imwateringmysocks · 5 months
yo there is a lot of anti-chinese belief in my area and it's kinda sickening not gonna lie
y'all are acting like the racists that you say you aren't, but this time with """yellow""" skin instead of black skin.
yeah sure, china is a large producer of inexpensive goods, but like, this has bled too far into society, man.
most chinese people have done nothing wrong. they are trying to survive in a system they did not make.
same as you.
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holyvirgilscriptures · 7 months
When a person belonging to a minority group says or does something bad, you are, of course, free to criticize them. But it still does not give you the right to be a bigot. Noah Schnapp sharing stupid, careless, and uninformed geopolitical opinions deserves to be called out, but it does not mean that you suddenly get to tell him that he should have been gassed by Hitler or killed by anti-Jewish hate groups or terrorists — both things I've read on Twitter and on Tumblr. It does not justify you calling him homophobic or antisemitic slurs.
"But he deserves it!" you argue. First of all, why do you think so? What makes it okay for any person to be given the green signal to get called slurs, or have people advocate for them to get hatecrimed? And more importantly, you are only signaling to your Jewish friends that you are actually capable of antisemitism. Same thing goes with your queer friends, or any friends belonging to a minority group. When you justify one form of bigotry, even to just one person — you justify all forms of bigotry.
So if you find yourself doing any of these, ask yourself why it's so easy to slip into bigoted rhetoric instead of simply focusing your criticism on what a person did/said.
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peridot-tears · 1 year
Hey MDZS fandom. I want you guys to be careful interacting with this person.
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If you don't already know, Chinese people have had a long history with cultural erasure when it comes to taking on English-language names. It started with imperialism, and continues as a way to "assimilate" and avoid mockery of our language in western countries.
For Chinese diaspora like myself, it's another form of racism we face, to the point where some of us are reclaiming our names in everyday life. Here's an article about this movement happening across Asian diasporas in the United States -- just to name one instance out of many.
The responses to this post reflect that:
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You can see that my comment assumed "good faith." However, OP deleted these comments and blocked me. (That didn't stop other people from calling it out as well, though I have to assume that if OP was so offended by my comment, the next few people will receive the same treatment.)
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I honestly didn't like whipping up the diaspora statement -- that I wrote with multiple Chinese diaspora fans of MDZS, all of us hailing from multiple different countries and backgrounds, our ancestry coming from completely different regions of China -- because it meant that we were encountering another microaggression.
If you ever wonder why MDZS and danmei fandoms in general seem to be so bereft of Chinese diaspora voices, that's absolutely because of these microaggressions: Someone makes a joke, writes a story, writes some meta, that is culturally ignorant at best, offensive and harmful at worst, and when we gently correct them, explaining why it's racist, the person in question shuts us down, dismisses us, gets defensive, or worse.
Regardless of where you are -- fandom, social media, on the street, at work, at school -- as long as you are interacting with other people, your words matter and affect other people. That includes being racially offensive, even if you didn't intend to be. It's how you respond to the people you've insulted that reveals your character, how willing you are to be complicit in their mistreatment.
My rule of thumb has always been this -- if multiple people, including those of the culture you've just made a microaggressive joke about, find it unfunny, racist, or harmful, then you listen. Dismiss or ignore them, then yes -- you absolutely are racist.
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valyrfia · 2 months
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scuderia-hamilton · 2 months
two safety cars, three retirements, penalty after penalty, war crimes all of this for a VER-NOR-PER
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month
I'm against a Damian Wayne redemption arc,not because i hate Damian Wayne,but because Damian Wayne has never done anything he needs to redeem himself for."He kills people and is super mean to everybody and has an overenflated ego????"Because he was groomed from birth to and dehumanized nonstop.And was also 10 and is now 15
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People's racism is clearly fucking showing when Daniel gets praised for being angry in his post race interview when Yuki gets hated on for fucking weeks on end for the same thing.
