#anti hair fall kit
hellonearthtoday · 7 months
canon is dead I rule the world. dsmp you are MINE
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dsmpblrs ocs shared between the 5 (five) singular people that inhabit this fandom
I'm taking the chance to just talk about my personal dsmp au that is basically canon if you don't think about it
I don't think we as a community wrote enough about demon ctommy. he was always my favorite it just gives him this evil vibe that I think is sooo funny and I always see it in ctommy art but never in literally any fic. and that's fine but imp or whatever-he-is-Tommy will always be real in my heart. in my head he used to be a bird hybrid, but when he died for what was supposed to be the final time they took his fucking wings and gave him cunty demon horns and tail. Death made him emo. for the sake of this narrative his wings used to be white too. Pair this with religious ctommy and you get peak
ctubbo. I think about him a lot. I think personally he wears armor under his coat. You'd think it start to get hot under there, and it does. his solution is to just Never leave the Arctic.
At some point he started developing resting bitch face, because it used to just be resting (autistic face of neutrality) but now he kind of just looks tired all the time. Not like Tommy's rbf where he looks like he's kinda pissed and has a headache 24/7. but at least they're semi matching now. bff's!!! (?) I can't write too much about ctubbo because my cutbbo is like 20 billion contradictions stacked on itself. he's not as simple as my ctommy.
He doesn't wear the red bandana anymore but he can't tell you why and he's not insecure about the scar on his face but he's not proud of it either. I FORGOT TO DRAW CRANBOO AND HIS WEDDING RINGS IM AN ANTI WHAT THE HELLL okay ignoring that blunder, their wedding rings are meant to be on their horns 💔 you can't fucking see cranboos singular (1) horn because it's out of frame, they're too tall.
SPEAKONG OF CRANBOO!!!! snakes in his hair because Hahhaa hattte eye contact????? Medusa???? get it guys get it do you guys get jut
The snakes talk to him. Take that as you will. He's a chronic suit wearer and will literally not wear anything else unless it's under or over the suit. he would like to never try anything new ever he needs this constant in his life or everything will fall apart and the world will end. He knows how to kit up and wear armor but just as a joke he wears random bits of armor in places he literally needs it least. as a fashion statement. Tommy doesn't wear any armor usually bcz who gaf he's not doing that shit
in my perfect world the egg plot in dsmp actually got used better and becsme more than a background plot. it could've been everything. anyway my dsmp au is egg war las Nevadas craziness and I'm right goodnight
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sunraies · 1 year
Kook reader with rafe at a party and reader gets an injured and he takes care of her. Just pure fluff please ❤️
Of course, sweetie! I hope this is ok x
Gazed Knee
Rafe Cameron x Kook!Reader
Warnings - Fluff, drunkenness, mentions of blood and minor injury, hungover, mention of babies.
As requested above
You were walking backwards, talking to Sarah. Solo cup in hand, bobbing your head to the beat of the song blasting out of the speakers. The fuzzy, warm feeling of champagne and tequila flowing through your veins.
You caught the back of your shoe on the patio and tumbled onto the pool deck. You had tried to catch yourself but ended up in a laughing heap.
"Oh, my god." Sarah tried not to laugh but failed miserably. "Are you ok?"
You were too busy laughing to answer but nodded before just staring up at the sky. Your view was soon blocked by your boyfriend's gorgeous face.
"You fall from heaven, pretty girl?" Rafe asked with his eyebrow raised, eyes checking you over for any injury. He frowned when he noticed your knee was bleeding.
He bented down beside you and helped you sit up, fixed your dress that had ridden up, and got you to look him in the eyes.
"Hi, gorgeous." You smiled at him and cupped his cheek. "You're funny."
"You ok, baby?" He asked softly. "How much did you have in there?"
You had been dancing with Sarah while he smoked in the garden with his friends. You'd only been away from him about an hour before needing air and Rafe.
"Not much," Sarah answered as you shrugged. "We did a few shots."
"Shots!" You hummed and nodded. "Tequila"
Rafe shook his head. "Come on, my beautiful light weight."
He checked that you hadn't hit your head or hurt anything else before throwing you over his shoulder, making you squeal with laughter.
He carried you up to his room and through to his en-suite, placing you on the closed toilet seat before grabbing the first aid kit from under his sink.
"Oh," you made a small noise as you noticed your knee for the first time. "Huh, I'm bleeding."
Rafe shook his head with a fond smile as he moved your hands away from poking at the gaze. He knelt down in front of you and placed your foot on his leg. "It doesn't look too deep"
"There's grass in it." You frowned and tried to inspect it again, but he moved your hand away and kissed your knuckles.
"This will sting, baby." He opened an anti-septic wipe and gently cleaned the minor wound, his warm hand on the back of your leg to stop you from flinching.
"Shit." You whimpered in pain before he blew gently on it to ease the sting.
"I know, I'm sorry, baby. Almost done." He placed a pink heart bandaid on your knee before kissing it.
"There." He looked up at you before frowning at the look on your face. "What's that look for?"
Your eyes were big, like you'd seen the most adorable thing on the planet. He knew that look. You had it whenever a puppy walked by you in the street.
"You'd be such a good dad," You blurted out, making his eyes go wide before you shook your head. "I'm not, but I'm just saying you would be. You are so -"
Rafe cut you off with a kiss that you melted into before pulling away.
"That sounds like a sober talk," He said softly before helping you stand up. "Let's get you to bed, babygirl."
In the morning, you woke curled up in his warm arms, dressed in his blue t-shirt. There was a bottle of water on the bedside with a painkiller. You groaned as the light in the room hurt your eyes while your knee throbbed.
"Morning," He whispered from behind you, his voice beautifully hoarse from sleep.
You grumbled, rolling over in his arms and covered his mouth with your hand. "Too loud." You croaked out.
You loved his morning voice, but even the birds outside sounded too loud. Rafe chuckled against your hand before licking your palm, making you grimace.
"Never let me have that much again." You sighed and buried your head in his chest as he played with your hair.
"Blame Sarah, baby." He kissed your forehead. "Next party, you are staying by my side."
