#tw racist stereotypes
imwateringmysocks · 5 months
yo there is a lot of anti-chinese belief in my area and it's kinda sickening not gonna lie
y'all are acting like the racists that you say you aren't, but this time with """yellow""" skin instead of black skin.
yeah sure, china is a large producer of inexpensive goods, but like, this has bled too far into society, man.
most chinese people have done nothing wrong. they are trying to survive in a system they did not make.
same as you.
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daisy-mooon · 1 year
I don't ship Namor and Shuri but I will never be able to take Nashuri antis seriously because they say it's a bad ship because "oh he killed her mother :(..." ... first of all, is the angst not part of the appeal? Second of all... you think that's a bad ship? Have you ever been on the fucking Internet??? Have you even fucking used Tumblr?????
Bitches be like "I don't support purity culture" and turn around and be like "You can't ship this because it's not pure"
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whippedcloudsofcream · 5 months
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kreiburgs · 4 months
idk if its just me but recently i’ve been seeing a lot of people online complaining about people in china being ‘racist’ or wtv. ‘theyre chinese thats why theyre racist’ ok how about i snap ur neck, RACIST. stfu u fucking sinophobe stop acting like ur sooo morally pure or some shit ur just a fucking racist who jumps on every opportunity 2 shittalk chinese people. i hope u die
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robthegoodfellow · 2 years
Directly follows this snippet. Takes place in Spin Me Right Round universe, where Billy’s path deviates before he assaults Lucas in canon timeline (hence the vibe between them here is less fraught than you’d expect). Despite that, Billy still has to confront the lingering effects of being raised by a bigot (by which I mean, his own racism), and this snippet reflects on that process. Trigger warning for mention of racist stereotypes and past encounters with derogatory terms related to Latino community.
He and McKinney fell into a pseudo routine, heading to the community courts when practice let out and staying until either it got too cold or too late, and then Billy would drive him home. They figured out that if McKinney was wearing orange sweatbands on his wrists, Billy could more accurately aim for his hands without turning his way, and McKinney had taken to calling a stream of “B—B—B!” whenever he was coming up behind for an open shot.
Sinclair joined them one afternoon when Billy wanted to try a drill that only worked with three players—turned out the kid was more athletic than he looked, and way more into basketball than Billy realized. Apparently he and Sinclair, Sr. followed the Indiana teams religiously, college and pro, but Junior had been so desperate to talk ball with someone nearer his own age that he didn’t shut up for like half an hour, going on and on about their draft prospects, singing the praises of Stipo and Special K, bemoaning the Pacers’ shitty season—1 and 8 since New Year’s, which… yikes.
McKinney had tolerated the high-pitched chatter with good grace, not that Sinclair needed more than the odd grunt for fuel, and gave him some pointers to improve his stance, his shot. When Billy had asked later, en route to Maple after offloading McKinney, why he’d never mentioned even the slightest interest in basketball before, Sinclair had replied, with more hilarious vitriol than should be possible from the mouth of a literal child: “You’re a Lakers fan.”
“We’re not even in the same conference!” Billy had countered, indignant despite the amusement. “Hate on the Celtics, for Christ’s sake.”
“I can hate on both,” he declared.
“Whatever, dude,” Billy said, dismissive, deliberately provoking. “You just wish you had some of that magic—I get it.”
Sinclair had boiled for the rest of the ride, to Billy’s glee.
And look—he’d started all this with the goal of improvement, but it was a narrow, maybe selfish, maybe dickish kind of improvement: upping his game to antagonize some douchebag. But the more they practiced, just them two and with the team, the more he just… liked it. He really, really liked playing point guard. It felt… good?... to set the guys up for success, to tip into motion the dominos that put points on the board. Even though he wasn’t scoring as much, himself—it was a different kind of satisfying, knowing he’d made the right call when someone else made a bucket.
Which was great—maybe his heart had grown a couple sizes or whatever—but… there was another unintended side-effect. One that he was simultaneously so reluctant to confront directly and yet so desperately glad for that… he could hardly have explained it if asked.
