There are plenty of extremely well written WLW ships in media nowadays, it irks me when people say there isn’t. They’re just not as known because people spend their time hyping up the same YT mlm ships but don’t give that energy to sapphic ships, whether it be queer women straight women etc. People pretend to care about wlw rep but when a wlw ship that is well written and beautifully developed is shown, it’s passed off in favorite of watching two old gay pirates.
anon, you're not wrong that there are a lot of well written ships...but in my OG post that this is responding to, I did specify that I was looking for wlw rep that involved a seasons-long love story that ended with marriage and kids. I feel like that, specifically, is much rarer and in my case I have never had a ship I’ve loved that ended like that - emison and sanvers in particular failed me and none of my other canon wlw ships have gotten stories longer than one or two seasons and actually ended up together. so of course with my luck, the one show I find where the wlw couple genuinely ends up together rand happy is the one and only show where I dislike the wlw couple 😩
but anyway…if you have any recommendations for longer shows where the wlw couple gets married, please send them in!! or any wlw show recs in general (apart from the 100 and grey’s anatomy which I will never touch).
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lmaoducky · 2 years
Tbh I'm more of a 'DC Comics Maggie Sawyer' dude than 'The Supergirl Show Maggie Sawyer' dude.
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moistvonlipwig · 1 month
hypothetically if i just sent you every heart in that ask as a lovely littlel rainbow…??? :D
I'm assuming for Supergirl again? ;)
I cut out a few that I just didn't have an answer for at all. The rest are under the cut. Again, kvetching about a CW superhero show awaits.
❤: Which character do you think is the most egregiously mischaracterized by the fandom?
I have had to click out of so many fics because they feel the need to get in a throwaway dig at James that often has absolutely nothing to do with his canon characterization. ("He was only interested in Lena because he liked the prestige and perks of dating a billionaire!" No??? Wrong??? Do not pass Go??? Do not collect $200???)
🧡: What is a popular (serious) theory you disagree with?
I don't agree with the idea that Kara is some sort of "genius" just because she's from Krypton. Being from a more '''advanced''' society (which is a thorny and problematic label in and of itself) does not make you ''smarter" than people from a '''less advanced''' society (see what I mean? Thorny and problematic). Living in a society with hyper-advanced technology doesn't mean that you know how that technology works or the fundamental principles that underlie its construction, especially if you are 13 years old. Also, even if you did, that is not inherently a more valuable form of knowledge than, say, knowing how to make dumplings – a skill I'm sure Kara herself would say is incredibly valuable, and which Kryptonians do not possess.
And that's not even getting into the fact that knowledge itself isn't the same thing as intelligence, which is a hard-to-define concept that has been historically used and still is used today in deeply problematic ways, but which I would argue is more about creativity, imagination, and the ability to generate new solutions to problems given the resources and education available to you than it is about simply knowing stuff. I certainly wish we got to see Kara display her resourcefulness, knowledge, & skills more often on the show, but fandom's insistence that she's actually way smarter than all these silly backwards primitive humans because she's from a planet that's made certain scientific advancements is incredibly fucking weird and frankly strikes me as the product of a colonialist mindset.
(I also just kind of think it's an uninteresting take on her character? She already has so many incredible abilities and interesting character traits, why does she ALSO have to be a "genius" who can rival Brainy & Lena in scientific thinking?)
💛: What is a popular ship you just can’t get behind, and why?
Supercat, for all the reasons I listed in my other post, and Sanvers, because the whole whitewashing thing is really egregious to me and also the way they were written just kind of grated on my nerves. Also Agentcorp. No real reason, I have no zingers to deliver about it. I just don't see it.
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
You and I have already talked about how I don't actually think Lena has a "one-strike policy", and how the only person she actually cut off after only one strike was Andrea, whose betrayal came at a time when Lena was extremely vulnerable. I believe I've also mentioned to you in an ask that I think people read her politics wrong -- a lot of people classify her as a conservative when she is, IMO, clearly a libertarian, hence her pro-business, pro-gun, anti-secret government agencies, generally socially progressive views. (Additionally, one of the quirks of Supergirl's casting is that they accidentally cast all of Lena's past friends/lovers as people of color, which has some truly fascinating implications about Lena's racial politics.)
🤍: Which character is not as morally bad as everyone else seems to think?
