skarodzitsa · 2 years
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Women jewelry from 1st cent BC - 3rd cent AD. Bukhara, Uzbekistan. Animalistic beads are Egyptian origin.
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alchemisland · 8 months
Civil Divil
Ruins of the age of faith ode to crumbled fate of ages
Creation-stoking sounds from sages mere whispers, our doings traceless
Circling gracelessly our gilded cage, reviewing old pages.
Muniments of title lost amidst wave-tossed letter ocean
King in cups, of cups, sips his bitter potion
His meagre portion unmansome sets motion 
To devices he devises with devil’s advisements.
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ringio · 2 years
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I guess I like this guy. Because he is characterized by mercy. He also realized the importance of freedom for everyone. Here are some of his quotes:
1. Human nature is universally imbued with a desire for liberty, and a hatred for servitude
2. He conquers twice, who shows mercy to the conquered
3. I am Caesar not Rex
4. If I fail it is only because I have too much pride and ambition
5. All bad precedents begin as justifiable measures
6. Avoid an unusual and unfamiliar word just as you would a reef
7. Cowards die many times…
8. Wine and other luxuries have a tendency to enervate the mind and make men less brave in battle
9. In war, events of importance are the result of trivial causes
10. Fortune, which has a great deal of power in other matters but especially in war, can bring about great changes in a situation through very slight forces
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My brain got back into ffxiv so i guess its time to think about Sukugo but in ffxiv. Like cmon
Sukuna from Xaela Oronir tribe who came to Eorzea for more challenge. Satoru who came with Louisoux from Old Sharlayan to test his theories in working (also young and dumb and full of desire to prove himself against the garleans)
Sukuna ransaking the garlean empire from the east while satoru is pressuring it from the west, meeting in the middle, trying to fighre out if the other is a friend or foe. Cue negotiations. Cue Sukuna having a Moment because while he might have left his clan cause there was no one strong enough for him in the Steppe, he’s also not immune to the good old legend that out there somewhere is his other half, his moon. And Satoru looks like moon incarnate, astrologest adorned in moon jewelerly with the power to incinerat everything he sees, with the forbidden magic in his hands.
Cue Satoru also very much having a Situation cause Sukuna is so damn powerful, with horns to hold onto and such dense aether its blinding. Confident and strong and not giving a shit about anyone, a king without a kingdom. “Savage,” people call him, but Satoru has never seen anyone fight like that, weave magic so dark and red to spread on his enemies. Satoru needs to see and understand and bother and he won’t leave him alone
For the record, Ascians are going insane because of them. Here are two shards, and they should be so weak, just like the rest. They’re not, for some reason, and they dont have the protection of the Mother Crystal. What are they??? (Insane)
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c0rinarii · 4 months
I constantly think about how Ei/Ryoko/Gouto and Chihiro/Izumi/Okino were living in a post skibidi toilet world
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What am I doing with my life
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idk is it very bad quality? 'Cause it is good at first but after a few seconds it just gets blury.
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vulcanhello · 2 years
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sun-ni-day · 2 years
Honestly it's a true testimony to Dr. Daniel Jackson's actual level of intellect what with sheer amount of brain damage he suffered through the years he still remaines one of the smartest people in two galaxies.
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epic-sorcerer · 2 months
YouTuber voice in classical Latin and antient Greek
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siboom777 · 4 months
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"Even bravest heroes need responsible adult around, who can guide them through dark times."
I liked Professor Weasly from first dialog. I think it's really adorable that despite her not knowing about antient magic shit, she always has an eye on us. And the reason she not stopping us from doing crazy things, is to let us make our own mistakes, to learn from them, and only when situations would get too dangerous she will come to help. Of course it's more like headcanon, but I like it a lot hehe.
I hope in future Hogwarts Legacy games she will be Headmaster of Hogwarts because she really deserves it.
