#anti aging skin care sets
samhealthyskinllc · 1 year
July 4th sales skincare haircare 15%
July 4th sales on all Samhealthyskin skincare, haircare, natural supplements products at 15% discount. July 1st to 9th promotion. Apply code: July2023 during checkout. 3 days free delivery within USA. Minimum purchase is $80. Click: https://samhealthyskin.com/products 
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gowomenbeauty · 3 months
What Is the Deeper Meaning of Beauty? Note:100% Satisfaction, 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee. Beauty is not just what we see with our eyes, but what we feel with our hearts. It's the essence of kindness, the strength of character, and the grace of compassion. True beauty lies in the depth of our humanity, the sincerity of our actions, and the warmth of our souls. 💖✨ For more queries, visit the page mentioned in the profile bio section. 🌐🔍
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dsqelitesingapore · 3 months
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pasarinternet · 1 year
CareCella Prestige Premium Set
CareCella Prestige Premium Set Carecella Prestige Premium Set Set Premium CareCella Prestige Terdiri Dari 5 Produk CareCella Prestige Ampoule   Prestige Ampoule Ampul bergizi terkonsentrasi yang memberikan efek kulit bercahaya Manfaat CareCella Prestige Ampoule  Merupakan produk perawatan kulit premium, membantu menyembuhkan kerusakan kulit dan menenangkan kulit. Meningkatkan penyerapan nutrisi…
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Skinzey's Insta Glow - 24k Gold Scrub - Unlock the Radiance of Golden Skincare
In the ever-evolving world of skincare, one ingredient has captured the attention of beauty enthusiasts and professionals alike: gold. Known for its luxurious appeal and potential skincare benefits, gold has become a popular addition to numerous beauty products. Among them, Skinzey's "Insta Glow - 24k Gold Scrub" stands out as a remarkable exfoliating and revitalizing skincare gem. In this blog post, we delve into the exquisite qualities of this product and explore why it has become a coveted addition to skincare routines worldwide.
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Unlocking the Power of Gold:
Gold has been revered for centuries for its aesthetic appeal and has even been used in ancient civilizations for skincare purposes. Today, the inclusion of 24k gold in skincare products is gaining momentum due to its potential benefits. Gold particles are believed to possess antioxidant properties that help fight free radicals, reduce the signs of aging, and promote a youthful complexion. Skinzey has harnessed the power of this precious metal in their "Insta Glow - 24k Gold Scrub," offering a unique opportunity to indulge in the opulence of gold while enhancing your skin's natural radiance.
Exquisite Exfoliation:
The key to a healthy and vibrant complexion lies in effective exfoliation. Skinzey's "Insta Glow - 24k Gold Scrub" combines the exfoliating properties of fine gold particles with carefully selected natural ingredients to provide a luxurious and gentle exfoliation experience. The gold particles delicately slough away dead skin cells, revealing a smoother and more refined texture. As a result, the skin appears brighter, with a youthful glow that is both captivating and revitalizing.
Nourishing Ingredients:
Beyond the gold particles, Skinzey's scrub is formulated with a blend of nourishing ingredients that promote overall skin health. Ingredients such as jojoba oil, vitamin E, and aloe vera work harmoniously to hydrate, soothe, and protect the skin. Jojoba oil, known for its moisturizing properties, helps restore the skin's natural moisture balance, while vitamin E acts as a powerful antioxidant, combating environmental stressors. Aloe vera, renowned for its soothing qualities, helps calm and rejuvenate the skin, leaving it supple and refreshed.
The Luxurious Experience:
Indulging in Skinzey's "Insta Glow - 24k Gold Scrub" is more than just a skincare routine; it's a sensorial experience. From the moment the golden particles touch your skin, a feeling of opulence and indulgence envelops you. The scrub's gentle texture glides effortlessly, awakening your senses and leaving your skin velvety soft. The subtle scent enhances the overall experience, making it a moment of pure bliss and self-care.
Incorporating "Insta Glow - 24k Gold Scrub" Into Your Routine:
To make the most of Skinzey's "Insta Glow - 24k Gold Scrub," follow these simple steps:
1. Start with a clean face and damp skin.
2. Apply a small amount of the scrub to your fingertips.
3. Gently massage the scrub onto your face using circular motions, focusing on areas that need exfoliation.
4. Rinse thoroughly with warm water and pat your skin dry.
5. Follow up with your favorite moisturizer to lock in hydration.
Remember, exfoliating is essential but should be done in moderation. Aim to incorporate the "Insta Glow - 24k Gold Scrub" into your skincare routine once or twice a week, depending on your skin's needs and sensitivity.
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Anti-Hero | Bucky Barnes x Reader
Y'all had to know this was coming 😂 if you or someone you know has experience emotional distress at the hands of Ms. Taylor Swift, you may be entitled to financial compensation 🕰️
Warnings: depression, anxiety, Bucky’s past
“I wake up screaming from dreaming,
one day I’ll watch as you’re leaving,
and life will lose all its meaning
(for the last time)”
Bucky waited for things with you to end. Or maybe he wasn’t waiting for the end as much as he was expecting it. He didn’t want your relationship to come to a close, didn’t want to spend the rest of his days without you. But he couldn’t allow himself to be optimistic. Things between you would never last, and he needed to be prepared.
At his age, he wondered how he wasn’t smarter than this. How he wasn’t wise enough to keep his distance from people- from you. He should’ve learned by now. After everything he’d been through, he should’ve known better. Some people find happiness. Some people get to spend forever with the love of their life. Bucky just wasn’t one of the lucky ones.
But he couldn’t help himself when it came to you. He couldn’t keep himself away, couldn’t stand to be apart from you. He let his heart get the better of him. And while he adored you, he knew your love would be his undoing.
On a daily basis, he braced himself for the news. It wouldn’t be hard for you to find someone better- the bar he set wasn’t high. But even with the expiration date of your relationship looming over him, he let himself enjoy the time he spent with you. He soaked in every second of your mornings together, cherished every night that you fell asleep on his chest. He needed to remember how you made him feel. Long after you left and regarded him as nothing more than a mistake, he’d live inside the memories he had of you. And that would have to do.
He’d never meet anyone like you, would never love anyone like this.
