#anon. pls text me if u can
wxrblxr · 2 years
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milflewis · 2 years
So do we think Lewis ok rn
seeing as he wrote a love letter to him on insta. like he literally said “love you, man” and he’s waxing poetry on main, “there’s no lack of bravery in sebastian” and “he’s a really beautiful human being”. as an empath, i’m going to go with. no he’s not ok
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sugrhigh · 3 months
RUMORS - ( c.s )
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summary: you and chris have known each other for a long time, and you’ve always had an inescapable crush on him. when you all go to tara’s party and fans see them together for the first time, speculation begins to circulate, and you begin to pull away in fear that he likes her as more than a friend
warnings: angsty in the beginning, fluffy in the end :) some swearing a kiss and that’s it really
bff!chris x fem!reader
a/n: i loved this concept and i hope i brought it to life well for the anon that requested <3 my inbox is always open for u guys #kisses
@fawnchives @l9vesick @mattinside @sturnioloco @sturniolossss @cupidsword @teapartyprincess4two @princessbetsy123-blog @cookiehaos @sturnlova @junnniiieee07 @vsangel-starbies @chrissystur
doom scrolling online is like a car crash that you can’t look away from; especially when it involves your friend and your long term crush. you’ve been laying in bed scouring the internet for the past hour, pouring over comments about and tara and chris.
ever since her last party, when fans actually saw them publicly interacting for the first time, the gossip has gotten out of control. people want them together, and you hate to admit that it makes you sick to your stomach.
hell, you’d been the one to introduce them, since tara had become your friend first. but you and chris go all the way back to childhood; you were best friends with him and his brothers in your early years of school, and then you moved to another town after your dad accepted a new position.
you kept in touch through social media and occasional texts after that, until you all found yourselves in LA fresh out of high school, alone in an unfamiliar city across the country.
their youtube channel had taken off, and you’d gained a large following after you’d finally been recognized for your photography due to some big-name collabs. you were all in the same vulnerable position, and because of this your friendship with the three of them started right back up where it left off.
the rest is history. it’s been two years now, and you’ve all grown exponentially, fully adjusted to LA and the recognition, comfortable with where you are in your lives professionally and personally.
you spend nearly every week with the triplets, doing anything and everything together. they’ve made the occasional homesickness bearable, been your rock through the hard times, and supported you like no one else.
but things are a little different with you and chris. he’s your best friend, the person you want to tell everything to first. it’s always been that way, really. you had feelings for him at 13, and now at 20 years old you love him even more.
but that doesn’t mean you have to love him being shipped with every female influencer on the planet.
it’s selfish, really, to want chris to yourself, considering his occupation and the fame that comes with it. tara is a good person and an even better friend, and you shouldn’t be angry over the idea of them dating.
still, it’s been consuming your mind ever since you saw the first post about the two of them a few days ago, and you’ve been checking social media every hour since.
you’re about to read through yet another comment section when your phone buzzes, a notification appearing at the top of the screen.
can you pls answer me
i don’t like this silent treatment thing
your stomach flips. he’s been texting you things like this for the past few days, since you started distancing yourself after the party.
the whole night he had acted as if he was into tara; always making conversation, asking to dance, posting her on his story. even when you were right next to him, it still felt like he was miles away.
so of course it’s been upsetting you, and you figured rather than taking it out on either of them you would just remove yourself from the situation.
it seemed like the best option in the moment, but it still sucks. you hate not talking to him, not seeing his face or feeling his arms wrap around you in a familiar hug.
another text pings, snapping you out of your spiral once more.
i don’t know what’s wrong but you’re scaring me
the message makes your eyes burn, and you blink away the tears. you don’t want him worrying about you, especially when it’s your own stupid feelings getting in the way of things being normal.
you sigh, tapping out a response and staring at it, debating back and forth whether you should actually press send. but he beats you to a response, and another string of texts come through.
i can see you typing
i’m coming over
no don’t do that, everything is fine
i don’t believe you
and i already left my house
it’s only a five minute walk to get from his place to yours, and you know he’s too stubborn to actually turn around, no matter how hard you plead. you’ve already broken out into a nervous sweat just thinking about the confrontation.
but at this point you owe it to him and yourself to be honest. you just hope you don’t get your heart broken in the process.
fine, doors unlocked
i’m in my room
a few minutes later you hear the front door slam open and closed, just to see chris peek his head around the corner of your room moments later. you’re still curled up in bed, too scared and tired to move, so he takes the liberty of coming to you.
“hey.” he says softly as he sits down.
“hi.” you mumble, wrapping your blanket against your chest tighter.
it’s not cold, but you’re so anxious that you’re shivering. chris notices and puts a hand on your covered knee, rubbing small circles against the joint. he looks so sweet, clad in his blue fresh love hoodie with his hair all curly from showering.
“what’s up? i haven’t heard from you all week, and nick was about ready to call the cops.” he tries to joke with a small grin.
you can’t bring yourself to match his energy, and your face remains grave as you attempt to swallow the lump in your throat.
“i’m alright, just tired.”
his face falls, and a slight frown replaces his smile. you know he’s not believing any of it for a second, and you’ve never been a very convincing liar.
“don’t do that, you’re obviously not alright. and i’m not trying to be pushy or anything, but i feel like you’re shutting me out.” chris replies quietly.
you shift a little bit so you can sit up properly, back resting against the headboard as you gaze at him. his hand remains on your thigh, a source of comfort while you try to pick your words wisely.
“i’m not trying to push you away, chris. i just…wanted to give you space.” you continue to dance around the truth.
he looks even more confused, eyebrows furrowed like you��re speaking another language. “that’s nice and all, but i don’t want it.”
“well maybe i do.” you shrug.
you’re lying through your teeth, but chris’s eyes go wide regardless. you’ve shocked him into silence, which rarely ever happens. he’s just staring at you, the gears in his mind turning as he tries to figure out what could possibly be wrong.
“are you serious? did i do something that i don’t know about?” chris asks, clearly exasperated.
he removes his hand from your leg, dropping it back in his lap. the small act alone makes your heart sink, and you feel the question crawling its way out of your mouth before you can help it.
“do you like tara?”
it hangs in the air, and you’ve stumped him once again. chris shakes his head, clearing his throat while his face reddens slightly.
“i can’t believe you’re even asking me that.” he sounds genuinely astonished.
“what? why?” it’s your turn to be baffled.
“because i feel like all i ever do is flirt with you. i mean seriously, it’s embarrassing for me at this point.” chris reaches to scratch the back of his neck sheepishly.
your jaw drops, which makes you feel silly. throughout this whole relationship you felt like you were the one putting the moves on him, doing too much. you’d never once stopped to think about all of the little comments he would make.
“i, uh, guess i didn’t pick up on that.” you manage to reply.
you immediately wish you hadn’t, that you just kept your mouth shut. but he smiles widely at you, chuckling lightly.
“no shit.”
this makes you laugh too, and it feels good to experience at least a brief moment of normality between the two of you. things have felt tense for so long that you’d almost forgotten why you love being around chris in the first place.
you wait to calm down a bit before you decide to finally lay it all on the table. “i like you a lot, chris. and i don’t want to mess up the dynamic we have, because you mean the world to me. but i’d be lying to myself if i said i didn’t want to be with you.”
he’s still grinning, though you can tell he’s gone a little shy now hearing you admit your feelings. this moment is all he dreamed about for so long, and now it’s finally happening in a realm outside of his own brain.
“i want that too, and i’m a dumbass for taking this long to say it. so no, i’m not interested in tara like that. it’s always been you.” chris confesses, reaching to interlock your fingers.
you’ve held hands before on many occasions, but it’s different now in the best way. butterflies erupt in your stomach as he leans in, and you can smell the fading hints of minty body wash on his skin.
you tilt your head so your mouths finally meet, soft and slow as you both finally enjoy the kiss you’ve been yearning for for so long. he tastes sugary, like the lollipops he’s always got between his teeth, and you’re already addicted.
chris pulls away a minute later, his lips reddened and glistening from the contact. you giggle slightly from the unfamiliarity of the situation, glancing down at your linked hands.
“your lips are so soft.” he praises, still awestruck that he finally got to kiss the girl he’s loved since he was a preteen.
“take a girl out to dinner first, jeez.” you joke playfully.
chris rolls his eyes, but he smiles nonetheless. “i think i will, actually. you got any plans tomorrow?”
you tap your chin with your free hand like you’re contemplating your schedule. “i can probably squeeze you in.”
“you better. everyone else can get in line.”
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tkaulitzlvr · 9 months
Im the type of person that wouldn’t do the silent treatment if Tom got me mad. I would stay out all night and not answer the phone just to make him mad. How would Tom react 👀?
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synopsis: after a fight with tom, you decide to go out clubbing, much to his annoyance. no matter how many times he calls, you ignore him, bringing him to his own breaking point. and once you come home, he doesn’t plan on going easy on you.
content: angst + mentions of smut, i’ll do a part 2 if u guys want lol
a/n: tom being rough and possessive is so hot like i would purposely piss him off just to see him mad… ANYWAYSS thank u for the req anon!! i’m so sorry if i haven’t done ur request i have like 50 in my inbox so it’s taking me a while but i don’t have an order of how i do them so it’s pretty random what i’ll choose to write but yea pls bare with me!!🙏🙏
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“come on, i said i was sorry. you’re being so fucking dramatic.” tom says, standing on the other side of the room as my eyes are fixed on my phone screen, not paying any attention to what he is saying, still liking how the idea of punching his face sounds. he knows that he has fucked up, deciding to forget to show up to my family dinner yesterday, instead rehearsing with the band all day and crashing at bill’s place, not showing up until right now - 8:30pm the next day. and, he had dug himself an even bigger hole, telling me to ‘calm down’ when i expressed my anger towards his incompetence.
“am i?” i mutter sarcastically, refusing to make eye contact. unbeknownst to him, i was texting my friends, making sure that nobody had plans, organising the final details of which bar we would go to, deciding that if tom can stand me up without telling me, then i can go out partying as i please, whether he is aware or not.
he tuts beside me, his slow and tired steps trudging towards me as his figure falls onto the bed, the mattress dipping next to me. he places one hand on my ass, massaging the flesh lightly, his lips meeting my neck as he plants rough, open-mouthed kisses over the skin. i take no notice, continuing to tap the keys of my small smartphone, not at all tempted by his lazy advances.
“please baby…” he mutters against my neck, kissing the skin harshly between his words. “i’m sorry, let me make it up to you, hm? i’ll make you feel so good. just let me touch you princess, you’re so beautiful.”
his shitty attempts to win me over are almost pitiful, my body still as i try to stifle a laugh, a smile spreading across my face as the text that confirms that everyone can make it comes through. i say nothing, detaching tom’s arms from my lower back, getting up from the bed and walking towards the closet, picking out the sluttiest dress that i own, knowing how much tom hates me wearing it.
he watches me from the bed, his eyebrows furrowed, staying silent for a few seconds, yet the second he sees my hands grab hold of that dress, he sits up, his confused voice sounding through the bedroom.
“woah woah woah, what are you doing?” he asks, standing up and moving in front of me, attempting to block my way.
i simply roll my eyes, moving past him and placing the dress on the bed. “going out.” i shrug, my fingers reaching to the hem of my t-shirt, lifting the soft material upwards and over my head, tom watching me do so.
“wearing that? no you’re not.” he scoffs, quickly snatching the dress from the bed and holding it against his chest. i turn around, my upper half now completely bare besides from my bra, tom’s eyes focused on my cleavage, his expression still angry.
“stop playing and give me the fucking dress.” i sigh, holding my hand outwards and trying to snatch it from him.
“you’re not going out. not without me.” he reiterates, his grip on the material staying tight as he looks into my eyes, his tongue poking the inside of his lips.
