#anti heartstopper fandom
milkteahoe · 2 years
The heartstopper fandom is truly the epicentre of the puriteen movement
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lily-s-world · 2 years
I'm so so mad about this!!! And I never rant about stuff, but I'm about to do it cause some people need a wake up call.
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You just made a teenager, a kid... No, not made, you forced him to be out of the closet. And what for?? Cause his Nick Nelson portrayal wasn't going to be appreciated if he wasn't really Bi?? That's bullsh*t.
The entire fandom and all the new comers of the TV series loved him as Nick Nelson and they didn't need to know his freaking sexuality to love him. He was amazing in the show and he doesn't deserves this.
The entire focus of Heartstopper is about loving who you are, but taking your time and space to understand yourself. Is about don't owing anyone anything about yourself. About realizing every queer person is different from each other, and they all handle it on their own away. There are literally dialogues in the novel about all this stuff. But you completely missed the point!!
And the worst part is that you are going to defend yourself saying that "is because we want queer characters to be played by queer actors", but that is a lie, cause you are creating a completely toxic environment around the queer characters.
Imagine you are an actress/actor about to audition for a queer character. You are queer yourself but you aren't ready to come out yet, specially not to the Internet. And you see how other actors of the same show had been forced to be out by the so-called "fans" of the show. And you start to think that maybe the role isn't worth it, if it is going to force you to do something that your aren't comfortable with it. So you drop the audition and look for a different role that doesn't compromise your personal life. That is the environment you are creating with this awful thinking!!!
You are making people feel attacked and insecure about themselves. When you should be welcoming to them, to share the experience of such an amazing story.
What it also bothers me is that it doesn't stop in the Heartstopper fandom. It has also been presented in other places, like the new Red, White and Royal Blue movie. Casey McQuiston, the writer, literary released a new chapter where one of the characters admitted he had PSTD due to the traumatized way he was outed to the world. And yet, you continue bullying and harrasing people into coming out.
Heartstopper talks about how Charlie is traumatized for all the people that bullied him after he was outed accidentally. And yet, you continue bullying and harrasing people into coming out.
Get a life people, cause the actors and actresses of a show don't owe you theirs just because you are a "fan".
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"We should welcome twitter users coming to tumblr" yeah okay but have you ever had to interact with twitter fandom people? They're some of the nastiest beings to ever exist on this fucking planet.
They're the same who stalked Joseph Quinn wherever he went after season 4 of Stranger Things dropped and Eddie Munson became a fan favourite, leaking his dating app profile and his private cellphone number. (They also leaked Gaten Matarazzo’s cellphone number from what I got.)
They’re the same who harassed the Heartstopper cast so much that one of the main actors deactivated his twitter profile and the other was forced into coming out as bi.
And god forbid if you DARE criticizing the show they like, even if you’re a fan of it yourself. Just this morning I got a load of shit thrown at me on twitter because I dared pointing out how netflix acts in different ways towards wlw shows than mlm shows. I went about it logically looking at stats, and used First Kill and Young Royals as an example, because I watched both and the stats were very different in terms of budget, of views, etc. so overall, an easier comparison to make than between two shows who had almost identical stats.
Somehow (considering I usually get, at most 10 interactions under a tweet on a good day), my tweet blew up among Young Royals fans and I got 1000+ among replies and qrts of people who disagreed and I thought okay, not everybody has the same opinion right? Conctructive criticism is a thing right?
Well, on the goddamn blue bird app it is not.
People just said stuff like “it’s just because that First Kill sucks ass” and I tried explaining why (aka the tanking starting budget), so they went on to straight up calling me stupid, dumb, ignorant, they said I did not understand that one is Netflix USA and the other is from Netflix Nordic, mixed with a lot of swearwords in the crassest display ever.
And like. The fun thing is, I’m completing a master’s degree in Swedish. With my main faculty being media criticism. It will literally be my job, one day, to translate and criticize Swedish-speaking and English-speaking media.
Plus, though it’s not one of my favourites, I’m a fan of Young Royals myself because I started watching it to practice my Swedish language skills, and actually worked with its subtitles for a project of translation I had to do for class.
