#anti spirk
hitchell-mope · 9 months
Jim: uhhhh. Sulu. Bones. Scotty.
Scotty: what the hell Captain? I wasn’t even one of the options.
Jim: yeah, but you see, if I’d picked Uhura for any of the options, then Spock would’ve killed me. And if I’d chosen to kill Spock. Then Uhura would’ve killed me.
Spock: your instinct was correct Captain
Uhura: I would’ve fucking destroyed you.
Jim: see? I told you so.
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Confession #158
"The way some fans treat k/s makes me feel like I despise the ship. I feel a level of that too with all the slash in this fandom (which sucks bc I'm usually pretty neutral or in support of it, k/s being in between), but it's particularly bad with Spirk. I just hate how some of the fans transform the characters for their ship content. :/"
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lilbreck · 11 months
I just need to vent to a sympathetic void about how fed up I am with the obnoxious, entitled, gatekeeping Spirk tumblr fandom. At this point I feel like I'm blocking every other poster in the main fandom snw tags because they're so smug about the inevitably of their obviously canon ship being telegraphed as a canon romance because their ship shook hands when they met each other and enjoy playing chess. The entitlement is what's most infuriating. I'm sure AOS Spirk fandom was similarly hostile to Spuhura, but I honestly don't remember them being *this* hostile to the canon het ship. They're so spiteful about spock/chapel it's so toxic and the misogyny is so barely veiled. Like, they will always have the OG TOS ship of homoerotic ambiguity! They will always have Shatner acting like he's in love in the movies. There's no need for being so spiteful towards other ships in other iterations of the characters. Also, I hate to break it to them, but their ship was never actually canon beyond platonic love. Kirk and Spock were the Leslie and Ann of TOS, not the Leslie and Ben. Alright, rant over.
There are a couple of hard truths that old-fandom Spirk shippers seemed to understand that new-fandom ones don't. First, Spirk was never a canon romance. Second, Spock and Kirk were involved (willingly) with female characters.
They scream about how both characters are canon gay, but don't seem to realize that it was never canon. It was just a long held fanon interpretation. Hell, even then, they were closer to being bisexual than gay.
What infuriates me is the Spirk shippers who now say, "Well, it wouldn't be so bad if they had him with Uhura, instead." You know damn well those same people were probably shitting all over both Spuhura and, by extension, Uhura.
Side note: for all they scream about "that handshake was totally Vulcan making out!", the finger stroke they all go on about was never intended to be the equivalent of a kiss. Nimoy, who came up with the gesture, said so himself in his book.
Honestly, that whole scene with Spock, Uhura, and Kirk seemed so heavy-handed and anvil-icious.
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cursedtrekedits · 6 months
for spock's birthday.
this is dialogue from the unfilmed holonecklace scene written for st2009 (x), where we see kirk's birthday gift to spock. i used a deepfake program to replicate kirk's voice.
This was a gift to me. Representing… a dream. One we were unable to fulfill. The way you can now.
thank you @brookbee and @gay-spock for your feedback!
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Kirk/Spock must be one of the few fictional couples, where instead of needing slash goggles to see it, you need really, REALLY thick anti-slash goggles in order to NOT see it.
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starofhisheart · 9 months
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some long overdue star trek content w my new favourite meme template
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thepathnottrekked · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Trek, Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Spock/Nyota Uhura, Pavel Chekov & James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy & Spock & Hikaru Sulu & Nyota Uhura, James T. Kirk & Spock, Leonard "Bones" McCoy & Spock, James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Crew of the Starship Enterprise & James T. Kirk Characters: Spock (Star Trek), James T. Kirk, Nyota Uhura, Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Hikaru Sulu, Pavel Chekov, Christine Chapel, Gaila (Star Trek) Additional Tags: Jewish Character, Jewish James T. Kirk, Jewish Spock (Star Trek), anti-semitism (mentioned and past), illogical fears, Allusions to Tarsus IV, as in you know why he's like this but no one else does, Slice of Life, starships are full of gossip, that is an actual plot point, possible mckirk preslash Series: Part 1 of VaYehi Summary:
Every starship Captain has their quirks. This is less about Kirks, and more about what lies at the heart of it.
