antimidia · 1 year
As batatas [conto]
No começo era só um sonho de José. “Se um dia eu ganhar na mega sena…….”. Foram anos sonhando em viajar para Amsterdam, viver na praia, em um casão e um carrão, levar os amigos, as amigas, sexo comendo solto, e ajudar alguma instituição de caridade. Seis número o separavam de ser um jogador de futebol de nível internacional, mas sem precisar entrar em campo. Depois de muito investir num sonho,…
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nando161mando · 1 year
"New video from @antimidia featuring an anarchist critique of electoralism and state socialism. 🔥 "
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worldfreak · 9 months
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angelanatel · 10 months
Assista o vídeo DO RIO AO MAR na íntegra em ANTIMIDIA.ORG ou em nosso perfil. Nunca perca nosso conteúdo, assine nosso boletim por e-mail em nosso site. Em 7 de outubro de 2023, o grupo paramilitar palestino Hamas lançou um ataque surpresa nos territórios governados pelo Estado israelense. Por sua vez, as Forças de Defesa de Israel lançaram uma campanha de bombardeios contra alvos principalmente civis e cortaram todos os suprimentos de energia e combustível, além de bloquear ainda a água e a ajuda humanitária na Faixa de Gaza. Os meios de comunicação do Ocidente entraram em ação para apresentar o Hamas como monstros sanguinários e Israel como vítimas inocentes e virtuosos defensores de sua terra natal, omitindo propositalmente mais de 70 anos de contexto histórico. O ataque sangrento do Hamas ocorreu em um contexto de gerações de ocupação brutal e do deslocamento sistemático de palestinys de suas terras. O Estado de Israel, guiado pela ideologia sionista e sancionado pela ONU e pelas potências imperiais do Ocidente, vem conquistando e roubando gradualmente as terras da Palestina desde a Nakba, em 1948. A resposta totalmente desproporcional de Israel destruiu hospitais, campos de refugiadys e danificou ou destruiu 45% de todas as casas em Gaza. Isso alimentou temores renovados de que Israel irá até o fim, em um esforço para deslocar permanentemente todys palestinys da Faixa de Gaza e da Cisjordânia. O momento para uma solidariedade significativa com a Palestina é agora. Grande parte das munições e equipamentos militares usados pelas FDI é fabricada no Ocidente, principalmente nos EUA. Do rio ao mar, a Palestina será livre. Este vídeo é uma colaboração entre a Antimidia e a subMedia. Para ler mais sobre os fornecedores de armas israelenses: https://www.palestineaction.org/ https://caat.org.uk/data/countries/israel/israels-arms-suppliers/ https://worldbeyondwar.org/arms-trade-which-countries-and-companies-are-selling-weapons-to-israel/ https://impactpolicies.org/news/342/weapons-suppliers-and-the-israeli-state-complicity-in-war-crimes
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tita-ferreira · 3 years
Bandeiras do Brasil e camisetas da seleção brasileira dominam as manifestações da extrema-direita. Enquanto nas manifestações da esquerda, até aparece uma ou outra bandeira do Brasil, ainda solitárias em meio a uma diversidade de bandeiras de todas as cores.
Entretanto, alguns setores da esquerda sugerem que devemos nos “reapropriar” dos símbolos nacionais.
Mas esses símbolos alguma vez foram nossos?
Neste vídeo levantamos o que de fato é o Brasil. Quem criou este projeto? Com que intenção? E a quem ele serve hoje?
Confira o vídeo
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akkoeln · 4 years
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    Unsere dieses Mal 60-minütige Sendung blickt auf folgende Themen aus dem Vormonat zurück:
News aus aller Welt
Blog der Kollektivkneipe Syndikat
Twitter-Account für das Syndikat
Soli-Blog für die Kollektivkneipe Meuterei
Black Lives Matter: CHAZ, eine autonome Zone in Seattle
Originalinterview (auf Englisch) bei It’s Going Down
Weiteres Interview von SOLE (Englisch)
Weiteres Interview von The Final Straw (Englisch)
Kolektiva: anarchistisches und antikoloniales Videohosting
Wo herrscht Anarchie?
Thea Woofer
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blackcat-brazil · 2 years
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Vote ou não, mas organize-se! Em breve, estreia "O Voto Não Vai Nos Salvar do Fascismo". Vídeo da "Outra Campanha 2022". Assista à estreia no YouTube: https://youtube.com/watch?v=ltuYbL9NV10… Mas o vídeo também já está disponível no site: http://antimidia.org#Eleições2022#OutraCampanha
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ragemovement · 2 years
The Kurdish revolution does not only face attacks from the fascist state of Turkey. Now Iraq is also attacking the mountainous region of Shingal. The population has promised to resist, and for this all international help and solidarity is essential! Action is needed now!
Antimidia and subMedia relay this message from comrades in Rojava.
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anarchopuppy · 4 years
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Take back control of your information!