He recognized it now because it had happened to him before, back home. It was—it was like this: So, Neil was… fucking racist, right? Billy’s whole life, the bastard had spewed all kinds of vicious, vile shit, and more subtle, insidious shit. Like, it took Billy ages to figure out, when he was little, what his dad meant whenever he mockingly referred to Frito Banditos, even long after the chip company discontinued the mascot. Another one: in third grade, Billy learned the meaning of greenback a couple weeks before he heard Neil rant about a seemingly similar term, and it took a mortifying mix-up at school for him to realize his dad hadn’t meant skyrocketing rates of soggy dollar bills.
Even as a kid, a part of him knew Neil was off-base—knew he was wrong—but as the years wore on, and all that garbage piled up in his ears, it… it poisoned the well water. Billy didn’t mean to, but for a while, an invisible finger pressed Play on the tape recorder in his brain whenever he crossed paths with any Latino—and he’d tense, get all awkward, precisely because he’d be trying to act normal despite the foul phantom torrent reminding him on a loop that they were all gang bangers, drug dealers, lazy freeloaders, illegal aliens, on and on and on.
And Billy’d had this paranoia, that somehow… they knew? That one look in his eyes and his thoughts would be manifest, even though he didn’t believe those things, even though he would press Stop if he could, bash the tapes to smithereens if he knew how. He’d been polluted—felt it intensely—how Neil’s ugliness had become his ugliness.
It wasn’t until middle school, when he started surfing sometimes with this kid Joaquin, who’d then introduced him to Manny and Luis, that he realized he could filter out the mental contaminants through… well, meaningful interaction with people—with the targets of Neil’s bullish bigotry. He’d started recording new stuff, true stuff, over the old.
Like… how Joaquin’s family had been in California long before it was even a state, and still visited relatives just over the arbitrary line in Baja; how Luis was living proof that everything Neil had sneered about the Sanctuary movement was bullshit, because there was a genocide going on in Guatemala and the US was backing the slaughter—had a hand in all the bloodshed plaguing the region, in fact; how Manny’s uncle had been one of the artists who’d transformed the concrete pylons of Coronado Bridge into a towering medley of murals, remaking Chicano Park into something beautiful rather a bleak reminder of the wholesale destruction of a neighborhood in favor of a motorway.
How Joaquin could make him laugh harder than anyone else with his lightning-fast, brutal quips, but Luis showed him the value of just sitting on his board, legs dangling, and feel the rise and fall of the surge like a pair of lungs beneath him; how Mexican food was hands-down the best thing Billy had ever tasted—not that there’d been much competition, considering his Ma’s favorite dish involved pickled fish and Susan’s most adventurous seasoning was salt; how as soon as Billy mentioned wanting a tattoo, Manny had brought him badass sketches of skulls… and when Billy’s mom had passed, had dropped off this little painting of some lilies, which he’d only been able to look at once and then put it away in the shoebox—safekeeping, not safe for opening.
It wasn’t like they were constantly hanging out or baring their souls—and Billy bared almost nothing—but you spend enough time with people over the years and you can piece stuff together. He missed them—wished he’d let them in, let them see more of him than the laid-back, wise-cracking beach bum. Hadn’t seen them since last March, when he’d gone off the rails. Hadn’t even said goodbye before leaving town.
Anyway. Went without saying, but Neil’s myriad prejudices hadn’t been limited to Latinos, and so—yeah, sometimes with Sinclair, with Jeff, and McKinney and other guys on the team… same playback problem, different tape. It wasn’t nearly as bad as it had been when he was a kid, probably because of the groundwork he’d already done thanks to his surfer buddies, and because he wasn’t an idiot child anymore who only had his parents to go off of—he read shit, and he had eyes.
Yet he couldn’t ignore—and was secretly relieved—that another round of re-recording was afoot, because just knowing abstractly, academically, that Neil was full of shit and racism was, you know, bad… it couldn’t compare to actually getting to know a person. First, there’d been Sinclair, and Jeff, to a limited degree—and now…
He was pretty sure he and Patrick McKinney were… friends? Guys didn’t exchange bracelets, or whatever, so unless they were Labradors in human form like Eddie, it was sometimes hard to tell when you’d crossed from the neutral status of “teammates” to something chummier. On Billy’s end, nicknames meant you were in—and he didn’t seem to mind Billy trimming his first and last—but maybe for Pat, the “B” was just… expedient?