Tumblr may be a hellsite (affectionate) bit it’s really chill now, and kind of a safe heaven for me where I can interact with any kind of fandom and talk freely about which shows, characters and ships/pairings I love (i.e. apparently everyone on twitter is a Billy Hargrove anti. Seriously. Went to see if there were some fanarts, hcs, or other pieces of fanon really, but there was nothing except for hate tweets against both the characters and fans who like him), even when it comes to more serious and technical stuff like why netflix dooms certain shows from the start (cough cough First Kill cough cough) and I would hate to see it become full of hate just like twitter is.
Soooo, tl;dr: Like hell am I welcoming people you can’t have a civil discussion over anything with here.
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Hi! I was on the Heartstopper tag and saw one of your older posts. And I'm just curious: I never even heard of the 'Boyfriends' webcomic; where can one read it? Also, what did Alice O. say about japanese BL? That seems extremely messed up, when she very obviously was inspired by them, and caters to the same audience, who would read cutesy shounen-ais... Thanks, if you answer.
Hi! So the "Boyfriends" comic is written and illustrated by Refrainbow, an Asian transman which you can read on Webtoon. It updates weekly and is generally very cute as the plot is just following a polyamorous group of boyfriends living college life together, so it won't include something like a grand overarching plot like other stories might. It's a Slice of Life comic with most chapters having a condensed plot that can be wrapped up pretty quickly.
And as for Al*ce O. and their stance on BL, here's a link to their opinion on it as well as someone responding to it on Twitter. But to briefly summarize, Al*ce claims that Hearts*ppers shouldn't be considered "yaoi" or even "BL" because the works falling under these categories are "fetishizing" gay men in a bad way. But the thing is, BL or "Boys Love" is literally just that, Boys Love. It's a genre that encompasses light-hearted works of Shounen Ai (basically just BL in Japanese) to the more hardcore, NSFW variants. It's the same thing to classify any work including an MLW relationship under the "Romance" genre, regardless of whether it has sexual content or not.
The problem with Al*ce's point is that they consider these works, mostly made by Japanese or other Asian creators, as "fetishizing" and "negative" while their work as a Western creator is somehow more pure and "not fetishizing". Which is xenophobia. Because they are elevating their work as a Westerner over Eastern creators without even attempting to do basic research into the BL genre and history, or how by creating these works, those Eastern creators are much more susceptible to legal troubles regardless of their works having NSFW contents or not. That's just shitty, and the hypocrisy of Western baby queers doing the same thing Al*ce is doing makes them xenophobes and Puritans as fuck.
Again, you can like one variant of this big genre and not like the other. That's your right as a reader, but elevating one over the other, especially when you're putting down works of marginalized people makes you scummy.
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monodive · 2 months
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kezcore · 9 months
apparently there's some really disgusting shit in the heartstopper ao3 tag but hey what's new 😁😁😁😁 i looove ao3 😁 i love the anti-censorship thing theyve got going ! even though the things people want "censored" are literal cp and racism :D i'm doing great !! i'm so fucking normal about this!!!! i just have to ignore the traumatized teenager who draws cp as a "coping mechanism" and posts it to the internet for pedos to look at hahaha!!!!!!!!! fun times !!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ i'm going crazy i'm going crazy i'm going crazy i'm going crazy
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amsaro · 2 years
I'm not a social media expert but Twitter really is The Worst, isn't it?
I mean, it feels wrong to blame the platform rather than the people using it, but it really seems to attract the most unhinged elements.
I genuinely do not recall which fandom I was active in circa 2009 when Twitter was really getting huge, but I can remember sitting in my old apartment reading some screenshots (probably on LJ) and just thinking
"..... yikes"
Not only did it give people the opportunity to - let's not mince words - virtually stalk their celebrity faves, crushes etc, but also to demand the actual people interact with them, agree with them, vocally support their own interpretation of the fandom.
I'm not being wise after the event, I genuinely remember thinking this would lead to some scary places. And while some fans thought it would enhance their enjoyment of fandom, I felt it was likely to do the opposite.
I don't have Facebook. My rarely-used Instagram is just pictures of weird leaves and stuff I find. Tumblr isn't perfect and I know there are some assholes on here, but it doesn't seem to have the capacity for pure evil the way Twitter does. Or at least, it doesn't seem to attract as many people hell-bent on using it to cause harm.