“yes, i am.” i state, quickly snatching the dress from his hands and running to the bathroom, frantically locking the door before he can get to me, his fists colliding with it as he groans in frustration, a string of curses leaving his lips.
“you’re such a fucking brat, you know that? open the door and quit messing around. this shit isn’t funny.” he yells, repeatedly banging on the door.
however i am too busy slipping the dress onto my figure, adjusting the small straps and brushing my hair into a slick ponytail, applying some extremely rushed makeup, all whilst he continues to shout at me from the other side of the door, pointless apologies and pleads to let him in sounding throughout the bathroom. i hurriedly grab my heels, placing them on my feet and taking one last look at myself in the mirror. i had looked better on nights out, but tonight was about revenge, and whilst i didn’t look my best, i still looked hot. hot enough to drive tom absolutely insane - especially considering that he would have no idea where i was, looking like this all alone his biggest fear, partly out of concern for my safety, but it was mainly because of his jealous tendencies. and whenever i dressed like this, even if he stayed by my side at all times, he became more possessive than ever.
yet right now, i want to make him mad, desperate to get him to the point of utter insanity, seeking some form of payback for what he had done - not caring about the consequences.
i emerge from the bathroom, tom stood inches away from me. he raises his eyebrows, his gaze moving downwards as he studies every inch of my body.
“no fucking way are you leaving looking like this.” he starts, shaking his head as a sarcastic chuckle leaves his lips. “you must be insane if you think i’d let you. do you have any idea of the kind of people out there? fuck that.”
“since when can you tell me what to do?” i laugh, taken aback by his sudden attitude, pissed off at the way he tries to control me, especially after what he has already done.
“since i’m your fucking boyfriend, incase you had forgotten! only i get to see you looking like this, i’m not gonna let you leave the house alone, letting everyone see basically everything. don’t be ridiculous.” he tuts, narrowing his eyes as i can sense the irritation in his tone. “i said i was sorry. if that’s what this is about, then you’ve proven your point, great job. but i’m not letting you leave, not wearing that.”
“you don’t own me, i can do whatever the fuck i want.” i shrug, pulling my dress up a little higher just to frustrate him more, before rushing out of our bedroom and through the house, quickly slipping out of the front door before he can stop me. he frustratedly calls my name from behind, a chorus of curse words and irritated demands all along the lines of telling me to ‘come back’ spilling from his lips until i close the door, running to my friends car and hopping in.
i look at my phone, already seeing five missed calls and a few texts, some apologising again, others telling me to come back inside. i roll my eyes, putting my phone on silent and engaging in conversation until we arrive to the club, spilling out of the car.
the place is completely packed, excitement oozing through my veins as we rush towards the bar, ordering far more shots than necessary, but in the moment i didn’t care - my mind focuses on one thing: pissing tom off. and i know that the more drunk i get, the more angry he will become, the idea satisfying to me as i pick up the small glass. i hold it to my lips, some lipgloss smudging onto it, my head tilting backwards as i allow the liquid to slip downwards, burning the back of my throat. i wince slightly, the taste strong and bitter, yet that doesn’t stop me as i pick up another glass, swallowing the liquid inside of it as fast as i can, eager to feel its effects right now, tired of feeling sober.
my friend takes my hand as i quickly swallow the last of my drink, following her shaky footsteps, all of us beyond tipsy. we find our way to the dance floor, slotting between a couple too focused on swallowing each other’s faces to realise we had pushed them aside. the alcohol finally sinking into my system, bringing along with it a sense of freedom that i had missed so much. i sway my hips to the music, getting lost in the rhythm, a wide grin on my face.
i have no idea how long i have been dancing for, or how long i have been at the club for. i probably can’t even count the amount of drinks i have had on my fingers, now completely wasted as i sloppily dance to the music, my arms in the air.
“come on, we’ve got more drinks!” i hear my friend call over from the couch area, her words slurred and almost inaudible.
i smile widely, awkwardly shuffling through the crowd and over to the table, my movements all over the place as i stumble towards the couch, flopping onto it. my eyes turn to the large tray of drinks, filled with an array of shots and cocktails, my hands reaching for whatever drink i can touch first - not exactly picky at this point, i’ve probably consumed every cocktail to exist in the past hour. the sweet taste washes over my tastebuds, it’s bitter aftertaste now normal to me as i swallow it with no reaction, drinking the liquid like it is water, feeling happier with each sip. i place the drink down, glancing momentarily to my phone for the first time since i had left, seeing that tom is calling me again, at least twenty unseen messages filling my inbox.
baby i said i was sorry, come on. - 9:52pm
seriously, this isn’t funny anymore. - 9:52pm
come home now, i’m worried about u. - 9:53pm
where the fuck are you?? - 9:54pm
i swear to god if you don’t pick up the fucking phone. - 9:56pm
do u think this is funny? do u know how worried i am?? answer the damn phone. - 9:58pm
answer the fucking phone. i swear to god once i find out where you are. - 10:01pm
i’m coming to find you. - 10:04pm
i roll my eyes, placing my phone back in my purse and picking up my drink, finishing the last of it and putting the empty glass on the table. the place starts to feel increasingly warm as i decide to get some fresh air, standing up slowly from my seat, almost toppling over from the amount of alcohol i had consumed.
“anyone coming for a smoke?” i ask, turning to my friends.
they all decline apart from one, resuming their conversation over the loud music as the two of us head outside, pushing the doors open, the cold air hitting my face and cooling me down immediately. i open my purse, taking a cig out and lighting it, bringing it to my lips as i inhale, closing my eyes. the smoke fills my lungs, bringing a small moment of calm despite the low buzz still in my body. i exhale slowly, watching the smoke pour from my lips, disappearing into the night as i lean backwards against the cold wall, it’s harshness causing me to shiver a little.
i take a few more drags, holding the cig in between my fingers, enjoying the small moment of peace. the streets are practically empty, apart from the large queue of people waiting to be let into the club beside me, the diluted thumping of music drowned out slightly. the roar of a car engine, one that sounds strangely familiar, pulls me out of my hazy moment, my eyes turning to the source of the sound. i can recognise that car from anywhere - it’s headlights getting closer and closer as i roll my eyes, turning around and attempting to blend in with the small crowd of people outside.
i sigh in relief as my plan is successful - or so i thought. the car drives past me for a few seconds, it’s tyres screeching to a stop as the door opens, tom stepping out of it. his eyes frantically scan the crowd, his entire expression disjointed, chest heaving up and down as he tries to spot me. apparently my attempt at cover doesn’t suffice as his eyes lock with mine, his face softening as he lets out a sigh of relief, rushing towards me.
i groan, knowing that there is no point in running - he will always catch me, wasting my energy trying to escape would be useless. he comes closer, pushing the drunken bodies aside until he is standing in front of me, his face angry.
“jesus fucking christ do you know how scared i was?” he shouts, roughly grabbing me by my waist and smashing his lips to mine. though i can tell that this isn’t to show his affection, rather it is a way for him to release a small amount of his frustration, this not even the beginning of it.
“no way, really?” i question sarcastically, gasping as i pretend to be shocked, still furious for the shit he pulled lastnight, not interested in his feeling right now.
“lose the fucking attitude. don’t think that you’re gonna get away with this. we’re leaving, get in the fucking car.” he says, clenching his jaw and grabbing my hand. though he is clearly furious, he takes it gently, maintaining a steady grip, still careful not to hurt me.
“what if i don’t want to leave?” i challenge, a satisfied smile on my face as i know exactly how to further his anger.
“you don’t have a choice.” he states, rolling his eyes as he begins to pull me towards his car, his breathing heavy, face stern. i know that i have pissed him off, and perhaps gone too far.
he opens the passenger door, and i step in sulkily, knowing that i have pushed my boundaries. i fold my arms, rolling my eyes as he slams the door shut, quickly walking around to the driver’s side, angrily getting in.
“never fucking good enough for you is it?” he mutters, swiping his tongue across his bottom lip as he sighs, roughly clicking his seatbelt on. “i told you i was sorry, but you had to be a brat about it.”
i stay silent, sinking further into my seat as he places his hand firmly on the gearstick, beginning to drive away.
“where’s your fucking attitude now, hm? pathetic.” he scoffs, turning to face me for a second as i refuse to make eye contact, embarrassed at my change in persona, slightly scared by his tone, knowing that i have fucked up.
his foot presses harshly against the accelerator, speeding up, letting out his anger as his hand clenches the gearstick, tugging it roughly, his veins flexing with each motion.
“just wait until we get home. i’m gonna fuck that attitude out of you, maybe it’ll teach you to stop being so stubborn all the damn time.”
i sense the sincerity in his tone, recognising that he is completely serious, deciding to stay quiet to avoid pissing him off further. yet i cannot ignore the aching between my thighs, slightly excited at his threat, secretly desperate to get home so that he can execute his promise.
time seems to work against me, each second feeling like hours as the silence between us only fuels the tension. i have never been so relieved to see our house come into view, waiting patiently as tom pulls in, turning the engine off and staying in his seat. he takes a deep breath, his tongue messing with the metal of his lip piercing before he opens his mouth to speak, refusing to make eye contact.
“upstairs. and do as i say this time, if you want to be walking tomorrow.”
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requests are open! as i said veryyy full atm but if i like ur req i’ll do it straight away so keep sending them in!!
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cheolhub · 1 year
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summary. mingyu forgets about the date you’ve had planned and he wants to show you he’s sorry in a rather unconventional way.
wc. 1.8k
warning. unprotected sex, couch sex, dumbification, lots of apologizing, big d!ck!gyu (ofc), kinda angsty but it’s all resolved, creampie — MINORS DNI 18+
note. this idea was sent by my beloved 🌵 anon… like…. literal months ago lol— it was a drabble at first, then it got a bit too long, so enjoy it xx [not proofread, kinda shitty]
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contrary to belief, kim mingyu does have a few faults. he can be a bit clumsy and he’ll accidentally eat your leftovers every time he’s over, but the biggest fault of them all is… he can be a bit forgetful.
so when mingyu accidentally double books hanging out with wonwoo on the same night as your date, you find yourself dolled up and waiting around your apartment for him, unaware of his whereabouts. you hadn’t seen him much due to your conflicting schedules and you’d been looking forward to the date all week long.
you wait and wait— 15 minutes, 30 minutes, an hour. you text him a few times, but you don’t get a response and you figure he’s at work, asleep, or doing something else. whatever the case may be, he definitely forgot.
mingyu doesn’t realize this until he’s checking his phone for the first time of the hectic game night and he sees a string of text messages from you.
from you 6:33 
i can’t wait to see u!! :,)
from you 7:07
hi babyyy, text me when you’re here and i’ll come down
from you 7:39
gyu are you still coming?
if you wanna reschedule, we can… just text me back and let me know?
from you 8:02
i checked ur location to make sure u weren’t dead and i saw you were at woo’s
i’m just gonna assume ur with him, which is fine :) pls just let me know next time.
shit shit shit.
regardless of what you say, it’s not fine— he can practically hear your dejected voice through the text and the smiley face doesn’t do shit to mask it. 
he’s quick to tell wonwoo and make his way to your place, insides churning at the thought of you feeling stood up. he would never, in a million years, ever want to hurt you in any way.
he doesn’t text he’s here, he doesn’t knock, he just takes the spare key hidden under your placemat and lets himself in. 
you’re curled up on the couch in your date outfit watching some random show before you jolt at the sound of your door being unlocked. when mingyu walks in, panic on his face, you deflate a bit, internally thanking the universe that it was just him and not some intruder.
you try to put a smile on as if he isn’t the last person you wanted to see at the moment, but mingyu sees through it. 
“hi, gyu.” you say curtly. “hope you had fun at wonwoo’s tonight.”
the subtle shade proves you’re upset, even if you had said it unconsciously. his lips turn down in a frown and he walks around the couch so he’s posted right in front of you.