Kolektiva is a new social media project created by a collaboration between Sub Media, Antimidia, and It’s Going Down. Initially starting with kolektiva.media, a video platform powered by PeerTube, Kolektiva shortly after responded to fedbook’s silencing of major anarchist pages by branching out with kolektiva.social, a twitter-like social network powered by Mastodon. This is the beginning of a new age of anarchist online presence, by anarchists, for anarchists
Since both sites are federated through ActivityPub, that means joining Kolektiva connects you to the entire fediverse, including thousands of Mastodon and PeerTube instances, as well as other open-source federated software like PixelFed and Friendica. The fediverse is a thriving community of millions of existing users (including me!), controlled entirely by communities, not corporations
It also means that you can use kolektiva.social on your phone through an open-source Mastodon app like Tusky, and kolektiva.media through open-source PeerTube apps such as Thorium
Fuck fedbook! Fuck google! Move to Kolektiva!
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anarchistcommunism · 4 years
(A-Radio) Kolektiva - a new anarchist videohosting alternative
Dear all, We had the opportunity of talking with comrades from the anarchist video colletives SubMedia (https://sub.media) and Antimidia (https://antimidia.noblogs.org) directly for the start of their new videohosting project Kolektiva. Hear more about this exciting new self-managed infrastructure as well as background infos on videomaking in Canada and Brazil and suggestions on creating new video collectives. You'll find the audio (to listen online or download) here: https://www.aradio-berlin.org/kolektiva-media-en/ Length: 23 min You can find other English audios as well as all issues of the monthly anarchist show "Bad News" here: https://www.aradio-berlin.org/en/audios-2/. Among our last audios you can find: * An interview from The Final Straw Radio with a translator of the Anarchist Union of Afghanistan and Iran about the political context and ongoing struggles: https://www.aradio-berlin.org/perspectives-from-iranian-anarchists/ * An audio from the Channel Zero Network with advice on how to improve your safety at street actions: https://www.aradio-berlin.org/extra-channel-zero-network-staying-safe-at-street-actions/ * An interview from The Final Straw Radio with an anarchafeminist about the political and social situation in El Salvador: https://www.aradio-berlin.org/extra-el-salvador-an-anarchafeminist-perspective/ * An interview with an organizer of the first feminist Congress in Wroclaw, Poland: https://www.aradio-berlin.org/feminist-congress-in-poland/ Enjoy! And please feel free to share! A-Radio Berlin ps.: We are on Mastodon and Twitter! Please feel welcome to follow us at @aradio_berlin! ps2.: Please note: We are always looking for people willing to lend us a hand with transcriptions and translations from Spanish or German into English as well as people able to do voice recordings - in order to amplify our international radio work. You can contact us at aradio-berlin/at/riseup(dot)net!
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antimidia · 1 year
Tardes manhã [conto]
A angústia se concentra no centro do ser: o imbigo. O imbigo é magnético, e funciona num movimento contínuo de atração e repulsa que se auto-alimenta perpetuamente das forças obscuras e celestiais que habitam todas as dimensões conhecidas e desconhecidas. A partir dali se espalha uma onda elétrica que contrai e é contraída no pulsar das paredes se fechando. Já a ansiedade, apesar de sentida no…
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Liaizon Wakest on Autonomous Social Media and the Fediverse
This week, we spoke with Liaizon Wakest. Liaizon grew up in an anarchist commune in rural America. They can be found climbing into dumpsters from Mexico to Kazakhstan looking for trash to make art with. In recent years they have been focused on research into ethical technology and infrastructural anarchism. For the hour we speak about the interoperable, open source ensemble of federated online publishing servers and platforms known as the Fediverse and its most popular component, Mastodon. This conversation takes place in the context of media hullabaloo about Elon Musk seeking to purchase Twitter, the paradigm in which a rich egomaniac can own the addictive social media platforms over which so much social and political life is engaged and what positives we can draw from alternatives like Mastodon and the Fediverse.
You can find Liaizon’s account on Mastodon (an analog of twitter) at @[email protected] or on Pixelfed (an analog of Instagram) at @[email protected]. And you can follow us on Mastodon by finding @[email protected] or by visiting https://chaos.social/@TheFinalStrawRadio in a web browser.
Another interesting anarchist media project engaging the Fediverse is Kolektiva, which has a PeerTube instance at https://Kolektiva.Media (analog of youtube) and Mastodon at https://Kolektiva.Social where they’re welcoming new users. Kolektiva includes participation from projects like Sub.Media and AntiMidia
You can find a real good interview by our comrades at From Embers about Mastodon which I mention in the interview from February 3rd, 2022 entitled Social Networks, Online Life and The Fediverse: https://fromembers.libsyn.com/social-networks-online-life-and-the-fediverse
Eric King Arrives at USP Lee: call-in continues
As a quick update on the situation of Eric King, he has been transferred this week from USP Atlanta to USP Lee where he and his supporters are concerned he’ll be placed into solitary and isolated for attack. You can find info on his situation as well as who to contact to press for his return to a medium security facility to match his current security points, visit SupportEricKing.Org and find the May 3rd, 2022 post whose title starts “Eric Transferred”
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Featured Track
Beauty, Power, Motion, Life, Work, Chaos, Law by DJ Shadow from Our Pathetic Age
Check out this episode!
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tita-ferreira · 3 years
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unstalker · 7 years
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by: Antimidia
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blackcat-brazil · 3 years
"The End Of Prisons" by Antimedia Subtitles in english, spanish, french, italian and portuguese.
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papoa · 4 years
Uma reflexão anárquica sobre a violência.
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