#anti anti mikaela
greenapplebling · 2 years
Sun god Aten and... love goddess Hathor?
So I'm not an expert myself but I was hearing a podcast about underrated love gods (Valentine coming up and all that shadda shadda) and Hathor came up and I was like "yooo, you sound familiar?"
And then I remembered it. It was like 2 years ago when I looked her up briefly bc someone made a Yuunoa theory and the gist of it was that if Yuu is/represents sun god Aten and if the cover of Vol 23 (see below) implies that Shinoa is/represents the goddess of the moon (I don't remember her name, but I think it was a goddess that was linked to cats/had the head of a cat) then that could be a foreshadowing of Yuunoa being endgame bc those 2 gods are married in the Egyptian mythology
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Anyways, the op of that post got fact-checked by the whole comment section (lol). That moon goddess they were talking about is portrayed as Aten's daughter more often than not, is love goddess Hathor the one who's usually portrayed as Aten's wife and mother of his children (Note: including Aten/Ra*, Hathor had lots of spouses but all of them were related to the sun)
*Note #2: Aten and Ra are confusing to me but it seems like they are different entities, but there's a moment when Ra merges with Aten, though Idk if it's permanent or temporary
I didn't say anything at the time, but to me, the more I learn about Hathor the more I believe that there is a character who could represent her: Mika
1- The entity of many forms
Even though Hathor is known for being the goddess of love and motherhood, it seems that binding her to just a concept is unfair bc Hathor is known as the goddess of the many faces or forms. This is a little confusing to me, but she seems to have many roles. For ex, not only is she Ra's wife and lover but she can also be his protector if needed (more on this later). The way I connect this to Mika is that he's the character that passed through the most forms along the story: from angel to human to vampire to demon
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Love goddess Hathor
2- Motherhood
I don't think this should be a surprise but I always thought one of Mika's most prominent traits is how motherly he is. He takes cares of others, he protects, he loves. We don't get to see this side of him often in the present (unless it's Yuu) bc of his trust issues, but I think it's noticeable how much he cares about others. And if that is not convincing enough, let me remind you of Mika's biggest desire: have his family back. In the dream Yuu and Mika took care of the other children, made food for everyone, bathed them, etc., Mika even jokes that they're like their parents and if that doesn't scream family-oriented then I don't know what does
3- The first vampire
I mentioned before how one of Hathor's forms is to become Ra's protector, right? Well, there's a story of how Ra mistrusted the humans and thought they were conspiring against him, so he sent Hathor in the form of Sekhmet to earth to punish everyone that was scheming against him. At some point Sekhmet tasted blood and, no longer caring about her divine job, she let her bloodlust run wild to the point she almost destroyed humanity. Sekhmet is the first vampire in mythology that we have records of. Not only do I tie this to Mika bc of his former vampirism but also bc his protection of Yuu was at his peak when he was a vampire
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War and healing goddess Sekhmet
BONUS: 4- Aten's wife
Mika being Yuu's wife is a running joke in ons, do I need to say more?
What do you guys think? Do I have a point or am I going bananas? Lol, I'm open to corrections and discussions if I got anything wrong
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Apparently Guren still seems to be convinced that Yuu isn't being himself at the moment. All that time he spent trying to get Yuu to forget his old family/forget Mika and tried to get Yuu to bond with other people, become friends with other people; and he really thought it had worked this time around, didn't he? Like he really thought that all this supposed loyalty Yuu had displayed recently, to the squad and to him, really meant that he'd choose them over Mika, huh?
Mika's always been Yuus top priority though, from the very beginning until now. He was the one that gave him a purpose/meaning in life when they were kids; avenging Mika (and his family by extention) became his reason for living after that; and later when he found out Mika was alive, what he cared about most of all, was to save Mika and to find a way to turn him human again. Throughout all of this and Guren really thought he had him, he thought he might have a chance of succeeding. But he failed completely.
It really goes to show that he never knew Yuu as well as he thought he did.
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opinated-user · 1 year
The seething parasocial rage some people have toward my work (TSR, Madhouse, Scars, etc) is nothing short of impressive. Just saw one post of someone devolving so deep into insanity that they want to make G suffer.
Actual serial killer behavior.”