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dancermk · 10 months
I’m a little disappointed to see so much discourse, fandom competitiveness, and plain arguing going around at the moment in regards to queer film/TV. People complaining about too much sex, not enough sex, too cheesy, made for the hets, too happy, too sad, too realistic, too unrealistic, and a million other petty issues. I, for one, am a queer person in my 50s and I grew up with practically zero representation! Yes, we want to continue onwards and upwards with quality and varied shows BUT let’s be HAPPY we now have representation! Like, actual shows where the central characters are queer, not just a side character who gets f*cking murdered! There is room for all different types of representation - so enjoy the types you like, and let others enjoy what they like.
And on a side note: progress is progress and film/tv is a business that has to turn a profit! If some queer content is made to appeal to the straight community, and will also act as a means of reducing homophobia and increasing understanding, then that’s a good thing. That means in the future more and more content will include queer stories and representation. If only 10% (ish) of the population is the maximum target audience then shows won’t keep getting made!
There is a huge backlash all over the world right now - a “push back” by conservatives and religious groups that want to wind back the clock, and specifically the last decade of advances.
So stick together queers and LGBTQIA+ allies.
I’m super happy knowing I don’t have to wait years between content anymore. And I’ve loved all different types of shows over the last 5 years, for lots of different reasons!
Interview with the Vampire - is giving me the toxic, passionate gothic love affair I’ve always wanted. And addressing interracial relationships.
Heartstopper - is filling me up with pure joy and hopefulness for the future.
Shameless - gave me Ian and Mickey - unique, anti stereotypical gays with a tragic yet ultimately beautiful love story spanning 11 years
Lone Star 911 - is giving me TK and Carlos whose sexuality barely factors into the storyline! Yay!
Looking - gave me an authentic queer experience and an intoxicating love triangle.
Red, white and Royal Blue - gave me a sweet, cute romcom that allowed reality to be sidelined. Fun escapism!
Young Royals - had me captivated by first love and intense angst.
Fire Island - an underrated romcom that made me laugh so hard I cried.
Sex education - shoved the realities of sex in our faces and provided me with laughter and drama and a range of queer identities.
Gentlemen Jack -gave me historical lesbians with spectacular wit, and feminine power.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg- because there’s SO SO SO many more shows I could mention! Don’t at me because I didn’t mention YOUR favourite. This is my point! There is SO much great content it would take all day for me to include everything. This is just a sample - and that’s f*cking brilliant!!
So maybe we could all start posting/tweeting etc about what WE DO LIKE / LOVE / MAKES US FEEL LOVED AND SEEN and put down the device if we’ve got nothing nice to say.
Sending everyone a love filled week! 💜
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amethyst-aster · 8 months
Blog intro
Hello! I’m Aster, a person who gives advice and who is still learning about the world as a whole. I am non binary and in wizardblr and same-pic-verse! I do get phantom shifts and feel species dysphoria so do with that what you will
Kingdom hearts (lore)
Castle of illusions (yt)
Musical Theater
Warrior Cats
mlp fanon
Hazbin Hotel (angel dust is taking up all of my brain space rn)
My blog is mainly about anything that catches my eye, such as cats, food, memes, fun things, famous posts, photography, tag games, etc.. and centered around magic.
DNI if you are a: transphobe, homophobe, racist, TERF, ableist, fanatic, pro-life, anti-fur, a trump supporter, truscum, those people who change their race, or just a rude person in general.
I want to make clear: I do not want to be harassed or sent hate asks!(especially anon)
As some of you might know, I am slightly unhinged at times and half the things that I say I don’t remember!
I am queer in many ways (sometimes people say I’m either the queer friend or the gayest one in the room, which I love). More on that in my pronouns page
Yelling (don’t yell at me please)
do not call me selfish or delusional
Invalidation (Don’t invalidate me or gaslight me in a way that’s not jokingly)
Apathy-like saying how you don’t care or seeming disinterested or acting like you have a problem with me without saying it to my face or just not caring without communicating
Too many bad things all at once
asking about my age or things relevant to that
insulting me to a higher level in a serious way (more on that here)
men/boys hitting on me (queer + not interested, this includes trans men obviously)
I love tag games and asks btw
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#lore drop” for posts about me as the mod revealing my lore ooc
oh also @amethyst-of-shadows is my horny blog
@amethyst-aster-2 is my alt
@same-pic-of-uranus-everyday is my pic verse blog
@anxiety-culture-iss is another blog I run
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Fun fact: Frogs are sentient, as are we. Pick up a frog today!
