#antartica starts here
dragonfly0808 · 4 months
college advice? i’m starting in the fall 😭
Kay, so, I’m no professional here but I am about to pass into my 6th semester, so will hopefully soon be wrapping up my 3rd year of college so here’s some of advice
First off, go in the mornings, if you have a chance to do your schedule, go in the morning, it’s so fucking heavy to have to go in the evenings, did that once, never again
try to find a website or blog where students can give teachers reviews, these exist for most colleges and while it can be very hard to build your schedule based on the best teachers and I wouldn’t recommend doing that, it can help you be mentally prepared and know what each teacher values most ahead of time
always have smth to entertain yourself. You WILL have teachers who don’t show up or constantly cancel classes and while its fun using that time to catch up with friends, you should take a book or smth with you to keep yourself entertained during down time
if you have AFI’s (I have no fucking clue what they’re called in english but they’re activities, conferences, talks, outings, stuff like that) check how many you can do per semester and keep up with them, don’t leave them till last minute. For example, I need 14 to finish my career and can do up till 4 valid ones per semester but can only do them till my 7th semester. So check on that if you do have them as a requirement as well
Make sure you check out every part of your campus to know the best hangout spots. This is mostly just for yourself and to not get lost.
Hang out at your library if you have one, check out what they have even if you don’t particularly plan to use that many books, it can help motivate you and find more passion for your career if you’re feeling down or having doubts.
learn how to properly reference articles (perplexity is a great tool to find references)
make sure the teachers at least recognize you and, I would recommend to limit yourself to a certain number of classes you can miss. I try to limit myself to skip 3 classes from each teacher and try to not miss at all, the teachers recognizing me as someone who always goes has given me second chances and opportunities for extra points.
ALWAYS DO OPTIONAL PROJECTS FOR EXTRA POINTS, even if you feel confident in the subject, better to be safe than sorry
carry a cardigan or a light sweater and a small umbrella. You never know what teacher is gonna put the AC like it’s antartica and an umbrella can save you from sunburns and unexpected rain
carry headache pills or any medication you use semi-frequently, also a small utensils kit cause who likes using disposable utensils when you can carry your own + it’s better for the environment, also a hair tie
have an ‘emergency kit’, I have one that barely takes up a lot of space in my backpack and I am just now having to refill it 5 semesters in, I have mini deodorant, a small toothbrush/toothpaste I’ve never actually used, mini wet wipes, mini hand sanitizer, mini perfume, mini brush, toilet paper, band-aids, pads and kleenex.
^ these last 3 are cause my mama taught me to always be prepared and cause I personally can be a bit paranoid, I’m the mom-friend who always has anything anyone could ever need :) so those are according to the type of person you are. I also carry an UNO card game for when multiple teachers cancel on us (yes my backpack is very heavy but the paranoia can’t catch me if I’m prepared)
If you’re propense to low-sugar do NOT skip breakfast and try to carry a small snack, or in general always carry a small snack
if your career involves having to go to the laboratory, LISTEN TO THE INTERNS/LAB ASSISTANTS, half the time, they’ll know more than the teacher
remember, when it comes to group projects, you don’t have friends, you have classmates. Someone can be a great friend but an awful classmate and I am not risking a grade over a lazy friend, prepare yourself to separate those 2
try to figure out what to listen to when doing hw or studying, me personally, classical music (specifically cello music from the barroque period) really helps me focus
ALWAYS DO YOUR HOMEWORK, those are some of the easiest points to get
Finally, don’t be afraid to decorate your backpack! One of the funnest things of college to me (cause I was at a strict school for middle school and spent highschool in pandemic) has been to decorate my backpack with pins!
I’ve found a great thing about college is that genuienly no one cares about your interests and you can freely express yourself without fear of being bullied or ridiculed. Everyone is far too tired or focused to care. At least that has been my experience so far, be ridiculous if you like
I have ATLA pins, an asexual flag, spider-gwen, a matching carebear with my bestie, the school mascot and a dinasour (still looking for a winx pin)
I think that’s all I can come up with for now, so yeah, hope this helps and best of luck bestie!
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paingoes · 2 months
(Content: living weapon whumpee, conditioning, past abuse, brief hanging/death mention, brief nsfw talk)
“Home sweet home,” Apollo coughed up the dust that had rained on him just as soon as he’d crossed the threshold. Delta trailed quietly behind him.
Despite Apollo’s warnings about the house, Delta couldn’t find much wrong with it. Apollo had assumed he was very accustomed to the luxury that Empire’s elite resided in and had been rather apologetic about the downgrade. That assumption was correct, but Delta had very rarely been inside anyone’s actual house before. He had no real point of comparison. For what it was, it suited him just fine.
The verdict had been passed down just yesterday. Iza’s crew were all free to go; they had just been following her orders. Iza herself was on unpaid leave for a month, after which she would probably be reassigned to somewhere in Antartica until Levon decided she’d had enough. Kitty and Apollo had both been given two months of unpaid leave. Delta was to stay with them during that period.
“It’s not the worst thing in the world,” Apollo had said to Delta when the two of them were alone, “Me and Iza have somewhere to stay. He’s just docking our pay, which wasn’t that much to begin with. It’s kind of a fucked up thing to do to Kitty, though. Levon knows she doesn’t have a place.”
Delta nodded. The same conduct within Empire would invariably be met with death by hanging. He did not mention this. 
Kitty dragged the suitcase into the house just after them. She sneezed the same way kittens do — a sharp, soft sound. 
“Bless you. Yeah, it needs to be cleaned,” Apollo acknowledged, “I really didn’t think it’d been that long since I stopped by. Time flies, I guess.”
Delta nodded. It would be difficult with his arm in the cast, but he was used to working through injuries. It was more common than not, as of recently. He drifted around the kitchen island and knelt down to retrieve the chemicals from the sink. Apollo and Kitty had both disappeared by the time he rose up again. 
He dampened the cloth, careful to avoid wetting the bandages. It was easier to start with the counters; all the excess dust would get onto the floor where it could be vacuumed. He winced. It would be really painful to scrub the floor tiles the way his ribs were now. It had hurt enough just to bow; maintaining that position for several hours might not be feasible. One thing at a time, though. He focused solely on the granite surface. The shine immediately returned to it as soon as he pressed the cloth against it, highlighting just how bad the rest of the kitchen had gotten. Two hours, minimum. He bit his lip, forcing his own patience.