“Y/N, you have to believe me— i’m so sorry. i got the days—“
you cut him off with a sigh, “gyu, seriously. it’s fine. it’s not that big of a deal. we can just do something the next time you’re free.” 
he doesn’t even know when next time will be given his rather strenuous schedule and you know that, yet those words come out of your mouth anyway. he huffs softly and takes a seat next to you, intertwining your hands into his.
“baby, please,” he whispers. “you know i would never stand you up on purpose. i lost my mind and got the days mixed up– please let me make it up to you.”
you shrug, avoiding eye contact. you want to stay mad, but the way he’s looking at you… the way he’s holding your hands… it’s making it impossible not to melt into a helpless puddle. “how?” you ask meekly.
he doesn’t say anything, letting go of your hands in favor of cupping your cheek and pulling you in. his soft lips meet yours and you practically forget why you’re angry to begin with. his tongue quickly finds its way into your mouth and your soft moan eases his nerves a bit. 
he pulls back, leaving you warm and fuzzy and a bit needy for more of him. he finally takes you in when his eyes open. you’re still in a pretty little outfit– presumably, one you’d picked out for your date– and it makes him groan a little bit. 
“you look so pretty, baby. you wore this all for me?”
you nod your head slowly. “i was really excited to show you…”
he frowns, “i know, i’m sorry… i’m so, so sorry,” he mumbles and you don’t say anymore, simply nodding your head at his apology. his lips are on yours again, rougher this time. it’s like he’s trying to prove just how sorry he is with every passing second. 
and when he breaks the kiss again, you whine. “gyu…”
“wanna take this off. can i?” he asks, referring to your dress and you just nod again. 
his hands find the hem, pulling it up and over your head, leaving you in your even prettier set. the black lace adorns your body and mingyu feels his pants tighten at the mere sight. 
he’s breathless when the pet name falls from his lips, “baby…”
he’s so glad you didn’t change, but he feels like such an idiot for fucking up this bad. he wishes he checked his phone earlier, he wishes he remembered your date was tonight, he wishes he could’ve taken you out in your gorgeous dress and brought you back home to see the even more gorgeous set underneath. 
but he’ll make up for it. he’ll spend all the time in the world doing so if he needs to.
he stands to his feet pulling his shorts off and revealing his aching cock. you bite your lip and slide down so your back and head are comfortably on the cushion of your couch, eyes trained on his huge length.
he hooks his fingers into the waistband of your panties, rolling them down your legs and leaving your now-wet cunt bare. 
“so beautiful… so fuckin’ beautiful angel, can… can i keep going?”
you whimper and wordlessly nod again, brain unable to give him a verbal response. he grunts, joining you back on the couch by getting in between your legs. 
“tell me when…” he whispers, aligning himself with your hole before pressing his fat cock into you. “fuck, so tight…”
the burning stretch of your walls opening to take him makes your head spin a bit. no matter how many times he fucks you, it always hurts.
at first, at least, because now he’s balls deep in your pulsing cunt and all you can feel is blinding pleasure. the burn and stretch have subsided and your brain has turned to complete and utter mush. 
you clench around him tightly and he has to ask, “are you good, baby?”
you dumbly nod– it’s all you can do– but mingyu can’t help but feel more anxiety fill his body. you’ve barely said any words to him and it makes him worry that you won’t forgive him. 
you moan when his cock leaves just for it to suddenly fill you back up with a single, sharp thrust. this is how it starts before he’s moving faster and faster. 
words still fail to leave your mouth, just cute gasps and clipped moans, but mingyu can’t seem to stop breathy apologies from leaving his own. “‘m sorry… you know that right, angel? ‘m so sorry.”
and your eyes just roll back, ignoring his apologies as you’re all consumed by his massive cock fucking in and out of you. mindless babbles escape your lips and it’s not till then does mingyu realize how brainless you’ve become. 
it makes his heart clench. you’ve never gotten like this for him before and he knows it’s a result of being left to your own devices for far too long. he knows he hasn’t been there for you, knows you haven’t been able to cum properly in god knows how long and it hurts him. it hurts him so fucking bad.
and, to be transparent, he’s missed you more than you know.
his hand finds your abdomen, pressing down so he can feel himself thrusting into you. in doing so, his thumb reaches your clit and this seems to bring some life to you. “gyu!” you cry. “feels s’good!”
he lets out an elated chuckle at the sound of your voice, “yeah? it feels good, angel?”
and it’s almost like you read his mind with your next words. “s-so good, m-missed you.” 
a guttural groan erupts in his throat and he starts to fuck you harder– to fuck you deeper– and the thumb on your clit moves quicker, effectively stimulating the swollen bud. “me too– fuck, missed you so much. missed fucking this pretty pussy so much, baby, you don’t even know.”
your face pinches together in pleasure and you clamp his dick harder at the affirmation. “i-i’m–” you let out a gaspy whine and mingyu knows exactly what it means.
“gonna cum?” he finishes your broken sentence. 
you nod eagerly, eyebrows knit together as you feel the formed knot in your tummy get tighter and tighter. “gyu–”
he shushes, thrusts growing erratic. his voice is hot and breathy and you can tell, just by the sound of it, he’s just as close as you are. “just cum for me, baby– need you to let go ‘n cum all over my cock. you can do it.” 
you cry, body going taut as you cream all over him, pussy trapping him between your pulsing, velvet walls. mindlessly, you babble out some words that he can barely make out, but the second he hears those three words– i love you, said in your cute, pitchy voice– his worries wash away. 
he’s overcome by love and the feeling of you gripping him for dear life and the only thing he can do is press his hips flush against yours and fill you up the way he knows you need. his cum paints your walls, fulfilling the craving you didn’t even know you had. 
“god,” he moans, panting out, cock still twitching between your spasming walls. “please forgive me, angel. i promise i’ll be better ‘n make more time for you”
part of your mind finds its way back to you after a few seconds and you can’t help but giggle at his words. “i forgave you after you kissed me, babe.”
he smiles, large hands caressing your body, “really?”
you hum, hazy eyes taking him in, “mmh, you’re really hard to be mad at, you know that, right?”
“good ‘cus i don’t like when you’re mad at me.”
“well, then don’t do stupid things.”
he whines, “baby, you know that’s impossible for me, stupidity is practically in my dna.”
you giggle at the joke. “i know… but… i won’t be so nice to you next time you decided to hang out with wonwoo instead of taking me out.”
“you can be as mean to me as you want, baby, but i swear, i’ll never stand you up ever again.”
“good.” you smile back at him. “now… maybe you can prove how sorry you are again? in my bed this time?”
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© cheolhub — all rights reserved, please refrain from copying, reposting, modifying or translating my work on any platform.
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jynxpsiche · 10 months
Not Tangerine already planning on fathering reader's baby as his won, cause hey, the baby also has blue eyes so he can totally pass of as their son.
Also imagine if the real dad ever shows up and tries come back into the baby's life and Tangerine is all conflicted cause he loves the kid as if it's his own son :/
Unwanted texts
💌. Summary: unanswered texts from her, lead Tangerine to meet someone he already despised…
…Tangerine meets the baby’s biological father for the first time.
💌. Warning: SWEARING. LIKE A LOT! Jealous Tangerine, female reader, canon gore. English is not my first language! I don’t know many British slangs!
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c’mon babe
I just wanna meet the baby
be there for them, y’know?
pls answer me
It’s been already a couple of days and sometimes, during different hours of the day and night, your phone would ding with notifications…from him.
Your ex boyfriend.
The biological father of your precious baby.
The whole situation pissed you off. Firstly, when he found out about your pregnancy, he decided to leave without an explanation and leave you alone. Then he had the nerve to message you after god knows how many years.
It was ridiculous. He was ridiculous.
But obviously you couldn’t ask for any type of help from Tangerine.
He was quite the protective type, especially if the main cause was a shitty ex-boyfriend.
Surely he would have gone feral if he found out about your ex’s sudden texts. That’s why you decided to keep the thing for yourself and just…ghost him.
But who would have known that you would end up calming down a rather irate Tangerine?
However, it’s important to start from the beginning.
It was a day off for Tan, which meant that he would have spent the entire day with you and his little one. But since it was still too early to get up, for now he simply drank in your warmth and cuddled your body closer to his, without waking you up.
The curly man was affectionate only with his girl and his baby, neither to his brother he showed this side of his. He wasn’t ashamed of it, he just had a reputation to defend.
His chin was placed on your head while you were all nuzzled in the crook of his neck. His strong and bulky arms were tightly wrapped around your waist, not allowing you to leave. Not that you wanted to.
Only your soft breaths echoed through the room. But the peaceful atmosphere was interrupted by the ping of a notification. The sound made him grimace, but not waking up from his slumber.
Then another ping, closely followed by another and another one.
Now Tangerine was fully awake, his half-closed eyes glaring at the device on your nightstand. When he noticed no more ding’s came from your phone, he softly pecked your forehead before trying to fall asleep again.
But then again. A new message.
Groaning softly, Tan lifted himself from the bed, before pecking your forehead again and assured that you didn’t wake up.
He was not standing on your side of the bed, the device on your nightstand calling for him to check what had interrupted his sleep.
With a furrowed and irritated expression, Tangerine unlocked your phone, noticing new messages unopened. They had been sent just a couple of minutes ago.
He quickly glanced at your sleeping figure, a strange feeling bubbling in his chest. His expression furrowed more when he saw the contact’s name. X.
Who the fuck was that?
But he surely was took by anger when he read the multiple messages he sent you.
He wasn’t only a dickhead, but he was also the biological father of his son.
His bloodshot eyes read every line and every word of every message he dared to sent you. His fingers gradually tightening their grip around the device.
The another ding. Another message.
I know ur reading the texts
ur online
u finally have the courage to read what I’ve been sending you
u stopped ghosting me huh?
God you’re such a bitch sometimes…
His vision darkened at the last text he sent, nostrils fuming with rage.
I want to see the kid
Meet me here
Xx xx xx, xx
“Tan? You good?” Your sleepy and raspy voice reached his ears and immediately he turned towards you, his furious expression never leaving his face.
You noticed, of course. Slowly you rose from your spot on the comfy bed and lazily dragged herself up to his tense figure, wrapping her delicate arms around his waist.
A soft kiss on his back.
“What is making you so tense?” You whispered against his skin, your hands gently rubbing his sides. Tan slightly crocked his head in your direction, his brows still furrowed. A sigh left his lips.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He instead asked with a low tone laced with rage. “Why did you hide it from me?” His tone showed how he strongly demanded an answer.
“I could have handle it. I simply didn’t answer his texts to show him how an insignificant being like him should be six feet under. To show him how he was a nobody to me anymore.” Your tone was flat, laced with venom, finally expressing all your suppressed rage.
His expression immediately softened at your words, his brows relaxing and the wrinkles on his forehead disappearing. The tails of his mouth slightly raised in an almost visible smile.
But you noticed it.
When he turned in your direction, his hands on your waist, his lips left a soft peck on your forehead. His face was calm and so close to yours.
“I’m goin’ to take care of him. Don’ worry.” He whispered, his soothing voice sending you in a sleepy mood. A light yawn left your mouth. He chuckled at your reaction.
“Now go to sleep love.”
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After you fell into another peaceful but deep slumber, Tangerine got to work.
With Lem’s help (after calling him for twenty minuets straight, the poor man was sleeping) he managed to find the phone location and so the location of the fucker.
It was now 3:45 am and Tan was alone in a desert neighbourhood. Silence was his only company at the moment.
He stood still in front of an apartment complex, his eyes fixed on a specific window while the cigarette in his hand slowly burnt.
With a flick he tossed the small nicotine stick and put it out with a stomp of his foot. His lips were curled into an annoyed curl.
Silently, he climbed the fire escape with big steps and in a blink of an eye his shadow was printed in front of the covered window, blinds hiding the inside.