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complete-clownery · 8 months
Okay I wont get to work on this any longer tonight so imma just post this
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So this morning I have realised some stuff about my Macaque home hc
So first of all you can see the human disguised Macaque with Bai He,
and so Bai He wasnt there or "planed into the house" three days ago, but I decided that, that just wont do, I want her with Macaque, so im going to have to go back and alter my original ideas so it would fit the concept of Bai He also living there with Macaque (I have quit a lot of ideas for that, but ill get to them when I have the time)
But its not the main reason I wanted to talk about this even with half finished ideas under constructuion in my head
The big thing you already saw the random old lady and the antic Store/shop, so its no suprise im going to talk about that a for a bit,,, not a lot tho cuz I dont really got the energy for this
Soo--- She does not have a name, but Ill work on that, shes not fully thougt out, but nothing really when it comes to my ideas and headcanons (its kinda like eating halfbaked dough)
so shes 73 years old divorced lady running a little antic shop in the outer cirkles of Megapolis. I was thinking maybe it was her who originally selled the whole building to Macaque and rented the free space under the dojo.
She has a daughter and a grandkid (didn't decide on gender yet)
Shes kinda inspired by @/ladygreenfrisbee's oc in the fanfiction sunbreak, a snarky but sweet old lady whos not taking any shit from the brooding, shadow the hedgehog wannabe.
When she was younger she worked in a Museum in Megapolis, working with antient historical artifacts and megical weapons, but she pretty much knew everything about anything in there, with history and old stories being one of her passions,
Thus after she retired she decided to open and antic store. Even tho its an antic store, she can be one of those people that you bring an old piece of furniture or object in and they can tell you if its legit or not. She is also willing to trade and buy stuff from you if its to her likings. She's fair and not a con artist, she has just enough money for herself and thats completely fine by her, shes a simple woman when it comes to living.
She has a ton of degrees, Dr. And Phd tytels and what nots, extreamly smart and knows a lot about history and mytology and different eras of the past, making it easier for her and Macaque to connect over old stuff.
Also I was thinking, even tho she couldnt tell that Macaque was the Six Eared Macaque himself, she knew that they were wearing glamours, She studied artifects and worked with demons who were experts on the field of magics and glamours, she knows her shit
And even tho She had a decent relationshipp with Macaque I dont think Macaque would willingly let her see his true form, maybe after he was very exhausted, and injured after a fight they couldnt hold it up and were like-- fuck it who cares (maybe it was after the final fight with LBD) and she obviously knew who they were imidietly seeing his Six ears (that even tho he let her see one time hé continued to glamour like he would usually, only letting go of their human disguise)
So after that she would start asking him a whole lot of questions about the past and what was it like, carefully avoiding the questions involving the great sage equal to heaven, cuz she knew what happend from jttw
But yeah Macaque found it funny how a child and an old lady are looking at him with similar shimmer to their eyes as they interrogate him on the past
She loves a good tea and has her own little blends that calm the nerves and ease muscle pain and stuff like that. After She and Macaque became more friendly with eachother she gifted them some tea that helps him fall asleep better and relax. Macaque checked them for poison twice and couldnt find anything, but still wasnt willing to drink from them until he had a very fucked up breakdown yippeee ✌️
After Macaque lived there for some years they somewhat warmed up to eachother, they would hold little tea paties and talk about stuff (annoying husbands and divorce) after Bai He started living with Macaque these tea parties increased in numbers, sometimes the ladys grandchild joining in when Grandma was watching over them, maybe they get along well with Bai He, maybe they had a rocky begining to their friendshipp, but they warmed up to eachother and now are pretty good friends (maybe, ill think about it more)
BUT!!! this was it for now its already 2:40 am and im waking up at 6:40 so even tho I have more to say ill be going now
Bye thank you for reading ✌️☺️
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firsttimewriter92 · 2 years
Schilling for your thoughts Part 1
König x f!reader
Summary: You meet a peculiar man at your favourite bookstore and after talking to him a little bit, you wonder if you´ll ever see him again
Part 2 here Part 3 here
Word count: 2.538
Warnings: bit awkward, lots of fluff, German speaking, light cursing, pining König, military talk
Authors note: Yes, I am one of those who believe that König is a ginger, freckled, mighty sweetheart. (I was trying to find this amazing fanart I saw of him that basically started this fic, but I can´t find it again!! I´m sad; It´s so good) Only slightly awkward but he knows how to let someone know he´s interessted. He´ll only unleash the beast on the battlefield, that´s it. I will die on this hill!! Social anxiety, yes. But he´s not completely incapable of interacting with a person<3
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Happily you skipped through the door of your favourite little bookstore. Bell chiming over your head, you saw the owners head appear from underneath the counter, instantly smiling at you.