“Babe, not you,” Kitty said, popping back into the kitchen, “We’ll do it. You’re injured.”
He failed to see the relevance of that last part, but was grateful nonetheless. He put the cloth down gingerly. She had indicated that he follow her. He did so.
There was a single downstairs bedroom. Apollo was drawing back the curtains. He twisted abruptly around like he was surprised to see them somehow. He wiped his hands off on his jeans.
“I thought it would be easier for you if you take downstairs. You wouldn’t have to move around so much. I’ll try to make the room less impersonal? But you can take me or Lun’s room upstairs if you want. Your call.”
Delta blinked. No, it wasn’t. It was Apollo’s house. He’d go where he wanted him and it was obvious he wanted him here.
“Yes, sir.” He lowered his eyes. He’d been muttering a lot, recently. He knew he wasn’t supposed to. The words just kept getting caught somewhere.
“You don’t have to call me that,” Apollo said hurriedly, “And this’ll be the last move for a while, I promise.”
The exhaustion must have shown on his face. From the battleship into the jet into the safehouse into the jet into the base into the shuttle into the house. Half of it had spent in delirium, the other half spent in its afterglow. Delta felt as if he had been tripping for a week straight.
“Do you want to lay down for a little bit?” Kitty asked. Her tail flickered into a question mark shape behind her.
“Yes, miss.” His voice did not come out any louder, no matter how hard he tried. “Please.”
He woke up into darkness with only a few strands of moonlight to illuminate the room. Again, he was momentarily panicked, without any idea where he was or why it looked different. He sat up in the darkness. He could hear faint voices coming from the other room. He did not feel the subtle movements of a ship. Grounded, then. Right. Sunny’s house.
He relaxed a little. His eyes were slowly adjusting to the darkness. The door was closed. He assumed it was locked and did not move to check otherwise. The doorknob was the kind that would rattle if he turned it. It’d be much too conspicuous. He had not been given permission to leave and he wouldn’t attempt to — definitely not so early on. 
Still, there were voices. He slid silently off the bed to press his ear to the door. He would not give up the eavesdropping habit, not for his life.
“-I always thought it was like, a sex thing. But then I tried it and I just got really bad burns all over my mouth.”
“That sounds like oral allergy syndrome.”
“No, but we BOTH got it.”
“So what happened to the worm?”
Delta pulled away from the door.
He sat back on the bed. He realized for the first time that he did not own anything anymore. Every single one of his possessions had been left back on the Thorn. Iza and Apollo had cut off the clothes he had come in with; they’d been too waterlogged to wear, even if they weren’t so impractical. He didn’t have any of his books. Most importantly, he did not have the laptop. He felt a small twinge of fear as he thought of who would find it when they inevitably cleaned out his room. It would have been locked up tight enough that its contents remained hidden, but its lone physical presence would be cause for concern. 
Maybe they’d think nothing of it. He tried to imagine who would actually know what to make of the find. Martino was dead. Delta had personally made sure of that. Paris was dead — presumably. Simon would still be alive, though. He’d know Delta wasn’t supposed to have the laptop, but Delta doubted he’d be able to piece together the story afterwards. He’d just promised to quit, anyway. Something sharp pinched at Delta’s heart. He had never gotten to say goodbye to him. 
It had to be this way. He knew it. It didn’t matter what he had wanted or wanted now. What mattered was getting out to somewhere that he would not be forced to kill in Empire’s name. He was here now and he had not planned any further ahead.
Without the laptop, without his books, without anything of substance in the room, he had nothing else to think about. It was so dark in the room. He’d been subjected to sensory deprivation before, both as practice and as punishment. At times, it had been badly needed. Other times, it would just send him deeper into a spiral. He could not decide which way it was leaning this time.
Delta had been sitting upright on the bed in complete darkness when the door cracked open.
“Oh!” Apollo was clearly startled to see him like that, “How long have you been up?”
No clock. He didn’t know, didn’t respond.
“Do you want to come out?” Apollo hung in the doorway, “We’re just chilling.”
Delta’s head fell a little bit, more from exhaustion than anything else. He didn’t think he understood the question. He didn’t think he understood much of anything anymore. He did not like to be left alone in the dark room with nothing to do, though he’d accepted that position as gracefully as he did anything else. Still, it was so draining to be around people. It wasn’t any fault of their own. It was simply the way every interaction came with its own set of rules. Delta had gotten used to the baseline exhaustion it caused within him. He had learned how to manage it with his teachers, with his handlers, with the Emperor, with Paris. But he did not like the idea of having to sleuth out the new terms of engagement with them, re-entering that rough adjustment period, and of risking punishment because they would not simply tell him the rules. He’d rather just stay in the dark.
“…Do you want something to eat?” Apollo asked.
Delta realized he had not said a single thing aloud. He’d been told how creepy it was when he stared off into space like that. He felt a sudden twinge of shame at having slipped into it so early with Apollo.
“Yes, sir,” he answered softly.
Perhaps sensing his agoraphobia, Apollo brought the food into his room for him. Delta had barely eaten at all that week. He’d been unconscious or sick for most of it. They had tried to coax him into drinking broth while in Galatea’s medbay, but it hadn’t been enough. He wasn’t trying to be difficult. He just didn’t feel well enough to keep anything down.
The meal he’d been given was mostly sprouts and proteins. It was surprisingly nutritionally balanced, despite the general state of disuse the kitchen had been in. Delta remembered that Apollo was actually a medic and — at least partially — knew what he was doing. It was kind of reassuring. He’d gotten to be very wary of doctors, to the point where he’d deliberately hide his illness to avoid seeing Martino. It would be nice to not have to do that anymore.
Apollo’s words seemed to contradict the thought, though.
“I’m sorry it took so long to get you settled. The last couple days have been way harder than they should’ve been. It’s my fault everything got so haphazard.” He tapped his neck, “Levon said I should apologize too, but I was going to do it anyway. We got really out of our depth with this. I know it could’ve gone smoother. I’m glad you’re okay.”
Delta was quiet. It still felt so incredibly unnatural to have someone apologize to him. It had felt strange even through the screen and it was a million times worse when Apollo was actually in front of him. It all seemed a bit besides the point, anyway. He’d been out like that before. The powers were rough and unpredictable even when constrained; it was not the first time they’d made him feverish. The timing was unfortunate, but he could hardly blame Apollo for that. He felt like maybe he should be the one to apologize for making their lives so difficult. It had taken an entire professional team to care for him when the powers had first kicked in. Asking the same thing of a hastily assembled and ill-informed rebel group wasn’t fair to do.