Fun fact 2: I am obsessed with shiny sharp things (especially daggers, scissors, fire, and swords, mainly daggers)
Link to wizardblr:
TW Unreality, Mild Violence, Knives, Weapons, and occasional sexual references
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olderthannetfic · 8 months
I saw a good post about the anti-BL creators of Western BL flavored stuff like Heartstopper and RWRB that was like: if they are so hell bent on the idea that their stuff is aimed at gay and bisexual men or boys, why did they not bother to look at any media by/for gay men? It’s not like that’s hard to find. Even if you’re just looking at stuff for teens like with Heartstopper author, most of the big YA books about gay or bi male characters are by gay male authors. Maybe try reading those. They’re clearly reading nothing but slash fanfic and maybe like M/M romance novels for women or like, idk, Check Please, and then going Shocked Pikachu Face when it turns out their books are way more popular with female audiences and Heartstopper TV has a famous gay man talk about how it’s clearly not for gay men and not how actual gay boys act.
And like… I don’t think there’s anything wrong with M/M stuff for women, the author of this post was clear that she didn’t think there was either. But these authors clearly wanted to make M/M for men so like… maybe talk to queer men or look at the media queer men are making for themselves if that is your goal! Less fanfic, more Looking or whatever.
It’s just the sheer fucking hubris of assuming that because they are some other flavor of queer and they’ve read some M/M fiction (slash fanfic) that they must know what it’s like to be every type of LGBTQ+ and don’t need to do any research to appeal to that audience.
They don't want to make m/m for cis gay male culture.
What they want is to have their current tastes validated in a "You're one of the boys and those other filthy fujos aren't!" way.
Trust me, this crap has been going on since the 90s and before. It's a common affliction of slash fans who want to be the most special. That goes for the trans men trying to assert their masculinity in a world that doesn't respect them as much as for the straight ladies who endlessly tell you about their Gay Best Friend. It's a disease that hits all parts of BL fandom.
It's just our local flavor of "Knitting isn't just for GIRLS anymore!" and "Now you can drink tea as a MAN!" startup bro insecurities. You know, the people being parodied here.
The best we can do is to keep laughing in their faces and keep treating BL as a marketing niche with genre conventions that's open to whomever shares that taste.
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i-eat-lip-gloss · 11 months
Important info page/intro post
please read this!! i will randomly add new but important information
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Current status: Idle
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Name: Crayon or Charlie/Charles
pronouns: he/him, they/them, star/stars, gummy/gummys, circus/circus’
Gender: Transmasc, Transgender, Librafluid
sexuality and romantic status: Omnisexual and taken
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DNI: homophobes, transphobes, racists, religious talk (all religions welcome but don't try and convert me), talking about "the power of healing gems" and spirits (you can believe that but please don't talk to me about it), pedos, anti-the rain, anti-furry, zoophiles, kink agere, nsfw agere, dd/lg agere and variants, politics, my opinions on drama, etc.
❗️DO NOT TAG ME IN TAGGING GAMES. if it’s a small quick text-related thing that will take only like a minute or 2 then maybe, but overall please refrain.
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please read this!! ✨👇
And more info about me is under the cut!! :D
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i am otherhearted!! (meaning having a deep connection/bond with an animal/creature, such as strongly relating to it, acting like it, or understanding it, but not quite being it; identifying with instead of as something). cat-hearted specifically, and my kintypes are Turkish Van cat and Norwegian Forest cat!
(Friend/platonic /online) Family: @french-croissant @marshhell dads, @space-spoon uncle, @t0ast-the-gh0st @gaepokemon cousins, and a rlly fucking confusing irl family-friend line
fav color, food, drink, and animal: dark green and sage green, none (iykyk), WHITE PINEAPPLE MONSTER ENERGY RESERVE (it was very unfortunately discontinued 😔 ( but also just any flavor monster i just love monster), and frogs ducks fox and deer
fav aesthetic: emo, clowncore, rock n’ roll, punk, 90’s grunge, scenecore, medieval stuff(idk the aesthetic name😭), that one foresty-nature-grunge style, pastel goth, cottagecore, anything fall/halloween, weirdcore
current hyperfixation: Ramshackle
other past hyperfixations/other interests/fandoms (ranked most loved): Heathers, Hamilton, FNaF, Hazbin Hotel, Gravity Falls, Clowncore, Ramshackle, Heartstopper, Ghost and Pals, D&D, TWOMP/Ashur Gharavi, Cuphead, Casino Cups/gambling/casinos, medieval/renaissance etc, The Amazing Digital Circus, Barbie (2023), Welcome Home
comfort character(s): Johnnie Guilbert, Jake Webber, Skipp (Ramshackle), Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls), John Laurens (Hamilton)
Friends "Names" i'll often refer to (THESE ARE NOT THEIR REAL NAMES!!): Olive 👁️(it/its/he/they), Bubble 🫧(she/her), Ace 🪲(he/him), Robin 🍎(she/her), E 🐀 (she/her), Lizzy 🦆(she/they), Layla 🦈 (any, prefers he/they), and their platonic wife Piper 🧁 (any), Anthony 🍞 (he/him)
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this blog contains:
swearing, ED/ana, sh mention, vents
note: on October 18 (every year) don't expect me to talk and don't talk to me that much in general.