Lena is the obvious answer, although the real truth about Lena is that she is, actually, quite morally all over the place, it's just that she's not any more morally all over the place than anyone else on the show. Andrea, also, I think gets a bad rap from some people and from the show itself, which I talked more about in my other post. Um...I don't think Clark is a bad person for leaving Kara with the Danverses? To quote one of Once Upon a Time's most repeated lines, he gave her her best chance. He wasn't ready to parent her and he knew it -- I think that takes real integrity to admit, actually. Does that mean Kara can't have complicated feelings about it? Of course not, but I don't think it's fair to say he "abandoned" her. Placing a child in a loving home is not "abandoning" them. It's quite the opposite.
(The Clark situation admittedly gets worse post-Crisis when suddenly he has two teenage sons who would've been born around the time Kara's pod landed, which means maybe Earth Prime Clark was down for being a parent but just didn't want to parent Kara specifically, which is much more dubious. But also, Crisis was very bad, so I prefer not to think about it.)
💔: If you had to remove one major character from the series, who would you choose?
I guess it depends on if my options are "remove them vs. change how they were written" or "remove them vs. keep them as is"? If I have to keep them as is if I don't remove them, then the clear answer is Mon-El, whose presence I would argue damaged the show more irrevocably than any other writing decision.
If I can change how they were written, that's a different story -- Mon-El in the comics is a cool character and I think the show could've adapted his story in a genuinely interesting way. Imagine if, in S2, Kara had discovered a pod with an amnesiac child inside who appeared to be Kryptonian. Not only is she now just a little less alone, she now has a chance to make amends for her inability to take care of Clark! Except then we find out -- he's not Kryptonian, he's a Daxamite. The same species as Kryptonians, but they left Krypton ages ago (or were driven out -- perhaps the stories Kara was told as a child didn't tell the entire truth) and are known to be isolationist and xenophobic, with a particular hatred for Kryptonians. The Daxamite boy (who Kara named "Mon-El") gets accidentally exposed to lead, and Kara must banish him the way she herself was banished. Then, S3 comes along, and would you look at that - the Legion of Super-Heroes is here from the future! And their leader is none other than Kara's adopted baby brother Mon-El, now grown up and with all his memories returned to him. Cue drama! (While I'm making up a version of Supergirl that didn't exist, I'd also like this version of Mon-El to be Asian. We truly didn't need more white guys on this show.)
So if I were allowed to rewrite characters like that, I'd have to opt for getting rid of a character who wasn't just executed poorly, but conceived poorly as well. William is a pretty obvious choice, as they clearly only created him to be a love interest and had no earthly idea what to do with him when that didn't work out (or, well, at any point in time, actually). Even when the show moves him away from his S5 misogyny and his (kind of baffling, given how little effort she puts into the job he values so much) late S5-early S6 interest in Kara, the only character trait they can think up for him is "baking", which kind of says it all, really. Winn, I feel, is also extraneous; even if you get rid of his misogyny in S1, I just don't think we needed a nerdy white guy character. Lena and Brainy have the scientist role covered. So, IDK, either of them, I don't care lol.
💕: What is an unpopular ship that you like?
I already talked about Guardiancorp in my previous post and that's probably my only actually unpopular ship. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
💀: If you had to choose one major character to die, who would you choose?
I don't think killing characters off truly fits with the vibe of the show, which is one of a long list of reasons why William's death was bad. If I could instead put a character on a bus, it'd probably be J'onn -- they clearly ran out of ideas for his character partway through the show (and David Harewood frankly seemed to run out of interest in portraying the character as well). Which, honestly, that usually happens with older male mentor figures in shows about young women coming into their own -- look at Giles post-S5 on Buffy, for example. IMO both M'gann and Malefic (both of whom actually did get put on buses to Mars in the show proper) would be much more interesting Martians to have on the show full-time.
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wikifoxnews · 1 year
Who is Matteo Messina Denaro ( Italy busts Sicilian Mafia boss ) Wiki, Bio, Age, Crime, Arrest, Mafia, Investigations and More Facts
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Matteo Messina Denaro Biography                                            Matteo Messina Denaro Wiki
An Italian mafia boss who once boasted he could 'fill a graveyard' with his victims was arrested by police on Monday after 30 years on the run.
Matteo Messina Denaro, a convicted organized crime leader and Italy's top fugitive, was arrested at a private clinic in Palermo where he received classified medical treatment, paramilitary police said. Italy busts Sicilian Mafia boss Matteo Messina Denaro after 30 years on the run https://t.co/gwOBcOKf2s via @nypost — Team Sanvers (@TeamSanvers) January 16, 2023 The 60-year-old was still considered the main Sicilian figure on Costa Nostra and ran his Trapani-based operation despite having been in hiding for the past three decades, officials said. He was the latest of three long-fugitive mob bosses who had evaded capture for decades.