It was more than that, though, because… like, he knew that Patrick had two older brothers—one about to graduate from Purdue and one living in Chicago who worked in advertising and had been involved in the Coke Adds Life campaign his first year in the business. That his father had died of cancer five ago, so his uncle, his mom’s brother, had moved in to help keep the household afloat. That he didn’t like his uncle much, for reasons Billy could guess.
Pat was shy—he tended to clam up in group settings, preferred to quietly observe, only piping in when he felt strongly about something—but once you got him alone, he had a mega puckish streak. Laughed easily, ragged on Billy nonstop, always in good fun, and could take it as well as dish it. Which was fortunate, because: ABBA. And just in general, the dude’s musical tastes were weird as fuck. He showed up at the community courts with a boombox one afternoon and started blasting a disco mix, for crying out loud. Claimed he played better when he had some groovy tune stuck in his head.
So, yeah. Friends, or… getting there.
The results of all their extracurricular practice were—pretty immediate, and pretty obvious. Both of them got more minutes with every game, the team started winning more than losing. Billy pretended not to notice how Carver was increasingly ornery about it—real waspish, pun definitely intended. When Coach announced the starting line-up ahead of a Friday match toward the end of January with Hargrove and McKinney at one and two, Carver flushed to the roots of his lame accountant haircut, but waited until the team had been dismissed to the showers to unleash on a poor innocent locker—the clanging kick carried over the hiss of water and booming chatter, and even when most of the team had finished getting dressed, Carver’s every movement was imbued with a violent flourish.
It was honestly delicious to witness, though Billy made a point not to glance at him directly, monitoring instead with his—by now, very well-honed—peripheral vision. On the way out, trailed stoically by Baker and Copeland, the little pissant muttered, just loudly enough for everyone to hear, how the sport was clearly turning toward cheap tricks and theatrics, and wasn’t it a shame.
The door had barely swung closed when Billy keeled over, hands on knees, cackling like a fiend. Harrington, who’d been apprised of the plan since day one, playfully kneed him in the side and Billy flopped to the gross tile floor, still laughing, arms raised in a reclining Rocky victory pose. There was a smattering of chuckles around the room.
“Watch your back, B,” murmured Pat, leaning over him from his perch on the bench, his voice laden with amusement. “First it’s cheap tricks, then magic tricks, then…” He raised his brows.
“Turning tricks,” Billy finished, as though doomed to his fate, and Patrick snorted. “Don’t worry, man.” He accepted the offered hand and pulled himself upright. “No one’s gonna see me with the devil.”
They won that Friday at home against Jefferson High—a real nail-biter to the final minute, when Billy somehow managed a devious no-look bounce pass to Patrick in the paint for a jump shot so picture perfect that the bench rioted.
“That was some Showtime shit!” Pat hollered over the chaos of mobbing teammates at the final buzzer. He launched himself atop Billy in a semi-hug from behind, then bounded over to his mom in the stands, who was still in her scrubs under her winter coat.  
There was talk of a celebratory bonfire at the quarry, and as he and Harrington were leaving the locker room, intending to at least swing by, have a couple beers, Billy paused.
“Hey, Mickey!” he called. “You need a lift?”
Patrick scrunched his nose, caught up with them as they headed for the parking lot. “Ma’s gonna want me home.”
“We’re not planning to stay long,” Billy tried. “Could ya talk her into an hour?”
“You made the winning shot,” Harrington pointed out. “That’s gotta earn you something.”
Pat shook his head wryly. “No one talks her into anything, but I’ll ask. Wait up?”
They hung back while he jogged to his mother in the lobby, winced when his beseeching look was met with an unimpressed flat stare. When her gaze flicked their way, they both startled, then simultaneously raised an awkward hand. She bit her lips, repressing a smile—the same way Pat often did—turned back to her son, and let him plead his case a bit more. Uttered a few stern words that had Patrick alternately shaking and nodding his head, then shooed him away.
“Home by eleven thirty,” he said, and waved his arm in an after you toward the winter night.
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daydreamerdrew · 9 months
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Captain America Comics (1941) #6
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So, I have a bit of a fondness for TTS, however, there's been something I've been thinking about recently that I have a bit of a problem with in regards to the show.