“I just put them on the shelve,” she winked at you. “Shelve 12, row 10.” Rushing by her you squealed a thank you in her direction and hurried into the back of the store. You had been waiting for this book for ages. When you found out your favourite author was releasing a new book after almost 6 years of abstinence, you immediately let Lucy the owner know. This morning she called you excitedly, telling you the book finally arrived.
You made your way over to the back of the store. It was packed with ceiling high shelves, little tables and armchairs scattered across the room, most of them in front of the three large windows. You loved spending your time in this controlled area of chaotic furniture choices, colours and smells of coffee, old and new books and slightly dusty air.
Usually you favoured this establishment not just because of the atmosphere and Lucy´s motherly warm nature but also because most of the time, it was pleasantly empty and quiet. Quiet it was this time as well but you couldn´t help but notice the man sitting in one of the armchairs in front of the windows. A huge volume in his hands, his face almost buried in it. Something about the way he was sitting seemed odd to you. Not being able to put your finger on what it was exactly you shrugged mentally and made a beeline towards shelve 12.
Grumbling a little you remembered the row number Lucy gave you. 10. Great, you thought. You didn´t have to hide them that well so I could be the first one to get a copy, Lucy. Craning your neck you looked for the bright red and silver book back you knew your newest little treasure would have. There! You grinned and hopped a little as you whipped your head around the room, looking for the step ladder you knew Lucy kept here somewhere. Not being able to find it immediately your impatience took over. With a little grunt you began pushing one of the armchairs towards the shelve. “Damn it, Lucy. Why do you have such an obsession with antient furniture?” You cursed quietly under your breath. “So heavy!”
“You need help with that, Miss?” A quiet voice asked behind you. You whipped around and saw that the man you noticed before had lowered the picture book and was looking at you curiously and maybe a little amused. You weren´t that short but it was undeniable that you wouldn’t be able to reach your object of desire unless you managed to move the heavy chair. Grinning a bit flustered you stopped pushing the piece of furniture and sheepishly you answered. “If you wouldn´t mind. This chair is really heavy. I don´t know where Lucy put the ladder and without it, these books up there are out of reach.”
The man’s eyes twinkled for a second as his gaze fluttered upwards towards the last row. “Not necessarily” he said with a friendly, tight lipped smile. The next moment you found out why you thought his sitting looked so odd in the plush chair. He bent his knees to get up and they definitely rose above the angle of his hips. You tried not to stare, really, you did, as the man rose, rose and rose higher and higher until a massive body unfolded from the chair, standing, stretching for a second and then slumping in on itself almost comically. His shoulders hunched and head slightly bent downwards he made his way over to you, observing your reaction with a careful glance. You understood why immediately. 6´10. That was your best guess. With a warm feeling in your belly you noticed that he was trying to make himself smaller.
Don’t comment on his height, don’t comment on his height, you thought and tried to school your features. He´s probably heard it all!  He seemed to appreciate your silence and little smile.
