#another injustice smh
kindacutebutaloser · 5 months
Oh. So when the Bad Kids kill a Helioic religious zealot it’s sooo great. But when I, Kipperlily Copperkettle-
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dages-big-naturals · 9 months
Consumed by the injustice of sangyao being considered a rarepair. What's more romantic than ruining a person's life and having them plot for ten years to destroy yours in return? What's more fascinating than forging a bond with a person, recognizing that you share similar traits in a world that doesn't value those traits, leaning on one another for support, becoming family, only for that all to collapse? For that shared dedication and cleverness to turn dark and spiral into hatred and machinations? What more do you want?? Everyone loves some "two sides of the same coin" action until it's two tiny scheming twinks, apparently. Smh
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dragynkeep · 1 year
You know another problem with the JL/RWBY crossover?
With our Blake’s Cat Ears, she just kinda looks like Huntress.
they basically just hanked untress's fit & it's like, the disrespect to helena. helena doesn't whimper & cry in the face of injustice, she grabs justice for herself & others who can't with blood & just violence.
now we have the alley cat with no fetish ears trying to cosplay her smh. there still isn't a justified reason for why blake doesn't have her ears in this universe considering they're a racial trait & the comics universe has dealt with much weirder than a catgirl.
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This 👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼SMH it’s sad that Amerikkka cares way more about persecuting people for victimless sex crimes s instead of carrying about Black Lives. Let’s face it, millions of republicans would be protecting him if he was white Republican. 🤦‍♀️
But nooo because a black guy decided to download harmless images that don’t even harm children on his computer apparently the racist court system thinks he’s a monster. Just another day in Amerikkka where a black man gets arrested for no good reason. 😠
And I know some people are gonna say “yes it’s true black people tend to be treated unfairly by the court system but Jerry Harris is a disgusting pedophile and should rot in prison” but you know, that’s still rooted in racism because black people get arrested for no good reason while SHITTENHOUSE gets to run free for murdering innocent BLM hero’s so the only way to undo centuries of systemic racism is to stop arresting black people.
Hatred for black MAPs to be arrested is still rooted in racism because hello? remember the same guys during Jim Crow lunching black men falsely accusing them of rape? like you’re literally deciding which type of black person deserves rights which is basically what people did during Jim Crow. So yeah by discriminating against black MAPs you’re literally no different from Roy Bryant.
Justice for Jerry Harris ✊✊✊
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cyarskj1899 · 2 years
Did You Know
Pardi Speaks Out Ahead Of Verdict In Tory Lanez Trial
Megan Thee Stallion’s Boyfriend Pardison ‘Pardi’ Fontaine Speaks Out In Support Of Women Ahead Of A Verdict In Tory Lanez Trial
Posted on December 23, 2022 - ByNoah Williams
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Pardi & Megan Source: Shareif Ziyadat / Getty
Megan Thee Stallion’s boyfriend Pardison Fontaine has spoken out in support of women who’ve suffered injustices. His comments come just ahead of the verdict in the Tory Lanez trial.
For the past two weeks, the most talked about subject in pop culture has been the Tory Lanez assault trialthat’s centered around Megan Thee Stallion being shot in her feet and requiring surgery. The fallout from the court case has been an ongoing gross display of how women who come forward with allegations are treated in the public eye. Instead of grace, Megan has been subjected to hatred and a lack of empathy from detractors.
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Megan Thee Stallion’s Boyfriend Pardison ‘Pardi’ Fontaine Speaks Out In Support Of Women Ahead Of The Verdict In Tory Lanez Trial
Meg’s boyfriend Pardison Fontaine took to Instagram this week to get a few thoughts off his chest as the trial comes to a close. Pardi offered something that has been missing over the past weeks; empathy for women who have been victims of violence.
To any woman especially ones of color that has suffered an injustice”.
“To any woman especially ones of color that has suffered an injustice I feel for you,” he wrote. “When you do find the courage to speak up .. it seems you will be ridiculed .. your credibility will [be] questioned .. your entire past will be held under a magnifying glass .. in an instant, you can go from defendant in the eyes of the public .. to anyone with a daughter Sister mother niece or aunt.”
He added, “I pray for their protection… I pray for their covering… I wouldn’t wish this on anyone.”
Pardi’s message comes as a verdict in Tory Lanez’s assault trial will bring more chatter and weirdo opinions. You can read his full Instagram story post below.
Categories: Did You Know
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ikerevedgar · 3 years
omg look at Cybird doing Jonah so much injustice!? and it gets worse afterwards why do they have to make Jonah such a brat?
now I'm lowkey worried that Sirius' TTLG route is gonna feature another round of bratty Jonah smh
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knox-enden · 3 years
Love how you can tell who i care ab need someone else to round out the questions smh, but anyway, how did tommy and tubbo meet? At like an interkingdom discussion? When did they start doing their every other switch kingdoms? Man that sucks for Wil, hows fundy doing? Does the happy “ending” ofthe story implicate everyone? Like everyones lives get better or would it mostly focus on sbi? Like obviousbky it focuses on healing and redemption but would it also focus on growing up and the problems arising from there? (Like tommy and tubbo, or jack and niki and having to Run a Kingdom) who is sapnaps parents? Is dreamteam friends? Do they try to keep george from gaston?