"Sarah's the worst." You grumbled but didn't mean it as you relaxed into him.
"The absolute worst." He agreed, his hand smoothing up and down your back.
You soon drifted back to sleep, with the sound of his heartbeat in your ear before thoughts of the night crossed your mind and a feeling that you had talked about babies.
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madschiavelique · 1 year
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ . ★ . ჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻
Chapter 1 : First Day
pairing : teacher!miguel o’hara x student!reader summary : you visit your new university with the help of Hobie, and when coming back to your new apartment you meet your charming neighbour Miguel. turns out, he is not only your neighbour, but your teacher. (not proofread) content warnings : none word count : Route A : 4,2k | Route B : 4k masterlist of the fic : here.
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ . ★ . ჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻
Your lungs fill with the cool air of mid-September. The leaves are beginning to turn brown, a few falling onto the perfectly cut green lawn of the campus park. You can't wait to walk on them and hear them crunch under your shoes.
But for now, the sky remains blue on this late afternoon, dotted with a few cottony clouds, the gentle caress of the sun's warmth licking the skin of your cheeks. You breathe softly, calming your excited little heart for the new terrain that now stretches out before you.
At the end of this weekend, you'll begin your new year at the Academy of Science and Polytechnics, otherwise known to its students as ASP. Your previous university didn't live up to your expectations, nor did the one before that, but as they say, third time's the charm! At least, you hope so...
You're expecting to have a little more experience on various subjects than your future comrades, and you're quite happy to be starting out with a head start. Not that it's a competition, but the comfort you have with certain subjects is reassuring.
You're a little worried that the age gap might divide you from them, but you try to reassure yourself that, just in case, other people your age who want to change course will be along for the ride?
You give a quick nod, in the hope that it will give you enough courage and uprightness not to stumble and spread yourself like a pancake in a profoundly ridiculous fashion anywhere on campus, and start your walk to its entrance.
You're supposed to meet up with a certain Hobart Brown, who's supposed to be your guide for today - perhaps he's a student representative? 
Whatever the case, you hope the visit won't be too long. Because not only is today your visiting day and the first time you've set foot in your new college, it's also the day when a good deal of your belongings are moved into your new apartment, which is located just a few blocks from the campus.
You'll receive several boxes containing, among other things, your books and the few manuals you've bought in previous years, clothes, your hygiene kit and a mattress to inflate. The apartment would be empty, with nothing but a refrigerator already installed as furniture.
You'd be on the third floor, the last one, as the building isn't very big or wide, with only two apartments per floor. You just hope your next-door neighbour won't be unpleasant. The reason you're hoping the visit won't be too long is that you'd like to take advantage of the delivery men’ presence to help you get everything up to your floor. Since the building is small, it lacks an elevator.
When you arrive at the large, imposing door of your university building, your gaze inevitably falls on a young man with an atypical style leaning against the wall right next to the entrance. Piercings, free hair, punk clothes and an aura of I-don't-give-a-shit to match, you wonder what degree he must be in.
With a toothpick wedged between his lips, he looks up at you, a shiver running down your spine as he tilts his head to the side.
"It's you? [Name] ?" he asks, calling your name, taking the toothpick from between his lips with his fingers.
It's at this precise moment that the realization hits you that the Hobart Brown you're supposed to find was this young man.
"Hobart?" you ask, raising both eyebrows.
"It's my name, but I prefer Hobie. Well," he nodded, rolling his eyes, "Hobie's a derivative of the one I was given at birth. Let's not get into the habit of names please, it's bad."
The scent of the anarchist anti-system was a perfume he nonetheless seemed to wear gracefully.
You pout understandingly, your lips forming into an inverted smile as you answer simply.
He smiles, nodding.
"Well, you're here for a tour," he says as he starts walking towards the interior of the building and you follow him, "but that's a particularly broad and useless term in this context. A tour only lasts once, and you discover things. But since you're going to be coming back here frequently, and you're still likely to discover new places, you could say I'm introducing you to the building."
"Are you in Arts?" you suggest as he walks down a corridor which you look at on either side where classes with their numbers are inscribed. "No, let me guess, you're in Philosophy."
"And you're perceptive." he smiles. "I like you, you seem to catch on quickly."
The university is, after all, home to the vast majority of the sciences, including the humanities. So Hobie is in philosophy, which is not surprising. It's interesting that he was the chosen student for your tour - sorry, introduction to the academy.
"Here's a typical corridor, nothing special, you'll come across lots of them," he sighs as he swings his hand in the air as if chasing a flying insect around him. "On the other hand, on this floor there are a few empty classrooms that we use from time to time, and obviously without the knowledge of the professoriate."
"Makes perfect sense," you say with a shrug.
"It's very useful for the meetings we hold about blockades," he informs, turning to you while walking backwards. "FYI," his ring-fingered hand rests on his chest, "I'm kind of the leader of our blockade committee, although being a leader or having one at your head isn't something I endorse. You could say I'm... the spokesman, the one who makes the speeches at our rebellion events, because let's face it, when you get tear gas thrown in your face, it can be confusing."
He seems to look you up and down, weighing up the pros and cons for a few seconds.
"Would you like to join us?" he finally said, with a jerk of his chin in your direction.
You crossed your arms, looking up at him.
"I'll think about it," you reply simply.
He smirks before turning again and walking straight ahead.
"Now, let me show you what will really matter here for you. You're in 'real' science, aren't you? You like playing chemist? Toying with vials?"
Hobie's little prejudices make you smile and laugh slightly.
"If you're nice, the one who toys with vials will show you how to make a better assortment of components to respond to tear gas."
He turned to you, laughing heartily and pointing at you as he walked to the staircase at the end of the corridor. 
"I like you," he repeated as he led you upstairs.
"This is the second floor, in case you can't count. I don't know all your stuff and your complicated scientific words for this or that or such-and-such subject," he says, his head tilting this way or that, "but one thing's for sure: this is where you'll have most of your classes."
In the hallway in question, coming from a room that had just been locked by her, a lovely dark-skinned lady with gorgeous afro hair was walking towards you.
"And you may well find yourself in class with Mrs. Drew," he said, almost raising his voice and smiling as you walked towards her.