Lily look in the fucking mirror you fantasise about characters you dislike dying all the time
did she forget the time when she had Mikaela draw a comic where Lilys OC murders Steven universe? Cause I fucking remember
hell even recently when she thought Hunter died in owl house season 3 episode 1 she fucking celebrated
god damn Lily stop being a fucking hypocrite
she is, but not just for that. G has molested multiple children. by all accounts, she manipulated a child into giving consent to something only an adult would fully understand the ramifications for. then went on to have some very weird romantic tension with that child when she grew up into an adult. and then went to metaphorically molest another child.
G is a groomer and a pedophile molester. i thought that kind of people deserve death sentence, LO? what happened with that "anti-pedophile" stance you had going before? i thought the most important thing ever was the safety of children and kill any person that ever tried to harm them. G did, two times, so she deserves the same thing, right? shouldn't you be glad that someone took your words to heart and finally did what you should have the very moment you decided to write Violate? but of course, LO does not want G to be viewed as the bad guy. she wants her to molest children without ever being called out for it. because then she'll have to face the fact that she is a bad guy for molesting children and she can't do that. just in general... LO, you fantasized about killing Lizzy. a real human being. unlike that person who is talking about a badly written pokemon you made. if we're talking about concerning behaviour, i worry a lot more about someone bringing an ex that broke up with them years ago just to talk about how they want to hurt them than someone just writing more pokemon fanfiction.
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mosswolf · 11 months
To be clear, understanding the colonial history and imperial present of the climate crisis is not just a symbolic gesture or ‘anti-racist action’ to tick off. If we really want to address systemic injustice, oppression and the multiplicity of crises we face, tackling imperialism and white supremacy is essential. It is absolutely fundamental if we want to truly tackle the climate crisis. These ideologies – and ways of organising and distributing power – are the core of what needs to be tackled.
This imbalance of power, this required exploitation, oppression and the creation of sacrifice zones – entire areas deliberately destroyed to allow for production – is what has created the space for a climate crisis to emerge.
We cannot cure this global crisis without addressing its origins. We cannot have climate justice without finally addressing and healing the wounds inflicted by colonialism.
it's not that radical: climate action to transform our world, mikaela loach
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forever-aimika · 1 year
-ˏˋ♥̩͙♥̩̩̥͙♥̩̥̩ ⑅Introduction⑅ ♥̩̥̩♥̩̩̥͙♥̩͙ˊˎ
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Welcome! I’m Yumi and this is a blog fully dedicated to shipping Mikaela Hyakuya and Aiko Aihara from Seraph of the End! If you love this ship, please follow〜
🌹AiMika is a rare pair, regardless, it has the characteristics of ships that usually sail in fandoms. They are Life and Death. Sun and Moon. Vampire and Human. Angel and Knight. A haunting, obsessive, unsinkable ship!🥀
*While the main focus of this page is AiMika, there is content dedicated to other ships and general fandom things.
I am now open to taking requests, however, please understand I have many responsibilities, so it might take time to complete them. Also, here are some conditions before requesting:
It must be about Mikaela x Aiko, that is the whole point of this page
No hate or anti Mikaela x Aiko or any other ship. Each person has their tastes and reasons to like or dislike something. Let’s be respectful of that.
Nothing immoral, sacrilegious, explicit, or x-rated. (for example no desecration of religious figures or symbols, no rape or non-con allowed)
If I am uncomfortable about a request sent to me, I will not be able to fulfill it. That's about it. This post will keep updating♡
Photo Credits: Pixlr E Images & Unsplash - Kym MacKinnon, Debby Hudson, and Dave Herring
Requests Open
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kp777 · 6 months
By Olivia Rosane
Common Dreams
April 4, 2024
"Steep declines in the Brazilian Amazon and Colombia show that progress is possible, but increasing forest loss in other areas has largely counteracted that progress," one expert said.
An annual accounting of global deforestation, released Thursday, shows that political will can make a significant difference when it comes to protecting vital ecosystems and the Indigenous and local communities that depend on them—but that policymakers in many regions are not taking enough action to save tropical forests.
The data, gathered by the University of Maryland's Global Land Analysis and Discover Lab and published on the World Resources Institute's (WRI) Global Forest Watch program, found that primary tropical forest loss in 2023 decreased by more than one-third in Brazil and nearly 50% in Colombia after both countries elected leaders who championed conservation policies. However, on the global level, these declines were offset by increased deforestation in other countries.
"The world took two steps forward, two steps back when it comes to this past year's forest loss," Global Forest Watch director Mikaela Weisse said in a statement. "Steep declines in the Brazilian Amazon and Colombia show that progress is possible, but increasing forest loss in other areas has largely counteracted that progress. We must learn from the countries that are successfully slowing deforestation."
