#anti daemon x mysaria
More on the dynamic between Rhaenyra and Nettles…
One of my biggest qualms of ASOIAF, is the inherent racism displayed in the text, and the fandom, when discussing characters like Nettles, Elia, Baela, Laena and Rhaena.
My introduction to ASOIAF was House of the Dragon, and after watching, I was an avid team black supporter ( still am, Rhaenyra was Viserys’ heir).
After finishing the main series, and watching half of Game of Thrones, I reread Fire and Blood, focusing mainly of the Dance of Dragons.
Of all the interesting characters during the Dance of the Dragons, the one that caught my eye was Nettles, the first and last rider of Sheepstealer.
Her introduction alone was enough for me to fall in love with her :
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“Unlikely dragon rider”, “the first and last rider of the dragon Sheepstealer”, “fearless”, “cunning”
Very little is known of Nettles’ upbringing, as the accounts of Eustace, Munkun and Mushroom are biased with racism, classism, misogyny and second hand information.
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I’m not particularly sure if it was George’s intention, but the language used by Gyldayn and the a portion of the fandom is a prime example of how black girls are robbed of innocence and agency when being accused of ‘wrong’.
Going back to her relationship with Rhaenyra, the two women are not on equal footing. Rhaenyra was awarded privileges even other noble women in the realm could only dream of,(not that she lived without suffering, she still faced misogyny & sexual abuse), as opposed to Nettles, who lived as a commoner with nothing to do but survive.
Coming around to the Dance of Dragons, Nettles fights for Rhaenyra’s claim as the rider of Sheepstealer. She grieves Rhaenyra’s children, and the loss felt in war.
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Daemon and Rhaenyra’s are implied to have an open marriage in Fire and Blood.
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Mysaria is Rhaenyra’s Mistress of Whisperers during the Dance of the Dragons, with no implications of animosity between the two. Yet, upon the hearing of Daemon and Nettle’s rumored romance, Rhaenyra is angered?
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Rhaenyra’s disdain for Nettles reminds me of another harmful dynamic in real world history,- a jealous white woman, and a young black girl being cut by the blade of her vengeance. Rhaenyra dehumanizes Nettles, going as far as to call her a creature and demanding a brutal death for Nettles, so that Daemon could be free from her ‘sorcery’. She cannot conceptualize how Daemon could be attracted to Nettles, so she accuses her of using magic to bound him to her.
Their dynamic reminds me of the relationships between wives of white slaver owners and the enslaved women that their husbands would abuse sexually. The blame is never casted on the husband. Whether or not Nettles and Daemon had a romantic relationship or a father-daughter one, she did not deserve the treatment Rhaenyra gave her.
To close this, I still like Rhaenyra as a character. She’s interesting in a sense where, regardless of what she’s done, she was the better option for the Iron Throne, especially if we are going off of her character in the show. However, she still reads to me as the epitome of white feminism. Her fight is for no one else but herself.
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bohemian-nights · 1 year
HOTD has a misogynoir problem and it’s the reason why the fandom refuses to see Rhaenyra as a “villain” in Nettles story
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The HOTD fandom has divided itself along the lines of the two factions of the Dance, team black vs. team green as if they themselves are actual members of the teams they root for. The inability to see nuance has resulted in major disagreements between the two camps. However, there is something seemingly that the majority of fans irrespective of their chosen team will agree on.
When it comes to the Rhaenyra, Nettles, and Daemon situation, Rhaenyra is viewed as an unquestionable victim of equal, near equal, or in some cases greater status to Nettles.
Despite the fact that she is the one that orders Nettles to be executed in her sleep, she’s somehow a woman we should all feel sorry for and take pity upon because she just had a little “breakdown.” It’s really Mysaria’s fault because she told a “lie” that Daemon and Nettles were sleeping(according to Team Black). Or it’s Daemon’s fault because he “groomed” Nettles like Rhaenyra(according to Team Green).
To put it plainly, Rhaenyra’s victimhood is due to the fact that the fandom will not view a “white” woman as the antagonist of the situation when a “black” woman is involved. It does not matter that she orders the death of an innocent young woman for merely sleeping with her husband. It does not matter that she used classism and racism(before you say “Rhaenyra isn’t a racist,” go ahead and replace “low creature” with the “n-word” then get back to me) to justify murdering said innocent woman.
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Her actions are labeled as a result of stress brought about by the loss of her children. Pinning or rather passing the blame upon others who are less sympathetic. Mysaria(who though white in the books is now half Asian in the show and book(s) she is both a foreigner and a prostitute) and Daemon(who’s a white man). The HOTD fandom will not see Rhaenyra as being in the wrong because they view her as an innocent white woman. This article details this assumption, particularly in this paragraph:
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In the case of Nettles, who is a brown-skinned black woman, while Rhaenyra does not cry she does have a strong emotional outburst that fans sympathize with. Nettles is seen as a victim, but the woman who tries to perpetuate racially motivated violence against her is also seen as an equal(and depending on who you ask greater) victim. Thus her own victimhood and innocence is lessened.
As far as the “lie” and the “grooming” accusations go, that too can be blamed upon fans' inability to see past their own innate racial bias.
To these fans, Nettles is only an acceptable and likable character when they can put her into a specific box of characterization. That box being that she is unquestionably a child.
She could not have slept with Daemon because she’s a child(she’s his child or he sees her like his child). Or she was groomed by Daemon because she’s a child. She can not be competition, sexual or otherwise, to Rhaenyra because she’s a child. If Nettles is a child she is not a threat because who is threatened by a child?
(Note, this is the whole reason why fans will “fawn” over Rhaena and Baela, when they don’t ignore that they exist or when they are trying to prop up a dead deformed fully white baby, because they aren’t “competition” in that way since they are Rhaenyra’s stepdaughters. Plus they are “white” in the books).
Nettles is a child in their eyes even though by Westeros standards she is an adult:
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She did not sleep with Daemon even though the text explicitly frames their relationships as being romantic and sexual(unless you consider it normal for a father to bathe with his daughter).
She was groomed like Rhaenyra(again bringing in Rhaenyra’s victimhood so as to take away from her crimes) even though she’s an adult and her relationship with Daemon is described in a different manner than Daemon and Rhaenyra’s relationship beginnings.
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Versus this:
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The only similarities are the gift giving and even then the gifts are of a completely different nature with a different motivation attached to them.
Nettles literally was homeless prior to the Dance so Daemon gifting her clothes, a hairbrush, and a mirror was actually what she needed. Daemon gifts these items and his affection without getting anything in return besides her company.
Daemon’s most selfless acts are done for Nettles. When it comes down to it, he is even willing to lay down his life for her. He sends her away to save her life, the life of a bastard girl who is looked down upon by even her defenders (like Corlys who calls her dirty and ill-favored) at the expense of his own. Disobeying his wife and queen's orders in the process, thus if he is grooming her, he sure is going about it the wrong way.