She walked slowly, unhurried, chin high as she smiled at the young man's call.
"Hobie, convincing one more person to tag the campus lawn with a capital A?" she said in a voice that was half sigh and half sneer as she came up to your level.
"You know me at this point, you know I never do the same thing twice," he says with a shrug before plunging his hands into his back pockets. "But for once I'm bringing in a bright element that will go into your side." he turns to you.
"A new student?" asks Professor Drew as her eyes settle on you.
"Nice to meet you, I'm [Name]," you smile simply.
"Welcome, miss." she says, inhaling heavily. "I hope you'll get used to the rhythm here, it can sometimes prove to be merciless."
"Jess, don't be so hard on a new arrival, you'll scare her away," warned a new voice.
A slightly disheveled man with light brown hair came towards you.
"This," Hobie began, "is Professor Parker. You're going to have to put up with him too."
"Eh, I'm not someone you 'put up with'," commented the aforementioned Parker, imitating a finger-crunching reaction to the use of words, "it's not my fault your religion is Spinoza and mine is Mendeleev."
"It's crazy how you're both so distinctly the same mental age," Jess sighed. "Anyway, welcome to our midst miss." and she headed off down the hall.
"Oh, so you're new!" realized Peter, "welcome to ASP."
"Stands for Appearant Soporiphic Problem," Hobie sneers.
"Does Freud have an acronym too?" puffs Peter.
"Of course," he says before raising his hand as if viewing an imaginary title in the air, "MI."
"Mission impossible?" asks Peter, frowning.
"Mommy Issues." corrects Hobie.
"Very funny," laughed Peter falsely, "I hope that as a reconversion option you've chosen the circus?"
"I'm already there. "
"I am fully convinced you never graduated kindergarten." This little chat lasted a few more minutes before Peter in turn left to go home and the visit continued. Ten minutes later, the visit was over.
You told Hobie that you were new to the city, and that everything was a bit of a discovery. You learnt that the building was very old, just like a few others in the town, and that many changes of direction had led to it being rebuilt over the years, while preserving its charming, slightly old-fashioned setting. "Well, I've shown you the parts that are important to you here," says Hobie as he descends the few small steps leading to the building's main entrance. "You mentioned that you were new to the city, so do you need a mini 'tour' of it too? Just the surrounding area, to familiarise yourself a little", he suggests.
Here's your first choice! Select the option you want.
Choice A: Decline and go straight to your flat. Choice B: Accept and take a short tour of the surrounding area.
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ . ★ . ჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻
tag list : @deceitfuldevil @allysunny @zkelecr0w @chichimisaki @luvrdonny @oooof-ifellforyou @aisyakirmann @carelesswister @jojos-wife @akiras-key @love4saturn @simpychaotic
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
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Design Notes:
I love the markings I gave him this time <3
I gave him some eye wrinkles bec he's a senior adult in the first arc but they dont show up much :P
He and his sister Dappledew only share like one trait, their fluffy, curly hair tuft hehe
Character Bio:
Pan, Demisexual; Demi-boy; he/him
Age as of 1st arc's beginning: 10 Cycles, 1 moon; ~56 Hyrs
Title meaning: -cloud =  a soft, sweet and kind hearted cat
Caretaker of Thunder Order
Mentor: Specklesnap
Mother: Rainfur
Father: Windflight
Siblings: Dappledew
Half Siblings: Rosebush; Sweet
Other notable kin: Tawnyspots (uncle); Lionheart (cousin); Goldenflower (cousin); Downnose (niece); Cricketstep (nibling); Redtail (nephew); Spottedleaf (niece); Willowchime (niece); Star Ravenscourge (nephew); Dustpelt (nephew);
Extra notes: 
I love himb, he's Bluefrost's bff (he's also the anti-Ashfur/fall)
Character Summary:
He's pretty much the same as in canon, though he lives longer!
He was in love with Bluefrost, but accepted that she would never feel the same, and was happy to just be her friend. He helped her cover for her kits, and he is the only cat Blue told about her kit's father. He is also the only one to know that they are now in River.
Over the cycles Blue and Thrush became close and are pretty much bffs, the only reason Thrush was never made her deputy was because he never wanted such a role.
Thrush dies in the fire that also kills Yellowfang, this is one of Blue's tipping points into her depression.
[Image ID: a digital drawing of Thrushcloud an AU version of Thrushpelt from Warrior Cats. He is walking with his right side showing and his left leg lifted up. He has a happy but slightly awkward expression and smile and his mouth is open slightly like he is saying something. He is a mostly short furred tom with creamy white fur and light brown tabby patches covering his back, shoulders, haunches, and tail, as well as over his left eye and curly hair tuft. He has some darker brown stripes that emulate bird feather markings. His eyes are green and his inner ears, nose, mouth and paw pads are light pink./End ID]
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sunboki · 2 years
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cliché firefighter! chan scenario where the station receives a call that there happens to be an apartment fire to which he quick pulls on his gear along with the other seven accompanying him with similar haste—finally arriving at the location where people are fleeing the building in a panicked state.
as if on instinct Chan reacts, placing the ladder beneath your window whilst giving the escaped population a fantastic view of his muscular figure as he climbed hurriedly. upon arriving at your apartment he pulls his face mask down, shielding himself from the billowing smoke pooling from the opening.
you’re as low to the ground as possible, lungs hacking up any clean oxygen you could manage, eyes beginning to flutter shut as you begin succumbing to exhaustion. that is until a voice calls out, initially you thought it was a dream, but the shadow looming over you tells you this is indeed not a dream but a firefighter coming to save you. perhaps it’s the hazy atmosphere or the licking flames that blur your vision but your savior is effortlessly handsome. especially when he picked you up and his sculpted arms flex. god.
“i’m gonna get you out of here, alright? it’s okay to be afraid but you can do it. breathe for me sweetheart.” Chan placed an oxygen mask over your mouth and nose, evacuating the vicinity in the process of coaching you through breathing, holding you bridal-style that made your head dizzy.