He’d forgotten to respond, again. He was truly at a loss. 
“It’s okay, Delta. You don’t have to talk if you don’t want to,” Apollo said, catching the worry in his expression. “…Are you sure you want to be called that?”
Delta. He’d seemed upset when he’d said it the first time. He hadn’t challenged it, but he also hadn’t used it. None of them had. It was just a call sign, after all. He didn’t technically have a name. But all the other Δ assignments numbered 0 through 500 had all been felled or buried. He knew he was the only one who still had claims to the title. He still liked the way it sounded.
“I do,” Delta said. It was the strongest he’d gotten his voice to be all day.
@catnykit@indigoviolet311@snakebites-and-ink@vivulapom@scoundrelwithboba@whatwhump@pumpkin-spice-whump @deluxewhump @fuckass1000 @fuckcapitalismasshole @defire
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romanscool · 28 days
the people have spoken! who am I to ignore such a good vote honestly (no one im a sucker for drunk max as well)
Drunk Max is a touchy Max:
The first time Daniel sees Max drunk, they’re in a club in Malaysia. He’s flushed, and wobbly walking, and laughing too much. 
Now, he’s quiet, though. They’re flying from Malaysia to back home in Monaco. They’ve partied all night, so obviously they still have some alcohol running in their blood, even though Daniel’s bodily fluids feel more like blood running in alcohol, and it makes his head buzz. He hasn’t seen Max pretty much all evening, only sharing a couple glances here and there, too caught up in the adrenaline of the win and the pretty girls that flooded the dance floor, but now he feels kind of bad. Max deserved to celebrate a one-two too. 
Except the celebration is finished now, they’re on the plane, a plane that’s too bright and loud for Daniel’s liking, and don’t even get him started on the kid that’s been fighting the back of his seat for at least half an hour now. Daniel has never been much of a child person and this particular one isn’t helping with the view Daniel has of the species. Little fucking monsters.
Max helps though. He’s next to Daniel, on the window seat, lucky bastard, and also completely passed out. His always neat hair is fucked up, spiky and still smelling like a mix of Red Bull, vodka and sweat, his eyes are more bags than actual skin and his lips are so dry it makes Max look like someone who’s just passed three years in fucking Antartica, despite having spent a week in a country that’s way too hot and humid. 
It’s kind of sweet, though. Max is a kid, and he looks like one, all pimple and red cheeks flushing so fucking always but he doesn’t feel like one. Like, sure, he and Daniel joke around all the time, and they’re pretty immature about it, too, laughing like they’re on a candy high 24/7. And Max’s dad is near most of the time, a shadow in the paddock no one wants to cross, not even fucking Max, it’s pretty scary. So it’s clear Max is still barely eighteen. A kid. 
But they have these conversations sometimes, in the middle of the night when they’re both in Monaco and they know they could easily go to the other’s apartment any time they want, but they don’t. They text. Like kids. And in those moments, when Daniel can’t see the baby fat around Max’s face and the childish sparkle only half-hidden by big and thick eyelashes, Daniel can’t associate Max with being barely an adult. It certainly doesn’t feel like it, in the way he speaks, all fancy and perfect English, and his voice isn’t there to crack and betray his age. So, it’s times like these Daniel likes Max a little more than he should.
And right now, he’s sitting in a plane with Max beside him and the only thing going through Daniel’s mind is that he wants to kiss him. Doesn’t even want to be gentle either, he wants to be rough, teeth clacking and saliva everywhere, make it something mature that Max just isn’t. But it’s easy for Daniel to think it’s something that could happen when Max is sleeping peacefully, pale like a sick man and snoring like a grandpa. It’s easy.
It shouldn’t be. 
It isn’t easy when Max puts a hand on Daniel’s shoulder just as he goes to sip his drink. Drunk Max is a touchy Max, Daniel’s noticed, but what he notices less and less these days is that drunk Max is still eighteen-year-old Max, even with how much Daniel wishes it wasn’t the case. But being eighteen doesn’t come with not being touchy, and maybe Daniel’s reading too much into it, or maybe the tequila is fucking with his brain, but he can’t not stare at Max’s lips when he takes a shot, and the fucking lip freckle that Max always licks when he passes his tongue over his mouth to get the last drops of whatever he just drank in his stomach. Daniel thinks it isn’t fair.
And Max laughs, and laughs, and snickers when his mouth is still full of liquid, because drunk Max is still easy-to-laugh Max, especially when Daniel’s here. 
And drunk Daniel is still easy-to-laugh-it-off Daniel as well, so he shakes Max’s hand off off his shoulder and ruffles Max hair to make himself remember he’s a kid. It’s not right. So Daniel shakes it off, laughs to pretend everything is okay and a single touch hasn’t awaken his libido in fucking seconds and goes to find a reasonably aged girl wherever a reasonably aged girl could be in a Monaco club. 
Turns out there’s lots of them. They’re all pretty. Daniel doesn’t want to look too much into it when he picks the one with short dirty blond hair and red plump lips. Tells himself he’s into European looking girls, even though he’s never been, that maybe it’s a thing he’s picked up when he turned 27 last month.
Daniel’s 29 now. He’s still into tall blonde girls and ones that laugh too loud. He’s still into girls with freckles on their face and ones that can’t dress to save their lives. He’s still into girls that don’t look like strangers but that are. It’s easier that way. 
Max is 21 now. He’s still a kid, just a tad older. He isn’t as round on the face, sharper nose and cheekbones. He isn’t as sharp in his body, rounder waist and arms. Daniel doesn’t want to notice that be he does. He notices the hair that starts to grow just under that sharper nose and the muscle that’s building up on his chest, making his Red Bull merch polo stick to his shoulders tighter than it used to. 
Max is 21 and his face is sharper and his body rounder but he still can’t handle alcohol. Two shots of vodka in and slowly nursing a g&t, Max can’t stop himself from getting his fingertips on the small of Daniel’s back. Daniel’s learned to ignore it now. He gets better at it every time they go out, even though they don’t as much this year. The DNFs start to pile up. 
But it’s Mexico, and Daniel got pole, but Max won, so Daniel wonders what he’s even doing here. The girls in Mexico always have dark feature, long brown hair that cascade down their back and chocolate eyes that Daniel used to want to drown in, but not anymore. So it’s clear he isn’t taking anyone home tonight. He’ll have to drown in shitty whiskey and expensive tequila instead. He’ll have to drown under Max’s touch that seems to want to spread over Daniel’s whole body and go home before midnight to not wonder what the fuck he’s doing with his life.