Tommy and Tubbo have known each other since birth basically. Whenever a child of a Royal is born, there's a huge celebration for it. Belle and Cinderella are also friends, seeing as their kingdoms are close by. It's not uncommon for children of Royals to stick close to other Children of Royals. They started switching from one another's castles once they turned 12, deeming that they deserved to be with their best friend often. Seeing as Cinderella and Belle are close, they said it was perfectly fine.
Fundy is doing alright! In the story, as Tommy and Tubbo are 17, Fundy would be about 11. As Wilbur is about 28. Fundy is well aware that his grandparents are Eric and Ariel, but he doesn't remember who his father was, and he never met his mother. Fundy knows his father is alive based on conversations he has and overhears. He can't but feel a sort of resentment towards Wilbur, seeing as Fundy believes he was abandoned. Of course, Fundy doesn't know how much Wilbur truly love his son.
The Ending of the Story is a good one. It leaves ambiguous, but it's supposed to be assumed that the Continent is to be reformed and pulled back together. With Tommy and Tubbo leading the charge. The main antoganist, is actually Quackity, the son of Dr. Facilier, who, as to reclaim his father's lost pride, life, and family name, deems that he shall create his own Kingdom in the Dark Side to take over the Royal Kingdoms of the Light. Using Las Nevadas to draw in children of all royals and villains who resent their families to rise against them. It's supposed to be one where the unforgivable are forgiven, of course that doesn't mean they all change, but it does mean a lot. The children will remark the injustices of the laws that their parents had set, and want to stop the segregation.
Sapnap is the son of Hades! And yes, Dream Team are friends. Underneath the large mountain range, is where the Underworld and the Holiday Towns lay, like Halloween Town from The Nightmare Before Christmas.
Seeing as Gaston ignores George, George doesn't really need to be kept away from Gaston. He does as he pleases, and because of his upbringing, is actually really apathetic towards a lot of things. He does care for his friends though.
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lindwurmkai · 2 years
So ... about empathy. I always conceptualised the difference between empathy and sympathy sort of like this:
Empathy is when you hear that something bad has happened to another person and your feelings either reflect what you think the other person is feeling or how you would feel if the same thing had happened to you. Someone having a low empathy day might feel this only as a faint echo whereas someone with hyperempathy might be more upset than the person it actually happened to.
Sympathy is when you hear that something bad has happened to another person and you don't instinctively put yourself in their shoes like this, but you feel upset for them. Maybe you're sad because this is your good friend and you don't want them to suffer. Maybe you're angry at injustice. Whatever it is, it can still range from only a faint twinge to a very strong emotion though - just probably nowhere near as bad as hyperempathy.
What I can't figure out is how common it is for "low empathy" to include an absence of sympathy, too. Because the thing is, you can feel absolutely nothing at all and still act compassionately.
I have had days where a close friend could have told me their beloved grandma just died and the only emotion I would have felt was mild annoyance that I had to figure out how to respond like a human now. But you know ... obviously I would do my best to act normal and try to comfort them anyway (in my usual awkward manner because I'm not good at that even when my feelings machine is not currently broken).
Is that how other people use these words as well or not??
What motivates me to act with compassion in the absence of feelings is, in part, the memory of having felt empathy/sympathy in similar situations in the past, so big kudos to people who don't even have that and manage to be kind anyway. Other reasons include the entirely practical concern of not wanting to ruin a relationship, or with strangers, the knowledge that helping this person would be in line with my ideals.
That's ... not sympathy. There is no sympathy involved in that whatsoever. Unless I'm using the word completely wrong and whatever I feel when I think I'm feeling sympathy is actually something else.
I believe the most likely reason for these fluctuations is dissociation, though I don't know if that's in a "dissociating from one's emotions" sense or more of a plural sense. I do suspect one of my headmates might fit the criteria for ASPD on his own, but we're so ... fuzzy around the edges most of the time. Also I can't communicate with him for shit. Smh.
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definitive VERY SERIOUS ranking of MCU characters, best to trash
Gamora and Nebula - tied for first place because prickly, traumatized assassin women? that’s my shit. prickly, traumatized assassin women working through their issues TOGETHER and growing closer as sisters? YEAH, babey! that’s the shit! I love them and they deserved arcs that loved them, too. biggest injustice in the MCU.
Thor - absolutely excellent. amazing work. distinguished slut vibes and a radiant beam on sunshine in this shithole world. again, never saw Endgame, but he deserved better.
Sam Wilson - going strong since 2014, babey. just an all-around great guy, good for him finally getting his own show. will I be watching it? absolutely not. not a force on god’s green earth could make me care enough to pirate a marvel television show in this the year of our lord and savior 2020, even if he is a very cool dude with wings. 
Bucky Barnes - all the fun of Steve but no moral quandaries because everything bad that he did happened when he was being controlled by nazis and he feels really bad about it uwu
Peter Parker - yes OBVIOUSLY the movies did Peter dirty, we’ve all seen a fucking essay about it, making him Iron Man Jr was wack and being poor doesn’t look like that, but he’s cute and fun and I like Tom Holland, who was the emotional anchor who forced me to keep giving a sliver of a shit during Infinity War. Far From Home was pretty not good but would I see another Spider-Man movie? fuck, maybe.
Steve Rogers - idk I just think he’s neat. really love how he’s shaped like a dorito and hates nazis.
James Rhodes - I don’t think Rhodey’s ever said or done anything that wasn’t iconic and for that he deserves to be exactly one spot above his idiot best friend.