"This year's forest loss numbers tell an inspiring story of what we can achieve when leaders prioritize action, but the data also highlights many urgent areas of missed opportunity to protect our forests and our future."
All told, 3.7 million hectares of primary tropical forests were felled last year at a rate equivalent to 10 soccer fields per minute. While tropical deforestation decreased by 9% in 2023 compared with 2022, the overall deforestation rate has held steady when compared to 2019 and 2021. Tree clearing released 2.4 metric gigatons of climate pollution into the atmosphere, which is nearly half of the U.S.'s yearly emissions from burning fossil fuels.
"Forests are critical ecosystems for fighting climate change, supporting livelihoods, and protecting biodiversity," WRI President and CEO Ani Dasgupta said in a statement.
Global Forest Watch focuses on the tropics because more than 96% of human-caused deforestation occurs there. However, the climate crisis contributed to making 2023 a devastating year for global tree loss, which rose 24% due to record-breaking wildfires in Canada's boreal forests.
"That is one of the biggest anomalies on record," University of Maryland researcher Matt Hansen toldReuters, adding, "It's a big deal, and it's a cautionary tale for climate impacts to fire."
In the tropics, Brazil managed to cut primary deforestation by 36%, the lowest level in the country since 2015. The country moved from being responsible for 43% of tropical deforestation in 2022 to 30% in 2023.
The decline coincided with the election of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who replaced former right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro. Bolsonaro oversaw record deforestation as he prioritized exploitative industries over forest protections and Indigenous rights. Since taking office in early 2023, Lula has reversed course by promising to end deforestation by 2030, ramping up enforcement efforts against illegal forest clearing, rolling back anti-environmental measures, and recognizing new Indigenous territories.
"We're incredibly proud to see such stark progress being made across the country, especially in the Brazilian Amazon," Mariana Oliveira, who manages the Forests, Land Use, and Agriculture Program for WRI Brazil, said in a statement.
In Brazil, Amazon forest loss decreased by 39%, though deforestation increased in the vulnerable and vital Cerrado and Pantanal ecosystems.
"We still have a very long ways to improve and sustain the efforts, and I hope today's release energizes the national and subnational governments in Brazil—and governments around the world—to build on this momentum rather than using it as an excuse to slow down," Oliveira said.
The other 2023 success story was Colombia, which curbed primary forest loss by 49%. This reversal followed the election of left-wing President Gustavo Petro Urrego, who took office in August 2022 with Vice President Francia Márquez, a Goldman Environmental Prize winner. After a 2016 peace agreement with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, other armed groups and other opportunists moved into territories they had vacated, increasing forest loss. Petro has prioritized conservation in negotiating peace agreements with these other armed groups.
"The story of deforestation in Colombia is complex and deeply intertwined with the country's politics, which makes 2023's historic decrease particularly powerful," WRI Colombia natural resources manager Alejandra Laina said in a statement. "There is no doubt that recent government action and the commitment of the communities has had a profound impact on Colombia's forests, and we encourage those involved in current peace talks to use this data as a springboard to accelerate further progress."
Despite the good news out of Brazil and Colombia, upticks in deforestation in Bolivia, Nicaragua, and Laos counteracted that progress on the global level. In Bolivia, forest loss rose by 27% to reach the greatest loss on record for a third consecutive year. A little over half of this was due to fires that spread more readily because of climate-fueled drought, while the rest was due to the expansion of agriculture, particularly soy. Agriculture was the main force behind deforestation in Nicaragua—which cleared 4.2% of its remaining primary forest—and Laos, which saw record loss of 47%.
Deforestation rates also continued to creep upward in Congo at 3% in 2023. This is concerning because the Congo rainforest is the last tropical forest that reliably acts as a carbon sink, and because of its importance to local communities.
"Forests are the backbone of livelihoods for Indigenous people and local communities across Africa, and this is especially true in the Congo Basin," Teodyl Nkuintchua, the Congo Basin strategy and engagement lead at WRI, said in a statement. "Dramatic policy action must be taken in the Congo Basin to enact new development pathways that support a transition away from unsustainable food and energy production practices, while improving well-being for Indigenous people and local communities as much as revenues for countries."
The new data comes as world leaders have six years to meet their promise, made at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow in 2021, of ending deforestation by 2030. However, WRI found that nearly 2 million more hectares were cleared in 2023 than would be consistent with meeting that goal, Mongabayreported.