One night, when they’re both in Monaco again, and Daniel is just waiting for the season to end, he finds a drunk Max on his doorstep. A very drunk Max. Which isn’t usual. Not that Max is drunk, because he always is in some type of way, drunk on a win or some wine it doesn’t matter, because Daniel’s used to Max being giddy. He’s used to Max being drunk Max. Thank God for it. 
The weird thing is, when they’re both in Monaco, and even when either one of them is drunk, the only thing they’ll do is text. Like fucking kids, text message that always have too much abbreviations for Max and typos for Daniel. It’s always this way. Texts. Daniel is glad for it in a way, because drunk Max being a drunk Max, he can’t handle himself, and Daniel’s fine handling him in public, but he’s not sure he’ll be able to do it at home. Especially after the neat whiskey he’s started to drink after already finishing three, the one in the glass that’s still on his nightstand. Daniel drinks in bed, so what.
And this drunk Max is flushed, but still standing, so that’s good, but the flush is making the pimples and red spots on his neck and jaw pop out, which isn’t fucking good. At all. Makes Daniel remember Max is still only 21 and that he shouldn’t lust after a guy that just grown out of his teen years. 
« Fuckin’ hell, mate, what the fuck are you doing here. »
« Shut up. » 
Drunk Max is a touchy Max. Turns out he’s also a kissy Max. And he kisses like a kid. All teeth and too much tongue, not even bothering to ask if he can hold Daniel’s waist in the obscene way he’s doing right now. He kisses like he has a lisp, lips scattered everywhere and letting out noises Daniel knows he’ll hear in his dreams tonight. He really hopes Max will be there while he dreams too, though, which isn’t something he should be thinking. But Max has a grip that’s just a little too tight on his hair and it’s fucking up the whole thing sitting inside Daniel’s skull. 
Fucking drunk touchy kid fucking up his whole life. 
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heartsoji · 2 years
kenma + cuddles + stormy weather + only one bed
a/n: writing more comfort for myself bc there have been too many thunderstorms i hate this someone move me to antartica with the penguins and no thunder ALSO sorry if the grammar is wrong or smth i didn't proofread lol
you sighed.
"this sucks."
kuroo, the outdoorsy one of the group, decided that it would be fun to go camping. however, knowing that the two of you preferred the indoors and hated bugs, he decided to rent a cabin. (which was actually kinda sweet and considerate gj kuroo)
however, he made a little misclick and accidentally ordered a cabin with one bed. for the three of you.
so he called up the owners of the cabin and asked if they had any futons or anything, to which they told him to go buy himself a bed or a futon lol
so kuroo, being the prideful idiot he is, decided to drive AN HOUR AND A HALF back to civilization to buy 2 WHOLE ASS BEDS when it was 1am (nvm kuroo ur an idiot)
now, the two of you were stuck in a tiny little cabin that kuroo was going to jam TWO WHOLE BEDS in
tbh at this point u were ready to just SLEEP and kenma was literally melting onto the floor
buuuut there was only one bed and the two of you were too scared to sleep on it bc ur both v observant people and noticed that the other looked dead
so after these like rly awkward 15 minutes where there was no talking and no sound, you both sat on the couch (that literally felt like cardboard wtf kuroo) and you watched kenma play games on his game boy bc there was NO SERVICE and also you genuinely enjoy watching him play games bc he has the CUTEST EXPRESSIONS when he plays games
however, at some point, it started raining and you two got a text from kuroo
from 'rooster' to you and 'kenma':
The rain back here is rly bad so I have to wait it out. Be back tmrw :)
the two of you decided to suck it up after joking around and insulting him for a good 5 minutes (were ugs rly joking ?) and grabbed a blanket and sat back down on the cardboard couch.
you liked the rain. it was nice that there was more sound in the cabin that just the sound of buttons being rapidly pressed.
however, at some point, the rain turned into a thunderstorm.
you were terrified, to say the least. thunder has always been one of your absolute worst fears.
however, you didn't want to make a scene. especially not in front of your crush.
but ofc kenma being the observant man he is, noticed that you were gripping onto his shoulder a little tighter, and that you slightly tensed up whenever the thunder in the background roared. (for context you were holding onto his shoulder to see his game)
when he eventually came to the conclusion that you were terrified of thunder, he wasn't really sure what to do. comfort you? turn off his game? have you go to sleep? play some music? like what was he supposed to do
lucky for him, you figure out what he has to do for him. when a particularly loud and boomy thunder (they're all loud and boomy but this one was VERY loud and boomy) roars, you instinctively curl yourself close to him, eyes shut in terror.
he knows what to do now.
he turns off his game boy, sets it aside, and gently holds you close as he rubs your back.
"it's ok." he whispers soothingly. "it's all ok."
you're veryslightly embarrassed by the fact that you're literally curled up with your crush right now, but you don't really have time to think about the embarrassment with the thunder in the background
however, he provides you the sweetest comfort (contrary to my thunder comfort hcs lmao) and just wordlessly rubs your back and runs his fingers through your hair (bc he knows how good it feels lol)
his comfort is so nice that you end up falling asleep curled into him.
after your breathing steadies and he knows you're asleep, he lets his emotions show a bit more. the stupid smile that he's been biting back unleashes itself and finds its way onto his features. he gazes down at your sleeping figure, all curled up and snuggling into his chest, and feels his cheeks heat up a little. he lets himself drift of to sleep too.
you both end up waking up bc the couch is hard as cardboard about an hour later. he sighs and offers you the bed but you refuse immediately. the couch was uncomfortable af, the floor was worse and you were not about to let him sleep on it.
however, the same went for him. it would appear that both of you were incredibly stubborn.
kenma was the one to propose the "how about we both sleep on the bed? it's a queen so there'll be enough room.."
he may look calm and cool as ever when saying this, but if you look at his ears, they're bright red.
you nervously agree, and the two of you slowly climb into the bed.
the bed wasn't super comfortable, but it was much better than the couch. you slowly drift off to sleep.
you and kenma were both woken up at the same time by a rooster (not kuroo, an actual rooster) cock-a-doodle-doo-ing. when you opened your eyes, you were met with kenma's face about two inches from yours.
