#ans fandom 2024
mitsukiki-festival · 5 months
Start of "MitsuKiki Weekend 2024"!
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Hello, everyone! Today's the start of the MitsuKiki Weekend 2024 event! It starts today on May 3rd and end on Sunday May 5th at 11:59PM CST.
Here are the prompts for you at hand if you need them! The theme for this event is RELAXATION. Have fun! 😁
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If you're unable to participate during this event at this time, or if you found this post late, don't worry, since late submissions are always welcome. We'll be accepting them until the evening of July 4th, 2024.
Thank you for participating! And for those who aren't, I hope you enjoy any submissions that come out from this event!
Have fun, everyone! Thank you for joining!
— MitsuKiki Festival Mod Team
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zenyuki-festival · 4 months
ZenYuki Week 2024
ZenYuki Week 2024 will be June 9th through June 15th! This year, we went with more of a flower theme, to which you may create things inspired off of the flower meanings or inspired in any way off the flowers for each day! We also decided to do something new this year and add audience participation prompts! Anyone can participate with the audience participation prompts, even if you created something already for that day or are not creating something for any reason. It is just an added fun way you can participate! The bonus audience prompt is either for the day after the event or for answering any day of the event you would like to.
The prompts are down below, and the audience prompts are at the bottom of the post.
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Day 1: Rose
Day 2: Lily
Day 3: Chrysanthemum
Day 4: Yura Shigure
Day 5: Phostyrias
Day 6: Wisteria
Day 7: Bouquet
Appreciation Prompts:
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Day 1: Pick a flower and its meaning that you feel most represents ZenYuki.
Day 2: What is your most favorite ZenYuki moment?
Day 3: Show us a picture of flower(s) or garden that you'd think ZenYuki would have, or show a picture of one from an anime or manga.
Day 4: What makes them work as a couple?
Day 5: What are their strengths as a couple? What are their weaknesses as a couple?
Day 6: Is there anything you would add or change about their relationship?
Day 7: If Sorata-sensei had given you the power to choose one scene or moment ZenYuki could have in a future chapter, what would it be?
Bonus: Free Day! Share anything you'd like about ZenYuki!
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ans-arcade · 2 months
ANS Rare Pair Scramble 2024
@herbyuki @randowwriter @sabishi-tomo @nokaru @claudeng80 @meefy
Your boards went out today, if you did not see them or Tumblr ate them, we can send them out to you again. (We have copies saved, just in case that happened.)
For anyone else who would like to sign up and hasn't yet, you can still sign up! So, just send in your five pairings as you sign up, and we can get you, your boards as soon as possible.
Have fun! We hope you like your prompts, and as always, if you have any questions, feel free to ask them.
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I've seen a lot of posts and polls lately asking stuff like "would you be interested in XYZ", and like...while I understand wanting that external validation and wanting people to be interested in and passionate about your projects and all ofnthose things, it is your blog. You know that, right?
I don't mean that to sound condescending, but I genuinely think that sometimes folks, myself included, can forget that these are our blogs. Where we curate what we love on them.
Tumblr is a refuge of anonymity where you can post about whatever it is that makes you happy for no reason at all and no one can say anything about it. Because you can block people and anons, you can turn off anon and messaging and submissions.
You can create a refuge for youself here and if people don't like it then they can move on and curate their own experiences and learn to regulate and take responsibility for themselves. (Which they need to be doing anyway. Don't let anyone bully you into taking responsibility for their online experiences.)
You don't have to ask permission to share your passion projects here.
Asking permission from followers, trying to appease followers and gain their approval is going to kill your creativity.
I know first hand how badly it feels when things don't take off the way you want them too. But don't let that discourage you from being passionate and creative.
If you love what you're doing then that's enough.
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ans-incorrect-quotes · 9 months
Rona: Happy New Year! We hope you have a wonderful 2024!!
Eugene: A-And thank you for your support this past year. We hope to be in your care this year as well!