WRI global forest director Rod Taylor told reporters that the world was "far off track and trending in the wrong direction when it comes to reducing global deforestation."
WRI's Dasgupta said: "The world has just six years left to keep its promise to halt deforestation. This year's forest loss numbers tell an inspiring story of what we can achieve when leaders prioritize action, but the data also highlights many urgent areas of missed opportunity to protect our forests and our future."
Taylor added that the rest of the world could not rely on individual leaders like Lula or Petro, but should take steps to encourage deforestation such as making it more profitable to preserve forests than to clear them, making sure global supply chains are deforestation free, and protecting the land rights of Indigenous peoples.
"Bold global mechanisms and unique local initiatives together are both needed to achieve enduring reductions in deforestation across all tropical front countries," Taylor said.
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slashervideo · 6 months
➠ @darkstarsrise ✘ sable ward
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.·:*¨ ✘★✘ ¨*:·.  It was late night at the Moonstone Café and Mikaela was working with Sable to close up the place. Rag in hand, the redhead stopped cleaning the counter to look down at her blouse, stained with coffee. The small, green apron she wore did nothing to minimize the damage. "These customers should count their lucky stars that I'm anti-hexing. I swear that Karen "spilled" her drink on purpose." She blew a stray lock of fiery hair from her face as she tried to wipe her shirt with the rag, to no avail.
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bethetry · 1 year
For me, nobody legalizing drugs and distributing them fair
U.S. + (UNKNOWLINGLY AND UNPAID TO MENTION THIS 1st comment”) U.N. (Due to the Great Depression involving genuine traumatic experiences left absolutely unstable since prior the 1900’s, causing Marilyn Monroe (MARILEN Manson duplicate who roughly just as hard) for personal right of privacy
Causing dementia to occur since 19050’s roughly
Causing other DSM Disorders
Especially and exclusively due to all diagnosable DSM DISORDERS, violence, sexual assault, (enforced through the Dead god and strategically, public adultery included to pornhub, wanna try xxnx,, redxxx etc due to also not being cautious about ID checks and blackmailing)
Also removing and or as hating vocal cords of a variety of the. Star Wars universe, Steven UNIVERSE, BRONINATION, Family guys)
And breaking, blacking DISNEY (despite all ways they tried to suit to kids including being adolescents themselves to earn enough money to smoke or drink water without being grounded, in certain cases) due to parents failing to understand why one is either cruel or attempting child/beastality porn-
Mikaela Phillip Nicole Pahn
Or leading to a mass dissociative integration project with DR NANNCY
MIKAELA FRUID CARL JUNG FOR WAKING UP IN MY BODY AND LEAVING A BOOK, the red book, underneath my body when I simply had a hard time healing god’s traumatic history
All without necessary medication (OxyContin 30 mg-for mental health a
Allowing drug testing until the nose of the dead simply rotted off for sneezing incorrectly, also Assume 1% of sexual assault/rape due to the silenced board staff, even if they’re simply slapped on the ass, and ANY MISUNDERSTANDING THAT ANXIETY, the shy LAUGH, had been able to be misunderstood!!! Or ignored through well I don’t care so fine, I’ll do it, including if it happened to be enforcement through hallucinations/real kidnapped abused sex trafficking, including the cages the families were seperated in.
Lots of archived personal familial discussions @solver tsr.com. Generalized website, authors of roulette due to having to cover entirety of of hidden
It’s the reason why Marylyn Monroe VS
Military DRAFT PROPAGANDA AND STILL DUPLICITY (like random clock fields and clocks being on the IQ TEST) and silencing conscious thoughts by killing their duplications with or through deleting the consciousness, or using a very known AREA 51 experiment of the disappearing and appearing Vietnam island only after public UNITED STATES EDUCATION STARTED)
Imp style of what’s nonconsent or what’s a debit wanna be credit
Werebabies cry of where are the soldiers, officers, doctors, teachers, computer science factories, and ANY AND EVERYONE OTHER FACTORY) ESPECIALLY GREEN TOKYAI VS THE CHINESE/shady OF OCEA OR ANY OTHER ENFORCEMENT THAT MADE PEOPLE HAVE AN ANXIETY ATTACK FOR SITTING OR USING THEIR CELL PHONE, that failed to addressed , paid leave for up to 6 months due to emergencies especially due to the failure of
MK Ultra of the LSD VS IGAY/abused vs not abusive to be considered verbal/physical/sexual abuse due to nonconsent of I just cuddle.