Unlike Nettles, Rhaenyra was actually underage(14 seeing how she was born in 97AC and the events detailed here happen in 111AC) by Westeros standards when Daemon begins his “courting” of her.
(The last little tidbit also proves that Daemon can not be Nettles' biological father seeing how he was in the Stepstones from late 111 AC until 115 AC and since Nettles turns 17 in 130 AC she was born on Driftmark in 113 AC).
Keep in mind that many of these fans who call Daemon and Nettles relationship abusive, label it as grooming, or deny it exists will gleefully ship Daemyra or Alysmond while saying that they are #toxic couple goals in an approving manner, that they are an epic romance and are or are going to be the OTP of the show, or wanting to see them be a #power couple.
Daemyra is straight-up grooming and as established earlier, even by Westeros standards Rhaenyra was actually a minor.
As far as Team Greens ship goes, Alysmond has the same power dynamic problems Dattles(Daemon x Nettles). Alys is a 40+ year(s) old woman(she’s described as being at least twice Aemond’s age). While Aemond is 19 or 20 in the books and 16-18 in the show.
Aemond is a prince while Alys is a bastard and a wet nurse. When Aemond takes Harrenhal he kills her entire family while sparing her and taking her as his mistress or rather a spoil of war. The stuff of romance novels people. (Note, I do like Alysmond, but to say it’s somehow better than Dattles is a huge stretch).
What do Daemyra and Alysmond have that Dattles does not? All parties involved are white. Fans don’t mind or are willing to overlook and ship emotionally manipulative incestuous based relationships or questionable power dynamic relationships, as long as both partners are white.
Both sides of the fandom infantilize Nettles to give her a sense of innocence, of blamelessness to the circumstances that befall upon her, while at the same time protecting Rhaenyra’s innocence by giving them a shared “villain.” Usually Daemon(and in some cases Mysaria).
The fandom can only sympathize with her when they view her as a child because a black woman who is a victim of racial violence at the hands of a white woman isn’t relatable. It just shouldn’t be because Rhaenyra is innocent.
Ultimately Nettles is not viewed as a dynamic character who is worthy of a complete arc that includes a heterosexual (I imagine fans would cheer on Rhaenyra and Nettles being together a la “Rhaenyra and Laena” which many fans cared more about than Laena’s relationship that she had with her husband, the father of her two girls who she had a loving marriage with in the books) romantic relationship. Especially with someone like Daemon.
She has to be a child because otherwise if Nettles is seen as a fully sexual being capable of making her own decisions, capable of consenting to a romantic relationship with a man who wants her in turn, a man who is willing to choose her over his white Valyrian(Aryan) wife, a wife who in her anger and jealousy seeks to enact violence upon her as a result of said consensual impossible relationship, she disrupts the natural order of things.
This phenomenon of desexualizing Black women characters who are love interests isn’t new or unique to HOTD. In fact, it’s pretty common in fandoms and is born as a result of misogynoir. This article is on the character Nyota Uhura from Star Trek, but it mirrors what is happening to Nettles right now:
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The whole blog is a goldmine on fandom racism, particularly fandom misogynoir. I urge you to check it out especially if you are going to “speak out” on Black female characters when you yourself aren’t Black(this includes other “WOC”).
And before you say, “But Bohemian people ship Nettles with Daeron or Jace so they aren’t trying to completely desexualize her nor do they care about her being with white men because both Daeron and Jace are white,” hold onto that.
While there are some genuine fans of these crackships(neither have any basis in canon and Nettles never even meets Daeron) most of these “fans” are doing so because they know that it looks racist to desexualize Nettles, the only in-canon black character, to the point where she’s the only one without a love interest.
Yes, both Daeron and Jace are white, but you need to look at who their characters are. Daeron has no love interest in book canon so Nettles doesn’t threaten any white woman’s desirability since there is none to threaten.
Jace does have an in-canon love interest(s), Baela. and Sara Snow. They might change it up in the show, but in the books, Jace and Baela aren’t really a couple for long since he goes to the North and meets Sara Snow who he may have married. Sara Snow is a controversial character.
Most fans either don’t believe she exists(and they think she’s Cregan) or they don’t want her to exist(the fandom has a classism and a bastard problem in addition to racism, but again I’m not getting into that today).
Daeron hasn’t even shown up on the show yet(so mostly book fans are invested in him)and while he’ll probably be popular I doubt he’ll reach Daemon let alone Aemond’s popularity.
Jace dies soon into the narrative(he might die this upcoming season). He’s pretty boring in the show and outside of him being one of Rhaenyra’s baseborn sons I don’t think too many people actually care about him.
People are comfortable with putting Nettles with characters like Daeron and Jace solving many birds with one stone while not really stepping on any toes(especially the toes of white women who they actually care about).
It stops people from shipping Nettles with Daemon, because he is too desirable to be with a black woman especially when it would impact his Valyrian queen, it gives Daeron a love interest, keeps Sara Snow from showing up, and keeps the racist allegations off fans back. They are the comfortable choices. They are the non-threatening choices.
So to wrap this commentary up, the HOTD fandom has finally found something which to unite both the Greens and the Blacks. Trying to pidgin hole black female characters into narrow boxes of “acceptable” characterization that desexualizes them which serves to protect white female characters, who they sympathize with, innocence and desirability. As always, nothing brings together a fandom like good old-fashioned racism repackaged as “caring.”
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darklinaforever · 2 months
How do you deal with laena, mysaria or nettles stans? I mostly block them to avoid conflict but sometimes it legit feels like they try to actively provoke Daemyras and then have a meltdown when we defend our ship and Rhaenyra.
Most of the time I try to ignore it. Even if it's hard. People sometimes really have an unhealthy obsession with secondary female characters about whom we don't know much. And I say that while I like the characters of Laena, Mysaria and Nettles overall. But they're not as important as Rhaenyra, either to me or even objectively in the story. And neither of them (Mysaria, Laena, Nettles) are Daemon's true true love, or Rhaenyra's with Laena, gotta cut the bullshit after a while.
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greenmeanqueen · 2 years
Daemon and Rhaenyra, Tyrion and Shae, probably Jaime and Cersei....