As he stood next to you, you noticed that your head didn´t even reach shoulder. He was looking at the books at the highest point and you got the chance to observe him a little closer. His hair was a fascinating colour. A rich auburn glow leaning heavily towards red. He had tied it into a low bun at the base of his neck. Little whisps of it escaping and curling against his temple and forehead. Fascinated you saw that his eyebrows and even his long lashes were the same shade. They framed slightly droopy eyes the colour of…Blue? Green? You couldn’t really tell from your angle. His nose was long and slightly curved, accentuating a full upper lip and a strong, stubbled jaw. He had an almost regal look to him. That was if he didn’t stand there slouching.
You hadn’t realized while appreciating his features that he had slightly turned his face towards you. Smiling shily he quirked an eyebrow, seemingly waiting for one of the comments he was definitely used to. When he realized you weren´t going to comment his smile stretched into a boyish grin you just had to reciprocate. Doing that you quickly noticed two more things about him. His canines stood out sharper than you had ever seen on a person, giving him a bit of a wolfish look that for some reason made you heart stutter in your chest. The other thing was a faint white scar reaching from his plump upper lip up to his nostril. You recognised the scar of an early on fixed cleft lip and knew that they tended to pull the lip slightly upward on one side. In his case though, especially when he grinned like that it wasn’t that noticeable. It gave him character.
He cleared his throat a bit awkwardly and snapped you out of your little stupor. Catching his eyes you saw how an adorable dust of pink covered his cheeks and the tips of his ears, making the scattering of freckles around his nose even more enticing. Stop. Staring. At. Him.
He nodded his head towards the books and reached out one of his surprisingly bulgy arms. A long finger tapped the back of a black and grey one. Looking down at you questioningly and not saying a word he quirked an eyebrow. Biting your tongue and smiling mischievously you shook your head. He nodded and studied the books again, his finger gliding over the spines of them. Halting again at a brown, faux leather bound massive copy, he again gave you a quick questioning look. This time however with a playful smirk pulling on the corner of his mouth. Liking his little game more and more you crossed your hands behind your back and began to lean back and forth on your heels, again shaking your head. He hummed and huffed in mock annoyance making you honest to god, giggle. You weren’t the giggling type! What the hell was going on?!
You had already realised that he wasn’t a man of many words so you played along for another two attempts of his until he finally tapped on the spine of your desired book (he damn well knew which one you wanted from the start). You nodded excitedly and he chuckled deep in his throat awakening goosebumps all over your arms as a result. He pulled the book out and slowly handed it to you. You took it in your hands carefully and full of awe, eyes sparkling as you brushed your fingers over the name of your favourite story teller. “Thank you very much” you breathed and gave him a brilliant smile. Again the tips of his ears went bright red but his voice was strong when he said “No worries. Happy to help you.” Only now you noticed the slight accent. Interesting, you thought.
Pressing the book happily to your chest you looked up into his face. “I see you like medieval blacksmithing” you said and pointed to the huge book that he left on one of the tables. He stood a little more erect and nodded his head quickly. “Yes” he said excitedly as you both walked over to the pair of soft chairs. “It´s so fascinating. Hardly believable what they accomplished without modern technology. Beautiful craftsmanship too. Look here”, he opened the book and pointed at the depiction of a beautiful Viking sword. His enthusiasm warmed your body and something in your chest began to pull yourself towards him. Without realising it, you both had sat down next to each other, the huge volume in the middle. Turning page after page, he showed you many more fascinating facts and pictures, all the while talking animatedly.
It seemed like you had to revoke your statement from before. He was a talker. Once he was comfortable.
Time seemed to stand still. From time to time you glanced at him as he spoke softly about different types of iron compositions. Although his height was intimidating, he was far from that. At least here with you. You guessed he was in his late twenties or maybe early thirties. When he showed you a particular picture he moved the book closer, leaning over the arm of the chair closer to you.
He smelled divine. Musky, yet sweet. Earthy and somehow crisp. A serene scene developed behind your eyes. An early spring morning, wet with dew clinging to sweet smelling crocuses. Only the heavy fog wafting over the ground an indication that winter was still holding on. And while you looked at his profile your skin erupted in pleasant chills as you imagined the first clear rays of sunshine breaking through said fog, illuminating the delicate process of nature’s awakening.