Any judgemental possible is included with included in how verbal trauma can be equal to a disappearing lock or if a pet opened a door using their snot when it was absolutely knocked. Vs is that a drug literally meaning anytime a parent joined in.
Or just was one.
Due to metal that genuinely disappeared.
And anytime god de-used to drive on lsd and on the highway
Only to be gossiped!
MK ULTRA OF THE GREAT RESET BRO ANTI STOCKS OF I’m SUCH A TOTALLYYYYY LEGIT INVESTOR VS(it’s sarcasm for bullshit wannabe remarks of serial or curious)
Mark 1 of potentional argument is the eye roll of is big Brother from the United Stated, or are they
The Hitler (or known to be WWI-WWI-2) - meaning literally anyone else who supported another leader,
Am I pretty or do I have that rare unique feature tying with any way a male had been bold enough to decline sex too, or blacked out during any party, any sleepover, and even on a television show INCLUDED, ESPECIALLY IT THEY WENT TO COLLAGE—-any collage being hey, want a bill? Even through ANY TAX COLLECTIONS UNION, or any other way someone felt like they lost memory, went out of control, felt crazy due to disassortments of was it because I wanted to stay to eat/do the pre-planned thing or was it because of nonconsent suddenly appearing grey (I just got out of an X)
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blacktopmemories · 1 year
Playlist for Saturday, September 9, 2023
Sohpie Meiers - "I was the Right One" Cousin Tony's Brand New Firebird - "Happy Place" Mikaela Davis - "Far From You" Ben Folds - "Ghosts in You" The Decemberists - "Anti-Summersong" The Builders and the Butchers - "Black Elevator" Counting Crows - "If I Could Give All My Love - Or - Richard Manuel Is Dead" Worry Club - "Sucker Punch" Kinda Fragile - "Sea of Hope" Speedy Ortiz - "Who's Afraid of the Bath" Joey Vann - "Leave that Town" The Weakerthans - "Reunion Tour" Sherwood - "The Simple Life" Kevin Devine - "I've Never been Happier than I was in That Picture" Field Medic - "Empty Arms" Courtney Barnett - "Different Now" The Mountain Goats - "Clean Slate" Arctic Monkeys - "Jet Skies of the Moat" Catfish and the Bottlemen - "Oxygen" Yeah Yeah Yeahs - "Y Control" The Strokes - "Hard to Explain" The Hives - "Countdown to Shutdown" Protomartyr - "Rain Garden" Teenage Wrist - "Sunshine" Rogue Wave - "Siren's Song" Coke Weed - "Maryanne" xo - b. To download or stream the show, click here!
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gremlinakadaka · 2 years
Autism in Dead By Daylight
I already spoke about this on my twitter but I wanted to talk about it here as I feel I cut out many points in order to not make the twitter thread to long. The twitter thread in question if anyone is curious: https://twitter.com/_Akadaka_/status/1609179900035964929?s=20
But with that out the way I wanna share why I think a certain 3 characters are all autistic.
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Julie Kostenko
Starting with my main girl, while she is the most subtle out of the three she still bares traits. She is most likely high functioning.
Firstly, it’s hinted in her lore that she isn’t super social. She has a small group of friends and doesn’t seem to branch out that much in social interactions, which is very common among people with autism as socializing can be extremely difficult due to a multitude of reasons. The only time she ever branches out is when she meets Frank.
Speaking of Frank, lets talk about him, or more specifically Julie’s fixation with him. In short, it seems that Julie is hyper fixating on him. He’s different, he’s new, he’s rebellious. He’s basically everything she wants to be, it would make sense why she would want to hang around him and be so willing to follow along with what he says. But that also can be seen as the common trait of nativity in autism, social interactions are difficult mainly due to many autistic people’s inability to see and pick up on social cues, including manipulation. It can also be seen that Julie doesn’t know or see that Frank could be manipulating her and the other members of the legion into becoming what they are.
But with that being said, it seems that Julie is extremely willing to be apart of the legion and follow along with Frank, again she seems to be hyper fixated on him and the idea of being free and thus the idea of “The Legion” A small theory of mine is that in school Julie was very much an outcast and potentially bullied, and now Frank has given her the perfect set of circumstances: A loving partner, inseparable friends, freedom and rebellion. I wouldn’t be surprised if Julie has latched onto this idea with an iron grasp and doesn’t plan on letting it all go. This is her norm now so why would she change?