I should note that the reason strangulation is especially abhorrent for me when its done by a man to a woman is because victims of strangulation, especially in a domestic violence setting, are overwhelmingly female. It starts as a way of exercising control over a partner, but has an extremely high risk of becoming fatal. It’s a sad reality that I don’t enjoy seeing translated onto the page/screen. Strangling is also such a creepily sexualized form of death, especially for women. Sorry I hate to be serious on Tumblr because I'm here for a good time, but I went through domestic abuse myself and it's a sore spot.
thank you for your ask, anon, and don’t apologize!! your feelings are valid. i think so many of us (including myself!) can say that we’re here for a good time, but there are just some things that put a damper on it, and it’s okay to express that.
i think something about the most recent example of this horrible act that especially bothered me was the public outcry. of course, there will always be apologists for this kind of behavior (especially within the tyr!on stans) — but when GOT whitewashed his actions, him murdering shae was perceived as a sympathetic moment for a betrayed man, while with dæmon i’m mainly seeing that it’s “out of character” and the result of faulty writing. which… no. HOTD has had some messy writing, but dæmon being a shitty partner? that’s perfectly in-character. let me count the ways:
blatantly insulting nickname for rhea royce (“bronze bitch”) because how dare he have to marry!! especially a strong-willed woman who won’t kiss his ass!! and for these heinous crimes, dæmon murdered her.
dragging mysaria into his political scheming when all she wanted was to be “liberated from fear”, i.e. survive in a world that had treated her like garbage with her best chance (a privileged man who still had power over her). lying about her pregnancy to spark conflict with his family because he was no longer being considered for the most uncomfortable chair, which could have gotten her killed.
disregarding the wishes of laena to return home and raise her daughters and unborn child on driftmark around her family. treats her like an afterthought, a “consolation wife” because he didn’t get who he really wanted.
grooming his niece rhaenyra since she was a child. and when she dares to no longer worship the ground he walks on, when she dares to know things that he does not (have this shred of power over him), he strangles her.
this has all been there, since episode one. the whole of HOTD so far has been very clear about the kind of partner dæmon is. while everything that has happened in the show is not necessarily book-accurate, his fundamental personality is, and was received well by the GA until the finale. he was never going to magically change because of some “true love” with rhaenyra. she is, and always has been, a victim of him, alongside these other ladies.
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theroguedragon3 · 2 years
Fire & Blood Daemon Targaryen
Daemon’s Relationship with Nettles Analysis
This analysis will expand upon Daemon’s relationship with Nettles, as I offer an interpretation that I haven’t seen, regarding the connection when Mysaria exposes the supposed affair to his wife Rhaenyra.
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It is based on Mushroom’s version that alleges Daemon cheated on Rhaenyra, through his relationship with the dragon seedling Nettles. The arguments made to support this claim is to portray Daemon’s character as strictly self-serving, where his desires are influenced by young maidens exerting their power over older men, his supposed continued affair with Mysaria and because in his youth he visited brothels. While it does add some credibility, my interpretation is that it cannot be taken as fact or used to discredit the opposite version, where he is described to dote on her, as one would with a daughter, because of his actions in the battle above the Gods Eye.
 By the dwarf’s account, Daemon Targaryen had come to love the small brown bastard girl, and had taken her into his bed.
Nor should it be forgotten that during his youth, every brothel keeper in King’s Landing knew that Lord Flea Bottom took an especial delight in maidens, and kept aside the youngest, prettiest, and more innocent of their new girls for him to deflower.
The reference to Daemon’s actions in his youth is utilized to portray him as a man who hasn’t outgrown his deviant nature, in attempts to bolster Mushroom’s allegation, only my main counter argument to this rumour is Daemon’s relationship with Rhaenyra. We are told in his youth when he was twenty, he was hot tempered and ready to go to war for his brother’s claim. Contrast that to the now more battle experienced Daemon, he matured into a brilliant strategist knowing they could not engage with Vhagar 1v1 and hope to live. His dedication, loyalty and love for Rhaenyra is highlighted in his final act alive, which was to take out the biggest threat to Rhaenyra’s claim, Aemond and Vhagar. If he was so enamored by Nettles and didn’t care about Rhaenyra, after receiving the message declaring for her head, then why go on a suicide mission when he could’ve left with Nettles and sheepstealer on Caraxes.
 Lord Mooton’s maester. Maester Norren writes that “the prince and his bastard girl” supped together every night, broke their fast together every morning, slept in adjoining bedchambers, that the prince “doted upon the brown girl as a man might dote upon his daughter,” instructing her in “common courtesies” and how to dress and sit and brush her hair, that he made gifts to her of “an ivory-handled hairbrush, a silvered looking glass, a cloak of rich brown velvet bordered in satin, a pair of riding boots of leather soft as butter.” The prince taught the girl to wash, Norren says, and the maidservants who fetched their bath water said he oft shared a tub with her, “soaping her back or washing the dragon stink from her hair, both of them as naked as their namedays.”
This passage while can be interpreted as Daemon having nefarious intentions in regard to the bathing section, I also want to stress that Daemon is a father of twin daughters. It is not far of a stretch to believe that he could establish a fatherly bond with Nettles, which also contributes to the reason for sending Nettles away, as he did not want to see her die. After having children, he could possibly associate characteristics of his daughters in Nettles, prompting a sense of paternal responsibility to teach her how to take care of her hygiene, as she has never experienced the warmth of a parental figure. Why is it that anti-Daemon stans are so ready to believe that Daemon had nefarious intentions and that he cheated on Rhaenyra, when he literally sacrificed himself for her cause. Why are they so willing to accept that a grown man could not outgrow his exploits during the time of his youth, especially after raising two daughters.
 Daemon’s Relationship with Mysaria
I wanted to add this section about Daemon’s relationship with Mysaria, because I feel like her character’s involvement in the whole Daemon and Nettles alleged affair has been overlooked. My belief is that her intentions on exposing the alleged affair to Rhaenyra hasn’t been questioned to the extent that it requires, as some readers are readily accepting of this exchange, instead of looking deeper into her possible motives.
 King Viserys commanded him to return the egg, send his whore away, and return to his lawful wife, or else be attainted as a traitor
But Mysaria lost her child during a storm on the narrow sea. When word reached Prince Daemon he spoke no syllable of grief, but his heart hardened against the king, his brother.
It was under King Viserys’ orders that a pregnant Mysaria be shipped back and for Daemon to faithfully return to his wife at the Vale. During the rough journey Mysaria ends up miscarrying their child, something that enraged Daemon and divided the two brothers further at the time. It is important to note that their child would be deemed a bastard if they were born, as the two were not married. Interestingly, we are not told about Mysaria’s feelings toward Viserys nor her views on his children mainly Rhaenyra, who received no punishment after birthing three rumoured bastard children. This opens up the possibility that she despised Viserys and by extension Rhaenyra, as she did not receive punishment for having another man’s child, that is not her husbands by blood. While she suffered a miscarriage as a result of the King’s orders, the princess suffered no consequences and was free to do as she wished. This hypocrisy demonstrated by Viserys likely caused her to despise him and Rhaenyra, as she ended up losing the man she was enamored with and a child, in her view represented their love.
 “The girl has already betrayed you, my queen. Even now she shares your husband’s bed, and soon enough she will have his bastard in her belly.”