Messina Denaro has been convicted of dozens of murders in absentia and faces several life sentences, including two bombings in Sicily in 1992 that killed anti-Mafia prosecutors Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino. The captured billionaire boss was also found guilty of killing the young son of a renegade employee, who was strangled and his body dissolved in a barrel of acid. He was the latest of three high-profile fugitive mob bosses who evaded capture for decades, only to be arrested in Italy, and 30 years and one day after his mentor's capture, convicted "boss of bosses" Salvatore" Toto" Riina, who arrived in an apartment in Palermo after 23 years on the run. In retaliation for Riina's arrest, Denaro and his bloodthirsty troop "planted bombs in Milan, Rome and Florence. They blew up national monuments and a museum," co-director Cyprien d'Haese said in a new episode of Netflix's World's Most Wanted. “, at the Post Office in 2020. "It was his way of saying, 'We are so powerful. We can take anyone anywhere. Denaro's father - a high-level mafioso - had entrusted him to Riina for a cursed education that began around the age of 18. Denaro quickly established himself as a reliable foot soldier with a penchant for killing. “Riina loved her,” d'Haese said. "Denaro was told to kill, and he killed." Messina Denaro was taken to an undisclosed location by police soon after his arrest, Italian state television reported. Read the full article
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ravenclaw-genius · 6 years
Sanvers: An Introspective Review
Let me begin by firmly and irrevocably declaring that I respect all shippers. And I mean that, truly. That part is important, and that’s why it’s all the way up here, at the very top of my first, real Tumblr post.
Write magnificently, draw spectacularly, create hilarious/beautiful/heartbreaking gifs; observe, enjoy, read, tag, reblog, review, absorb and appreciate all things related to your preferred couple, trio, or aesthetic - be it homosexual, heterosexual, polyamorous, asexual or anything in between or outside of those parameters. Do whatever you need to do in order to feel happy in your fandom, and don’t let anyone, especially me, deprive you of that joy. It is sacred and precious.
That being said, I have some thoughts, and right now, I’m really struggling to fathom the diehard nature of many of the Sanvers shippers - and believe me, I’ve genuinely tried. Because, hey, a real, emotionally-invested, committed lesbian relationship that TV producers are willing to make canon? Hell yes. Sign me the fuck up. I support that wholeheartedly on principle.
What I can’t understand is this: why are the Sanvers shippers so surprised and appalled that the relationship doesn’t work out?
Let me explain.
Firstly, Alex Danvers is a lovably badass, overprotective, sweet emotional disaster. She is a beautiful baby gay, and a favorite character of many, many Supergirl fans, myself included. We, as a fandom, adore her. We want Alex to be happy, want her to find a healthy relationship that she can feel comfortable being a part of. HOWEVER, Alex’s relationship with Maggie Sawyer is her very first gay experience.
Don’t get me wrong, their relationship is important. I’m not trying to reduce its significance, that’s not what this post is about. Alex and Maggie’s relationship is gorgeous, enlightening, briefly perfect, and certainly educational... but how many first gay experiences have YOU had that last a lifetime? I’m sure it can happen - in fact, I’m sure that it has - but I don’t think it’s likely.
Sure, I’ve met people and have had friends who say things like, “I’ve never dated another girl, but I don’t need to try, because this one- THIS one is THE one.” And from what I’ve gathered, that’s actually pretty common. Hell, I said it myself, with my first girlfriend, but that relationship crashed and burned, as many firsts do. Now, I’ve got two serious ex-girlfriends, an essential step-daughter, two puppies, and a MAN who I love fiercely and fully intend to marry, someday soon. (Don’t worry, I still only ship lesbians.... What does that say about me, I wonder?)
My point is, you can fall in love with a girl, you can fall in love with a boy, you can fall in love with a freaking bar of soap, for all I care - the fact remains the same. The word ‘first’ inherently implies that there will be also be a second, or that there is more to follow. It’s not probable that a first ANYTHING is going to last forever. After all, you wouldn’t say, “This is my first drink,” if you don’t intend to have a second, right? You wouldn’t say, “This is the first time I’ve won the lottery!” - because you wouldn’t expect to win it twice.
And on that note, allow me to move on to my next source of confusion. The uproar of Sanvers shippers when the beloved couple breaks up seems to focus a lot on how out of character it is for Alex to want a child so badly, and frankly, I disagree. I don’t think it’s out of character for Alex at all.
Alex Danvers has spent half of her life protecting Kara, looking after her alien baby sister and ensuring her safety. She might have been reluctant in the beginning, as most teenagers would be, but Alex has spent years upon years helping Kara to adapt and grow into the world that she became a part of. Alex practically RAISED her, took on that responsibility and made it part of her identity.