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ace-with--a-mace · 9 months
what am i doing wrong so that tumblr recommends terfs on my recommended for you page
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fanhackers · 4 months
Anne Kustritz’s Identity, Community, and Sexuality in Slash Fan Fiction
Anne Kustritz’s new book, Identity, Community, and Sexuality in Slash Fan Fiction: Pocket Publics has just been released by Routledge (2024).  You might know Kustritz, a scholar of fan cultures and transmedia storytelling, from her early essay “Slashing the Romance Narrative,” in the Journal of American Culture (2003) or maybe from some of her more recent work on transmedia and serial storytelling. But this new book is an exciting addition to the fan studies canon, and Fanhackers readers might be particularly interested, because the book “explores slash fan fiction communities during the pivotal years of the late 1990s and the early 2000s as the practice transitioned from print to digital circulation,”--which is the era that a lot of the fans involved in the creation of the OTW came from. As I noted in my book blurb, “​​While there has been an explosion of fan studies scholarship in the last two decades, we haven't had an ethnography of fan fiction communities since the early 1990s. Kustritz's Pocket Publics rectifies that, documenting the generation of slash fans who built much of fandom's infrastructure and many of its community spaces, both on and off the internet. This generation has had an outsized impact on contemporary fan cultures, and Kustritz shows how these fans created an alternative and subcultural public sphere: a world of their own.”
Kustritz doesn’t just analyze and contextualize fandom, she also describes her own experiences as a participant-observer, and these might resonate with a lot of fans (especially Fanhackers-reading fans!)  Early on in the book, Kustritz describes her how her own early interest in fandom blurred between the personal and the academic:
Because I began studying slash only a year after discovering fandom on-line, my interest has always been an intricate tangle of pleasure in the texts themselves, connection to brilliantly creative women, and fascination with intersections between fan activities and academic theory.  I may now disclaim my academic identity as an interdisciplinary scholar with concentrations in media anthropology and cultural studies and begin to pinpoint my fan identity as a bifictional multifandom media fan; however, I only gradually became aware of and personally invested in these categories as I grew into them.  This section defines the scope of the online observation period that preceded the active interview phase of this research.  In so doing it also examines the messy interconnections between my academic and fannish interests and identities. Trying to pick apart what portion of my choices derived from fannish pleasure and which from academic interest helps to identify the basic internal tensions and categories that slash fan fiction communities relied upon to define themselves, the pressures exerted upon these systems by the digital migration, and complications in academic translation of fannish social structures.
Later in the book, Kustritz discusses how fans have organized and advocated for themselves as a public; in particular, there’s a fascinating chapter about the ways in which fandom has adopted and transformed the figure of the pirate to forge new ways of thinking about copyright and authorship.  If the OTW was formed to argue that making fanworks is a legitimate activity, the figure of the pirate signifies a protest against the law and a refusal to be shamed by it: 
[F]ans also use the figure of the pirate to make arguments that validate some fan activities and consign others to illegitimacy.   At the urging of several friends involved with slash, I attended my first non-slash focused science fiction and fantasy convention in the summer of 2004.  The program schedule announced a Sunday morning panel discussion provocatively titled “Avast, Matey: The Ethics of Pirating Movies, Music, and Software” with the subheading “Computers today can distribute [more] intellectual property than ever before--not always legally. Is it ever okay to copy, download, and/or distribute media? Sorry, ladies, none of us will be dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow.”  The panel’s subheading, which obliquely warned away both lusty women and pirates, led a small contingent of slash fans to shake off Saturday night’s convention revelries unreasonably early and implement a plan of their own for Sunday’s panel.  As many fan conventions encourage costumes, known as “cosplay,” one of my friends and research participants happened to have been dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow of Pirates of the Caribbean that weekend, so I entered the piracy panel with Captain Jack and a motley crew of slashers, some of them intent upon commandeering the discussion.
The clash that followed exemplifies a structural fault line between various types of fan communities regarding their shared norms and beliefs about copyright law, the relationship between fans and producers, and appropriate fan behavior.
If you want to find out how this clash played out–well, you’ll just have to read the book. 😀
–Francesca Coppa, Fanhackers volunteer
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sofya-fanfics · 1 month
Te revoir une derniĂšre fois
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Fandom : Doctor Who
Relationship : Eleven x Rose
Voici ma participation pour le Aug-kissed 2024 pour le prompt : Un baiser sur la main.
J’espùre que ça vous plaira.