In which Jim has his secrets, McCoy is overprotective, the crew learns something new, and Spock is curious. Of course he is.
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littleclover · 8 months
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I'm telling you it's not spirk it's kock
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Also just for the record, like, nine times out of ten, fandom ageism is just misogyny with extra steps
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iliadette · 11 months
Watched the first episode of season 2 and that scene where spock thinks frantically just before chapel waking up had me thinking that if they have them developing a telepathic bond I will set shit on fire. Possibly the paramount studios. Like guys no. This season, is promising to have just as little queer rep as the first. So all right, straight spock and chapel got the feels and the longing and the pining. They got the explicit romance. They got the sex (at least i think they did from the gifs i saw here). They don't get to have the telepathic bond. They better not get anything resembling t'hy'la. Those are strictly a spirk thing. Literally the only person spock had a mind bond with in tos was kirk. Leave something for us. Hands fucking off.
Edit: Watching Lost in translation and guess with whom they're making spock flirt over chess?
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In a few hours I’ll know if one of my OTPs is endgame and while everything is pointing towards that I’m still scared as fuck since in Got too everything was pointing towards Jaime and Brienne being endgame and well we all know what happened, right? (the way Benioff and Weiss traumatized me I swear).
So here I am, asking once again the universe to not ruin this one please thank you very much. I mean the last time one of my OTPs was endgame was fucking 2018 (Rumbelle my beloved) just give me some joy! I don’t have Spirk canon since the writers keep adding new female love interests to both of them when people has been shipping them since fucking 1966, I don’t have Simarkus canon because even if Simon was initially intended to be a love interest since he has the same scenes of Markus’ canon girlfriend (he literally can die ripping his fucking heart to give it to Markus because “our hearts are compatible” fuck this shit) they didn’t because it would have taken too much time (suuuuuure) so they had to chose one and of course they chose the straight love interest because God’s forbid the main character of a videogame and the leader of a revolution having a male love interest and a gay love story!!! And of course for one time there is a straight beautiful love story it has to be destroyed because two morons have a kink for abusive toxic one sided incest disgusting crap! It’s fucking 2023 and I had to see with my own eyes my OTP being canon but getting ruined for fucking incest or not being canon because of homophobia!
Please please give me Benvi endgame please we all know that after everything it happened it’s the only ending that makes sense if they don’t do it to surprise the viewers I’m gonna scream. I’m so, so tired of this shit, please this is not funny anymore.
And all the Benvis who in these days did posts about Benvi being 100% endgame before seeing the last season.. thanks. You kept me mentally stable (sort of). I love you.
I want Benvi endgame. Look, I love Paxton he is a sweetheart but we all know who is Devi’s soulmate. Please. Please. PLEASE.
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hitchell-mope · 1 year
Second place. Part one.
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"I really don’t see the appeal of Spones as a ship (especially compared to something like Spirk) because I don’t see Spock and Bones as having any of those types of feelings towards each other even secretly, plus I think it’s just funnier if he’s the third wheel to Jim and Spock’s romance rather than being directly involved."
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boimmeup · 1 year
how do you think kirk and spock would react if they knew they single-handedly invented an entire subculture (modern fandom) by virtue of being so perfect for each other?
personally i think kirk would be kind of baffled but, ultimately, pretty proud of himself. spock would probably just be bemused.
somewhere in the background, mccoy would roll his eyes and quip something about the two of them only being perfect for each other because they're both stubborn idiots.
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soupbitch-moneybitch · 3 months
was briefly sucked into drama in my old, toxic af fandom, and there's nothing like dealing with that chaotic bullshit that makes me appreciate the ofmd fandom more. the idea that the showrunners of a television show actually care about the audience and their opinions was a foreign concept to me before now. like, ik there's dumb discourse (comes with the territory of being in a fandom, unfortunately), and the cancellation was a gut punch, but the overwhelming kindness, acceptance, and diversity within the ofmd space, both from the audience and the ppl involved in making the show, is something to not ever take for granted, cuz hoo boy, are there a lot of shitty-ass fandoms out there, bro
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electronickingdomfox · 11 months
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Did he just... obliterate himself!? Like, not just deleting the post, but deleting his whole reddit account, everything!? Wow! Redditors getting dramatic...
Guess the spirk canon would do that to certain people.
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