Now that Kara has become more comfortable in her own skin and requires less of Alex’s guardianship, I don’t think it’s all that much of a leap to consider that Alex might want an actual child of her own to raise, love, and protect in a similar fashion. And why would anyone fault her for that?
It’s good for Alex to know what she wants from her future, and I think it is nothing short of wonderful that she isn’t willing to settle for less than what she knows she needs. Most of us promote honest communication in a relationship (or, at least, I hope we do), so why is it wrong of Alex to stop sacrificing her own desires, for once in her life, and be truthful with Maggie? Why is it so terrible that she’s standing up for herself, that she’s making a choice and deciding that she won’t be happy in a relationship if there’s no hope for the future that she someday wants to have?
I don’t feel like that’s wrong or terrible of her at all.
My last point - this one’s a doozy, I think, and sort of complicated, so bear with me - is that Alex and Maggie are almost TOO similar, to me. Granted, their life experiences have differed, but I feel like they are sort of the same person, brought up under different circumstances.
Imagine this: Alex Danvers, raised in a religious and homophobic household, instead of the loving, scientific one that Eliza and Jeremiah provided for her. If homophobia had been a more active and present ideal for Alex, do you really think that it would have taken her so long to consider the way that she thinks of other women? Like Maggie, Alex is brave, independent, intelligent, and attentive to her surroundings. With someone as strong-willed as Alex, do you really think that she wouldn’t have realized her gayness? Do you think she’d have done anything differently than Maggie did, in the same circumstances?
They’re both extremely guarded, both cagey, both willing to sacrifice everything for the people that they care about. Hank gave Alex the opportunity to join the DEO, but Maggie and Alex both ended up in law enforcement, both fighting selflessly to protect others. They’re sweet together, and yes, they both learned a lot from each other and their relationship together, but narcissism is frowned upon for a reason.
With Alex’s uncompromising nature combined with Maggie’s, how long would it have been before something else tore them apart, anyway? How long before something political, or something Supergirl-related, or something job-related would have separated them?
As I said before, I respect the Sanvers ship (as with all others) and I like to think that I appreciate it for what it was - a lovely, beautiful first - but I still don’t understand how anyone can be surprised by the fact that it didn’t work out.
What do you think?
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shewhotellsstories · 3 years
Kat Graham, Candice Patton, Mehcad Brooks, and Azie Tesfai all deserve so much better.
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I’d pretty much given up on TVD by this point but I saw some screen shots on twitter a few weeks back that said circa 2016 Delena stans leaked Kat’s phone number, which is just awful. But I vividly remember reading the youtube comments (clearly I’m a masochist) in high school and seeing Bonnie get called a judgemental bitch for so much as breathing wrong at the Salvatore brothers. Never-mind that they frequently brought death and danger into her life.
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And the cherry on top of this sundae of fandom racism. The actors who are literally just doing a job have to see the things you demons tweet at them. And it seems like they don’t get much support from the network. 
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Again, they all deserve so much better. 
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emxjpeg · 3 years
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(On procreate)
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tuiyla · 2 years
People on Reddit seem to really not like Sanvers and like Alex/Kelly much more. Calling Sanvers "toxic" and preferring Alex/Kelly because they're "healthier." 🥴
Oh really? That's unfortunate. I don't keep with with reddit fandoms at all, apart from Glee and like, Lego so I'm surprised to hear that.
I'm so over people throwing the word toxic around. Like come on, Alex was more mature in later seasons anyway and she grew into her identity so that's one reason why Dansen would be healthier. Why must people bring others down to make a point. How was Sanvers ~toxic~? You know what, I'm sure the arguments are all fascinating but I don't even want to know. This approach to media criticism makes me groan so much. I don't even think the two need to be compared, you can just appreciate both for what they were.
I dig the open communication Dansen had going on but you don't have to call Sanvers toxic to appreciate that.
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hitchell-mope · 4 years
Supergirl season two disc one thoughts
I. Fucking. LOVE. Mon El. He’s amazing. Adorable. Ridiculously good looking. And I can’t wait for him and Kara to get together
Sanvers is teaching me what a slow burn is and it’s torturing me
I miss Cate and I want to punch Snapper in the face.
Winn is adorable as ever. And now he’s got a job that is great for him
Tyler Hoechlin is my second favourite superman after Henry Cavill.
Lillian is far more interesting a character then Lena is.
Lena needs to be hurled into the stratosphere. But that would probably pollute the planet.