RĂ©sumĂ© : « Je suis fier de toi Rose Tyler. Je sais que tu feras des choses extraordinaires. -J’ai l’impression que vous ĂȘtes en train de me dire adieu. »
Il lui prit la main et la porta Ă  ses lĂšvres.
« Tout ira bien Rose. Je te le promets. »
Il ferma les yeux, essayant de profiter de ces derniers instants avec elle.
Disclaimer : Doctor Who est une série de la BBC.
Le docteur et Clara se dirigĂšrent vers le TARDIS. Ils venaient d'empĂȘcher une invasion de Sontariens. Le docteur croyait bien qu'ils ne s'en sortiraient pas, mais heureusement le pire avait Ă©tĂ© Ă©vitĂ© et la Terre et ses habitants avaient Ă©tĂ© sauvĂ©s. Ils tournĂšrent au coin d'une rue, lorsque le Docteur entendit au loin :
« John ! »
Il se figea. Il reconnaissait cette voix. MĂȘme s’il ne l’avait pas entendu depuis des siĂšcles, il savait qui venait de l’appeler. Alors que le nom de John Smith Ă©tait le nom qu’il donnait lorsqu’il en avait besoin, une seule personne l’appelait ainsi sous cette forme. Clara se tourna vers lui et le regarda avec inquiĂ©tude.
« Docteur ? Tout va bien ?
-Tout va bien. Je vous retrouve au TARDIS. »
Clara acquiesça. Elle voyait bien qu’il se passait quelque chose. Mais si le Docteur ne voulait rien lui dire, elle n’allait pas le forcer. Elle continua son chemin vers le TARDIS, laissant le Docteur seul. Celui-ci prit une profonde inspiration et se retourna. Il sourit jusqu’aux oreilles, mais il espĂ©rait que son regard n’exprime pas la tristesse qu’il pouvait ressentir Ă  cet instant.
« Rose Tyler ! S’exprima-t-il joyeusement. Mon Ă©lĂšve prĂ©fĂ©rĂ©e ! »
Il y a bien longtemps, il Ă©tait devenu professeur particulier et il aidait Rose Ă  faire ses devoirs lorsqu’elle Ă©tait entrĂ©e au lycĂ©e. Il avait essayĂ© de passer le plus de temps possible avec elle, mais il savait que cela ne pouvait pas durer. Alors un jour, il lui avait dit qu’il devait partir Ă  l’étranger pendant un long moment et il Ă©tait sorti de sa vie. Pour lui, tout cela c’était passĂ© il y a plusieurs siĂšcles. Pour Rose, cela devait faire Ă  peine deux ans.
« Depuis quand ĂȘtes-vous revenu ? Demanda-t-elle. »
Elle avait un immense sourire aux lĂšvres, heureuse de le revoir aprĂšs tout ce temps.
« Depuis peu, répondit rapidement le Docteur. Je ne suis que de passage, je dois repartir. »
Rose avait l’air Ă  la fois déçue et triste. Le Docteur avait toujours dĂ©testĂ© la voir ainsi. Il changea de sujet. Il voulait savoir oĂč il se trouvait dans sa ligne temporelle. Est-ce qu'elle l'avait dĂ©jĂ  rencontrĂ©, oĂč devrait-il dire, a-t-elle rencontrĂ© une de ses anciennes rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rations ?
« Dis-moi, que deviens-tu ? Je veux tout savoir. »
Elle dĂ©tourna lĂ©gĂšrement le regard, gĂȘnĂ©e.
« À vrai dire, peu de temps aprĂšs votre dĂ©part, j’ai arrĂȘtĂ© le lycĂ©e. »
Elle ne voulait pas voir la dĂ©ception sur son visage. Il n'arrĂȘtait pas de lui rĂ©pĂ©ter Ă  quel point elle Ă©tait intelligente et la premiĂšre chose qu'elle avait fait aprĂšs son dĂ©part Ă©tait de se mettre en couple avec Jimmy Stone et d'arrĂȘter le lycĂ©e. Le docteur prit son visage entre ses mains et la regarda droit dans les yeux.
« Rose, n'oublie pas ce que je te disais. Tu es intelligente et fantastique. N’en doute jamais. »
Un immense sourire illumina le visage de Rose.
« Quoi ? Demanda le Docteur.