"AH!" you both screamed and tried to jump away, but couldn't. you looked down and realized that the two of you had intertwined legs and hands at night in your sleep.
to say the least, you were embarrassed. you could feel your cheeks burning up, and you saw kenma's ears turn bright red.
"uhm.." kenma started. "i.."
"I'M BACK!! D'YA MISS ME?" kuroo (the actual one, not his twin who woke u up)
you both whipped ur heads around and tried to untangle yourselves before he saw, but it was too late.
"oya?" (I NEVER PUT ANYTHING DOWN IN JAPANESE BUT IT JUST FELT SO APPROPRIATE) he had the biggest smirk on his face.
"ding a ling ling! whoa look at that i have a call be right back~!"
that cheeky brat.
"so, um, kenma.." you started, not really knowing what to say.
he cut you off. "how about we have this conversation after the trip is over?"
"yeah. lets do that."
the rest of the trip was actually decently fun, especially knowing that your crush liked you back and that you could look forward to that conversation after it was over. and as much as you hated to admit it, it was all thanks to kuroo and his idiotic brain.
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postpunkindustrial · 1 year
Tumblr media
Gwar - Live From Antartica
Halloween Season: Shock Rock!!
Gwar! Its Spooky season so let's start by leaning into the willfiully stupid. Gwar's 1990 concert film live from Antartica.
Get it from my Google rive HERE
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the-final-sif · 10 months
(Screenshot anon)
ok so that might've been a classic move for an alpha in like 2003 but times have changed and literally no alpha acts like that nowadays. even if he WAS trying to court Dream he wouldn't have done in a video like that - his reputation is entirely at stake.
taking care of someone when they're sick literally isn't posessive though???? Like ok Jimmy's head alpha of the pack and has to kind of fight to assert dominance because al of them (except Nolan) are also alphas but that has nothing to do with Dream??? if anything he was being a good friend and taking care of someone who was sick. they shared a tent so he could keep an eye on him. that's literally just normal friend behavior - he probably discussed it with SNF earlier and had Karl hang with them so they could enjoy antarctica without having to constantly take care of Dream.
He's literally just doing regular pack leader behavior - and he appears to be really good at it - taking care of a sick member, making sure everyone's not freaking out because a member of the pack is sick, keeping an eye on everything. Dude sucks sometimes but at least he's a good alpha.
As SC Anon (sorry, are we good to use nicknames ?) said, the video was HEAVILY edited. Like, we see Dream and Mr Beast going in for a hug when they get back from the moutain but it cuts ; Nolan sleeping in between the two so that the proper space and third party rule is respected (and like. SC anon said it themselves, Nolan is the only non alpha aka the only one not "threatening" ?? I don't think that is a coincidence) ; at the start of the video they're always next to each others ; that comment Dream makes about knowing MrBeast is pantless ?? Like how ?. We could even see in Dream's longer version (bless its soul) how close the two were originaly. There were definitely some moves made. And I'm pretty sure it's intentionnal Karl was so much with Sapnap and George, to distract them from their newly reunited pack mate. Also I disagree with the "terrible public move" bc nothing untoward happened, Mr Beast was a gentleman on all regards. But 1) he made it clear to Dream in survival conditions he was reliable and a good option 2) he showed it to the world ? Like call that neon flash of "Omega gets sick in Antartica, I manage to keep them perfectly healthy", that was a good boost for his reputation as a carer (not that should matter for alphas, and it pushes bad stereotypes, but that's how traditionnal - and they represent à good part of Mr Beast's audience - saw it). So it was a win for him on every point
And it appears a third anon has entered the fray,
(I'm third completely unrelated anon in the MrBeast saga) FUCK THE BEAST, OKAY. Look we all cringed and laughed about that freak over here who posted the Dream clone switcharoo bullshit in the main tags but now I'm seeing that shit from another angle! How the fuck else would you explain him switching secondary genders that fast?! That shit takes time, no meds or surgery is that good already. Beast did something I'm 100% sure of it, he already dabled in curing the blind, what if he asked Dream to test out a new drug or procedure? I wouldn't put it past him to use guilt tripping tactics, he just went oh please please do it for the poor people that can't have the way more complicated and way more expensive procedures done and Dream agreed. The beast having drolo moments, him staying close to Dream during Antarctica, him talking to George during the football charity match???? That shit confirms it. Motherfucker was keeping tabs on the process and how Dream was reacting to the change, if there were any side effects or complications. He wasn't seducing a sick omega or being a leading alpha or trying to find a partner, he was looking out for his bottom line! And some of you might try to refute it because its been a century since the omega testing facilities have been abolished but guess what, Omegan Healthcare Regulations, Section 14 Subsection 8 clearly states that its LEGAL to use omegas for testing specific substances and or procedures if the omega gives informed consent before any substances or procedures are administered. Even if the Beast got caught, and he will because Dream's immune system is weak as shit and will reject whatever the fuck was done to him pretty soon, he would still get no legal backlash because Dream the idiot would for sure back him up in saying it was fully consensual and that he was informed on all sides and still took the risk. This is a lose-lose situation and I fucking hate it so much!
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candiedspit · 9 months
Chocolate Cherries
Toddy was talking his shit again. As we were fucking reversed missionary style, I might as well have been a microphone. Above us, I knew there were those cheesy plastic stars splayed across the ceiling. Toddy’s idea. I watched the freckle on his chin bounce up and down as he spoke. The only way to keep myself sane. 
And then, we’ll go to Cuba and smoke some fat cigars, get twisted on the fumes. And a thousand shots. And billiards. And hot women for me, hunks for you. I want to fuck you on the beach. I want to drive a cadillac. 
I stopped moving and simply laid on top of him. Once he started, there was no stopping him. I could hear the vibrations of his voice rumble through his chest. I loved Toddy; silly little man. He was sweet though he tried to act tough for reasons I still can’t wrap my head around. Maybe he thinks that’s what men do. I got off him after a while and put my clothes back on and went to piss and sat in the love seat, reading from the Bible. 
What are you reading that thing for? Toddy asked, wiping himself with a towel. It’s full of ghosts and lies. It’s basically a fairy tale. 
That’s why I like it, I said. Who thinks of this stuff? I wanna be Christ, with my magic powers and wine and healing people, dressed in white like a baker. He’s like a rockstar; the first rockstar.  
Toddy turned on the television, arranged the antennas so the picture showed up clearly. Then, took a seat on the floor and worked at his thousand piece puzzle. A lion covered in roses. 