But a faint light from behind them immediately caught his attention, a sadistic grin creeping on his moustache.
His hand grabbed the gun from his pocket and he shot the window’s lock, allowing him to access to the apartment.
Frantic, disconnected noises echoed from inside. Tangerine knew the fucker heard him.
Only when he entered he was met with a younger, dull man, his face pale and his eyes wide from fear. “Who…who the fuck are you?!” He half shouted, his voice cracking a bit.
The man wanted to show his composure so bad, show him how collected and tough he was. But in reality, he was shitting in his pants.
With great strides, Tangerine approached the trembling man, his pistol clearly visible. “‘s not important, is it? Wha’ is important is why you fuckin’ harassing my love with your insipid messages.” He spat out in a hard tone, his rigid stare piercing the man’s soul.
The man’s eyes frantically wandered around, he is searching something to defend himself thought Tan. Quick pants from the man often broke the silence in the room.
He took a step back, his hands shaking uncontrollably. His body language was visibly betraying him. “Just…the fuck you want from me?!” He continued in a fake authoritative voice.
Tangerine held his face high, communicating how he was in control. Slowly his arm raised and he pointed the gun in the man’s forehead.
“I want you to delete her number, to forget about her and the baby and to never contact her again.” He stated with calm rage. His tone extremely sharp.
When the man was the pistol pointed at his head, his confident mask fell, his eyes filled with tears and his still standing posture crouched on himself. Shamelessly he nodded his head at every request, his voice dead in the back of his throat.
Suddenly, Tangerine shot the man in the leg and he stumbled back. A cry came out from his mouth.
“This’s your last warnin’.”
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celestie0 · 3 months
kickoff! reader who is stalking gojos page and accidentally likes one of his oldest posts. she panics and turns off her phone, without unliking it.
kickoff!gojo who is re reading your guys instagram messages and you text him while he’s doing this. he scrambles to come up with a reason as to why he read your message instantly
kickoff! reader who tries to watch soccer games to understand what’s happening. she probably yells offsides at everything. gojo can only smile at her and offer to help her out
kickoff! gojo who takes a picture of your silhouette in front of those statues you meet up at during the sunset (without your knowledge) and makes it his lock screen. you ask him about it but he just pretends that it’s a soccer goal and the sunset behind it.
kickoff! reader who finds herself thinking of satoru way too much. will see basically anything and be reminded of him. “oh a pair of sunglasses? gojo would like those” “hm, they started selling a strawberry tea? gojo would drink that”
kickoff! gojo who loves the sims. unironically makes a sim version of him and reader. tbh he probably doesn’t even realize he’s doing it, he just starts thinking about reader and starts adding her features. thinks it’s funny to make them have “fun time”
kickoff! reader who is looking through the game pictures she takes and finds herself staring at gojo. doesn’t even realize she’s doing it until mina walks in on her. think peter parker and gwen stacy
kickoff!gojo who has a full “project m’bappe” for your future kids. starts the kids off with a soccer plush and it leads to them being absolute powerhouses in toddler leagues
kickoff! reader who used to play soccer as a kid. threw a tantrum in the middle of a game because she decided she hated it. only started to like it again because of gojo
kickoff! gojo who keeps a printed out picture of the two of you in his wallet. Suguru took it at the frat party when gojo kissed you. around you is blurry and flashing lights, in the middle of the chaos is gojos lips pressed against yours. His hand is holding your waist, you’re slightly on your tippy toes to reach him. He sometimes zones off when paying because the picture catches his eye
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ok first of all tysm for thinking of these and sending them to me???? i genuinely cannot believe youve made headcanons for my fic that’s so surreal n i will forever remember this 😭😭
BUT ALSO THESE ARE SO ACCURATE PLS and all the little details omg it means sm that youve noticed all these lil thinfs throughout the fic n their relationship n i cld cry rn 😭😭
pls excuse me for addressing each n every one of these bc im so excited by them i fear this ask will be long so i’m adding a keep reading loool
sobsosbsosbsbsossbb the headcanons ab their digital fuckups LMAOO omg reader is 100% the type to be stalking him at 3am even tho she swears shes not even THAT down bad for him n then she loses all feeling in her face when she realizes she liked a post from when he was like in high school or sumn🧍���‍♀️there’s no coming back from that LMFAOO but i feel like gojo wldnt even notice it bc he probs gets a lot of notifs so she’s safe this time around 😭😭 BUT YOURE ALSO SO RIGHT AB HIM REREADING MESSAGES N THEN GETTING SPOOKED WHEN HE REALIZES SHE SAW THAT HE READ IT RIGHT AWAY LMAO i feel like he’d pull something like “uhhhh i was just about to trxt you, that’s why” and she’s like “🤨 this is the fifth time that’s allegedly happened”
aww reader trying to understand soccer for him 😭 thats so cute bahah also i made another headcanon recently from another anon who mentioned gojo streaming the world cup hehe it’d be so cute if reader shows up to the frat game nights in the jersey of the team that gojo’s rooting for bc she’s just trying to be a supportive girlfriend n she gets excited watching the game but she’s actually got no clue what tf is going on 💀 but gojo adores her for it so thats ok
the lockscreeennn that’s so cute 😭 also i love the idea of reader being his muse too :”) like he doesn’t know much about photography but bc of her he’s like kinda curious about it now so he’s always taking pictures of her w his phone while she’s not looking :”) i imagine his camera roll is just a bunch of candids of her while she’s dissociating off into the distance or something 🤣 n he’s like “wow so pretty im so good at this”
OK BUT READER IS ME THINKING AB GOJO EVERYWHERE I GO LMAOO no but srs that one made heart skip a beat bc how sweeettt is that 😭 i think that is a true mark of love where u think of someone everywhere you go :”) for gojo, i imagine that anytime he sees anything scenic or colorful or something like blooms of flowers or a nice sky he thinks of how she wld probably really love to take pics of it n he gets sad she’s not there to do so
okk im down for sims boyfriend gojo 🤣 and wdym by fun time omg 😭 pls dont tell me it’s possible to make people BONK on sims. ive seen a lot of tiktoks recently about how they added gojo to stardew valley n ppl have been marrying him lmfaoo i wonder if gojo wld try to marry her in sims 💀 cant tell if thats cute or creepy PLS tbh i’d probs be like “aww babe”🧍🏻‍♀️
and YES AB THE ONE WHERE SHE STARES AT GOJO’s PICS THATS PRACTICALLY CANON, also, there was supposed to be a scene exactly like that in ch8 where mina walks in on her staring at the pics she was editing for her professor 😭😭 so ur 100% right on. i just bet he looks so handsome in those photos cuz he’s concentrated n sweaty n probs looks really determined n in his element tbf i’d be starinf at those pics too LOL
YOURE SO RIGHT HAHA he’d make sure their kids are soccer prodigies 😭😭 startin them YOUNG. reader’s like “dont u think they’ve practiced enough today…they’re supposed to go to that birthday party at noon” and he’s like “THE GRIND NEVER STOPS😤🔥” 💀💀 unironically the type of dad that wakes his kids up at 5am on summer break to take em to soccer bootcamp or sumn 😭😭 ok but he knows theyre just kids n lets them have fun haha obviously but he just has high expectations for them lmaoo
im so tender to the idea of reader having played soccer in her youuuuthh how cute wld it be if she unknowingly also had a crush on gojo back when they were kids (maybe there was some sort of co-ed game they played ONCE when their elementary schools organized it n she was like omg who’s that boy over theree n it’s just 8 y/o gojo who’s got all the 2nd grade girlies swooning even back then 🤣) but in adulthood she probably doesnt rememebr that at all haha OMGGGG I NEED TO MAKE THIS CANON BC HOW ADORABLE WOULD IT BE IF GOJO’s MOM HAD TAKEN A PICTURE OF THE GAME BACK THEN N U CAN SEE LITTLE GOJO N LITTLE READER ARE IN THE SAME PHOTO im gonna sob???? im so inspired by these rn??? anon??? can i fr hug u through the screen???
omggg ok im deceased im dead ab the PICTURE IN HIS WALLET. THAT IS SO HUSBAND CODED and adorabke asf i just might melt rn 😭 him getting distarcted while paying kakskddjhd also i can imagine him having a picture in his wallet of her in her cap n gown on n stoles n everything during graduation or something bc it reminds him of their college days :”) n when he’s playing away games during national league he’s always looking at it when he’s away from home bc he misses her
also i feel like suguru might’ve taken the photo as a polaroid 🤔 now i headcanon that kickoff reader also has a polaroid camera bc why wouldnt she lmfaoo 🤣 but just imagine the polaroid relationship wall LOL its so corny but i wld want them to make one together 😩💕
screaming. crying. feeling so inspired rn. cheesing. cheeks r hurting. love u sm anon srs if you have more i will gobble them up like a turkey. LOVE YOU <333
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junnieverse · 10 months
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➙ drunk boyfriend jungwon thoughts
pairing: yang jungwon x gn!reader
genre: fluff, crack
request: " Um hi!! Im jst here to tell u that i absolutely love ur drunk bfs hcs, ur an amazing writer and person, take care of urself and drink water too! also can u pls do drunk jungwon hcs im so soft for him "
warnings: lowercase intended, mentions of alcohol/drinking ofc, not proofread, jungwon's crying
a/n: hi anon, you're so sweet, thank you so much angel, I hope this hc makes you go even softer and maybe laugh a little too haha. I imagined jungwon being a little like j-hope drunk, start off super energetic and then you're all quiet and sad after a while for no reason (sorry this is a little late)
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jungwon was someone who never really enjoyed drinking much and preferred to just have a cola or some water during occassions where his friends were drinking
having been informed by him that he would be having a little birthday celebration for heeseung back at their dorms, you thought nothing of it
what you hadn't expected was a text from jake informing you of your now drunk boyfriend
having arrived at the dorms you find your boyfriend next to jay, seemingly sober?
"Well he looks completely fine to me." you tell jake looking at your allegedly drunk boyfriend
"Oh that's when you know he is completely wasted. He looks okay, but a few minutes ago he was crying talking about how worthless his life would feel without you."
upon hearing that the young man actually cried soon raised some concerns
having seen you, the once quiet jungwon became lively and ran up to you squeezing you in a tight hug
"(Y/n)! You're here! See I told you they still love me." jungwon says to his older member
"All I said was they're gonna be late-" jay mumbles rolling his eyes at jungwon
cupping his face, you check to make sure he was okay and his eyes did happen to be red from crying as previously mentioned
"Wonnie, why were you crying sweetie?" you ask him softly as he suddenly sulks
"I got sad because I thought of what would happen to me if I didn't have you." he briefly explains holding back more tears
the members tried to fill you in with the events of the night leading up to your arrival
jungwon had had a few shots to drink and was acting his normal self, singing to the songs and dancing
soon after he got far more quiet after a few more shots where he silently watched the members enjoy themselves and he looked like the life was sucked out of him
jay happened to notice his friend was more quiet than usual and when he asked him what was wrong he just bursted out crying catching everyone off guard
they weren't used to seeing jungwon get overly emotional like this, let alone crying about how much he loved you and you meant everything to him
jake knew you were the best person to call, just to reassure his drunk friend that you would always be with him
your presence definitely did the trick because jungwon was starting to cheer up
ofcourse he wanted to drink more but you made sure to give him water instead to drink
he spent the rest of his night cuddled up with you up until he passed out
waking up the next morning, jungwon notices the the groupchat bombarded with videos of him crying while singing to Let It Go from Frozen
the first and last time he cries in front of them he thinks to himself
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wambsgansshoelaces · 4 months
omg a headcanon like the one you did for tom but for roman snd stewy? the period one i mean !! also gender neutral pls :>
thank you for requesting anon, i love u!!! enjoy xx
really craving pizza bianca rn
on your period (roman + stewy)
ᝰ has no idea what he’s doing
ᝰ he calls your period a full stop because ‘they’re synonyms lol’ (as his text said)
ᝰ just wants you happy
ᝰ so whenever you’re on your period he just
ᝰ does things for you??