Tony Stark - I hold possibly the most unpopular opinion on Tony Stark on this entire hellsite, which is that he’s just fine. he’s fun sometimes, he’s irritating sometimes, he made some points during Civil War. he should probably lose more points for being a former war profiteer but if I started digging into comic book logic too much I’d have to change my url because Batman cooperates with cops and endangers children, so idk.
T’Challa - I don’t remember a TON about T’Challa’s actual personality because it’s been like 4 years since Black Panther came out and he had like 2 lines in Infinity War, but he’s a powerful nerd/jock multiclasser who spends most of his time surrounded by women who are very smart and dangerous and much cooler than him and I really respect that.
Natasha Romanoff - Natasha is difficult to rank because for a long time her dominant defining characteristic was being The Girl One, which means she has a different personality in pretty much every movie, and it was never interesting. if Marvel had rubbed two brain cells together and given her a solo movie between 2012 and 2015 she might have fared better, but alas. press F in the chat for Nat’s potential.
Groot, Rocket, Drax, Mantis - I love these funky socially incompetent aliens. more of them, please.
Bruce Banner - only interesting in Ragnarok when he’s Thor’s anxious comedic foil and boyfriend; thank you for that small gift, Taika. I never saw Endgame because I love myself, so I don’t know anything about professor Hulk and I don’t want to.
Peter Quill - fun in theory but loses points for being such a painful walking embodiment of the extremely heterosexual “idiot manchild gets hot competent gf by virtue of being white cishet protagonist man.” shut the fuck up she’s way too good for him.
Wanda Maximoff - despite all of Joss Whedon’s best efforts I really liked her in Age of Ultron and then my love for her just decreased with each subsequent appearance. like Natasha she was increasingly a different character each time; by Infinity War she didn’t have her accent anymore as if Elizabeth Olsen realized nobody else on set would remember or care about Wanda’s previous portrayals. on god I liked her so much that I was even down to root for her and Vision but then the majority of it happened offscreen and lost me forever. 
Pietro Maximoff - mmm watcha saaaaaay
Hope Van Dyne - cooler than Ant-Man but not by much. should have been a lesbian and kissed Pepper Potts in the moonlight. 
Carol Danvers - fuck dude idk, I’ve never seen a movie she’s in lmao
Ant-Man - the recurring joke with this bitch seems to be “haha can you believe he exists? that’s dumb!” and it is. it is dumb. why did we need him? it could have all payed off with him crawling up Thanos’ asshole and exploding but we didn’t even get that. bullshit. 
Vision - man, fuck, I tried to put him higher on the list than Peter Quill and I couldn’t make myself do it. that’s how goddamn boring Vision was. and you know what? fuck it, we’re putting him lower than Pietro, too. and even Ant-Man! we’re scraping the bottom of the barrel here and he deserves it because I can’t think of one thing this dude did that I enjoyed other than being bad at cooking when he was trying to impress a girl.
Doctor Strange - I’m not going to make a Benedict Cumberbatch joke because that’s low hanging fruit but all I know is that this is the dude who’s mean to Tony in a horny way for five minutes of Infinity War. I never saw his movie, heard it was racist tho. and they didn’t even learn their lesson before they made Iron Fist! smh bombastic colonialism.
Clint Barton - last place because in the absence of a personality or interesting character arc I’m forced to judge him on the fact that Jeremy Renner radiates bad vibes and that in Endgame he gets a makeover that makes him look like he’d call me slurs for telling him to stop hitting on 16 year old girls at a gas station.
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thegreymoon · 3 years
Word of Honor
Could I be more enchanted by this rude gremlin man? 😭
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How is it even possible to crush so hard on half the cast of one sole single solitary show? 😭😭
He looks like he walked straight out of a Japanese horror movie 💀💀
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He’s just beyond creepy. 
Too beautiful!
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This absolute troll 😂😂
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Personally, I very much doubt I would make it across this nightmare bridge. My heart would give out halfway through 👻👻
I knew they were never going to make it over that bridge without incident 💀💀
Oooh, wound tending and cuddle time in a cave! 😋
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Praying there are no 3D space defying turtles around!
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“Scourges” 😂😂
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Well, he has a high opinion of them! 
So despicable 🤮
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Even surrounded by zombies, they can’t pass up an opportunity to flirt 🤣🤣
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Disasters 🤣🤣
I’m shocked Ye Baiyi did not get his fancy, flowy robes stuck in one of those gears. 
I am dead 😭😭
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They have murdered me 😭😭
They were fighting zombies, ffs, why is this romance 😭😭
You look too wholesome to not be suspicious 🧐🧐
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Just waiting for the cow to unhinge it’s jaw and attempt to swallow them!
God, this place is beautiful 💚
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This is almost worse than a monster cow 😫
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Another sleeve cutting scene? 😅
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We get it boys, you’ve been more than obvious 😂😂
LMAO, I squee internally whenever he calls them scourges 😂😂
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Poor Chengling, always getting tortured in cruel and unusual ways 😬
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Anyway, I can’t wait to see this disgusting little sadist die. I hope it will be cruel and painful. 
LMAO, he’s so fucked 😂😂
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How is this episode just endless nightmare fuel 😫😫
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OMG, a flashback 😱 I am scared! CQL has traumatised me! 