The longer things lasted, though, the pain of your eventual departure multiplied. Month after month passed. Bucky’s anxiety grew. He knew the other shoe was soon to drop, and he’d fall from the great height of the happiness you brought into a deep, dark pit of despair.
How many more of his breakdowns could you endure? How many times could you possibly care for him after a mission? You had to be tired of scraping his dried blood out from under your nails.
One of Bucky’s screams tore through the quiet, peaceful air of your bedroom. He thrashed beside you, desperate to escape the monsters in his head.
You flew into action, waking him gently. “Buck…” you took his face in your hands. “Hey, wake up, baby. You’re okay. You’re-”
His eyes flew wide open in alarm. Fear pulled his pupils into tiny pin pricks but as he focused on your face, they relaxed. “Hey- hi…” He forced greedy inhales into his lungs and made a grab for your waist. He needed to feel your body on top of his, almost like his personal weighted blanket. He needed to know you were real, that you were there with him.
With his face buried in your neck, he wondered how he’d handle nights like these after you left. He knew he’d self-destruct. He’d end up in crisis. Unable to sleep, fearing the dark. Sam would probably have to stage an intervention.
“You doing okay? You wanna talk about it?” You asked, your hands sliding through his hair. But you already knew the answer to both: no.
Bucky took a few more deep inhales, memorizing the way your hair smelled. The way your skin felt against his cheek. “Thanks for waking me, doll…”
“Of course, Buck,” you pulled away dotted a light kiss to the tip of his nose. “You know I just wanna help.”
Your smile made his heart leap. God, he was going to miss you.
But you were too good for him. In the small apartment you shared, you were the light. You filled the space with warmth and goodness. You brought home plants and nourished them into beautiful blooms. You hung art on the walls. You created a home.
Bucky, however, populated the apartment with ghosts. He was haunted by trauma. By victims and nightmares and darkness. He was the monster lurking under the bed. And it wasn’t fair to you. You worked hard to create a safe place for the both of you. And he filled it with baggage. 
He often thought about all the times he’d come close to death, and wondered why he never died. Part of him thought it was a cruel joke by the universe, a prank to make him suffer even longer. But the other part of him thought maybe it was so he could meet you. Maybe it was because he deserved some small sliver of happiness, a taste of what goodness existed in the world. Before you ended things.
“I appreciate it, baby.” He returned your kiss, taking an extra second to savor how your lips felt against his. A nagging clawed at his chest. Something in him wanted him to speak up- to ask you for the truth. He knew he shouldn’t. He knew he should just accept your kindness while it lasted. But he needed to know. And he had a penchant for destroying things.
“Don’t you ever get… tired- or fed up- of all this? Of me?”
You stared at him, confused. “Um… no. I mean, I don’t want you to have nightmares, if that’s what you mean. I don’t like to see you hurting…” you stroked at his stubble. “I’m tired of you suffering- cause you deserve better. You deserve to be happy.”
He cracked a small smile.
“But I could never be tired of you. That’s not even comprehendible to me. I don’t think I understand that concept,” you laughed. “Makes no sense.”
But Bucky didn’t laugh. His smile faded.
You sat up and pulled him upright with you, “What are you getting at, Buck? Did I do something? Cause if I like, made a stupid joke or whatever that made you feel like I’m fed up with you, I didn’t mean to- and I’m really sorry. I’m not-”
“You didn’t,” he said. His hand found your face, his cold thumb swiping over your bottom lip.  “You didn’t do anything wrong. You never do.”
“Oh- okay, good…” you left a kiss against his palm. “Then why do you ask?”
Bucky didn’t want to answer. He regretted this whole venture. But he was in too deep. “I ask because… I feel like your life is perfect- was perfect,” he sighed. “Before you met me, I mean. Your job and the apartment and your friends and family- your whole situation is so put together. And I’m just not…”
“My life’s never been perfect, Buck. You know that- you see me on my bad days. They can get pretty ugly-”
Bucky scoffed at your use of the word ‘ugly’. He’d never describe anything about you in those terms.
“Oh, stop,” you laughed, delivering a light punch to his arm. “My point is: No one’s life is perfect- but mine is way better with you in it. Everyone has problems, but-
“But what if I’m the problem?”
The sun’s first weak rays of the day peaked through the blinds, but it wasn’t enough. You needed to see Bucky. You flicked on his lamp and let yourself give him a proper once over. He looked exhausted. Miserable.
“Buck, you’re not- how could you be the problem?”
“Just, in general,” he said. “I put you through a lot. And ever since we got together- ever since we met, really- I’ve been wondering when you’ll leave.”
His words gutted you. They tore you open and left you empty. “But why would I leave?” you asked. “I’m happy with you. I think we’re really good together. And I don’t-”
Your words brought a smile to his face, “And I’m really, really happy with you.” The smile faded. “But this has to be exhausting, isn’t it? There’s always some crazy shit happening in my life- whether it’s my job or all my PTSD. I don’t want you wasting your time on me.”
“It’s not exhausting…” your voice was low, shaky. “And it’s not a waste of time. I want this- us. I want to be there for you. I want to be with you…” A sudden realization flooded your cheeks with tears. “Wait- is this you breaking up with me? If you want don’t want to be with me, fine. Well, not ‘fine’ but… Just don’t pretend it’s because you’re the problem.”
Bucky took your hands in his, “No, no, no. That’s not what’s happening- I want to be with you for as long as possible-”
“Jesus Christ, you scared me,” a shaky laugh rattled out of your chest. “So, if you want to be with me, why are you basically trying to convince me to leave you?”
Bucky ran his thumbs over your knuckles. Dating you was almost shameful for him. Not that he’d ever be ashamed of you, of course. But he knew he kept you from the person you should’ve been with. And it didn’t feel right. Someone else had to be out there- waiting for you. Waiting to give you a better life than he could.
“Because you deserve better, doll. I wish you- you should want more for yourself. Don’t settle for me. I want you to aim higher.” The words burned his throat. But he supposed the truth had to hurt sometimes. “You should be with someone who doesn’t make your life harder.”
“You don’t make my life harder-”
Bucky shook his head, “We both know that’s not true”
“I’m being serious. You don’t,” you shrugged. “Yeah, I’ve changed a few things in my life since we got together- but only because I wanted to make those changes. I wanted to make you feel safe. Fourth of July fireworks give you anxiety, so we spend the night away from the city. Getting an alarm system made you more comfortable, so we got one. How is that a problem?”