ᝰ makes you breakfast in bed, attempts to pack you a lunch, botches dinner
ᝰ he’s trying at least
ᝰ he usually just settles for buying you whatever you’re craving and letting you lay your head in his lap
ᝰ he strokes your hair, your face, your neck, your back
ᝰ he makes sure you’re feeling good
ᝰ lots of chocolate all the time
ᝰ just so that he can eat it with you
ᝰ if you ever ruin any pants or clothing or even furniture, he replaces it without you knowing
ᝰ “didn’t i throw this pair of pants out last week?” you ask him one time
ᝰ “i got you a new one, don’t worry about it.”
ᝰ if you suffer with cramps or any sort of chronic illness regarding your reproductive health, he’s always quietly concerned
ᝰ “you sure it doesn’t hurt? you should tell me if it hurts.”
ᝰ keeps track of how long in between painkillers your pain returns
ᝰ makes you try a bunch of homemade remedies he googled
ᝰ the first time you go on your period while you’re living together, he goes out and buys you a heating pad, a weighted blanket, and a heated blanking thing all at once
ᝰ if you use pads or tampons, he gets really confused when out trying to buy some for you
ᝰ but he’s too embarrassed to ask
ᝰ so when you’re taking a nap he scuttles into the bathroom and takes a picture that he keeps on his phone
ᝰ and then gets the exact ones when he notices you’re running out or you ask him
ᝰ this man bullies the doctors that don’t listen to you
ᝰ like he is well known with the endocrinologists and gynecologists in the are as a nusiance
ᝰ and lowkey an asshole
ᝰ but it’s all ‘in your honor’ as he says
ᝰ “if they say they’re cramping, they’re cramping. aren’t you supposed to be helpful? how the fuck do you have a medical license?”
ᝰ has gotten kicked out of the appointment many a time
ᝰ but he always waits patiently for you outside
ᝰ and calls corporate like the diva he is
ᝰ has the means to get you the best care
ᝰ and he does get you it
ᝰ “you literally deserve so much more than i can give you. you’re my everything, remember?”
ᝰ “i love you, ro.”
ᝰ “fuck off with that sappy shit…. i love you more.”
ᝰ knows enough about periods to be able to help you
ᝰ like he’s knowledgeable enough to cook things he knows your body is in need of during your period of ovulation
ᝰ urges you to work out specifically on your period
ᝰ “it helps clear your head,” he says
ᝰ but if you’re not up to it, he won’t make you
ᝰ maybe just a small walk around outside and he’ll let you just nap
ᝰ but if you even don’t even want to walk, he thinks you’re dying
ᝰ and showers you in affection
ᝰ which he does anyway even if he thinks you’re fine??
ᝰ he’s just dramatic
ᝰ he’s an awfully good cook
ᝰ he loves cooking
ᝰ especially for you
ᝰ he specifically makes you pho for dinner every first day of your period
ᝰ “it clears your sinuses, babe,” he says every single time
ᝰ it does, really
ᝰ he’s really big about the two of you sitting down at the table for meals
ᝰ but if you’re unable because of your period, it’s fine with him
ᝰ he bought one of those breakfast in bed trays just for those moments
ᝰ if you struggle with bad cramps or reproductive illness, he’s with you at every single appointment
ᝰ sometimes he even sits next to you on the patient bed
ᝰ he just likes swinging his legs over the side
ᝰ he scrambles off whenever the doctor comes in
ᝰ he’s so subtly evil with bad doctors
ᝰ “oh, i understand it’s your professional opinion, but i also understand this clinic operates solely on donations? huh, and i think those guys whose names are on plaques all over the place are my buddies! you know jeff? i know jeff!”
ᝰ holds your hand through everything
ᝰ pain, ultrasounds, examinations
ᝰ you’re both walking back to the car from a normal check up and he’s swinging your hands back and forth with his
ᝰ “you know, i’ll help you with anything you ask me to.”
ᝰ “thank you, stew. you’re sweet.”
ᝰ “i love you.”
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yeokii · 1 year
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# types of tropes w enha !!
₊﹒wc! 2.7k
₊﹒warnings! non-idol!enha, gn!reader (but I kinda wrote it with she/her pronouns in mind so if you see she/her pronouns im v sorry pls ignore), profanity, mentions of alcohol (only in jake's), mentions of skinship, mentions of stalker behaviour (its a joke, nothing serious tho) mentions of being high (ITS A JOKE), mentions of blood in Riki's one, spelling and grammar errors!!
₊﹒note! yen and Kayla my fave bff helped me w the tropes!! ngl got carried away with junwons one
₊﹒requested by this anon !!
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# lee heeseung ⎯ coworkers to lovers
heeseung would def catch feelings first when you asked him to help organise the files
HE ALWAYS AND I MEAN ALWAYS takes up the offer whenever you need help with something.
you want a drink? bro will bring you the whole menu
literally will do anything to show that he's into you.
bro just loves being near you.
but this one time where he dropped you home when it started raining heavily, you started to question ur feelings for him.
and so the mutual pining begins 😞
yall both would be mad blushing whenever you both interact w each other.
both of your friends would be so mad because they know you both like each other
like why aren't yall kissing already??
you kinda did know that heeseung did like you back but the man was oblivious
so you asked him out 😁
and you both hung out in his car after the date finished and this man did not want to take you home.
it was painful pls 😭
fastfoward to when you both start dating and he come to your house and picks you up so you can both go to work at the same time.
he would bring your daily coffee orders aswell
he would even teach you how to play league of legends help 😭
skinship is a must!!
give it a few months and he would know you more than you know yourself
"baby, let me take you on a date after you finish work."
"I swear to god, it better not be a ramen date again."
₊﹒other members under the cut !!
# park jongseong ⎯ brother's best friend
no cuz its so jongseong of him to fall in love with his best friend's sibling
he would know you since he was like 3 and he prolly always saw you as his best friend's annoying little sibling 😭
but you were literally completely in love with this man
if you could kiss the ground he walked on, you would.
just a few glances here and there
but when you started to grow up, you kinda ignored him aswell cuz you started to get a life 💀
it wasn't very visible as it was before b4
but this hurt jays ego like why aren't you foaming in the mouth whenever you see him???
so when you both were at a party
and it bugged him why were you hanging out with other people??
this man really thought you had no social life plss
you looked so pretty and he didn't even look at anyone else, it was just you.
this man fell in love with you gn.
and then from there, he saw you as a romantic aspect or wtv.
you kinda noticed that he liked you because he believed actions > words
he started picking you and dropping you off to school when your brother couldn't
he would even bring one of your favourite snacks along the way too
he would text you and talk to you more often
so one night while you and ur bsf had a sleepover
jay also had one w ur brother
jay vamp era frfr
he was being very passive aggressive to ur bsf
and bro just straight up said "I like you"
followed by "I don't like when they talk to you"
so ur just there 🧍‍♀️
like helppp it was so awkward
after the confession, he asked you on a date and ofc you said yes
but a few months in the relationship, you both are getting comfy with each other
its either a full on classy restaurant date or staying at home and watching Disney+
theres no in between
and ofc your brother is okay with this as he gets used to it
he loves to act like he doesn't care for you but you know he loves you
"no I'm not blushing!"
"jay you so are! I didn't know you liked backhugs!"
# sim jaeyun ⎯ exes to lovers
it would def be you who broke up w him
I js don't see Jake calling off a relationship
and it would prolly be over the summer when you thought you and the aussie boy (😝😝😝) didn't click anymore.
mans would be sooo devastated like wdym ya'll don't click anymore???
he would spend more time thinking abt why you thought the relationship didn't work than actually being sad
mans really tried to move on but he srsly couldn't do it.
he was so comfortable with you, he couldn't do that with anyone else.
all his friends witnessed him going through the five stages of greif
it was sad actually 😭
he would still have you as his lock screen like he never even bothered to change it
so probably after 8 months of going through crappy dates and drinking his heart away (he got drunk on apple juice) he decided he wanted you back
so he reached out to you
found out you work at a cafe through his 'sources' (jungwon)
and when you see him he's like "whatttt? you work here????"
its giving stalker behaviour
do better jake 😕👎
and now that he KNOWS you work here
he comes there everyday at 4 right when you're shift begins
bro is the master at small talk
and that is when the small talk with you goes on for an hour and you realise its been an hour since your shift is finished.
he offers a ride back home
and you agreed since you didn't want to walk home alone
you didn't really see the problem with exes being friends and you told him abt it too but
this man did not work this hard for ya'll to just be friends again
so he waited until your shift finished and decided to bring you your fav flowers
and he asked you if you wanted to go out
and he brought you to a picnic
and you're like "Jake??? its night???"
"you always wanted to have a picnic with me so I thought why not?"
plsss you were shocked that he remembered you wanting to have a picnic with him but you both never had the time.
he even brought your fav sandwiches and drinks it was so cute
and when he dropped you back home he confessed everything and he told you he wanted to get back together
after thinking abt it for a few days
you decided you wanted to get back tgt
so you showed up at his house with flowers in your hand (it was rlly cute plss 😭😭😭)
and when you both get back together
he really tried to make the relationship even more stronger an always assured you to talk to him if you had any problem
its cute because this man is never gonna let u go
like whenever ya'll walk tgt, he's gonna be holding your hand
you're making something in the kitchen? he's backlogging you
you wanna pee? this man's gonna follow you into the bathroom
jake's so cute plss😭😭
jungwon swears he's the reason you both got back tgt
"please you looked so funny when you fell on your butt!"
"remember the time where I dumped you?"
# park sunghoon ⎯ first love
I feel like this boy would not fall in love that easily which is why he hadn't had his first love
sure he had his first likes, loads of partners, but never love
and then baam
you came in 😎
he felt like it was one of those tv series where everything was in slow motion and like the spotlight was just on you
he just felt like it was just you and him in the ice skating rink
like bro's brain just flew through the window
and ofc his kdrama moment had to end because u fell on ur ass trying to skate.
and bro let me tell you
this man procreated the loudest snort alive to mankind
and ofc you glared at him
which made him run to you, helping you up
"hi, I'm sunghoon."
he thought he would cry right there.
he apologised and asked to make it up by trying to take you out for ice cream.
ofc you couldn't say no
and you both got to know each other well
this man was scared because he thought he wouldn't se you again
so what did he do?
this man used every pickup line known to mankind
he did not ask your number
INSTEAD he turned into the rizzlord
oh was it a sight to see
he was js really nervous
so u asked his phone and saved ur phone number
"maybe I could like yk teach you how to skate next time?"
"wtv you say hoon."
# kim sunoo ⎯ best friends to lovers
oh god the mutual pinning..
riki asked calmly
and I wholeheartedly agree
you thought sunoo was js your bsf
which explains why he always looks out for you
waiting for you at the school gate everyday even if you're like 30 minutes late
or always getting you fav drink
or always covering for you if you got into trouble
be so fr rn
riki could not stand it
bro was about to grow white hairs
this man was the literal definition of a third wheel
everytime riki tried to talk abt you two
you always dismissed it
like were you that blind?
you were js scared you were gonna get rejected and all these years of friendship would go to waste
and ngl sunoo felt the same
so ofc your matchmaker riki pulled sunoo aside and asked him how he felt abt you
and pls sunoo loves you more than himself
he literally only trusts you
and you were the same for him
so riki used his amazing megamind brain and asked yall to talk abt your feelings
and it took a while to open up after riki left and by the end of it you both had shared your first kiss with each other 😁
you both were red
and now since y'all are in a relationship
riki hated it more
"BOOO get a room."
ur dates were so cute
either it was hot choco dates or ''lets go play in the snow' dates
you always enjoyed it
because you are with sunoo (I physically cringed)
"maybe I should call u the sun cuz u brighten up every room u walk into."