In my Celestial Garments AU, there are a lot of POC/POC-coded characters (my biracial ass just can't help it), and when that's the case, I like to double check for harmful tropes by browsing the @/writingwithcolor blog. But whilst doing that and working out the relationships between one of my Black woman characters and Raps, I realized something unfortunate about the show.
While I love multiple of the POC characters we get in the show, I noticed that they perpetuate various unpleasant and negative stereotypes, and some of these tropes even bring down the quality of the show by not doing more with certain characters.
Let's go over each of the POC shown in the series, and analyze if/how they feel into racist tropes:
I love this man, since I like wise, mysterious characters like him. But unfortunately, he is 100% a Magical Negro. Half the time, it feels like he is only there to provide wisdom, advice, and exposition for our white protagonists. And that makes me kinda sad, since you could do a lot more with him, even in very subtle ways. Maybe better show how he is a legitimately respected pillar of the community, and don't always have him go out of his way to help. Instead, he'll just be doing his own thing most of the time, or priorities his fellow commonfolk.
But sadly, in canon, that is not the case. Instead, he mainly just pops up to help the white people. We barely know anything about him as a person or his backstory, nor does he have an arc of his own. He's just the wise old guy who's often delegated to being a plot device rather than a fleshed out character.
This disappointed me so bad. Personality wise, I don't see too many problems with how Lance is written, though I could be mistaken. But narratively? Oh boy.
Lance is considered a "major character" and member of the main cast, being present in all three seasons and often accompanying the main group. And yet, somehow, he gets very few singing rolls (despite having an amazing voice), no real arc of his own, and very little time in the spotlight.
Cass has a whole song about "waiting in the wings," but Lance is the true one constantly waiting in the wings. I don't even remember an episode that's all about him. He has room for depth, and yet it's never explored.
He also, to my dismay, is constantly regulated to the "Black best friend" roll more often than not despite having so much potential. What is he often described as? Well, he's Eugene's best friend. That's essentially how he was introduced as in his debut. He's a sidekick, and we never really get to seem him lead during their times together. They are supposed to be partners in crime, and yet we mainly see Eugene taking charge, Eugene coming up with the plans, Eugene telling Lance what to do, Eugene getting the final hit in.
It's never Lance who goes first or makes a plan. I'm fine with characters being more followers than leaders, but in terms of duos, I think they should both be able to lead each other.
Honestly, the fanfic writers are better to him than the show ever was. There are fanfics in which he supports Varian and hangs out with Varian, Catalina, and Kiera, but in those, even when he's supporting Varian, there will be a large part exploring how his backstory has caused him to react this way. He gets depth and emotional intelligence and appreciation from the author and readers.
The show rarely explores his strengths and instead chooses to show his weaknesses and flaws, and whilst characters having flaws is great, you need to balance it out a little. The fandom knows that he has some amazing qualities, but the show never highlights that the way they do for the rest of the main cast.
The only times Lance gets to shine is when he's in a fanfic, and that makes me really fucking sad. And even then, part of his role is to support other people. Whilst I love Varian-Lance friendships in fics, it makes me sad that Lance never gets supported. He's always forced to take care of other people, and I have yet to find any fics where Lance is getting lifted up rather than doing the lifting.
It's just really disappointing and noticeable that they mainly do this to the only MOC in the main cast.
If how Lance was handled made me feel bad, it is nothing in comparison to the immeasurable disappointment I feel in regards to how Adira was handled.
She was one of the most interesting characters in the series, to the point that I would 100% want a spinoff just about her travelling around and doing stuff. Many in the fandom have even called her the best character in the show, and I can see why. Which honestly makes how they treated her narratively much worse.
Adira clearly had her own personal goals and backstory, but she is still regulated to being the "mysterious Asian mentor". And worse off, her whole role in the series is to guide the white main character around and support her journey. Adira's whole (barely even finished) arc revolves around Rapunzel, and it feels disappointing. She has so much potential, but she is constantly forced to revolve around the white lead.
And once Adira starts having her own stuff (like the thing with Hector), she's quickly taken out of the story again. And then they don't even manage to finish her plotline properly. She has so much potential, and yet she's constantly being pushed aside.