It was like his presence and voice opened the floodgates of your own imagination. You felt yourself becoming helplessly attracted to him. The pull in your chest becoming stronger by the minute.
Suddenly you weren’t looking at his profile anymore. He had turned his head, looking into your eyes. Silence spread between you. A comfortable one. Enamoured you tried to figure out the colour of his eyes. Blue, you noticed. With a hint of green. Seafoam. Or maybe not? Jade green with a dusting of light blue. Maybe that was it. You found it impossible to look away. And so did he. His gaze was on you. Your eyes, your nose, your mouth, your eyes again. They looked curious and gentle.
None of you realised how much you had leaned into each other. With your noses almost touching, a blaring alarm suddenly made both of you jump back into your seats, hearts hammering wildly. Almost panicked he fished through the pockets of his jeans until he pulled out his phone.
His eyes went comically wide and in a flurry of powerful limbs he clambered upright. “Oh verdammt, verdammt” (damn)he cursed as he pulled a worn leather jacket over his broad shoulders. Your heart fluttering when you recognized the words. “I´m so sorry. I´m terribly late. I have to go.” You felt your stomach drop in a weird way. Walking towards the front door he gave you an almost pained look full of hesitation. You stood there almost as helpless, not wanting him to leave.
“Wie ist dein Name?” (What´s your name?) you asked a little hesitant. His jaw went slack and he gave you a look of surprise and pure adoration before showing you his lovable canines again in a grin and answered. “Du kannst König zu mir sagen, Maus.” (You can call me König, mouse)
You gave him another beautiful smile, touched your chest and gave him your own name. He rolled it around on his tongue and you were sure he could see the tremor in your hands. Your face felt like it was on fire, your knees weak. With a lift of his hand and a small wave he opened the door to the store and turned around one last time. “Ich hoffe wir sehen uns wieder, ___ -Maus.” (I hope we´ll see each other again, ___- mouse)
True to the little nickname he gave you, you squeaked beyond flustered but nodded your head enthusiastically. His eyes blitzed happily and then he turned and began jogging down the street in a hurry.
Your mind an absolute mess and head swirling you turned towards the counter and swallowed.
One elbow parched onto the wood, her head leaned into her hand, Lucy tapped the acrylic nails of her other hand slowly on the counter giving you the most shit eating grin you had ever seen on her.
“Don´t” you said with a sigh. She blew a disbelieving raspberry and started laughing. “Are you kidding me?! Of course I will!! What in the shit was that!? Since when do you speak German and who´s horse was that?!?!?! My sweet child, you two were so into each other you didn’t even notice me over here!” Her wide brown eyes stared you down while you tried to hide your flustered expression.
Walking over to her you leaned over the counter and lay your head on it. Lucy still tried to control her giggles. “I don´t know, okey? He was just…he got my book off the shelve and then…medieval blacksmithing…Grin...EYES!” you groaned out almost exasperatedly.
“Oh deary, I noticed. You were back there for almost two hours. I thought for a moment you ditched me without paying.” You stood up straight again and gave her an unamused look. “You know I´d never do that.” Lucy nodded good naturedly. “Of course I do but seriously, how is it you speak German?”
“I don’t speak that much, honestly. Most of it is self-taught. I just…like it” you shrugged. “Well, HE obviously did too” Lucy winked, her impossibly white teeth shining. You groaned again but couldn’t hide the massive grin.
“You need to come into the shop every day now in case he comes back” your friend said while pouring you a cup of coffee.
With a huff your heart sank again. “I can´t,” you said in a small voice. “I don´t have any more vacation days this year and they really need me on base.”
Lucy tutted and looked a bit miffed. “You know, one would think that a military base would have more than one chief mechanic for their helis and shit.” You snorted at her offended tone and your heart grew several sizes for your friend.