"r u high?"
# yang jungwon ⎯ academic rivals
his jaw dropped when he saw the results
HELLO A 95???
man hasn't got anything below a 97
and there you were
waving ur results sheet at him with a clear 96
bro wanted to slap that smirk right off your face
so he asked the teacher to check his paper again
bye the teacher did not give two fucks
so he checked it himself
he was actually supposed to get a 94 but lets keep that to ourselves 😁
he js waited until the next exam to rot around and by that this man took a mental screenshot of every page in the book
a 94???
if there was a dissapear button in life
he would press 65 times
and what did you get
a 97.
happiest day of your life ngl
this man had a whole fit
the teacher actually had enough of you
and gave you both detention
all you had to clean the classroom
'bonding time' she said
'it'll be fun' she said
so when you started to clean the room
all you both could give each other were side eyes and silent curses
it was painful actually
you both divided the room saying this was his side and that was your side
but there were tiny moments were you were staring at him, admiring his side profile
but why did he look so ethereal when he was sweeping the floors
so there was this moment were you both close to each other and you tripped on your untied shoelaces and landed ontop of him
he landed on his ass
so romantic I know.
and you both stared at each other for a long time (5 seconds)
before he pushed you off him
he stood up and went back to sweeping and you were still on the floor
you stood and started cleaning again
but what you didn't realise was that he kept staring at you
occasionally having eye contact
after that day, you both became softer to each other
like hello???
where the hair ripping and shitty insults??
your friend were in school because you stopped talking bt how much you hate him and so were his friends
scary really
both of your friends thought that you both were planning some big revenge or something
but then they caught you smiling at him while walked past you??
they called an exorcist immediately
you both didn't whine and ask the teacher to change when you both were paired up for a project
you both had a fun time and you actually had a good convo
you both called truce
and you both started to not hate each other
and one day while you both talked you had a moment of silence when you just said 'fuck it' and went in and kissed him
and the next day in school
you both walked holding hands
everyone was so confused because um what the actual fuck?
"can't believe I used to hate this pretty face."
"ew jungwon"
"shut up before we go back to being enemies"
# nishimura riki ⎯ hates everyone but you
when he heard about love, all he could say was 'bs'
like be so fr
he swore he could hear wedding bells
everything abt you was so perfect
like he never had an ideal type but god damn bro
might as well have one rn
he like froze for a sec
crazy ik
tbh you didn't acknowledge his existence for a few days
until you saw him playing basketball w his friends
and his basketball met w ur face
bye ur nose did not stop bleeding
man came rushing to u when he realised it was u
he took you to the nurse and when you were all ok
he sheepishly grinned at you and apologised for hitting you w his basketball
you were quick to forgive him and you started to become friends since that day
everyone was in shock because you were the first person he'd ever talked other than his friends
and you were so confused because everyone kept telling this was so unlikely of him
he had never tied someones shoelaces when they were untied
or he had never lent someone his jacket
even to his friends
the privilege was showing
like u were so confused because he doesn't do this with other people
he prolly be like 😐 but when you're there hes like 😁
soo you asked him
"idk I like you"
"oh uhm haha same."
it took a few weeks for him to grow some balls and ask you to be his s/o
and this man needed to always be on your side
he's gaming? ur on his lap.
he's playing basketball? ur playing with him.
its so cute
makes me sick
"riki I need to pee."
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perm taglist!! @flwoie @zuyairus @bubblytaetae @yenqa @haknom
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hoonfication · 1 year
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IN WHICH ! xiao, your boyfriend for three years suddenly breaks up with you through text and then leaves the country leaving you with no explanation at all
three years had passed and here you are, you tell yourself you're over him and you're way more happy without him until you've heard that he's back oh that's fine you guys aren't even gonna see each other anyway wrong.
seems like he's going to attend the same college as you and well you're just in luck turns out he's also your roommate
or in other words. . . maybe its a sign that you guys should restart again, who knows maybe two times a ch✶rm . . .
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— ❝ I don't even think that you care like I do ❞ ✦ a XIAO x gender neutral reader smau !
— WARNINGS ✶ swearing, cheating (?), mentions of alcohol, & kys jokes
— ♪ currently playing ❝ Let You Break My Heart Again ❞ ♫
꒰ ✿ means written parts ꒱
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✿ 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗳𝗶𝗹𝗲𝘀 — 𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱 𝗴𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗽 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿 / “𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝗱𝗼𝗻’𝘁 𝗯𝗶𝘁𝗲” 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝗱𝗼. / 𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘀
— ❝ heaven knows I've tried ❞
✿ 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗴𝘂𝗲
𝟬𝟭 h h he’s back!?
𝟬𝟮 what if this was my last straw (✿)
𝟬𝟯 I moved on, leave me alone!
𝟬𝟰 rumors are everywhere
𝟬𝟱 new lover
𝟬𝟲 not bothered tbh
𝟬𝟳 happy for him ig (✿)
𝟬𝟴 dorm life era
𝟬𝟵 oh my god pls be fr (✿)
𝟭𝟬 i will kms
— ❝ one day, I will stop falling in love with you ❞
𝟭𝟭 moving in (✿)
𝟭𝟮 tension is in the air
𝟭𝟯 you wouldn’t mind, right? (✿)
𝟭𝟰 so awks
𝟭𝟱 thirdwheel (✿)
𝟭𝟲 no i am NOT jealous
𝟭𝟳 jaw on the floor (✿)
𝟭𝟴 unexpected trio (✿)
𝟭𝟵 project over
𝟮𝟬 let’s go out as in a date (✿)
𝟮𝟭 are we abt to kiss rn
𝟮𝟮 just the two of us (✿)
𝟮𝟯 oh. (✿)
— ❝ some day, someone will like me like I like you ❞
𝟮𝟰 fucked up (✿)
𝟮𝟱 mission; avoid him at all cost
𝟮𝟲 let me come over pls
𝟮𝟳 drinks and feelings (✿)
𝟮𝟴 false hope
𝟮𝟵 we need to talk
𝟯𝟬 im sorry (✿)
𝟯𝟭 no more hoes
— ❝ then of course I'll let you break my heart again ❞
𝟯𝟮 stop lying (✿)
𝟯𝟯 cheaters can’t complain
𝟯𝟰 apocalypse (✿)
𝟯𝟱 let’s talk this out please (✿)
𝟯𝟲 I’ll think about it
𝟯𝟳 truth unfold (✿)
— ❝ some day, one day I will stop falling in love with you ❞
𝟯𝟴 is he flirting (✿)
𝟯𝟵 he wants u
𝟰𝟬 date night (✿)
𝟰𝟭 mixed signals (✿)
𝟰𝟮 he moved OUT?? (✿)
— ❝ until I do, I'll be thinking of you ❞
𝟰𝟯 he's leaving AGAIN
𝟰𝟰 give it
𝟰𝟱 oh em gee ganyu
𝟰𝟲 why r u like this (✿)
𝟰𝟳 ok u guys can stop kissing now.. (✿)
𝟰𝟴 let you break my heart again.
𝟱𝟬 happy ever after or not 😈 (✿)
what if the reader ended up w/ ALBEDO instead?
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✶ english is not my first language so pls don’t be so hard on me
✶ I’ll try to update frequently :D
✶ I’ll add you in the taglist! just ask! 🫶
✶ and here for the playlist of the smau created by the wonderful jellyfish anon
# TAGLIST — ✶ @thefandomcrow @sakiimeo @swivy123 @zappybatz @motherscrustytoenailclippings @chsyug @erisan01 @lylovw @scarletttcroww @retiredmommylover @sukunasrealgf @onmywaytoteyvat @mjtalksaboutanything @chronicfic @otomegame-oneshots @yukisluv @urdads @yuminako @etaerealboy @xxblackroses623xx @starringyau @dexocore @grvngexiao @tamikahoshiko @xoyumiqls @mechanicalbeat1 @ixromzi @lemo-nadde @moon-z0ne @articmaskeddemon @luvrzan @cayl33n @cupiro @lxkeeeee @rin-nyrasti-writes @nambii @livelaughlovekuni @quackimilktea @maxineshearts @yelleloww @chalksdreams @plinkuro @fangygf
[ bold means I can’t tag you ! ]
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© hoonfication 2023, please do not copy, steal, and translate
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sturnslcver · 3 months
ੈ✩‧₊˚MASTERLIST ˚.°: ₊˚ ୨
texts w bf chris
texts w bf chris pt.2
stuck adjacent
chris fwb texts
hotel ordeal
expiated favours
shower shenanigans
stuck adjacent
i will not write threesomes, incest, rape, sa, eating disorders, diseases, or anything else out of pocket and weird i write a lot but pls don’t request strange and/or triggering shit :) thank yewww !
ੈ✩‧₊˚ABOUT ME ˚.°: ₊˚ ୨
this is my official introduction since i’m seeing so many anons with so many questions about me! you guys can call me kayla or kay i really don’t care - whichever one u prefer. i try to post as consistently as possible and complete all the requests in my inbox but it’s difficult. keep in mind i literally JUST turned 18! so, im still a senior in high school and obviously have a life! however, im always active and love interacting with you guys! i answer all anons and messages and i loveee making friends on here so please dont hesitate to message me. if you couldn’t already tell im a chris girl so i mostly write chris fics. i write smut sometimes but its not where i shine however i always incorporate fluff! i love it! is that all? i think that’s all? if u guys wanna know more just request it and ill add it to this! :)
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via-l0ve · 7 months
OMG UR MIKE SCHMIDT HCS ARE PERFECT!!!!!!!!! pls do a part two 🙏🙏
(btw can I be 😾 anon? )
Dating Mike Schmidt Hcs PT. 2!❣️
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a/n: ABSOLUTELY!!! thank you sm 😾 anon <3 i love u! this also includes just some general head cannons of him because he’s my baby.
warnings: nothing :)
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mike drinks coffee and energy drinks all the time
his favorite flavor of monster is the original or the Strawberry dreams
if you like monster (i’m an addict) he buys you one every time he buys one for himself
when he was working at freddy’s you’d patch him up if he ever got hurt :(
you teach him how to bake so he can teach Abby
You’re the only person Abby likes her brother to be with
she incorporates you into her drawings after a while of knowing you
mike is so happy when he sees you drawn in because his sister’s approval means a lot to him even if she’s only ten
it takes a while for mike to open up to you
but when he does he kinda has to break it up into small bits
he’s surprised when you hug him and comfort him bc what no one’s ever done that before
his love language is most definitely words of affirmation and physical touch
mike is so stressed with his work schedule so he can’t always be there physically but he always, without fail, every. day. sends you a good morning and good night text.
that might not seem like much but it’s everything to me okay!!!!
