#ch: yara (got)
astoldbyaja · 1 month
Bark like you want it! -Ch. 7~AU Demon Slayer~
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Shit this was so bad! Akaza still had his hand clamped over my wrist so I couldn’t get away and it seemed we were far enough from the Unholy that no one noticed the clear scene of a possible gang shootout about to take place.
“So Kyojuro, you found me before I could find you. I respect that, it shows gumption.” Akaza purred, his hold on his gun was so steady. My heartbeat was beating rapidly now. “I’ve been waiting for you, my friend. We have a score to settle.”
Kyojuro’s look of focus was so vicious and sharp as his gun seemed pointed right at Akaza’s face.
“Whatever business we have we can finish it but let Yara go.” he said. I was trembling, Akaza’s grip on my wrist tightened further as he smirked.
“Why, you have no need to worry about my girl.” he said. My eyes snapped to the back of the man’s head.
“Son of a bitch!” I said lowly.
“This is tiresome, if we’re gonna do this we better be ready for the fall out.” Sekido said angrily.
“I don’t care, I’m just ready for the real fun to start!” Karuku said with a snicker.
“If someone sees us and the police get called, we’ll be in real trouble with the master.” Aizetsu told. Master? I don’t even want to know.
“H-hey look guys, this was all just a big misunderstanding. No need to do anything that you’d all regret later right? Akaza, I reached out to Kyojuro.” I said. Akaza’s head tilted some to face me. “I thought I was in trouble, so I called him. That’s it.”
“Have you been fucking him?” he asked instead. I tensed and shook my head not wanting him to turn his gun on me.
“No of course not! I met him through other friends.” I replied. In the distance I could hear police sirens and I winced.
“Fuck!” Tengen said.
“We gotta go and we gotta go now!” Sanemi said and I pulled back from Akaza’s hold. Luckily, he let me go.
“We need to get out of here now!” Urogi said. Akaza looked at me and then Kyojuro putting his gun away.
“You and I will finish our business.” he threatened. Kyojuro nodded.
“Of that I have no doubt.” he said. The four brothers and Akaza began to run off and the truck moved closer to me, the back door opening. “Yara get in the truck now!”
Damn, yes sir! However I felt I shouldn’t have. I didn’t know how safe I would be with these guys, but I didn’t want to take my chance with the cops either. I got into the back seat and the truck took off. Sanemi and Kyojuro moved through the back window of the truck and sat on either side of me, their guns nowhere to be seen.
I was tense and anxious, wondering what it was they would do. I now feel Kyojuro’s hand over mine, his eyes peering into me.
“Yara, are you alright?” he asked. I looked at him and nodded.
“I’m fine. I didn’t think you all would come. I didn’t mean to start any trouble, honest.” I said quickly.
“Hey don’t sweat it. Shinobu told us that Akaza was your past.” Sanemi said.
“It just seems like he doesn’t believe that.” Obanai said. Tengen scoffed.
“I’m just pissed I didn’t get to take any of them down. Guess it didn’t matter if Gyutaro and his cunt of a sister wasn’t there. I really want to beat their asses.” he said.
“I don’t know how to get away from him without transferring classes and I am already beyond the grace period to drop classes.” I replied.
“Don’t worry Yara, we’ll figure something out.” Kyojuro said. I tensed and removed my hands from him.
“No you won’t. None of you will.” I replied of which Obanai turned to look back in his seat, his offended face matching Sanemi’s.
“Excuse you?” he hissed.
“I don’t want to cause trouble for either gang. I thought only Kyojuro would come,” I said shooting him a glare but looking away, “but it doesn’t matter. My presence is causing too much drama for you all surely you all see that.”
There was a silence in the car.
“I haven’t noticed any inconveniences with having you around.” Sanemi said.
“Neither have I.” Tengen added.
“I have no clue what you’re talking about.” Obanai added.
“Yara, you’re problems are our problems. Ever since you and I got together, everyone’s accepted you into our gang. So don’t ever feel like you’re a burden to us! I’ll protect you!” Kyojuro said. Slowly I let my head look at him upon hearing what he said. Got together, he still thinks we’re together. Did he tell his gang that we were together! Oh, I was right, he is just as bad as Akaza! Both men are obsessed!
“Also your hair looks gorgeous by the way!” Kyojuro added. I just leaned back in my seat.
“Thanks.” I muttered. Okay so I’m trapped between two gangs and a hard place. Okay so not only do I need to survive my classes, I’ll need to move out of my current apartment as well. I needed to sever ties with everyone and just silently slip away.
“By the way, we didn’t tell Shinobu or Mitsuri so if we can just keep this between us that’d be great. Don’t need them worrying or anything.” Sanemi told.
“Fine.” I replied and just remained silent. I just had to fuck the wrong guys. It was late and I was just wanting to sleep. Once the truck pulled up to my apartment, Kyojuro let me out and I walked up to the apartment door. I noticed he was following me, and I paused at the door and looked up at him.
“Yara I’m sorry for letting on to the guys that we were together. I felt it was the only way to get them to help in case the situation with Akaza called for it.” he said. I didn’t believe him. I just shook my head.
“Let’s just forget all of this happened tonight. None of it matter right now.” I replied moving to pull my keys from my dress. I noticed his feet were plastered in the ground and I realized he was not planning to leave. I got my answer Tengen’s truck was already pulling away. I sighed and just shook my head.
“I just don’t want you to be alone tonight.” he excused. Yeah, I’m so sure! And shouldn’t that be my decision!
“Just be quiet.” I muttered. I was too tired to argue about him basically maneuvering his way into my place. I sent the girls a message to tell them I was home and when I got to my room, I just opened my door and went in, Kyojuro following silently. “I need to shower; do you need to?”
Kyojuro removed his shoes and placed them by the door. He shook his head smiling warmly.
“No. I have showered already.” he said. I only nodded and moved into the bathroom, removing my make up then my clothes and getting in the shower. This was so bad, and I didn’t even really know how I was going to go about getting away from these people without it coming back on me. It would be one thing if I was just involved with one gang separating myself from them would be easy. But two gangs, the fuck! How was I supposed to attend classes knowing both Akaza and Kyojuro were wanting my attention. I could probably get away from Kyojuro if I move to a different apartment and just block everyone’s numbers. It’s a big campus, I was sure to never see any of them. I don’t have any classes with them now.
As for Akaza, I just needed to survive the one classes we had together. Easy right. No because it’ll take either of them complaining to their little gang about me and then we’ll have another gym shower room situation like with Doma and Kokushibo and I do not want any more attractive bodies against me. Once I dried off and got lotioned, I opened the door to my bathroom and noticed a naked Kyojuro lying on top of my bed, arms behind his head.
“Dude!” I whispered. “Why are you naked?”
He glanced at me with big bright eyes.
“Why are you naked?”
“It’s my room, I just got out the shower and my pajamas are out here.” I said. He’s already seen me mostly naked so I didn’t think seeing me quickly naked would be a problem while I got changed.
“Well, I don’t have any pajamas plus I like…to sleep… naked.” he said his voice trailing off as his eyes moved all over me. In that moment I watched his cock slowly stand to attention.
“Really?” I asked quickly moving to my dresser to find my gown. I too like to sleep naked but when I’m alone! He snickered.
“You sound pent up Yara. I know your night didn’t go too well and I think we should at least end it right.” he purred. I scoffed.
“Oh yeah and what could you possibly have in mind?” I asked sarcastically as I moved to pull one of my gowns out of the drawer. I was turning and putting it back on when I paused noticing he was stroking his cock to full hardness, a devilish smirk on his lips. I tensed feeling the low throbbing sensations coming from between my legs. My body was reminding me that my brain promised it dancing and sex, and my pussy is reminding me to collect on both of those.
“Come bounce on it Yara. I know you want to.” he said. I stared at him for a brief moment before sighing heavily and dropping my gown to the ground moving over to the bed.
Author's Notes
If Yara thinks she's going to move out of that apartment with 0 issues HAAA she has another thought coming and if she does manage to move out, she thinks she's going to be roomed with some strangers with no drama? HHAAAAA
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musewrangler · 2 years
AO3 First Lines Tag Game
Tagged by: @brievel and @afaroffsong Thank you both!
Rules: Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
I'm assuming here ALL fan fic, so that will include a few yet unpublished things. ;D
Working from past fic to most recent:
Veers watched tensely as the medics guided the grav sled onto the shuttle out on the vast landing platform connected to the medical station.
"You must stick to the schedule I've given you," Doctor Yara said sternly, tapping the specialized medical scanner. "No deviation. He ought to have had four days in the bacta, not 24 hours. You need to understand if you rush things it could literally kill him."
9--Forging Further Ch. 29
Piett looked up as the doors to his office slid open and Veers marched in. Any other person would have stomped, but as this was the 'Iron General' one didn't term this stomping. It was marching. Definitely.
8-- To Strive, To Seek, To Find, and Not To Yield
She clung as closely as she could to him in the dark and terrifying hold of this ship. She had utterly no idea where they were going, but she could guess the purpose. They were alive after all.
With beings like this it wasn't a mercy.
7--What We Say Without Speaking
"Sir, I have to admit this is making me rather nervous."
He could hear the Admiral making small movements to his left as he piloted the lamda. And he definitely heard heard the amusement in Piett's voice as he answered.
"I'm hearing a distinct lack of trust, Mr. Scraps."
6--Whiskey Diplomacy
It was entirely possible that diplomacy had been invented as a way to torture beings in ages past and all records of its inception had been lost. Thus, modern societies just assumed it was a normal way of conducting their affairs, slowly and torturously wearing each other down until they all got a mostly dissatisfying conclusion.
At least, this was Han's theory, as yet another senator rose to drone about all the virtues his planet brought to whatever deal they were trying to forge here.
5--Captain's Log: Tales Set in the World of Horblower
First Lieutenant Archie Kennedy was not someone who enjoyed the cold. His fiance loved the snow and found all sorts of romance about it. He could indeed appreciate that from beside the comfort of a warm fire or reading about it in a book. But she actually liked being out in it, and again, he could appreciate that for a while. But he was ready for the indoors after thirty minutes.
4--The War In The Shadows
Deep breath.
Let it out slowly through the nose.
Lips arranged in a fixed and falsely pleasant smile.
Chin rested on gloved fingers interlaced together to portray interest in the speaker.
3--A Shield Not A Sword
"Sir," his weapons officer whispered in terror. He was a specky kid no older than eighteen. "Sir, what do we do?"
Piett stared out the viewport at the five Imperial Star Destroyers surrounding his tiny little assortment of ships. Four Gladiators and one Victory class. Typical for this part of the galaxy and more than enough to turn his smaller ships into tiny particles.
2--Yet to be titled long fic
Firmus Piett was not a man much given to the idea of romance. He acknowledged that it happened and other people seemed to like it---but he didn't understand the obsession with the shows on the holonet, or soul mates, or love at first sight.
1--Yet to bet titled one shot
"Plase, Max," his friend pleaded, gripping his jacket with surprising strength to keep Veers near him. "Plase. Ah know the ship went down intact. Ah saw it. Ya canna lave him..."
His Axxilan friend slipped back into his old accent when he was very tired, rather drunk, or downright terrified for his people.
Tagging with no pressure: @winterinhimring @hollers-and-holmes @chaosgoblinhours @klarionthewizard @alexx-dax @kanerallels @oftincturedwords @oh-great-authoress @mathmusic8 @themummersfolly
10 notes · View notes
A love in the eye of the hurricane ch 24 (unedited)
(Originally posted 18 October 2022 Slightly better edited chapter)
Gawa rubbed the clear healing gel on her tattoos, attentive to each twitch and wince. It felt sort of like meditation; it was easier to do this task she set out to do.
She wondered if the nervousness she felt weeks before the ceremony and her lack of sleep were connected to this big revelation. She should’ve paid more attention, meditated and sought advice from the experienced elders to see what it could be, but she was busy trying to make the healing gel. Gawa wanted to return the favor Jamyang did for her when she got her tattoos.
She didn’t put all of this, the biggest realisation hitting her in the face, into account, though. Rookie mistake. She should stop doubting herself when it comes to her foresight. It’s gotten more and more accurate as she got older; she’s gotten nothing wrong this year. 
Don’t doubt yourself, Gawa, she scolded herself.
“I look forward to being able to braid your hair again.” She said while rubbing the gel on her scalp, imagining what coloured beads and bells she’d use. The soft hair in her hands and admiring it because she took so well care of her hair like she was someone from the fire nation or Uzushio. Jamyang smiled and her eyes crinkled. “You’re just going to gush and ask me how I got it so soft.”
“Of course I am. It wouldn’t be a normal day without me doing so.” Gawa ignored Jamyang’s intent stare on her face, the feeling of a hand settling on her waist while she rose to her knees to continue rubbing the gel into her fresh tattoo was so distant she thought she imagined it.
The feeling got confirmed when Jamyang put her other hand on her waist and pulled her onto her lap. It’s sudden enough to make her fingers freeze.
It’s… not nice. It’s not. This was normal. Close friends do this. 
Her heart raced, and Gawa scolded it. Go away, I don’t like you. She bit the inside of her cheek and forced herself to continue.
Jamyang was still staring at her with that intent look on her face. Gawa couldn’t fathom why.
She cupped her jaw when she got to her forehead, keeping her steady when rubbing the gel into her arrow.
After a few minutes of working and dealing with Jamyang’s intent stare, she gathered up the courage to ask. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“I’m trying to count your freckles, but I keep losing count.” 
“Why-why are you trying to count my freckles?” The thought was so weird that she looked down at her for confirmation. Going by the look on her face, she was still trying to count her freckles. 
“I’m doing a painting of you, but I can’t get the ratio of face and freckles correct.” Gawa bit back her smile. Cute. Of course she was. 
Gawa’s done that a couple times herself, but she’d been sneaky about it and only done so when Jamyang was asleep- like during training trips- or reading a new book.
“You can’t?” It was easier to focus on that instead. Jamyang shook her head cutely, a pout forming on her lips. “No, I can’t.” She leaned into her hand, still staring at her face. “I can flick the brush all over if I’m painting Yara. I’ll get the ratio right away regardless, because there’s an explosion of freckles on her face.” She said, her expression turned thoughtful. “I can’t do that with you, though.” Her voice was soft as she said that. Her eyes roamed over her face and Gawa looked away and continued rubbing the healing gel in.
“Why?” She was technically done, but she didn’t know how to get out of the situation. Jamyang looked comfortable, and it didn’t seem like she wanted to move soon. “It won’t look like you.” 
“There’s a lot of detail on your face that I can do with a simple brush flick.” Detail, she looked at her that closely? Gawa could only wonder. She moved her hand to the back of Jamyang’s neck, still expecting soft brown tresses, but did not; maybe Jamyang would like the new oil going around that helped with hair growth. 
She’d send some to Yara too, if she wanted it.
Gawa pressed her nose to her forehead, right by her arrow, and inhaled. It took a second for her to realise what she did. Close friends did that. Friends did that to each other and teachers did that to the students they had responsibility for. It was a greeting in the Ryeong’s caves, this wasn’t anything to worry about.
Jamyang didn’t respond to the act at first. “What does that mean?” Her voice was soft.
“You don’t know what this means?” Jamyang shook her head gently. “I’ve never gotten a straight answer to it.” Gawa hugged her arms around her shoulders and she felt arms tighten around her waist and a head burrow into her shoulder.
“Sister Jetsun did it with Shaohao when he was younger.” She still did, but he insisted on returning it when it was time for him to leave. “I’ve seen Adlartok do it with Sister Gyalwo and Monk Taiki. The romantic elements were clear. I saw Anzan do it to Dache, and I thought they were together, but they’re not.” 
“The meaning changes depending on the person.” She answered in the most straightforward way she could. What meaning did it have with Jamyang? Gawa didn’t know. “It’s a greeting in the Ryeong’s caves and an act done out of affection back home. It’s like the kunik done at the poles, but not the same.” The kunik was for family and loved ones.
Jamyang hummed and gave her waist a squeeze. “Thank you for telling me.”
Someone threw the door open and Gawa wrenched herself away from Jamyang’s hold and crashed into the wall in front of them.
Through dizzy eyes, she could make out a familiar-looking figure standing in the doorway with disheveled hair and wide black eyes. Jamyang looked… annoyed? “What do you want, Tora?” She asked, and the boy shifted back and forth on his feet. 
“Uhhh.” He glanced back and forth between them. “Jaya asked for you, but uh.” He waved his hand at them. “Take your time. It’s okay. She won’t be upset. I’ll make sure of that.” He sped off, leaving them in awkward silence.
Gawa rose to her feet and brushed her robes. “You should see what she wants.” She kept her head down, not sure where to look.
Friends hugged each other. Normal. Completely normal. Jamyang’s grip around her wrist felt like fire and she most certainly felt her pulse beating to flapping bird wings.
Warmth spread all over when Jamyang wrapped her arm around her neck and pressed her nose against her forehead and inhaled.
“Like that?” She asked when she leaned away. Gawa managed a shaky nod. “Yeah, like that.” Jamyang smiled at her. “I’ll see you later?”
“Yeah? You will.” She left and Gawa thought she had her room to herself.
She’d completely forgotten about Jampo, who sat on the floor and stared at her. He was assessing her. Every red panda did it. Chuusei had done the same when Feng and Sister Dohna first got together.
He looked back at her when he reached the doorway, the same look in his eyes, and he turned back and followed Jamyang.
Gawa swallowed. “No.” She said, shaking her head. “No.”
Childhood, summer night.
“Down here.” She guided Xie and jumped off and through Jamyang’s open bedroom window. Gawa pouted when she saw her asleep.
“Jamyang.” She shook her, and it got her a groan. “Jamyang, wake up.” She was more insistent and got swatted at, followed by a grumpy. “What do you want?”
“I wanna show you something. Come on, get up.” She glared at her. “I promise it’s worth it.”
Gawa got her out of bed with a huff. “What’s so important instead of sleeping?” 