“everyone’s out!” shouted a long, blonde haired firefighter, surveying everyone’s injuries. and finally, the sky began to become visible, the handsome man carefully sitting you on the tail of the fire-truck as he pulled the mask and helmet off his face—causing his hair to fall gorgeously around his head like some sort of heaven-sent. a soft smile graced his features, taking the oxygen mask you handed him in one hand while fishing for a first aid kit with the other.
his voice, now much clearer without the sound of roaring flames sounded like honey on your tongue, kind when he spoke, “a little shaken up, but you’re a fighter. i’ll make sure you’re taken care of, don’t worry.” he applied the anti-bacterial treatment on your scraped knees, placing a strong but comforting hand on your thigh when you winced at the sting.
he lifted up from his squat, giving your head a gentle pat, “i’m going to check that out equipment’s secure, it’s cold, be sure to stay warm. i’ll be back.” he assured, shaking off his jacket to drape over your shoulders. leaving the living god in a tight black t-shirt. trying to kill you isn’t he?
“wait.” you reach to tug at his sleeve, wondering what the actual hell you were going to do now that you’re in this situation.
“if you’re planning to ask me on a date i’d say yes.” there’s a playful lilt to his voice, bending down to smile at you. despite your assumption he’s joking, a sudden gust of confidence overtakes your nervousness.
“well i’m not against it, but i need to at least know your name first.”
“christopher bahng.”
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a thought written out. i sort of love him if you couldn’t tell (i lied, i’m madly in love with him). who isn’t? 🤍 can you tell who’s been giving me a brainrot recently..
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strangersatellites · 2 years
so I had this idea about Eddie being one of those people who sells spells on Etsy. he’s not a con artist and he doesn’t overprice his spells and he doesn’t offer anything he can’t deliver, it’s mostly cleansing spells, spells for confidence, etc. he sends his clients a kit with simple instructions if they live faraway or for more complicated spells he will meet people in person. he offers anti-love spells too, but they have to be done in person.
Enter Steve, who has recently gone through a rough breakup with Nancy, and who in his desperation finds Eddie’s Etsy shop and contacts him for an anti-love spell to make himself fall out of love with her.
your post about witch Eddie made me think of this 🤭
oh OH!!! this is doing WONDERS for my witch eddie brainrot brandi this is serious
steve contracts eddie for a spell but he’s not confident in his ability to perform it himself even with the kit. luckily, he notices eddie is based out of the same town as him so he asks if they can meet. eddie agrees, of course, and they meet up somewhere in town.
unfortunately for eddie, he gets a bit distracted by the pretty boy with pretty eyes and pretty hair and a pretty pretty smile. he doesn’t notice until it’s too late that he messed up the spell. nothing seems immediately wrong though so he thinks he’s gotten off scott-free.
afterwards, he and steve hit it off and make plans to hang out soon. numbers are exchanged and they quickly become inseparable.
it’s only once eddie realizes he’s in love with him that he wakes up in a cold sweat and realizes his mistake.
in his distracted mindset casting steve’s anti-love spell, he accidentally cast the spell that didn’t dull steve’s affection for nancy, but shift it. to him.
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charcuteriecrab · 1 year
Please Don't Leave Me (Part 4)
A Resident Evil fic request
For @leonisdumbasallhell
Rating: M
Contains: blood, strong language, description of injuries, bodily fluids
Tags: Married Chreon, Infection, Major Character Injury
Word Count: 1692
Part 4/? Part 1 <-Previous | Next ->
Chris closed the bedroom door behind him slowly, the moist rag in hand. It had already warmed due to Leon’s hot forehead and felt humid in his bare palm, somehow feeling sticky against Chris’s dry skin. He didn’t want to leave Leon for any reason, but the man’s temperature needed to come down and this was the only way he knew how to help, especially if the anti-fever medication wasn’t working. He would go ask Rebecca for one once Leon fell back asleep.
He stepped into the bathroom, the white lights making his skin seem paler than it was, and it made him picture his husband’s white, black-streaked face when he found him by those docks. 
He shivered, moving to the sink.
The room was simple, but it was cozy. He could see remnants of the space being lived in, a half-full trash can filled with tissues and paper towels, a cabinet with worn dark grey paint where the handles hung, and he even could see a glimpse of what he assumed was a beard grooming kit peeking out from one of the metal shelves. A shower with various hair and body products stood in the back corner next to the toilet and the sink was by the door. It wasn’t a huge room, but bigger than the one in his own home. He was once again grateful that whoever lived here was willing to lend them their home but also wished that he was back in their own home, caring for his husband in the comfort of their shared apartment.
Chris turned the faucet handle cold, waiting a second for the water to cool. Hopefully, this would help Leon feel a little better. He was worried about the other symptoms that Rebecca had mentioned, especially nausea. Earlier, Chris saw the man swallowing and clenching his jaw a lot, almost as if he was trying to keep something down. Maybe he would grab a bin later just in case.
Once the faucet ran cold enough for his liking, he soaked the small rag, wringing it out only a little so that it didn’t drip all over the floor and potentially leak water into Leon’s eyes. Nodding to himself, he left the room and headed back to Leon.
He was just about to open the bedroom door when a choked cry of pain followed by a wet splatter against the floorboards sent his heart plummeting. Shit. Leon must have vomited. He opened the door quickly, remembering too late Lee’s light sensitivity, and stepped into the room.
Leon lay half on his side, looking like he fell and couldn’t get back up and shaking like a leaf, gasping for air. "Oh shit, Leon ." He rushed to his side, avoiding the too-dark puddle on the floor with his heart in his throat, the familiar bitter tang of vomit doing nothing for his own stomach. Grabbing his stilled-webbed face with both hands, he rubbed the man’s cheeks softly, heart pumping wildly. "Hey, baby, you okay?" 
A whine came from him, and mismatched pupils turned to Chris, sweat streaming down his temples, and Chris took this moment to move the man back onto the pillows, hoping it would help him breathe easier.
"Lee, honey, can you hear me?" he murmured, worried at the lack of a response. The man groaned and Chris let out a sound of distress. This wasn’t good. His fever was too high. It had only been a few hours at most since he was infected. He inhaled shakily, willing himself to calm down. Leon needed him. "I-I'm going to call Rebecca," Chris said, tears pooling in his eyes threatening to fall. Leon looked so pale, his body too hot under his ministrations. "Your fever's getting too high."