“hey baby, good morning :) i love you the most and i hope you have an amazing day. im on my way to work now but when i get out ill text you and when i get home ill give you lots of kisses. i love you.”
that’s so fucking cute
you guys have frequent date nights that just consist of laying on the couch or in his bed and watching a movie while he lays on your lap or on your chest
Abby usually interrupts because she “can’t sleep” but we all know it’s just because she wants to watch the movie
Mike secretly has a savings account for the two of you
he wants the best for you and when he can give you the world he will
but for right now he’ll pay for some stuff and give you kisses afterwards
he makes playlists that remind him of you
he loves to give you his clothes
or, if you don’t want those, he gives you blankets of his that smell like him
Mike notices the little things
like if you told him a story about your cousin and how they pissed you off
and then you brought them up again
he would remember the incident but he wouldn’t remember their name
“oh isn’t that the cousin who did all of that stuff to you?”
you guys have deep talks at 2am while he lays on your stomach and you comb through his hair with your fingers and you guys just talk and make out
his lips are soft but his hands aren’t
you definitely flirt with him all the time to make him blush
he hates feet
like everyone wears socks in his house or he will shoot his eyes out
he also hates canned corn
don’t ask me why i think this is just do
he’s scared of being alone
he also most definitely uses “:) :( :/ .-.” instead of actual emojis
he laughs at all of your jokes
even if they’re just not funny
he dosent want you to get sad lol
he’s always scared he’s not enough for you
he works a lot and he’s constantly tired and he makes minimum wage so it’s not like he can take you out to fancy dates or anything
he opens up about how he feels and when you tell him how much you adore your little mundane activities he gets all teary eyed and just hugs you so tight
he just wants to be the best version of himself for you
he adores you
off topic - he’s a lightweight when he drinks
he’ll stumble into the house drunk and just clinging onto you like a sloth
poor baby
he just deserves the world
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
HIII how are u doing girlie😍🤞🤞 Anyways can u pls write a scenario where ur classmates (htf characters?) find out ur dating seong taehoon and their reactions?? You dont need to if u dont want to ofc<333
Hey Anon! Thanks for the ask <3 I'm doing great!! Brain rotting away as expected but HAPPY FRIDAY! Hope you're doing well too and having a good start to the month :)
Don't you agree that there's a disappointingly small amount of writing for our lil nutjob?
Please enjoy the whiplash of my change in tone!
HTF discovering You & Taehoon dating!
Things were tentative between you and Taehoon. You've only been dating for a couple months, and you're still getting to know this side of him. Well. You say this side but it's still the same old Taehoon that you've come to grow very fond of.
The one that tells everyone to piss off but comes running, no, sprinting when one of his friends need his help. Who threatens to beat everyone up, but will come to your defence with no hesitation. This prickly, insufferable little shit.
Sometimes you worry about your own sanity for liking someone like Taehoon, but then he gives you a look in the middle of the company meetings and your feel your entire body flush and your heart palpitate. And you think about just being alone with him, the way that he looks at you like he wants to devour you, the way his hand runs all over your body and god bless his pale skin because it's so obvious how crazy you're driving him despite how cool he plays it- "Huh? Sorry Rumi, I missed that question. What did you ask?"
You know already this guy has no respect for other people's personal space, but since you've gotten together, a complete and utter lack of personal space has become the norm. At least when no one else is around.
Taehoon corners you in the company house.
"You got 500 won?" He's leaning casually on the wall, blocking your path of exit. He wears a smug smirk as his face moves closer to yours.
You roll your eyes, "Get your own 500 won, I'm not lending you any more money you bastard."
He glances down at your lips, "How about a kiss then?"
Bastard indeed. You blush, but with him so close by, with his lidded gaze and goddamn pretty pink lips slightly parted... you couldn't say no if you tried.
You lean forward to kiss him, and Taehoon deepens it before you have a chance to move away. His arm circles around your waist, pressing your entire body against him. You put your arms around his neck, pulling him impossibly closer and his hands start to roam your body. Perhaps you and Taehoon should move this somewhere more private-
A glass shatters. "OH MY GOD!!"
You both turn and see the entirety of Hobin Yu company frozen in shock.
Fuck. This was why you shouldn't be making out in the living room.
Hobin: Very happy for you! Congrats Y/N!!! But then after a moment... wait. Hold on. The reality of the situation sinks in. What?! That psycho Taehoon managed to bag you???
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Yeah Taehoon has a nice face but his personality STINKS. How can anyone stand him? AND MOST important of all: how did you guys beat him and Bomi getting together?! Life is so unfair!
Snapper: similiar reaction as Hobin. Who tf can put up with that nutjob. Side eyes you a bit cos surely you must have a few screws loose too. But... the opportunities for a newtube channel! Couple dates, couple vlogging! Ok, maybe this isn't such a bad development.
Gaeul: completely clueless. Even Gyeoul has commented on you two getting closer. This innocent little chick just thought... well, she didn't know what she thought - maybe you guys were just close friends? "You fellas, I'm so happy for you. Now don't you young whippersnappers get up to no good!"
Rumi: Oh Y/N I'm so happy for you! Hold on- let me just text Wangguk to set up a double date. What you doing this Saturday?
Mangi: another cinnamon roll. Gives you and Taehoon the biggest hug, squeezing the life out of you whilst Taehoon is just glaring, gearing up to give him a kick. So so happy for you, wishes you guys a lifetime of happiness (woah, steady on Mangi we've just gotten together!!) and that you are as happy as him and his girlfriend <3
Yeonwoo: You've always been nice and sweet to him. So you and Taehoon? Together? You're making this lil genius's brain hurt. Of course he'll congratulate the both of you, he's too polite to do otherwise. But his protective side flares up to make sure Taehoon treats you right.
Gyeoul: Who fucking cares
Taehoon finding out about everyone finding out: Headaches all around. What the fuck is wrong with these losers? Gets inundated with questions about you and their relationship. "Bastard that's none of your business", "Ask more questions if you want to die".
Temporarily wonders if this is worth it, but then looks at you and ok. Maybe it is. "Fuck, I'm so cringe I'm going to kick my own ass"
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nevernonline · 7 months
hihi! its the anon that requested the 14th member in another gg and performing a sexy concept!! i loved the ones u wrote recently and i was hoping (pls dont feel pressured to do it!!) of u could continue with the rest of the members. ur writing is so nice btw🫶
bubu, hi!! yes, ofc!! it's sort of long bc im insane, but thank u sm. ily. (srry this took so long lmao?) 🖤☘️
svt reactions to member and their gg and their sexy debut concept (cont.):
Wonwoo was always somewhat of a protector for you. He took it upon himself to shield you from the bad side of being an idol. Comments, questions, people trying to get in your pants. It’s common for a female idol to be burned in the spotlight, especially when they’re around 13 guys a lot of the time. Between dating rumors, fans' assumptions that you HAD to be hooking up with at least one of them, he always shut it down even before you or the company had the opportunity to do so. The night of your debut showcase the company threw a small album release party, family only which included a lot of the members from various groups between pledis and hybe. Your group's videos and concept were plastered playing on the large LED display, which was catching the eyes of some male company staffers and idols. Wonwoo was sitting across the room from you, watching as people praised your hard work and talent. He didn’t think much of it until someone asked him if they thought you’d give them your cell phone number so they could ask you on a date. He wanted to tell them no for you, but figured you should be able to fight that battle yourself so instead he beat him to it. A text pinged in your phone from Wonwoo telling you to meet him outside on the patio just so he can congratulate you, instead of just asking you out himself. Not just as friends, but much more.
When your team manager and the ceo sat jihoon down for a conversation, he definitely did not expect to be asked to help produce a song you wrote for your new group's debut ep. He would have done it in a heartbeat even without the company’s executives praising him and ready to bed for his music expertise. He was always willing to work and help out a friend. When the day came and you stepped into his sacred studio space, he was nowhere to be found, you’ve been in the light colored room often, but never alone. You took your time getting comfortable on his couch, playing with your phone while you awaited the arrival of your close friend. When the door alarm buzzed and unlocked, revealing Jihoon and his arms full of snacks and sodas for you both to enjoy.  “Sorry I'm late, I tried to text you but I left my phone in here before stepping out.”  “No worries, Hoonie. Is it just us then?”  “Yeah, everyone’s a little busy today. That’s cool?”  “Obviously. So before we get started should I tell you the concept?”  “That would be helpful, y/n.”  Jihoon was always a jokester especially with you, it was easy to play around with him.  “So, well, okay. It’s basically a song about seducing someone, we’re trying a sexy siren concept.”  Taken a back slightly, Jihoon couldn’t recall ever having to be sexy or seductive in a concept before, even as trainee’s when the company had you do battle of the sexes.  “Do you have some lyrics?”  “Yeah, here.”  ‘Fear not my temptation, but deliver me from the thoughts in my own head. Using my voice, I’ll promise to make these boys wind up dead.’ “So you’re basically using boys as playthings and then killing them, praying mantis style?”  “Basically, yes.”  “Want to hop into the booth and try some stuff?”  Hopping up from his couch and placing the heavy black headphones on your ears, a sultry piano and bass riff played. You sang the lyrics both you and Jihoon were coming up with on the spot, not realizing the way you were swaying under the pink lighting of his booth. Touching your body slightly, getting into the groove of the song.  “Uh, y/n?”  “Yeah?”  “Can you stop moving like that? I mean I like it, but it’s a little distracting.”  “Oh my god, sorry I didn’t even know I was doing that.”  “You’re lucky you’re cute.”  “So the seduction of the song is working, is what you’re saying though?”  “A little too well.” 
Seokmin was the most supportive friend you could ever ask for. He wasn’t shy to tell you how amazing you did while performing or how beautiful you looked in and out of your stage costumes. When he took his seat next to the rest of the boys in the glass box of the arena for your debut showcase. He wore the merchandise and clung onto the picket with your face on it out of anticipation to actually get the opportunity to watch you perform without him. As soon as the lights went down on the stage, the crowd began cheering your fan chant, he studied their words and joined in himself, forcing the rest of your team to do the same. The pitch black room filled with screams made his heart pound fast. Why was he so nervous? You came into his view, the bright stage lights bouncing off of your glowing frame, he noticed your smile as the song began to play. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you, he watched your interactions with the rest of the girls, the fans, and even the sneaky look up to him. He truly felt like your fan girl, singing along with you, dancing the choreography, and shouting your name louder than anybody in the room. The rest of the members tried to get his attention, but he was so intoxicated by watching you that he didn’t hear them. His fixated gaze on you had others watching him watch you. When it was all finally over, Seokmin couldn’t leave his seat for a good five minutes, his heart was beating faster than it should. The guys pulled him backstage to congratulate you. His hands were sweating now, pulling up to your door. Seeing you open it, now in a matching gray sweatsuit, halfway done with taking your makeup off. You hugged the various members and saved Seokmin for last. Whispering in his ear how grateful you were for him. The rest of the guys sat around teasing your biggest fan, laughing at the videos they took as he watched you. You caught a glimpse of his face, a pretend smile clearly embarrassed for the things they were saying.  “Okay, guys I’ll meet you at the restaurant. I’m going to take a shower and I’ll be there soon.”  With various goodbyes and see you laters you tugged Seokmin back into the room.  “Wait. Hold on, mister. You okay?”  “Yes, I’m good. I’ll see you at the restaurant, y/n. Good job.”  “Stop it. I could tell you were embarrassed by them. Why?”  “Not exactly, I guess I should’ve been more careful how I was reacting out there with all your fans. If they have those videos then someone else does too. I’m sorry.”  “Why are you sorry? Those are the sweetest videos ever. You looked so happy, Seok.”  “I feel like I embarrassed you or something.”  “You? You could never embarrass me. I love you. Wait here? Come to the restaurant with me.”  “ I’ll wait for you always.”  “Good. Let’s keep it that way.”  And with a peck on Seokmin cheek, you both spent the night reading all the comments about how sweet his support for you was. 