“Flying on a legendary creature!” She grabbed her hand. “Come on!” Jamyang followed to the windowsill slowly, eyes widening when she saw who was floating in the air outside her window.
“You-you- but what about your babies?” Xie’s eyes crinkled. “It’s beneficial for them to be spending time in healing water, and I’m taking some well-deserved time off before they hatch.” She lowered herself so that they could jump on. 
Jamyang eyed Xie’s long horns with wonder in her eyes. “Woah…”
“I told you it was worth it.”
“You did.”
Xie flew over the mountains of the Druk’s nest and scared Jamyang when she created unique patterned lightning in the sky.
The sight of stars in the night sky mirrored in Jamyang’s eyes had burnt itself into her memory; It was one of Gawa’s fondest memories.
Jamyang christened her mastery with a stealth mission. She didn’t do it immediately. Ama cleared her for rigorous activity six months after her ceremony. Her hair had already grown out down below her shoulders by then, much of it helped by the hair oil Gawa had sent her and her sister a week after their ceremony.
She spent a minute each morning after braiding her hair, thankful for having her hair and that she got to braid it every morning. Shaohao also expressed joy at finally being able to differentiate Yara and her. 
“No killing?” She’s made amends with killing and accepted it as a last solution, but preferred not to. She didn’t like it. Gawa nodded. “No kill-well, no direct killing.” She said. “We’re going to blow up a bandit camp and we need someone to sneak inside, place gunpowder and chakra seals, sneak back out and activate it when they come back.”
Jamyang was okay with that, as long as it wasn’t direct killing. “What do you mean when they come back?”
“Tora has been speaking with some blacksmiths to create custom ‘creatures.” She finger quoted. “armour for the bison so they can serve as a distraction.”
Jamyang frowned. “Custom armour? Is this an important mission?” 
“Sort of?” Gawa shrugged her shoulders. “They’ve been causing trouble with unprotected civilians and Hayma thinks they’re connected to something in the Earth Kingdom.” The Earth Kingdom? “Did she say what it could be?”
Gawa looked unsure. “The Rinpoche’s have had visions of heads being strung up on the walls of Ba Sing Se.” Jamyang gasped. “They think it might be a rebellion in the works. Hayma and Sister Tsering found a small thread years ago and have investigated it ever since.”
“And what is this bandit camp to this possible… rebellion?” A rebellion? Nothing had happened so far that made her think that would ever happen.
“A supply line. A hiding spot for smugglers and a lot of corruption, according to Ryuu-san, Hayma’s informant.”
“So if this camp is destroyed, it weakens the possibility of a rebellion?”
Gawa nodded. “Weakens the possibility, yeah. Lowers the chance of it happening, but it doesn’t mean it won’t happen. It will be delayed by a couple of years, at least, if they decide to go ahead with it.”
Jamyang contemplated it. “Okay, I’ll join.”
“Oh, thank the Guru-,” Gawa put a hand on her chest, relieved.
“How long is it going to be?”
“A month max, Danan and Fuji are already in the area gathering information, so it’s possible that it’ll take two to three weeks minimum.”
Jamyang gave her a weird look and folded her arms. “You’ve never had adults join you on missions before. Why now?” 
Gawa bit her lip and looked to the side. “I can’t shake this feeling that something horrible is going to happen. Tora is the same. He’s extremely anxious about this mission.” She said, “Some adults are on standby in the area.” This was serious. “I’m still joining you.”
“Good, we need to get you fitted for clothes.” Jamyang looked down at her robes. “What’s wrong with this?”
“Nothing, but you’re going to get your first set of armour and something not so flowy and more tight fitting.”
Jamyang stood awkwardly as Tama-san and another person measured her arms and waist. “What colour do you want?” They asked at the same time and she took a second to respond because she didn’t know if it was smart to say a practical colour or the colour she actually wanted.
“Um, navy blue and red stripes?” She’s not serious. Wenzhou’s armour was the first that came to mind. It was the recent book she reread.
A month later, she picked up a set of navy blue armour with dark red stripes with Tama-san and a new set of clothes she’d never worn before. A navy blue hakama and kimono.
Uma’s armour was a royal blue, she gave her a non-committal grunt while the blacksmith’s finalised the armour on her.
Uma didn’t look too bothered. 
Jamyang got into the kimono and hakama because of the copious amounts of books she’s read, but she’s stumped her when it came to the armour. Gawa ended up helping her when she saw she didn’t know what she was doing.
“No, like this.” she said and adjusted the chest plate and tied the cords over her shoulders. She technically knew how to wear it, again from the books she’s read, but it was all in theory that fell straight through her fingers when she tried to apply it in real life.
Gawa pouted at her when she noticed her staring. “Why are you smiling?” Jamyang shook her head. “It’s nothing.”
“Do you know how to put the forearm guards on?” Yes. “No, will you help me?” 
Gawa huffed, “How d’ya not know this?” and proceeded to show her seven ways how to tie the cords.
She knew how to tie the foot guards from her visits to the fuke sects every other month, which Gawa also knew, so she didn’t help her with that.
“Where is this camp?”
“At a cross point between the Earth Kingdom and Fire nation.” Tora said, rolling out a map. “Close to an abandoned mine.” He pointed to a circled area between forests and mountains. “Here.”
Uma huffed as she fastened the last piece of armour. “There, done.” Jamyang took a few steps back to look at her bison. Uma would look like an ominous creature in the night sky.
Four horns, two from the helmet she was wearing, and spikes followed the line of her back. “Think you can look scary, Uma?” Her bison sniffed, walked up to her and licked her face.
That’s a yes.
“Ready?” Sonam Dechen asked. Her, Deki and Gyaltso were the three others joining their group. Jamyang felt confident for once before a mission. She wasn’t nervous.
“Yeah, I’m ready.” 
“I’ve heard of your stealth skills. I look forward to seeing them.” Jamyang rubbed her neck. “Oh, it’s not that big of a deal.” It was, apparently. Apa said she was using a difficult technique with extreme ease. She was, as explained to her by apa, reducing her presence to be like a flower in the battlefield, a part of nature, something that people don’t pay attention to while fighting.
It was a sort of state, like mushin and wuwei, but to her it was natural. Yara could do it too, but she was a cat owl in comparison. There’s a chance that she’d be noticed. Apa often joked about Jamphelyang blessing them during their births. His gentleness giving them a lethal softness in their steps.
But she kept brushing the compliments off because she didn’t know how to respond to them. “Oh, it’s an enormous deal. You stood behind clan head Hanzo and Abbot Wang Jing for 30 minutes without getting noticed. No one has done that before!”
The curious and hesitant murmurs of the bandits filled her ears when the bison took off into the sky. 
“- -monsters?”
“- -spirits?”
“I’ll- -em and- -food- -ck!”
Uma wasn’t food. Jamyang wanted him to di-, go on vacation. A vacation would do them good.
Dorjee’s scroll held many interesting techniques, one of many being ways to inject chi into your writing and make them explode. It required extremely precise control of your chi to create or it could all go wrong.
Jamyang spoke from experience. The paper blew her face when she first tried it. She was carrying a handful of them currently and attached all of them to big rocks on the way down.
Sneaking in was no trouble. They hopped down when the last bandit, hesitantly, left with the others to follow the bison. Small tents filled the area and Jamyang threw small bags of gunpowder around her as she walked and looted a chest she found, picking up arrows for Deki just in case she ran out.
Maybe she’d find some poisonous darts in the chests here. She didn’t bring her blow gun, graciously crafted and gifted to her by Sister Nyima on her twelfth birthday, but she could throw them if she needed to. But if there were none, her senbon was a close second should it really come down to it.
In the biggest tent -the leaders’ tent maybe?- she found Tora hunched over a piece of paper with a serious expression on his face. “What does it say?” 
He sighed. “This,” shaking the paper in his hand. “Can cause… tension between the nations and a lot of suffering for the people.” Tora turned to her. “It’s a plan to overthrow the power in the Earth kingdom.” He looked down at the paper and read. “Wait for Nong, Hisun or Chao to become general, estimated wait: 15 years.”
“But who would-?”
“I have no idea. This has been brewing for years and I don’t know who it can be who’s planned this for so long. Or,” he glanced at the stack of papers sitting on top of a locked chest. That looked important. “This could be a bluff. They expected us to come and they have it out in the open to throw us off guard.”
The sound of crunching grass alerted them, a high-pitched whistle quickly followed.
They’re coming back! Hide!
Tora grabbed the stack of paper. “Come on!” Jamyang grabbed the locked chest and carried it under her arm, not being able to shake the feeling that it was carrying something important.
Something happened when they were running away from the camp. Jamyang didn’t know. One second they were running together and right after, a sharp pain hit her side and she’s sent flying through trees and denting the mountain that finally stopped her.
Tora’s panicked yell rang in her ears. 
She panicked when she couldn’t move. Her vision was blurry, and it was getting spotty and red. Wait, was she bleeding? Where? Jamyang couldn’t feel anything. It hurt to breathe, that she felt. They were coming out slow and ragged. An ugly wheezing sound.
Where were all the footsteps and the shink of drawing swords coming from? In what direction was the forest again? East? Southeast? Was Tora okay? The sounds sounded like they were coming from all around her. Where were they?
The chest. Where was the chest?
She startled at the loud squelch that sounded way too close to her for comfort and something dropping. “Agh, aw, ah-ma.” It hurt to speak. Soft footsteps made their way toward her. “Ah-ma.” Was that ama? Jamyang wanted ama. She’d make the pain go away. Ama. Where was she?
“Can you hear me?” Female’s voice. Who was it? Ama? “Agh, awh, ah-ma.” They stilled. “it huh-urts.” She coughed and tried to look at them, but Jamyang could only see a silhouette.
“Where does it hurt?”
“I’h can’t mbove.” A hard cough racked her lungs. “I’h can’t shee.”
“It’ll be okay. I have you.” The cold of the person’s hands seemed through her clothes. A long nail tickled her skin as the person undid her forearm armour. 
“It’s okay, you’re safe.”
Running footsteps and a pair of warm hands trembled as they undid her other forearm armour.
“I’m here.”
I am tired. I might be taking another break this weekend, but we'll see. I'll add it to the tag if a break happens. (I really want to get the new chapter out of the Tsering-centric story and I'm almost done. I will be done with it this week now that I can focus solely on it.) . I'm trying to slowly braid parts of the Yangchen book into this, but with my own little twist:) Ryuu-san comes from my other story, Tsering and Hayma saved him and he agreed to be their informant. mushin: "You can define mushin as “the mind without mind” – a state when your brain is not preoccupied with anything else than the specific activity you are performing at a certain moment" I think this quote from wayofmartialarts describes the term the best. wuwei: a way of life practiced by taoists, where you go with the spontaneous course of nature  Jamphelyang: Jamyang, Manjushri Bodhisattva.
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stormborns · 4 years
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CHAPTERS OF A SONG OF ICE & FIRE - A FEAST FOR CROWS - THE KRAKEN’S DAUGHTER      “Archmaester Rigney once wrote that history is a wheel, for the nature of man is fundamentally unchanging. What has happened before will perforce happen again, he said. I think of that whenever I contemplate the Crow’s Eye. Euron Greyjoy sounds queerly like Urron Greyiron to these old ears. I shall not go to Old Wyk. Nor should you.”
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janiedean · 6 years
I really do hope you're right and Theon does survive. Theon has survived through so much and continues to live despite everything, it would be criminal in my opinion to kill him off with him saving Yara. I wish I had your optimism but with how bad the writing was last season and Yara being a bisexual woman character. I can't help but have my doubts.
anon given the treatment that they gave anyone non heterosexual on this show ie loras and ellaria first and foremost if yara survives theon it’s not because she’s a bisexual woman, they can’t give a fuck about that when it comes to who you keep alive and you don’t XD don’t worry out of the two there’s no way that they save her and don’t save him if one of them has to die uu
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My American Friend| Diego pt 2
Note: well. That happened,
Reader; female
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While things were situated Y/n did as she told, signing away clearence codes, secret locations, it all as she sat on the cot.
The door opened and she turned her head figuring it was Dani.
"Well. I'll certainly be damned." The woman spoke, "if it isnt the Yanqui that kisses Castillio's ass."
"Watch it García." Y/n spoke standing up.
She took a seat on the near by suppy crates, "Dani tells me you're going after the Castillio kid-"
"His name is Diego." Y/n glared at her.
She hmphed, "what do you want with him?"
"Im taking him away from here."
"And what? Back to America? Where your own people hate you."
"I know my way around scotland well." Y/n defended folding the paper up.
"You care an awful lot for someone that'll never care about you." Clara spoke, pulling out a cigarette.
"Is that an american thing? Or?"
"You think Yara cares out you? And your fighting for it." Y/n growled, steping forward and into her personal space.
"Im fighting for a better world. What are you fighting for?" Clara declared.
Y/n shoved the list, "Enjoy it while you can."
Y/n started her way out.
"I want my bed back."
"Im keeping the damn pen." Y/n shouted and only contuined her way out. She making it to the porch.
"Well if it isnt Castillio's bitching commander." Juan spoke cigar lit in hand.
"What do you want?" Y/n questioned.
Juan pulled out a pistol pointing at her, her own pistol she had ran with.
"You would've shot me dead by now." Y/n argued.
It was shoved flat onto her chest, "Safety's off. It's full."
"Because Dani won't hop off my balls if I dont." Juan spoke Y/n taking the pistol in hand and shoving it back into his chest.
"Then I hope he cuts your balls off. Im not going to be needing it." Y/n told, "You've got a radio?"
"Juan." Dani called, he across the way, "You playing nice?"
Juan looked back at Y/n, and sighed, "If I fucking have to. Come on."
Y/n followed the man, her side aching as they went, she placing a hand on her side as they went to the small shack. Radio's set up and people filled inside.
"Move move move! Yanqui Sadalo coming through!" Juan argued they all moving away from the table as Y/n placed a hand on the chair.
"Lucky for Anton, he's starting to learn to track radio waves, and I'm radioing Diego. Lucky for you, I have a fix for that." Y/n told them, pulling her shirt away from her chest she reached in pulling out a hard drive.
"Is that a Yanqui thing?" Juan asked.
"It's a "I know precautions" thing." Y/n told him, "Because I am so high ranked is That fuckers forces they dont check me. And a grown man touching a 16 year old american girl while she sleeps is a bit of putting don't you think? Of course unless you have a medical license."
"To think I'd ever like a Sadalo's strageties." Juan laughed Y/n pulling the box forward and opening it, in the small card slid perfectly.
Closing the lid she slid it back into place. She turning the radio on, fixing the dial.
She pressed the button on the side of the small mic, three times. A significance that it was her calling.
Diego must've been sitting by the small radio, it usually hidden under his bed, because he immediately answered it.
"Y/n! Y/n is that you?!"
Y/n sighed, hand running over her face in relief.
"Damn leave your little boyfriend hanging?" Juan spoke, smoking his cigar, "You are a nasty little Yanqui-"
"I can't answer him if you dont shut your fuckin Yaran Trap." Y/n argued.
He glared at her, "isnt nice isnt it?" Y/n spoke bringing the mic closer.
"Yeah its me Diego."
"I thought you were dead, why did you lie to me?"
"Wow. Real great first relationship." Juan complimented Y/n sighing.
"Diego it's complicated. Im sorry for what I did but we've got to leave Yara. Meet me at the spot. Bring a bag. The usual time."
Y/n waited for an answer, he seemingly thinking.
"Okay. Someones coming, I've got to go."
Y/n with relief fell back into the chair.
"Complicated?" Juan poked at, "your what? 12?"
"Im sixteen." Y/n shot back changing dials on the radio, "I tried to keep him out of my affairs. The people I have to go an kill. The things I have to do. He goes through it enough with his father. I don't want him to fear me..."
"And he won't."
The two turned there heads, Dani and Clara standing together, horse regins in Dani's hands.
"You're doing something I'd even consider stupid." Dani spoke.
Y/n stood up walking towards the horse, rubbing between its eyes.
"Thank you for not leaving me for dead." Y/n thanked.
"Thank you for giving us locations we would of nevee knew about." Clara spoke.
Y/n nodded, "I should be off."
Clara tossed her a bag, "While your at it. If you have the chance. Put a bullet in Castillio for me?"
Y/n chuckled putting the bag on, "i'll see if I can make the time."
"You know. Your not bad for a Yanqui." Juan spoke, Y/n hopping on the horse.
"And Your not to bad for a Yaran." Y/n responded, "With free media in other places, I'll spread the news, anything to repay my debt."
"Come back with 100 scottish warriors." Clara responded.
"I'll see. What I can muster then." Y/n spoke, the three nodding her off as she went her way, the horse trotting slowly through the camp on its way out.
At the edge of camp and checking the direction of the sun she almost galloped away- but was stopped.
Y/n turned her head.
"Deciding to shoot me now?" Y/n questioned looking at Dani.
He chuckled, "Be careful out there. What your doing is dangerous."
Y/n nodded, "You know Rojas, I always agreed with your side of this battle. I just refused to leave him behind."
With the crack of the regins she was off. The horse galloping along the path.
She rode throughout the day, and till afternoon stopping the horse for a well needed water break and an apple she bought at a stand. They off again till night. The horse trotting down the small path, half way down she hopped off, letting the horse wander and walking carefully down the path.
Turning the corner she snapped a branch with her foot.
With a sigh of relief at the voice she walked out and onto the sand. Diego was there holding a broken shell, in hand his bag on the log they usually sat on
"It's me." Y/n spoke walking forward, hands placing on his shoulders, a smile on her face, but it soon dropped, "I'm sorry. I should have never lied to you. I was scared. Scared that you'd be afraid of me."
He looked up at her her hands moving so they cupped his face, one pushing some of his hair back in almost a motherly fashion behind his ear.
"...I'm sorry..." he apologized, tears starting to fill in his eyes.
Y/n looked at him concerned, "Sorry? For what?"
She chuckled, "You've done nothing wrong Diego. Don't fell bad, I hurt you."