“Tell you what” she said in a determined voice. “Next time he comes in, I´ll give him your number. NO buts!” she held her finger in your face and swirled it, crunching up her adorable button nose. “It´s not like he´s easy to overlook.”
You grinned and nodded your head in defeat. It wasn’t like you didn’t want him to have your number. Of course you did. But with all your duties on base, you didn’t know if you would have the chance to give it to him personally. So you just hoped that the man named König would somehow stumble into your life again. As adorably as he did this afternoon. 
Weeeeeeell? What do we think? Part 2? I do have an idea for a mini series so let me know if you woul´d like to read that ;) There will be smut if you like. Let me know if you´d like to be tagged and check out my account for more spicy and fluffy stories.
Thank you very much for reading <3 If you´d like please interact with this post. Comments, liks and reblogs always make my day. Your opinion matters greatly. Only with feedback can I improve :) I´d also like to thank TikTok for feeding me König content so religiously that I had no other chance than to write this
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sophiesophsofia · 7 months
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Ancient Nimona
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And Antient Lunaria
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loupy-mongoose · 1 year
Alright I'm hoppin' the bandwagon.
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The reason I did something instead of Beta is because the very first drawings of Jovie are already out there.
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So I decided to Shadowify her instead! :>
Template by @blues-sues, Antient Mew style by @phlurrii.
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oc-porn · 1 year
Thomas x sub top M!Reader
WARNING: Smut, alcohol consumption, decapitation, mentions of pedophilia, vaginal sex, degradation, leash & collar, chest play
You walked through the cold, snowy wasteland, hoping to find the beast no human dared to disturb. The Frost Giant. You'd heard tales and songs about the beast. About how his white fur glistened like snow, about how one look into his ice blue eyes could freeze a thousand men. According to antient stories, not even a hundred armies could defeat the beast and it still lurked in the coldest place on earth, one where no human dared to enter. You, being the brave man you are, entered the icy haven, you planned to bring the head of the beast to your village.
After hours of looking, you'd find a large cave. 'This is where the beast must be.' You thought to yourself as you entered the dark, stone cave. There were runes everywhere, it was warm. You'd thought those runes might have something to do with it.. You looked around the cave, there were many crystals and even stolen items. There were the dresses of maidens who'd try to defeat the mighty frost giant, ripped and frozen on the floor. There were skulls and it reeked of death. You decided to look around, feeling the smooth cave walls under your hands as you moved through the cave. It was then you heard a loud crash and scream in the distance. You wielded your sword of silver and walked into the darkest part of the cave.
You followed the sounds of the screaming, a light up ahead. you saw two men. Confused, you hid behind the wall. You watched as a tall, thin man with white hair, Juggalo face paint, and elf ears beat an older, fat man to a pulp, calling the old guy every name under the sun. You looked at the man in face paint, his white hair had fallen into his face. He looked angry. You sighed as you began to walk out, thinking you'd found the wrong cave until the man screamed for mercy from the.. frost giant? you whipped around and there was a wolf, tall as a castle where the Juggalo once stood. The icy claws of the beast raising and about to slash the man before you foolishly stepped in, sword in front of you.
"Mighty Frost Giant.." You started as the wolf lowered its claw. "How could you kill an innocent man?" You asked. You saw the wolf turn back into the Juggalo, now completely naked. He didn't have a cock, which surprised you, but you still held your ground. The man cackled, wiping a faux tear from his eye. "You think this man is innocent?" He asked, his voice cold and gruff. He had a British accent and his voice was laced with malice. "I saw him lay with a child. Where's the innocence in that, foolish human?" Stated the tall man. You looked back at the beaten man and that's when you recognized him as a sex offender who'd been released from prison a week ago and went missing. You lowered your sword and looked to the naked man once more. He had his arms crossed as he smirked, you could see a gap in his teeth and on was chipped.. it was kind of cute.