You were so accommodating. So open-minded and willing to change. Anything Bucky needed to feel just a little safer, you did it. Without question. And while it was kinder than he thought he deserved, he wished he didn’t affect your life in such a way. “But you’ve changed other things, too. I know you don’t get to go out as often as you used to-”
“I don’t want to go out. I can’t drink like a college kid anymore,” you laughed. “I’d rather be at home with you, anyway.”
Bucky fell silent for a moment. The things you said almost convinced- almost. “But do you realistically think you can do this with me forever? Can you put up with me stumbling through the front door at 3am, bloody and half-dead? Can you deal with me screaming you awake almost every night? Can you-”
“I want to.”
“But why?” Bucky couldn’t wrap his mind around it. “You shouldn’t. You shouldn’t want to suffer through all the bullshit. There are better things- better people- out there for you.”
You’d had enough of Bucky slandering himself. He never gave himself enough credit. And you knew he was hell bent on convincing you to look for someone new- even if it took him all night. But you didn’t want anyone else.
“Can I have an opinion?” you finally said. “You keep telling me there’s ‘better people’ out there and how I should ‘want more’ for myself- but you are the person I was looking for. This is what I always wanted.” You wriggled your hands free from his and rested your palms against his cheeks.
“I never thought I’d find someone like you. Just ask my sister; I’d been complaining for years about all the awful guys I dated. They were all so rude and selfish and flat out treated me like shit. And I broke up with them because I needed to keep looking. When I dated those kinds of guys, I knew there had to be someone better out there. Cause they were really the bottom of the barrel,” you laughed. “You, on the other hand… green flags. All green flags. Green flags for miles.”
Bucky scoffed, “I know of a major red flag-”
“Stop,” you rested a thumb over his lips, silencing him. “You are the best person I’ve ever met. So kind and thoughtful and sweet. So gentle. So funny. Smart. Fun. There is no one above you. There is no one better. I don’t have to look anymore.”
Bucky leaned forward and rested his head against your chest. Your familiar heartbeat brough him comfort, eased the tension in his mind. “But I’ve done a lot of bad things- Really bad things. Everyone agrees that we shouldn’t be together, cause I’m-”
“I don’t care about ‘everyone’,” you said. “I care about you. Other peoples’ opinions don’t matter to me. And I know it’s easier said than done, but they shouldn’t matter to you either.” You pulled his head from your chest and stared into his dejected eyes. “At the end of the day, you come home to me. You crawl into bed with me. And I think the world of you. That’s the only opinion about this relationship that matters.” You laughed, adding a caveat, “well, not the only one. Cause yours matters, too, obviously. But right now, you’re being mean to yourself- so it doesn’t count.”
Bucky wanted to drown in you. He wanted your light and love to consume him completely.
“Buck, being with you is knowing that I’ve found the very best person for me,” you once again let him rest his head against your chest. “And that includes everything you’ve been through and everything you’ll go through in the future. All of it. I’m in this with you- full stop.”
Bucky’s voice vibrated against your skin, but the sound was muffled by your sleep shirt.
He begrudgingly pulled his head from your chest, “I said ‘I love you’.”
“And I love you. Always will.” You helped him lay back down and made sure he was comfortable before turning off the lamp. “Any time you start feeling like this, tell me. I want you to come to me when you’re struggling, okay?”
“And any time someone makes you feel like you don’t deserve to be happy, I wanna know,” you said. “So I can put em in the ground.”
Tag list: @beefybuckrrito @shadytalementality @everything-burns-down @rainbow-unicorn-pony @mandersshow @breakablebarnes @psychoticmason @glxwingrxse @deepsketchsupernaturalcowboy @mrsdrysdale18 @lonewolf471 @dreamerglassesgirl @the-gods-gloted-but-they-burned @purpleshallot @duchessoftheheart @seitmai @itvy5601 @hisxsoulmate @dailyreverie @navs-bhat @eviesaurusrex @themorningsunshine @masteroflightningz @evangeliamerryll @buckys-metal-arm @broadwaybabe18 @the-kestrels-feather @avocadotoastwithegg @goldylions @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @vrittivsanghavi @idkitsem @avengetheunnatural @rassvetsky
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redacted-metallum · 4 months
Hate how "skincare" is all just beauty industry bullshit and anti aging creams that don't do anything.
Why can't it be basic wound care and how to spot and prevent skin conditions that range from mild (contact dermatitis/skin allergy) to severe (skin cancer) on all skin types and colors.
Why can't it be "here's how to treat acne because it's uncomfortable and you pick at it" and "here's how best to mitigate or eliminate skin picking/hair pulling bfrbs"
Why is it all #girlboss makeup
People make fun of The Men (tm) for like. Using a single bar of irish spring soap for their entire bodies and head n shoulders 2 in 1 but. Speaking as a transmasc person who's spent plenty of time bouncing between the hair and skincare aisles at target or whatever. That's all there WAS in the mens section, and the way american culture is set up being perceived as effeminate or gay is the Worst Thing Possible for some men (bc homophobia and misogyny)
The products are changing Now, sure, but it's not bc things have improved at all. Its bc the companies realized there's a market for mens skincare.
I am just mad bc i am angry
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ramu-ego · 2 years
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(nsfw) RIOT GEAR :: x femdom!Reader
cw: fem!Reader, dom!Reader, aged up, electrophilia, sexual themes word count: sloppy headcanons character(s): Itoshi Rin, Hyoma Chigiri, Bachira Meguru, Reo Mikage, Nagi Seishiro, Isagi Yoichi
DNI :: minors, blank blogs + m!Reader blogs
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brat brat brat
of course he likes it but he's not going to admit that until his own pleasures on the line
what starts out as a passive aggressive way to help him "relax" during his yoga quickly turns into a groveling needy idiot
nothing brings Rin's turbulent mood to the brink of tears like the on/off switch to his blue lock suit
target different sections of his body, build up to it (trust me it's worth it)
from level one right up to the brink of actual pain, Rin can take it
extremely sensitive balls
use it on him in the most compromising of positions while he's stretching or meditating so you know that fabric is as snug as can be
bonus points if you do it in front of a mirror
watch him first hand though as he goes through every emotion the higher the setting gets and his body can't refute its own pleasure
from your face to his own reflection in the mirror Rin's inability to decide where to look is just as cute as his precum soaked blue lock suit
won't ever admit it with that pout but humiliate him and watch him as he cums like an untouched virgin in his blue lock suit every time
soften the blow with the sweetest words ever in the aftershocks of his orgasm
kiss the sweat on his brow and tell him to get in the bathes so you can clean him up before anyone sees
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princess needs to be careful of his muscles right? to avoid another tear?