-C’est juste que lorsque vous avez dit que j’étais fantastique, ça m’a fait penser Ă  mon nouvel ami.
-Vraiment ? Dit-il en souriant à son tour. »
Rose acquiesça.
« Je l’ai rencontrĂ©... »
Elle se tut quelques secondes, cherchant ses mots.
« Au travail, finit-elle par dire. Cela fait peu de temps que l’on voyage ensemble.
-Vraiment ? Répéta le Docteur, en souriant de plus en plus. »
Rose ne put s’empĂȘcher de rire.
« Vraiment. »
Le Docteur savait oĂč il se trouvait dans la ligne temporelle de Rose. Ils venaient de se rencontrer, alors qu’il avait de grandes oreilles et portait un blouson en cuir.
« Je suis fier de toi Rose Tyler. Je sais que tu feras des choses extraordinaires.
-J’ai l’impression que vous ĂȘtes en train de me dire adieu. »
Il lui prit la main et la porta Ă  ses lĂšvres.
« Tout ira bien Rose. Je te le promets. »
Il ferma les yeux, essayant de profiter de ces derniers instants avec elle.
« Je vais devoir partir et je suis sĂ»r que ton ami t’attend.
-Est-ce que l’on se reverra ?
-Peut-ĂȘtre. »
Il lui mentait. Il ne devait plus la revoir, sinon il risquerait de changer quelque chose. Pourtant, cela lui serait tellement facile de tout changer pour que Rose reste auprĂšs de lui. Pour toujours. Mais il ne devait pas. Il lui embrassa une derniĂšre fois la main et la lĂącha. Il recula doucement.
« Au revoir Rose Tyler.
-Au revoir John. »
Le Docteur s’éloigna. Il se retint de toutes ses forces pour ne pas se retourner et demander Ă  Rose de partir avec lui. Il regarda au loin et vie sa prĂ©cĂ©dente rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration. Celui-ci le regardait, surpris. Il l’avait reconnu. Le Docteur se souvint de ce moment. Il lui fit un clin d’Ɠil et continua son chemin vers le TARDIS. Il devait continuer Ă  avancer sans jamais s’arrĂȘter, comme il l’avait toujours fait. Et il avait un autre mystĂšre Ă  rĂ©soudre. DĂ©couvrir qui Ă©tait Clara. Il entra dans le TARDIS et programma une nouvelle destination pour lui et la fille impossible.
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dhr-ao3 · 4 months
Goblet Of Shadows
Goblet Of Shadows https://ift.tt/nfDm9S2 by Grimm (Nova_Grimm) Voldemort a gagné. L'Ordre est tombé. Harry Potter est mort. Cinq ans aprÚs la bataille de Poudlard, Hermione Granger est délivrée d'Azkaban et forcée de participer au Tournoi des TénÚbres contre d'autres membres de l'Ordre déchus. La Coupe des Ombres désigne un Champion pour chaque Mangemort de haut rang. Le Champion qui remportera les jeux sera libéré et son maßtre, l'un des Disciples de Voldemort, assurera sa position de Successeur. Hermione étant assignée à Draco Malefoy, le Disciple le plus haut placé, pourrait avoir une chance. Il ne peut y avoir qu'un seul vainqueur, un seul survivant et une seule chance de liberté. Que les jeux commencent. Words: 162312, Chapters: 37/?, Language: Français Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Gregory Goyle, George Weasley, Padma Patil, Parvati Patil, Seamus Finnigan, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Fenrir Greyback, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Teddy Lupin, Molly Weasley, Augusta Longbottom, Dudley Dursley, Cho Chang, Dennis Creevey, Daphne Greengrass, Pansy Parkinson, Astoria Greengrass, Charlie Weasley, Original Characters Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Seamus Finnigan/Dean Thomas, Neville Longbottom/Ginny Weasley, Cho Chang/Parvati Patil Additional Tags: Torture, Starvation, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Imprisonment, Rape/Non-con Elements, Suicidal Thoughts, Sexual Violence, Blood and Gore, Self-Harm, Cutting, Slow Burn, Enemies to Lovers, Dark Magic, Blood Magic, Explicit Sexual Content, Horcruxes, Triwizard Tournament (Harry Potter), Alternate Universe, Occlumency (Harry Potter), Gang Rape, Inspired by The Hunger Games, Slow Build, Traduction de Nova_Grimm via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/VIBoGuM June 11, 2024 at 02:29AM
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mitsukiki-festival · 6 months
MitsuKiki Weekend 2024
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Day 1: Nap | Massage
Day 2: Break | Drink
Day 3: Story | Game Night
Hello, everyone! Welcome to this year's event! Instead of MitsuKiki Week, which I was originally going to do, in light of the declining interest in MitsuKiki, and the upcoming ANS events that are happening this year, I have decided to change this to a Weekend event instead. So hopefully, this'll be easier for any of the participants who wish to join this event.
