#antisemites MAD
hilacopter · 2 months
conflating diaspora jews with the actions of the israeli government is not okay, yes, but have you considered it's not okay to conflate israeli jews with them either
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intern-seraph · 2 months
if your activism can be significantly disrupted by a few hours of award show, you're just a bad activist
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menlove · 3 months
the way ppl see the star of david now is actually so gross and blatantly antisemitic it makes me sad. my gf's mom, who is jewish, got me a star of david pin w the trans flag like a year ago and I have it on a beanie I wear to work at a coffee shop sometimes. and today a group of Young White Gays came in & were staring me & the damn hat down like I'd spit in their coffee and they start whispering amongst themselves going "first starbucks and now this?" like abt the starbucks boycott lmfao I'm like
begging yall to understand that the star of david =/= israel and you assuming everyone you see wearing it is some violent islamphobe is actually incredibly shit. you should probably work on that. I've heard WAY too many stories of jews lately actually literally getting attacked for wearing one, which is much worse than annoying comments at a coffee shop to someone who's only jew(ish). if you Don't see an issue w that I really don't know what to say
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blackpearlblast · 3 months
"i hope you get into a clown car accident involving hammers" <- worse than death and rapes threats according to staff.
because it's directed at them and not marginalized people on their website :)
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hindahoney · 10 months
A student was stabbed with a screwdriver this past shabbat in Brooklyn after someone asked him if he was Jewish. Haven't heard a single person talking about this. There have been over 100 hate crime attacks on Jews this year in NYC alone.
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batboyblog · 6 months
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The Video praising Osama bin Laden, terrorist mastermind of 9/11's unhinge ramblings about how Jews control America (and the world) has over half a million views so far and rising fast it was only posted in the last day
if you're on TikTok get off of it, or at the very least don't watch ANYthing "informational" puppies falling over? yes, anything that tries to tell you a "fact" about the world? NO! girl! it is ROTTING minds
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queenwille · 10 days
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siri play im still standing & am yisrael chai after✡️
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whitesunlars · 7 months
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maybe tumblr will listen if i speak its language: remember in 2020 when we all had to sit down and realize that everyone has internalized racism? that everyone has prejudices even if they don't realize it? being antisemitic is more than sitting around wearing a swastika saying you want jews to die. take a look inside yourself and you'll find antisemitism there, too. it's time to address it.
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jewishbarbies · 11 months
if you replace “Zionist” with “Jew” in your posts and they start looking like a nazi manifesto, your antizionism is antisemitic. it’s really that fucking simple. stop playing dumb to defend your antisemitism and have a conversation in the mirror about why you sound like that. have a day.
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fairuzfan · 3 months
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it's quite a dishonest framing that you say hussein was "regarding you with suspicion" baselessly even though you've publicly state on your blog how you believe zionism is an "intracommunity" discussion.
they at no point even mention that they blame you for "israel's actions". they assumed you were talking about zionism because of previous pointed statements you endorsed where you say zionism should be only discussed by jews. its not imagined, you straight up said this? and you claim that hussein is antisemitic for assuming you're saying the same thing again just with more inclusive language? And it coincided a few days after me posting that tributary post about "defining yourself as zionist or antizionist"? So he assumed that it was in relation to it? sure you might not have meant it about zionism this time, but with previous statements you've made/endorsed you don't exactly have the right to act like you have no idea why they would assume that and misconstrue this as an antisemitic attack where he's conflating zionism with judiasm when you literally agree that zionism should only be discussed by jews, which means you yourself are conflating zionism and judiasm.
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but ok, i guess, they were just taking your words out of context because they're "antisemitic". I even saw this ask last month and assumed you were talking about zionism in your recent post because of this statement you published and told him privately thats what i assumed you were talking about. Not because of you being jewish. But because i remembered this statement you agreed with because i was so offended reading it. And yeah it's a really bad statement that I'll remember because of how antipalestinian it is so sorry I don't think you get to claim the moral highground???? You didn't exactly disagree with any part of this person's statements?????
And like I would have left this alone but hussein often gets called antisemitic by people you associate with and reblog from, and it really shows how little compassion you all have for Palestinians (which btw as I say over and over, we have a right to point out harmful rhetoric that impacts us) who have a "knee-jerk reaction" to these things when we quite literally see our communities call for the deaths of our friends and family by starvarion and bombing in the name of zionism and when we call it out irl we get called antisemitic. You could have like sent an ask or publicly clarified your intentions but you just jumped straight to calling him antisemitic. Which the onus of responsibility is on YOU because of your previous statements. Why would we assume you mean something different based on past experiences???
Rhetoric like "zionism is an intracommunity issue" is stuff that has literally led to death of our loved ones so of course we have "kneejerk reactions" when there is literal proof of you saying these things before. We are not doing this because you're Jewish, we are doing this because we see and experience first hand this rhetoric and youre perpetuating it blatantly and you have people who follow you who look to you for perspective on "israel/palestine". It's so disingenuous to claim he's an antisemite when he's literally finding common talking points zionists perpetuate against us and call it out. And saying "I don't support the likud government or Westbank settlers" means nothing to us because our families were expelled from palestine before likud and settlers happened. Trying to separate modern day zionism from its colonial roots from the 1800s is at its core anti-palestinian, no matter what other conversations you want to have.
Again like the only reason this matters is because people follow you and look to you for perspective AND you reblog/interact with people we have pointed out as harmful. I literally would not care enough to make this post if i didnt see your posts spread enough times around here. So it's not because you're jewish and framing it like that is really dishonest when the person pointing this out was a palestinian who lost family due to zionism throughout multiple generations of their lives.