If Mysaria ended up despising Rhaenyra, this brings a whole other interpretation on her character. This new perspective introduces a nefarious intent to purposefully mislead Rhaenyra by using her own growing paranoia against her, after the betrayals of Hammer and White. Her intentions become far more sinister, and it can only be speculated what was the driving motivation to lie in order to gain something. A possible motivation could be to cause a rift between Daemon and Rhaenyra, allowing her to try and get back together with him, as she remained loyal to him and only became Rhaenyra’s mistress of whispers because of Daemon. Perhaps jealousy and spite played a role, with revenge being the motivation after going through the traumatic loss of a child, indirectly caused by Viserys. Rhaenyra’s reaction to the Nettles affair, contradicts the very idea that she was supposedly okay with Daemon continuing to sleep with Mysaria.
In his youth before ever having any children, Rhaenyra knew about his proclivities at the brothels. If he had kept up with this pattern of behavior there would be more allegations put forth about his later life’s deviant nature, rather than just a supposed continued affair with Mysaria, including unfounded allegations with Nettles. Why would she care about his affair with Nettles when she was allegedly okay with him and Mysaria. Unless he was solely devoted to her and the claim about his continued affair with Mysaria was only unfounded rumours. This could also further support the idea that Mysaria intended to drive a wedge between Rhaenyra and Daemon, not only because of her contempt of Viserys and Rhaenyra by extension, but also to steal Daemon from her as a form of revenge or punishment.
 ‘A queen’s words, a whore’s work.’
This different interpretation of Mysaria makes Daemon’s dialogue after reading the message so much more complex. Rather than calling his wife a whore, he is indirectly suggesting that the words on paper are Rhaenyra’s, who is the queen, but echoes the whisperings of someone else’s intent, whom he identifies as “a whore”. We can interpret this as being Mysaria the White Worm, as she lived as a prostitute when she first met Daemon. He probably guessed that someone likely Mysaria, has been manipulating Rhaenyra to order the execution of Nettles. He probably didn’t know the reasoning, but the fact is he chose to fight to the death, taking out Rhaenyra’s strongest opponent, despite reading that heinous message. Maybe he did reject Mysaria’s advances, as this affair is just as unfounded as the one with Nettles. If he was speaking solely about Rhaenyra, why would he risk his life for someone he referred to as a whore, someone who anti-Daemon stans claim he has no love for to the point he cheated on her, when he could literally fly off and live happily ever after with Nettles. It’s because his actions illustrated the opposite, it demonstrated his love for Rhaenyra and devotion to her cause till the very end, further weakening the self-serving narrative.
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sydalelys01 · 9 months
Hello guys, I share this invitation from discord, it is a space where you can talk about daemyra but only about them as a couple if you like them with others, unfortunately it is not the right place for you, if you like the daemyra and their biological children, this It is the safe space for you 🤩
Another clarification is a server where they only talk about the book canon, if you also hate the terrible HBO adaptation you are welcome 🥰
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yourlocalnetizen · 1 year
Ranking Daemon Targaryen's relationships
1. Mysaria
They're both backstabbing b*tches who deserve each other for one, and I also found it sweet that he gave her an egg for their unborn child even though the child would have been a bastard.
2. Laena
We don't talk about the fact that in Show!Canon he didn't love her as much as Rhaenyra because Show!Canon is wrong. Laena was his favorite wife, you can't change my mind. The only reason they're at number two is because Laena is way too good for him.
3. Nettles
First off, I'm not going to say I defend the age gap because I don't. I find it really really gross and Nettles could do way better than Daemon but she did improve his character morally, something no one else could do. Because of Nettles, Daemon isn't a bigoted Valyrian supremisest.
4. Rhaenyra
It bad. He groomed her, and in the show he even abused her. Y'all can't defend this. They ain't cute.
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lwh-writing · 11 months
So I might regret this because I know that ASoIaF and HotD are notorious for being toxic fandoms, but I just finished my first watch of House of the Dragon.
There are some really interesting changes between Fire & Blood and HotD. It's cool to see what changed/what didn't change and how that affects the show. Since I'd read F&B before I watched HotD, I was mentally comparing the two throughout the entire watch-through. And I've got some thoughts.
Trigger warning for fandom & canon's usual mentions of sensitive topics.
I honestly hate how much I love Show!Mysaria. In F&B, Mysaria was one of, if not my least favorite character. She just felt so power-hungry, self-serving, and evil for helping with Blood & Cheese, tattling on Nettles, and giving the (admittedly possibly fake) suggestion of letting Alicent and Helaena be raped until they both had a "bastard". But HotD!Mysaria? She's the champion for the smallfolk! ("I want an end to the savage use of children in Flea Bottom."- ep.9) She calls Daemon out on his shit! ("You are Targaryen. You can afford to play your stupid games with the King, but I cannot." - ep.2) She's an utter delight and I hate/love it. I can't wait to see how she becomes F&B Mysaria, if she even does at all. Who knows how that'll go. Maybe she doesn't even become evil at all and it's a case of unreliable narrator. Or maybe she does and she'll have an intricate and understandable path to villainhood. But knowing the pattern for ASoIaF shows and later seasons, my hopes are not high for them delivering on Mysaria, and I'm already mourning my girl.
I know I'm not the first to mention this, but if they made House Velaryon black, then House Targaryen should also be black. Sorry, I don't make the rules/incestuous family tree. Alyssa Velaryon married Aenys Targaryen, and they had Jaehaerys and Alysanne. Jaehaerys and Alysanne wed and they had Baelon, Alyssa, and Daella. Baelon & Alyssa had Viserys and Daemon, Daella married into House Arryn and had Aemma. Aemma & Viserys had Rhaenyra, and Viserys later had Aegon, Aemond, Helaena, and Daeron. If House Velaryon is black, then all of the above Targaryens past "Aenys" should be black/mixed. This is plot relevant because if Rhaenyra was black/mixed and Jace, Luke, and Joffrey were black/mixed, it would be a lot harder to call those three Strong bastards. But instead they're white and everyone is calling BS. Congrats HotD, you created a brand new plot hole.
Speaking of, yes I think Jace, Luke, and Joffrey are bastards, ie, Harwin Strong's sons. Jace and Luke figured it out in-story, Rhaenyra confessed as much to Daemon on the beach, and Rhaenys admitted it to Corlys at Driftmark. I've seen a few people object to that fact, but I honestly don't get why everyone's arguing about it when the show itself said that they were.
Speaking of x2, yes I believe their stance as bastards is important. I've seen it argued that it doesn't matter because "Laenor adopted them/put his name on the birth certificate" or because "their claim comes through Rhaenyra so they're still Targaryens it's not like Cersei who tried to steal the throne." And while those arguments may work through a modern lens, they fall flat when viewed from other characters in-universe. The people of Westeros believe that bastards shouldn't inherit jack, so people in-universe will argue that Jace, Luke, and Joffrey shouldn't inherit jack. And as long as there's even a doubt that they're bastards, they will be treated as such and the realm would go to war over it. Also, the "Rhaenyra's sons" argument doesn't cover Driftmark. That should've gone to Baela and Rhaena outright.