The theme for this event is "Relaxation". Perfect for a weekend event! 😁
Feel free to write MitsuKiki romantically, platonically, professionally, etc. I'll leave it up to you.
The event will begin on May 3 — May 5. Less than 2 months to work on your entries. Which should give you plenty of time. As usual, there is no need for you to do all of the prompts unless you want to. Also, if you can't take part in this event due to your schedule, you're free to post late submissions whenever you wish.
Remember to tag us and add #mitsukiki-festival and #mitsukiki weekend 2024 tags to your posts.
Thank you very much for reading, and I hope you'll take part in the event. I'm very excited. 😁
— MitsuKiki Festival Mod Team
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darklinaforever · 3 months
Please please don't interact with Grace/Alice this is her starting the crazy gaslighting she says she's not active in the fandom for years ans yet she posted up to February this year 2024 in Bridgerton. And she's active in hotd under a new name. Please please please don't respond to her shes playing all these mad mind games and communicating with you via the different accounts. when someone spreads rumors they hung themselves as revenge then you know theyre crazy
I wouldn't even know how to act with her anyway, since I have no idea how to find her. I'm just going to continue my life on tumblr quietly and avoid anonymous hatred as much as possible. But please don't go harassing anyone. Including @sansacule who is apparently suspected, and perhaps wrongly. Let this story just end. Thank you anyway !
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ans-arcade · 7 months
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Okay, everyone! Today officially ends the deadline for the sign-up!
The following people have signed up:
@sabishi-tomo @airahscorner @nokaru @noctusfury ( @herbyuki ) @randowwriter @batgirlsay and @meefy have signed up! And everyone's been listed and has their recipient chosen privately. Be sure to check your inboxes and don't tell your recipient. If you want to know what they'd like, check their profiles/blogs, their fanfics and/or fanarts, or even search up their comments on Discord and try to find what they'd like, assuming, of course, you don't already know.
Also, a reminder that the deadline for writing your piece for your recipient is on July 2024, on the 15th. Please let us know when you've finished, and if the participants have finished their gifts well before the deadline, then we'll start the reveal sooner.
Also, if you guys have any further questions, please DM or inbox us! Or ask us on Discord.
We hope you all have a fun time with this event! We are very excited to see what you guys will make! See you all soon! 😘
— ANS Arcade Mod Team
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coriumcutie · 9 days
Hello!!! I’m a Stan of UNIS, ans I wanna share them with others, so here are some facts!!!
💗 UNIS is an 8 member K-pop girl group that debuted March 27, 2024. They are under F&f, a fashion company that has branched into K-pop just a few months ago.
💗 The group was formed under a survival show called Universe ticket, who has a season two coming soon focusing on a boy group.
💗 The fandom name is EVERAFTERS, and we also call ourself minions
💗 The contract for this girl group is 2 years and 6 months, and they currently have 2 mini albums, WE UNIS and CURIOUS
💗 The members are:
Gehlee Dangca, Filipino
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Elisia, Filipino
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Yunha, Filipino Korean
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Yoona, Korean
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Hyeonju, Korean (unnie)
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Seowon, Korean (maknae)
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Kotoko, Japanese (my bias)
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Nana, Japanese
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💗 The members range in age from 22-13, and they currently have 8 songs. They will likely have another comeback by December 2024, and they are active on Weverse, Weibo, TikTok, Instagram, and they share many videos on their YouTube!!!
💗 Please give their songs a listen, and for reading till the end!!!