Not completely stereotypical, which is good. I can't think of any stereotypes she fits into, though it does feel a bit weird that her red-head sister gets an episode around her, whilst Kiera doesn't. But at least she's pretty well written (in my opinion). But, I might be mistaken on the lack of stereotypes, so if any Asian folks have anything to say on her, please add more in the replies/reblogs.
The Separatists of Saporia:
Oh Saporia, you poor, underexplored concept. You had so much potential and were so intriguing, and yet this happened to you.
Other folks have commented on the antisemitic aspects of the Separatists and how they are designed, and since I am not Jewish, I can't exactly comment on that much. But I will believe people on that, and even then, I myself have some complaints to make.
Andrew's race/ethnicity is hard to pinpoint (racial ambigious character alert), but he clearly has a lot of ethnic features and there is no way in hell that he is white. And what is this character's main trait? He is a terrorist who has enslaved an entire kingdom. Not a good look for one of our few MOC in the series.
Juniper is one of the only Black woman in the show, and not only does she have little to no speaking lines, but she is also a violent terrorist and seems to fit the "Angry Black Woman" stereotypes, at least from what I remember. She at least always looks pissed off, which is...a choice.
Kai is a large, dark skinned man who is also part of this group of terrorists. A "Scary BIPOC Man", if you will. Great...out of the few brown/black men we have in this show, basically all of them are either big and muscular, or soldier/warriors. That's nice...
So, out of our very small cast of POC, three of them are terrorists. Fun.
Ruthless Ruth:
She is one of the two Black woman in the series, and god am I disappointed. Literally a "Strong Black Woman", and a violent "barbarian" at that. This hurts my soul. I just- I just can't. I can't deal with this shit. Two out of two of the Black women in the show are violent criminals. Why? Just....why?
Captain Quaid:
This guy is only in one episode, and he seems okay to me. I can't remember too much about him, though, so I can't say for sure. If anyone has any comments on him, please mention them in the replies.
Fernanda Pizazzo:
Not sure how to feel about her, but she's giving me "Romani Fortune Teller" vibes, in like, a bad way. I'm not sure how to describe it, but it's there.
Madame Canardist:
I thought Fernanda was bad, and then I saw this character. Holy fuck.
If there is an outline for how to write an offensive caricature of Romani folks, I'm pretty sure some of the crew read it and used it verbatim for writing her. It would almost be hilarious how stereotypical it is, if not for the fact that this portrayal is deeply harmful. -1000/10, very icky no good.
So, yeah, I mostly love this show, but the way the characters of color are written/designed is very bad and harmful. They are always either caricatures, bad tropes, or have their potential wasted in order to support the white leads. I hate it, and it adds yet another gripe I have with the show.
I just think it's very important to always acknowledge as a fandom the racism in the show. I'm just glad that the fans are better at writing the show than the showrunners, since ya'll have improved a lot of this stuff in your fanfics and stuff.
I'm not sure exactly how to end this post, I just felt the need to make it, especially the parts about how the narrative handled Xavier, Lance, and Adira. They deserved better.
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woomycritiques543 · 2 years
Charlie is a Hellborn demon. She's not white. She's not a human.
Do you even know what "coding" means anon?
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It means "applying racial traits and or sterotypes to a non human character." Are you people just trying to gaslight at this point?
She's white coded asf, the people that are shown as the "worst" in the series are poc coded asf or are darker skinned. Those are some weird asf implications. Considering that her appearance is inspired by a white, European doll (which still makes this the "white" savior trope if the main character is implied to be based off of the appearance of a white person. She's also a person in power. So having a white coded rich character + poc coded characters being shown as "more evil" = huge disaster.) most of the poc characters are greywashed despite the show clearly being ok with giving demons human looking skin colors, yet Charlie is shown to be the "heroine" of the story while the "sinners" she has to "save" are (almost) all confirmed to be poc.
They're showing demon with the physical traits of a white person to be the "savior" of demons with the physical traits of a poc. While showing the poc coded ones as "c^nnibalistic savages" and the rich, white coded one as the "sweet preppy one who wants to make them good again!" (somehow) while her poc gf works under her as a manager to her hotel. Same with how the show presents a victim mentality with a british sounding monarchy who's shown to mistreat a minority (sound oddly familiar poc followers?) yet the show wants to present him as the victim and not actually hold him accountable for this. While his "love interest" is one of those minorities, who ive heard, "used" to be his slave that was sold to him by his rich, british sounded father for a day. Yet ive also heard that despite that, the british sounding rich character still uses his past slave to his advantage and constantly treats him as "bellow" him on top of it.