"Are you going to kill me too?" You asked, fear suddenly surging through your veins. "I may, you come here, pull a sword on me and accuse he of torturing an innocent man." Listed the werewolf. He got closer, towering over you. "Then again.. you are kind of cute.." He thought out loud, making your face redden. He touched your cheek, skin as cold as death, making you flinch a little bit. You looked into his eyes, his pupils mismatched, one looked like that of a cats, slim as a toothpick, and the other was circular, like a wolf's. His irises were purple as lilacs, drawing you in. You were lost in his eyes, not realizing you were staring until he'd turn away.
He grabbed a large axe and swung it hard and fast, you ducked. You felt something roll next to your foot. You looked and saw the severed head of the man who was once behind you, There, a look of shock frozen upon his face as he looked you dead in the eye. The Juggalo looked proud pf what he'd done and put his axe back on it's stand attached to the wall. He turned on his heel and walked out, you foolishly following close behind. He brought you into a bedroom, a stone door losing behind you as you two walked in. He sat in an office chair, manspreading. You got a full view of the man's cunt when you sat upon his bed. You couldn't help but stare at his body.
"Are you here for my head?" He asked, getting a couple glasses of wine for the two of you. You reluctantly nodded after taking a sip of the alcohol. He rolled his eyes. "Well, you'd need to do better than a flimsy, silver sword." He drank. He looked you up and down and set his glass down, getting up and eyeing you. "Stupid, little, pathetic human." He spat, stopping in front of you. He grabbed your shoulders and pushed you to the ground, stepping on you. "Little boy thinks he can hurt me?" He cackled and kicked you in the face before sitting back down and manspreading.
You didn't know why, but you had the urge to obey the werewolf, you wanted to please him. You crawled over and put your head on the chair, in between his knees. He smirked as he felt you put your head on his chair. "Pathetic." He said, anger and lust filling his eyes. You felt yourself twitch at the name. You whined when he got up, and watched as he left the room. He soon came back though, his face paint washed off. He had a leash and collar. You watched as he slipped the collar over your head and tightened it. He attached the leash as he went to manspread upon his chair once more.
He yanked the leash, pulling you towards his dripping cunt. "Lick it." He demanded. You obeyed him, licking the area, earning a small, pleasured groan from him. He pet you gently, nibbling his lip. "That's a good doggy~" He groaned. You kept licking him, you licked his clit and felt him jolt a little and start moaning. "Why don't we see what the cock can do.. huh? You stupid, little whore." He growled the name and pulled you to his bed, picking you up and throwing you. He pinned you down and kissed you hard, his lips chapped and cold.
He soon pulled back, earning a pathetic whine from you, a string of saliva the only thing connecting the two of you. He snorted at your whine and shook his head before kissing your neck gently, fondling with your nipples under your shirt. You moaned softly and felt him start stripping you, licking a line up your stomach. He unzipped your pants with his teeth after unbuttoning them and took them off. You were extremely hard, your cock longing to be free. He slowly pulled back your underwear and out sprang your cock, leaking precum atop your stomach.
The man smirked at your size and gently ran his fingers along the prominent veins on your cock. He spat on it, jerking it for a little and got into position, shoving himself down your shaft and moaning loudly. You bit your lip and groaned at his tightness, surprised he didn't need to prep himself. He rode you hard and fast, his cold pussy feeling orgasmic on your warm cock. The trans werewolf's cunt was so wet and easy to fuck, you loved it. After about thirty minutes and 4 cumshots later he finally cam with a loud moan. That night was restless, you two went for several rounds after that.