Moving away from the more grim subjects, Julie seems to be rather creative having a hobby of drawing/doodling in her journals in school, as seen in her lore. It is pretty common for autistic people to be rather creative in many ways, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Julie would doodle in class when she’s bored.
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Nea Karlsson
Moving onto Nea, she is probably the most obvious out of the three but there also isn’t a whole lot abut her as well. So there isn’t a lot to say about her
Nea is described as “lacking everything that made someone normal” which says a lot already. Nea is a trouble maker, a street artist always on the move to tag the next spot. People with Autism are very prone to having “behavior issues” as they can lash out in response to certain things and struggle to accept changes or certain facts about life in general.
Nea initially acted out when her family moved from Sweden to the US, and change is a big thing for autistic people, especially as big as this. Clearly she didn’t want the change, she didn’t want to move to the US, she didn’t want to leave her old life behind. So she struggled to adapt to the change and turned to rebelling and lashed out.
She has taken to using art as her means to express her anger and rebellious nature to the world, having a real passion and seemingly hyper fixation on Graffiti art and Street Smarts. Becoming quite good at the both of them.
She also seems to be rather anti social, having a small group of friends who would probably move with her while she was tagging. Though I feel like not many people would be bale to keep up with her, or really understand her in general.
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Mikaela Reid
And last but not least, Mikaela. Mikaela out of the three is the most likely to be canonically Neurodiverse, as it was revealed she has Dyslexia which is EXTREMELY common among people with autism and ADHD. She also seems to struggle with talking with people, people saying that she’s “weird” when talking while she think’s shes perfectly normal.
It is also pretty clear she has a hyper fixation on witchcraft and horror, basing her whole aesthetic around witches and reading horror stories to people in the cafe she works at. Hell she designed the logo and its clear she has a passion for these two things.
She also is very particular with how she does things, always keeping things organised in a way she can understand and keep track of, which is a big thing for autistic people.
I hope you enjoyed my reasons of why these three characters are Autistic, though I will say this is a personal head cannon. You are allowed to disagree with me, this is just how I feel and connect with these characters. Autistic people don’t get a whole lot of representation so seeing characters with traits is a big thing to me.
Thank you for reading, have a great day :) 
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꒰ G R E E T I N G S , D E A R U S E R ! ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪ . . . . ꒱
ᨐฅ i am Mikaela ! you can also call me Mika, Angel or Cherry!
ᨐฅ this is my carrd ! its not 100% finished yet !
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁₊˚⋆ he/him prns! i am a trans boy, vincian and polyam !
⋆。°✩ i am autistic [ professionally diagnosed ! ] and i may have trouble with tones, or say smth mean w/o intending to! [if i do plz lmk!]
(๑>؂•̀๑) my mbti is ExFP !! [ idk if im esfp or enfp yet ... ]
(。>﹏<;) i lose motivation very quickly, so requests may take extremely long to finish [ from days to even months.. ], but i assure you-- im trying my best!! just be patient with me, 'kay?
꒰ R U L E S . . . . ꒱
꒰ᐢ. ̫ .ᐢ꒱ this blog is meant for fan writing / content, and i take requests! however, i have every right to ignore your request if i am uncomfortable or if you do not abide by my rules.
꒰ what i can write ! ꒱
✮ headcanons !
✮ male & gn reader !
✮ fluff, crack !
✮ platonic & romantic !
✮ monogamy and polyamory !
꒰ what i wont write ! ꒱
✮ fem reader !
✮ nsfw !
✮ oc x canon !
꒰ dni if you ... ꒱
✮ fit the basic dni criterias !
✮ are anti - rare pair
✮are a proshipper
✮ are a fujoshi
✮ are a dream stan
꒰ moving on, here are the fandoms i write 4!꒱
✮ twisted wonderland
✮ the tale of food
✮ more coming soon ?!
꒰ B E F O R E Y O U G O !꒱
/ᐠ. 。.ᐟ\ᵐᵉᵒʷˎˊ˗ my disc is @ / thesilliestangel4ever [ plz ask b4 you add me tho! ]
/ᐠ. 。.ᐟ\ᵐᵉᵒʷˎˊ˗ feel free 2 dm me ! im up for chatting w/ any1 :3
/ᐠ. 。.ᐟ\ᵐᵉᵒʷˎˊ˗ if you are fem aligned, you can support my male reader works-- but they are not intended for you. please keep that in mind.