Around seven, the phone rang. I picked it up then regretteted it when I realized it was my mother calling. I answered the customary questions. Yes, we were fine. Yes, not too bad. Yes, we had pizza. Yes, I’d like to. When I hung up, I put the phone back on the receiver and rubbed Toddy’s head. 
My mother wants to take us out to lunch next week. 
That’s alright. 
As the evening settled in, I did a little. I stuck the needle into my elbow and Toddy watched. 
A little more at an angle, he said with a hand on my back. 
I nodded and he pulled the needle out as the black magic hit me. As though a witch had wrapped a nest around my head. I couldn’t see. 
Are we in Antartica? I asked, crumbling to the carpet. Toddy rubbed my head. 
No, we’re in America. It’s beautiful here. I love you. And there is chocolate cake in the fridge. Not too sweet. Just how you like it. 
I looked at the window and began to cry. 
Outside, It was starting to snow.
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syn4k · 1 month
this entire thing started because @ravenlikesbooks pointed out that one part of florida is in central time and the rest is in eastern btw. things spiraled from there. Anyways things ive learned from looking at different timezone maps of the continents:
asia has the most half-hour timezones and one 3/4 hour timezone (nepal). also asias timezones in general are just like. A mess. It gives me a headache to look at. I love it SO FUCKING MUCH
oceania has several half hour timezones and two 3/4 hour timezones, the most per continent, one in Eucla, Australia SPECIFICALLY for some reason and the other being the Chatham Islands in NZ
there are a total of two half hour timezones in north america, one in canada and the other being greenland! also a lot of full hour timezones in the usa go across state borders. most of indiana is in eastern time but there are two portions in the northwest and southwest corners of the state that are in central. theres a few cases of this. its so strange. i love it.
venezuela is the only country in south america to have a half hour timezone. the rest are in full hour increments. like ok girl go off (?)
the european union obviously has its shit together, because europe is the only continent that has both no half hour timezones and no timezones that cross country borders. i have some questions about why portugal is considered to be in the western european timezone when spain isn't and is grouped in with central european countries such as france and germany, but its not really too big a deal so im willing to let it slide
africa comes in second place for most neatly organized continent in terms of time zones. it would have a perfect timezone score tied with Europe if it werent for the fact that the DRC is split between two, but its whatever.
antartica is also a mess but its antartica so thats to be expected
in summary, here are the seven world continents ranked by order of least to most complicated timezones
South America
North America
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jarognieva · 1 year
Okay so today I want to talk about this pretty girl:
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It is called Celestial Centipende or Fluorescent Flower and we can find it in Byrgenwerth and Chalice Dungeons. In my opinion this name suggest it's just mix of big space bug and a plant. But considering Bloodborne is highly inspired by Lovecraftian stories, I think Celestial Centipendes might be an ancient intelligent beings.
I realised they are similar to the Old Ones (Don't confuse with Great Ones!) from At the Mountains of Madness. The Old Ones are ancient beings who came from the cosmos and created life on our planet. Their civillization was very advanced when they started to colonize the Earth but it started to degradate through time and finally completely disappeared. In the story main characters find well-preserved remains of a few Old Ones on Antartica. Old Ones are not EXACTLY like Celestial Centipendes, but there are a few distinguishing marks that are very similar to them. Here is an extract from a description of one of these beings (fragments that remind Celestial Centipendes are bold):
Objects are eight feet long all over. Six-foot, five-ridged barrel torso three and five-tenths feet central diameter, one foot end diameters. Dark gray, flexible, and infinitely tough. Seven-foot membranous wings of same color, found folded, spread out of furrows between ridges. Wing framework tubular or glandular, of lighter gray, with orifices at wing tips. Spread wings have serrated edge. Around equator, one at central apex of each of the five vertical, stave-like ridges are five systems of light gray flexible arms or tentacles found tightly folded to torso but expansible to maximum length of over three feet. Like arms of primitive crinoid. Single stalks three inches diameter branch after six inches into five substalks, each of which branches after eight inches into small, tapering tentacles or tendrils, giving each stalk a total of twenty-five tentacles
Surely Centipendes do not have wings, and their "legs" are more like arthropod legs than tentacles but look at concept art:
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These things around the "mouth" remind more tentacles than legs, aren't they?
At top of torso blunt, bulbous neck of lighter gray, with gill-like suggestions, holds yellowish five-pointed starfish-shaped apparent head covered with three-inch wiry cilia of various prismatic colors. Head thick and puffy, about two feet point to point, with three-inch flexible yellowish tubes projecting from each point. Slit in exact center of top probably breathing aperture. At end of each tube is spherical expansion where yellowish membrane rolls back on handling to reveal glassy, red-irised globe, evidently an eye.
Exept for yellow color and an eye, it seems quite similar, I think.
Five slightly longer reddish tubes start from inner angles of starfish-shaped head and end in saclike swellings of same color which, upon pressure, open to bell-shaped orifices two inches maximum diameter and lined with sharp, white tooth like projections—probably mouths. All these tubes, cilia, and points of starfish head, found folded tightly down; tubes and points clinging to bulbous neck and torso. Flexibility surprising despite vast toughness. At bottom of torso, rough but dissimilarly functioning counterparts of head arrangements exist. Bulbous light-gray pseudo-neck, without gill suggestions, holds greenish five-pointed starfish arrangement.
Tough, muscular arms four feet long and tapering from seven inches diameter at base to about two and five-tenths at point. To each point is attached small end of a greenish five-veined membranous triangle eight inches long and six wide at farther end. This is the paddle, fin, or pseudofoot which has made prints in rocks from a thousand million to fifty or sixty million years old.
I know that some parts of description don't correspond with Celestial Centipendes' appearance, but I think it might be possible that they're inspired by the Old Ones because it wouldn't be the first Lovecraftian reference in Bloodborne. What if summoning a meteor is not just weird superpower holding by a cosmic beast but an equivalent of the Call Beyond? What if they're not just a weird creatures from the dungeons, but the last from their kind? The kind which civilization vanished millions of years before Ptumerians, Loran and Isz. History likes to repeat, especially in Bloodborne, so I believe they were using Old Blood and trying to communicate with the Great Ones too.
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blogauroragloryme · 6 months
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Idk how many people enjoy Slice of life anime. For me I have always enjoyed watching these animes. It's sometimes funny and awkward that when I discuss with fellow anime lovers what all series I have watched I mention the names which they are pretty clueless about.