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koheletgirl · 7 months
you put over 2 million people in an open air prison – where you control their water, their electricity and their access to medical supplies – because of their race. and now you're bombing them, just massacring them, because you can, because you want them gone and you can. but sure this is just like the holocaust for You.
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whereserpentswalk · 5 days
Transphobes aren't the first to come up with any bigoted stereotype on the books, they're just the first to use them on trans people. You're not special for headcannoning all trans women and violent uncivilized perverts who are a danger to "real" women, that's a stereotype people have had about Black and brown women and for lesbians for a long time. The idea that trans people are hiding in plain sight trying to seduce or corrupt society, just reskinned antisemitism. The way that nonbinary people are seen as somehow both privileged people going through a rebellious phase that can be dismissed as a serious marginalized identity, and paradoxically a horrifying corruption of a once normal person whose been turned into something unnatural and inhuman, is exactly the same contradictory bigotry that atheists, pagans, and witches (and any marginalized religion that has a lot of converts from Christianity) experience. The way that trans men are seen as weak and unmanly, as well as being seen as both perverts and sexless, is a stereotype taken directly from antisemitism and racism against East Asian men (down to short skinny body types being seen as inferior). Likewise, the way that trans women are seen as hyperfeminine and hypersexual in a submissive, and seen as having a femininity that appeals to men, as contrasted with "liberated" women whose femininity comes from community with other women, is directly lifted from ideas the west has about women from any culture they consider eastern, from Russia to Japan (also note that this specific stereotype is a way that trans lesbians marginalize straight trans women from their communities as much as it is a stereotype cis women use to marginalize trans women). The idea that trans bodies are broken and lesser for their interactions with the medical system are taken from stereotypes about physically disabled people. And the idea that transmascs are confused and childlike and that giving them freedom will actually endanger them is the exact same bigoted narrative society has about neurodivergent people.
Nothing is new. Transphobia cannot be separated from racism, Christian supremacy, antisemitism and ablism. It's all part of one right wing slop. The trans experience is not alien to the experiences of cis people, we are all marginalized by the same capitalist system.
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i-hear-a-sound · 7 months
this may be a misworded take but: watching (white) conservatives cover the current israel/palestine conflict happening and act as though they’ve always cared about jewish people antisemitism yadda yadda is so fucking (un)funny like. no. no. no. you don’t care about any of that shit. you don’t give the slightest fuck about jewish people, you’re only pretending to care about them because right now the people in israel are currently bombing and genociding the one group of people you hate more
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batboyblog · 7 months
Oh a pogrom in Russia, there's a return of a historic tradition I didn't think I'd see in my life time...
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germiyahu · 3 months
There's something heinously ironic that so many SJP types attack Hillel chapters on campuses and slander them as breeding grounds of Zionist indoctrination and racism. The conspiracy that Hillel chapters must be secret Hasbara Fascist propaganda centers.
To see the great Sage's name besmirched when he is the reason Jews are so tolerant, compassionate, empathetic, open to debate and new ideas... I mean how many of my fellow goyim even knew who Hillel was before we started to convert? So I don't expect them to get it. But now that I do know, the irony is not lost on me.
Imagine Shammai had bested Hillel in their epic rivalry, how dogmatic and rigid Judaism might be today, and all of world history would probably be different. Like honestly, none of us would be here if you think about it. But what people accuse Jewish college students of secretly believing and plotting and planning... that would fit more into Shammai's worldview than Hillel's, and even then I feel that's a big disservice to Shammai.
Anyway, attacking Hillel chapters, as I see it, is more of this "Lol attention everyone here be ~liberal Zionists~ who pretend to care about human rights while secretly cheering at every dead Palestinian!" nonsense, and it plays into the "Jews were supposed to be the Leftist Religion," narrative as well.
They hate that there are active proud visibly Jewish groups on campuses who are committed to learning and liberal arts and all that jazz. They hate to see Jews inhabit the same spaces they do, dare to identify with their politics and academic values, but still stubbornly cling to a unique Jewish identity. What frauds. They must be fundraising for the IDF! They must be manufacturing Skunk for secret Mossad plants to throw at JVP demonstrators!
Holocaust victims were creating minyanim with trees and you think having your little die-ins at the entrances of Hillel meetings will deter Jews from meeting and celebrate being Jewish? You poor fools.
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hindahoney · 1 year
For all my Jewish followers, I have a pressing question.
Do you identify your race as Jewish?
I ask this because this is a comment that has come up over time in the communities I've been in, where people say they identify as Jewish above everything else, and do not identify with goys of their same race. I work at a university as a researcher of antisemitism, and this conversation has been coming up in academia as well.
We all know that race is a social construct, and various groups have had the perception of their racial status change over time (Ex. Irish people not being considered white, and more recently Hispanics/Latinos being considered white). It wouldn't be a new concept for the Jewish identity to be racialized, as we were classified as "yellow Eur-Asians" during the Jim Crow era, and non-Aryan during the Shoah (though there were thousands of years leading up to this of us not being considered whatever the dominant racial group was). Many groups still don't consider Ashkenazi Jews white (though these are most often far-right neo-Nazis that barely consider us humans).
North American Ashkenazi Jews who don't identify as white have said their reasoning is that the cultural and ethnic differences of Jews lead to a great divide between white-passing Jews and goys, and the inter-generational trauma of thousands of years of brutal oppression and slavery is something that white goys don't experience. They say that Jews originate from the middle east, so they can't be white even if their skin was paled during exile. They argue that as long as many people don't consider them white, they don't even really have a choice of what they identify as.
To Ashkenazi Jews who do identify as white, they've argued that by racializing your Jewish identity you're, in a way, giving in to what the oppressors want and accepting that you're different.
I just want to know what you think either way.
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