The next day you awoke to the smell of bacon. You looked at yourself and saw you and the bedsheets were clean. You then looked around and saw a pile of folded clothes with a note that read; 'Once you're done getting dressed come downstairs for breakfast, XX, Thomas.' You smiled at the note and even more that you finally knew the man's name. 'Thomas'.. It rang in your head a couple of times before you snapped out of it and got dressed. You went to the open door and walked through, stepping carefully down the stony stairs. soon you got into a cozy living room area. It was attached to the kitchen and dining room. You could see Thomas, fully dressed and cooking. You wrapped your arms around the taller's hips and kissed his shoulder blade. The turned to you and smiled. "Come, let's sit." He said. You went to sit down and he gave you some food, which you happily ate.
Later, you two decided to watch TV. You were on his chest, cuddled up under a warm blanket as you watched 'Friday The 13th'. Every time you'd jump, he would kiss your head and rub your back gently, laughing softly. You two spent the rest of the day cuddling happily, just enjoying each others company.
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blueiscoool · 1 year
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Over 2,000 Ram Skulls Discovered in Egypt's Temple of Ramses II
Cairo — Archaeologists have announced the discovery of more than 2,000 rams' heads at the temple of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II — a find that the man in charge of the dig said surprised even veteran Egyptologists and showed the endurance of Ramses' impact, as the skulls were left there a millennium after the pharaoh's rule.
A team of archaeologists with New York University's Institute for the Study of the Ancient World (ISAW) made the discovery in the city of Abydos, one of the oldest cities and richest archaeological sites in Egypt. It's located about seven miles west of the Nile River in Upper Egypt, some 270 miles south of Cairo.
The ram skulls were found stacked in the northern precinct of the temple, said Egypt's Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, which announced the discovery on Saturday.
"We came across some random pieces of skulls first," Dr. Sameh Iskander, head of the ISAW mission, told CBS News. "We didn't know what they were, but as we continued our excavation and exploration, all of sudden we found a whole area filled with ram skulls."
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"These are obviously offerings that were made to the temple of Ramses during the Ptolomaic period, which shows even 1,000 years after Ramses II, that he was still revered." Ramses II ruled over ancient Egypt for about 60 years before his death in 1213 BC.
Iskander explained that some of the ram heads were still mummified, while "others could have been mummified but the wrappings or the covers of mummifications were not there anymore."
The skulls were found among other objects, from papyrus to leather artifacts and statues, about six feet under the contemporary surface of the desert in what had been a storeroom of the ancient temple.
The large number of skulls found in the same place was "surprising even for Egyptologists," Iskander said.
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"We are sure they were all dumped at the same time, so this was not an accumulation of skulls that were brought in over the years, but they came from somewhere else and were dumped into this magazine at some point for some reason which we don't know yet," he told CBS News. "It is significant because this place where they ended up is not just any place in the temple, so they were brought there for a reason. They were not just dumped in the desert but were inside this revered domain of the temple."
The archeologists also unearthed a large structure made of mudbricks with walls about 16 feet thick dating back about 4,200 years, to ancient Egypt's Sixth Dynasty.
"It is a major structure that will change our concept of the landscape of Abydos. This wall was built for something, it was at least 30 feet high." Iskander said. "We don't know exactly what this wall is. It's possible that this was a wall of the antient Abydos, which was never found. Could it be something else? Maybe, that's what we are working on now."
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The mission also found other mummified animal remains, including dogs, goats, cows and gazelles.
Beside the massive structure, one very small object also captured Iskandar's attention.
"We also found a small bronze bell in excellent condition with the clapper, so we can hear the same sound of the ancient time. I was very happy to find it," he said. "It was probably used to mark a herd."
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The head of the American mission, whose team has worked at the Abydos site since 2008, spoke to CBS News after traveling back to New York. He said a lot of research was still needed to find explanations for the latest discoveries.
"I hate to keep saying 'we don't know,' but this is the nature of archaeology. We keep working on findings that might lead to something, or not," he said, adding that he and his team may even need to "leave it to the next generation — they may have a better idea or other discoveries."
"Every year we have lots of finds and we come back very happy with the new finds, but we also come back with a huge sack full of questions," he said.
By Ahmed Shawkat.
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