Well, this is interesting!! 🧐🧐
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Yes, Wen Kexing! Shut up and behave yourself, I too want to hear the rest of this!
One of the most difficult moments in any story for me is when the worst among a group of friends/brothers/heroes manages to ruin them all because they trusted him and he is the last one left standing 😠
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The injustice of it. The devastation. And no way to fix it. 
I was doing so well remembering all the relevant characters, smh, and then they had to go and introduce all their younger versions plus half a dozen new people 😠😠 
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Why must my life be suffering 😭😭
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There goes that plan 😶
What even...??
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Didn’t Rong Xuan kill him just minutes ago? How are they killing him again??
It’s the same thing as with Gao Chong and Shen Shen. Smh. Why can I never tell when someone here is properly dead?
This story is so goddamn messy. I’ve gone back over the last ten minutes or so at least four times to gather who is married to whom and who killed who and why 😠😠
This is Wen Kexing, isn’t it. 
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He’s really not Rong Xuan’s son but these are his parents. That’s why he wants everyone dead. 
Look at his face!
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It’s 100% him. 
So, WKX has the key?
LMAO, he’s so angry 😆😆
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I love these master/student relationships 🤗 Kill a famous martial artist and then prepare to suffer as his ridiculously overpowered immortal teacher descends from seclusion in a mountain to get revenge! I love this theme 😆😆
OK, so, Master Huazui didn’t exactly descend to kill for Chu Wanning, but he did tear down half the Underworld to bring him back to life! Also, I have no doubt that if CWN had stayed dead, his own disciple would have eventually gone on to track down the culprits and skin them alive. 
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schiste-argileux · 4 years
That Pharma hates what he’s become
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I think that Pharma had a decent amount of compassion and a proper (not relatively high) level of righteousness prior to the war. He is definitely talented and skilled, considering he is a doctor (medical school is a test of wits, patience, and learning to manage with stress and high stakes esp. if its surgical tasks).  Being in Delphi was a punch in the face, I think. If I were to be in Pharma’s position, a talented health professional who contributed and provided assistance and care to many lives, very used to living a comfortable life with many conveniences, suddenly thrown into the wilderness with little supplies yet expected to bring huge yields, I would be hella pissed. Yes, Pharma’s definitely able to make do with what he’s given (as we see in the comics lmao), but that kind of pressure is not fair and does him an injustice (he sucked up for like 5 years omg, and there’s ppl irl who cry at every little inconvenience smh).
Building up your career for centuries to be thrown out into some dirty ol’ clinic? Yeah, for the greater good! No recognition? Feeling bad? lmao, everyone’s in this together and suffering! What makes you special? 
Everyone, every. individual. is capable of evil, especially under pressure. many, many times, people cannot overlook or have a will to NOT act on it. Everything that’s born in this world does things for their own benefit, it’s a natural instinct. It’s not wrong to be selfish (its great if you aren’t! but hey, not everyone can)! It is wrong however, to be selfish and hurt someone else’s wellbeing to sate your needs! Pharma does that horrifically. He steps over those bounds. Probably out of anger, spite, because his expectations and values are failing. 
And then he slips down the slope of anger and frustration, thinking about Ratchet how he probably has it easier (no, he doesn’t but the grass is always greener on the other side), how everything SO unfair for him (listen, pharma, you ain’t special. but you are an individual, so its valid you feel these feelings). 
Then there’s this bitter conflict in himself, Oh, i’m a bad person for being like this! I’m supposed to be a professional, never losing my cool, doing my job! No, I am a professional, so we should be getting the proper resources to run a clinic! This literally fails all the health guidelines! This is a mess! How can I fix it? Why is it my job to fix it?
It was like what 5 years? jesus christ, that sounds like suffering. Sure Transformers can live for hundreds of thousands of years, but that sounds like hell. 5 years can be full of traumatizing events (haha fort maxy).
Conflicted, wanting to blame himself and point fingers, yet no one to point because he’s prideful and doesn’t want to be shallow, wanting to take things into his own hands. Also Pharma is a sad man can’t communicate his frustration (maybe can’t trust anyone, how sad), which also makes it worst. Communication is important friends!!!
And then blinded by these things, he fails and doesn’t want to see the bigger picture. And then Pharma does the ploy. I don’t think Pharma had that big a problem with Tarn (he did have problems but not like, the main source of anger), but the big fish was Autobot High Command (fuck u prowl, you saw possible evil and cunning in Pharma, who wasn’t acting on in and probably didn’t know he had evil in him, and you let it explode. You know no one else would be able to deal with Delphi because they don’t have the cunning, or they’re too stubbornly righteous). 