"I...I'm breaking up the set.' He spoke, managing to hold the tears back, "I'm so sorry..."
The cocking of a gun was the last she heard before she was killed on that beach. Shot in the side of the head by Old Dog, his once white shirt covered in red and dragged away by Old Dog to go back to his father.
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The Dove and Her Hound - CH. TwentyNine
Title: A New King
Words: 2,040
Warnings: Slight language
A/N: It’s almost over! Just one more chapter and the series is done, I can’t believe it! Also, if you’d like to request something, send me an ask. I’d love to write something for you! 
Taglist:  @tonbluemchen @affection-rabbit @art-flirt @10morgan10 @thatting @iwontdance-dontaskme @simsvetements
Previous Chapter - Next Chapter
Sandor Masterlist
Game of Thrones Masterlist
It had been a week since your son had been born and many things had happened. You learned that one of Daenerys’ dragons had been killed, most of the fleet destroyed, and Missandei captured. Brienne had come to visit you and the child as well. She apologized for the way she handled things when she encountered your trio years ago. She did not know the significance Sandor had in your life and never knew how to approach you about it. You accepted her apology immediately and you apologized to her as well for your naïve attitude and your hate towards her.
The same night Brienne apologized to you, Jaime Lannister fled Winterfell to go back to Cersei. You had known that Brienne and Jaime were together and when you found out he left, you went to console her.
 “He doesn’t deserve you,” you said. “If he leaves you for another woman when he had you then he’s not worth your tears.”
 You wiped away the tears running down her cheeks and looked her in the eyes.
 “You are strong. You are beautiful. You deserve better. Don’t let one man ruin things for you forever. It’s okay to still love him, but don’t let that take over everything.”
 Brienne gave you a watery smile and sat up a little straighter.
 “Thank you, Lady [y/n],” Brienne said. You stood up and kissed her forehead.
 “You should get some rest. I have a feeling that we’re going to do some traveling soon.”
 Turns out that you were right. A raven arrived from King’s Landing a week later and before you knew it, you were traveling down the Kingsroad. Brienne and Sansa hadn’t wanted you go with them because of the baby, but you went anyways. It took little less than a month to get to the Capital and it looked nothing like you remembered.
 Buildings and houses were charred and crumbling. Ash was still on the streets, swept away into corners. The Red Keep was almost all burnt down. The people of King’s Landing were trying their best to rebuild their homes and lives but it would take years to get things back to the way they were.
 The raven had told you where to go and once more, you found yourself in the Dragonpit. You were seated between Sansa and Brienne, your babe on your lap. Bran and Arya were next to Sansa. You were the first ones there. Ser Davos and Gendry were the next ones to arrive, with Yara, Robin, Yhon Royce, and the rest to follow. Another person showed up with the last group and you couldn’t breathe. It was Sandor, alive and well. The two of you locked eyes and your chest hurt. He looked like he was going to approach you when Greyworm brought out Tyrion before you in chains. Jon was nowhere to be seen.
 “Where’s Jon?” Sansa asked Greyworm.
 “He is our prisoner.”
 “So is Lord Tyrion,” you said. “They were both supposed to be here.”
 “We will decide the fate of our prisoners. This is our city now.”
 “If you look outside the walls of your city, you’ll find thousands of Northmen who will explain to you why harming Jon Snow is not in your interest.”
 “And you will find thousands of Unsullied who believe that it is.”
 “Some of you are quick to forgive. The Ironborn are not. I swore to follow Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow put a knife through her heart. Let them give him what he deserves,” Yara said, venom spewing from her words.
 “Say one more word about killing my brother and I’ll slit your throat.” Arya’s face was ruthless and cold. Yara made to stand up but Ser Davos beat her to it.
 “Friends, please. We’ve been killing each other for too long.” He turned to face Greyworm. “Torgo Nudho. Am I saying that properly? If it weren’t for you and your men, we would have lost the fight with the dead. This country owes you a debt that can never be repaid. But let us try. There is land in the Reach. Good land. The people that used to live there are gone. Make it your own, start your own house with the Unsullied as your bannermen.”
 “I agree. We’ve had enough war. Thousands of you, thousands of us. You know how it ends. There has to be another way,” you said.
 “We do not need payment. We need justice,” Greyworm spat. “Jon Snow cannot go free.”
 Ser Davos sat back down and Tyrion let out a small breath.
 “It’s not for you to decide,” Tyrion said.
 “You are not here to speak!” Greyworm shouted. “Everyone has heard enough words from you.”
 “You’re right. And no one’s any better for it. But it’s not for you to decide.” Tyrion looked up at everyone. “Jon Snow committed his crime here. It is for our King to decide. Or our Queen.”
 “But we don’t have a King or Queen,” Royce said.
 “You’re the most powerful people in Westeros. Choose one.”
 “Make your choice. Quickly.”
 Everyone was silent for once and was looking around at the other people. Nobody spoke until your uncle stood up. He started a little speech talking about him being one of the senior lords in the country and that he knew a little bit about statecraft. It was then that Sansa intervened.
 “Uncle. Please sit,” she said. He kind of spluttered a bit and only sat down when Sansa gestured to his seat with her head. He backed into a pole and it took all your willpower not to laugh.
 “Well, we have to choose someone,” Royce said. That’s when Sam got up and suggested that the people help pick a monarch. Everyone did laugh at that and Sam sat back down, more than slightly embarrassed. It was a funny notion, but you didn’t laugh at your friend.
 “I suppose you want the crown,” your uncle said to Tyrion.
 “Me? No. Half the people hate me for serving Daenerys and the other half hate me for betraying her. Can’t think of a worse choice.”
 “Who then?” You asked.
 “What unites people? Armies? Gold? Flags?” Tyrion shook his head. “Stories. There’s nothing in the world more powerful than a good story. Nothing can stop it. No enemy can defeat it. And who has a better story than Bran the Broken?”
 You sat up a little straighter and looked at your siblings in confusion. When you looked back at Tyrion, he kept speaking.
 “The boy who fell from a high tower and lived. He knew he would never walk again, so he learned how to fly. He went beyond the wall. A crippled boy. And he became the Three-Eyed-Raven. He is our memory, our history. All the wars, weddings, births, massacres, and famines. Our triumphs and our defeats. Our past. Who better to lead us into the future?”
 “Bran has no interest in ruling and he can’t father children,” Sansa said.
 “Good. Sons of Kings can be cruel and stupid, as you well know. His will never torment us,” Tyrion said to Sansa. To Greyworm he said, “That is the wheel our Queen wanted to break.”
 “From now on rulers will not be born. They will be chosen on this spot by the Lords and Ladies of Westeros to serve the realm.” He turned to Bran. “I know you don’t want it. I know you don’t care about power. But I ask you now, if we choose you, would you wear the crown?”
 “Why do you think I came all this way?” Bran said after a moment. Tyrion looked a little shocked that Bran had actually said yes and you knew that the other people in this meeting were feeling the same way.
 “To Brandon of House Stark, I say aye,” Tyrion said. Everyone was quiet until you and Sam said ‘aye’ at the same time. Tyrion sent the both of you a grateful look. Your uncle was next followed by the men from the Vale. Yara and the new Prince of Dorne agreed as well along with Gendry and Ser Davos. Brienne agreed as well, but you saw that Sansa was trying to pick out words again.
 “You know I love you, little brother. I always will. You’ll be a good King. But tens of thousands of Northmen fell defending Westeros. And those who survived have fought too hard and too much to ever kneel again,” Sansa said. “The North will remain an independent country, as it was for thousands of years.”
 Bran nodded in consent and you could see the relief flood through Sansa’s body.
 “All hail Bran the Broken,” Tyrion said. Everyone stood up and repeated those words. When everyone sat back down, Tyrion bowed to the new King and started to make his way out of the Pit.
 “Tyrion,” Bran called. “You will be my hand.”
 “N-No, your grace. I don’t want it.”
 “I know. And I don’t want to be King.” Tyrion shook his head.
 “I don’t deserve it. I thought I was wise but it turns out I’m not. I thought that I knew what was right, but I did not. Choose Ser Davos. Choose anyone else.”
 “I choose you.”
 “You cannot,” Greyworm said angrily.
 “Yes I can. I’m King.”
 “This man is a criminal. He deserves justice.”
 “He just got it. He’s made a lot of terrible mistakes. He’s going to spend the rest of his days fixing them.”
 Greyworm was angry and he spat out, “That’s not enough!”
 After about an hour of talking, a decision was made. Jon would go back to Castle Black as a member of the Night’s Watch. You and your sisters wanted him freed completely, but you recognized that this was the only way for your brother to keep his head. You would miss seeing him every day, but you’d lived with this before so it shouldn’t be too hard. Jon was to leave that evening and you had a few hours before you had to say goodbye. Everyone was slowly trickling out of the Dragonpit when Sandor came up to you.
 “Dove,” Sandor said quietly. You froze and slowly turned around.
 “I thought I told you not to call me that.”
 “You did.”
 “Why are you here, Sandor?” Your voice sounded tired and Sandor could see it in your eyes.
 “I heard you were here and I wanted to talk to you.”
 “Talk about what? How you left me for some petty revenge? How I gave birth with you not by my side? How I have been raising our son without you?”
 “I-I have a son?” Sandor’s heart skipped a beat and your chest tightened at the sound of his voice breaking.
 “What’s his name?”
 “Eddard. Eddard Stark.”
 “Are you going by Stark too?”
 “Ever since you left me.” Sandor was silent for a moment. He stepped closer to you tentatively.
 “Would you ever take me back?” You sucked in a breath, eyes wide.
 “I know I fucked up and I know it will take a lot to fix it. If you’ll even take me back, that is. But even if you decide not to, I want you to know that I still love you. I always have. I’ll always love our babe and I will do anything for the two of you.”
 His voice was so quiet you could barely hear it, but it was also so loud that it was ringing in your ears. Your eyes filled with tears and you gestured to Sansa to take Eddard from your arms. When your arms were free, you wrapped them around Sandor tightly. It took him a few seconds to respond, but soon you were being spun around. You let out a giggle that was cut short by Sandor kissing you. It was a sweet kiss that you broke shortly after it began.
 “While I love kissing you, I think you’d like to officially meet your son, yes?”
 Sandor’s eyes lit up and Sansa brought over your son. You took him from her and gently placed him in his father’s arms. You showed Sandor how to hold him properly and the sight made you melt. Finally, your family was complete.
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Thunderstorm Ι Ch. 4 Ι JJK
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Smut, Werewolf!au
Word count: 7, 535
Warnings: Characters in a less than healthy state of mind, violence, slight body horror, an addicted to cigarettes Jungkook (don’t do drugs, kids!)
Summary: An accidental encounter triggers a series of events that shatter your monotonous life. A new relationship starts to develop, following the stages of a thunderstorm.
Note: Written under the influence of beautiful music
1   2   3   4
Chapter 4: Downpour
      Dull light seeped into your room through the sheer curtains hanging on the window. Raindrops drummed against the glass in tune with the quiet music flowing from the radio. Gray clouds diffused the sunlight, painting the world in desaturated hues of its former colors. The forest just beyond your back yard oozed with thick white fog. You lay in bed awake for what seemed like hours, watching the night fade away.
      You heard a door creak, followed by quick footsteps against the hardwood floor of the hallway. A beat of silence and then the muffled sound of dishes rattling reached you. You listened to your roommate prepare herself a bowl of cereal and sit down to eat with the quiet voice of the weatherwoman to keep her company.
      “… ranging from 5° to 10°C during the day, however temperatures will drop below 0° in the evening and we might even be getting some snow for the first time this season.”
      You rolled over in bed, glancing at the clock on your night stand. Your head sank back down into the pillow. Porcelain clacked against stainless steel in the sink and water started flowing from the faucet. Once she was done, your roommate padded back down the hallway and went into her room.
      With a sigh you pushed the covers off of your body. Cold air immediately crawled over you, rising goosebumps in its wake. The hand that previously rested on your stomach started gliding up the length of your body, across the valley of your chest and came to a stop at the junction of your neck. Underneath your palm your jugular throbbed vigorously with the memory of your intimate dream in mind. The skin of your throat, although clear, tingled with the ghosts of a dozen love bites, left behind by the lips you very soul yearned to capture. You closed your eyes, reliving for the umpteenth time the way your fingers would run through his thick hair, blunt nails grazing his scalp ever so gently as lithe sighs tumbled from his mouth. His hands held onto your waist tightly, pressing you against a hard body that felt oh so hot to the touch. His satin skin felt heavenly gliding against your own.
      “Jungkook…” you whispered when his sharp canines grazed against a raw patch on the side of your neck. He only hummed in response and squeezed you harder. His tongue running the length of your collarbone was the only warning you got before he sank his teeth into the fleshy swell of your breast. Your hands tightening in his hair and the tiny whimper that reached his ears stopped him before he got too carried away. Your whole body was tingling. The pain from the shallow bite made the adrenaline spike in your system.
      You sighed again, covering your hot face with your hands. You almost felt embarrassed about how much you enjoyed that dream. It was so vivid you could still feel him if you concentrated. Turning your imagination off for now, you rolled out of bed.
      You listened to the monotone beeps of the barcode scanner as you tried not to focus on your wet socks. Your old sneakers had lost the battle with the weather once again, causing your feet to become soaked in the cold, invasive rainwater. The person in front of you had rolled up to the register with a heaping cart full of absolute garbage. As you scanned bottle after bottle of cheap alcohol and copious amounts of snacks you couldn’t help but think that this kid was preparing to throw the biggest party his teenage-self had ever attended. He’d walked up to you with a wide grin and a hand already offering his ID to prove that he’d just recently become a legal adult. Coming around to the last few items, you peeked up only to see him excitedly bouncing on the balls of his feet, staring intently at the goods you were tucking into the big paper bags to your right. His bill came up pretty steep, but he was more than happy to throw two hundred dollar bills on the counter, telling you to keep the change. You watched him wrestle the bags into his arms clumsily and run out the door after waving you goodbye. You dropped the $9,50 inside your tip jar as you started to wonder when was the last time you got that excited about something. You glanced at the clock on the wall and figured you still had a while before your shift ended. With a sigh you propped your hip against the register and reached into your back pocket for your phone. Yara’s number was the first one to show up in your history and after a few short rings she picked up.
      “Hey, I’m working. Can you talk for a bit?”
      “Uh-huh,” her voice sounded kind of muffled “gimme a sec, I got some brushes in my mouth.”
      “Yeah?” You giggled
      A rattle sounded on the other end “I’m doing my makeup. What’s up?”
      “Do you want to hang out later?” you cringed right after the words left your mouth “I don’t have much to do after my shift ends.”
      “Sorry hun, I already have plans with that one guy. I mean you’re welcome to tag along, but you might not enjoy it as much as I will.”
      You immediately knew what she was talking about. The guy in question was someone from one of Yara’s classes and she’d had an eye on him for a while. It was nice of her to invite you, but the thought of her not-so-subtle flirting in public made you want to hide.
      “Yeah, I’ll pass. You two have fun.”
      “Thanks!” you were just about to bid her goodbye when she chimed in “Why don’t you call Jungkook?”
      Your heart skipped a little. Why? Because you were afraid that he won’t pick up, again. You didn’t feel like going through the mortification of having to leave a stupid voice mail only for him to never call you back. Yara took your silence as hesitation and continued.
      “Y/n how long are you going to pretend that you don’t like the guy?”
      “I’m not. I do like him;” Your voice was small “I just want some feedback from him.”
      “I’m happy you admit it at least.” Yara’s tone softened “You know there’s nothing wrong in asking him, right?”
      “Yeah, but I’m afraid of rejection.”
      “That’s fair. Still, you’ll never know for sure unless you ask him.”
      You nodded your head, vaguely registering that Yara couldn’t really see you. The conversation had reached a point at which you didn’t want to respond and Yara knew it.
      “Okay, bye. I’ll see you at university.”
        “Bye, hun. Do you want me to call you tonight?”
      “No, it’s fine. Call me if something happens.”
      “Of course.” Yara knew to reach out to you in case of an emergency “I’ll see you later.”
      And with a click the line went silent. Outside thunder rumbled in the distance and the sound of raindrops against the windows of your shop softened.
      Just a couple of customers came in after that. The first one wandered around the aisles for a while, leaving wet footprints everywhere, and left once the rain started to subside. The second one entered shortly after the first, bought a chocolate bar and left without sparing you a single glance. You waited around for several more minutes before fetching the mop. In the midst of scrubbing the white tiles with admirable vigor your hand slipped on the handle and you fell face-first into the rack in front of you. Multiple packs of cigarettes, lighters and other accessories tumbled to the ground. Cursing under your breath, you watched the shelf wobble dangerously, but thankfully manage not to fall. The commotion caused the items that didn’t fall out to topple over instead. With a huff you shoved the mop back into the bucket and pushed it aside. You were going to be stuck rearranging merchandise for hours.
      Perched on a step ladder, you reached into the very back of the top shelf to try and get the last few boxes of cigarette filters. You’d managed to put almost everything back by the time your shift was over. Glancing over at the clock you figured that as per usual Yoongi would be arriving late. You hugged the stacked boxes to your chest and proceeded to place them back on the shelf in neat rows.
        The little bell above the door jingled.
        “Hello.” You greeted blindly
      By the sound of slow footsteps, headed for you, you assumed it was your coworker finally showing up. Placing the last item in its place you were just about to speak again as the footsteps came to a stop. The words died in your throat when you felt a pair of hands smooth up your thighs and curl around your hips. You flinched at the contact, turning to look at the person behind you. Turning around, you were surprised to see Jimin smiling up at you. Without a word he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you off of the step ladder.
      “Hey.” He mumbled, not letting go of your body. In fact, he tried to pull you closer, which you countered by pushing your hands against his chest.
      “Jimin, what are you doing here?”
      “Oh, I was in the mood for something sweet and just happened to stumble upon you.”
      Oh, he was in a mood all right, you could tell just by the look in his eyes. His naturally dominant nature was practically radiating off of him, nailing you in place. It was going to be difficult to get out of this situation, you could feel it.
