#anti-yara greyjoy
intrepid-fictioneer-7 · 11 months
You know what, fuck it, while I'm at it and still feel confident in myself, I will link this one too, one of the things I've written and published online that I'm the most proud of, despite its flaws (especially pacing-wise). It's not even my own fic, it's a guest chapter I wrote for someone else, but I still really like it. It also fits Halloween too (still 10 minutes!).
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xxlilredshewolfxx · 4 months
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❄️🔥Hey Everyone! ❄️🔥
Welcome to my first blog about A Song of Ice and Fire! This is primarily a Game of Thrones blog! Fire and Blood aka House of The Dragon (HOTD) is in my second asoiaf blog!! This blog is where I express my obsession with Game of Thrones and asoiaf!
🖤🕊️ Before you interact with this blog 🖤🕊️
Keep in mind that this blog is a pro-ship blog and it contains Dead Dove: Do Not Eat content . There are dark themes in this blog. The most noticable dead dove content in this blog would be incest, violence, torture, public executions, and arranged betrothals and marriages with what we consider to be underage people in modern day. But keep in mind this blog is true to the time period and does not shy away from a 13 year old Sansa being engaged to Joffrey or Tommen being married to Margaery Tyrell.
🥀🥀 The ships in this blog are: 🥀🥀 (the most common will be bold)
🦊 Sansa Stark x Sandor Clegane
❄️ Jon Snow aka Aegon VI Targaryen x Tormund Giantsbane
🐲 Daenerys Targaryen x Jon Snow aka Aegon VI Targaryen
🪻Gilly x Samwell Tarly
🎶 Rhaegar Targaryen x Lyanna Stark
⛈️ Daenerys Targaryen x Drogo
🦁Jaime Lannister x Brienne of Tarth
🦑Theon Greyjoy x Ramsay Bolton
🗡️ Arya Stark x Gendry Baratheon
💜 Talisa Maegyr Stark x Robb Stark
🥶Jon Snow aka Aegon IV Targaryen x Sansa Stark
🍷Tyrion Lannister x Sansa Stark
💚 Jojen Reed x Brandon Stark
🏹 Joffrey Baratheon x Margaery Tyrell
🐈‍⬛Tommen Baratheon x Margaery Tyrell
🏔️ Eddard Stark x Catelyn Stark
🏜️ Oberyn Martell x Ellaria Sand
🌹Margaery Tyrell x Sansa Stark
🐺 Sansa Stark x Daenerys Targaryen
🏖️ Ellaria Sand x Yara Greyjoy
💔 Joffrey Baratheon x Sansa Stark
🌸 Cersei Lannister x Jaime Lannister
🐉Viserys Targaryen x Daenerys Targaryen
❤️‍🔥Melisandre x Stannis Baratheon
🦌Renly Baratheon x Loras Tyrell
♟️ Petyr Baelish x Alayne Stone
🛡️ Robb Stark x Theon Geeyjoy
⚔️ Robb Stark x Jon Snow aka Aegon VI Targaryen
🐻 Jorah Mormont x Daenerys Targaryen
🐻‍❄️ Ygritte x Jon Snow aka Aegon VI Targaryen
🐼 Lyanna Mormont x Rickon Stark
🤎 Meera Reed x Brandon Stark
🩶 Meera Reed x Jojen Reed
🪵Meera Reed x Rickon Stark
🪶 Meera Reed x Robbin Arryn
🐦‍⬛Meera Reed x Lyanna Mormont
🖤🕊️ My Complete Dead Dove: Do Not Eat Content List: 🖤🕊️
❤️‍🔥Public Executions
❣️Underage Marriage
💌 Underage Sexual Situations
💕 Age Gap Ships
💦 Incest Ships
😰 Toxic Relationships
..... There may be more later. But I believe that these are most likely the most prevalent.