guise of helping Chigiri maintain a healthy relationship with his injury makes it that much easier to drop the fact their suits are a little....unique
alright so fine he's intrigued but, y'know, for his career as a soccer player of course
a body does what a body's going to do you can't fault him for that! or for the throbbing wet spot on his crotch seconds after you turn it on the lowest setting
princess will grit his teeth and pretend like this isn't happening
it feels good...really good
until his hair is sticking to his face, lips parted and tongue darting over his lips like a mutt in heat
you haven't touched a single inch of him and yet hair is clumping against his forehead and Chigiri's thighs are trembling
get him to sit in front of you like he's riding cowgirl and you won't be sorry
cock leaking through his suit, he's a bit slender but does he make up for it in volumes of precum and later cum
not much later though because half way through the demonstration those well toned thighs are trembling, shaking and quivering the mere second he thinks he can hold out
cum painting the tight space between his belly and that blue lock suit and more to spare once it soaks into the fabric
if your in a rush...just have to send princess back out to practice with his cum soaked blue lock uniform
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excited! excited! excited!
nothing is more tantalizing to the monster than the unpredictability of life - as he finds out when you control his anti riot gear
a click of a button and he could be creaming his skin tight body suit in no time at all
now that's a good time and by that, anytime is a good time
gives up total control just to know you've got him on your mind 24/7 with a trigger happy finger on his blue lock suit
doesn't mind if you use it during solo or group practice
Bachi has an exhibition kink lurking right under the surface so stroke that bad boy like none other
particularly fond of when you do it with the addition of watching him/instructing him what to do in empty blue lock rooms and he can't see you
an undeniable slut for your own entertainment
cock twitching fun when you give him erratic patterns that his body can't anticipate
on his knees the second you turn it up a notch and wants to strip down naked to touch himself but knows better than to interrupt you
cums in his blue lock suit without hesitation because it just feels so good
it's a draw between if his nipples or his balls are more sensitive when you're teasing him with light electro currents
won't wash up either (unless you tell him too) and will unabashedly go right back to practice with cold wet cum saturating his suit
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sure he's seen it but...will he like it?
of course he does!
the nipples, oh god the nipples, perhaps some of the most sensitive ones in blue lock?
demand some privacy with the rich boy because nothing is as wonderful as the sight of Reo with his cock out of his blue lock suit panting like a bitch in heat
if you want him to blow his load immediately sure keep him snug in his suit but he'll cum after the first shock wave
Reo can't help being a glutton for pleasure it's simply in his nature to want it all and then some
fingers wrapped around his neglected cock while the light hum of electricity ravages the rest of his body is simply a sight to behold
nothing he wants can compare to the desire he has to be leaned over a stretching bar with you jerking him off from behind with one hand and the riot gear remote in the other
milk him from behind and kiss the shell of his ear as the rest of him steeps in pleasure
nipples cute enough they poke prominently through his skin tight suit
cums between his own feet like a cum cash cow and even gives you a second little cumshot if you crank up the suit at the last minute
wash him up though because he can't be taken seriously going out to practice with dried cum on his suit
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an orgasm with literally (and physically) no work?
this is the kind of shit he signed up for
oh and it's a bonus if you don't have to do anything either Nagi guesses
lazy perv requires no persuasion on your part if you tell him pleasure and fun can cum his way at the click of a button
getting undressed is such a pain do it to him anytime you want in his blue lock uniform because he doesn't want to get undressed
edge him with it throughout the day but don't expect a knee quivering response just yet
honestly you can flick the switch and titillate him all day with it and you won't know the impact it has on Nagi until you crank it up to the point of no return
there's not guessing what that point is though but you'll know it when you see it
stupid horse-cock savant won't even try to touch himself if he knows you're the ones at the controls
leaves his cock throbbing for anyone to see (so probably be careful where you play with him)
no sensitive nipples or balls or even ass, focus entirely on his cock and you'll get what you came for
cum soaking his underwear until it's adhered to the blue lock suit and then some
unbothered load drooling down whichever leg his cock was throbbing against in his suit
Nagi will go back to practice and the rest of his day unless you clean him off
no he's not going to clean himself off that's just more chances for you to touch him and him to do nothing
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spring it on him then tell him what that was
Isagi a slut for surprises
that tingle he got in the middle of practice? wasn't just a new awakening after you explain what you did
and he wants more
overstimulate him though don't just let the light shocks do all the work
if his cock is the one receiving blissful electro induce convulsions then make sure to be twisting his nipples and playing with them until they're pretty, puffy and pink
and if its more torturous as you only let him enjoy the tingling sensation on his nipples and balls, he'll be begging for his cock to be relieved
no hands rule applies in soccer and when you're having fun
kneeling with his hands behind his back nothing is prettier than Isagi's cock in your fist and his hips working themselves overtime
will fuck your hand while you keep cranking up the buzzing fun
vocal and the center of attention, it's hard to not know when he's cumming
his balls tighten in the cutest way seconds before he cums and is always a dead give away with his moans
tease him about his load size
thick, messy cum down your fingers and the underside of his cock even if you have him leaned over
always makes a mess but you never have to clean it up so he goes to practice nice and clean like a good boy
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gowomenbeauty · 3 months
Is Age Just a State of Mind? Note:100% Satisfaction, 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee. 🤔 Dive into the intriguing exploration of this timeless question with me. Let's unravel the mysteries of perception, wisdom, and vitality. 💭💡 Embrace the journey of self-discovery and challenge the conventional notions of age. For more queries, visit the page mentioned in the profile bio section. 🌐🔍
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Ziv MacLeod, Razor Storm (Symbiosis RO)
Name: Ziv (Zivvy) MacLeod
Alias: Razor Storm
Age: 24
Nationality: Scottish
Power Set: Telekinesis
Status: Villain
Ziv MacLeod, Zivvy to the people she cares about, is a stern, no nonsense anti-hero who is out to reveal the truth about the hero industry to the world. She will stop at nothing to show the average citizen that the majority of heroes are amoral, corrupt, and do not care a single bit about the people who worship them like gods. She is willing to use tactics that many find extreme in her mission to rip the facade from the face of the industry and this has earned her the title of Villain by those she opposes, to those who know here she is nothing of the sort even if her methods can lean into territory some might consider evil, she is simply doing what is necessary to see the new revolution through to the end.
