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madamedoo · 1 month
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itscoldinwonderland · 26 days
Conservatives have made up a boogeyman of the financially stable woman who is healthy with a healthy pregnancy and decides to terminate as an act of birth control. But, she is so rare, if she even exist at all, that it's pointless to ever bring her up. She was made up because conservatives don't want to address the real issues.
The idea that abortion must stay legal because it is "health care" and medically necessary is a talking point by the liberals, again to ignore the real issue. Most abortions are selective, meaning not medically necessary and the most common reason to abort is poverty, with relationship problems and singleness being the other two common reasons.
We have proof that societies which have better sex education, easy access to contraceptives, better and easier access to healthcare, and parental leave, all reduce rates of abortion.
"But what about the life saving, medically necessary, abortions" - they should always stay legal, is that really a question?
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Prolifers: Why don't you support expanding maternal health care?
Prochoicers: We do. States with abortion bans have the worst maternal mortality rates in the country and, by and large, have chosen not to extend Medicaid coverage for postpartum care.
Prolifers: Why don't you support contraception?
Prochoicers: We do. Your representatives blocked a bill guaranteeing access to contraception.
Prolifers: Why do you ignore that we've allowed life-saving exceptions?
Prochoicers: We don't. We point out why they don't work, and we point out that the Texas AG and the Idaho GOP want to get rid of those exceptions.
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what-marsha-eats · 2 months
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Long article, but if you are able to become pregnant, you probably need to read it.
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thepro-lifemovement · 2 years
Speaking For the Unborn (12.1)
Miscellaneous arguments
Argument 54: “The Supreme Court has already settled the issue of abortion, everyone has a constitutional right to ‘privacy’—which includes the right to an abortion.”
Rebuttal: The Supreme Court has repeatedly held that "bad precedent is no precedent," and we should be thankful that there are established criteria for overturning bad precedents. If not, slavery would still be legal; denying women the right to vote would still be legal; segregated schools would still be legal; “separate but equal" public restrooms and water fountains would still be legal. Thankfully, these horrific practices were overturned. Good people must seek justice for everyone, including the unborn. Overturning legal precedent and amending the Constitution to reflect our advancing understanding of morality, science, and humanity are as American as apple pie. Ref.
Argument 55: “If abortion were illegal, you would be incarcerating desperate women who sought now-illegal abortions. How could you be that cruel and inhumane?”
Rebuttal: While breaking the law—especially laws preventing the taking of innocent human life-is certainly grounds for prosecution, not a single major voice in the Pro-Life movement advocates for the prosecution of women seeking illegal abortions. There is near-universal agreement in the Pro-Life movement that only abortionists performing illegal abortions would be prosecuted if abortion were once again made illegal. Source.
Argument 56: “Abortion would continue even if it were made illegal. So what’s the point of making it illegal?
Rebuttal: Simply because some people will break a law is not an argument against the existence of that law. Rape is illegal in the United States, yet this crime is committed daily. Does the fact that rape is still committed mean there should be no laws against rape?
Argument 57: “If you’re anti-abortion, you’d better be pro-contraception!”
Rebuttal: My personal opinion on contraception is irrelevant to this debate, and the Pro-Life movement does not advocate prohibiting the use of non-abortive contraceptives. We just don't believe in killing living human babies. Source1. Source2.
Argument 58: “You Pro-Lifers only care about babies while they are inside the uterus! Once they are born, you conservatives don’t care for the poor and needy.”
First Rebuttal: What makes you think that Conservatives and Pro-Life advocates care less for the needy than Liberals and Pro-Choicers? Did you know that Conservatives give a greater percentage of their income and volunteer more of their time to the needy than those who identify as Liberal or Pro-Choice? Now, you might believe that Liberal social policies are better for the poor than Conservative policies-and that's a legitimate debate to have. But it's both arrogant and inaccurate to simply claim that Liberals and Pro-Choicers—who donate less of their time and money to the poor—care more for them than Conservatives. Source1. Source2.
Second Rebuttal: This is untrue—and statistics regarding adoption are evidence of this falsehood. As I'm sure you know, a large percentage of Pro-Life advocates tend to be religious, predominantly Christian. And Christians are twice as likely to adopt than the general population. Catholics are three times as likely to adopt than the general population, and Evangelicals five times more likely. These are facts that prove the Pro-Life movement is pro-life for all children. So claiming that Pro-Life advocates don't care about babies after they are born is nonsense. Source.
Third Rebuttal: Can we all do more? Absolutely. We all must do more for expectant mothers who find themselves in a tough spot. All of us—Conservatives, Moderates, and Liberals. And we Pro-Lifers must always remind ourselves that we cannot limit our efforts to the banning of abortion. We must also be strong advocates for all mothers—because “abortion is not a sign that women are free, but a sign that they are desperate." We need to make sure that pregnant mothers know that the Pro-Life movement is on their side! Ref. 