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side blogs: @strawb3rry-cloudz ,
ask blog under construction
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Age Regression stuff/info:
go to my blog @strawb3rry-cloudz !
❗️am i regressed right now? No
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-Enjoy your stay with this little freak!-
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lily-s-world · 1 year
I have always been a supporter of you can dislike whatever you desire no matter the popularity, but I must admit that sometimes the reasons people dislike something are so illogical that that dislike can only translates to looking for reasons to hate stuff just for the sake of it.
Like for example, I read in Instagram someone telling that Nicholas Galitzine played once a military man with idiotic friends, and therefore he wasn't suited to play Prince Henry in RWRB. That was the entire argument, you played an awful military man once and your career should be over after that.
Or this other when someone commented that Kit Connor's face wasn't like they pictured Nick Nelson and that he should be recasted. And it wasn't just one comment, I saw the same account do it in a few pictures of a fan account of Heartstopper. The kid already hit the gym like crazy because some awful people told him he didn't have Nick's body, and comments like actually made me worry about how he will react and how we will feel with himself.
This doesn't mean that people doesn't have the right to criticize, I have had entire discussions about a book/film that I enjoy in which we talk about things that should had been better or things we didn't liked. But this type of comments are just there to spread hate amongst others, and ruin the experience for everybody else.
Please be better, with the upcoming seasons of show we are waiting for, and movies we are eager to see... Don't be that type of accounts that only spreads hate and awful comments. There is already enough of that in the world.
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welcome to my blog!
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hi, i'm addison!
pronouns: she/they
i <3 guitar
i'm half chinese, half jewish (not practicing), bisexual, and a minor
i play tennis :)
cabin 7 <3 ☀️
musicals i like: hadestown, hamilton, heathers, ride the cyclone, six
book series(es?) i like: riordanverse, hunger games, song of achilles, heartstopper, six crimson cranes, death cast, secret shanghai (first duology), osemanverse,
bands/singers i like: mcr, green day, beabadoobee, olivia rodrigo, girl in red ;) , mitski, dazey and the scouts, fall out boy, radiohead, the brobecks, etc.
shows/movies i like: ofmd, heartstopper, everything everywhere..., stranger things, umbrella academy, the owl house, brooklyn 99, etc.
dni if you are: homophobic, racist, sexist, anti-semitic, transphobic, islamophobic, pro-israeli government, pedo, etc.
free palestine!!!
my lovely mutuals: @asuryanshallwatchyou @maitaiwiththecorpses @hazellevessque @swans-chirping-in-the-distance @burntchickennugget2468 @loife1m @threecheersslxt @neonnovember @thearcticguitarist @4114yunique @queenofapeacefuldawn @mxnkeydo @that-multi-fandom-hijabi @dicklessswonder @faggyv4mpire @reyna-obsessed @the-ultimate-bookworm @tousyposay @im-the-son-of-rage-and-lov3 @finnslay @bitchboy @finleyforevermore @p0is0n-is-th3-cur3 @nerdy-girlramblings @queenpiranhadon @moondust-on-the-hijabi @the-slowest-turtle @edenexxe @toulouseradiosilence @nebul4-t @speechlessandredundant13 @heartstars @monscrow @justalunaticfangirl @whysaber-toothed @bloodslushie
somehow i'm mutuals with @the-haiku-bot ???