Ziv was not always the hardened anti-hero she is, she was once an easy going student at the world's premiere hero academy, but in her final two years she began to see the world in a darker tone. After graduating and moving back to Glasgow she joined a hero group with high hopes that her experiences from her past were an anomaly, she quickly learned that it was worse. In a single night she slaughtered her entire team in what she saw as an act of justice and was sent to prison for her actions. Since that day she has been planning her revolution and nothing will stand in her way to see it through, not even an old flame who still carries her heart.
Appearance: Ziv stands at 5’10 and has a very athletic physique from her constant combat training and workout routines. With her brilliant green eyes, flawless tan skin, and perpetually curly pink hair she has captured the attention of many. When using her telekinesis her eyes tend to glow, the more power she uses the brighter they can become. She is rarely seen without the two massive claymores that float behind her which she uses in combat.
Abilities Extreme Telekinesis (Top 10% in the world) Flight Enhanced Strength Expert Martial Arts (Muay thai, Boxing, and Swordsmanship)
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dragonmuse · 1 year
I'm inspired by the recent talk of Sweeney and I need some fluff in my life featuring Lucius/Izzy (just accidentally read an anti-Izzy fic! booo! ☹️), soooooo could we get a scene when Izzy and Luc get home from the Olympics and see Sweeney for the first time after being away?
( I am so sorry cause this started cute and then got very serious because I kept meaning to finally have Izzy and Lucius talk post-Hymn and I guess I was ready! So this isn't actually fluff, but I think it's still some pro-Izzy content?)
The first place Izzy went was Read’s door which Lucius probably could’ve predicted if he’d thought about it for  more than a second. He set down his bags outside their door and slumped against the door frame. 
Lucius was starting to think that he hated travel. Sure he’d had a few nice vacations over the years, but between a hotel that he never thought about and this recent emotional gauntlet, he never wanted to leave home again. 
“Hi!” Read opened the door with a bright smile. “You’re home!” 
“We are,” Izzy agreed. “You good?” 
“Yep, and so’s your place. I just went in this morning. All the mail is in your basket and I turned the a/c on, so you should be good to go.” 
“Thanks,” Izzy gave her a short nod. Then sighed as Read hugged him. “It was a week.” 
“I know, but an exciting one,” she winked at Lucius over Izzy’s shoulder as the man hugged her back. Lucius suppressed a tired laugh.  “He did good.” 
“He did,” Izzy drew away. “I’ll be back in the office in two days. Should be enough time for you two to clean up after yourselves.” 
“Place is totally fine,” Read shrugged. “You could come back tomorrow morning.” 
“Maybe I will.” 
“Maybe you should,” she met the challenge. 
The stare off was also kind of funny, but if Lucius didn’t shower soon, he was going to itch off his top layer of skin and he'd left his keys inside Izzy's apartment. They didn't both need them.
“You’ll be too jet lagged,” he put in. “Come on, goblin, I’m dying for hot water.” 
“Yeah, yeah,” Izzy shook his head. “Two days.” 
“Okay, boss,” Read laughed and shut the door in his face. 
Pete would be nearly home already too and Lucius could picture him already preparing stories for Frenchie and John. Lucius would join him tomorrow. He’d considered breaking the routine they’d set up to go home with him today, but if he was honest, he needed the break. Every conversation they had now felt tender and a little fraught, neither of them fully healed from the burn just yet. 
From deep inside the apartment, there was a tiny sound as they walked in. It started off tiny anyway. Sweeney streaked into the living room, spotted Izzy and then raced to butt his head against the man’s shins with desperate cries. 
“I think someone missed you,” Lucius said wryly. 
“It was just a week,” Izzy said, but it sounded far more hollow than when he’d said it to Read.  
Izzy squatted down and Sweeney put his paws onto Izzy’s knees, rubbing his face against his goatee. 
“Hey, hey now,” Izzy said softly and Lucius’ already bruised heart melted a little further. “Don’t be ridiculous, you’re okay. Read took good care of you.” 
“Mew,” Sweeney rebutted.  
Izzy picked the cat off the floor with a sigh. “Why don’t you go shower, pup?” 
“Yeah, I will.” Lucius reached out to offer Sweeney his fingers and the cat licked his fingertips.  “Oh wow, never done that before.” 
“He’s getting soft in his old age,” Izzy said as if he wasn’t rubbing Sweeny’s intact ear between his fingers gentle as anything. 
Lucius watched them for a bit longer, swayed away from his immediate needs by the quiet moment. But he did really need a shower. With a sigh, he left behind his suitcase and made for the bathroom. The relief of being in the familiar bathroom with the very assertive water pressure that Izzy preferred was tremendous. Lucius stood beneath the stream for a long time, letting the heat melt the knots between his shoulders. 
When he got out, he could smell something cooking. With just a towel around his waist, he went to investigate. Izzy was standing at the stove while Sweeney lingered at his feet, watching it with the same intentness. 
“We have food?” Lucius asked, bemused. 
“Froze some things before we left. Hate coming home to an empty fridge,” Izzy shrugged. “It’s just some chicken parm.” 
“You’re amazing and I love you, if I haven’t told you lately,” Lucius enthused, suddenly starving. 
“It’ll take a half hour at least,” Izzy smiled fractionally without taking his eyes off the oven. He looked sleepy and rumpled.  
“Time enough for a shave,” Lucius nodded. 
“And to put your clothes in the hamper.” 
“We just got back!” 
Izzy lifted his heavy gaze from the oven to Lucius’ face and lifted some unimpressed eyebrows. Lucius sighed. 
“Yeah, fine.” 
Of course, Izzy had already unpacked his things, including his bathroom stuff which he’d somehow put away without Lucius hearing him enter or exit. Lucius added his clothes to the hamper, having to jam down a little considering how much he’d gone through. Touching each item brought back unhappy jolts of memory. 