Mingyu got the opportunity to be a special MC for the week of your group's new debut, meaning he would get many opportunities to see you and your friends in action on stage and interview you during the broadcast. When the time finally came and you were waiting for your interview he was prompted by the producer to take the side of the interview stage next to you, simply because fans would love it. Watching you parade onto the stage in your small denim shorts and corset top adorned with black ribbons and lace, made Mingyu’s heart swell. The way your newly blonde hair cascaded down your exploded back was distracting him from his duties as host, just up until the slate came into his view.  “Hello, everyone, welcome back we’re here celebrating a new debut today, please welcome Spice. Hello hello.”  Claps rung through the studio as your eyes linger on Mingyu’s exposed fangs.  “Mingyu, what is it like seeing y/n up here with a group other than Seventeen? Jealousy? Happiness?”  Jungwoo’s comments made the rest of your team giggle, watching the over six foot man still tower over you while you stood on the riser next to him.  “Jealousy, for sure”  “And y/n or the rest of spice how do you girls feel having a self proclaimed kpop fossil in your midst, how are you dealing with her ex-members? Are they in your business all the time? Do they offer advice?”  “Well, I know Mingyu’s lying when he says he’s jealous. He actually texted me last night and told me he was proud of me and excited I’m out of his hair now.”  Your members agreed with you, stating they saw the text too while you were all preparing for your showcase.  “That’s not true. The pride was, but we miss having y/n around to keep us in check.”  “Okay, Spice members, we wanted a sneak peak of your debut stage for your song ‘Red Lips’ which one of you would like to give us a little tutorial on the choreography and an intro to the song?”  Unanimously your members chose their leader, you to give the two boys a sneak preview of your new track.  “Spice’s famous leader y/n, let’s go. Music Queue.”  You began the point dance by squatting, tracking your movements with your hands up your body, before spinning your frame around so your back was facing the camera with your hurt in full display. When the clip ended Mingyu put his large frame in front of you so the camera couldn’t hold the shot too long, protecting the last of the innocence you once had when he met you.  When your interview was finally over you and Mingyu ended it with a tight hug where he picked you up off your feet  that was caught on camera.  Safe to say the internet shippers went wild for a long time after that.
Minghao was doing an interview for a fashion magazine alongside the other 97’ members where they were being asked about some of their favorite things. Mingyu brought up your group's new song ‘Pure’ and Seokmin brought up how beautiful the music video was, both of them talking over each other about how fun the song is, and how it makes them feel excited when they work out. Minghao was just sitting nodding along, non-verbally agreeing that your group had some of the best new music in the industry and that you’ll be the next breakout idol group. The interviewer then asked other than the newest song by you, which song was their favorite, just keeping the conversation going. Mingyu still answered ‘Pure,’ Seokmin said it was the ballad of your album called ‘Skeletons.’ And Minghao said your first title track, ‘All Over.’ Which was actually banned in many schools for being too addictive, mainly due to the content of the video or maybe the explicit lyrics. When he was asked to elaborate he just simply said that he loves when people feel confident enough in themselves to do whatever they want. The clip was circling the internet, making silly jokes about how maybe Minghao sits around, watching you do scandalous moments for his own pleasure. Which was far from the truth, but he didn’t mind. Getting the opportunity to perform at the same time as you on a music show meant he would get to see the song live for the first time. He watched your group parade around the stage in small skirts and button down tops, imagining himself doing the partner choreography with you instead of the dancer you got assigned. When it was finished you came off the stage, right into his view.  “Better in person?”  “Maybe. I don’t think you're very into your dance partner though, no chemistry.”  “Really? He’s cool and not bad on the eyes, but yeah he’s not very interesting. Kind of a wet blanket actually.”  “A wet blanket?”  “Yeah, you know no substance. Soggy, whatever.”  “Maybe you should ask to swap to someone else?”  “No, it’s alright. He did try to ask me out at practice the other day though, literally in the exact moment we were doing that wild floor part, not really the best moment to ask someone out when they’re on top of you. But, go off.”  “He asked you out?”  “Yes..”  “Why? What the hell. That’s unprofessional.”  “It’s okay, Hao. I told him no.”  “You really should get a new partner.”  “Like who?”  “Me. I can think of lots of other stuff to ask you if you’re on top of me.”  “Oh my god.”  “Wait, that came out so wrong. Not what I meant.”  “Are you sure? I was a little excited.”  “Oh. Well in that case, meet me later in the practice studio. Let’s try it out.”  “You’ve got yourself a deal, partner.” 
After watching your debut, Seungkwan was wildly proud and supportive. He’s watched your confidence grow an exceptional amount alongside him. The praise from the fans felt like it was for him a little bit too, not in a selfish way but just because you blossomed into adults together. A few of the idols from your company got asked to be a part of a reality show about a day in the life of an idol, you and seungkwan both agreed knowing it would be fun to do together, especially since you haven’t had many opportunities to interact due to your busy schedules. For promotions of the new season you were paired together for interviews with various magazines and online programs. In the interview with Marie Claire the journalist had you play a game of truth or drink where you sat facing each other and the table between you had stacks of questions. You both were doing well, laughing, getting slightly buzzed on the shots of tequila that were provided until Seungkwan pulled a truth question, trying to buy himself a chance to skip a drinking turn. “What would you do if another idol was making a pass at the other player in front of you? How would you react?”  “What kind of question is that? Drink, Kwan” “Can I pick another one?”  You and Seungkwan were giggling and laughing over the prospect of someone making a pass at one of you in front of the other, the PA prompted him to either answer or move on, he wasn’t able to pick another option.  “Ok, I’m going to drink.”  “Ah, come on. Now I’m curious.”  “I’ll tell you later.”  Seungkwan and you finished up the last of your interviews and headed into the black suv parked outside of the studio.  “So tell me now about that question.”  “It’s just weird to think about anybody asking you out, I mean I know some have tried, but you’ve always turned it down. If someone did it in front of me? Damn. I’d probably laugh in their face first of all, which is rude I know. After that I’d probably yell at them how disinterested you would be.”  “But, what if it’s someone I’m interested in?”  “Please, who are you interested in, you've never said anything before?”  “You.”  “No way. Stop fucking around, y/n.”  “I’m serious. Deadly actually. I’ve always had a crush on you, why would any sane single person turn down half of these guys that are asking me out unless they’re interested in someone else.”  “You’re sane?”  “Shut up. I’m being serious. Stop being an ass, I’ll cry.”  “Then if I send your manager a card asking for permission to date you, will you accept it?”  “Why not just ask me yourself?”  “I’m a traditionalist.”  “Then you’ll just have to see what she says when you do.” 
Naturally Vernon wasn’t a jealous guy, he was just some dude that couldn't care less what other people were up to. He was so excited when he heard that you’d be debuting with new girls at the company, proud that they chose you to lead them with all of your experiences alongside him and the other members of your group. You and Vernon always had a special bond being the same age, having similar stories of how you became an idol, he appreciated having someone around who could understand him only through body language as did you. He came to surprise you and your new team on the day of your debut, carrying coffees, helping the staffers with luggage’s, bandaids, holding the hair and makeup team's bags. He really just wanted to show you he cared and was excited that you were moving on to bigger and better experiences in this industry. Vernon was never one to ask too many in depth questions about concepts and costumes, he knew the company would take care of you and he didn’t want to spoil the surprise for himself. As you were getting ready to take the stage, your manager asked him if he wanted to take a seat with them backstage and watch the view from the side. He told them no, mainly because he didn’t want to be a distraction and also everybody knows the side view is never exciting to see for the first time. As the team filtered out of your holding room Vernon took his place on the leather couch, watching your unit get into their positions. He never noticed your outfit until now, a black leather jacket, tight white tank top, and a pair of tight leather shorts with garters attached running the length of your bare legs all the way down to your chunky loafers. It’s not that he never thought you were beautiful before, but something changed now. He decided to open his Twitter app, seeing what people were saying about your group as you continued your performance. Vernon wished he hadn’t seen the comments about you made by men over half your age about what they’d like to do to you after seeing your bare legs. Suddenly he realized he wasn’t the only one gunning to be with you, but he was the only one who stood a chance. 
Chan always made you feel special, when he heard your group's new song it gave him an idea to beg your production team for a cut so he could create a Danceology as a surprise. Something big and dramatic to make you feel good and maybe a little to impress you. He enlisted the help of his friends Yeonjun and Changbin to make it extra fun for his fans to see three well liked idols performing a sexy girl group choreography made by him. The day came where it was about to be uploaded, so he arranged a small get together with the two of you to watch it’s release on YouTube, you weren’t sure why he asked you to come hangout with his friends and do a weverse live with him, but you never missed a chance to see him especially now with your busy schedules.  “Hello guys. So we’re doing this very special live for y/n actually. I have a surprise.” “A surprise? It’s not my birthday, channie.”  “Doesn’t matter. I may or may not have made a very special danceology episode for you.”  “What the fuck, oh sorry. What? Why did you do that?”  “Because I wanted to, the reason we’re here on live with everyone is to watch it before it goes up and you can see it before they do. Sorry everyone.”  “Okay, yes. Thank you, show me, show me, show me.”  “Alright, y/n may I present to you a special danceology to Spice’s ‘Pitch Black.”  The pair of you both clapped your hands as your manager pressed play revealing Chan, Changbin, and Yeonjun wearing black tank tops and different shades of ripped jeans, a match from the music video your group had just released.  “Oh my god. This is insane.”  Chan didn’t say anything back, but just kept watching you watching his gift for you, until he noticed your eyes click to one of the other three in the trio. A gut feeling had him knowing that your attention wasn’t only on him, but he shoved it down until the fade out of the song came on.  “Wow. You guys killed that shit. Yeonjun and Changbin thank you guys too, it was amazing. Thank you.”  “You liked?”  “Chan, it was so good. That part where Yeonjun came into the front and did the hip swivel thing? Iconic.”  “What about me?”  You ruffled his hair, laughing confused why he was so serious after you made the comment about his tall friend.  “You looked very cute.”  “Cute? That’s it.”  Aware you were still broadcasting live, you pulled your phone out to text Chan and remind him of it, he told the fans that you guys will come back after going out for some dinner to talk more and reminding them to watch the video before you go live again before saying goodbye.  “What was that, y/n?���  “What? It was amazing, I told you? Did I say something wrong?”  “It’s nothing, just nevermind. Let’s go get some food.”  “No come on, no angry eating. What’s wrong?”  “Just, I guess I’m jealous. I did all of that for you and you were stuck watching my friend. I’m sorry.”  “Because I complimented him on one part over you? That doesn’t mean anything, you were so good. I couldn’t take my eyes off of you the entire time aside from that. You were amazing.”  “Yeah, emphasis on cute huh?”  “If I tell you how sexy you look, will you stop pouting and buy me dinner?”  His award winning smile crept onto his lips.  “Only if you tell me ten more times.” 
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run2min · 1 year
hii i was wondering if u coukd do yungyu from 8turn as ur bf headcanons ?? take ur time if ur busy ofc , no rush 🫶
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Hi anon! Sorry for the delay, I've been a bit busy! <3 I hope these headcannons are okay <3
I feel like Yungyu is defiantly a fun boyfriend
Was defiantly your best-friend before your boyfriend
Hold your hands when sitting across from you at dinner
Stays up all night watching your/ his favourite dramas
Kisses the back of your neck when you're studying
Would face-time you as soon as you text him good morning, he would take sooooo many screenshots of your sleepy face and blackmail you with them
Always making you laugh
Cuddles are a mustttt
Pillow fights. He would be such a sore looser, yet he lets you win every-time anyway :(
Calls you whenever he misses you
Loves PDA, he loves the fact that you're comfortable with him.
Baking together :( - I feel like he said 'I love you' for the first time by icing it onto a cake because of what the activity means to you both
Always tells you that he couldn't live without you
I feel like his kisses are so soft :(
I feel like him and Seungheon pull pranks on you all of the time, they always describe you as an 'easy target' because you believe every word that comes out of Yungyu's mouth
I feel like he wouldn't buy you gifts; but he would make you gifts, hear me out - I feel like he would make you a paper bouquet every time you go on a date, or he'd make a mini book out of his favourite memories from your relationship :(
I feel like he would call you 'honey' or 'my girl / my boy / my one'
He is always staring at you. get used to it :(
If any of his friends are single, I can 1000000% see him showing you off by holding your hand, making you laugh and stealing quick kisses ever so often.
He has complete trust in you and he lets you know!
I feel like even though he is a very confident person, he would break down to you after a long day ~ just be there for him and he will forever love you <3
𝐚/𝐧: I hope you like this! pls request more soon <3
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