꒰ H O P E T O S E E Y O U A G A I N S O O N !꒱
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moisette · 1 month
In my last match, I had a Meg that was AFK almost all match and the Sable and the Mikaela decided to hide in basement and let Yun-Jin die on her first hook. I went over and gave her anti-camp so she wouldn't die. I then saw Mikaela and Sable fucking around in basement so I decided to kill them. Not on gens and letting their non-AFK teammate die? They need to die. Killed Sable but Mikaela was hard to find. I didn't hear her and didn't see her aura around the map. When I finally was able to find her - she was in a corner that I had no hook in. So I dropped her and let Yun-Jin pick her up then I downed her and hooked her. I knew hatch was in main because of the offering but Yun-Jin forgot or didn't see it. Soooo I pretended to be stupid and tried to herd her towards it. I didn't want it to seem like I was teaming with her because I wasn't. She went for unhooks and tried to heal and never snitched on them - I found them myself.
I go to say gg and Mikaela and Sable were talking shit and called me stupid or bad at the game. I said "You know who's really bad? You two dorks hiding and letting your teammate die 8u" then left.
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opinated-user · 1 year
marking lily, mikaela and Ginger as anti trans on shinigami eyes because lily uses that browser extension to mark things that are anti trans .... so its only fair that i use it to mark one of the biggest boomerang bigots ive ever seen and her two loyal subjects as anti trans ... because you know those 3 fucking ARE anti trans
(if you dont know what a boomerang bigot is its someone whos bigoted to a minority group .... while being a part of said minority group, like a black person being racist to black people or a woman being sexist towards women or in lily's case a trans woman being transphobic to other trans people)
as far i understand how the extension work, even if you mark them like that it will only appear for your personal use. the process of actually marking someone as anti-trans is longer than that and requires community approval, but i can't remember the specifics.
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Trentino Love Fest, sabato sul palco Naska e Tony Effe
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Trentino Love Fest, sabato sul palco Naska e Tony Effe. Continua il Trentino Love Fest, il festival della musica alla Trentino Music Arena fino a domani, sabato 29 luglio. Il format delle giornate prevede quattro sessioni: dj set dalle 17.00 fino alle 19.00; concerti live pre serata; headliner (artista di punta) dalle 22.00; DJ Set e ospiti fino alle 2.00. Il tutto accompagnato dal servizio food & beverage attivo per tutta la durata degli eventi. Area sicura Grande attenzione è stata data anche all’inclusione, alla sicurezza e alla sensibilizzazione. Durante l’evento è stato allestito un gazebo anti molestie per chiunque si fosse sentito in pericolo o avesse subito o assistito ad atti violenti o molesti. Tutti gli operatori della sicurezza in servizio, circa 60 addetti, sono stati coinvolti nel monitoraggio dell’area. Per qualsiasi necessità, l’invito è stato quello di chiedere assistenza. Un criminologo esperto in violenze di genere è stato, e sarà, a disposizione di chiunque dovesse subire atti violenti o molesti. Le prime due serate Nella prima giornata sul palco: Tredici Pietro & Lil Busso; giANMARIA; Rebel Rootz. Tanta energia e tanta musica per una platea di giovani e giovanissimi - la generazione Z - in attesa fin dal tardo pomeriggio. Oggi, venerdì, come di consueto, apertura cancelli alle 17, a seguire Dj Set Edg, Trentino Eventi, Radio Dolomiti. Poi sarà un crescendo con Gne Records, Mida, Naska, Ava, Tony Effe, Mikaela. Oltre 2500 i biglietti venduti per questa seconda serata che si preannuncia ricca di attese. Charity event TRENTINO LOVE FEST è un format “charity event”, che ha nel ricavato del biglietto simbolico di 2.50 euro la partecipazione al sostegno della popolazione dell’Emilia Romagna, integrato dalle donazioni che potranno essere fatte sul conto corrente già attivato dalla Regione Emilia Romagna, intestato all’Agenzia per la sicurezza territoriale e la protezione civile dell’Emilia-Romagna (Iban: IT69G0200802435000104428964, causale: "Alluvione Emilia-Romagna"), sul quale i trentini da tempo stanno già versando. Un format quello del “charity event” che andrà nelle prossime edizioni ad individuare, a sostenere ed a partecipare annualmente a progetti di beneficenza, richiedendo l’adesione di artisti, cantanti, performer regionali, nazionali ed internazionali. Il supporto alle disabilità, la ricerca oncologica e l’inclusione sociale nonché́ l’aiuto in circostanze di difficoltà dovute a catastrofi naturali saranno le principali aree di intervento del Trentino Love