Let Izzy wash it all away if that’s what he wanted. Lucius threw crumpled receipts and tissues into the wastebasket as he turned out pockets.  Tomorrow, Lucius would do the same for Pete, taking back over his little domestic chores. Trying for normal.
They sat at the island to eat. Or Lucius sat and Izzy stood on the other side as he generally preferred and conversation was jettisoned in favor of eating a meal that finally tasted like something after so many in a row on an airplane or in the airport.  
Izzy’s eyes were heavy-lidded and despite the early hour, they both gave in to the call of jetlag, falling into bed by mutual agreement. Lucius' sleep was mercifully deep and untroubled by dreams. He slept through Izzy getting up and going for his run, waking to the sound of the shower. 
He rolled out of bed and made them both oatmeal. They made it through breakfast without talking too, but then there was nothing left for it.  Without discussion they both headed for the couch and Izzy sat down beside him instead of on the floor. 
It wasn’t that they hadn’t talked about it. It had been unavoidable, but Izzy had kept the focus on Pete as much as possible or trying to distract Lucius. It was good to be supported like that. Believed and trusted that strongly. Izzy didn’t doubt that Lucius had kept it a secret for good reason, and hadn't implied he owed more of him than Lucius had been willing to give. It was more than Lucius deserved, but he had taken it with both hands. 
“Ask me,” Lucius said now. “Whatever you want to know.” 
Izzy nodded slightly, looking straight past Lucius, staring into space as far as he could tell. 
“I’m not sure what I want to know,” Izzy said slowly. 
“No? You’ve had time to think about it.” 
“Yeah, but...dunno,” Izzy shrugged. “I don’t really care, I guess.” 
“Iz. What?”  How did this man never fail to surprise him? To wrong foot him? 
“I care that it upsets you. But it doesn’t change you. Doesn’t change what we have together. So your father is a piece of shit? Yeah, mine too. Yours is in prison? Mine should be and we both fucking know it. He just kept his shit closer to home where it’s harder to see.” 
“Yeah, but I knew...well. I guess I didn’t know your father was alive right away,” Lucius recalled. “You were pretty cagey about that.” 
“Mm. Preferred not to think about,” Izzy nodded. “Bet you did too.” 
“Preferred is not the word,” Lucius groaned. “But okay. So...I’m starting to get a better picture here. You can relate?” 
“And that’s just not how we work, is it? You and Pete have that kind of...” Izzy paused, fishing for the right words, “you love each other like that. Showing each other everything and leaving nothing back, right?” 
“I guess,” Lucius considered. “Yeah. Secrets aren’t really our thing.” 
“And we're different. Though I think if I’d ever asked you point blank where the fuck your father was, you might’ve told me.” 
“I don’t know that. I’m not going to lie and say I would’ve for sure.” 
“Okay. But if Pete had? If he pushed you at all?”
Lucius sighed, then nodded, “Yeah. Yeah probably.” 
“We’ve always had things we didn’t say. Places we didn’t go,” Izzy said without any noticeable upset at the idea. “And most of those belonged to me. I figured we didn’t go there because you didn’t really want to know. But now I think...kept us even, huh? Even if I didn’t know that's what was happening.” 
“A little,” his voice came out small. “You’re really not angry? I kept waiting for it to bubble over. Sometimes your anger has a hang time.” 
Izzy shook his head. “Really not, pup. I- this might hurt your feelings, I don’t know.” 
“Say it anyway.” 
“He scares you. You’re scared. How can I be pissed when you hid something out of fear? I did everything because I was afraid for so long. I get it.” 
“I’m not-” he started to snap, then closed his mouth in a hurry. Scared? He was scared of a lot of things. Blood, heights, dogs that barked too loud. 
But maybe there was something below that. He could push past heights to pain the mural. He could keep his cool around blood if someone he loved was hurting. 
There was a different kind of fear. The kind that got him at the hotel, that deep dark phantom of death. That’s where his father’s memory lived, Lucius thought. In the pits. 
“I’m not afraid of what he’ll do,” Lucius reached out, took Izzy’s hand and was painfully grateful when Izzy  laced their fingers together. “I’m afraid of how much of myself I’ll see in him.”
“You will,” Izzy said and it was so stark it was almost painful. “Some. But just the parts that were worth taking. Eddy always had that right. See the few good bits, fish ‘em out and steal them for yourself.” 
“But...it’s dark. Those parts.”
Izzy nodded. “Seems like something you should like..talk to a therapist about or something.” 
“...oh you asshole,” Lucius started laughing and only laughed harder when Izzy looked very pleased with himself. “How fucking long have you been waiting to say that?” 
“Mm, fifteen years give or take.” 
“Long wait for a gag. What’ll you do now?” 
“Dunno. But it’ll probably be with you, so it’ll be good.” 
That cut his laugh dead and Lucius just launched himself into Izzy’s lap. “I hate how good you’ve gotten at all that. Such a smooth talker these days.” 
“Got a funny way of showing hate,” Izzy shifted a little, balanced Lucius comfortably on his thighs. 
“I’ll show you more of it before I have to go.” 
Lucius leaned down to kiss him. Maybe he’d be a little dark for a half hour or so, the casual kindly cruelty of their intimacy overtaking him. If he had grabbed bits of his father for himself at least they were of use here, taking care of Izzy exactly the way he wanted  while Lucius scratched at a deep painful itch. 
Afterwards, the imprint of his fingers still lingering around Izzy’s neck, he asked, 
“Would you have fallen in love with me if I couldn’t do this?” 
“You wouldn’t be you, so the question is stupid to begin with.” 
“But when we met I didn’t know I could do this.” 
“You put your hand on my chest and told me what to do within a half hour of meeting me, even though you had every reason to be afraid of me,” Izzy reminded him. “You didn’t have to know. I knew.” 
“I love you,” Lucius kissed the marks on his neck. 
“Love you too, pup.” 
On his way out the door, Lucius stopped to pet Sweeney, pressing kisses on his head. “You keep an eye on him for me, would you?” 
Lighter, ready, Lucius went back out into the city. His husband was waiting for him and Lucius felt ready to begin their life again, maybe a little unsteadily for a bit, but the path ahead still stretched out before him like a fresh promise.
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lonelimbless · 8 months
Because I don't have money for Netflix just to watch Captain Laserhawk, I might as well do some lore building for my au.