      His fingers played with the hem of your shirt as his gaze dropped to the sliver of smooth skin, peeking out of the unbuttoned collar of your shirt. All of a sudden you felt terribly exposed in your normally conservative work uniform.
      You cleared your throat and made a move to create some distance between the two of you. With a final squeeze, his hands parted with your body.
      “So, how have you been?” You tried to ease the tension with small talk as you speedily walked up to the register. Jimin languidly followed suit. You could hear his footsteps approaching behind you while you pretended to scrub the glass counter with a small rag you managed to find inside your pocket. Unbeknownst to you, your back was left completely exposed and Jimin wasn’t about to pass up on that opportunity. A chill ran the length of your spine when you felt his arms close in on either side of you, hands coming to rest on the surface in front of you.
      “I’ve been good.” He whispered and you hated the way your body trembled at the feeling of his breath against the shell of your ear. “And you?”
      “M-me too.”
      All of your self-control betrayed you in the face of his close proximity. Your hands started shaking when you felt the faintest brush of his hips against your ass. All of your senses were overcome by his scent and the warmth, radiating off of him. You almost felt gross about the way your body immediately reacted to his advances, without giving you the chance to think about it. He dipped his head into the curve of your neck, hot breath gliding over your skin. You squeezed your eyes shut, swallowing with difficulty and trying your best to stay still to minimize contact. Jimin breathed a soft chuckle and your heart flipped. A dark, deep seated desire to give into him started to slither its way out of the cracks of your consciousness. You felt entranced, as if someone had taken over your mind for a long moment before the rational part of you jumped in. Giving into Jimin was the worst possible thing to do right now. You parted your lips, swallowing a big lungful of air to try and clear your head. Just as you were about to speak, the bell on the door jingled, piercing the atmosphere around you.
      You jumped as his arms quickly dropped from your sides. You turned just in time to see Yoongi walking in with his sights already set on Jimin.
      “What are you doing here?” your coworker jumped straight to the point
      Jimin grinned innocently “Nothing illegal, hyung.”
        Yoongi was staring Jimin down with a stern look on his face and you couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something you didn’t know.
        “I’m, uh, I’ll go change.” You mumbled awkwardly and started to back away. Neither of them payed you any mind, frozen in a silent face-off.
      The staff room door clicked behind you as you leaned against it. You waited there for a few seconds, trying to hear if they started talking now that you were out of the picture. You quickly gave up, figuring that at best Yoongi would tell Jimin off and make him leave. You were half way through pulling your jeans over your ass when you heard your coworker throw in a few expletives, but when you paused to listen in, the conversation became indistinguishable once again. With a huff you shoved your uniform inside your bag.
      “Shall we head out?” Jimin offered once he saw you walk out of the door and you just nodded begrudgingly.
      “Yeah, Jimin you can go ahead, I need to have a word with y/n for a sec.”
      You were surprised that your coworker butted in and came to a stop once you reached the register. Jimin just shrugged and walked out without any objections. Yoongi waited until he was out of sight before he turned to you.
      “Look, I don’t know what the fuck you’ve gotten yourself into, but don’t mess around with Park Jimin.”
      Straight to the point, huh? You could feel your face heating up with the embracement of being caught red handed. Of course Yoongi had seen the little stunt Jimin pulled earlier. Hell, a lot of people probably saw, considering you were in plain sight of the huge windows. You could maybe play it off and blame Jimin for the whole situation, but the truth is you made no move to push him away. Knowing that it was partially your fault stung worse than the embarrassment of being caught. Yoongi’s sharp eyes held no sympathy for your unfavorable position.
      “I assure you, he’s not what you think he is.” He continued “Stay away from him.”
      You looked at him confusedly. For some reason the ambiguity with which he spoke made your hair stand on end.
      “Now, go out there and tell him to fuck off.”
      “But why didn’t you-” You tried to protest, but he cut you off sharply.
      “Because it’s not my place to intervene. He needs to hear it from you.”
      You stared back at him with a sour expression even though you knew he was right. He wasn’t going to budge and you needed to sort your own problems like an adult.
      “Come on now, get lost.”
      You sighed and headed out without saying goodbye. You could feel his eyes on you until you exited the store and rounded the corner. Once you were out of sight, you spotted Jimin leaning against the exposed brick wall of the neighboring building. He had his hands in his pocket as he stared off into the night sky. The last slivers of sunlight were becoming extinguished by dark and heavy rainclouds. The lamps lining the street started to flicker on. You eyed Jimin for a second before shoving your fists into your jacket pockets and walking up to him.
      “I love it when it rains.” He stated simply once you were within earshot. You watched his profile as he inhaled deeply. “Are you driving tonight?”
      “Yeah.” You lied
      He turned to look at you. The streetlight reflected off of his skin, making his features look sharp. You squeezed your fists tighter. The look in his eye was taunting, like he saw right through you.
      “Let me walk you to your car then.”
      It wasn’t a suggestion. Out of nervous habit, you bit down on your bottom lip.
      “No, thank you.”
      “Why not?” He retorted, taking a step toward you “It’s dark, something might snatch you up.”
      “I’ll be fine. It’s just around the corner.”
      Jimin’s gaze dragged slowly down your rigid frame. He smirked when his eyes landed on yours once again. This whole situation was all too entertaining to him. With a few long strides he closed the distance between you. Before you could step back, his hands came to rest just above your elbows. He cocked his head to the side and pouted when he saw you frown.
      “Y/n…” he mumbled in a raspy tone “We’re both adults, right?”
      You stared up at him wordlessly, breath hitching in your throat when you saw him lick his lips.
      “I really like you.”
      “Damn, you sound desperate.”
      You jumped away from Jimin immediately. You turned just in time to see Jungkook rounding the corner with a cigarette and a knowing smirk hanging on his lips. He walked up to Jimin and got right in his face, tucking you safely behind his back in the process.
      “Fuck off, Jimin.”
      As he spoke, he blew smoke in the elder’s face, making him flinch back and cough into his hand. Jimin glared at Jungkook, taking a few steps backward before turning on his heel and taking off down the street.
      You watched the whole thing go down with bated breath. You were expecting a much bigger commotion to ensue after Jungkook stepped in so aggressively, but Jimin surprised you when he simply ran off. You stared after him until his silhouette was no longer visible.
      Turning around to face you, Jungkook exhaled a deep sigh. The smoke from his by now almost burnt out cigarette swirled around you, making you sniffle. You watched intently as his expression softened once your eyes met. Without a word, his hand closed around your forearm and you fell into his chest. His arms squeezed around your shoulders and you couldn’t hold back from hugging him back. Jungkook rested his chin on the top of your head and breathed a sigh of relief. You blinked once, twice and it felt like an eternity before he finally spoke up.
      “Don’t do that. Please, stay away from him.” You felt his heart pound against your cheek as he spoke. His plea sounded soft and shaky. Not really knowing how to respond, you just squeezed his waist tighter. It felt so good to embrace him like that, you never wanted to let go. His warmth, his scent, his heartbeat, everything about him made you feel safe. Jungkook felt you nuzzle into him and it made him chuckle lightly. His hand smoothed over your hair soothingly before he pulled back to look at your face. You didn’t realize you were smiling until he grinned back at you and a soft blush bloomed along your cheekbones.
      “Let’s go, hmm?” he offered quietly
      “I’d like that.”
      His hand slipped down the length of your arm until your fingers intertwined. His skin was dry and cold, but the feeling of it made warmth blossom in your chest. Jungkook gently tugged you closer to his side as you strolled down the street. You happily watched the way your footsteps seemed to match his perfectly while he would occasionally steal sideways glances at your pretty face.
      “I kind of want to wander around for a bit. Is that okay with you or are you too cold?” Jungkook asked softly.
      You turned to properly look at him. His otherwise pale face was dusted pink at the tip of his nose and cupid bow. You didn’t know if it was the look in his rounded eyes, but you suddenly felt bold.
      “I’d like to spend some more time with you, too.”
      Jungkook immediately grinned at your confession, a light laugh rolling off of his reddened lips.
      “I’m relieved to hear that. Honestly, I’ve been missing you lately.”
      Your pulse quickened, but you didn’t allow it to choke out your next question “Where were you then?”
      You watched him carefully as the question seemed to catch him off guard. He smiled tightly and broke eye contact. A few deep breaths passed through his lungs before he was ready to speak.
      “I… You could say I’ve been dealing with myself.”
      He glanced back at you and you didn’t seem satisfied with his answer. You could tell that he was tiptoeing around the truth by the way he avoided prolonged eye contact. His hand unconsciously tightened around yours. You realized that it was making him uncomfortable, but the mystery that was Jeon Jungkook was plaguing you for far too long and you couldn’t let it go that easily. He chewed on his bottom lip as he tried to make up his mind. Your attention was suddenly diverted when you saw a pointed canine sink into the flesh of his lip. It wasn’t impractically long, just sharp enough to become noticeable. Although Jimin’s canines were more pronounced, Jungkook’s seemed eerily similar. You found yourself running your tongue along your upper row of teeth to see if it was more common than you thought, but yours were dull, flat almost. You stared at his mouth in poorly disguised bewilderment until you noticed him looking. His lips pressed tightly together as you slowly looked up to meet his eye.
      “What?” You blurted out dumbly and he just shook his head. The pace of his footsteps didn’t falter when he retrieved yet another cigarette from his back pocket. You watched the flame of his lighter cast a yellow light to his features for a brief second then flicker and die. He inhaled the fumes deep into his lungs. You were almost mesmerized by the way smoke poured from his lips and brushed past his cheekbones.
      “I needed to figure some shit out?” Jungkook’s next attempt at explaining came out sounding uncertain. He glanced back at you. “I had to decide how I feel.”
      The last line piqued your interest.
      “About what?”
      “About a lot of things.” He looked ahead as he took another drag from his cigarette “About…you, too.”
      His hand tightened around yours and you could almost feel it close around the heart hammering in your chest. You fell silent. You wanted to pry further and ask more questions, but the rapid pounding in your ears drowned out your words.
      Your legs were moving on their own as you tried to keep up with Jungkook who was sucking the life out of his cigarette faster than you thought a man was capable of. The store windows lining your peripheral soon faded as you crossed a couple of walkways and found yourself at the entrance of the town park. The place was nothing spectacular with long winding stone paths going across fields of withered grass and trees with nothing but bare branches to flaunt. You stared up at the intricate curves in the iron arc that was once part of the park gates. You followed Jungkook past it and down the main path obediently. Thin fog swirled around you while rotting wet leaved squelched underneath your old sneakers. You stared straight ahead as you tried to make up your mind. You wanted to continue this conversation so badly, you couldn’t let the opportunity slip, but you were suddenly tongue tied. By this point you were convinced that your feelings weren’t one sided and now was the chance to have Jungkook confirm it verbally, but you were afraid. Until now, you’ve only just come to terms with the feelings part, but you didn’t exactly know what that implied. Something told you that if Jungkook was willing to pursue a relationship, that would mean long term commitment, like really long term. You actually couldn’t picture yourself with anyone else beside you and you barely even knew the guy. Never in your twenty-something years on this Earth have you ever looked at a man and thought “I could grow old with him.”. Until you encountered Jungkook it seemed alien that a person you meet in your twenties could be the one you spend the rest of your life with. And the rest of your life was such a long time too, you didn’t think you could ever be prepared to make a decision like that. On the other hand, your chest clenched painfully at the thought of just letting him walk out of your life. Your hand squeezed his weakly.
      You watched the old lake come into view. As you approached its murky waters you had already made up your mind.
      You stopped abruptly when you reached the edge. Jungkook wasn’t expecting it and tugged on your arm once before also coming to a stop. Those tall old post lights lined the edge of the lake and you happened to be standing underneath one of them. You knew Jungkook was looking at you questioningly, but you needed a moment to compose yourself before facing him. You watched the wind ripple the surface of the water as you breathing steadied.
      “How…” you started quietly before turning to him “How do you feel about me?”
      Jungkook immediately recognized the look in your big glossy eyes and it made his heart skip a million times over. Electricity violently zapped the surface of his skin, spreading from the point where your fingers were still intertwined. Adrenaline pumped in his veins, making his breathing heavier. You looked pale, timid and vulnerable under the fluorescent lights. Jungkook felt like he was holding your fragile porcelain heart right in his bare hands as you had unknowingly given him permission to do with it whatever he saw fit. He swallowed once, twice, but not a single syllable rolled off his tongue, even though the answer to your question was quite simple to him. In his head he repeatedly chanted that he was taking way too long to respond. Oh, he would be one hell of an idiot if he chickened out now.
      The tiniest movement beside your face caught his attention briefly. A small white speck was floating down from the sky, crossing the lantern’s light only to melt on your shoulder. Another one followed shortly after, and another, until Jungkook realized it was snowing. Thousands of tiny snowflakes dusted over the both of you, some disappearing into the ground and others getting caught in the loose strands of your hair. Jungkook was positive that he had never seen a prettier sight than your worried face with a halo of melting snowflakes framing it.
      He yanked you into his frame by your hand. You flinched at the sudden disturbance, but your body moved toward him regardless. His hands rested gingerly at the top of your hips, smoothing over the wrinkled material of your jacket. He seemed hesitant, but the soft look in his eyes soothed your racing heart.
      “I have very strong feelings for you.” He finally muttered and it made him cringe at his wording “Shit, that sounded weird. What I want- … what I meant to say is that I like you very much.”
      You couldn’t stop the grin that overcame your features. He was too cute as he got flustered and stumbled over his words a little. Nevertheless, Jungkook’s expression mirrored yours.
      “Yeah, me too.” You whispered when he pressed his forehead to yours.
      “Can I kiss you? I want to do it properly this time.”
      Your whole body was warm with giddiness and it felt like your cheeks would crack with how wide your smile had gotten. You nodded lightly, afraid that words would ruin the atmosphere that had started to form. Jungkook looked at you for a moment longer before his eyelids dropped and he leaned in closer. His mouth brushed yours lightly at first, testing the waters before diving in deeper. His lips tasted of cigarette smoke, but nothing could describe the feeling of completion that filled your chest once they pressed against yours fully. Your fingers slipped up his shoulders and neck until you could bury them in the hair at the back of his head. He pulled you flush against his front, clasping his hands at your lower back. His lips moved slowly against yours, sighing every now and again when you tugged at his hair. Your whole body was tingling, waves upon waves of relief and happiness washed over your anxious heart as you could finally feel his hair underneath your fingertips, his skin against yours and his scent surrounding you. Cigarette smoke had never tasted so sweet, mixed in with something that was so distinctly Jeon Jungkook it made your soul flutter. He never tried to slip his tongue into your mouth, instead his kisses were chaste and gentle. It had been so long since you’d been kissed properly, but somehow your body seemed to naturally react to Jungkook’s touch. He held you close, his warmth seeping into your body and crawling up to your face, tinting your cheeks a shade of pink.
      His lips finally detached from yours, but he wasn’t ready to part with you before giving you a few more pecks. When he pulled away, your eyes finally cracked open, only to find him already smiling fondly down at you. By the time you separated, a significant amount of snow had piled up on top of his head and it made you giggle once you noticed. Jungkook quickly caught on to what you were laughing at and shook his messy hair abruptly, making the snow scatter around him and into your face. The cold snowflakes stinging your skin as they melted only made you laugh harder and Jungkook joined in with a soft chuckle of his own.
      “Man, you’re pretty when you laugh like that.” He mumbled more to himself, but you managed to catch it. You just stared into each other’s eyes with stupidly wide smiles, just feeling content and warm in the other’s embrace even as cold wind howled past your bodies.
      “Do you want to come watch a movie at my place? I’m not ready to let you go yet.” Jungkook asked suddenly and there was no hesitation in your mind when you agreed.
      Safely tucked under Jungkook’s arm and lost in sincere conversations, you walked the two miles over to his house, which you found out was only a few streets away from yours. Stepping over the threshold, you were immediately struck by the strong smell of timber and cigarette smoke. Jungkook slipped his boots off by the door and you followed suit. He helped you hang your damp coat up to dry and led you down the narrow hallway straight into his living room. His house was dark, walls painted in dull shades of beige and gray, hardwood floors a deep brown and old heavy wooden furniture filling out the space. The living room had a semi-modern disposition with only a countertop separating the kitchen from the main area. The place was also oddly cold, like it had been vacant for a while. Jungkook flicked a switch, flooding the room with pale yellow light that didn’t make it much easier to see what with how weak the lightbulb was. You stood awkwardly with your hands clasped together in your flimsy sweater and thin socks, enduring the cold and doing your best to disguise it. Jungkook seemed unbothered as he walked past you and into the kitchen to pour himself a glass of water.
      “Well,” he started once he downed his glass “make yourself at home. I know it’s not much, but that’s what I have to offer.”
      You quickly shook your head because your own house was nothing spectacular either. You didn’t expect a university student like himself to be living in a mansion after all.
      “It’s fine, it’s just-” you hesitated when he looked up at you questioningly “I’m kinda cold?”
      Jungkook paused for a second, as if processing the information, you’d just presented him with and what it entailed. You just stared at him in silence, shifting from one foot to the other until it finally clicked for him.
      “Oh, I don’t have central heating.” He scratched the back of his head awkwardly “But, I can get you something to wear?”
      You nodded gratefully and he disappeared down the dark hallway to presumably fetch you something warm from his bedroom. While you waited, you wondered what his room might look like. He didn’t look like the type of guy that owns a lot of stuff, judging by the minimal personal belongings scattered about his living room. He returned with a black hoodie, one you recognized he’d been wearing around campus a lot. You quickly pulled it over your chilled body once it was within your grasp. The garment was brushed on the inside, warm and cozy as it fell down to the middle of your thighs. You rolled the sleeves a couple of times to uncover your hands and Jungkook chuckled.
      “You look tiny in my clothes.” He said jokingly
      “Don’t flatter yourself. This thing is oversized even on you.” You shot right back, feeling playful. Jungkook let out a breathy laugh as his hand came to smooth over the top of your head.