They also named the only character who has an afro and darker skin "COCO." after the fact that she's based on a black woman while naming another black character "RAT."
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Yet much of you still find that these implications arent weird?
Because as someone of a minority, this combined with the "slave" plot from Season Two of Helluva Boss is EXTREMELY weird.
What the fuck?!
(This is describing things that are canon and said by the creators themselves. Please dont spam me about quoting the wiki.)
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(The series also never explains what they were arrested for (not like Verosika was performing "illegally" and they wouldnt have known whether Verosika caused the sea monster since they dont know about demons. So with the "SICK DEVIANTS!" and the "pig dick" along with the constant hate comments from the script on their sexual nature. Theres a huge chance that the script (the writers) choose for them to be arrested just for being... sexual. Yeah um... a person of color getting arrested for showing their sexuality... being played off as a "joke." You legit cant call yourself "progressive" and then constantly pull shit like this towards minorities (autistics and all) and not somehow be seen as a hypocrite. Jesus Christ...)
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(self explanatory 👆🏾)
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(the lower class minority of the series (imps) being sold as a slave to the british monarchy of the show and the series labelling the ex-slave's relationship with his past master who takes advantage of him constantly as a "cute" and "romantic" relationship.👆🏾 Did I mention that they are also showing the minority in the situation as "theives" towards the monarchy with a british accent?)
(The representation of Voodoo as "evil"/only showing the evil spirits/misrepresenting harmful spirits as "evil.")
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I swear that I am this close to making a video on this.
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thewokecatgirl · 2 years
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I'm boutta start hyperfixating on my country's history and culture.
Like, Dutch architecture, Dutch folklore, Dutch history.
I mean the history is awful for the most part, that I already know. But I am interested in the history regarding our fight with the sea, or the way we shipped around tulips. Maybe even the history on a geographical level, like the ground and swamps and stuff.
I'm particularly interested in the folklore. I always thought I didn't know anything of it, but it turns out I know more than I thought about it, because of some comics I read as a kid. Witte Wieven (basically ghosts), weerwolven (werewolves), de bokkerijders (goats with wings and devil worshippers or something), the lange man (apparently we have a version of slender man too? But he would knock on windows and look inside)
anyways I fuckign love it
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mxbitters · 2 years
i just decided im gonna actually scroll through d*lls k*ll so i can do that thing that’s basically in my blood passed down from my gramma to my mom to me where i look at things, don’t buy them and then just recreate them in my own quirky lil way <3
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unheard-herald · 2 months
Knowing Better: The Part of History You've Always Skipped | Neoslavery
Knowing Better is a former high school teacher. As he says at the start of the video, he had always believed in the whitewashed version of American history in which Lincoln was a hero who tried to free slaves and slavery ended after the Civil War. Then he found out by himself that the reality was much different, much more complex, an infinitely uglier. This video should be shown everywhere.
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wikagirl · 4 months
I forgor I wanted to post this so here it is a month later.
Time to clown on the "indian" aka stereotypes about natives art project week stuff from primary school (like 2007/8) I found in a box at the very tippy top of a shelf while cleaning my room
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so first of can we please talk about how dusty this is? when I say it was at the tippy top of the sehlf I mean it like it was so far back I had to get a broom to pull the box forward, this thing has not seen the light of day for 16ish years
but now on to the contents
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so first we have these little pouches which, by themselves, would be a pretty neat and cute arts and crafts project if it werent for the context of the overarching theme
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then we got these things which I am assuming are supposed to be a pretty sad mockery/imtation of the medallions that are a traditional item in a lot of tribes in different variations across the american continent.
Gotta love how primitive these are, like it just shows the image that (sadly) most folks still have over here especially on the country side where learning about what european settelers did over in america is not seen as relevant enought to german history to teach about even tho the way settelers "managed" the "native issue" was literally the blueprint for concentrationcamps but that‘s a topic for a nother day
but I have give little me credit tho for scribbeling a literal thunder dragon on there, little me had good taste.