(idk why everybody got untagged. sorry about that)
a lovely moodboard @that-multi-fandom-hijabi made for me: here
kinda random but i love ask games
personal tag explanations below the cut
that's all thank youuu <3
asks: my responses to asks
tag games: tag games (idk how else to explain)
ask games: (idk how to explain this)
i hate middle school boys: tales of the insane boys at my school
addison's anecdotes: personal stories
twelfth night: my school play which i had a lead role in!
addison's monthly spotify: screenshots of my top artists on spotify each month
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the heartstopper post you just reblogged reminded me of the post i meant to make a bit ago (before i found this blog) to vent about the microaggressions in the heartstopper fanbase
i’m so so so tired of people calling tao and elle’s subplot romance boring and pointless. i’m even more tired of people saying tao is toxic and a bad friend!!! he’s a person too!!! he’s not just a plot device so you can get back to your white boys’ kissing.
not to jump and point fingers, but i really do think that a major reason people find elle and tao “pointless” and “boring” is just racism. you are not immune (/directed at everyone).
Well I mean it is racism (specifically anti asian racism and misogynoir) but its also transmisogyny.
Like ok so with Elle because she is a Black trans girl there's the transmisogynoir (the intersections of misogyny, transphobia, and anti blackness) but also Tao is like fiercely protective of his friends and his relationship with his friends and he's seen two of his closest friends Charlie and Elle experience intense bullying already.
Like the whole reason that Tao grew out his hair and he's got that funky hairstyle in the first season is because he wanted to grow out his hair with Elle. It was a show of solidarity (kinda how family members of cancer patients might shave their heads when a cancer patient goes bald because of chemo).
Honestly its very upsetting that Tao is getting the same treatment that Lucas got in stranger things. they're both cynical because life has taught them to be cynical but they get dismissed by the fandom as mean and aggressive.
Also also also, there's belief that heterosexual couples don't' experience any sort of discrimination which is just colorblind bullshit. like when do you ever see an interracial (with no whites) heterosexual couple and one of them is trans????? newsflash you don't!!!
anyways you should still make that post and drop the link here.
mod ali
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babyitsgayoutside · 2 months
welcome to me screaming (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
✧ Obligatory pinned introduction post ✧
My Name is Sunnie Cherie! You can call me Sunnie, or Twin whatever floats ya boat! Just another idiot in their twenties trying to survive whatever this is.
My Pronouns are They/Them I identify as Genderfluid and a lesbian
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊Minors, Men, Antis, Terfs, Racists, and assholes DNI⁺˚⋆。°✩₊
This blog has been my personal blog since 2010 so it is safe to say I post an assortment of things but the fandoms I'm a part of and you can expect to see pop up on your dash if you follow me:
My Hero Academia
Young Royals
Yuri on Ice
MCU *Spider-man & ironman centric*
Hitorijime my hero
Junjo Romantica
⁺˚⋆find me on another part of the internet⁺˚⋆
My cringey little tiktok 400k + followers
My silly little Instagram 35K + followers
My stupid little YouTube channel 100k + Subs
DO NOT hesitate to send me fanfic recommendations.
日本語 ok! English Ok! Svenska Okej!
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sophieorjustin · 2 months
Hi there !
I'm Sophie, but also call me Justin!
Welcome to my tumbl acc !
All facts about me :
I'm a minor
I'm pround citizen of the Republic of Poland (with also polish origins)
I create my own cartoon shows such as Irisia, Holy Paranormal etc.
I'm bi and genderfluid my pronous are she/he/they
I'm christian (yes, it's ok to be queer and christian as GOD LOVES EVERYBODY)
I'm propabbly neurodiversed and I'm hsp, so no respect for haters here
My tiktok chanell with edits : https://www.tiktok.com/@saphire.editzz
And my Ao3 acc :
Fandoms that I'm in :
Solar Opposites
Helluva Boss
Hazbin Hotel
Rick and Morty
The Amazing Digital Circus
Murder Drones
The Owl House
Demon Slayer
Good Omens
Famous people that inspires me :
Dana Terrace
Vivienne Medrano (I don't care if she's controvercial person, this woman is a green flag with an amazing talent)
Micheal Jackson
Freddie Mercury
Riz Ahmed
Eugene Lee Yang
Brandon Rogers
Cooper Smith Goodwin (Gooseworx)
ND Stevenson
Neil Gaiman
Micheal Sheen
David Tennant
Alice Oseman
DNI list :
haters (I've mantioned that already)
Anyways, tysm for for your time <3
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