I've also seen people argue that Aegon II wasn't a rapist in F&B, but the man had a habit of "pinching and fondling any serving girl who stayed within his reach" so he wasn't exactly an innocent virgin either. Granted, not an explicit rapist, but sexual predator ain't too much better.
I love that they made Helaena autistic coded. Fuck yeah, give me more autistic women in fantasy.
I'm looking forward to season two, and I really hope they go through with Nettles, Daeron, Sara Snow, Alys Rivers, and the Hull Boys. I don't want any cop-outs, and Addam better be a teenager that gets to bond with Nettles like in F&B. I know some people want Laenor to come back as Addam, but Addam was canonically 15 in his first appearance, and him being so young is a huge part of the tragedy.
I'm going to hate Blood & Cheese, but I do think they have to include it because it is integral going forward. If the showrunners keep whitewashing Daemon, they'll probably just have him say "kill one of Aegon's sons" and Blood & Cheese (the people) will be the ones that go the extra mile and make the act super cruel (ie, forcing Helaena to pick between her children, threatening to kill them all if she doesn't, threatening to rape a six-year-old, etc). I say screw that, I want to see explicitly evil Daemon. He was my other least-favorite character in F&B, and the only thing interesting about him was how unapologetically vile he acted. Let him be evil!
Am I the only one who just... doesn't get Daemyra? I do not ship them. Not because Daemon's evil (which he is and should be) or because Rhaenyra was groomed (got some bad vibes but I don't know enough about grooming to say one way or another), or because they're uncle/niece (major ick. no niece/uncle should ever be shipped, but it's ASoIaF and the Targaryens I understand that it happens). I simply don't ship them because I don't think they have any chemistry. Zero. Zelch. Zip. Nada. There wasn't a single scene between them that I thought was keyboard-smash worthy and while it might just be because I'm ace as hell and can't read sexual tension to save my life, I like to think that I've got better media literacy than that. All Daemyra scenes just screamed "awkward" to me, and nothing really changed on first rewatch.
And finally, for those wondering if I am Team Black or Team Green, I am in fact *drumroll..............* NEITHER! Like I said, I read F&B pre-watch, so going in I was team "They're all war criminals and dead by the end so who cares?" Post-watch, I still can't pick a side, lol. Both have compelling motivations and both teams have one of my least-favorite show characters (Daemon and Tyland Lannister respectively), so I'm just here for the dragons and to stuff my brain full of fanfic ideas. Speaking of, I do have a few so let me know below if I should write them out below.
Thanks for sticking with my ramblings! Have a poll:
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cl0ud-ninex · 1 year
The HOTD fandom has a serious problem with antiblackness. From sidelining Baela and Rhaena and treating them as less than compared to their white counterparts
1. The art situation: Not drawing Baela and Rhaena and using the shitty excuse that they are not Rhaenyra's biological children
2. Shipping: Erasing Jace/Baela and Luce/Rhaena
3. Using them to shit on other characters like Daemon and Rhaenyra
4. Using them as props for white faves
5. Calling Rhaena getting mad at Aemond claiming Vhagar "autistic screeching" which is not only racist but also ableist
To now disrespecting Laena for getting in the way of Daemon x Rhaenyra. I saw this anti Laena post on Twitter, and their words were, "To me anyone who comes in between my ship is the worst criminal. And considering Laena was married to Daemon for 10 years...TBF Harwin gets a pass because I ship him with Alic3nt."
These people expose themselves every day. So Harwin also comes in between Daemon and Rhaenyra, but he's ok because they ship him with Alic3nt. Laena doesn't get that same grace though. In fact, this Twitter user even goes on to say that Daemon 'suffered' with Laena throughout those ten years. Laena didn't even do anything wrong in the show or books. She just existed and was Daemon's love interest. Same thing with Harwin and Rhaenyra, but he gets some grace and Laena doesn't even though they both come in the way of Dae x Rhae. I wonder why?
On to Nettles. Nettles is a character that is interesting in her own right. Even though she lacks the Targaryen features (silver hair, purple eyes), she claims a dragon with her own wits. I should also state that Sheepstealer was hard to claim. He killed many candidates who attempted to ride him and never had a rider before Nettles. The fact that Nettles was able to become Sheepstealer's rider reveals aspects of her personality. While I do believe that she has genuine fans, antis use her as a tool to hate Daemon and Rhaenyra (but mostly Rhaenyra). There are certainly genuine criticisms that can be made when it comes to how Nettles is treated by Rhaenyra (Book!Rhaenyra and the different attitudes she has toward Mysaria and Nettles especially when Mysaria tells Rhaenyra that Nettles could be having an affair with Daemon). However, I feel like fans can make these criticisms without reducing Nettles to a prop to hate Daemon and Rhaenyra.
The way these four characters are treated is racism. Point. Blank. Period. The H0TD fandom is never beating the racism allegations.
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bohemian-nights · 1 year
Sorry for the ranting it’s just nice to meet follow Nettles fans who appreciate her character and don’t try to constantly erase her from the narrative.It’s definitely doubles down with the show but that’s been happening even before that. Why are there so few stories about Netty? She’s such an interesting character who seems to have had a horrible life(can you imagine what it does to a person a young girl on top of that to live all ok her own homeless for many years?)yet the fandom doesn’t bother with her at all. And you can’t blame the show because like I said Nettles erasure has been happening from the begging. Rhaena as much as I love her isn’t the last dragon rider she’s the last Targ one(if N isn’t a Targ/Valyrian)which is an important distinction the fandom doesn’t usually make. Which brings me to D and N’s relationship that always gets erased and I don’t even mean just on a romantic level but on s platonic one as well that’s how you now no matter how the show portrays their relationship fans will hate her no matter what. But talking pre show why are there more stories about Daemon/Laena or Daemon/Rhaenyra even Daemon/Mysaria then there is about him and Nettles. There’s nothing to indicate either of these relationships especially the first two were romantic but for a long time Laena was used as the self insert for D’s true love before they switched to R lol. And I mean self insert because we barely had any idea what their relationship was beyond them probably having affection for each other considering D’s reaction to her dying. No matter how you choose to interpret him and N there’s more info about them together and his feelings for her then there is for the other three women put together yet whenever D’s relationships are discussed N is always cut.🙄
No don’t apologize for “ranting” lol I enjoy these ask’s/discussions. Nettles 👩🏾🐑🐉 is criminally underrated period and she’s one of if not the most interesting characters in F&B.
She comes from less than a humble background and she’s potentially the only non Valyrian dragon riders that we know of in the ASOIF universe. And was you pointed out she is the last dragon rider as well. She straight up rocks!
I hate saying it, but one of the main reasons why she is less talked about/loved is because she’s the only in canon(not partially race swapped) “Black/Blackish” character in the actual books. Nettles is cut from the list because it’s hard for them to picture
In book canon Laena, Rhaenyra, and Mysaria are all “white” so there being more stories on them prior to HOTD makes sense. They could self into them(now they only have Rhaenyra) so of course they would show them more love.