Get rid of Tarn? Someone’s just going to replace him, and possibly make the situation worse because WOW how did the DJD get wiped out?? Then Delphi gets stormed and he can’t get off this hellhole. Medic creates a BIO WEAPON. WOW! Prowl might be so amazed, he throws Pharma into another shitty situation to squeeze diamonds out of his ass. Pharma let the disease go off in the hospital because his goal is to selfishly shut down Delphi so he can get the fuck out while giving Prowl a good fuck you because he’s already a murderer for euthanizing struggling patients, so fuck this world. (In Which Pharma Becomes A School Shooter) I’m not talking about Chainsaw!Pharma after he gets saved by Tryest, because he’s so far gone,,, what even is he now. Bye.  I think pushing past the memes and jokes, Pharma represents A LOT of people IRL. Someone sick of the hypocrisy of the ones up the chain of command, hates themselves not being smart enough to get out easily, trying to point fingers but realizing they won’t change so what’s the point, and then just doing whatever he wants regardless of his morals because he snapped. I do not justify his actions, and I think his choice of making a disease (wow that’s big brained man) is a pretty bad choice out of all his choices (who are you to take other people’s lives? smh it is war but that doesn’t excuse ur sins). But Pharma is an excellent lesson to LEARN from his MISTAKES.  like the proverb says, A dumb man never learns from his mistakes, an average man learns from his own, and a smart man learns from other’s mistakes and his own. pharma exists so we can not be a clown like him and learn to communicate, express our frustrations, not blow up and control our feelings, understand ourselves and try to have a positive perspective even in the lowest times, and make good decisions!! anyways thanks for coming to my ted talking about pharma’s shittiness, you are welcome to agree or disagree! This was a short clip of my perspective on pharma as a character ^_^ i do not condone his actions. He’s not a good person and he should not be a role model...  basically he reminds me of Crime and Punishment character Raskolnikov! A conflicted dumbass who thinks he is so talented but deserves better and makes really poor decisions. excellent piece of english literature i read, very very good! 
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magneticflower · 4 years
What do you think Anne has been up to in the last year (1900)? How do you think Anne and Gilbert's relationship has progressed?
Send me AWAE Ask/Messages of Any kind!
Ooh, great questions! Forgive me, I’m not the most eloquent person to ask nor am I likely to provide as accurate or as interesting answers as some others within the fandom can but I hope my answers are alright!
For me, I picture Anne doing the absolute most to live her life at Queen’s to the fullest and to experience as much as she can. Like in the novels, I imagine she would go for an accelerated course to finish her studies swiftly as well as to go for awards and scholarships. She has probably found her ways to write her stories whilst also trying to get articles published on topics that she feels are of great importance. I think she would have tried to bring light to Ka’kwet situation but I feel it wouldn’t have been given much as attention as she would hope or that it has even gotten her in trouble in some aspects when she pushed too hard. 
I feel like the girls would have a bit of time adjusting to the strictness of their boarding home which probably resulted in some comical moments. Definitely think she has grown close to those within the boarding house though and has probably learned to sign from Lily. 
I’d like to think she got was able to have a variety of experiences without facing too much trouble when doing so, but given who she is, I imagine she has butt heads with more than a few people and some likely of authority when she feels there is injustice. I think she would have dipped into the money that Matthew gave her when things got a bit slower and she truly had a moment ot feel homesick for Marilla and Matthew. 
As for her and Gilbert, I will stay forever curious about how they would have handled it. For me, I feel like the first half of s4 would have likely consisted with just letters back and forth to each other as they each dealt with their new environments and responsibilities. Perhaps there would be some delayed responses when it got hectic, but they would try to be as consistent as they could. Halfway through I think there would be a holiday or a break of some variety in which they would return to Avonlea and reunite OR one of them (probably Gilbert) would pay a surprise visit to the other. 
They do have a tendency to be the queen and king of miscommunication so I imagine there would be some tense moments where they misunderstood each other and it sparked one or both to be upset. Hopefully, it would not extend beyond the time they had to be in the actual vicinity of one another but Shirbert likes to be painful like that sometimes. 
I think we would have gotten some really sweet moments with them and I think they would have deepened their relationship over the course of the season, but I imagine there would be a lot of individual growth within the season for many of the characters and probably a sad arc within the season so I don’t know how much we would have got of their relationship but I do think we would have been freaking out over what we did get. I would like to think they wouldn’t add a jealousy plot to cause a rift between them as there was already that within s3, but you never know. 
The more I think about it the more I just want to scream because we DESERVED to see what would have happened instead of just speculating without any chance of knowing for sure smH
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Anyway, this answer is pretty messy but I hope it is alright! Thank you so much for sending!!
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modestmuses-a · 4 years
the positive & negative :    mun & muse  /  fill out & repost .
MY MUSE IS :    canon  /  oc  /  au  /  slightly canon - divergent / fandomless / complicated 
i try to stay mostly close to ekko’s canon but i also have a fuckton of aus for him including some real self-indulgent bullshit that isn’t even on his verses page. if you want me to make a new au for ekko to fit him into a different skin line or something, i’ll probably do it tbh.
for better or worse. when “giants” first came out, i had more ekko smut on my dash than i ever cared to see.
i can tell you what i think of ekko’s strength, and i can tell you that... it isn’t much. he’s not the most adept fighter in the series, and most of the time, he wins fights by cheesing them with time travel. in my thread with @uncaged-bloodhunter​ ekko would be DEAD four times over by now if not for the zero drive.
however, i haven’t seen much fandom opinion about his strength? i’m going to go out on a limb and say most people probably don’t find him very strong bc? i don’t see a lot of people saying that but. who knows.
canon-wise, fandom-wise, and on this blog, ekko gets a lot of attention, which i’m not complaining about. he’s a fav.
he is important around zaun, but considering he won’t LEAVE that place, i doubt we’ll see him achieve much relevance in the bigger overarching conflicts in the league universe anytime soon.
if league did have a main character, i’m sure he would never meet them unless they were from piltover or zaun lol
around piltover/zaun, all the academics are trying to get him to sit down with them, but overall? nah. if he went anywhere other than piltover or zaun, they would have no fucking idea who he was.
pilties HATE him! click to find out why!
no, but in seriousness, around zaun, his reputation is quite good as one of the few decent souls in the city. but in piltover, he’s just another thuggish troublemaker on a spree of petty crimes, as if zaun doesn’t already have enough of those...
shrugs. i don’t actively think about adhering to canon with every thread i write, of course, but i do think i have a pretty good handle on his character so.