      “What kind of movie are you feeling tonight?”
      “You’re the host, surprise me.” Your snarky replies seemed to break up the awkward atmosphere and ease the both of you.
      “Horror is far too cheesy for me to even suggest it…” he tapped his chin, pretending to ponder over his options “I guess we just have to watch Iron man.”
      You snorted unattractively at his suggestion
      “Iron man? Are you 10?”
      “Hey, it’s not my fault it’s the best movie ever!” He put his hands up in defense and grinned “Besides, have you even seen it?”
      “You got me there.”
      “Don’t knock it till you try it.” He seemed genuinely excited to watch it with you and it was contagious.
      “I’ll go ahead and download it on my laptop then.” He turned to go but then paused and turned back to you “I- uh, I have a roommate... Do you mind watching the movie in my room instead of the living room? I don’t want to disturb him when he comes home later.”
      You nodded with a smile. “Is it a problem if I hang around here for a little longer?” you asked, gesturing toward the kitchen
      “No, not at all. Do you need anything?”
      “I was wondering if I could fix myself a cup of tea?”
      “Sure, kettle’s on the stove.” With that he walked back into his room, leaving the door slightly ajar.
      You wandered into the kitchen. The cold hardwood floor matched the rest of the house and you thought about how impractical it was if something were to spill on it. As promised, an old aluminum kettle was sitting on the gas stove. You lifted the lid and peered inside, only to find some stagnant water at the bottom of it. You made a face, but washed it out nonetheless. Now filled with fresh tap water, you placed the kettle back on the stove. You fiddled with the switch a little bit to try and adjust the flame, but it was either too strong or too weak, so you just settled with the stronger one and left it at that. You propped your butt on the counter and started looking around. The kitchen was fairly clean, but clearly old and worn out. The fridge to your right was starting to turn yellow and the cupboards above you, albeit nicely crafted wooden pieces, were probably extremely squeaky. You looked around the items, placed on the counter. Next to the knife block and underneath the rack of hanging utensils you found a wooden box with the word ‘TEA’ engraved on the lid. While you looked through the various flavors, you absentmindedly noted that Jungkook didn’t own a microwave. Plucking out a bag of mint tea, you turned to face the hallway to his bedroom. You’d poured enough water for two cups of tea in the kettle, but you didn’t know what kind he preferred, nor where he kept all his cups.
      “Jungkook?” you called out as you settled by the stove once again.
      You heard some muffled footsteps before he poked his head out from around the corner.
      “I don’t know where the cups are.”
      Jungkook walked into the kitchen fully and you noticed that he had changed into a black shirt and some sweatpants. He walked straight up to you and reached for the shelf right above your head. The smell of clean laundry hit you once his chest was in your face. Until now you never noticed how much the cigarette smoke covered up his natural scent. It was clean and sweet, girly almost, with the slightest hint of cologne, but it somehow suited him. Only after he’d placed the cup on the counter did he notice how close he had gotten to you. You blinked up at him as he seemed surprised for a second. Without a word, he swooped down and captured your lips. It was your turn to be surprised, but it didn’t take long for you to melt into him once his hands circled your waist. This time his kisses weren’t as gentle. He was bolder, pushing a little harder against you and even sliding his tongue along the seam of your lips. You timidly parted them for him and he immediately went to work. The taste of cigarette smoke was persistent on his tongue, but it did nothing to dampen the satisfaction you felt as it slipped into your mouth. Jungkook hoisted you onto the counter behind you and lodged himself between your parted thighs. He was getting really daring now, breathing harder and letting his hands wander down to the swell of your hips and ass to pull you flush against his torso. Adrenaline was spiking high in both of your systems and you started to feel excitement buzzing in the pit of your stomach. His lips separated from yours to move into the junction of your neck. He yanked the collar of his hoodie down to expose more of your skin as he heatedly kissed up your throat. You couldn’t stop the gasp that slipped past your lips at his ministrations on your sensitive flesh. His body reacted to the noise and you felt his hips push a little harder against yours. Your legs squeezed his waist as your hands tried to find purchase in his hair. You could feel the shiver running down his spine every time your nails scraped against his scalp. He was focusing on a spot that made you whimper quietly, sucking and licking the skin there to make you release more of the sounds he’d become so fond of.
      Before you could get too carried away however the kettle beside you started whistling loudly, startling the both of you. Jungkook quickly pulled away from you and reached over to turn off the stove. The sound persisted for a few more seconds before dulling down to a quiet wheeze. He rested his hands on top of your thighs that were still hanging loosely on either side of his waist. The two of you stayed silent for a while longer, just locking eyes until Jungkook started to crack up.
      “Sorry about that.” He managed in between breaths and you had no idea if he was apologizing about laughing, or the kettle, or what, but you just joined him in cackling. He helped you hop off the counter and held your hands until you both calmed down. While you were busy catching your breath, he picked up your abandoned tea bag and dropped it into the mug he’d retrieved for you earlier. He grabbed the kettle from the stove and carefully poured the boiling water into the cup.
      “How do you like it?”
      You didn’t know if it was the aftermath of your make out session or something else he had in mind, but you completely misunderstood his implication. Your face flushed. “Huh?”
      “What do you like in your tea?” Jungkook chuckled.
      “Oh, um, I drink it plain.” You fiddled with your fingers awkwardly “Do you want any?”
      “Nah, I don’t like tea.” When you turned to look at the box on the counter, he clarified “That stuff’s my roommates. He won’t mind.”
      Jungkook handed you the hot steaming mug and motioned toward the hallway. You followed him closely on the way to his bedroom. The corridor was also fairly bland with only dull beige paint and three old wooden doors decorating the walls. Jungkook pulled open the first one on the left and you could feel the unmistakable smell of cigarette smoke seeping out. His room was cold, dark and surprisingly empty. There was a double bed pushed in the corner of his bluish-gray walls, a small night stand under the window, an old desk and chair and a chest of drawers where you assumed he kept his belongings. The clothes he’d worn earlier were draped over his chair and the covers of his bed were disheveled, but apart from that there was nothing else to give the room some character. There were no pictures of family or friends, no posters or books, not even general everyday stuff a person might leave around his room. It honestly looked like he’d just moved in, which was unlikely. You stepped in and looked around even though there wasn’t much to see. Jungkook’s laptop was sitting on his desk, a chunky piece of electronic with all sorts of colorful blinking lights. You’d never seen one quite like this and to be honest it was the second most interesting thing in this house aside from its owner. Jungkook moved his chair at the foot of his bed and placed the laptop onto it, ready to stream the movie.
      “Hey, do you mind if I open the window?”
      “Is it the smoke?” Jungkook chimed up “Sorry about that too.”
      He walked over and pulled the blinds up. The window opened up with a creak to reveal the already snow-covered street. It wasn’t anything severe, but it had probably piled up about an inch high. In the patches of light, provided by the street lamps, you could see it was still snowing significantly, without showing any signs of stopping. Cold crisp air flooded the room, making you shiver gently and grip the hot mug between your palms tighter. A pair of built arms wrapped around your middle from behind. Jungkook’s warm chest pressed into you, compelling your body to relax into him.
      “I’m glad I get to spend this moment with you.” He rested his chin on your left shoulder and looked out the window too. “This is my favorite time of the year. I always get excited when it starts snowing for the first time.”
      “It’s lovely.” You confirmed fondly, feeling so domestic already. It felt like you’d known Jungkook for ages and this level of intimacy was only natural. His hands smoothed over your sides, enjoying the feeling of your curves underneath the material of his hoodie. He breathed in, inhaling your soft scent and basking in the satisfaction of finally having you in his arms. He never wanted to let go, and frankly, you didn’t either. His closeness alone was enough to wipe your mind of any worry. You pulled the mug up to your lips and sipped on the scolding beverage. Mint tea, a snowy night and Jeon Jungkook was easily becoming one of your favorite combinations. He pressed a quick kiss to the side of your neck and moved away from you to close the window.
      “You might catch a cold, get in bed.” He said.
      While he pulled the blinds closed once again, you placed your mug on his night stand, next to his ash tray and crawled under his pale gray covers. They were recently washed and smelled pleasantly, but it felt kind of weird to be laying in a different person’s bed. Jungkook owned a single pillow so you settled to occupy only half of it. When he turned to look at you, you tapped the empty spot beside you with a sheepish smile.
      “Damn, I’d kill to have you waiting for me in bed like that every night.” He grinned, making your heart skip. While he went to turn on the movie, you thought that you, in fact, would also love to have him in bed with you every night. As the opening credits started rolling, Jungkook scooted closed and wrapped his arms around you. Your own arm draped over his stomach as you settled into the blissful comfort of his warmth and affection.
      About forty minutes into the movie you couldn’t resist his steady heartbeat lulling you into the most peaceful and fulfilling slumber you’d had in months. The nearly full mug of mint tea started growing cold on the night stand, forgotten.
Note: It’s about damn time I posted... I’m still having trouble with my computer, but I somehow managed.
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kinktae · 5 years
How dare you bitchin!jungkook ?! HOW DARE YOU ?!
very NOT spoiler free bitchin’ 8 asks under the cut
deliciouslydisturbed365 said: I just read chapter 8 and holy fuck I’m nauseous. Poor Y/N 😭
queen-emon said: What the literal FUCK man, I just read Bitchin 08 and like im so broken. I never ever consider Y/n and I to be the same person but this time I felt like we were the same person both getting our hearts crushed by the man we loved so dearly. I AM NOT OKAY WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO ME! THIS IS SO NOT GROOVY :(
Anonymous said: Me🤝y/n Repressing our emotions
madjammil said: I am legit crying. Poor y/n! I cannot believe Jungkook slept with Kiri! My heart is broken. I thought these two were finally getting together and he goes and does this dumb shit! Smh. Aside from that, your writing was amazing as always! I love this series so much!
Anonymous said: omg i can’t believe jungkook is rly going to get his dickie chopped off 😍😍😍 deserve! can’t wait until yara finds out
Anonymous said: Ignore jk, y/n!!! Gosh she deserve so much better than a fboi who only cares about how he feels physically!! Ahole to the max and I need her to slap him! Yara can join along the slapping game!! But srsly he needs to learn his words alone can’t mend this and I hope y/n doesn’t give in so easily cuz he deserves cold shoulders from her for a very long time and don’t just rely on charms to get his way. Ik he was trouble from the start 😔 y/n dear don’t worry you deserve better
casualxexistence said: So 👉👈 um like is there like ANy chance that we get to see our baby yara’s reaction to this 🥺🥺🥺👼 bc um well I would kinda love to see her hand both jk and kiri there asses bc they aren’t gonna hAVE ANY AFTER SHE FINISHES WITH THEM RIP
Anonymous said: dude, what if y/n hooks up with tae and starts beef between jk and him while yara bitch slaps kiri….. dude bitchin’ has such good drama theories wtf literally anything is possible at this point
Anonymous said: if yara doesn’t punch kook can I punch him? Not as the oc I meant like me BECAUSE WHAT THE FUCK
forvever-ddaeng said: I keep rereading this last part like it’s somehow gonna change or it won’t make me sad the more I read it but it’s having the opposite effect and now I want Yara to beat Jungkook’s ass smh
Anonymous said: what the fuck is wrong with bitchin’!jungkook does he think with his dick i wanna kick his ass
Anonymous said: why jungkook would do something like that if he likes y/n? i would be so mad at him too like… isn’t that kind of cheating? he didn’t say if he was back together with his ex but he slept with her so that must mean something, she probably thinks it means something. he was really stupid 
omgtaehyungsmullett said: i know jungkook fucking with me, dammit 😡
ausjeons said: Jungkook what the fuck!!! I could slap you silly after reading part 8 😪😩
Anonymous said: Team make jk suffer for awhile and then be able to patch things up with the oc 🤝
Anonymous said: I read ch8 last night and this weighed heavily on my mind all day like why is jk such a hoe? Like how could he just sleep with Kiri just like that. I think these children are very confuzzled with their feelings. After he slept with Kiri, did he rush to y/n bc he knew this was the end of their “relationship”? One last passionate banger goodbye 😟 my 💔 broken heart
Anonymous said: I ain’t even sad. I’m full on rage mode. WHO TF GAVE JK THE AUDACITY , THE ABSOLUTE BRAWN TO STICK HIS DICK IN KIRI AND THEN , NOT EVEN A FULL DAY LATER ( cuz yk that would be farrr too gracious ) WITHOUT A WARNING , WITHOUT A FRICKING GOOD MORNING EVEN , GOES TO FUCK OC AND THINKS THAT’S OKAY???? Good to know OC and whatever his relationship was with her was worth less than a nut😒
Anonymous said: i’m actually sad… like wow. i really expected him to go back, i really did. but even though i knew it’d happen, it still hurt, y’know? i think that made it worse; knowing that he’d go back to her in the end… shit’s fucked up, really. great job writing it. i could literally feel the emotion from this one.
Anonymous said: Bitchin ch 8…..oh wow the smut was so nice and fluffy but wtf JJK messed up big time. Honestly I don’t think he deserves oc after this. She deserves someone who isn’t so unsure of his feelings that it takes getting back together with and sleeping with someone else to realise it. If he really liked her, he wouldn’t have slept with Kiri.
Anonymous said: “ArE YOu MAd?” Srsly what brand of clown juice is Bitchin JJK drinking?
cchristinnaa said: Jk really did yn like a pocket pussy huh
Anonymous said: HOW COULD JUNGKOOK OH MY GOOODDDDDDDDDDD literally men aint SHIT….. the part where y/n said you got what you wanted from me🥺🥺🥺🥺 I FELT THAT ugh i love the angst
Anonymous said: Hope jk dieS from jealousy next ch. And regrets it skdhdhd :( jk. Hope they get their sht 2gether soon or im gon 😷😖😭
diortae said: me: *explaining to bitchin 8 jk why he’s a dick for calling Y/N his “pretty girl” immediately after fucking her raw the morning after he slept with his ex* 
jk: well, you know what they say. hindsight is 20/20 
Anonymous said: the way i closed the tumblr app when i saw jungkook saying “kiri came over last night”
Anonymous said: alright we beating jk’s ass @ noon 😤
Anonymous said: BITCHIN PART 8 WTFGGGG MY HEART Do be Hurting . i’m going to beat jungkook up !!!!
betysotelo18 said: It’s been a few minutes since I read part 8 and I can’t stop thinking about what could happen next… the meanwhile F U jeon Jungkook, you did wrong
Anonymous said: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! I CANT 😭 WHAT SHOULD I DO WITH THIS CHAPTER HUUUU JUNGKOOK WTFF BRO…….. my heart is breaking for them. Why can’t they just date already wkxbdbbdjdjdjdjdjdj this is onky misunderstanding right? and thankyou for the new chapter sis hihuhihih💕💕
Anonymous said: im shocked i dunno who i hate more rn you or jungkook. my heart is literally SHATTERED he better fix this or else im traveling to the 80s just to kick his ass 😭🤬
Anonymous said: never want to punch jungkook in the face like i wanna do right now
Anonymous said: JUNGKOOK WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUCK 🤬 for the love of god rose why do u did that to me i wanna die
Anonymous said: ROSE WTF WAS THAT MAN !!! my heart it hurts and like wtf jungpuke!! Why would he do that to reader !! why would he sleep with kiri and then sleep with reader ?!? Like go siekkeksjdjejjejdbehhe i wish i can put in reaction pictures in here
Anonymous said: Omggg thank you so so much for this chapter, for the whole fic. Thank you for sharing it with us. You are a great writter. Seriously! I just love how every chapter is so intense. Not only the smut is amazing but every detail, every action, the whole plot, all of the dialogues. I actually cried at the end I love how I can really feel everything. All the emotions. Ah and they’re so cute!!! But why was JK so weak? Even if that’s what you wanted since the beginning… I thought- BOY WTF??? :’( But seriously this is the type of thing I love, I am WEAK for this. The slow burn, the oblivious idiots that love each other but keep suffering thing. And you write it so well. Your mind!!! Your talent!!! I love it. Thank you, for real ♥♥♥ I’m antecipating the next chapter, but already sad that it’s almost ending :((( I’m gonna miss this a lot. Anyways, take your time, baby. And have a nice day! ♥♥♥ (Sorry for bad english btw)
tinievmin said: ROSE. IM IN PAIN. I FELT THE BREAKUP BETWEEN YN AND JUNGKOOK. IM SO SADDD. But not related to the plot, your writing is ART. You always make it flow so well aND WOW!!! I don’t have enough words to express how much I love your works
Anonymous said: kiri is a bitch i said what i said
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damn-stark · 5 years
Lost Dragon Ch.26
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A/N- I know this got long but I just wanted to finish the episode in this chapter sorry! Hope you guys liked it though :)
Warning- Violence
Episode- 8x04
Pairing- Podrick Payne
“When the people find out what we’ve done for them, we saved them.” Missandei said. We were discussing what we needed to do next. After the battle here in winterfell everybody had lost half of their troops. Which meant that we didn’t have the advantage anymore.
“Cersei will make sure they don’t believe it. We will hit her hard, we will rip her out root and stem” Daenerys stated. I don’t really like this plan. The point is to get rid of her not her and the city she is trying to save and certainly not the innocent people that have no fight in this.
“The objective here is to remove Cersei without destroying Kingslanding.” Tyrion told her I nodded in agreement. She only glared at him.
“Thankfully she is losing allies by the day, Yara Greyjoy has retaken the Iron Islands in her Queens name. And Dorne will Follow Princess Visneya but there is a catch she has to marry the current prince of Dorne.” Varys said reading the scrolls. Everyone turned to look at me and I swallowed thickly. I felt my heart break and my breath get shaky. I couldn’t hide what I was feeling as hard as I tried. The people speaking seemed to have tuned out. I was lost in my thoughts. And the only the person I could think of was Podrick. Last night was amazing, we both told eachother that we loved one another. And now this happens.
I finally snapped myself from my thoughts and tried to hide the sadness behind my eyes as best as I could. I straightened myself out and tried my hardest to pay attention.