There does seem to be more information on how Daemon felt about Nettles (as well as their day to day lives with one another), but their relationship in general(romantic and platonic) is just glossed over in favor of his other relationships by certain parts of this fandom.
For Christs sake’s some of them are literally calling for Nettles to be cut from the show entirely cause they straight up do not want her anywhere near Daemon in any capacity 🙃 We can see what you are doing when you say this.
There is no way to separate Nettles from Daemon so the next best thing replace her with or girl Rhaena and make sure that Daemon can only be with Rhaenyra.
Mysaria really isn’t that much of a threat in their eyes cause they know he never really was “in love with her”(especially not during the war). They were just f*ck buddies and she was his master of whispers, but whatever romantic feelings he held for her were long dead.
Nettles on the other hand, well they wouldn’t be putting up all this fuss if they really thought that he only saw her as his daughter and not someone he deeply cared about in a less fatherly capacity.
Side note: Them switching up saying Laena is the love of Daemon’s life then switching up to Rhaenyra being the love of his life cause Laena is Blackish in the show will never not be funny 🫠
I do think Laena was the wife Daemon loved the most in the books and I do believe that he at some point “loved” all of his love interests(well not Rhea obviously lol), but whether he was “in love” with all of them 🤷🏽‍♀️
I will stand by the fact that he was probably in love with Nettles though. There was no reason why he was doing all that he did for her when he stood little to gain from it. Nettles would have fought for Rhaenyra whether or not Daemon showered her with attention and affection.
Nettles was honorable/loyal as well so she would have never betrayed Rhaenyra. Which I have seen some of these stans claim who try to justify their queen making the idiotic/insane decision to order a 17 year olds murder without even questioning her🫠
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sweetestpopcorn · 2 years
Can i just say its really nice to see a book fan that ships book daemyra. I always see book fans ship Daemon with laena/mysaria/nettles and just bash daemyra with the arguement that Daemon never loved Rhaenyra in the book.
Hi there! 😄
Well I've been here since 2019 - sure you have been a fan for way longer than this cursed year too - and I can say that while there is some true to what you say, I had a considerable number of people following my fic and liking book Daemyra so I don't think it's that rare.
Like many things in our world I think simply sometimes a small number of people are just a lot more vocal and loud than others, and because of this they give us the impression they are in the majority when in fact they are not.
A lot of very active book fans that produce content are not Targaryen fans. In fact they are mostly antis and the only Targs they like are either the victims (which are "morally ok" to like), are "less" Targaryen and usually it's best if they have parents from certain houses - think of a stag or think of a sun and a spear - or they say they "like" Targaryens because of how *chokes back laughter* dark they are and proceed to do such things as writing DarkDany or writing Rhaenyra like a sociopathic Lolita kind of character, or other similar things.
From my experience in the fandom actually I would say the person Daemon is shipped the less with is Mysaria. Way less than Rhaenyra actually. And when he's shipped with Nettles or Laena mostly it's like a personality shift happened and he's soft as a lamb and such a great guy... only with them though 'cause that's how love works! You do a 180. So in a way... is Daemon being shipped with them, or are they just creating a new character with all of Daemon's cool aspects and ignoring the bad so he can like "good girls" who are less Targaryen, like Laena - who has little personality in the books - and has a "Baratheon" mom or Nettles because they are sure she has NO Targaryen/Valyrian blood which of course makes her automatically a great person. Why are they sure? Because she doesn’t look like it and we know full well no one ever like the “Velaryon” princes did not look Targaryen while being so. Nope. If you don’t look Valyrian you don’t have Valyrian blood. 😊
The problem is that people in fandoms a lot of time feel like if you like X you support X, and unless you can find a LOT of reasons to justify you liking something problematic, you are *insult some insult starting with P or N you know what those are*.
Like I'm sorry, I don't need some holier than thou reason to like the Targaryens like they wanted to unite Westeros against the Others. I don't. Because it's fiction, I have an actual personality and don't depend on others' approval so I don't have to change my views every 5 seconds, and I can like the Targaryens because they are the hot people with silver hair and purple eyes who ride dragons and have cool names. I don't need anything else. I own my f:cking sh:t. Thank you and good night.
Back to Daemon and Rhaenyra - book Daemon and Rhaenyra btw which are the only ones I consider because they are the only ones with a congruent and compelling personality and actions that make sense - there are many things to them that would make people both not like them and (especially) be more quiet about it.
For once the "vocal" "intellectual" side of the fandom doesn't approve, so to fit in you have to be quiet. And I have seen this with friends. Them sharing something about them, some sad person got triggered called them out and they just deleted the post. Isn't it good when you feel like you can't express your views? And if it happened to her, why wouldn't it happen to others?
There are many problematic aspects to their relationship. They don’t have to be Romeo and Juliet to be interesting. But this is the thing with most people, it’s either all or nothing. Either black or white. I would think this fandom would be different given what the material they are fans of is, but they aren’t. Most people don’t get nuance and they can’t wrap their minds around it. And then this takes us back to the issue of a loud crowd won’t like them and the ones who do have to keep quiet else they will be shamed. You know, Karen shamed, and on this regard you know who this fandom reminds me of? Christian moms in the early ‘00 saying the school shootings happened because them kids were listening to Marilyn Manson and the EvIl rock and roll 🤡 and worshiping Satan of course. Also in this note please do me all a favour hit up some science journals and see if there is a link between aggression and playing violent videogames. You’re welcome! Just because you like something in fiction doesn’t mean you condone in real life. I can understand the problematic aspects of a ship find it compelling in fiction and not support any of it in real life. These realities are not mutually exclusive.
Last point but also important and I see this a lot in this fandom too. A lie that’s told too many times becomes the truth. And since the very vocal crowd keeps saying Daemon didn’t love Rhaenyra and even funnier that Rhaenyra didn’t love Daemon - I have no idea how this can be an idea someone has at the end of Fire and Blood but hey people still believe that Rhaegar r worded lyanna so… whatever I’m tired - people start to take that for evidence. I lost count of the amount of takes that became facts in some people’s minds and like dude… go to the source, the books, not shitty metas and co that others (myself included) write. Go. To. The. Books. To. Make. Your. Damn. Mind. I’m tired. Don’t take anyone’s word for it. Mine included. A prime example of this is Mushroom’s tale and how people have twisted it around so much that they don’t even know what Mushroom actually said and believe the inaccurate things others said that Mushroom said. Again, hit the books.
Like I have explored at length, there’s a lot to like and find compelling about Daemon and Rhaenyra. Their passion. Their dynamic. The fact that they are the best and worst of House Targaryen. The endless game of power they play with each other that none can win and that ultimately was their downfall… this makes for a great story… if you have the stomach for it. It isn’t about one changing the other, it’s about two people who mirror each other in many ways, complement each other in others, who are destined to be with each other… and that ultimately are doomed because of their circumstances. This is all true in the books and why I think they are so iconic.