Argument 59: “We are a democracy, and the majority of Americans support abortion!”
First Rebuttal: This might come as a surprise to you but polling consistently shows that the majority of Americans believes there should be greater restrictions on abortion, not fewer.
75% believe in no abortions after Week 12. (This includes 92% of Republicans, 78% of Independents, 60% of Democrats, and 61% who identify as Pro-Choice!)
A majority opposes any taxpayer funding of abortion (54% to only 39%).
Second Rebuttal: What is alarming is that the leaders of the Pro-Choice movement have little regard for the actual will of the people-not even the will of the average abortion supporter! For example, the New York Senate hag now legalized abortion up until the moment of birth, despite 69% of registered New York Democratic voters opposing that same law. (Even 44% of Pro-Choice New Yorkers oppose this law). Ref. Source.
Third Rebuttal: A “majority of Americans supporting some form of abortion" makes abortion neither moral nor justifiable; it only makes it popular-and perhaps only for the time being. The subjugation of blacks and women used to be quite popular as well-and no one would ever consider those evils to be moral or justifiable. We should never confuse popular opinion with morality. Source.
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commiepinkofag · 1 year
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jerseydeanne · 2 years
Well, okay. Good for conservatives.
Wait? What in the hell is he doing?
Let's let this simmer until we figure this one out.
Some of the new dirty tricks are to get a RINO to run as a republican but are actually democrat. 🤡
Have you guys heard this?
This is how desperate they are for power.
I'm wondering if Dr. Oz is one of those people??
Thank you, O Anon.
Love, JD 😜💋
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gameside · 2 years
You know, I'm not pro-life. I believe so many people should be killed. For example, Pedophiles, Rapists, Mass murderers, Mass shooters. I just don't think children should be on the list, Unborn or not. We should make the future better for all children.
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eclctve · 1 year
Prolife Punk
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Today at Match for Life in Bozeman, MT
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goodvibes305apparel · 2 years
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Notorious RBG meets classic Rosie the Riveter available now @ https://www.redbubble.com/people/GoodVibes305/shop
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People who are antiabortion need to read every single piece of news that sets out in detail the anguish, suffering, and cost they are advocating. It's not going to change their minds, I know, but I hope it weighs on their hearts and their souls. If you're going to advocate for something, you'd better understand all the aspects of it.
From the article:
"'At first I was really enraged at the hospital and administration,' she says. 'To them my life was not in danger enough.'
Their conundrum became painfully, distressingly clear: wait to get sicker, or wait until the fetal heartbeat ceased. Either way, she saw nothing ahead but fear and grief — prolonged, delayed, amplified."
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"Bernard is actually in really good spirits. I mean, relatively," Scott answered. "She has 24/7 security, has her own lawyer."
They're referring to Dr. Caitlin Bernard, an Indiana abortion provider and one of the physicians who trains residents at this university hospital. Bernard was recently caught in a political whirlwind after she spoke to a reporter about an abortion she provided to a 10-year-old rape victim who crossed the state line from Ohio. The doctor was the target of attacks from pundits and political leaders on national television, including Indiana's attorney general.
The vitriol hit home for this group of residents. Bernard has been a mentor for most of them for years. Many of these young doctors were certain they wanted to practice in Indiana after training. Lately, some have felt more ambivalent.
"Watching what [Dr. Bernard] went through was scary," said Dr. Beatrice Soderholm, a fourth year OB-GYN resident and one of Bernard's mentees. "I think that was part of the point for those who were putting her through that. [It] was to scare other people out of doing the work that she does."
For all you "prolifers" maintaining it's everyone elses' fault that the exceptions put in place aren't working, consider this. A 10-year-old girl received an abortion. Continued pregnancy would have permanently damaged her body and possibly killed her. She had to flee the state to obtain care. Abortion was not banned in Indiana at the time, but prolifers threatened Caitlin Bernard to the point she needs security. For saving a child. You've successfully sent the message that doctors aren't safe if they save a child. Now other doctors are leaving the state. You are not prolife.
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aliozeri · 2 years
Happy Forced Mother’s Day!
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It’s been ages, but we’re finally celebrating the first mandatory mother’s day since 1973! This year I want to provide gifts for all future American mothers, even the ones who can’t survive childbirth. It is only ethical that I first tell you what I really wanted to give, but couldn’t, because it wasn’t worth my time.