“Once the people see that Cersei is our only enemy her reign is over.” I heard Tyrion say.
“All right.” Daenerys agreed to whatever plan they had thought of. A realization then came to me.
“How will our armies fight them after what they have just fought. A lot of the people left to fight are still wounded and exhausted. And Rheagal is also injured. How long do you think he’ll last out there, if he’s hurt?” I finally said sharing what I had to say. Daenerys turned her head and glared at me for questioning the plan. I didn’t look down or look away I just simply continued looking at her.
“She’s right they’ll fight better if they have time to rest and recuperate.” Sansa said agreeing with me that caused Daenerys to tear her gaze from me to Sansa.
“How long do you suggest?” Daenerys asked her.
“Can’t say for certain not without talking to the officers.” Sansa responded.
Daenerys didn’t like what she had said nor did she pay attention to what she said.
“It is a duty you have to complete as a princess.” Daenerys told me while I paced back and forth. After the meeting Daenerys, Varys, Tyrion and me had stayed behind to discuss what the prince of Dorne had suggested.
“I will not marry someone I don’t love as much as do want to return back to Dorne.” I told her as I stopped in step and faced her.
“It’s something you have to do. I’ve done it and I grew to love him. Your mother and Rheagar did it as well. Not because we loved one another but because it was our duty. My frown grew deeper and my whole body went stiff as she mentioned my parents.
“And look how that turned out for the both of you.” I snapped at her. I had clearly struck a nerve. She swallowed thickly and her face grew cold. I didn’t regret what I told her though and I didn’t drop my head.
“You love him.” Tyrion said quietly and if it wasn’t quiet then we would have missed what he had said. I didn’t say anything return I just felt my eyes sting as tears threatened to fall.
“And he is just a squire.” Daenerys said coldly with a glare that was directed at me. “It is her duty she will marry the prince of Dorne if she wants to her or not we need them... Varys send a raven tell them that we accept their proposal they’ll get married after I take the Throne.” She stood up from her seat. Varys was hesitant as he looked between me and Daenerys watching as we both glared at one another.
“Then maybe I don’t want to be a princess.” She stopped in front of me.
“It is like you said we will do this together or do you not remember what you said to me when we met. We will take over with fire and blood. Together. You don’t have a choice I’m sorry..” She spat and their was a flicker of remorse in her eyes but it quickly vanished and she left the room with Varys at tail. I huffed and slammed my fist into the table. I sat down on a chair and my tears than began to flow.
“Just say you’ll do it. When the day comes you don’t have to marry the prince.” Tyrion said suprising me. I didn’t notice that he had stayed. “It’s your home you can take over they’ll follow you.” Tyrion said trying to comfort me. He moved over to my side.
“What if I just run away?”
“She needs you, she might not show it but she does just like you need her. She cares for you. You’re the only family she has left. Just like she’s yours.” He told me. He was wrong though she isn’t the only living family I have left not anymore. But he’s also not wrong about her. She may have Jon too but I don’t think that will last anymore. I questioned and thought what he had said to me.
“Fine.” I huffed. I got up and before I left I turned my head and looked at him. “Thank you.” I said with a warm smile but that smile didn’t reach my eyes.
I was throwing daggers at a target all of them landing in the center I was trying to calm myself down. I was still angry mainly at her. I reached to grab another dagger but my hands fell empty . I walked over to the target and took them all down. I grabbed them in my hand and threw them to the floor. I grabbed a dagger and tore the thing I was throwing my daggers at. I yelled feeling the anger. I slid down to the ground and rested my head on my hands and felt angry tears flow down.
“Are you alright?” I heard someone say. I didn’t have to look up to know who that person was. His thick northern accent wasn’t hard to miss. I felt as Jon sat by me. I didn’t say anything I couldn’t find any words to say anything. But I think he understood that. He didn’t say anything he simply sat there by me and comforted me.
It was time to tell Podrick. I didn’t know how I was going to say it but I needed to tell him. I also needed to say goodbye. He saw me approach and a smile grew on his face. I tried to return the smile but I couldn’t he noticed and his smile slowly disappeared and his face grew with concern. Ser Brienne was next to him when she saw me come she excused herself. She mostly likely knew why I looked so down.
“Is everything okay?” He asked me. I simply nodded as I bit the bottom of my lip.
“I’m leaving again.” I said. His faced turned from a concerned look to a sad one. “I also.... I- today while I was at the meeting The new Prince of Dorne he made a proposal.... in order for him to join our cause and ally with us. The proposal was that I needed to get married with him or else he wouldn’t ally with us.” I paused and I tried to read him. He looked hurt and that broke my heart. “ I wasn’t going to accept it but Daenerys accepted the proposal.” He looked even more hurt he looked broken hearted. I took a deep breath and took a step closer to him now inches apart from one another, I then cupped his cheek.
“But I won’t marry him I don’t want to.... I’ll do whatever I have to, To not get married to him..... House Martell has ruled for years and I’m as much as a Martell as I am a Targaryen. The people know me there they will follow me..... I will not get married to him... I love you and nobody will take me from you.” He gave me a quick my gentle and sweet kiss. “I’ll come back to you.”
“Don’t risk your life or your family for me.” He told me sounding hurt. I gave him a quick peck on his lips.
“I have to I will.” I said to him as we then hugged one another.
“I love you too.” He said softly.
We had finally arrived Dragonstone. I really didn’t want to be here but I was here. I was on the boat since Rheagal was wounded for me to ride on him and I also don’t really want to be next to Daenerys.
As I waited to go to shore I looked up and saw as Rheagal was doing much better. I couldn’t help my smile as I saw him flying. And suddenly my eyes went wide in horror as an arrow fly into him and I heard him roar. I ran to the edge of the boat to get a better view. And then another hit him in the wing causing him to go down. A third flew into his neck and this time he completely fell into the water. I was shocked and speechless. These arrows came out of nowhere. I looked over at Daenerys and Drogon and she looked angry she flew towards to where the arrows came from. My eyes followed where she was going and I saw Euron Greyjoy’s ships. Daenerys looked like she was flying towards them but when they shot arrows she quickly avoided them and turned around.
I started running back when I saw an arrow fly and hit the ship. More and more came flying in. It was hard to move now since the whole ship was getting destroyed. Another looked like it was flying directly to me so I ran and jumped off the boat.
Missandei was taken after Euron had attacked our ship. And Rheagal was killed. Daenerys was angrier then before she was in raged. She wanted to destroy the city now. I tried to tell her that It was a bad idea. Their was millions of innocent of people in the middle of this. Varys also warned her and even if we had managed to convince her somewhat she still wanted this unnecessary bloodshed.
I know that she was mad that they had taken Missandei but I can’t agree with killing thousands of innocents while we tried to get her back. Or to try to get the Throne.
I was looking for Tyrion to drink with him and try to at distract myself from everything go on. He’s always been a good drinking buddy. I couldn’t find him in his chambers. I tried to look for him in the meeting room but he wasn’t there either. I then finally decided to give up and was going to head back to my chambers to drink by myself but I heard voices in the Throne room. I closed the door slowly trying to not make a sound. I hid myself behind a wall and tried to listen to who was talking. As I payed attention I found out it was Varys and Tyrion. I continued to listen and thats when I heard it. They were talking about Jon and Daenerys . They knew who he really was.
“How did you guys find out?” I asked them as I stepped out from the shadows. They jumped a little as I startled them. They whipped their heads back to me.
“Princess.” They both said at the same time they both looked nervous. I walked to get closer to them.
“Who told you about Jon?” I asked again making myself clear. They looked at one another.
“It’s not important who told us...... what it is important is him and you. I’m worried about our queens state of mind and I’m sure you are too.” Varys said to me. He wasn’t wrong. He had peaked my curiosity. I didn’t say anything in return but I motioned him to continue. “With Jon and you being the two only living children to Rheagar Targaryen and the ones with the better claim to the throne.”
“Men always have the highest claim to throne before women do.” I inturrpeted him.
“You’re right but who do you think would make a better ruler? Two Targaryens who were raised here in Westeros and who have the love of their people or someone who doesn’t have that love from people or wasn’t raised here?” I grabbed a cup of wine and took a long drink.
“It’s treason and I don’t want the Iron Throne and I don’t think Jon wants it either.” I finally said.
“Its like I told Tyrion I will never betray the realm. I don’t want innocents to die just like you don’t either. I will act in their interest no matter the personal cost.” He said to both of us.
“So what happens to her?” Tyrion asked the same question I was about to ask. Varys didn’t answer but I knew what he meant when he stayed quiet.
I can’t betray her. I know that lately she hasn’t made the right choices. And we arent really in speaking terms this is treason we’re talking about. And we can’t blame her for some of her choices she has lost a lot. She just recently lost her most trusted friend during the battle and she lost two of her dragons that’s she loves as her children. And her best friend was captured by our enemy. So it’s hard to blame her for what she wants do but it’s also the innocent people at stake. This is all too much to think about.
Reasoning with Queen Cersei wasn’t going to be easy but we needed to in order to save the millions in the red keep. And to also save Missandei. I watched closely as Tyrion talked to his sister. I tried to see if she gave any reaction to what he was saying to her but it was diffcult to tell from down here. Greyworm, Daenerys and I stepped closer as we saw Cersei grab Missandei arm. It looked like she told her something but she said to her so we couldn’t hear what she told her.
We watched intently as Missandei stood quiet.
“Dracarys” she finally said. The realization of what was going to happen hit me. My eyes got watery. It seemed like time had slowed down. The mountain raised his sword and then he did it. A gasp escaped my lips and I felt as if my breath had caught in my throat. Greyworm couldn’t even look at the horrifying scene. Tears went down my cheeks. Once again The Moutain had killed someone else I cared for. Daenerys turned and started walking away, a angrier look then before was clearly seen on her face.
She turned to look at me with tear rolling down her cheek and a scowl on her face. “With Fire and Blood.”
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kylandara · 5 years
This question is misleading.
For starters, they did not have the option to do whatever they wanted with her. They don’t own the character. It’s an adaptation. And GRRM wanted her to become a menace, that was not a choice they had the power to make. The only thing left for them to do is decide how they’ll deal with it.
Also: I think it’s misleading to say that there’s a lack of strong female characters in media when we’re discussing TV Shows. For starters, GoT had all sorts of strong female characters - the pilot along gave up multiple protagonists, arguably half of them female, and all strong women in their own way. Many other women were introduced later - Osha, Yara, Meera, Olenna, Margery, Melisandre - all of them strong and important. Even when we step away from GOT, there is plenty of strong female charcters in TV. Annelise Keating. Meredith Grey. The Doctor. Lucy Holmes. Kara Denvers. Dective Chloe. I could go on and on - but the thing is… While we would welcome even more stories and even more representation, we also need to admit that to truly honest represent women as we really are, we need to go further than turning them into heroes: we need to allow them to be fallen heroes.
In fact, the discourse that there’s a lack of powerful female protagonists in mainstream media may be to blame for the fact that they failed to do it justice. They were so afraid to upset people and to sell less, that they ended up postponing it so much until it made little sense.
Thing is… Daenerys is still a powerful female protagonist even if she’s Dark and Dangerous and Genocidal. And she was not one-of-a-kind when it came to powerful genocidal murderrer protagonist in GOT. Cersei and Arya are much the same - and yet, their fans don’t seem upset that they’re mass murderers.
Do you wanna know why?
Because they were not fooled by them.
We always knew Arya had it in her to kill someone. That she wanted revenge and would pay an eye for an eye. She knows it, we know it, and her fans took her for what she was.
We always knew Cersei was conniving and manipulative and that she wanted power and had issues relinquising it. We knew she would do whatever it took to protect her family, yes, and keep power safely in her hands. Her fans knew it and thought she kicked ass because of it.
Sansa and, earlier, Margery and Catelyn were all strong female protagonists in their own way. A way that did not require burning or killing people, but that was no less brave because of it, or weaker. And when their ends came, their fans knew it had come and knew who they were.
Daenerys was written to be a red herring. She was written to show the dangers of a beautiful package that isn’t what it looks like - case in point, social revolution turned oppression. There are two reasons why she’s a woman: because it makes it harder for the reader to expect her to turn so dramatically “evil” and because it makes her even more fragile at the start, so she can rise that much higher - and fall, too, from high up.
The frailty and the delicacy of being “just a young girl that doesn’t know politics” are to mislead the reader, a trick of the hand while she plots to burn down her enemies and enforce her will on unsuspecting people. She travels far away from the main action in order to make sure that we don’t IMMEDIATELY see just how messed up some of her actions are — they’re the other, and also they’re bad men, and they deserved it, and the wheel needs to be broken, says the the daughter of the house that has been the central piece in keeping the wheel together these last 300 years; it plays on our values dissonance and how far are we willing to go into it if we’re being lead by someone that we believed wanted to build a better world.
That’s not frustrating - it is brilliant storytelling.
Daenerys is not a villain. Unlike her father, she doesn’t feel joy in causing pain (relief, maybe, that can be connected to revenge). She’s not evil . Her heart was in the right place, once. She dreamed of a better world, she dreamed of a revolution, she dreamed of equality - until reality wrenched her heart away as she chased her dreams of building a better world. It’s a powerful story. One that we’ve seen happen (mostly through men protagonists, but still) in RL. One that is important to represent, too. Every shade between grace and doom deserves to be written through the lens of women and have women protagonising the tale.
Now, if you want to know if I’m happy with how the show developed the storyline (that they always knew it was coming), the answer is no. And still it doesn’t mean that it’s not a valid story, turning a “good” woman into an “evil” one.
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astoldbyaja · 2 months
Bark like you want it!- Ch.3 ~AU Demon Slayer~ Ch.3
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I could hardly focus on my studying as I sat in the study room. I just realized I was all alone up here, and it probably was not a good idea to be in such a place knowing Akaza was coming! But it’s already been fifteen minutes, and he hadn’t show up. I bit the inside of my cheek wondering if I should message him. Whatever we needed to discuss I wanted to get it out of the way. No! I won’t do it. He has my number, and I am keeping my agreement that was made with Kokushibo. If Akaza doesn’t show up, then that’s his problem.
Maybe he realized all this unnecessary drama wasn’t worth it and just decided to give up on it all.
Lord, please let that be the case!
My phone started vibrating numerously, and I checked it out. To my surprise it was Kyojuro. I sighed wondering if he was going to check on me again. I answered.
“Kyojuro? What’s going on?” I asked. I could hear him panting over the phone.
“Yara, you still at the library?” he asked suddenly.
“Yeah? Are you running?” I asked.
“What floor?” he asked.
“Why, what’s wrong?” I asked.
“Just answer me!” he stated. Shit yes sir.
“The fifth floor!” I said.
“Stay where you are. I’m coming!” he said before hanging up. I blinked rapidly in confusion. Why was he coming here and not out with the others? The elevators were across from the room, and the wall the door was in was a full glass door with no blinds. I decided to place my stuff back in my backpack and put it over my shoulder. If something was going on, I’d need to be ready to move.
I could see the elevator doors opening and a panting Kyojuro stepping out. He was holding on to his stomach and I noticed the busted lip on his face. My eyes widened and I stood up immediately and left the room.
Kyojuro approached and I looked at him with wide eyes.
“What happened?” I asked.
“You alone?” he asked. I nodded. “Good. Grab your stuff and come on.”
“Wha- Kyojuro you’re hurt what is going on!” I asked and before I knew it, my hand was being grabbed, and we were running beneath the yellow tape of the construction on the back end of the library. I had heard the elevator door opening before we moved to the back of the building.
Akaza? What the fuck? Kyojuro was still pulling me until we were in what looked like a locker room area. The construction workers must have created it to do their work up here. There were large rows of big thick lockers, large enough to stuff heavy equipment. Before I knew it, Kyojuro opened the door and led me inside.
My mind was spinning. What on earth were we doing? Now he too got in and closed the door quietly. Immediately, I grabbed my phone, kept it low, and placed my phone on silent, even turning my phone’s screen brightness down. It was obvious now that Kyojuro and Akaza got into a fight and Akaza was coming to continue said fight. But how did the two even cross paths?
Kyojuro’s back was to me, and he pressed me up against the back of the locker with his fists tight, ready to jump out and fight if needed. I swallowed hard. I noticed I was getting a phone call and looked to see it was Akaza. My eyes widened and I felt fear flood me now. He was calling, probably wondering where I was!
Oh fuck, what if he thinks I set this up! What if he thinks I set him up to get jumped or something!
I could hear heavy footsteps coming our way and my body was trembling. If Akaza catches us in this locker it would definitely look like I was involved. Kyojuro quickly but quietly removed his black jacket, turn to face me then held it up and over us as if it were a blanket. The inside of this locker room was black. Maybe he thought Akaza would look through the holes in the locker and think the same.
Kyojuro pinned me to the wall his eyes telling me to stay quiet and so I did. I felt my hands come up to grip his shirt collar to stop me from shaking. I just shut my eyes and waited, for something- anything to happen. Kyojuro wasn’t even shaking. His body was still eyes focused on me and somehow, I found comfort knowing he wasn’t afraid, knowing he was prepared to handle this. His breath was hot against my face. The footsteps were closer, and I could hear Akaza opening up the other lockers. Oh my god, he was going to open this one! Kyojuro’s eyes turned dark, and I could tell he was getting himself ready for whatever was going to happen next. I shut my eyes ready for what was going to happen next.
“HEY! This area is off limits to both students and faculty! Get out of here before I call the police!” a gruff voice instructed. I covered my mouth holding back the whimper of relief I felt.
“Fuck.” I hear Akaza growl outside the locker. “Fine I’m going!” As the footsteps faded, I looked at Kyojuro who held up his hand motioning for me to wait and so we remained still for a few more moments, his coat sliding off us.
Kyojuro raised his head some.
“Okay. I think we’re good.” he whispered. After a few seconds I finally hit Kyojuro’s chest not hard but clearly to show I was upset. I frowned.
“What the hell, man?” I whispered back.
