#anti clizzy
It might just be me but Clary doesn't really seem like she could be a lesbian especially her dating maia it doesn't feel like her for some reason to me
nah, its not just you lol tbh i feel you (i mean it's no secret that i don't like clary) but i have mixed feelings on that because i do think her and izzy have a lot of chemistry and have a cute relationship? but also, canon clary has rancid vibes, not to mention heterosexual af vibes lol
so when i write about clizzy or claiabelle (tbh im not a huge fan of claia in itself, but i like the idea of them three together) i just go with fanon clary essentially ugfdsshui. i keep some of her canon traits like the stubbornness and stuff like that, but she is blatantly a different person lmaoo it's why i say that i only like fanon clary. it's not clary, more like who i would have wanted her to be if i could? idk
but ur definitely not the only one and honestly it makes me a lil uncomfy how ppl act like clary is the wokest character ever or like #GirlPower or something in canon. she's really not. and tbh even when i write clizzy or claiabelle or the polycule she's kind of a background character to me fjdndidndi so yeah mixed feelings for sure, but ur absolutely valid and also right tbh
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madametoaster · 7 years
Unpopular opinions
As much as I love representation in the media and I applaud Shadowhunters for giving us gay, bi and ace reps in Alec, Magnus and Raphael respectively, the fandom takes it to an extreme
I was fine with the whole 'Simon could be pan' because there isn't that rep in the media and it's key to give everyone their representation.
But then people started shipping Clary with Izzy and Maia. Izzy shipped with Lydia on top of that. Jace with Simon, Alec and Magnus.
It's getting too much. As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, this oversaturation is really uncomfortable to see
Representation is important, but too much is extremely overwhelming and sadly I am blaming the fandom for doing this
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laufire · 7 years
Shadowhunters for the in depth fandom questions meme
Send me a show/fandom and ill answer: Top 5 favourite characters:Isabelle, Raphael, Maia, Magnus and Alec.Other characters you like: Camille, Meliorn, Maryse, Jonathan, Madzie, Valentine, the Seelie Queen, Jace… and more, but those are at the top.Least favourite characters: I don’t get the hype with Clary and I never cared for Jocelyn.Otps: Isabelle/Raphael (WHAT A SHOCKER), Camille/Magnus, Isabelle/Meliorn/Raphael, Maryse/Valentine, Jace/Maia, Alec/Jace.Notps: Alec/Magnus (also a shocker), Clary/Izzy, Clary/Jace.Favourite friendships: Meliorn & Raphael (that I ship them too is irrelevant, that happens to me with the best friendships lol), Alec & Madzie, Catarina & Magnus (we got so little, but I still loved it), and the possibility of Alec & Maia.Favourite family: the Lightwoods are literally the only family ACROSS FANDOMS that has a tag in my blog so.Favourite episodes: 207-11, 213, 214, 216, 218.Favourite season/book/movie: season two. I still can’t rewatch one single episode from s1 lol. And even if there are more eps of 2b than 2a up there, overall I prefer 2a, simply because of Izzy’s addiction arc (216 is there for Alec and 218 for Maia and Magnus and the visuals, but Izzy’s plot after 214 is… yeah).Favourite quotes: the “at the brink of war” line (you smooth talker Raphael), Maia’s “this is what love got me” scene, the “I spit in one of them” combo.Best musical moment: I’m still surprised at how much I liked Simon’s song in 213. Really NOT how I expected him to sound after that “Forever Young” cover in s1.Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: I don’t think I’ve had many emotional reactions that could top when Raphael came out as ace in 210 tbh.When it really disappointed you: when it dropped Rizzy after 214 or when Magnus forgave Alec so easily in 220.Saddest moment: Izzy & Raphael 214 rejection scene.Most well done character death: I did appreciate how Jace’s temporary murder was staged (without a Hero Fight and all).Favourite guest star: Madzie’s actress needs to come back. Same with the Seelie Queen kid actress.Favourite cast member: I’ve loved Alan Van Sprang since his Reign days, so.Character you wish was still alive: ……. Valentine. Not really, because I’m curious about how the show will look like now that he’s gone, but I wanted Valentine/Lightwoods interaction.One thing you hope really happens: I just want more Rizzy. I know I’m repeating myself but well. I do want it. Most shocking twist: well, I did not expect the shift in the show’s structure the new writing team caused (with Alec and Jace, with Izzy’s plot), but I do welcome it.When did you start watching/reading?: I was kinda strong-armed into binge-watching S1 right before S2 started and I’ve been at day since.Best animal/creature: I never got out of my vampire phase. I love the seelies too.Favourite location: Raphael’s place, or the Hunter’s Moon (totally a place I’d hang out in).Trope you wish they would stop using: I’d be fine if the show suddenly forgot Clary and Jace’s extra angelic powers tbh.One thing this show/book/film does better than others: well, the emotional hold this show has over me is off the charts tbh. I can’t stop ranting about it and making edits for it, and not only it’s made me write again (AND wanting others to see my writing) but it’s also given me energy to write for other fandoms and even original stories I had abandoned so. Kudos, writers.Funniest moments: Jace tends to provide some fun for me (with his banter with Maia or Magnus, with his scenes with Simon).Couple you would like to see: to not repeat myself too much- I’d like Aldertree to come back and hook up with Alec, lol. Being realistic, I’m looking forward to Luke/Maryse.Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: I can never think of anything for this one. But the casting I’m looking forward to the most right now is Jordan’s. Favourite outfit: Isabelle’s 208 black dress.Favourite item: Isabelle’s whip. Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: nope (yet).What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: I wouldn’t mind hanging out with Maia or Alec, as long as I could stay away from the supernatural war bullshit.Most boring plotline: the Clary/Jace/Simon love triangle, especially in 214. That was the SEELIE COURT, I was supposed to be FASCINATED by it, and YET.Most laughably bad moment: I still cringe remembering the scene where Clary and Jace where questioning Hodge and Clary was all “oh noooo, we shouldn’t, I don’t wanna hurt him!!”… with an incredible fake voice and while doing NOTHING about it. Or Clary’s punch to Camille. Or the 214 Cl*zzy scene. Basically every Clary moment that makes me have Elena Gilbert flashbacks (except at least I never considered Elena to be dull). Best flashback/flashforward if any: both the 203 & 218 flashbacks were really well done, but I’d choose 203 in terms of their emotional impact on me.Most layered character: I’d say Jace and Alec are more or less tied right now, but s3 could change that.Most one-dimensional character: Raj.Scariest moment: well, I was scared for Magnus in 212.Grossest moment: can’t think of any right now.Best looking male: Raphael.Best looking female: Isabelle.Who you’re crushing on (if any): Maia. Favourite cast moment: this cast has a lot of great moments, but the interview where Daddario and Wainwright discuss vampire/werewolf sex is UP THERE LOL.Favourite transportation: Raphael’s car (I don’t care if we haven’t seen it properly, I like it).Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): the first Rizzy blood-sharing scene is otherworldly. Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: I’m pretty lenient with this stuff (and that’s when I even notice it).Best promo: just based on my reaction, no promo has had the effect the 219 Rizzy sneak peek did lol.At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: 208. I was liking s2 more than s1, but before that I was just watching it with someone else and that’s it. 208 gave me an OTP I shipped in a super OTT way, cementing my love for both characters on it and kinda… coloring the rest of the show? Like, falling so hard for Rizzy made me care MORE about the stuff of the show I merely liked up till that point.
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msanonships · 7 years
Clary and Izzy’s relationship is just so meh. It’s Izzy being reduced to a prop. I’m not feeling it. 
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bi-leigh-bi · 7 years
Same. I have gotten to the point where I can't Jace or Jalec. The real parabati on this show is Izzy x Alec. I am ready the bond to break completely in 2x20 because the writers don't give a damn about it, poorly written and creepy. I also hope the team improves on strength in actual sibling relationships for season 3. I also hate Climon x Clizzy bro ships.
This only took me forever to reply to but legit. Alec and Izzy are the true parabatai. I wish the 2x20 break would of been permanent. Alec looked like he was surviving- clearly his soul didn’t shatter to pieces, these shadowhunters really play up this bond but from what I see it’s mostly just a locator device- just fine without it. 
Now we gotta deal with more in s3. My eyes can only roll so hard before they pop out, man. 
And I used to be down for clizzy but then it became what every Clary involved relationship of any sort becomes- important when it’s convenient for the over all story that Everyone Loves Clary Only She Can Save Them. And since I hate that story and pretty much Clary, I’m not interested into anything to do with her, and that includes Climon and clizzy.
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jasminlang24 · 4 years
Shadowhunters: The fandom where you can ship anyone with anyone and we're all fine with it. Except Magnus and Alec. You ship them with anyone except one another, and you die.
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izzymalec · 4 years
I never read the books...but clary and Izzy met in such a soulmate destiny to be together in the books too? Or this is just a part of the show?
absolutely no idea, i’ve never read the books either rip but as far as i know cc made them dislike each other cause they want to be the only girl around The Boys, but correct me if i’m wrong 💀
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I did a thing!