Fest. Street food Qualche informazione tecnica per la tre giorni di festa e musica alla Trentino Music Arena all’area San Vincenzo di Trento. I cancelli apriranno alle 17.00, lo show tra musica, spettacoli, djset proseguirà fino alle 2.00. Il tutto sarà̀ accompagnato dal servizio food & beverage attivo per tutta la durata degli eventi. Potranno accedere alla manifestazione i minori fino ai 16 anni compiuti se accompagnati da un soggetto maggiorenne, in rapporto di un adulto ogni due minori. Come consuetudine non sarà consentito portare all’interno dell’area cibo e bevande ma saranno presenti postazioni dove poter gustare un ottimo piatto in chiave street food o dissetarsi con una bevanda fredda. I parcheggi si troveranno adiacenti all’area. Ad organizzare la manifestazione: EDG Spettacoli con la partecipazione di Trentino Marketing, Centro Servizi culturali Santa Chiara, Provincia autonoma di Trento, Trentino Eventi. Main partner FORST, Cassa Di Trento, Radio Dolomiti che hanno creduto fin da subito nel progetto di questa kermesse. Read the full article
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Finland's government, led by Prime Minister Petteri Orpo (NCP), has appointed a working group to help tackle racism and discrimination in the country.
The group has been tasked with providing concrete steps on how the government can better promote equality in Finland, and its creation comes in the wake of a series of scandals in recent weeks involving the past behaviour of ministers in PM Orpo's recently-formed, right-wing government.
The working group's term began on Monday and will continue until the end of August.
The results expected from the group's work include finding strategies to promote anti-racism efforts both in Finland and abroad.
The group will be headed by PM Orpo's State Secretary Risto Artjoki, and will include the state secretaries from the three other coalition parties, Riikka Slunga-Poutsalo (Finns), Mikaela Nylander (SPP) and Päivi Nerg (CD), as well as the heads of other ministries.
The members of the working group will undertake the tasks as official duties and no separate salaries or bonuses will be paid, a government press release stated.
Citing government sources, newspaper Helsingin Sanomat reported that setting up the working group was an effort to force the Finns Party to commit to eradicating racism, as part of the "zero tolerance" policy Orpo promised in the fallout of finance minister Riikka Purra's racist and violent blog comments.
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andritambunan · 2 years
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My Top 10 Favorite Portraits of 2022
1.) Collette Pervette, Ph.D., an educatrix and a professional dominatrix, poses for a portrait during Renew Breakup Bootcamp, a retreat designed to help participants who are divorced or dating, single or separated, heal from a breakup. 
2.) Scott Stone of Yolo Land & Cattle Co.  The cost of bailing has increased 75% since the previous year. Drought and wildfires have impacted the ranching industry, increasing operating costs, decreasing beef production, and thus causing a rise in beef prices.
3.) Sheriff Mike Fisher of the Downieville Sheriff's Department has experienced a labor shortage due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
4.) Camille Parmesan is an ecologist and an expert in the effects of global climate change on biodiversity. 
5.) Dan Efseaff , Paradise Recreation & Park District Manager, is working on a project that would build a firebreak and trail system that would encircle Paradise as a fire risk reduction from a community standpoint that is necessary to keep wildfire preparedness accessible to neighborhoods
6.) Lena Tolly had an extreme form of the disorder, binging multiple times a week and feeling a loss of control when they binged. She is one of the first to try a new treatment to help people with an eating disorder that uses deep brain stimulation and involves placing electrodes in the brain to regulate aberrant brain signals. 
7.) Auntie Lilia posed for a portrait in front of Seafood City supermarket as a part of a new initiative to combat anti-Asian Hate in my hometown of Sacramento.
8.) Mikaela Sanford worked for Rick Singer for six years, submitting college applications on behalf of clients and taking online courses for teens on around a dozen occasions. She pleaded guilty to her role in the Varsity Blues admissions scandal and has been sentenced. 
9.) Faith Pulido spoke out on the harmful working environment at the State Capitol where she worked for 2 years for the Senate Democratic Caucus in which she experienced harassment from a senior member working at the Capitol.
10.) Ukrainian professional strongman, Oleksii Novikov, competed in the 2022 World’s Strongest Man Competition in Sacramento, CA.
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