SELL YOUR MUSE !( try to list everything that makes your muse interesting to make them spicy for your mutuals ) 
he is a nice sweet boy who WILL adopt every single child and will go out of his way to help those in need. he also has plenty of spunk and a real get-up-and-go kind of personality, he’s not the kind of person who likes just “hanging around” so he’s a perfect companion for someone who likes to get out and adventure as long as you don’t go outside of piltover/zaun. he’s very loyal and will stick up for his friends, even when it would be more convenient to sell them out. and of course, he’s willing to call authority figures out on their bullshit and doesn’t sit back and passively watch injustices happen.
NOW THE OPPOSITE !(  list everything why your muse could not be so interesting . even if you may not agree. what does the fandom perhaps think ?  )
he’s got abandonment issues up to HERE, and because of that, he is c l i n g y. if he gets attached to you in any way, he will NOT let you go. he will NOT get over you. he will probably keep trying to worm his way back into your life for months or YEARS because he just doesn’t know how to deal with being left.
furthermore, he represses every negative emotion he has ever felt because he feels like his problems are trivial compared to other people’s so he bottles that shit right on up like cheap cough-syrup-tastin’ whiskey. he holds onto a LOT of resentment - at piltover, at the chembarons, at himself, at the world - and because he doesn’t allow himself to DO anything with said resentment, he’s a ticking time bomb (pun fully intended). i do have... timelines... where all that internalized hostility blows up in a really messy way. and by messy, i mean bloody.
around the time i first started getting into league, a bitch was going through it. we were pretty destitute and received an eviction notice, and i had to work my ass off to keep us from losing our apartment. it was a very depressing time for everyone involved. but then i found ekko, this boy who had even less than i did but made the most of it, who always found some way to make the day better. writing him became very cathartic for me because it allowed me to take something positive away from what was one of the worst years of my life.
punk rock music, haha! especially that of billy talent. their whole dead silence album is pretty ekko, but they have a lot of bangers that remind me of him scattered across all their albums. we deserved punk rock ekko and instead we got fucking true damage because riot didn’t wanna get political, i guess. smh.
some more personal questions for the mun . give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters , which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not .
i kind of only address headcanons as they come up. very occasionally i will drop a few for a new muse just so that people get a better feel for who they are before writing them but... yeah written headcanons are pretty few and far between here. it’s really not even worth me having a headcanon banner lmao
i would like to, but writing my replies here kind of sucks up most of my time!
too confident some might say, but those people would be silly fools
sometimes i get anxiety about stupid shit but i try and often fail to be secure
nope, i ain’t changing a thing. i’m the best ekko on this site, and you are free to disagree with that because everyone is entitled to their wrong opinion, but my askbox is closed to those kinds of complaints. :)
yeah, sure, although i understand why people don’t send them because i often draw blanks on what to send without somebody reblogging a headcanon meme or something. if you just reblog “send my character questions on anon!” i’m probably not gonna do it bc i have no idea what kinds of questions would even be relevant or helpful for you.
nah, everyone can do what they want. i usually won’t follow people if i don’t agree with their headcanons, but i’m not about to get all up in somebody’s business about it.
again, wrong opinion, but you’re allowed to have it and you’re also allowed to SMASH that unfollow button.
who hates ekko of all people, first of all? but second of all, i don’t care. just don’t get in my dms about it ‘cause i’ll block you. i’m not really interested in somebody bashing one of my muses to my face.
shrugs. yeah, i guess. i usually leave other people’s grammatical errors alone as long as i can read their stuff.
yeah i think so. i try to be, anyway. i like to make ooc friendships bc i find it way more satisfying and easy to write with friends. although i sound a little bitchy in parts of this, it’s mostly jokes for exaggeration effects.
tagged by: @bikmui
tagging: @storiestotell (akutagawa), @bystcrdust, @dimensionaljumper (for eliza ‘cause i always send stuff for scribe lol)
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cherubchoirs · 4 years
re: the thieves being too "soft", ive always had an issue with how the thieves react to things?? like,,, get mad!!!!!! i know they have their awakenings and i love them but after that theyre just kinda.... its not that big a deal? like!go off!!! get his ass!!!!! yall have all the right in the world to be fuckin furious and now you have an outlet too!!!! go ham!!!! AND in addition to that like.... these are TEENAGERS. they should be fucking pissed off!!!!!!! yall had ur awakenings then what?? smh
GOD I KNOW...they are all angry as characters, but the anger they react with is like totally in line and appropriate for what they’re dealing with. outside of ryuji, we don’t really see them blow up at the wrong times or take their anger out in unhealthy ways, which they...really should. and even when they do have inappropriate, over the top emotional responses, it’s treated as a joke (like yusuke at the art exhibit during his confidant - it seems like it’s just supposed to be funny and then we move on :\) tbh what i wanted much more of was in-fighting with the thieves. i believe they are a tight-knit group that cares deeply for one another, but they’re also all highly passionate, all of them angry and traumatized, so how am i supposed to believe they barely ever butt heads? the only time we see it is with okumura, and despite the morgana fuckery that was poorly executed (it works for his character, but the handling was a disaster and just makes morgana look bratty instead of emphasizing his self-esteem issues), i loved seeing the thieves disagree on a target and argue about whether it was a good idea or not. that should have happened FAR more often, but since all the people they take down overwhelming deserve it, there’s not a lot of moral back and forth. they needed more moral grayness in these targets, and i think the mementos missions would have been a perfect place to insert it - smaller time targets that are perhaps less clear on whether or not they’re bad. p5r included that a bit, with some missions requiring you reasoning with the shadow rather than beating them into submission, but there’s still little dissent in the group.