The AU is called "Sun Setted" - The Meadow of Hopes is where Ashlen, Gnarr, etc have originated from and it serves as a parallel universe to the Glade of Dreams but it has notable differences.
• Hoodlums are the prominent enemies in this universe and they have been around for years. It was more of a "what if" situation where André managed to successfully reach the Heart but the Heart had been divided up into 5 Lum Shards and scattered across the land, each ending up into the 4 Kings possession while one of the Shards were in Ashlen's care currently.
• The Meadow was once originally just as vast as the Glades but majority of it fell in Hoodlum territory. What remains became a safe haven for the survivors: The Lastians. Mostly comprised of Teensies from the different tribes, most important Rue, who was an advisor for the Grand Minimus. She once served as the guardian for the Lum Shard.
• Ashlen's creation was natural rather than being manmade, the Lastians did not created Ashlen but they did raised her at a young age. She was considered as a miracle at some extent as she was made out of red lums, which had been scarce nowadays and this grants her healing ability. However, they were fearful that she can easily be corrupted so they would always advise her to not feel fear and always be brave. Rue didn't believe that it was not the good way but she did believed it was necessary so Ashlen wouldn't fall into the Hoodlums' influence.
• Ashlen was led to believe that she was abandoned by Rue and the Lastians but she was abandoned out of her safety. Rue gifted her the Lum Shard in her sleep and sent her away through a raft with the aid of others just before the Hoodlums can reach to her. Rue was never seen or heard of again after this and Ashlen had to learn to grow up alone... until she met Gnarr.
• Gnarr just tolerates this child following around but they grew closer when they were facing the invasion. The Pirates had a pact with the Hoodlums but it was all just a betrayal plan so the Hoodlums can gain their metal for their guns, armor, etc. Some ships were saved but most were renovated to become new HQ's or have crashed after the invasion - one which became Ashlen and Gnarr's forever home.
• Ashlen was more of an anti-hero, especially under the alias of The Crimson Thief, cause all she wants was just to survive and not risk herself turning. It was Gnarr, unironically, that tried to convince her to save the world but Ashlen already see it as a lost cause and again, it was too risky. The whole accidental encounter with André all those years ago was way too hard to forget. Fortunately, Rayman and Globox would accidentally find a way into their universe...
• Ashlen didn't like Rayman with his heroic ideologies and his carefree personality, she didn't understand yet Ray softened her up around the idea. He also helped her that she doesn't have to be strong all the time: "it's okay to be scared, you know". In return, she helps him with his combat skills and even show him some battle tricks. For Gnarr and Globox... well, Gnarr can act as a grumpy uncle to his kids.. which almost made him jump out of his skin by how many they were.
They go around to find the 4 Kings, collect the Lum Shards, and stop André for good yada yada... but this is still a work in progress and I promise you that I'll make it more interesting. I watched Raya and the Last Dragon for some inspiration (I know, it's mid but I still liked it... I like dragons). Also, André in Sun Setted is way different than original André in both appearance and personality. Pretty much, I Mr. Dark-ified André since Mr Dark likely doesn't exist here, I haven't decided yet.
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darkfictionjude · 23 days
Etymology nonnie here! 
I realized I had so much to say it was better to do different asks. Already the last one was very long. But most of it didn't focused on the new update (funnily enough, I had more to say about the previous one). I still have some things to say about the previous update, but I pretend to speak about the one you pushed yesterday. Also, apologies for not messaging yesterday. I had to go to classes when you released the update, so I only got to read it quite late. Today I probably wouldn't have been able to write you anything, but I found the time amongst the things I have to do.
About this new update. I loved how the interactions with the RO's went. Now, as you know, my MC (Indiana) is romancing Imre. And while I expected lust (and there is some), I think it has been very cute as of now. And evident. Since both Nia and Lorcan have showed some reaction to it. 
Probably the most surprising thing for me was the phone call with Nia. The way I would love to have her POV of the scene. My MC calls so excited about the case, realizing that Sammy's murder doesn't fit the case profiling that they had been doing (not only due to gender, but also age). Like, we cannot go all Criminal Minds in this one, boys. At least, not yet. So, what would Nia think of this? MC, always so apathetic and seemingly uncaring about the world, so invested on a murder investigation? It's at once so suspicious and intriguing. Is this because of guilt? Out of murderous fascination with death? A weird, and probably ineffective attempt to clear his name? Nia's head must be full of theories.
But there is also the fact that MC seems to be so compatible and friendly with Imre. Like, I do suspect Nia told Imre to keep distant more to protect MC rather than because she actually believed they wouldn't get along. But I also believe she also thought the latter had some validity. So, it must be shocking that MC seems so excited and receptive to Imre (at least mine is, I know not all MC's are). Probably, a part of her is also worried about how everything is going to end. 
There is also an attempt to reconnect with MC. But is a careful and, not exactly hesitant, yet not entirely trusting. Which makes sense, of course, from her perspective. Once again I would love to have her POV. Even though I'm romancing Imre, nowadays is her friendship with MC the relationship that intrigues me the most. It's in such a complicated and unique situation. 
This always happens to me, but I just cannot wait for the next update. And this one released yesterday. I just had to mention it. 
Then, there's Lorcan. He's so fun. So petty, so immature, so dumb. I love him. The more I see of him the more I'm convinced I have to do another playthrough where I romance him. Yet it comes with the trouble of designing a different MC than my Indiana, and that means I'm back at the name choosing crisis again. Alas, I'm not surprised.
Also, the case. The more we learn, the less my theories seem to hold in place. As of now, everything points to a supernatural entity, or multiple murderers, or a cult. Maybe all three. The trouble is that I don't know how to connect these with any of the other suspects I had. Of course, we also have very little information, so any theory is subject to be disproven or strengthened as we gather more data and clues. 
Finally, there is some things I wanted to comment about the previous update, and the character creator. I still find funny you used golden beryl as a color choice. Even though I know what you meant, I still imagined my MC as a Simpson, given how yellow that color is. Yet, in the previous update, when MC is looking at himself in the mirror, you used another descriptor I think it's more accurate, by saying the skin tone is olive (now, olive has its own set of issues, as it can refer to both shade and undertone and mean different things, but that's English fault not yours, dear Jude). 