Leon continued gasping, brow furrowed. He looked like he was in agony and it took everything in Chris not to start crying. He fumbled with his belt, reaching for his communicator and pulling it out. He rang Rebecca, too scared to leave Leon’s side right now. Peeking at the monitor, he saw that his husband’s temperature was 102.9 and it sent his stomach rolling. That was not good. 
With a little jingle, Rebecca responded, “Chris? Is there something wrong?” Her voice came out quick, worry lacing each word.
“It’s Leon—his temperature is 102.9 and he just vomited something dark,” Chris gasped out before looking back at Leon and realizing that he had passed out, mouth hanging open, and his eyes widened. “I don’t know what to do. He’s unconscious right now.” He reached for the man’s neck, searching for his pulse despite the monitors at his side measuring his heart rate; he needed to feel it for himself. Leon’s heartbeat was too fast, veins thrumming wildly against Chris’s fingertips.
There was a rustling sound over the speaker. “Okay. I’m coming. Go grab some ice in bags, we can use it to bring his temperature down. I’ll bring some anti-fever medication.”
Chris nodded, forgetting Rebecca couldn’t hear him. “Okay, please hurry.” He squeezed Leon’s hand once before rushing out of the room and down the hall to the kitchen.
The fridge had an ice maker in the freezer, thank God, so he pulled out the tray, hands shaking so hard he nearly dropped it. He placed it on the counter and started searching for bags, opening drawers and cabinets manically until he found the one he was looking for, nearly crying for joy. Gritting his teeth hard enough to hurt, he moved to the ice and started shoving them into three large baggies, hoping it would be enough. There were three main pulse points, right? He couldn’t remember, his panic cutting off all attempts at thinking.
Just as he finished, Rebecca ran up the stairs, two syringes in hand and Chris let out a breath, a small amount of his fear dissipating. “I’ve got them,” she said, and Chris lifted his ice bags in response. 
They rushed up the stairs and to the bedroom, Chris immediately moving to hold Leon’s hand and Rebecca on the other side by the monitors. They turned on the light so they could see what they were doing easier, and Chris blanched at how bad his husband looked. Sweat and tears fell from his face, even when unconscious, and a deep red flush sat at the top of his cheeks, contrasting against his pale skin and dark lines. In the light, he could see a sheen of sweat coating every part of his exposed skin, and his shirt was nearly completely soaked with it. He looked horrible, breathing shallowly and Chris swore it was more whistly than before, sounding more like a wheeze than he wanted. He rubbed his thumb against the man’s moist unbandaged hand, setting the bags of ice off to the side as he waited for Rebecca’s instructions.
“We need to strip him, get his fever down. He’s getting too hot too fast.” she finally said, inspecting her syringes, and Chris nodded. “Then put those bags under his armpits and groin. You can move the sheet to cover him, I’m sure he would appreciate it.”
Chris knew Leon would hate being left naked, so he was glad to do so. Happy that he had a task, he began the process of removing Leon’s clothing, first his blue jeans and boxers since that was easy, sparing a glance to make sure Rebecca wasn’t looking when exposing the man, then moving to his sweat-soaked shirt once he was covered with the sheet. Getting Leon’s injured arm through the sleeve wasn’t going to be easy, so he opted to carefully cut it off with his combat knife, the blade having been cleaned after their mission by one of the other team members, Chris didn’t pay attention to who it was. Leon was going to be pissed that he ruined his shirt but he didn’t care. He would buy him a new one. Once the shirt was gone, he placed the ice in the spots Rebecca asked, growing more concerned at the heatwaves coming off his body he swore he could see.
In an instant, Rebecca injected both of the syringes into Leon’s neck, exhaling as the fluid flowed into his body. “Those should help. One was for the nausea, one for the fever.” She sat down at the edge of the bed, posture deflating, and stared at the computer monitor, watching it intently. “Hopefully his fever goes down in the next hour, otherwise we might have to take him to the nearest BSAA base.”
The BSAA? Why not a normal hospital? He asked Rebecca that, growing more worried. The nearest one was too far away for comfort. It would take them at least an hour by helicopter.
Rebecca turned to him, frowning. “You think we can take him anywhere looking like this?” She gestured to the man’s body.
With all his clothing gone, it was almost sickening to see the dark veins that marred his face were also visible throughout his entire body. Chris swallowed, wincing. She was right. A normal hospital wouldn’t know how to deal with this. He was just worried the BSAA would just shoot him right away. Despite the fact that a lot of the infections they dealt with could be cured or reversed if caught early, many people still couldn’t stop their instincts to kill an infected person on sight. He didn’t necessarily blame them, having seen his fair share of monsters and horrors to keep him awake at night, but killing someone who could have been saved for no reason…it was horrific in its own right.
He immediately thought of Leon being forced to kill President Benford during the China Incident as they liked to call it. Leon didn’t have a choice then, it was either kill him or let another innocent person die, and his instincts won that day. He knew it still gave his husband nightmares. He never forgave himself, no matter how many times Chris told him it wasn’t his fault. 
“And what if his fever goes too high on the journey?” Chris said, already knowing the answer.
Rebecca didn’t respond.
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Whumptober #11- Self-Done First Aid
“Doc, I’m fine. I swear I butt dialed you.”
“You… You used your butt to call me…? This is even more reasons for me to come over and help you.” Henrik sounds alarmed from the other end of the line. Jackie heard shuffling and Henrik talking to someone else. Something along the lines of leaving early and working longer some other day.
“Doc, doc, listen! I don’t need you to come, okay? I don’t need you.” Jackie snapped, ending the call before Henrik could respond back. The hero breathes in deeply, his hand ruffling his own messy brown hair before falling back on the couch. He tossed the phone towards the other end before picking up the already open med-kit. Trembling hands pick a thread and needle, the hero disinfects it before he brings it to the gash on his arm.