i think tensions should have run high often, with joker acting as the glue to hold them together as he’s good at reasoning and he listens to all sides to make a rational decision on what he believes is best - he is the most skilled at managing his anger due to the threat of his probation, and it would have helped cement him as leader (the writers kind of made makoto act more as the leader for NO goddamn reason and it’s a huge pet peeve of mine with the game, BUT ANYWAY). i think it should have culminated in the depths too, where their moral questions come to a head as they see they’ve been using brainwashing to further someone else’s ends. they did it for their justice, but it had all been guided along by a being that wants to enslave humanity and THAT should have nearly torn the group apart with high intensity emotion. like it could have really highlighted the difference between destructive and constructive anger - p5 is all about constructive anger, showing that being pissed off can be good when you decide you’re fed up and will CREATE change if all of your pain and pleading falls on deaf ears, that if the system is broken and rallies behind monsters, you’ll destroy it from the inside out purely through your pent up rage at the injustice of it. and i think it would have been great, if instead of the thieves being all sad and hopeless in their cells, they went from destructive, inward or misplaced anger, into being angry for the right reasons at the right people. because anger is a tool, it is a weapon, but we’re so often told to achieve change peacefully, that anger gets you nowhere...but who tells us that? the people afraid of our anger. and so often, should that tactic fail, the ruling class then tricks us to turn our anger on each other, on other victims rather than on them, and i think that’s what the thieves would come to see here. why fight with themselves or with each other? they turn their anger on the societal system that harmed them and so many like them, they weaponize it to aim it at the rotten society that turned them into such angry people in the first place. THAT is the phantom thieves i would love to see because they deserve to have their anger highlighted.
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praphit · 4 years
Happy New Year! (hopefully, cuz... whew!)
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Ugh! Let's get this year over with; what do you say?? I don't even want to rehash the year like I normally would around this time of year.
Pre-COVID seems like so long ago: We were out at bars, games, concerts, and parties of strangers. We were dancing all up on each other, we were passing the bottle around, we were grabbing all kinds of doorknobs with no concerns. Kids were planning to soon graduate and step into their hopeful, bright futures. Adults were planning vacations around the world to escape a once hopeful present.
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Times were good! Look at this groundhog eating pizza. 
Not a care in the world.
And then, Thanos snapped his fingers, the world turned into shit, and we all realized how much we cared about Tom Hanks.
Can you imagine if that were literal? I think someone should get another gauntlet and turn planets into literal piles of crap. A new villain - "Poopfingers"
Ew... I know. I'm sorry.
Like I said, I don't want to talk about that stuff. I'd rather focus on entertainment instead. Join me for a few awards that I like to call "The Praphies"
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I know what you're thinking - "That's not a movie." Meh, it's movie-ish.
It's got two protagonists, whom are trapped in a mansion. It kinda reminds me of Willy Wonka's chocolate factory, but instead of chocolate being manufactured, we'd got... pleasure. Who doesn't want more pleasure after the year we've had??
There's a lot of weird things happening in the mansion, so that’s good for the plot. Plus, these ladies are all about... empowerment? - I guess?
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Kylie Jenner shows up for some reason, so I'm sure she's up to something; maybe she's the villain. And according to the lyrics "there's some whores in this house". Will they get rid of the "whores"? Will they embrace the whores? Perhaps this word will be taken back, and used as a term of endearment.
As mama looks at her daughter, walking bravely back into schools some day "That's my lil whore." Maybe we're all whores - what a twist.
It's a good picture. One of Scorsese's best. He did direct it right? I think so.
This one was a close race for me:
Jeanise Jones (Borat 2 - on the right) 
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This woman, who was not in on the joke, deserves a medal. She's the star.
Joe Exotic (The Tiger King)
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Anyone standing behind Trump during those Rona briefings, who can hold a straight face.
Technically, Joe and Jeanise aren't actors, and Trump's people are... you know, TRUMP'S people, so I give the award to Mario Lopez for his role as Sexy Colonel Sanders.
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Did y'all watch "A Recipe for Seduction?" It's entertaining. It was my runner-up for MOY.
Easy - "The Tiger King" for keeping us all together in the beginning of this 2020 corona mess.
Which leads me to MY person of the year (cuz let's be honest, Uncle Joe and Kamala... no)
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The POY is -
Carole Baskin - 
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We all know that she murdered her husband, and yet she took over Joe's zoo property, continues her animal rights activism while being openly weird as hell, and was last seen being applauded on "Dancing with the Stars".
Only in America.