📛 My Complete Do Not Interact List: ⛔
🔞 Minors DNI
💕 Anti-Proship DNI
🏳️‍🌈 Anti-LGBTQIA+ DNI
⛓️ Anti-Kink/Fetish/BDSM DNI
🫠 Anti-Sex Positive DNI
🕊️ Anti-Dead Dove Club DNI
🗝️ Gate Keepers DNI
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janiedean · 7 years
oooh i'm not a fan of show!asha/yara either but can i know why you don't like the show's interpretation of her?
asha isn’t exactly a girly girl who likes to hold hands and sing kumbaya with others but she’s not an asshole and *tough love* doesn’t mean BEING AN ASSHOLE
(the fact that they changed the name because of the osha thing is ridiculous too)
asha greyjoy would not go all the way to the dreadfort to get theon and then leave because she saw two dogs are we serious, and that was when the problems started
asha greyjoy might not be the person with most tact ever but I think bringing a guy who’s been castrated to a brothel and then proceeding to talk about fucking in front of him is not what she’d do
asha greyjoy is actually not lesbian (???) and doesn’t play into the butch woman stereotypes either (???) but I guess badass lesbian pirate queen fits better for what d&d wanted to do
asha greyjoy doesn’t also sound to me like the person who goes to sex slaves to get laid since she has plenty of men who can’t wait to get her laid and with whom she has kinky sex to her satisfaction but lol I doubt d&d ever read that part of the books did they
asha greyjoy wouldn’t make out with ellaria sand just after she completely demeaned her brother in front of her after the guy went out of a shitload of trauma because she actually, wow, HAS FEELINGS
My sister, Theon thought, my sweet sister. Though he had lost all feeling in his arms, he felt the twisting in his gut, the same as when that bloodless Braavosi banker presented him to Asha as a 'gift.' The memory still rankled. The burly, balding knight who'd been with her had wasted no time shouting for help, so they'd had no more than a few moments before Theon was dragged away to face the king. That was long enough. He had hated the look on Asha's face when she realized who he was; the shock in her eyes, the pity in her voice, the way her mouth twisted in disgust. Instead of rushing forward to embrace him, she had taken half a step backwards. "Did the Bastard do this to you?" she had asked."Don't you call him that." Then the words came spilling out of Theon in a rush. He tried to tell her all of it, about Reek and the Dreadfort and Kyra and the keys, how Lord Ramsay never took anything but skin unless you begged for it. He told her how he'd saved the girl, leaping from the castle wall into the snow. "We flew. Let Abel make a song of that, we flew." Then he had to say who Abel was, and talk about the washerwomen who weren't truly washerwomen. By then Theon knew how strange and incoherent all this sounded, yet somehow the words would not stop. He was cold and sick and tired... and weak, so weak, so very weak.She has to understand. She is my sister. He never wanted to do any harm to Bran or Rickon. Reek made him kill those boys, not him Reek but the other one. "I am no kinslayer," he insisted. He told her how he bedded down with Ramsay's bitches, warned her that Winterfell was full of ghosts. "The swords were gone. Four, I think, or five. I don't recall. The stone kings are angry." He was shaking by then, trembling like an autumn leaf. "The heart tree knew my name. The old gods. Theon, I heard them whisper. There was no wind but the leaves were moving. Theon, they said. My name is Theon." It was good to say the name. The more he said it, the less like he was to forget. "You have to know your name," he'd told his sister. "You... you told me you were Esgred, but that was a lie. Your name is Asha.""It is," his sister had said, so softly that he was afraid that she might cry.
yeah, I didn’t see any of that shit happen in the show, like, what the fuck was the reunion in S6? and
The ironborn bowed and retreated. Asha took a knee. "Your Grace. Must my brother be chained like that? It seems a poor reward for bringing you the Stark girl."The king's mouth twitched. "You have a bold tongue, my lady. Not unlike your turncloak brother.""Thank you, Your Grace."
tldr: y*ara greyjoy is some kind of fantasy power trip of the typical PIRATE WARRIOR GIRL WHO HAS TO BE A LESBIAN, NEEDS NO MAN AND HATES EVERYTHING FEMININE AND HAS NO FEELINGS (at least past S3) and is a complete fucking asshole who treats her brother like dirt 90% of the time whether she wants to or not (and I could say a lot about that brothel scene because lol that scene managed to not be 100% cringy because of the acting but the rest? god it was so uncomfortable to watch I wanted to vomit) and who apparently can’t be in touch with her feelings because god forbid women who aren’t *feminine* are in touch with their feelings and not assholes, asha greyjoy is an actually well-written character who is not a walking stereotype, who does not treat her brother like dirt or calls people insults which are incidentally demeaning women, and incidentally people being theon, who has absolutely not being insulted and likened to a woman by both his father and ramsay in the books but not by his sister, who, by the way, at some point went like
“Cunt again? It was odd how men like Suggs used that word to demean women when it was the only part of a woman they valued.”
and she’s also not some kind of fantasy power trip made by someone (idk which d but I suppose weiss since benioff is better at things outside GOT) who thinks that in order to write a Strong Woman TM who defies gender roles then you have to write her as victarion greyjoy.
actually, y*ara is basically male victarion except less terrible, and asha is *asha*, not victarion. and the next time I hear that ‘she was the only one who ever cared about theon’ bc apparently they want us all to buy that angle when robb existed and the show forgot I’m gonna punch a wall.
thank you for your time and yeah, that’s what I’ve got.