What I can’t give is the number of women or girls thoughtless enough to die from internal bleeding, insufficient healthcare, birth, or by having a body that is arrogantly unable to be in labor. I can’t add up the families who, after a hemorrhage from placental abruption, pick to save either the baby, or their wife’s, no doubt melodramatic, life. I’m too busy to count how many women will be forced to birth a baby without organs, or a fetus that’s been dead inside them for months, how many have to pop out kids with the stunning sparkling eyes of their rapist, or be tied to a physically or emotionally abusive spouse forever, regardless of how genuinely funny he is. It’s kind of boring to figure out how many condoms will break on teenagers with no access to birth control, or condoms that don’t even work to begin with. What’s a mere 2 or 15%? Can’t be more than ten billion people. I’m not in the mood to tally every 12-year-old girl in absolutely painless labor, with the angel baby of their father/uncle/cousin, who eventually make great little moms to kids named Dad II, or Uncle Jim Jr. I can’t speak to the men who secretly remove their condom, except that it’s a cool trick that feels good, and that it behooves you to be in a bedroom with some ambiance. I can’t estimate the families who’ll go hungry, in the researched and evidenced boost of poverty this ban brings. I’ve never even met a poor person. I heard they just survive on potatoes and the government’s money. That reminds me, I haven’t eaten in two hours, and I’m starving.
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Just sit there while I explain, as a straight white starving Christian male, why that makes me the expert entitled to end female freedom, and share the gifts of what I can and will extend this Forced Mother’s Day. I can laugh as loud as the goddamn ocean at the suggestion of laws forcing men to get vasectomies, wear condoms, or practice abstinence, because… come on, seriously? Legislating men’s bodies is the equivalent of talking over me when I’m discussing Barstool Sports- you just don’t do it. I can to save the lives of what no scientist has ever called “the unborn,” but that only goes in one direction. I can rationalize incest, tell a far too provocative child to stop being such a drama queen about molestation. I can tell people to close their eyes and imagine what they would do if they or their spouse were pregnant, because everyone’s resources, education, religion, community, and experiences are all the same, all equal, so thirty seconds of daydreaming is surely enough to know what every woman in America should do. I can tell women who have been raped to ‘take one for the team’ because of my good morals, and then never think about them again. I can do it all by overturning Roe v Wade.
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Now that’s real power! I love power. Some will whine and nag like a real wife, about how my power cannot be maintained without the control of reproduction, because if and when a woman has a baby, is the largest determinant in her economic status, education, health, and life expectancy. But that’s just an insanely large coincidence. It’s also chance, and not our responsibility, that banning abortion legally, is proven to not ban abortion in reality. We still need to do the “right thing.” What a happy accident that controlling women is the only ‘big government’ idea my party is more obsessed with than Facebook or racism.
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Indeed, my party’s whole platform is defined by “small government.” After incessantly preaching rights to privacy, civil liberties, religious freedoms (not including Muslims and non-assimilated Jews), gun rights, mask mandates, and leaked Supreme Court drafts of awesome stuff, we want everyone to know that the exception is women's genitals. We stand for hard-working Americans not being financially responsible for a living (eye roll) baby’s health, their care, or time with their lazy dads, and frail moms who need to “feel better.” We uphold that the best education is exclusively for studs born into enough wealth to wear stylish leather shoes that cost more than is allocated to America’s healthcare. And when some shrill know-it-all researches that contraceptives, birth control, and mental health resources, are all things “proven” to lower abortion rates, we know it’s a lie that only helps frigid sluts. We demand the government stay out of our personal lives with hookers, and regulations on businesses where employees make enough money sleep in their cozy cars. I mean, my god, corporations are people. Just like unborn babies are people. Women are technically people too, but it’s different. It’s not sexist, women are sex-y, they’re decorative flower-like bodies that god put together like Legos, to keep men company when football isn’t on, and make them a sweet little lunch involving pickles when it is.
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It’s 2022, let us finally put an end to the manipulation, to the so-called “information” that the policies proven to lower abortion rates are the ones we love to ignore. We like it at best. Let’s reveal that this “data” was found by hysterical women who can’t comprehend hard or simple math. The real facts, not feelings, are my beliefs. And since I decide when life begins based on the facts (my personal beliefs), I should control everyone else’s humanity. Pregnant girls and women don’t know what’s best for them, only I know, without a doubt, because I’ve lived their lives. I’ve walked a mile in every woman’s shoes on planet earth and I have learned a thing or two. What women really want and need is appreciation of their only mission in life, a celebration of their highest purpose. It’s what they are famous for, what they do best, while somehow still never doing quite enough. It humbles me to reinstate this national holiday, Forced Mother’s Day, for the outstanding female bodies of the United States of America that we proudly own.  
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usnewsper-politics · 3 months
Fox Business Host Lou Dobbs Sparks Abortion Debate #abortion #antiabortion #foxbusiness #loudobbs #prolife
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