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britney-rosberg06 · 2 months
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koalapastries · 2 months
ok race summary:
perez loses p2 early
something happened between the ferraris at the start?
alpine hits a mechanic with a tyre
5 second pit stop for zhou
valtteri loses engine power and dnfs (sad)
kmag hits yuki during safety car and yuki dnfs (sad)
drivers bunch up like an accordion bc sainz does something weird with a gap to perez? (i don't understand this yet fully)
ricciardo hits oscar and lance hits ricciardo
ricciardo and oscar both have gearbox damage
aston takes a whole minute to replace lance's front wing
ricciardo retires
logan comes out of the pits incorrectly (?)
10 second penalty to logan
10 second penalty to lance
10 second penalty to kmag
lance and kmag racing fiercely for p16
sir lewis p18 to p9!!
alonso had a terrible tyre strategy
alonso makes up 6.5 seconds in 6 laps
lando dotd
nico rosberg is hilarious
+ bonus post-race before i turned it off:
ricciardo is apparently a mind reader?
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pacovratta · 2 months
just a heads up for people, if you don't want others defending their favourite driver under your hate posts, maybeeee don't tag the driver you're hating on??? like its really not that hard???
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andromedasummer · 5 months
lewis taking carlos sainz jrs seat everybody clap and say thank you hes defeated one of the grid fascists
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alexalblondo · 2 months
"He's taking less care with his car since the team didn't care about him with the seats for next year" Baby, I don't think that the look Carlos should want to project being ... car less
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earth-to-lottie · 2 months
my boy lan bringing home another trophy (which is GORGEOUS by the way)
I don’t want to talk about the Lance/Daniel/Oscar situation cause my rage is unbridled at lance’s piss poor attitude, like has he EVER heard of the word HUMILITY?? not even the crash but trying to blame everyone but himself when he wasn’t looking where he was going???? Bitch it’s a hairpin at a SC restart?? What did you think they were gonna do other than brake??????????? Anyway moving on
I’m so happy Zhou got his little moment too, I got a bit emosh seeing him teary I won’t lie
Also fernando’s save????? Oh my god that man has reflexes never before seen???? Unbelievable like who was saying he’s too old to be driving??? (Tbf I have probably said that but i’ll happily eat my words rn hahahah) He really said ‘watch this’ and I love that for him
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solaireverie · 2 months
don’t know why i was expecting better but sainz racing his teammate harder than everyone else and ruining both their starts is so typical of him 💀
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yuzuchupachups · 2 months
Whenever I thought about Lewis was soo happy seeing Team LH China in Shanghai which made Toto mad at him, I laughed so hard xjdhsnssm
Wait till next year Torger Christian Wolff🤗
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scuderia-hamilton · 2 months
so i kind of refused to talk about this, but i’m breaking my silence now.
i made the mistake to check the comments under a tiktok video talking about the Lance and Ricciardo situation. it felt like rage bait and like getting a glimpse into some kind of hate group. some people are just downright evil and that’s it.
being this pressed because of a sport and a crash that did not affect you in any way at all whatsoever is crazy. sending death threats to a person and calling them slurs over something so minor like this is mind blowing to me. take a look at yourself and your morals.
also i’m sure if it was any other driver doing that, people wouldn’t have had such a harsh reaction, but they love to find an excuse to hate on Lance. also if for example Yuki would be out there cursing on live TV, he would get stoned, but no one has a problem with it when Daniel’s doing it. check the double standards.
i don’t think that Lance was without fault here, but even if he was to blame, the level of hate he’s getting right now is ridiculous. you can be upset that your driver’s race got ruined, but for the love of god, know the limits. it’s not worth to lose your morals over this, it’s really not.
i think they both handled it bad. Lance could’ve just said that he was sorry, but Daniel shouldn’t have given in to the media’s baiting. he threw all pr training out the window and no matter how angry he was, his reaction was immature and unnecessary. people say he’s great at pr and he's really marketable but it honestly doesn’t seem like it nowadays.
the hate Lance is getting is nothing new, but what Daniel did just fuels this fire and makes it seem like it’s acceptable behaviour. please, just think before you speak, i’m not saying that you’re not allowed to dislike someone or voice that, cause i do that too. but never stoop so low to resort to any kind of hate speech. a sport is not worth that much.
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