So like lately I like anime with vibes like "Natsume's book of friends". I recently found this anime "The Morose Monokean" which is a good one! It's also about Yokai and humans bein freinds.
Recently started with this another one called ,"A place further then the Universe", it's about girls going on an adventure to Antartica.
Just felt like ranting here ,if there are some fellow fans who call themselves Anime lovers,but prefer to watch something that's not part of the mainstream 😆😅
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empty-dream · 2 months
Just Read SIN
Now I get why Mordred is here lmao. As well as Spartacus. Jing Ke is obvious choice. They are truly the trio of rebellion.
Well for a story in a land that went so far back and built upon dinasty after dinasty, it does make sense that this becomes yet another one of a rebellion.
Chen Gong look and is so cool! Meanwhile Red Hare really wants to do that "Are you my Master?" thing lmao
I'm so living for QSH keeps misnaming Koyanskaya and tortures her. I mean, after what she did in the last 2 LB, and also in Antartica, I wont lie it feels SO good to see her not on her high throne anymore lol.
Reverse engineering and China's penchant of making things mass produced and of cheap quality lmaooo I didnt expect that.
Now I understand the chaos inside Chinese players when SIN dropped first in JP. It's even more hilarious lmaoo
Now I understand Paisen's hatred for humanity even more... Lanling Wang must have been a SAINT for her to open up and build friendship that lasts BEYOND death, it seems.
And Xiang Yu has never been exactly humane either that he could romance her. I hear about Xiang Yu's last stand that's agonizingly easy to win because of his already low HP. Ngl if I was playing, I'd have a hard time too.
Ah Yu, My Yu. :''''''((((
Lanling Wang-Hinako team is so funny because they are like sitcom enemy for the protagonists. I mean, they come to pick a fight, lose, retreat, rinse and repeat. Kinda show that Hinako is a shit strategist lol.
In themes, LB3 is pretty similar with LB2 in that the people there are basically livestocks with neither wisedom, freedom nor future. I was pretty skeptical when I started LB3, fearing of too many similarities.
And turns out, I think the difference lies mostly in the Kings. Scathach-Skadi is a god acting like human, whereas Qin Shi Huang is the exact opposite. While they are similar in nature (a divine being with 24/7 surveillance and strict control), Skadi is, for better or worse, is compassionate and willing to give chances to her enemies. Whereras QSH is ruthless and quick to take action towards enemies. Skadi gives everything of her, QSH hoards everything for themselves. The role of a ruler is pushed on Skadi while QSH seizes it themselves. It's fascinating that such different rulers end up creating similar kind of civilization.
Now I understand why QSH is popular, appearance notwithstanding. For someone that is basically the self-apointed "only human on earth" (read: god) and the ego that come with such action, they sure are quick to relent once their thinking is proven wrong. Also it's funny to imagine they, basically a glowing moth-motif royal divine being, are tinkering with a tank like a mechanic on a garage.
Wasn't expecting QSH's ideal being defeated by a smartphone lol but at the same time it's so resonating and completely against everything they believe in. I also like that it's Jing Ke who delivers it.
The special theme song Thest is FIRE. Also fun that the lyrics is gibberish to reflect that the people in the Losbelt don't know alphabets.
Ngl it's not as dark as I though a work from THE Urobutchi Gen would be.
TL;DR: Confucians, p e r i s h.
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cowboyjen68 · 2 years
Hello, can I ask you for some advice on how to stop disliking your height? I'm pretty much the same height as you, so about 5'3 or 5'4, which is about average for women in my country. When it comes to other unchangeable things like body hair and facial features and even personality I don't really care what others think, but with height specifically I always get a little upset whenever I see memes online making fun of shorter people, esp women, or when some people on here (sometimes so-called feminists) imply shorter women are ALWAYS weak physically and inferior in every way or are childlike. I don't even struggle with anything in particular, but these kinda things do get to me sometimes.
I am 5'3 and have been this height since 10th grade. I thought of myself as "average" even when I played volleyball because I just happen to play on the shortes team in our league. 5'1 the shortest and 5'8 being the tallest.
Then sometimes people will meet me, and it happens all the time, they will say 'WOW I thought you were tall!" In my head I started thinking.. maybe I am short? I guess I didn't put too much stock into it because I just didn't think about myself in comparson to others until others pointed it out.
Short women like me need to learn somethings. LIKE leverage is our friend. What we lack in height we make up for ingenuity. I can lift a hay bale but I have to use my knee, other bales, some creative movement. We learn that we can't reach things but we don't hit our head as much. When we fall we are closer to the ground.
Tall people deal with stupid questions. "how's the weather?" "OMG HOW tall ARE you?" Tall women get called intimidating or manly even if they are quite feminine.
No woman escaped the scrutiny of society. It seems to always find something to point out as Non conforming.
The most powerful butch I know is my best friend Jen. She has climbed all seven summits in the world (8 actually), over came an injured knee to climb a peak in Antartica, and can cut/stack wood or pile hay bales all day with me and she is my height. 5'3.
BUT one does not have to be physcially strong to be perfect fine. Not everyone, not every butch even, has physical health or strength. Our worth is not based on physical power, although some might have it and love that trait about themselves, not everyone does.
Outside bullshittery is rampant in our world, expecially since the internet came along and many people seem to think it is the place to come on and criticise and demean anyone they want, often for zero reasons other than just to be a Keyboard Jackass.
I guarantee people, friends who care about you love you the way you are and your height plays no part in that. If you have a girlfriend chances are your lack of tallness is very much apart of why she is attracted to you.
I have been lovingly called a Pocket Sized Butch. Yeah... I lll take that. It fits me. My last girlfriend is 5'9 and she thought (and told me so) she loved it when I stood on my tipee toes to get a kiss.
Pay no heed to those who have criticism of anything you can't change, hell, even stuff you can change. Be you.
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sweetmonsooncos · 4 months
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Not everyone here wants to be guinea pigs. Multi-appendaged, or not.
I'd had most of Lara's Antartica outfit done for quite a while and it was so nice being able to try all of it on! This also is the debut of my new gun belt and holsters that I made, which was actually the very first thing I made when I started cosplaying online again. I need to make some amendments to how they sit, but I'm really pleased with them.
I am also extremely proud of the coat - it was a parka style coat I bought from Amazon last year and I changed the trim at the bottom, added sherpa cuffs and added a orange zipper. I still need to add the ROCK Technology logo on the side, but I'm having them embroidered and should have it in a couple of weeks!