“Look, I was going with my friends to the game lounge, when I saw Akaza heading to the library. I knew you were already there and just had a bad feeling in my stomach is all. So, I followed him, but he saw me. He started running his mouth and we ended up fighting. I didn’t want to leave knowing you were there and if he found you who knows what he would have done to you.” he explained in a hushed tone. I shook my head.
“That wasn’t your call to make.” I said cursing to myself now. “I was meeting with Akaza.”
His entire body tensed, his eyes looking almost hurt.
“Why?” he asked. I sighed.
“Look it’s my business okay. It had nothing to do with your gang or whatever. It was just something between he and I.” I replied. Kyojuro winced some looking me over now and then away.
“Were you two meeting to… fuck?” he asked. My face twitched with annoyance.
“Why is that the first thing you’d think about?” I asked. He stiffened and looked away.
“Word had already gotten around that Akaza had a girlfriend on campus. Of course, that information could have been useful to us.” he said lowly. Now I looked at him with concern.
“In what way?” I asked.
“If he kept giving us shit, we would just find his girlfriend and intimate her or something, make her convince him to back off on certain business…” he said. I leaned back some.
“Intimidate… you were going to hurt this woman if you found her.” I concluded. Kyojuro shook his head.
“Nothing crazy I promise. Shinobu told me you two were fucking at first but then you broke it off. She assured me you two weren’t dating.” he said almost shyly. Now I looked him over with a hint of mild disgust.
“So, if we were meeting to just fuck, what was your plan?” I asked. Kyojuro sighed.
“To talk you out of it. You don’t need to be involved with a guy like Akaza even if it’s just for sex.” he said. I tensed now frowning heavily.
“Says who? I can fuck who ever I want, Kyojuro. There were no issues of us fucking before. I told Shinobu and Mitsuri that I wouldn’t bring him around the apartment, and I meant that. But what I have going on, I planned to hash things out tonight, but you had to go and ruin things. Now Akaza probably think I set him up for him to get jumped. Now once again, I have to try and make amends to ensure I don’t get hurt through all of this, and if he decides to believe me on the condition we keep fucking then that may be my only choice, because of you!” I said trying to move past him.
However, he took hold of my shoulders and held me in place against the locker. I gasped as he stared at me with a blank stare.
“Let me fix this.” he said. I scoffed.
“You can’t fix this!” I said.
“You cannot be involved in Akaza or anyone in his gang, associating with them will only make things worse for you by other shady people thinking you associate with them. If you’re truly desperate to get your pussy stuffed, I’d be more than happy to oblige.” he said leaning to me some, as he spoke a smirk spreading on his lips. I tensed at his words, thinking I had never thought something so lewd could come from his lips. He wants me to stop fucking Akaza and fuck him. See now that he’s telling me to stop doing something, I kind of wanted to do that thing now.
However, I came up and smacked him, not hard, but just enough to knock some sense into him. His eyes showed a mixture of shock and excitement.
“How dare you try and insert yourself into my business and basically screw me over! You’ve probably just made things a lot worse for me now and I have to figure out how to handle it. You’re a gang member, Kyojuro Rengoku and that’s your business. But I cannot ever be in a situation like this with you again.” I said. I could tell he seemed to be deep in thoughts over my words and suddenly his eyes perked up, happiness flooding them.
“I know how to fix this! You be my girlfriend; I claim you then Akaza can’t touch you. You won’t have to deal with him anymore!” he said. I stumbled over my words wondering if he even heard a single thing I had said after stating he couldn’t fix this! He had to be just as crazy as Akaza.
“Wh-why huh? Kyojuro I am not looking for a relationship. I enjoy being able to fuck who I want, when I want, where I want and how I want.” I explained. Suddenly, I feel something pushing into my crotch and I squeaked glancing down and noticing the erection pressing into me. I looked up at him seeing a darkness in his eyes as he suddenly pushed into me, settling between my body so that his body was between mine giving his crotch free access to press up against mine and slowly he started to grind into me. I let out a whimper at the feeling. I hadn’t warned panties, because I was half inclined to believe I’d be having sex with Akaza to ensure I could keep the peace between he and I.
“So, you can have me. You can fuck me when you want, where you want, and how you want. My body is yours, Yara. Ever since the day we were first introduced, I found you very beautiful. I think about you quite a lot actually. You’re the first thought I think about when I wake up, and the last before I sleep.” he purred in my ear, his hot breath making me gasp as I feel his lips bite down on the shell of my ear. His hands now move to take hold of my hips to hold me in place as he continues to press up into me. My body began to tingle at the sensations, my nipples hardening once he lets out a low moan that was now imprinted into my brain. “Every time I fuck my hand, I’m thinking it’s your pussy sucking me in, trying to milk my cock for all it’s got.”
Fuck this was not the time for this! However I could feel my mind going fuzzy, my body enjoying the movements pressed up against it.
“Let me claim you Yara, and then all your troubles will be over. You won’t have to deal with the Kizuki, my gang life won’t interfere with us. I’ll be all yours to take what you want, and you’ll be all mine to take what I want.” He growls his hands coming up to slide down my leggings.
I feel his hand dip inside and he growls, but it’s angry.
“No panties, huh? Guess you really did feel like you had no choice to give yourself to fucking Akaza.” he pants heavily. I bite my lip feeling his lips now peppering light kisses down to my neck, and I feel his teeth sink into the side just as two fingers entered my drenched entrance. I moaned out heavily feeling my muscles tighten around his fingers. His teeth sink further on my neck, and I felt he broke the skin and slowly licked over the throbbing spot.
“Oooh you’re so wet, Yara. You’re practically pouring out on me.” he said as he began to pump his fingers into me evenly. I grip his shoulders tight, meanwhile hearing the clinking sounds of his belt coming undone and the zipping of his pants coming on done. Were we really going to do this here? What were the pros and cons of this?
Akaza would be pissed I didn’t meet him! Now Kyojuro would be a constant in my life, but he’d offer protection! Kyojuro was attractive enough that I would have considered sleeping with him if this were any other situation! I was thinking too much, my mind lost to my thoughts before I realized his mushroom head was at my entrance and I looked down watching as he thrust right up into me. My walls ached and I gasped sharply at the feeling. Kyojuro grunted low.
“Fuuuck.” he replied before setting a violent pace rutting up into me. His cock was so big and girthy, I did not expect this!
 This locker was big enough for us to move, more so for him to pound into me. I cried out, feeling my muscles stretch more to fit him. My arms wrapped around his neck, and I cried out as Kyojuro pinned me further into the wall.
“*pant* *pant* Train me Yara… train me to please and worship your body as I will train you to worship mine. I’ll never do anything you don’t like and only the things you do like!” he moaned as he thrusts with such force. My entire body was on fire from the pace, and I cried out more holding him close to me before suddenly his lips crash into mine, his tongue forcing its way into my mouth. I can taste bits of blood from his busted lip enter my moist cave.
I moan into him, our tongues moving up on each other, our lips sucking on the other. This was already so much, and it was good! It was so fucking good!
“So big!” I cried out.
“You’ll stretch to fit me, but you’re taking me in so well already! You pussy will mold around my cock to only fit me!” he said through heavy pants and moans. I gripped his jacket harder feeling his cock starting to kiss my cervix. I was shivering heavily, feeling myself unable to form coherent thoughts. “So tight and velvety! I can see why Akaza is obsessed with getting you back beneath him again! But that’s all the past!”
He grunted and growled holding me tighter against him and I feel my arms pull him into me. I feel one of his hands reach over his shoulder to grab my arm and slide his hand over mine so his hand could curl into mine.
“Has he ever cum inside any part of you?” he asked. I shook my head wildly feeling my limit was reaching the harder he pushed against my sweet spot.
“Good. Then I will start our claiming of each other, by truly claiming your pussy now!” he said through clenched teeth, eyes shutting tight and his movements becoming more erratic and desperate.
“I’m gonna cum!” I whimper out, and he pressed his forehead into mine.
“Me too! Let’s cum together!” he moans and after three more sharp thrusts I feel my orgasm hit me so hard that I yell out, my body shaking as I feel Kyojuro shoot a hot load up inside me. I feel pure bliss inside my gushing walls. He moaned into my neck as he pushed his cock deep into me and held himself there. My legs shook violently, and I held him closer to me now for a moment. Oh fuck! I whimpered softly feeling his cock slide out of me and when I saw his face, I saw nothing but joy and content.
“That was amazing. Tomorrow you and I can go to the walk-in clinic and get tested. I trust you, but it’s always safe to be responsible. If you want, I’ll also buy you a plan-B.” he offered. I was stunned at his words not expecting any of that. I trusted my copper IUD to prevent pregnancy, but I nodded all the same unable to form a complete sentence at the moment.
“Okay.” I replied. He kissed the top of my forehead.
“Come on, let’s get cleaned up and go meet our friends!” he said happily. I knew before this night was over, we definitely needed to establish some boundaries and rules! Because one things for certain and two things for sure I would not be joining this gang and if having to have Kyojuro’s protection meant that, then this would be the first and last time he’d ever have his hands on me like this.
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~The Cripple & The Bastard~
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~Chapter 5: Absence~
Previous Parts: (( Ch.1 - Ch.2 - Ch.3 - Ch.4 - Ch.5 - Ch.6 ))
Image Credit: Myself - badwolf-in-the-impala
Pairings: Ivar the Boneless X OFC
Rating: NSFW
Warnings: Verbal/physical abuse, violence, kidnapping, scars, sexual content. 
Chapter Warnings: Kinda angsty
A/N: Thank you as always for being so awesome! Your guys’ comments always brighten my day <3 If you would like to be added to the TAGLIST, or if I missed tagging someone, feel free to let me know!
"But why can I not go outside?!" Yara all but whined like a needy a child as she sat up straight in the chair, pulling her shirt over her head and clutching it cover her breasts as Helga applied a salve to the scabbed over wounds on her back. 
"I have been locked up for weeks...I am starting to go mad!" She added, eyes transfixed on the open window. Watching as the leaves on the trees swayed back and forth gently; reminding her of the Raven from her dream that beckoned her to come closer. 
It had been more than a week since Ivar brought her here, and she hadn't been allowed to venture more than a few steps from the bed. Being caged up like an animal, it was driving her to the verge of insanity. To make matters worse, Ivar had been absent for the past two days, leaving her to the musings of the madman, slash, boat builder, Floki. Who could not stop asking her questions about her dream.
"Your wounds are healing nicely, but there is still chance they could break open and become inflamed with fever again." Helga replied with a sigh. Obviously having grown tired of hearing the young woman ask the same question over and over. "But," She added, watching as Yara turned her head with hopeful green eyes. 
"If you promise to be careful, I will let you go. Floki could use some help today anyways, and I must go to the village to restock some supplies." Her hands were careful as she smoothed the cloth over Yara's skin to keep the wounds covered underneath her shirt.
"I promise!" Yara got out in rush as she yanked the shirt back over her head with one graceful motion. Making sure to grab the cloak for good measure before hurrying out the door, afraid Helga might change her mind. But that wasn't the case as she walked through the woods, just a ways beyond the small home of Floki the boat builder and his wife. Stumbling upon where the boat builder did most of his work. 
Welcoming the light breeze that kissed her skin as she took a seat beneath a massive tree, welcoming the task of handing Floki tools whenever he asked. The man explaining in great detail what he was doing and why as she watched with curiosity as he worked with such ease. Answering the occasional questions he would ask about blacksmithing, questioning her own skills before finally seeming satisfied with his findings.
"There is something that I wish to build." The man never turned his attention from his work as he spoke to her. "It is for Ivar." A faint tinge of heat rose to the tips of her ears at the mention of his name, but she kept her attention on what the boat builder had to say. 
"In a few months time, they will be making the journey to Wessex to raid. Ivar has inquired of a way to help him fight alongside his father and brothers...I have an idea, but I could use someone of your skill to help me. If you should find yourself interested?"
"Why not ask my father?" Yara replied, skeptical of why he would ask her when her fathers work was far greater. Floki chuckled at the look of confusing that must have been evident in her features. He paused in his work and came to kneel in front of her, pulling a dagger from his belt, he held it out for her to inspect.
"This is your work, is it not?" He asked.
Yara recognized it immediately as one of the daggers she had made before their arrival. They were gifts for Ragnar, his sons, and whomever else he chose. A small smile crept onto her lips as she admired the detail before handing it back with a nodd. 
"Yes." She answered truthfully. Even though her father had originally taken credit for the craftsmanship. "But again, I must ask, why me?"
"It is simple." Floki replied with a smile. "You take pride in your work, but you are honest about it. Your father, while a wretched man, has skill. But his work is rushed. There is no passion in it...but this," He held up the dagger once more. 
"This is passion. You love what you do, just as I love what I do." He motioned to the boat that sat behind him. "Passion makes all the difference." Yara blushed noticeably -- never before had anyone truly admired her work -- earning her another laugh from the boat builder as he stood, ruffling her hair affectionately while she glared back playfully. 
"You are far to humble for your own good; little green eyed Wolf."
"If you can get me what I need, without my father becoming suspicious, I would be glad to help with whatever you need." Yara spoke, rolling her eyes at the new name he'd so affectionately taken to calling her.
"Already done." Her eyes widened in surprise as he uncovered the small makeshift Forge he had built for her to use.
"How were you so sure that I would agree to help you?" She asked, narrowing her eyes skeptically as she watched the cat like grin return to the mans face.
"It is for Ivar." He stated. "I knew you would not refuse."
Yara's annoyance at Ivar's absence grew with each passing day. Having taken to spending her time helping Floki work on the boats, as well at the other project she had promised to help him with. Taking in every bit of knowledge he had to offer her as they worked. She enjoyed the change of pace. It was drastically different from what she was used to, but it was nice nevertheless. 
She had always been eager to learn new things, but her father had never allowed it. Stating that Smithing was all she ever need to know in her life. Chastising her harshly when she would display new techniques picked up by watching other Blacksmiths who passed through down at the forge. But working with Floki was actually, enjoyable; and when he had nothing for her to work on, she took to helping Helga around their home. 
Learning the basics and enjoying simple things like how to tend a garden, or forage for herbs and learning the different healing properties they possessed; to how to keep a home. All the things that she had been starved of as a young girl, as she had no mother to teach her. But Helga was more than willing. Yara having learned that they had lost their own daughter, and it made Floki happy to see his wife so happy again.
The day had grown late, and Yara had been busying herself with hanging herbs with Helga outside the small house to dry, when the familiar sound of someone approaching caught her attention. Both women pausing to turn, watching as Floki came up the walk, Ivar clinging to his back; both laughing loudly about something as they walked inside. 
Anger knotting itself into a fist in the depths of Yara's stomach at the sight of the youngest Lothbrok boy. Remembering what she had thought was concern when he'd brought her to Floki and Helga; but then disappearing without so much as word the second she was better. It was something that shouldn't have really bothered her, but it did. The very sight of him making her want to slap some form of sense into that stupid head of his...
As she entered the house behind Helga, Yara growled lowly in annoyance as she observed how he acted as though nothing had changed. Like his absence hadn't somehow affected her, and meant nothing. She didn't know what sort of game he was getting at, but it was wearing on her final nerve. Not that she didn't enjoy the company of Helga and Floki, but she had been cooped up for to long. Maybe she had assumed to quickly that there had been some kind of friendship forming.
"It is nice to see you are finally feeling better." Ivar's voice broke her away from her thoughts just long enough for her to shoot him an icy glare. The look only seeming to amuse him further. Yara choosing to excuse herself as she disappeared back outside to put her tools away for the day, taking a seat down by the water when she was finished. Throwing rocks across the surface in an attempt to sooth her temper. Only finding herself to be growing more agitated, every thought somehow turning to Ivar and how his very presence seemed to hold so much power over her and her feelings. It was beyond frustrating.
Despite the darkness, she could still make out his features as he took a seat beside her, adjusting his legs before leaning back comfortably as he watched her intently. Noting that she knew he was there, but chose to ignore him in such a manner that made him stifle a laugh. 
"What!?" She finally snapped, turning her fiery green gaze to meet his as he simply shook his head with an amused grin.
"You have quiet a temper for a woman, you know that?" He stated, turning his gaze away to the water. "Preparations for Wessex are well underway..." He continued to speak when he didn't get any kind of response out of her. 
"Planning has not only taken up much of my own time, but your fathers as well. He has not been pleased with your disappearance...my father is doing what he can to keep him distracted, but it is not going to last much longer."
"If you had left me alone in the first place, this wouldn't be a problem." Yara snapped.
"If I had left you alone, you would be dead." Ivar stated with a frown, noting how the thought didn't seem to phase her in the slightest. Making his stomach turn in an unpleasant manner. 
"I promised I would not let any more harm come to you, did I not?" Yara shook her head stiffly in agreement. "And have I not kept good on that promise? It has been no simple task keeping him off your trail." He sighed in annoyance, his expression softening as he watched Yara pull her knees to her chest. Shifting his weight slightly, he moved to place his hand on her arm to gain her attention, noting how she tensed and shied away his touch seemingly out of habit. 
"My father has asked that you accompany us to Wessex...until we can settle upon a more, permanent solution."
"The only permanent solution is either his death, or my marriage..." She snapped. "And I do not see many people lining up to marry the Blacksmiths bastard daughter." Ivar's frown deepened as he stared at her through the dark, watching her expression fall as what little hope she had left seemed to slip away. 
"He will notice if I leave...he is not a fool."
Silence fell between them as Yara stared out over the water; Ivar's hand still resting on her arm, his gaze never leaving her face. Wondering how something that seemed so strong, could be so broken? 
Someday that Blacksmith would pay for the pain he had caused her; Ivar would make sure of it. Her father treated her no better than a common slave when she deserved so much more out of life. Even more than he himself could ever give her...but Gods damn him if he wouldn't try!