A shaky exhale slips from his lips, and he has to bite his tongue to avoid a short yell coming out once the needle pierced his skin. Jackie always hated doing this part, it made his stomach twist and turn, but this is what he had to do. At least that way he didn’t have to worry anyone. ‘Maybe if you let Henrik come then it would’ve been a bit more bearable.’ His inner self retorts, of course that would’ve been the smart way, but Jackie wasn’t the type to make smart choices when it came to himself.
Once he was done, he had the urge to lay down. Exhaustion had finally caught up to him, or maybe it was the fact that blood was seeping through the bandages he had sloppily wrapped around his torso. His vision became blurry, and at that point he had already fallen on his side. Indigo eyes slowly flutter to a close. Maybe a nap will help with the dizziness, right?
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aadhunikayurveda · 1 year
Hair care product manufacturer in India
Aadhunik Ayurveda is the leading Private Label Manufacturing Company in India for Hair Care Range and is the foremost industry leader in international custom formulation & private label supply of hair care, skincare, wellness, and other personal care products. For this reason, we have established our own production facilities where we produce products that serve to improve the state of the hair.
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Aadhunik Ayurveda manufactures private label and wholesale organic hair care products in addition to other organic cosmetic and personal care items as a premier natural and organic hair products manufacturer. We carry both well-known brands that are available for rapid shipment and private labeling, as well as specialized formulations created in our on-site R&D facility. We can make your concept for an organic shampoo product a reality. Come work alongside our formulation specialist in our lab on your own unique formula for your own organic brand.
To set apart your luxury product line from the competition, we give you the ability to produce Hair care products. You will be able to specify desired product attributes and substances to include in the recipe created especially for your business while working closely with our laboratory. With the same degree of attention, professionalism, and expert technology that we use in our Hair Oil products, your new product will be manufactured precisely to your specifications. Aadhunik Ayurveda provides many custom products for our established customers and can assist you in every phase of product development.
These high-end personalized items may be as simple as having one component or as complex as having several ingredients. This procedure could entail altering an already-existing product or creating a brand-new product "from start" in our lab. Aadhunik Ayurveda currently provides many custom products for our established customers and can assist you in every phase of product development.
We know that shampoo doesn't need to lather to work, but customers enjoy it more if it does. We are manufacturers of hair products and also offer R&D and marketing services. Shampooing is a peaceful, calming, and pleasurable process that goes beyond simply cleansing the hair.
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Private Label Manufacturer of Hair Care Products - Private Label Hair Growth Serum Private Label Onion Hair Oil. Private Label Anti-Hair Fall Shampoo. Private Label Hair Growth Serum. Private Label Leave Conditioner for curly hair. Private Label Conditioning Hair Care Kit. Private Label Champi Hair Oil. Private Label Red Onion Shampoo for hair growth. Private Label Deep Nourishing Conditioner. Private Label Hibiscus Brahmi Hair Mask. Private Label Protein Nourishment Hair Mask. Private Label Frizz Perfect Hair Serum. Private Label Argan Oil Hair Conditioner. Private Label hair styling and Setting Spray. Private Label Curry Sesame Ayurvedic Hair Oil. Private label japa - heal & nourish oil and many more.
Why Aadhunik Ayurveda?
Aadhunik Ayurveda is the best certified and licensed private labeling- white label of hair care products manufacturer in India. Aadhunik Ayurveda stands unique with its 100% transparency in each step which works best in the long-term interest of both seller and the buyer and also manufacturer compliant with global standards and environmental regulations. When it comes to producing hair products, we work right for your requirement to cater to your specific needs, like target concern, consistency, colour, aroma, functionality, target market, etc.  
We seek perfection in our hair products: they are formulated and manufactured under the guidelines of USDA, GMP & ISO, and other mandatory regulations. Our manufacturing plant is set up with advanced technology and examined natural resources to formulate a world-class range of hair care products
Click Here:- leading Hair care product manufacturer
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rohister · 1 month
What Are Some Ayurvedic Tips for Scalp Psoriasis and Hair Fall Treatment?
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Scalp psoriasis and hair fall can be distressing conditions that affect both appearance and self-esteem. While modern medicine offers treatments, Ayurvedic remedies have been used for centuries to provide natural and holistic care for these issues. Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, focuses on balancing the body, mind, and spirit. In this article, we explore effective Ayurvedic tips for managing scalp psoriasis and hair fall, highlighting herbal treatments, dietary recommendations, and lifestyle changes.
Understanding Scalp Psoriasis and Hair Fall in Ayurveda
In Ayurveda, scalp psoriasis is often linked to imbalances in the doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. The excessive build-up of toxins (ama) in the body, along with imbalances in the Pitta and Vata doshas, can lead to skin conditions like psoriasis. Hair fall, on the other hand, is primarily related to an aggravated Pitta dosha, which causes heat in the scalp, leading to hair thinning and breakage.
Ayurvedic treatment focuses on detoxification, balancing the doshas, and promoting natural healing through herbal remedies, dietary adjustments, and proper lifestyle practices.
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Ayurvedic Tips for Scalp Psoriasis Treatment
Herbal Oils and Scalp Massages Regularly massaging the scalp with medicated oils can nourish the scalp, reduce inflammation, and relieve itching. Oils like coconut oil, neem oil, and Brahmi oil are excellent for soothing the scalp. For psoriasis, adding a few drops of tea tree oil, known for its antibacterial properties, can provide additional relief.
Aloe Vera Application Aloe vera is known for its cooling and moisturizing properties, making it ideal for treating psoriasis. Applying fresh aloe vera gel directly to the affected areas can help reduce redness, itching, and flaking.
Turmeric and Neem Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, while neem has antifungal and antibacterial properties. Together, they help cleanse the scalp and manage psoriasis symptoms. Applying a paste of turmeric and neem leaves can help in soothing the scalp and reducing flare-ups.
Ayurvedic Hair Cleansers Avoid chemical-laden shampoos that can further irritate the scalp. Instead, use herbal cleansers like shikakai, reetha, and hibiscus, which gently cleanse the scalp without stripping away its natural oils.