In the show though LOL!
I have no fcking clue how anyone who watched redacted can like Matt/Renada. Not one. And sorry “cool” sentences now and then like “we were always meant to burn together” mean sh:t honey when you went to f:ck another dude cause dude 1 couldn’t get hard and you still had dude 1’s saliva in your mouth and finger grease downstairs. Have class! Have some standards! No person ever would act like this!
But let’s just pull out a cool list of all the reasons redacted gives us to ship Matt and Renada:
He acts creepy and she mostly looks annoyed at him and only cares about Alicia. If her and Alicia weren’t so unlikable and such sht for characters I might ship them cause they clearly are the end game.
He acts like a man child and she goes over there to scold him. Ladies don’t you love it when guys act like this? Like children and not like men? Something that really gets any woman’s blood pumping.
He has ample opportunity to seduce her effectively, you know, like in the books. To make her fall in love with him, to give us all that passion, that fire, yet instead he… takes her to a br0thel and embarrasses himself and gets kicked out in a day. Wow. Never would I have believed this would happen if someone told me like two years ago. I would laugh!
Can’t get hard because ReAsOnS (yes I read the explanation and my a** laughed a LOT makes no sense and contrary to popular belief a man’s conscience does not inhabit in their pants) and then girboss gaslight gatekeep Renada just goes to another man to bang her. Oh btw she was a virgin until then who had not as much as been kissed. Totally logical behaviour she displayed in the entire episode. Not. The fact that people eat this crap up just tells me that the standards are bellow ocean level. Also for all of you thinking this is romantic of Matt let’s switch this around and pretend that Renada couldn’t get 💦 so he decided to go and fck someone else. Ugh so romantic ❤️ like I have no illusions and I know how problematic Daemon and Rhaenyra are in canon but come the f:ck on! At least in the books they actually desired each other physically! And Rhaenyra had bear minimum curtesy of not f:cking another man because yolo when Daemon was there! Actually funny thing hehe only time she got another dude - Harwin Strong - was when Daemon wasn’t there! But what do I know? *stares into camera*. Also small note on this, y’all show fans can mock “Crispin” all you want but at least unlike the pathetic character you like he can get hard. Fck, you know who I like on this show? Lana who told Matt some damn facts and killed herself instead of being married to his pathetic ass. Good on you Queen! I want an AU where Lanna dracarys Matt and his limp d and goes off to live her best life! I need this AU!
We have more like, Matt going to Renada’s wedding - not like in canon he was nowhere near - and just… being a limp D again. By GOD never has a character ever had so much LDE (limp d:ck energy). He’s such a loser!
Also Renada actively wanting and agreeing to marry Lenny -> that friendly reminder canon Rhaenyra was forced to marry Laenor against her will, and that she had her own ideas about who she wanted to marry. But canon Rhaenyra actually makes sense unlike Renada here. Oh she loved Matt so much! You know what I pray no one ever loved me like Renada loved Matt. Help me on this on J.
More still, her going after Matt when he returns like a desperate chick. Where’s the strong girlboss now? Ah yes in the same place as when she needs daddy to help her ❤️ nowhere. You know what I love about canon Rhaenyra, the fact that yes this b:tch was a romantic and Daemon simp but when the fire got hot she had some back bone. She was the one who told Daemon to go get Vaemond and collect his head. Her reaction wasn’t to cry - one of the only times in the show Renada had any emotion btw - it was to say oh yeah, fck you then Vaemond! Daemon time to kill him. But show fans complain book Rhaenyra is like Sandra 🤡 get f:cked. If you only pull out your girlboss moments to have toxic masculinity traits such as using man, you are a joke.
Also her and Matt actively not having a real marriage and making their kids bastards. Amazing. So romantic. ❤️❤️ but of course unlike actual Daemon, Matt is a loser who can kill his wife but not Lenny to free Renada for himself. You know what’s like to be a dragon? Take what you want like Daemon did when he got rid of Laenor and took Rhaenyra. But in redacted we have to really emasculate men as much as possible so the Uemen! Shine through and have their yass queen 👸🏼 girlboss moments ❤️ yass queen humiliate that dude who actually cared for you and wanted to give you the best he had to offer ❤️👏🏻 love it.
Ah Yes also the “YoU wErE a ChIlD I sPaReD YoU” ❤️ so romantic… when you ignore the fact the married Lana who was 15 🤡 about 3 years younger than Renada who was 18. But he didn’t try to seduce her before because reasons 😉 www. none of this makes sense.com. Also if you use medieval standards for bullsht lies such as birth use them for ages as well bestie. A 18 year old would not be seen as a child by ANYONE back then. I need wine.
And of course more bullish:t like she saying it was his war 🤡 hahahahhaha and him chocking her. On that note that was the only scene I was teamMatt cause I can’t stand the showArya and Cersei wannabe. I’m team guy who is cosplaying as AegonIII on this one! Like King end her please! Please!
So all in all this all to say, I have no f:cking idea how anyone can like them on the show. He’s a pathetic loser she’s a joke, neither of them act consistently from one scene to the next… are the standards this low? I know the answer is yes 😔
Ask more of entertainment people! Ask more of writers! At the very least ask them to write about believable characters and stop accepting everything and eating up the trash that comes out of delusional clowns’ - like Ryan - mouths.
Sorry for the rant. I need to save my energy for the podcast.
Btw I’m thinking of making myself a mug saying “YOUNG FRESH COUPLE” 🙆🏽‍♀️ guess who it’s in honour of?
All the best to you Anon 🥰
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darklinaforever · 1 year
The Mysaria & Daemon case :
Prince Daemon remained in her (Mysaria) thrall, and called upon her every evening... with Queen's Rhaenyra apparent blessing. "Let Daemon slake his hungers where he will," she is reported to have said, "and we shall do the same."
So here, Rhaenyra's blessing on this affair with Mysaria is apparent and it is reported that she would have said that Daemon could take his pleasure wherever he wanted... Interesting choice, no really.
Apparent : Which is clearly perceptible to sight or mind ; visible, evident. Or, whose appearance does not correspond to reality.
Reported : Described by people although there is no proof yet. Or, formally mentioned to someone in authority.
Is it pure coincidence that George used 2 words that impose doubt / one literally double meaning in the paragraph relating the affair with Mysaria ?
The only other time the affair with Mysaria is brought up is to support the idea that Daemon has slept with Nettles according to Mushroom, since he was already apparently not faithful to Rhaenyra, precisely because of his previous affair with Mysaria. It is further clarified again that Daemon slept with Mysaria "with the queen's blessing, purpotedly"
Purpotedly : In a way that is stated to be true, although this may not be the case.
