#anthropomorphic dinosaurs
a-dinosaur-a-day · 9 months
Hi, friendly neighbourhood palaeoanthropologist here to answer the anthropomorphic non-mammal breast anons question:
The reason you can explain away why they could have breasts is the same reason humans have (large, sexually dimorphic) breasts actually, sexualised mate selection.
If you look at other mammals, you'll see that they don't actually have large amounts of fatty mammary tissue or any sort of protruding mammary tissue when not lactating.
Humans have breasts because, for whatever reason, human males 3-5mya preferred human females with dimorphic breast tissue and prehistoric human females with it had greater success finding mates. They're like colourful feathers on male birds.
You're Right And You Should Say It
we're already anthropomorphising by making them human-shaped, might as well go whole hog
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i-am-worm · 2 years
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Inktober 52 2022 - Week 34 - 'Armour'
Ideas for anthropomorphic royal guards for @scifer featuring a burly Ankylosaurus and a more spry but equally armoured Jakapil (recently discovered bi-pedal armoured dinosaur!). I imagine their armour mostly covers their fronts, as their backs will have already its own natural armour. But it never hurts to have a plate to defect arrows and blades from your back. These guys may look simple, but they know the basics of repelling and enemy (terminally preferred) and staying alive in order to do so.
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Extreem dinosaurs!
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shpepyao · 2 years
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Some vibrant fellas
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temiree · 1 month
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This is Dune, a dino character that Stargate525 commissioned me to draw! They gave me creative freedom, and since this guy had a huge sword, I thought it was criminal that there wasn't a cool shot of him in a battle stance yet. :3
Progress pictures and a full-res copy are on my Patreon!
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arturus rex started off as a joke but now is my favourite thing ever
imma put him on a tshirt who wants one /hj
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kettle-bird · 7 months
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Been braining up a little dinocentric headworld, have some girlfriends who cause problems! More info about these two below the cut.
Katherine (or "Kitty" for short) is the no-nonsense guitarist for a local small-time metal band. She's soft spoken but stern, living her life by the motto "Do No Harm, Take No Shit".
Her girlfriend, Jez (better known as Jailbird for her frequent run-ins with the law) is a very different story. Tough as nails and sporting a hefty Napoleon complex, riding bikes and picking fights is her idea of a great Friday night... too bad her opponents are all far outside her weight class :')
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valq-art · 4 months
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Oh no, she's late for training! Commission for ThePolo (FA)
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dynasoar5 · 2 months
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About Me
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rustybottlecap · 1 year
So recently I remembered that weird af game trailer from years ago during the PS5 reveal conference, featuring anthro characters one of wich I doubly-erroneously thought was a bird-girl.
Turns out the game is called Goodbye Volcano High and it got delayed several times, but it’s actually coming out in a few months as of this post, and something I read about its premise has me OBSESSED.
So the characters are actually anthropomorphic dinosaurs, and while I don’t prefer this kind of anthro animal designs (reptiles with human hair), turns out they are like this FOR A REASON:
The meteor is coming.
The meteor that killed the dinosaurs.
Everyone in this game is going to die. And the protagonists are teenagers, who were made to believe they had a whole life ahead of them. And the adults would rather just have everyone go on with their routine like nothing’s wrong.
So the protagonists have to decide what to do with the short time they have left, confront their identities and be true to themselves. The pterodactyl protagonist Fang, for example, is non-binary and part of a rock band. Depending on the player’s decisions the rock songs they are composing and playing throughout the game will change.
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The paralels with the pandemic and other recent events as experienced by today’s youth are inevitable, and likely played a big factor during its development... yet the original trailer I mentioned in the first paragraph (not the one I posted) came out in 2020. They already had this idea before the pandemic.
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While doom and gloom can be found at any point in history, I wonder if at least some of the people involved in the game grew up during the 80s and very early 90s, near the end of the Cold War, back when mutual annihilation via nuclear weapons seemed inevitable, even to little kids.
It doesn’t take much digging to find examples of dinosaurs being used irl to cope with the Cold War fears of nuclear armaggedon. They could be used as metaphors, how nuclear weapons were going to “take us back to the stone age like in The Flintstones”, or comparing it with the meteor that killed the dinosaurs (The 1988 song “Walk the Dinosaur” by Was Not Was, wich many may remember from the old Super Mario Bros. movie and Ice Age 3, is actually about this; there are some clues in the lyrics but the band has outright confirmed it).