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onion-knights-notp · 3 years
Someone innocently  wore a House Stark T-shirt to work yesterday.
Which naturally gave a Damndest Tarnation stan the green light to start bitching about how the Rightful Queen™️ was screwed over by men who thought “women could only make bad rulers.”
And House Stark Shirt said, “Except for… ya know, Yara Greyjoy had a lot in common with [D.T.]. She was the only survivor after her shitty father and brothers got killed, run out from her home, had to fight for everything she had— all without dragons, by the way. And when things didn’t go her way, she somehow managed to only complain for, like, 8 seconds instead of throwing a complete temper tantrum and going on a fiery murder rampage. Then she took a breath and was a grownup and did what was best for her people. Because that’s what a REAL leader does.”
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sourestlemon · 4 years
Y’all, the second Daario hears that Dany was straight up murdered he’s rallying the squad and conquering the seven kingdoms.
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yenslilac · 4 years
I think it's important to understand the difference between the Iron Island and Northern plea for independence.
Yara, while not official Queen, reached Daenerys first, so Dany was under no obligation to view Euron as King. Yara and Dany both had something to offer each other. Dany needed ships, and having supporters in Westeros was helpful. Yara wanted to get rid of Euron, and possibly Cersei (I don't know her standing on the issues of the Iron Throne). Because of this, Dany was happy to grant independence because Yara was offering something in return, and they could be allies, if not queen and subject. Dany was well within her rights to grant independence depending on what the other party could offer. It's simple logic - why would she give Yara independence of Yara didn't want to help out? Which brings me to:
Sansa, however, was actually totally out of line. Why? Well, Jon was named King of the North, and he decided to bend the knee and pledge himself and the kingdom to Daenerys. So, the North was undeniably Dany's. Also, if we followed logic, wouldn't Jon just revert back to Lord of Winterfell? But in the show, he is still named Warden of the North, so Sansa has no right to turn around and say "what about the North?". She was going behind her leaders back to satisfy her own wants. She also had nothing to offer anyway - Daenerys was going out of her way to risk her and her follower's lives to help out the Starks, and they were already, as her subjects, bound to help her in the war against Cersei.
Yara asked politely and within reason. Sansa technically committed treason.
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Season 8 is just one big “fuck you” to the fans
You like Jon Snow, the main character? Well, fuck you. We’ll turn him into an extra who’s just there to react at things
You expected Dany to become the just and beloved ruler she always dreamt to be? Well, fuck you. We’ll turn her into the mad queen
You like Arya kind and cheerful nature? Well, fuck you. We’ll turn her into a one-dimensional assassin (for several seasons in a row)
You like Sansa smart and compassionate nature? Well, fuck you. We’ll turn her into Littlefinger 2.0.
You expected the Three Eyed Raven to have an active role in the Night King demise? Well, fuck you. We’ll make him useless.
You like Tyrion cunning and witty nature? Well, fuck you. We’ll whitewashing him and turn him into a drunken fool
You like Jaime redemption arc? Well, fuck you. He hasn’t changed a bit since Season 1
You expected Cersei to have a painful death after all she has done? Well, fuck you. We’ll give her a Romeo and Juliet death
You expected Theon to die protecting the Starks? Well, fuck you. We’ll make him die while protecting The Three “I’m not Brandon Stark anymore” Eyed Raven instead and make him sacrifice himself for nothing
You expected Yara to kill Euron? Well, fuck you. We’ll make Jaime Lannister kill him even tho it’s not even his arc
You expected the Army of the Dead to be a force to be reckon with? Well, fuck you. We’ll kill them off in Episode 3
You expected a Targaryen restoration? Well, fuck you. We only allowed Jonerys for Jon to have a good cry after killing Dany
You wanted Braime to happen? Well, fuck you. We’ll make it happen so we can crush it in the same episode
You wanted Gendrya to happen? Well, fuck you. We’ll only make them have sex once
You like Sam, Gilly, Davos, Pod, Brienne, Tormund or Ghost? Well, fuck you. You won’t see much of them
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jackoshadows · 5 years
This is interesting from a poster at FreefolkReddit who attended a season 8 Blu-ray DVD release panel for GOT. I am not sure how 100% accurate this is - the Benioff and Weiss twitter thread from AFF panel had some inaccuracies. But if true, Isaac’s comments are interesting...