I still find it particular that each time the blessing of Rhaenyra is stated, the vocabulary used systematically imposes a doubt on it.
And if George didn't want there to be any doubt about it, well he just had to write ; "with Queen's Rhaenyra blessing", "she said" and "with the queen's blessing", but he didn't.
I don't know about you but for me, the word choice and phrasing, especially in a book is very important. And George, being a writer who worked hard to build a whole cohesive and rich universe. Well, I want to believe he knows how to choose his words.
However, in the case where Rhaenyra did not in fact give her blessing as to the binding of Daemon and Mysaria, it therefore means that she did not agree. And if she didn't agree, how come she didn't demand any retaliation ?
I recall that Rhaenyra is described as follows : "She was very proud and stubborn, and there was a certain petulance to her small mouth. Though Rhaenyra could be charming, she was quick to anger and never forgot a slight."
So it's literally impossible that Rhaenyra didn't react if she actually didn't give her blessing/disagree, as to Daemon's affair with Mysaria. Just see with Nettles, or Rhaenyra clearly disagreed, and immediately demanded her head as a result, even though she technically needed Nettles. But would Mysaria end up as Rhaenyra's (unofficial) privy advisor, as well as the person she trusts the most ? Not only that, but no discord whatsoever would have been listed/registered with Daemon ?
It wouldn't make any sense. Unless...
I draw your attention to the double definition of the word apparent, just a little above. More specifically the second part of the definition, namely : whose appearance does not correspond to reality.
The definition here implies that appearances do not match reality as to Rhaenyra's blessing on the Daemon and Mysaria affair.
On the other hand, no need to try to argue that Rhaenyra would have given her blessing but reluctantly, simply because it was Daemon. We know, contrary to what some claim, Rhaenyra was never a puppet in the hands of Daemon. She wanted him, as much as he wanted her, not to mention that once she became queen she didn't heed/favor his advice. The thing is, Rhaenyra was never shown as particularly yielding to Daemon, just because he was Daemon, even though she loved him. Beyond that, remember again the case of Nettles. Rhaenyra disagreed, so she acted on it, again, even though she needed Nettles. Why wouldn't she have done so in the case of Mysaria, favoring her on the contrary to a position of extreme trust ? It would go completely against his paranoid behavior. Not only that, but also against his original nature itself.
Not to mention that, as told, Rhaenyra actually doesn't seem to care about the affair between Daemon and Mysaria, almost seeming nonchalant about it. Truth be told, when giving her supposed blessing for them, she even seems to insinuate / say that Daemon can just sleep with whoever he wants. Not just Mysaria. "Let Daemon slake his hungers where he will," she is reported to have said, "and we shall do the same." Which may therefore, from a certain point of view, directly go against his overreaction towards Nettles.
But again, since the vocabulary used by the author strongly questions the blessing given and the words spoken by Rhaenyra, we can therefore assume that yes, appearances are therefore deceiving. The question is : In what sense ? Or : How ?
First hypothesis : Rhaenyra could have reluctantly given her blessing, specifically for Daemon to sleep with Mysaria, but not for others, in the sense that she was no longer in the mood for sex due to her grief over the loss of her children, her new responsibilities as queen, and the war imposing a sure heavy burden on her, as well as trying to avoid a new/possible pregnancy for these same reasons. (and not just because Daemon wanted/asked it, because that would seem ridiculous) Maybe she's the one who even offered this deal to Daemon. Which could therefore explain her furious reaction to Nettles, since she wouldn't actually allow Daemon to sleep with anyone other than Mysaria. And this feeling that Rhaenyra didn't care if Daemon slept with Mysaria, or was nonchalant about it, was just a facade she was trying to maintain. Either that or she really wouldn't have had too much trouble with the situation, because she had other things to think about. And people, including probably detractors, would have distorted / invented his words sure Daemon can satisfy his hunger where he wants.
Although I find it a little hard to believe that Rhaenyra, due to her progressively paranoid nature, wouldn't have worried about Daemon spending literally all of her nights (as he apparently does) with Mysaria. If it was just about sex, well then there was no need to spend so much time with her. I doubt Daemon is insatiable enough to need sex every day. Nothing has ever indicated such a thing. Especially since Daemon, due to the words "a whore's work" no longer seemed to have any shred of respect/attachment towards Mysaria, therefore putting any supposed time he spent with her in question. Unless Daemon did have sex with Mysaria, but the frequency of it was intentionally exaggerated by people's rumors and maesters, which might explain why Rhaenyra wouldn't actually worry about it, despite her nature progressively paranoid.
Second hypothesis : Rhaenyra actually never gave her blessing or said anything about Daemon that could satisfy his hunger or he wanted to (so it would have been made up), implying that there was in fact never any affair between Daemon and Mysaria to begin with, just rumors, thus explaining the fact that Rhaenyra would not have demanded any kind of retaliation, as well as her reaction to Nettles.
Third hypothesis : There would still not have been an affair between Daemon and Mysaria (thus explaining why there was no retaliation and the furious reaction to Nettles), and Rhaenyra, confronted with the rumors about it, of which-she would obviously know the truth, would simply have laughed at it. Thus, his "Let Daemon slake his hungers where he will" would have been just empty words. That, or she would have just said something different that would have been twisted again.
You do what you want with all of this.
Greeting !
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bohemian-nights · 1 year
Sorry forgot to add but with both women D can’t really be honest about himself or his feelings. When Laena mentions her not being the wife he wants his response is to basically non existent and he looks annoyed while with R the supposed love of his life he can’t even talk about his relationship with Laena or her dying because of him(while in contrast R speaks to him about Harwin without a problem)and he gets angry with both of them when they a sore spot about how he’s been living his life. It’s such a pattern yet this fandom refuses to accept R is not the exception to D’s abusive behaviour. Frankly Mysaria is the only one who realises how fucked up their relationship was and ended up leaving and for that to happen he had to literally risk her life to play games with his brothers. Nettles I’m praying for you girl lol
Misery is the only one who say what he was before it was “too late.” Lol Daemon does not know how to express his emotions in a healthy manner, but the truth always comes out eventually(even when you try to repress it). Again a leopard does not change its spots. The man that Laena got is the same man that Redacted got.
In order for Daemon to grow he’s going to have to put in the work for himself. He needs to do some. I think that the Dance will make him realize that his life is a “lie” or that he’s being going about things the wrong way. With all the chaos surrounding him hopefully it will trigger a “a-ha” moment for him 🤷🏽‍♀️ 
If he doesn’t put in the work I’m very scared for Nettles, but I think that he will. Which is why I believe that Nettles will be his “exception” and that she will be the “love of his life” cause he actually took the time to heal himself in order to have a healthy relationship.
He is able to put someone ahead of his wants. He takes another persons feelings and needs into account for the first time in his life. That is what I want because my girl 👩🏾🐑🐉 deserves to be cherished.
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