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On the other hand, dinosaurs had a rise in popularity during the 80s due to new discoveries, and served as nice escapism. Why fear a nuke when you could be crying your heart out while watching The Land Before Time? The 80s was even the decade when the theory that it was a meteor that killed the dinosaur became mainstream. Associaction!
So anyway... the game is finally coming out June 15 August 29, but I want to play it NAOW!!1! Let me laugh in the face of the apocalypse with my dinofriends!
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Also if you were turned off from this game due to some shitty content online, know that it was made by a vocal minority trying to sabotage it for being LGBTQ+ friendly. Just ignore them. Do not make this about them. The game will stand on its own.
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he77bentworks · 4 months
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a Spinosaurus and an Allosaurus design i did a long while back plus an unfinished rex and i dont remember what the other guy is wish i could have done more with it but i make 92873682736 characters i just draw once and then never again
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 9 months
Could you combine insanity (/pos) and education? Gvh as a paleontologist would be a great way to help other people understand how to design a good anthro dino. Only an idea of course!
I mean the anthro Ornithodirans (didn't see any marine reptiles apart from concept art) aren't *perfect*, but they get closer than others I've seen
for one, Reed should have wings, just like Sage. Sage should have extra wings, of course, but they both should have them
I'd have loved it if none of them had fourth or fifth fingernails. like deep lore alert and everything
(also would have loved it if they stuck to maastrichtian taxa but like... whatevs)(just saying there's enough of those to make an entire school. I kinda already did)
*whispers* Naomi should be more into music than Fang is bc she's a Lambeosaurine 👀like when Naomi said "I don't know anything about music" I literally shouted "BUT YOU'RE A PARASAUROLOPHUS???" and made my spouse laugh
Fang has bird wings and is pterosaur? What? I am confused
Why weren't there any birds, for that matter :(
but! that said, I love that all of them have some form of feathers somewhere, given they're ancestral to ornithodira. the little floof on Stella's legs is a great touch
the tails and tail fans are freaking fantastic; and the way they all act with the tails is very realistic feeling
I enjoy that Stella has a different kind of beak than the pterosaurs or the raptors because Ornithischians did have their own form of beak!
I love all of the colors and the different ways those colors show up in each individual, especially the way they are clearly supposed to be ~fancy~, harking back to them being display structures
The femmes had boobs but they weren't like... ridiculous? I could believe them as secondary sexual display structures or something rather than completely impossible mammary glands
I enjoy that Fang uses their claws to strum the guitar instead of a guitarpick. that's awesome
I'd have to think more about it but those are the "off the top of my head" thoughts
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dynahops · 2 months
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lil fanart of @chaeopteryxbites 's oc
i really enjoy the design and colors, what a sick oc !!!! > : D
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bug-memory · 28 days
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Sketch of Maxen! I'm still Sketch Partying! Take a look here if you'd like a sketch!
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shpepyao · 2 years
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Lady Carno
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thicc-astronaut · 9 months
So there was an r/dinosaurs thread (now deleted) where people where airing grievances about the design of Trish from Goodbye Volcano High
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People were saying how it's a terrible design for a Triceratops without specifying what makes it bad, and there was one or two comments that said her design looked "LGBT" without specifying what that meant or why that would be a bad design element
I don't mind Trish's design or really any of the Goodbye Volcano High character designs. A good character design should fit the story and the character, and Trish is a girl who attends high school and hangs out with her friends and plays guitar. And her design seems to fit those things very well
But all this talk about anthropomorphic dinosaurs got me thinking if there were any other examples to compare her to. And I could only think of two examples of anthropomorphic Triceratops that wear clothes
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B.P. Richfield from Jim Henson's Dinosaurs (identified as a Triceratops in the show but the frill looks like Styracosaurus, another ceratopsian)
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And Craig from Dinosaur Office (seen here wearing a sweater from the Thanksgiving episode, though most episodes he wears a collar and tie only)
And while both these characters are rounder and more spiky-looking than Trish, they are also both men with office jobs who are well beyond their high school years.
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