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ao3feedzukka-blog · 4 months
Il n'y a pas de passion il y a la sérénité.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/56572222 by sass_oule81 Cette fois Sokka se trouve dans un dĂ©sert. La terre assĂ©chĂ©e sous ses pieds se transforme progressivement en sable et la roche cĂšde en des canions lisses pourvues d’arĂȘtes charnues. Le dĂ©sert Si Wong souffle une voix. Sokka n’est jamais venu ici. Il observe les environs, minutieusement, puis sent une prĂ©sence derriĂšre lui. Il fait volte face et remarque un homme portant un masque de thĂ©Ăątre bleu, entiĂšrement couvert d’une tenue et d’une armure tactique noire. L’autre homme ne l’a pas remarquĂ©, car son regard est rivĂ© sur l’une des paroi du canyon. Il y a des inscriptions dessus, du mĂȘme genre que celles qu’on trouvait parfois dans les temples Jedi archaĂŻques. Elles ne sont pas assez nettes pour que Sokka puisse les dĂ©chiffrer. Soudain, l’homme masquĂ© tourne la tĂȘte vers lui, se rendant compte de sa prĂ©sence. Leurs regards se croisent et Sokka sent son souffle se couper quand il rencontre des iris d’or fondus familiers. - Qui es-tu ? lui demande-t-il. ou : lors de la chute de l'Ordre Jedi, Zuko quitte Sokka pour se lancer dans une quĂȘte vengeresse. Cinq ans plus tard, Sokka reçoit une vision de la Force qui pourrait bien le mener Ă  son ancien amant perdu dans les confins de la Galaxie... Words: 7614, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Français Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender (Cartoon 2005) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M Characters: Sokka (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar), Katara (Avatar), Aang (Avatar) Relationships: Sokka/Zuko (Avatar) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Star Wars Setting, Lightsabers (Star Wars), Double Bladed Lightsabers (Star Wars), Hurt/Comfort, POV Sokka (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar) Needs a Hug, Blue Spirit Zuko (Avatar), ce n'est pas mentionnĂ© mais il a le masque et tout, Jedi Code (Star Wars), Angst with a Happy Ending, That's Not How The Force Works (Star Wars), mais on s'en fiche - Freeform, Force Visions (Star Wars), Not Beta Read June 11, 2024 at 09:31AM
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fhwriting · 4 months
Dans le sang - commentaire
AprĂšs avoir Ă©crit La fin d'un rĂȘve (donc, aux alentours de 2016), j'avais pour projet de faire d'autres Ă©crits sur Shura. Dans le sang a Ă©tĂ© la premiĂšre chose, avec une rĂ©Ă©criture de ConquĂȘte, qui m'est venue Ă  l'esprit.
Bon, au jour d'aujourd'hui, nous sommes en 2024. Ça m'a demandĂ© presque 8 ans Ă  Ă©crire cet OS. Truc de fou quand on y pense...
Je voulais que Saizo est un rĂŽle Ă  jouer, mais j'ai eu du mal Ă  dĂ©cidĂ© le point de vue que je voulais prendre. Corrin ? Shura ? Saizo ? À un moment j'ai mĂȘme envisagĂ© Kotaro. Puis tout ça a Ă©tĂ© mis au placard, ma rĂ©Ă©criture n'avançant pas, et tout le fandom de FE:Fates en entier. Ce qu'on me proposait ne m'intĂ©ressait pas. Il y a bien PetiteDaisy sur ffnet propose des choses sympathiques, et il y a la trĂšs bonne rĂ©interprĂ©tation (et non rĂ©Ă©criture) de ConquĂȘte par Gabybou26, mais en plus de devoir retourner sur ce site qui pue la vieille chaussette (on va pas se mentir qu'il y a une raison pour laquelle tout le monde part sur AO3 en dehors des problĂšmes de censure), il n'y avait pas grand chose pour moi Ă  mettre sous la dent. Et mĂȘme la fanfic de Gabybou26, j'avoue que j'ai lĂąchĂ© car j'attendais une rĂ©Ă©criture, bien qu'elle m'avait mis en garde qu'il s'agissait davantage d'une appropriation (et d'un embellissement Ă  la limite) plus que de quitter la trame principale...