Detoxification (Panchakarma Therapy) Panchakarma is an Ayurvedic detoxification process that helps cleanse the body of toxins. It involves therapies like Virechana (purgation) and Rakta Mokshana (bloodletting) that help in detoxifying the blood, thereby reducing psoriasis symptoms.
Ayurvedic Tips for Hair Fall Treatment
Balanced Diet and Hydration A balanced diet rich in nutrients is crucial for maintaining healthy hair. Incorporate foods rich in iron, vitamins, and proteins like green leafy vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Staying hydrated is equally important as it helps in flushing out toxins and keeping the scalp healthy.
Use Ayurvedic Hair Masks Applying hair masks made from herbs like Bhringraj, Amla, and Hibiscus strengthens the hair follicles and promotes hair growth. Amla, rich in Vitamin C, helps nourish the scalp, while Bhringraj is known as the “king of herbs” for hair growth.
Ayurvedic Hair Fall Treatment Kits Consider using an Ayurvedic Hair Fall Treatment kit that combines herbal oils, shampoos, and supplements designed to address hair loss from the root cause. Such kits often include ingredients like Bhringraj, Amla, and Shikakai, which are known to enhance hair growth.
Reduce Stress Hair fall is often linked to stress and anxiety. Practices like yoga, meditation, and Pranayama (breathing exercises) can help in reducing stress and promoting overall well-being. In Ayurveda, managing stress is key to maintaining a balanced dosha and healthy hair.
Herbal Supplements Ayurvedic supplements like Triphala, Ashwagandha, and Brahmi can help in detoxifying the body, balancing hormones, and providing the necessary nutrients to support hair growth. These herbs also work as adaptogens, helping the body cope with stress.
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The Best Ayurvedic Medicine for Hair Fall
For those experiencing severe hair fall, opting for the Best Ayurvedic Medicine For Hair Fall can make a significant difference. Ayurvedic medicines are formulated with a combination of herbs that work synergistically to strengthen hair roots, reduce hair thinning, and promote regrowth. Look for products that include Bhringraj, Amla, and Brahmi, which have been traditionally used for promoting healthy hair.
Lifestyle Changes for Managing Scalp Psoriasis and Hair Fall
Stay Away from Triggers Psoriasis triggers can include stress, alcohol, and processed foods. Identifying and avoiding these triggers is essential for managing flare-ups.
Proper Sleep and Relaxation Adequate sleep is vital for healing. The body repairs itself during sleep, and maintaining a regular sleep schedule can help balance your doshas and reduce hair fall.
Gentle Hair Care Practices Avoid using heat-styling tools, harsh shampoos, and tight hairstyles that can cause additional stress to your hair and scalp. Opt for natural hair care routines that nourish and protect your hair.
Daily Oil Application (Abhyanga) Daily oil massage (abhyanga) is a key Ayurvedic practice that enhances blood circulation, relaxes the mind, and nourishes the scalp. Oils like sesame oil, coconut oil, and almond oil are recommended for hair and scalp health.
Ayurveda offers holistic solutions for both scalp psoriasis and hair fall, focusing on restoring balance in the body and addressing the root cause of these conditions. By incorporating Ayurvedic tips such as herbal treatments, balanced diets, and stress management techniques, you can achieve healthier hair and a soothed scalp naturally. Explore Ayurvedic treatment kits and medicines that are tailored to address your specific needs, helping you manage these conditions effectively and improve your overall quality of life.
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daivikmoringa · 2 months
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brmchemical · 4 months
Natural Healing: Aloe Vera Liquid Extract Oil Uses and Benefits
Aloe Vera has been celebrated for centuries for its healing and soothing properties. Today, Aloe Vera Liquid Extract Oil is gaining popularity for its versatile applications in skincare and haircare. This powerful extract harnesses the natural benefits of Aloe Vera, offering an easy way to enhance your beauty routine with natural ingredients.
In this blog, we'll explore what Aloe Vera Liquid Extract Oil is, its benefits, DIY beauty recipes, and how you can incorporate it into your daily regimen.
What is Aloe Vera Liquid Extract Oil?
Aloe Vera Liquid Extract Oil is produced by extracting the beneficial compounds from Aloe Vera leaves and combining them with a carrier oil. This process concentrates the healing properties of Aloe Vera, making it more potent and easier to use in various beauty applications.
Unlike Aloe Vera gel or juice, the liquid extract oil is more stable and has a longer shelf life, making it a convenient addition to your skincare and haircare products.
Top Benefits of Aloe Vera Liquid Extract Oil for Glowing Skin
Hydration and Moisturizing Properties
Aloe Vera Liquid Extract Oil is a natural humectant, meaning it helps retain moisture in the skin. It penetrates deep into the skin layers, providing long-lasting hydration without leaving a greasy residue. This makes it perfect for dry and sensitive skin types.
Healing and Soothing
Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, Aloe Vera Liquid Extract Oil can soothe sunburns, cuts, and skin irritations. It promotes faster healing by stimulating skin cell regeneration, making it a must-have for your first aid kit.
Anti-Aging Benefits
Rich in antioxidants, Aloe Vera Liquid Extract Oil helps combat free radicals, which can cause premature aging. Regular use can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, giving your skin a youthful glow.
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Acne and Skin Conditions
Aloe Vera's antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties make the liquid extract oil effective in treating acne and other skin conditions. It helps reduce redness, swelling, and irritation while preventing future breakouts.
Transform Your Hair with Aloe Vera Liquid Extract Oil
Promoting Hair Growth
Aloe Vera Liquid Extract Oil stimulates blood circulation to the scalp, promoting hair growth and reducing hair fall. The enzymes in Aloe Vera also help remove dead skin cells and excess sebum that can clog hair follicles.
Conditioning and Strengthening
This extract oil provides deep conditioning, making hair softer and more manageable. It strengthens the hair shaft, reducing breakage and split ends, and imparts a healthy shine.
Soothing Scalp Irritations
Aloe Vera Liquid Extract Oil is excellent for soothing scalp irritations, including dandruff. Its antifungal properties help maintain a healthy scalp environment, reducing itching and flaking.