I also just realised I'm not wearing the gloves for this WHOOPS
CHARACTER: Lara Croft (Antarctica outfit)
FANDOM: Tomb Raider III
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comicavalcade · 1 year
Submariner Summer 35
Do Not Go Gentle Into That #SubmarinerSummer part 35, Namor Nation. We are at a key moment, just like last time, just like next time. Momentous things are afoot. This time, we hail the LAST ISSUE of volume 1 of Tales to Astonish, #101! End of the line is a wonderful Hulk in Asgard cover
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Yes, Tales to Astonish ends here; Tales of Suspense ended as well. But more on that next time. Here at the End, we BEGIN a key story in Namor lore, that of the Man Called Destiny. It starts in the Title splash with Namor, sleeping, haunted by a nightmare...or is he?
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We have Archie Goodwin back on scripts, and Gene Colan back on art; nice. Adkins on inks and Simek on letters rounds out the creatives. Also, look at our lil' man sleep. Do you guys think his wings twitch when he's dreaming? I bet they do.
ANYway, the nightmare figure haunts him, taunts him, and apparently has been doing so since his trip to the ruins of Antarctic Atlantis. Thinking it might be a sign of the memories lost in his past amnesia, he sets off for Antartica again to explore if there might be more there
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But it isn't a Namor story unless he gets attacked. So, a pilot scared that Namor looks at him funny fires missiles at our Prince in flight; doesn't end well for the pilot or his plane, but Namor spares his life and goes on his way.
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Meanwhile, the people of Atlantis mourn their city destroyed by a US submarine. They must now wander in search of a place safer from the surface. But, in their own words, as long as the blue skinned race survives, so does Atlantis; strong indigenous coding here for the Atlanteans
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And hell, they may have lost their city but not their fashion sense; Colan beautifully illustrates their sorrow and resolve and Lady Dorma absolutely SERVING here. Can't blame Warlord Seth for catching feelings for her as a new Atlantean tear-filled trail begins 👀
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For his part, the believed-dead Namor reaches Antarctica, and is compelled by he knows not what to follow a route to a hidden cave. And there he finds an ancient civilization and the ruins of their time-lost, frozen city!
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However, he also finds its icy guardian; or more specifically, it finds him. Namor makes short work of it, though, and it crashes through a wall leading to a fateful chamber...the chamber of A Man Called Destiny!
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And that's the beginning of Namor's fateful clash with Destiny, here at the end of Tales to Astonish. The plot isn't the most sophisticated ever, but hinting at getting answers to Namor's amnesia is compelling, it was great to touch base with Atlantis, and Colan delivers Art™
So NEXT, we will have to see what Destiny holds for Namor, but it will no longer be in Tales to Astonish. She was a good ship, but she sails into the past. Also? It won't be tomorrow, I'm afraid, I shall be otherwise engaged. Lo siento 🙏
So probably Wednesday we shall cover: "Call Him Destiny...Or Call Him Death!"
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theburgessobserver · 6 months
Rotg-Prelude to the beggining.....
US outpost FAB220 Antarctica
It was a cold(It's always freezing down there anyway) and a blizzard was raging outside through the frozen wastes of Antarctica.The outpost sat there as if defying this harsh wasteland and showing that no matter the condition and weather, it can still be possible to live in it.
Ben, who from a young age was fascinated in the Poles and always wished to one day be at the South Pole and research it. It was so fascinating how even here at the bottom of the world there was life…and mysteries…he was always intrigued by snow and ice. It had that magic and fun to it…one that never left him.
He was playing with his paddleball while Jerry was playing on the computer,they studied together and shared some fascinations,like they played chess every now and again between each other and Ben would usually win as he used to be a champ, but Jerry was less interested in the day to day workings of the outpost and of the pole.It was lonely there…
It was quiet save for the playing music(-).Ben had just made himself a burger when suddenly…one of their machines started beeping,Ben was surprised and rushed to investigate.
Ben was in a mix of shock and surprise”Hey ,Jerry you might want to check this out ,Palomar just picked up something,and it's heading this way!”
Jerry:”How many times have I gotta tell you that we don't pick important stuff up and never will……Woah..”
Jerry was shocked this was completely different from anything he had ever seen,this was serious!And he was nervous,while checking the readings and computers. This was the big moment and he was breaking up under the pressure of it all.
“Its energy signature is massive!”Ben swiftly added.
Jerry lost it.”HOLY CHEZ-ITZ what do we? They never told us what to do ,the only reason I took the job was because I THOUGHT IT WAS EASY!!!!”
“Jerry stop it, I'm calculating its impact point…...California!Ben said in fright.”
Jerry swiftly reached for the phone”Hello Supernova?This is Red Dwarf we have one, we actually have one!Code Nimoy!I repeat
And so it begins.........(also were back in antartica....after that scene with pitch...but this happens years later and far more is at stake!)
So yes Ben the kid that was in the Burgess Observer is back!I made it because Jack winter magic just had such a good effect on him,one that he never lost and inspired him for his future.Just kind of wholesome.
What was it?NOBODY KNOWS……for now…
Other 2 parts of prolog out to day so stay on the lookout...
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mixamorphosis · 10 months
Blog post and linked up tracklist [HERE].
Polaroid Notes - Close To Heaven (Whitelabrecs) Mathieu Karsenti - Time To Go (Slowcraft Records) Hector Plimmer - Joyfulness (Alexa Harley's Acapella Rework) (Albert's Favourites) Abstract Aprils - Falling Falling Falling (Self Released) One Million Eyes - Eustress (A Strangely Isolated Place) Peter Broderick - A Year Without Summer (Erased Tapes) Greg Foat - After The Storm (Strut Records) Ben Lukas Boysen - Kenotaph (Erased Tapes) Hania Rani - Leaving (Gondwana Records) Andrew Wasylyk - A Further Look At Loss (Athens Of The North) Julianna Barwick - Healing Is A Miracle (Ninja Tune) Thinnen ft. Olga Wojciechowska - Memories (Self Released) Nat Birchall - A Prayer For (Gondwana (CD) / Jazzman (LP)) Alice Coltrane - Prema (Antartica Starts Here) Mammal Hands - Solitary Bee (Gondwana) Katya Yonder - Mood (Méteron Records) Hampshire & Foat - End Song (Athens Of The North)
Download available at [HEARTHIS].
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