I think I mentioned once I wanted to do an anti-Imre initially. Now, I must admit, my love for Imre has escaped the confines of this IF and flooded over others. As, all my MCs are heavily inspired by Imre's appearance. Including my dear Indiana Crown. I think there is one demo in which I even named my MC Imre (I think I told you once already I fancy him in part because his name fascinates me). So my Indiana has olive skin, brown hair, and blue (technically indigo, so it's a bit more purple than blue) eyes. Which reminds me the fact that a lot of people date others very similar to them. And, in the case of gay couples, sometimes they look like clones. Here is not so much the case since Indiana is lithe, I imagine him shorter than Imre, and has plenty of scars. Including at least two on his neck (both the nasty one from 1992, and the one from when he sliced it as a child with a knife). 
There another thing I wanted to comment. About child MC being in beauty pageants. I don't know if I skimmed over that part before, or what was I thinking I didn't notice that. And it's so fascinating. Not only it shows how the Crowns, and Prudence specifically, care about appearances so much. As well as how abusive they can be. But also that MC was, at least back then, beautiful enough to participate in such things. 
That said, I just have to know how those went. No matter how cute MC may have been… He has dead eyes. How creepy must he have looked! Perhaps MC was a bit like a doll back then. Beautiful, yet dead inside. 
There is also the reinforcement of distance and the asymmetrical relationship between Prudence and MC, as well as her potential lack of love towards him. After all, most mothers wouldn't force their little kid to stop saying Mommy to say Mother instead. Like, there are mothers who get sad when their kids go from mommy to mom. So the fact that Prudence is deliberately creating such instance does give a good idea of how she doesn't want to he close to MC. 
The Crown family is truly a mess, huh?
Ah I was waiting for more in-depth reactions to the update! I feel like no one has given me any thought on what they thought of the complete 180 the investigation gets because of Sammy (all I've gotten are what's the word to the question Imre asks 😭)
What I love about MC's relationship with Nia is that it is riveting both as a romance and friendship, sometimes I feel friendships are less worked on than romances in some IFs so I'm glad you like it
Also Lorcan is the group comedian I gathered and he wasn't even looking to be he's completely serious when he asks the poop ask 💀
Yeah so MC never won those pageants but they were always in second place and it had to do with their lack of charisma and talent on the stage, the dead eyes were another disadvantage. I imagine to look like a creepy porcelain doll
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crystalcart · 1 month
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Conclusion: In conclusion, I can't recommend the Derma ProGenix Advanced Anti-Aging Skin Care Serum highly enough. Its effective formulation, visible results, and gentle yet powerful nature make it a standout product in the world of skincare. If you're looking to rejuvenate your skin and turn back the clock on aging, look no further than Derma ProGenix. Trust me, your skin will thank you for it.
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indigo-villin · 1 month
New Intro Post
Hello my name is Indigo and this is my main blog, my pronouns are he/they/it/fae/tv. I do and post many things here like agere content, therian content, otherkin content, fandom stuff, random art I enjoy, and other more random things. I am 24 and I age regress to ages 4-18 (it's in stages, 4-8, 9-12, 13-18). I'm a cat therian, mermaid/siren otherkin, and fictionkin with Starlight Glimmer (mlp), Haruhi Fujioka (ohschc), Roxanne Wolf (fnaf), Queen Chrysalis (mlp), Luigi (mario franchise), Phone guy (fnaf), and Puddle Slime (slime rancher), also plantkin (willow tree).
Fandoms/fav franchises:
-Batim/batdr+ -FNAF (not so much the books, too poor) -Little nightmares series -Slime rancher series -Outlast (not 2) -Uncharted series -Indigo Park -Spyro games -Welcome to the game franchise -Other one-off games (among the sleep, paleo pines, wobbledogs, ABZU, poppy playtime) -TADC -Care bears -Anything involving puppets (mfn, dark crystal, sesame street, welcome home, etc) -MLP (all gens, not as much with g5 haven't caught up) -Monster high (all gens, g3 has been great) -Dolls (18 inch, decora girlz, rainbow high, furry/cutie reveal barbies, blythe, lol surprise, lol omg, lol tweens love the tweens most, crybaby bffs, cave club, mermaid high, etc) -Smaller toys (LPS, zombaes, zoobles, zhu zhu pets, puppy/kitty/jungle/etc in my pocket, shopkins, hatchimals, capsule machine toys)
~~I have other blogs~~
@dollie219 my doll account
@multi-soup my system account
@indigo-rants my vent/rant account
@b3h3mo7h my OC blog for my OC/fursona Snowball the moth
@indigo-bies an OC blog for my closed species OCs the Necrobies (and associated subspecies)
All accounts are set up as being my side accounts/attached to this one.
~DNI under cut~
-Homophobic people/TERFS/FARTS/Transphobic people -Ableist people/people who don't believe x disorder "actually exists"/people who believe "everyone's a lil autistic"/also people who say you don't have x because y ie fake claiming. (YOU are the problem) -SWERFs (sex work is WORK regardless of the type. These workers deserve to be treated with respect PERIOD.) -Racists/Nazis/Israel supporters (Free Palestine 🍉) -Pedos("MAPs")/Zoophiles (pro contact specifically) -Anti-endo/anti-non traumagenic people -Ageplay, ddlg, abdl, etc accounts (this is an agere account, NOT a kink blog) -Conservatives/Republicans/Christians that throw it in people's faces all the time -Anti-agere/Anti-petre/Anti-furry/Anti-Therian/Anti-Otherkin/Anti-neopronouns/Anti-xenogender -"AI art" accounts -People who call things/people cringe -Transid/transdx (self diagnosis is a valid thing but claiming you transitioned to have a disorder isn't) -Transrace/transage/other trans x thing to mean you transitioned to something that you can't physically transition to (not counting being too poor for surgeries this is specifically about people wanting diff skin tones and/or being "seen as younger cause they're transitioning to be" you age up not down shut up, either age regress alone or fuck off)
These next ones are just personal
-People who hate Starlight from MLP (I kin her) -People who hate Snow White (fav princess) -People that complain about how monster high g3 is "less than g1" or whatever -People who complain/bad mouth mlp g5 -FNAF fans who go and complain about X and Y fans "not being true fans" (just shut up you're being childish/immature) -FNAF fans who don't understand that "The Tales From the Pizzaplex" books ARE canon to Security Breach and its DLC. (They've LITERALLY explained this when they were getting released)
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