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amicablejoanofarc · 5 years
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shadowhunters social media : inside jace’s phone (jimon)
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kinkymagnus · 5 years
not to sound negative but i will never ever write s*zzy and cl*ce as my side ships in a fic 
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G, M, and R! :)
send me fandom asks!
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it
my first OTP was jedtavius, also known as The Tiny Cowboy And Tiny Roman From Night At The Museum, and that’s actually a funny story. i remember first watching the movie when i was a kid and being all like “i know this story!!! they both hate each other but they’re slowly learning that they’re more similar than they think and becoming friends and willing to sacrifice themselves for each other, so that means in the end they’re gonna Kiss!™”. and i was like super excited because mayhaps i have always loved this trope deeply, but then the movie ended and they DIDN’T kiss!! and 8 years old me, a dumb motherfucker who still somehow hadn’t realized that everyone in media seemed to be hetero, was like “what the fuck, did they forget”. but i didn’t say anything and everyone was acting like it was perfectly normal that they didn’t kiss and i think that’s actually how i learnt about heteronormativity? like thankfully i wasn’t all like “yo dad why didn’t the tiny cowboy and tiny roman kiss” because i think i realized then that there was something Different about it. idk
anyway ever since it’s been my greatest sadness that jedtavius never happened, and sadly small me didn’t have access to fandom so i couldn’t really like produce or read content or anything, but i did ship them secretly in my heart and rewatch the movie many times to appreciate their relationship. and then the third movie came out and they had octavius be like openly into men and they held hands and were hinted to have a romantic relationship and while it was less than what i’d’ve liked (particularly since larry kissed a monkey, like, come on, undead bestiality is okay but god forbid the tiny cowboy and roman kiss?) i still felt like VINDICATIOOOOOONNNNN because it was being acknowledged at least. and then i joined the natm fandom on tumblr which i love btw and found out steve coogan always played octavius like he was in love with jedediah and basically i love these idiots with my entire heart still
M - Say something genuinely nice about a ship that you don’t ship (or its shippers, or anything related to you)
this is hard to me mostly because i usually don’t hate any ships? unless i think they are genuinely awful and abusive like j@lec. so it all feels pretty tame because mostly i just think some ships are meh, but, uh, i guess, saphael could have been good? like i don’t ship them in the context of the show but i think in like AUs or something like that they could have been that good, kinda the grumpy one is soft for the dumb one dynamic. they could have bonded a lot with their shared experiences of being forcibly turned, of being downworlders and also with raphael being latino and simon being jewish. and they have personalities that could have gone pretty well. so yeah they could have been good, and also there’s so much to be explored with raphael’s asexuality because i think simon would be such a sweetheart about that. just like, genuinely amazing. 
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
also hard because if there’s one thing fandom has taught me, it’s that any ship has shippers somewhere. so there’s nothing i truly think no one else ships, but i do deeply enjoy the headcanon that izzy is polyamorous, and she would have an open triad with maia and clary, and also a relationship with meliorn (because seelies are all polyamorous and that is a hill i will DIE on. they are way older than humanity, nevermind monogamy which is not even a thousand years old in human culture. there’s no way they are monogamous). and maybe maia also has a relationship with simon because they had such a cute dynamic. and clary is just lesbianing around every way she can. i just wish there was more polyamori rep, specially open relationship rep, because most polyamori fiction i see is in a closed-triad kind of format, which i mean, is totally valid, but i wish open relationships, particularly open relationships where everyone is not involved with each other and there are many different relationships and everyone is okay with that and thinks it’s healthy, are underappreciated. also i genuinely ship this dynamic and wish i could see more of that in fic. ugh
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madametoaster · 7 years
So do people forget what Unpopular Opinion means?
I do not expect anyone to agree with me when I state something I believe is unpopular. It is what the tin says it is
But just to clarify, I dislike when a fandom tries to make every character within it LGBTQ+. Not because I dislike LGBTQ+ people but because to feel it feels fetishising. As a member of this community itself it makes me horribly uncomfortable because it feels like, to me at least, that they only care for our sexualities which 99% of the time may not be the case for all I know. But it doesn't change how uncomfortable it feels to have people do this, at least for me
Can I say that everyone did make valid points on my post such as LGBTQ+ people forming tight friendship groups etc.
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laufire · 7 years
so izzy’s back to being m@lec cheerleader. fucking great.
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noncanonfan · 5 years
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allospiderman · 7 years
She's hating on Izzy too. Who's surprised?
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saibug1022 · 6 years
Shadowhunters Ships + Reaction Gifs
Disclaimer: All of these are my personal opinion
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