Gemma Whelan (Yara)
1 . Euron was fun to work with
2. Didnt like Yara's ending (she had no closure)
3. Liked the action scenes
4. Wanted to be in the battle of winterfell, pushed hard but was never given an answer
5. Didnt really speak to the showrunners about her character direction during her years, frustrated
6. Related to the fans feedback at the end and understood it
7. frustrated with lack of female/poc in the creative team
Kristofer (Tormund)
1. Loved how his character progressed
2. Sad his last scene with Brienne was cut
3. Said the wildlings going north at the end didnt make sense
4. Didnt see D and D at all in season 8. Wanted more character input.
5. The long night was gruelling, too much strain was put on everyone
6. Wants a ghost/tormund spinoff!
7. Last season was rushed, wanted to do more seasons
Isaac (Bran)
1. Hodor scene blew his mind
2. Enjoyed the journey of him as a person during the show
3. Actors he worked with were all amazing
4. Wanted more flashbacks
5. Laughed that NK died so early, wasted his story with the WW.
6. Felt his powers ultimately "meant nothing"
7. Thought the first script for the finale was a joke
8. Didnt like the petition but accepted the last season was disappointing, cast felt this as shooting wrapped
9. Weiss and Benioff were quite demanding in early seasons, felt like they weren’t happy with his acting
So much double standards in the way D&D treated Isaac as opposed to how they treated Maisie and Sophie. Isaac saying that the actors were disappointed while filming,  Gemma talking about Yara’s shit ending and Kristofer thinking the season was rushed....
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yocalio · 5 years
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D&D kinda forgot 1/-
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alrightsnaps · 5 years
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Team Targaryen: Westeros Edition + Reductress Headlines
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syfygirl1998 · 5 years
As a woman in Game of Thrones you have options.
You can be a caring mother and wife. Like Catelyn Stark, Ellaria Sand and Olenna Tyrell.
You can be a woman in power and a commander of men. Like Daenerys Targaryen, Cersei Lannister and Sansa Stark.
You can be a warrior and an adventurer. Like Arya Stark, Yara Greyjoy, Lyanna Mormont and Brienne of Tarth.
You can be innocent and kind to people. Like Myrcella Baratheon, Missandei of Narth and Margaery Tyrell.
But there’s an ‘or’ between them. You can be a mother and a wife OR you can be a warrior OR you can be in power OR you can be innocent and kind.
Arya Stark is only an assassin.
Not a wife, not a mother, not a friend, not a sister.
Brienne of Tarth is only a knight.
Not in love, not a Lady.
Yara Greyjoy is only an adventurer.
Not a Queen on a throne of salt.
Sansa Stark is only in power.
Not part of a pack, not a wife or a mother.
You can only be one because, according to David and Dan, women can’t be more. And the women who tried to be more? They died trying.
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stilldanytrash · 5 years
Sansa: You followed a tyrant.
Daenerys: *dropping from Drogon's back into the Dragon Pit* I heard that you were talkin' shit and ya didn't think that I would hear it.
Yara to Dany, misty eyed: I love you.
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charmingasshat · 5 years
Game of Thrones ten years ago: An imbalance of power towards one family, men in charge of basically everything, bastards are treated horribly and relagted to the wall, a king that doesn’t want to be king and he doesn’t have a real heir and a bunch of disgruntled kingdoms waiting for him to die probably.
Game of Thrones now: An imbalance of power towards one family, men in charge of basically everything, bastards are treated horribly and relagted to the wall, king that doesn’t want to be king and he doesn’t have a real heir and a bunch of disgruntled kingdoms waiting for him to die probably.
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tidustargaryen · 5 years
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And f*ck Bran the Broken and Princess Brexit !
Yara will be renamed The Loyal One in my fanfic !!
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shebeafancyflapjack · 5 years
Has no one else noticed that it was all Dany's female supporters - Yara, Olenna, Ellaria, Missandei who were fridged via imprisonment and/or death, while her male supporters (or the ones with a penis anyway - Theon and Grey Worm, we love you) are the ones who went on to turn against her?
The exception is Jorah but in the original alternate ending, he was to join in on the treason!
I'm now going to cry picturing the great council of Queens and High Ladies we could and should have had at the end of this show.
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