Aloe Vera Liquid Extract Oil offers numerous benefits for both skin and hair. Its natural, healing properties make it a valuable addition to any beauty routine. Whether you’re looking to hydrate, heal, or rejuvenate, Aloe Vera Liquid Extract Oil is a versatile and effective solution.
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chandigarhayurved · 4 months
How to Stop Hair Fall Immediately with Ayurvedic Medicines
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Losing hair can be upsetting for many people; their hair is important part of who they are. There are different reasons behind hair fall. Many people experience increase hair fall in the rainy season, which is mainly because of the increase in humidity and moisture and fungal infections during monsoon can lead to hair fall and various other hair problems.
Causes of Hair fall-
Generally first rain is considered to be the acid rain or if it has rained after a long gap, the chemicals suspended from the hair can damage your hair
Using dryer for drying your wet hair can also be one of the major reasons for hair fall
Medical issues like stomach upset, sore throat, PCOD, thyroid can lead to hair fall
Genetics – if your family has a history of hair fall it may be something you cannot avoid
Hormonal imbalances such as caused by pregnancy, menopause, and thyroid disorders can lead to hair fall
Stress can cause hair fall by affecting the growth cycle of your hair.
Poor diet – a diet lacking in minerals and essential fatty acids can lead to hair fall
Medications such as blood thinners, birth control pills and antidepressants can cause hair fall.
Age – as we age our hair naturally becomes thinner and more prone to breakage.
Lack of sleep, it affect your hair health and lead to hair fall
Weather – extreme weather conditions such as harsh sunlight, and cold winds dry out your hair and it lead to breakage.
Management of hair fall according to Ayurveda-
In ayurveda hair fall is caused by the buildup of the doshas  in your body, which leads to inflammation of the hyair follicles,this causes hair fall. If vata dosha imbalances it can lead to dryness , split ends, frizziness, hair thinning and hair fall.if pitta dosha imbalance in the body it causes premature greying, hair thinning, baldness and aggrevated kapha dosha make your hair sticky and extremely oil which also lead to wet and sticky flakes.
Panchkarma for hair growth-
Foods can help you reduce hair fall and promote growth-
Leafy vegetables
Home remedies-
You can apply a paste of besan , coconut water and lemon , besan , amla, reetha and shikakai
Soak fenugreek seeds overnight in rice water, grind in the morning and apply the paste to your scalp
Regular scalp massage with ayurvedic oils
Cleansing scalp, do not let your scalp remain dry for r too long. Shirolepa hair pack can help there
Take some time off and take deep breaths during times of stress, Ashwagandha can help you distress.
Bhringraj extremely beneficial for uplifting hair health, it promotes hair growth and prevents premature greying
Onion juice helps to prevent hair breakage and thinning
Shikakai - it has antifungal and antibacterial properties, it soothe itchy or irritated scalp
Adho mukho savasana
Hair Care Kit
1. Hair Live Herbal Shampoo: It is used in various kind of hair related issues like Baldness, Graying of hairs etc. It contains very good herbs that work on your hair and roots of hair in your scalp. It makes your hair shiny and thick. The herbs used for formulation of this oil shows antioxidant, anti-dandruff, anti-inflammatory properties. This product is herbal and natural formula for maintaining hair health. It is used in Hairball, graying of hair, dandruff, dry scalp, thinning of hairs, baldness, alopecia and loss of lusterless.
Method of usage– Apply it on wet hair, massage into a rich lather for 2-3 minutes and rinse properly with water.
2. Hair Live Tablet: Hair Live Tablet is formulated with ingredients like Bhringraj  (Eclipta alba), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Dhatry Loha (Purified iron), & Shud Gandhak (Purified sulphur). This herbal kit is formulated to take care of all the hair problems. It is an amazing combination of various natural herbs which can be beneficial for both male and female hair problems. It provides nourishment to the hair from the root level, repairs broken, splinted and damaged hair. This kit gives a natural strength and smooth texture.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 tablet twice a day with normal water.
3. Hair Live Oil: It is used in various kinds of hair related issues like Baldness, Greying of hairs etc. It contains very good herbs that work on your hair and roots of hair in your scalp. It makes your hair shiny and thick. The herbs used for formulation of this oil shows antioxidant, anti-dandruff, anti-inflammatory properties. This product is herbal and natural formula for maintaining hair health.Til oil (Sesamum indicum) Almond oil (Prunus dulcis) Jotishmati oil (Celastrus paniculatus) Amla (Embelia officinale) Bhringraj (Eclipta Alba), etc
Method of usage – Gently massage your hair once or as per requirement
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lassnatural · 4 months
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Comprehensive Hair Treatment Plan: The kit provides a holistic approach to hair care, best ayurvedic shampoo for hair fall addressing various concerns such as hair loss, thinning, dandruff, and scalp issues.
Contains Hair Oil, Shampoo, and Conditioner: The kit includes essential products for a complete hair care routine, offering the benefits of nourishing hair oil, cleansing shampoo, and conditioning treatment in one package.
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gknbeauty · 9 months
I found the natural solution to solve all dandruff worries.
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mrjoseph129 · 1 year
Advanced Hairfall Solution Kit
The Inveda Advanced Hairfall Solution Kit is a comprehensive and innovative approach to combatting hair fall and promoting healthy, lustrous hair. In a world where environmental pollutants, stress, and lifestyle factors can wreak havoc on our hair, this advanced kit offers a ray of hope for those seeking a reliable and effective solution.
At the heart of the Inveda Hairfall Solution Kit lies a meticulous blend of nature-inspired ingredients that work synergistically to address the root causes of hair fall. Crafted with the wisdom of ancient Ayurveda and the precision of modern scientific research, this kit offers a holistic and balanced approach to hair care.
In conclusion, the Inveda Advanced Hairfall Solution Kit presents a thoughtfully curated and comprehensive approach to tackling hair fall. By combining the power of nature-inspired ingredients with modern scientific advancements, this kit offers a holistic solution that addresses not only the symptoms but also the underlying causes of hair fall. With its array of products designed to cleanse, nourish, stimulate, and protect, the kit empowers individuals to take charge of their hair health journey and rediscover the joy of having strong, vibrant locks.
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