TAGLIST: @jade770 @captstefanbrandt @readsalot73 @that-darling-babygirl @greennightspider @microsmacrosandneedles @irishhiggins @dmv49 @naaladareia @terrainhead @xxwarhawk  
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gossipnetwork-blog · 7 years
Grown-ish Renewed for Season 2 By Freeform
New Post has been published on http://gossip.network/grown-ish-renewed-for-season-2-by-freeform/
Grown-ish Renewed for Season 2 By Freeform
Zoey’s still got a lot more growing up to do.
Grown-ish has been renewed for a second season by Freeform, the network announced at its inaugural Freeform Summit in Los Angeles on Thursday. The Black-ish spinoff focusing on Yara Shahidi‘s Zoey as she navigates her freshman year at Cal U. Maybe Zoey will lose her “Cup B–ch” nickname in her sophomore year?!
Also starring in the series are Trevor Jackson, Francia Raisa, Emily Arlook, Jordan Buhat, Chloe and Halle Bailey, Luka Sabbat, Dean Cole and Chris Parnell. 
Grown-ish‘s series premiere attracted the network’s highest ratings for a comedy debut in almost six years, with 1.56 million total viewers. Its debut was also the night’s No. 1 scripted series on cable among women 18-49. 
Plus, critics and Twitter are loving the show, which was created by Kenya Barris. Hey, they do say college is the best four years of your life!
Curious to know what other shows have been picked up for another season? We’ve got you covered: 
Renewed or Canceled?
It’s that most nerve-wracking time of year, TV fans. Time for the networks to decide how much of their current lineups will receive new season pickups. Will your long-running fave find itself suddenly retired? And how about that new show you’re digging? Will it make it out of its freshman year?
Click through our gallery to find out which of your favorite new and returning shows have already secured safe passage to another season and which are living on borrowed time…
9-1-1: Renewed
Ryan Murphy‘s take on the first responder procedural, starring Connie Britton, Angela Bassett and Peter Krause, has earned a second season renewal after airing only two episodes.
Young Sheldon: Renewed
No bazinga here! TV’s No. 1 new comedy, the single-cam origin story of The Big Bang Theory‘s Sheldon Cooper, will be back for a second season on CBS.
The Gifted: Renewed
Days ahead of its two-hour first season finale, Fox announced that its Marvel series set in the world of the X-Men universe will return for a second season!
The Good Place: Renewed
Great forking news! NBC has handed a third season order to Mike Schur‘s delightful comedy about the afterlife, starring Kristen Bell and Ted Danson.
The Gong Show: Renewed
ABC has handed out a second season order to its revival of TV’s most insane talent show. This time around, legendary comedian Mike Myers is owning the fact that he’s the actor bringing outlandish host Tommy Maitland to life.
Smilf: Renewed
Showtime has renewed its critically acclaimed comedy for a second season!
You’re the Worst: Renewed for a Final Season
FXX announced the hit comedy will end in 2018. 
“Making You’re The Worst has been an incredible experience and FX Networks have been dream partners,” creator Stephen Falk said. “I am thankful to have the opportunity to be thoroughly judged whether or not we ‘stick the landing’—which is a thing people say now that stupid Breaking Bad had to end so damn perfectly.”
Love: Canceled
The third and final season of Netflix’s romantic comedy, created by Judd Apatow and starring Gillian Jacobs and Paul Rust, will debut on the streaming service on March 9, 2018.
Mr. Robot: Renewed
USA Network’s critically-beloved hacker thriller will return for a fourth season in 2018!
The Orville: Renewed
One of the breakout hits of the fall season, Fox renewed Seth MacFarlane‘s space dramedy for a second season. 
Mark Levine/CMT
Nashville: Canceled
CMT announced the country music drama’s sixth season will also be its last. 
“All of us on Nashville are so incredibly grateful to the show’s fans, who convinced CMT to give us a chance to keep telling the story of these remarkable characters,” executive producer Marshall Herskovitz said in a statement. “And we want to return the favor with a final season that celebrates all the joys and passions, twists and turns—and amazing music!—that made Nashville such an exciting journey for the last six years.”
Difficult People: Canceled
Billy Eichner confirmed on Twitter that Hulu is saying goodbye to its Difficult People after three delightfully difficult seasons. 
Wisdom of the Crowd: Canceled
CBS has opted not to give the crime drama a season two. 
Paul Sarkis/SHOWTIME
Shameless: Renewed
Showtime renewed its No. 1 comedy for a ninth season, with the network president David Nevins saying, “As challenging as it can be for any show simple to maintain viewers in the current TV landscape, Shameless is adding them in droves. But it’s no mystery why. The series’ reputation for rich and resonant characters and for deep–and deeply–twisted comedy has drawn not only faithful longtime viewers, but a steadily growing audience.” 
American Vandal: Renewed
We may have never gotten a definitive answer to “Who drew the dicks?” but we are getting a second season of Netflix’s hysterical true-crime spoof. The streaming giant announced that American Vandal will be back with eight new episodes in 2018.
Mindhunter: Renewed
Agents Ford, Tench, and Carr will be back to creep you out in a second season of the Netflix series.
The Punisher: Renewed
Netflix has opted to bring back its latest Marvel offering for a season two.
Curb Your Enthusiasm: Renewed
Ready for some pretty, pretty, pretty good news? HBO has renewed Larry David‘s caustic comedy for a 10th season. “As I’ve said many times, when one has the opportunity to annoy someone, one should do so,” David said, celebrating the news.
Will & Grace: Renewed
Before the highly-successful revival of NBC’s beloved comedy even debuted in the fall, the network had already sealed the deal on a second season with the Fab Foursome.
Grown-ish airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. on Freeform. 
Are you loving Grown-ish as much as we are? Sound off in the comments!
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janiedean · 7 years
oooh i'm not a fan of show!asha/yara either but can i know why you don't like the show's interpretation of her?
asha isn’t exactly a girly girl who likes to hold hands and sing kumbaya with others but she’s not an asshole and *tough love* doesn’t mean BEING AN ASSHOLE
(the fact that they changed the name because of the osha thing is ridiculous too)
asha greyjoy would not go all the way to the dreadfort to get theon and then leave because she saw two dogs are we serious, and that was when the problems started
asha greyjoy might not be the person with most tact ever but I think bringing a guy who’s been castrated to a brothel and then proceeding to talk about fucking in front of him is not what she’d do
asha greyjoy is actually not lesbian (???) and doesn’t play into the butch woman stereotypes either (???) but I guess badass lesbian pirate queen fits better for what d&d wanted to do
asha greyjoy doesn’t also sound to me like the person who goes to sex slaves to get laid since she has plenty of men who can’t wait to get her laid and with whom she has kinky sex to her satisfaction but lol I doubt d&d ever read that part of the books did they
asha greyjoy wouldn’t make out with ellaria sand just after she completely demeaned her brother in front of her after the guy went out of a shitload of trauma because she actually, wow, HAS FEELINGS
My sister, Theon thought, my sweet sister. Though he had lost all feeling in his arms, he felt the twisting in his gut, the same as when that bloodless Braavosi banker presented him to Asha as a 'gift.' The memory still rankled. The burly, balding knight who'd been with her had wasted no time shouting for help, so they'd had no more than a few moments before Theon was dragged away to face the king. That was long enough. He had hated the look on Asha's face when she realized who he was; the shock in her eyes, the pity in her voice, the way her mouth twisted in disgust. Instead of rushing forward to embrace him, she had taken half a step backwards. "Did the Bastard do this to you?" she had asked."Don't you call him that." Then the words came spilling out of Theon in a rush. He tried to tell her all of it, about Reek and the Dreadfort and Kyra and the keys, how Lord Ramsay never took anything but skin unless you begged for it. He told her how he'd saved the girl, leaping from the castle wall into the snow. "We flew. Let Abel make a song of that, we flew." Then he had to say who Abel was, and talk about the washerwomen who weren't truly washerwomen. By then Theon knew how strange and incoherent all this sounded, yet somehow the words would not stop. He was cold and sick and tired... and weak, so weak, so very weak.She has to understand. She is my sister. He never wanted to do any harm to Bran or Rickon. Reek made him kill those boys, not him Reek but the other one. "I am no kinslayer," he insisted. He told her how he bedded down with Ramsay's bitches, warned her that Winterfell was full of ghosts. "The swords were gone. Four, I think, or five. I don't recall. The stone kings are angry." He was shaking by then, trembling like an autumn leaf. "The heart tree knew my name. The old gods. Theon, I heard them whisper. There was no wind but the leaves were moving. Theon, they said. My name is Theon." It was good to say the name. The more he said it, the less like he was to forget. "You have to know your name," he'd told his sister. "You... you told me you were Esgred, but that was a lie. Your name is Asha.""It is," his sister had said, so softly that he was afraid that she might cry.
yeah, I didn’t see any of that shit happen in the show, like, what the fuck was the reunion in S6? and
The ironborn bowed and retreated. Asha took a knee. "Your Grace. Must my brother be chained like that? It seems a poor reward for bringing you the Stark girl."The king's mouth twitched. "You have a bold tongue, my lady. Not unlike your turncloak brother.""Thank you, Your Grace."
tldr: y*ara greyjoy is some kind of fantasy power trip of the typical PIRATE WARRIOR GIRL WHO HAS TO BE A LESBIAN, NEEDS NO MAN AND HATES EVERYTHING FEMININE AND HAS NO FEELINGS (at least past S3) and is a complete fucking asshole who treats her brother like dirt 90% of the time whether she wants to or not (and I could say a lot about that brothel scene because lol that scene managed to not be 100% cringy because of the acting but the rest? god it was so uncomfortable to watch I wanted to vomit) and who apparently can’t be in touch with her feelings because god forbid women who aren’t *feminine* are in touch with their feelings and not assholes, asha greyjoy is an actually well-written character who is not a walking stereotype, who does not treat her brother like dirt or calls people insults which are incidentally demeaning women, and incidentally people being theon, who has absolutely not being insulted and likened to a woman by both his father and ramsay in the books but not by his sister, who, by the way, at some point went like
“Cunt again? It was odd how men like Suggs used that word to demean women when it was the only part of a woman they valued.”
and she’s also not some kind of fantasy power trip made by someone (idk which d but I suppose weiss since benioff is better at things outside GOT) who thinks that in order to write a Strong Woman TM who defies gender roles then you have to write her as victarion greyjoy.
actually, y*ara is basically male victarion except less terrible, and asha is *asha*, not victarion. and the next time I hear that ‘she was the only one who ever cared about theon’ bc apparently they want us all to buy that angle when robb existed and the show forgot I’m gonna punch a wall.
thank you for your time and yeah, that’s what I’ve got.
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Press: Get Out, Stranger Things lead 2017 MTV Movie & TV Awards nominations
Though its yearly crop of nominees tends to skew more commercial than the Oscars’ or Golden Globes’, MTV’s annual Hollywood awards show has proven, once again, its finger is pressed firmly on the pulse of pop culture, recognizing a wealth of diversity across both film and television categories among its 2017 class.
For the first time in its 25-year history, the MTV Movie & TV Awards — previously known simply as the MTV Movie Awards — has expanded the scope of its categories to include titles like Netflix’s Stranger Things, NBC’s This Is Us, FX’s Atlanta, and VH1’s RuPaul’s Drag Race — each of which scored major notices among the ceremony’s inaugural set of TV honorees.
While television performers have been integrated into pre-existing categories like Best Villain (where the likes of — spoiler alert — Get Out star Allison Williams goes head-to-head with Demogorgon from Stranger Things), Best Comedic Performance, and Best Kiss, among others, several new brackets make their debut this year, including Show of the Year (Atlanta and Insecure square off against This Is Us, Game of Thrones, Pretty Little Liars, and Stranger Things), Best Host (LGBT icons RuPaul and Ellen DeGeneres vs. Samantha Bee, Trevor Noah, and John Oliver), and an individual television acting set that includes Donald Glover (Atlanta), Gina Rodriguez (Jane the Virgin), Emilia Clarke (Game of Thrones), Jeffrey Dean Morgan (The Walking Dead), Mandy Moore (This Is Us), and Millie Bobby Brown (Stranger Things).
Also new for 2017 is the Next Generation award, which will be given to a breakout media star. Nominees include actress Chrissy Metz (This Is Us), actor Daniel Kaluuya (Get Out), Insecure writer-actress-creator Issa Rae, The Night Of star Riz Ahmed, and Blackish performer Yara Shahidi.
On the film side, Jordan Peele’s feature directorial debut, Get Out, racked up six nominations, including Movie of the Year, Best Actor in a Movie (Kaluuya), Best Villain (Williams), Best Comedic Performance (Lil Rel Howery), Best Duo (Kaluuya and Howery), and Best Fight Against the System. Disney’s live-action remake of Beauty and the Beast scored several nominations as well, particularly for Movie of the Year, Best Actor in a Movie (Emma Watson), and Best Kiss.
Other films that appear in the Movie of the Year category include Hugh Jackman’s final Wolverine film, Logan, franchise blockbuster Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, and the Hailee Steinfeld-driven teen comedy, The Edge of Seventeen.
The 2017 MTV Movie & TV Awards, hosted by Workaholics nominee Adam DeVine (Best Comedic Performance), airs live from the Los Angeles’ Shrine Auditorium Sunday, May 7 at 8:00 p.m. ET. Fans can begin voting for winners now at MTV.com.
Check out the full list of nominees below.
MOVIE OF THE YEAR (Presented by Toyota CH-R) Beauty and the Beast (Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures) Get Out (Universal Pictures) Logan (20th Century Fox) Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures) The Edge of Seventeen (STX Entertainment)
BEST ACTOR IN A MOVIE Daniel Kaluuya – Get Out (Universal Pictures) Emma Watson – Beauty and the Beast (Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures) Hailee Steinfeld – The Edge of Seventeen (STX Entertainment) Hugh Jackman – Logan (20th Century Fox) James McAvoy – Split (Universal Pictures) Taraji P. Henson – Hidden Figures (20th Century Fox)
SHOW OF THE YEAR Atlanta (FX) Game of Thrones (HBO) Insecure (HBO) Pretty Little Liars (Freeform) Stranger Things (Netflix) This Is Us (NBC)
BEST ACTOR IN A SHOW Donald Glover – Atlanta (FX) Emilia Clarke – Game of Thrones (HBO) Gina Rodriguez – Jane the Virgin (The CW) Jeffrey Dean Morgan – The Walking Dead (AMC) Mandy Moore – This Is Us (NBC) Millie Bobby Brown – Stranger Things (Netflix)
BEST KISS Ashton Sanders & Jharrel Jerome – Moonlight (A24) Emma Stone & Ryan Gosling – La La Land (Summit Entertainment) Emma Watson & Dan Stevens – Beauty and the Beast (Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures) Taraji P. Henson & Terrence Howard – Empire (FOX) Zac Efron & Anna Kendrick – Mike & Dave Need Wedding Dates (20th Century Fox)
BEST VILLAIN Allison Williams – Get Out (Universal Pictures) Demogorgon – Stranger Things (Netflix) Jared Leto – Suicide Squad (Warner Bros. Pictures) Jeffrey Dean Morgan – The Walking Dead (AMC) Wes Bentley – American Horror Story (FX)
BEST HOST Ellen DeGeneres – The Ellen DeGeneres Show (NBC) John Oliver – Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) RuPaul – RuPaul’s Drag Race (VH1/Logo) Samantha Bee – Full Frontal with Samantha Bee (TBS) Trevor Noah – The Daily Show (Comedy Central)
BEST DOCUMENTARY 13TH (Netflix) I Am Not Your Negro (Magnolia Pictures) O.J.: Made in America (ESPN Films) This is Everything: Gigi Gorgeous (YouTube|Red) TIME: The Kalief Browder Story (Spike)
BEST REALITY COMPETITION America’s Got Talent (NBC) MasterChef Junior (FOX) RuPaul’s Drag Race (VH1/Logo) The Bachelor (ABC) The Voice (NBC)
BEST COMEDIC PERFORMANCE Adam DeVine – Workaholics (Comedy Central) Ilana Glazer & Abbi Jacobson – Broad City (Comedy Central) Lil Rel Howery – Get Out (Universal Pictures) Seth MacFarlane – Family Guy (FOX) Seth Rogen – Sausage Party (Sony) Will Arnett – The LEGO Batman Movie (Warner Bros. Pictures)
BEST HERO Felicity Jones – Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures) Grant Gustin – The Flash (The CW) Mike Colter – Luke Cage (Netflix) Millie Bobby Brown – Stranger Things (Netflix) Stephen Amell – Arrow (The CW) Taraji P. Henson – Hidden Figures (20th Century Fox)
TEARJERKER Game of Thrones – Hodor’s (Kristian Nairn) Death (HBO) Grey’s Anatomy – Meredith tells her children about Derek’s death (Ellen Pompeo) (ABC) Me Before You – Will (Sam Claflin) tells Louisa (Emilia Clarke) he can’t stay with her (Warner Bros. Pictures) Moonlight – Paula (Naomie Harris) tells Chiron (Trevante Rhodes) that she loves him (A24) This Is Us – Jack (Milo Ventimiglia) and Randall (Lonnie Chavis) at karate (NBC)
NEXT GENERATION Chrissy Metz Daniel Kaluuya Issa Rae Riz Ahmed Yara Shahidi
BEST DUO Adam Levine & Blake Shelton – The Voice (NBC) Daniel Kaluuya & Lil Rel Howery – Get Out (Universal Pictures) Brian Tyree Henry & Lakeith Stanfield – Atlanta (FX) Hugh Jackman & Dafne Keen – Logan (20th Century Fox) Josh Gad & Luke Evans – Beauty and the Beast (Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures) Martha Stewart & Snoop Dogg – Martha & Snoop’s Potluck Dinner Party (VH1)
BEST AMERICAN STORY Blackish (ABC) Fresh Off the Boat (ABC) Jane the Virgin (The CW) Moonlight (A24) Transparent (Amazon)
BEST FIGHT AGAINST THE SYSTEM Get Out (Universal Pictures) Hidden Figures (20th Century Fox) Loving (Focus Features) Luke Cage (Netflix) Mr. Robot (USA)
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