently basking in each other’s presence.
After finishing your meal and feeling a bit recovered, you start talking again. You remind him that, even though your current emotional struggle is solved now, the problem at hand isn’t, asking him to be less compliant at the agency and not accept every task that may significantly extend his working hours.
You both know that it will be a struggle for him; of course it will, as a part of him still believes his level of helpfulness to measure his worth in the world. But he understands now that he can’t comply to everything if he wants to keep his life together and he’s determined not to let something like this happen ever again. He still feels guilty, he still feels like he failed at being your boyfriend, but after your reassurances, these feelings are more of an incentive for him to better himself. All of this he says out loud, smiling cautiously, but with the warmth you do love so much.
He promises to work less and put more time aside for you again. After you thank him, he asks you shyly for a favour in return: to approach him faster if you ever notice similar behaviour to happen again.
“I don’t want you to have to suffer through the same thing ever again.”
If you needed any last proof that he means it, this is it. You can’t do anything but reach forward to grab his face and give him a short, yet loving kiss. It’s only after that that you whisper in response:
“Only if you promise the same.”
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himitsu-luna · 3 years
↫❀♡Taeyong as your husband ♡❀»↬
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Taeyong is a dedicated partner. Once he is in your life, once he promises you he will be with you in every moment and he will make you happy, he will give you his all.
His existence now is attached to yours, your happiness is his happiness, your success is his success, your sadness is his sadness.
Taeyong won't let you down as a husband. You'll never feel alone, you'll never feel like you're the only one making an effort for things to work out. You truly stand together as a couple.
He wants to create things with you, to have things to call "ours", to fill the world with you and him.
He is your lover, confident, best friend. You trust him completely, you know you can count on him for anything. If one day you get home and say "Taeyong, the police is after me!", he won't even ask why, he will just go "Omg, we need to run away then! Hurry up, let's pack our things!".
At your wedding day, Taeyong literally screamed out of excitement when he saw you walking to him. He held the brighest smile on his face, his eyes bigger and more sparkling than ever.
When he speaks about you to others, his talking is soft, his tone changes to a cute tone of someone who is reliving his best memories. Everyone can see how fond of you he is.
He has adorable habits and quirks you discovered after you started living together: He has his own sound effects for every of his moves and actions; he hums while brushing his teeth; he likes shopping for house stuff and gets excited over decoration; half asleep, before even opening his eyes in the morning, he reaches his arms to you to see if you're in bed with him and smile when he confirms you are.
He imagines your life as an old couple, he says you two will have really good rocking chairs, maybe they will even play music and fly. He says you will be the most beautiful old human being in the whole world, and that he will love every single wrinkle of yours.
He wakes you up with a whiny sleepy "Morniiiiing", pulling your body closer to his and cuddling you as he bury his face on the nape of your neck
This man expresses his love in every existent love language. But actions of service is are his specialty. He worships you and spoil you as much as he can, in every way he can.
But he also loves being spoiled too. His cute side jumps out when you're giving him all your attention and taking care of him. He looks like a real puppy.
He cooks for you your favorite dishes, and he even created an exclusive recipe with your favorite things, and gave it a super cute name that sounds more like an onomatopoeia.
The best moment of the day is when you two lay on the couch after a nice bath, you rest your body on his chest, and you watch movies, series or animes while he caresses your head and play with your hair.
His "I love you"'s come from his eyes, everytime he looks at you and smirks to himself; from the little doodles he makes of you on the border of the pages of his notebook; from the settle touches he gives you out of habit just to assure he is with you; from thoughtful actions he has towards you 24/7.
He tries to be romantic, especially in special dates. He can be either bold and make you blush like crazy, or incredibly sweet and adorable, and, in this case, he is the one blushing, all shy.
Your parents absolutely love him. They get along so well. They really consider him a son. Your mom talks to him more than she talks to you, actually.
Your home stimulating, lively and lovely. It screams life, it express perfectly your souls and personalities. The way you combine your decoration, the way every object and furniture has a personal touch, the way things are not exactly aligned or organized, all of this makes your home very charming.
Besides that, you have a huge backyard, for your pets to play freely. Taeyong is living a dream, having everything he always wanted beside you.
You don't really fight, it's a pretty rare event. But if you do fight for some reason, Taeyong is always reasonable and adopts a conciliating position. He can't live with the possibility of disappointing and hurting you, he would not be able to forgive himself.