Missing karolen because it ended before it really began but they both handed it really maturely and in my head Kara’s dating Mon, James and Winn
Early stage karamel is seriously reminding me of early stage captain swan and early stage eugenzel. Traumatised blonde x rugged brunette is a really powerful combination
I’m living for the Mon and Winn bromance. And Winn’s adoration of Clark. Abd his friendship with James. Just give Winn and Kara all the love alright? Not Lena though. She can burn in eternal hellfire. I just feel sorry for Satan for having to deal with her when the time comes
Megan is a more interesting character than Lena. Though I’m on the fence about her x Hank
I wish Clark was a regular. He’s amazing. I also wish Cat was still around. But I get why she isn’t.
So far I’m loving this season. I just wish that a certain up her own ass ceo didn’t exist. But apart from that this season is amazing so far just like the last
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why-manhell · 4 years
Dont let the krams do better than all of us supergirl lgbt fans
Lgbt people deserve more support than a bland white boy slave owner
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headcanonsandmore · 4 years
Some random thoughts on the ‘Supergirl’ TV series...
(Warning- contains spoilers). I haven’t watched all of it, but this is what I’m gathered so far. 
How can Kara Danvers afford such a lovely apartment on what -at first- isn’t much of a salary? Especially in this economy? I know they make the excuse that her area of the city is rent-controlled, but still. 
Winn thinking that Kara is a lesbian when she’s trying to tell him about her powers is really sweet, considering how he immediately shows her his full support. Winn says lesbian rights!
Lena Luthor is in love with Kara. You cannot convince me otherwise. People don’t stare at their platonic friends like that. 
I like how Winn acted fairly maturely after Kara didn’t return his feelings. He’s not entitled; he understood that she didn’t see him like that, and apologised to her for complicating their friendship. I also like how they remain genuinely good friends afterwards (well, after some time had passed, anyway). 
James Olsen is a lot taller and older than I expected. But I like how he interacts with the other characters.
Why do so many of the male characters fancy Kara? Like, I get that she’s lovely, but still. 
Alex Danvers is awesome. I’m actually sad that I’m not a lesbian, because I’d definitely want to go out for coffee with her. Have I mentioned that I have a thing about redheads?
Kara and Lena need to stop biting their lips when they stare at each other. Are we absolutely sure that the actors aren’t doing this deliberately?
In the crossover episode with The Flash, Winn and Barry’s friendship was adorable and sweet. 
They managed to get Darren Criss for this? Totally awesome!
I don’t think much of Mon-El. Him and Kara have little chemistry together, and I actually prefer how he interacts with Winn. Not in a shippy way, but still. 
Pretty sure Katie McGrath keeps doing the gay stares on purpose. 
Alex’s coming out was written kind-of weirdly, but her and Maggie are a cute couple. 
I don’t get why Kara even likes Mon-El. He comes across as a bit of a dude-bro (and not in a ‘he’s-dumb-but-sweet’ way, either). 
I’m in two minds about Brainy. On the one hand, he seems sweet and adorable, but -on the other- he kinda feels like a reductive stereotype about Autistic people. Which isn’t good. 
I kinda wish Winn wasn’t used as the butt of so many jokes by everyone except Kara and a few others. Like, I get that he’s “the nerd” of the group, but sometimes it comes across as mean-spirited. I do like him and Alex’s BROTP moments, though. 
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Can you imagine if we'd had karamel, sanvers and winthor season 2 and 3. Like I didn't even like karamel that much but I enjoyed 2x22 and who Mon El became in season 3. Pair that with a really good Winn/Lena and Sanvers and James running Catco and I would've been OK with it because Winn and James would've had actual good storylines.
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queenofseelie · 5 years
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Did I do this right?
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ezriela · 7 years
Finally caught that sneak peek from tonight’s Supergirl. So...Maggie being rather full of herself is something the fans will not ignore, right? If Mon-El had the audacity to place himself in higher regard than the sisters’ bond, the haters would be coming for him with pitchforks (although, they try to do that anyway).
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krishneedanvers · 5 years
My reaction to every ships in SG season 1-4:
Kara X Cat
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Lucy X James
Well it wasn't that bad
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Kara X James
seriously what the writers was thinking 😒
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Kara X mon- el (mon-hell)
Beurk 😩
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Lena X James
😩😩 the worst thing I've seen in my whole life
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Alex X Maggie 😘
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Sam X alex
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Brainy X Nia
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Alex X Kelly
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And now my OTP
Kara X Lena
They are soulmates ❤️
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hanorganaas · 5 years
kelly is such a glow up from maggie shes so sweet and kind
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