Animated action of the year - “Soul” for bringing us this negro, 
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played by Tina Fey :)
I’m just joking ( I love Tina Fey)... well, she does play him, but it’s not like that; still makes me laugh though. At least she didn’t have to worry about blackface.
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I like my action flicks. They all can't be tear-jerkers like "WAP".
Which leads us to ACTION HERO OF THE YEAR --- Kiera Allen
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If you saw the movie "Run" then you know this actress. She is the acrobatic, wheelchair-bound star of the movie. She is in a wheelchair in real life. In this movie she breaks through one window, climbs across a rooftop, breaks through another window, all with water in her mouth for a special finishing trick to end the scene. And she throws herself down a couple of flights of stairs. Let's see Liam Neeson try to do that!
I'm serious when I say - I expect to see her in the next "Fast & Furious" film.
Award for LEAST FUX GIVEN - Ricky Gervais, for lighting Hollywood on fire.
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Athlete - TEAM JLo and Shakira
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 --- sidelined me (I attempted to dance like Shakira at work) and sent souls to hell 
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(that's some powerful booty shaking... and or just another example of white people being mad at brown people for existing)
Vin Diesel’s "Feels like I do" - not up for debate. 
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Name another action star in 2020 with a single.
Album of the Year - "The Lion King: The Gift / Black is King" - by Beyonce
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We didn't feel much like royalty, but at least we were being heard... well, for a lil bit; a lot more than I ever remember us being heard.
Remember when white people in Hollywood felt so much shame that they did this?
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We had corporations like the NFL tryna pretend to be woke. Aunt Jemima and that Native American woman on the butter were freed
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 (though they did keep the land).
White people were afraid, and thought that perhaps this album was going to spark the second coming of Black Jesus.
It's interesting -  black people protested (mostly peacefully); wanting justice, and white people got anxious.   People started rioting and looting because of injustices rooted to this country's original sin, and white people, who's ancestors committed this sin, shook their heads at us in shame. Black people and anyone (of any color) standing with them were treated as hostiles, while white people with guns, shooting at black people were hailed as heroes.
What a time. 
I wish Black Jesus really did come back to these Beyonce tunes.
Oh, and this stuff happened too
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Toobin (Ha! This guy )
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ASSHOLE OF THE YEAR (4 years straight)- 
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It's not even close. I was going to suggest that the dude from "The Vow" being a strong runner up, but even that would be disrespectful to Trump's assholery.
The world was on fire (metaphorically and literally), and Trump as our leader, threw gasoline on it. "BLM" came along to be heard and get justice for George Floyd, and Trump convinced his worshippers that BLM is a terrorist group. He shot away protesters, so he could pose awkwardly with a bible (doing God's work - this “work” included telling us to do the opposite of what physicians around the world plead with us to do during a pandemic, pushing drugs on us that these same physicians say no to, and telling us to inject ourselves with bleach. Hallelujah!). He accused Biden of corruption (pot calling kettle black). He loses to Biden, but fights the results with zero evidence, and at the sore loser rallies, there were stabbings and arrests, to which Trump praises their efforts.
A round of applause for the Michael Jordan of Assholes.
Donald J. Trump!
Lastly, The Praphie (most coveted of awards)
The nominees are -
Kaylen Ward - raised over one million dollars for the Australia fires relief, by passing out nude photos of herself... yep. Seriously, look it up. Well, maybe don’t do that:)
Michael Jordan -  "The Last Dance" was the only sports content for a sports addict like myself. MJ was the drug we needed.
Dr. Fauci - Really for putting up with us. 
Dave Chappelle - a hell of a year for him. Plus, he was dropping N-Bombs and smoking on SNL
The Fly on Mike Pence's head. 
Kamala Harris
Cardi B - just because
The winner is - Dave Chappelle
Not only for his great year in comedy (in this bleeped up year), but he has evolved into a modern day prophet. Who would have thought that the guy who made "Half Baked"
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would be the one we'd seek out when racial tensions got to the highest levels this year??
Kaylen Ward would have won it, if she had continued her efforts. She could have raised some funds for Greta Thunberg. She could have used her nudity along-side protesters, or even joined doctors around the world, raising money for a vaccine. Smh. That's a shame.
In thinking about Chappelle's evolution, I'm reminded that we're all processing and changing as a result of this year. Some will change for the better, and others for the worse. Some will go to the depths only to rise up again. Regardless, of how you handle it, it's important to know who your true peeps are. Who loves you? Who’s got your back? Who do you love?  We're all going to need true peeps to help us endure. Which leads me to my slogan for next year.
"If you love something let it go, if it doesn't return to you. Hunt it down and kill it." Idk about you, but that touches my heart.
Enjoy yourselves as much as you can tonight, and by that I mean safely :) Some of you might want to consider going to bed early, just to end this year faster.
Happy New Year, everyone!
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s-nayak-93 · 5 years
It would have been so much better, since they were truly going for the J/C arc after having J/B hook up, if they had not treated Tormund - Brienne as a comic/ unrequited side-pairing with a heavy dose of exoticism ("big woman") mixed in there.
I'm a complete Jaimie × Brienne shipper, and Brienne having a proper romantic interest-partner doesn't reduce her awesomeness rather adds to the complexity and nuance of her arc/characterization.
Yet they gave her two pairings - one that destroyed and tainted 90% of her plotline that revolved around Jaimie, and another that was purely for slapstick comedy.
Smh, the injustice!
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