But please, don't use harsh words. Words hurt him a lot, more than anything else. He may pretend everything is ok, but he would be very sad deep inside.
Overall, Taeyong is a husband that makes you believe in love, makes you believe in "forever". The loyalty, the trust, the feeling of being an unit; Taeyong gives you all of this and makes sure you two live the true meaning of a marriage.
•° Anon, thanks for the request!! I hope you like this!!
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k3rm1e · 3 years
heyo!! i was wondering if you would mind writing hc’s for a reader who just had a major accomplishment but their parents don’t really congratulate them or anything, and then philza celebrates with them instead and tells reader how proud he is. i kinda want some dadza comfort rn :’) anyway, thank you sm!! have a great day <3
heyo!! i was wondering if you would mind writing hc’s for a reader who just had a major accomplishment but their parents don’t really congratulate them or anything, and then philza celebrates with them instead and tells reader how proud he is. i kinda want some dadza comfort rn :’) anyway, thank you sm!! have a great day <3
hello anon! i’m sorry i took a while to answer this. i went a bit off track with this and got A LOT more angsty, so i’m really sorry about that. If you want me to make a much more fluffier or mellowed-out version, i’d be happy to. please, read the trigger warnings before reading this.
i don’t plan on writing more angst-y things like this, especially not this angsty, so don’t worry. once again, please, if you would like me to rewrite this into a less emotional version i’d be happy to
cw: swearing
tw: talk of god and the church, slight manipulation, repetition of words
  holy shit. you were in disbelief. a state of shock. one million twitch followers. one. million. followers. you were silent. shock can have many effects on a person. some scream and laugh out of joy, or a misplaced sense of mania. others cry, because they cannot handle it. some remain confused, because their brains are unable to conceptualize the event. you were silent.
  what should you do? would a “thank you” tweet be good enough or would it come off as insincere? should you wait to stream? or would that make people feel you didn’t care because you took so long? through the anxiety you could feel the true realization that you now had one million followers. like a truck, you were hit with the most excited feeling ever. getting up, you jumped around your room. you spun and jumped and cheered and whooped and yelled and smiled and danced and were overflowing with joy, with the acknowledgement that you had done it, you had really fucking done it. 
  opening the window above your desk, without a single fuck, you screamed. “WHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! FUCK YEAH!!!!!!” let’s just hope your neighbors don’t wake up.
  you stayed up all night, celebrating. tweeting out a thank you, you received congratulations from your fans and friends while you talked with the people in your discord vcs.
  in the morning, your mother and father had woken up. with a newfound determination, you ran downstairs. streaming was your passion and you wanted to tell the world what you had done. but, because of limitations, your mother was your metaphorical world.
  “mom! mom! mom! mother, mother, mumther!!” you shouted, dashing down the stairs, tripping over your feet. stupid wood flooring and slidy socks.
  from your place at the bottom of the stairs, you heard her sigh, “yes, sweetie?”
  you bounded over to her, setting your arms on the kitchen counter. from the hallway you could see your dad, who was sitting on the couch drinking his sunday morning coffee. “mom! guess what?” without giving her time to respond, you shouted, “i hit one million follows on twitch! one freaking million!”.
  your mother didn’t seem as enthusiastic as you. “is that why you were causing such a ruckus last night? and, watch your mouth, even though ‘freaking’ isn’t a ‘true’ curse, i don’t want you swearing. especially not on the lord’s day. i couldn’t fathom going to church everyday, only to allow you to have a mouth like that.” she continued to stare at her work papers.
  “oh, uh, okay mother. dad? did you hear me? i hit one million on twitch.” you awkwardly turned your head over to your father.
  “she’s right, you know that, don’t you sweetie?” your father stood up, and made his way into the kitchen. “language like that, it’s shameful. surely, we don’t need you to have a private session with father paulson, do we?” your dad stood next to your mother, rubbing her back as he stared at you.
  “no, no, of course not. um, i’m gonna go upstairs now.” you turned around, wishing you could simply disappear.