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then we got a flimsy little cardboard tomahawk and a drum made from a flower pot and like 8 layers of that thin paper people weap sandwhiches in. Again, the drum would be a cute idea for a craft project if it weren‘t for the context.
While I‘ll most likely toss out the other stuff I will try to actually salvage the drum, sand off the acrylic paint and give it a new paint job and slap some fake moss on it, make it a little fairy core drum so when my bff rings her ocarina we can be a little fairy bard group at larps.
okay and not for the the ✨costume✨
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yeah it-…its literally just a sheet with a neckhole and these fringey bits cut into it and a strip of fabric from the same sheet with little bisons on to it 😐👌 I am cringing as much as you are (probably)
so um yeah that‘s it. that‘s the post. I could write an analysis about this and how it perfectly displays the lack of care of european schools to properly teach about american history and what kind of rotten foundation the great land of the free is actually built on but honestly I don‘t really feel like I need to? I think you get the point?
like literally native hisotry is an OPTIONAL topic not in history but in ENGLISH class in 10th and 11th grade and only for vocabulary reasons, most of the time teachers tend to pick australian aborigines because it is a less political topic…aaand yeah its just really sad I guess.
I got lucky in 10th grade and had a teacher that eas close to retirement so she just didn‘t give a shit about the curriculum and freestyled about anything she was passionate about and since she lived in the US near a rez for like 10 years this was one of the topicss
also really glad that the internet exists and gave me the recources to educate myself more on topics like this because oh god I don‘t even wanna know what I would be like if that wasn‘t the case.
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thicc-astronaut · 1 year
Something I love about my dad is that once-in-a-while when the topic of racism comes up he says “I can understand - not understand, but I can see why you’d be racist against black people or mexican people, because they look different. They have a different color skin, it’s easy to look at them and say they’re different. But Jews look just like white people! How can you be racist towards Jews?”
Bless his soul, he’s too dumb to be antisemitic 
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spxcemuses · 1 year
Anonymous asked: I dunno if this would count as ☯️, but maybe The Genie's appearance in The Simpsons episode MyPods and Broomsticks? Only reasoning I have is that Disney owns The Simpsons now, and Castellaneta voices him here, having also voiced The Genie in the Aladdin TV series and Kingdom Hearts games.
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[ send me ‘☯ + a scene from my characters canon’ and i will drabble it from my character’s POV. ] | Always Accepting
The Genie had been waiting patiently, knowing that one day, someone will rub at his lamp. And this day came when Homer had decided to rub the lamp that appeared in front of him. A jet of blue smoke comes out, accompanied with a laugh. He stares at the smaller man before him, excited and happy that he is free.
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“ You rubbed? You must like me! You really, really like me! ”
Genie exclaims before shapeshifting to news reporter attire, giving little jazz hands.
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“ Good moooorning, Ramadan! ”
He shouts in glee, spinning around and causing more blue smoke to appear. His attire is now to a striped business suit, akin to a salesman. His tone is peppy, quick like one too.
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“ Come to Crazy Fayedi's! Our prices are Hussein! ”
He disappears in another cloud of blue smoke, only to appear behind Homer on the flying carpet this time. Genie pulls his hair back, morphing his face to look eerily similar to Jack Nicholson's from The Shining. 
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“ Here's Djinni! ”
He hears Homer laugh in amusement, glad that this oafish man was enjoying the impression.
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“ Heeheehee, now do Flanders! ”
Genie refuses the request, laughing again at the prospect of changing Homer’s Western point of view.
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“ No. Now I will destroy your decadent western society! ”
This wasn’t really him, it was just a part of Homer’s dream. He hums eagerly, spinning around a Christian church and molding it like clay until it turned to a mosque. He notices Reverend Lovejoy exit, quickly zapping him and turning him to a imam. He zaps the bullies into members of the mafia, and then an entire music store into having nothing but Cat Stevens music. Homer shouts in horror at all this, not liking how everything had changed. He wants to end this nightmare!
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“ Nooo! Hm. Usually, that ends the dream! ”
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daydreamerdrew · 1 year
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Hit Comics (1940) #10
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