Des réécritures de Fire Emblem Fates, il y en a. Des pelletés. Des dizaine au moins dédiés rien qu'à ça. Et c'est super, il y en a... presque pour tous les goûts. Elles restent souvent sur des sentiers battues de ce que j'ai pu lire en terme de couple (Azurrin, toujours et encore plus d'Azurrin...) et Shura reste dans l'ombre dans la quasi-totalités que j'ai lu. Sauf que pas de pot, bien qu'il y a PLEIN de personnages dans Fire Emblem Fates que j'apprécie, j'aime tellement Shura que je ne veux lire que sur lui, n'écrire que lui - bref, le classique brain rot sévÚre des famille, surtout quand tout le monde l'ignore (ou pire, fait des blagues dignes du fandom de FMA(B) au recyclage rincée. Vous savez de quoi je parle).
Bref, je m'égare. Bien que j'ai encore relevé des coquilles en me relisant, dans l'ensemble, je suis assez fiÚre de cet OS. J'aurai souhaité que l'affrontement entre Shura et Kotaro soit plus long. J'ai encore des difficultés à faire des descriptions d'action...
Le personnage de Saizo a une relation compliquĂ©e avec moi : je le comprend trĂšs bien, Ă©crire sur lui me vient naturellement mais c'est aussi un personnage que je n'apprĂ©cie pas vraiment. C'Ă©tait un bon exercice, je pense, d'Ă©crire sur une personnalitĂ© aussi bornĂ©e, Ă©troite d'esprit et arrĂȘtĂ© dans ses idĂ©es. Il a un trĂšs gros potentiel tragique.
Kotaro est pour sa part un méchant assez caricatural, mais sa simplicité le rend aussi trÚs facile à écrire.
Bien que j'ai repris certaines phrases importantes des Ă©changes canons, je voulais me laisser une marge d'interprĂ©tation. Je m'Ă©tais posĂ©e la question de si je reprenais complĂštement le canon avec Corrin qui va chercher Kagero dans les cachots (et qui l'insulte gratuitement une fois libĂ©rĂ©e mdr OK) , mais finalement, la fin c'est Ă©crite d'elle-mĂȘme. Que ce soit clair par ailleurs : Shura n'attendait pas Ă  une rĂ©ponse de Kotaro : son message avait pour seul objectif de cracher sur son Ă©go.
Evidemment, je ne pouvais pas m'empĂȘcher de mettre un peu de Shurrin, hein, on change pas une Ă©quipe qui gagne. Mais je ne me suis pas permise de le classer en ship : la relation qu'ils entretiennent dans cet OS est amicale tout au mieux mais surtout professionnelle en tant que vassal et seigneur. Je suis d'ailleurs la seule Ă  penser que Shura devient techniquement le vassal de Corrin dans ConquĂȘte ? Les autres voies, je dis pas, il semble ĂȘtre un soldat random, mais ici ça m'a toujours paru explicite qu'il devenait son vassal, sa 'responsabilitĂ©' pour l'avoir graciĂ©.
Encore une fois, je m'Ă©gare. Je crois que j'ai fais le tour pour cet OS de toute maniĂšre.
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ao3feed-newsies · 6 months
I've owned about 6000 Bobby pins in my life how many do I have left? Four. I have four left.
by, Darkgreen by Darkgreen It's parent observation in hyrules classes ans malon is off to see them but, she doesn't just see her sons classes she sees the boy twilight ans warriors were talking to her about. Words: 1553, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Dance au Fandoms: Newsies: The Broadway Musical! (2017), Linked Universe - Fandom Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Other Characters: Linked Universe Links | The Chain, Legend (Linked Universe), Wild (Linked Universe), Twilight (Linked Universe), Time (Linked Universe), Warriors (Linked Universe), Wind (Linked Universe), Hyrule (Linked Universe), Sky (Linked Universe), Four (Linked Universe), Malon (Legend of Zelda), My own character (oc) Relationships: Malon (Legend of Zelda)/Time (Linked Universe), Four & Hyrule & Legend & Sky & Time & Twilight & Warriors & Wild & Wind (Linked Universe), Hyrule & Legend (Linked Universe) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Dance, Newsies References read : https://ift.tt/KM2zHej - March 29, 2024 at 08:20PM
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