  “without breakfast? are you truly that upset with us? we can’t have you ending up like those people, committing sinful acts and going to hell. god would never forgive you. we’re already taking a risk allowing you to stream, putting yourself out there.”
  both your mother and father stared at you. your blood felt like ice in your veins. the white walls of your house seemed so much brighter, yet duller at the same time. everything felt a white-pure-pink-orange. your breathing got uneasy. choppy. in, out, out, in, in, in, out, in, in, out, out for different increments of time. 5, 3, 2, 7, 10, 9, 6, 4, 1, 6, 8, seconds, over and over and over.
  “we just wanna protect you, dear. we love you, don’t you get that?” your mother stared at you.
  you felt like a scene in those movies. the ones that directly cater to teens who thought their lives were shit when in reality they just hadn’t grown up enough to make sense of something yet. were you one of those teens? or is this actually wrong. you don’t think it is, but you don’t talk to others about this. family matters stay in the family was a common phrase repeated in your household. the church was family, they could know. your mother and father, they could know. others, they must not know, never know.
  “of course, mother, father.” you wanted to force yourself to speak, but syllables were incapable of getting past your lips. your mouth was full of peanut butter from the sandwiches served in your elementary school cafeteria. but, the partly frozen chocolate milk always washed it down. “of course. i love you guys too. love you.” you smiled, a disgusting smile that felt violating to exist on your face, violating, violating, violating.
  you dashed up the stairs, to your room, up, up, up. running in, you wanted to slam the door, scream out the window, puch your pillow, smash your pc, cry, whatever you could do to get out your emotions. but instead, you lightly shut your door and slowly walked over to your desk chair to see who was online. you would go live later. it was only 5 AM, after all. they could wait. at least, you hoped they could.
  opening discord, just to see what everyone was doing, you saw philza minecraft was online. you went over and messaged him, ‘phil. philza. philza minecraft. vc please?’ in response, you received a short, ‘sure m8, gimme a minute’ you waited, until you heard the noise confirming he had joined.
  “good morning phil.” your energy from before had receded back into the confines of your chest. the prior excitement was gone and replaced with a feeling of fatigue.
  “morning mate, how are you? congrats on the one mill!” phil sounded excited, happy for you. you smiled, chuckling a bit.
  “i’m alright man, just tired. how are you? and, thanks for the congrats.” you smiled, feeling the fatigue set in.
  “i’m good. but you, you don’t sound very good. couldn’t sleep, could ya’? that was how i was when i hit one mill. way too excited to sleep.”
  “yeah. yeah, i’m just tired.” you were getting a bit too tired to talk. the day had barely started, and yet the full-body emotional exhaustion had set.
  “‘just tired’? the hell happened kid?” phil’s voice sounded concerned. fuck. the last thing you wanted to do was worry him. he had his own life and you had already caused enough trouble today.
  “it’s nothing big phil, seriously. just my parents.” there, a slight bit of information. family matters still within the family, just a few words.
  “they being shitbirds? or are you lying, and something big did happen?” he was being inquisitive, which was dangerous. questions were dangerous.
  “no, why would i lie?” his inquisitiveness would continue, you knew. so you spilled the metaphorical beans. “they just, just weren’t as supportive as i’d wished they were when i told them. i was really psyched, y’know? and them, just sort of, not giving a shit? i don’t know man, it just feels bad.”
  “i get you. it’s shit, when people don’t care about your accomplishments. my parents never really saw streaming as a true profession in the beginning, which led to shit like you describing. i promise it gets better though, even if it feels like shit now. and, for what it’s worth, i’m proud of you.”
  “it’s fine phil, you don’t need to try to make me feel better. i’m okay, seriously.” you didn’t need or want his pity. accepting it would feel patronizing.
  “no, you need to understand that i’m not fucking around. one million is a big fuckin’ thing, especially for you who hasn’t been streaming all that long to achieve. it’s fucking amazing, mate. be proud of yourself, for christ’s sake.” his fake anger chimed through your headphones. even though you were being berated, you still felt better.
  “thank you, phil. i needed that.”
  “your welcome, mate. and look, anytime your parents are being shit, don’t try to hold it all in. call me, or wil, or someone, okay? don’t hold that shit in.”
  you fake sighed, just to piss him off. “okayyyyyy….”
  “good. now, go take a nap or some shit. i love you, kid.”
  “love you too, dadza.” this time, your words didn’t feel forced. the smile on your face wasn’t violating, but an invitation to better times. it would be alright. okay.
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